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Subject: Deans Bicha 26 I have been reading stories for several years, and I thought I’d try writing one, so this is my first attempt. It’s based a lot on my youth with respect to people (names changed) and places and even some events, though most of the sexual situations are fictional. If you are under legal age to read, or in an area which prevents this, please leave now. Remember this was the mid 1970s and HIV wasn’t a thing. Play safely today. Nifty is a wonderful service so please donate to keep it free. I appreciate constructive feedback/suggestions and can be reached ail Feedback is the Author’s only compensation. Deans Bicha 26 Monday Evening Mr. Soarer knew Dean had come to my house last night. How? I wondered exactly what he found out or Dean had confessed. All eyes were looking at me. Dean had warned me last night what I should say in this circumstance. “So it seems my youngest defied my orders last night and went to see you,” Mr. Soarer said as he circled the boys tapping his whip in his hands. The whip was only part of my shock. Dean and Dale had their hands tied over their heads to a hook in the ceiling stretching them out so they were on their tiptoes. Of course both were naked. They did not look too happy. “Tell me what happened?” “He came to apologize again,” I stammered. “And how did he do that Jamie?” Mr. Soarer questioned. Now why I got embarrassed I couldn’t figure out, maybe because he used my name instead of calling me bicha. It seemed to make it more personal that way. Regardless, looking at the floor I mumbled, “He gave himself to me fully.” Dean didn’t explain exactly what I should admit so I thought I’d give him as few details as possible. Though Mr. Soarer wasn’t having any of that. So the question and answer period began with me providing short indirect answers to his questions. Quickly growing tired of this cat and mouse game, Mr. Soarer reminded me that the longer I took to reveal the truth, the longer the boys were going to suffer suspended as they were. I told them about the kissing, rimming, and even the fucking we had done. I felt as if my face was on fire I was so embarrassed. Of course this led not only to me but the Soarer boys to become erect. Without mentioning the threat of being cut off from anything further sexually with the boys, I informed Mr. Soarer of my decision to remain their bicha. I was hoping that would lessen any punishment. I was wrong. I couldn’t figure why Dale was being punished as well until it was explained that he should have informed Mr. Soarer what Dean was doing. I thought it unfair to punish Dale for not ratting out his brother and made the mistake of saying so. “So you are still going to be a bicha come Saturday? Then undress now.” I stripped off my clothes in record time, standing at attention, me cock pointing at the ceiling. Mr. Soarer walked around me examining my body. Mrs. Soarer was watching from the sidelines. “Bend over, let me see how you are healing. Spread your cheeks.” Jabbing my hole with his fingers, he said I still needed a little more time to heal. “As a bicha, you don’t get to question me. If I decide to punish my boys, I will do as I decide. Understand?” “Yes, sir,” I replied. He told me he would see to it that I did understand. “What else aren’t you telling me bicha?” Dean has already confessed to everything you told us. I know there is more.” “Nothing sir, honest.” Now I’m not a good liar as I tend to blush when I do. I could never play poker. “Well let’s just see. Dale, two for not stopping your brother. Dean, four for sneaking out.” With that Mr. Soarer delivered the whippings quickly, but not painlessly. Dale screamed out as the leather whip bit into his ass, one on each cheek. Dean let out a blood curdling scream on the first three and was crying on the fourth one, two on each side. Mr. Soarer then told me to untie them which I hurriedly did. After a short respite and a drink of water in which both boys remained standing for obvious reasons, Mr. Soarer wrapped his hand around Dean’s balls and pulled them downward causing considerable discomfort. Mrs. Soarer went over and attached some type of metal ring about an inch high around them and locked it in place. It had a loop of some sort on the bottom. Next he was moved in front of a wooden board of sorts where his wrists and ankles were cuffed in place. His feet were about two feet apart and his arms were pulled over his head shoulder width apart. The board was on a metal stand and it looked like he could be tilted forward or back. I couldn’t imagine what was about to happen. “So, bicha. We’re