Yarak İhtiyacı Olan Baldızlara Yardımcı Olun Enişt

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Yarak İhtiyacı Olan Baldızlara Yardımcı Olun Enişt

Selam Ben Mersinden Barış 41 yaşındayım ve 15 yıllık evliyim. Eşimle çok güzel bir evliliğimiz ve mükemmel bir seks hayatımız var, hemen hemen hergün sikişiriz. Fakat ben göt düşkünü bir erkeğim, ama 15 yıllık evliliğimizde karım hiç bana götten vermedi. Nekadar uğraştıysam da karım kesinlikle götten istemiyor. Benim bir de 42 yaşında bir baldızım (karımın ablası) var ve hiç evlenmedi, yani halen bakire. Kayınpederim yıllar önce vefat edipte eşimin benle evlenmesinden itibaren, baldızım kayınvalidemle birlikte yaşıyor. Kayınvalidem rahatsız olduğundan dolayı, yalnız bırakmamak için mecburen birlikte yaşıyorlar. Baldızım hayatını kayınvalideme adamış durumda, bu nedenle ne evlenmeye, ne de bir erkek arkadaş yapmaya hiç vakti olmadı. Bense baldızım bu durumuna çok üzülüyordum…

Birgün eşimin baldızımla mutfakta konuşmasına salondan kulak misafiri oldum, eşim birlikteliğimizi anlatıyordu. Eşim benim sürekli arkadan sikmek istediğimi, ama bana arkadan hiç vermediğini söylüyordu. Buna baldızım biraz kızar gibi oldu ve “Yapma kızım yaa, bak sonra kocan bir göt sikme uğruna başka karılara gider, sen de üzülürsün!” dedi. Eşim ise, “Eğer bir göt uğruna gidecekse gitsin, benim götümden uzak dursun da ne yaparsa yapsın!” diyordu. Baldızımın söylediklerini duyunca daha çok şaşırdım, baldız eşime, “Aslan gibi kocan var ve sen ona götten vermiyorsun, yarak buldun da bunuyorsun! Bak ben bu yaşıma kadar hiç bir şey bulamadım valla, keşke sikecek erkek bulsam da götten sikse! Elindekinin kıymetini bil!” diyordu. Bunları duydukça daha çok azmıştım ve baldızımın o güzel götüne olan düşkünlüğüm daha çok artmıştı, sikim tamamiyle taş gibi olmuş ve boşalmak üzereydim, hemen banyoya gidip başladım 31 çekmeye ve rahatlamaya.

Akşam oldu yemek faslı, çay faslı derken yatma zamanı gelmişti. O gece baldızım da bizde yatacaktı. Eşim baldızımın yatacağım yeri hazırlayıp, baldızım odasına, bizde eşimle yatakodamıza çekildik. Soyunup yatağa girdiğimizde eşime, “Bugün konuştuklarınıza kulak misafiri oldum…” dedim. Eşim şaşırmıştı, “Bizi mi dinliyorsun sen?” diyerek bana biraz kızdı. Bense eşimin dudaklarına yumuldum ve başladık sevişmeye. Herzamanki gibi süper bir sikişten sonra uyuya kalmışız.

Sabah oldu, ben banyonun yolunu tuttum. Yataklar toplandı, kahvaltı yapıldı. Eşim teyzesi ve annesi ile beraber yazlığa gitmek istediklerini söyledi. Ben de, “Hiç keyfim yok, siz gidin, ben gelmeyecem!” dedim. Baldızım da gitmek istemiyordu, kaldı. Eşim arabayı aldı teyzesine gitti, teyzesini aldıktan sonra annesini de alıp yazlığın yolunu tuttular. Baldızımla evde yalnız kalmıştık. Bir süre sonra baldızım üzerine kalçalarını anca örten bir etek ve üstünde ise sadece bir bluzla, yanıma salona geldi. “Enişte hadi bir DVD seyredelim!” deyip, yılın son flimlerinden birini koydu. Hafif erotik bir filmdi, filmdeki erkeğin kız arkadaşıyla ateşli bir sevişme sahnesi vardı. Benim sikim, hem baldızın o güzel kalçalarını seyrederken ve birazda filmin etkisiyle yine taş gibi olmuş ve şortumdan fırlayacak gibi duruyordu. Neyse film sona erdi ve biz başladık filmin kritiğini yapmaya…

Baldız başladı, yok böyle sevişilir mi?, yok böyle olur mu? falan derken, ben de, “Peki nasıl olmasını isterdin?” diye sordum. Aldığım cevap karşısında donakalmıştım. Baldızım, “Böyle yumuşak bir şekilde olur mu yaa? Daha ateşli, daha sert olması gerekir! Karıyı altında inim inim inletmesi gerekir!” deyip resmen kendinden geçiyordu. Ben artık dayanamayarak baldızın dudaklarına yapıştım ve bir anda aynı karşılığı gördüm. Artık baldızla birbirimizi çılgınlar gibi öpüyor, aynı zamanda da üzerimizdekileri çıkarıyorduk. 30 saniyede ikimiz de tamamen çıplaktık. Baldızımın ayaklarından başlayarak heryerini yaladım. En çok da götünü. Baldızın amını yalarken baldız orgazm olmuş ve zevkten inliyor, “Sik beni götçü eniştem! Kızkardeşim götten vermezse ben veririm, sik baldızının götünü!” deyip kıvranıyordu. Ben de artık biran önce baldızın o çok arzuladığım götünü sikmek için kuduruyordum…

Baldızmı dört ayak vaziyetine getirip domalttım ve arkasına geçtim. Yıllardır beni çıldırtan baldızın el değmemiş götünü biraz daha yalayıp, sikimi dayadım. Götünün deliğine tüküre tüküre içine girmeye çalışıyordum, ama götü o kadar dardı ki anlatamam. Epey bir uğraştan sonra götüne sokmaya başladığımda baldız minderi kemiriyordu. Yaklaşık 10 dakika sonra götüne tamamıyla sokabilmiştim. Yarım saate yakın baldızın amını okşayarak götünü siktim. Bu arada baldızım en az 3-4 kez orgazm olup boşalmıştı, amının suları dizlerinden aşağı akıyordu resmen. Sikim artık taşaklarıma kadar baldızın götüne rahat rahat girip çıkıyordu. Gittikçe hızlanarak baldızın götüne öyle bir boşaldım ki, baldız, “Ohhhhhhh enişteeem! Müthiş birşey bu! Sakın çıkarma sikini götümden!” diye inledi.

Ogün 3 kez daha baldızın götünü siktim. O günden sonra baldızım da götüyle karım olmuştu, eşimden habersiz göt zevkimi baldızımda gideriyorum artık. Baldızım amının bakireliğini de bana vermek ve amdan da karım olmak istiyor, ama ben baldızı amdan sikme konusunda biraz temkinli davranıyorum.

Yarak ihtiyacı olan tüm Baldızlara yardımcı olun Enişteler!

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Karım Ayaküstü Kendini Siktirdi

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Karım Ayaküstü Kendini Siktirdi
Karım Esra ile çok da yakın olmadığımız bir arkadaşımız sayesinde tanışıp sevgili olup evlenmiştik. İkimiz de 29 yaşındayız. Ben bi holdingde uzman olarak çalışıyorum, o da öğretmenlik yapıyor. Üniversitede okurken olsun evlenmeden önce olsun bi türlü istediğim kızlarla sevgili olamamış hep çirkin kızlarla takılmıştım. Esra da bekarken asla bana bakmayacak güzellikte bir kızdı. Tipsiz olduğum için Esra gibi kadınların ben anca genel müdür gibi makam mevki sahibi olunca bana bakacağını düşünürdüm. O yüzden talihimin bu kadar erken döndüğüne seviniyordum. Öte yandan Esra hızlı bir bekarlık yaşamıştı. Arkadaş da beni bu konuda uyarsa da sonraki davranışlarından ikimiz de bu işleri bırakacağını beni güvenli liman sayıp bana sadık olacağını düşündük.

Fiziğinden bahsedecek olursak aslında sadece yüzünün güzelliği yeter. Göğüsleri küçüktür kalçaları squat yapdtığı için sıkıdır ama yine küçüktür. Bacakları da güzeldir. Saç rengi kahverengi. Yüzünün çok güzel olması dışında ekstra bi çekicliği yoktu yani. Dekolte falan da giymezdi hiç. Ben de açıkçası ilk tanıştığımız zamanlarda bu hızlı zamanlarını konduramıyordum.

Sonra sevişmelerimiz başladı her seksimiz hayatımın en iyi seksiydi. Profesyonel eskort gibi sakso çekiyordu, rahatlatıcı masaj yapıyordu, nerelere dokunacağını çok iyi biliyordu. Ben de medeni erkek taklidi yapmayı bırakıp sordum artık kaç kişiyle yattın diye on demişti. On sadece on mu amaann bu arkadaş da beni yemiş. Ben bile ondan fazla tipsiz kız sikmiştim ordan burdan. Saksoyu da on erkekten öğrenebilir gibi gelmişti. Böylece hemen inanıverdim on demesine veya inanmak istedim.

Yataktaki orospuluğunu geçiyorum mutfakta çok iyiydi dışarda tam bi hanımefendiydi. Bana karşı çok nazik ve uyumluydu ve çılgınlar gibi sevişiyordu. Ailem ve arkadaslarım da ben gibi talihimin döndüğünden emindi.
Evlendikten sonra hemen çocuk yapmadık. Planlarımız vardı ülkeyi gezmek dünyaya gezmek akşamları dışarda rahatça eğlenebilmek.

Geçen sene bir Mayıs akşamı bir şeyler içmek için Kadıköydeydik. Esranın üzerinde diz üstü bir elbise ve topukluları vardı. Oturunca elbisesi beline kadar sıyrılıyor pürüzsüz baldırları görünüyordu. Ben de masa altından elleyip duruyordum kaç senedir böyle kadın görmemişim evde sevişip gelmiş olsak da elledikçe elleyesim geliyordu.
Birkaç kadeh içtikten sonra ne yapsak diye düşünürken, benim eve gidip sabaha kadar sikişesim vardı, Esrayı da ıslattığımı hissedebiliyordum, bi mesaj geldi. Kimden geldiğini göremedim. Esra çok heyecanlandı. Hatta onu daha önce hiç bu kadar heyecanlı görmemiştim. Sevinçten ağzı kulaklarına varıp bi kahkaha attı. Benim ismim de Ahmet arkadaşlar.

A Aşkım noldu
E Uzun süredir görüşmediğim çok sevdiğim bi arkadaşım buralardaymış da görüşelim yazdı
A Kim o nerdeymiş
E Şu ergenlerin takıldığı mekandaymış. Sen eve git istersen sıkılırsın
A Yok geleyim ben de senle tanışayım

Ben böyle diyince Esra bi bozuldu peki gidelim hadi koş dedi
Koştur koştur gittik mekanda herkes birbirini sikmeye gelmiş sanki öyle iğrenç kezolar kekolar bi arada dans ediyor dedim arkadaşının zevkini seveyim. Esra hiç oralı olmadı arkadaşıyla yazışıyordu sonra Buraaaakkk diye bağırdı koştu yanına gitti bana sarıldığı gibi sarıldı öptü. Ben de kıl oldum tabi. Burak denen herif ayı gibi vücutlu at hırsızı bi tipti Essraya da mekandaki diğer hatunlara da sürekli sikecekmiş gibi bakıyordu. Beni çok rahatsız etti. Beni de bi süzdü sen hayırdır yaptı. Pezevenge bak. Esra ya tanıştırsana bizi dedim. Bu Ahmet dedi iyice sinir oldum ama bozuntuya vermeyip Esranın beline sarılarak Esranın kocasıyım dedim. Burak şerefsizi de vaaayyy evlendin mi lan dedi. Dedim nasıl yakın arkadaşsınız siz? Esra dedi ya boşverin hadi bir şeyler içelim. Gittik bi bistro masasına Esra hiç öyle çok içmez kendine 5li tekla shot istedi. Dedim napıyosun yavaş ol. Dedi yaaaa ortam çok güzel içcem bu gece arkadaşımı da bulmuşum. Burakın yüzüne hayran hayran bakarken Burak ayısı dans eden kızları kesiyordu. Esra telefonu eline aldı Burak a mesaj attı galiba ne yazdığını göremedim. Burak da telefona bakınca ben bi arkadaşların yanına gitcem diyip kalabalığın arasında kayboldu. Esra da hemen ardından aşkım ben de çok içtim bi lavaboya gideyim dedi. Buraktan başta işkillensem de beni gördükten sonra bizden soğuduğundan emindim. Geri de gelmemişti zaten bi on dkdır yalnız başıma dikiliyodum. Gözlerimle Burak ı aradım onu da göremedim bizi buraya getirdi başka mekana gitti piç diyip sinirlendim. Neyse karımdan uzak olsun da.

