A Weekend Escape

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Big Tits

Several weeks have passed since Cassie and Ben joined Jon and me for that memorable evening. Every day for that first week at work, whenever Cassie and I saw each other, I had to stifle a smile, while Cassie’s beautiful face would instantly turn crimson. We still have lunch together every day, as we did before, but the increased closeness we share is palpable to us, and I think evident to anyone who even glances our way. We haven’t had a repeat episode of lovemaking together, and I think it is quietly understood between us that we probably won’t.

Since then, Jon has become an almost permanent fixture in my house, and I have become an almost permanent fixture on the end of his cock. We simply cannot keep our clothes on, or our hands off. He hasn’t exactly moved in with me, but he is only on campus for class, volleyball games, and to pick up some clothes from his closet. I really need to start sewing some buttons back on his shirts. After all, he has bought me new bras and thongs to replace the ones that mysteriously have gone missing.

Last night, after having our way with one another, we lay naked together in the hammock in my patio garden. Jon told me the university is scheduled to host an educator’s conference next week. As he lightly stroked my hair, he whispered to me, “I will be free from Thursday afternoon until Tuesday morning.”

As I toyed with his cum coated shaft, I coyly offered, “What did you have in mind, kind sir?”

“Well,” he replied, “I was wondering if you and I could spend the long weekend together. Sort of a mini-vacation. It would be like Spring Break, and I would be with the hottest girl in the school.”

“Jon,” I reminded him, “I would be the oldest girl in the school. Those two cheerleaders still snub me at your volleyball games. They call me ‘Granny’ behind your back. They must think I’m too old to hear them.”

“Screw them, and anyone else who doesn’t like it,” he said. “How many times do I have to tell you that I love you, and that age doesn’t matter to me? Remember, you’re only 7 years older than I am anyway.”

That was a surprise when he first told me. Despite his youthful appearance, Jon is actually a graduate student at the university. One evening, after a fairly athletic lovemaking session, I tearfully lamented on how his youth would eventually get the better of our relationship. While holding me in his strong arms he asked, “Just how old do you think I am?”

Between sobs, I managed to answer, “You’re still in college. You can’t be much more than 21.”

After a long, deep kiss I wished could last forever, he placed a finger under my chin and brought my tear filled, emerald green eyes to meet his. “Shannon, darling,” he said, “I’m actually in grad school at the university. I’m 28. You’re 35. What’s the big deal?”

I was flabbergasted. I literally couldn’t speak. He laughed softly, as the realization came over me. Without a word, I pushed him on his back and straddled him. I kissed him hard, while my tongue played roughly with his. With my fingers entwined in his thick, dark hair, I brought his mouth to my left nipple. He grasped my tits in his hands, as I guided his now sturdy cock into my ever eager slit. I immediately began to vigorously ride his more than ample cock.

Ignoring his pleading to slow down, I quickened the pace and the force of my thrusts, as I mercilessly slammed him into my sopping wet cunt. When he realized I wouldn’t stop, he grasped my hips and began to help me pound his hot, throbbing shaft between my legs. I felt his cock thicken inside me, as my own orgasm began to build. I drove his cock fully into me one last time and clamped down hard, as our orgasms simultaneously burst to life. I felt him quiver and buck as he pumped yet another load of cum into me. How I love to feel his hot cum shooting inside me, as a previous shot is forced out of my slot by his purposefully thrusting cock. I rode him until my legs hurt and he begged me to stop.

He told me he loved me for the first time that night – and every day and night since then. I have trouble voicing that sentiment, but I hoped he knew I felt the same. My thighs were once again slick with our combined cum as I slid off of him and cuddled into his arms.

“So, what do you think?” he asked, bringing me out of my reverie.

“I would love to get away with you for the weekend,” I answered. “In fact, I know the perfect place. I’ll take you to work with me.” The look on his face was priceless.

“I was hoping you’d say that,” he offered. “I was wondering when you’d take me.”

Not everyone would consider going to work a vacation, but I work in a fairly unique environment. “Fuga” is an unusual resort. One half of the resort caters exclusively to the corporate world. They offer meeting space, conference and banquet facilities, and a state of the art business center. The other half is a member’s only vacation spot that caters to its guests’ every whim.

What makes “Fuga” really unique is that the member’s half of the kuşadası escort resort has several areas which are clothing optional. There are separate pool, patio, and exercise facilities for those members who just can’t stand to wear their clothes. For those members who also prefer an intimate dining experience, private chefs are available to prepare and serve meals in the guest’s suite. That’s where I work. I’m a private chef.

The big corporation I used to work for held a conference there a few years ago. I happened to overhear one of our Vice-Presidents bragging about the private half of the resort to one of his colleagues. Innately curious, I wandered over to check it out. The owners were having an overly loud discussion in the lobby with one of their chefs, when he threw his hands in the air and stormed out of the building. The owners — two sisters – wondered aloud where they were going to find another cook on such short notice. I don’t know what made me speak up, but I offered to help. I kissed the corporate rat race goodbye and I have worked there ever since.

On Thursday afternoon, Jon and I packed some things and headed up to “Fuga”. We were met in the lobby by Laura — one of the owners. After introducing Jon and watching our bags disappear, Laura invited us for a drink in the bar.

“It’s about time you brought him around, Shannon,” she teased. “I was beginning to think you were making him up. Although that smile on your face always told me otherwise. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Jon.”

“The pleasure is mine,” Jon replied. “I want to thank you again for your kind hospitality. This place is beautiful.”

“Thank you,” came the reply from behind us. There stood Blythe, Laura’s sister and the other owner of “Fuga”. “No we are not twins. She’s two years older,” Blythe joked, as she noticed the contemplative look on Jon’s face. “You must be Jon. Shannon talks about you all the time.”

“I do not,” I said, defensively.

“You do too,” Cassie laughed from behind the bar. “Nice to see you again, Jon,” she shyly said, as her face turned that now familiar, crimson hue.

“It’s just that you look so similar,” Jon confessed. “Shannon always told me you looked alike, but I never realized you looked that much alike.”

“We’re used to it by now,” Laura sighed. “In fact we grew a little tired of it, so we got these.” Laura and Blythe turned around and pulled up their shirts to reveal the tattoo designed on the small of their backs. Their different names were written in identical script and highlighted by intricate scrolls. “Keeps us honest when it comes to our husbands,” she laughed.

“Why Fuga?” Jon asked. “What does it mean, or does it stand for something?”

“It’s the Italian word for Escape”, Blythe replied. “We thought it fitting, considering all the marble and the architecture of the place.”

“Now I know you asked for no special treatment, Shannon,” Laura said, “but Blythe and I agree that you deserve a little something extra. We have assigned you one of our personal assistants.”

One of the many ways that “Fuga” caters to its members is the option of enlisting a personal assistant. They are there to insure that anything you need to improve your stay is provided, without having to wonder where or who to ask. They are your suite attendant, your concierge, your front desk attendant, your room service, and anything you need rolled into one person. It’s a bit extravagant and a little pricey, but for those who want it, it’s available.

“Here she is now,” Blythe said, as she motioned to the entranceway. Standing in the doorway was a very lovely, young woman. “Come on in, Britteny.”

Britteny practically bounded into the room. She was just over 5 feet tall and full of energy. Long, blonde hair in a single braid framed elegant, classic features and piercing, blue eyes. She might weigh 100 pounds soaking wet. She was an absolute beauty. If you could imagine one of the Great Masters painting an angel, I think he would be hard pressed to find a more perfect subject than the young girl in front of us.

“Hey, I’m Britteny,” she said in an equally angelic voice, as she took Jon’s hand and then mine. “It’s my job to make sure that you enjoy yourselves as much as possible, so please let me help you. I’ve taken the liberty to make a reservation for you in the dining room at eight o’clock. That way you can have time to relax and unwind before dinner. If you would prefer another time, it’s no problem. I can change the reservation to whatever time you wish.”

“Thank you,” Jon said, as I was inexplicably struggling to find my voice. “Eight o’clock is perfect. I was thinking of grabbing a nap before dinner anyway,” he said, as he elbowed me gently and winked.

“Cool,” Britteny replied. Handing each of us a small cell phone, she said, “If you need anything at all, you can page me by pressing this button. I’ll answer right away and take care of whatever you need. Anything right now, or any questions?”

“Not right now, thank you, Britteny,” I finally said. “How about that nap, sweetie,” I said as I elbowed Jon in return.

“Right ….that nap,” he managed to say without laughing too obviously. “Thank you again, Laura and you too, Blythe. We’ll see everyone a little later,” he added, as he took my hand and led me to the door. A quick glance over my shoulder and I saw Laura and Blythe whispering to each other. Cassie blushed even more red than usual, as she knew firsthand what might precede our nap. Britteny waved at us, and when she smiled, I swear the room brightened.

Jon actually waited until the door to our room closed behind us, before pinning me to the wall and tearing at my clothes. He swiftly got us both naked and carried me to the bed. He spent the next 20 minutes ravishing me like we’ve been separated for years. I lost track of how many orgasms he brought out in me, before he finally released another torrent of cum into me. Falling to the mattress next to me, he pulled me into him, and I fell fast asleep in his arms.

When I awoke, the room phone was chirping and I could hear the shower running. Britteny was on the phone, with a courtesy call 30 minutes before dinner, and to see if we required anything. I thanked her for waking me in time to get a shower and properly dressed before dinner.

“Part of my job, that’s all,” she said in that angelic voice of hers. “Page me if you need me.”

After dinner, Jon and I had another drink with Cassie in the bar, and then called it a night. Upon entering our room this time, it was my turn to start tearing at Jon’s clothes. I shucked my dress to the floor and began tugging at Jon’s belt. Once we were both naked he laughed, “I doubt you can carry me to the bed.”

“Who needs the bed?” I laughed back. I pushed him into the large cushioned chair, and climbed in his lap. I could now ride him in one of my favorite positions. He managed to carry me to the bed, while remaining inside me, before we climaxed again.

We slept late Friday morning. Neither of us in a hurry to leave our warm bed, I paged Britteny. “How can I help you?” came her voice, almost immediately, through the phone.

“I was wondering if you can send up some coffee and pastries for us,” I replied. “A lazy morning in bed is such an uncommon occurrence. I don’t want it to end.”

“I’ll be right up, Shannon,” she said. “I’ll knock and leave it at your door.”

“We’re all adults, Britteny,” I offered. “It’s OK to use your pass key, and come on in.”

“Whatever you prefer,” she replied. “I’ll knock first anyway….just in case,” she added. She arrived in almost no time at all. Jon and I were still in bed and she gave me a knowing smile, as she placed our tray on the table.

After breakfast, we took our time reading the paper and watching TV, until the sun beckoned us through the patio doors. “How about we head out to the pool for a while, sweetheart?” I asked.

“Sure thing, babe,” Jon replied. “Which one? Bathing suits or birthday suits?”

“As if I didn’t know which one you prefer,” I laughed.

We made our way down to the lobby. The clothing optional area is located through a long, private hallway accessible only with member key cards. About halfway down the hallway, Jon grasped the strings to my bikini top and pulled at the string on my left hip. In two more steps, my thong was on the floor. I turned to find a very mischievous grin on Jon’s handsome face. He toyed with my bikini top as he stared hungrily at my fully exposed 34 C’s and completely shaved mound.

“It is clothing optional after all,” he joked. “I opt for you like this.”

“That’s a two way street, darling,” I offered. “So let’s have those shorts, shall we?”

He slowly removed his shorts and his cock was beginning to stiffen. I walked up to him and kissed him. I reached down and fondled his balls and felt his erection building. I grasped his nearly sturdy cock and began to stroke it rhythmically. I backed him against the wall and knelt in front of him. I began to suck on his rigid shaft, as I grasped it firmly in one hand. With my other hand, I continued to play with his balls, as I took more and more of his shaft in my mouth. I slid my lips up and down his warm, thick cock and swirled my tongue over his swollen helmet.

He was nearing climax and didn’t hear the approaching footsteps. I did and quickly disappeared in a doorway. There he stood dumbfounded, his rampant erection in full view, as Britteny rounded the corner. “Hi Jon,” she politely said and continued on her way. “Glad to see you’re enjoying yourself,” she added as she continued down the hallway.

I came out from hiding, laughing out loud. “Very funny,” he said. “You could have told me, you know.”

“Now what fun is there in that?” I managed to say, tears of laughter streaming down my face.

“Are you going to leave me like this, or are you going to make up for stranding me?” I can’t exactly lay out by the pool like this, now can I?”

“Never let it be said I stranded my man,” I replied. I quickly repositioned myself in front of him and vigorously stroked and sucked his cock. It wasn’t long before he was once again close to climax. I felt his cock swelling in my mouth and sucked harder and faster. I clamped down on his shaft with my lips as he started to cum. Shot after shot of hot, thick cum filled my mouth, but I swallowed every drop, just to be sure I was truly forgiven. Later, while we lay by the pool, Britteny strolled by and gave me a furtive wink. I returned an impish smile and shrugged.

I decided a massage was in order that afternoon, and made my way to the spa. As I entered the changing room, there was Britteny, naked and fresh from a shower. Her tight young body glistened with water beads. Her breasts weren’t overly big for a girl of her stature, but she was by no means flat chested. Her legs were toned, and her ass was a perfect heart shape. She was toweling off her beautiful, blonde hair and was well aware that I was there.

“Go on in as soon as you’re ready,” she said. “I’ll be right there.”

“You’re the masseuse?” I asked, trying to hide the hope in my voice.

“That’s right,” she answered. “I’ll be right in. Lie down and relax. Won’t be long, I promise.”

I went into the small treatment room and traded my swimsuit for a warm, thirsty towel. I wrapped it around my torso and sat on the table. In just a few minutes, Britteny came in, similarly wrapped in a towel.

“You look tense,” she said. “Let’s see if we can change that, shall we?”

She rubbed her hands with warm oil and asked me to loosen my towel. I decided that fair was fair, so I just tossed the towel to the floor. My naked body on full display, she just smiled and said, “Let’s begin.”

I lay face down on the table and she came up beside me. From my vantage point I saw a towel appear at her feet. I closed my eyes and savored the memory of her naked form. As her hands first touched my back, a jolt of electricity shot through my clitoris. I felt her slowly spreading warm oil over my back. She moved to my shoulders and worked them gently. Each firm squeeze was matched by a tightening between my legs. She placed hot, flat stones down the center of my back, and then spread the warm oil over my ass. She lightly traced circles across one cheek than the other. I felt a trickle of warm oil drip down my inner thigh to join the juice pooling in my slot.

As she gently worked the backs of my legs, I stole a glance at her beautiful, naked body. Her nipples were firm, as were mine. Her breasts gently heaved with each breath. She was still damp from her shower, and I watched a drop of water fall from her long, blonde hair. When it landed on me, my ever quickening breath caught in my throat. She looked down and met my gaze. A dazzling smile formed on her face, and she continued her work. I closed my eyes and surrendered to the sensations. By the time she was finished, my clit was aching with expectation, but my heart incessantly whispered Jon’s name in my ears.

“You love him, don’t you,” she said, finally breaking the long silence. “I can see it in the way you look at him, you know. Have you told him yet?”

“No, I haven’t,” I confessed. “Well, not in so many words, actually. I mean not in those words…exactly. It has become very difficult for me to say that to anyone anymore.”

“Is it something he did that’s the reason you find it so hard to say I love you?” she countered.

“Of course not,” I replied. “He’s absolutely wonderful to me.”

“Then why are you holding him responsible for what some asshole in your past did to you?”

“It’s just that…..it’s……it’s….,” was the best response I could manage to utter.

“Has he told you he loves you?” she asked.

“Repeatedly,” I admitted.

“Then exactly what is it that is preventing you from telling the man you love how you feel? I’m sure he’d like to actually hear it from you, you know. Why do you think I stopped myself from making a play for you during the massage? I could see that you are totally in love with him, just in the way you look at him.”

“Thank you, Britteny,” I sighed. “You are wise beyond your years. You are also absolutely beautiful,” I added, as I kissed her cheek and left.

I found Jon at the pool and practically dragged him back to our room. “What’s gotten into you?” he asked. “Didn’t enjoy the massage?”

“Jon,” I stammered, “I need to tell you something. You’ve been telling me you love me for well over a month. You’ve repeatedly said that our age difference doesn’t matter to you. I have always hoped that you can sense how I feel about you. I have always had a hard time putting my feelings into words, and, having been hurt in the past, have been extremely reluctant to voice what I feel. But, here it is.

“I love you. I should have said it sooner. I certainly felt it sooner. I am also deathly afraid that some day you are going to look over at me and wonder what you are doing here with me. But until that day comes, I will treasure every moment with you and tell you how much I love you, until you tire of hearing it.”

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A Visit To The Gynaecologist

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Helen sat in the waiting room at the gynaecologist’s office, waiting for her appointment with Dr Alice Sorensen. She was a quite worried lady and found herself reflecting how the hell she had come to be here.

She was 47 and married to Don. She was 5ft 2in with short black hair, dark brown eyes, 32b breasts, very pretty and a slim figure.

Helen was definitely what seemed to be called a milf nowadays, but she was one with a difference. Helen was not your usual hot, sexy, horny cougar type older woman that was the focus of so many horny thoughts, had by the male population of the world. She was desirable in a detached, demure, aloof sort of way, her appeal more of an untouchable, sultry remoteness that made you want her but not in an “I have to fuck her” sort of way.

Her allure was classy, not raunchy.

Helen wasn’t a woman you lusted after, she was a woman you fell in love with.

She found herself in this position because of an absolute aberration on her part. For 23 years she had been married to Don and had been faithful throughout.

Don was a lawyer. He earned the sort of money that gave her a very comfortable lifestyle and meant she didn’t have to work. For that Don expected her to devote a certain amount of her time to looking good for him and being the dutiful wife.

She didn’t disappoint.

However one fateful night after way too much to drink at a party that Don didn’t attend, she found herself in a situation with a man she had only met that night.

The reckless out of character action she took that night cost her plenty.