going to play a little game. I’m going to start adding one pound weights to this ring,” Mr. Soarer explained as he lifted Dean’s balls exposing the loop underneath them. “The first will stay for one minute. Then I’ll add a second for two minutes. Then a third for three minutes, etc. etc. etc… You get the idea. By the time he has five pounds swinging from his little bolas (balls in Portuguese) I should hope to have the truth.” Turning to Dean he asked, “Ready?” Dean just nodded. What I found amazing that in the fifteen minutes it took to complete 5 pounds, Dean had barely made a sound other than a few grunts with each new weight. His bolas looked as if they were stretched to their limit. Dean occasionally would shoot me looks to keep quiet which I’m sure didn’t go unnoticed. When time was up Mr. Soarer asked, “Would you care to tell me anything now?” Silence on Dean’s part. Mr. Soarer then pushed the weights and they starting swinging under Dean stretching his balls even more. To add to the pain, the wood board to which he was attached was then tilted forward so Dean was facing downward and couldn’t make eye contact with anyone, especially me I had the feeling. After five more minutes swinging 5 pounds from Dean’s balls, Mr. Soarer added a sixth pound weight. Dean grunted and started pleading with his father. “No papa. Please. That’s all there was. I rimmed Jamie then let him fuck me. Please undo the weights.” We all watched for an agonizing six minutes 6 pounds pulling Dean’s nuts toward the ground back and forth as Mr. Soarer kept swinging them and Dean kept pleading. I didn’t think I could stand to watch anymore, yet was entranced by it as a 7th pound was added. Dean yelled out at the additional weight begging his father to release his bolas as tears rolled down his face onto the floor. I caved first and at the two minute mark I blurted out, “I SUCKED HIS DICK. PLEASE, RELEASE HIM.” Mr. Soarer immediately turned the wooden board back upright and grabbed Dean by the chin asking, “Is that true? Did Jamie suck you after I expressly said he was off limits for the week?” “Please Mr. Soarer. I wanted to do it. Dean didn’t ask. Don’t punish him. Punish me instead.” Dean had a look of death in his eyes toward me. He told me what to say and I confessed more. Now Mr. Soarer would punish us both. Plus, I knew I would have to face Dean’s wrath eventually. “Don’t worry bicha, you’ll be punished too,” Mr. Soarer informed us. He then removed the weights from Dean, who sighed and all but collapsed had it not been for being strapped to the tilting board. Mr. Soarer then called my father and told him that it appeared I was the instigator of the other nights rough housing and hiding clothes. The boys were just “paying me back” by trying to push me outside nude. He told my father he believed I should be punished as were his boys and the Archer boys. Apparently my father agreed and the call ended. SHIT. “Dale, get me the cane.” Dale and Mrs. Soarer had quietly watched from the sidelines. Dale returned 30 seconds later with the cane from last night. Sweat starting pouring out of my entire body. I knew it would be painful, but I also knew that I’d endure it better than Jeff. Dale and Matt had survived without crying out and I would too. “Two for questioning my disciplinary practices and three for lying to me about Dean’s apology and perfuming oral sex on him. Assume the position.” I placed my sweaty palms against the wall above my head and leaned forward, spreading Giresun Escort my legs in preparation for my caning. Now whenever my father punished me, even now, it was an old fashioned over the knee spanking usually with his hand, occasionally his belt. Unlike the kids whose grandparents lived next door to me and were spanked on the bare bottom, the worse I got was in my briefs. This was going to hurt. I was ordered to “count them out.” I mentally prepared for the pain. I did that with my father’s spanking and they never seemed to hurt as much as when he gave me a whack or two immediately after some infraction. However, a spanking was nothing in comparison to a caning and my eyes nearly flew out of their sockets with the first stroke as I shouted out, “ONE.” Four more followed and I survived. I took in deep breaths trying to remove myself from the pain. In truth, the burning after was more painful than the actual caning. “Good job bicha. You took that well. Stand at attention.” When I turned around, I saw Mrs. Soarer had filmed the beating. WTF? Mr. Soarer instructed Dale to return the cane and get his toolbox. Dean’s wide eyes told me that whatever was in the tool chest was not going to be