Esra tuvalete gideli on beş dkyı geçmişti. Arıyorum cebi kapalıydı çekmiyor muydu? Tamam tuvaletlerde sıra oluyordu ama bu kadar beklememiştim hiç. Mekanda iki tuvalet vardı ama kadın erkek ortaktı. Bi tanesinin önünde temizlik işareti olunca ötekine gittim kabinlere tıklıyorum Esra Esra diye. Orda çalışan biri geldi dedi birader bi tuvalet daha var ordadır. Dedim orda temizlik vardı. Dedi yaaa yürü git işine siktiğimin hapçısı seni bu saatte ne temizliği? Mekanın leşliğinden kafam döndü heralde. Öteki tuvalete geri gittim. Hakkaten o işaret var da yanlış koymuşlardır diyip girdim. İçerisi boş gibiydi. Tam Esra diyecekken kapalı bi kabinden böyle boğulma sesi gibi ses duydum. Sonra Burak öküzünün o sesini seçtim al hepsini orospu diye. Dikkatli dinleyince boğulma sesini de Esra ya benzettim ama dedim yok artık ya olmaz yani. Usulca iki yandaki kabine geçip klozetin kapağını kapattım. Klozetin üstüne tırmandım. O Esra mıydı cidden???

Arkadaşlar bu hikayeden gavat olduğumu düşüneceksiniz ama orda yaşadığım hayal kırıklığı/öfke/üzüntü/heyecan/gerilme/stres … bunu yazarken bile elerim titriyor kalbimde çarpıntı var. O anda da bunun on katını düşünün böyle başım döndü yere kapaklanacaktım sifona tutundum tekrar baktım gerçekten Esraydı. Bana çektiği gibi Burak ın kıllı sikine sakso çekiyordu. Herifin siki de baya büyüktü zenci yarra gibi. Gavatlık burda başlıyor işte. Porno bağımlısı olduğum için Esrayı sürekli başkalarıyla sikişirken düşünüyodrum bazen erken geliyodum seksin hakkını veremiyodum çabuk yoruluyodum felan diyordum içimden şöyle bi zenci aygırı olsa Esrayı saatlerce sikse de izlesem. Tam bir orospu çocuğuydu ama o aradığım aygır Burakmış meğer. Heyecanla bunları izlemeye koyuldum tabi yakalanmamam da lazımdı kafamı eğdim biraz göz ucuyla bakmaya başladım. Esra sakso çekmyor Burak bunun ağzını sikiyordu. Valla kafam dönüyordu bence mekanın havasından böyle kalın yarak türkiyede olamazdı. Benimkinin iki katı vardı benimk**e küçük zaten. Burak Esranın boğazına kadar bastırıyor karıcığımın gözünden yaşlar süzülüyordu. En sonunda birkaç defa şiddetli öksürdü yere tükürdü.

Burak dedi özledin mi beni orospum. Esra dedi evet aşkım evet çok özledim nolur bırakma beni bi daha benim ol artık. Burak dedi evlenmişsin ama. Esra dedi boşver onu benim tek gerçek aşkım erkeğim sensin kimse sikemiyor beni senin gibi. Bu enayi kaçıncı siktirdiğin diye sordu Burak. Karıcığım demesin mi yüzü geçmiştir vay orospu vay iyi hastalık kapmadım. Hakaten enayiymişim. Burak da dedi ulan orospunun orospusu adis yok demi ulan sende? Herif aids e adis diyor karımı sikiyor ben de izliyorum hayata bak. Hala anlamadın mı orospu ben tek limana demir atmam hele sana bi daha hiç atmam hastalıklı orospu seni. Laflara bak amına koyim komik. Burak aşkım sevgilim sik beni bağırta bağırta ben senin orospunum artık istediğini yap bana nolur diye ağlamaya başladı benimki. Burak dedi çıkar elbiseni Esra çıkardı soyundu tamamen. Esrayı şöyle bi kendi etrafında döndürdü. Götünü verdin mi lan kocana dedi. Dedi vermedim. Acır diye vermemişti buna verirse kırılırım ama. Poposunu sıkıp bıraktı. Sonra birden bacaklarının altından tutup Esrayı havaya kaldırdı. Benimki dedi en sevdiğimmm erkeğim benim bunu öpmeye çalıştı herif öptürmedi. Hey yavrum hey herif nasıl kaldırdı lan öyle onu kucağına ben denesem belim yamulur. Sonra eliyle sikini amına yerleştirdi. Esrayı havada indirip kaldırarak sikmeye başladı ama nası sikiyor lap lap lap diye. Sanki orda benim karım yok yastık var öyle kolay kaldırıyor pezevenk. Bu arada benim ufaklık taşşş gibi pantolonu delecek ben ömrümde böyle sertleşmedim. Bu kadar sertken elimle dokunsam boşalırım hemen elin herifi neler yapıyor.
Herif karıcığımı havada zıplata zıplata sikmeye decam ediyordu heyecandan ben yoruldum herif yorulmuyordu. Yatakta olsak ben şimdiye gelmiş gitmiş duş almış pijama giymiş uyumuştum. Esra böyle bir sikişin hasretindeyse iyi katlanmış bana iki seneye yakın valla şaşırdım, her şey sikiiş değil diye düşünüp mutlu olacaktım tam benim karı nasıl bağırıyor haykırıyor. Defalarca boşaldı sayamadım. Dışardan duyulacak rezillik. Ben hiç böyle haykırtamadım karımı. Baktım Burak ın sırtı terlemiş yoruldu yiğidim. Dedi benimkine domal klozete. Benimki dedi aşkım götten olmazz.

B Niye lan
E Temiz değilm
B Yıka lan o zaman orospu

Sevgilim taharet musluğunda yıkadı biraz götünü sildi olmuştur umarım dedi. Burak esrayı domalttı aşkımın pembe götünü yalamaya başladı. Esra yine zevkle inliyordu. Erkeğim nolur bugün yapma hiç hazır değilim sevgilim amımdam sik tekrar boşalt beni. Götünü parçalicam şimdi bi daha beni aramicaksın orospu diyip göt deliğini zorlamaya başladı. bastırıyodu bastırıyodu girmiyodu Esra çığlıklar atıyordu ağlıyordu. Amımı sik aşkım nolur diyordu. Burak mecburen tekrar amına girdi. Esra tekrar zevke geldi ohhh oh sik aşkım amcığım feda olsun sana parçala amcığımı içime de boşal çocuklarımın babası ol diyordu. Cidden ayıp oluyor. Burak bu sırada bi yandan karımın götünü parmaklıyordu çocuk lafını duyunca sikini amından çıkardı bi geçirdi götüne yırta yırta soktu o damarın derinin yırtıldığını ben içimde hissettim. Esra hıçkıra hıçkıra ağlıyordu klozete tutunamıyordu acıdan. Burak kafasını klozetin sifon yerine yapıştırdı sertçe sikmeye devam etti. Ne çocuğu lan senin gibi orospuların götüne patlarım anca diyordu. Esranın bayılmış olabileceğinden korktum artık benim de canıma tak etmişti. Tuvaletin kapısını açıp kapayıp Esra aşkım burda mısın diye seslendim. O anda Esranın sesini de yeni duymuş gibi yapınca kabine vurup Esra aşkım iyi misin ne oluyor dedim. Burak saçını mı çekti götünden mi çıktı naptı Ahmet Ahmet çok kötüyüm diyebildi bana. Dedim noluyor aşkım Ahmet karnım midem çok kötü çıkamadım bi türlü dedi. Dedim hastaneye gidelim aç kapıyı ambulans çağıralım. Dedi geldiğin iyi oldu sızdım galiba ben burda toparlanayım gelcem yanına dedi. Bekliyorum seni burda dedim. Git Ahmet diye bağırdı bana. Ben de kapıyı açıp kapıyormuş gibi yaptım sertçe. Esra dedi erkeğim patla içime nolur senin olayım diye hala götüne tecavüz eden adama yalvarıyordu meğer nası bi orospuyla evlenmişim. Burak da kocana mesaj at bi daha gelmesin ben gelene kadar diye kükreyip karımı haykırta haykırta sikmeye devam etti. O an aklıma bi fikir geldi dışarı çıkıp temizlik yazısını kaldırdım. Öteki tarafta bekleyenlere burası açık dedim. Artık o arada Burak boşaldı mı göremedim maalesef ama kalabalık hücum edince bunlara iyi bir ders olmuştur. Burakla yüz yüze gelmemek için ben bistroya geri döndüm. Yaklaşık bi on dk sonra Burak gözüme ilişti. Hala dans eden karılara bakmaya devam ediyordu kalabalığın içinde kayboldu. Ondan sonra ben tuvalete doğru giderken içerden çıkanlar hatunu ne sikmişler içerde ağzı yüzü kaymış diye kendi aralarında konuşuyorlardı. Karımla o an yüzyüze gelmek istemedim bistroya gelmesini bekledim. Bi on dk sonra geldi yanıma yavaş yavaş ayakta zor duruyordu yürüyemiyordu. Makyajını tazelemişti ama ağladığı belliydi saçı da dağınıktı. Dedim aşkım noldu sana. Yüzüme bakmadı hiç bir şey dokundu heralde eve gidelim artık ben banyo yapıp yatcam dedi. Dışarı çıktık Burak etrafta yoktu neyseki taksiye binerken zor oturdu canım acıyor dedi. Eve gider gitmez kendini banyoya kilitledi hıçkıra hıçkıra ağladı uzun süre sonra elinde telefonla uyuyakaldı.
Telefonu elinden düşürür düşürmez usulca gidip aldım. Burak ı B diye kaydetmişti. Adera götüne tecavüz ettikten sonra bile aşkım sensiz yaşayamam bırakma beni diye onlarca mesaj atmıştı. Bi kısmı tek tik olmuştu, herifin profil resmi de görünmüyordu. Engeli çakmıştı benimkine neyeski. Konuşma geçmişinde daha aşağılara indim herif önceki senelerde biz birlikteyken veya benim kahpe karım başkasıyla birlikteyken de şehirdışından gelip defalarca bunu sikip gitmişti. Ve belki o zamanlar da böyle vahşice sikmişti.

Esra birkaç gün sonra normale döndü delice sevişti benimle tekrar tekrar. Hiçbir şekilde Burakın verdiği zevki veremediğimi biliyordum ama ben çok zevk alıyordum. Bu aldatmayı sineye çekmeye karar verdim. Dating applerdeki burnu beş karış havada çirkin kezolardansa orospu karım daha iyiydi benim için.

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A Tale of Two Loving Sisters Ch. 02

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


“Ann! Hurry up and get down here! Breakfast is almost ready and we aren’t waiting!” Her mother’s muffled voice crept annoyingly up the stairway and through the bathroom door.

“One minute!”

Pulling back her silky chocolate hair with both hands, she formed her customary ponytail, and secured it using an elastic tie that sported a light-blue glass flower. The four-petaled jewelry itself had been given to her by her sister Tiffany, who had picked it out one day as they perused the storefronts of the nearby outlet mall long ago. It went well with her eyes, Tiff said to her. Now that Tiff had returned home, she found herself wearing it more often… not just to show her appreciation for the gift, but to attract her sister’s attention. As if she need to try very hard to do that…

Another warning came from the kitchen downstairs, and Ann rushed to apply her subtle pink lipstick. Just some extra color to match her already bright outfit. With one last check of the mirror, she whirled away and threw open the bathroom door, hurrying down the hall before her mother could pester her further. As she descended the stairs, feet thumping the plush carpet of the steps, the smell of waffles, butter, eggs, and sausage greeted her. Her stomach growled. Ann realized that she had quite the appetite this morning, and licked her lips hungrily as she reached the foot of the stairway. Only a few steps remained to the informal dining room where she’d eaten breakfast for most of her life.

It had been just over three weeks since the night that Tiff had arrived home from school and walked in on Ann. She’d been desperate and depressed before that moment, lost in the process of finding her path after graduating from high school. Confused and alone, Ann had turned to masturbation to calm herself, kicking off a series of events that led to her eventual discovery of the mutual love, and lust, that existed between her and Tiff. In the ensuing weeks, Tiff had begun to mentor Ann, walking her through college application essays, financial aid, and SAT review. Infatuated with her sister, Ann had worked diligently and shown improvement in multiple subjects. According to Tiff, she already had a good shot at improving her written testing scores.

