Hearts Afire Pt. 04

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A soft golden glow reached from behind the eastern range as the predawn light began to fade out the deep night sky. Indigo shadows were slowly paling to shades of purple and dark blue as the morning light tinged the white mountain scenery. The experienced eyes of any hunter would have sighted the brown bodies and white tails of deer moving among the greens and granite greys of the snowy terrain as they moved silently and slowly up from the valley floor to the higher ground.

Undulating snow sparkled on ridge tops in the early sunlight as if the mountain were a bejewelled sea rising. The sky was azure, edged with gold and stretched cloudless over the sleeping resort. Those guests who were very early risers could discern the many tracks left behind by various animals which had roamed unobserved about the resort grounds during the night. The majority were elk or deer, with the occasional moose, and most originated and returned to the trees surrounding the exclusive mountain getaway.

But there were a few tracks that meandered among the lodges and disappeared over the ridge at the resort’s rear. Only the sharp eyes of an expert tracker or hunter would have been capable of making out the human prints almost obliterated by those of the animals; human prints that led away from a secreted rocky hideout and made for one of the lodges.

Humming that could only testify to a night of sound sleep, and possibly good sex beforehand, emanated from the master bathroom. Steam billowed into the bedroom, defying the best efforts of the superior fan system to redirect it outside. The indistinct willowy shape of a tall woman moved behind the translucent shower curtain as she enjoyed the luxuriant hot water cascading over her athletic figure.

Hands, slick with soap, caressed firm, full breasts, teased erect nipples and traced arabesques over a flat stomach. Muscular long legs came together at that magical triangular juncture. The humming faltered as fingers began to tease and play with intimate folds, her head bowed, eyes closed in concentration, and the long dark hair draped in heavy wet tendrils over slightly heaving breasts.

Gloved hands slid the key into the lock, expertly opening the main entrance door quickly, then closing it quietly behind as the figure slipped unnoticed into the lodge. Eyes turned upwards at the sound of running water coming from the top floor. Silent steps carried the person up the flight of wooden stairs, then into the short hallway leading to the master bedroom. One hand dipped inside the dark jacket and slowly withdrew a length of piano wire with handles attached at either end—a garrote.

Pressed against the side of the hallway, the figure reached the bedroom door which was partially ajar. A wisp of steam trailed into the hall as eyes peered through the gap between door and jamb surveilling the visible section of the room it allowed. The bedroom was empty. A shadow passed over the crumpled sheets of the king-size bed and headed for the bathroom. Muffled moans could be heard coming from the shower.

“Haven’t you finished in there yet, Em?” a woman’s voice called from downstairs. The intruder’s head whipped round and eyes darted, frantic, to the door, then around the room. Approaching steps of someone coming up the stairs could be heard above the sounds of the shower and its occupant. Blonde hair blazed white gold as a head popped through the doorway and was caught by soft sun rays drifting into the bedroom through large sliders.

“Hey! If you can tear yourself away from whatever it is you’re doing to yourself, I just wanted to let you know I’m headed out for my usual two-mile run, then to the main building for breakfast. I’ll grab us a table. Okay?”

“Oh, okay,” came a voice dreamily, from the bathroom. “I’m about finished here. I won’t be far behind you.”

“Yeah, sure, enjoy yourself,” chuckled the young blonde. “I’m off, then.” The head disappeared from the doorway and speedy feet danced down the stairs. Seconds later the front door closed. Silence settled on the lodge again, except for the running shower and heavy, fast breathing. A shadow slipped from the large walk-in closet and glided towards the bathroom through the heavy carpet.

Em steadied herself with one hand propped against the tiled wall while her other hand busied itself with her wet pussy. One leg was raised, resting on the low edge of the step-in shower. Head bowed, eyes closed, Em was lost in the mounting ecstasy her fingers were teasing from her clit. Feverishly she rubbed her hard nodule sensing the electric charge enlivening her nervous system. An involuntary shudder rippled through her legs, and her stomach grew taut in anticipation. Then it was there! The orgasm blossomed fully.

“Ahhhh … Ohhhh … Yessss!”

The shower curtain was ripped aside. Caught up in an explosion of erotic pleasure and violence, the woman found herself spun about and dragged halfway from the shower. Her feet kicked and fought for purchase on tile, slick with soapy water, tekirdağ escort but kept slipping. Her assailant hauled her into the middle of the bathroom. Hands clawed at her throat frantically trying to tear away whatever it was that entwined it. Emily was tall, athletic, and strong for a woman yet her attacker was overpowering her with superior strength.

A red fog was at the edge of her vision and seeping into her mind. Air! Her lungs screamed for air, but could draw nothing past the obstruction digging deep into her throat. She twisted and fought but the pain was proving too great. The woman felt warm liquid oozing down her chest, between winging breasts, and down her body. The floor became more slippery with a combination of soap, water … and blood.

She slipped, almost fell to the floor, and the pain at her throat almost caused her to black out completely. A lightness was creeping into her limbs, her mind. Her desperate struggling was giving way to a growing stillness as her life seeped from her body. Soft clouds enveloped her.

Em sensed she was floating, face down. She found the strength to open her eyes. Nothing. Wait! Yes. There was something. Her befuddled mind took in the fuzziness; tried to process the information. Seconds passed, then her eyes focused on satin weave.

Satin! Weave? Uumph! Her body shuddered as a force pushed her face forward. Ever-so-slowly, her mind rose from a dense fog which threatened to drag her down, to … she didn’t know. But her body’s reactive fight-or-flight instinct demanded she get as far away from that fog as possible. Her mind rose higher, broke from the fog into sunlight. Umumph! Umph! She was being shoved from behind. She tried to turn her head but sudden pain assailed her dull senses. Her arms felt like lead weights, way too heavy to move. Uumph!

There was a sense of recognition floating at the edge of her awareness, just beyond her grasp. The movement was somehow familiar to her. From a time far off. There was pain … and pleasure. She couldn’t place her mind’s finger on it, but … a veil began to lift. The pain was incessant, a throbbing annoyance that robbed her concentration; she couldn’t focus on … something … familiar. Then she had it! Almost. Uumph! There it was … again. Like a groggy voice awakening from a deep sleep, her mind announced its find … RAPE! I’m being raped!

Em almost gagged at the thought and fought down the foul taste of bile rising in her gorge. Uumph. With the cruel realization of her predicament also came sensation, albeit dull. She could now feel the engorged appendage of her assailant pushing deep between her legs, into her pussy; feel it sliding in and out. From behind and over her came deep raspy breathing—quickening. Make it be over, thought Emily. Please let him cum and leave me in peace.

Movement indicated the attacker was about to cum; the bed rocked and bounced more, as did the dazed and exhausted woman. A grunt preceded a sudden warmness inside her and Emily drew on ancient distant memories to realize he was finally cumming, spurting his dark seed inside her. Her world reeled as her head was suddenly yanked up and backwards.

Em’s body bent as if someone were drawing a bow. A knee was planted into her back. The pain exploded inside her mind, bleaching out all other senses. Mercifully the woman couldn’t feel the thin wire slicing deeper into her throat. Her body, at the mercy of her rapist, was limp as a rag doll; arms dangled useless onto the bed.

She couldn’t breathe, but that was okay Em decided, because all she wanted to do was go to sleep. A blackness rose up around her, enveloped her, and with a thankful final sigh, Emily slipped into an endless oblivion.


Mac was becoming more agitated. What the hell was keeping Em? The large dining room was fast filling with guests as they came in from the cold singly, in couples, or groups. The blonde was into her second coffee of the morning already and it showed in her growing impatience. She was having difficulty keeping other guests from dragging off the only other chair at her table, while the waitress was circling like a hungry shark, eyeing her hungrily for a breakfast order. I’ll give Em thirty more seconds, then I’m starting without her. I’m famished!

Suddenly there was commotion at the main door as incoming patrons were shoved aside unceremoniously by a white-uniformed cleaning woman. Clearly she was distraught, grabbing at one person’s sleeve, then another’s, while she gasped for air enough to speak. Finally she succeeded and a thin high wail pierced the room. Heads turned. Talk ceased. People stood stunned, staring at the little round woman on her knees with her face buried in her hands, crying.

Resort staff converged on her from all points and fussed over her, trying to quieten her, to gain some sense from her distress. There was low mumbling from the huddle, loud sobbing, a cry, and heads snapped up. A command rang out.

“Someone tokat escort call the police! There’s been a murder!”

From her corner of the dining room, Mac watched a ripple move out from the group near the doorway as guests, reacting to the astonishing news, turned to those near them to share their observations or moved to be closer to friends and loved ones. Mac craned her neck, trying to see if Em were anywhere in the room. Nothing.

Staff were now breaking away from the source of the disturbance, clearly with orders to settle the guests as Mac saw people begin taking their seats, immediately falling into huddled conversations. Her shark materialized at her elbow asking for her breakfast order. The somewhat angered waitress watched Mac dismiss her with a wave and make for the main door.

Drawing near the smaller huddle, Mac discerned the maid, sobbing quietly now, seated in one of the many plush lounge chairs, fellow staff members perched on each of the wide armrests. An elderly woman—a senior staff member or possibly management—was kneeling at the distraught woman’s feet, trying to console her.

“They’re on their way!’ announced a male clerk from behind the check-in counter. “They said the roads are pretty bad after last night’s snow. It could take them 30 minutes or so before they can get here. I was told to make sure no one goes near the mur—the lodge. What should I do?”

“Take the master key and go lock the lodge,” commanded the elderly woman. “Stay there to make sure no one tries to enter the place.” The man made to leave on his errand. “Oh, and get someone to find the day manager. I’m surprised he hasn’t turned up, what with all the fuss. GO! Don’t stand there with your mouth open.”

“Y-yes, ma’am,” stammered the clerk. Grabbing a bunch of keys from the board behind him, he dashed from behind the counter and out the door. It hadn’t time to close behind him before Mac was close on his heels. Guests still making their way to breakfast fell back from the duo and watched after them quizzically as they ploughed through the two-foot-deep snow.

Unaware he was being followed, the young man forged across the parking area on a straight heading for the far side of the resort. Mac’s breath caught as they drew near the lodge she and Em were occupying. NO! The silent scream filled her head. NO! It can’t be! Her heart lurched with shock.

Mac pulled up short, unable to take another step closer as the young man began fumbling with his bunch of keys to lock the front door. Suddenly it opened. The man threw a fist to his mouth and recoiled at the sight of the woman standing there covered in blood. No! Not covered in blood … dressed in red. There stood Em, garbed in a red leather outfit similar to the black one she’d been wearing when they arrived at the resort.

“Hello? Can I help you?” she said, questioning the clerk scrabbling in the snow at her feet. He lurched to his feet, clutching keys in his hand. His expression was one of utter consternation. His eyes dashed to the brass numbers over the lodge door, to his keys, then back to Em.

“I … I … I’m … terribly … sorry. I…” stammered the man, before turning on his heel and dashing off in the direction of the neighboring lodge, some sixty feet further on from Em and Mac’s.

“You’re not dead! You’re not the one that…” Mac was still rooted where she stood.

“Dead? Dead! Who’s dead?”

“There … there’s been a … murder. A cleaning woman just rushed into the main office screaming her head off that she’d found a body in one of the lodges. Some woman back there,” Mac indicated the office behind her where Em could see a small knot of people milling about the entrance, looking and gesturing their way, “she took charge and ordered that clerk to lock the lodge—to keep everyone out. The police are on their way.” Finally the emotion caught up with the blonde; she dropped her head and began sobbing into her hands unashamedly. Em went to her friend and took her into her arms.

“It’s okay, darling, I’m perfectly alright. C’mon, I need you to pull yourself together. Where’s the Day Manager—why isn’t he here? Has anyone seen him?” Mac eased herself out from Em’s embrace and sniffled.

“No. I don’t think so. That woman was asking about him, too. She—”

“Em? My god! Are you alright?” A voice yelled from across the carpark.

Both women looked up to see a tall, handsome elderly man surging through the snow towards them. He struck a dashing figure in his royal blue and gold parka, deep burgundy ski pants, and rich buff-colored Sorrels. The bulkiness of his winter clothing did nothing to hide the broad shoulders and heavy muscular stature of the man. He was hatless, and his thick black hair, streaked with grey, glinted like a steel helm in the brightening sunlight. There was no sense of exertion, no gasping for breath as he reached them. He looked Em up and down, holding her by her shoulders.

“My god! From back there we could all swear trabzon escort you were covered in bl … thank God, you’re alright!” He appeared shocked, but in total control of himself. “This is a terrible business—just terrible.”

“I’ve just this minute learned about it myself, Roger. Do you have any details? Who was killed? When?”

The man looked very grave. “I was told it was an Emily Carson—that’s all.” Only then did he notice Mac standing close, watching them both.

“Oh, forgive me. I come bursting in, totally disrupting your conversation and…”

“It’s perfectly alright, Roger, under the circumstances. Don’t worry yourself.” Em addressed the gentleman. “Roger Thurston, I would like to introduce my friend, Mackenzie Falon. Mac, Roger is the resort’s Day Manager, and the company’s vice president.”

Mac couldn’t help from being totally captivated by the hazel eyes turned in her direction. Roger was taller than Em by a few inches, making him a clear head taller than herself. The healthy, tanned skin was like beaten copper, and the hand that took hers engulfed it gently, but she could easily feel the strength hidden there. The young woman couldn’t seem to find her tongue. The hazel eyes smiled at her, a twinkle at their edge.

“Miss Falon, I’m delighted to meet you.” Roger gestured to the nearby lodge. “If it were not for the current circumstances…” Mac cut him off.

“Of course. And believe me, the pleasure is all mine. Nice to meet you … may I call you Roger? And please call me Mac.’

“I insist you do so … Mac.”

An uncomfortable silence fell over them—a heavy greyness, a palpable presence which stifled any further sense of cordiality. Their eyes drifted to the lonely figure nervously standing guard at the front entrance of the far lodge. The clerk, hands shoved deep into his parka’s warm pockets, shoulders hunched as much from the coolness of the shadows as from the evil trapped behind the door at his back, shuffled and stamped his feet attempting to keep warm, but clearly agitated by his assigned duty.

His eyes focused on the poor, unfortunate employee and with sincere concern in his voice, the manager excused himself from the two women and left in the direction of his nervous office clerk. Em and Mac watched him as he wound his way around the low shrubs and exposed granite rocks.

“Roger is the backbone of the resort. Without him being in charge here, I don’t know where we’d be. The popularity of the resort is all due to his hard work and belief in what we’re trying to establish here.” Having no comment of her own to add, and still entranced by the man’s animal magnetism, Mac kept her silence, her eyes tracking the manager’s every smooth movement.

A movement far off to one side caught Em’s attention and she quickly shifted her gaze to a point where the trees and shrubs were especially dense. For a moment she stared intently, thinking her mind had played tricks with her, but—there! It was as if a part of the forest detached itself and made a step forward, half-in, half-out of the tattered rays of sun.

Her sharp vision could just discern the outline of a figure. She couldn’t make out any details over the distance, but Em was fairly sure it was a man—and he was dressed in camouflage gear. Then he was gone. Vanished, swallowed up by the trees! And she was somehow afraid to go check for footprints for fear of finding none.


The night felt extra cold for those guests who had chosen to remain at the resort. They had been questioned and their particulars noted; they were allowed to leave, but either out of unabashed curiosity or because of their vacation investment in both time and money they stayed on. For them, the extra coldness wasn’t solely attributable to the seasonal temperature. Each person felt a sense of foreboding, as if the evil—which had wrought havoc on the body of the poor victim—was still lurking nearby, waiting to snatch the life of another unsuspecting innocent.

To accentuate the feeling, the forest had come alive this night and was dancing wildly around the resort. Deep shadows—contorted by the numerous lights flashing from the police cruisers parked haphazardly about and among the trees, now colored eerily in blues, reds, yellows and deathly white—took on the shapes of a tribe of whirling dervish.

The coroner had been and gone, and the body finally removed to the nearest county morgue. The CSI team, summoned from Boulder, was still scouring the cordoned-off crime scene, with police officers coming and going with assignments, their faces stoic masks of professionalism. The main building of the resort had become headquarters to the investigation, the foyer a scene of organized chaos.

Some resort staff had been permitted to return home with indefinite time off, while others had elected to stay on to look after the feeding of the numerous police and homicide detectives and to assist in any other way asked of them. Representing both the resort management and controlling company, Em and Roger had been in high demand by all investigators ever since the arrival of the first cruiser on the scene. Now, hours later, the two were feeling their stamina flagging badly. Mac, too, was worn; she had kept on their heels all day, endeavoring to alleviate some of the pressure from her best friend.

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Doubling Up Pt. 02

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


“Oh my God, Jake, I can’t believe what you guys were doing last night!”

This was my opening gambit over coffee-making when the two of us had just got up. I was hoping my seemingly light-hearted quip might give me the opportunity to tell him I would really like to double-end with him – that being something one did with another man with an appropriate dildo. Not the sort of thing a wholesome and caring dad like me would normally ask of his son.

“Oh yeah,” he smiled. “I thought you’d like seeing us playing with our toy. I take it you’ve never done anything like that before?”

He was wearing just a skimpy little pair of tight, white briefs. They showed his slim, athletic figure off quite stunningly and it was obvious that he had fully intended for the huge mound of his over-generous cock and balls to be so graphically flaunted.

I, only the other, hand was in a more decorous pair of boxer briefs. Tight enough to show off my bulge and bum but not as flagrant as what my son was flashing.

