Ah Bu Töreler Seks Hikayesi 4. Bölüm

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Anal Beads

Ah Bu Töreler Seks Hikayesi 4. Bölüm

Ah Bu Töreler Seks Hikayesi 4. Bölüm! ( 30 Y., Konya / Türkiye)

Sabah uyandığım zaman saat altı gibiydi, karım halen yatıyordu. Banyoya geçip duşu açtım ve sıcak suyun altına girdim. Banyodan sonra traş oldum, çıktığım zaman henüz kimse uyanmamıştı. İçimdeki şeytana uyup kızların odasına doğru yürüdüm. Kapı geçen geceki gibi hafifçe aralıktı. İçeriye bakınca kızların ikisinin de mışıl mışıl uyuduğunu gördüm. Odaya geri döndüğüm zaman karım uyanmış, giyiniyordu. Yine paçalı külotu vardı üzerinde. Onun üstüne basma eteğini giyip, çiçekli bir gömlek giydi. Başını arkadan bağladı ve “Ben kahvaltıyı hazırlayayım.” diyerek mutfağa geçti. Karım aslında biraz bakımla güzelliği ortaya çıkacak bir kadındı. Ona elbiseler, iç çamaşırları alma fikri o an geldi aklıma.

Kahvaltı yaptıktan sonra kızlarla arabaya atladık. Esra’yı okula bıraktıktan sonra Özge ile işe gittim. Diğerleri henüz gelmemişlerdi. Aklımda karışık düşünceler vardı. O anda Özge’ye baktım. Hafif bir makyaj yapmıştı. Boyu 1.65 kadar vardı, ama şimdi ayağındaki topuklularla beraber neredeyse 1.75 olmuştu. Aynı zamanda dolgun hatlı bir kızdı, 70 kilo vardı belki. Uzun ve bol mavi eteğinin üstüne, beyaz bir gömlek giymişti, gömleğin içinde ip askılı beyaz bir bluzu vardı, sutyenin askıları da belli oluyordu. Başına da eteği ile aynı renk bir türban takmıştı. Ona, “Niye böyle süslendin?” diye azarlarcasına sorunca ürktü, “Şey, ee…” falan deyince daha da kızdım. “Burada sadece erkekler çalışıyor. Giyimine kuşamına dikkat et. Birdaha makyaj falan yok!” dedim. Bana bakarak ağlamaklı bir sesle, “Ben senin için yaptım. Diğerleri beni ilgilendirmiyor. Yoksa beğenmedin mi?” dedi. Gözlerinden yaşların süzüldüğünü gördüm. Gözüne sürdüğü iki parça boya şimdi yanaklarından akıyordu. Bu sefer kendime kızdım. Ama cesaretine de şaşırmıştım. Bana açık açık ilanı aşk ediyordu.

“Ben senin annenle evliyim. Geçen gece olanlar bir hataydı!” diye kendisine yem atınca, “Hayır, böyle söyleme. Ben seni seviyorum. Annem çok şanslı bir kadın. Onun yerinde olmak isterdim!” dedi. Annesiyle evli olmam onun için önemli değildi. Beni sevdiğini söylüyordu.

Diğerleri her an gelebilirdi, o nedenle ters bir şey yapmamalıydım. “Lavaboya geçip yüzünü temizle, istersen makyaj yap yeniden!” dedim. Gülerek içeri geçti. Biraz sonra da diğerleri geldiler. Aslında bu kadar kızmama gerek yoktu. Diğer çalışanlar hem akrabaydı, hem de Özge’nin kim olduğunu iyi biliyorlardı. Kalkıp ona yan gözle bakmayacaklarını çok iyi biliyordum, ama yine de onu kıskanmıştım.

Akşam altı gibi paydos ediyorduk. Elemanlar tek tek çıktılar. Ben Özge ile kaldım. Onu sikmek için yanıp tutuşuyordum. İşyerinin kapısını içerden kilitledim. Özge ise masasında notlarına bakıyordu. Yazıhanem içerde kalıyordu. Onu elinden tutup kaldırdım. “Nereye? Çıkıyor muyuz?” diye sordu. Cevap vermeden onu yazıhaneme soktum. Özge her şeyi anlamıştı. Onu kucakladığım gibi masamın üzerine oturttum. Ardından dudaklarına yapıştım. “Dudaklarını serbest bırak!” deyip, alttaki etli dudağını emmeye başladım. Dilimi ağzının içine soktum. Dudaklarını küçük küçük ısırıyordum. Dudaklarının üzerindeki, çenesindeki hafif tüyler dudaklarıma batıyordu.

Ellerimi gömleğinin üzerinden memelerine attım. Onları sıkmaya, okşamaya başladım. Özge hafif hafif inlemeye başlamıştı. Gözleri sürekli kapalıydı. Bir elimi eteğinin içinden soktum ve kalçasını avuçladım. Hafif tüylü dolgun kalçasını okşadıkça yarağım da pantolonumu yırtacakmışçasına zorluyordu. Karşısında soyunup çırılçıplak kaldım. Özge havaya dikilmiş haşmetli yarağıma bakıyordu. Uzun ve kalın bir sopa gibiydi; ben bir şey demeden elini yarağıma attı ve okşamaya başladı. Ben ellerimi kalçalarıma atmış, Özge yarağımı okşuyor ve sürekli kıkır kıkır gülüyordu. İnce, narin parmakları yarağımın yanında küçücük kalıyordu. Çok büyük zevk alıyordum.

Daha sonra masanın önündeki kanepeye oturdum. Yarağımı tuttum, bacaklarımı açtım ve Özge’ye eğilmesini söyledim. Özge masadan indi ve önümde eğildi ama bu şekilde dengede duramadığı için diz çöktü. Emirlere itaat eden bir köle gibiydi, ne desem yapıyordu. Başını tuttum ve “Yaklaş!” dedim. Özge kanepenin minderlerinden tutundu, bana doğru daha doğrusu yarağıma doğru eğildi. “Ağzını aç!” dedim fısıldar gibi. Bana bakınca başparmaklarımla yanaklarını okşadım ve “Hadi, aç ağzını!” dedim tekrar. Ağzını hafifçe aralayınca başından tutarak onu yarağımın kafasının önüne daha da yaklaştırdım ve “Yala!” dedim bu kez, “Dondurma yalar gibi yala!” dedim.

Özge çekingen bir tavırla diliyle yarağımı yalamaya başladı. Yarağımın kafasına attığı dil darbeleri beni inanılmaz tahrik ediyor ve azdırıyordu. Bir süre sonra çekingenliği gitti ve bu kez dudaklarıyla emmeye başlamıştı. Bir taraftan yalıyor, bir taraftan emiyordu; gözlerimi kapatmıştım, ellerimle başını okşuyordum sürekli. Ellerini dizlerimin üzerine koydu ve bu şekilde yalamaya devam etti.

Bu şekilde giderse kısa sürede ağzının içine patlayacaktım, ama bunu yapmaya hiç niyetim yoktu. Başını tuttum ve yavaşça geriye ittim. Özge yarağımı bırakmak istemiyor gibiydi. Bu hali hoşuma gitmişti. Dudaklarına sürdüğü ruj yarağımın kafasını boyamıştı. Onu kollarından tutup kalkmasını söyledim. Onu kaldırıp bu sefer kanepeye oturttum. Önünde diz çöktüm. Bacaklarını ayırdım ve uzun eteğini yukarı sıyırdım. Karşımda beyaz kalçaları, bacakları belirince yarağım iyice tavan yaptı. Bacaklarında alınmamış tüyler vardı.

Kalçalarını emmeye ve yalamaya başladım. Tüyler hafif hafif dudaklarıma batıyordu. Özge derin derin inliyor, saçlarımı okşuyordu sürekli. Dilim yavaş yavaş kasıklarına yaklaştıkça inlemeleri çoğaldı. Minik, dantelli, beyaz bir külotu vardı. Amının kılları üzerinden belli oluyordu ve kasıklarında da siyah kılları, tüyleri vardı. Özge güzel ve alımlı bir kızdı, ama pek bakımlı değildi. Külotunun üzerinden parmaklarımla amını yoklamaya başlayınca, “Imm, ıhh!” diyerek inledi ve inlemeleri sürekli hale geldi. Parmaklarım amının üzerinde, kasıklarında dolaştıkça saçlarımı çekiyordu.

Yavaşça külotunu kenarlarından tutup sıyırdım ve bacaklarından çıkardım. Amı ıslanmıştı, am dudaklarına yumulup emmeye başladım. Neredeyse o pozisyonda boşalacaktım. Özge’nin inlemeleri zaman zaman çığlıklara dönüşüyordu. Amının üzerindeki kıllar ağzıma batıyordu. O nedenle daha fazla devam etmek istemedim. Bir dahaki sefere ona temizlenmesi gerektiğini söylemem gerekiyordu. Doğruldum ve yarağımı tutarak tekrar yalamasını istedim. Özge bu sefer iştahla yarağımı emiyor, yalıyordu. Sanki acelesi varmış gibiydi. Yarağıma iki eliyle sarılmış, başını ileri geri hareket ettirerek emiyordu. Ona, “Tamam, bu kadarı yeterli!” diyerek kendimi geri çektim. Ayağa kaldırdım ve masaya domalttım.

Elleriyle masanın kenarından sıkıca tutunmuş, ara ara arkaya bakıyordu. Eteğini beline sıyırdım ve bacaklarını ayırmasını söyledim. Göt yanaklarını tutup yoğurmaya başladım. Özge, “Ahh, ımm, ığhh!” diye diye inledikçe götüne girmek için sabırsızlanıyordum. Göt yanaklarını ayırınca, siyah bir çukura benzeyen kıllı göt deliği göründü. Götünün kenarlarına parmaklarımla dokunmaya başlayınca, “Uhh, ımm, ayy!” diyordu. Geçen gece olduğu gibi orta parmağımı yavaşça deliğine sokmaya başladım. İlk boğumuna kadar kolayca girmişti, bundan sonra yavaş yavaş sokmaya başladım. Özge deli gibi inliyor, başını sağa sola atıyordu. Parmağım deliğinin içine köküne kadar girince içinde gidip gelmeye ve çevirmeye başladım.

Bu arada diğer elimle de amını ovalıyordum. Amı vıcık vıcık sulanmıştı, göt deliğinin ağzı da terden sırılsıklam olmuştu. Parmağım artık göt deliğinin içinde daha rahat hareket eder olmuştu ve hızlı hızlı sokup çıkardıkça Özge deli gibi inleyip, çığlık atıyor ve nefesi kesilecekmiş gibi soluk alıp veriyordu. Götünün deliğinde birkaç dakika boyunca parmağımla genişletme çalışması sonuç vermişti. Şimdi işaret parmağımı da beraberinde soktum. Özge’nin göt deliği lastik gibiydi. Parmaklarım içine girdikçe delik açılıyor, çıkardığım zaman hemen kapanıyordu. Özge’nin inlemeleri içeriyi doldurmuştu.

Parmaklarımı deliğinden çıkardım. Çırılçıplak halde lavaboya gidip ellerimi bol sabunla yıkadım. İçeriye elimde sıvı sabun şişesi ile dönünce Özge’yi ayakta üzerini toparlarken gördüm. “Ne yapıyorsun?” diye sorunca, “Bitmedi mi? Eve gitmiyor muyuz?” diye sordu. “Hayır, daha yeni başladık! Hadi eğil, hadi korkma, canını yakmam!” dedim. Elimdeki sıvı sabunu kastederek, “Ne yapacaksın onunla?” diye sordu. “Sen eğil, öğrenirsin şimdi!” dedim.

Dediğim gibi tekrar masanın üzerine eğildi ve kenarlarından sıkıca tutundu. Sürekli bana bakıyordu ve korktuğu anlaşılıyordu. “Ben bakireyim, lütfen yapma!” deyince, “Merak etme, yine bakire olarak kalacaksın!” dedim. Eteğini yukarı sıyırınca gördüğüm manzara inişe geçmiş yarağımı tekrar kaldırmaya yetti. Elime bol miktarda sıvı savun döküp yarağımı sabunlamaya başladım. Ardından bir miktarda göt deliğinin ağzına döktüm ve parmağımla içine yedirmeye başladım. Yarağım ve göt deliği kaygan bir hal almıştı. Yarağımı yavaşça kafasından tutarak göt deliğine bastırmaya başladım.

Özge devamlı başı arkada, “Ay, ah, yapma, çok günah, ah, yapma!” diyordu. Ama onu bu akşam götünden sikmeden bırakmaya niyetim yoktu. “Korkma, canını yakmam!” diyerek onu sakinleştirmeye çalışıyordum. Ama o aynı şeyleri söylemeye devam ediyordu. Yarağımın kafası yavaş yavaş götünün içine girmeye başladıkça daha çok bastırmaya başladım. Kıllı göt deliği vakum gibi yarağımı sıkıyordu ama gittikçe açılıyor, açıldıkça da içine daha çok giriyordum.

Bir süre sonra yarağım neredeyse yarısına kadar içine girmişti ki, Özge’den deli gibi sesler yükselmeye başlamıştı. Bana sürekli çıkarmam için yalvarıyordu. Ama ben kalçalarından tutarak zorlamaya ve içine girmeye çalışıyordum. Gittikçe hızlanmaya başladım. Özge yerinde kıpırdanıyor, götünü sağa sola çeviriyordu. Bu da götünde rahat gidip gelmeme engel oluyordu. Onu kalçalarından daha sıkıca tuttum ve daha çok bastırmaya başladım. Masam sağlamdı ama yavaş yavaş sallanmaya başlamıştı. Özge sıkıca tutunmuş, masaya yapışmış gibiydi. İnanılmaz bir zevk alıyordum. Daha önce para karşılığı bir kadının götünü sikmiştim, ama göt deliği amı kadar genişlemişti ve içine girip çıkarken hiç zorlanmamıştım. Ama şimdi delik yarağımı sıktıkça aldığım zevkte bir o kadar artıyordu.

Özge’nin inlemeleri ve çığlıkları yavaş yavaş azalmış, bununla birlikte götüne daha kolay ve zorlanmadan girer olmuştum. Deliğin yarağıma yaptığı baskı boşalmamı geciktirmişti. Boşalacağıma yakın yarağımı götünden çıkardım, o anda delikten ‘Zort!’ diye bir ses geldi. Yarağımla birlikte içine giren hava böylece deliğinden çıkıyordu. Deliğin ağzı az önceki gibi kolayca kapanmamış, biraz açık kalmıştı. Yeniden içine girdim ve gidip gelmeye başladım.

Bu şekilde birkaç dakika Özge’yi götünden siktim ve nihayetinde inanılmaz bir zevkle boşaldım. Yarağım halen götünün içindeydi, bir süre daha içinde kaldım. Yarağımı çıkardığım zaman döllerim deliğin ağzından akmaya başlamıştı ve deliğin içine giren hava, döllerimin üzerinde küçük hava kabarcıkları oluşturuyordu. Masanın üzerindeki kağıt mendilden bolca aldım ve akan dölleri, kalçalarını iyice sildim, temizledim. Aynı şekilde yarağımı da sildim.

Sonra birlikte giyindik ve toparlandık. Özge’nin acı çektiği yüzünden belli oluyordu. Ona, “Bir zaman sonra geçer, korkma!” dedim. Bana cevap vermedi. Birlikte dükkândan çıkıp arabaya bindik. Özge koltuğa oturdu ama, “Ay, ah!” diye diye söylenmeye başladı. Ben yine aynı şekilde kısa zaman sonra acılarının biteceğini ve bundan sonra acı çekmeyeceğini söyledim. Özge eve kadar kıvranıp durdu. Arabada ona, “Vücut temizliğini ihmal etmişsin!” dediğimde hafifçe kızardı, utanmıştı. Bana, “Ben kendim yapamıyorum, tüylerimi normalde annem alıyor. Ama o da son zamanlarda seninle evlenecek diye beni ihmal etti!” dedi. Sonra da, “Anneme söylüyorum ama şu aralar da aklı bir karış havada!” deyip güldü. Neden güldüğünü anlamıştım. Sonra bir ara, “Annemle de böyle yapıyor musun?” diye sordu. “Neyi yapıyor muyum?” dedim. “Şeyi işte, anlasana!” dedi. Ben yine, “Anlamadım?” diye cevapladım. Bunun üzerine oflayıp pufladı ve ağzındaki baklayı çıkardı, “Annemi de götünden sikiyor musun?” dedi. Ona baktım ve “Hayır!” dedim. Eve gidene kadar bir daha konuşmadık. Özge alınmış gibiydi, annesini götünden sikmediğime içerlemişti sanki.

Eve geldiğimiz zaman karım, “Ay, nerede kaldınız? Merak ettim!” dedikten sonra, Özge’ye bakıp, “Neyin var kızım? Ne oldu?” diye sorunca, ben hemen, “Yok bir şeyi, öğlen yediği yemek biraz midesini bozdu!” dedim. Özge birşey demeden odasına girdi. Biz akşam yemeğini yerken Özge bize katılmadı, o sırada banyoya girip duş aldı. Annesi, “Bu kızda bir şeyler var!” diyerek söyleniyordu. Yemekten sonra ben de duşa girdim. Çıktıktan sonra içerdekilere, “İyi geceler!” diyerek yatak odama çekildim.