Walnut-colored ponytail swirling behind her, Ann skidded into the eating area, ready for breakfast. Her older sister, already seated with her plate, looked up from her phone and squinted, giving Ann a sly smile.

“What took you so long?” teased Tiff, “Couldn’t find any clean clothes?”

Ann glared. “Maybe it’s because you took so long in the bathroom before me.”

She sat down across from Tiff, where a clean plate, a glass, and silverware had been set for her. There was a large loaf of cinnamon-swirl bread, along with several muffins and various fruits, placed on a tray at the center of the table. Ann could hear her mother moving about in the kitchen, still putting the finishing touches on the morning fare. Since she’d been a girl, breakfast had always been the most important meal of the day in the Webber household.

“Where’s dad?” asked Ann, pulling out her own smartphone to check her notifications.

“Oh, he left for work already, something about an early board meeting…” explained Tiff nonchalantly.

“That’s right, your father is very busy at work these days.” Elizabeth Webber entered the room, carrying a pitcher in either hand. “Would my girls like some orange juice or milk?”

“I’ll have some milk!” said Tiff.

“And I’ll have orange juice, please,” replied Ann, sliding her glass on the table.

Tiff leaned back in her chair. “I guess little sister has had enough milk the past couple weeks…”

Ann coughed loudly at the veiled pun, and shot a dirty look at Tiff. It was true, after all. The past weeks, she’d ingested more of her sister’s cum than she cared to admit. Though she’d become more comfortable sharing a bed… or a closet, shower, even car… with her sister, she still was nervous when it came to letting Tiff ejaculate inside. Condoms had been offered, but Tiff wasn’t interested. So, as of yet, her only options were a series of swallows, or a tremendous mess. More often than not, Ann chose to drink as much of her sister’s “spilled milk” as possible… though sometimes there was far too much to contain.

Her mother laughed sweetly and began carefully pouring the drinks. “Whatever makes my babies happy!”

Just as Tiff’s glass was full, a timer cried out in the kitchen, and Beth rushed off to sooth it, her shoulder length hair and golden hoop earrings whirling about her head. Ann had inherited her mother’s darker hair color… but not her deep green eyes. Tiff had those. As soon as the two were alone, Ann turned to her sister and whispered angrily.

“Don’t say stuff like that Tiff. Our parents can’t find out about… us!”

“You mean… that we’re fucking?” said Tiff, not trying to modulate her voice.

“Tiff! Shhh!”

“Oh, c’mon coffee bean, mom won’t find out. It’s been almost a month and she doesn’t suspect a thing.”

“I swear…” Just kadıköy escort then, their mother returned to the room to pour Ann’s drink, and both sisters stopped their hushed bickering, looked up, and smiled innocently. Beth eyed her daughters inquisitively.

“What are you two up to?” the older woman asked.

“Nothing mom!” replied Ann, a bit too quickly.

“Nothing is it? I don’t think so. Your mother always knows when her babies are trying to keep something quiet…” Ann fidgeted a little in her chair, causing the seat to creak. Reluctantly, Tiff jumped in for the save.

“We were just talking about a study plan for later today! Ann really needs to improve her trigonometry before she retakes her SAT.”

“That’s… that’s right! I need to bring up my math scores if I want to apply where Tiff goes!”

Beth straightened her back, and smiled. “I’m so proud of my youngest for wanting to follow in her big sister’s steps! I know you can do it Ann, I’ve seen a real drive in you lately.”

“Oh, she’s very eager…” chimed Tiff.

Under the table, a soft foot brushed against the inside of Ann’s calf, slowly rubbing her bare skin. It caused her to snort abruptly, eyeing her sister as she began to sip her milk slowly.

“And Tiff, I’m glad you decided to stay here for the summer, we thought you’d want to return to college for your studies last week.”

“Well, that was originally my plan, but I realized that Ann really needs my help in the bedroom.”

“PfftTT!” Ann spat some of her milk back into her cup in shock. There were more gentle touches on her leg.

Tiff looked at her sister calmly, then turned to Beth. “We’ve been doing a ton of studying in her room after all!”

“Yes, I have noticed you two have been spending most of your time in there with the door shut,” agreed Beth, not registering Ann’s display.

“Sure, it helps Ann focus. She’s been learning a lot.” Tiff winked subtly at Ann, a smug look on her face.

Beth laughed sweetly, backing away. “I’m glad to have both of you back in the house.” She turned, making her way back to the kitchen from which the delicious smells of sweet sausage and fried egg were emanating.

Alone with her sister, Ann scowled furiously, her cheeks turning a bright pink. Tiff seemed unaffected, even pleased with herself.

“Tiff! You’re going to get us both in big trouble! And stop rubbing my leg, you creep!”

The older sister drew her legs back under her chair. “We’ll only get in trouble if you keep acting suspicious! I’m just trying to have fun!”

“Well stop!” pleaded Ann, crossing her arms and looking to the side.

“Oh fine,” said Tiff, “I’m going to… have some cinnamon bread. Can you pass the butter?”

Ann slid the lidded tub of margarine across the table in her sister’s direction, a little too forcefully. Instead of stopping near Tiff’s hands, it cleared the edge of the table, bounced off Tiff’s torso, and tumbled to the floor underneath the table.

“Smooth! Would you mind picking that up for me?”

“Why don’t you pick it up?”

“Because you knocked it over, and it rolled over by your feet anyway!”

“Ugh… fine.”

Ann reached down between her legs and felt around but couldn’t find the butter. Reluctantly, she slid from her seat, lifting the tablecloth that obscured her view, and ducked under the table. She spotted the red lid of the margarine nearby, and reached out to grab it. Careful not to hit her head, she looked up briefly. As she did so, something caught her attention out of the corner of her eye. There, on the other side of table, was Tiff’s fully exposed foot-long erection, foreskin clinging tightly to her glans. Momentarily entranced, Ann froze, her eyes not moving from where her sister’s dress had been hiked up. A hand appeared, resting a lone finger just at the tip of the engorged organ. It tapped twice on the head, instructing Ann to give it her full attention. Staring between the parted legs of her older sister, Ann felt herself giving into her base desires. Tiff tapped once more.

Sheltered by the long tablecloth, Ann moved closer, crawling on her hands and knees to avoid the wooden beams above. The diffuse light of the confined space somehow made her sister’s dick look even thicker and fuller than normal. She had been quite upset at Tiff just a moment before, but seeing her sister’s cock throbbing with such need was easily capable of changing her mood for the better. Tiff, realizing that Ann had not return to her chair, pushed her hips forward in her seat to improve the display. With her mouth no only inches from Tiff’s reddened tip, Ann’s heavy breaths registered against her sister’s skin. She heard a whisper come from above.

“You want it. I know you want it. Go ahead.”

Quickly confirming that her legs weren’t protruding from underneath the table, Ann flicked her tongue over the taught tip of the excited penis that filled her field of view. Just as she was ready to engulf it, an idea entered üsküdar escort her mind.

Ann sat back on her legs and removed the lid from the container that she held. The heat from her grasp had melted the butter inside, making it soft and malleable. With her free hand she scooped up a dollop of it and held it in her palm, then slowly brought it up towards her sister’s swollen shaft. Her hands closed around it, pressing the spread against Tiff’s skin. She heard her sister stifle a moan as the warm butter coated her dick and made it twitch with anticipation. The oily substance made Tiff’s skin slippery and gave it a brilliant golden sheen. Without thinking, Ann started to stroke the cock, spreading the butter over the underside and into every subtle wrinkle of the phallus. She peeled back the foreskin that clung tightly to Tiff’s glans, smiling as it gave way and revealed the bell-shaped flesh that lay beneath. She quickly rubbed her hands over this part as well, until it glistened sublimely. The sweet smell of it had her stomach growling… after all, she hadn’t yet had her breakfast. It was time for a taste. Pumping at the base of Tiff’s penis with her hand, she pressed her lips together and kissed the tip.

“Mmm, that’s it. Just make me cum before mom returns,” came a whisper from above.

Ann gave another soft kiss, this time applying a bit of suction. From the tone of Tiff’s voice, Ann could tell her big sister was desperate, and that had probably woken up with the erection that she now presented to Ann. It wouldn’t take more than a few minutes to satisfy Tiff, Ann thought. She was, at this point, quite good at judging her sister’s level of arousal. Opening her mouth, she moved in, careful to let her hot breath wash over the cock so Tiff wouldn’t cry out in surprise.

Sluurp! Keeping the dirty noises to a volume only Tiff could hear, Ann guided a few inches of delicious buttery breakfast into her maw. She felt the ridges of Tiff’s loose foreskin brush between her lips and paused, using her tongue to tease around the girthy tool as she felt out its now familiar bulbous shape. Gripping harder with her hand, she began to gently rock her head back and forth, working with her cheeks to pull the juicy meat slightly deeper. It wasn’t the sloppy deepthroat she’d been practicing, but she knew her sister loved these casual motions too. More than once, Tiff specifically requested Ann focus on just the final few inches of her full twelve, where the sensitivity was highest. Toying with the flared rim of the tip, she heard Tiff let out a cute squeal of excitement, watched as her sister’s graceful legs flexed their approval.

“Ohhh Ann… keep going. Right there…”

The encouragement wasn’t really needed. Ann could tell this technique was really working well this morning. She let her lips linger around Tiff’s glans, applying friction by drawing in air. There were more tells that her sister was rapidly nearing climax. Hot butter was replaced by the smooth, mild taste of Tiff’s precum on Ann’s tongue. The little vein that ran along the top of Tiff’s shaft shifted and bloomed forth, it’s surface becoming more apparent as her cock responded to the expert fellatio. Removing her grip, Ann carefully traced the vein with her index finger, memorizing every curve. Tiff’s penis twitched hard, bouncing against the roof of her mouth to show it’s love for her technique.

“Ann… hurry…” pleaded Tiff, her voice laced with the concentration of someone desperate to blow their load.

In her peripheral vision, Ann saw a shadow cross the long white tablecloth. Before she realized what that meant, her mother’s voice shattered her worship of Tiff’s member.

“Girls, food’s ready… oh! Tiffany, where has your sister gone?”

Tiff’s body went ridged. Ann froze, her mouth still locked on her sister’s cock.

“M-Mom! Uhhhh… she…”

Ann held her breath, hoping that her sister could make an excuse. She wasn’t sure whether she should let go of Tiff’s raging shaft, or if that would be even more of a distraction.

“S-She… spilled her drink on herself, and went upstairs to wash up.”

“Oh I see… such a clumsy girl sometimes. Well, when she comes back, let me know… I’ll keep the food warm while we wait.”

“Y-Yes… mom.”

Ann heard her mother take a few steps, moving back towards the kitchen.

“Tiffany?” came Beth’s voice once again. With no reply to the question, Ann assumed her sister had simply looked up from the table.

“Are you feeling ok Tiff? You look hot…”

“Mom, I’m fine!”

“You’re sure? Why don’t you come into the kitchen… I’ll take your temperature.”

“Mom, I said I feel fine!”

“It’ll only take a minute… come here please.”

“But… mom…”

“A said come here, young lady!” Beth’s tone shifted to a more insistent scolding tone that Tiff knew not to argue with. But how could she stand up without her huge wet erection going unnoticed?

“I’ll, um… be there in a few minutes… I want to finish eating my bread.”

“Oh… tuzla escort alright. I’ll give you one minute.”

“T-Thanks mom…”

For a moment, both girls remained still. At once, both of them exhaled, Ann’s warm breath washing from her nose and across her big sister’s cock. Both of them knew that their mother’s ultimatum couldn’t be ignored. They were trapped in Tiff’s lies now, and there was only one way out. Resting a hand on top of Ann’s head and combing her fingers through the soft mane, Tiff spoke in low tones.

“You think you can finish me in less than a minute?”

Her younger sister pulled her mouth away from Tiff’s dick reluctantly, letting off with a pop.

“Yes,” replied Ann.

“… and without making a mess?”

“No promises there…”

There was a pause from above, then some shuffling on the table. Tiff’s butt shifted in her seat for a moment as she reached for something.

“Here… take this.” From behind the tablecloth appeared a large loaf of cinnamon bread on Tiff’s lap. Ann picked it up.

“Bread?” she asked.

“Yes Ann. Bread. Just before I cum, shove that down on my cock so I cum inside it. It’ll prevent any accidents.”

“That seems…” started Ann, but she was interrupted.

“Shut up. You have about 45 seconds.”

Tiff was right, there wasn’t time for logic. Her hand squeezed Tiff’s shaft even tighter, near the base, and her jaw dropped open, ready to work. She let it entrance her for a moment, the size of her sister’s erection. The thickness. The wonderful perfumed smell. Drool leaked from the corner of her mouth. This would be easy.