Her fidelity was thrown away for virtually nothing, as all it entailed for her, was kissing in the corner while he fumbled around in her panties. He then pulled them to one side, entered her a little too roughly. With Helen not being really ready for this, and her vagina not expanding in anticipation, he reached her cervix causing her pain. A few minutes of thrusting, a short grunted climax, a pulling up of trousers and he was gone.

“My proud record of fidelity gone – for THAT.”

That was only the start of Helen’s problems.

Her first concern was that her husband having had a vasectomy, had meant she had not used birth control for years. At her age she was having irregular periods and thought she probably couldn’t conceive anyway. That was irrelevant though, the fact is she had sex with a guy and it never crossed her mind about condoms, with a monogamous marriage to a man firing blanks, it was just something she had never had to consider.

In the ensuing period of weeks her menstrual cycle was due. This came and went with no period happening.

“Is this an irregular cycle or something far worse” she thought.

After a trip to her GP, and the subsequent tests, Helen had at least one problem solved, she wasn’t pregnant. However she was still sore at the top of her vagina and was now starting to fear a STD.

This would be a disaster, as she may be able to hide it from her husband if they hadn’t had sexual contact, but they had been quite active in that department over the last couple of weeks, and if she had it then…………..

Disease or no disease, if Don found out about her infidelity she would be finished. Money, lifestyle, everything. She was his and no one else’s.

Her GP recommended that she visit her gynaecologist to further investigate the problems she was having and said he would forward his report to Dr Sorensen at the clinic.

Helen needed the appointment as a matter of urgency, given the time that was passing. She pleaded with the appointments secretary to try fit her in somehow.

The secretary put Helen on hold and went to consult Dr Sorensen. When she returned she told Helen that there was a possibility, that if she could come in at the end of clinic hours the following day, Dr Sorensen would see her privately after closing hours.

“Oh thank you very much” said Helen.

“I will be there promptly at six o’clock.”

She arrived at the clinic at five fifty, checked in at reception and took her seat in the waiting room.

While she was waiting, Helen noticed a little commotion within the staff; she was still wondering what was going on when the receptionist told her the gynaecologist would see her now.

On entering the Doctors room Helen noticed that Dr Sorensen wasn’t at her desk, where she had been every single time before.

“Ah Mrs Miller” said the medical orderly.

“Please take a seat, Dr Sorensen has been called away to an emergency, as you probably heard out in the corridor, but don’t worry Dr Taylor is still on the premises and will take good care of you.”

Helen was waiting in the Doctors room when in walked Dr Matthew Taylor, one of her husbands golfing friends. Although he wasn’t a really good friend of Don’s, Helen was still well acquainted with Matthew through functions and parties etc.

She had known him long enough, and been in his company often enough, to know he was a gynaecologist, but had never heard which practice kuşadası escort he was with.

Matthew wasn’t a particularly big man, he stood about 5ft 9in with a medium build. He had black wavy hair, was clean shaven and tanned. He was quite handsome without being a hunk type of guy, if fact the first thing you notice about him was his quite large hands.

Once while sitting round the pool drinking wine, Helen and her friends had once joked about his big hands.

“You know what they say, “Big hands, big……” they giggled.

“Oh Helen it’s you.” said Dr Taylor.

“It didn’t quite register in my mind when I saw the name on Dr Sorensen’s list, how are you and how is Don?”

“Oh Hi Matthew” said Helen suddenly a little flustered and panicky.

“We are both well, look I think there is no need for you to stay late on my account and I really don’t think it would be right if you conducted my examination, us being acquainted”

Helen started towards the door stooping to pick up her belongings.

Matthew had admired Helen from afar for a number of years; she was so seductive and captivating. Although there had been no encouragement and he knew she was ‘out of his league’ he thought of her often and in an instant he knew if he let her walk out of the door, without him having the chance to ‘examine’ her he would regret it for years.

As Helen’s hand grasped the doorknob Matthew did something he was not proud of.

“I see from your notes you have recently had a pregnancy test, and now want a STD test. I know from chats with Don that he has had a vasectomy, what does he think to all this?”

It was a subtle but still obvious threat, a mere suggestion that he could deny, if any trouble arose from this, yet still plain as day in it’s meaning to Helen.

Matthew took Helen by the arm and led her back into the room, stealthily locking the door behind him.

“Look Helen, if you have a problem, which you obviously have, I am a dedicated, conscientious, professional gynaecologist, so don’t be silly let me deal with your trouble and no one need ever know why you was here.”

Helen realised his meaning as obvious, and her options as zero.

She submitted to an examination.

“For Gods sake he’s a gynaecologist” she told herself, “He does this all day long, just get it done.”

“How long is it since your last full check up.” asked Matthew.

“It’s about a year.” answered Helen.

“We better do a full examination then, in addition to checking out your pain problem.” said Matthew.

“We can do the pelvic exam and Pap smear to check everything is still normal.”

Helen’s heart sank, she knew what the full annual check-up entailed, but at the same time she knew that IF he was going to do her examination it made sense to have a full medical at the time.

“Please take off your blouse Helen and we can get started.”

Helen took off her blouse and stood in her bra. She would have chosen one other then the lacy, black, half cup she was wearing now, if she had had any idea who she would be in this situation with.

Matthew tried to put her at ease by explaining what he was doing at each stage. He started by taking Helen’s blood pressure.

“110 over 75 that’s very good Helen, now let me listen to your heart.”

The Dr put the stethoscope high up on her left breast above her bra and listened, he then moved around behind her at listened to her lungs.

“Everything seems ok there, would you mind taking off your bra and sitting on the bed over there please.”

Helen didn’t hesitate, once she had decided to do this she thought it best to act normally.

She sat on the bed her small breasts, still hard and uplifted even at her age, her pink nipples jutting out as though they were just inviting attention.

The Dr put his hand over one breast and started to make circular motions with his finger tips, feeling for any lumps or abnormalities. He kneaded the breast thoroughly satisfying himself they were in perfect condition.

“Oh they were perfect alright.” he thought.

He did this on each breast and examined the nipple area also.

Helen’s nipples hardened involuntarily.

“My god I have Helen Millers breasts is my hand.” he thought.

Matthew quickly dispelled these thoughts, telling himself to remain professional; the memories of this day would stay with him forever as long as he did nothing stupid.

He found nothing untoward with her breasts.

“Can you please take off your skirt and your shoes and lie flat on the bed please.” was the next instruction.

Helen complied and lay back in just her panties. Panties that she would NOT have worn had she known Dr Sorensen was not to do the examination. They were black, lacy and VERY scanty.

“I will now examine your stomach area for any signs of trouble Helen, please tell me immediately if anything hurts.”

Matthew began at her ribcage and moved down her stomach, feeling all parts of her abdomen, pressing in with his fingers.

Matthew had deliberately let Helen keep her panties on, because that was standard practice and he didn’t want to alarm her by being in a rush to expose her.

He now said.

“I just need to ease your pants down slightly.”

He pulled them down only a few inches to bare her lower abdomen more. An action which made the top line of her pubic bush reveal itself.

The Dr continued his examination, hardly able to take his eyes off the neat tuft of hair that was exposed.

“Everything seems ok there, I now need you to remove your panties and lay back down please.”

Helen hooked her fingers into her panties and lowered them down her thighs. She raised her knees and drew them off her ankles. and dropped them on the stool next to the bed. She lowered her legs back down and lay still. Her tight, black, pubic hair on show to this man.

Matthew had examined hundreds if not thousands of women, and remained totally detached (but they were not Helen Miller were they) He usually saw the vast majority with perfectly smooth, either shaved or waxed pussies. Helen was different; it was so nice to see a woman with a nice manicured triangle of hair. Hair was making a comeback he had heard and was now becoming fashionable again.

He remembered boozy conversations with mates over the years, and remembered saying. “I don’t really care if a woman is smooth or natural, I’ll take it as it comes.”

He thought that was never as true as now, Helen could have an orange Mohican down there for all he cared, and he would still feel like he did about her.

“I now need to examine your external vulva and perform a bi-manual examination, would you please raise you knees to your bottom and open your legs.”

Matthew took his time; he took Helen’s outer labia between thumb and forefinger, checking for nodules or irregularities. He then examined her smooth perfect pink inner labia moving the lips from side to side to check in all the creases. He took her sensitive lips in his fingers and felt for anything out of the ordinary.

“Can she feel my hands shaking.” he wondered.

He was having to be careful; at this time his conduct had been what would be considered normal. Inside he was electrified, this was so exciting.

Helen tried to treat the manipulation of her private parts dispassionately, when she felt the Doctor ease back her clitoral hood to examine the small pink bud she cringed with embarrassment. If she had had a mirror, she could’ve seen her face was as crimson as her labia was becoming.

“If I couldn’t have Dr Sorensen, then a total stranger would be preferable to this.” She thought to herself.

She also knew, through nearly 30 years experience of gyno exams, that it was far from over.

Matthew put some lubrication onto his gloved hand and informed Helen “I now need to do the bi-manual part of the exam; I will insert two fingers into your vagina and feel your ovaries through the abdomen.”

He slowly worked his lubricated fingers into her vagina and placed his other hand on her lower stomach just above her pubic hair line.

Helen felt Matthew’s large fingers opening her inner lips. She squirmed as his fingers slowly slid inside her vagina. Once he had let Helen relax after the invasion, he moved his fingers around inside her, pushing up her ovaries and womb so, he could feel them with his other hand pushing inwards on her abdomen.

“This is what you get for screwing around like a drunken slut.” she admonished herself.

At this time, she was having a surprisingly successful time of controlling her emotions and keeping any excess arousal in check. A certain amount of arousal was quite normal; she had got quite turned on in the past when Dr Sorensen had done this, so she saw no particular danger signs now just because she was getting very wet.

“Can you please roll over onto all fours please Helen, I need to examine your anus and take a swab.”

Helen obeyed, Matthew flustered.

In the knees to chest position her vagina splayed open for him to see, Matthew changed his gloves, re-lubricated his fingers and pushed his index finger into her ass. He felt the walls of her rectum for nodules and growths, finding none he withdrew his finger and took a swab from just inside her puckered little hole.

Helen had never been into anal sex, but even so, it was mildly pleasant and a little erotic feeling his large finger in there.

She was very, very relieved at the Dr’s next statement. He was very very disappointed to have to make it, but he had to remain professional.

“I don’t think we need a transvaginal ultrasound at this time.”

“Thank God for that.” Helen thought,

“The last thing I need is this guy sticking what would just be like a glorified vibrator in my pussy and wiggling it around!”

Matthew asked Helen to stand up from the bed and to stand on the scales; he took her height 5ft 2in and her weight 51kgs.

“Could you please sit on the gyno chair for me and put you feet in the stirrups”

Were the words she knew was coming, but still didn’t want to hear them.

Helen climbed into the chair and raised her legs into the stirrups.

For all the indignities she was to suffer, both up to this point, and what was still to come, this very moment was the worst. This was the ‘whole shooting match’ to Helen. Laid back her legs spread wide apart, her vagina totally open and exposed in the most degrading and humiliating fashion, whilst a friend of her husband and her, stood between her legs in a dominant position gazing intently between her legs.

Matthew, re-gloved and re-lubricated pulled up his small mobile stool and sat himself at her vagina. His tray of instruments beside him.

“Now Helen lets get down to business and have a look at what actually brought you here.”

It was then that it happened.

The proximity of the nakedness this woman was all too much for a man who had longed for her so long, with hardly being aware of what he was doing, and having done it before he realised, Matthew leant forward and placed a very delicate and tender kiss on Helen’s smooth, pink, inner lips.

It was like an electric shock,

“What the hell do you think you are doing?”

Was the words Helen screamed, but only in her head. Outwardly she looked at him shocked but stayed silent. The kiss was a one-peck, three-second, very gentle and tender kiss, which took her back with its affectionate nature.

Matthew looked at Helen, the full realization of what he had just done hit him.

Helen looked at Matthew, the full realization of what he had just done hit her.

Neither spoke, the moment passed and it was as though an unspoken thought passed between them.

“That never happened.”

Almost telepathically they thought.

“We will never speak of that again – put it out of our minds as a one-off aberration neither of us can afford to make an issue of.”

Matthew was flustered, but regained composure.

“I need to examine your urethral opening and I am going to use a single blade speculum to open this to me.” He put gel on the metal object and inserted it into Helen’s vagina. He pulled the speculum downwards which exposed the little hole and then took a swab.

Helen was now distracted, she heard Matthew say something about a larger speculum to open the walls of her vagina.

“Oh that kiss.” she thought.

Matthew inserted the speculum then turned it from it’s inverted position to a normal position, opened the blades and locked them. He could see her innermost depths.

“I am now going to examine the vagina both to check it’s condition relating to your overall health and to check if there is any sign of infection or a STD.”

He turned on the light and leant forward. He looked into her vagina and carried out the usual checks. After a few minutes she was so pleased to hear him say,

“There is no sign of any pathological changes and no sign of any disease.”

“Oh that kiss.” she thought.

“It looks to me like the cervix is a little inflamed and sore, as though it has taken a bang of some sort.”

Helen felt very embarrassed, but still managed to bring herself to tell him that the intercourse she had with a man was quite forceful and done when she wasn’t really ready.

“That is the cause of the pain you are having, I would suggest, however I need to take a swab from your cervix for analysis, but I wouldn’t worry too much, I will just do the pap smear for analysis also.”

Helen felt so relieved, her indiscretion hadn’t got her pregnant, she had not contacted any disease, and all was well in her general health.

“Oh that kiss.”

“There is just one more examination to carry out then you are done.” said Matthew.

“I need to do a rectovaginal exam to check the septum has no irregularities.”

She watched him change gloves, lubricate then approach her again. He placed his middle finger at the entrance to her anus and his index finger at her vagina.

“When I push my fingers in, please bear down as this will relax the rectum.”

Helen felt the fingers entering her two holes at the same time, these fingers then manoeuvred around inside her causing a little discomfort (in more ways that one).

“Oh that gentle, tender kiss.”

When Matthew had finished the examination, he took of his gloves and told Helen she could get down from the chair and get dressed. It was at that point he looked her in the eyes, something he probably hadn’t done since immediately after kissing her labia.

Helen returned his gaze.

Somehow without a word being spoken, something subconsciously passed between them.

They both KNEW what the other felt.

Matthew moved in closer between Helen’s legs, he reached for the cord to his scrubs. He pulled the cord open and let the garment fall to the floor, quickly followed by his boxers.

Helen gazed at him and slowly lowered her eyes to his groin. He was large and uncircumcised.

Still without a word passing between them Matthew took his hard cock in his hand and put the head against Helen’s beautiful wet lips.

He entered her easily.

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A Sweet Surprise

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I don’t normally like surprises. Never had a good one. That is until the other day. I work the night shift. When I came out of work the other morning, there was a surprise on my jeep. Well, not ON exactly. More like leaning against. I couldn’t believe it. My heart skipped a beat. There was a sexy man leaning there. The best part was, he was MY sexy man.

When I walked up to him, he grabbed me and pulled me so close we could have been wearing the same clothes. He kissed me hard, deep and long. Eric finally broke of the kiss after several of my friends and coworkers started honking their horns and applauding.

“Morning my pet. How was work?” he asked smiling his gorgeous smile down at me.

“It was work. Better now that I’m out and my man is here to see me.”

“I wanted to give you a little surprise.”

“Well, it was a nice surprise.”

“Oh, well, this isn’t’ the surprise. It’s just the preview.” he said with a chuckle.

“Oh really?” I asked

“Oh really. Come on. I want you to follow me.”

So, he gave me another kiss, then opened the door to my jeep. I got in and he went to his own truck and we left. I wondered where we were going. I soon found out.

Eric had a camper at the local campground. He had been spending his weekends there even though he had been home during the week. That’s where he took me. When we got to the campsite, we parked and Eric came over and opened for me. I got out of the jeep and he was still standing ‘in the door’ so it put our bodies close together. He leaned in to kiss me again. Slow, easy, deep. I LOVE Eric’s kisses.

Then he backed away and took me by the hand and led me inside his camper. Needless to say, I was surprised. Inside there were flowers and a few balloons. As far as I knew, it wasn’t a special day, so I had no idea what was going on.

“What’s all this?” I asked.

“Well, I don’t think I’ve shown you how much you mean to me lately,” he replied as he leaned over to kiss me again.

“You didn’t have to buy flowers and kuşadası escort balloons to show me,” I said. “I don’t need material things. I have you.”

“There’s more. I have to tell you something, my pet.”

Oh no, here it comes. I knew it was too good to be true. No surprise ever turns out good for me.

Eric chuckled. It was like he knew what I was thinking. “Now, now, my pet. You worry too much. This is a good thing I have to tell you.”

Since it was a tiny camper, the only place to really sit together was on the edge of the bed. We sat facing each other, each of us with one leg on the bed and the other hanging off the edge. I put my leg over Eric’s and he pulled me close to him. I was feeling nervous and he knew it. I looked down at his fingers as he entwined them with mine on one hand. With the other, he reached up and took my chin in his hand, raising my face so we could look each other in the eyes.

“Relax, my pet,” he said as he leaned in and pulled me close. He kissed me so tenderly. When he pulled back, I looked him in the eye and smiled.

“That’s better. Now, I have something to tell you.”

I braced myself expecting….I don’t know. He was reassuring me, but I still had a nervous twinge.

“Let me just say this. I love you, my pet. I have loved you for a long time. I have never said it because I didn’t think you’d be around this long.”

“Oh Eric,” I cried. I couldn’t help it. I knew he did, but it’s not the same thing as hearing it. It melted my heart.

“Shhhh. Don’t cry my pet.” he said as he wiped away my tears.

Then he pulled me to him so that I was practically sitting in his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. His arms felt so good around me. This is where I was meant to be. Right here, in this moment, with this man. Like we were made for each other. I took in a deep shuddering breath and held it for a moment so I wouldn’t cry.

