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Chronological Directory Listing for boy-bands/through-anothers-eyes kızılay escort

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Chronological Directory Listing for boy-bands/d-evolution

SizeDateFilename 9KAug 6 20:31d-evolution-16 ankara rus escort 10KMar 11 22:40d-evolution-15 çankaya escort 11KFeb 18 08:49d-evolution-14 32KNov 3 2000d-evolution-13 ankara escort 27KAug 9 2000d-evolution-12 13KJun 29 2000d-evolution-11 8KMay 18 2000d-evolution-10 18KMay 10 2000d-evolution-8-9 10KApr 29 2000d-evolution-7 31KApr 5 2000d-evolution-6 14KApr 4 2000d-evolution-5 12KApr 2 2000d-evolution-4 6KMar 23 2000d-evolution-3 16KMar 15 2000d-evolution-1-2 Copyright ©1996-2001 Nifty Archive Alliance. All Rights Reserved.

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Subject: What Your Friends Don’t Realize Author’s Note: Hey! This is the first story that I’ve ever posted anywhere. It’s short, sweet (sort of), and contains no sex! (Not this time. Sorry.) It’s really just a little snippet. I hope you all enjoy. Feedback of any kind is welcome at: JoC aol Disclaimer: This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. What Your Friends Don’t Realize Nick was flirting with Howie again. And Howie, although oblivious, was soaking it up. Kevin watched quietly, his hands folded in his lap as Nick collapsed in laughter against Howie. AJ’s joke hadn’t been that funny. They were waiting for their flight to New York. They’d been waiting for about an hour. Luckily management had provided them with a lovely private airport lounge to hide away in. AJ had calmed down, was done making cracks about the overzealous girl in the front row the night before. He and Brian were in deep conversation beside the windows. Howie and Nick were all over one another on the couch. Kevin was watching it all. It had been going on for about a year now. At first Kevin thought that Nick was overcompensating for the loss of Brian. Not that Nick had actually lost Brian. Brian would always be Nick’s best friend, but Nick felt he had been replaced. Nick was a little spoiled. Kevin smiled. All right. Nick was a lot spoiled. And he was used to getting a lot of attention. It was partly their fault. Nick was the baby. Even at 21, he was the baby and they all made concessions for him because of it. If Nick made a mistake, like the time he had been angry about some scheduling that they really had no control over and had handled it by punching Kevin, he was usually forgiven. Kevin had hugged Nick tightly, whispering that it was all right and that they all just needed to calm down, while Howie ran to get an ice pack for Kevin’s cheek. If AJ had done the same thing he would have been in trouble. Everyone would have been mad. The group dynamic screwed up because AJ should have known better. Nick wasn’t expected to know better. Nick was still learning. They knew it was wrong to make ankara rus escort such exceptions for Nick. They knew it when Nick became sullen and bitter for weeks at a time if he didn’t get his way. And Nick cried a lot, although he would never admit to it. Kevin couldn’t even count the number of times that he had consoled a sobbing Nick in some hotel room somewhere. It was like having an overgrown child around. Only Nick wasn’t a child anymore. There were times when that became strikingly obvious. Nick was insanely jealous of Leigh Anne. He came sobbing to Kevin on Brian’s wedding night, sniffling about how he’d been replaced and he was worthless and it all came down to the fact that Nick felt jealous and abandoned. Kevin stroked Nick’s tousled hair, rubbed his back soothingly and tried his best to convince Nick that no one had abandoned him, they all loved him, and he wasn’t worthless. But it was hard to convince Nick of these things. Nick grew up under adoring, yet fickle eyes. He grew up under the scrutiny of hoards of girls, who, although blind to certain things, were all too aware of things that were less important. It hurt Nick to know that fans turned their backs on him instantly as soon as he gained a few pounds, as soon as he had to make a public appearance with his face broken out, as soon as they found out that he didn’t have perfect vision. As soon as they realized Nick wasn’t perfect. Nick, therefore, felt that he had to be perfect and it wounded him deeply when he realized that he couldn’t achieve that perfection. He didn’t understand it when Kevin told him that he loved Nick’s imperfections. And that AJ, Brian, and Howie, They loved his imperfections too. Kevin told Nick all of these things. But Nick felt abandoned and so he sulked for weeks after the wedding. Kevin was almost upset that his own wedding hadn’t affected Nick so much. Then all of a sudden Nick was all over Howie. Howie didn’t