Her hand first moved, then became a blur, gliding over Tiff’s shaft with the remains of the butter speeding it along. Ann’s biceps ached, but she wouldn’t allow herself to slow up until Tiff was finished. Staring at the tip, she watched as it leaked a string of precum that fell between her knees. Letting her hands do most of the work, she remembered something her sister had loved one morning in the shower last week. But she’d have to watch her volume.

“Tiff… your cum. Don’t make me wait.” Her voice was breathy and sensual, an act that had quite the effect on her sister. Above, she heard another high whine from Tiff’s lips.

Quick with her tongue, Ann lapped at the very tip of Ann’s cockhead, still tugging at the meat pillar furiously. Just a quick little tease to get Tiff really riled up.

“Shhh, big sister… just empty those fat balls for me.

She adjusted her grip and jerked harder, slamming her hand down to Tiff’s torso where she could feel the steamy air wafting off of her sibling’s testicles.

“Ann… s-slow down… I’m…”

Another drop of precum appeared, rising up from Tiff’s shaft. Ann flicked her tongue again, this time lapping it up before it could fall to the floor.

“Now, now… just let it happen. Embrace it.”

Ann kept her encouraging tone as she beat her sister’s dick, now gripping so tightly that she imagined it might hurt. Tiff’s hips were squirming like crazy, and her thighs were beginning to shake… something that only happened if she was really about to orgasm. Realizing that there were only seconds remaining, Ann gave her sisters tip a few more licks. She kissed the glans right on the tip, then lifted it a bit and smacked her lips against the underside. She rubbed the leaky thing against the flawless skin of her cheek, smearing the ooze over her face. Then more quick licks. Tiff groaned above her in between audible panting.

“Show me. Show me your cum Tiff.”

Ann popped her lips over the glans and pulled back with a hard suck. Her fist made loud slurping sounds as she tried to wring out Tiff’s spunk.

“Hurry Tiff. Now!”

From the kitchen, Beth called out, her voice filled with motherly impatience. “Tiffany Kristine Webber, don’t make me come get you!”

Ann saw Tiff’s balls contract, and felt a massive bulge at the base of her urethra. As fast as she could, she moved her head aside and slammed the loaf of bread down over Tiff’s cock, just in time. The rough feel of the pastry as it surrounded her dong was all Tiff needed.

“I’MM CUMMMINGGG!” cried out Tiff, her orgasm shattering her common sense.

Holding the bread still, Ann felt it swell as it was injected with a truly incredible load of her sister’s seed. She could hear each spurt as Tiff created a very impolite éclair. Afraid that semen would escape from the base, Ann pushed it down further, causing Tiff’s cock to experience and renewed round of spasms. Despite the intense orgasm, no more moans or cries escaped Tiff’s lips, surprisingly. Ann was almost proud of her, watching her sister’s hips thrust cutely, knowing how good she was feeling. It took a few more long seconds for the climax to fade.

“Ann… I’m done… fahh…”

“Good, now go see mom.”

Tugging hard, Ann pulled the loaf off of Tiff’s slackened cock, careful to wipe of the final drops from her tip. As she finished, Tiff repositioned her skirt and pushed back her chair to stand. Ann crossed back under the table to her own seat, pushed aside the cloth, and resurfaced, clutching the bread-condom in her hand. As Tiff walked towards the kitchen, Ann saw her sweaty, relieved face, and smiled happily. Tiff gave her a sly look, and mimed a quick blowjob motion with her hand and tongue. All Ann could do was roll her eyes.

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Passion Punished by Time

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The steam from the shower still is a haze on my bathroom mirror. Wrapping myself in the thickest towel, I pat my skin dry. Small drops of water still drip from my shoulder length hair, causing tiny rivers down my spine as I move from the warm lush bathtub to the shaggy carpet below.

I smooth cream all over my skin with the palms of my hands to be surrounded by the sweet scent of my perfume. To be mesmerized by the silky feel of my own skin. My fingers massage the cream into the calves of my legs and then up over my stomach. It is all I can do to resist the temptation of letting them slip between my thighs. By now there are thoughts of him that occupy various corners of my mind and in those silent thoughts I can feel the swelling and heat that exudes from the energy of the memory of him. I quietly open the door, my feet touch the cold tile before me and a shiver runs down me. My door creeks as I slip into my own sanctuary and lay myself on my bed. The cashmere throw so soft to the touch… so eager to invite me in…I replace my towel by sliding under the throw. The fabric conforms to my body. So soft, so smooth, so sensual.

Carelessly, I allow my hands to run down over my stomach and fall between my aching, swollen loins. Ecstasy envelops me and it is all I can do to stop myself from falling backwards onto the bed, surrendering myself to these blissful yearnings.

The wind blows like rapture against the window of my room, breaking my reverie. The thought goes back to him with the storm that is dominating the world just beyond my reach. I can feel him touching me. I can hear the pleasure in his voice too. The same faint uncontrollable hunger. The need for release. The desire for the taste of passion. I can hear his voice saying mine in the night. My name on his lips! How I love to kiss those sweet, delectable lips. Soon very soon… patience.

Still naked, I admire my body in my dresser mirror, illuminated only by the faint candlelight. The scent of pumpkin spice fills my room. It is comforting, inviting as well. I trace a finger down my side, watching my reflection mimic it in the mirror before me. I can’t help but smile at what I see. I enjoy how my breasts heave as I take a deep breath. I pause in a moment to think of him kissing me. Gently caressing my neck with his lips, the finesse and ecstasy that builds as he lingers himself to my collarbone, there anadolu yakası escort is nothing to interfere with his hands that will want to explore all of me…. And I that feel such desire to explore all of him.

My cashmere throw. As stand there I can feel it lightly touch the back of my calves as I move. The feel of it on my skin makes me shiver. I lie back on my bed and wait.

Slowly, almost unconsciously, I drag the fabric up over my body. The feeling of it… so soft and silky make my breasts scream and nipples taut. I let it slip between my legs and feel it pull up against me, as I slowly move around it. I am completely covered. I am lying in bed, naked and waiting only for him. At that moment I feel desire’s scream.

My eyes are closed, but I feel him near me. So close again to feel his touch. The wind blows against the window once more and the paddle fan above me is blowing the soft air down to meet my hottest desire. I feel the softness of it caress my skin. Then I’m not sure if it is the fan or his breath I can at that moment feel. My cranberry red throw falls away from my body as the unending wave of hunger and passion builds.

I feel him trace his finger over my cheek and then my lips. I want to take it into my mouth but he’d draw it away. It’s a tease. He’s a tease. The pleasure and want for him builds. With my eyes closed, I can’t see him. I only feel him. His finger continues over my chin and down slowly along my neck. I take a deep breath as I feel a shiver run through me. I know his eyes are drinking in my nakedness. I can somehow feel his heart beating quickly; I hear his breath in a soft whisper. Both of us at that moment, consumed with desire, teasing me by brushing the light airy throw over my breasts. I arch my back, aching for him to touch me. I want this release. I want this passion. I want him to engulf me in our desire. Wanting his hands to cup my breasts, massage them. I long for him to roll my nipples between his fingers. As the throw slides lower down my body and I am exposed entirely in the pale candlelight that fades in and out with the breeze from the fan.

I know he must be enjoying this moment quite possibly more than me. I am his, and his alone. We feed each other’s passion. I feel him draw near me. He whispers in my ear – a beckoning call filled with an urgency ataşehir escort that we are both consumed with. His lips are on the nape of my neck, his hands tracing circles around my breasts. I am paralyzed with ecstasy. My lips are begging to be kissed, and when they meet his the desire in my body comes alive. My hunger for his taste becomes insatiable. I nibble and taste him. I long to just run my tongue over his lips, to suck on them. His kisses fill my body with waves of delight as his hands rub my nipples and softly squeeze my breasts. I must have more of him.

I hungrily kiss his neck and run my lips to his chest. My hands feel the tight muscles in his back, as he so carefully lets his body hover over mine. We are lost in this pleasure. We are lost in this touch. Like a doll he puts his hands under me and pulls me to him. There isn’t a questioning look. He understands my need, I feel and desire to quench his. His lips hungrily find my breasts, and as he kisses them, kisses me, my intense moans grow. Fingers are running down, pressing in between my legs. Oh, how I want to feel that touch. It teases, I feel, play, experience and can’t help but coax myself to you, urgently wanting them inside. Longing for them to penetrate deep inside, to satisfy that intense desire.

His Lips are like fire moving down my body and I feel his hard maleness moving from my thigh down. I sigh and press my hips deep into the bed under me. Enticing him to move lower, screaming in my mind for his kisses to reach farther down. I am his goddess, my moans his call. He is rewarded with every soft moan and sigh as he lets his lips fall to me. His tongue presses between my sweet lips; tasting the very desire we created. My mind blank, my body moves with a rhythm of its own. My fingers run through his hair, as he teases me with butterfly kisses. Our hearts race in sync.

Feeling his breath against my thigh, his tongue dancing, I am drowning in a wave of rapture. A moment is lost; there isn’t thought or sound. Only the explosive pleasure he brings to me and I to him.

My eyes flutter open and I see him. A glow from the dresser, that faint candlelight, washes over his body. I reach for him, pulling him up to me. His mouth feverishly meeting mine. He pushes his body against mine, his hips between my trembling thighs. He takes my hands and puts ümraniye escort them above my head, his fingers wrap around my wrists, holding me there, immobilized by his desire. I slowly feel him press into me while my lips eagerly meet his. My breasts arch into his chest and slowly he starts making love to me.

He continues to hold my hands away from his body and only allows me to explore him with my lips. I am insane in wanting to touch him. I want to pull his hips into me, run my hands over his back, my nails gently to trickle up and down his spine, sending shivers with each pass. I want to gently trace his lips and kiss them greedily. I seek out his lips, and bite down on them as his thrusts inside me quicken. I can’t breathe as my body consumes him and his consumes mine. The sweat rolling down his back drips onto my stomach and he moans faintly as he nuzzles into my neck and sends me reeling to a place I could only imagine but never co-exist in. We were in this place together. It is ecstasy. I drag my hands out of his and reach for his body. Stroking him, feeling his skin, pulling him so deep into me that I want to scream, from sheer passion…. delight… connection… the complete synergy of the moment. I hear myself calling out his name in a shallow pleasure filled breath and he responds with a soft moan.

Both of us moan from the sheer animalistic desire that takes over. The urges to just devour each other. His hands reach and squeeze my breasts. He lingers himself slightly suspended inside me and I pull enough to reach his lips with my own. Ragged breaths. Strong moans. Deep, hard strokes. He clutches me to him and with a final plunge into the depth of my soul, he shudders against me. We are each other’s. For that one suspended moment, we are one. Spirits that mix together a shared ignited passion, in the darkest still of the night. We collapse and exhaustedly laugh at the perfection of that experience. It was like a fine tuned instrument which just played a symphony.

Staring up at my fan, the breeze blowing down…, beads of sweat trickle lightly down my forehead and pool slightly between my breasts…. I realize I am at that moment alone. I have my fantasy of that moment. Such ecstasy, desire, lust, something so special- albeit spiritual. We connected. I lightly bit my bottom lip and chuckled to myself. We needed to sleep. We whispered “goodnight” and hung up the phone. I trembled as I stood up. Almost drunkly I stumbled to my dresser and gently blew out the faint candle. The room was dark and I stood there. I saw that moment replay in my mirror. I sat down on my bed and flopped backwards. Wrapped in my throw, completely naked. I could envision him next to me as I fell asleep…. and we did.

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Outdoor Adventure

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The temperature has finally dropped. It’s a nice fall day, perfect for getting cozy in a sweater and going for a beautiful hike amongst the trees. Nearby is an excellent spot, lots of different trails, lots secluded spots, and absolutely gorgeous serenity all round. Our walk starts out casual, discussing the usual nerd stuff, recent spiderman game, upcoming D&D sessions, idiots at work, etc. Along the way we come across quite a few people also put enjoying the forest and fresh air. But it’s still relatively quiet, with long moments between passersby. As we get further in, I wait until a couple out walking their dog passes us then give your ass a quick sharp pinch. You squeal in surprise, catching yourself too late and turning the heads of the couple we just passed. Their dog barks. I stifle a laugh as we continue on our way. You hit my arm for embarrassing you and I flash a coy grin. Of course this means war.