good. Its contents were obstructed from my view by the lid as Mr. Soarer pulled out what looked like a needle and some thick, silver thread. “I think a few days sown shut will teach you,” he told a very remorseful Dean who began to beg his father not to do whatever he was planning. Turning to me, Mr. Soarer showed me the silver thread and explained that back in the late 1800s and early 1900s it was considered harmful for boys to masturbate. His box contained many of the old fashioned “remedies” used to “cure” boys of such a nasty habit. One such method performed by John Kellogg, of the cereal company, was to sew the foreskins of pubescent boys closed preventing erections and masturbation. “I think 5 days should do the trick. Unless you don’t follow orders again, then I will double the time.” “Please papa, no. I’m sorry. Bicha wanted to serve me. I didn’t order him to suck me.” Dean pleaded to no avail. Mr. Soarer rotated the board so Dean was now face up, his dick shrunk with fear. I couldn’t believe his father was going to sew his own son’s foreskin closed. Despite more crying and begging, we all watched as Mr. Soarer carefully inserted the needle in and out all the way around Dean’s stretched cock cover. When he had gone all the way around he pulled the two ends of the silver thread tight and sealed Dean’s dick inside his skin. Then using what was basically a soldering iron plumbers use, he attached a small metal tag with a number on it. He told Dean if he cut off the tag to release himself, then Mr. Soarer would know. Ingenious. Also evil and cruel. Mr. Soarer went on to explain that the silver in the thread would most likely cause irritation, especially when urinating. Since urine is sterile, it would help keep infection at bay. Dean was told he would be drinking plenty of fluids. Turning to me, I was told that since the foreskin couldn’t be retracted for five days, there would be quite the build up of smegma which, as an additional punishment, I would lick clean when Dean’s punishment was over. Now Dean never pulled back his skin to pee or cum so there was always a bit of white cheese I ate down with every blowjob I performed on him. Given I sucked him off everyday, the amount wasn’t too bad. Five days worth was not something I relished. Dean collapsed on the floor when his brother released him from the table. Holding his sore and sealed up cock, he knelt there crying and telling his father he was sorry for disobeying. Mr. Soarer told me to get dressed and head home. Glancing over my shoulder as I got to the door, I saw Mr. Soarer comforting Dean in his arms. I felt sorry for Dean even though I knew I would ultimately pay the price. As instructed I had no contact with the Soarer boys until I was allowed. Like Mr. Archer, my dad agreed with the punishment Mr. Soarer delivered to me. That night thinking about Dean’s predicament I was glad that I had been circumcised as a baby. Supposedly you can’t miss something you never had but after having seen Dale and Dean intact, I thought it would have been cool to have been allowed to keep my foreskin. Tonight I was momentarily glad I was cut so I couldn’t be sewn shut. I couldn’t imagine not cumming for 5 days. Little did I know that before summer was over I would be forced to go much longer than that. For now I rubbed out the biggest load I ever shot. I cleaned it up with my fingers and licked them clean before drifting off to sleep. ++++++ Tuesday I didn’t even think of wearing underwear to school. I kinda liked the freedom of going without. Robby asked me if I was wearing briefs and laughed his ass when I said no and lightly swung my hips making my dick wiggle down my pant leg. I dared him not to wear any tomorrow on the last day and he accepted my challenge. It was a half day of school and the second dick-sucking free day. I had hoped to give Donny a quick blowjob as a graduation present that evening but sadly there was no time available as he and Marla were attending a graduation party at their friend’s house after the ceremony. The next day Donny’s family was taking him on a graduation trip so I wouldn’t be seeing him for over a week. I found out later Marla and Donny did “the deed” at Tuesday’s night party. I was kinda bummed as I thought that would cut down on the my blowing him, luckily I was wrong. On Wednesday as most kids were thrilled with it being the last day of school, I was practically going through withdrawal. I needed to suck a dick. Almost any dick, even Richard. Because there were mostly assemblies and awards we (the students) weren’t so rigid in our schedule and we had some freedom to move around. Not much mind