“No,” I admitted, adding two mugs for Guy and me to join the two he’d already put out. “It looks like it’d be… well… pretty amazing, actually. Something I’d like to try for myself.”

“Yeah, it’s great for nights when both of us both fancy having something up our butts and neither of us wants to be… you know… the guy on top!”

I smiled, spooning coffee into the four mugs. “Does that happen often?”

He nodded, adjusting his briefs to show his cock off a bit better. He must be hoping that Guy would soon stagger downstairs.

He’d certainly flaunted himself at my regular bed-friend in the bathroom the previous night when the four of us guys had been brushing our teeth. I’d been appalled at the way he’d kept pretending to drop his toothbrush so he could bend over and push his skimpily-clad backside against the bulging mound of Guy’s briefs. He’d kept giggling and apologising for such repeated ‘accidents’ and I’m sure he’d been about to try something more overt before he saw me glaring at him pointedly through the mirror.

He said, “Well, we’ve both got girls we’re seeing, me more than him, and when you’re with a girl you only really get to do it one way… you know what I mean…?”

“I think I vaguely remember,” I smiled.

“So when you’re with a guy,” he went on, “you’re kind of looking for something different. And having something dick-shaped shoved up your bum is pretty much about as different as it gets!”

“When the two of you were going at it together, it looked very… er… intense,” I observed.

“Yeah, it is,” he grinned, grabbing a couple of glasses for him and Marcus. “It was fifty quid well spent to be honest.”

He took some orange juice from the fridge and filled up the glasses.

“I’d really like to have a go – maybe I could use yours to see if I enjoy it…?”

Jake nodded and put the carton back.

“You need two people, though,” he said, waiting for the kettle to boil. “And I don’t suppose Guy would up for doing something like that?”

“Of course not,” I agreed. “And, to be honest, the position I had in mind would be based on what I saw you guys doing last night… the way that you were both enjoying it so passionately and were able to work against each other and add to each other’s pleasure.”

Jake smiled. He liked that I thought that he and Marcus looked hot together.

“Even if I could persuade Guy to give it a go,” I went on, “the feel of it would be too unfamiliar for him to be able to relax into it like you guys were.”

“So maybe Bradley?” he asked. “I reckon he’d be up for it!”

He threw me a smirk to suggest that if Bradley was indeed ‘up for it’, Jake would equally be up for watching the pair of us slapping against each other, panting and gasping as went at it butt-to-butt. Which wasn’t totally unreasonable since he had allowed Guy and me to watch him doing exactly the same thing with his university friend the night before.

I spooned some sugar into Jake’s and Guy’s mugs. One for Jake, two for Guy.

“I was actually wondering,” I began, hoping he wouldn’t freak out, “and feel free to say no…”

He looked across at me curiously.

“… if you and I could try it together…? I think I’d really enjoy that…”

His curiosity changed quickly into surprise. Not shock, though, which was a positive.

“What, me and you?” he asked, making sure he’d understood. “Father and son doubling-ending it together? Going at it butt-to-butt with that dildo up inside us both?”

He grinned at me with amusement and I couldn’t tell if he thought I was joking or if he genuinely found the idea curiously funny.

“That was pretty much what I had in mind, yes.”

“Wouldn’t it be bit weird, though?” he asked, his face becoming more thoughtful at the possible consequences for us. “I mean, I know we wanked off in front of Marcus the other night but -“

“Well, it would be kind of like that again,” I explained as the kettle came to the boil and clicked itself off. “I was thinking that, if you were erzurum escort willing to try it with me, Guy and Marcus could watch us doing it. So it wouldn’t be like it was anything serious.”

Jake nodded and filled the cups up from the kettle.

He said, “So, let me get this straight. We’d be all be in the living room, me and you naked and going at it back-to-back, with those pair sitting watching us? Like we were the cabaret or something… Jake and his old man double-ending it for the audience?”

I saw from the way his bulge firmed up a little and poked outwards how much he was starting to like the idea.

“I think it would be quite… er… stimulating,” I smiled. “And it’s not like we’d have to touch each other so it wouldn’t be like we were doing anything untoward.”

Jake grinned and nodded. His cock was really starting to grow in his briefs. The mound it was making as it thickened and lengthened was verging on indecent.

“So we’d be sort of squatting together, or maybe on all fours, working our bums against each other, each of us helping to fuck the other with the dildo, but not actually touching? Is that what you mean?”

I nodded. And it really was exactly what I’d meant: was it so deeply wrong for me to have suggested this to him?

My cock responded, like Jake’s, with a definitive no, developing a little in my boxer-trunks in anticipation of Jake saying yes. I was pleased my underwear was quite confining: I wasn’t sure how Jake would respond if he saw his dad hardening up at the thought of us slapping our bums together in front of our house guests.

He wanted to clarify things yet further: “Okay, so when Marcus and I do it, we grab each other’s bollocks underneath us when we’re getting close. There’d be none of that with us two, would there? No reaching underneath each other to have a grope of the other guy’s nuts?”

“Absolutely not,” I said. “And I’m pleased that we’ve made that clear from the outset.”

He glanced at the four drinks he’d made and picked up the two glasses of orange juice. “I’ll have to make two trips.”

I was going to suggest he use the prominent extrusion that his cock was making in his briefs as a shelf for at least two of the drinks, but I thought it wiser to just ignore the fact he was getting aroused.

He said, “Actually, it’ll be useful if I take these two up for us and come back for the coffees. I reckon I’ll need to ask Marcus if he’d be okay with me and you double-ending, what with me and him being… well… you know…”

I nodded. “Of course.”

It was clearly too early in the day for him to bring himself to say ‘fuck buddies’.

“You might want to check with Guy that he’d be okay with it,” Jake suggested.

“I already did,” I grinned. “He is, as you’d say, ‘well up for it’.”

Jake chuckled. “Yeah, he would be. I dunno why even mentioned it.”

He headed off with the two glasses of orange juice, his pert butt wiggling delightfully in his tight, white briefs, and I waited for him to return for the coffees. He took quite a while and I was starting to wonder if Marcus had been shocked by the suggestion. Perhaps he was pulling on his clothes, saying he was going to catch an early train; that he didn’t want to spend another minute in this house that was full of sexual deviants.

But when Jake returned he was smiling.

“He was, like… whoa! Talk about instant hard-on!”

“Really?” I chuckled. “He was that keen on it.”

“He was totally, like, ‘there’s no way you guys can back out of it now! This is for fucking real, Jake – you and your dad have gotta do this!'”

I laughed. “Wow! What took you so long, then? I thought he must think it was a really inappropriate suggestion.”

“No – he was telling me stuff we should try! Guy wanking you off, him wanking me off. Even the two of us sucking both of them off: so we’d all be doing it together, four blokes in a row!”

I laughed even more loudly at that. “He’s got a good imagination, your friend!” I said.

“One of the reasons I like him so much!” Jake grinned, grabbing their coffee mugs before heading back up to his bedroom.


Those hours of anticipation dragged oh so much!

All four of us knew what the end of the day held in store and, while no-one wanted to be the one to mention it, I think we were all counting down the minutes until we could get the show on the road.

As it was Saturday, we all went to Corby together, Jake and I unable to stop ourselves from continually smiling at each other at the decidedly unique performance we were going to put on that night.

While Guy and Simon had gone off to look at stuff in a sports shop, Jake and I went into Waterstones to look at the books. Downstairs, the fiction racks were heaving with the pre-Christmas rush but once we’d forced our way through all the people to go up to the history and music sections on the second floor, we found the upstairs departments far more pleasantly quiet.

While I was looking eskişehir escort through the latest titles on the First World War, Jake sidled over to me pretending to be flicking through a book about the Madchester scene.

“You still up for it tonight, dad?” he whispered.

I glanced around to see if anyone was within earshot: fortunately, they weren’t.

“As long as it’s done exactly like we agreed,” I replied in a low voice, “then, yes, I think it should be fun.”

“Absolutely,” he said, nodding enthusiastically. “I mean, we’ve got to keep in mind throughout that we can’t risk doing anything we’d regret. It’s not like we can just ignore each other afterwards!”

“If I think it’s going too far and that either of us is doing anything we shouldn’t, I’ll pull the plug on it there and then,” I told him. “I’m not even going to have a drink… well, not until afterwards.”

He smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I’ll second that.”

He opened the book and looked idly at some of the pictures. I recognised The Happy Mondays but thought Jake probably wouldn’t have a clue who they were.

He looked back up at me and whispered again, “How are we going to do it, though? Are we gonna let the two of them wank off when they’re watching us?”

I nodded. “I think we’d feel less self-conscious that way. If they’re just sitting there gawping at us it’d seem a bit weird.”

“And what about the stuff Marcus said: having them joining in with us if they want to?”

I looked at him uncertainly. Were we really doing this in the middle of book shop?

He treated my reaction as if I hadn’t understood. “I mean, we’ve got to lay down a few ground-rules before we start… we can’t get halfway into it and then say, ‘Hey, no touching our dicks,’ or whatever…”

I looked around again. The nearest customer to us was an old fella and he was immersed in a book about the navy.

I whispered, “I don’t mind how they get involved with us, but the number one rule for me is that you don’t do anything with Guy.”

He tried to adopt his blameless look but I smirked and went on, “I saw all that bending over and shoving your bum against his crotch last night. Needless to say, I wasn’t greatly pleased.”

“It was an accident!” he insisted, raising a palm in supposed innocence.

“Even if he comes over and shoves his dick in your face – and I wouldn’t put something like that past him – you send him over to me. I’ll do the same with Marcus, if that’s what you want.”

He shook his head. “I’m not too bothered if you and him want to have a bit of fun, but I’m starting to feel you’ve got a thing about Guy that runs quite a lot deeper from how I feel about Marcus.”

I nodded. “Yeah, I don’t know what it is… he’s a bit different from the others.”

Jake grinned. “You’re just waiting for him to say those three special words aren’t you?”

I threw him a quizzical look and he clarified: “You’re my man.”

I let out a silly giggle that made me sound like a little kid. “Yes, I think I would like that.”

At that moment we were shushed by some old woman who’d just come in to look through the medieval history shelves so Jake scuttled back to the popular science section.


The two of us undressed separately in our bedrooms and then came out into the hallway between our rooms, both of us standing before one another: father and son together in the stark nuddies.

It felt quite odd to be naked with Jake even though I’d lived with him so closely for all these years. For most of my life, and after so many failed attempts to couple up with a woman, I’d been cringingly self-conscious about my body. However, now that I was regularly getting complimented by other guys and having them tell me how hot and how sexy I looked when I expose my over-large genitals, I was getting to rather enjoy showing myself off.

In contrast, Jake clearly loved parading himself: he’d always been something of an exhibitionist even in front of me as his dad. Ever since his early teens, he’d seemed to revel in showering with the bathroom door wide open and thought nothing of strolling across the landing first thing with his morning erection shamelessly tenting his underwear.

He looked at me in my state of total undress and chuckled.

We’d been naked together a few nights earlier when he’d invited me into his bedroom with him and Marcus, but this felt different: we were on our own.

He said, “I thought you’d have a boner, dad.”

I chuckled. “I’m actually quite nervous, given what we’re about to do.”

I looked him up and down. He was thinner than me and his skin more supple and toned but our genitals were near-mirror images of each other. His cock was, like mine, pointing floppily down and its size, and even the way his foreskin was slightly pulled back from his plump, pink mushroom head was identical to mine. His balls hung low, something else he’d inherited from me, and he’d trimmed his pubic bush quite short the way I’d also done in the gaziantep escort bathroom that morning.

I said, “I suppose I also expected you to emerge from your room with a hard-on.”

He laughed and held up his large, black dildo. “I have,” he announced. “In fact, I’ve got two!”

I put my hand out and he passed me it so I could I admire its rubbery texture and feel for myself its thick and generous girth. It was quite a beautiful piece of work: the two cock heads at each end were flawlessly smooth but the swollen shafts behind them were ribbed and veiny to maximise the pleasure of the two men it was servicing.

“I suppose two women could enjoy using this,” I observed.

Jake nodded but added, “I think it’s biggest… er… customers are guys who really crave having a dick up them but are too scared to do anything but straight stuff. If their wives are willing, then both the frustrated hubby and the broad-minded wife are able to get fucked at the same time!”

He grinned and I nodded. “Maybe I should have bought something like this for your mum when we were still married!”

I sniffed at the rubber. It smelt like the glossy clear plastic pockets we used at work but had hints of something more interesting and distinctly organic. The shiny black cock heads were especially odorous with definite traces of crude and pungent residues lurking in the minute pours in the surface. I sniffed at one end and then the other, and then said, “It’s pretty clear that this one has been used exclusively by two men.”

Jake laughed and grabbed it back from, sniffing for himself first one black mushroom head before moving on to the other.

Still laughing he said, “Yeah, and you can definitely tell where they’ve been!”

I’d hoped that the two of them would have a preferred end that they would always use and that I’d be able to smell Marcus’ gentle and earthy whiff on one of side and Jake’s far harsher and more acerbic bite on the other. However, it seemed that they just used their toy in whatever random configuration it happened to be picked up. The two ends of the dildo smelled largely the same.

“You really do love the smell of male butt, don’t you?” Jake laughed.

“I do, yes,” I began, “but why -?”

I realised he was looking at my cock which was now rising up from my large, heavy bollocks. It wasn’t even hard enough to be called a semi but I still felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment.

“Oh, sorry,” I stuttered. “I just – “

“Don’t sweat it!” Jake grinned. “We’re both gonna be rock-hard once we get going down there – probably dribbling with precum and needing to whack off – and that’s gonna be in front of our two mates!”

“Yes, I know. It’s just force of habit I guess. That’s one of the reasons I’m quite keen to do this. I think it’ll be good to help me get over all the years I was really self-conscious about my body… baptism by fire, you might say.”

Jake laughed. “I think you’re doing a pretty good job of that yourself with all the guys you get your kit off for!”

I smiled. “But this is a bit different, Jake. This is… I dunno… like laying on a sex show at a club. A very small and exclusive club, granted, but it wasn’t that long ago that I would have keeled over in shock if you’d suggested I’d be standing here now, about to… well… perform for them, alongside you.”

“D’ya think we should quickly rub one out before we go downstairs?” he asked. “So we last longer?”

“I don’t need to,” I replied. “But you can if you want to.”

“I was thinking we could do it together, like we did the other night,” he explained with a smirk.

“What? Masturbate in front of each other?”

He grinned more broadly. “Yeah… if you like…”

It was true that we’d stroked ourselves face-to-face in front of Marcus a few evenings earlier, but that had been a spur of the moment thing; just the two of us getting carried away in front of his friend.

He went on, lowering his voice to a whisper, “We could do it in your bedroom… both sniffing the dildo and having a wank together…”

I can’t say I wasn’t tempted – even if just for a second – as I’d enjoyed masturbating with my son when we’d done it in his bedroom and had found it an intense and surprisingly unifying experience. But before he could persuade me further, I firmly shook my head.

“Maybe one day, Jake, and maybe soon,” I told him. “But not like this, when we’d both be in a rush.”

“But you would be up for it?” he asked and I noticed that his cock had now joined mine in its state of arousal, and was lengthening steadily and starting to rise up from his balls.

I nodded. “I think I would, yeah. But maybe one afternoon, when we both have an hour or two to kill and we’re both in the right mood, so we can take our time and show each other what we both enjoy.”

He smiled. “That’d be awesome!”

I gestured him towards the stairs. “Come on, then, Jake. Let’s go down and knock’ em dead!”

“Yeah, let’s do it!” he grinned. “Let’s show them what two Furlong butts can do!”


Guy and Marcus applauded rapturously when the two of us walked in naked, our cocks having thankfully shrivelled again at the prospect of what we were about to do. Marcus was making whooping noises and Guy was clapping his hands above his head. For just two blokes, they sure put on quite a reception.

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Gabriella’s Story Ch. 01

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“Gosh Gabi, is this such a good idea?” I think. But it’s already too late, my mind is made up and there is nothing left inside of me that can change it or, for that matter, even remotely wants to. I have avoided this close contact for weeks. We’re co-workers, so there is nothing good that can come out of it. ….Well, that’s a lie, there’s PLENTY of good that can come out of it, and knowing that makes it impossible to stop what I’m planning. As soon as that thought entered my mind, there was no getting it out.

Besides, who am I kidding? As many free periods as I can, I make my way down to the gym just to steal brief moments in Clarissa’s Phys. Ed. classes. And, of course, every day at noon, I draw the blind over my classroom door and then close and lock it when Mrs. D’Entrement comes by. I told myself at first that it was just important we not be distracted, but I have gradually become wise to the fact that Clarissa means far more to me than just my directing partner in the school play.

Right now, Clarissa’s back is to me and she is bent over the desk flipping through our script. “I don’t know if I like our re-write from yesterday,” she says. “Truth be told, I really blame your use of words like ‘thus’ and ‘pertinent’. We’ll have to hand out dictionaries at the door.”

Looking back over her shoulder at me and smiling, she sets me alight yet again. “God I’m such a sucker for a killer smile,” I think. Whether it be her face, or that tush that I’m getting such a clear picture of right now, there is only one word that comes to my mind when I see her…..sexy.