Without warning, your hand lurches forward and pinches me right back. I jump from the pain and it’s your turn to laugh. Quickly recovering, I take it a step further and shoot my hand out to cup your ass and give it a playful squeeze. You squeal once again but this time, there’s a hint of pleasure in your voice. You’re about to retaliate when a lone hiker comes over the hill we’re walking up. We pass him with a nod and as soon as he’s behind us, you reach over and give my crotch a squeeze.

I raise my eyebrows, meeting the sly smile across your lips. My hand moves to reach behind you, only this time, instead of cupping your ass, it slips between your legs. You feel my fingers apply a firm pressure against your pussy, rubbing gently but enough to ignite that familiar tingling sensation you enjoy so much. In an instant, my hand is gone and I continue my pace as though nothing happened.

We walk a bit further, a silence filled with growing sexual tension between us. You take your turn, this time casually slipping your hand down my pants and giving my semi-hard cock a few gentle strokes. You feel me grow harder in your grip. I turn to you but before I can react, you slip your hand out like nothing happened. I can’t allow you to get away with such teasing.

Almost immediately my hands reach for your breasts, masterfully slipping past your low cut collar and bra. My fingers dance across your nipples before quickly gripping with a quick twist to send a delightful mix of pain and pleasure coursing through you. You can’t help but gasp. Suddenly there’s another couple walking around a corner towards us. My hands disappear from your shirt. Your open mouthed gasp is replaced by you biting your lip. Being out here, exposed, in this incredible weather, it’s calling for you to give in to your primal side. Now, with your nipples tingling from my touch, your body is craving more.

The hikers pass us and, as we turn the corner they just came from, you suddenly press sarıyer escort me up against a tree, shoving your tongue down my throat and your hands down my pants. I immediately reciprocate, treasuring the taste of you inside my mouth and letting out a soft moan from your gentle strokes. I slip one hand down your pants, my fingers gliding through your wet lips, past your clit, and into your waiting hole. You share a moan between us. My other hand slides under your shirt and begins to play with your nipples.

We begin to lose ourselves to each other, letting loose louder moans and gasps. Our moment is shattered by the sound of a stick snapping nearby. We break free from each and smile at the lone dog walker smirking as she walks past. She had more than a glimpse of us in action. We resume our hike.

Knowing these trails fairly well, I have an idea. As we come up to the next bend, I grab your hand and pull you over the fallen logs marking the edge of the trail. No one is around to see us as we slip away into the dense forest brush. Trees and thick bushes are already more than enough to hide us from the trail but I continue to pull you along. Just as you turn to me to ask where we’re going, we break free from the treeline and are suddenly in an open patch of wilderness.

Free from trees and filled with tall grass and wildflowers, it’s a hidden gem you had no idea existed. The bright sun overhead beams down on us, warming our skin as we leave the shadow of the trees. As come to the centre of the clearing, I swing you around to face me, pulling you back into a passionate kiss.

My hands don’t waste any time. They immediately rush under your shirt, deftly unclasp your bra, and pull it above your head. The cool breeze across your exposed chest sends a shiver through your body, the only warmth now coming from my embrace. Your hands quickly undo my belt and before I know it, my pants have dropped to the ground. You pull away from me with a devilish grin and slide your way down my body, pressing your breasts against me the entire way. Your hands slip into my boxers and pull them down in the same motion, letting my hard cock stand free.

As you lower yourself to your knees, you guide my cock between your tits, squeezing them together with your arms to make sure I feel them. I moan as you pass me, getting louder as your tits are soon replaced by the warm wetness of your mouth. I can’t help but firmly grasp onto you, one hand on your bare shoulder, the other behind your head. You begin at your own pace, slowly taking me all the way into your mouth, slowly back out again. Your tongue trails along my shaft, sending shivers of pleasure shooting through me. I apply some wanting pressure to the back of your head, signalling you to move faster. You refuse, enjoying teasing me and driving me wild. You keep sucking esenyurt escort me off slowly, resisting my urges and pulls to quicken your pace. I can’t handle it any more.

I quickly reach down and twist both your nipples, causing you to let out a sharp gasp around my cock. I take advantage of your brief release and clasp both my hands behind your head. Holding you in place, I begin to vigorously fuck your mouth, my cock moving in and out with a determined speed. Every few thrusts I stop and force you all the way down, making sure you gag on my length before I resume fucking your throat. You look up at me and see the fire burning in my eyes. You smile around my cock. This was what you wanted all along. I see your lips stretch and realise I’m just giving you what you want.

That’s enough to release me from my trance and I pull you up to your feet, roughly. As soon as your standing, I’m the one on my knees now, taking your pants right along with me. You’re not wearing any panties, leaving your glistening pussy exposed to the cool breeze. That breeze is replaced by the hot moisture from my mouth as I begin to devour your pussy. I lap you up with the same passion and ferocity I was fucking your mouth with.

You can’t help but moan and scream from the incredible pleasure threatening to overwhelm you. The way my tongue moves inside your slit, the tip passing the edge of your hole right up to your clit, is driving you wild. You clutch onto my head, driving your nails through my hair as you feel an orgasm building quickly. I feel your muscles begin to tense. I know you’re about to cum. I debate on letting you.

I quickly put together a plan in my head and decide to let you explode. With a quick squeeze and a finger grazing your asshole, I trigger your orgasm, causing you to shake and squirm as you cum all over my face. I greedily lick up your juices. Before you can finish riding it out, I pull you to the ground. Within moments I have your arms pinned, your legs spread, and my cock deep inside your still pulsing pussy. You cum once again. It happens so quickly it blends right in with the first one.

As you shudder and squirm from the orgasm roiling through you, I begin to thrust. You feel my cock deep inside you, my girth filling you so perfectly. I start slowly, letting you finish cumming as I begin to fuck you. As your body slowly releases its tension and your muscles begin to relax, I pick up the pace. i cross your arms above your head, pinning your wrists with one hand. The other begins to squeeze and pinch your nipple. On your free breast, I dive in with my mouth, still slick with your juices. As my fingers play with your left nipple, my tongue and teeth play with your right, all while I continue to build up my pace.

Faster and faster. Harder and harder.

I’m forced to pull away so I can catch my breath and move avrupa yakası escort my hand to your throat. In this new position, I’m able to better angle myself, the tip of my cock now hitting the edge of your cervix. You scream in pleasure. You feel another orgasm threatening to burst. I feel it too.

My hands move to your bare shoulders, pressing you against my hips so my cock get slam into you right to the hilt. You take my full length with each thrust, feeling my veins pulsing against the tight walls of your pussy. Each thrust pushing you closer and closer… Until finally, I slam into you harder and deeper than before.

You arch your back and scream my name, loud enough for the entire forest to hear. I hold myself there, letting you squirm and moan as the orgasm washes over you. You collapse back to the ground, barely able to feel your legs and struggling to hear. Everything has gone fuzzy and dull as the blood rushes from your head. The only thing you do feel is my girth filling your sopping wet hole. I peel away your pants, leaving you completely naked now, and put your legs over my shoulders. I lean down to whisper into your ear, “My turn”.

I leave you with a playful bite on your lobe before I begin pounding you roughly against the matted grass floor. With your legs up, your hips are tilted and I’m able to get in sharp, deep thrusts faster than ever before. I’m unrelenting, fucking you like you were made to be used by my cock. It’s rough. It’s slightly painful. But it feels absolutely amazing. You can’t even think straight. Your mind has simply given in to your carnal passion. This is how you are meant to be fucked.

My fingers suddenly begin rubbing your already sensitive clit. They match the speed of my thrusts and you lose yourself to indescribable sensation erupting through your body. You hear me grunt and moan as I fuck you with a determination like you’ve never seen before. You know I’m going to cum soon and that only gets you closer.

In my primal state, I ravage your body even more, using my other hand to roughly squeeze your tits. I pull on your nipples, making you squeal as you can no longer hold it in. You release everything that’s built up inside you and squirt cum all over the both of us. That’s too much for me.

Your explosion of cum forces me out of your pussy and into an explosion of my own. I shoot rope after rope of thick white cum all over your naked body, painting you from stomach to tits to face. You open your mouth, eager to catch some of my delicious cum as I shoot a seemingly endless load onto you. I pump out my last shot, landing just about your pussy, and collapse back onto my knees.

You immediately get up and greedily clean off my cock, sucking both of our juices into your mouth. Exhausted, we both lay back in the grass, basking in our post orgasm bliss and catching our breath. After awhile we are ready to get back to our hike.

As you start gathering up your clothes then pause and turn to me “how am I going to clean up this cum?” You ask. “You aren’t. You’re going to wear it out.” I tell you with a grin. You smile and pull on your clothes, letting the cum soak through them as you proudly wear it out until we finish our hike.

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Open House Pt. 02

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PART TWO – (11 months earlier)

Ugh! In her opinion, one of the worst sounds in the world has to be that damned alarm going off every weekday morning at 7am. Even though she was usually half-awake anyway by that time, to Andrea the obnoxious sound just served as a rude reminder that another mundane day was about to begin. Fumbling to turn the alarm off, she rolled back over — knowing she could probably steal another ten or fifteen minutes of rest before reality set in. Robert was long gone, having quietly slipped out at least an hour before. Although she didn’t like to admit it, this narrow window between seven and eight could sometimes be her favorite time of the day, depending on her mood.

Lost in her half-conscious state, for reasons she could never really understand, this is the time that she felt uninhibited, and yes — even horny. In Robert’s eyes she was the ultra-conservative, almost prudish obedient Christian wife. Lying flat on her stomach, reaching around and under the waistband of her flannel pjs, she lightly caressed her round ass, slowly pressing her hips against the sheets and thought, if he only knew!

Robert and Andrea first met more than twenty years before during a weekend church retreat – a most unlikely place considering her background. Andrea’s childhood was not one that included nurturing, warmth and love. Instead, it was more survival, a product of a single irresponsible mother and an unknown, faceless biological father. Although at times she wondered who may have been her real dad, she realized later in life that — based on her mom’s pattern of promiscuity — she was eventually convinced that she didn’t REALLY want to know. She likened her childhood memories of her mom’s “dating” to a revolving door.

Mom always seemed to be popular in the trailer park, and unfortunately the cheap tin contraption that she knew as home was poor at containing the creaking sounds of old bedsprings and the moaning that inevitably followed most of mom’s late night rendezvous. She spent countless mornings preparing for school while wondering whether mom’s dates would have the decency to wait until she was gone before sneaking from the tiny bedroom. She doubted that most even knew or cared that she was there.

It wasn’t surprising then that Andrea learned at an early age that she too could be quite popular with the boys, and it really didn’t take much effort. A week at summer camp between eighth and ninth grade resulted in her first real sex education, and within three days she was known among the campers as “Easy Andi.” By age fifteen, fueled by low self-esteem and a need to be desired, in a strange masochistic way she felt honored and quite worthy of her reputation as the best cocksucker in high school, and she was only a freshman!

There was something about being on her knees in front of her “dates” that made her feel both powerful and vulnerable at the same time. When she finally mastered sucking without gagging, her popularity spiraled. When word got out that she also swallowed and actually seemed to enjoy it, she found that she was rarely without a “suitor” or even two on any given night. Although almost anyone else in her position would have been horribly offended, when one of her “dates” stuffed a wrinkled up ten dollar bill into her mouth shortly after releasing on her, she actually felt a strange sense of accomplishment.

All of that changed with the news that she received on THAT day during her senior year in high school. She remembered it like it was yesterday — how couldn’t she? She was sure that it would be ingrained in her mind until the day she died. The words spoken to her in the sterile office by the middle-aged guidance counselor who — not 2 weeks before — placed her hand firmly on his bulge as he boldly explained — no, make that threatened – that she could quite possibly be “held back” for a year unless special arrangements were made. It wasn’t the first time that she allowed herself to be “tutored” by older counselors and teachers, so by that point she was actually numb to the words, even feeling somehow that it was her obligation, her duty.

This time, however, was different. She knew that she was in that office for something much more serious than to provide him with another quick blowjob under his desk. The counselor sat her down, held her hand and explained that there had been “an accident.” The rest was a blur — how it happened, whom could she call, sharing that there are professional counselors available to help her through the pain. Within a week, she found herself at the doorstep of her distant Aunt and Uncle’s farmhouse in Pennsylvania, more than six hundred miles away from the trailer park that she called home for more than seventeen years.

It was there, over a period of three years, that Andrea ultimately reinvented herself. Far from the trailer park and the reputation that she left behind in South Carolina, she immersed herself in chores. When she wasn’t working on the kadıköy escort farm, she began reading everything she could get her hands on, gravitating frequently to novels involving transformation and hope. She religiously read every novel that was recommended by her new role model — Opra Winfrey. Finally surrounded by a loving non-judgmental family, at first she felt awkward and out of place.

