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Ameri Ichinose

Yaşım 24 bu olay 18 yaşımdayken başıma geldi benim bir üvey annem vardı bende 11 yaş büyük biraz tombulca balık etlide diyebiliriz bembeyaz teni vardı köy kızıydı güneş görmemişlerden babam ise 48 yaşında üvey annemi tatmin edemiyordu belliydi. üvey anneme karşı bir şey hissetmiyordum ama onun azgın olduğunuanlamıştım ve bi ara şüphelendim ondan babamı aldatıyo gibilerinden yanılmamışım hemde kendi ablasının kocasıyla bize yakın oturdukları için nerdeyse her gün bize gelir giderlerdi babam evde yoktu bi gün biz cici annemle bahçede oturuyoduk evimiz bahçeli müstakil bir evdi. üvey annemim ablasının kocası işden dönüyordu bize uğradı babamı sordu kahvede olduğunu izmir escort söyledik.oturdu gitmiyordu anlamıştım benden rahatsız oluyolardı bi süre sonra dayanamadı ve bana ne oturuyon git gez dolaş gençsin falan gibilerinden laf etmeye başladı bende tamam dedim ve gider gibi yapıp arka bahçeye gittim beş dakika sonra yatak odasının camına geldim ve inanamadım adam üvey annemin amına yumulmuş yalıyo şapur şupur sesler geliyo üvey annem inliyo sok artık diye adam daha sonra dikeldi ve yarrağını cici annemin ağzına uzattı hadi yala üvey annem emzik gibi yaladı. sonra adam yarrağını üvey annemin amına soktu hızlı hızlı gidip gelmeye başladı ve en sonunda ikiside izmir escort bayan boşaldı. üvey annem hala istiyordu adam ablanada kalsın biraz hiç ilgilenemiyorum onunla diyordu ama annem anlamıyordu ve adamı kendine çekti bi daha siktirdi kendini rahatlamışlardı üvey annemayağa kalktı çırılçıplak ilk defa gördüm onu memeleri dimdik götü amı bi harika kadının yok böyle bi şey. giyindiler bahçede oturdular adam sonra gitti bende üvey annemin yanına gittim ona artık farklı bi gözle bakıyordum neden elin adamı sikeceğine ben sikmiyodum onu. ama ona nasıl açılacaktım gün geçtikçe dayanamıyordum ve onu tehdit ederek elde edebilirim dedim. bi gün açıldım ona ali escort izmir abiyle yaptıklarını gördüm dedim neden babamı aldatıyosun dedim kıpkırmızı oldu ne diyosun sen iftira atma falan dedi bende gördüğümü söyledim babama söylemem korkma dedim rahatladı ve anlattı meğer sadece ali abiyle değil 2-3 kişiyle daha beraber olmuş azgın karı. iyi dedim bundan sonra kimseyle beraber olmuyacaksın seni ben sikeceğim dedim erkeğin benim dedim hem kimsede anlamaz dedim kabul etti ve ilk seansa başladık tecrübeliydi orospu fermuarımı açtı deli gibi yalamaya başladı kalbim çıkacaktı yerinden nerdeyse sonra soyunduk ikimizde memelerini yaladım götünü amını her yerini yaladım inliyordu altımda ve soktum amının derinliklerine 18 lik yarrağımışap şup diye sesler geliyordu. deliler gibi sikiştik belli bi süre sonra bu azgın karıyı tatmin edemedim ve ali abide bize katılmak zorunda kaldı ancak baş edebiliyoruz.Gönderen: mert

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Perihan ablama Artık Dayanamadım