He pulled away from me, took my face in his hands and said, “I know you’ve been waiting a long time to hear that and I’m sorry. But I’m saying it now. I love you, my pet.”

Then he kissed me again. Barely touching my lips with his. Then pushing against me, kissing me deeper. When his tongue met mine…WOW. His kisses always drive me wild. I could drown in his kiss. I always got so wet with just his kiss. I melted against him with a moan.

One hand wrapped in my hair. The other hand slid down to cup a breast. Eric started gently squeezing, but as the kiss grew deeper, the squeezing became harder. Then his other hand slid down and did the same to the other breast. Eric then slid his hands down and he took off my blouse. Then he grabbed my bra and popped my c-cup sized breasts free by yanking it over my head without unhooking it.

Eric gave me one of his wonderful smiles as he leaned down to take one hard but into his mouth, and the other between his fingers. His tongue and teeth felt so wonderful, I arched my back and pressed his head into my breast. His nibbles were gentle until I pushed on his head again, then he started to suck and bite hard. I absolutely loved it.

I moaned, “Oh Eric.” I loved the way his name felt on my tongue.

Eric then wrapped my legs around his waist, lifted us up and laid me back on the bed. He came up and started kissing me again. His weight on top of me was absolutely glorious. He made me feel so alive.

His kisses left my mouth and trailed down the side of my neck. Nibbling and sucking along with each delicate kiss. Down my breasts, paying special attention to my nipples. Then he trailed down my stomach. As he went lower, he hooked onto my shorts and underwear and pulled them both off together. Eric shifted on the bed and spread my legs apart. He kissed the inside of my knees, then my thighs.

He lay down between my legs and started rubbing my mound. Sliding his fingers inside my slit, he spread open my nether lips. He leaned down and started tonguing my clit.

“Oh Eric,” I said breathlessly. “Oh you feel so good.”

He licked some more and sucked on my hard nub. “Oh baby, you taste so good.” and then he bit my clit.

I squirmed against his face and he slid a finger inside me going for the sweet spot to make me cum. He lathed my wet pussy with his tongue, enjoying giving as much as I enjoyed receiving. Just when he’d get me to the point I thought I would explode against his mouth, he backed off. After doing this for a few times, he finally dug in and gave me sweet release. As I orgasmed on his tongue and fingers, I pretty much all but mashed his face into my by holding him in place with my leg wrapped around his head and shoulders.

After I had a huge orgasm, he knelt between my legs, put my ankles up on his shoulders and slid his cock along my clit. I squirmed. He smiled. And then he slid right into me.

Eric made the thrusts slow and agonizingly sweet. And the look on his face told me he was enjoying it as much as I was. After a few shallow thrusts, he thrust deep. I closed my eyes and reveled in the feel of his cock inside me. His thrusts started coming faster and harder.

Then he spread my legs apart and leaned over me, his hands outside my shoulders. He started kissing my neck. As his thrusts became deeper, harder and faster, he started biting and sucking my neck harder. It was heaven.

I wrapped my hands in his hair and said, “Harder.”

Eric thrust harder, bit and sucked harder. I was trying to wait and cum with him, but this was making it so hard.

“Oh yes, baby, that’s it. Don’t hold back.”

He didn’t. When he made his final thrust of that hard cock inside my pussy, he bit down deep and sucked hard. I cried out loud in orgasm as his hot seed spilled inside me. I wrapped my legs around him and squeezed him hard as I squeezed my sex muscles around his cock. He just kept pumping and pumping.

Finally collapsing beside me, I leaned over and gave him gentle kisses. I put my hand on his cheek and with tears in my eyes, I told him, “I love you.”

He looked at me with such tenderness in his eyes and said, “I love you too, my pet.” and kissed me again.

I guess it was a good surprise after all!

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A Naked Ride Home

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Steve had been listening to the song earlier in the evening. There was no doubt that was where he got the idea from, but the fact that he actually asked her to do it… well, that probably shocked him more than it did Lynn. It was definitely out of character for him to ask someone he’d just met to strip off their clothes.

They were at a friend’s party and she had been flirting with him all evening. This was no hardship for Steve as Lynn was fun, and very pretty. She was petite and was wearing a summer dress with a pastel pattern that looked like a washed-out watercolor. Her dark hair was long, wavy and wispy as it fell around her shoulders and her face fell naturally into an impish smile. She had very definite Asian overtones in her features and stature, something Steve found very attractive and played to his fantasies of making love with an Asian girl. More than anything though, he loved that she was full of life, joked easily with him and met his looks with her bright blue shining eyes.

“So,” she accused playfully when they were alone together for the first time that evening, in the kitchen while her friend went to take an urgent call on her cell phone, “why haven’t you asked for my number yet.” She looked at him with caricature eyes. “What’s wrong? You have a girlfriend or something? I’m ugly?”

Steve smiled at her and paused before answering. “No. Most definitely not, on both counts.”

He watched while Lynn took a pen from her bag and scribbled her number on a napkin. He loved her spark, the way she seemed to enjoy everything around her and he couldn’t help but be impressed by her pretty face and shapely body.

“There you go.” She gave him the napkin. “Now you can lose it on your way home, we’ll never go out and you’ll never know what a nice girl I am to have dinner with.”

Steve nodded and smirked as he put away her number. “I think you can be reasonably sure I won’t lose it, seeing as how I can’t think of anything I’d like better than to find out how nice you are to have dinner with.”

When Lynn’s friend returned, she announced that she had to leave. As they were in the friend’s car, that meant that Lynn had to leave also. When they’d said goodbye Steve looked around the, now lifeless, party and decided that he too would go when his drink was finished. The last thing he was expecting was Lynn to rush back in.

“Do you have a car?” she asked without preamble.

Steve nodded, slightly bemused.

“Good. Can you give me a ride home?” Lynn’s eyes brightened, almost pleading him. “That way I can stay for a while. If you’d like that?”

“I can… sure… of course… on one condition.” he heard himself say.

“What condition?” Lynn’s interest rose.

“That you’re naked on the ride home.”

They were so out of character for him, it was almost like someone else said the words. Lynn looked a little taken aback, but then her features softened. The three seconds she took before answering were torture for him but then she smiled. “Sure, why not? Sounds like a fun ride home. Especially… if you get naked too. Deal?”

Steve paused, processed the details quickly and offered her his hand, “Deal.”

For the next half-hour, they continued their party conversation, Steve felt more of a tingle between them but Lynn was still bubbling and flirting as though nothing had changed. He watched her as she explained how horrible she had been at guitar lessons and how completely tone deaf she was when she sang along with CDs in the car. He was entranced by her giggles and couldn’t help but wonder what it might be like to hold her, get even closer to those lovely features of hers, and kiss her.

Lynn liked Steve. He was tall, handsome in a clean-cut sort of way and fun to be with. He seemed to know lots about music and sport but never bored her with anything he said. He also cared about what she thought, was very courteous to her and had thrilled her beyond words with his offer to ride home naked with her. This was the type of wild and playful moment Lynn lived for and Steve was the perfect type of guy to share them with.

“So,” she said after a while, no longer able to keep her curiosity at bay, “what’s all this naked driving about and how do we do it?”

He hadn’t worked out quite how they were going to do it, but he was a little relieved to be back on the subject. “It’s a song I heard earlier today, about having a beautiful girl get into your car naked and you drive home. I don’t know why, I just thought I might never find a better person to share it with.”

He watched as she smiled, a little more emotionally than he was used to from her.

“As for how we do it… I hadn’t thought about it. Maybe we’ll just walk out to the car, strip off and throw our clothes in the back.”

“Sounds like a plan.” She laughed. “Shall we go? I can’t wait to see how this works.”

It worked with an excitement and anticipation that crackled in the air and charged the atmosphere with light and heady gas. It surprised Steve how non-sexual the feeling was as he looked kuşadası escort around him and started to pull off his shirt. It was a thrill for sure, but the thrill was in knowing they were doing something out of the ordinary, something very private in a public setting and something totally outside their experience. Just for those few moments they forgot their attraction to each other.

When they arrived at the car Steve opened Lynn’s door for her, caught her smile beaming at him and walked around to his own door. By the time he looked over to see her she was pulling her dress over her head. With a last look around to see if anyone was watching, he started to undress as quickly as he could. Lynn finished first, threw her clothes onto the rear of the car and slid into her seat.

Her instinct was to cover her breasts but she resisted as she watched him step out of his jeans through the driver’s door. She caught a quick flash of his limp penis as he threw his leading leg into the car and sat down beside her, the door swiftly closing behind him. It impressed her that his eyes didn’t immediately gravitate to her small nipples which had reacted to their exposure to the night air. It impressed him that he looked at her face and returned her smile rather than checking out just how lovely Lynn’s promising body was now it was disrobed. It was impossible to miss her beautiful breasts, even in his peripheral vision, as her hair cascaded over her shoulders and down over them. He smiled at the sight of her nipples protruding through the thin curtain of her beautiful hair.

Sitting behind the wheel, his legs were slightly open so not much of his genitalia was visible when Lynn happened to glance at his lap—just a tantalizing tangle of pubic hair and the merest hint of skin at the end of the shaft that drooped between his legs. Looking down to her own groin, she saw that her trimmed bush was visible and nothing more. It actually surprised her how little they were revealing to each other, side to side and naked. It also occurred to her that her breasts were exposed to anyone on a large SUV or a truck. She smiled wickedly at the thought.

“Shall we go?” Steve smiled pleasantly over to her as though they were headed out for an innocuous shopping trip.

They didn’t say much as Steve steered the car out into the street and towards the freeway that Lynn told him was their best route to her home. Steve managed to keep his curiosity at bay and his eyes ahead for the most part, but as he scanned the road while making a right turn he caught another full view of her smallish but wonderfully formed breasts and their inviting dark buds.

“Is this what you expected?” Lynn giggled as they drove along.

“I didn’t expect anything.” Steve answered, thinking that for sure he hadn’t expected her to actually get into the car naked with him. “But I have to say, it’s sure made this evening turn out to be an exciting one.”

“Doesn’t look like it’s TOO exciting.” She took a very obvious look into his lap.

As soon as he knew she was looking at him he felt he twitch and in a few seconds he felt a distinctive “pop” as his cock broke cover and started to elevate between his legs.

“Er, sorry about that.” he grimaced. “It’s not every night I get to drive with a beautiful naked girl.

“Nothing to apologize about at all.” Lynn assured him in a matter-of-fact tone, glancing back to see his progress. “It’s a compliment, a very nice one too. Anyway, my feelings aren’t quite as visible as that. Doesn’t mean I’m not excited also.”

“That’s good.” he said simply, imagining what it might be like to slip his hand between her thighs and find if she was as excited as he was.

As Steve swung the car down the off ramp she indicated, he drew along the inside of a big rig that was waiting at the traffic lights. Instinctively, Lynn glanced out of her window and up towards the driver’s cab. “He’s looking down at me.” Her voice was part panic, part giggle. “He can see that I’m naked.”

Steve laughed and hit the accelerator as the lights changed. The big rig’s horn blasted three times in the quiet night, saluting their lack of clothes. “That’s probably a second guy whose night you’ve made a little more exciting than he was expecting.”

“Have you ever done anything like this before?” Lynn asked.

“A few things,” Steve admitted, “but nothing quite like this. I skied naked once, but not with any girls around.”

“Must’ve been cold.” Lynn glanced again at his groin, wondering how small it was when he skied and how big it might get later that evening.

The rest of their drive was uneventful but filled with silent excitement and anticipation. Steve wondered what would happen when they got to her home, hoping that she might invite him inside for a while but not even daring to think that they might remain naked for the duration. His concentration on the road ahead had caused his semi-harness to recede but with every thought about Lynn he could feel stirrings.

“This is it, here.” she instructed him to pull into a parking space outside her home.

Steve switched off the engine and scanned the area to see if anyone might notice their lack of clothes. Fortunately the street was deserted. “Would you like to come in for a while?” Lynn smiled broadly at him. “I can make us some coffee if you like.”

“Sure.” Steve smiled but tried not to look too smug. “It’ll be easier to get dressed.”

Lynn paused and screwed her eyes in consideration. “You know…” now her face broke into an impish grin. “Maybe it’s my turn to impose a condition…” She started to gather up her clothes from the rear of the car. “How about you have to stay naked if you want to come in?”

Before Steve had chance to answer she had opened the door and run out, holding her clothes in front of her and opening the front door as quickly as she could. Then she was gone, but the door stayed open, inviting. It wasn’t a difficult decision. With one final look around the street, Steve grabbed his own clothes and ran after her.

Once inside, he laid his clothes in a pile and closed the door gently. “I’m in here.” Lynn called from the kitchen, obviously hearing the door click shut. “On the right. You better not have put your clothes on… that wasn’t the deal.”

She was facing away from him when he came into the well-lit kitchen. He almost stopped in his tracks to see her naked form standing at the counter naked, her slender body, her hair stretching down her back, her perfect skin and the most amazing ass he had ever seen. It was good to see that she had continued in the spirit of the evening.

“You look incredible.” he said softly.

“Would you like coffee, or hot chocolate?” she asked without turning to face him.

“I have to touch you.” He took a few steps forward and reached out to let his hands rest on her hips. His head came easily down to her shoulder and allowed him to savor her scent as he felt the softness of her hair against his cheek. His lips met the delicate skin at the side of her neck and he kissed her softly.

“That feels nice.” Lynn sighed and allowed her head to lean back towards him. “You have a lovely touch.”

Steve felt her small hand reach back and stroke his thigh, immediately followed by the inevitable reaction from his waking cock. As it twitched to life he felt it rise against her bottom and knew she would be aware of the movement. Without even thinking about it he felt his hands slide from her sides up in front of her and cup her small pert breasts. The nipples felt hard against his palm as he massaged her and he eased away from her body slightly to allow his erection to fully extend, then he pressed against her again, his hot hardness now resting against the top of her ass and into her lower back.

“That was an incredible ride home.” he breathed. “You were amazing. The fact that you did it and the fact that you looked so beautiful.”

“It was fun.” Lynn returned to her impish self as she twisted around to face him and then pulled herself up to sit on the counter top. “I just thought it would be a nice way to get to know you better.”

“Is it working?” Steve asked as he leaned forward to kiss her mouth.

“You bet.” Lynn met his lips and immediately felt both of their mouths open as the building passion spilled over for the first time. Their tongues probed urgently, tasting and teasing. Lynn’s hand found its way down to wrap around Steve’s cock and start to stroke it slowly, her palm massaging the head between strokes. Steve let a hand rise to hold her breast again, this time taking her small hard nipple and squeezing it.

When their kiss broke for air Steve dropped his head further and took the nipple into his mouth, immediately sucking hungrily on it and pushing it into him with his hand. He heard her gasp as he swirled his tongue around her bud and lapped around its edges before he pinched it with his fingertips and moved across to taste its twin. Like the first, it was already hard when he closed his lips around it but he tried to encourage its excitement some more.

Lynn moaned as he suckled on her and pleased her breasts with his tongue and fingers. She ran her hands over his back and traced her fingertips in swirls over his skin. “That was nice. I like that.” She giggled as he stood up, her nipples now in the charge of his fingers only.

“You have a wonderful body.” He looked into her face and smiled as she reached down to continue her gentle massaging of his cock.

“You still haven’t seen all of it.” Lynn’s face appeared to grow horns of mischief as she grinned and opened her legs a little more for him.

Steve didn’t need any further invitation and he eased himself out of her hand so that he could take a good look at the wondrous shining pussy that she had presented him with. He looked at her in awe as he ran his hands over her thighs, easing his palms along the insides so that his fingertips came entrancingly close to her opening. She was trimmed above, shaved below and perfectly symmetrical, her lips were slightly reddened and swollen with excitement as they were pushed out by her sitting position. As she gently squirmed against his tantalizing touch he saw that she was slick already, her lips shifting and threatening to part some more as her legs opened a little more.

“That looks very inviting.” He didn’t take his gaze away from her.

“Would you like to taste?” She shuffled a little closer to the front of the counter top, obviously just in case he did.

Now hanging over the edge, she managed to open her legs wider and this time her lips pulled apart to reveal some pink inner skin that was soaked in her juices. Steve approached slowly—not in caution, but savoring the view. He felt her shiver as his tongue made the tiniest contact with her lips. Drawing it up one side and then the other, Steve tasted her as she coated his tongue. She was as sweet as she looked, hot and soft.

His tongue fell easily between her lips and inside her where he probed as deep as his tongue could reach. He felt her hands gently encourage his head to pleasure her and sensed her breathing start to get more erratic. Steve brought his middle finger up to work, first on her lips and then to push inside her, thrusting against her gentle rhythmic movements as his tongue continued to tease and pleasure her pussy. Adding a second finger, he felt for the first time how tight Lynn was, wrapping around him and warming his fingers as they worked her slick opening.

“God, this is so sexy. Just… just don’t stop.” she hissed at him as her pleasure increased. “I couldn’t believe how amazing it was to be in the car naked with you, couldn’t believe how wild it was that you asked me to do it, and now this is even better. You have a very talented tongue you know.” She gasped as he ran it over her clit for the first time. “Would it be too much to ask if your cock is as talented?”

Steve took his time replying, lapping at her excited clit for as long as he dared without her exploding in his face. He could already feel the rising tension in her body and noticed that the pitch of her voice had risen a little. It was hard to drag himself from such a sweet prize—so soft and warm against his tongue as it stroked her.

She was eager to feel him inside her though, so she started to gently pull on the sides of his head and encourage him to stand in front of her. “Maybe you should be the judge of its talents.” he said as she reached down and took hold of him again.

Lynn said nothing but gently pulled him closer to her. She looked at his full erection and wondered at how it would feel inside her tight pussy. Steve kissed her deeply and allowed her to position him, resting against her and ready to thrust inside. Her tongue twisted with his, eagerly displaying her passion and tasting herself on him as he placed his hands firmly on her ass cheeks. Lynn’s hand stroked him lightly, her fingers brushing along his length but leaving the decision about entering her up to him.