seem to mind. He used to think Nick was annoying, and he tried to avoid him. But Howie was past that now and he’d come to genuinely enjoy Nick’s company. Kevin noticed the change in the group as soon as it happened. In the beginning it was subtle. Howie çankaya escort spent more time with Nick than he did with AJ. Brian noticed and seemed upset about it for about a day, then got over it and just tagged along with them once in awhile. AJ didn’t notice or didn’t let on that he did. AJ was too wrapped up in AJ to notice subtle changes. At first they were just friends. But as the months passed they became really close friends. Kevin left numerous messages on Nick’s machine wracking his brain for a reason that Nick was never home. Then he stopped calling Nick’s house all together and started calling Howie’s when he needed to speak with Nick instead. There were only a few occasions that he called Howie’s looking for Nick and Nick wasn’t there. And then Kevin noticed it change again. He watched Nick change from friendly to flirty. Nick had never had much of a concept of personal space. He was all over the other guys all of the time. But there was a difference in his normal every day touching and the way that he had begun touching Howie. Kevin sometimes wondered what it felt like to be touched by Nick. Like that. Howie didn’t act any differently. And Kevin knew when Howie was acting abnormally. He wasn’t very good at hiding emotions and Kevin could read them all like a book. All of Howie’s emotions, but also all of Brian’s, all of AJ’s, all of Nick’s. Kevin had been watching for a long time. Nick wanted Howie. It was painfully obvious. Nick lived at Howie’s. He had an overt preoccupation with Howie’s hair. Kevin could hardly remember a time when Howie’s hair didn’t include a hand or two of Nick Carter’s. When Nick touched Kevin, the touch said “friend” or “brother”. When Nick touched Howie, the touch wasn’t a touch at all but more of a caress and it screamed “love” and “want” and even “need.” Kevin was counting the days until he would have a sobbing crushed Nick in his arms. Howie had to realize sometime. He couldn’t be oblivious forever. And Kevin knew that when Howie did realize, he wouldn’t react well. Howie had an intense fear of being seen in an unfavorable light, and had long ago started to overcompensate for what the public thought were his ankara escort biggest flaws. As a result Howie developed an intense obsession with the nonexistent flab on his stomach and tried to act ridiculously straight. It didn’t usually work. Kevin was almost looking forward to it, because he didn’t want to admit it, but he missed Nick. He’s been seeing less and less of him every day. Not that he wanted Nick hurt. But he wanted to feel needed. He wanted Nick’s touch to scream “need” for him. He wanted someone to depend on him again. And most of all Kevin wanted Nick in his arms. He wanted to soothe Nick, big and comfortable and golden, and Kevin would make everything better and then they would fall asleep, Nick’s chin pressed into the crook of Kevin’s neck, his eyes closes, long full lashes splayed across ivory cheeks. Kevin had long ago stopped denying to himself that he had feelings for Nick. At first he felt dirty. A pedophile. But Nick wasn’t a child anymore. More and more often that fact became painfully clear. Like now, when Nick was lying with his head in Howie’s lap, sprawled out across the couch, looking up at Howie with large blue eyes that plainly said, “I adore you. Notice me.” His hand was running through Howie’s hair, almost petting Howie. Kevin felt a stab of jealousy and an absence in his own lap. He pretended that it was because he missed Kristin. And he didn’t have to pretend hard. He did miss her. But at that moment he missed Nick. He wanted Nick. Brian and AJ were playing cards, waiting for someone to come into the private lounge and tell them that it was time to board. Kevin watched it all, pretending to pay equal attention to all of his boys. But his eyes always strayed back to Nick and Howie. And then Howie was looking around nervously. Kevin glanced away quickly. Kevin fidgeted in his seat, eager not to meet Howie’s gaze, but his eyes were soon drawn back to his friends, and Howie wasn’t looking around anymore. Howie was leaning over, leaning over Nick. Nick’s hands were still buried in Howie’s hair, and Nick was making a small needy noise. Kevin had never heard Nick make a sound like that before. He didn’t think he had ever heard such a sound from anyone. He wanted to hear it again. He wanted to hear that for him. But he wouldn’t. Because Howie was kissing Nick. He was kissing Nick tentatively, thoroughly, and beautifully. So beautifully. It was then that Kevin realized that he had been mistaken. Howie wasn’t oblivious at all.