Yatağa girmiştim ki karım içeri girdi ve “Hayırdır, sen de mi rahatsızsın?” dedi. “Yok birşey, sen yatmıyor musun?” dedim. “Gelirim birazdan…” diyerek içeri geçti. O sırada ben uyumuşum. Gecenin bir vakti uyandığımda, karım yanımda, bana sarılmış halde uyuyordu…

Devam edecek…


Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Umulmadık anlar

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Umulmadık anlar
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Evlendi diye arkadaşım ailesinden ayrılır diye düşünmüştüm ama hep beraber yaşıyorlardı biz neredeyse 16-17 yıldır tanışıyoruz ve beraber 31 çekme ile başlamış birbirimizi boşaltmadan karşılıklı saksoya sikişmeye kadar ulaşmıştık Gürkan ile karı düşüremediysek o gece birbirimizi tatmin ederdik o zamanlar annesi ablası bizi rahatsız etmezdi bildikleri ise beraber 31 çektiğimizdi…eşi onun bisex olduğunu bile bile evlenmişti şakalaşırdık kız elimden aldın aşkımı diye …
İlk spermini tattığım kişiydi dostum, kanepeye oturmuş beraber porno izlerken 31 çekiyorduk çırıl çıplak penceteye yada havluya boşalırdık onun siki benimkinden 1.5 cm küçük ama bayağı kalındı.. zaten yaşadıklarımız da 31 çekerken birbirimizi izlemekle başlamıştı… öyle bir fışkırttıki koltukta direk üst dudağıma yapışmıştı dölleri sonra birbirimizi boşaltmaya saksoya ve birbirimizi sikecek kadar ilerlemişti ilişkimiz dostluğumuz arkadaşlığımız. Zaman zaman o benim yaşadığım yere gelir bazende ben giderdim sıcak sıcak boşalrdırk içlerimize ağızlarımıza göğüslerimize müthiş zevk alırdık beraber aynı kızı sarhoş edip siktiğimizi beraber uyandığımızdaki şaşkınlıklar hepsi güzel birer anıydı… birimiz domaltıp sikerken diğerimiz alta yatar taşşakları emerdik yüzlerimize birbirimizin dölleri dökülürdü cockold misali …
Ama evlilik aramıza girmişti 2-2.5 yıldır… ne telefonda nede diğer yollarda eşi ile ilgili hiç bir şey paylaşmıyordu ! Staright erkek mi olmuştu ne ? Gerçi bende hiçbir şey sormamıştım karısı ile ilgili… sonuçta onda da amcık vardı diğerlerinde de!! Ama gelin kızımızı severdim hakkında da kötü birşey düşünmedim taki sitem ederek arkadaşımı bana anlatıncaya kadar… çocuktan sonra değişti abi yaklaşık doğum hariç 10-11 Aydır hiç beraber olmamışlar güzel birşey söylememiş çiçek almamış felan sitem ederken çiçeğin en güzelini seni aldı ya deyip gönlünü almak istedim…ama eliyle yaptığı hareket ve söylediği çiçekleri sulamazsan kurur lafı sikimi kaldırmaya yetti , rahat konuşması benide cesaretlendirmişti… fantezi yapsaydın onu bunu şunu derken !!- yapmadığım kalmadı yok tık yok dedi…aşşağısı kıl yumağı oldu abi yapmayalı dediğinde benden çıkan ses onu korkuttu sanırım…. kıllımı dedim…. öyle şeyleri severiz biz şeftaliyi kıllı yeriz dediğim de kahkahayı patlatmıştı kulağına eğilip kıllarını kesme arkanda kıllı olsun ama diğer yerlerini temizle gerisini bana bırak dedim, o çocuğu emzirmek için diğer odaya gittiğinde gonca geldi omuzlarımı sıkarak ne yapıyorsun kazandığın paraları yine karıya kızanı yediriyorsun diye kulağıma fısıldayarak kulak mememe dil attı oha diyecektim ki refleks ile sol elim kalçasını kavradı sonra götüne sürterek elimi beline götürdüm kulağına benim işim bulduğumu yalarım sikerim döllerim bulamazsam sende bilirsin 31 çeker fışkırtırım dedim hafif utandı ama ben zarfı yolladım alırsa mektubu verirdi yoksa 31 e devam…Derya çocuğu emzirmiş olduğumuz odaya doğru gelirken sütten ıslanan tişörtünden memesini gösterdim resmen al em diyordu… elini salladı boş ver der gibi bende bana yazık deyip şortumun önünü gösterdim… nihayet arkadaş uyandı akşam yemeği için yanımdaki kanepeden… seninle işim çok konuşucaz seninle özel dedim… gece sahile ineriz hallederiz dediğinde evdeki herkes bizde bizde diye fırladı ama bile diyemedik….
evde yemek için masaya Otururken fark ettim herkes resmen çıplak sayılırdı kızlar ve annesi sütyen giymediği için tişörtlerden memeleri sallanıyor belli oluyor giydikleri tayt ve shortlardanda altlarında da birşey olmadığı aşikardı… biz ise zaten sadece şort ile oturuyorduk….yemekte yanıma oturan gonca masada rahat durmuyor ik**e bir bacağım yerine sikime vuruyor beni tahrik ediyordu…hareketlenen sikimi usulca kısa şortun yanından kafasını dışarı çıkardım…kolumla kolunu dürttüm gösterdim Sol eli ile yavaş yavaş dizimden sürterek elini sikimin başına getirip ucundan akan zevk suyumu parmakları ile başını ovup ağızına getirdiğinde yaşadığım haz inanılmazdı… bir an porno filmlerde ki gibi saçından tutup sikimi dayayacaktım boğazına kadar ama yemekte olmamız ona avantaj sağladı…boşalan tabağını yemek servisi için kalkan goncanın sallanan kalçalarına bakarak yemeğimi yerken annesi masanın altından ayaklarıma vurarak beni uyardı sert bir bakışla!! Her ne kadar tebessümlerimle anlatmaya çalışsamda onların hakkımda bildikleri belki bu ilişkiye herhangi bir şekilde onay vermeyebilirdi ama 26 yaşında bir kızın hele de bulunduğumuz mevki itibari ile sik görüp yemeden durmayacağı ortamdı,gerçi kendisi davranışları ve sözleri ile bir erkeği boşaltabilecek bir kızdı gonca,
Sohbet arasında arkadaşıma ananı sikerim bak küfrünü etsemde Ayla teyzenin kıllı amı 31 çekerken hayalimdeydi her fışkırdığımda sanki kıllarının üstüne boşalıyormuş hazzı veriyordu…gonca mutfaktan kimseye çaktırmadan şortunu indirip bana domaldığımda aklım başımdan gitmişti , yemekler bitip kahve için koltuğa geçtiğimiz de hayallerim denizlere sığmıyordu ki Ayla teyze yanıma oturdu. Dışarı çıkacakmısınız bara diye sorduğunda biz çıkarız abimle is evde kalın demişti arkadaşım,ama kızların yüzü düşmüş Ayla teyze ise ayrı kırılmıştı hani sahile gidecektik diye mırıldandığında bu sefer ben piçlik yaptım kulağına eğilerek seni daha çok o mayolu halinle görmek isterim şort nedir dediğimde bacaklarını sıkarak aynı kuzum belki daha uzundur saçakların yaprağı diyerek kahkaha atmıştı… usulca başımı dizlerine koydum biraz masaj yapmasını isteyip kucağına serilmiştim hafif titriyordu terse dönerken koklayıp am kısmını burnunla gıdıklayınca oh ile ah arası inledi ve saçlarımı çekip kendine yasladı beni, dizlerinde yatarken yüz yüze geldiğimizde ağzımdan gerçekten dediğin gibi ise yalamak isterim kusura bakma dedim sessizce… aldığım tepki lan piç hem beni hem kızımı mı sikecen oldu…! Hayır gonca benim gözümde başka dediğimde – he ben orospuyum oda orospu çocuğumu dedi hafif sertçe , aklımdan asla böyle bir düşüncenin geçmediğini ama samimiyetlerinden dolayı cinsel manada fantezi kurduğumu ve bınun içinde özürlerimi kabul etmelerini istedim..bana sadece sessiz olmamı arkadaşıma birşey belli etmememi söyledi, kızlar mutfakta bulaşık kahve ile uğraşırken arkadaşım klasik tuvalet resitali için lavobaya geçtiğinde elimi usulca Ayla teyzenin şortundan içeri soktum hayalimdeki muhteşem amını saran kıllar neredeyse parmağıma dolanacak kadar uzundu. Hafif ıslaklı hissetmiştim şortunu üsten sıyırdım dilimi amının üstündeki kılları yalarlen ilk defam dilimin ucu amının yarığına geldi zevk suyu gelmiş amcığını dillemeye başladım ama şort yüzünden zorlanıyordum… farkında olan Ayla teyze birden kalktı odasına gitti ve bana seslendi -bakarmısınnn diye!!! Birden hareketlenip kalktım odaya doğru gidecekken gonca masanın kenarından beni odaya soktu kapının kenarında şortunu sıyırdı ve al yakından bak dedi!! Yemekte uzaktan gördüğüm amı ve götü pırıl pırıl traşlamış giydiği iç çamaşırından sarkan zevk suyu ile dudaklarımı ıslattım ama – Ayla teyze çağırdı akşam görüşürüz dedim son dil darbesini dilimin ucu götünün deliğine sokup çıkarttıktan sonra , odaya geldiğimde -şunu düzeltmeme yardım edermisim sesi yüksek sesle ki olacaklardan kimse şüphelenmesin diye… karşımda şortunu indirmiş amının uzamış kıllarını yana çekerek açtığı sulanmış amcığını parmaklerken fısıldayarak yala gel rahat et hadiiiii diye seslendi…
Burnum ile bızırını dilim ile amını yalıyor ara sıra gelen zevk suyunu hüpletip geri tükürüyor bir aşşağı bir yukarı rutin şekilde yalıyordum hayalimde yaşayan amı….sikimden gelen zevk suyu şortumudan sızıyordu aletimi çıkardım bana sakın yapamazsın aklından bile geçirme siye titrek bir sesle zevk halinde konuşuyordu,dilim o koca götünün deliğine amından akan sular ile darbe atıyor elimlede 31 çekiyordum.o sarsılarak ve titreyerek boşaldığında yatağa uzanmasını kıllarına boşalmak istediğimi söylediğimde girmene izin veremem dedi bende merak etme öyle bir düşüncem yok sadece boşaltacam döllerimi yalayacam senin suyunla deyip yatağa yatırdım,
Sanırım en az 7-8 kez tam olarak kıllı amına fışkırdığımda oha diyordu bu ne lan dediğinde bunu içinde hissetmeliydin deyip döllediğim amnın üstünü yalamaya başladım 9-20 dk sonra inmeye başlayan ama hala belli olan sikim be önü zevksuyu olmuş şortumla goncaya yakalandım, attığı bakış hayallerimi yıksada düşündüğü gibi birşeyin olmadığını sadece tahriklere dayanamadığınımı söylediğimde Ayla teyze hışımla lan kaşar bırak çocuğun yakasını mikrop diye azarlıyordu goncayı… banyoya girdiğimde kankam hala sıçıyordu bir eli sikinde diğerinde tablet 31 çekiyordu. Bana ne olduğunu sordu tahrik oldum olum aşşağıda asılacam dedim !! Bu nasıl tahriklik zaten boşalmışsın dediğinde- yok be ama seni özledim ya sen ? Diye sordum elinde ki kalın aletine bakarak!!! Kanka gerçekten mi siye sordu? Hayırdır sorun mu var dediğimde evlendiğinden beri cinsel hayatının eskiye nazaran körü olduğunu sıkıntılar olduğunu söyledi!! O anlatırken ben sikinin başını ısırıyordum! Meselenin kolay olduğunu Derya ile kısa bir konuşma yaptığımı herşeyin bizim hayallerimizdeki gibiymiş ama neden bunların yaşandığını sordum elindeki tablette baktığı şeyleri aynı şekilde eşindende iste gönderdikleri ile az sonra bas yarrağı gitsin diyor sonrada taşşaklarını emiyordum ki deryadan resim istemiş kız erinmeden çekip göndermiş ona bakarken inliyordu, benden sakladığı resmi olmaz Derya bu dediğinde bana ne sikecek değilim ya bakacam deyip elinden aldım… telefonda gördüğüm şey inanılmazdı 30 dakika önce siyah beyaz kıllılarla kaplı bir amcığı sonrada gelininin simsiyah kıllı harika göt deliği ve amcığını gördüm ve sikim kalktı tekrarl… kanka git yala şu götü dille be kardeşim boş ver bizi dedim amaaan yaptı lan odada gerçeği var sen telefondan mı boşalacan salak dediğimde omuzlarını silkeledi.. kusura bakma ama kanka ben bunu hayal edip boşalacam dedim bana ne amk diyerek çıktı dışarı telefonu bende kaldı ,
Direk -hayatım ağzınıda sakso çekecekmiş gibi yapıp yollarmışım diye mesaj attım 1-2 dk sonra peşpeşe resimler geldi sıkarak sütü çıkan memeleri parmaklardan biri amında biri götünde domalarak bir kaç resim geldi!!! Altına gel hadi özledim seni yaaaa ama !!! Yazılı mesaj
-patlat amımı götümü yala beni eskisi gibi diye mesajlar gelirken cevap yazmadığım için
-bak ararım Burak abiyi haaa diye mesaj geldiğinde donup kaldım…
Ne demeliydim ki ! Sonra aklıma hinlik geldi yazmaya başladım benim bildiğimden başka siz buluşmadınız değil mi dedim!!!
-hayır asla beraber yaşadıklarımız dışında birşey yok zaten puşt götümü patlatıyordu en son bir daha yatmam zaten onunla dediğinde … şok olmuştum kardeşim dediğim kişi benden başka biri ilede birşeyler yaşamış ama karısı ile diye düşünüp şok olmuştum…. donup kaldım
Hadi sende ufaklığı yolla deyince -sana sürprizim var dedim telefonu makinenin üzerine koyarak 20 saniyelik video çekip yolladım…!
-tepkisi bu kim olunca !! Serkan dediğimde sessizliğe büründü
Altına resimlerine baktı başkası sandı mala asılıyor diye yazdım
-ooooo vvvv dedi!! İstersen söyleyeyim gelsin mi bu gece yanımıza diye sorduğumda hayır istemem çok ayıp olur gözünde rezil oluruz dedi hadi içeri gel diye kapattı..
Yazılanlara inanamıyordum yıllardır aramızda geçenleri düşünüyor sonra olanlara beni dahil etmemesi saklaması beni kırmıştı… lavobadan çıktığımda herkes dışarı çıkmak için beni bekliyordu…asık yüz ifademi normale çevirip kafamda soru işareti bırakmamak adına türlü planlar yapmaya karar verdim… sırayla yada karışık farketmez sikşin dibine vuracaktım bu tatilimde,arabaya bindiğimizde bir elim ayla teyzenin şortundan götünü avuçlarken diğeri goncanın tişörtünden memelerine çarpıyordu gözlerimi her kapatıp açtığımda Derya’yı sikme planları yapıyordum.Ayla teyze de gonca da şort ve tişörtten başka birşey giymemişler buda benim sikimi kontrol etmeme olanak sağlamıyordu parmağımı soktup çıkardıkça Ayla teyzenin gözleri kayıyordu. Kulağına eğilip parmakla değil sikimle yapmak döllerimle doldurmak istiyorum deyip kulağını emip dilimi sokuyordum.. bunu goncanın farketmesi uzun sürmedi annesine nazire yaparcasına elimin memesini sıkmasını sağladı sonra kulağıma bu kaşar vermez sana elleyip durma şunu dediğinde kahkahayı patlatmıştım önde oturan derya ile arkadaşım hayırdır abi keyiflisin dediğinde ne olsun daha hayatımda tanıdığım en güzel insanlarla beraberim her anın tadını çıkaracam dediğimde dikiz aynasından bana bakan arkadaşım Özgür’e nazire yaparcasına bir annesinin bir kız kardeşinin kulak memelerimi emiyordum yüz ifadesi değişince Derya’yı göstererek elimle onuda sikecem işareti yapınca dahada bozuldu.
Sahile geldiğimizde abi ayıp değilmi?delikanlılığa sığarmı diye söze başladı yalnız başımıza kaldığımızda, bende kendisine şan piç benim bakmaya kıyamadığım Derya’yı Serkan denen göte siktirirken ayıp değilmiydi dediğimde donup kaldı!!!!-ulan ibne kızın as kalsın götünü patlatıyormuşsunuz,madem böyle düşünceleriniz vardı beni niye egale ettin seminle o kadar yaşanmışlıklarımız var dediğimde utanmıştı utanmaz piç… telefonunu aç mesajlara bak piç dedim ve kızların yanına gittim ayla teyze kuma oturmuş sandelye alıp arkasına oturdum omuzlarına masaj yapıyor- yılların yükü var kız merak etme rahatlatacam seni döllerimle masaj yapacam sana ama sende goncaya sataşma artık dedim o senin kızın senin gibi olmasın oda lütfen dediğimde arakaya sert bir bakış atarak – benim gibi derken!!! Diye sorunca…evlenip boşandın diye bir sürü yarak yediğinde orospu olmuyormusun diye sordum? Daha akşam bana oğlunun arkadaşına amını götünü yalatmadın mı ? Amına koyduğumun kaşarı diye serzenişte bulundum kulağına ve omuzlarını sıkarak seni parçalıyacam bu gece şansın yok ona göre dedim ve bira almak için goncanın yanında duran sepete gittim..Goncanınyanına ters şekilde oturdum Ayla teyze bana sertleşmiş bakışlarla bakıyordu gonca ne oldu ya niye kızdı sana bu kaşar dediğinde
—onu eritecem bu gece gonca dediğimde
-bu folloş olmuş kaşarımı diye gülerek başını göğsüme koydu
– kaşar maşar ama kadın bu kadın dünya tanıdığım en mükemmel kadınlardan biridir benim ayla teyzem diye hafif yüksek sesle söyleyip duymasını sağladım gururlandı o sözlerimle
-Gonca kız ben sana başka birşey soracam serkan kim kız dediğimde
-çok samimi olduğu barlar sokağından biri senden sonra tanıştılar ama çocuk özgür evlendiğinden beri yatak odalarında neredeyse dedi
-nasıl yani dedim
– walla bu kaşar derya azgın orospu biliyorsun bizimki sikte sever
-Onu biliyorum bebeğim aile geleneğiniz sedim kahkaha ile eee dedim
– sanırım serkan ikisinide sikiyor hatta biraz büyükmüş aleti diye konuşurlarkende duydum dedi
-sen yada annenle yattımı doğru söyle kız sikiştin mi sen bu çocukla dedim yok walla bak ama annemi bilmem o kaşarı dedi
Bu gece seninle kalabilirmiyim dedim ohaaa dedi bana -sikiş için değil len sohbet ederiz dediğimde olur manasında kafasını salladı…
Yavaş yavaş rayına oturuyordu herşey şimdi derya ve Özgür ü sıkıştırma zamanıydı Derya’yı sikmeden gidemezdim artık… bebekleri ile oynarken yanlarına sokuldum Özgür’e direk sordum ama Derya’nın gözlerine bakıyordum
-Serkan mı iyi sikişiyor ben mi?
Lafa atlayan derya;
-Abi düşündüğün gibi değil dediğinde
-Heeee adam koca sikiyle götünü patlatıyormuş az daha nesi bildiğim gibi değil amk dediğimde
-bak derya biz bir birimizi tanıdığımız da ilk önce aynı anda 31 çekerdik sonra ilerledi birbirimizden zevk alır hale geldik, gizlimiz saklımız yoktu ben sizin düğününüzde durumunu söyle mutlaka diye uyardım,
– bak canım ben senden fazla görmüşümdür bu yarrağı ama bu orospu çocuğu senide bu hayatına dahil ettiğinde tanımadığı birine değil bana söylemeliydi yanlışmıyım dedim..kusura bakma hata bu piçin …belki ikimizin arasında daha mutlu olabilirdin ama bu piç sokaktan birini tercih etmiş dedim..çok kırıldım dedimkalktım…!!
Ayla teyze gonca hadi gelin su sıcak yüzelim diye seslendim karanlıkta yüzmek nefisti ama amacım farklıydı…suyun ortasında buluştuk ve;
-şimdi kimse kusura bakmasın siz özgürle aramdaki herşeyi bilen yegane insanlarsınız asla aklıma böyle şey getirmemem lazımdı ama Aylacım bu gece seninle sevişeceğiz sonra Gonca…..
-kes lan orospu çocuğu dedi bana
-yanlış anladın gonca ile sohbetimiz olacak meseleleri çözeceği deyince
Gonca – bu kaşarı sikeceksen al sik ben gidiyorum dediğinde
-sen başka olacaksın güzelim ayla bu gece son olacak dediğimde
-ben seninle yatmam dedi ayla!!!
-niye Serkan’ın kinden Küçük diye mi diye sorunca afalladı
-şimdi kapa çeneni git biz gonca ile konuşacağız dedim o yavaş yavaş sahile çıkarken gonca bak aramızda 7-8 yaş var sen eğer değişime hazırsan bu tatilden sonra bende değişecem deyip öpüşmeye başladık…. annemi bırak benim yanıma gel dedi elimle tıraşlı amcığını avuçlarken suyun içinde sen taraşlamışsın amını ben sevmem dedim götüme gir götüm kıllı biraz dediğinde sen anneni Derya’yı görsen dedim ters çevirip hafif eğil bakalım dedim sikimi çıkartım göt deliğini zorlamaya başladım daracık deliğine suyun içinde girip çıkmakta çabalıyordum dayanamayıp içine patladım.boynuna ve dudağına öpücük kondurdum.üstümüzü düzeltip yanlarına gittik.
Gonca lafa atlayarak anne kız erkekler göte boşaldığında böyle götoğlanı ibne mi oluyor diye Özgür’ü gösterdi.ayla teyze -hayırdır niye sordu?
-hiç dedi alkolün etkisiyle abisi godoş yengesi annesi fahişe gibi verdiği erkek önüne gelene sik kaldıran sapık nasıl bir dünyam varlan amk dedi… gonca coştu susmuyordu Sesi yükselince direk dudaklarına yumuldum sessizleşmesi için benimsin kız sus artık dedim.plajda içimizi boşlatmaca oynuyorduk alkolün etkisi ile ayla bize bakarken bende derya ve Özgür’e bakıyordum…toparlanalıp eve doğru yola çıktık gonca ben çok mu çirkinim niye beni değil kaşar annemi sikiyorsun derya fahişesini arzuluyorsun diye inliyordu… arabada sırlar ortaya çıkıyordu…derya bebeği yatırmak için odasına çıkarken gonca kanepede dizlerime yatmış sızlanıyordu ayla karşı berjerde rezil olacaktık az kalsın dediğinde !! Teyze sende maaşallah kızının ve oğlunun arkadaşları ile sektirmeden yatmışsın amk dediğimde… özgür bana bakınca yok kardeşim ben yapmadım ama yaladım diyebildim…
-heeeey beni sikmiş sadece kaşarı sikmemiş diye bağırdı kucağımda ağzını kapatamadım…!!!
Birden şortu sıyırıp sikimi ağzına aldı gonca hepimiz şok halinde ben durdurmaya çalışırken herkes görmedimi benden başka amk siktirin lan diyerek soyundu ve memelerini yüzüme dayayıp göstere göstere sik beni bunlar gibi yapma deyip beni dal taşşak soydu kucağıma oturup kendisi usulca sikimi amına yerleştirdi herkes afallamış halde bizi izlerken ben ellerimi açıp nenyapabilirim diyebiliyordum..sikim ıslak amcığında süzülürken elleri ile memelerini bana yalatıyordu denizden çıktığımız için tuzluydu ama dayanamadım gözlerimi kapatıp Özgür’ün karşısında kız kardeşini sikiyordum…..sik beni parçala amımı götümü diye uçuyordu gonca am suyu taşşaklarıma kadar akıyordu çıkartıp göt deliğine yasladım sik kocacım sik geçir deliklerime hissedeyim seni oh akıt döllerini diyerek inliyordu…
Derya çocuğu uyutmuş aşşagı salona geldiğinde -oha ne oluyor yaa dediğinde suslan kaşar izle nasıl sikişilir öğren deyip hızlıca götüne sokup yavaşça dışarı alıyordu 16.5 cm’lik sikimi…canım Özgür gelsin mi köle olarak taşşaklarımı yalasın sularımızı temizlesin dediğimde olmaz gelecek ise derya gelsin diyordu sevişen dillerimiz fırsatını bulduğunda…. ayla bu terbiyesizliğe dayanamam deyip odasına çıktı…
.-siktirgit kaşar dedi annesine sonra Derya’ya dönerek eğil yala lan fahişe kadın nasıl olur gör deyip Derya’yı yalamaya çağırdı gel gel dedim iş zaten bitti…
Çocuk emzirdiği için dahada büyüyen memeleri ve şortunu indirdiğinde kıl yumağı olan amcığı gel önce ben yalayacam dediğimde gonca yüzüme tokat atarak üstümden kalktı sen beni yala o aşşağıyı temizlesin diyince canım kazara boşalırsam sana boşalmak istiyorum dedim
-olsun beni yala önce deyince sikişten sırılsıklam olmuş amını dilliyordum gonca sikimive taşşaklarımı goncanın am suyundan temizlerken eli ile kendini parmaklıyordu !! Özgürle göz göze geldiğimde eli o kalın sikinde bizi izliyordu canlı porno gibi … o anda derya yalamayı bırakıp sikimi kıllı amına yarleştirmişi gonca yalanmanın hazzıyla inlerken Derya’yı farketti ve itti…. yer değiştirdiler gonca yine hışımla üstümde zıplıyor ve nihayet hayalimdeki am ve götü yalama fırsatı önümdeydi Derya’ya ayağa kalkıp domalmasını söyledim eğildiğinde karşımdakı manzara inanılmazdı dilim ile götünü sikiyordum am dudağındaki kıllardan süzülen suyu dilimle alıp kaysın diye göt deliği sürmek için dudaklarımla hüpürdetiyordum… inanılmaz dakikalar yaşıyordum son 20 dk dır hayalimi yaşarken boşalmak için goncayı iterken hayır içime boşal lütfen dediğinde adeta volkan gibi patlıyordum burnunla Derya’nın götünü dilimle amını yalarlen goncanın içini döllüyordum.. kalkın yalayın len dedim üstümden dizlerinin üstündeydiler sikimi son zevk döllerimi hüpleterek çektiriyordum… ayağa kalkan derya hani abi ben boşalmadım siz erkekler aynısınız hep dediğinde doymadın mı amk deyip iki kere boşaldın dilimle amını hissettim deyince rekorun bumu kocasını göstererek devam et dedim o beni sikmiyor 7-8 aydır dedi… gonca sikimi taşşağımı emip oynarken bende ayakta süt dolu memeleri yalıyor sol elimle götünü parmaklıyordum… sönmeye başlayan sikim tahrik edci sözler karşısında durup tekrar kalkmaya başlamıştı sağ elimde goncanın sol elimde Derya’nın götünü avuçluyor sırayla birbirimiz öpüp ısırıyorduk.özgür hala eli sikinde oynuyordu içeriyi am ve göt kokusu sarmıştı banyoya çıkıp duş alalım deyip yukarı çıktık… 3 müz birbirimizi yıkayıp ovalarlarken Özgür eli sikinde kapıda bizi izliyordu..