It was just something that happened. There was no conscious decision, almost like his body decided it was time, and he simply slipped inside her warm and waiting sheath.

“Oh wow.” She broke the kiss to look at his face. “Now that feels good.”

“You’re not kidding.” He smiled, but was already feeling his control slipping away as his own passion rose.

“Deeper, yes, please… deeper.” Lynn panted as she watched him intently. Steve pulled out a little and slid even deeper into her.

He felt huge inside her and in their current position she could feel him push against her clit each time he came into her. She felt the engorged head of his cock draw along her pussy walls as it slowly stroked in and out of her, sending warm waves of pleasure through her as Steve pulled firmly on her bottom to make sure he got as deep inside her as he could. With each thrust she felt herself take another step along the road to heaven, her clit enjoying Steve’s technique of twisting his body slightly when he was fully inside and sending deepening warm waves further through her with each stroke.

He couldn’t believe how good she felt as he thrust into her and pressed against her. She felt slick and tight as his cock felt as hard as he’d known. Looking down, he watched as his rock hard rod come out to the rim of its head and then slowly plunge as deep as it would go inside her heavenly pussy. He felt his mind begin to swim with the heady feelings of an approaching orgasm and tried to gauge where Lynn was in her pleasure cycle. Her eyes were closed and she had her arms wrapped around him, pulling him into her. Her breathing was deep and becoming irregular and he sensed that she was every bit as close as he was.

“I need you now.” she whispered. “I need your seed Steve. I need to feel you explode inside me.”

Steve gulped, the intensity of the moment becoming overwhelming as he fought to maintain the slow pace of his strokes that he knew would bring them the most pleasure. As he felt the first stirrings deep in his balls he brought a hand up to take hold of her nipple and rub it in time with his movements. Lynn replied to his movement by slipping a hand between their bodies and rubbing his lower belly with her palm.

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A Day on Flag Beach – Fuerteventura

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Bent Over

The sky was blue in Corralejo with just a few hints of white innocent clouds. But my mind was reeling in nothing innocent at all, maybe it was the heat of the sunshine making my blood course through my body in anticipation of a naughty day on the nudist beach, maybe it was the cool breeze hardening my nipples or was it my dirty thoughts of what could be, of what could happen today!

I purposely wore a short skirt with my bikini underneath — in case I had an opportunity to flash the tops of my thighs or flash even more on the bus, on my way to the beautiful beach, with miles of sand dunes and lots of untold secret goings on! I like wearing as little as possible — it makes me feel so sexy, so wanton and such a horny little bitch — in the nicest possible way!

The weather in Fuerteventura is fantastic for my fair skin type, the warm sun with the cooling breeze. My skin turns a nice golden brown and freckly and the breeze keeps me cool and nipples erect! My blonde hair becomes even blonder from the sun and of course everyone feels good from some warm sun exposure.

I also feel very good about exposing my body in these temperatures, knowing that there are usually plenty of men about on the nudist beach and they all seem to appreciate my normal 40+ woman’s body and they are not worried even if I do have a few lumps and bumps that I’d rather not have — I’m just a normal every day kind of woman!

The journey on the bus to the sand dunes and beautiful beach is short and only takes about ten minutes and the only person to even appear to have had a look at my legs or to notice me is my husband — who enjoys running his hand up and down the inside of my thigh as we sit on the bus. He knows I’m feeling a hot arsed bitch and that I love to see someone looking at me. My husband also loves seeing other men peeping or sneaking a look at me. Well actually my husband loves to see a lot lot more than a man just looking at his wife!

Off the bus and walking to the beach now, we talk and wonder if there will be any men on the prowl or looking to see me – naked and very womanly with my large brown areola and my big freckled natural breasts and if they will try to get closer to see how I sunbathe with my legs spread letting the warm sunshine heat up my inner most pink parts — while totally exhibiting myself and showing all of myself to anyone who would like to look. I’m freshly shaved and as smooth as a peach — which of course leaves nothing to the imagination when I lie sunbathing!

I’m feeling very excited at the anticipation of being an exhibitionist all day and praying it will stay hot and sunny and that I may be of interest to some men! I could actually feel the dampness starting to moisten my inner labia!

We find that our two favourite sunbathing spots have been taken, which I’m rather pleased about, well the one inside the stoned wall — I’m more pleased about as it is not as exposed as I like and makes it more secluded — which is great for privacy and a few days ago where we totally let ourselves go and ended up having a nice slow fuck with a long lingering orgasm from knowing that no one could really see us! But today I wanted and needed to expose my naked body for others to see and look!

We settled for a very open spot and my husband enjoyed building up the stones on one side to give us some protection from the wind and also to make it feel like our own little haven. It also gave optimum opportunity to allow anyone to look and see all! I enjoy being lay spread out totally naked and knees apart, soles of feet together, feeling the sun’s heat deep in between my legs. An older man walks past a couple of times but he appears nervous that my husband must not catch him looking — how wrong he is — My husband loves other men looking!

The older guy is in the distance now and stops and looks to his left near to some bushes, but I can see him rubbing his cock. I say to my husband “he must be watching something nice, I can actually see him wanking his cock”! Then he walks on, my husband wanders over to see what it was that made him stop and what he was looking at that would have made him rub his cock — he came to the conclusion that the older guy must have just wanted to show off his semi hard cock as he walked naked in the sand!

A few hours passed with just a few guys walking past us — who didn’t really seem to have much of a look! Then as we both pretended to be asleep and still enjoying the hot sunshine in between my legs which were comfortably still spread with my feet together, I peeked and saw a guy looking at me and trying to get a closer look. He was very tanned and had dark curly wild hair with a nice large semi hard cock “hhhhmmmmm I thought – nice cock”! He was middle aged, not too young not too old and he was fixed on my open legs and my smooth open exposed cunt and he was getting closer and walking around right at my feet! Oh my god — I could almost feel my juices gush as I watched him and saw him looking. I managed to whisper to my husband that there was a man watching me, looking at my cunt and he https://bursali.org was coming for a closer look. I hinted to my husband that I was very turned on just by muttering “mmmmmmmm” My husband knew how aroused this made me feel, my husband decided to turn over onto his front with his head on the side — to enable him to peek and also to pretend to be asleep, the dark stranger stood behind some bushes, so as not to be seen by my husband and I was sure he was touching himself while he looked at me!

I sat up so that he could see that I’d seen him and I smiled at him and he moved forward to show me his very hard big cock. His cock was big and had a massive bulbous, deep coloured throbbing knob — how nice it looked I thought. He ventured forward and was virtually stood at my feet rubbing his cock but still keeping an eye out around him – so not to be caught by anyone innocently walking through the dunes.

I was transfixed on watching his big cock — he was now wanking it sideways in his fist = how erotic and sensual that looked, I could clearly see his big swollen knob being exposed as his foreskin rolled back and forth over it. My god what a beautifully arousing sight and how turned on I was getting — just from seeing him wanking whilst looking at my naked body and open legs. I really liked that look he had in his eyes! I decided I’d let him know that I liked what I saw –but that I had to be careful as my husband was asleep.

I opened my eyes fully and smiled at him, looked at his hard cock licked my lips and then bit my lower lip — oh my god he moved closer, I put my finger to my lips and told him ssshhhhh as I looked at my husband and pretended that he was asleep — pretended that my husband didn’t know I was being such a cock teaser! He nodded and seemed to understand my non verbal gestures. I ran my hand over my hard nipples and thoroughly enjoyed this exhibitionism. My whole body was racing with desire and sexual thoughts. I wonder if he will stand there and just wank his big hard cock off – there where I can see his jism spurt jet after jet of hot spunk, maybe his cum might even splash on to me.

Oh my god I can feel my wetness seeping from my cunt lips. He has to walk away as some people walked nearby. By now, I could hear my own breathing much heavier and feel my heart racing as the sexual excitement raced through my entire body. I whispered to my husband — what had been happening and how turned on I was — he replied that he had managed to see some of what had been going on and his cock was dripping pre cum already! I told my husband that although I was extremely turned on by this total stranger looking at me and by his big hard cock and by him wanking whilst looking in between my legs – I’d have been a bit afraid and frightened if my husband had not have been with me. But that this was really adding to my arousal. I told my husband that I hoped this dark stranger would be back to see more again soon.

It wasn’t long before he re appeared, standing showing me his big cock while looking at my cunt. He must have by now seen my very soft smooth tanned outer labia and my pierced inner pinker labia, with a little ring in each side — I wonder if he had also spotted my sticky juicy arousal seeping from out of me, as I could feel it trickling down to my tight puckered little bottom!

Husband still pretending to be asleep, I moved my hand down over my breasts over my stomach, down my inner thigh then up to touch myself there, where I was so wet sticky hot and aroused. He was stood at the side of our little stone wall with a good clear bird’s eye view of all of me and he watched me as I pressed my finger in, into the silky wetness that even I was surprised about, how had I got into such a state? I was positively dripping and so swollen and engorged with arousal. He seemed to like how I pressed my thumb on to my finger to pull out the creamy stickiness – to show him how wet I was.

He watched and wanked his huge cock. Then he urged me to move forward, I knew what he wanted, he wanted to touch me to feel me — but I pretended my husband didn’t know and that I couldn’t in case my husband woke up. He seemed to like me sniffing my wetted fingers then sucking the juice off. I’m sure I saw his cock dripping oh my oh my how delightful. But then he had to move again for fear of being caught openly wanking his cock!

I whispered to my husband what had happened and how he had gone again, my husband’s face was a picture! He asked “Was that your hand between your legs sweetheart, did you show him your wetness, did you rub your cunt for him my darling?” I told him “Yes, of course”! My husband loved every minute of it and as we talked about it — the dark big cocked stranger walked past again — but saw my husband talking to me so he continued on. My husband said “What if I go for a walk down to the sea — let’s see what the stranger will do then” I wasn’t sure, it was a bit of a scary thought being on my own, but my husband reassured me that it would be ok and that he wouldn’t be very far away! So I watched bursa escort kız my husband walk off into the distance then with hardly a blink the dark naked stranger was back and quickly sat at my side. His big hand brushing over my breasts and tweaking at my hard nipples, his mouth found my nipple and he was sucking so hard he made me whimper and whimper. Then his big hand and large fingers were gently in between my wet sticky hot mound, rubbing me up and down, oh how I cried out and moaned out loud at his touch.

My head was spinning and my body was on fire, I could barely catch my breath as he explored my body with his fingers and mouth. I was lost in sheer lust and sexual desire and I didn’t care if anyone else was about. I couldn’t think of anything else as I reached down to touch his beautiful big cock, he looked down at my hands and watched as I rubbed his cock back and forth and then he totally surprised me by pressing his open mouth on to mine, kissing me roughly but passionately and pushing his tongue softly into my mouth. He tasted strange and totally different to anyone who had ever kissed me before, I could taste tobacco on his mouth and strangely this made me even more aroused and it felt even naughtier, even dirtier and even more sensual — kissing this stranger who tasted of tobacco and I actually really liked it!

Then he surprised me yet again by pressing his face into my wet cunt, he dipped his soft tongue into my wet peachiness and lapped at my throbbing clit — “mmmmmm wonderful” I whimpered! Then he kissed me again and I could now taste tobacco and my own sexual arousal on his lips. This was a total stranger who had got me into such a state and I was really enjoying it. As I rubbed his cock in my hands he moved up my body and it was obvious he wanted me to suck on his big cock. But he was a stranger and I was still slightly afraid to suck it, so I continued to wank him, but his knob then brushed over my lips and touched my mouth and I couldn’t resist having a slow lick of my tongue all around his big throbbing knob, then I continued wanking him and watched his cock in my hands, he then tried to move to position himself in between my legs, oh my god I couldn’t allow him to fuck me without a condom!

And he was massive, I would have struggled to have even got his cock into my mouth, let alone my cunt, so I gestured to him that my husband would be back soon! He smiled and nodded that he was watching out for him. My god we didn’t even speak the same language and yet we clearly understood each other and were both clearly extremely turned on by each other! As he rubbed his fingers up and down my juicy slit and very cheekily over my tight little puckered bottom. He seemed to want to push a finger into my bottom and rubbed all around my bottom, driving me crazy! I grabbed his hand to guide his big fingers inside my cunt, I needed to feel his fingers fucking inside my aching cunt, I needed him to finger fuck me to orgasm, he responded and finger fucked me very nicely and I started to whimper in orgasm and my cunt tightened and contracted as I slightly creamed his big fingers.

After I’d stopped shaking and contracting and my orgasm subsided and my breathing slowed down I wanked him off over my tits and told him I wanted him to cum on my tits, again he seemed to understand clearly what I meant and it was not long before he spurted hot jism, jet after jet over my breasts, chest and throat. I enjoyed watching him spunk on to me, watching the spurts of cum leave his cock and I rubbed his thick creamy big load into my skin! He smiled and then he was gone as quickly as he had appeared — he must have been worried in case my husband returned and found him!

My husband returned and had managed to spy some of what had gone on but couldn’t see as clearly as he would have liked to have seen, so I told him exactly what had happened and rubbed over my wet tits and asked if he could see how much he had cum over me. It wasn’t until a little while later when the cum had dried on me — that he realised just how much the dark stranger had cum over me!

Then suddenly from nowhere – another naked man appeared — with another big long cock! He was approaching us and showing off his big cock!

I lay back and opened my legs as my husband told me this older guy was getting closer and was watching me. My husband rubbed his hard cock and watched as another stranger was then sat at my feet with a big long cock in his hand looking at my exposed naked body.

Stranger number 2 was sat on his towel at my feet looking directly up at my cunt.

My husband told me “it’s ok” as I looked at him with some concern.

Stranger number 2 said in English “hello — you look nice”

I smiled at him and again I just couldn’t take my eyes off his big long hard cock — which he was erotically moving up and down his hand and he seemed to be enjoying me watching him.

He asked me “would you like to touch it?” I replied with a sheepish “It’s ok thank you, I’m enjoying watching you stroking bursa anal yapan escort it”.

Then I sensed someone else watching and turned to look to my right and it was stranger number one back – the dark curly haired stranger with the huge cock. So now I have my husband with a hard cock and 2 strangers with hard cocks around me — oh I did like the naughtiness of this. Then a fourth guy sat a bit further away watching! I opened my legs to show the guy sat on his towel what delights I had between my legs and I pulled open my cunt lips to expose myself to him “oh nice, nice” he said and my husband asked me if I wanted him to touch me I really wasn’t sure but my husband encouraged me with a “Go on sweetheart, just let him feel your beautiful smooth wet cunt”, so I nodded my approval as he moved his hand slowly up my leg, making me moan loudly until his fingers were sliding across my throbbing clit and feeling where all of my stickiness was seeping from it! I gasped out loud as he pushed a long slender finger into me mmmmmm I was in sheer heaven with all these men rubbing their hard cocks for me!

He continued rubbing his long cock as I continued to watch as he fingered me, then he started to spurt long jets of cum over his towel, my eyes lit up watching — I just love seeing men come and to come so much like that was so pleasurable and I commented on how much he was cumming and how good it looked he replied “I can cum lots and over and over again”.

I reached to touch him now as I really wanted to feel and touch him now and I rubbed his long cock up and down with both of my hands as my husband watched my every move!

It was all getting a bit much for me now and I needed a good hard deep finger fuck to get me off. I moved my hand over his and encouraged him to thrust deeper and he seemed to just know and understand what it was that I wanted and exactly what I needed. My husband wanked his beautiful hard cock faster watching this stranger finger fuck his wife to orgasm.

Stranger number one was also wanking and the other guy was sat on the sand watching and wanking. I was starting to get noiser and had gone past the point of no return as he fucked his fingers into me and he hooked his fingers slightly, just how I like it — as if beckoning me to cum on his fingers. He kept repeating “Nice, Nice Nice” as he fingered me more and more until my noisy intense orgasm built and exploded until I was gushing creamy cum juices as my orgasm literally tore right through my whole body.

My husband was delighted with the sticky creamy mess that was left on this guys hand — my husband commented how much juice had filled this guys palm and said “well done baby”! I was so hot and so sticky and knew I just had to get up and cool down and also slow down. “No more I said, phew, I need to recover now”!

I’m unsure if the others came again or if they just watched and enjoyed. Stranger number 2 then told the other 2 guys how good I’d felt and how he had felt me tighten and squeeze his fingers as I came and how much juice I had spurted with my orgasm. He actually seemed a really nice chap! It was also really nice to hear him telling the other guys all about my orgasm!

After cooling off in the sea and after a really refreshing swim then a bit more relaxing and sunbathing in the lovely sunshine, feeling very pleased with myself and extremely well finger fucked, we dressed and packed up to make our way to the bus stop to return to our apartment. (I knew I would then be desperate for my husband to fuck me long and hard to a nice big mind blowing orgasm, and that my husband would be desperate to reward me for being such a naughty cock tease and for all of the day’s excitement – with his nice hard throbbing cock!)

As I never like to miss any flashing opportunities I wore my little tie sided white lacy bikini panties underneath my short skirt, I do like the way they seem to cling to my mound and press into me — although my husband really wanted me to go back wearing no panties at all — but I was way too worried I’d expose too much of my bottom as my skirt was very short!

As we got closer to the bus stop there was just a couple with a small child waiting further back and a guy standing at the front of the shelter — who I immediately noticed was looking very interestingly at my legs and my short skirt. His eyes followed me intently as I walked over to the bench to sit down in front of him and I just knew at that point that I had got his full attention!

I just knew that I was going to have to give him a massive thrill and a really good look up my short skirt.

My husband again acted as if he had not noticed and sat pretending to read the newspaper but I knew my husband knew I was being a naughty prick teaser yet again!

As I sat I parted my legs and the bus stop guy continued to look very interested. He tried to stand behind the bus shelter post — to hide the fact that he couldn’t stop looking and so my husband couldn’t see his face. But I was loving watching his reaction, his eyes told all and the way that he looked at me — I wanted him to know I was giving him a view of my panties on purpose — so I looked straight at him and smiled then let my eyes fall to his crotch. I’m sure there was a big bulge inside his shorts! He didn’t look Spanish or English so I imagined he might have been German!