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Selam ben Ankardan yazıyorum.Sizlere anlatacağım olay gerçekten yaşanmıştır.Ben sanırım 16-17 yaşlarında idim ve henüz orta sona gidiyordum. aletim yeni yeni kalkmaya başlamıştı.Orda burda ne kadar resim varsa üstüne attıroyordum.Arkadaşlarımla porno film izlerdik onlar küçücük pipilerini çıkartır iki parmakları ile otuzbir çekerlerdi bense sikimin büyüklüğündenutanır banyoda işimi hallederdim. Neyse, gelelim hikayemize….Annem bir gün komşular arasında güne gitmişti ben abimle evde oturuyordum.Abim bana “Annem perihan ablalara gitti sende oraya gitte biraz pasta börek getir yiyelim” dedi. Bende aklımda bir şey yok olarak gittim.Perihan ablamın kocası müteahhitti durumları iyiydi fakat adamın gözü karısında değildi devamlı olarak pavyonlarda gezer orospuların peşinde koşardı. Perihan ablam da bundan dolayı anneme dert yanar bazen de ağlardı. Perihan ablam 35 yaşlarında gerçekten çok bakımlı, kapalı bir kadındı bizi oğlu gibi gördüğünden yanımızda başını açar üzerinde ne varsa onunla dolaşırdı.O gün güne gittiğimde bana kapıyı açtı. Yine çok güzel giyinmişti ona yiyecek birşey varmı diye sordum oda “sen çocukların odasına geç ben getireyim” dedi.Çocukların odasına geçtiğimde başka bir komşunun kızı ile konuşmaya başladık kız biraz sonra benim kucağıma oturup benimle oynaşmaya başladı. Yanımızda başka çocuklarda vardı ama o utanmadan sevişiyordu. Bu benim bahçelievler escort ilk sevişmemdi çok utanıyor ama devam etmek istiyordum kızın kilodunun arasına elimi sokup amını sıkmaya başlamışken perihan ablam elinde tabakla kapıyı açtı üçümüzde alakalmıştık…Ben hemen tabağı alıp eve kaçtım.İki gün sonra annem bana “Perihan ablan seni çağırıyor çocuğu ile oynayacakmışsın dedi. Peki deyip gittim. Kapıyı perihan ablam açtı üzerinde sabahlığı vardı.Ben ne kadar utansamda bir şey yokmuş gibi davranıp çocuğun odasına geçtim onunla oynamaya başladım. Çocuğu bir saat sonra uyumaya başlayınca eve gitmek için odasından çıktım.Perihan ablayı aradım banyoda çamaşır yıkıyordu aynı berlin berlindeki hülya avşar gibiydi….Ben ona birşey demeden arkasından onu seyretmeye başladım bir lehende çamaşırları yıkıyordu. Bacakları tamamen açılmış pamuk gibi bembeyazdı. sikim iyice kalkmıştı ama cesaret edemiyordum. Kalçaları şalvarının içinde bir o yana bir bu yana sallanıyordu.Artık dayanamıyordum eve gidip otuzbir çekmek istedim tam ben gidiyorum diyecekken beni gördü ” ne o benimi izliyorsun” dedi.Ben de yok gidiyordum onu söyleyecektim….. uyudu da dedim. Gel birer kahve içelim dedi beni mutfağa oturttu ben geliyorum deyip gitti geldiğinde üstüne göğüslerini gösteren bir buluz altındada uzun ama yine içini gösteren bir etek vardı.Dantelli kilodu türbanlı escort iyice sikimi kaldırmıştı.Kahveyi yaptıktan sonra yanıma oturup bacak bacak üstüne attı ve konuşmaya başladık. “geçen gün ne yapıyordun” dedi ben de ne olur anneme söyleme dedim. Oda gülerek yok söylemem merak etme dedi. Biraz rahatlamıştım.”….. amca nerede, aranız düzeldimi yoksa yine gidiyormu o kadınlara” dedim. Bana “evet gidiyor pezevenk burda gül gibi karısı varken” “benim onlardan bi eksiğimmi var” dedi. Bende fırsat bu fırsat onu iyice süzdüm yok dedim bir eksiğin fazlan bile var.”sence ençok nerem güzel diye sordu bende kalçaların dedim. iyice rahatlamıştım bu kadın istiyordu ama diyemiyordum işte.Derken bana başım ağrıyor bana yine masaj yapsana dedi. (Çok güzel baş masajı yapardım.) olur dedim. dur dedi yatağa yatayımda öyle yap.Yatağa yatınca göğüsleri daha bir güzel gözüküyordu baş ucuna geçtim ve masaja başladım. İyice başını ovduktan sonra yavaşça boynuna ordanda göğüslerinin altına masaj yapmaya başladım. inlediğini görünce bana iyice cesaret geldi ve eteğini kaldırıp ayaklarınada masaj yapmaya başladım. Ahh Ohhh diyor inliyordu artık istediği açıktı bacaklarını ayırıp kilodunu sıyırdım. Baktım hiç umrunda değil devam ettim başımı amına geçirdim. sanki dondurma veya bal yalar gibi yalamaya başladım.amı iyice sulanmıştı. Kafamı amına bastırıyor tesettürlü escort bir yandan da …. amcanın sikmediği amı sen sik oğlum benim diyordu. iyice amını yaladıktan sonra geçir dedi bende dayanamamıştım zaten geçirmemle içine boşalmam bir oldu.” OOOO çok heyecanlıymışız dedi ve güldü üstünü temizledikten sonra daha ben olmadım beni iyice sikmen lazım dedi ve sikim alıp emmeye başladı o ne emişti yalıyor ısırıyor emiordu sikimi tertemit etmişti. Demekki sikiş bu kadar güzelmiş…Sikim kalkar kalkmaz tekrar altıma yattı bende sikimi amına geçirdim iki çocuklu olmasına rağmen dar bi amı vardı yada benim oğlan büyüktü. İki üç dakka gidip geldikten sonra hadi koçum diye bağırmaya başladı ahh lar ohh lar arasında bir geliyorum çığlığı duydum beni bir kucakladıki belim kırılcak sandım.Ama benim sik inmmemişti şimdide onu indirmek lazımdı. Perihan ablamı köpek vaziyetine getirdim komidinden bir krem alıp götüne sürtmeye başlayınca bana kızdı çekil git orayı …… amcana bile vermedim dedi. Bende hasiktir ordan artık benim karımsın perihan ablam değil ne bağırıyon orospu deyip onu götünden ve belinden sıkıca tuttum. Sikimi de iyice kremleyip götüne sürtmeye başladım. Hakikaten de hiç açılmamış bir kutuydu dayadıkça dayıyordum ama kapı açılmıyordu ama kafaya koymuştum saçından ve boynundan tutup sikimi son gücümle kökledim lob diye bir ses çıktı ve perihan ablam avazı çıktığı kadar bağırıyordu. Böyle sikişmi olurmuşta bilmem ne de neredeyse ağlayacak kadın ama bir yandan da ohh lar gırla gidiyordu. en sonunda ben de boşaldım ve yan yana yattık.O günden sonra perihan ablamı ve onun eltisini defalarca siktim hele bi bunu anlatayım gerisi gelecek byeee….Gönderen: muhasebeci