Devam edecek…!!

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The Deal Ch. 32

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The Deal’s Who’s Who

Diana Hughes – mother of Matthew Hughes, widow of the late David Hughes, started the Deal

Matthew Hughes- Diana’s son, boyfriend of Cindy Morgan

Cindy Morgan – Matt’s girlfriend, lives with the Hughes


Craig Lynn – Matt’s best friend, son of Jeff and Susan Lynn, brother to Cindy Lynn

Susan Lynn – Diana’s best friend, wife of Jeff and mother of Craig and Cindy Lynn

Jeff Lynn – Husband of Susan and father of Craig and Cindy Lynn


Chip Hamilton – close friend to Matt and Craig

Kim Hamilton – close friend of Diana’s, wife of Adam, mother of Chip

Adam Hamilton – husband of Kim and father of Craig


Lacey Brock – neighbor and former old friend of Diana, Susan and Kim.

Jenny Clark – friend of Craig Lynn, going to same college as Craig

Steven DeForest – Former Biology teacher for Matt, Craig and Chip, interested in Diana Hughes

Gwen Hollister – brunette haired sister to Stephanie, new neighbors of the Hughes and owners of Dreamland adult store

Stephanie Hollister – blonde haired sister to Gwen, new neighbors of the Hughes and owners of Dreamland adult store.

All characters engaged in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age.


Diana swayed around the kitchen pulling together the ingredients for omelets. After depositing the carton of eggs on the counter she stopped in mid swirl to stare at the smiling Cindy leaning against the hallway opening.

Diana beamed, “Good morning sweetheart.”

Cindy burst into giggles, “Wow, you even sang that.”

Diana gave a mock huff and put her hands on her bare hips, “And what exactly is wrong with my singing?”

Cindy swayed into the room and grabbed Diana by the hand and opposite hip and spun her around the kitchen in dance steps.

“Absolutely nothing,” Cindy answered as she stared into Diana’s face as they spun. “It is the most adorable thing.”

Cindy swung Diana toward the table and chairs as she turned toward the counter and surveyed the items on it, “Omelets I take it. I’ll make them so you are free to tell me all about your first date with Gwen.”

Diana laughed, “Oh, it was perfect. I really, really like her a lot. We talked for hours.”

“Just talked, young lady?” Cindy said, “You didn’t get home until well after eleven. How late does MacKenzie’s stay open?”

Diana blushed, “Well, we did go back to her house after we left MacKenzie’s.”

Cindy nodded her head with a smirk, “Oh and I’m sure you just “talked” when you got there. And before you deny it, your blush is telling me a completely different story.”

Cindy even air quoted ‘talked.’

Diana giggled, “There’s no keeping secrets in this house, huh?”

Cindy stopped whisking the eggs to completely face Diana, putting her hands on her bare hips, “So…?”

Diana’s blush deepened and spread down her collarbone, “Oh my God, it was wonderful.”

Cindy beamed and returned to her preparations. “Let me guess – it’s going to be another late night tonight?”

Diana ducked her head which Cindy’s back didn’t notice, “Actually, I’m planning on spending the night with her tonight.”

Cindy whirled at the news, “Wow, you do have it bad, huh?”

Diana gave a very sheepish grin in response.

“Before you know it and it’ll be ‘Mom who?’ around here.”

Diana raised her hands in protest but was cut off by the laughing girl.

“Oh hush, I’m only teasing. We couldn’t be more happy for you. You so deserve somebody like Gwen to love and love you back. Believe me, Matt and I are grown-ups who can amuse ourselves.

Diana got a gleam in her eyes, “Oh yes, I’m sure you can entertain Matt by yourself. I’m sure that foxtail will be very entertaining.”

It was Cindy’s turn to have a scarlet patch appear on her chest and face.

“Wow, there really are no secrets around here huh? Wait a minute, that’s no fair. I bought that from Stephanie, not Gwen.”

Diana laughed, “What was that you said yesterday? How do you expect someone to keep something juicy like that in?”

“Yeah, well after last night’s reaction that foxtail is definitely not being returned.”

Diana laughed, “I almost wish I had been here to have seen it.”

Cindy laughed back, “No, you don’t – you were plenty entertained by yourself. I bet the Hollisters have all sorts of interesting items in that house of theirs.”

Diana kept on laughing, “Not that I noticed, but there were plenty of books.”

Cindy’s eyes lit up, “oooooo, nice.”

Diana smiled again, “I’m going to Dreamlands later to help her go through a new shipment of books.”

Cindy giggled, “Oh, I’m sure that is your only reason for going.”

Diana just blushed again in response.

Many hours and many inspected books later, Cindy smiled widely at the sight of Gwen and Diana laughing and holding hands as they walked into Tony’s.

“Welcome to Tony’s,” Cindy responded, “Can I interest you in a very private booth?”

Gwen giggled, “Oh, I knew I liked you a lot.”

Cindy canlı bahis stepped between the two women and put her arms around their shoulders, “Follow me please.”

Cindy led them to a quiet corner and watched as Diana sat into the booth first and Gwen slid in beside her.

Cindy’s grin broadened, “Say Mrs. Hughes, is that a glimpse of a metal chain I spy in that fairly open blouse?”

Diana looked around before pulling open the collars of her blouse widening the opening showing the curves of her full bare breasts and the silver chain dangling between them by the clamps attached to her suddenly revealed nipples.

“My, my, this older generation. I certainly didn’t wear anything like that on my second date.”

Gwen laughed, “With all the shenanigans going on in the neighborhood lately, I figured it was high time I got to enjoy it as well.”

Cindy leaned over to hug Gwen, “welcome to the tribe my dear.”

Gwen put her arm around Cindy’s, “Thank you sweetheart. Besides I got it from a very good source that the chain and nipple clamp combo looks quite stunning on you as well.”

Cindy paused for a second before giggling, “Oh mom, so you kiss and tell huh? So, before I embarrass myself any more, can I get you two lovely ladies anything to drink before you order?”

The two women ordered wine and perused the menus that Cindy left on the table as she went to get their drinks.

Shortly, Gwen and Diana were enjoying their salads when Gwen noticed Cindy leaning against a side wall watching them smiling.

Gwen smiled and waved Cindy over.

Cindy came right over, “What can I get you, Gwen?”

Gwen looked around, “Are you busy?”

Cindy smiled, “No, we’re quieting down quite a bit now.”

Gwen waved at the empty seat on the other side of their table. “Please join us if you won’t get into any trouble.”

Cindy shook her head, “Oh no, I don’t want to intrude on you two.”

It was Gwen’s turn to shake her head, “You’re not intruding. If I have my way I’m going to be a part of this family all the time.”

Diana smiled and put her hand on top of Gwen’s and squeezed it.

Cindy looked at the hands together and smiled, “I think it is very safe to say ‘Mission accomplished.'”

Gwen looked around at the fairly empty restaurant, “I know all about how you let Matt continue on with Diana. That is amazingly selfless of you.”

Cindy blushed, “Really, it took the pressure off of me while I grew more comfortable with everything.”

Gwen nodded, “Di told me that. Thing is you have a very close family, and I don’t want to get in the way of that either.”

Cindy shook her head hard causing her hair to swirl around her shoulders, “Oh no. Matt and I couldn’t be happier for both of you. You are certainly not in the way.”

Gwen smiled, “You are such a sweetheart. I was in a relationship with Steph for a long time and knew how she wanted male companionship occasionally. I get that. From what I know of Di she is perfect for me, and I know I’m going to have a great life, but I certainly don’t mind you and Matt being a close part of that if you get my meaning. Again knowing Di and her feelings for you two I can easily see myself failing in love with both of you as well too. You are a very special young woman.”

Cindy continued to blush. She swallowed and pointed to Di, “What’s important to me is that that woman sitting next to you is happy.”

Diana smiled and reached out to hold Cindy’s hand. “Thank you my love.”

Cindy looked back at Gwen, “A very, very wise woman once told me that it is all about comfort zones and what we each are comfortable with.”

Gwen smiled and looked at Diana, “A very wise woman indeed.”

She looked back at Cindy and spoke, “Look Cindy. I know you and Matt give Diana a tremendous amount of pleasure, and I really want to be a part of that not the reason it ends.”

Cindy nodded, “Matt and I have already done so many things with the others in the neighborhood and it is not threat, just a lot more love for us. I get that. There is no jealousy or fear of loss. That’s fine with me and I’m sure it will be fine with Matt. As long as you two are happy.”

Gwen smiled, “Thank you for including me.”

Diana smiled, “Thank you sweetie.”

Cindy wiggled out of the booth, “I best get your entrees and see if anything else needs tending to. I want to get home at a decent time to attack Matt.”

“Don’t forget my bed which is bigger than both yours combined is free and available tonight.”

“Oooh, I’ll keep that in mind,” Cindy cooed. “Thanks mom.”

Gwen and Diana laughed and continued with their salads.

Soon enough the two women were standing next to the cashier’s counter and waited as Cindy swiped Diana’s card.

Cindy ripped off the receipt and handed it to Diana and walked from around the counter up to Gwen. She put her arms around the surprised woman and hugged her tight leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek.

“Truly, I am so happy you are in the family now. Not only because I love seeing mom so insanely happy bahis siteleri but also because you are clearly such a wonderful person.”

Gwen returned the kiss and hugged Cindy tight, “Thank you so much.”

Cindy looked back at the staff by the counter, “I’ll be right back in a minute.”

She entwined her arms with Diana and Gwen’s and walked out of the restaurant with them to Diana’s car.

Diana turned and gave Cindy a deep kiss then pulled back holding her while looking into her eyes, “Thank you. I love you so much.”

Cindy crushed her in a tight hug that took her breath away.

As the two women climbed into the car and fastened their seatbelts Cindy leaned over the open window on Gwen’s side. “Now Gwen, you have heard about the dress code in our house, right? I certainly am going to continue and honestly we both hope Mom here does as well, you just take your time with what you are comfortable with doing, okay?”

Diana pulled her blouse open exposing her breasts and the chain suspended between them, “Do you really think I would change that much?”

Cindy laughed, shaking her head, “Perish the thought,” she answered as she waved good bye and walked back into the restaurant.

Soon enough Gwen was opening the door to her house and held the door open for Diana. Diana stood near Gwen as she closed and locked the door. Just as she turned from the door to face Diana, Diana with a smirk grabbed Gwen’s face with both her hands and pressed her mouth tight into Gwen’s, her tongue pushing past her teeth to swirl against Gwen’s own tongue.

Gwen moaned and brought her hand up to run it through Diana’s short auburn hair, using it to push her head tighter into the kiss.

Soon the two were moaning, the sounds muffled by the sealed lips and pushing tongues.

With chests heaving the two split apart, panting from the exertion.

Gwen looked at Diana with a gleam, “You are really going to be all mine for the entire night?”

Diana smiled, “If you want.”

“Oh I want,” Gwen nodded. She reached out and started to unbutton the few remaining closed buttons on Diana’s blouse. “I also want you naked for me the entire time you are here.”

Diana looked down as Gwen pulled the open blouse off Diana’s body to let it fall to the floor behind her, the chain hooked to her nipples swaying back and forth as Diana’s breasts shook.

Gwen reached down and let her fingers slowly glide from the center of the chain between her breasts to the clamp hooked to her left nipple. Her fingers danced lightly over the nipple causing it to pebble. She pinched and lightly pulled the nipple, holding the soft flesh rather than the metal clamp.

Slowly her hand glided back across the chain to Diana’s right nipple. Again the fingers toyed with the nipple as Diana hissed in pleasure.

Gwen smiled as she watched Diana reach down to open her pants. She cupped underneath Diana’s breasts feeling the full weight of them fall into her hands as Diana leaned down to pull her pants and panties down and off her body kicking her shoes with them.

Gwen stared at Diana’s naked body before her as she squeezed her full breasts. She purred. Gwen moved her right hand back to the space between Diana’s breasts to grab the chain in the middle and brought it up so she could bite it and hold it in her mouth. She turned her head causing the clamps to pull on Diana’s nipples.

“Oh fuck, that feels amazing,” Diana hissed before squealing louder as Gwen suddenly brought her hand to cup Diana’s sex, her fingers roughly pushing and sliding on her moistening flesh.

Diana spread her legs wider apart and brought her arms to rest on Gwen’s shoulders her hands hanging behind her back as she dropped her head and watched Gwen’s hand poke and prod inside her.

Gwen kept turning her head right and left to bring a pulling motion to each clamped nipple in turn as her fingers plunged deeply into Diana.

Diana’s legs started to tremble as she panted harder and shook.

“Oh Gwen, I’m coming,” Diana gasped then screamed “I’m coming” as her legs and stomach trembled with her spasms, her hands locked behind Gwen’s head holding her tight as Diana shook in pleasure.

After she stilled and caught her breath, Diana pressed her forehead into Gwen’s. Di tilted her head and kissed the smiling woman in her arms.

Diana pushed Gwen into the wall then dropped to her knees before Gwen yanking the dress and underwear down her legs.

Diana thrust her face and protruding tongue into Gwen’s open sex before her. As she licked, her hands slid up under Gwen’s shirt gliding over her smooth stomach and then up to her bare breasts with both hands pressed into the soft flesh her palms pushing into the hard nipples.

Diana stopped her ministrations to look up at Gwen with a smile, “So I wasn’t the only braless one out tonight huh? I thought so.”

Gwen gave a husky chuckle, “I was hoping you’d notice.” Her words turned into another hiss as Diana plunged her face back into Gwen’s folds as her fingers found Gwen’s nipples and pulled on them.

Gwen bahis şirketleri reached down to unbutton her blouse, she threw it off her shoulders where it stayed, pinned by her body and the wall behind her.

Gwen tugged her arms out of the sleeves then tightly clasped Diana’s head in her hands as she continued to lick.

“Oh, oh, oh, ooooooohhhhh,” Gwen moaned as her pelvis pushed into Diana as Gwen erupted into her orgasm. Diana held still as the thighs pressed into the side of her face squeezed and shook as her splayed open sex gushed bittersweet tasting fluids into Diana’s lapping mouth.