Simple concept, right? But I really think that’s an overused word. A lot of people are beautiful or gorgeous, but sexy is a whole other category with me. When I look at someone and think “beautiful”, I hope I get to know them and find out what makes them sexy. When I look at someone and think “sexy”, chances are I’ll be thinking of them next time Trixie, my toy rabbit, shows me a good time. Clarissa has been the star of my fantasies for nearly 2 months now. Her body isn’t everyone’s ideal, but that’s part of the attraction. If she lost 15 or 20 pounds, she’d be well on her way to becoming one of those bone racks I hate with no butt and her ribs sticking out! She is just perfect the way she is. Her butt and breasts are supple and firm and supply her with curves that only seem possible in theoretical physics. Her tight, chestnut brown curls perfectly frame her slim face and high cheekbones. Her arms, legs and back are muscled but feminine from her years of soccer, and her skin is flawless to the eye.

But is it flawless to the touch? Tearing my eyes away from her ass for once in my life, I can’t help but notice that her blouse has pulled up and revealed the golden brown of her lower back. As she reads, her hips are swaying back and forth to the music constantly playing in my room at this hour. Wow, I wish I was causing her to make that wiggle! “I hadn’t pegged you for a Fiona Apple fan,” I manage, as the chorus of “O, Sailor” wafts through the room.

“Yeah well, I’m waaaaay younger than you so I’m still hip,” comes the reply. This time she doesn’t turn, but I can tell she’s smiling, the vixen!

“Since when did 25 become waaaaay younger than 29 you little bitch!”, I laugh, biting my tongue a little. God, this always happens! Clarissa goes into her sex kitten mode, digging at me and I want to go all flirty but hold back instead.

As attractive as I find her, I gave up on sending obvious signals to her a week into our work together on the play. Clarissa is married with a 7-month old at home and I had been very up front with her about my sexuality right away. I don’t make it a habit to blurt out “I’m a raving lesbian” to everyone I meet, but you spend time alone with anyone and eventually you get to relationships. The dear took that revelation in stride and has been making cracks about catching me looking at her “tits” ever since.

“You got quiet, you thinking about my tits again?” Wow, nice timing! God, why does she go and push my buttons like that? I’m always forced to hit back.

“No, just daydreaming about going down on Barbara Bush again,” I smirk, knowing how much I gross her out when I joke about such things.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d think that Clarissa and I have been flirting, setting the stage for a post-school afternoon delight. But I’ve been shaking my head at the thought for weeks. “Hey, this is you Gabriella, don’t be so foolish.” There’s absolutely NO contest, Gabriella Cavalcanti has absolutely THE worst gaydar in the history of lesbians. I can’t count the number of times that I’ve been absolutely certain I was getting signals from a woman at the bar, in class at university, etc. and been dead wrong. But for some reason, I’m thinking this is different. And it’s none of the old cliche reasons.

She’s never said, “gosh, my husband doesn’t give me what I need anymore”. And she hasn’t been obvious about it: nothing like “geez, hd porno I wish there was a 29 year old, black haired, Italian lesbian around to lick my pussy!” (Sigh, if only it were that easy).

No, it’s just simply a feeling I’ve had the last few meetings. The gaydar is unreliable like I said, but once I spend a lot of time with someone, I can usually sense when I’m being sized up. And somewhere beneath that confident facade is……something. And when I got up this morning, I decided that I’d find out what it is. I’m pretty sure I could fall in love with Clarissa if I let myself, so I owe myself at least the attempt. And it’s SOOOO not like me to think something like that. I guess if it doesn’t work out, I’ll just finally bite the bullet and give in to that huge-boobed blonde at my gym that always manages to find herself in the shower right across from me, smiling and staring at my ass while forever “borrowing” my shampoo. She’s completely stunned, but I’m already in lust with her, and sometimes that’s good enough. Anyway, back to what’s at hand….


“Hey!” Clarissa jumps as my hand contacts that beautiful round tushy. Gathering her composure like she always seems to do, and despite the obvious blushing going on, she plays right along. “Well I’ve been a REALLY bad girl,” she giggles, sticking her ass toward me again, “and you’re going to have to give me a better spanking than that!”

Ahhh, this is a perfect opportunity to test the waters. “Well not here in the school,” I say, in full mocking-mode, “it’s so public!”

“Oh please,” Clarissa says, “I know you’ve thought this out. I see you lock that door and draw that blind every day. I know what you’re thinking.”

She’s smiling, but I can tell she’s wondering if there’s any kind of truth in that statement. I’m standing, grinning, and making a point of it not to deny her entirely accurate accusation. She’s not moving. She’s frozen. I let the silence linger. It’s exciting, but it frightens her. Now that what’s obviously been on her mind is now being presented to her, she doesn’t quite know what the next move is.

“Wow, Miss D’Entrement, have I made you speechless?” I ask. “Let me know how I did it and I’ll make mental notes for next time.” Playfully, I reach out with my right hand and lightly brush her cheek. A rush of air escapes her lips and I realize that she’s been holding her breath. This seems to snap her out of her daze and she turns back to my desk.

“Ummmm……so….I was thinking we could fix all your screw-ups pretty easily here…”, she starts, trying to summon up that fake-bitchy tone, but her throat is dry and her voice cracks. There’s that golden brown skin again, and this time, it shines with the glow of perspiration.

My hand is shaking as I reach for her lower back. I know it’s going to happen and now I’m the one scared to death. Suddenly I’m conscious of just how exciting this is for me too. It’s been a couple of months since I’ve made love to anyone but myself, and I’m thinking, “Gaby, just don’t screw this up!”

Hoping to turn up the pressure a little, I allow my fingers to sneak just below her belt line. I can almost feel the swell of her ass with my pinkie. “Sweetie are you ok? Do you have a fever? You feel like you’re on fire.”

I don’t think she gets that I’m teasing her. “N…no, it’s just that it’s a warm day……and we’re standing s…so close.”

Edging ever closer, I reply, “Really? We’ve stood this close plenty of times before. What’s different now?”

The slightly mocking tone I’m using finally sinks in with her. For the first time, it’s completely obvious what the both of us are feeling. “Gaby, this isn’t funny, this is serious, and I don’t think that you completely understand why! It’s more complicated than just my marriage or that little peanut of mine at home, or our being co-workers. It’s….it’s…” She frowning, straining to explain herself.

“Clarissa, shhhhh,” I whisper, rubbing her back lightly to soothe her. I move my lips just inches from her ear. “I understand what you’re going through. We’re friends, but I can’t deny how I feel about you. All you need to do is just tell me what it is YOU want.”

She’s still staring straight ahead. “Gaby, it isn’t that simple. If what I want was the problem, there wouldn’t BE a problem. The trouble comes when there’s something I NEED.” Steadying herself, she turns to me. My left hand slides across her damp skin, around to her hip, while hers caresses my cheek. This time it’s her lips near my ear. “And what I need, is your lips….”, she pauses to run her fingers over them; “…and your tongue….”, her index finger slips into my mouth and instinctively I suck on it; “….and your fingers….,” with her other hand she takes mine and guides it to her inner thighs; “…everywhere I need them to be.”

“It’s got nothing to do with gay or straight,” she continues, her breath so hot on my skin and the heat from her pussy giving me burns sex izle on my hand as I rub her through her skirt. “It’s got nothing to do with what my husband doesn’t do or not loving him anymore or wanting to experiment. It’s basic. It’s carnal. I can feel you next to me when I’m alone. I can smell you hours after we’ve seen each other. I’ve never been with a woman, but I know how you’ll taste when I finally have you.” She grabs my ass with both hands and stares straight at me. “I CRAVE you.”

The clock reads 12:13. I cradle her face in my hands and press my forehead to hers before grabbing her in return and drawing her close. “Oh my ‘Issa, I don’t know what to say. No one’s ever said anything so fucking sexy to me in my life!” I’m so excited I can barely get the words out. “Dammit! We’ve only got 2 minutes until the bell, don’t tell me that you have to play desperate housewife tonight.”

She looks positively wounded. “Gaby are you kidding me?!” she starts. “Jeff owes me about 10 nights out, but what are we going to do about THIS…right NOW!” Again she takes my hand. She hikes up her skirt with her free hand and presses mine against the front of her red cotton thong. “Oh God ‘Issa, I…,” I begin, and then stop. I want to say the most passionate words imaginable. There are few things sexier in this world to me than the feeling of stroking another woman’s pussy through a soft, sexy pair of panties.

The heat, the suppleness, and particularly in Clarissa’s case, the wetness. I look her straight in her eyes but still I can’t get the words out. A wide smile comes across her face. “Hungry?” she asks. I open my mouth to tell her, yet again, that she’s read my mind, but the bell cuts me off.

I want to turn the lights off, leave the door locked, ignore my students and melt into Clarissa, but who am I kidding? As I walk to the door, I say back over my shoulder, “Sweetie, listen, do you want to meet me here after last period? Or do you need to head home first and then come over?” As soon as I unlock the door, any potential response is cut off by my 4th period class pretty much storming inside. Gathering her things, Clarissa brushes past me and winks.

When she gets to the door, she turns and addresses the girl in row A seat A, my best student and a member of our cast. “Stephanie, we’re having a couple of problems with the play. Ms. Cavalcanti is going to meet me down in the gym in 5 minutes and she’s going to need you to run the show up here for most of the period, ok?” Then Clarissa glares at me and smirks as if to say, “Dismiss me will ya’? I’m not being put off until later!”

That little bitch, she did it again! What does she think she’s doing? Geez, at least she gave me a few minutes to come up with something for my students to do. “Ok guys and girls, sorry to just dump this on you, but you’re my veteran class and you should be ok to leave alone for a little while. Now, I’m going to be warning the office and Mrs. Gregg next door and if there’s a problem, then WE’RE going to have a problem, understood?”

After hearing enough “Yes ma’ams” to put me at ease, I give them a lengthy reading assignment and almost fly out the door.

The gym is on the other side of the school, so it’s a long enough walk as it is, but under these circumstances? By the time I get to her office, I feel like cursing her out for making me jump through all of these hoops. Then she dares to answer, “Who is it?” when I finally come knocking.

“You’ve GOT to be kidding me ‘Issa! I’m about ready to….HEY!” Mid-sentence the door has opened and she’s pulled me inside and thrown me into her beanbag chair in the corner.

I’d complain, but as soon as I look up I realize I’d be crazy to. She often wears one of her old soccer jerseys when she’s teaching gym, but, outside of my fantasies, I’d never seen her wearing ONLY a jersey. “You’re nuts, ” I say, but the smile on my face betrays the fact that I’m only sore that I didn’t think of it first.

“I’m sorry Coach Cavalcanti,” she starts, in her best faux-schoolgirl voice, “I seem to have lost my uniform shorts. Do I get to…errr…HAVE to, stay after school?”

“Well”, I reply, “if you’re a good girl, coach might get you off….errr….LET you off with a warning.” Squirming, she bites her lower lip and leans back against the closed office door, running the bottom of her left foot up against it until she can grab her knee and pull it against her chest. The whole length of her gorgeous leg and her waist are bare.

“Gosh dear, did you lose your underwear too?” We’re being playful, but there’s no smiling anymore. No amused looks on our faces, it’s all intensity.

“Yes ma’am,” Issa replies, “can I borrow a pair of yours?” Wordlessly, I stand up, reach around the back of my skirt, pull my thong down past my butt and shake and shimmy until it drops down to my ankles. I lift my left leg up and out of it, allowing one of my heels to drop to the floor.

Hooking the thong with altyazılı porn my other foot, I kick them to her, asking “Will those do my dear?”

“Of course Ms. C!”, exclaims Clarissa, nabbing them out of the air, that wicked grin I love so much plastered on her face, “You’ve always been my favorite teacher.”

“Now before I let you wear those sweetie, I want to be sure I get them back clean.” Putting on my sexiest walk, I slink toward her.

“But Ms. C, I just took a shower,” Clarissa replies, not sure where I’m going with this, but eager to play along.

“Sure Issa, but you young girls, I don’t know if I can trust you to clean where it’s most important. So, I’m going to have to play a game with you ok?”

Clarissa is trembling now, knowing it’s only a matter of time now. “O…o..ok,” she manages, “w…what’s the game?”

“It’s called cat and kitten,” I reply. Finally I’ve reached her, and we’re eye-to-eye, our lips an inch away. “You know what cats do with their kittens when they want to make sure they’re nice and clean?” I practically hiss.

Issa’s eyes are closed, she’s rubbing her thighs together, licking her lips and barely able to get a word out. “I think so,” she says in the strongest voice she can manage. “They l…lick them clean.”

I press my body tightly against her, and pin her against the door. “Gooooooood kitty,” I purr. I bend down, pressing my nails firmly against the back of her knees, my mouth positioned just where her cleavage emerges from her shirt.

Straightening up, I run my nails sharply up the back of her legs, pulling her slightly away from the door and ultimately cupping her bare backside for the first time. Meanwhile, my tongue has made its way from her chest to her shoulder, then neck, and finally to her lips.

It’s been my strongest wish all along to start us off by giving her the best first kiss of her entire life. Carefully, but urgently I ease my tongue between her lips and work just the tip of it around as my hands knead her tight, round ass, pulling her red hot pussy to my thigh which she can grind against and gain those initial hints of release. Teasingly, I work my tongue in bit by bit, slowing working my lips toward hers.

Without warning though, she grabs my head with 2 hands and pulls us together, sucking hard on my tongue. “Uggghhhhh!” She moans loudly into my mouth. It’s a gutteral, passionate, animalistic sound that radiates from my lips to my inner thighs, leaving me weak-kneed and positively dripping. The next 2 or 3 minutes are possibly the most passionate of my life. If there was any doubt for either of us about what we were doing, the almost desperate nature with which our hands are pawing at each other and our tongues explore one another’s mouths makes it obvious that this is more serious than we even realized.

Finally, we pry ourselves apart. Breathless, I manage a big smile. “Ok, Miss D’Entrement, time to make sure my little kitty is spotless.” Clarissa throws her arms up above her head. If I’d handed her a white flag, she would have waived it.

“Oh God Gaby, please! Enough with the kitty stuff. Just get me fucking off, will you!?” I drop to my knees and lift up the bottom of her shirt so I can peek my head up inside. I suddenly feel as if I’m worshiping at the feet of some piece of ancient art, a personification of beauty….wait, who just thought that? Gosh, the cheesy things this girl makes me think!

My immediate temptation is to attack her breathtaking pussy. It’s perfectly shaped with an impeccably manicured runway of hair above her lips that glistens with the wetness that has surely been present most of the morning. This shirt must be almost a large men’s because it suddenly occurs to me I can probably stand up and fit inside it comfortably. Well, 3 quarters of the way up, it begins to get tight, but that’s plenty. “Mind if I poke around in here?” I ask, allowing my hands to roam freely over her tummy and hips.

Outside of my tight space, I can hear Clarissa giggling at my silliness. Soon she’ll change her tune though. As I begin to trace soft kisses between, and on the undersides of her breasts, she lets out a soft moan. “Ohhhhh, Gabi, that’s lovely.”

My right hand still has a firm hold on her ass, but my left is in a little more playful mood. As my tongue traces circles between her belly button and her breasts, it lightly grasps onto one of them. My eyes shoot open. “Issa, your nipples, my God!” I can’t believe what I’m seeing. I always knew her breasts would be perfect, but these nipples are something really special. They look and feel like large thimbles. Huge, long, hard and, judging by her reaction, amazingly sensitive.

With my first light squeeze of “lefty”, Clarissa nearly jumps straight up into the air. “Shit Gaby, please don’t tease me! If you’re going to play with them, play rough!” A big part of me wants to laugh that off and torture her until she begs but that will just have to wait. I’m sorry, but those nipples! God, they just can’t be ignored! Plus, I am positively DYING to see what happens when I make her cum. All of a sudden, I’m keenly aware of how risky it is to be doing this so close to classrooms and the gym.

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Happily Married Woman Finds A Lover

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It’s been a long time since I’ve written in, had a few amazing encounters since my first stories, and maybe I’ll write about those soon. I’ll write this one now because it happened 3 days ago and I’m still smiling as a result of it.

Here’s a little background on me. I’m a married woman, 43 years old, and my name is Jayde. I’m very tall, long legs, and slender firm build. I have long brown hair, deep sexy brown eyes, thick full kissable lips, and a nice round ass. I am very sensual, love touching, teasing, and maybe even a little torture with my tongue and fingertips. I am openly bisexual, and my husband supports that side and encourages me to find female lovers to play with, he loves hearing the details after. This time he still hasn’t heard about my encounter, he wants to read about it here.

I searched a famous dating site that allows risque ads and found a woman named Shelley that was part of a dating couple, very close to my age, very similar body type, although she was 3 inches shorter. She has gorgeous brown eyes, beautiful firm natural C cups, and a beautiful tummy from hours of biking and climbing, a truly sexy woman with a tough side, just what I’ve been looking for.

After many messages back and forth on the website, exchange of pictures, a few texts back and forth, and a phone chat, we agreed to meet at a local restaurant on the patio to have a few drinks and chat. We’re in the middle of a heatwave here, and it was so hot on the patio that she decided it was time to move our visit to her air conditioned home, we hadn’t even finished our first glass of wine. I was already comfortable with her, so I agreed. She lived nearby, so I followed her in her car back to her place.

Her home was tastefully decorated, in a nice neighborhood, and very nice furniture. We sat down and had a glass of wine and chatted about our jobs, our lives, listened to a little music and just really enjoyed each other’s company. Just as we finished our glass of wine, without any awkward moment or wondering who would make the move, she leaned in and kissed my lips softly. I melted, I’ve wanted a woman to take me like that for so long and it was so precious. We touched each other’s faces and played with each other’s hair as we kissed passionately, not worrying about time or agenda.

Shelley asked if I wanted to move this upstairs, I stood up, grabbed her hand and she passed me a bottled water and we headed upstairs to her bedroom. The room was beautiful, she has a great sense of interior decorating.