With time, memories of her past transgressions began to dull, and even though she found that she still had the occasional craving to suck a man — any man — to completion, she found other outlets to distract her, including attending a weekly bible study. No longer did she feel like “Easy Andi.” That was in her past. She was quite simply Andrea once again.

That evening she prepared for the bible study, glancing in the mirror and finally liking — no, loving — the woman that she saw looking back at her. Long auburn hair, often pulled back in a ponytail, on this night was left flowing. She possessed natural beauty, with just enough freckles to be considered “cute”, and a body that, although curvy and soft where women were supposed to be soft, was also toned and tanned from years of outdoor chores. Long gone — at least outwardly – was the cheap and easy South Carolina trailer park whore. She was prim and proper Andrea. No one was the wiser, and she intended to keep it that way.

That night at the bible study, she learned of plans for a Christian retreat to be held in a nearby county. It would be three days of workshops and bible studies, attended by several other churches in the tri-state area. They expected to accommodate fifty guests for the event, and Andrea’s church was allocated up to seven spots. Tethered to the farmhouse and her new “parents” for the past three years, Andrea initially saw it as an opportunity to explore and learn more about her new self, but she also found herself flashing back to that first camp nearly 7 years before when “easy Andi” was born.

This would be different – SHE was different, she tried to convince herself. Packing a borrowed overnight bag, her Aunt dropped her off at the church, and they said a teary goodbye with a hug that neither wanted to end. Only Andrea and two other girls from the bible study signed on for the retreat. At age twenty, she was the “middle child” of the group. Tina was barely nineteen and Melissa just turned twenty-two. Of the fifteen young adults in the study group, she was happy that they were the ones who decided to attend.

She found them to be wholesome and proper — both traits that she only pretended to have. Tina and Melissa were inseparable despite the age difference. When the three arrived at the retreat, they explored the grounds together, until they were funneled into the main hall for a group orientation.

Nervous but excited for the chance to finally be somewhat independent — at least for a few days, Andrea scanned the room as they were given the weekend’s ground rules. Nine pm curfew, boys stay on the east side, girls on the west side, no exceptions. Six rooms per side, each room containing two bunks, with hooks and a basic chest of drawers to store clothing. Common restrooms on each side, with each room assigned its own block of shower times. So THIS is what prison is like, Andrea thought, but she was determined to keep an open mind.

Friday night was actually surprisingly fun, with interesting and thought-provoking group studies followed by singing by the fireplace for the dozen or so who remained in the main room. Andrea did her best to blend in with the smaller crowd, but one of the two guitar players kept glancing in her direction as he played clumsily. When their eyes met, he blushed and looked away. She giggled when he struck yet another wrong chord, and he just sighed, rolled his eyes, laughed and continued playing. Such an innocent Christian man, she thought. Did she actually have a chance with someone pure like him?

As they reached curfew, Andrea waited her turn in the communal restroom, then returned to their small bedroom, changed into her church t-shirt and sweatpants, then sank into the lower bunk while Tina and Melissa claimed the bunks across from her. There was no air conditioning in the room, with only a small window fan offering relief from the typically humid Pennsylvania summer evening. Back at the farm, Andrea would have slept in only a t and panties; however, she didn’t dare do that here. Better to be a little hot and uncomfortable than to come across as slutty, she thought.

After comparing notes about the day and of course some of the cute boys on the other side of the unit, Andrea turned off the light and they each said their goodnights. She kept quiet about Robert, the guitarist, but as she slowly drifted into unconsciousness she found herself fantasizing about a life with someone like him. She was sure that the old Andi would have already üsküdar escort cornered him and had his pants around his ankles, but she was more determined than ever to carry on as naïve Christian Andrea.

Once asleep, her unconscious mind conjured up a series of interwoven nonsensical dreams, all meshing together. Each however, had a common theme, a common sound… A nice refreshing ice cream cone, a version of Andrea desperately trying but failing to lick the melting vanilla that dripped down, over her hands and onto her t-shirt. Looking up, she saw that it was no longer a cone but a penis, and now it was not one but several, unattached, merely floating just out of reach of her waiting mouth. As she strained to reach them in her sleep, she moaned — or was it her?

Her eyes opened and she realized that it was virtually pitch black in the room. With no idea of the time, she lay there and tried to focus, looking at the underside of the bunk above her. Light wimpers followed by murmurs and a muted giggle came from across the room. The other bunk, parallel to hers – was only six or eight feet across the room, but other than dark forms, was nearly impossible to see. Assuming the girls were awake, she turned on her side to face their way, still resting in her pillow, eager to join in the conversation.

As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she made out some movement in the lower bunk. She was surprised that Melissa was under the covers, given that it was probably still at least eighty-five degrees inside, even with the old fan blowing. More giggling, then a whispered, “shush!” Then, “Quiet! She’ll hear”! Andrea at once realized that as experienced as she was with boys, until this point she was totally clueless about things like this — was something really happening over there?

She remained still, feigning sleep, and the noises all began making sense, taking her back to the trailer & the muted moans of her mother, heard through paper-thin walls. She should have felt sad, repulsed, even depressed, but instead she felt a familiar warmth between her legs. Dare she touch? Here? In a Christian retreat?

More whispers, more giggles, a louder moan — then total quiet. Eyes partially closed as if sleeping, from the slight glow of the moonlight she saw a face peer out from under the sheet, quietly looking over at her. Several seconds went by before she heard a voice whisper, “it’s ok, she’s sound asleep.”

“Mmm…yes, there… oh my God..yes!”

Then another “shhh!”

Andrea realized that she was now drenched, partly from the heat, but mainly from the sounds and the mental images Andrea conjured up, wondering if they were just touching or more? Could they have been kissing, or even licking each other? It took everything she had to keep from playing with her now moist pussy. She buried her head in the pillow, trying not to hear, desperate to be a good Christian woman despite the erotic sounds coming from the lower bunk. Eventually the noises died down, minutes later a dark form quietly slipped out from under the covers and climbed into the top bunk.

Hours later, the next time she opened her eyes, it was morning. “Rise and shine!” Melissa was up and stretching, as if nothing happened. Andrea smiled sleepily, now seeing the two “proper” girls in a totally different light and realizing that she wasn’t the only one with a secret.

Walking together to the community breakfast buffet, Lisa and Melissa were their cheery selves — with no noticeable changes at all to their demeanors. Andrea wasn’t sure how she expected them to act, but she was surprised that it seemed just like any other day for them. Probably an indication that they had been intimate for much longer than just this weekend trip, she figured. As they made small talk at the breakfast table, Andrea’s mind raced, hearing those stifled moans over and over in her mind while sitting directly across from the secret lovers at the table. Was it her imagination or were they sitting too closely together?

When a calf grazed against hers under the table, she wondered if it was intentional or just an accidental touch. My, how her perspective changed in the matter of only a few hours! What would a proper Christian woman do in this circumstance, she wondered, already knowing the answer. She subtly moved her leg away from the warm calf, somewhat reluctantly. Suppressing those old feelings of desire, she looked down at the mixture of eggs, potatoes and ham, pushing it around on her plate.

It was no use — her mind kept reverting to the night before, and biting her lip, she kept mentally finding herself in her old familiar position, on her knees between parted legs, hands firmly holding her head in place. This time in her mind, however, her cheek was pressed against the inner thigh of her weekend “roomy”, not one of the high school boys or men from her past. Did she have the nerve to kiss another woman down there? Her breath quickened as tuzla escort she imagined Lisa spreading her legs, reaching down to pull her damp panties aside, awaiting her kisses in the most private place.

“EARTH TO ANDREA!” She was brought out of her trance by Melissa’s bark, and realized that both girls were staring across the table at her.

“That must have been SOME daydream, girl,” Lisa giggled. “Thinking of Robert again?”

“Um, you must have read my mind,” Andrea blushed.

“Go talk to him. He’s 3 tables away, and he keeps looking over here at you.”

Although she didn’t have the nerve that morning, she felt that it was their destiny to meet, when coincidentally they were paired up in a workshop that afternoon. Following that, they found reasons to run into each other throughout the rest of the weekend, even agreeing to meet on the trail for a walk around the lake. She did her best to maintain her façade of innocence, and by the end of the Sunday session, he sought her out and shyly asked if she would like to keep in touch. Smiling and nodding yes, they exchanged phone numbers, hugged and said their goodbyes. Easy Andi remained dormant, but for how long?

It didn’t take long for them to reconnect. It turned out that Robert lived only forty minutes from her, so he became a frequent visitor to the farm that summer. As expected, he was the perfect gentleman, which made it easier for her to keep up the ruse. When they finally kissed behind the barn on his third visit to the farm, they both blushed and smiled before she pushed him away, gently. She knew from experience and by the way he held his arm in front of his Levi’s that he was hiding his excitement, but she pretended not to notice.

How she wanted to unzip him and show him her skills, honed by years of practice, but she continued to hold back. To him she was the naïve and proper Christian country girl, and the perfect potential wife. Within a year they were married, façade intact.

Nympho, obedient sheltered wife, or both? Andrea couldn’t decide which she truly was on any given day. Deep down, was she still the trailer park tramp, the eighteen year old who gave head for tips most evenings during her senior year? She knew, of course, that if Robert ever learned of her past, the life that she now knew and enjoyed would be over. Still, she longed to be the sexual center of attention, remembering back to the hazy night that her “boyfriend” at the time invited his cousin over, and introduced Andrea to cheap Thunderbird wine (drunk from a brown bag of course), and eventually lured her into playing a game of truth or dare. Feeling warm from the wine, it seemed like it was always her turn to choose, at first selecting “truth,” and answering each question honestly and without shame, because in her mind it was just wrong to tell a lie.

And the questions flowed — “How old were you when you gave your first blowjob?”

Answer: Fourteen.

“Did you ever kiss another girl?”

Answer: Yuck, no.

“Did you ever let a guy inside your ass?”…

Answer: No one has ever asked.

“WOULD you let a guy fuck your tight ass?”

Answer: Maybe.

“Did you ever have a threesome?”

Answer: Not yet.

Not surprisingly, the dares inevitably led to the three of them naked in her boyfriend’s room, when the answers to some of those questions would be matter-of-factly changed from No to Yes if she ever played the game again. Even now, thinking back to it, she resented herself for being excited, wanting so much to be on her knees, with her boyfriend behind her, pulling her hair while sliding first inside her drenched pussy, and ultimately becoming the first to take her ass, all while his cousin slid his cock between her lips, holding her head still and ultimately releasing in her wet mouth. After resting briefly, the boys went out for a smoke while she took a nice warm shower, again feeling the satisfaction of a job well done. When they returned, their positions were reversed, and her ass was taken for a second time that night. Was it wrong of her to feel that those were the “good old days?”

She knew that – all in all – it was a good trade off, eliminating sexual openness and freedom for a stable, drama-free life with a good man. Christian couples weekend session topics danced around spousal sexual intimacy, hinting that sex for pleasure only, especially “debasing, perverted sex” (oral or anal, she wasn’t sure) was sinful. She knew by Robert’s reaction that he would never venture down those paths, and for the most part, she honored that.

On one occasion, after his company Christmas party, they were uncharacteristically frisky in the car on the ride home and Easy Andi briefly appeared. As he drove, she reached over and rubbed his pants, feeling him get hard. He looked so handsome that night at the party, and she felt proud to be arm in arm with him. For the first time in ages, she actually really wanted him, not that she was repulsed by him — quite the opposite, but it was much better to avoid the “vanilla” sex that always brought resentment that she couldn’t do what she wanted to do to him, what she was “meant” to do. She unfastened his belt, opened his pants and pulled his half-hard cock out, salivating as she did it, knowing it would be in her mouth in a matter of seconds.

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One More Favor

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It was the middle of January and I was over at Doug and Kerrie’s house, helping Kerrie take down all of their Christmas decorations. Doug was in the hospital again and, even once he was discharged, it’d be a while before he would be up to the task. He’d been dealing with a lot of health issues recently and, although we were all expecting him to make a full recovery, he still had a long road ahead of him. He was well-liked at work so there were a lot of us who worked with him who were looking for ways that we could help out him and his family. Kerrie was telling me as we were working that they had a freezer full of meals and that people had come by to watch their 4-year-old daughter while she ran errands or ran errands for her when she was at the hospital with Doug. I was feeling like helping to take down Christmas decorations wasn’t enough and wondered if I could be doing more but then an opportunity presented itself.