Finally Gwen collapsed, pushing herself into Diana, dropping them both to the carpeted floor. Gwen wrapped her arms around Diana and held her tight. She sighed in bliss as she felt Diana’s arms wrap around her pulling her in tighter into the embrace.

After a while Gwen softly kissed all over Diana’s smiling face. The two kept their embrace but stretched out their legs to rest against each other.

Gwen shook her head, “You are the most amazing person I’ve ever met. I have so much fun with you and can’t get enough. But oh my God, the sex, it is completely out of this world. I’ve never experienced anything like this at all.”

Diana smiled and gave a chuckle, “I love sex and have had a very sexual existence but this really is the most intense I’ve ever had.”

Slowly and gingerly the two women helped each other up. Diana stood back and let her eyes scan over Gwen’s body, from her softly smiling face down her collar bone to her two soft, slender but still full breasts with their brownish colored nipples. She glanced down the smooth stomach to the soft brown triangle of hair between her muscular legs.

Gwen watched Diana’s intense stare. She smiled shyly, “What?”

Diana looked into Gwen’s face and beamed, “I’m just admiring how beautiful my girlfriend is.”

Soft tears filled Gwen’s eyes before leaking down her cheeks.

Diana gave a gentle laugh and cupped Gwen’s face to carefully kiss the tears.

Slowly and quietly in time with the kisses Diana softly spoke accentuating each word, “I…love…you.”

Gwen turned her head to kiss Diana passionately.

Again the two split apart but kept their arms around the other, Gwen’s wrapped around Diana’s shoulders and head while Diana held her arms on Gwen’s waist and back. Gwen let her eyes drift down Diana’s body before her, “My turn to admire you, my gorgeous love.”

Diana stepped back and struck a pose with one hand behind her head while the other rested on her pushed out hip causing Gwen to laugh.

“You really are an exhibitionist aren’t you? I see why Matt and Cindy want you naked all the time. I definitely want you nude when we’re together.”

Diana burst into laughter, “Gee, why do I even bother buying any clothes?”

“So I can take you out and show the world how incredibly lucky I am,” Gwen answered.

Diana blushed slightly and leaned in to kiss Gwen again.

There would be a lot more kisses before the two made it past the living room.

Matt searched the room carefully. He shifted the pile of boxes but nothing. He swung around the counter. Suddenly a gangly figure crawled up from the floor, bones showing through the jagged, torn flesh of the arm as it grabbed the counter to pull itself up.

Matt raised his uzi just as a hand softly caressed his neck.

“FUCK!” Matt yelled as he threw the controller into the air and crashed his chair into the desk jerking away from the hand so fast.

Cindy jumped back repressing her giggles, “I’m so sorry. I thought you knew I was behind you.”

Matt turned his chair to face Cindy. Matt took in the soft, full breasts jiggling from the stifled giggles threatening to erupt from her. He loved how her nipples were almost always hard pebbles sticking out darkly from her pale full flesh.

Cindy pointed at his screen – “Uh, why is blood dripping down your screen?”

Without turning Matt answered, “Because the zombie got me.”

Cindy brought her hand up to her mouth, “I am so, so, so sorry.”

Matt continued to let his eyes run over the gentle curves and slopes that made her body.

“I’m not,” Mat answered smiling, “I would much rather look at my incredibly gorgeous girlfriend.”

Matt smiled as the familiar patch of red appeared on her collarbone and spread up her neck and down into her breasts.

Cindy smiled and moved over and swung her legs wide on either side of Matt’s legs as she sat down on his thighs and hung her arms around his neck. Through his sweats Matt could feel the heat of her open sex as it pressed into him. He placed his hands around her hips, his hands caressing the soft globes of her ass as it pressed into his legs.

“We have the house all to ourselves,” Cindy told her boyfriend with a gleam in her eyes.

Matt nodded, “I know. Mom packed an overnight bag, more with toiletries than any clothes.”

Cindy giggled, “I think mom will be running around naked in two places from now on.”

Matt laughed and agreed. “So my love, what would you like to do tonight?”

Cindy grinned, “Well the other night I had three men do me all at the same time but now I would like my lover to do me in all the same three places by himself one after the other.”

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The Demise of Innocence Ch. 03

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So, that’s how things started between them. Sabrina was barely 18, Jim was in his early 40’s and happily married to Sabrina’s mom. Everything was going well for the two of them during the past few weeks. A lot of innocent flirting took place too. For instance, if Sabrina were bending over the clothes dryer to get her clothes out Jim would stand beside her with his hand on her ass and ask how she was doing. Or if she were knelt down at the base cabinets in the kitchen looking for a certain cooking pot, Jim would stand almost directly in front of her with the zipper of his jeans practically inches from her face, tempting not only her but him too. There was also a lot of weekday morning fun after Sabrina and Jim had both showered, and after his wife/her mom had left for work, leaving the two of them, patient step-father and innocently eager to learn step-daughter, alone in the house together. No matter what the circumstances, when the two of them were left alone they both felt the need to touch each other, the desire to be close to one another, it was almost like a magnet existed inside of them both, pulling them together.

It was always the same routine, always oral sex or masturbation between the two of them. As a small gift to Sabrina, Jim had even bought Sabrina a pair of large gold hoop earrings with little bunny heads on them for her to wear. He had purchased them from Playboy. He told her that on those “special occasions” she should wear them for him because it was a turn on for him to see them dangling about, against the side of her pretty young face as her head bobbed up and down, working wonders on his manhood as he verbally instructed her in the ways of orally pleasing a man. He also told her that she could wear her new earrings in front of him even when her mom was around, that it would be a way to send a signal to him, letting him know she needed his attention.

Jim drove a four wheel drive pickup truck with tinted windows and a lift kit so it sat up higher than most standard models. Between the tinted windows and the lift kit, there was no way anyone could see inside the cab of the truck unless they made some real effort to do so. Needless to say, Jim and Sabrina made good use of his truck on several opportunities, first finding a place to meet each other, then parking Sabrina’s car while driving to a more secluded location in Jim’s truck. This is the very place that Sabrina gave herself up to Jim for the first time.

“I swear Pumpkin, you make me so horny.” Jim said as they sat in his truck, listening to the local country radio station with the windows rolled halfway down. Playing with each other, Jim kissing her pussy and finger fucking her while she stroked his cock and balls with her soft and tender hand. “I know it’s not right, but sometimes I feel like I need more Sabrina.”

“You mean you want to?” Sabrina asked in an anxious voice.

Jim interrupted: “Yes Baby, nothing would please me more than to be inside you.”

“Oh Jim, I want that too, in fact I’ve been wanting that for a long time but I was afraid to be the first one to mention it.” Sabrina said as her hand suddenly stayed perfectly still on Jim’s swollen shaft, as if she could not concentrate on stroking him while at the same time talking to him about the subject of sexual intercourse.

They were silent again, enjoying each other’s company and what they came there to do. The night air was cool when suddenly Sabrina asked: “Can we roll the windows up?”

“Sure Sweety, you cold?”

“Yes, a little bit.”

“There how’s that?” Jim asked her as he took her hand in his and placed it back on his penis.

“That’s better, but listen.”

“What is it Pumpkin, I don’t hear anything.”

“I know, that’s just it. If the windows were rolled down we could hear if someone were coming. Don’t you think we should lock the doors too? I’d just die if someone were to catch us together. I mean think about, this is not really very cool anyway, I mean gosh Jim, how many pickup trucks do you know of that look like your’s? Please? I’d feel safer if we did.”

After rolling the windows up and locking the doors, making sure Pumpkin felt secure, Jim laid back on the driver’s side door with his legs spread, one leg was on the seat and the other on the floor. “Ok now. Look Princess, forget what I said, we can just do like we canlı bahis always do, it’s ok.” Jim said. Sabrina knew what to do, it had been five days since they were able to play and she desperately wanted to be fucked in her mouth. She had become quite good at performing fellatio, in fact she even started feeling comfortable with doing it too, so much so that she would talk and whisper to Jim as she did so.

“Mmmm.” Sabrina said as she stroked his balls with her left hand while holding his thick shaft with the other. Twisting her mouth up and down…up and down, alternately probing his tiny slit and swirling her tongue around the head. Doing everything Jim had taught her, doing everything she could to make him want a steady rhythmic motion. He felt the tightness of her lips around his cock, his hips began to buck in perfect unison with the bobbing of her pretty little head. Jim had told her that it was all about rhythm and he also knew how small her mouth was verses the tupperware glass like thickness of his cock, so he couldn’t get carried away to awfully much.

“Gawd fuckin’ damn little girl! Mmm, Mmm, Mmmmmm…” Jim exclaimed through clenched teeth. “You’re good Sweetheart, you’re very good. Uhuh…Yes you are. You’ve learned to like this haven’t you Cupcake? Yes you have, uhuh…that’s it Baby girl, up and down that shaft Princess. Sloooow…Yes that’s it, make love to my cock with your mouth.”

With her mouth still working Jim over, Sabrina looked him in the eye and smiled.”

“I just want to do be good at making a man happy. I want to be able to please my husband one day when ever I decide to get married.”

“Sabrina, stop Sweetheart or I’m gonna blow my wad.”

“Mmmmm….., yes!” Sabrina said eagerly.

“Sabrina, no…quit Sweetheart. This is not how I want this to happen this time. Remember when I told you that you made me so horny that it just feels like I need more?”

“Yes, yes I…I do, but I’m not ready for that yet Jim, I…”

Jim interrupted her: “Oohh Baby, feel how hard I am, you know you’d like to see what it feels like with me rubbing against the inside of you.”

“But you told me that if you weren’t inside of me then it really wasn’t like we were having sex. I mean gosh Jim, you’re married to my mom. I don’t know.”

Jim tried soothing her: “Well…Ok Sweetheart I’ll tell you what. I have a condom in my wallet, if we use a condom there will at least be something between us that keeps us from touching each other, but you will still get to experience what it feels like to have me inside you.”

Sabrina sat there next to Jim, thinking to herself. “I’d really like to do this, I want to do this, my body is telling me to do it. I’d rather do this with Jim than with some boy who tells me he loves me and then decides he doesn’t want me anymore after he gets what he wants. Finally Sabrina spoke: “You have a condom?”

“Yea sure Sweetheart. Here, see?”

“Oh Jim, I am so horny I can’t even think straight, are you sure this is ok? I mean, it’s not going to hurt is it? I mean can’t we just do like we always do? What about mom?”

“Oh no Sugar, I promise you it will not hurt at all, we’ll go slow and I’ll be easy, you know me Sabrina, I’m always wanting what is best for my little girl.” Jim said as he stroked the side of her face and her hair.

“I’ve never seen a condom, can I see it?” Sabrina asked.

“Sure Honey, here let me open it.”

Sabrina giggled and said: “It feels funny, are you going to put it on?”

“Uhuh, watch me Sweetheart.”

Jim removed the condom from the package as Sabrina sat nervously watching out the truck windows while alternately watching what Jim was doing, leaning back against the door, running her fingers through her thick pussy hair. She never thought much about her pubic hair until Jim started showing his appreciation for it. Knowing that Jim got turned on by it, she delighted in it too. “Here watch me baby, see? All you have to do is slip it over the head and then slowly roll it down the length of the shaft.” Jim moved around in the truck, getting closer to Sabrina.

“What are you doing?” Sabrina asked.

“Easy Baby, trust me.”

“What are you doing, how do you want me?” Sabrina asked again.

“Lie down on your stomach on the seat and face the passenger door.”

“Jim, I – I don’t bahis siteleri know.”

“Of course you don’t know, you’ve never done this before. Trust me Sweetheart. Raise your butt up for me.” Jim instructed her.

Once Sabrina was positioned in the truck like Jim wanted her, he licked her pussy really good. Up one side first and then down the other, spreading her wide with his thumbs before inserting his tongue into her vagina, making sure that she was good and lubricated.”

“Oh gawd Jim, I love it when you kiss me like that.” Sabrina panted as she raised her tender young ass even higher for Jim.

“Uhum.” Jim moaned as he positioned himself behind her. Holding his thick cock in his right hand while holding Sabrina’s left ass cheek with his left hand Jim said: “Easy Baby, easy girl…I just want you to feel the head pressing against you, ok?”

“Uhuh.” Sabrina panted.

“Yes, oh gawd!”

“What?!” Sabrina asked as if something was not to Jim’s liking.

“Oh Baby, you’re tight, it feels so good splitting your thick pussy hair, you don’t even know how tight you are baby.” Jim continued saying to her as held still held his cock in his hand, working the head up and down the opening of her tightness, working it, making her wet, making her want him inside her.

“It feels like you’re splitting me. Is it good? Do you want me another way?”

“Ohhh no Sweetheart, just relax baby.” Jim said as he continued pushing his cock a little deeper. Once the head of Jim’s thick cock was comfortably positioned inside of Sabrina’s tight, thick lipped hairy pussy, he placed both of his hands on the sides of her small butt cheeks. Her butt was so small that his hands covered her entire ass from side to side. He placed his thumbs ever so close to her anus, applying a little bit of pressure, spreading her wide, getting her ready for a good solid fucking.”

“C’mon now girl, keep that butt up for me.”

“Ahhh Jim, yes, it feels so…ooohhh…mmmm…yeeaa.” Sabrina said while letting out a breath of air.

“Yes.” Jim said as he pushed further inside her young pussy. “Oh gawd Sabrina, if you only knew.”

“What Jim?”

“Oh Baby, if you only knew how bad I’ve been wanting this, how bad I’ve been wanting to make you feel good. I’ve been wanting this ever since you turned fifteen years old. I remember the first time I really noticed you fixing yourself up for school, wearing your tightest jeans. I always loved how the seam in the back rode up into the crack of your ass and dissappeared.” Jim continued saying as the two of them started to breath quicker. Jim noticed the windows on the truck were totally fogged up at this point and he knew no one could see inside even from a distance. Jim was in control of Sabrina now.

“Oh Baby, all the way in now, ok?” Sabrina was so tiny Jim thought. She was like some sort of miniscule toy, a miniature doll except only she was alive and breathing and accepting his advances. She almost felt like some sort of pleasuring device, or a blowup doll even, she was just so small and petite.

“Ohhh yes Jim, please yes!”

Jim slowly pushed his cock further inside her tight young love hole, backing out, then pushing back in as he continued talking to her. “I’ve been wondering what this would be like ever since you were fifteen baby. But I knew that I couldn’t do it, I knew I couldn’t have you like this. I knew it wouldn’t be right and that I had to leave you alone and let you concentrate on finishing high school. But now look at you, you’re a full grown woman experiencing the intimate pleasures that can be shared between a man and a woman. You’re all grown up now Pumpkin, and that pussy…oh sweetheart that precious pussy, don’t never ever let some guy talk you into shaving that precious sweet pussy.”

“Ohh gawwwd Jim, yes! You’re splitting me! Do it! Please Jim, stab me with it!” Sabrina said with such animal like passion that she didn’t even think about what she was saying before she spoke. “Ohhh gawwd Jim, is this how you and mom do it?”

By hearing how Sabrina was talking, Jim knew she was ready to be fucked. And fuck her he did. He pressed his thumbs ever so close against her tiny puckered anus, spreading it wide as his cock now glided back and forth easily. Back and forth, back and forth, steady and repeatedly with deep penetrating strokes. He bahis şirketleri didn’t go real fast, but more like at a medium steady controlled pace. With each thrust he could feel his large hanging hairy nut sack slapping against her clit. Sabrina was so small that Jim effortlessly reached under her stomach to find her swollen bud. Once he found it he started massaging it, rolling it across the tips of his fingers as he continued fucking her from behind. “Damn you’re tight Princess, damn you’re soooo tight Honey.” Jim could feel himself bottoming out each time he thrust his manhood into her. “Sabrina was right.” Jim thought. “If the tightness of her pussy gliding back and forth over my cock is any indication, I really am splitting this sweet little girl.”

“Oh Sabrina Baby, my cum is working it’s way out of my balls Sweetheart. You’re milking me baby.”

“How do you want me?” Is all Sabrina could manage to say.

Jim released her clit and grabbed onto her ass with both hands as he drove his manhood home. “Reach underneath you, reach between your legs Sweetheart and stroke my balls.”

“Like I always do? You mean like this?” Sabrina said as she reached underneath her as Jim instructed her. Jim’s testicles were to large for her petite hands but she did the best she knew how to do.

“Ooohhhhh, yeeaa, uhummm, just like that Princess.” Jim moaned. “Ok now girl, I’m getting ready to shoot. Ohhhh mother fuck!…You tight little tease you, Ooh…whew little girl, am I ever going to shoot?!…That’s it Baby, keep stroking my nut sack, hold my balls Precious…C’mon now!…Ooohhh fuck Pumpkin, here it comes baby, I’m gonna fill you up girl! Oohhh yes, OohhHH YEESS!!!! Mmmm, Aarrrgghhh….Mmmmm YES!!” Jim exclaimed as he continued working her pussy like a man without any other need, thought or care, thrusting his pelvis into her, feeling his seed empty into the sheath that covered his cock.

Sabrina didn’t say a word, she had never seen Jim have this tone with her during any of the previous rendevous’ they shared together, she was not sure what to do, Jim seemed so aggressive. She was feeling his cock swell and spasm inside of her, she felt how hard his cock was inside her, it was hard like a broom stick only much thicker, she felt it twitching inside her. She knew by his reactions that he was pumping his jizz. All she could do, all she wanted to do was spread herself wider for him, leaving her hand between her legs and keeping a nice hold on his testicles as she felt him unload. She felt like this was exactly what Jim had been needing. She felt good about herself, about the fact that she could make Jim react so wildly like that. She loved she feeling she was having at this moment, the feeling of pleasing a man’s natural instinctive need and hunger. The feeling of having Jim spending his seed with her made her feel so womanly.

After Jim had came, he remained inside her as his cock slowly withered. Both of them were a mess, Sabrina had produced so much vaginal secretion that she had coated the entire front side of Jim’s thighs. The inside of Jim’s truck smelled of sex. The radio continued playing as Jim stroked Sabrina’s beautiful mane of hair.

“Mmmm…Oh Jim, I never knew what I had been missing. My girlfriends always talked about how their boyfriends fucked them but they never told me about how they felt after it was over.” Sabrina said while still in the doggy style position with her eyes shut almost as if she were dreaming.

“Well, maybe their boyfriends were in it more for themselves than the girls they were with, maybe your girlfriends didn’t get the attention that I just gave you.” Jim said as he continued stroking Sabrina’s hair.


“Yes Cupcake?”

I have some older girlfriends too, some of which that have gone on to college. Do you remember Jessi?”

“Oh yes of course, I remember Jessi, how’s she doing?”

“She’s doing ok, she has a boyfriend she met in college. Um…and that’s what I’d like to talk about.”

“What is it Pumpkin?”

“Well, when she came home during Christmas break, she told me about the sex she was having with her new boyfriend.”

“Yes?” Jim said with true curiosity.

“Well….she told me that she had learned so much from him and that a girl has never really had sex until she has been penetrated anally.”

“Is that right?”

“Yes, that’s what she told me.”

“Ohhh Pumpkin, there is so much more, let’s just keep what we share together our little secret, ok.?

“Mmmm…yes Jim, I promise.”

To be continued…

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The Dinner Party

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Writer’s Note: I wrote this story long ago. I believed I had republished the edited version. As many have helpfully pointed out, I did not upload that version. So, I recently had to redo the edits and updates on this story. This is the edited and gently reworked version.


Hey Emma!

I’m so glad I was finally able to contact you after all of these years. I can’t believe you’re not on social media or anything. I was starting to think I might never get to talk to my old BFF ever again. We have SO much to catch up on!