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Chronological Directory Listing for boy-bands/whip-lash eryaman escort etimesgut escort ankara escort

SizeDateFilename 30KMar 7 21:21grounded-1 43KDec 17 20:04whip-lash-11-12 43KDec 17 20:03whip-lash-10-11 18KNov 1 20:42whip-lash-9 27KSep 20 20:19whip-lash-7-8 24KAug 13 2001whip-lash-5-6 20KAug 3 2001whip-lash-3-4 27KAug 3 2001whip-lash-1-2 Copyright ©1996-2002 Nifty Archive Alliance. All Rights Reserved.

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Chronological Directory Listing for boy-bands/a-dare-made-me-see-the-truth etlik escort

SizeDateFilename ankara escort bayan 19KAug 3 19:36a-dare-made-me-see-the-truth-6 sincan escort 15KJul 29 20:42a-dare-made-me-see-the-truth-5 18KJul 23 12:45a-dare-made-me-see-the-truth-4 16KJul 17 12:06a-dare-made-me-see-the-truth-3 15KJul 10 18:47a-dare-made-me-see-the-truth-2 16KJul 4 16:31a-dare-made-me-see-the-truth-1 Copyright ©1996-2002 Nifty Archive Alliance. All Rights Reserved.

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Big Tits

Subject: Second Time Lucky Disclamer: I do not know any of the celebs who might be mentioned in this story. It is a work of fiction. Also, if it is illegal for you to read this where you live or you dont like same sex relationships, please leave now. Second Time Lucky “So this is what it’s come to?” I asked of my boyfriend, a slight sneer playing on my face. “We stand around hurling insults at each other until one of us is so hurt that breaks down in tears?” I could see that he was perplexed at the turn our fight had taken. This was something out of the ordinary. We were actually talking about our problems instead of screaming at the top of our lungs till we were both exhausted. Actually I was doing most of the talking and he was doing the standing around looking confused part. “I can’t handle this anymore” I said bluntly. “We will end up hating each other if we keep doing this”. He looked at me with an expression of utter fear. I might as well have pulled a gun on him. “No!! You can’t.. You don’t mean this!” He practically screamed at me. “After all we’ve had and all that we’ve been through, you would end it just like that?” I tried to keep a cold and unfeeling exterior, but it was getting harder. I knew that if he kept up the pleading any longer then I would cave in and let this continue. I turned around and did the only thing I could do. I got out of there. As I left I told him with out turning to look at him that I would be staying at a friend’s house and that he could take as long as he wanted, but that I thought it would be for the best if he left. I closed the door behind me hearing him softly crying. I know that that might not have been the best way to handle the break up of our relationship, but I knew that we wouldn’t get any better. The problems we had were beyond fixing. We had been fighting for so long that I almost couldn’t remember the last time I smiled at the world. That kızılay escort isn’t the way life should be. My name is Blaze by the way. Yeah I know. Before you even say anything let me just explain that my parents had a fire-fighter friend and that’s how I got it. Don’t even think about doing any wise-cracks. I have a pretty nice body if I do say so my self, but then going to the gym almost every day for years can do that to a person. I’m about 6’2” in height and weigh in at about 185 pounds. I have ice blue eyes and my hair is a shade of dark brown that people have described as sable. There… That’s the basics out of the way. Now on to the story. Getting of the elevator it finally hit me. My boyfriend was no longer my boyfriend. He was someone I once used to date. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I was free. No more accusing stares if I came home a little bit late, no more phone calls if I was out travelling to ask where I was and what I was doing, which to me amounted more to checking up on me. I thought it was funny when we first got together. I believed it showed how much he cared, but after a while it turned nasty. He would call me at 3 am and ask who was in the bed with me and if I was happy with him. If I said anything other than that I was alone or that I was only thinking of him then he would start calling me names and saying that I didn’t love him anymore. Then he would usually break down in tears and go into a diatribe about how much he loved me and that he would change his ways and not be so controlling. Most times I believed him. But this time I had had enough. I couldn’t keep playing his game and get through this