I had known Kerrie for nearly as long as I’d been working with Doug and, though I wouldn’t say we were friends, we were definitely comfortable around each other. Still, I was pretty surprised by what she asked of me. Once we had all of the decorations down and packed up in plastic tubs and the tubs put away, she asked if I’d be willing to do one more favor for her, as long as I was there. Of course, even not knowing what it would be, I was happy to help out however I could.

“It’s a little weird for me to ask, but I’ve given this a lot of thought,” she started out, “Between Doug being sick and having a 4-year-old around, it has been a long, long time since Doug and I have been intimate so I am extremely pent up. I trust you and I know you have a strong marriage that wouldn’t be affected by you doing this favor for me, especially if you and I are the only ones who would ever know about it.”

“What exactly are you asking?” I asked, not wanting to assume anything despite what it sounded like she was asking.

“I haven’t seen or touched a stiff cock in a long time,” she said, “so I’m asking, first, if I can see and touch yours and, second, if you’d be willing to help me release some of my pent-up sexual frustration.”

I’d never thought about doing anything like this with Kerrie, in part obviously because we were both married, but also because she was quite a bit younger than me. I had, of course, noticed her big boobs but hadn’t ever considered getting my hands on them. She was blond with blue eyes and was nicely curvy but I knew she wasn’t interested in me per se; she was just looking for a safe way to get off. I understood that being older and responsible and experienced was my appeal and that she wasn’t trying to seduce me, she was trying to convince me. Of course, I didn’t need a lot of convincing from a young, blond, curvy woman to agree to help her cum. I’m not sure how I could possibly have turned her down.

“Of course I’m more than happy to help however I can,” I replied, which made her smile. My cock was already stiffening as I thought about the possibility of getting her naked to take care of her needs. She led me over to the couch and sat but had me remain standing in front of her. I was comfortable that we wouldn’t be disturbed with Doug still being at the hospital and their daughter at school so I was feeling pretty relaxed as she was opening my jeans while my cock continued stiffening. She slid my jeans down then massaged the bulge in my briefs before sliding them down, too, my stiff cock springing out. With my jeans and underwear at about mid-thigh, she gripped my cock and gently pumped it while gazing at it intently. I definitely had not expected to be receiving a handy-j while at her house but I was savoring the pleasurable feeling of her soft, warm hand sliding slowly up and down my shaft. If she kept going, based on how she was positioned before me and gazing at my cock, I was going to shoot my load right at her face. As it turned out, she was not going to take me to completion with her hand.

She was moving in closer as she continued pumping my cock until she was close enough to engulf it in her mouth. Still gently pumping the base, she wrapped her lips around my shaft and began to slide them up and down while I let out a moan. Her mouth felt so awesome that I knew I wouldn’t be enjoying it for as long as I would have liked to. I caressed her blond hair but left the pace entirely to her since this was apparently something that she felt she needed to do. Her cocksucking was outstanding, though, so even if she just wanted to feel a thick, hard cock in her mouth, she was still putting the effort into making sure I was experiencing a high level of pleasure. I’m sure that she wasn’t doing it because, once she wrapped her lips around my cock, she felt like she owed it to me to give me a good blowjob. I really do just think she missed the opportunity to enjoy a hard cock and was taking full advantage of the opportunity of having one available to her.

It didn’t take much of her skillful cocksucking before I could feel an orgasm building but she did manage to draw out the pleasure much longer than I had expected to last. The closer I got to cumming, the thicker my cock was becoming, but her efforts weren’t impacted even pendik escort slightly. She continued to inhale my cock while gently pumping the base and, even as I started spurting into her mouth with a grunt, she just swallowed my load without even the slightest hesitation. When she finally released my cock and moved back, it was only once I was completely spent and beginning to soften. She looked up at me with her blue eyes and a big smile on her face while I just tried to catch my breath.

“Thank you for letting me do that,” she said, practically gushing, “I have missed that even more than I realized.”

“Are you kidding?” I replied, “Thank you for doing that; it was absolutely amazing. I suspect, however, that you’re even more pent up now, though, so please allow me to take care of you.”

I dropped to my knees before her, eager to devour her pussy knowing full well that she was going to be incredibly wet. I started by pulling up the long sweater she was wearing so she raised her arms to allow me to slip it over her head. My eyes practically bugged out as I got a look at her sumptuous tits practically spilling out of her bra. After setting her sweater aside, I caressed those big beauties through her bra, feeling her hard nipples pressing out. Rather than immediately removing her bra to further enjoy them, however, I started to slide her leggings down as she lifted up to make it easier for me to do so. She was wearing bikini panties that matched her bra which made me wonder whether she’d been hoping or even expecting that I’d be seeing them when she put them on that morning. I had to pause just to admire her curvy figure, fair skin and big tits covered only by a bra and bikini panties and could feel the blood already trying to return to my spent cock.

I reached out to fondle her tits through her bra again briefly before reaching behind her to unfasten it. I slid it down her arms, revealing her big, beautiful tits topped with large, light pink areolas and thick, hard nipples. Her bra joined her sweater then I was caressing the soft, smooth flesh of her tits while also running my palms over her hard nipples. My cock was nearly already back to half-mast as I enjoyed her tits but I also suspected that her pussy was just becoming even wetter. Before I moved on, though, I lowered my head to lick and suck her hard nipples while continuing to caress the soft, smooth flesh of her tits, causing her to moan softly. When I finally raised my head again and dropped my hands down to the narrow elastic straps on the sides of her bikini panties, I was even more eager to devour her pussy. She raised her ass up off the couch again and, as her pussy was revealed, my mouth fell open. Her bush was substantial, though well-groomed, and incredibly blond. With Kerrie being as blond as she was, it shouldn’t have surprised me that her bush was blond, I just didn’t expect it to be so blond. The carpet most definitely matched the drapes.

“You look fantastic naked,” I said once I’d slipped her panties completely off and couldn’t stop staring. Her legs were parted, though, and her pussy was quickly beckoning me so I lowered my face toward it. I ran my tongue along her slit, causing her to moan loudly as I tasted her copious juices. I loved eating pussy and it had been a very long time since I’d been in a position to taste one I’d never tasted before so I was absolutely relishing this opportunity. I slurped up the juices that she was so abundantly producing while also running my tongue over her clit. She was moaning continuously while holding my head and gyrating her pussy toward my face. When I finally slipped a finger into her, I was not surprised to find that she was incredibly lubricated but quite snug as well. I was also not surprised when, after just briefly eating her pussy, she suddenly cried out and her body started shaking. I didn’t let up, of course, and continued to eat her sweet young pussy through her orgasm.

I was not ready to be done eating her so, after what appeared to be a long and highly pleasurable orgasm, she went limp again while I just continued what I was doing. Looking up along her body, I knew I was going to want to fondle her tits some more and maybe even fuck them if she gave me the chance. Of course, since she had initiated this to address her needs, I would prioritize those but, since I was assuming this would be a one-time thing, I also wanted to make sure that I took full advantage of this opportunity. I also figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask if I could take some photos of her, naked and nearly naked, before I had to leave. It seemed to make sense that, the more I made her cum, the more likely she’d be to acquiesce to that request so I was putting all of my skills into practice to both draw out the pleasure she was experiencing and to provide the most intense orgasms. I slid my finger in and out of her snug, wet pussy while licking and sucking her clit through a few more orgasms that all appeared to be long and intense before she finally had me stop.

“You are absolutely incredible at that,” she said, “but my head is going to explode if you keep going.”

“Well, I love to eat pussy,” I replied, straightening kartal escort up in front of her, “so don’t hesitate to ask if you find yourself pent up again.”

“Ooh, you’re hard again,” she said as she noticed my stiff cock pointing at her, “I think maybe we should keep going.”

She had me move up onto the couch next to where she was sitting but moved to her knees on the floor to help me out of my jeans and underwear. As I watched her titties bouncing and swinging, I pulled off my shirt so that I was as naked as she was. I tried to take in every square inch of her naked body as she stood before me then straddled me, reaching for my cock as I reached out to caress her tits. Guiding my cock toward her pussy, she lowered herself onto it and we both moaned as I easily slipped into her. She paused briefly, sitting on my cock as I caressed the soft, smooth flesh of her tits, then slowly began to move up and down on it. Being as snug and as wet as she was, her pussy felt outstanding as she was slowly riding my cock so I was grateful that I’d already cum once; if we’d gone right to this to start, I’m sure I’d have cum in a matter of seconds.

I was leaning back as she was riding my cock so that I could see her tits while I was fondling them. The harder and faster she rode me, the more they were bouncing so I ended up occasionally moving my hands around to caress her ass while watching them bounce, though I kept bringing them back around to fondle her tits some more. The more I watched them and fondled them, the more I wanted to lay my cock between them and caress them as I fucked them. I was thinking that I could likely hold out until she came again while riding me and, combined with the multiple orgasms while I’d been eating her, she might be more likely to indulge me after all of those orgasms. Luckily, I didn’t need to think about baseball to hold out long enough because she was obviously already building toward another orgasm. I was pushing up into her each time she dropped down, ensuring that she was getting as much penetration as possible. When she finally dropped down onto my cock and just sat there, it was only a moment later that she cried out as her entire body started shaking. It was another long and obviously intensely pleasurable orgasm during which I happily caressed her big titties.

“Wow, you weren’t kidding about being a little pent up,” I said when she finally opened her eyes and smiled at me.

“Okay, maybe I was a lot pent up,” she confessed, “but I think if you take me from behind, that should get it all taken care of for now.”

She climbed off of my cock then positioned herself next to me on all-fours so I got up onto my knees behind her. I ran my hands over her soft, smooth ass then gripped my cock and guided it back into her pussy from behind. We both moaned as I slid all the way in until my hips were pressing against her ass. Holding her hips, I began to slowly slide in and out of her, still relishing the snug, slippery feel of her pussy. It didn’t take long to get a good rhythm going then I slipped my hands up from her hips to cup her swinging boobs. I’m not sure if fondling her tits actually made my cock even harder but it sure felt like it and she seemed to be moaning more and pushing back harder, though that could also have been due to my hands brushing over her hard nipples. Even though it sounded like she was feeling a good deal of pleasure as I was fucking her, I noticed that both of her arms were up by her head.

“You might want to try slipping a hand back,” I said, while continuing to fuck her, “and caress your clit.”

She immediately reached under herself and was quickly moaning even louder and pushing back harder. I matched her pace but was still fondling her luscious breasts as I was pushing my cock deeply into her. I was still a bit dumbfounded that we were naked and fucking on her couch after I’d come over just to help her take down the Christmas decorations but I was absolutely enjoying the opportunity. There was still one more thing that I was hoping to do before we finished up and, since it sounded as though she was building toward yet another orgasm, it felt like there was a good chance that it could happen. Her pussy was feeling even hotter and wetter the longer I was fucking her, though, so I was in no hurry for her to cum so we could move on.

Still assuming that this was going to be a one-time thing, I was very focused on how her tits felt in my hands and how her pussy felt as I was repeatedly slipping in and out of it. I knew that I’d be mentally revisiting this experience, probably fairly often because it was so enjoyable, so I wanted to be sure that every detail would be easy for me to recall. As she was pushing back harder, though, apparently getting close to her next orgasm, I reluctantly released her big, beautiful breasts and straightened up, taking her by the hips again. I was looking down at her ass, watching it jiggle as my hips tapped repeatedly against it, while feeling the lubrication in her snug pussy increasing even more. I didn’t expect that I’d be cumming inside her, though I probably could have if I’d wanted to.

When she finally gave a shove maltepe escort backwards and held there, I pushed my cock into her as deeply as I could and a moment later, she let out a cry and started shaking. I slid in and out of her a few times as she was cumming, wanting to make sure that I enjoyed the additional flood of even more lubrication within her hot, wet pussy. It was another long and clearly intensely pleasurable orgasm so I savored the remaining opportunity to fuck her until I was certain that she’d finished cumming. The only thing that could get me to slip my cock out of her after all of that pleasurable fucking was that one last thing that I wanted to make sure I took the opportunity to do.

After slipping my cock out of her, I had her roll over onto her back. I don’t know if she expected me to mount her missionary and resume fucking her but, when I straddled her ribs, there was no doubt about what I had planned. I lay my stiff cock between her sumptuous breasts then took one in each hand and brought them together against it. I was looking down at those big beauties, committing them to memory as well, while I slowly slid my cock between them and relished the pleasurable feeling. She was watching my cockhead as it appeared repeatedly from her cleavage but I didn’t suspect that she was really getting anything much out of this. Of course, with the number of orgasms she’d had already, I wasn’t feeling the least bit guilty about that.