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A Kitten’s First Encounter

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As I sit in the busy little restaurant that I selected specifically for its location I glance at my watch to see that you only have two and a half minutes to appear and then I am leaving.

The corner table I am sitting in is secluded enough for what I have planned for you but I will make sure that we have grabbed the attention of at least one admirer for this first meeting. With my back to the corner, I will be able to see everyone’s reaction to our little show.

I double-check my outfit to make sure that everything is in place. The silver incased rhinestones that accentuate my ears and neck seem to cast a soft glow over my body. My dress, a black off the shoulder Soft Ottoman knit dress, clings where it should and shows just enough to tease. I run my hands over the soft material, enjoying the tingling sensation that I feel in my crotch. My hair is in a loose French twist, which explodes into a pile of curls on top of my head, with a few curls falling to accentuate my face.

Now that I feel that everything is as it should be, my gaze is moving toward the door and I see you enter the restaurant. I am happy to see that you appear to be wearing the outfit that I bought for you just a few weeks prior.

The ¾ leather trench coat fits perfectly to your form, accentuating your breasts beautifully. With each step you take toward the Hostess I can see the tops of the thigh high stockings through the slits on the side of the coat. Your hair is pulled up similar to mine but not as many curls. I become instantly wet from the beautiful site. I tear my eyes from your wonderful form and take a sip of my chardonnay, casually setting the glass back in its place.

You and the Hostess appear at my side after a few minutes. I rise from my seat and offer you to join me. I instruct the Hostess, at this time, to take one of the extra chairs with her. She does so and we now have only 3 chairs at our table. As you seat yourself to my left, you set your purse down on the table without looking directly at me. Your hands quickly go to your lap and you rest them there, head bowed in silence. I smile broadly at your obedience.

I reach across the table and gently touch your cheek. Your eyes rise to meet mine and, for a moment, the world stops. I see nothing but your innocence and your mischievous nature in one batting of those beautiful eyes. I stroke your cheek, sliding my thumb over those tasty painted lips of yours. You kiss my thumb and softly lick it at the same time.

I draw my hand back and order you to remove your coat. The color instantly drains from your face. “But, Ms. Nita, I have on the outfit you ordered me to wear!” My smile broadens as I speak, “Good, then you will learn not to do anything unless I tell you to!”

Without another word being spoken, you remove the coat to expose the Sheer Fishnet short sleeve top and short set. You, also, have on the tiger stripe bra and panty set that I bought for you as well. You look like an angel with a bright red face. So sinful yet so bashful I think to myself. Just then the waiter walks over to the table and notices your apparel. He forgets why he came to the table for a moment.

When he finally remembers what it is like to address a patron, I give him our order for dinner. He walks away still writing the order, trying not to forget it as well. I look at you and smile. You are so beautiful in your outfit and it fits just right. I reach into my purse and retrieve a small wrapped package. I hold it out to you and instruct you to open it. You hold your hands out and I lay the present in your hands. You open the package to expose a 2-inch wide black leather collar with the words “Kitten” studded into it in Sterling Silver with a ¼ heart shaped diamond above the “i”.

You are taken aback by this gift. “Thank you Ms. Nita” you exclaim softly. “You are more than welcome Kitten. Put it on.” With that order you quickly remove the soft leather collar and place it around your neck. It completes your breathe-taking outfit. My heart and mind swooning with the pleasure you give me.

When the meal arrives, I notice that about half of the kitchen staff has come out to see the woman sitting half naked in the restaurant. I laugh at their blatant disregard for their own rules and etiquette in this prestigious establishment.

You sit, staring at your meal, waiting for me to give you permission to eat. After I sample the meal, I tap the table and tell you to eat. You quickly start to eat your meal, taking a sip of wine after every third bite of food. I glance around the room and see several eyes upon us. Men and woman alike are enjoying the site of your beautiful body. I straighten in my seat and smile back at them, continuing on with our meal.

The waiter returns with a bottle of Chateau Petit-Village Pomerol 1988 and a pair of clean glasses saying that the lady at the end of the bar sent this to us. I sample the bottle and instruct him to kuşadası escort fill our glasses. I look toward the bar to see the woman who has such good taste in wine. She is in a red sleeveless knee length dress with an open back. When our eyes meet, I instruct the waiter to ask her to join us and he leaves quickly to do so.

When my attention is brought back to you I see that you have started to drink of the Pomerol. I reach in my purse and pull out a remote control. In one motion I push the button as I reach for my wine glass. You jump, spilling your wine onto the table. You stare at me with a bewildered look on your face. I lean forward and whisper, “You were warned not to do anything without my permission. I have the remote for those vibrating panties you have on. Disobey me again and I shall leave the button pushed until you scream out from your orgasm. Do you understand?” “Yes, Ms. Nita” is all that you can say before the woman, who was at the end of the bar, is standing right beside you.

You dare not look at her as I rise to offer her a seat with us. She takes the seat to my right and she introduces herself. “Hello, my name is Wendy Serve. I couldn’t help but admire the way you have trained this little Kitten.” Glancing toward you as she continues on. “I hope you are enjoying the Chateau Pomerol. It is a very good year.” Looking back at me she asks, “I am not intruding, am I?”

“No, not at all Hon. We were just finishing our meal.” I smile at our new companion. “Gina, Kitten, why don’t you greet our new guest.” You lift your eyes to see the infamous Wendy, from the online list we belong to, sitting there smiling at you like the cat that swallowed the canary. Your cheeks turn to an even brighter red than before. You realize that this has been set up!

“So, Wendy, I remember that you love to be the submissive almost as much as my Kitten here.” “Yes I do Ms. Nita.” She says shyly “Good! I have plans for both of you! Kitten? Why don’t you put your hand on Wendy’s knee and work your way up to the top of her thigh high stockings.”

You scoot your chair over toward Wendy. Your hand quickly goes to her knee and you rub the nylon material with a soft, anticipating touch as you slowly work up to her thigh. Wendy lets out a soft moan as your hand now rests only inches from her wet pussy. You look at where your hand is resting and slowly move it up a little further to the hem of her skirt, trying to sneak a peak of her shaved mound.

The vibrations that jolt you back to your Kitten position remind you that you have disobeyed me for the second time. I hold the button down until you are wriggling in your seat. It is only when you start to hump the seat of your chair and are biting back the cries of pleasure that I release the button. You begin to pant, being so close to your orgasm, you beg me to let you cum. “Ms. Nita? Please Ma’am… I need you to make me cum!” “You may cum, Kitten, only after you have gotten Wendy and myself off. Do you understand?”

You look directly at me as you ask your next question. “What shall I do for you, Ms. Nita?” I smile as I take another sip of the Pomerol and casually continue on. “You will get on your hands and knees under the table and lick Wendy’s pussy until she cums. You will no touch yourself. I will be listening to Wendy’s moans and I shall reward you accordingly. Do you understand, Kitten?” “Yes, Ms. Nita!” You excitedly exclaim before lowering yourself under the table and quickly going at the job at hand.

I move the table clothe just enough to glance under the table to my right and see your head under Wendy’s skirt. She sighs as your teeth rub up against her clit. Her hand goes to your head and begins to encourage you to go further. Wendy slides down a bit in her chair to give you more room to work. She then throws her head back and moans loudly, grabbing the attention of a table full of men to my right and a couple at the table to my left.

I hold the remote in my hand and push the button quickly, giving you a taste of what is to come. Your mouth goes into overdrive as you quickly remove her panties with your teeth and dive right in to her snatch. Wendy begins to wriggle and hump your face as she bites her bottom lip. I begin to hold the button on the remote for 2 seconds at one-minute intervals, sending tremendous sensations throughout your entire body. You insert 2 fingers into Wendy’s sopping wet pussy and nibble on her clit until she is bucking wildly with her hands in your hair. The people who are closest to us only hear her cries of pleasure and they are watching this wonderfully erotic scene unfold before them.

While Wendy is still in the reclined position with her panties still at her ankles you come up from under the table to display for me your fingers, dripping with her love juice. I move toward you and take those fingers into my mouth, sampling the sweet juice that Wendy has given you. I lick and suck your fingers clean and kiss the tips just as the waiter appears at the table asking if we wanted dessert. I order a slice of Strawberry Cheesecake. He leaves quickly and I look to you and say, “Are you ready for dessert, Kitten?”

Without saying a word, you go back under the table and begin to kiss my feet and slowly work those kisses up to my knees. Your tongue darts out, licking the pathway up to my exposed mound. When you reach the top of my stockings you can now see that I have crotch less panties on. You spread my knees a bit and position yourself to enjoy your feast.

From the first time I felt your tongue brush against my clit I started to push the button on the remote. Soon, I am the one slouched down spread wide with my hand upon your head. Your mouth is incredible! I soon feel an orgasm approaching when the waiter returns with our dessert. I halt your wonderful eating session and thank him for his quick service. I can tell from the look on his face that he knows something is up. He says nothing though and turns around and leaves.

More determined now than ever to full fill both our fantasies, I scoot my chair back and pull you up by the hair of your head. “Taste this Cheesecake, Kitten. Is it as sweet as I am? Which would you rather have?” You taste of the Cheesecake and answer earnestly “No Ms. Nita. It is not as sweet as you. Please, let me make you cum.” I pull your mouth to mine, tasting my sweet nectar on your lips. Savoring the sweet mingling of Wendy’s juices and mine. I pull away and exclaim, “Then go back to work, Kitten!”

You lower yourself but I do not scoot my chair to the table. Feeling more vulnerable being further exposed to the openness of the restaurant, you become more animated than ever. You lift my skirt and begin the tongue session again. I start to move against your face grinding my pussy into those swollen little lips of yours. You start to slide your tongue into my wet and tight hole. The flames of passion that course through my veins start me on my journey to the point of no return. I begin to hold the button on the remote for longer periods of time, allowing you to get closer to you own orgasm as well.

Within a few minutes, I am cumming on your face like a volcano ejecting its molten lava into the air. Your fingers, fucking my pussy, send me to new heights of orgasmic bliss. Wild, without any inhibitions of who could be watching or hearing me, I buck against your cum soaked face. I bite my lip as I wrap my legs around your head, keeping you in place. Our close neighbors hear my loud moans of complete pleasure and they turn to get a better view of the scene.

Before you get up from under the table I tell you to retrieve Wendy’s panties and hand them to me. You promptly obey and soon you are back in your seat. I take hold of the panties and inhale the wonderful scent of Wendy’s excretions. I take the panties and wipe my pussy with them, mixing our scents together. I then tell you to come and sit on my lap. You do so and my arms wrap around you tightly. I then whisper into your ear, “Are you ready for your treat, my sweet Kitten?” “Yes Ms. Nita. I am very ready!”

I look toward Wendy and hand her the remote. “I want you to keep that button pushed until I say otherwise. OK Wendy?” Giggling like a school girl she quickly replies, “Yes, Ma’am!” She holds the remote in her hands as if it were 24 Karat Gold! She admires it for some time, planting a soft kiss on it as if to worship it, then presses the desired button.

The reaction from your body is one of, for lack of a better word, sheer bliss! You now know that it is your turn. You feel my hand moving inside the back of your shorts. I begin to massage your ass cheeks in a circular motion. I whisper to you, “Straddle my thigh Kitten. I want to look into your eyes when you cum. Cum all over my thigh, Honey.” You, hurriedly, swing your leg over mine and start to rock back and forth on my leg. You try not to be too noticeable but you are quickly loosing control of yourself.

With my hand still in your shorts, I work my way down the crack of your ass to your tight virgin backdoor. I feel you tense up and I whisper to you, “I wont hurt you Kitten. Trust me.” I begin to kiss your neck softly. You loosen up a bit and I press my finger to your tight little hole. I begin rubbing the area around it first to relax you and then I move to the sphincter itself. I press until it gives a bit and I am able to insert my fingertip into inside of your hot tight hole. I push a little harder until I am up to the first knuckle and then the second. Only waiting till your hole gives a little more, I shove the rest of my finger into your contracting virgin muscles.

I look over your shoulder and see that the tables closest to us are no longer eating, but watching me finger fuck your ass. I start to move in a rhythm of twists and thrusts as I continue to kiss your neck. “Look over your shoulder, Kitten. We have our audience watching your Madam fuck you like the little whore you are!”

You look around and see that there are now 5 tables watching this sensual act. You become embarrassed but continue on humping my leg as I fuck you with my finger. The vibrations are so intense now you couldn’t stop now even if you wanted to. You bring your face back toward mine and kiss me full on the lips. We kiss more passionately than either of us has ever done in the past. We lose ourselves in each other’s lips.

Your breath becomes more ragged and your motions become more insistent. I can feel your muscles contracting around my finger and I shoot a look at Wendy. She turns the vibrating panties on Hi and you scream out as you reach the apex of your orgasm at that moment.

Bucking wildly against me, you bend forward and kiss me, trying to drown out your cries of gratification. Still screaming out in delight, I suck your tongue into my mouth to quiet you down a bit more. We French kiss until you are able to regain some composure.

When we break off our kiss when your body stops shaking. I look to Wendy and tell her to turn them off. She quickly does so and you collapse on top of me. “Thank you Ms. Nita! Oh thank you so much!” I remove my finger and clean us up. You begin to kiss my neck and I stroke your hair as I say, “You are a good little Kitten. My sweet sub angel Gina.”

You sit up and look into my eyes and see only the admiration and love I have for you. We kiss again but this time it is a loving, sensual kiss. We both know that we are made for each other and that there were many more encounters to come.

Not wanting to leave Wendy out, I reach over and welcome her into our embraces. Our arms wrap around each other and we all sit there holding on to each other, all completely satisfied and sedated. Soft sighs coming from each of us as smiles now don our faces.

We break off our embrace and gather up our things to leave. I take the panties and wipe your cum off of my thigh, then I hand them out to you. “These are for you Kitten. You did very well tonight. Let these be a reminder to you that when you do as you are told, good things happen!” You graciously take the panties and smile broadly. “Thank you Ms. Nita. I will cherish them always!” You lift them to your nose and inhale all of our scents mingling into one new erotic scent. A scent that you hope is repeated again very soon. Then you place them in your purse.

We get the attention of the waiter and ask for our check. “It is already taken care of Ma’am.” “By whom?” I retort, looking boldly around the room. “The gentlemen at the table right over there Ma’am. They took care of the entire bill. They also told me to give this to you. I retrieve the note out of his hand and read it out loud to you two:

“Dear Madam,

The show you gave us was one that we will never forget. You all are very beautiful women. Please, let me know when you will be putting on another display so that I, and my associates, may attend that one as well as any others that are to follow. I will gladly pay for all of your expenses, including bond if you get arrested! My number is: (216) 555-5629

Thank you again!

James Dupree (CEO- Big is Beautiful Magazine)”

I look at you two and smile broadly. I start to walk toward the door and I stop at the gentleman’s table. “Which one of you men is James Dupree?” A well-built man in his early 30’s raises his hand. “That would be me Ma’am. May I help you?”

I saunter over to him and bend down, giving him a full view of my breasts. “You see Sir, this little meeting was pulled together in less than 2 days. We get together whenever we can get a night off from work or school. So, you see, I will need a cell phone number from you so that I may be able to get a hold of you at any time. In a moments notice, that is!” I hand him back the card and he quickly writes another number down. “I keep this phone on me at all times. Please, call whenever you wish!” As I retrieve the card from him he takes hold of my hand and softly plants a kiss on the top of it. “Thank you, Miss?”

I take back my hand and walk back around the table. I stand behind you and Wendy and reply, “You may call me Ms. Nita. As for these two, you shall not call them anything. Until you prove your worth!”

And with that, I take each of your hands in mine and we walk towards the door. We hear cheers and hoots among the applause of all those who got the show of a lifetime. We all quickly get into our cars and drive to the hotel to finish off the night’s activities.

When I contacted our newly gained follower James, a few weeks later, I learned that as soon as the commotion settled down in the restaurant, one of the other regular patrons told the manager of our little endeavor. The police were called and left with a description of the culprits sending out a warning to all who remained in the restaurant that we were not to return to that establishment ever again or criminal charges would be pressed!

I love a good adventure! Don’t you?

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A Couple’s Voyage Into Sexuality Ch. 08

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Author’s note:

Ooops, seems I goofed again. The first five chapters of this series were published as “A couple’s voyage into sexuality” but for chapters 6 and 7 I changed the name to “A Voyage into a Couple’s Sexuality”. Actually chapter 6 had no number on it.

This and all succeeding chapters are going to be published as “A Couple’s Voyage into Sexuality”.

I also wish to thank all those who have commented on the previous chapters, all comments are appreciated and I encourage those who have not commented to do so. All comments are very helpful.


Vanessa had been cleaning the house wearing a pair of shorts and an old tank top shirt. As was becoming her custom lately she was not wearing a bra. She had been about to take a shower and had taken off her clothes when the phone rang so she just wrapped a towel around her body and answered the phone.

She began getting excited reading the comments and after she finished she looked at a few more postings of pictures and watched a couple of video clips. In the process she dropped the towel and somewhat unconsciously her hand went between her legs.

She got thirsty and decided to go to the kitchen to fix herself some iced tea. She was about to get the towel to cover herself but decided against it and walked to the kitchen naked feeling slightly perverse. She fixed the tea and went out to sit on the deck at the back of the house.

Their backyard was surrounded by a tall fence and she could see that the blinds were closed on the neighbor’s house upper floor. She relaxed and began thinking about the changes she had gone through in the last week. She had done things that all her life she thought were evil and perverted. She had seen their friends naked and she had see them sucking and fucking each other. She had been naked in front of them and she had masturbated as Edward and Pamela saw her, then she had sucked her husband and being fucked in front of them. She had let Robert take some nude pictures of her and shared them with their friends. She had sat naked in Pamela’ back yard and they had masturbated in front of each other. And she had agreed to have her pictures on the Internet where thousands of people could watch them.