with my sanity. It had come down to a choice. It was a hard one, but the only possible option seemed to end it. I couldn’t keep fooling myself into believing that things would get better and foolishly hoping that I could change keçiören escort him. So this time when I got home, I did what I had been thinking of for weeks. I told him that this is the end. I don’t think that I have ever made the trip over to my friend Alicia’s building as quickly as I did that night. I had a thousand things on my mind and I needed someone to talk to. She knew me better than anyone and I valued her advice. And strangely she had a knack for always knowing what to say in any particular situation. At any rate, I passed right through security at her building, giving the doorman a passing wave. On the elevator up I went through in my head what I was going to tell Alicia, but I knew a ll too well that if I didn’t tell her everything all at once, she would know I was holding back and somehow coax it out of me. I decided that the truth was probably the best option and resolved that I wouldn’t hold back if she asked, but I wouldn’t volunteer any information that she didn’t need to know. As she opened the door I gasped. She looked gorgeous. She was wearing a dress that looked like it was made of leather, ripped and very short. I thought it looked very sexy on her. That coupled with a new hair colour made it obvious why she was such a big star. The single that she had out had gone straight to number one and, as far as I know, was selling thousands every day. I was so happy for her. I guess that she and I must have been, till now, the two most successful kids to graduate our year from high-school. Oh, I forgot to tell you that during school I had gotten into modelling and after school finished I had started to model professionally. During my short career I managed to get quite a few of the big contracts and I had been one of the biggest names in the industry for a while. Armani, Versace, Dolce & Gabbana, Gaultier, Yves St Laurent? I had done them all. escort ankara And gotten some really nice money out of it as well. Now, at 25, I wanted to get my life in order. I used part of the money that I had earned and bought myself a nice apartment in NYC. Anyway, I stepped into Alicia’s apartment (which is huge, professionally decorated and filled with every amenity you can imagine) and immediately got an accusing stare. “Blaze!! Now I know that look, and don’t you go telling me that nothing is the matter! I know you far to well.” She looked at me like she was some sort of investigator, trying to illicit a confession from a suspect. “Damn!” I gasped. “Will it ever be possible to get anything past you?” She shook her head. “You know you won’t. Now spill!” I sighed heavily. I knew that I would get a thrashing from her when I finished telling her what had happened, but in true Alicia style, she turned a complete 180 and did something I never would have expected. She applauded. “I was wondering when you would get `round to getting that deadbeat lo’ life out of your life.” I just looked at her in amazement. She was the one that had pushed for me to get together with Dean (my recent ex). Though I had told her how he was acting, she had always said that I shouldn’t give up too easily, but fight for happiness. But when I have to fight for it every day and never get a chance to just enjoy it, believe me, it gets old real quick. “Well, as I see it”, she continued, “You had to learn that lesson for yourself. He was not THE ONE, but you tried, you learned and you moved on. I’m proud of you.” She gave me one of those smiles that you can be sure some music business exec is well on his way to patenting. “But now, I have this humungous favour to ask you. My record company says that I need to do some publicity shoots for the new single. They have this really drab photographer picked out, and I just can’t stand that guy.” She was babbling and she knew it. “So what I wanted to ask was:” Here it comes, I thought. “Sooo, do you think that you could, possibly, no pressure of any kind, consider doing the shoot?” TBC?? What do you think? Should I continue? yes? No? Please email me hoo

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Chronological Directory ankara çankaya ankara escort escort rus escort Listing for boy-bands/dont-cry-over-spilled-coffee SizeDateFilename 6KMar 1 19:06dont-cry-over-spilled-coffee-3 8KFeb 25 21:21dont-cry-over-spilled-coffee-2 8KFeb 17 21:11dont-cry-over-spilled-coffee-1 Copyright ©1996,2004 Nifty Archive Alliance. All Rights Reserved.