My boyfriend, Brad, and I are having a special dinner party at my house this Saturday starting at 8. It should be just couples, so you have to bring a date. I hear that won’t be a problem for you since you’re married and have kids now! WHAT?! Obviously, no kids, just adults – It wouldn’t be appropriate to have them running around, would it? Lol.

Gah! I’m so excited that we get to see each other again. It will be just like the good ole days 😉 Please let me know that you can come. I hope to see you! (My address is attached below and so is the invitation response button).



Emma was staggered by the e-vite she had read on her phone. It had been 20 years since she had last seen or heard from her best friend from back in college. Now, out of nowhere, they had the ability to reconnect over dinner.

Emma had first met Allison in freshman year. She had walked into her new dorm room and was immediately impressed by Allison’s fiery red hair. The two roommates hit it off right away, and they ended up living together for their final three years. The inseparable pair (at least they were back then) were infamous, really. Their minds and words were their greatest assets, though they had other prominent features in stiff competition.

Standing in her kitchen, in a loose-fitting gray cardigan and dress pants, Emma shook her head, almost trying to shake out the incoming flood of memories which reminded her of who she once was. A lot had changed in her life since then.

Emma had made a conscious life-decision to change after college. The 42-year-old woman, who now wore her dark-colored hair in a bun, met her husband, Tom, at her college graduation. He was in attendance to watch his younger cousin walk across the stage. He ended up watching Emma as well.

Emma’s parents encouraged her to take the young and successful pharmaceutical salesman seriously. Unfortunately, before their first date, Tom’s cousin told him of all of the sultry rumors regarding Emma, her friend, and countless men. Sensing unease, Emma dismissed the rumors as a result of her going to a large school with bored students. Tom bought it, but that close call taught Emma a lesson. If she was ever going to live the stereotypical American dream, she needed to change her ways.

Thank god. The phone rang, interrupting her uncomfortable reminiscing. It was a welcomed distraction until Emma read the caller ID. Tiffany.

There were many ways to describe Emma and Tiffany’s relationship. But the most commonly used term thrown around by each of them was “passive-aggressive.”

Tiffany Lee had gone to school with Emma and Allison, but they ran in different circles. The great student and, as Allison liked to call her, “Little Miss Perfect,” was forever judgmental of Emma and Allison’s lifestyle choices. Tiffany frequently called the roommates sluts behind their backs. But due to sharing many classes and working on projects together, the three of them had to be “friends.”

Helping to stoke Tiffany’s air of superiority was that she was a considerably better student that Emma and Allison. She also had boobs that were just big enough to overcome her personality and earn her a well-to-do doctor for a boyfriend.

“Hey, Tiffany, how are you?” Emma started the conversation with her longtime acquaintance, who now lived just down the street (in a larger home, of course).

“I’m good, Emma. It was such a pleasure having you and Tom over for dinner last week. It was so good to hear Kyle was able to get into that state school. I’m sure you were as nervous as we were when Patrick was applying early decision to Harvard.” Some things from college were still the same.

Since Emma and Tiffany both had sons the same age, they naturally lived out their not-so-friendly feud through their boys. When Kyle would get second in a hockey tournament, Patrick would win a mathlete competition. When Kyle would get a B in chemistry, Patrick got an A in AP Chemistry. When Kyle was focused on girls, Patrick was focused on mastering piano. Tiffany liked to say that she and her husband “had a better one.”

This phone call from Tiffany surely was not just to chitchat.

“So anyway,” Tiffany continued in her elitist tone, “I just happened to get invited to yet another party at Allison Donovan’s. Do you remember her from college?” She knew Emma remembered her.

The conservative housewife canlı bahis retorted, “I do remember her, we were best friends. And it just so happens that I was invited as well.”

“Oh, really?? Will you and Tom be going?”

It clearly wasn’t the answer that Tiffany was expecting. And Emma was excited to point out that she was on the same plane. She was curious, though, as to what Tiffany meant by “yet another party.” Regardless, she smiled, “Of course we’re going.”

“Huh. I’m surprised she invited you, especially after all these years,” Tiffany pondered. “Allison’s boyfriend actually works with Choi, and Allison had never mentioned wanting to invite you before.”

Emma defended, “Allison and I were best friends. Why wouldn’t I go to her party when invited?”

“Well, I know that…It’s just that…never mind. I just didn’t know you two were still friends. Maybe these last few years I have misjudged you.” Emma was confused by Tiffany’s response, but she believed that Tiffany was finally starting to see her as an equal peer.


“I can’t go to that.”

“What?” Emma was crushed. Later in the night, Tom informed her that he’d be away all weekend on a sales trip. She begged him to call in sick or take a vacation day.

“Why is this so important to you? You can meet up with her another time. You just said she only lives an hour away.”

Tom neither understood nor cared about his wife’s additional desires to keep up with Tiffany and to prove to her that she was fit to breathe the same air as her. If Emma failed to show up, she would never hear the end of it from her neighbor.

“Never mind, then. It’s okay. If you can’t go, then you can’t go.”

Dealing with the reality that she would have to go alone, the disappointed wife became even more disappointed when she reread the invitation. Allison explicitly said that she wanted it to be a couples’ dinner, so she had to bring a date. Maybe I can take one of Tom’s friends, Emma joked. She then seriously considered it before realizing it would make her husband too uncomfortable.

Emma checked the email on her phone again. She knew how she could go to the party. The only issue was that she was concerned about her ability to drag her potential date to the event. Talking to him recently, it was like pulling teeth.


“Kyle, sweetie. Can you come down here?” Emma called for her son. It was early on Saturday afternoon after her husband left for his trip.

It had been three months since the incident – three months since Emma had walked into her son’s room one day when he was at school. But when she opened his door to grab his dirty laundry, the surprised mom found out that he was not at school. He was standing in the middle of his bedroom with a horrified look on his face.

Just feet below his terrified eyes there was the back of a female classmate’s head. It was moving to and fro as the accompanying brunette hair was held in place with Kyle’s hands.

Emma was frozen in place as she made eye contact with her son. The poor girl was oblivious as to what was going on above her head. It was never a secret to Emma that her son was sexually active. With his short, neatly trimmed dirty blonde hair and his athletic build, he caught the eyes of many girls in his high school. But to see it right in front of her was sobering for Emma.

To make matters worse, the young woman down on her knees, pulled her mouth away to ask, “You like when I suck that big cock of yours, don’t you?”

An already petrified Kyle became even more overwhelmed. Emma didn’t know what to do. She didn’t want to embarrass the young woman (God knows she herself was in that situation many times), and she was speechless – unable to say anything to her son. So, the stunned mom simply walked away without making a sound.

The mom and son never talked about what happened, which in retrospect was a mistake. The relationship was awkward, and Emma felt like she may have scarred her son permanently when it came to sexual relations.

Even more awkwardly, Emma could not get the scene out of her mind, and she could not figure out why. On most nights, Emma had to envision herself standing in the doorway and watching that girl’s head pleasuring her son.

Now, today, she had to move beyond the small talk that they had been sticking to for the last three months. Emma hoped that it would not be too awkward. The invitation said it was a party for adults, and Kyle was technically an adult. But his best quality as a date was that he was literally the only adult she could think to take that would not make her husband uncomfortable. I hope Allison doesn’t mind the loophole.

Kyle, with a guarded nature, trudged down the stairs. “What’s going on? I was playing video games with friends.”

“You have friends over?” Emma noted how even though he was filling out into adulthood, he was still playing video games in his room like he did when he was growing up.

“No,” he chuckled at how his less bahis siteleri tech-savvy mom. “I’m playing with them online.”

“Oh, okay. I was going to say. So…umm… Could you do me a big favor?” The tension between them was on full display.

“What is it?” Ever since the incident, Kyle was wary of his mom’s impending questions as if she was still waiting to punish him.

Emma sighed. “Your father is out of town, and I have to go to a dinner party tonight. Can you go with me?”

Kyle’s face indicated that he was less than thrilled. “Why do I have to go?”

His mom spared him the details. “Because your father is gone, the invitation requires me to bring a guest, and nobody else can go. And I already told people I was going, so I’m locked in. Please do this for me.” She could still see her son’s deep-set hazel eyes that he was not convinced. “I’ll even buy you the video game of your choice.”

Though he was not psyched about spending the evening listening to his mom’s friends talk about politics over dinner, he recognized that doing this favor for his mom was a way to ensure that he was in the clear for playing hooky with his classmate. Plus, he wanted the video game. “Ok, I’ll go.”

“Great! Dress nicely. The party is at 8, so be ready to leave at 7.”


Stressed out about the fact that she would be the only person there without her actual partner as well as the evening in general, Emma tapped her foot as she waited for Kyle to meet her downstairs so they could leave.

Emma felt pressure to dress remarkably conservatively. She wanted to show Allison that she had changed since they last saw each other. And she wanted to erase Tiffany’s mental image of what she and Allison used to be like when they were together.

Wearing her dark hair in a bun, along with a wool skirt that went to her shins, black heels, and her loose red sweater which was accented by the white collar of her blouse, Emma was nearly out-of-period conservative. The only makeup she wore was mascara and blush.

As Kyle came downstairs, he showed his mom a questioning look. He was used to seeing his mom dress on the less-revealing side, but today she went an extra step. However, the look he gave her was nothing compared to the look she gave him.

“You’re wearing that?!”

Kyle looked down at his sky blue polo, dark blue jeans, and brown casual dress shoes. “Yeah, why?” He knew there was a disparity with how they dressed.

A frustrated Emma glanced at her phone screen. It’s frickin’ 7:05. There’s no time for him to change. “God damn it, Kyle,” she groaned. “Well, it’s going to be your embarrassment when you’re there underdressed.”


They arrived at the party a tad late.

Allison and Brad lived on a quiet, wooded street. Their house was sided with wood and evoked a woodsy feel. A handwritten note on the door instructed guests to walk right in.

A bit nervous to see her friend again, and not sure how her old friend would take her showing up with Kyle, Emma opened the door. The first notable sensation was the house’s rustic smell. There was almost a hippie-ish vibe. The burning incense gave it an earthy flavor that matched the outside aesthetic.

Nobody was there to greet them at the door, but Emma heard talking in the back. She walked towards the voices – Kyle following her without much enthusiasm. They soon found themselves at one threshold to the kitchen, which was full of party guests talking.

Ah, shit. Emma instantly felt out of place.

Kyle whispered a smart-aleck comment, “You said I’m the one who would be embarrassed?”

Examining the room, all of the dozen or so guests were dressed less formally. As people noticed the mom and son, they shot them an odd look, and then hesitantly came up and introduced themselves.

There were Evan and Sarah, who were a married couple in their forties. They were dressed nicely but casually. Gary and his wife Melinda, who were in their late thirties, had a punk vibe to them. Melinda had on a tight black v-neck and jeans. John and Caroline were older but still in good shape for their age. Austin and Jessica were both dressed more formally but in a more modern, form-fitted way. Austin was in a nice collared shirt, and Jessica was a brunette in a shapely red cocktail dress and red lipstick. There was also RJ and Denise, a couple in their early thirties. RJ had a polo stretching around his round stomach. And his wife Denise donned a tight white dress that one would normally wear to a club, which accented her dark skin nicely.

It was a wide selection of people of different backgrounds, and Emma wondered how they all knew Allison. For some reason, likely because of Tiffany being invited as well, Emma had assumed that the party would be mostly former classmates. Emma didn’t know if the strangers were giving her odd looks for her attire or because she was there with her son. It’s probably both.

Emma noticed Kyle’s mood was improving. But then she saw bahis şirketleri why, as he was clearly staring at Denise’s apple bottom butt in her tight white cashmere dress as she walked away. The understanding mother avoided her instinct to nudge her son back to reality, figuring she had already made things awkward enough between them by catching him in a sexualized activity. Then suddenly, Denise turned her head around and caught Kyle staring at her. Emma fretted that her decision to ignore her son’s gazing had backfired. But Denise played it cool, just smiling back at him before turning away.

As if there was not enough stress already, like clockwork, Tiffany rounded the corner at the other kitchen entrance. Tiffany, blinking and giving her neighbor the strangest look she had gotten yet, approached Emma. Though, it was expected that Tiffany would have the most judgmental reaction to Emma’s decision. “I see you brought Kyle tonight.”

In an attempt to explain away her adversary’s facial expression, Emma oversold, “Well, Tom had an important business meeting. Sometimes the company just can’t function without him. So my son is my date for the evening.”

What ticked off Emma even more than Tiffany’s judgmental eyes was that Kyle was now checking out Tiffany, too. Emma, though, couldn’t blame her son too much. Ironically, Tiffany, who had criticized Emma and Allison for dressing like sluts in college, was in a tight, black leather dress that showed off a lot of leg. It was a lot different from her wardrobe at her dinner parties when she and Tom came over. Then again, Allison was always less formal.

Tiffany shot another look at Emma, and shrugged, “And you continue to surprise me… Well, you always had interesting standards when it came to guys you took on dates. I guess if he has nothing better to do on a Saturday night, and you think he can behave himself in front of the adults, I guess it’s harmless to bring him – just interesting.”

Kyle was too distracted to realize the insult to his character. Emma, though, was pissed off at the comments. She knew it was a faux pas to bring a highschooler to a dinner party, but Tiffany was going too far by suggesting her son was incapable of behaving himself in social situations.

Finally, like an oasis in the desert, Emma spotted Allison. The two long-lost friends were giddy to see each other and practically ran into each other’s arms. As they hugged, they asked each other a thousand questions, as Kyle stood there bored out of his mind.

When she was ready to introduce Allison and Kyle, Emma, once again, caught her son peeking at another female. This time she noticed Kyle locking eyes with Allison’s breasts, which were jiggling in an apricot dress. It was a bit more cleavage than one would expect for a get-together, but this was Allison.

Checking with her hand to make sure her bun was still holding together, Emma asked Allison politely, “Wow, there are a lot of new people here. I was under the impression that this was going to be a college reunion type thing. But I guess I’ll get to meet some new people tonight.”

Allison laughed, “Haha. Well, I don’t think I know enough people from college like that to invite them to our parties.”

“Yeah, I don’t know many people from college anymore either. I mean, we aren’t as close of friends as we used to be, but I’m so glad we can catch up now. I had no clue you were living only an hour away.”

“Well, I had no clue until a few days ago. I can’t believe we fell out of touch! It’s mainly my fault for moving to Seattle for a while. Tiffany and her husband I reconnected with through Brad. And Tiffany actually wanted to come to our last few parties when Brad asked Choi. People do change.” Allison displayed a shocked face. Emma, though, almost laughed because it seemed that Allison had not changed. “And I actually got your email address from a friend of mine working in alumni relations. I have been scouring the Internet trying to find you! I’ve been asking Tiffany at all my parties if she knew how to reach you, but she said she had no clue how. I even checked my usual sites hoping you’d pop up there, ha-ha.”

Emma bit her lip at the bitchy lie Tiffany had told Allison, but she chose not to open a can of worms. “Yeah, I really need to be on networking sites more often. My kids always tell me how lame I am for not being on them.”

After a puzzled expression, Allison laughed off Emma’s response. She turned her attention to the young man standing beside her friend. “So, who is this young stud you have with you?”

Grinning proudly at how at least Allison believed Kyle was a fitting replacement for Tom, the married woman answered, “This handsome young man is my son, Kyle. I hope it’s okay that I brought him. My husband had to work, so I had him step in.”

Allison’s eyes went wide.

Emma swiftly justified, “It’s okay I brought him, right? You said no kids, but he’s 18, so technically he is an adult, ha-ha.”

A wicked smile swept across Allison’s face. “It is definitely okay that you brought your son. I was expecting a husband or boyfriend, so it’s just very unexpected. It’s just nice to see that a son is comfortable going to a party with his mom.”

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The Deal Ch. 05

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The Deal 5 — The Art of the Deal

“Oh my God, that is disgusting” Diana stopped in her tracks staring into her son’s room.

On the computer screen in front of her son a video was playing of her pushing a dildo in and out of her ass.

Diana walked into the room and sat on Matt’s bed her mouth open.

“Did you have to use so much zoom? Wait a minute; I have a birth mark there?” Diana swiveled around to stare at her real naked ass.

Silently mother and son watched the video until the dildo oozed out of her pulsing ass, rolled down her body and flopped on the bed.

“Oh yuck, that is so gross,” Diana stamped her feet on the ground and covered her eyes but peeked through the spread fingers.

Matt laughed,” Just like when we watch horror movies together; you are such a faker.”

“Hey people should not watch other people getting ripped apart; and they definitely should never see me screwing my own ass with a dildo,” Diana threw a pillow at her son and pointed a finger at him.

“I swear, so help me God, that if anyone ever, EVER, sees that tape I will kill you. And then I will dig up your body, bring you back to life and kill you again.”

“Alright Miss Prissy. I will shut it off”

Matt leaned over, clicked a button and closed his media player.

Diana squeaked.

“Oh my God, you have a naked picture of me for your background? You little shit. What if Craig or Chip comes over? Now I know no one will ever see that video because I am going to kill you now.”

“Relax mom. I have two user accounts one for private time and one for public viewing.”

Diana spluttered. She looked at the picture of her ass filling most of the screen with half the rubber penis sticking out of her anus with her head just visible over her shoulder in the background.

“And why that picture? I look so, so, so … huge assed.”

“Well it’s not like I have that many to pick from. I’d be happy to take more for a wider range of selection.” Matt grabbed at the web cam on top of his monitor.

“Oh, no, no. I see the trouble that last session has gotten me into, Buster. It’s a good thing you worked your ass off that afternoon.”

“Well of course I worked my ass off considering what you did to your ass for me.”

“Ha, ha. I can see now what a bad move that was.”

“Seriously Mom, this tape is the hottest thing I have ever seen.”

“Are you kidding, I feel like I just watched a corny old porno. The only thing missing was the cheesy background music.”

“If you want I could dub in one of your old CDs.”

“You are so not scoring any points with me today, Buster.”

Diana looked up at the screen again and shuddered, “Ugh, that picture is so gross. How can you look at it?”

“Mom, I know you’re over forty, but you are still gorgeous. You have great tits, a cute face and an ass to die for.”

“Awww, that is so sweet in such a sick, perverted way.” Diana laughed. She caught the image on the screen again and still shuddered. “I’m sorry; that picture has to go.”

Matt waved the web cam smirking.

“No, no, no, no, no. Look, you got me out of my pants permanently; you’ve seen waaaay more of me than is healthy; apparently, you got me to star in a sick, kinky porno…”

“Hey, you brought up the video idea. I was just taking pictures.”

“Still not scoring any points Matthew.”

“Alright Missy I think thou doth protest too much,”

“Shakespeare? I’ve seen your English grades, who are you fooling?”

“Now that was just plain mean. Okay, I was going to let you off easy but not now. You insulted my intelligence. The background stays.”

“It goes.”



“What are you offering to get me to take it down?”

“What? Again? You conniving little shit!”

“Hey you threw the first low blow.”

“I don’t believe this. Okay mister pervert, what do you want?”

“Lots of pictures”

“Pictures; not lots.”

“You forget – I like my background; lots.”

“That’s not a fair trade – one picture for lots,” Diana tried her best whiny voice for sympathy points.

“Oh, that fake voice is so mature and effective – not.”

“Well, what else is in it for me?”


“Oh come on Mr. Negotiator, you can do better than that!”

“Uh, what else can I give you?”

Diana remembered back to the time she caught Matt with his pants down. She looked up at Matt with an evil smirk.

“Oh I don’t like that look” Matt gulped.

“Welcome to my world.”