And here she was, sitting stark naked on her backyard not caring if the neighbors saw her. Was this really evil? Was it wrong to flaunt her body and her sexuality in front of other people? If it was wrong, why had she been so excited by watching her friends and having them watch her having sex? She had to admit that she hadn’t felt this excited in her whole life. She had to admit that her orgasms had never felt so good and they had never been that strong.

She had even felt pleasure when Edward had kissed her and she desired him. For the first time she really acknowledged to herself that she actually desired Edward to fuck her. Pamela said that she wouldn’t mind and so had Robert. So then, how could it be wrong to do it if everybody agreed to it? She was still rather confused and she didn’t know if she could ever take this final step. It would be a very serious thing to do. It would change her life completely. What would her relationship with Robert be like afterwards?

But feeling the wind on her naked body was an incredible feeling. Being nude even in her own house gave her a new sense of freedom. She began tracing her areolas with her nails and watched them shrinking and her nipples getting harder. She realized then that she didn’t even know her body that well, most of the times she avoided being in front of the mirror naked. The first time she had seen her sex was when she watched a close up on the video that Robert made when she was masturbating.

She got up from her chair and went inside to get a large mirror. She leaned it on another chair and sat back where she was before. She took up where she had left and started playing with her nipples again, tracing circles around them with her nails. She cupped her breasts and felt their heaviness. She squeezed them and then she pulled on her nipples elongating her breasts. She watched them closely either by looking down on them or in the mirror. Then she spread her legs and began examining her pussy. She saw her inner lips hanging slightly out of the outer labia, the tip of her clit peeking in the middle. She parted the outer labia and felt her inner lips parting to, spreading out like butterfly wings. She pulled on them until she could see the pink tissue inside her cunt. She saw it glistening as her juices started to flow. She realized she was görükle escort all excited but went on with her examination.

She slid a finger inside her and gathered the sticky fluid with it. She pulled it up to her face and examined the sticky substance, smelled it and then licked it from her finger. It was the first time she had tasted herself she thought ‘Well I have tasted myself in Robert’s lips many times before but this is the first time I’ve really tasted myself,’ she repeated the procedure enjoying her own taste. Then she began rubbing her clit, watching in her mirror how the hood covering it retracted and the pink tip slid out of it; getting redder as the blood flowed into it as her excitement grew.

Then she just concentrated on masturbating, concentrating on feeling her hands massaging her breast and nipples and then sliding down to her vagina. She started finger fucking herself, inserting first one finger, then two and finally three. She raised her legs pressing them against her chest as her juices began flowing out of her cunt, gathering on her anus. She lowered her other hand and slid a finger into her cunt, along with the others to lubricate it and then started spreading her juices around her anal opening, feeling how it relaxed under her touch until she could slide her finger inside. She went on finger fucking both holes until she exploded in a most powerful orgasm.

* * *

That evening when Robert got home the house was dark. He called out, “Hello! I’m home!”

He heard Vanessa’s voice coming from the backyard, “Over here darling!”

He headed for the back porch and froze when he saw his wife getting up from the table to greet him. She was completely nude except for a pair of high heeled shoes, a pearl necklace around her neck and a gold chain around her waist.

She went up to him and wrapping her arms around him she gave him a long kiss. Breaking the kiss she took a step back.

“Like what you see?” She asked with a mischievous smile on her face.

“Wow, sure do” Robert answered, “What’s the occasion?”

“Nothing special,” Vanessa said, “I just wanted to have a nice dinner with my naked husband.”

For the first time Robert noticed the table, there were a couple of places set, a candle in the middle and a bottle of wine.

Robert was pleasantly surprised and went forward to pull Vanessa into his arms and he kissed her again. Then he just said. “Invitation accepted.”

“In that case why don’t you go inside and take off your clothes while I get dinner.”

After dinner, Vanessa got up to take the dishes away and get coffee and brandy. Robert thought this was the most unusual dinner he’d ever had. No he corrected himself, the most erotic dinner he’d ever had. Watching his wife eating naked in front of him, watching her breasts bouncing slightly with every movement she made had made his cock hard halfway through dinner. He couldn’t fail to notice that her nipples remained hard all through dinner. He wondered if it was from the weather, although it was rather warm, or excitement. He opted for the later.

When Vanessa returned with the coffee and brandy he pulled her to him to kiss her, cupping her breast he enjoyed the feeling of her hard nipple against his palm. Vanessa pulled back and sat back on her chair. She didn’t fail to notice his erection.

“Well, actually there’s another reason to celebrate.” She said.

“Are you going to tell me or should I try to guess?”

“My pictures appeared on the Internet today.” Vanessa said. “The ones where I’m with Pam that Ed took the other day.”

“Wow. And…”

Vanessa unfolded a few sheets of paper she had printed before Robert came home with all the comments. She read them all to Robert. At the same time she had lifted one of her legs and placed it on Robert’s chair between his thighs pressing his cock with her foot.

Robert felt his excitement growing both from the foot massage his cock was receiving and from the comments, both from men and women, who found his wife attractive enough to want to fuck her. He couldn’t believe the change in his wife. From the very proper woman he had married many years ago, who only wanted to make love in the missionary position with the lights out at first to this sexy woman who seemed completely at ease with her nakedness and having people watching her naked body and lusting after her.

Vanessa had planned to fuck Robert after dinner but then another thought entered her mind. She hesitated a few moments before bursa sınırsız escort bayan she asked Robert.

“Would you do something if I asked you to?”

“Anything, love”

“Would you masturbate and let me watch.”

“What?” Robert exclaimed, never expecting this.

“I’ like to watch you masturbate while I do the same.” Vanessa said smiling at him.

“Well, yeah. Sure, why not?”

Vanessa got up and placed her chair by Robert’s, he turned his chair around so they were facing each other. Vanessa leaned forward and kissed her husband, holding his prick, Robert slid his finger between her legs and found Vanessa’s pussy totally soaked.

She pulled back and sat on her chair spreading her legs. “And then I want you to cum all over me.” She said as she spread her lips apart and slid a couple of fingers inside her.

They masturbated in front of each other. Vanessa came first but kept on playing with her pussy. When Robert felt himself getting to the edge he stood up and a few moments later he shot stream after stream of semen into her wife’s face and tits.

* * *

Later that night, cuddled up in bed, Robert asked Vanessa if she wanted to post more pictures on the site and the following evening he did another session with her. They had been surfing the site together on most nights and Robert didn’t like the pictures of the women with their faces blurred. So he devoted the whole shoot to taking pictures of his wife that didn’t show her face. On some he just shot her body but on other ones he used the lighting to hide her face or he had her hair spilling over it. On some she wore a sexy see-through negligee, on some others some lacy underwear and some were full nudes.

Then they registered under an alias on the site and made their first posting. Actually on that shoot they ended with enough pictures for three or four postings.

The following morning Vanessa called Pamela and told her to be on the lookout for her pictures. When they appeared Pamela called and told her that she and Edward had loved the pictures, she said that in fact he had begun masturbating looking at them and she had to go down on him to finish him off. Vanessa got several comments from men who said they had cummed all over her pictures and wanted to have an e-mail address so they could send them their photos. Vanessa opened an account on Yahoo and she replied to all those who had posted their e-mail address on their comments and got several pictures of men’s cocks in different sizes and shapes. The comments and the mails really turned Robert and Vanessa on.

The following week Edward dropped by Robert’s office and said that Pamela really wanted to have a full photo session with him. He suggested they take a couple of days as vacation time and make it a long weekend and go somewhere. Robert agreed and Edward said he knew a place where they could rent a cabin by a lake.

* * *

Robert and Vanessa picked up Edward and Pamela early on a Thursday for the three hour drive to the cabin. It was a warm day so Robert wore shorts and a t-shirt and so did Vanessa. Edward was also wearing shorts and a t-shirt and Pamela had on a thin summer dress with a short skirt. She asked if she could ride on the front seat so Vanessa moved to the back seat with Edward.

Once they were on the road, Pamela placed her feet on the dashboard and her skirt rode up her thighs exposing her pubic area. Robert saw that she was freshly shaved. The oil still glistened on her skin.

“Aren’t you afraid some trucker might see you like that?” Robert asked her, stealing glances at her crotch.

“Oh no, as a matter of fact I’ve been wanting to do this for some time now.” Pamela said in a teasing tone, “You know, flash some truckers. So slow down when you pass one.”

They didn’t have to wait long before Robert overtook a big semi, he moved to the left lane to overtake him and when they were abreast the cab he matched his speed to the truck. Soon the trucker was looking down at Pamela’s exposed pussy and he blew his horn. Pamela opened her legs wider to give him a better view and she also pulled down the top of her dress to expose her breasts to him. She ran a hand over her breasts and down to her pussy and the trucker blew his horn again in appreciation.

Robert saw another car behind him and had to accelerate to pass the truck. Pamela stuck her arm out the window and waved at the trucker.

“I don’t know how you can do that.” Vanessa commented bursa otele gelen escort bayan from the back seat.

“You should try it.” Pamela said, “It’s fun and it’s making me horny.”

“Oh, I don’t know.” Vanessa said

Pamela turned on the seat and playfully grabbed Vanessa’s t-shirt and pulled it up to expose her breasts.

“You should at least let Edward watch those tits of yours.” Pamela said, “I bet he’s been dreaming with them after seeing all those pictures you posted.”

“Really?” Vanessa said looking at Edward. She hadn’t pulled her top down and he was staring at her breasts, she felt her nipples hardening under his gaze and her pussy getting wet.

“They look a lot better up close and live.” Edward said

Pamela was kneeling on the front seat facing backwards. She took the hem of her dress in her hands and pulled it over her head. She turned on her seat and leaned against the car door giving Robert a clear view of her naked body.

Up ahead she saw another truck and turned back to Vanessa, “Well, at least pull your t-shirt off.”

Vanessa hesitated for a moment and then she pulled her t-shirt off. Then she thought ‘What the hell,’ and she slid her shorts and panties down her legs.

Edward looked at her pubis, Vanessa had trimmed her pubic hair very short and when she pulled her shorts off, her legs opened a bit and he got a glimpse of her cunt lips slightly opened, her clit peeking between them just below her pubic hair. He wanted to reach out and touch it and go down on her and wrap his lips around it, but he held himself in check hoping it wouldn’t be long before he could do it.

They rode the rest of the way with both women nude in the car, flashing several truckers along the way.

When they got to the lake, Robert and Edward went to the main office to check in while the girls waited in the car. They got the keys to their cabin and got directions to get to it from the woman at the office.

They drove to the cabin and Robert opened the trunk to get their suitcases out, Edward also got out of the car to help Robert. Pamela got off the car and raising her arms pirouetting around, dancing naked around the car. Vanessa hesitated; unsure about getting out of the car without any clothes, but when she saw that the next cabin was a good thirty yards away and seemed to be empty, she got out and walked to the cabin as nonchalantly as she could. She had to admit that the sun and the air felt good on her naked body.

While the men finished unloading the car, Pamela and Vanessa fixed some sandwiches and joined Robert and Edward who were out on the deck facing the lake at the back of the cabin.

“Why don’t you guys go in and get us some beers?” Pamela said sitting on one of the chairs, “And you better comeback without any clothes on, you hear.”

The men went inside and Robert headed for the bathroom to take a leak. Edward stripped and got some beers out of the fridge. He went back out and put the bears on the table sitting down next to Pamela on one of the deck chairs. Vanessa was leaning against the railing, her back to them, enjoying the feeling of the air caressing her body and blowing her hair. Edward looked at Vanessa, his eyes traveled up her well rounded legs to her full ass and his cock stirred. Pamela noticed this and reached out to stroke it, when it was hard called out to Vanessa.

“Hey girl! Turn around and see what the sight of your bottom is doing to Edward.”

Vanessa turned and saw Edward’s erection. She blushed and tried to aver her eyes but they kept wandering back to it. She felt herself getting wet and she remembered what Robert had told her. ‘I don’t know’, she thought, ‘well, who knows? Maybe…’

Her thoughts were interrupted when Robert came out on the deck. He grabbed a beer and sat down. They all ate their sandwiches and drank a couple of beers each, commenting on how beautiful the place was.

After lunch, Pamela asked Vanessa if she had ever shaved her pussy completely.

“No, I haven’t.” Vanessa said, “I thought about it before coming out here, but I was afraid to cut myself. How do you do it?”

“Oh, Edward and I shave each other.” Pamela said, “”We’re pretty good at it by now. And after we finish we rub some oil over the shaved area and that usually leads to other things, right honey?”

“Yes,” Edward answered, “Maybe we can shave you guys if you want to?” Edward said, looking at Vanessa and Robert.

“That sounds good.” Robert said, “I’m game. How ’bout you honey?”

“Well, I guess it’s OK”. Vanessa said, excited by the idea that Edward would be touching her down there.

Robert was thinking along those lines, wondering about how it would feel to have Pamela shave his crotch and balls.

Pamela got up and said, “That’s settled then, I’ll go get the stuff.”

To be continued…

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A Big Streak

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Ross looked at his watch for the – well, he forgot how many times he had checked the time. Helen was late – again. He thought someone in her line of work would pay a lot more attention to time. Time and timing to news people was usually everything. This was getting to be an annoying habit. She was fun, completely unpredictable, totally passionate in bed, and had no idea how to tell time – he was sure of that! Finally, a good ten minutes later, making her well over an hour late, after she had promised to be on time, the doorbell rang.

“Hi!” she said when the door opened. “Sorry I’m late. I don’t have a really good excuse, I just well, – ran late.”

“Okay, well, come on in here.” He was about to ask her where she would like to go to dinner, and had a few nice places in mind when she cut him off.

“Are you up for some fun tonight?” she asked quickly, with a mischievous grin.

“Sure, but I’m afraid to ask what that might mean tonight.” Helen had a bit of a history with Ross for doing some crazy things. Some had been in the privacy of his or her home, but others had been pretty risqué‚ and out in public. Lord only knew what she had in mind tonight, but it probably wasn’t going to be a dull night – and dinner was probably going to have to wait, if there was going to be any dinner at all.

“How about a little streaking?”

“Streaking is fine, depending on just where you had in mind.” Oh Lord, here it comes he thought. He just hoped that she wouldn’t talk him into something that would end up with him explaining it to a judge.

“Well, if you’ll do it, you can have me any way you want me.”

It was going to be bad, he just knew it. “Sounds nice, and I can think of a few ways to give it to you, but the question remains, just where did you have in mind running around naked.” Somehow, he just knew it wasn’t going to be in a very secluded place.

“Nothing really dangerous or anything,” she said with an impish grin. “Just around a few of the buildings right here will do – just a little streak. It’s Saturday night and there ought to be a few people who will see us. You know I’m a bit of an exhibitionist, and it really gets me hot to have people see me naked.”

Yea, it got her hot all right. She had done this streaking thing once before and was just about a raging nympho’ after it. It had been in broad daylight in Cheeseman Park in Denver, and about fifty people had seen her – talk about a standing ovation! Fortunately, she didn’t get caught, and he didn’t have to do it with her to enjoy her after it. “Just across the commons, hang a right, around the other set of condos, down the sidewalk on THIS side of the street, hand another right down the front of this building, and in the front door – right?” he asked. In a nutshell, it would be around about a building and a half, and probably not enough for her.

“Yup, that’s about it.”

It was the “about” part that bothered him. “Okay, I guess. I take it I have to streak with you tonight?”

“YES! And, I promise to be even hotter than the last time I did it when we get back here.”

Ross didn’t know if that was possible. “Okay, let’s get undressed,” he said as he removed his shirt.

The two stripped quickly, and Ross was starting to get a nice hard on looking at her trim body. She had really nice boobs, a great ass, and had trimmed her little tuft of pubic hair so that there was very little of it left on her mound. She had done a pro-shave, meaning that underneath she was clean-shaven, and just had that little tuft of hair on her mound left. That alone got him hot for her. But, that runner’s body of hers was his dream, and those legs of hers, long lean and powerful! Helen was runner, and jogged several miles a day most days of the week. It probably also helped her stay alive. There are times when it might come in very handy. Ross on the other hand, was good for a few blocks and that was about it. It wasn’t that he was out of shape, he just wasn’t a runner. If she pulled any stunts tonight, he was going to be in trouble in a hurry.

Helen took the Scrunchie off her wrist and quickly put her hair up in a ponytail. “You ready?” she asked, now naked save her runner’s shoes and sounding a little anxious to get going.

“About as ready as ever,” he replied nervously. Somehow, this didn’t strike him as all that great an idea. She was prone to impulsive actions, and he had a feeling that she wasn’t going to stick to the plan. This streak amounted to little more than running around two building late in the evening.

“Then let’s go!” Helen threw open the sliding glass door and took off across the commons area of the town houses, not waiting for Ross.

Ross stepped out, closed the door behind him, and took off in hot pursuit. A very naked Helen sprinted across the commons, and turned right at the end of the other building. The commons, while lit up at night had never seemed so well lit. He felt like he was in a spotlight as he chased after her. So far, she had stuck to the plan, but there was a long bursa escort way to go yet.

So far Helen hadn’t seen a soul and wasn’t sure anyone had seen him or her. There wasn’t going to be much point in this if no one saw them. Running around naked, outdoors, required being seen if it was going to be any fun at all. Maybe this late in the evening was just a little too late for this sort of thing. Sticking to the agreed course, she rounded the other building and took off down the sidewalk at a pretty good clip. She could go faster, but wanted to save some speed and energy in case she needed it for an escape. When streaking, you have to be prepared for the unexpected. Most people, especially men, appreciated seeing a female streaker. It was the pervs that worried her.

Ross was feeling a little better about this. So far, Helen was adhering to the plan; they had gone across the commons, around the end of the other building, and were going down the street to the intersection where she was supposed to go right again and back to his front door – which he had made sure was unlocked before they left. He wasn’t really looking for other people who might see them as much as he was enjoying the view of little naked Helen running ahead of him wearing only her running shoes; she was a sight! That ass, those legs, he was going to enjoy her when they got inside again, and they were about to hit the home stretch – all she had to do was turn the corner. Turn the corner Helen, he thought as he ran after her, just turn the fuckin’ corner.