Shelley sat on the bed and I sat right next to her and touched her cheek and leaned in and resumed our soft kiss. Her lips were so soft, and she was whimpering from my tender kisses and commented on my thick juicy lips. Our kiss was prolonged, intimate, and her tongue felt so incredible against mine as we türkçe altyazılı porno teased each other.

The teasing led to soft fingertips all over each other’s arms. I slowly kissed down her neck and removed her top, a plunging V-neck tank top that looked stunning on her. She turned to me and slowly removed my top. I kissed Shelley deeper, sucking her tongue gently into my mouth.

My hands coasted over her skirt and I touched her soft skin on her calves and traced down to her feet, touching them softly. She smiled and kissed me softly. We took our time, savoring each others’ bodies, and enjoying each others’ touch. She unbuttoned my skirt, a knee length dark skirt with a slit on the side, and slid it off my hips and dropped it on her floor. I was left with a black silk bra and thong on.

I pulled her hair back and kissed her exposed neck while I unbuttoned her skirt with my other hand. She moaned out, “Oh God, Jayde”, and rolled me onto my back. Shelley mounted me and ground her pelvis into mine through her skirt and my panties. The tension in the room was so electric. I rolled her back over and playfully took control. I lowered the zipper on her skirt and pulled the skirt up her thighs as I sensually licked her toes. She gazed into my eyes with a look of ecstasy, smiled, and she cupped her breasts through her bra. She looked so beautiful, I just had to have those breasts.

I looked into her eyes with a hunger, a desire I had not felt in a while. I reached around her back, popped the clasp on her bra, and pulled it over her shoulder with my teeth. She was loving the attention and reached around my back and released my bra clasps as well. We threw our bras to the floor and I lay on top of her, resuming our passionate kiss while cupping her beautiful full breast, years of yoga had paid off for her firm body. Her nipples were hardening and were about the size of a raspberry, very thick and red. I couldn’t wait to suck on them softly, starting on her left one, sucking it with my lips as I flicked my tongue quickly over it. Shelley was moaning in pleasure, touching my hair softly and calling my name. I switched to the other nipple and gave it equal attention, her body was lifting off the bed as her temperature rose.

A bead of sweat formed on her forehead, I moved up to kiss and lick it off. We shared another very long passionate kiss, touching each other’s breasts and just loving the time we had sharing our bodies with each other.

Shelley cupped my ass in her hands and told me how beautiful my body was, making me feel so connected to her. I reached under and cupped her firm ass as well, loving her sexy panties, I teased her through the material. Shelley took her turn sucking on my nipples gently, making them long and hard, although nowhere near the xnxx thickness of her beautiful nipples. i played with hers while she sucked mine, rolling them between my thumb and fingertip. She winced and let out a pleasured moan as I moaned while she sucked on my hard nipples.

I pulled Shelley’s panties to the side and began to trace her sweet pussy with my fingertips. She threw her head back and moaned out my name again. I loved teasing her, and was in no hurry to finish her anytime soon. I lay her back down and slowly removed her panties. I returned my fingertips to her full pussy lips that were throbbing under my touch. Her clit had a long, beautiful dark hood and I could see lots of moisture on her sweet lips. I traced them softly with my fingertips, she was thrashing from side to side, loving the teasing and the torture. I kneeled down and got close with my mouth and blew warm air softly on her clit while I continued to softly touch her lips. She said “this is why I love women!” Shelley cried out as my tongue made its first contact with her engorged lips. I flicked my tongue over one lip as I slowly and softly sucked it into my mouth. She let out a scream and begged me not to stop what I was doing. I had no intentions of it, and looked up at her with an evil grin, and went back to torturing her lips. A stream of her juices ran down her thigh and got the sheets wet. She cried out, “Oh my, look what you made me do” and I switched to the other lip and softly sucked and flicked my tongue across it. Her toes were curling and I knew I had her on the way to the slow buildup orgasm that I had desired to give her. I teased her sweet lips for what I would guess was 20 minutes, although time wasn’t exactly on my mind, listening to her whimpers, moans, screams, and even a few words that she said she rarely uses! 🙂

I had her where I wanted her, in a state of euphoria. I dove down and sucked firmly on her lips now and tongued her hole skillfully. Her ass lifted tenderly off the bed and I held her tight ass as I ate her so firmly, her moans turning to screams. She lowered her ass back down to the bed as I slowed down and resumed the torture, this time flicking my tongue over her hardened clit. It was protruding nicely from under the hood now, and she had a beautiful clit ring for me to tease and surround with my tongue. I made sure to use that ring against her, and licked around it, sucking it into my mouth softly. She was crying out my name again and moving her hips slowly. I took her to the verge of a very intense orgasm and then held her there by slowing down, torturing her even more. She called me mean and pushed her hips up into my face. After what had been a long time, I finally took her over that threshold and she exploded on my face, bucking as I dug my fingernails into her hips and sucked her porno izle sweet juices up from all over her pussy. I looked up into her eyes and she had tears running down her cheeks. She told me I was an amazing teacher and she had so much to learn from me. I told her class was in session. I knew from her sensual kisses earlier that she would be just fine.

Shelley lay me on my back, slid my thong over my ass and down my legs, kissing the bottom of my feet softly as she pulled them off. She traced her long fingernails up my calves and tickled behind my knees a little, a moan escaped from me as I lost myself in the moment. She traced her fingernails down my thighs and said “Payback is a bitch!” Shelley started to lick between my thigh and pussy, tracing her tongue up above my pubic bone and back down to the other side. She did this for a period of time, again lost in the moment, I had no idea. I was delirious, still hypnotized by her scent, and not wanting this night to end. Finally she traced my pussy lips, telling me how beautiful my smooth shaved pussy was. I told her how incredible she felt and curled my toes, pulling her hair and grinding my pussy into her face. I didn’t want to cum yet, wanted the slow buildup I gave her, so I released her head and fell back to the bed, letting her return to her sensual licking.

Shelley’s intensity increased by the minute, until finally she was just beneath my clit and licking me with a hunger and speed I had never felt before. The sensation was too much and all my senses exploded, my ass lifted off the bed and just as I was about to cum, she thrust a finger into me and curled it into my gspot. The feeling of her fingernail on me caused a massive explosion and I squirted onto her face, her chin, and her breasts. She burst out laughing and asked where that came from, I told her to shutup and keep licking, and she dove in again, forcing me to ride the wave of my orgasm. My mind was blown, and I no longer saw her as someone who needed to learn, but rather someone I need to share more with.

We lay looking at each other for a while, sharing long, sensual kisses, tasting each other, and loving the sensations. We touched, teased, and talked more about life, laying naked sweating on her bed. Shelley invited me to her shower to rinse off, and I won the race there, smiling as I turned on a nice warm shower to rinse the sweat off. I loved as she scrubbed my back with her loofah, and we kissed lots while enjoying each other’s bodies. I returned the favor and scrubbed her back lightly as well. After a few minutes, we turned the shower off, returned to the room and got dressed. We sat and talked over another glass of wine, I looked at the time, realizing 5 hours had passed since we met, and not knowing where time had gone, I was so happy that I had met someone so special. We shared one more very tender kiss, a long kiss good night, and parted ways with the promise of another visit in the very near future. I don’t feel that I found a lover, I feel like I found a great friend, a combination I have been yearning for far too long.



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Gotcha Ch. 10

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Back in her old room, Jen lay on the bed in the dark feeling sick; it was as if there was a huge gap where her stomach used to be, an aching void. It wasn’t the locked door, the pitch darkness or the lack of control that bothered her, it was the powerful emotions that churned within her; she felt nauseous, she felt dizzy, she felt as if she were falling into a pit, a pit from which there was no escape.

Right up front there was the anger, anger at being rejected, anger at being betrayed: how could Wendy have been so cruel? How could she have pushed her aside and flirted so openly with that slag, that dirt, that nothing? How could Wendy have looked on and laughed as Jen was forced to humiliate herself time after time? And then why did she have to top it all by showing the film of the party, letting that pathetic little whore see her like that, turning a special occasion into something cheap and tawdry? Jen pounded her pillow and screamed out loud, anything to vent this emotion.

Not far behind the anger there was the jealousy, the evil green-eyed goddess, that wanted to spit venom at the knowledge that upstairs, in Wendy’s bed, in her bed, in her place was that whore, that hussy, that slapper, that nasty little chav from god knows where! To have been cast aside was bad enough, but cast aside for that! She would never, could never, forget the look in Sharon’s eyes, that disdain, that look of victory that made it clear that, as far as Sharon was concerned, she was the dirt, she was the filth that was being thrown out.

And, as the anger and the jealousy receded for a while, then there was the frustration, the bitter sense of hopelessness. Never since her capture had it been so starkly brought home to her just how little control she had over her life. How she wished she could have stormed out, made it clear just where she stood, told Wendy and that little bitch just where to get off, but all she could do was take it, take the abuse, take the humiliation and furthermore, she would have to keep on taking it. There was the bitter knowledge that in a few short hours she was going to have to work with Wendy, to look her in the eye, to pretend that nothing had happened.

Finally, physically and emotionally exhausted, she was left with an aching sense of loss. She had been so foolish; she had dared to think, dared to dream that Wendy might, in her own way, care a little. That somehow there was a growing bond of respect, of understanding, of, dare she say it, love… but that flickering flame had been brutally extinguished; surely anyone who cared for her could not have done that, could not have sat by and laughed whilst she was being so badly hurt. Burying her head in her pillow Jen sobbed, howling in pain at her broken dreams. How could she have been so stupid to believe that she was anything to Wendy? Now it was all too obvious that Wendy didn’t care a fig.

In the pitch black dark of the room there was no sense of time, only an endless living nightmare. Jen tossed and turned, crying the night away, waiting on dawn and the further nightmares that it would bring.

PARP! PARP! PARP! Jen had forgotten the brutality of the hooter used as an alarm clock in the cell. She would give anything just to stay under the covers, hiding until the day had gone away but she knew she couldn’t. She dragged herself out of bed and over to the washbasin. The mirror on the wall told its own story. Jen had no idea if she’d slept five hours or five minutes but, from the look of her red-ringed eyes it was more like the latter. Vaguely she heard the click of the automatic lock on the door, \implying she was free to go for breakfast but she really couldn’t bear the thought. She just stood, staring into the mirror, trying to find the energy to move. Eventually the door opened and Sally poked her head round.

“Come on, slowcoach. You’re late enough as it is. I don’t want a beating because you can’t get up of a morning.”

“Sorry, I….” Jen started, haltingly.

“Oh, god, you got it bad, didn’t you?” Sally saw the state of Jen and was suddenly concerned for her friend.

“Oh, Sal, Sal,” Jen sobbed. “Why does she do it? Why does she make me think she cares and then treat me like this?”

“Because that’s what she does,” returned Sally. “She did it to me and now she’s doing it to you.”

“She did it to you?” Jen questioned, her surprise breaking her out of her self absorption.

“Do you think you’re the first? Don’t you remember how I used to be when you first arrived? That trick I played when I marked your blouse? How do you think it felt watching her fawn all over you, knowing you had taken my place?” There was still some resentment showing in Sally’s voice.

“So how did you cope? Why didn’t you leave? You’re not a prisoner, you could just walk away,” Jen asked.

“Huh, well, porno indir I nearly did but, the money’s good and she’s a reasonable boss to work for and, at the end of the day, I always knew that I was never anything more than her plaything, I was fun in bed, that’s all; there was never any real attachment. Mind you, I’m surprised that she’s ditched you so fast; I thought you were different; I really thought she was getting fond of you.” Sally seemed to pull herself together. “Come on now, have some breakfast, you’ll feel better.”

The two women went off to the kitchen where Juanita greeted them and fussed over Jen. Even with their support and comfort, Jen had little appetite. She drank some coffee and had a couple of slices of toast just to keep Juanita quiet. She was still sitting there staring into space when Sally tapped her on the shoulder and told her that it was time to leave. She went to get dressed and then met up with Sally on the way to the garage. After all the times she had left with Wendy it seemed strange being back with Sally; it was as if the last few weeks hadn’t happened. They drove out and parked in front of the house waiting.

When Wendy appeared at the front door, Jen felt her stomach lurch again. There beside her, still wearing the clothes from last night was Sharon, tottering along in her platform boots. There was plenty of room in the back of the car but Jen was hoping that she would never have to see the bitch again. Once they were in the car Wendy told Sally to drive to the office and then take Sharon back home to Romford.

“Hello, it’s piglet!” Sharon exclaimed. “A bit hard to recognize you with your clothes on.”

“Oh, she’s still ready and available,” \commented Wendy. “Go on, piglet; show Sharon how available you are.”

Jen was about to protest but one look at Wendy’s face told her this would be a bad move so she gritted her teeth and lifted the front of her skirt. Wendy reached across and undid the buttons of her blouse, pulling it open, exposing her breasts.

“There, very pretty. Why don’t you sit like that until we get there? Now, Sharon, where were we?” Wendy pulled Sharon into a clinch and Jen watched as her hand slid up under Sharon’s mini-skirt. She sat there seething, her humiliation complete. It seemed to take forever before they pulled up at the office and, hurriedly buttoning up her blouse, she followed Wendy into the lobby.

The morning seemed to drag by. Sure, Jen had plenty to do but she couldn’t concentrate and she spent most of her time just staring at her PC screen. At lunch time Wendy called her over to her desk.

“I don’t see much work happening,” she said, reaching for her desk drawer. “Maybe a few strokes of the paddle might liven you up.”

Jen just stared. She didn’t know what to say, she didn’t dare say what she wanted to say.

“Well, has the cat got your tongue? I asked if a few strokes of the paddle were required.” Wendy sounded quite cross.

“That’s up to you, Mistress,” Jen replied curtly.

“Yes, it is and you seem to be forgetting that. I’m less than impressed with your attitude. You had better shape up or you’ll regret it. Now, bend over.” Jen complied but she couldn’t change her mood and the punishment was joyless, a meaningless ritual. When it was over Jen was dismissed back to her desk without any of the usual post punishment games.

That afternoon Wendy was called away to a board meeting and Jen was left on her own. Again she pondered her fate, trying to decide how to break out of this mess. She couldn’t leave, she was, after all, still a prisoner. She couldn’t really affect her life in any significant way except to make it worse. That was what made the whole situation with Wendy so intolerable; she was totally dependant on the good will of a woman who seemed to want to go out of her way to hurt her. Why was it like this? What had she done? Why did Wendy want to be so cruel? Sure, the imprisonment, the bondage, the punishments, the games, those she could understand. As the days had turned to weeks had turned to months she had become an increasingly willing participant; but what satisfaction could Wendy derive from crushing her spirit like this? What possible motive could she have?

It was seven thirty when Wendy returned from her meeting. In the car on the way home she tried to make conversation but Jen, whilst retaining her subservient role, gave only monosyllabic answers and after a while Wendy gave up. By the time they got to the house both women were in a bad mood and it was a sullen Jen that followed an angry Wendy as she stomped into the house.

“Take this… this… this thing and lock her in her room,” Wendy ordered Juanita. “Maybe some time to think will improve her attitude.”

Something inside Jen snapped.

“THING! rokettube THING! Yeah, that’s all I am to you, a thing. Not just me but all of us, Sharon, Sally, even Fran and Juanita; we’re all just things to you. Your toys, your pawns, your playthings. Who the fuck do you think you are, Miss High-And-Mighty, ordering us around, telling us how to live our lives? You think we’re just things; well, we’re not; we’re people, real people, people with feelings!”

“I do hope you’re not telling me how I should treat my staff?” Wendy asked, her anger clear.

“Staff, you don’t have staff, you have possessions. We’re your grown up Barbie dolls, you bend us, you shape us, you make us jump through hoops and when you’re finished with us you throw us away. Staff are people, people with rights, and you haven’t got the humanity to deal with people.” A sudden inspiration came to Jen. All afternoon she’d been trying to work it out and now she had it. “You’re scared, that’s what it is, you’re too scared to have a proper relationship with a real person.”

“Scared?” Wendy sneered with derision. “I’ve never been scared of anyone in my life.”

“Oh yes you have. You’ve been scared all your life, scared of commitment, scared of love, scared that someone, anyone might break down those walls you’ve built, might find the little girl inside, the little girl that’s so scared of being hurt she’ll do anything to keep people away. You live all alone in your ivory tower, no one comes near; you simply wont let them. That’s why you do it, that’s why you hurt people so much; you’re too scared to let them come close, let them see the real you.”

“How dare you…” Wendy snarled.

“How dare I? How dare I not! You’ve put me in a position where I’ve nothing to lose.” Jen cut across her. “Oh, sure, you won’t believe me, you’ll dismiss me like a stupid little girl and now you’ll make my life a living hell, but you’ve done that anyway. You did that the moment you stopped treating me like a person, the moment you started treating me like a THING!”

“I think you’ve said quite enough, indeed more than enough. Juanita, take her away. I never want to see her again, ever! I’ll send Fran to deal with her later.” Wendy stormed off.

“Bravo, Chiquita,” Juanita whispered as she gave the sobbing Jen a hug. “You are very brave, Chiquita, foolish, perhaps, but very brave. Now come, we must do as she said.”

Juanita led Jen down to her room and closed the door. Still shaking Jen sat on the end of her bed and wondered what was going to happen next. Had she gone too far? Heaven knows she’d pushed her luck to the limit and it wasn’t beyond Wendy’s capabilities to turn her over to Fran; that she would just ‘disappear’. Wendy’s ‘I never want to see her again’ had a huge element of threat and Jen had surely overstepped the mark. Still, there was no going back now, she couldn’t unsay what had been said; all she could do was wait.