The soft, smooth flesh of her tits against my cock felt amazing, even after her snug, slippery pussy and her skillful blowjob. While I was enjoying the building pleasure, I was sort of lamenting that this would be my only opportunity to experience it. I’m not sure why I was assuming that she wouldn’t be interested in getting together regularly until Doug was fully recovered, especially given that I’d been able to help her cum so many times. I guess I was just figuring that she’d have second thoughts after all was said and done, though I couldn’t imagine that I’d have second thoughts given how much I was enjoying myself. Maybe I should have realized that she’d feel the same way.

My orgasm was slowly building and I wanted to savor this opportunity to fuck her titties for as long as I could so I maintained a slow, steady pace. As I was getting closer to cumming, my cock was swelling a bit more and, while I doubted that she could feel it, she must have been able to tell somehow because she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. I wasn’t sure that I’d be able to spew that far but I was kind of hoping so since it looked like she wanted to taste my cum again. I might have picked up the pace just slightly when it felt like I was right on the verge of cumming so I’m sure she knew by that point that I was almost there. When I did finally blow my load, the first spurt not only reached her mouth, but hit her tongue, lips and part of her cheek. The remaining spurts weren’t as powerful but they still felt amazing as my jizz collected on her sternum.

I fucked her tits until I was completely spent, then still sat there fondling them as my cock softened. When I finally released them and she was spreading my cum on her chest then licking it off her fingers, I moved off of her and sat down near her feet. I was gazing at her naked body while she continued to clean up my cum then had an idea. My jeans were within reach so I extracted my phone and immediately brought up the camera. I took a few close up shots of her pussy and blond bush then zoomed out and got her entire body. She sat up a little so I got some nice shots of her tits, a few of which also included her face.

“No one else is going to see those, right?” she asked.

“Like you said,” I replied, “you and I will be the only ones who ever know about this.”

“I can’t even begin to tell you how much I appreciate you helping me out,” she said, “I feel better than I have in ages.”

“Well, just so you know,” I replied, “I’d be more than happy to help out again with this sort of thing if the need ever arises.”

“Sadly, I’m sure that it will,” she stated, “but it means a lot knowing that you’re willing to help me out.”

We sat around for a bit longer before gathering up our clothes and getting dressed. She let me take more photos of her, both naked and partially dressed, and promised to send me more when she could to entice me to keep this going when she needed it. As it turned out, she was a pretty horny young lady and had needs that she could only satisfy so well with her own hands and a few toys. Naturally, I was always ready and willing when she needed my assistance but we didn’t always have the luxury of her empty house. There were times she’d pick me up at the office and we’d go park somewhere so that I could go down on her though she’d always return the favor. I made it clear to her how much I enjoyed eating pussy and how much I loved her blond bush so that she would never hesitate even if our time was limited. There were even times when she just needed to feel a stiff cock in her hand so I’d slip my hand into her panties and get her off manually then she’d jerk me off, usually also in her car. Even the times when Doug ended up back in the hospital, she couldn’t always just take off and leave him there. If he was sleeping or having some procedure done, sometimes she’d slip out and pick me up at the office, then we’d go to their house and fuck. How long would depend on how soon she needed to be back, but we always both ended up satisfied.

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Office Adventures Ch. 01

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Groping Hands

It was boring at work until 10:30am when this new temporary worker came from the agency. As she arrived and was introduced by the managers to the office as “Crystal” and I thought she’s gorgeous.

I’m a nice guy, dark skinned, brown eyes, sexy stylish designer glasses, 5″10 in height. She’s a brunette, brown eye, gorgeous pouting lips, curvy size 10 figure, and medium sized boobs with a J Lo ass. Her name was Crystal.

As the day progressed I became slightly bored at work and started to use the Instant messaging system on our PC to chat with workers in our office block.

This relieved the day a little and chatted with a few other mates about Crystal (the new temporary worker) and how fine she was and wondered how long she would last.

Our office managers treat the temporary workers like shit. I get along with most people and always defend the temporary workers, I mean there not on such a great pay scale at only £5.50 per hour when I get £20 per hour from the same job.

Lunchtime came and I took an hour to have a mega size pub lunch and a quick drink. Once I returned to the office I noticed Crystal was eating her sandwiches at her desk to I thought to ask how everything was going. “Everything is fine,” she said but “I get the feeling a few people don’t like me” is what came from them pouting lips. We continued to chat for a while and I noticed that she had a pierced tongue, which looked very sexy. She told me that she had just moved to bostancı escort London 2 weeks ago and didn’t know that many people and if I knew London well enough to show her around to a few places. Being the gentleman that I am I said sure I can show you around a few bars and places.

As the week progressed we continued to chat and flirt in the office and it made the day fly by much more enjoyable. Friday came and we went out to lunch at the pub. I bought chips and a chicken burger with a Rum and Coke to wash that down while I got for Crystal a Caesar Salad with Baileys.

She was a little worried about drinking alcohol whilst at work but I said “everyone does it on Friday”. We laughed, had a few more drinks and began to touch each other. My hand slid up her dress and felt her warm legs get even warmer the higher I went up. She seemed to love the caresses I was giving her sexual arousal glowed from her. During the caresses it was stopped short by her, because we went over our lunch hour, so we slipped back into the office without causing too much commotion.

After work we went for drinks, quite a large group of office workers and we continued to flirt. It was become quite late and most people had left the bar that we were at and moved onto either other bars to meet up with people or off to home. Crystal and me continued to chat and drew closer to each other. She guided my hand up her skirt and my fingers to her sancaktepe escort clitoris. I was amazed, this girl had no panties on and I whispered in her ear and she whispered back that she was extremely hot after our lunch that she needed to cool down.

My hands worked their magic and I caressed and stroked her clitoris and her pussy all the while, not being noticed by others within the bar. She held me close and we began to kiss quite deeply and passionately. Her tongue piercing gave me sensations not felt before on my tongue. We became more aroused, her nipples piercing through her white blouse and my fingers becoming stickier. We heard the bell ring for last orders and that awoke us from our horny state.

On the way home it was obvious that we needed to fuck each other’s brains out and fast. We walked quite fast down the street stopping and French kissing with her legs wrapped around me. We took a turn down a narrow street with a few cars parked up on the curb, there was no one around, its wasn’t brightly lit but we could see each others forms perfectly.

We French kissed, our tongues dancing in each other’s mouth and caressed each other’s body. Crystal broke away and got on her knees, unzipping my trousers and popping my cock out from my boxers. She licked and sucked the head and sent an immediate sensation from my toes directly to my head. It was awesome, her pierced tongue on my cock. She used lots of zeytinburnu escort saliva and gave me a blowjob I will never forget and always treasure. She continued with her tongue and gave my cock two steady wanks to ensure it was fully hard, and then she rose to her feet using the wall as leverage she wrapped her legs around me and guided my hard cock to her soaking pussy. She gasped as my cock slid all the way in and her pussy took a hold of my large cock.

We kissed and exchanged my pre cum still on her tongue then I started a pumping motion, sliding my cock deeper and deeper into her wet pussy. She cried out, her echoes rebounding off the wall as we proceeded to fuck each other deeper and harder. Her moans became louder and louder, our tongues danced in each other’s mouth and the waves of orgasms rocked through her body and erupted on my cock, coating it with thick white liquid. I started to fuck deeper and deeper and Crystal would hold onto my ass and push me deeper and deeper with every thrust. I was very orgasmic and sent out an echoing moan as I sent a load of cum deep into her pussy, I continued to fuck her harder and harder, faster and faster, deeper and deeper until I felt her heart beat even faster and heard her cry out my name “Dave” as she erupted an explosive orgasm on my cock, her legs shuddering and completely soaked. I proceeded to fuck her still, deeper and deeper, harder and harder, faster and faster before I erupted for a second time flooding her with semen. We collapsed into each other’s arms, exhausted with cum dripping from her pussy and a thick coating covering my cock and balls.

We kissed each other deeply and straightened out our clothing as best we could before making our way home for some more fun.

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No Such Thing as Free Sex

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Our eyes met as I came out of the general store. She was sitting on the bench where people could wait for the bus. My initial reaction was that she was sexy in a cheap sort of way, like a beautiful hooker in the city. I regularly paid local girls for sex so I wasn’t passing judgement, just making an observation. She wore a halter top and cut off jeans and her flipflops were on the ground beside her as she held her knees in her arms. Her hair, cut at neck length, was jet black and very straight, something you rarely see. I thought she might be an American Indian. Her face looked vaguely semitic which told me nothing except that it was a face you could look at for a very long time without getting tired of it.

She got up and walked up to me. Now I knew that she was tall, thin with the tiniest titties. She wore no bra as her nipples poked at the fabic of her shirt. She momentarily smiled and said,

“If you’re going North could I have a ride?”

“Sure, but I’m only going eight miles.” I said.

“That’s ok. I can’t sit here anymore.” she said giving me a look. You can tell in an instant that something is going to happen between the two of you and I’ll be damned if I wasn’t willing.

“How old are you and what’s your name?” I said.

“Esther.” she said. “I’m nineteen. How about you?”

“I’m Matt, Matthew Webb.” I said.

“Are you married?” she asked. I shook my head. Just like that the deal was made.

When ataşehir escort we got to the garage I owned next to the state highway I drove inside, closed the door and we went into the apartment I kept there for emergencies. During the drive I became aware of her scent, something that really appealed to me. And this girl wasn’t wearing any perfume. It was just good girl scent. So when we finally faced each other where I could put my arms around her I was drowning in this wonderful animal smell as I kissed her.

There was no reluctance on her part. She returned my kiss, slipping her tongue into my mouth as she pressed her body against mine. We broke apart and stripped looking at each other until we were both naked. Esther lay on the bunk, knees bent legs wide apart as I got on the bunk with her. There was no talking as she held my cock, putting my glans on the opening of her vagina. We both pushed as I slipped deep into her. She moaned as my glans kissed her cervix. I was almost ready to cum. Nothing is more exciting than strange pussy. Maybe girls feel that way about strange cock. I barely began to fuck her when I ejaculated. She felt it happen as semen was pushed out of her getting her thighs wet and running down to her anus. She wanted to cum too and aggressively made me keep fucking her until she came. I remained hard and felt my excitement grow again until we both fucked hard ümraniye escort and came again.

We lay there momentarily exhausted. She had beads of sweat above her breasts and on her forehead. I finally pulled out and turned her so her feet were on the edge of the bunk, knees bent and legs apart. This way I could kneel on the floor to eat her out. The smell was amazing, her pussy smell and my semen. My fucking her had formed a corona of vaginal debris around her stretched, open cunt. I could see semen inside. The dark gray matter making up the corona smelled like heaven and was sour on my tongue as I licked it up. Going down past her anus I licked my way up to her clit and back again spending some time enjoying her asshole.

“Push out the cum so I can eat it.” I said.

“You get on the bed. It’s better that way.” she said. Esther straddled my face with her knees and lowered her cunt to my mouth as she pushed out her treasure, flexing her abdominal muscles to make it squirt out. When there was nothing left she turned so we could make out. Our mouths smelled of sex as we french kissed.

“For me that was the best ever. You did all the things I like.” she said as I kissed her flat tits sucking her stiff nipples. She had the long, flat midriff of a tall girl something I always liked. Her body was toned and her skin smooth with a golden hue. Esther was a Jewish name kadıköy escort so I assumed she wasn’t an American Indian.

“I want to explore every inch of your body but it might be a good time for us to wash.” I said. We both showered together before getting into the Jacuzzi for a soak. I gave her a beer while I had two fingers of bourbon. When we got out I made us spaghetti. We were both hungry. After eating we sat on the couch with the tv on and in seconds Esther was asleep. I stretched her out and put blankets on her, turning off the tube and sat in the kitchen where I could smoke by the exhaust fan thinking about what had happened. The sex was great but I knew nothing about this girl I had picked up on the highway. She was obviously experienced which was no bad thing. She had no baggage, apparently just going North. Finally I lay on the bunk near the couch and fell asleep.

The next morning she went into the bathroom for a few mintes and then sat at the table where I poured her a coffee and some oj. She ate some toast and jam. I didn’t know if my opening gambit would work but I tried it anyway.

“So where are you headed?” I asked.

“I have a friend over the border. I need to see him.” she said.

“It’s less than 70 miles from here, I can give you a ride that far. They have a nice bus terminal. You can go on from there.” I said. “Do you have any money?” She shook her head. “I can help you with that.” So that’s what we did. I gave her $300, a cheap alternative to having her stay and took her to the Canadian border with no baggage and no extra clothing, wearing her flipflops.

As I drove back I already wanted to smell her again but I had girls back home who were just as beautiful so I just kept driving.

9:35 PM 10/6/2013

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