you, but enough that Richard was able to whisper in my ear to go to the art room. Being located in the farthest building away from the end of school activities we were relatively safe. Richard was already waiting for me, a huge lump in his tight pants straining to be released. He told me to keep the lights off and come back to the art supply room. If a teacher spotted us we could always say we were going to make a goodbye sign for the Farewell Assembly. Seconds after shoving me into the dark storage closet Richard was unbuckling his pants and pulled them and his briefs down to his knees. I suggested maybe for safety he just take his dick out but keep zipped up. He told me he wanted this to be extra special since it might be the last one for a while. I knelt down in front of his small boner (smiling at it’s size compared to myself) when suddenly Richard plunged it into my mouth. Wasting no time, Richard gave me a face fucking like no other. I could hardly breathe as his cock cut off my airway time and time again. Spit ran out of the corners of my mouth while my eyes were watering. I chocked a few times which made him laugh and slam into me even harder. Luckily for me, typical Richard didn’t last but 2-3 minutes blasting his seed into my mouth. He ordered me to open my mouth and took great pleasure in depositing the last few shots across my tongue. “Swallow,” he said when he finished. I did so and opened up to prove that I had his babies swimming in my stomach. Squeezing his dick he milked out the last few drops and wiped them across my face. “Let that dry and leave it there.” Redressing he told me he would be riding his bike over to my house this summer so we could have more fun. I was told to wait a few minutes to leave so we wouldn’t be seen together. I looked into the mirror on the supply room door to check the damage. Not a lot as expected from him. I smiled again at even his lack of producing enough spunk. What little there was I mostly managed to lick off. During our final award assembly Robby told me he got parental permission to camp out on Friday night again. Yes! I had an instant erection which he laughed at until I whispered he probably did too. I couldn’t see because he was wearing a long t-shirt untucked Giresun Escort Bayan over his pants. Usually everyone had to have their shirts tucked in but being the last day nobody said anything to him. We were sitting in the last row of our section him on the end, me next to him. He spent the next few minutes squirming around in his seat. I couldn’t figure out what he was doing and kept giving him questioning looks. A few minutes later he elbowed me and I looked over. He had pulled his t-shirt up ever so slightly. The bottom hem was right at his junk and I could see the tab on his zipper had been pulled down. He leaned over and whispered he wanted to show me he followed through with my dare to go underwear free. With that he moved the assembly program to block everybody to my right from seeing and exposed his rigid cock pointing straight up out of his fly. Shit, I licked my lips imagining sucking him right there. My mouth was salivating at the tempting morsel just inches from me, a drop of pre at the end. He covered it back up and his shirt became wet soaking up his juices. I almost came myself at that point. It was actually very funny watching him wiggle around trying to shove his hard dick back into his pants. He never did get himself zipped back up and rode the bus home with an open fly and no underwear which kept him hard the entire way. Sucking Richard had helped but could I wait two more days? NO. I decided to call Randolph when I got home. His (and thus Dean and Dale too) last day of school was Thursday. I knew he was reticent of me riding my bike over to his house. I was hoping I’d be able to change his mind. I couldn’t wait to strip down and call. Maybe we could jack off over the phone together. Well, maybe he couldn’t since his brothers would be home too. Getting off the bus I ran home from the bus stop anxious to call. Unfortunately, Marla was still at the house packing for a four day mini-vacation with her girlfriends. I thought she’d have left by now. Elaine’s parents had a summer cottage on Cape Cod. They had agreed to take her, my sister, and two others friends for a few days. “Hey Jamie. How was the last day of school? Get to give any goodbye blowjobs?” she asked. My mouth dropped open in shock. “Come on. I’m sure you did. Spill. Who and what did you do?” she questioned. Despite her knowing what was happening in my life, sexually that is, telling her about Richard was still embarrassing. She loved it and told