It was the next morning that Fran came for her. Jen knew better that to fight, it would only have made things worse. She sat still while she was blindfolded and her wrists bound before being led out, she guessed to the garage. Here she was bundled into the boot of a car; at least she supposed so, she couldn’t really tell but that’s what it felt like. Doors opened and closed, an engine started and they were off.

Jen knew she should be scared; she had no illusions about just how far Fran would go as Wendy’s enforcer; she still remembered how Fran had raped her on that first night oh so long ago. However she was more resigned than scared. As soon as she had taken her stand against Wendy, she had known that this would be the consequence, and it was too late now to do anything about it. She relaxed as far as she could, letting the drone of the car tires lull her to sleep.

After some considerable time she felt the car turn off the main road onto what felt like a rough track. There was a short period of bumping around and then the car pulled up and the engine stopped. She heard Fran get out and come round to the back. The boot was opened and she felt the cool air on her skin. What she wasn’t expecting was to have her blindfold and handcuffs removed. Blinking she looked up to see Fran standing over her.

“Come on, let’s get you inside,” Fran said gruffly.

Jen climbed out of the boot of the car and, shivering in the cold air, picked her way across the yard following Fran to what looked like a farmhouse. A quick look around confirmed that they were in the middle of nowhere, the nearest neighbours must have been at least half a mile away. The rolling countryside was very pretty; from the honey-coloured stone of the buildings Jen guessed that they were in the Cotswolds or somewhere like that.

“Here, put this on.” Once inside the house Fran had handed porno Jen a track suit.

“Why… Fran, what’s going on?” Jen was confused beyond belief.

“Look, my instructions are to deal with you, to make you suffer and then to disappear but, just this once…. Well, maybe the boss isn’t always right. Look, I’m putting my job on the line here and no mistake. Let’s just say I have a feeling about this one and, for the moment, you’ve got a reprieve.”

“Where am I? What am I supposed to do?” Jen asked.

“You ask far too many questions. You’re here and you wait here. Don’t leave the house; don’t even think of running away. If you fuck this one up I’ll make you wish you’d never been born and I’ll enjoy every minute of it. Now, there’s food in the fridge for a couple of days, after that…. Well, we’ll have to see, won’t we?” Without another word Fran tuned and left. As the car disappeared down the track Jen watched it go, wondering what on earth was going on.

For almost a week Jen rattled around in the empty house, waiting, waiting to see what was going to happen. One or twice she wondered if she should run but Fran’s threat kept her back. Furthermore, now that she was not being mistreated she didn’t want to ruin it. Maybe…. Maybe it was better not to think about it. There was enough food in the fridge to keep her going for several days and in between times she found a shelf full of Catherine Cookson books, not her first choice but they helped to pass the time.

On the sixth day a storm blew in, a real autumn special; the rain never stopped and as night drew in it got, if anything, worse. Endless torrents driven by gusts of gale force winds lashed against the house and Jen, glad that she was safely indoors, lit a fire and curled up on the sofa. She was too tired to read so she just stared into the flames, wondering what was happening, where her life was going, how long she had to stay hidden away, waiting.

The only light in the room was coming from the fire and she hadn’t bothered to close the curtains so the approaching light threw stark shadows across the room. Jen got up and looked out of the window; there, picking its way up the track was a car, its full beam headlights cutting through the storm. As it drew up in the farmyard someone, it was too dark to see who, got out, fighting against the wind and the rain as they crossed the yard. Jen went to the door and opened it.

“Jen, I’ve been a real bitch, haven’t I?” Wendy stood in the porch, drenched by rain. “May I come in?”

“Why not? It’s almost certainly your house, Jen replied tartly. Wendy came in and sat on the sofa. Jen went and fetched her a towel and, having handed it to her, remained standing with her arms folded.

“Jen, I miss you. My bed’s too big without you,” Wendy started, once she had towelled her hair.

“You drove all the way out here to tell me that, to tell me that your bed’s too big without me. Is that all I am, someone to fill your bed? Why don’t you get Fran to find you someone, some little tart like Sharon? She’ll fill it for you.” Jen couldn’t keep the bitterness out of her voice.

“Yeah, OK, I deserved that. Please, Jen, it’s not Sharon I want, it’s you.” Jen looked at the bedraggled figure perched on the sofa. Was that rain or tears that ran down her cheeks? Even in the half light she could see that Wendy looked haggard and her body language spoke volumes, far more than her words ever could. Jen sat down next to her.

“It’s all very well wanting. You hurt me, you really hurt me,” Jen said softly.

“I know, I’m sorry, I’m truly sorry,” Wendy replied, “please, Jen, please forgive me.”

“What, until the next time you decide to play God, decide to treat me like dirt, decide to put another little tramp in my place?” Jen wasn’t going to be won over quite that easily.

“Jen, I promise, never again, I was stupid, I was… I was… I was wrong.” Wendy hung her head.

Something in Jen gave way and a wave of emotion she had been holding back washed through her. She reached forward and kissed away the tears from Wendy’s cheek.

“I love you, Jen, I really love you,” Wendy half whispered.

“I love you too,” Jen replied, “but there’s something you’ve got to stop doing.”

“Of course, anything,” Wendy said eagerly.

“Stop calling me Jen, my name is piglet.”

Author’s note:

So we come to the end of the story with Wendy and Jen riding off into the sunset together. The fact that you, the reader, have persevered this far speaks volumes for your forgiveness of this story’s numerous flaws in both logic and execution. I can only say that it would have been much, much worse were it not for the efforts of Estragon who took time out from waiting to teach me the basics of punctuation and hammer my prose into some semblance of competence.

For this, and for attempting to persuade me that my prose has some artistic merit, he has my heartfelt thanks and, you, the reader should share in this gratitude, your enjoyment would have been so much less without him.

Thanks, Estagon, I owe you.

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Fun in the Sun

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You wander down to the pool to catch some sun and relax. You find a chair and get situated. You rummage thru your bag and find that you have no sunscreen.

You look around and notice a woman next to you.

She is staring at you in that way women check other women out way. You smile at each other and you say hello. You ask do you have any sunscreen? I have forgotten mine in the room. She says yes, and hands you the tube.

You start to apply it and realize you have no way to apply it to your back. You look over to the woman. She is watching you again.

You check her out for the first time. She is wearing a dark blue bikini. She is a blonde. She has sparkling green eyes. Her body is smooth and tan. She has a good body. She has big boobs for her frame. A set of tight long legs. A little of a tummy but it just accentuates her womanly features. A beautiful woman by any standards. Her name is Candice. Candy for short.

You ask her can you help me out? She practically leaps out of the lounge chair to help you. You find that a little weird but you don’t mind. You notice the look in her eyes. A look that reads as want. A desirous look.

She takes the tube from you and you lay on your belly. She takes the cream and starts to rub into your back and shoulders. She kneads the sunscreen into your skin. She has strong hands. She starts to rub the cream into your calves. She runs her hands up to your thighs. You start to get a little turned on from her. She rubs the sunscreen on your thighs and runs her hands to inner thigh. This instantly gets your clit throbbing. She continues to rub your thighs. You let out a little moan.

She finishes up and grazes your pussy. You quiver. She notices. She says well your all done you can flip over now and I’ll get the front where you missed.

You flip over and she applies it to your front shoulders and down you the top of your boobs. She is very türkçe altyazılı porno close to you. You smell her, she is scented like lilacs. She is so close the thought of kissing her is all you can think. She is leaned over you and you notice her ample breasts and you want to touch them. She works her way down to your legs and spreads the cream on your legs even though you did the yourself. She slips a hand inside your thigh again and rubs your pussy a she runs in the sunscreen. This one is a little more pronounced and longer.

You shudder a little. You are wet now. She is doing this on purpose and you don’t mind at all. She finished the rest of your legs and feet. She walks over to her chair and pulls it close to yours. She says we might as well get to know each other and catch rays. You were going to do this anyway. You wave the waiter over and make a drink order.

You and Candy spend the morning chatting and drinking. You ae both checking each other out on the sly. After a couple hours and a few drinks, Candy says to you. “You are looking a little burnt, I have some wonderful Aloe Cream in my room. Let’s get out of the sun and We’ll put that on and comeback out later.” You agree. You practically leap out of your chair. You follow her to the room.

You are so worked up. You can only think about kissing her and touching her smooth body. She opens the door and go through. You have your back turned to her as the door closes, you feel her hand on your shoulder and she spins you around and kisses you. You head is spinning; her lips are so soft and your hands are touching her golden skin. She is so soft and warm. She is walking to the bed as you kiss and caress each other.

She pushes onto the bed and she crawls on top of you, your bodies are intertwined and she is running her hands over your body.

She kisses your neck; she bites you at the nape xnxx and you moan. She works her way to you breasts and she removes your bikini top. She takes you left nipple into he mouths and sucks hard. She twirls her tongue around it and bites down and pulls her teeth along it. As she does this she has your other nipple in between thumb and pointer finger is slowly and firmly tweaks it. You gasp in pleasure and pain.

She kisses down your belly and pulls your shorts down, you’re completely naked and she raises up and looks you over. You see the lust in her eyes. You roll her to her back.

You kiss her deeply and untie her bikini top. You kiss her and fondle her big breasts. You kiss down to her left breast and suck on her nipple. You kiss down her belly and pull her bottoms off. You crawl back up and kiss each other and you let your hands wander over your naked bodies.

Your hand reaches down to her love; you feel its silkiness and heat. You slide two fingers into her and she moans. You search around for her spot; she tells when you have it. You are stroking her spot as you kiss down her body to her clit. You swirl your tongue around it and lick it. She is wet and she is writhing with pleasure as you bite her clit and finger her. She is panting and breathing heavy. You flip your fingers and push down on her lower wall. She screams and flip it back to hit the spot. She is clamping down on you and she shudders in an orgasm. You climb up and kiss her fully on the mouth. You swirl your tongue around hers and she shifts he weigh to flip you to your back.

She hops up and says stay right there. I have something special for you.

You reach down and play with your clit as she disappears around the corner. You are rubbing your clit and slide a single finger into your heat as you wait.

She turns the corner and you see, she has put on a harness and a strap on. A realistic looking porno izle dildo. It is thick and about 8 inches long. You giggle a little. Candy asks if you have ever been fucked by a strap-on. You nod no but you are turned on.

She is at the foot of the bed and is stroking that cock as you play with yourself.

She crawls up to kiss your clit. She kisses and licks it. She traces her tongue around your pussy. She slides two fingers into you and finds your spot. You moan and arch back. She works you into a frenzy quickly. She has talented hands. She crawls in between your legs and remove her hands. She spreads you with her knees. She leans down and kisses you. She rubs the cock against your clit. She has the dildo between your lips. You shiver a little. She slides her cock inside of you. Your filled up. It hits all the sides. You rock your hips side to side. She circles her hips as you try to synch up. She holds the cock there. You are tingling already. You stop and she starts to thrust in and out. It is wonderful, it is rubbing all sides and the sensation is so overwhelming. She picks up the pace. Candy drives the dick into you and you are moaning. You are getting close. Candy leans down and kisses you. She raises up and withdraws the cock. She demands that you flip over and get on all fours. You comply.

You are on all fours and she slide the dildo in your drenched pussy. She holds it there. She circles her hips one way then the other. She slowly starts to thrust in and out. She picks up speed and you are meeting her. You two are in rhythm. She reaches up and yanks your hair. You moan loudly. She is hammering you. You are clamping down on the dildo. You are close. She grabs your hips and hammers away. You explode ion a shuddering orgasm. You scream out. Candy leans down and whispers in your ear, “Fucking cum, Ang”.

You are spasm hard and the pleasure is throughout your whole body.

You both collapse onto the bed. Both drenched in sweat and each other’s desire. You kiss and hold each other. Candy demands that you clean up her cock. You suck and lick your desire off the dildo. You return to kiss her and you roll to your back and lay next to each other.


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Girls of Alpha Beta Delta Ch. 20

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Kristin and Jenny woke up late the next morning, feeling a bit the worse for wear. Kristin especially was moving very slowly, cursing herself under her breath; she knew better than to drink so much, or to mix her drinks the way she had, but it had seemed like a good idea at the time.

They dressed and made their way gingerly to the kitchen, where Elena poured them coffee and sat them down while she made Spanish omelets. Before long they were feeling considerably better, and Kristin was able to enjoy the sight of Elena’s wiggling butt as she sang in Spanish while washing dishes. Kristin smiled to herself remembering the many orgasms that Elena had brought her the night before.

Jenny still had bits of wax on her here and there, so she and Kristin took a long, hot shower together before going in search of their hostess. They found Janet and Sophie in bikinis, soaking up sun on the lawn behind the house. Spotting a bocce ball court, Kristin suggested a game, so the four of them played bocce, then moved on to croquet.

Sophie brought up the idea of playing strip croquet, pointing out that Kristin and Jenny had the advantage because they were wearing more items of clothing. She and Janet were much better at the game, though, and before long Jenny and Kristin were down to just their panties. Sophie was lining up her next shot, smirking confidently, when they heard the sound of an engine approaching the house.

“Our other guests must be here,” said Janet, setting her mallet down and walking away. Kristin and Jenny put their clothes back on, suddenly disappointed that the game was over, then followed Sophie around to the front of the house. Janet was standing next to a long, beautiful silver Jaguar with tinted windows. A moment later the doors opened and two women stepped out of the car. The driver was a slim, smallish beauty with flowing black hair, and the passenger hd porno was a tall, athletic blonde with a slightly butch haircut.

As they got closer, they began to look familiar to Kristin. A moment later she was pretty sure she knew who they were. The brunette was an actress and the blonde was a highly ranked tennis player, and both had long been rumored to be lesbians. Beckoning them closer, Janet introduced the driver as Juliet and her companion as Diana. Standing next to each other, Kristin and Diana looked almost like sisters, though Diana was slightly taller and her physique was more muscular.

They had snacks and iced tea on the patio, after which Diana proposed a game of volleyball. She and Juliet excused themselves to change into bikinis, which led Janet to suggest that Kristin and Jenny do so as well. Kristin responded that unfortunately they had forgotten to bring swimwear. “That’s no problem,” said Janet. “Sophie, why don’t you take them to the lingerie room?”

Sophie led them to a walk-in closet twice the size of Kristin’s room at ABD, which was stocked like three Victoria’s Secrets, stuffed to the gills with underwear and swimwear of every description. Kristin and Jenny stripped and Sophie began to pick out bikinis for them to try on. She helped Jenny into a pink one that turned out to be too big, taking the opportunity to cup Jenny’s breasts as she slipped on the top. When Sophie ran a hand through Jenny’s pubic hair and between her legs, Jenny flushed red, suddenly feeling shy – though at one point the night before she and Sophie had 69ed as Janet moved her strap-on back and forth between Sophie’s pussy and Jenny’s mouth.

The whole process ended up taking them almost an hour, and when they finally emerged Jenny’s bikini was turquoise and Kristin’s a beige almost the same color as her skin. Teams for the volleyball game were Kristin, sex izle Jenny, and Sophie against Janet, Juliet, and Diana. The game was close but in the end Diana’s athleticism was just too much and her team prevailed. No one cared too much about winning or losing anyway; it was enough to jump around in this beautiful setting with these beautiful women, watching everyone’s breasts and bottoms bounce up and down and around.

After the game they started in on margaritas, with Kristin resolving to pace herself and whispering in Jenny’s ear to do the same. Juliet suggested a rematch and the others were game, so they returned to the volleyball court with a slight buzz on. Sophie was the first to remove her top, and soon a full-on topless volleyball match was in progress, a sight that would have stopped the hearts of half the men on the planet.

This game was tied at match point, and Diana, perhaps distracted by all the flesh on display around her, missed an easy shot that would have won it. Kristin suggested a tiebreaker, and Janet responded that they should make it interesting.

“What did you have in mind?” asked Kristin.

“Hmm, let’s see…” Janet answered. “How about the losers give the winners massages?”

Everyone agreed to the bet, and despite Jenny, Kristin, and Sophie’s best efforts, Janet’s team ran away with the third game. So after refreshing themselves with cold beverages, they gathered in the exercise room, where three massage tables had been set up and a table set out with the necessary oils and lotions. After putting on some soothing music, Janet stripped naked and stretched out face-down on one of the tables; Juliet and Diana followed suit. Diana was given first pick of masseuse, and chose Kristin; Juliet selected Sophie; and so Janet ended up with Jenny, which of course was what she’d wanted in the first place. Somehow or other, altyazılı porn Janet Lee always got what she wanted.

Jenny expressed ignorance of how to give a massage, so Sophie said “Just watch me and do as I do.” After that it was quiet in the room for a half-hour or so, except for the occasional soft moan, as the younger women spread oil on the older women and rubbed them from head to toe.

Following Sophie’s lead, Jenny started on Janet’s shoulders, worked down her back, across her butt, and down her legs to her feet. Janet responded intensely to having her feet massaged, curling her toes and letting out little whimpers of pleasure. Next Jenny saw that Sophie was moving back up Juliet’s legs, gently spreading them as she went. Sophie ran her thumbs up Juliet’s inner thighs, and Jenny could now clearly see the actress’s puckered, black-fringed pussy. Jenny followed suit, watching intently as Sophie gently slid an index finger inside Juliet and began to rub Juliet’s clit with her thumb.

Jenny looked over at Kristin, who had three fingers inside Diana and was working furiously as the tennis player thrust her hips back for maximum friction. Jenny began to diligently finger-fuck Janet, and the moans of the three older women grew to a crescendo and then tapered off as they climaxed almost simultaneously. After that they lay there on the tables with their eyes closed, breathing heavily.