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ankara escort title=”etimesgut escort”>etimesgut escort escort”>eryaman escort Chronological Directory Listing for boy-bands/summer-daze SizeDateFilename 2KApr 8 10:03summer-daze-2 4KJun 9 2002summer-daze-1 Copyright ©1996,2006 Nifty Archive Alliance. All Rights Reserved.

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Subject: Gangbanging Chris Hemsworth – Twinkfest Intro Chapter Disclaimer: The following story is pure fictional parody and is intended for an adult audience. It is not meant to suggest anything about the true sexual tastes of Chris Hemsworth or any other celebrity or real person mentioned. The real Hemsworth is straight as an arrow — the fictional version in this story does not correspond to reality. Again, this story is a complete fictional PARODY. If you are under-age or don’t like stories about butt-sex, please stop reading this NOW! Also, please please please make a donation to the incredible archive! Nothing turns me on more and keeps my creative juices flowing than the emails I receive from you guys. If you guys want to read more let me know. If I receive enough of a response there will be more (mis)adventures for Chris! Drop me a line with comments, questions, suggestions, whatever at: ail. This part is just the very rough premise sketch of twinkfest which i hope to make a multi part series should there be enough interest/requests. As always let me know who should be fucking Chris Twinkfest: Introduction Chris Hemsworth was riding up and down on Ryan Gosling’s fat dick. Chris was bulking muscle for a new role, just how Ryan liked him best, so he drove by unannounced (as was his manner) to fuck his Muscle Pig before leaving for the airport. Ryan was splayed out on his back on the king-sized mattress, both his hands on the Australian’s Herculean torso. Chris was facing him, allowing Ryan to watch the bleary-faced expression of cock-hungry bliss on his face as he got fucked. Gosling loved what an insatiable and depraved cock whore the Aussie Adonis turned out to be. Chris needed cock so bad, he would even take the loads of strangers in parks, rest stops, even homeless shelters. But Ryan’s long, girthy pole was a particular favorite of his, he couldn’t get enough, and he would never decline the opportunity to taste it or feel it ram up his fuck chute. Not that he had much choice in the matter — Gosling fucked him whenever and wherever he wanted and rarely asked for permission. Moaning while playing with his nipples on his bouncing pectorals, Chris used his muscular legs etlik escort to respond to the relentlessly rough rhythm of Gosling thrusting his cock in and out of his juicy muscle cunt. He used his strong legs to move Ryan’s meat in and out of his hole, while his own cock bounced around enthusiastically, slapping against his torso with an obscene thwapping noise. As he continued his aggressive assault up the bulking muscle stud, Ryan noticed that Hemsworth was also ready to travel. His suitcase was packed and ready to go by the exit. This surprised the American actor, as he kept a vigilant eye on his favorite Marvel Piggy’s shooting schedule, lest he would need to track him down for an aggressive fuck. “Heading out for the weekend?,” Ryan asked, while pounding his cock repeatedly into his noisy, squealing slut. “Oh fuck… Oh ryan… Oh fuck me,” moaned Piggy Chris. “Answer me, Pig,” Ryan sneered, slapping Chris’ ass hard for emphasis. The Aussie stud’s eyes opened wide at the sting of the slap and he tried to focus on his answer. “Yes… I’m going to be speaking at a conference… I’m the … omg your cock is so good…. I’m the keynote.” “What conference is this? That would want you as a keynote” Ryan wondered out loud, with a distinct note of patronizing teasing. “A Marvel thing? A muscle Himbo conference? International Conference for Depraved Pigs?” Chris groaned. “No… I… I,” he tried to articulate as he continued to receive Ryan’s thrusts up into his prostate “I am speaking at the Young Hollywood initiative. I was asked to give a speech to inspire young male stars to exercise moderation, good behavior, responsibility and strong moral principles and not make irresponsible decisions.” Ryan couldn’t help but laugh, as he continued to pound the Aussie. As a young Hollywood star himself back in the day he knew all about this wretched conference they were all forced to go to. All twenty something young stars. Top Secret, no paparazzi, in some hotel in the middle of the Mountains. He would try to regain composure but would soon break into laughter again, making Chris