Helen got to the intersection well ahead of Ross. She slowed and looked around. “Yikes!” she yelled, pointing down the street toward Ross’s condo. “There’s a cop car down there!” With that, she took off across the street and continued on down the next block.

Ross didn’t know if there was a cop or not, but he ran faster to catch up. He suspected that this was a ruse on her part as he was pretty sure no one had seen them yet. He didn’t bother to check of cops, he just crossed the intersection hot on her heels. By continuing on down this next block, she was headed right for Sheridan Boulevard, and she was sure as hell going to be seen by quite a few drivers there! The only saving grace was the end of the block that bordered Sheridan was a short block and they could be back on a side street in just a matter of seconds. At least that’s all he hoped they would be out there!

Helen didn’t even slow down at the corner this time. She turned right and gave it just about all she had while she was on Sheridan. This time there was little doubt she was seen. Several cars honked their horns, there was the screech of tires as a few drivers slammed on the brakes, and there were a few wolf-whistles. She just waved, grinned, and ran like the wind.

Ross ran for all he was worth now, and was tiring fast. He couldn’t quite catch up with Helen, but he was trying. All he really wanted now was the two of them off of Sheridan. Much to his relief, she did turn right at the corner, heading back towards his place. Well, she had wanted to be seen, and she sure as hell was. Just as he turned the corner to head for home, he heard the screech of tires on the pavement followed by the expensive sounding crunch of one car hitting another. If there weren’t a cop around now, there would be pretty soon. He hoped no one got hurt, but he wasn’t going back to find out either.

At the next corner, Helen crossed the street, turned right, and ran up the sidewalk to Ross’s front door. Rather than going straight in, she waited there outside, showing off for the few seconds it took him to get there.

“Damn, that was close!” Ross said, now out of breath and sweating profusely.

“Oh, I dunno. We didn’t come close to getting caught,” Helen said, with almost a laugh. She was breathing hard herself. Only now, did she open the door and casually walk into the town house.

Ross wasn’t quite so sure of that. He followed her in and glanced up and down the street before closing the door – no cops and no one outside. Considering the wreck they had just caused, this was a good thing. “I loved watching you run like that, nude and all,” he said.

“I noticed you weren’t ahead of me.”

Yea, I couldn’t catch you, and you knew it, he thought. “I was covering your rear.”

“Yea, – with your eyes! Now,” she said taking his hand and leading him into the front room, “I want you.”

“Right here in the front room? You don’t want a shower or anything first?” They were both damp with perspiration and still breathing hard.

“NO! I want you to take me right now – on the carpet – right here, just the way we are. I’m so hot. I want it right now,” she said pulling him to her and wrapping her arms around his neck. “Have me any way you want, tie me up, in my ass, whatever you want, just get me off. I want your thingy inside me!”

Cocks were thingies to Helen. Women had pussies and men had thingies, never cock, dicks, or penises, . . . thingies. Well, whatever she wanted to call it, bursa üniversiteli escort she was about to get his. “You were a bad girl out there,” he said as his hand landed smartly on her ass. He held it there and massaged it a little as his other hand, in the middle of her back, held her tightly to him.

“Just a little bad?” she said softly in his ear.

His hand left her ass and came back a little harder this time, and again he massaged her ass cheek where it landed. “More than just a little.”

“Mmmm -” she murmured as she pressed herself closer to him. ” Really naughty huh?”

Now he gave her ass two firm swats, making a distinct spanking sound as the flat of his palm contacted her firm ass cheeks. Only after the second one did he massage the sting away. “Yes, you were one naughty girl out there.” He kissed the side of her face.

“I’m getting so wet, so ready,” she whispered.

His hand firmly landed on the other ass cheek this time, and then massaged it. “You don’t sound too repentant,” he whispered in her ear.

“Oh, but I am, I really am,” she said softly, nearly melting in his arms.

Two more firm swats landed on her ass, followed by a careful massage of her firm runner’s ass. “You caused a wreck out there.”

“I couldn’t help it, really I couldn’t.”

A couple more firm swats landed on her ass, followed by a loving gentle massage of her stinging butt.

“I need you so bad,” she whispered in his ear.

Another firm swat. “How bad?”

“Really bad. I could come so easily. Take me, – please? I need your thingy in me so bad.”

Another swat on that lovely ass. By now, Ross wanted her just as badly. “Down on the floor, doggie style, your chest on the floor,” he softly commanded.

“Yes master,” she teased, and got down as he had directed. Her sexy firm ass was high in the air as she had her knees well apart and slightly under her and her head resting on her hands – waiting for him to fill her.

Ross knelt down behind her, put his aching cock up to her entrance, and slowly, ever so slowly, entered her. He slowly pushed his hard cock into her tight pussy until he was all the way inside her – in one slow delicious movement. He loved that feeling when he first entered a woman, the way, even when she was as wet as Helen was now, that the nearly dry spots caused a little extra friction, the little bump – bump – bump as it slid into her. A soft moan escaped her lips as he felt himself touch bottom. Now he began slowly pumping in and out of her tight pussy, watching the erotic sigh of his wet cock going in and out of her, her nether lips caressing his cock as it came out of her and the slight movement of her puckered anus as he drove into her sex.

In and out he went, slowly building to a climax. Then, when they were both close, he withdrew from her, took hold of his cock, now soaking wet with Helen’s sex juices, and aimed the head as her puckered tight little anus. He heard her sharply inhale as the tip touched her there in that forbidden spot. He felt her push back against him as he slowly increased the pressure. Soon the head slipped inside. He let it sit there, feeling her squeeze it a few times, getting used to being invaded back there.

“Okay, slowly at first,” she said softly.

He knew how to take her back there and not hurt her. He moved in and out, just a little at first, going slowly. She was so tight and so hot he knew he wouldn’t last long. Judging from her moaning now, it didn’t sound like she would either.

“I must have been really bad,” she said with a giggle, “but I’m going to come so good!”

“You won’t be alone!” he said going much deeper and a little faster now. It was so very erotic to see his cock going in and out of her there.

“I’m gonna come Ross,” she moaned a few seconds later. “So good – OH YES!” she now nearly screamed. The moaning and groaning reached a crescendo and she pumped back at him faster as her orgasm swept over her.

Her ass began to spasm around his cock and Ross couldn’t hold off any longer. He felt his cock stiffen, he pushed all the way into her, and the first squirt of his hot cream shot out of him and so very deep into Helen. He started pumping away again as he continued to fill her climaxing ass.

Finally, when they had their fill of each other, they collapsed on the floor next to each other.

“Whew, that was good,” Ross, said finally.

Helen rolled over on her side facing him. “So, wanna wash that thingy off then get into a little of your fine oral work on me and then have me again?”

“Now rest for the wicked!” he said getting up.

“You love it! Besides, I’m just taking advantage of being a girl.”

“What advantage would that be?” he asked on the way to the bathroom. She was usually complaining of the disadvantages. Every time she got back from some third-world country, that subject was good for a rant that lasted for an hour.

“Girls can come and come and come!” karacabey escort she said with a laugh. “Guys have to take a break.” She stayed where she was on the floor and waited for him. He didn’t take long, and she had her legs wide apart for him when he got back – she knew he’d love the view. “Hit it dude,” she said pointing to that clean-shaven place between her sexy legs. “Make me scream!”

So much for little Ms. Submissive of earlier. Ross grinned and got between her legs. Eating Helen was something he loved doing. She was easy to get off and loved to be teased. He slid his hands up her firm thighs as he got into position. He could see the inner lips were more than just peaking out from between her pussy lips, and they were obviously very wet. Ross breathed deeply and smelled her musky scent. It was her scent, not the scent of some cosmetic company. Not some perfume smell, it was her scent – the scent of a woman ready for sex.

He got busy. With the first lick over her sex, the knees came up and fell apart, giving him all the room he could want. A loud moan escaped her lips. “I’m so hot, you wouldn’t know I had just gotten off one already. Don’t tease me too much tonight, okay? I just wanna come all over your face.”

Ross’s cock was getting hard again and he really wanted to be deep inside her again, so not teasing her tonight was fine with him. A little maybe, but he wasn’t about to try to set any records tonight. The first lick up her sex didn’t part those tender inner lips, or the outer ones, it was just to taste her sex juices. She moaned. The next lick was more forceful and firmly touched her very swollen clit.

“Oh God YES!” she cried, “That’s it, right there – make me come!”

He didn’t. Not right away. After all, he had to tease her a little, no matter how bad she wanted to get off or how badly he wanted to be inside her. He licked and sucked her sexy thin inner lips, tugging on them so they bothered her waiting clit. Occasionally he did give her clit a lick; sometimes a firm one, and sometimes just touching it with the soft tip of his tongue. She was going crazy. Had he put a finger in her now, she would have come right then there. He kept her near the edge.

“Oh God, make me come, please – please – please? I wanna come all over your tongue so bad. Please stop teasing me and make me come!”

It started out as pleading, near begging, and then got to demanding. Oh well, he wanted his “thingy” inside her, so he finally began firmly licking and sucking on her engorged clit.

That’s it – that’s it! Oh YES – I’m – COMING!” she screamed loud enough to be heard clear out on Sheridan. Helen was a bit of a squirt, and soaked Ross’s face for him while she got off – he loved every drop, every second, of it.

“Wow, were you horny or what?” he asked her when she was finally done.

It took a few seconds, more like the better part of a minute before she calmed down enough to answer. “Yea, just a little.”

“Not bad for someone who got off with me in your ass not that long ago.”

“Just being a girl!” she laughed. “Now how about giving me something nice and hard for desert.”

“Sure,” he said rolling over onto his back. “Hop on.”

Helen laughed. “Okay, I guess you have it coming. I know you love it when I’m on top, so, okay.” She rolled over and moved over him. Sitting up, she reached under herself, held his very hard cock straight up and very slowly lowered herself on it. “I just love watching your face when I do that,” she smiled.

“Oh . . . so good,” Ross groaned. ” He reached up for her boobs and began fondling them and their very erect nipples. “What a body,” he sighed. “What a sexy body.”

Helen began moving up and down on Ross’s nice hard thingy, almost letting it slip out of her, and then shoving it all the way in as she sat on it. Quickly however, she leaned forward, and putting one hand on the floor on each side of his chest, she started to pump away at him in earnest. Faster and harder she started moving.

“I’m not going to last long like this,” he informed her. He put his hands on her ass and timed his thrusts into her to her pumping. “Oh yea, this is so good.”

Helen was quickly heading for her third orgasm in less than an hour. “You don’t need to,” she whispered, “I’m going to come all over you pretty soon anyway.”

Seconds later, Ross went over the edge. It was surprisingly quick considering that he had already come once inside her this evening. “Oh – oh – yea – here I COME!” he groaned loudly. The hot come raced up his throbbing cock and splashed out inside Helen just as she started to come.

They were loud and thrashed about on the floor like it was their first come of the evening and it had been weeks since they had gotten off. When they were both finally finished, Helen rolled off Ross and just lay on her back on the floor panting – like Ross.

“Now would you like to go and get something to eat, though I’m not sure what’s still open at this hour,” he asked after a few minutes of nothing but hard breathing.

“Only if we can get something pretty quick. I’ve to get up at an uncivilized time to catch a flight out of DIA. Global News Service is sending me off to the sticks again. Sorry I can’t spend the night and let you have your way with me all night,” she said with a wicked grin.

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The Dancer

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I was supposed to be on my way home when something drew me to that strip club. I had looked up the website earlier in the day to masturbate furiously over the pictures of the dancers. My masturbation session ended abruptly and I was sent packing to run some errands.

I’m just a normal guy and I do not frequent strip clubs. In fact it was only the second time in my life that I had ever gone to one. I pulled up into a parking spot and sat in the car for several minutes trying to tell myself that I couldn’t go in. I could hear a faint rhythm coming from the small black building that was in front of me and it called to me.

Eventually I built up the courage to enter the doors. Thankfully I went in as soon as I did. The entry fee was going to go up in about 10 minutes. I paid the man at the door and was allowed to pass through a long hallway and then into a small room with a stage in the center and about thirty chairs around the stage. At the back of the room there were two doors. The one on the right had a sign above it that indicated it was the entrance to the restrooms and the other door was unmarked.

I sat in one of the seats facing the stage and waited for quite some time before any girls came out. I was somewhat confused by the lack of girls in this establishment because the last club I had been to was always covered with women wanting your attention. The first was Alyssa. She was very short even with her extremely tall heels. She had blonde hair that was very straight and it was just long enough to touch the bottom of her shoulder blades. She was not skinny, but very well proportioned and had beautiful c-cup breasts. She headed straight for me and introduced herself.

“Hi, I’m Alyssa. What’s your name?”

“Mike,” was all I could mutter. I am not unattractive but even considering the nature of that business I was still nervous about being approached by such a hot woman.

“Would you like a dance?” She asked me cheerfully. “Or would you like to go back to one of the VIP rooms for a nude chair or bed dance?”

“I, I, I…. I’d like to go to the back” was what I finally able to say to her. She walked me through the door in the back and down a narrow hallway surrounded by doors. She grabbed my arm and pulled me into a small dark room with a small light that was just bright enough to allow me to see where things were.

“You can put your things on the table there if you would like,” she instructed me. “Would you like to be on the bed or in the chair?”

We discussed the formalities and decided to use the bed. The price was higher, but I imagined that the service escort bursa would be better. I laid down on the bed and put my hands behind my head. Alyssa removed her bikini and climbed on top of me and began to simulate sex with me. She rubbed her bare crotch on my leg and then leaned forward to press her breasts into my face. With here breasts on my face she grabbed my arms and pulled them down to her hips. As my fingers touched her thighs and hips a moan escaped her lips. An erection was growing in my shorts that I knew would not see a resolution. As I lamented the fact that I could not fuck this gorgeous woman I was interrupted by her tongue slowly creeping along my neck and up to my ear. She nibbled my earlobe for a bit and then slowly crept down my body until here face was directly in front of my cock. She rubbed her face against my card cock through my shorts and then backed away.

My time was up. She offered me another dance but I was out of cash. I walked with her out to the main room and she said “I’ll be back for more sweety!” I quickly found an ATM and withdrew a few hundred dollars. I wanted some more dances with Alyssa.

I sat down and was treated to seeing Alyssa up on stage performing for everyone. Her movements on the pole and on the ground got me so stirred up that I almost came in my pants. A black woman that was much taller than Alyssa and maybe even taller than me approached my seat and offered me a dance that I would not forget. I apologized and told her that I wasn’t interested at that time. I wanted Alyssa. Some time passed and Alyssa came out again with a large group of girls. It was time for them to find partners for a special in the VIP rooms. I was disappointed when I ended up being the last guy in the room and not a single girl around. Alyssa had left the room with another guy.

I waited for a good long time before I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to find the black woman that I had refused earlier. She again let me know that if I accompanied her to the VIP room she would give me a dance I would never forget. I accepted because I was bored and very horny. She walked me back to the VIP rooms and pulled me into a different room than the one I had been in before. She wasted no time getting through the necessary arrangements while she was removing the tiny dress she was wearing.

She was very thin but had extremely large breasts. They were at least a DD-cup. But they were obviously fake as they were perfectly round.

Now I know that you can’t expect sex in a strip club and you can expect to be showered with praise by women expecting huge tips. bursa otele gelen escort What I wasn’t expecting was the dance I was given. I was pushed down onto the bed by this nude woman and she straddled me.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” She asked me quietly.

“No,” I replied softly. This is absolutely true. I did not have a girlfriend. I did however have a wife. Lies by omission are great.

“Why not?” She asked as she pulled my hands to her round ass.

“I’m shy I guess.”

“Grab my ass hard,” she whispered in my ear. I did as I was told. “If I was your girlfriend I’d fuck you every day.” She pulled away from me and put her hands on my shins. She slowly slid her hands up the legs of my shorts and found my cock through my boxer shorts. I moaned as she started to move her hand along the length of my cock.

“Oh, my god.” Was all she said when she reached the end. My wife has always loved that I have a fairly large cock. And this stripper found something she wasn’t expecting on a quiet white boy. She slid her hand into my boxers and groped my cock. I assume by the way that she was touching me she was checking to see if it was real.

“Your huge cock has made me so wet. Can I pull it out of your shorts? I want to see it.” I nodded and she quickly unbuttoned my shorts and lowered my zipper. “Wait, stay right there.” She got up and peeked here head out the door and told the bouncer that everything was all right and that she would be spending more time in the room as I was a VIP. She came back to find that I had freed my cock from my shorts and it peered out through the hole in front of my boxers.

I was rock hard and she was staring at my tool. She then reached out and touched the tip which caused me to jump a little. She leaned over and looked more closely. It was like she had never seen a cock before. I started to sit up a little when she went into action. She pushed me back down and then quickly put her lips around the head of my cock. I wasn’t expecting that at all and I nearly cried out. I bit my lip and let her suck my dick.

“I’m married.” Was all I was able to mutter. She pulled away from my cock and looked at me.

“Me too,” she said calmly. “I won’t tell if you don’t. I want to give you this and then I want you in my ass. But under no circumstances can I let you fuck my pussy. That belongs to my husband.” I had no problem with that. She went back to sucking on my cock. While she continued sliding her mouth up and down the shaft here tongue maneuvered around the head. She turned her body so that bursa sınırsız escort I was looking straight into her pussy. I went to touch her and she bit my dick and pulled away and said “No Pussy.” I moved my hand to her asshole and massaged around the small puckered hole. I sucked on my finger for a minute coating it with saliva and then pushed the tip into her ass. I slid the tip in and then out again just pushing and then letting her hole push me out again.

Soon she was pushing her ass onto my finger obviously wanting a lot more. I put my finger back in my mouth to get more spit and then put the finger right up to her ass. I let the tip touch her hole and she pushed back taking my whole finger. She groaned on my cock and I could hear the slurping sound she made on every stroke. I fucked her slowly at first with my finger and then at her prompting I started ramming her hard with my finger.