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

7 Yıllık Hasret

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Eşimim ablası dul 7 yıldır. Çok seksi ama yaklaşık 50 yaşında. bende 45 yaşındayım. Bizdeyken sürekli erkek aradığından bahsedip şansızlığından yakınıyordu.Bir akşam telefon edip bir lambasının bozulduğunu ve bakmamı rica etti. Ben hemen saksıyı çalıştırdım. Eşim cuma gecesi iş yemeğinde olacaktı ve ben yalnızdım. işimin olduğunu cuma 7-8 arası geleceğimi söyledim. Neyse gittiğimde beni pembe daracık ve çok kısa bir şort ve memelerini belli eden bir atlet giymişti. Cayır cayır yanan kalorifer bööle giyinmesini sağlamıştı herald. neyse lambayı gösterdi.Kasıtlı olarak geri geri gelip dayandı. Ben de hiç tereddüt etmeden beline sarıldım ve sikimi kalçalarına bahçelievler escort dayadım. Boynunu öpüp yalamaya başlayınca azmaya başladı Ellerimi kaydırıp memelerini ovalamaya başladığımda bana dönüp dudaklarıma asıldı. Biz apar topar yatak odasına gidip hızlıca soyunup yatağa atladık. Hemen üstümde domaltıp 69 a başladık. Hafif sarkık amcığını yalarken mis gibi kokan göt deliğine parmağımla masaj yapıyordum. Muhteşem saksafonu beni çıldırtıyordu. Amana dil atup parmağımı sokunca boşalmaya başladı. Sularını yalayıp yuttum. Doğrulup ters döndü ve sikimi amına yerleştirip üstüne oturdu. Zıpladıkça nem kalçalarına tokat atıyordum. türbanlı escort Memelerini elledikçe çığlıklar atarak zıplıyor ve bana acaip bir zevk veriyordu. Kalkıp bir sprey getirdi ve sikime sıkıp sıvazladı. 10 dakka dedi bekleyeceksin. Şimdi kendini bana bırak. saçımdan ayaklarıma kadar dakikalarca yalayıp okşadı beni Sikim uyuşmuştu. Taşşaklarımı ve göt deliğimi dilliyordu Sonra parmaklarıyla beni sikmeye başladı. Parmağı götüme girdikçe inanılmaz zevk alıyordum. Zamanın dolduğunu garanti dince beni bırakıp yanıma yattı ve bacaklarını açtı. Üzerine yatıp ıslak amını sikmeye başladım belki 10 dakka siktim. Sonunda o bi tesettürlü escort daa boşaldı. Çıkarıp göt deliğine dayadı sikimi. Tam sokamadığımı hissedip domaldı.sikimi hafif yükrükleyip kafasını sürdüm içine. Çığlık atarken benim yılan sıcacık dar deliken içeri süzülmüştü bile.Donmuş sikimle pozisyondan posizyona geçip önlü arkalı sikiştik 1 saatten fazla. 4 defa boşalmıştı. Ağzına alıp emmeye ve 31 çektirmeye başladı. Uçuyordum artık. Ve sonunda beklenen son: memelerinin üzerine saniyelerce boşalttım menilerimi. Sonra ağzına alıp son damlalarını emdi. Saat 1 e kadar siliştik. O sırada kapı çaldı. Sıuçtık dedim eşim geldi herald. Abla kalıp çıplak vaziyette kapıyı açtı. Nasıldı diye sesi geldi eşimin. Kocan dedi beni saatlerdir sikiyor. 7 Yılın acısını çıkarttım. Yanıma geldiler. Eşim bamyaya dönen sikime bir öpücük kondurup. aferin sana dedi. Birkaç aydır kah ikili kah üçlü sikişlerimiz alışkanlık haline geldi.Bu tempoya nasıl dayanacağımı bilmiyorum.Gönderen: pepe