me to get out of my school clothes and she’d make us lunch. In my room I debated whether to put on briefs or eat lunch nude. Even though I wasn’t under Dean’s Rules this week I hadn’t worn them to school. I chicken out slipping a pair on before I headed back into the kitchen. Marla was just setting our lunch down on the table when I walked in. Her look told me immediately that I had made a mistake. “Drop ‘um bro,” she said and sat down. As many times as she had seen me in my tighty-whities recently I was still uncomfortable. Naked was even worse. I knew there was no point in arguing and hooked my thumbs into the waistband, pulled them down and off. She held out her hand and I deposited my dingy worn briefs into it. Placing them on the table she told me to sit and eat. As we all know by now I started to chub up whenever I was in an embarrassing situation and this was no exception. Marla kept telling me to go get things for lunch that she “forgot” like: drinks, napkins, chips, etc… We both knew it was only an excuse for her to see me swing my skinny naked leg over the chair with my cock and balls dangling down fully exposed. The resulting erection didn’t take long to achieve. “You know kiddo, as red as your face is somebody might think you don’t like being humiliated. But looking at your hard rod it seems you do.” Before I could answer I heard a car pull into our driveway. “Oh dear, Elaine is early in picking me up.” I knew that wasn’t true. Reaching for my underwear, Marla grabbed my hand and told me to stay as I was. I heard the car door shut. I desperately didn’t want her friend to see me balls out naked with a boner. Marla allowed me to put them on only after I promised to do whatever she told me when her friend was here. Fuck – I thought as I barely had pulled them over my hard dick when Elaine knocked on the back door. “Hi. Sorry I’m early. I thought maybe you could use some help packing,” she said almost laughing. Yeah, right. The two had definitely planned this, I was screwed. I was attempting to wolf down the rest of lunch and get out of there when Marla asked Elaine if she wanted something to drink. Here it comes. Yup, of course she did. Marla told me to get Elaine a drink and refill hers. Now I wouldn’t be able to cover up with either hand. I kept my head down too ashamed to look anybody in the face as I got up exposing my dirty old underwear which was stretched thin trying in vain to contain my completely hard dick pointing at my hip. Elaine stifled a laugh when I retuned to the table and put the drinks down. I was hard as a rock with embarrassment which only got worse when my sister “accidentally” spilled her drink across the table. In truth she basically poured it in my lap soaking my briefs making them see through. On pure reactions I jumped up and Marla told me to get some paper towels to clean up the spill. I knew before she said it. I was instructed to take off my wet underwear and wring it out in the sink. I thought I’d just get it over with and whipped them off standing at the table only 5 feet across from Elaine who couldn’t stop laughing outright now. I left the soiled briefs in the sink and returned to the table to finish eating. I had to get up two more times to get Marla a replacement drink and some dessert for the three of us. I had been through this before with Donny’s sister Kathy at dinner, but this was worse cause I didn’t really know Elaine. Or maybe it was better cause I didn’t know her. Regardless, my hard on never wavered. After cleaning up from lunch, my sister asked me to go get her suitcase out of the garage. Really? I wanted to protest until I saw the look she gave me. I had promised to do whatever she told me to do in order to wear my briefs which were now soaking wet in the kitchen sink. Like they helped me now. I was on the back porch when the two of them broke out laughing hysterically. Damn, nude was bad enough, why did I have to be hard too. When I returned from the garage (running quickly so as not to be seen by passing cars I hoped) Elaine commented that she thought I’d have more pubic hair. It was barely an 1/8 inch long since Dean had shaved it off and was starting to itch. I explained about my surgery prep and then subsequent shaving “myself” to make it come in thicker ruse. I wasn’t going to tell her about Dean and Dale and Marla left it at that, thank goodness. “Oh, that’s interesting. It doesn’t look as he can even shoot yet. Can he?” she asked sickening sweet. A minute later under orders I’m jerking off in the kitchen. My eyes are closed hoping that lightning will strike me dead. There is no lightning coming my way though a few