Without a word, she spun around pulling her ass off of my finger and positioned her self so that she was facing me and straddling my crotch. She slowly lowered herself until the head of my prick was at the entrance to her asshole. She grabbed my hand and put my finger, that had just come out of her butt, into her mouth. She sucked hard as she lowered herself down the entire length of my dick in one quick stroke. I could tell that it hurt like hell. She stopped moving for a minute or two. Her eyes were very moist like she was ready to cry.

Then without warning she started moving herself up and then down the length of my cock. Her ass was very tight and the lubrication provided by the blowjob she had been giving me was just barely enough to keep things comfortable. She rode me for a few more minutes and then stopped. She pushed her ass down as far as she could and ground my cock into her butthole. She moaned quietly and started to shake. I could feel her cumming. Her ass muscles grabbed hold of my cock and I took this chance to start pushing back. I grabbed her hips and started fucking her like mad.

It wasn’t long before I shot a hot load of cum up her ass. The muscles in her ass felt as though it were milking my cock to get every last drop. She got up and my cock was pulled from her hole. I stood up and straightened out my clothes. I started to put my cock back in my pants when she grabbed it and pulled me toward her again. She silently licked all of the fluids from my dick and then whispered that my experience was “on the house.” I zipped up and left quickly.

When I got out to the car I sat there for a few minutes stunned at what had just happened. I saw her come out of the club and look around. She was about to go back inside when she spotted me. She walked over to my car and tapped on the glass. I rolled down the window and she handed me a card then walked away. The card had her name, phone number and a little note that said “Please come back and let me dance for you again some time.”

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Birthday Gangbang

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I turned 24 in May this year. Considering that the lockdowns and this covid situation has us all keeping a safe distance, I wasn’t expecting any of my friends to turn up. All I expected was a bunch of wishes on social media and some calls from my friends to wish me birthday. Since I was living alone in the city, spending time with the family was also out of question.

After spending the morning answering calls and responding to messages on social media, I looked around me and wondered what to do. My 24th birthday was turning out to be a damp squib. So, just to perk myself up, I decided to take a long leisurely bath and then dress up as if I was going out for my own birthday party. I had some wine at home, so thought would end the day with that. Not a very happy way to end a birthday, I’d say.

After my bath, I walked out into the bedroom butt naked (the perks of living alone) and looked at all my clothes and finally settled on a dress that when worn, would start at just above my nipples and would end just where my ass ended. A slutty dress so to say. The dress was made of thin lace under which, ideally, I would have to wear an inner lining. But today, since I was alone at home and wasn’t expecting company, I decided to just wear the dress without the inner lining. No undergarments either. So I wasn’t wearing a bra or panties. The dress was sheer enough for my nipples to be clearly visible as well as the narrow landing strip that I had for pubic hair. I always maintained my pubes properly and made sure there was never any extra hair down there.

A little about myself: I am 5’8″ tall, have a long torso with 36C cup breasts and an ass that measures around 40″. My male friends and office colleagues like ogling at my ass as I walk past them. One or two of them have even had the cheek to rub their hands across my firm ass and remark at its roundness. I’ve always smiled back and them, but never admonished them for touching me, after all, I like the fact that I can draw out such a reaction from men. As compared to other girls my height, I have a slightly longer torso, so my hips flare out nicely from the narrowness of my waist.

Back to the story. I whiled away some time listening to music and answering some stragglers who hadn’t wished me birthday.

Around 6 pm one of my friends called me up to wish me and asked me what my plans were.

“Nothing. I am at home. Alone.”

“That’s sad,” he said, then added, “Do something naughty. Take some dirty pictures of yourself.”

Now this fellow — let’s call him Harry — never let an opportunity go where he could flirt with me or talk dirty with me. It had become second nature for us to talk sex-y stuff. So much so that on his birthday, I had taken some nude selfies and had sent them to him as his birthday present. But with a catch. The pics did not show either my tits or my pussy or my ass. Just skin from my stomach, legs and back. This had thrown him over the edge and he had begged and pleaded me to send him proper nudes. Till date, he still asks me for them.

“What will I do with those dirty pictures of myself?” I asked him.

“Send them to me. You still owe have to give me my proper birthday present.”

“Sod off,” I told him and laughing, I disconnected.

About an hour later, the doorbell rang. I had not ordered anything and wondered who it was.

Nevertheless, the bell had been rung and I had to answer it.

I opened the door slightly and saw Harry standing there with what appeared to be a box.

“How sweet, he’s got me a birthday cake,” I thought as I opened the door farther to allow him in.

Behind him were two other boys — Vicky and Jassi. I knew for a fact that both of them had been wanting to get into my pants ever since we met. But I had not let them get near me. The maximum that I had allowed them was to cop a feel of my tits or my ass.

“What are you guys doing here?” I asked Harry.

“You shouldn’t be spending your birthday alone. So we thought we’ll bring you a cake and get you to cut it and maybe party a little. Jassi picked up some chilled beers on the way, so we are all set. And don’t you look fabulous in that see-through dress.”

“Stop it. I wore it just because I thought I was going to be alone at home and wasn’t expecting a trio of horny bastards to come wish me in person.”

“Well, here we are. Now, let’s open up your cake and get you to cut it.”

Harry placed the box on the dining table and opened it. As soon as I saw what it was, I started blushing. The cake had a pair of balls and a penis on it with the penis sticking up at a 45 degree angle.

“We are going to do something different. You aren’t going to cut the cake. Instead, you are going to suck on that penis and lick the balls. They are made of chocolate,” he said placing. I would have to bend and lean over to suck on that confectionary dick.

“You’ve taken it too far this time, Harry,” I said.

“Rubbish. It’s all fun and games on your birthday,” görükle escort he said leading me to the table.

Grudgingly, I leaned forward and put my lips on the tip of that dick. Behind me, I could feel my dress riding up my ass exposing my pussy to the boys standing behind me. I put my left hand behind me and tried to pull it down, but Harry slapped it away and told me to focus on sucking on the dick.

As I squeezed on that sweet dick, I felt it squirt something into my mouth. It was a thick load of cream. Swallowing it, I went back to sucking on it again all this while giggling.

It was then that I felt a pair of hands grab my hips and I felt something just about begin to push into my pussy. I turned to see what was happening and saw Harry standing behind me with his hands on my hips and his pants on the floor around his ankles.

“What are you doing?”

“I am going to give you your birthday fuck. Now be a good girl and spread your ass cheeks and turn your face and suck on that dick cake.”

Looking him straight in the eyes, I reached behind me and spread my ass cheeks allowing him easy access to my pussy. This was the second time that I was going to be fucked and I was hoping it would be better than the hurried wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am I’d got from my first boyfriend.

My ass cheeks spread, I turned my attention to the cake in front of me and just as I was about to put my lips on one of the chocolate balls, I felt Harry enter my pussy in one strong shove. I couldn’t believe I was so wet down there that he’d gone in so smoothly.

And I was left open mouthed at how deep he was inside me. I could almost feel him till my navel. Harry started banging me from behind even as I tried to suck on the dick, but it was physically impossible for me to do that. The forward and backward motion of Harry’s cock inside me didn’t give me the chance to latch on to the confectionary dick properly. A minute or so later, I started climbing up the orgasm hill and in an attempt to brace myself ended up resting my chest squarely on the cake. With Harry banging away behind me with strong strokes, my tits were being rubbed in the cake and I could feel the sugary dick between my tits. That combined with Harry’s cock in my pussy was enough to drive me insane. I orgasmed like I had never orgasmed before and went weak in the knees. Harry quickly caught hold of my waist and held me up even as he continued banging my pussy. A few minutes later, I could feel his pace quickening and felt that he was about to climax as well.

I raised myself a little and looked at the cake. My tits had left a clear indentation in the cake and showed very clearly how big my tits were. Nevertheless, I looked back at Harry and told him to not come inside me, but to pull out. Harry just grunted, slapped my ass and continued pounding me. That initial slap was followed by a few more smacks on my round booty. I was beginning to reach an orgasm myself with the continuous pounding. My pussy was tingling now and just as I orgasmed, Harry let out a loud roar and pulled out. He sprayed his cum all over my ass and back. I even felt a few dollops hit the back of my neck through my climax.

I could feel the juices leaking from my pussy begin travelling downwards towards my knees on the insides of my thighs.

As soon as Harry let go of my waist, I collapsed in a ragged heap on the floor next to the table.

There I was, dressed in a lace dress that was far too slutty, see through and now covered with cake on the front and some of Harry’s cum on the back.

“You lousy bastard. That was fun,” I said.

It was a split second later that I remembered that there were two other boys in the room and both boys were eager to fuck me.

I raised my head and saw them standing in front of me with their clothes off and their hard cocks in their hands. Jassi reached forward and caught hold of my dress hem and began pulling it down. Willingly, I raised my ass and let it come off. At least some of the cake would be off me, I thought.

I had no energy left in me to stand up. My legs were still weak. Figuring that out, Jassi turned me on my stomach and spreading my ass cheeks apart, began licking on my asshole. That was the most intense feeling I had ever had in my life. A few minutes later, Jassi inserted a finger in my asshole and began pumping in and out while spitting on it time and again to lubricate it. Just the feel of his finger in my asshole was enough to drive me over the edge and I orgasmed in a shaky convulsive manner.

As soon as my orgasm subsided, I felt Jassi pull out his finger and replace it with something larger. He was going to fuck my ass and I’d never been fucked there before.

“Go slow, please. I’ve never been fucked in the ass.”

“Sure. All I want is to get my cock inside the beautiful curvy ass,” he said as he spread my ass cheeks and spit on my asshole again and then quickly put the tip of his cock at my nether entrance. bursa merkez escort I could feel him apply pressure and my asshole stretching as his cock began entering me slowly. As soon as the tip of his cock popped into my asshole, I felt him begin a rhythmic to and fro motion to enter further into my ass. A few minutes later, I felt his balls against my freshly fucked pussy lips. Jassi rested a bit and then began fucking the living daylights out of my ass. His strokes were stronger and harder than Harry’s.

There I was lying on the floor with some cake on my tits, a pussy that had been freshly fucked and now a man was reshaping and resizing my asshole with his cock. I was now moaning in right earnest even as Jassi continued his brutal pounding of my ass. I tried to raise myself and Jassi took that as a cue to turn around and lie down on his back with his cock still implanted in me. It was almost as if we were one single body. With Jassi on his back and me on top of him albeit lying down, Jassi continued to ram my asshole with powerful upward strokes. This was becoming too much for me and I orgasmed hard and let out a loud lust-filled moan. By the time I finished orgasming Vicky was standing between my spread-eagled legs and was preparing to enter my pussy.

I looked at him in a orgasm-filled daze and wondered what he was up to. Then it struck me. Jassi was already in my ass and now Vicky was going to shove his manhood in my pussy. Which meant I would have nearly 22 inches of cock in my nether parts.

Already loosened by Harry’s pounding of my pussy, Vicky slipped in easily and both the men established an easy rhythm where when Vicky would pull out, Jassi would push in and so on. My moans had reached another level altogether and to me it felt as if I was constantly orgasming. The double-dicking I was getting was driving me insane and I was shouting out in wanton abandon and bucking the boys on to fuck me harder.

“She’s making too much noise, Harry, let her suck your dick,” Vicky said between strokes.

Harry, who was happily standing on the side and drinking a beer complied and put his semi-erect dick in my mouth to keep me from shouting. I began sucking on it as if my life depended on it all the while letting out throaty groans for the feeling was too much.

There I was getting hornier by the minute and moaning in wild abandon when I felt something cold falling on my tits. Harry was pouring out the remainder of his beer on my cake covered tits and laughing even as I was sucking on his dick. Under me, Jassi was beginning to grunt heavily and I knew he was going to cum.

Pulling my mouth off Harry’s dick, I shouted at Jassi, “Cum inside my gaand (ass). Chodo chodo mujhe (fuck me fuck me). Le le meri gaand, maaro meri gaand (take my ass, fuck my ass).”

With one final deep push, Jassi erupted inside me, letting loose his seed deep in my ass. I too orgasmed as Jassi’s cock pulsed while letting his jizz loose. This had a domino effect as the contractions of my asshole and pussy drove Vicky off the edge and he pulled out and came all over my belly and tits.

Under me, I could feel Jassi breathing heavily and in my asshole, I could feel his cock beginning to soften and shrink. A minute later, he pulled out of my asshole and rolled me over and away from him. I had been fucked and double fucked.

As I lay there on my stomach catching my breath and feeling thoroughly exhausted, I saw Harry pick up the cake and bring it over to me. He proceeded to turn it upside down and then squish it all over my ass and rub it in. He didn’t leave a spot untouched as he rubbed it into my ass crack and all over my back and thighs. I squealed as the coldness of the cake quickly gave me goosebumps. I tried to get away from him, only to end up offering him my front side to rub cake on.

He rubbed the cake into my tits and also between my legs and all over my pussy. Next, he opened a couple of cans of beer and lifting up one of my legs, he poured it on my knee and let it trickle down to my groin. When one can was empty, he told me to turn over on my stomach and then poured the other can all over my ass. I spread my ass cheeks and let the near-frozen beer trickle into my ass crack and down to my pussy. As soon as the can was empty, I felt something pushing against my asshole and looked behind me. Harry was trying to shove the beer can into my asshole.

Ass cheeks still spread, I relaxed my asshole and let him shove it in a couple of inches. The can was still cold and the coldness of it made my sphincter muscle contract and tighten.

“Why don’t you pull that out and replace it with your cock?”

“Nah, girl, I gotta go pee first,” Harry sid.

“Put your dick in my asshole and pee,” I told him, looking him straight in the eyes.

This was an invite, I bet none of the boys had ever had in their lives.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I want to see how it feels. After that, I’ll bursa escort bayan show you a trick,” I said.

Since my asshole was already lubricated, Harry pulled me into the doggy position and shoved the head of his cock in it and then let loose his piss inside me. It felt like a warm enema that was quickly filling me up. But Harry had lots to pee and there was only so much room in my ass. Harry had to pull out and continue peeing all over my back and legs.

Vicky and Jassi were agog at my sluttiness. All they had ever wanted was to fuck me once and here they were having a full course of my depraved slutty side.

When Harry finished, I asked the other boys if they wanted to pee too. They both wanted to pee and I told them to aim for my open mouth or tits or wherever they felt like and to pee on me as I squatted in front of them.

Both the boys lined up in front of me and began peeing on me. The first streams missed my mouth and instead hit my face and neck before finally landing straight in my mouth. I didn’t swallow, instead I let them fill up my mouth and when it was full, I let it overflow on to my tits. Under me, I was letting Harry’s piss leak out of my asshole. By the time Vicky and Jassi finished pissing on me, I had finished releasing Harry’s piss from my rectum.

My mouth was still full of piss and this I let slowly trickle on to my tits and began rubbing it in. Cake, beer, and now piss, I had crossed a threshold I would never have imagined.

A few minutes later, I stood up and telling the boys that I needed a bath, I walked over to the terrace where I had a hose connected to a tap. The boys followed behind me. Turning on the tap, I aimed the hose at my head first and then slowly brought it around every part of my body, cleansing it off all the cake, beer and piss. I even gargled and rinsed my mouth. Next, I needed to make sure I was clean inside, so turning the mouth of the hose towards first my pussy, I let it fill up and then pushed it into my asshole and let it fill up my rectum. With the boys watching, I squatted down on the floor and let the water from my pussy and asshole leak out before finally washing my groin again with water.

Seeing my clean myself, the boys cocks had begun to grow again. This time, I wanted all of them to cum inside my asshole and fill me up.

I decided to take charge and laid down some rules:

1. At no point was my mouth to be free.

2. The guys would fuck my ass one by one and would cum inside me and fill up my asshole.

The rest of the day progressed with me being fucked in the ass in some position or the other.

At one point, I asked Harry if he could ask some of the other men who had wanted to fuck me if they wanted to come over and have a piece of me. Yes, I was treating myself like a piece of meat, but I was too far gone to care. All I could think about was sex and how I wanted to be fucked hard in every possible way.

About half an hour later, four other guys turned up at the door. Vicky opened the door for them and they walked in to see me on my hands and knees with harry plunging his stick into my asshole like a machine.

“Stop, Harry,” I said.

Turning to the newcomers, I told them to get naked and one by one give mem their cocks to suck and when Harry was done, the first guy whose cock I suck would get to fuck my ass and so on. It was going to be a mouth to ass circle for me. I also told them that they had to cum inside me and fill me up.

As the boys undressed, I turned to Harry and asked him why he wasn’t fucking me.

Harry grinned and slapping my ass began fucking me again.

A minute later, the first of the boys lay down in front of me and I began sucking on his beautiful semi-hard cock and made it hard. Behind me, Harry was grunting and was going to cum soon.

A few minutes later, Harry came and let his seed spill over inside me filling me up. As Harry pulled out, the new boy replaced him and he was replaced by another boy in front of me.

My asshole was beginning to get a little sore by now.

Turning to the boy behind me, I asked him to dismount me and lay down on the floor.

He complied and I quickly straddled over him and asked one of the new comers to come fuck my pussy. At this point, I had given up trying to protect myself from an unwanted pregnancy and told the boys to come either in my ass or my pussy and that there should always be a cock in either my asshole or my pussy.

When my asshole began leaking all the collected cum, I squatted and let it leak out on to the floor and then proceeded to rub my face and tits in it before licking the floor clean. Even as I was licking the floor clean, I felt one of the boys come behind me and slap my ass a bunch of times before shoving his cock in my asshole and begin pounding away.

The entire night was one mindless orgy in which I got fucked multiple times by multiple men. The men came in my asshole, in my pussy, in my mouth, all over my tits, my face, my back.

Harry’s promised me a grander version of this year’s birthday next year. I can’t wait for it. He’s apparently going to call in 25 men to mark my 25th birthday.

But little does he know, I already have a long list of men who I want to fuck me over the year.

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