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Teyzem Ve Arkadaşı

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Merhaba size 2 hafta önce başımdan geçen olayı aktarmak istiyorum..ben yalnız yaşayan 32 yaşında 185 by 90 kg atletik vucuda sahip oldukça bakımlı biriyim.küçük teyzem 165 by 55 kg civarı 45 yaşında 10 senedir dul evim sehir merkezinde bekar biri için büyük sayılabilecek 5 kat.bu arada ben bursa da oturuyorum. hafta sonu c.tesi akşam üzeri eve kahvaltılık almaya carfour a gittim.orda teyzem buket ve arkadaşı baharla karşılaştık baharı ilk kez görüyordum teyzemden 5 yaş küçük evli ama çok güzel bir bayandı yaklaşık 175 by 60 kg civarı kalın dudaklı esmer orantılı vucuduyla bomba gibi hatundu..Teyzem kendine bakıyorsun maşallah hep tek başına yiyiyorsun beni hiç davet etmiyorsun dedi.bende ne zaman istersen ozaman gel çağırmama gerek yokki dedim.Hatta bu akşam gelirsen yemeklik alayım yemek yer sonra dışarı çıkarız dedim.oda gelirim ama baharı bırakamam dedi baharda gelsin hep beraber yeriz dedim.baharda olur gelirim nasıl olsa kızım kaynanamda benim herifte 5 gün sonra gelecek bana uyar dedi.Alışverişi beraber yaptıktan sonra arabalarımıza bindik evime doğru yollandık.evim yakın olduğu için çabuk ulaşmıştık asönsöre bindikasansör 3 kişilik olduğu için kabin dardı birde elimizde poşetlerle iyice sıkış tepiş olduk.eve girdik banyo yapmak isteyen girsin yoksa ben gireceğim dedim.ilk önce teyzem girdi.sonra ben daha sonra bahar girdi..Ben üzerime şort ve askılı tişört giydim teyzem ve bahar a benim şort ve tişortlerden verdim.ikiside çok hoş olmuştu.baharın bacaklarının görüntüsü aklımı başımdan almıştı.teyzemle bahar yemek hazırladılar yemeğimizi yedikten sonra ben kendime rakı doldurdum içmek isteyen varsa bana eşlik edebilir dediğimde teyzem biz kel miyiz hadi hazırla rakıları dedi.yavaş yavaş içiyorduk.ama ikiside hızlı içiyordu.ben 2 nciyi bitirdiğimde onlar 4 ncü bitirmişti.çok geçmeden teyzem yamulmaya başladı.sohbet keyifli geçiyordu içkiler tüketildikçe konu yavaş yavaş cinselliğe kaymaya başladı.teyzem 10 senedir dulum anadolu yakası escort 5 senedir kimse elime değmedi ne olacak halim dedi bahara bakarak sen yinede şanslısın gece yatağındayalnız yatmıyorsun dedi baharda ne farkı var ki olsa da fark etmiyor 5 dak sürüyor bizimki dediğinde aklımda şimşekler çaktı.ama teyzem vardı nasıl yapabilirdim ki.teyzem in işi bitmişti.ben şurada uzanayım biraz dedi.3 lü kanepeye uzandı.Biz baharla devam ediyorduk içmeye baharda kafayı buldu.bahar bana yatıcağım yeri gösterir misin dedi tamam dedim bahar masadan kalktığında ayakta duramıyordu.beline sarıldım başını omzuma dayadı.bende kollarımla sardım.yatağa geldiğimizde sende kal burda yalnız korkuyorum dedi bahar bende itiraz eder miyim hiç ikimizde yatağa yattık baharı duvar kenarına yatırdım.bahar yüzünü duvara döndü sırtından sarıldım elini tuttum baharda hiç tepki yoktu yavaşça kalçalarına dayandım.biraz bekledikten sonra kalçalarına sürtünmeye başladım.çok geçmedi bahar kalçalarını bana iyice yasladı.bahar bana karşılık veriyordu.gögüslerini ellemeye başladım.nefes alışı hızlanmaya başlamıştı.yavaş yavaş ellerimle amına doğru ilerlemeye başladım.parmaklarım amına ulaştığında amı sırılsıklamdı parmaklarımı amından içeri sokmaya başladım bahar devam et devam et diye mırıldanıyordu.bahar yavaşça bana döndü dudaklarımız o an birleşti deliler gibi öpüşüyorduk bahar aynı zamanda üstünü çıkarıyordu çok geçmeden çıplaktı daha sonra beni soymaya başladı..bahar yarağımla göz göze gelince bu ne böyle kol gibi dedi (benimki de maşallah 20 cm) yavaşça doğruldu beni sırtüstü yatırdı yarağımı yalıyor kafasını ağzına almaya çalışıyordu.daha sonra 69 pozisyonuna geçtik dilimle amını yalıyor parmaklarımla göt deliğini okşuyor gevşetiyordum.bahar hadi sik beni diyerek üzerimden kalktı.sırtüstü yattı bacaklarını açarak hadi erkeğim ol becer beni amımı parçala diyerek beni azdırıyordu.çok bekletmeden bir hamlede amına yarağımı ataşehir escort gömdüm.bahar müthiş bir çığlık attı.hızlı hızlı içinde gidip geliyordum.bahar 2 kere boşalmış zevk çığlıkları atıyordu.yaklaşık 10 dak.sonra bende gelmek üzereydim.geliyorum dediğimde bacaklarını belime doladı içime boşal erkeğim doldur içimi diye amını sıkıyor benim daha çok zevk almamı sağlıyordu.ve olan oldu hırlayarak içine boşaldım.içinden çıktım yanına uzandım bahar bana dönerek harikasın erkeğim bundan sonra kocam sensin dedi bende okeyledim.bahar muhteşem sevişiyordu bir seferde bitsin istemedim.ikimizde çıplak bir şekilde uyuya kalmışız sabah bahar benden önce uyanmış kahvaltı hazırlamıştı.ilk önce beni uyandırdı sabah sabah bana oral yapıyordu yarağım dimdik olmuştu.bahar çıldırmış gibi yarağıma saldırıyor beni uçuyordu.çok geçmeden baharın ağzına boşalmaya başladım bahar hepsini yalayıp yutmuştu.üzerimi giydim ve teyzemi uyandırdıkKahvaltıya oturduk yemek masası tahta ve yuvarlıktı mutfak tarafına bahar oturmuştu teyzemde yanıma ilk çaylar bitmişti bahar çay doldurmaya gitti teyzem bana bakarak akşam ne yaptığınızı biliyorum. Yeğenimde olsan seni cezalandıracağım dedi ben başımı öne eğdim teyze diyebildim çünkü teyzem elini yarağı mın üzerine koydu. başımı kaldırdım teyzeme baktım teyzem dudaklarını yalıyordu.Teyzem elini şortumdan içeri soktu eliyle bana ileri geri yapıyordu yarağım yavaş yavaş uyanmaya başladı. bahar masaya dönmüştü. teyzemin eli hala şortumdaydı durum belli olmasın diye sandalyemi masaya yaklaştırdım.teyzem gayet memnun olmuştu masaya yaklaşmamdan ben iyice zevke gelmiştim.belli etmemeye çalışıyordum.1-2 dakika sonra baharın telefonu çaldı.arayan eşiydi bahar müsaade isteyerek masadan kalktı.teyzemde fırsattan istifade yarağımı şorttan dışarı çıkardı yarağımı ağzına almış yalıyordu.ben sandalyede kaymaya başladım müthiş yalıyordu yılların acısını çıkarıyordu.o esnada baharın ses tonu yükselmeye avrupa yakası escort başladı eşiyle kavga ediyordu.teyzem bahar daha gelmez kavga ediyorlar demesiyle şortunu çıkardı tek seferde yarağımın üzerine oturdu teyzem kucağımdaydı. hızlı hızlı üzerimde gidip geliyordu teyzem bana sarıldı boşalmıştı.hala içindeydim teyzemi yere yatırdım içine girip çıkıyordum.gelmek üzereydim.içinden çıktım yarağımı ağzına verdim dudaklarını yarağımın kafasına dayadı bütün döllerimi kaçırmadan yalayıp yuttu..işimiz bitip ayağa kalktığımızda bahar bizi seyrediyordu.bahar olmadı şimdi ben erkeğimi paylaşamam diye bağırmaya başladı teyzemle beraber baharı sakinleştirmeye çalışıyorduk.bahar işi abartmış sürekli sesi yükseltiyordu. Baharı kollarından tuttum beni sürekli tekmeliyordu yapacak bir şey kalmamıştı bahara okkalı bir Osman lı tokadı salladım bahar sendeledi ama hala bağırıyordu.baharı kolundan tuttuğum gibi odaya götürüp kapıyı üzerine kilitledim.teyzeme buna bir ceza vereceğim aklı başına gelecek dedim.teyzemde ne yapacaksın dedi şortumu sıyırdım yala yarağımı dedim teyzem dünden razıydı..teyzem yarağımı yalarken bahar hala bağırıyordu.çok geçmedi yarağım dimdik olmuştu..odaya baharın yanına gittim.bahar başına gelecekleri anlamıştı bahara yaklaştım bahar sesini kesmişti.baharı köpek duruşuna getirdim.yarağımı tükürükledim.tek hamlede götüne soktum bahar öyle bir çığlık attı ki öldü sandım.bahar kaçmaya çalışıyordu ellerimle kalçalarından tutmuştum kaçamazdı yarağımı içinde biraz beklettikten sonra içinde gidip gelmeye başladım.bahar hala bağırıyordu.yarağımın üzerindeki kanı görebiliyordum baharın götü yırtılmış kanıyordu.içinde geldikçe baharın çığlıkları zevke çığlıklarına dönüştü…Baharın içinde gidip geldikçe bende zevkten uçuyordum.son bir kez daha yarağımın tamamını içine gömdüm ve bütün döllerimi götünün içine boşaldım.bahar yarağı yedikten sonra sakinleşmişti.odadan çıktık el ele 3 lü kanape ye oturduk bahar solumda teyzemde sağıma oturdu.2 si de bana baktık bir şey demeden aynı anda ellerini yarağımın üzerine koydu.gülmeye başladık tamam dedim bundan sonra bu yarak sizin hizmetinizde korkmayın dedim.Hikayemin devamı daha sonra yazacağım bahar kocasından habersiz geliyor şu an fazla vaktim yok daha sonra görüşürüz…Gönderen: VAZGECİLMEZ