Still smirking, Diana pointed a finger at her son “You want lots of pictures – you replace that picture with one I approve of and…”

Matt stared at her.

“You give me a Full Monty show with climax.”

“What?!? No way!”

“Going once, …”

“Wait. You give me lots of pictures and a new video.”

“Don’t you ever quit? I don’t trust your twisted mind. What sort of video Mr. Kinky?”

“Same as last time but on your back.”

“You really are an anal freak, literally.”

“Hey canlı bahis it’s your fault; you had to show me that gorgeous naked ass.”

“Again, sweet but sick.”

“Well, I, ah, jerk off in front of you, let you pick a new background and you give me a new anal video and pose for lots of pictures.”

“Define ‘lots’.”

“Until I’m tired of taking them.”

“Like that will ever happen.”

“Hey, eighteen and horny.”

“Alright, I will again assault my own ass while you video tape the twisted scene and be your own personal on demand Playboy centerfold model for probably the rest of my life or at least until gravity catches up to my girls and ass and grosses you out. But first you thrill your mom with a fully nude show. And, you clean up the mess.”

“I’ll need some inspiration, you give me the video first and I just want to drop my pants.”

“Too damn bad! Video first fine but full nude.”

“Alright full nude but we go on vacation during spring break to some sunny island. I am so sick of the winter and it’s my senior year besides”

“What? Just how many gears do you have running in your head and how come you never used them for school until I dropped my pants and started this whole mess?”

“You were the one who said “see my ass to get you off yours.”

“Yeah but I’m the one whose ass keeps getting screwed. Literally, mind you!”

Matt started counting off with his fingers “Well let’s see nude, jerk, clean, and new desktop, for preliminary anal video, lifetime supply of pictures and island vacation… and a willing participant in future videos.”

“You have got to be joking. Have you thought of running for politics? You would be very good.”

“Eww. No. Nude, jerk, clean, desktop, for video, pictures, vacation, at least two more mother approved videos – going once.”

“This sucks.”

“Going twice.”

“Seriously, I’m sick of anal!”

Matt swiveled his monitor to face his mother directly. “You are such a liar.”

Diana looked again at the seventeen-inch photo of her dildo filled ass and shuddered.

“Alright, deal.”

Mother and son stared at each other. Matt’s eyes were lit up with anticipation. Diana shook her head. “Well, I believe an ‘on my back dildo in ass video’ is the first order of business. But then your gloriously naked ass is mine.”

Diana and Matt stood up. Matt put his arm around her shoulder as they walked out the door. “Now I was thinking that maybe we could shoot the film in the living room for the better lighting and your naked skin would look sooooo good on the black couch.”

“Still not scoring points.”

“It would be easier for me to clean the couch besides.”

“I really hate you.” Diana punched Matt in the arm.

“Yeah well that is what sons are for. I gave you a sporty chance to out deal me.”

He paused with his eyes lit up.

“Oh shit, now what?”

“Sporty? Hey do we still have that high quality video camera you bought to tape me playing sports?”

“High quality ass shots? I think not.”

“So you want your ass to look all old school corny porno? You might as well give me some of your old CDs to complete the picture.”

“It’s amazing the depths of hatred that I have for you right now.”

“So crappy ass or sharp, gorgeous ass?”

“Why don’t I put on makeup and oil my body up and wear high heels while we are at it.”

“That would be so cool, Mom.”

“I was kidding, you little shit.”

“That’s at least the third time you called me that even though I’m almost a foot taller than you.”

“You — Are- A — Little — Shit.” Diana rose up on her toes and pushed her breasts out at him finger pushing into his chest with each word.

“Not even remotely intimidating. But anyways about the makeup, oil and heels don’t forget that it is going to take me some time to find and set up the camera. Think about how great you would look. If not I might as well just keep the yucky, gross background that I have on my screen now.”

“Fine — makeup, oil and heels but I expect an academy award winning performance that would do Chippendale’s proud. And no firing off in two seconds crap either! I want blisters on those hands!”

Diana turned around and walked toward her bedroom as Matt stood and tried to remember the last place he saw the camera.

“Hey Matt.”

Matt turned to see his mother in her doorway with her back to him, her legs together knees bent, both hands folded in her hair. She pushed her naked ass out at him and gyrated it “Wiggle, wiggle.” She laughed and pranced into her room shutting the door.

“And you call me the perverted one!” Matt called after her.

Matt smiled; it was going to be a very fun afternoon.

After her shower, Diana sat on her bed toweling herself. Mostly she was excited by the exchange that she had had with Matt but a smidgeon of her was annoyed with his rather arrogant attitude. It was time to teach the boy a lesson. He needed to learn that playing with fire can lead to burned fingers.

Half an hour later Matt bahis siteleri was putting the finishing touches on his makeshift film set. He had put two floor lamps on either side of the couch with the shades tilted to shine the maximum amount of light on the center of the black leather couch. Two feet in front of the couch was the video camera on a tripod. He was peering through the view finder tilting the lens when he heard his mother’s door open. He turned to watch as she entered the room.

“Holy shit!”

She had washed her hair which in short, wavy curls fanned out around her face. Matt had never seen her eyes so dark with mascara which made her eyes glow. Her lips between her blushed cheeks were painted a vibrant candy apple red which matched the five-inch heels strapped onto her feet. He had never seen either before on her in his entire life. Her entire body glistened with a deep layer of baby oil. Her body looked deliciously smooth. Her deeply tanned skin shone form the oil as her pale breasts and pelvic area sparkled in the light. In her right hand she was holding the familiar seven-inch dildo which she was rubbing across her lips.

Diana took in the scene before her, “Is all this for little old me?” She whispered in a sultry voice that Matt had never heard before.

For the first time that she could remember, her son was speechless. She strolled by him swinging her free hand out to run her fingers across his chest gently before turning to face him the backs of her legs just touching the couch.

“I want you to know that since you are cleaning up anyways I plan on making this really, really, really messy.”

She backed herself down to the couch and squished her oily butt into the seat. Slowly she brought one foot up leg bent away from her body and dug her heel point into the edge of the couch before repeating with the other limb. Her sex was splayed out in front of him.

His breath caught in his throat as he saw for the first time that she had shaved off all her pubic hair making her more naked than he had ever seen. The folds of her vagina and hole of her ass stuck out crisp and fully exposed. They practically glowed from the reflection of the light off the layer of oil.

Looking her son full in the face she brought her hand with the dildo down to her juncture and paused.

“Don’t blame me if you forget to “roll film.” Now presenting ‘Assault on Poor Mother’s Ass Volume Two — the blu-ray version'” and with that she rammed the dildo completely in her oiled ass right up to the base. Puddles of oil gushed out and dripped down the front of the couch.

Matt dove for the camera and zoomed the lens in to catch the movement of her hand. He wet his lips as he watched the hand twist in a grinding circular motion rather than a back and forth motion he had seen before.

Diana smiled at the groan that escaped his lips.

“By the way Matt, don’t stop the tape and leave so quickly this time and you might catch the part where I stick the penis in my mouth to clean it off like I did last time.”

Matt’s mouth dropped open.

Diana slowly pulled the dildo out of her ass and brought it up to her face.

“Like this.” She stuck the entire piece into her mouth and swirled it around sucking loudly.

Matt felt the pulses and then spasms as his cock erupted in his pants.

“Oh Fuck.” He shouted grabbing his groin.

Diana laughed as she pulled the dildo out with a loud plop before bringing it back down to stick deeply in her ass again. She sawed it back and forth while speaking.

“Good thing you’re young because I expect you to paint the ceiling before you’re finished for me.”

After a few obscenely squishy sounding minutes, Diana kicked her legs up and brought her knees to her chest thrusting her ass out toward Matt and the camera as she brought her other hand down and used both hands to drive the dildo back and forth harder and harder. Her heels kicked wildly with each thrust.

Matt felt his groin stir again. He knew he would have no problem filling her request later.

“Unh, unh, unh, unh. AHHHHHHH” She shrieked and held her hands in place; she paused then pushed the dildo as hard as she could up her nether passage digging in deep. Her legs and hips rocked. Finally she stopped shaking. She dropped her legs down on the ground, heels spread.

She brought the oil slimed dildo out of her ass and up to her mouth and as promised, again bathed it with her tongue before swallowing it up to the base. She slowly swirled it around, pulled it out and tossed it on couch.

“Oops, I made a mess.”

“You’re evil, you know that?”

Diana laughed. “Go ahead; mess with me to get your way!”

She looked around her before pushing herself off the couch to gingerly walk over to Matt.

“Well, Mr. Negotiator, have I successfully completed my first obligation?”

Matt’s eyes were still glazed as he nodded.

“Oh gee that’s too bad because I was up for a second take just to be sure. Your loss. I guess that means it’s my turn. Here’s some inspiration to bahis şirketleri make sure you’re up for your part.”

She wrapped her arms around her fully clothed son and slammed her oil drenched body into his, raising her left leg to wrap it around his waist with her heel resting on the back of his knee. She wiggled and ground her body into him before pushing off to stare at him.

“Gee, now it looks like you have to wash your clothes as well.”

Matt groaned.

She clapped her hands together. “Alright my young stud, you have ten minutes to get ready to thrill your mother.”

She waited until he was entering the hall before she shouted “By the way I left the baby oil on your dresser for you.” She smirked as she heard his door close. It was going to be a very fun evening.

Matt sat on his bed dressed only in his boxers shaking. He was used to her being naked around him all the time, but he really wasn’t comfortable with the idea of walking around in front of her nude. He realized it was really one-sided and unfair, but he couldn’t help it. He remembered trying to get out of it and her “Too damn bad.” He had never seen her so wild before; it kind of scared him. He guessed that he had pushed her a little too far this time. She was definitely getting back at him.

He thought about all the fun they had been having lately. He had never gotten so close to her in a natural mother son way as he was now. He was growing to really love her, in a good way, and respect her more every day. And she was coming alive before his eyes which made him feel all that much better about everything. He was the luckiest kid in the world with this deal but truth be told mom was getting a lot of benefits as well. He thought about how far they had gone from that original day when he walked in to find her naked in the kitchen and all the Wii playing the rest of that weekend to now. He knew he had the most amazing mother in the world. And hey, if he could get her rocks off like this, who was he to stop it.

Grinning he stood up and pulled his boxers off and grabbed the bottle of lotion that had magically appeared on his dresser.

Diana sat on the couch reading. Based on the lack of noise coming from Matt’s room she figured he had chickened out. Chalk one up for the mother. Suddenly loud bass music pounded out from Matt’s room and the overhead light went out sweeping the room into darkness. Next, the nude form of a glistening man spun into the room with lights flickering around exposing then hiding pieces of the body. Diana’s face split into a grin, my God he was actually going to do it she thought.

Suddenly the twin lights stilled and shone on the enlarged penis that was obscenely poking out at her. She realized that he was holding two flashlights in his hands. He put the flashlights on the ground and actually did a handstand over to the floor light that was still next to the couch from the previous session and flicking it on tilting the shade up before spinning around to do the same with the other lamp. Finally he strutted back to the center of the room before his mother. He brought his right hand down to grasp his cock.

“Mom, I have no idea what I am doing!”

“Hey, don’t stop now you’re doing great.”

“Here it is mom, ready to thrill you.”

“Whoo hoo, go baby,” laughed Diana.

He bent his legs out and gripped his penis and slid his hand up and down the long stalk.

Diana’s eyes shone as she watched him tug his penis over and over until with a groan he stretched out his legs, curled his toes and held his penis out while it spasmed ropey blasts of cum that hit Diana’s legs, the couch next to her and the floor. He shook for a moment and then stood still. Finally he stumbled over, turned and collapsed next to his mother on the couch their bare legs touching. Sweat was glistening through the oil as he panted.

Diana clapped “Bravo, encore!”

Matt waved a hand “Don’t fear I’ll be staying all week.”

Matt and Diana looked at each other grinning.

“Mom, I’m sorry. I was a jerk and pushed things way too far today. I am really sorry.”

“Yeah you were quite the little shit today for real. But hey you realized it and were man enough to own up to it. I am proud of you. But I really think we should knock things back a notch or two.”

“No problem with me as long as we can keep our original deal; I’m cool with that.”

“Oh, I don’t mind a little improvisation now and again; just not at such a train wreck speed. So long as neither of us gets hurt.”

She reached over and put her arm around his shoulder and pulled him in for a sideways hug, their nude bodies pressed against each other.

“Shit mom we’re touching!” Matt said in a panic.

“Except for the lack of clothes this is exactly how a loving mother and son should be.”

They both looked down at their oily bodies.

“Mom you shaved; what made you do that.”

“Well I was trying to be all ‘in your face’ to get you to realize that you were being very pushy. I figured no hair would make things be all out there in a raunchy way. I was going for the freak you out look.”

Diana and Matt stared at her naked pubes. Both shook their heads saying “Nah, don’t like it” at the same time. Looking at each other they burst out laughing.

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The Date

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Thank you, Christa, for all your help.

It’s funny how fast kids grow up. One day you’re changing a shitty diaper, the next day they are graduating from high school. Yes, my daughter Tina is graduating. Then she’s off to college. It’s just up the road but, it’s a college. I can see her and if she needs any help, I’ll be close by.

My wife thinks I spoil her, I don’t really give a fuck what she thinks. If you ever saw Tina, you would spoil her, too. She’s 5 foot, 6 inches tall. Light brown hair to her shoulders, with streaks of blonde in it. Pretty green eyes, that are always alive, looking at everything. She has very soft facial features, with thin, sexy, pink lips.

Her body reminds me of a track runner, very lean, trim and so fit. Her little 34 b breast are always perky, it’s nothing to see her nipples hard day and night. Her waist is I guess around 20 inches. Her ass and legs are my personal favorite. She has the tightest, firmest 34 inch ass I have ever set my eyes on. It looks like it’s made out of two finely carved stones. Her long firm legs finishes out her great body.

My wife and I sat on our sofa, watching the local news, ‘ Fayetteville police and the Georgia Bureau of Investigations (G.B.I.), continue their search for the ‘Midnight Mangler’. Three teen girls were found in the Fayetteville area in the last six months. The killer has raped and mutilated up to 25 teen aged girls in last ten years. G.B.I. investigator, Ken Anderson, had this to say, ” We’ll get ’em,” SPIT, ” when we do, he’ll be the sorriest pile of PIG,” BEEP, ” you ever did see”.

Then Tina started down the stairs, ” Holy fuck,” was all I could say when I saw her wearing her short Prom dress, ” you are going to be the light of the party, girl.” I said staring at Tina’s long legs. She had on sheer black stockings with, four inch high heels.

“Tina, you look like a whore,” my bitch wife said, ” you better be careful, every Dick in the place will be on you.”

I stood up, hugging Tina, I whispered, ” You look good baby, fuck her.”

“Thanks Daddy, why is she always so mean to me?” Tina whispered back, as we walked outside.

“I think she is jealous, fuck… you’re a babe…”

“I love you so much Daddy.” She moved back into my arms, pushing her hips into my cock. As hard as I was, seeing her dressed so sexy. She had one stiff cock pushing into her belly.

“You need anything, if that prick fucks with you, anything, call me, O.K.?”

Tina was going to the Prom with some guy she had only met a few weeks ago. He was one of the most stinky, nastiest people I had ever seen in my life. He was always trying to feel her up, anything to get his hands on her. Even in front of me.

“I will, Daddy. I’ve got my mini phone.”

Then he, Bill, drove up, ” Oh yes. Wow. You look like a ten dollar whore baby. Just my kind of girl.” I know, I should have killed him right there, on the spot.

I grabbed the basterd by the throat, ” Don’t you do anything to her, you fuckin’ prick.”

“Oh ‘I’m so scared… Get off me old man or I’ll kick your face in…” The bastard said, trying to break free, from my grip on his neck.

I squeezed as hard as I could, his face was getting very, red, ” Anytime, fat boy.” I shoved him towards his car.

They drove off into the night, all I could do is pray Tina would be O.K

I sat on my front terrace, having a smoke and thinking how much Tina had grown into a sexy, beautiful young lady. I really found out a few weeks back, when I had to get up in the middle of the night, to piss.

I walked past Tina’s and heard some unusual noises coming from her room. When I looked in her room, I all but fell over. There she was, laying on her bed. Her legs pulled up to her breast, nothing on but a smile. Her hand pushing a long vibrator in and out of her pussy so fast, her hand was a blur.

She whispered, ” Oh daddy, fuck me, fuck me… I need you daddy, fuck your whore daughter. Make me cum, make your slut daughter cum.”

She went on fucking herself as fast and fanatic as she could, ” I’m cumming, I’m cumming fuck your whores pussy, fuck my slut pussy daddy…” I watched until she fall across the bed panting for air. Then I made my way to the john to piss.


“This is going to be so fun, they are going to have a great band.” Tina said, hugging Bill.

“Well, fuck the band, fuck the stupid fucking prom. We are going to a GOOD, party baby.” Bill replied, running his hand up Tina’s skirt.

She slapped his hand away, ” NO, I want to go to the canlı bahis prom. It’s my special night.” Tina said sharply.

Bill, gave her a nasty look, the back of his hand hit the side of Tina’s face, ” Listen BITCH, you been cock teasin’ me for a month, no pussy, nothing, you do what I say, when I say. Do you FUCKIN’ hear me?”

With tears running down her face, Tina calmly said, ” My Dad, is going to kill you.”

“HA_HA, oh yes, dear OLD Daddy Poo. I’m so FUCKIN’ scared of him,” Bill laughed some more as they drove up to an old run down mobile home.

Bill yanked Tina from the car, making her hit her knee on the door jam. ” STOP, I hurt my knee.” She could feel the warm stream of blood running down her leg.


Bill pulled Tina into the run down trailer, ” What do ya think of my place baby? I cleaned it just for you, even changed the sheets on the bed.” Bill said, with a nasty smile.

“It’s not to late for you to take me back to town, ” she had a desperate look on her face, ” I won’t tell my Dad.”

He flopped down in an old chair, ” Fuck your Dad bitch, I’d take him out in a second.” Bill grabbed Tina, pulling her onto his lap, ” I’m going to fuck every hole you got tonight. Then I have a nice surprise for you. ” His nasty smelling mouth covered Tina’s, she gasp for air.

“Let me go to the ‘Ladies Room’ and I’ll be ready, big boy.” She gave him a fake, sexy smile.

“O.K. hurry up bitch, I need some of your tight pussy.”

Tina made her way to the rest room. She didn’t have to ‘go’, she had her mini phone, under, her mini skirt. She pulled the phone from her panties, dialing her fathers number as fast as she could. The phone rang and rang until, he picked up…

Whispering into the phone, ” Daddy, I need you… Bill took me to his old house. At the end of Old Kirby Road. The last driveway on the right, hur…”

Bill grabbed the phone from her hand. Throwing it to the floor, smashing it into a hundred pieces, maybe more, ” You fucking little cunt, now you’ve had it,” He took her by the arm, squeezing as hard as he could, ” Now it’s time to be my woman. I hope this cock isn’t to big for you.”

Bill pulled down his pants. Tina bust out laughing when she saw Bill’s cock, it was only two inches long at the most. It looked like a ‘ pinkie finger’.

“What you laughing at bitch,” he jerked Tina across the room, throwing her face first into the wall.

Then he slammed his overweight body into her so hard, it knocked her unconscious. He picked up her lifeless body, throwing her on his bed. When she landed, Tina’s small skirt was around her waist. Giving ‘pervert’ Bill a good view of everything young Tina had to offer.

“Oh my GOD, you are so hot,” his hand moved between Tina’s legs. Caressing and pinching her tender love mound, ” I am going to have so much fun, fucking you and cutting you up into little pieces. HA-HA-HA-HA.”