Stepping back from their tables, Jenny and Kristin looked over at Sophie, who was gesturing to them with a devilish look on her face. In her hands she had a pair of handcuffs and a strap-on for each of them. In their current state the older women were completely vulnerable; it was not hard to cuff their hands behind their backs, and they did not resist when the younger girls penetrated them. Even Janet, who was quite accustomed to being the one doing the fucking, surrendered willingly to the moment, urging Jenny to pound her harder. All three came again, much more loudly this time, and sprawled out looking sweaty and spent as Kristin, Jenny, and Sophie grinned at each other like mischievous schoolgirls.

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Ginger Ch. 03

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The morning after my threesome with my love Kelly and our friend Mandy, we all lay there entangled in eachothers arms.

*Bang Bang Bang* “Girlllssss!”

The sound of Pop knocking on the door with his heavy hand and his yelling for us woke me up, quickly. Neither Kelly nor Mandy even budged. I shook the both of them and they sort of just groaned and rolled over.

*Bang Bang Bang* “Girls get up, breakfast is on it’s way!” pop yelled again.

“Uhhh we’re getting up now Pop!” I yelled.

My yelling right near their ears startled them and they jumped awake. I looked at Kelly and she had that “after sex” sly grin on her face and rubbed my thigh. Then I looked to my other side at Mandy. While she jumped awake she gasped,

“What happened!?” she was out of it for a few seconds.

I laughed as she came back down to earth with her sly grin as well.

We were all still naked, and for all they knew Pop was still downstairs minding his business. I snapped out of their cuteness and said,

“Guys we gotta get up, Pop keeps banging on the door saying breakfast is on the way, c’mon!”

Kelly hopped out of the bed first and fast grabbing at anything she could to get dressed and clean up. Her nipples were erect and boobs perky and swaying as she hurried. God I wanted them, but I knew we had to go downstairs. Mandy and I followed, throwing on some of Kelly’s random sweatpants and tshirts. Her room was hot and smelled like sex, but as much as I loved it I still had to open her windows and let it air out. Us being in Kelly’s clothes from her closet, our clothes from the night before were thrown across the room, along with the strap on, it’s box, and a pack of opened condoms. There were no guys there, but Kelly’s kinky mind thought of buying Trojans deep ribbed condoms to put on the strap on to give me more pleasure. The box was open and thrown on the floor, but for some reason we didn’t use one the night before. ‘Next time’ I thought.

We cleaned up (stuffing things under the bed) then ran down to the kitchen.

“Hey pop” Kelly said and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Goodmorning Mr. Goldenburg” Mandy said with her sweet voice.

“Morning!” I said last and kinda patted his shoulder with a smile.

“Hey girls, I ordered us some breakfast from the diner a couple blocks away” Pop stood up motioning through the bags of food. “This one has pancakes, this one is full of sausage and bacon, there’s two big bowls of scrambled eggs, one with cheese one without, there’s 5 bagels here, and butter, cream cheese, orange juice and apple juice are in the fridge. I’m having coffee!”

“Well gosh, we can’t eat all this!” Kelly said.

“Speak for yourself!!” I exclaimed, and me and Mandy grabbed a plate and made our way down the ‘buffet’.

We all laughed, got what we wanted, then went to the dining room. The table was small, 4 chairs, considering only Kelly and her father lived there. The three of us sat down while pop told us that he was just going to have a bagel and his coffee to go. He had to go to an early Saturday meeting for his job. We said our goodbyes and were left alone.

There was an awkward silence at first, but then I burst out laughing. I’ve always laughed in dead silence.

“Hahaha what are you laughin at babe?” asked Kelly.

“I don’t know, it was just so quiet!!” I said between giggles. I heard Mandy chuckling too. My laughing died down enough for me to start talking.

“So…” looking at Mandy.

“So what?” she said.

I looked at Kelly then back and Mandy.

“Soooo how was it… Last night”

“Duhh!” Kelly added.

Mandy blushed and grinned and looked down shyly. She shrugged

“I don’t know..” and played with her food.

We both laughed at her being so shy about it.

“Stopp!” she giggled and threw part of her unspread bagel at us.

“Did you like it? C’mon we need to know!” Kelly urged.

“I mean like… yeah.. I guess” Mandy answered then stuffed her mouth with some food trying to brush away what she just said.

“Yay! That was our first threesome right Kells!?”

“Yup! And we’re glad it was with our best friend”

Mandy swallowed her food.

“This isn’t gonna be weird from now on is it?”

Kelly shook her head no. I said,

“Not unless one of us makes it weird, I know I’m not gonna.”

We all agreed to being just best friends again that just had one big bang one night.

Mandy left a little later that day and I stayed the rest of the weekend.


Monday morning I rolled out of my own bed… literally. It took awhile being that my bed was so big and I was so small. I was half sleep and didn’t bother to stop myself from rolling off. As my body made a thump to the floor I couldn’t help but laugh at myself.

“Ughh stupid floor!” I laughed some more. Well that woke me up, then I went to take a shower. After the shower I opened the window to feel the temperature. It was already about 70 degrees outside and the sun was shining, so I dressed appropriately.

I porno indir put on a white cami and a white see through button up. I buttoned the bottom few buttons then slid my high waisted denim shorts over it, then of course… Sperrys! This pair were mainly white and lacey, but had dark blue tracing the bottom. I pulled my hair to the side and put in a fishtail braid, slid a dark blue beanie on, duh… ready to go!

Homeroom time! I walked in only to see three guys sitting around Kelly and Mandy. Josh, Blake, and a kid I knew since elementary, Shawn. I walked over slowly.

“Hey.. what’s up?” I said wondering what was going on.

“Oh hey babe!” Kelly went on. “Move.” she said to Blake who was right next to her. “Sit” I did. “We were talking about prom. Well our stupid ass school won’t let you go as dates if you’re the same sex, and we just found that out. Blake and Shawn didn’t have dates and you know Josh is going with Mandy, so we figured that since we were all going on our little trip together afterwards, maybe Blake could be my pretend date and Shawn can be yours?”

That wasn’t really my cup of tea, but I agreed anyway. They were nice guys that I loved hanging out with, so why not? We were gonna be together all weekend anyway. A couple of months ago we all chipped in our final amount to pay for a party bus to take us to and pick us up from prom and take us to New York. We would stay there for the night, explore for a bit, then have the bus take us to LBI on Saturday afternoon and leave there Sunday night.

Just us young, crazy, probably drunk teens on a prom weekend away from home. What could go wrong right? At LBI we would be staying at my beach house that my parents bought a few years back. It was a big house, I’ve always wanted to live there and never leave. Prom was only a week away, so we had a lot of rearranging to do with our dresses and tuxedos in little time.

Both mine and Kelly’s dresses were the same exact design. My dress was white with a baby blue band going around my waist to tie in the back. Kelly’s dress was baby blue with a white band tying in the back. Her 4 inch heels white, my 4 inch heels baby blue. Trust me, it wasn’t as tacky as it sounds. We took charge of Blake and Shawn’s tuxes.

“Shawn if you’re taking me to prom, you gotta look the best.” I said.

“What do you mean? I always look good girl!” he’s so cocky.

Shawn is also a ginger. But his hair never looked tame. He would have a Justin Bieber swoosh, but he never kept up with it, so it was wild. He’d be totally cute if he just cut his hair.

“Shawnie.. hun, can you do me a huge favor? For prom?” I tried being as sweet as possible.

“Ummmmmmm depends…” he said suspecting.

“Can you please please please just cut your hair just for prom!!?”

“Uh uh, no!!” he exclaimed.

“Aww c’mon please… for me..” I gave him the puppy dog face and he caved. I knew he would since he liked me since freshman year.

“Uhhh whatever Bridge, fine.”

“Yay!” I exclaimed and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I jumped out of my seat, grabbed his hand, told Kelly and Blake we’ll be back, and scurried out the door. He was hard to pull because he was about 6’4 and really muscular. He was the schools star quarterback. You think he’d have a date.

I took Shawn to the best salon in town. That hair had to come off. About an hour and a half later the chair he was in spun around and I saw the cutest boy ever. If I wasn’t happily in a relationship, I’d be all over Shawn. But shh, don’t tell Kelly!

By the end of all the rearranging of outfits and everything, Blake and Kelly looked like a match made in heaven, and Shawn and I weren’t so bad ourselves. But fuck the match made in heaven thing, Kelly’s sexy ass was mine.


Prom rolled around, and we were all so excited. Everybody came to my house to take pictures before we’d leave. Mandy and Josh showed up with both of their parents, Blakes parents came with him Kelly and her dad, and Shawn drove here with his parents. It was like a mad house. There were so many people at my house taking pictures of us. My mom cried, she’s such a cry baby. And my little sister was loving being around a bunch of people.

The party bus pulled up which signaled it was time to go. We took one last group picture then loaded our bags for the weekend onto the bus, got in, and pulled off.

Pulling up, people couldn’t help but stare.

After we ate dinner, it was time to party our asses off! The teachers that were there got drunk and were acting like part of the crowd.

I made my way to Kelly in the middle of the dance floor. I pulled her close and grabbed her ass. We swayed with the music, our foreheads resting on eachother. Her mouth right infront of mine, I couldn’t resist. I gave her a peck then broke away from it. She smiled. Then I stuck my tongue out and licked her lips. I moved my arms up around her neck and she grabbed my ass. Her mouth grabbed my tongue, sucked on it a bit and we started making out. She lifted rokettube my dress in the front a little, then grinded her thigh into my pussy. I gasped at the feeling and kissed her harder.

Since we were already swaying with the music, I changed a little to thrust into her thigh. It felt so good and I needed her. I broke the kiss moving my head toward her neck.

“You’re so wet baby” Kelly whispered in my ear.

I smiled and opened my eyes. I saw we had an audience.

“WOOO take her dress off!” I heard some random kid yell.

Kelly and I both laughed then separated.

“Not here!” Kelly yelled back.

I gave her a light slap on her arm and chuckled.

The teachers were so out of it. The rest of the night we danced together, and shifted to Blake and Shawn, then back to eachother, then to other people.

The last few minutes winded down and we were ready to head to New York. Our group stood at the entrance waiting for the bus to pull up. It was windy outside and I didn’t have a jacket. I pulled Kelly in to cuddle with while we waited. Shawn saw that and offered me his jacket.

“Aw thanks Shawn, you’re such a gentleman.” I said as he put the jacket over my shoulders. He smiled at me and walked over to Blake Josh and Mandy sitting on the wall.

We sat on the wall on the other side of the entrance. Everybody gave us our space because they knew we were a couple. Kelly started talking and I cut her off with a kiss. It wasn’t anything important anyway. Shawn’s jacket was huge compared to us, so we both could fit in it. We were making out in the jacket of the kid that had a crush on me for years. We got so into it, I basically deep throated her with my tongue. She grabbed my tit furthest from her and I grabbed the side of her face pulling her in more. I wanted her badly.

“Oh my god, GUYS!” I heard Mandy’s voice.

Our kiss broke.

“I’ve been calling you for like 3 minutes straight, save it for the hotel! The bus is here.” Mandy understood though.

By the time we got to the city it was around 3AM. We checked in our beautiful hotel. We got one room, but it was two floors. Yeah almost all our money went to this. There were three rooms. One for Mandy and Josh since they were becoming an item, one for Kelly and I, and the other for Blake and Shawn. They were best friends, they shouldn’t feel weird sharing a bed for a night.

“Wait Shawn!” I yelled as he went upstairs. “Maybe you and Blake should take our room, there’s two beds and yours only has one.”

“Oh yeah thanks you’re a life saver!” he yelled down. “Dude get your ass outta the bed, we’re switching rooms” I heard a thump like he threw something at Blake. “Wake up whorebag, we’re going to Kelly and Bridget’s room.”

“Ohhh shit, hell yeah” Blake said.

“Not like that, we’re switching rooms, they have two beds and I’m not sharing with your ugly ass” Shawn laughed. Blake came out of the room and they jocked around like only guys could.

We each grabbed our things and switched.

“Hey loser faces, parties not over!” Josh screamed.

Mandy bombarded our room only finding Kelly straddled on me. We had clothes on this time… well our bras and panties.

“I know how much you two wanna fuck right now, but this is prom night and we haven’t even drank yet, let’s go!” Mandy exclaimed.

We groaned but got up and walked toward the door.

“Gonna put some clothes on?”

“Nope!” we exclaimed in harmony.

“Strip yours down like us” I said.

Mandy shrugged and did it. The boys were down at the mini bar all in either just shorts or their boxers. No shirts. Shawn looked even hotter, now I can actually see his muscles bare. Three girls no clothes, three guys no clothes. Even more of a risk of a fuck fest.

They whistled and jocked around some more as we came down the stairs. Blake ran over and turned up the stereo as loud as it could go while Shawn and Josh poured 6 shot glasses.

Us girls stopped after 3 shots and the guys decided to keep going. We’re light weights and were drunk already.

Mine and Kelly’s kissing led to Mandy joining. She just stared at us at first then said,

“I want some” and waltzed over. I felt Kelly’s hand move from my hip and she grabbed the back of Mandy’s head and pulled her in. I reached my arm around her. We had our 3-way make out sesh. I felt Mandy’s tongue come out and force it’s way into my mouth. I stuck mine out and our tongues danced around. Kelly felt left out so she darted her tongue out and joined. We weren’t even kissing at that point. All three tongues playing with eachother. Licking and playing around.

“Hey that’s my girl!” Josh drunkenly yelled and walked toward us.

Mandy left the kiss and met Josh halfway. I heard Shawn and Blake play fighting, then something shatter. We were all drunk and found it funny. I saw Josh and Mandy feeling up one another and starting to make out. The boys continued and so did we. They were the only lonely ones so they pretended to have a bromance. porno

“Hey you wanna come to my room Blake!?”

“No. You gotta buy me a drink first then you can feel me up.”

They’re hilarious.

“Take her bra off Kells!” Shawn yelled.

“Ughh you’re such a douche.” said Blake still in character.

Kelly did as he said and unhooked my bra. I moved my arms to let it fall. Then she tugged my panties off, and I did the same to her. We started to do the same thing as we did on the dance floor at prom. I drove my pussy into her thigh. I was riding it hard. I felt my juices on her leg, I was sliding around her thigh. We were giving the boys the best show of their lives.

“You’re so ready baby.” Kelly whispered.

“You do this to me” I groaned.

She made her way kissing down my neck to my chest. Wasting no time, she sucked on my nipple. Her hand played with my other. My nips were so hard, finally getting the attention I wanted all day.

She started walking forward causing me to go backward. I fell onto the couch and she switched tits.

“Ohhhh yeah, unh” I moaned and ran my finger through her hair.

Finally I felt her leave my tits, trailing kisses and licks down my torso, sticking her tongue in my belly button as usual, then she spread my legs. She was on her knees on the floor infront of me. She skipped my vagina and went to my thighs. Kisses went up and down each leg. She’s too much of a tease. I wanted her all day.

She gave her last kiss on my upper thigh, then a kiss on my pussy lips. They were parted due to my swollen aching clit.

She slid two fingers in to my cunt and I moaned in pleasure. I tried pushing her face closer to my pussy but she just resisted and finger fucked me harder. She kept fucking faster and harder then slid in another finger. I started meeting each thrust, forcing my hips up, cringing in ecstasy. I could hear my wetness being swished around. Pretty soon she felt I was stretched enough and added her last two fingers and clutched them.

Kelly started fisting me. That was my first time and I was scared at first.

“Uhh no…” I tried to say, but that faded off rather quickly. It felt really good.

She bent her head down and sucked on my clit, not letting up on her fisting. It felt way better than some guys cock. She licked and sucked circles around it. She bit my clit and pounded into my cunt and I came, no warning.

“OHHHHH FUCKKKKKK!” I moaned. “Oh my fucking God, shit… damn!!”

Kelly pulled out with a sorta popping noise. I came all over her hand and face. I pulled her up to my face and I could instantly smell my musky and fruity aroma. I licked what I could off of her face and kissed her passionately. She broke the kiss filled with my creamy cum, and brought her hand up to my mouth. I took it into my mouth willingly licking and sucking cum off that too.

I peered through my almost closed eyes over at Josh and Mandy. They were both naked an Mandy was on her hands and knees. Josh was on one knee behind her and his other leg was supporting him. They were fucking doggy style. It was so hot.

He was giving her the hardest bangs of her life while he twirled her hair in one hand and yanked it back. She screamed out so loud, her eyes closed, biting her bottom lip.

Josh slowed down, then stopped.

“Train?” he asked.

“Mmmhm” was all Mandy could get out.

Josh pulled out and stood up. Mandy grabbed for his arm, and he helped her up.

“Bro, come here, she wants a train” Josh said to Blake.

Blake happily stripped his boxers off and put on a condom and went over to them. Josh gave Mandy a kiss on the lips and turned her to face him.

“You got the back son” he said to Blake.

They waited no time and dove in Mandy. Blake threw his head back. He probably hasn’t been laid in forever.

Mandy was such a lucky girl. She had two hot guys fucking her at the same time. Both of their cocks were at least 7 inches.

By then, the room wreaked of sex. And just as I was about to go down on Kelly I whispered to her,

“Do you think Shawn should join us? He’s the only lonely one now”

“Well I don’t know, he likes you”

“Yeah but I mean like, look at him, we’re all drunk anyway”

“I guess it couldn’t hurt” she said.

I turned to Shawn and smiled. He smiled back really big.