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Selam millet bu hikayem yaklaşık 10 gün önce oldu teyzem 3 çocuklu 4. cüye hamile oldum olası gözüm vardır onda böle bir güzellik yok bir gün onlardan bişey almaya geldim odadan çıktım tuvalte yöneldim bide ne göreyim teyzem kilot südyen var sadece özür falan diledi ama takıldı bir kerebu teyzemmal satıyor bunlara bakma için gittim habersiz aşağı kapı anadolu yakası escort açıkmış asansöre bindim inesiye kadar sönmüş karanlıktan ışığı bulamdım kapıya vurdum bir bilemedin 2dakika sonra kapı açıldı bu ne şanssüdyen meydanada bunu engellemek içingömlek giymeye çalışıyor eşyalara bakarken o da halıları temizliyorkonuşma ataşehir escort faslı falan geçti ben direkt göğüs ve götteyim yuvarlak oh çocuklarıda yok ewdebu temizlik yaparken arkadan götünü bhir kavradım oh dedinapıyon sen dedi utanmıyon mu dedi artık bende film koptu buna vurdum zor karşı kayuyorum yatak odasına gittim burada hep avrupa yakası escort meniştem olurdu ama şimdi ben vardım bunu soydum sadece sütyenden gördüğüm portakalları avuçluyom amı hiç vurulmamış gibiydi açtım içine bir girdim mnanyak bir duygu insanın teyzesini sikmesi bir vücut olması deli bişeybütün aklınıza ne geliyorsa hepsinşi yaprım götüne kuru kuru dnedim yarıda kaldı benim ki milletin salladığı gibi 20 30 yok 13 cm falan ama ii sikiyor am suları akıyo ben bütün menilerimi amına sonra götüne götte resmen yarağın ortadan 2 ye ayrılcağını zannettim ha tadı damağımda 10 gündür bize gelmiyor bide kızı var onu bir siksrm o zaman olacak bakalımGönderen: delici