Bill walked to a the dresser that sat in the corner of the room. He opened two of the drawers, pulling out a long hunting knife that was 16 inches long, and a roll of thin wire. He moved back to the bed, taking the knife and wire with him.

With a big smile on his face. Bill, the ‘Midnight Mangler’ said, ” You will be my best trophy yet, you’re a hot little cunt.” His eyes turned black, his mind filled with visions of cutting all the many, girls he had killed over the last ten years. ” Oh you’re so sexy, I’ll teach you not to tease or laugh at me.”

He took the wire, wrapping it around Tina’s wrist, then to the bed. He wrapped it so tight the wire cut into her tender skin. Then he moved to her other wrist, again getting it so tight it cut into her. Down to her legs, pulling them apart as far as he could. The wire cut into her ankles as it did on her wrist.

The Mangler sat on the bed, by Tina’s head and breast. Taking the knife he began to caress her skin with it. How easy her skin will peel off he thought. He loved cutting ladies, his first was his mother. How she had laughed at him the night they were going to have sex. She had been the first to laugh at the size of his little dick. She laughed and laughed, until Bill ran the knife into her body, deep as he could. Then he laughed as the life drained from her body.

The Mangler took his long knife and started cutting Tina’s dress off. Slowly, enjoying the sound. Then to her little bra, the knife cut through it like warm butter. Gradually, he moved to her sexy blue panties, his hand caressed the silk. Enjoying how soft and warm they were.

His bahis siteleri knife slid under the silky panties, slicing through them with ease. How many times had he cut panties off of a cock teaser like this, ‘ twenty, maybe thirty, little cunts’, he couldn’t remember off hand. He would have to look through his trophy drawer later and count.

Tina began to wake up, ” Well, it’s about time CUNT, I’ve been waiting for you. I didn’t want you to sleep through all the fun. HA-HA-HA.”

Tina couldn’t move, and her hands and legs burned with pain, Tina screamed, ” LET ME GO, PLEASE LET ME GO,” she tried to pull her hands free, the wire cut deeper into her skin, ” HELP ME…HELP ME…”

“SHUT UP CUNT,” The Mangler said, as he pulled a roll of tape from under the bed. He ripped off a long piece, ” this will shut you up CUNT.” He placed the tape over Tina’s mouth. Pushing it hard into her face.

“Let me get some of the little, teasing CUNT now,” he climbed on Tina. She tried to fight, but the wire cut deeper into her, ” hold still CUNT.” The Mangler’s small dick entered Tina.

He moved the little dick in and out of her a few times, then, it just went flat. As it had always done, he couldn’t keep it hard. He always thought of all them, CUNTS, laughing at him. Them he would become mad, so mad that’s when he would do the bad things to them.

“I’m sorry, I really liked you so much, but, it’s time for you to die.” The Mangler, moved atop of Tina, holding the knife in both hands. He lifted his arms high in the air, pointing the knife to the center of Tina’s heaving chest. Her head shock back and forth in fear. Her eyes filled with tears as she saw the knife pointing to her.

Stepping from the shadows of the night, Ken Anderson of the G.B.I. pointed his 44 magnum to the back of the Mangler’s head.

“FREEZE,” Anderson, yelled, ” I’ll blow your brains all over the wall.”

The Mangler jerked around to see who it was, ” Big city cop, it took you long enough to catch me. HA-HA-HA.”

“Well, I got you now, that’s all that counts.” Anderson said.

The Mangler laughed, ” Them other thirty or so girls I’ve killed all over the state, mitght not think so.”

The Mangler jumped towards Anderson, with his knife pulled back, ready to strike. Anderson, began pulling the trigger of his gun, hitting Bill, six times in the head and chest. Bill’s bleeding, dying body fell to the floor.

“You O.K. sweetie?” Anderson asked, racing to Tina. ” Your Daddy called me, told me where he brought you.” He pulled the tape from her mouth and released the wire from the bed.

“OH THANK YOU, THANK YOU, SO MUCH.” Tina cried, hugging Anderson.

“It’s all right, he won’t hurt anybody again.” Anderson said, patting Tina on the back.

I ran into the mobile home, ” Tina, baby are you O.K.?”

“Daddy, he almost killed me…” She burst into tears as, she jumped into my arms.

After the police had did their thing, they took Tina and I to the hospital. They looked her over, making sure nothing else had been done to her. The doctor, gave me some good pills to give Tina, they would make her relax.

We made it back home a few hours later. As we walked through the front door, Tina fell to the floor, crying.

“Daddy, I didn’t think I would ever see you again…” she hugged me close, ” I can’t wait to hear Mom telling me, ‘ I told you so’.”

I hugged her back, ” You won’t hear her baby,. After you left, we had a fight. I told her to get out and never come back.”

“Oh really? I’m so glad. Now it’s just you and me.” Tina stated.

I replied, ” Yes, do you think you can put up with me?”

“Oh yes, you’ll never know,” She said, with a big smile, ” I’m going to change… I can wear anything I want for you now.”

I was in the kitchen getting a drink when,Tina walked into the room. She wore a white, see through robe and matching white panties. Her youthful breast stood up, as if they were eager to be sucked. Her slender hips filled the tight panties, her supple sex mound looked damp.

My eyes gazed up and down her wonderful body. I knew she was my daughter, but she looked so damn good. Always wearing short skirts, tight jeans and them panties of hers, always made me hard.

“You like… Daddy?” Tina ask, walking towards me.

“Oh yes, I like very much, baby.” Was all I could say. My cock grew bigger with each step she took towards me.

“Daddy.” Tina purred.

“Yes.” I replied, watching her beautiful hips get closer to me.

“I want you,” She bahis şirketleri moved into my arms, ” I want you to make me a woman. I want you to take me as your… Wife.”

“Oh baby… I could get in so much trouble,” her lips kissed me, ” I could go to jail,” her hips pushed into mine,” I could be gone a lone time,” her hands found my cock,” Oh baby.”

I took her in my arms, and walked to her room. Tonight, she would be a woman. No longer my daughter, tonight she would be my young, sexy bride. I would forget all the ‘Daddy’ hugs, now we would hug in pure lust.

I laid Tina across her bed, ” Hurry Daddy, I’m on fire…” she squeezed her breast together, ” I need you so bad.”

“You know, I saw you about a month ago… in bed,” her face got very red, ” You were naked, using a vibrator.”

She just smiled and said, ” I know, I planned it so you could see me, silly.”

“You did?”

“Yes, I’ve wanted this for as long as I can ever remember,” She smiled, ” I know Mom never made love to you. I used to cry at night thinking of all the ways I could love and please you.”

I finished pulling down my pants, ” I’ve wanted it for a long time to baby,” I moved on top of Tina. I kissed her softly on the lips, ” you ready?”

“Oh yes, take me.” She begged.

“Anything for you baby,” I placed my swollen cock to her wet pussy, ” here it comes Baby Doll.”

I pushed my cock meat deep inside my baby, as deep as it would go. Her tight pussy muscles locked on my cock so hard, I couldn’t move.


“Yes, Baby, oh yes,” I began moving my hips, ” your so hot, so wet, and so tight.”

“Oh Daddy, I love you, I love you,” Tina moaned, ” go Daddy, I’m on fire. Oh Daddy, fuck me like your whore. Anything, just do it hard.”

I started pumping her pussy hole faster and deeper, ” Is this better?” I ask, pumping her pussy, ” is this hard enough or harder?”

“OH… OH…OH DADDY, YES, YES.” Tina screamed.

I felt like I was a kid again, I pumped her delicate pussy unrelenting, rapid and deep as I possibly could. I could feel my cock trying to enter her womb. I pushed harder, I intruded her soul, her motherhood.


I pumped my poor baby like she was my whore, I pulled her long, slim legs on my shoulders. Ramming my thick cock deeper and deeper into her young sexy body. Giving her my lust, and my love.


“You ready my little whore daughter?”


“You little whore,” I rammed my cock in her, ” my little slut daughter. Being fucked by, Daddy.”


“You dirty mouth bitch,” I leaned on her hips, driving my cock into her womb, ” is that good, whore?”


I climbed on top of her and started moving my cock pole in and out of her young body as fast as I could, ” Come whore, Daddy’s ready to cum in his slut, whore. Come bitch, move your ass, lets cum.”

She started rocking her hips with mine, as fast as we could go. It was great, our skin slapping together, the slurping noises from between her legs. The bed squeaking and banging into the wall. Her moaning and groaning, her little sort breaths of air. The best was, that wonderful smell of SEX.


Her slender legs wrapped around my hips, she thrust her pussy into my cock pole as hard and fast as she could, ” OH MOTHER FUCK… DADDY… YES…YES… OH GOD YES.”

Our hips plunged into each others bodies, our skin slapping together so hard it almost hurt. Our bodies moved as one, like we had made love many, many times before. But, this was our first night together.

“OH.. OH..OH.. OH.. DADDY..DADDY…DADDY,” Tina screamed, as her body came on my cock, ” OH DADDY, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU.”

I pumped her body, making her orgasm last and last as long as I could. I wanted our first time together to be her best.

She calmed down some, ” Oh Daddy, that was…great. You never came, why?”

I hugged her and replied, ” I will soon baby,” I kissed her, moving my tongue into her mouth. Pulling her beautiful body into my arms, holding her, caressing her. then it was my turn.

“Oh baby girl, here it cums,” I rammed my cock into her womb, shooting my cum, my seeds into her soul, ” Oh Tina, I love you baby, I love you.”

Tears filled her eyes as I came inside her body, ” Daddy, I love you, too. Always, forever.”

We moved away just a few weeks later. We live in a small, northeast town, with our two wonderful daughters.

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The Day I Took My Daughter

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It started about five years back. My wife was spending a lot of time away from home because of her lecture tour. She had phoned me that day to say she was visiting our eldest son Michael at his halls since she was doing a lecture nearby. I got on well with my wife and we loved one another but I think it’s fair to say that a lot of the fire was gone from our relationship by that point. Not that my Sarah wasn’t beautiful! Hell she looked damn good for her age and you wouldn’t know to look at her that three kids had popped out of that oven.

Anyway, that weekend I was left in the house with Marty and our youngest, Annabelle whose eighteenth birthday it had been two weeks earlier. It was early July and the weather was pretty good so without much in the way of discussion it was mutually decided that the pool in the backyard was the place to set ourselves up for the day.

I was settled on my lounger by the poolside with a cold bottle of beer in my hand and newspaper on my knee. Marty was doing underwater lengths so it was me who saw her first. This was the first time I’d been out in the pool with my kids at all this year what with work and all – nothing could have prepared me for how different Annabelle looked coming down those patio steps compared to last year. She was a woman all of a sudden! At least, she was well on the way!

The all in one was gone and in its place, a tight red bikini and thong set. I took a big gulp of cold beer as I stared from behind my sunglasses. She was about 4 ft 7″ tall but carried herself like she was 6 ft. Annabelle grinned at me when she saw me looking at her and did a twirl. Her perfect young breasts jiggled enticingly as she spun, her thong clove between the most perfect pair of ass cheeks I had ever seen. I was instantly hard and I thanked god for the newspaper across my lap. What the fuck was wrong with me? This was my own daughter for fuck’s sake!

“Like my new bikini, daddy?” she challenged me with a cheeky grin and I felt somehow as if she were testing me.

“Weeell..” I said in mock disproving tones, “Its a bit on the risque side sugar, but so long as you only wear it here I guess its fine.” She beamed and blew me a kiss.

“Thanks daddy” she said and dived into the pool. She’d seemed a little surprised at how lax I’d been there. I wondered if my wife had already told her not to wear the tiny bikini – it wouldn’t surprise me. I gave a mental shrug and returned to my paper.

A little while later Marty climbed canlı bahis out of the pool and excused himself to go round to his girlfriends place. I didn’t blame him, probably got himself hot and bothered about Annabelle too – in need of some relief. My eyes drifted back inexorably to the sunbathing figure of my daughter and I sighed. My hardon hadn’t gone down in nearly an hour.

“Daddy?” she called – her voice sounded muffled by the towel. She was lying face down beside the pool. I was painfully aware that she’d undone the strings holding her bikini top in place so she could get an even tan on her back.

“Could you put some lotion on my back for me?” I swallowed hard. This was just one of those tests God likes to throw at me. I had the feeling I was going to fail this one. I got up with a sigh of defeat and knelt over Anna’s firm young backside with the bottle of tanning lotion in my hand. Pouring some of the greasy stuff into my palm I rubbed my hands together then began applying it to the soft warm skin of her back. She felt good.

I moved lower down her back, occasionally rubbing down her sides to ‘accidentally’ brush the swelling of her lovely young breasts. I was preparing to get up again when Anna’s hand whipped behind her and tugged loose her thong-string.

“Can you do the rest?” she asked me in her best girly voice and I found myself suddenly massaging lotion into the bare globes of her ass cheeks. She moaned slightly. Was she teasing me on purpose? Did she know what this was doing to me? I stared between her thighs at the downy blonde fur that covered her cute pink little pussy. I did one long lithe leg and then the other – all the time staring at her puffy little mound. It barely even occurred to me what I was doing when I poured some more oil onto my fingers and reached between her legs. Anna moaned in shock as my fingers cupped and massaged her tender young pussy. She looked back over her shoulder at me in astonishment.

Wha…what are you doing, daddy?” she whimpered, unconsciously grinding her moistening mound against my hand.

“What do you think?” I breathed and she blushed.

“You’re rubbing my pussy” she moaned and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Do you like how it feels?” I asked and she nodded, still shamefaced with embarrassment that her own dad was doing this to her. Now here was the moment of truth. I looked into her big pretty blue eyes and slid a finger up her slippery hot hole and she whimpered with pleasure.

“You bahis siteleri want me to stop?” I asked her and Anna’s mouth worked as she tried to say yes.

“No, daddy” she finally moaned and at that point any road back was closed for me. Letting go of her for an instant I pulled my shorts down and my daughter gasped in shock as my big hard cock bounced into the summer sun.

“Get on your hands and knees” I growled and she silently obeyed me. I wasted no time with foreplay. Pressing the bulbous head of my swollen dick between the slippery lips of my daughter’s sweet pussy I shoved forwards, gripping her slim waist firmly with both my hands.

“Oh my god daddy!” moaned Anna staring back at me with a confused mix of horror and lust. I let her stretch to accommodate me, then slowly pulled back before plunging back inside of her tight wet hole once more. She whimpered sexily and started to move her hips back against me as I began pumping in and out of her sopping little snatch with building momentum.

“Do you like that?” I panted roughly and Anna’s wide blue eyes met mine guiltily as she nodded and bit her lip with a kittenish purr of need.

“Yes daddy… your dick feels… amazing!” she gasped breaths raggedly now as she gripped the poolside. Her tight little pussy felt so good. It seemed to massaged and milk my prick with every thrust – I couldn’t believe how deep I could get inside her. Her mother was the only other woman who’d ever really accommodated my size properly. I let one hand slide from Anna’s waist to give her perfect round ass cheeks a sharp slap. Anna shivered and licked her lips – her eyes stared back over her shoulder at me burning now with unrepentant hunger.

“Yes, daddy! Spank my ass!” she moaned, “Spank you filthy daughter while you fuck her pussy, you fuckin’ pervert!!!”

I couldn’t help but grin as I obeyed her orders. Her ass cheeks glowed red as I spanked her, my rigid dick pumping in and out of her tender wet pussy at a rate of knots now. Sweat was glistening on my daughter’s beautiful body as I fucked her. I could taste my own sweat-salt on my upper lip; could feel the droplets running down my back as I nailed my little girl.

Anna began to convulse and shake and it took me a second to realize she was cumming. Her pussy seemed to spasm and lock down on my throbbing prick and she let loose a shuddering cry of deep sexual satisfaction. Seeing my daughter in the throes of an intense orgasm remains a special kind of moment bahis şirketleri for me. I reached under her and finding her nipples, tweaked and pinched on them hard. This sent her into a second wave of mini orgasms. Just like her mother – I thought with a smirk.

As her climax subsided Anna collapsed beneath me, panting hard. It took her some moments to realize that I was still buried to the hilt inside her – and I wasn’t done. I pulled my big prick out of her with a silent vow that it would not be too long before I returned there, and rolled her over onto her back. Anna looked up at me with a dazed smile as I straddled her toned mid-section and placed my cock between her beautiful big tits.

She didn’t need instructions as to what I wanted next. Still smiling up at me shyly, my daughter used both her hands to squeeze her firm round tits around my stiff dick. I groaned and started luxuriously to fuck my daughter’s incredible cleavage. I knew I wasn’t going to last long, but the suddenness of my climax still took me by complete surprise. I was finishing the 5th or 6th long powerful thrust when Anna gave me a cheeky little grin, winked and raised her open mouth to the swollen head of my prick. It was one stimulation too many. I immediately froze mid thrust and gasped as I began to spasmodically unload into my daughter’s sucking mouth.

“Jesus-H-Christ!” I croaked, staring into my daughter’s pretty blue eyes as every muscle in my body tensed up, jets of hot incestuous seed spurted from the tip of my jerking prick onto her waiting tongue. She was making sexy little “mmmm” sounds as if her daddy’s cum was the tastiest thing she’d ever had in her mouth. Maybe it was – I certainly like to think so. What she couldn’t swallow in time dribbled from the corners of her full lipped mouth to drip down her chin. I’d never seen anything so goddamned sexy in all my life. Talk about a Kodak moment!

As the last spurt of jism erupted from my prick-head, Anna licked my dick clean faithfully. I watched her lick the gooey cum from my cock with a proud grin. My perfect baby-girl… a perfect slut for her daddy.

“Your pussy is mine now, baby” I breathed rolling onto my side beside her. Anna was still looking a little dazed.

“You hearing me?” I asked snapping my fingers. Anna blushed and nodded with a shy little grin.

“Whenever you want it, daddy” she said quietly and I was gratified by the naughty eagerness in her voice. She would be a willing slave to my dick – I idly wondered how far she’d go. Would she obey me utterly? I wondered if she’d be willing to fuck some of my friends or clients. I’d tread carefully but I definitely wanted to see how well my slave-daughter could be trained…

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The Creation of Incest Island

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For those who are fans of the 1st Chapter of the Mr. & Mrs. X series, I am still working on it, but this story came out and caught my imagination and as all written work, there is some borrowing of ideas from other works here on Literotica, though the names are original and the places for the most part are real and chosen to ground the story in the real world.

If you are not into full family incest, with double penetration, spit roasting, skull fucking, lesbianism and making female family members airtight, I suggest turning around right now. Other than various types of gangbang sexual acts, there is no sex act that approaches homosexual male sex.

While there are some characters who at times are underage, by the time they have sex in the story line they all are over the age of 18.


Here I am at 35 years of age, very wealthy sitting on this artificial island I and my sister Vesta, where admittedly I commit incest with family members. Let me start by telling you about how me and my sibling came to own this island and who else we fuck besides each other.

First, I probably should introduce myself. My name is Apollo, my parents particularly my dad was on a kick to name his children after the major Roman Gods and Goddesses. There are six Roman Goddesses and six Roman God among the twelve major Gods. I just glad I wasn’t named Vulcan or after a planet. Also given that I have six sisters, I have always wondered how my parents would have reacted had they had a seventh girl. I am the youngest of the seven children they produced and the only boy. My sisters in order are Minerva, Venus, Diana, Ceres, Juno and Vesta. Given the order of how my sisters were named, if my parents had another son, I guess they would have named him Mercury.