minutes later I’m about to cum. Marla sensing my eruption tells me to catch it in my hand so as not to “mess up the floor”. “Wow, he did it! Quite a load you got there Jaime,” Elaine praised me. She held both hands in front of her open mouth as I licked up my spunk on Marla’s command. Finally I was excused. Dashing to my room I closed the door and flopped down on my bed. The room was spinning thinking about what I had been forced to do. The memory causing my dick to stir again. I fell asleep for a short nap. The next thing I know, Marla and Elaine are standing by my bed looking down at my completely exposed body. Marla asked me to help her carry her bag to the car. I didn’t even try to put on any clothes. Swinging my skinny legs off the bed I glanced down and saw that I was 3/4 erect. Fuck it, after the lunchtime antics what did it matter now. My head was spinning in all directions making sure nobody was driving or riding a bike down our street Escort Giresun as I lifted Marla’s suitcase in the trunk. Elaine and Marla both gave me a hug and said they’d see me in a few days. Marla whispered in my ear to wait outside waiving goodbye to them before going inside. She was really pushing the exposure thing today. By now my dick was pointing skyward. They slowly backed down the driveway and waited. There was a car coming down the street and even though Elaine had plenty of time to pull out she didn’t. As the car got in front of our house Elaine basted the horn and both girls waived shouting out bye. The passing car slowed up hearing the horn and the twenty something year old guy driving, who looked familiar to me, almost snapped his head off when he caught sight of a naked and boned 13 year old. At least he kept going. The girls took off in the other direction and I finally escaped inside. None of us saw the car go around the corner and turn around in a neighbors driveway. +++++++++ ADULT-YOUTH ACTIVITY. SKIP THE REST OF THIS CHAPTER IF YOU DON’T WISH TO READ. Finally I thought I can now call Randolph and see if I can go over tomorrow. He was going to want to come to my place but I wanted to meet his brothers, and possibly more. Knowing how younger brothers “helped” older brothers out and him sucking his younger brother too, I doubted very much we couldn’t mess around. I guess a part of me was hoping for just that. As the saying goes: Be careful what you wish for. I’d learn that tomorrow. Right now I was still extra horny despite wanking in front of Marla and her friend Elaine. Sucking Richard had been a mistake, it only reminded me of what I had missed the last two days. I needed to suck more dicks. Maybe three tomorrow? I had just started dialing the kitchen wall phone when a car pulled into our driveway. Shit. I think that is the car which just slowed down passing by. Fuck, it is. I slammed down the receiver and dashed to my room. For a moment I remembered I was supposed to answer the door naked whenever possible. Not being bound under rules this week I grabbed a pair of cut offs and a t-shirt. I hear him knocking on the door. Fuck. I’ll just deny. He has no proof. I straightened out my clothes as he continued to pound on the back porch door. I timidly stepped onto the porch asking what he wanted. “Hey kid. Anybody else home?” “Um, no,” I answered. Why did I tell him that? He could come in and beat the crap out of me or worse. Why didn’t I say Yes. “So now you’re wearing clothes?” he asked. “Don’t look so surprised. I just saw you standing naked in the driveway waving you’re hard-on around.” “What? You must be crazy. I didn’t do that,” I lied. “Yeah, sure kid. Ain’t you the kid that stood by the side of the road pointing his prick at passerby’s a couple of weeks ago? Or maybe the one that ran down to old man Mann’s barn and swiped an egg crate without any clothes on? Oh wait, I know you who are, you gave my brother Raymond a great blowjob last week.” Busted. It was bound to happen with all the nude running around I had done in the past few weeks. Now I knew why he looked familiar. He was one of the farmhands at Mr. Mann’s barn the day I stole the egg crate, and apparently farm boy Raymond’s brother. Obviously I knew where this was headed; with me giving head. I was at a loss for words and just looked down at my feet, too embarrassed to speak. “Lose the clothes and come out here kid.” My head shot up and my eyes flew open. “You heard me. Get naked.” He stared at me for 10 seconds and when I didn’t move a muscle, he shouted out, “NOW.” I stripped off my t-shirt and shorts dropping them on the porch floor and stepped outside. “Very nice. Very nice indeed.” He scans my body for 30 