feel self-conscious, even hurt, at his mocking. “What are you laughing at?” Hemsworth ankara escort bayan asked defensively, as his sphincter continued to contract and squeeze around Gosling’s girth. Gosling, in turn, continued his deep strokes into Chris’ deep, luscious hole. “Oh come on, Piggy, you must admit that’s pretty fucking ironic. You? A role model? You’re the most depraved Pig in Hollywood, maybe even the world. Your only real interest in life is taking cock, being a Pig, taking loads… I know you well by now, I’m surprised you don’t know yourself better.” Ryan’s words stung Chris. It’s true that he was addicted to cock, that he couldn’t moderate his cravings and desire for man meat and the creamy loads that gushed out of them. But he liked to think that somewhere underneath he was also a serious actor and someone who cared deeply about being a good role model for younger people, including all the young actors caught in the corrupting whirlwind of Hollywood. The sheer absurdity of a slut like Hemsworth being asked to be a keynote to such an event just reminded Ryan of the dichotomy in Chris’ public and private image. The world saw him not only as an impossibly, even unfairly, good-looking Adonis but also a gentleman, a do-gooder, the pinnacle of clean-cut virtue and family values. While it was true that the Aussie had an undeniable earnestness and air of decency about him, he was also such a depraved and insatiable nymphomaniac whom Ryan had witness consume more cock than he thought was humanly possible and perform acts so immoderately perverted in his quest for more dicks and loads. It was this tension that kept Ryan wanting not only to fuck the perfect specimen of manliness but to expose him too, humiliate him publically, and toy with him not just physically but psychologically. It was an exquisite pleasure, it gave him a rush unlike no other. Ryan’s mocking laughter, however, triggered one of Chris’ most entrenched existential anxieties — was he losing his sense of self to his addiction for cock? Yes, by now he had accepted his unadulterated enthusiasm and need for loads, but was this passion eroding and compromising his core principles — the values that centered him, that sincan escort anchored his sense of identity? He decided he needed to stand up to Gosling. In a stern voice, intermittently broken by moans as Gosling pierced his g-spot, he replied: “Listen, you might think I’m just a Pig. But I really believe in setting a good example to these impressionable lads. I care for them. Hollywood is a difficult place, and I… I want to be a good example to them, an older brother, someone they can look up to as a moral compass. I want to be a role model for them.” The mirth rapidly drained from Ryan’s face as it hardened into a stoic expression of simmering wrath. “Oh you’re going to sass me now, Pig?” Grabbing Chris’ nuts in one hand and holding his waist with the other, Ryan began to viciously pummel the muscular Australian with an unprecedented aggression. “Omg Ryan what… you’re fucking me…so hard… Ryan.” He pushed Chris off his cock and on his back, hoisting his legs on his shoulders. Before Chris even had a second to breathe Ryan thrust all of his thick inches back inside Chris’ cunt and began to fuck him in relentless, back-breaking strokes. “Fucking… nasty… Uppity Pig… Talking Smack to your Master Like that… Fucking Nasty Pig,” he hissed while slapping Chris’ beautiful face to the rhythm of his rough pounding. Chris’ eyes rolled to the back of his head from the intensity of the fuck as he began to unload a powerful orgasm without even touching his cock. This triggered Ryan to creampie into the Aussie’s luscious fuck chute, thrusting his cock into him as roughly as he could as he copiously released rope after rope of jizz into his Pig. He then got up and began to button up, changing back into his clothes while Hemsworth lay on his bed catching his breath, covered in cum. “Well, Pig, have fun at the conference. We all know you’ll be taking at least five or six loads of twink cum knowing you. At least. That’s probably why you’re going.” The fact that some of the attendees could be gay or at least interested in men hit Chris for the first time. But Ryan’s mocking doubt made him want to prove to Gosling — and to himself, first and foremost — that he could focus on being a good role model to young lads and put aside his obsession for cocks. “I don’t know what you are talking about. I’m just going to give an inspirational keynote and leave.” “Sure, pig, sure,” said Ryan with a smirk, before letting himself out. To be continued …