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Four Nights Ch. 02

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Thanks for the positive feedback on the first part! I’ve wanted to start writing for years now, and it’s good to know that I can still put a sentence or two together.

Jack awoke with a smile on his face for the first time in years. He remembered watching the woman in the gym and jacking off in the spa. He managed to get through his training that day, despite still being horny from the night before. When 5:00 finally came, he excused himself from dinner with the trainees and rushed back to the downtown hotel in the restored historical building. He didn’t stop for food or drink, but raced up to his room to change into his swim trunks. The show last night was too good to miss again. He’d be a prune for sure, but it was worth it.

He sat alone in the whirlpool for about 15 minutes before a group of twenty-somethings joined him. There were four of them, two boys, two girls, bubbling about college and dates and being off and the latest band, something called Fountains of Wayne whatever that was. Jack just smiled at them. He wasn’t quite old enough to be their father, but he definitely wasn’t of their group anymore either. Still, he could enjoy the view. The two girls were stunning; both in skimpy bikinis with nice tits, and even the boys were built. Jack never felt an attraction to men, but he had to admit that these boys were good looking.

They stayed for about 15 minutes, the girls flirted harmlessly with Jack, and left to go back to their rooms. Jack pictured the two boys fucking the girls riotously back in the hotel room and wished he could be there. When they left he kept an eye on the gym, but she didn’t come to work out.

Not 10 minutes later she came out into the open spa deck wearing a very attractive two-piece bathing suit. Jack recognized her immediately from last night and smiled. “Come on in, the water’s great!” Jack called to her. She dropped her towel on a chair and eased herself into the hot water. “Thanks,” she called out to him over the noise of the whirlpool.

They sat quietly for about 5 minutes before Jack said, “Are you here on business?”

“Yes, I am,” she replied.

“Me too. I’m from up north. This weather is great.”

“Yes, it’s a treat to have it so warm this early.”

“Do you travel a lot?”

“About 5 weeks a year, not so bad I guess.”

“I travel too much,” Jack grumbled. “ About 20 weeks a year. I’m a trainer for a software company, and I’m the first choice for most of the customers. It’s a pain in the ass for sure, but the money is good, and I get to save most of it.”

“Oh, you’re single?” the woman asked as her ears perked up.

“Divorced, about 3 years ago now. It was the road that killed it.”

“I’m sorry. I haven’t been married.”

“It’s OK, I’ve gotten past it. Why haven’t you married?”

The woman laughed. “I thought I traveled too much to get married!”

Jack laughed as well. “I’m Jack, what’s your name?”

“Marnie. Nice to meet you Jack.”

“And you. Have you been to the gym here?” Jack asked, knowing damn well that just last night he watched her workout. His cock was still tender from watching.

“Yes, just last güvenilir canlı bahis siteleri night after I checked in. It’s a nice facility.”

“I thought so to. I worked out then sat here in the spa.”

“I’m glad this is a newer hotel. The facilities are still in good shape, and this whirlpool is still strong!” Marnie remarked.

“Yes, I was nervous when I booked it, but I’m very happy I came here. This is a strong whirlpool. The jets feel really good against my..legs.” Jack almost said “cock” but had to hold himself back. Marnie noticed the hesitation and Jack thought he saw the faint traces of a smirk on her mouth.

“Legs, thighs, my back, even my … feet tingle in the spray.” Marnie looked at Jack and grinned obviously this time.

“Oh really, well, I love the way the water plays around my … chest and arms.” Jack teased back.

Marnie shifted on the spa bench. “Well, I’m enjoying the bubbles right now,” she whispered.

Jack smiled broadly and decided to take a chance. “You know, it feels much better without the suit in the way.”

Marnie glanced suspiciously at Jack. “I bet it does, but we’re outside, surrounded by all these rooms.” She nodded her head at the lights on in several of the rooms above them.

“But with the whirlpool on, you can’t see anything under the water. Look at my hands, can you see where they are?”