“You wanna help out?” he was so cute. “C’mon, take off your shorts” I urged.

I flipped Kelly on her stomach to get her asshole.

I gave her few licks then darted my tongue in her hole. I used my hand to finger her pussy, and got as far as 3. Her body shook and her ass pressed up against my face.

“OHHHH baby, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna fucking cum!!” she moaned.

With that I pinched her clit and she came for me. I didn’t stop though.

Finally Shawn made his way over and I told him to do whatever he wants. He started doing the same exact thing to me as I was doing to Kells. I ate and finger fucked her to 3 more orgasms. Shawn, being that he was a guy and I was used to a females touch, his hands & mouth were bigger and stronger. It felt amazing, because I just wanted a hard fucking that night. My orgasm came very quick. He gave me one more orgasm and I tried to do the same to Kelly, but she groaned out,

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Dave and Leroy Ch. 09

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Chapter 9 – Depression, Disappearance and Rekindling

Dave laid behind Leroy and snuggled up to him. “I love you Leroy.” He could feel Leroy tense, Dave knew Leroy was retreating, plain and simple. He could also tell Leroy was falling deeper and deeper into depression, anything Dave did to help pull him out just cause Leroy to fall even further. It didn’t help the holidays were coming up fast. “Leroy, please look at me.” Leroy slowly turned over, Dave held Leroy’s head so he could look him in the eyes. “Leroy, do you still love me?”

“Yes Dave, I do, I just don’t love myself right now. I’m so tired Dave, I’m tired of just being here, day after day. I can’t stand it anymore.”

“Babe, once we can get a handle on the seizures, than you will be able to do more. The doctors even told you this. Honey, just give it another month. You haven’t had a seizure in a few weeks and hopefully this will all be behind us soon.”

“I know, but I want my old life back and I will never have it.”

“Leroy?” Dave looked at him and held his face in my hands again; Dave wanted him to look at him. “Babe, will you do me a favor, please?”

“What is it, Dave?”

“Come with me to see a counselor, please. He works with couples, I believe we need some help too. This didn’t just change you Babe, it changed us. I love you and I want to help you.”

“Can I think about it?”


That discussion happened earlier in the week, Dave was worried about Leroy, he never knew what he was going to come home to. Leroy was either angry, crying or sleeping, every once in a blue moon he would come home to HIS Leroy, the one he loved so much and missed.

One night Dave came in from work and found Leroy sleeping in one of the spare rooms, which shocked him to find him there. He didn’t say anything, just climbed into bed with him and cuddled up next to him. Leroy woke, “Hi babe.”

“I love you, Leroy.”

“I know Dave, I love you too.”

“Why are you in here Leroy?”

“I just felt like lying down in this room and then I thought about.” Leroy grinned a devilish smile. “We’ve not once in all our years in this house, fucked in this room.”

“Oh no, you don’t.” Dave laughed.


“You try to fix everything with sex, Leroy. I love you, but I would like us to go see a counselor.”

“Why? I’m fine, just a little off that is all.”

“Leroy, you think you are a burden to me, as much as I keep telling you that you aren’t. You keep dropping deeper into depression. I love you, Hon. Please, we’ve been through too much for anything to come between us now. Please will you come to see one with me?”

Leroy looked at Dave for a few minutes, he knew he needed help but he didn’t want to admit it. “I know, I have to find something to do Dave, I feel useless. Dave, it’s killing me just sitting here day after day, losing time when I have a damn seizure, scaring the hell out of everyone that I love, including you. I see how you look at me when I come out of the fuzz of a seizure Dave. I see the torment in your eyes. I hate it, I hate all of it. I want my life back. I wish, I never had the tumor, I hate everything now.” Leroy started crying and Dave held him.

“It’s okay, Babe, it’s okay.” Dave was trying to soothe Leroy. “Leroy, Honey, I’m always here, you can talk to me, share your feelings with me, I know you have been through a lot this year. Are you willing to go with me?”

“I’m not ready to open up to anyone Dave, will you give me some time?”

“Yes, Leroy I will.”

Dave could see an improvement in Leroy, at least he hope he was seeing an improvement. He came home one night from work and Leroy was sitting in the living room waiting for him. “Hey Babe, you are up and waiting for me?”

“I wanted to talk to you Dave, please sit down.” Dave sat down; the look in Leroy eyes which scared him. “Dave, I love you.”

“And I love you, Leroy.”

“Dave, I’m going to be straight to the point, I need to leave for a while. I need to work on myself, I need to find myself, if you will. I’m miserable right now; I hate how I am towards you, towards my family and to myself. Please, will you let me go for a while?”

“Where will you go?”

“I don’t know, just please let me.”

Dave sat stunned for a few minutes not thinking that Leroy would really leave, just thinking he need some knowledge or something that he could. Hoping Leroy just felt trapped and this was how he was dealing with it. “Okay Leroy, I don’t like it, but I love you and I know you need to do this.”

“Thank you.”

What Dave didn’t know is Leroy had a bag already packed and was leaving that night. They headed off to the bedroom and laid together to sleep, but sleep didn’t come to Leroy. Leroy hugged and kissed Dave as he got out of the bed; Dave rolled over in his sleep and but didn’t wake. Leroy left the house on foot to the train station; he didn’t know where he was heading but needed to leave.

Dave woke the next morning to a note on his bedside türkçe altyazılı porno table with Leroy ring sitting on top.

‘Dave, I know you love me, and you say that I’m not a burden to you, but I feel like one. I don’t know where I’m going, I’m sorry. If you can forgive me when I come home, please give the ring back, but if you can’t I will understand. I love you. L.’

Dave just sat there in a haze for a while and then he called Aaron. Aaron didn’t know a thing and said he will try to locate Leroy. Leroy’s phone was turned off, but Dave knew he had it with him.

Aaron stopped over almost every day and after a few weeks of everyone in the family calling everyone they and Leroy knew to see if they had seen him, they came up empty.

“Has his bank account showed any activity?” Aaron asked.

“Yeah cash withdraws, but in different city and the ATMs seem to be located in train or bus stations. He seems to be crisscrossing the US, occasionally there would be a motel charge but I’m always too late to catch him there.”

“I’m sorry Dave; I don’t know what is going on in Leroy’s head.”

“He doesn’t have a clue himself, he seems so lost since the tumor.”

Aaron gave Dave a hug and left, they talked or saw one another every day, along with Jeff and Allison. They rest of the family called every few days because they didn’t want to bother Dave too much, since he was already worried about Leroy they didn’t want to add to it.


One afternoon Jeff stop to see Dave unannounced, he walked in and could hear Dave in the bedroom. “Hey Dave, how’s everything going?” Jeff spoke as he rounded the corner of the bedroom, he startled Dave.

Dave swung around, he was holding a pillow in his hands and looked at Jeff, down at the pillow, then back up at Jeff. Jeff noticed Dave eyes were red. “Dave?”

“It’s been…” Dave shook his head. “This is stupid.” He sat down on the bed, and Jeff sat down with him. “It’s only been a little over three weeks and his scent is gone. You know it has never bothered me when Leroy was deployed, somehow I knew Leroy would come back to me. I know he will come back, Jeff, but.” Jeff was just listening to Dave, no one Jeff thought took the time to sit and listen to Dave’s worry. “When… when will I get my Leroy back? What if he has a seizure, or decides he is too much of a burden? I don’t think he is one, I love your brother.” Dave continued to ramble on as Jeff listened.


The weeks went by without a word from Leroy. Finally Aaron called his Aunt Stella out in San Diego, and she confirmed that Leroy had been there a little over a week now. Aaron told her not to tell him he had called. He would fly out in a few days to hopefully bring Leroy home.

Aaron flew out, rented a car and drove to his Aunt Stella’s house. He had informed her he would be in at an early hour, she told him she would be up and the door unlocked for him. True to her word she was sitting in the living room when he arrived, they talked for a few minutes before she told him which room Leroy was in.

He walked down the hall to his closed bedroom door, Aaron opened it and there laid Leroy curled up around a few pillows sleeping. He sat on the bed and watched him for a few minutes before he decided to wake him. He looked at the six foot two man, hugging and wrapped around the pillows, it made him look so small. His hair was grown out a bit more, he had a full beard, and from what information he received from Aunt Stella he was crying a lot, not in front of her of course but she would see how red his eyes were in the mornings. She informed Aaron that he was a broken man and highly she recommends Leroy to see a counselor when he gets him home.

“Leroy.” Aaron called out his name lightly, he stirred a little but didn’t wake. “Leroy.” He said a little louder, he grunted and moved again. “Leroy.” Again a little louder.

“What the hell are you doing here and how did you find me?” Leroy never opened his eyes, didn’t uncurl from the pillows he didn’t move a muscle but to say that one sentence, he was hoping he really hadn’t heard his brother but he could feel him shift on the bed.

“You are a fucking asshole, do you know that Leroy. You left Dave in the middle of the night, he has been beside himself for the past month. If you wanted to torture Dave you have succeed in doing it. Why haven’t you called or anything, Leroy everyone is worried about you.” Leroy finally opened his eyes, Aaron could see they were very red. “Leroy, talk to me, I want to help you, but you can’t run away from us.”

“I’m sorry, Aaron.” Leroy did something unexpected that Aaron never thought he would ever see his big brother do, he wrapped his arms around Aaron midsection and put his head in his lap and cried. Aaron put his hands on Leroy head and back and tried to soothe him, it took a long while before he spoke again. “Do you think Dave will ever forgive me?” He whispered.

“Leroy, Dave loves you, you might be in the guest xnxx room for a while, but he will forgive you. Are you ready to go home?” Leroy nodded his head. “Come on, let’s get you in the shower, our plane leaves in a few hours.”

“You weren’t screwing around, what if I wasn’t ready?” Leroy sniffled.

“Oh you would have gotten on the plane, I was armed with other things to get you on, but I’m glad that I didn’t have to use them. I’m just glad you are ready to come home, Leroy.”

He helped Leroy get up and pushed him toward the bathroom, he looked around the room, he saw Leroy’s bag he never put his clothes in the drawers he just lived out of the bag. He had talked a bit with his Aunt on the phone before he came, she told him that Leroy was hiding in the room. Leroy wasn’t doing anything while he had been there, he would give her money to help out with food. He didn’t drink or leave his room much other than to eat or help out cooking and cleaning.

When Leroy finished his shower he looked at himself in the mirror, he would shave but he didn’t have anything with him to shave, he dried off and went to the room in his towel. “Aaron…” He just looked at the floor and didn’t finished.

“Leroy, we all love you, we are just glad that we found you before Christmas.” He looked at Leroy. “Leroy I didn’t tell Dave, I didn’t want to get his hopes up and not bring you home. He is going to be pissed at first, but he loves you, he asks all the time if I think you would show back up.”

“Aaron I’m not worthy of his love, I walked out on him and didn’t tell him where I was all this time. How long have I been gone?”

“Leroy you don’t even know do you?” Leroy shook his head. “Only a little over month, I didn’t think you would come all the way out to Aunt Stella’s, but I’m glad I finally called her. Come on let’s get you packed and say goodbye.”

Leroy nodded, went to his bag and grabbed out some clothes, dressed, shoved his dirties in, zipped his bag up, looked at Aaron and told him he was ready. They sat in the living room for a bit with their Aunt and had some coffee. They said their goodbyes, Stella told them that she loved them both and pulled Leroy into a hug, told him to take care of himself, to kiss Dave’s feet and do everything he can to win his heart back. Leroy nodded, then Aaron and he were walking out the door and drove to the airport.

The flight home was long, Aaron talked some more with Leroy, telling him that he needs to see someone about his problems that he can’t just run away. Leroy told him he knew but was just so depressed and he hated being so helpless. A few layovers and ten hours later they walk out of their airport and Jeff was waiting. When Jeff saw them walk out of the airport he got out and walked up to Leroy and hugged him, “Missed you, Leroy.” Leroy just nodded and got into the car.

When they made it to Dave and Leroy home, Dave wasn’t there. Aaron and Jeff didn’t know if he was at work or just out. Leroy told them not to call him, either he will be home after midnight or sooner. Jeff told him no and stepped outside to call Dave.

“Hey Jeff.” Dave answered.

“Dave, are you at work or just out?”

“Work, why what’s up?”

“Aaron and I have dropped off a package, we are still at your house.”

“I’m not far away, did you want me to stop by?”

“Yeah, it wouldn’t be a bad idea. See you in a few.” Jeff hung up and walked back into the house.

Dave looked at his partner Terry. “Do you mind if we make a run by my house?” Terry shook his head and they made the turn to head that way.

Leroy was sitting on the couch, he didn’t look around the house, he was looking down at the carpet while his brothers were talking, than Dave and Terry walked in. Dave just stood there for a minute looking at Leroy, Leroy hadn’t looked up to see who entered yet. When he finally looked up, Dave could see that Leroy was on the verge of crying and he walked over and pulled him into a hug.

“I love you Leroy, but you are in the doghouse.” All Leroy could do was nod, the others left the room. “Damn it, will you say something to me.” Dave pulled Leroy away from him and saw the flood of tears coming down his face. “Leroy… Lee.” Dave’s expressions soften. “Leroy, talk to me.”

Leroy kept shaking his head and then he finally could get out, “I’m sorry, Dave.” Dave pulled him back into a hug and kept telling him he loved him. They stood hugging and not talking for a while longer until Terry had to interrupt to tell Dave they had a call and had to leave. Dave told Leroy he would see him in a few hours. Jeff and Aaron ask if Leroy needed them to stay, Leroy told them to go home that he would be okay.

Once everyone left Leroy, he didn’t know what to do with himself, he would sit in the living room, then the family room. He would stand in the kitchen he was nervous to be alone with Dave. He knows Dave will be angry with him, but he also knows that Dave will eventually forgive him, not tonight but one day. He was sitting on porno izle the couch when Dave walked through the door a little after midnight.


“Hi.” Leroy looked up at Dave. “I made the guest bed, I’m sure you don’t want me in our bed.”

“Yes and no. No, because I have missed you so much Leroy that I want you in my arms, but yes I would prefer you in there to punish you. You can’t expect me to forgive you for running out on me so quickly.” Dave sat on the coffee table across from Leroy. “We’ve got a lot to talk about Leroy, and we are going to counseling. You can’t just disappear when you feel like you can’t handle life.”

“Yes, Dave, I’m sorry. I know that I need help.” Leroy was looking at his hands.

Dave stood up pulled something out of this pocket and sat down next to Leroy. He grabbed Leroy’s hand, held it in his, sat there for a minute and then he slipped the ring on Leroy’s finger. When Leroy was alone waiting for Dave he looked for his ring and couldn’t find it, he was hoping that Dave didn’t get so mad and throw it away.

“We said in sickness and in health, until death do we part. We committed ourselves to one another Leroy almost eight years ago now, I love you Leroy.” He pull Leroy into a hug and then pulled him up and they walked towards the bedrooms. “Let’s get some sleep and we will talk in the morning.”

“Where do you want me to sleep?”

“In the spare room Leroy, I love you, but for the time being I think it would be best for us to sleep in separate rooms.” Dave told Leroy while they were standing outside one of the spare rooms; Dave hugged Leroy, then turned and went into their room. Leroy walked into the spare room, undressed and laid down. Sleep didn’t come quickly and he did end up crying himself to sleep again. Dave laid in his room awake for a long time as well and around four that morning looked in on Leroy, he could see from the moonlight that Leroy was asleep and was hugging his pillows tightly.

The next morning Leroy got up after laying sometime in bed awake, he went to the bathroom, stopped and looked in on Dave. He watched Dave, he looked so sweet laying there sleeping. Leroy knew he was stupid, he was miserable the entire time he had been gone, he literally cried himself to sleep every night.

He walked away from the room to the kitchen, made coffee and sat down in the living room on the couch. Dave came strolling out of the room rubbing his eyes, he sat down next to Leroy. “Would you like some coffee?” Dave nodded and Leroy went into the kitchen, brought him back a cup and warmed his up.

They sat in silence for a bit then Dave finally spoke up. “I have to work the next few days, but I’m going to call someone for counseling, please don’t argue with me on this one Leroy.” Leroy just sat there and stared at Dave. “We will go as a couple if you want, but I really think you need individual counseling too. I love you Leroy.”

“I will do anything that you want me to do Dave, I love you too.” Leroy was telling the truth, he didn’t want to lose Dave he didn’t want to be away from Dave any longer.

“Leroy what have you done this past month?”

“I left not knowing where I was going, I didn’t make it out to San Diego until a week ago, and before that I was just aimlessly roaming. I’m sorry Dave, I should have never left, I knew it was a mistake the first night, but I couldn’t bring myself to come home.” Leroy looked down. “I will go to counseling to individual and couples, I have missed you Dave, and I want you in my life. I know I am going to have to earn your trust and love back, I also know it is not going to be an easy road.”

They talked more that morning, Dave called the counselor he had in mind a while back and he had openings for both individual and couples, he sat up the first initial appointments back to back on Friday. They will do the couples consult first and then Leroy will have his individual session.

Over the following days, Dave watched Leroy, not afraid he was going to leave but worried he was thinking too much and was worrying he thought Dave didn’t love him. Dave was also dying inside, he wanted to pull Leroy into a hug and tell him that he has forgiven the moment he saw Leroy the other day, but he wants to show Leroy that he can’t be walked on too. So he hasn’t asked Leroy to come back to their bed yet.

Leroy was still unshaved, every morning when they would get up, Dave could tell that Leroy had been crying. Finally Friday was here and Dave and Leroy were heading to the counselor’s office. When they arrived, of course they had all the normal paperwork to fill out, and then just a short wait until Dr. Frank Watts called them in.