seconds or so which feels like an hour and a half. I’m plumped up but not hard yet. I think I’m too scared not knowing him or what is going to happen. He reaches out and runs his hand over my short pubes. “Mmm. Looks like you shaved these off not long ago. I think you’d look better without them. You should do it again.” His touch has pushed a button in me and I’m now rock solid hard. He smiles and pushed the tip of my dick down and releases it so it smacks against my stomach. “Can we go somewhere less visible?” I squeak out. “Shy now are we?” he laughs. Looking at his watch he says, “Damn. I’ve really gotta get going kid. So you’ll owe me a blowjob cause Ray says you’ve got a wicked nice mouth.” He thinks for a second and continues, “Listen, tomorrow we got a super busy day but Friday afternoon we’ll be finished by lunch. You be down to the barn, on your knees, naked waiting by those egg crates at 1:30. Got it?” Friday? Shit, Robby is coming over. “I’ve got a friend coming over to camp out Friday. I can’t make it,” I tell him. He looks at me deciding if I’m giving him some BS or not. “It’s the truth. Then his eyes light up. “Is this the same dude that watched you suck Raymond off from the cornfields?” “Yeah.” I guess farm boy Raymond told his brother everything. “Perfect. Then the both of you should be on your knees, balls out naked. That way Ray and I won’t have to share cocksuckers,” he laughs. He looks around and must have decided he didn’t want to stand around potentially being seen with a nude 13 year old boy. Opening the back porch door, he pulls me inside to the kitchen. He reaches out and strokes my cock a few times. Checking the time again, he asks,” You want a sample?” as he unbuckles his belt and unzips his fly. I’m standing there transfixed on what he’s doing and lick my lips in anticipation. He spread his jeans open revealing his skimpy light blue briefs. My mouth is watering now. I hear him chuckle but never remove my eyes from the prize. It looked like he was moving in slow motion as his jeans and underwear are lowered to mid thigh. Out popped a beautiful, 6 1/2 inch, thick hard cut cock with light sandy blond hair above it. It was just waiting to be swallowed. His balls were hanging low in their sack having been cramped in his damp sweaty briefs all day. I could smell his scent from his nuts and wanted to lick them clean. He said something though I never heard it. I was in a world of my own. Next thing I know I felt his hands on my shoulders pushing me down on my knees. I was now face to dick and leaned forward to swallow his steel rod. “Oh no. Just give it a kiss kid,” he directed as he pulled back slightly preventing me from devouring his stiff prick. I puckered my lips and kissed his dick head several times until he lifted it up and pointed to his balls. I kissed each one then quickly ran my tongue across them savoring the taste. “Ahh. Sweet. You’re gonna be awesome kid.” With that, he pushed me away and redressed, much to my disappointment. “My girlfriend is gonna be pissed if I’m late. Friday. 1:30. Naked. Be there. Remember, now we know where you live and can always come back looking for you,” he threatens as if he had too. “I’ll be there. Swear,” I eagerly tell him standing back up. He smiles and says, “I know you will kid. I can see this turns you on.” He gives my cock one more squeeze and heads out the door. At the bottom of the steps he turns back and says, “The name’s Darin.” “Jaime,” I reply. “See you Friday Jamie. Don’t be late.” “I won’t,” I ensure him. Darin smiles and I stand basically in the same spot in the driveway as before and wave goodbye to him, my erection standing tall. In less than a minute I’m on the porch tongue cleaning my hand from another fabulous cum. I don’t know how Robby will feel about this, but my guess he’ll be all in too. If not, I’ll just have to blow Darin and Raymond myself. +++++++++ END ADULT SECTION +++++++++ To Be Continued… Author’s Note: Well that was an interesting chapter. Dean gets punished and Jamie is free from their control for 5 days. Despite his release from being a bicha, Jamie manages to find plenty of sexual escapades. Stay tuned for his meeting with Randolph and his brothers. Friday’s campout with Robby will prove interesting and VERY embarrassing when they meet up with brothers Raymond and Darin. I’m getting busier and time is limited but I hope to continue to post every week. Please forgive me if I am a little late. Even though the chapters are written, I still need to do one final editing with any new details I may have added from readers suggestions.
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