She shook her head and grinned wickedly. She dropped her hands under the water and started to wiggle. Jack saw a knee come out of and go back under the water followed by the other a few moments later. “oooo ,” she said.

“Nice?” asked Jack.

“Oh yes!” replied Marnie. “But it’s not fair – you still have yours on.”

“How do I know yours is off? I can’t see anything under there.”

Marnie glanced around the pool area nervously. She looked up at the rooms and checked for open curtains or people staring down. Satisfied no one was looking, she reached under the water and pulled out her suit bottom and waved it at Jack.

The site of her little bikini in the air and the knowledge that she was bottomless in the tub with him made Jack’s cock jump right to attention. The strain against his suit was strong and he would welcome the relief. He also glanced around the pool and lifted his ass off the bench and slid his suit down to his ankles. He kicked his feet out of the legs and let it float up to the surface of the water. He reached for his cock and gave it a few quick strokes before coming back to reality.

“There,” he pointed as his suit bobbed on the water like a discarded rag.

Marnie smiled and in her best Jennifer Garner voice said, “Now what, Jack?”

That’s all the invitation he needed. He moved over to sit next to her and placed his hand on her thighs. She was bolder and reached under the water to find his bobbing cock. Jack swallowed hard as her hand started to tease it without grabbing it. He took the cue and let his hand move up and inside her thigh, brushing his fingers against her trimmed pubic bush.

She leaned closer to him and closed her eyes. Jack kissed her and held his lips on hers while his fingers explored güvenilir illegal bahis siteleri her lower lips. She let her hand move over and around his cock. Her fingers reached lower to fondle his balls gently while the strong bubbles in the tub made both their feelings more intense.

They kissed more passionately, letting their tongues find each other like long lost friends. Their hands became bolder as she wrapped hers around his hard cock, and he cupped his over her pussy. She started to stroke him, he let a finger part her outer lips to play with her moist interior.

He pushed his hand down further, readying a finger to penetrate her folds when the jets suddenly stopped! The timer reached 0 and the tub was beginning to clear up. They broke their kiss, and Jack grabbed the towel sitting on the edge of the tub. He wrapped it around himself inside the tub, and stood up, the wet towel dripping. He got out, cursed the timer and moved it back to 15. He looked back at Marnie and shrugged. Her face changed from panic to smile as quick as Jack turned the dial.

When Jack got back in he had another treat in store for him. Marnie had taken off her top as well and now was completely naked. She brought his other hand to her breast and helped him squeeze it. The nipple was hard from the strong jets pounding it and Jack’s cock hardened just as fast.

He put his hand back on her pussy and wasted no time pushing a finger deep inside her. She moaned into his lips, enjoying the pulsing water against her naked body and his finger penetrating her slippery cunt. He felt her body twitch and pulse with the jets and gave her nipple a firm squeeze. Her eyes bulged open at the sudden tweak and she kissed Jack harder, giving his cock a squeeze in return.

Jack went to work on Marnie’s pussy. Even in the hot tub she was flowing and his finger slid easily into her. He added a second and started fucking her quickly. He pushed her body to the left, right where one of the floor jets was shooting a strong pulse between her legs.

Marnie broke the kiss and tossed her head back, eyes closed. She was lost in the sensations of the water pounding and the fingers pumping in and out of her. She was barely holding on to Jack’s cock, which drove Jack wild. He took his hand off her tits and placed it on her pussy, searching for her clit. He parted her upper lips and found the hard spot and let his fingers dance over it, never stopping the rhythm of his other hand, buried deep inside her pussy. He felt her body tremble when he touched her clit, and saw her face grimace when he pushed against it.

Her free hand silently went to her nipple and she started pulling it, clearly out of the water now for whoever wanted to see. But she didn’t care at the moment. She was on the edge, ready to cum at the hands of this man she met 15 minutes ago. A man who convinced her to get naked in the tub. A man with his fingers fucking deep inside her pussy. A man with a beautiful hard cock just waiting for me. A man rubbing fast circles on her clit and .. and… and….. and………..

“OHHHHHHHH!” Marnie yelled as her body felt wave after wave of her güvenilir bahis şirketleri orgasm. She lifted her ass off the bench and squeezed his fingers with her pussy. She felt her cunt quiver in the water as he let his fingers rest inside her and tried to catch her breath. She slowly eased down on the bench and let her body sag under the water. The arm from her tit dropped under the water with a splash and her other hand started slowly up and down Jack’s still hard cock.

Jack slowly pulled his fingers out of her pussy and gave her clit a final rub before leaning in to kiss her. She giggled like a teenager when he pulled out and kissed him back, still feeling the water pulse against her. “That was intense!” she whispered emphatically. “Your turn now.”

Marnie broke the kiss and pushed Jack back against the edge of the tub. He let his legs out straight and spread them for her. She still had his cock in her hand while maneuvering him into position and started stroking it in earnest. Her other hand slipped between his legs and played with his balls. She slipped her hand further and raised his ass off the bench, fingering along his crack. She nudged him about a foot to the right where another jet was shooting water out of the side. Marnie lifted him a little more and felt the jet on her hand near his ass.