Dr. Watts led them into his office and let them pick where they would like to sit. He wanted to see where they would choose. He had a living room style set up. Three comfortable chairs and a loveseat with a coffee table. He likes to watch to see where his patients sit, if they will sit together or apart. Pretend to love one another and touch or just stay distant. Dave and Leroy automatically went to the loveseat and sat down.

“Dave, Leroy, why have you come to see me today?”

Dave was the first to speak, “I love my partner and I’m afraid that he is going to leave me, because he doesn’t realize how much I love him.”

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Friendship, Wine and Temptation

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Prelude — The “PG-rated” version of this story was posted recently under the title, “A Friend In Need” if you’re interested in comparing it to this one. Spoiler Alert: If you’re a fan of hard-core graphic porn, this R-rated story probably isn’t for you. Comments are appreciated.

With sincerest apologies to Ernest Hemingway fans – it was supposed to be the best day of her life, but it quickly became one of her worst. Jessica was suddenly alone, single and pathetic, just two hours removed from what she THOUGHT was going to be a marriage proposal over dinner. How could she have been so clueless? More than two years invested in a monogamous relationship with Jason – the man of her dreams – and now look at her!

Her “perfect” ex-boyfriend did his best to remove her total lack of self-confidence when they first started dating. What did he see in her, she wondered back then? He was THE catch, the only man who ever really paid attention to her, who saw her for her inner beauty, and he almost had her convinced that she could deserve a man like him. They quickly became inseparable. Not only was he handsome, but he was a kind, patient and considerate partner in bed, and when she finally lowered her inhibitions, she had become a willing student. It took only a moment for the build-up to come crashing down as he ripped the band-aid off before they even set foot in the restaurant.

Now, staring into the mirror in her tiny apartment, she once again saw herself as she really was — a frumpy, nerdy, quirky obsessive-compulsive woman with no social skills and little if any sex appeal. She never fathomed that outsiders saw a very different person. In reality, she possessed physical beauty of which she was totally unaware. A natural brunette, her complexion was just dark enough to have people wondering if she was from Spanish or perhaps Greek bloodlines. Depending on the way the light shone, her hair appeared to have natural auburn and copper shading that many women would die for.

At 5’4, she possessed an athletic, curvy body with full hips rising to a thin waist, accentuated with small but perky breasts. Her best physical attribute was undoubtedly her gorgeous big brown eyes, with her full lips a distant second. Although she never had braces, her teeth were almost perfectly straight and nearly pure white — no doubt one of the few benefits of her prior bouts with OCD.

Despite her appearance, she rarely dressed to impress, preferring old jeans and long-sleeved t-shirts or pullovers to anything more stylish. If she wasn’t in jeans, she was in a seemingly endless rotation of leggings. Her wardrobe consisted of perhaps twenty pair, all identical black Danskins. Today was an exception. Assuming that she was about to become engaged, she decided to skip the leggings or jeans. She agonized over her myriad of choices, finally selecting a navy blue skirt and a floral-print blouse after opting out of a black dress, reasoning that most women in the restaurant would be in something similar.

Now, back home and forgetting her OCD, she incrementally shed her clothing as soon as she entered her apartment, leaving it in a trail to her small bedroom. The skirt was discarded in the tiny living room along with her nylons, while the blouse made it as far as the hallway. The underwire bra was the last to go, and was tossed just outside of her bedroom.

Entering her room, she looked down at her sheer panties, which barely contained a freshly trimmed dark mound. Both the panties and matching bra were rare excessive purchases made just for this special occasion and to cap off what she thought would be a celebratory sexual romp afterward. For a split-second, she considered ripping the panties off and replacing them with her androgynous boy shorts, but – remembering the steep price tag – she decided to spare them, at least for tonight. She pulled her old comfy sweats from the dresser drawer and grabbed her “Time to Wine Down” t-shirt, putting both on before dropping onto her bed in tears.

Sliding under her comforter, she hugged her pillow and curled into the fetal position, closing her eyes but struggling to sleep as her head spun. At thirty-three, she thought she was FINALLY done searching for THE one. Now she couldn’t bear the thought of seeing another man in any capacity. Wiping her mascara-smeared eyes, she heard the faint sound of a text message coming from somewhere under the covers. Ignoring it for a few minutes, curiosity got the best of her, and she fumbled under the comforter for the iPhone.

“Well? When’s the big day?”

Karen, her best friend and co-worker at the diner, was almost more excited than Jess when she learned that tonight may be the night. Her text only served to fuel the tears, and Jess deleted it before sobbing uncontrollably in her pillow.

A few minutes later, she received another text.

“Details, pleeeaaassseeee!”

As she lay on the bed, the phone rang. Prying her left eye opened, she saw that it was Karen once again, this time calling rather than hd porno emailing. Sniffling, she ignored it. Minutes later, another text:

“Jess — Where are you?”

“I’m worried about you — I’ll be right over.”

Oh God, thought Jess, suddenly regretting that she gave Karen an apartment key long ago. Again she buried her head under her pillows, realizing that she wouldn’t have time to compose herself before Karen’s visit, and knowing that there was no way to avoid her.

Pulling herself out of bed, she dragged herself into the bathroom, hurriedly removing what little makeup remained. Her hair was a mess, and rather than wasting time dealing with it, she opted instead for a ponytail. Grabbing a black Nike cap, she pulled her ponytail through it and prepared to look in the mirror.

She wasn’t at all surprised by the hideous creature who looked back at her through swollen red eyes. In sweats with old elastic that was stretched so far that they only stayed up with help from her wide hips, she looked more like someone preparing to stand in line at a soup kitchen than one who — hours before — was floating on cloud nine in the vestibule of a four star restaurant. Wiping her eyes, she heard the loud knock at the door and knew it was going to be a long night.

Slowly moving from the bathroom, she said half-heartedly, “Ok, I’m coming.”

She heard the key in the lock, but opened the door to face Karen.

“Oh my God, what in the world happened to you?”

“Long story, but, but …. ” Jess broke down as she tried to tell her friend.

Karen wrapped her arms around Jess as she whispered, “It’s ok, it’s ok. Let’s get you over to the couch. Deep breaths, ok?”

Jess nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks as Karen led her to the couch and plopped down beside her. Rubbing her back, Karen just sat quietly, knowing already what had taken place and realizing that there was nothing she could say to ease the pain. She now regretted bringing the two-liter bottle of chardonnay that was meant as an engagement celebration, and she hoped that Jess didn’t see the gift bag next to the door.

Despite very different upbringings, Jess and Karen were two peas in a pod, and often were mistaken for sisters. Karen was an inch or two shorter and possibly ten pounds heavier than Jess, but other than that, they were almost mirror images of each other. Personality-wise, Karen was the easygoing one, while Jess tended to obsess over the most trivial things. Although she was by no means a slut, Karen’s sexual history was quite checkered when compared to Jess’s, and she made no apologies for “playing the field.”

Karen often gravitated toward the bad boys, and only by sheer luck managed to survive into her early thirties without unplanned pregnancies or stds. One-night stands were really “no big deal” to her, while the thought of such a thing mortified Jess. Although Karen considered herself to be heterosexual, during weak moments alone, her fantasies sometimes briefly crossed over into other areas, and — she had to admit to herself – the climaxes resulting from those thoughts were usually more intense than her more “vanilla” fantasies. Despite that, she was sure that she would never go “there” in real life. After all, her sexual fantasies were just harmless fun, known only to her, and not to be shared.

One night over a bit too much wine, Karen and Jess compared notes on their sexual past. Karen couldn’t begin to guess how many partners she had (maybe thirtyish?), while Jess embarrassedly admitted to having had only two. Despite these differences, they were the closest of friends, non-judgmental and supportive of each other in good times and bad.

Now, sitting quietly together in Jess’s apartment, Karen did her best to quietly comfort her best friend, offering to make her hot tea, and bringing her favorite blanket. Jess resisted the tea and – against Karen’s better judgment — requested a glass of wine.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea, Jess?”

“I don’t care — it’s not like I’m going to be driving anywhere,” Jess sniffled.

“I guess that’s true. Just one glass though, ok?”

“Yeah, whatever, MOM” Jess commented, with the emphasis on “MOM.”

Ignoring the snarky comment, Karen grabbed plastic cups and poured the wine, handing a cup to Jess as she slid under the warm blanket. After a few minutes of silence and several sips of wine, Karen asked, “Wanna talk about it?”

“No, not really.”

“Ok,” Karen said quietly, sipping more wine.

Reaching for the remote, she clicked on the TV, flipping through the channels for something light to break the mood, and carefully avoiding anything resembling romantic comedies. As she scanned the channels, Jess slowly rose from the couch, set her empty cup on the coffee table and wandered toward the bathroom.

Concerned, Karen kept a close eye on her, noticing the loose waistband of Jess’s sweats, which – with every shaky step – caused the pants to drop even lower. Jess unconsciously pulled sex izle them up as she walked, but not before several inches of her sheer panties and full butt were visible to Karen. Feeling sorry for her friend, she tried to dismiss the scene from her mind, but flashed back for a second to one of her past private fantasies. It’s just the wine, she told herself, again flipping through the channels. In Jess’s absence, Karen blushed as she tried to suppress the thought — no, the desire. Against her better judgement, she refilled her own cup, not bothering to do the same for Jess.

While alone under the blanket, Karen thought back to Jason and the many red flags that appeared early on in the relationship. Of course, Jess was head over heels in love, so Karen’s early subtle warnings went unheeded. Karen spent several sleepless nights earlier in the year, agonizing over an inappropriate advance made by Jason during a small gathering of friends in Karen’s townhouse.

After reluctantly agreeing to a second shot of tequila when the other guests were out of earshot, Jason leaned in and confided, “You know Jess talks about you sometimes when I’m inside her.” Karen just blushed and pushed him away.

She initially blamed it on alcohol and tried to dismiss it, but there were enough touches and flirtatious comments made when Jason was totally sober, that she finally had to threaten him to make him stop. Still, she couldn’t help but occasionally think back to his comment and wondered if there was any truth to it.

His parting comment to her was, “It’s too bad. I bet you would have been a real slut in the sack.”

Now, sitting with a slight buzz and watching her best friend’s pain, she realized that she should have spoken up back then.

Karen settled on an episode of “Friends,” which seemed to perk Jess up a bit when she returned from the bathroom and got back under the blanket next to Karen. Looking down at her empty cup, she sighed and reached out to pour herself another. Both ponytailed friends sat together quietly — two nearly identical bookends on the couch – with the only discernable difference being Karen’s attire – navy leggings and a pullover rather than sweats and t-shirt.

“He’s such a f____’ing dick,” Jess finally muttered.

“Well, he IS a guy, so that goes without saying,” Karen replied quietly, pouring them both more wine.

Watching the episode, Jess said tearfully, “He said we were soulmates. He was my ‘Ross’ and I was his ‘Rachel.’ And I believed him. What a f___ing liar! I swear, I’ll never trust another man again….”

“Well,” Karen said quietly, “Never is a pretty long time. I’m sure there is someone out there for both of us.”

Karen wrapped her arms around her best friend and gave her a lingering hug under the blanket. “It’s ok, it’s ok,” she whispered. They remained like that, huddled together through the episode, until it was Karen’s turn to use the bathroom. Unwrapping herself from her friend, she picked herself up and headed for the room, focused on steadying herself as she realized that she may have had just a little too much wine.

When she returned, Jess was under the comforter, sprawled across the couch on her stomach, as the next episode came on. Looking down, Karen noticed that Jess’s sweatpants were now lying in a bunch on the floor. Hesitating for a second or two, she took a deep breath and squeezed back under the blanket from the far corner of the sofa. She smiled as she said, “Hey, don’t hog the couch,” while bending Jess’s lower legs upward to shift under them before placing them back across her lap. Jess sniffled while watching the episode and Karen did her best to comfort her, gently stroking her friend’s hair with one hand while resting her left hand on Jess’s bare calves under the cover. Jess scooted down a bit to get more comfortable, ending up with her midsection over her friend’s lap. With this movement, Karen did her best to control her breathing as she felt her heart suddenly racing.

“I have to pee again but I really don’t want to get up,” Jess murmured minutes later.

Giving Jess a gentle smack on her butt before squeezing a cheek playfully, Karen prodded her, “Get up before you have an accident on me!”

Reluctantly, Jess rose and clumsily walked to the bathroom, giggling. Relieved at hearing the laughter, Karen tried not to watch her as she staggered through the room. Impulsively, Karen filled both of their cups, emptying the last of the wine as Jess returned. Now in just the sheer panties, fuzzy socks and t-shirt, Karen couldn’t help but admire her friend, hoping Jess didn’t notice her gaze as she drank in the view for a split-second.

Biting her lip, Karen took a sip while Jess dropped back down across her lap, assuming the same position.

Looking up at Karen, Jess said, “No more spanking, ok?”

They both giggled, and Karen feigned a hard slap before resting it gently on Jess’s butt without thinking.

Karen blushed, then went along with the kidding, “No? You didn’t like that?” She altyazılı porn gently rubbed Jess’s full round ass through the panties as she asked, groggy now from the wine.

“Well, I didn’t say THAT!” kidded Jess, squirming slightly against Karen’s leg. They continued to watch TV, and as Karen allowed her hand to rest lightly on Jess’s butt she felt a hint of tingling down below. Thinking better of it, she removed her hand and dropped it to rest on the back of Jess’s knee.

“Awe,” Jess sighed without realizing it. Ignoring her, Karen continued to watch the show.

Jess said quietly, “So, between Ross, Chandler and Joey, which one would you pick?”

“It depends.”

“On what,” Jess asked.

“On whether I want to laugh and be entertained or get fucked,” Karen said, matter-of-factly.

Jess snorted, “You’re so bad!”

“It would definitely be Chandler if I wanted to be entertained, but I think Ross would be an animal in bed,” she continued. “How about you, Jess?”

“I dunno. Joey reminds me too much of Jason, so I would be tempted to castrate him,” she giggled while sniffling. “The way I feel about men right now, if I had to choose it would probably be Rachel.”

Both laughed nervously, followed by an awkward silence, as Karen continued to lightly run her hand along Jess’s bare knee and hamstring.

Jess struggled to turn onto her side, now looking up at Karen. As she did, Karen’s hand naturally shifted to Jess’s warm thigh, where it stayed. “Don’t you think Rachel is pretty?”

“EVERYONE thinks Rachel is pretty,” replied Karen after a long pause, smiling down at her friend.

“I’m so glad you came over. Stay with me tonight?”

Angling herself to give Jess a long hug, Karen said quietly, “Of course I will stay, as long as you want.”

Jess looked into her eyes and Karen was relieved to see a slight smile come across Jess’s tear-stained face as they hugged under the blanket. Face to face, lying on the couch, their bodies were pressed against each other’s. Karen felt a rush of heat, and although she was relieved that her leggings offered a safe barrier between her bare legs and Jess’s, deep down she regretted that she still had them on.

Turning back on her other side, Jess realized that maybe she could get through the pain, as her best friend wrapped her arms around her from behind, comforting her, whispering, “It’s going to be ok.”

In this position, Karen feared that Jess would feel her racing heart, but as she held on tightly to her friend, she heard Jess’s breathing increase as well. On screen, the episode ended, while the Rembrandts sang, “I’ll be there for you… ’cause you’re there for me too.” Hearing that, Karen eased her hold on Jess, knowing that it was wrong to “want” her friend, especially in Jess’ vulnerable state. Despite her surprising physical desire, she needed to be strong for both of them.

As she loosened her hug, Jess’ hand reached to hold Karen’s hand in place. The movement forced Karen’s hand slightly upward, barely grazing Jess’ small breast through the t-shirt. In harmony, both let out a feint moan at the moment of the errant touch. Karen realized that her chest was still pressed lightly against Jess’s back, and although she admittedly loved the feeling, she knew that she couldn’t continue, so she gently, reluctantly eased back.

Against her better judgement, they rested quietly together under the blanket. Minutes later, Karen heard Jess’ breathing drift into a rhythmic pattern and realized that her friend was now asleep. Karen’s right arm remained trapped under her, with Jess’s left hand still gently cupping Karen’s right hand just under Jess’ left breast. As much as she tried to shake it from her mind, Karen agonized over her desire to just cup her friend’s small breast, now that she was so agonizingly close.

Despite that, she struggled to keep control. Her mind conjured up a scene from Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart,” when the narrator/murderer described spending hours inching his way toward his victim, so as not to wake him. Like the narrator, and almost against her own will, Karen’s hand seemed to have a mind of its own as it performed a similar exercise, moving perhaps a millimeter at a time.

At just the moment she was about to finally touch the soft flesh, Jess shifted again in her deep sleep, moving from her right side onto her tummy and unconsciously pressing Karen’s hand tightly against her breast under her. Now Karen had no choice but to enjoy the sensation. Karen suppressed a moan as she felt her friend lovingly. It was hard to describe the touch, which was familiar, yet different from her own breast. She caught her breath as she felt Jess’ nipple begin to stiffen to her touch. Although she was unable to move her hand, she couldn’t remember a more erotic sensation.

She could only hope that Jess wouldn’t remember as her conscience again wrestled with control. She slowly attempted to withdraw her hand from under Jess without waking her. As she did so, her hand grazed Jess’ right breast and she hesitated just enough to cup it before continuing to slide her hand and ultimately her arm from under Jess. Now free, she felt a combination of relief and guilt at having felt up her best friend without her knowing.

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