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Subject: NCIS: Psych Evaluation Part 2 NCIS psych evaluation 2 Cajuncock Since you’ve gotten this far you know the drill. This is aa= work of gay fantasy, the sole property of the author. If you enjoy this type of story please donate to the site. Comment: jaskejr@hotmail Eric woke from the drugged sleep to find that once again he was handcuffed. But now he wasn’t alone in the cabin. It was a strange room and before chained to a St Andrew’s cross was a naked Chris Lasalle. There was a ball gag secured in his mouth. Eric could also smell the potent scent of poppers coming from the cloth strapped to his own face. Chris had a strange look on his face as he stared at Eric’s nude body handcuffed to the iron bed. Chris’s cock was stiff with his pre cum leaking down to puddle at his secured feet. Nate laughed at the look of both terror and want on Eric’s face. He thought to himself, “Perhaps tonight would be more interesting than he’d imagined.” A naked Sabatino stood beside Nate. He could read Nate’s mind as the two prisoners stared at each other. Laughing kızılay escort he spoke up , “My, my it looks like our guests might have some hidden, un fulfilled desires, don’t you think ,Nate?” At this point Eric’s mind began to clear up from his drugged sleep. He moaned out “Chris are you OK?” Chris nodded his head as his cock strained whipping up and down, “Yes, please ;let my body please Chris? I want to feel him inside me.” Nate laughed and nodded to Sabatino who released Eric from his tied limbs. Nate pointed to Chris and said ” Go, please him, prepare his cock for entry into your guts.” Eric needed no further instructions. He crawled to Chris’s bound body. First he licked the sweaty armpits, savoring the pungent smells. Chris moaned at the touch. Eric then moved to the man’s nipples sucking and nibbling on each one. Chris’ cock reacted throwing some of his pre-cum onto Eric’s chest. Eric licked down the muscled chest and stomach coming to Chris closely shave pubic mound. Avoiding the man’s cock he moved to lick then suck keçiören escort each of the man’s sweaty balls. Chris’ torture was far before anything he’s ever c Sabatino pulled Eric away and turned him to face Nate. In front of Eric was the long thick cock of Nate, Eric opened his mouth wide ready to receive the shrink’s meat. As Nate moved forward to give his tool to the waiting mouth, Sabatino lined up Chris’s cock with Eric’s hole. Watching this Nate pushed Eric slowly back onto the hard flesh weapon. He savored Eric’s moans as his pucker swallowed the thick mushroom head then inch by inch tool the rest of the cock. Sabatino roughly pulled the ball gag away as Chris yelled “Fuck Yes! I’ve wanted your ass for so long Eric.” brought this Eric began fucking himself on the hard cock. The stimulation on his prostate quickly brought Eric’s first orgasm. But he kept on working on the cock he was impaled on. Chris yelled, “Yes, Eric, keep on, please!” Chris’ overfilled balls needed to cum after the hours of watching both Nate’s escort ankara and Sabatino’s naked play. He’d never needed to release a load more than now. Eric’s well trained inner muscles worked Chris; cock to bring on his own second climax. This time he felt Chris’ cock jerk inside his ass. He knew that he could force a load from that cock. He was no virgin to this kind of action. Many a member of the NCIS staff had been used to satisfy his lustful needs. With Nate’s cock in his mouth and a naked Sabatino nearby he knew that one cock would not be enough. Chris felt that his first climax was close. He moaned and pushed another, final inch into the hole wrapped around his cock. He yelled out “OH fuck! ” Shooting a load into his friend’s body. Hearing Chris yell sent Nate Sent his own cock over the edge as he d filled Eric’s mouth with his load. Sabatino had moved behind Nate to enter his hole minutes before Nate shoot a load. The stimulation of Nate’s inner muscles sent his own juices flooding to his lover. Both men collapsed onto Eric who still clung to Chris’ weapon tightly held by the man’s inner gripping muscles. Chris and Eric were released from their bonds and fell into each other’s arms. But the session was not over yet. The two captors still had more planned for the two men before they would be returned to NCIS Los Angeles.

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