My eldest sister, Min is ten years older than me; Venus is nine years older than me; Diana is eight years older than me; the twins Cee and June are six years older than me; and Vesta is just three years older than me and shares the same birthday as I do of January 2nd. I graduated High School at 13 years of age alongside Vesta who graduated early at 16 years of age.

We both went to Harvard for our undergrad and graduated in 3 years; me with B.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vesta in Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering.

We both graduated from M.I.T. with Masters of Engineering degrees; me at 17 and Vesta at 20. By the time we got our Masters Degrees, we each had 2 patents to our names, $10 million each in our bank accounts and had consulting contracts worth at the time about fifty million dollars when combined, with several corporations mostly based in the Greater Los Angeles area where our business lawyer my Aunt Ivy lived. So after we graduated we decided to move to Los Angeles to be closer to our clients.

Now we grew up in Cambridge, Massachusetts where our dad, Fred, was a mathematics professor at Harvard and our mom, Rose ran a catering business alongside her other sister, Lily and Lily’s daughters Denise and Donna. Lily’s husband Dave was our financial adviser and my grandmother on my mother’s side, Mary was our accountant. Our dad had grown up in Torrance, California with his sister Ginger and his mother Barbara. Aunt Ginger also had three daughters, Katherine, Karen and Kim and her husband Tim was in public relations. I never knew either of my grandfathers as they were fifteen and twenty years older than Grandma Mary and Grandma Barbara who at this time were in their mid to late sixties.

Before I go any farther, for the horn dogs reading this story, yes all of the women in my family were and still are voluptuous sporting C and D cup sized tits and all were either athletic, slim or curvy in their bodies and at the time I masturbated to visions of what it would be like to fuck all seventeen of them, including both Grandmas.

As I was still technically a minor at the time and Vesta was below the legal age limit to drink, Grandma Mary our accountant was to move to Los Angeles with us. It was also decided that Aunt Ivy would sell her condo and we would purchase a home large enough to fit the four of us with enough room for Vesta and I to do our research from home.

We ended up purchasing a home in the Holmby Hills section of Los Angeles near the campus of UCLA and within a few blocks of the Playboy Mansion and Beverly Hills. The location put us near our entertainment and aerospace clients and we were also close to LAX if we needed to fly to a client.

The mansion we purchased was very private and had an Olympic sized swimming pool, a tennis court, a library, a home gym, a home theater, and 2 guest houses. When exploring the floor of one of the guest houses we found the entrance to a fairly large underground bunker that also was connected to the main house and the other guest house. On further research my Aunt Ivy found it was built in the 1950’s during the Cold War to withstand a nuclear bomb hitting Los Angeles, but was also built for comfort with a full kitchen, a miniature canlı bahis power plant and full bathrooms and bedrooms for up to 40 people. Needless to say, after we knocked down a few walls, the bunker became our lab space.

It took about three more months to finish our remodeling of the mansion. We celebrated completion with my 18th birthday party at Disneyland, with the full family coming out to celebrate the construction completion and my birthday. Vesta and Aunt Ivy took our family members on tours of the newly remodeled mansion.

After we permanently moved in and construction was completed, we would be visited by Katherine, Karen, Kim, Aunt Ginger, and Grandma Barbara; sometimes to use our pool, tennis court, home gym, or to visit. Often times I would catch, my cousins, aunts, or grandmas sunning themselves or swimming in the pool in fairly skimpy bikinis and sometimes in just the bottoms as Vesta and I kept ourselves to the bunker to do our research unless we wanted to get something to eat. Usually, when I saw them sunning I would see them and then had to go and masturbate to get my dick to go down enough for me to go back to work alongside Vesta.

A year and a half after we moved, and after I had already turned 18, in Vesta caught me staring at our Grandma’s, Aunt’s and cousins’ tits as they laid out and tanned themselves, then she saw how hard I got and began teasing me that I got hard fantasizing about fucking our relatives, to which I had to admit that I was guilty.

We had always been close and she was always direct in confronting me. So, she then yanked off her t-shirt and removed her bra and said “now that I’m topless, do you want to fuck me as well?” I asked if that was an offer as I knew we were both still virgins. She responded not today, but stayed topless down in the bunker while we were working on one of our projects. This kept me hard all day and distracted me from my research.

Part way through our work I could not concentrate so I took off my shorts and boxers and asked her to masturbate me, blow me or put her bra and shirt back on. Now I do not want to brag, but I do sport a 9″ cock when I am fully erect, though it isn’t real thick, about the circumference of my thumb. She decided to masturbate me and I cummed in buckets all over her face and tits, covering them both. She then scooped my cum off her face and tits and ate it and then sucked on my cock enough to get it hard again.

By that time she had a big wet spot on her crotch and so I helped her remove her shorts and panties. She asked me if I would return the favor which I did. While she was having an orgasm I moved up a slowly sunk my cock into Vesta’s pussy and slowly fucked her, breaking her hymen and removing both of our virginities. We fucked over the next few hours until the dinner chime sounded.

So we got up bathed down in the bunker and put on new clothes, given no one had seen us since breakfast.

After that fateful day we started our love affair, though we both knew that given half a chance we would both fuck the rest of our family. Before I move on the best way I could describe my sister is to think of a red headed Cali Logan, you know the porn star. In fact we have had sex to some of her porn videos or pictures.

About two years after we moved in, when our oldest sister Min received a transfer to her company’s Los Angeles offices, she moved in with us. We had more than enough rooms, so she took up residence at the mansion and got regular use of the facilities. To imagine Min, think of a strawberry blond version of the porn star Sara Stone. When Uncle Dave got into a car accident, Grandma Mary and Aunt Ivy flew back to be with Aunt Lily, Denise and Donna; leaving Min to look out after myself and Vesta.

Well, I was fucking Vesta in the bunker instead of working, when Min decided to come down. It was a Saturday and apparently Uncle Dave had taken a turn for the worse and as our financial adviser had power of attorney over all of our investments, so Min was under orders to pack us up and to fly with us back to Boston, so we could transfer our accounts to our sister Diana who worked for Uncle Dave, before Uncle Dave passed away. Well she watched us fuck, disrobed completely and masturbated until we tired ourselves off. She then woke us from our afterglows by telling us just how hot we were and asked if she could join in, to which we said OK and we fucked some more until she remembered why she had come down.

Well after that Vesta and I got Min up, showered, dressed and packed, we then called Grandma Barbara who was in a deposition with two other lawyers hearing a case before her; then Aunt Ginger, followed by our cousins Katherine (both in surgery), Karen (with one of her fitness clients at their home) and last Kim (the nutritionist) who was free and drove us to LAX.

Kim dropped us off at the airport. All three of us flew back first class and on the way to Boston joined the mile high club.

We were picked up by our sister Venus. After bahis siteleri we checked into the hospital we signed all of the paperwork and took turns sitting with either Aunt Lily, making runs home or sitting with Uncle Dave.

After Uncle Dave passed away, Aunt Lily wanted out of their house as everything in the house made her remember Uncle Dave, which set her off crying again and again. As Vesta and I had a California mansion, far from gloomy Boston, I offered to move Aunt Lily, Denise, Donna, mom, and dad out to California where they could live with us; plus Aunt Lily, Denise, Donna and mom could work as our domestic staff as we had a big kitchen and house with plenty of rooms.

A few weeks later after my dad found a job at Cal Tech in Pasadena, they agreed to move, selling Aunt Lily’s home with my sisters Venus, Diana, Cee & June living in our parent’s Cambridge home. Both Min and Vesta did not like the idea, even though they agreed it was kind to make the offer, mostly because with another aunt, two cousins and our parents we would have 7 other adults who could figure out the three of us were fucking each other, rather than just Grandma Mary and Aunt Ivy.

Well, one day while dad was teaching and doing office hours at Cal Tech , Min was off at work and Vesta was in the bunker, I walked into an argument mom and Aunt Lily was having with Grandma Mary and Aunt Ivy about then tanning topless in nothing more than C-strings, while I was still around the house.

My Aunt Ivy responded “First sisters relax, both Apollo and Vesta spend most of their days down in the bunker which has a full kitchen and bathrooms. Second, how do you think me and our mother have negotiated the sort of deals Apollo and Vesta have signed? Every single one of those clients thought they could fuck over two sibling nerds, until I and our mother Mary fucked them, recording our sexual encounters and then blackmailed them into giving Apollo and Vesta what they deserve to get. Part of the magic involves us getting all over tans and dressing a bit provocative, showing enough cleavage and thigh to give those old boys a hard on. In fact all of the women in our family have bodies that should make men drool. Both of us have extra C-Strings in our rooms, Min has already seen us like this and has joined in, though she is far more wild than I ever was given she has walked around here nude during the day.”

With that my mom and Aunt Lily caved and went back to cooking, while Donna and Denise went upstairs to put on C-Strings.

I went back into the bunker and told Vesta about the argument and what Aunt Ivy told mom and Aunt Lily, then I asked her to cover for me as I was going to spy on Grandma Mary, Aunt Ivy and our cousins Donna and Denise wearing nothing out by the pool except C-strings. Given that neither of us knew what C-Strings were my sister looked them up online and showed then to me. I then went up and looked through one of the guest house windows and took in all of my four female relatives sunning themselves. As I sat there masturbating to them, my sister sent me a text to get back to the bunker as mom was coming down with cookies.

As I got up and tucked myself in, Aunt Lily came walking out in a black bikini and watched transfixed as she was talked into removing her top. Let me describe each of the women; Grandma Mary looked like the porn star Lisa De Leeuw; Aunt Ivy looked like porn star Syren De Mer; Aunt Lilly looked like Shannon Long, the Playboy Playmate; Donna looked like the Russian adult model Anita Silver; while Denise looks like the Brazilian adult model Anielly Campos. Of course having seen mom in her bikini she looks like Carrie Stevens, the Playboy Playmate.

Anyway, I got back in time for mom to give me a kiss, a hug and leave her plate of cookies, while I pretended to be lost in thought. After she left, I went back into the Guest House and masturbated only to see my mom come out in her bikini and seeing everyone else basically nude, proceeded to remove her bikini showing me her naked full figured body.

It was then that Min peeked outside and then before I knew what was going on a naked Min and Vesta came up through the bunker entrance and the three of us proceeded to fuck while watching the other six women tan their hot naked bodies by our pool. At that moment Min had a wicked idea for the three of us to go back into the bunker, leaving my clothes there and then the walk up into the main house and walk to the door way and fuck each other on the bench next to the only door to the main house close to all six naked women.

And well that is just what we did, causing mom and Aunt Lilly to seek to cover themselves with their arms as Min had taken their discarded bikinis from them.

Mom tried to tell me, Vesta and Min off for fucking each other; however Min then responded saying “maybe the reason you are upset is due to the fact you all want to fuck Apollo and Vesta as much as I do, given that you all are naked, even though you all work for my brother and sister.” bahis şirketleri My mom had nothing to say and after I came in Vesta’s pussy, I got up walked over to my mom who Min pushed to her knees and I fucked my own mother’s mouth until I cummed into her mouth forcing her to swallow my jizz.

I was still hard, so I put mom in the doggie position where I proceeded to fuck my our mother, and then Min positioned Aunt Lilly, Aunt Ivy, Grandma Mary, Donna and then Denise on their knees, ready to be fucked by me. She then knelt down by mom, while Vesta knelt down by Denise, so that I could fuck of these eight incestuous cunts. When I came I did in her cunt, claiming my mom’s pussy as my own.

I then went down the line a few times to do a sexual roulette with my naked female family members, shoving my cock in each of their pussies, pumping it in and out a few times, making each of them cum on my cock at least once.

It was at that point with my cock pumping in and out of my mom’s snatch, that dad came home to find his nine family members naked with his son’s cock in his wife’s pussy. With that he just sat down heavy and asked “why?” To which Min responded “Why not?” as she got up and walked over to dad and began undressing him, Vesta followed her and helped her until dad was as naked as the rest of us and Min, his first born, was on her knees sucking his cock to a rigid state before mounting him and fucking him.

Given how hot they were fucking, I anally penetrated my shocked mother, who told me not to as my cock went passed her sphincter muscles. When I was fully embedded, I picked her up and walked her over to dad telling Min to get off as Mom was to be double penetrated with me and dad fucking her. Min positioned dad’s cock at the entrance to mom’s pussy and then I sank her down and dad and I proceeded to fully fuck mom as she had one orgasm after another.

When we finished with her we did Grandma Mary, Aunt Lily, Aunt Ivy, Donna, Denise, Min and then Vesta, with Vesta getting both of our cum in her pussy and asshole. Min then informed everyone how she, Vesta and myself wished to eventually have the entire family committing incest and walking around nude in this mansion, including Grandma Barbara and Aunt Ginger.

Well after the orgy and Min’s speech, mom, Aunt Lily, Donna and Denise went to prepare dinner while the rest of us continued to fuck each other, with me and dad sometimes spit roasting the women in our family.

When dinner was served Min made sure we each had a towel to sit on and we ate dinner au natural. None of us shied away from looking at each other seeing we were all naked, had fucked each other and were likely to continue fucking each other. We continued our orgy by the pool, until 3 AM, falling asleep on the pool loungers. Of course both dad and Min had to turn in earlier as they both had work to go to in the morning.

The next day all of the women except Min who had to go into work and Vesta who along we me had consulting projects to finish, left for a day at the spa. When they came back all six of them had completely shaved beavers as the spa had performs laser hair removal from their waist down. Seeing mom, her sisters, mother and my cousins completely shaved was hot as all of them came down to the bunker with food wearing nothing but newly purchased stiletto boots, thigh high stockings and garter belts. They were soon followed by Min and dad, who were also naked.

Because of their interruption Vesta almost blew a gasket given the project we were working on and how stressed out she was. I sent them back upstairs with most of the food keeping some for Vesta and myself who were in jeans, work boots, work gloves, face shields and leather jackets. For the next few weeks everyone left us alone as we worked on our consulting projects, often times collaborating especially when one of us hit a mental wall. Of course when we both hit the wall we would usually go upstairs and participate in whatever sexual activity was going on, so as to blow steam like we did when we got our ten person incest orgy started.

A month or maybe two later on a Saturday around noon, both Vesta and I had hit mental roadblocks and were fucking, she with our dad; and me with our Aunt Ivy, while the other six were paired off into lesbian couples. All of a sudden Min got up and went inside the house dragging mom with her. Into the pool area walked my Aunt Ginger, and cousins Katherine, Karen and Kim, all of them topless, wearing only thong bikini bottoms.

Needless to say, Aunt Ginger was in shock when she saw dad and Vesta fucking, while I was fucking Aunt Ivy. It was then when my naughty sister Min pants-ed my Aunt Ginger exposing her shaved beaver for all of us, she then told Vesta to get off dad’s cock so dad could fuck his sister. A shocked Ginger weakly complied and sank onto her brother, Fred’s cock, until he started bouncing her on his lap and started fucking her. To describe these four vixens on my dad’s side of the family, picture Playboy Playmate Kelly Gallagher as a stand in for my Aunt Ginger, Porn star Taylor Vixen as a standing for my cousin Katherine, Russian porn star Candy Alexa for my cousin Karen, and porn star Alektra Blue for my cousin Kim.

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The Curious Sibling

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I love my big sister. I love her so much every time I see her my cock grows to a peak. The other day I found a pair of her panties, pink Victoria Secret thongs with a cute little bow on the back that lays atop her juicy little ass. I hold them in my hands and wonder how soft her pussy must feel. I wonder how they would smell if she had just worn them. So I put them to my nose and get a whiff. She smells like perfection. Her warm pussy must have just left them. I look around to see if anyone is near. I quickly pull my hard cock out and wrap her pink panties underneath my balls and around my cock. They feel so good. It’s like I can feel her warm tight pussy already. I put my newly wrapped cock away and leave the scene of the crime.

A few hours later….

I walk to my door to go downstairs. Suddenly I open the door to find her, soaked and wrapped in a towel, about to knock. She asks me if I had been in her room. I reply, “No”, and she walks away. The towel is so tight and thin I can see the imprint of her ass. My cock slowly rises as I try not to let her see my erection that I had for her. I go and knock on her door, I know she is still changing, I walk in and she gets scared. She grabs the towel and wraps her bottom, and screams at my to get out. She forgot her round tits were still out. I suddenly cum a bit into my shorts. I walk out in illegal bahis disbelief.

I walk back to my room and stroke my cock a little. Fuck it’s so hard and wet and it’s all because of my sister. I must have forgot to lock my door. I stay focused on my cock going in and out of my hand. She must have gotten me so excited I forgot to turn around and jerk off in the opposite direction of the door. She bursts through the door yelling. I jump and try to put my cock back in my shorts as fast as possible. As I do, she stands still staring in awe “Um it’s okay little brother, I know you need to release pressure sometimes. Wait were those my panties?” I look at her still standing there. She seems upset a bit. I make awkward faces that I hope she sees that signal I want her out. She must be really focused on my still hard cock. “Do.. do you want some help with that?” I cover my crouch slowly and awkwardly. She steps in and closes the door making sure she locks it. Neither of us are exactly smiling. She slowly walks to me. She lifts my hand and points it towards her mouth. My finger lingers around her lips and she sucks on the tip. Her tongue is like heaven. She gives me a kiss on the cheek, whispers in my ear, “Is that hard cock for me?”, and slowly lowers to her knees. She rubs her cheek against the ridge my hard cock is making. I stand in shock. I put my illegal bahis siteleri fingers gently through her hair. Not sure of what to do. She licks the tip through my shorts. Then grabs the edge and pulls my shorts down slowly. My cock pops up quickly. Almost hitting her in the face. Now she’s smiling. Without a moment to spare she has her sweet lips around the head of my cock. I stand there while my big sister gags on my cock, and licks her own panties still wrapped around my cock.. She isn’t exactly a whore but she sucks cock like one. I mumble as I try to tell her something. She goes faster and deeper. I am almost about to cum in my sisters mouth. This can’t be happening. I must have yelled it because she looks straight in my eyes and gags on my cock again. I pull her head off. I must have pushed her off. She falls on her back.

(“Stop! You’re my sister!”

“I see how you look at me.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I know you want to fuck me. I know that you want your big sister to suck your cock and swallow your cum. Don’t you!”

I look at her a bit ashamed….

“You know I do but this isn’t right.”

“Who cares. I want your cock. And I know you want me to have it.”)

She crawls forward again…

She grabs my cock, forceful this time. She man-handles my cock into the canlı bahis siteleri back of her throat. She pulls out quickly to say, “Fuck your big sisters face. I’m your little whore today baby brother!” Suddenly it’s on. I make pig-tails in her hair and fuck her face as fast and as hard as possible. I love fucking her throat. I love fucking the face of my big sister. I slow and have her keep going on her own. I tell her I’m about to cum. She smiles and says, “Give it to me baby, please little brother fill your sisters mouth with your hot load.” I stroke my cock. Faster and faster and faster. She gets excited with every stroke. I grab her hair and pull her face back. I unleash my load on to her sweet little face. My cum covers every inch. She licks her lips to get a taste. I wipe more into her mouth and go to my knees. I give her a kiss and a hard slap. She looks at me and smiles. “Now go and clean your filthy fucking face you nasty little slut.” “Thanks little brother. I mean Master.” She gets up and spanks her tight round ass. I try to reach for it, to give it a squeeze. She smacks my hand. I stand there still stroking my cock. She looks at my cock one last time. “Next time baby brother.” I bite my lip and smile. Did I just fuck my sister? You’re goddamn right I did and I loved it. I love my sister. I love my sister; the whore of the family. My personal little slut. I walk out my door and to her room. She still has some cum on her face. I look at her and kiss her on the lips. I love fucking my sister. “Save some for next time. I promise I won’t disappoint. Especially not my little brother.”

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