Marnie spread his ass cheeks to let the water pulse against Jack’s back hole. She teased it with her finger and started to play with his cock. She rubbed the head, slid down the shaft and gently squeezed his balls.

Jack was somewhere on Mars by now. His eyes were closed and his body, except for his groin, was totally limp. His cock was as hard as the handle of the elliptical machine he watched Marnie gripping last night.

But tonight her soft hand was gripped around his cock and stroking it faster and faster. She leaned forward and licked his nipple as it poked out of the water. With each of her strokes, Jack lifted his pelvis higher. His cock peeked out of the water – there was no question now of what was going on in the tub if anyone was watching from above – but he didn’t care.

“I’m … close …” he managed to say while his toes curled under the water. “I know,” she mumbled back. “I can feel your cock oozing and twitching in my hand….” She rubbed his cock head with her thumb, spreading his flowing pre-cum. She slipped her other hand under his ass and started flicking a finger across his anus. Jack opened his eyes wide at the sensation and tried to hold back a few seconds more.

When she pushed her finger into his ass, he let out a long slow moan and felt his balls contract, pushing him to his intense release. Marnie noticed and bent her face down over his cock, waiting for the explosion. The first stream landed squarely in her mouth as Jack muffled a scream and grabbed the side of the tub. The second stream missed her mouth and coated her face with his sticky cum. He aimed better the next three times and watched this beautiful woman swallow his cum without touching her lips to his cock. Finally he felt his orgasm subside and he lowered his spent body back under the water.

He shook his head to revive and turned to see Marnie smiling, the cum still on her face. She smiled back and quickly dove under the hot water to rinse herself off and came back to sit next to Jack.

“So.” She plainly said.

“So.” Jack answered.

“And…?” she asked.

“And….are you doing anything tomorrow night?”

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D’s Final Adventure

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(This is the final installment of the series D’s Adventure. You really need to read the first two in this series before reading this one)

(The day after Early spending the night with me)

D is a 45-year-old female that was widowed 2 years ago. She experienced quite a coming out after meeting Marsha and members of a local rugby team. She attended a party with Early for fun and games. This story starts the next day.

After Early left Sunday morning, I was elated. I had enjoyed the evening of sharing sexual favors with Early, Jim and Mera, Mike and Marsha. I was even beginning to think maybe things could work out with Early as a long term relationship.

But as I went back to work that Monday, the realization that it just could not work out between Early and myself. The age difference was too great. But my now I know that I wanted to continue exploring my sexual appetite. I did not want to go back to the boring sexual relationship I had with my first husband. So my problem was how to tell Early that we could only be friends. But I was open to being fuck buddies. It was just too much fun to stop.

So the dilemma was how to tell Early. He had invited me to come see his office. I decided that was the way to do it. There he would have to listen. So I had a plan.

“Hi, this is Early,” Early said as I answered the phone at home Monday night.

“Hi, so glad to hear from you,” I said. “I had such a good time Saturday night. Did you?”

“Of yea, that was the best party we have had thanks to you,” Early exclaimed. “Would you be available to come by Friday afternoon and see the office?”

“I would love to. What time?”

“Just come by after work,” Early answered. “Do you want me to have a car pick you up?”

“Do you mind? If you could have someone pick me up at home and get me home that would really work best for me.”

“Sure no problem,” Early said excitedly. “We can have dinner then I can take you home.”

“Sounds good,” I said excitedly. “Where do you want to go? How dressed up do I need to be.”

“Well, it sounds like we are going on a date finally,” Early laughed.

“Yes it does,” I said. “But don’t jump to any conclusions.”

“Let’s go to the new Thai restaurant downtown,” Early said. “Do you like Thai?”

“Sure. We have a date.”

As I hang up I call Mera. “Hi, this is Mera”

“Mera, this is D,” I said. “I need a favor.”

“What kind of favor?” Mera asks.

“I want to discuss the situation with Early with you,” I said. “And I need a conservative dressy outfit.”

“Well you have come to the right place,” Mera said. “Why not come by Wednesday afternoon after work.”

“OK sounds good.”

(The afternoon with Mera)

I arrived at Mera’s about 5:30pm. Mera had told me that they closed at 6pm on Wednesday but we could take as long as needed.

“Hi, Mera,” I said as we hugged. There were a few people in her shop. Mera had other employees working with the customers.

“Let’s go to the local pub after we pick your outfit and we can talk,” Mera said. “Jim is away on business this week. We can make this a girls night out.”

“Mera, I am going on a date with Early Friday night to see his company and then a nice restaurant and I need something classy,” I said. “Not overly slutty but more elegant than my normal school attire.” I was wearing a stern teacher suit at the time.

“You know I think I have an idea,” Mera said. “We have a new line that would really show off you flared hips, making them look so feminine and shrinking your waistline. Of course your breast will stand out but that is true with anything.”

Mera went and got it. I tried it on and it worked exactly as Mera said. My waist looked smaller than it really was, while the line of my hip were slopped nicely to a pleated skirt that ended just about the knees. It had a very gentle slope that really looked good. The start of cleavage could be seen but it was more suggestive than blatant. The color was an elegant pattern of black background with red swirls. It looked really good.

“That looks beautiful on you,” Mera bounced up excitedly. “The lines are perfect.”

“It really is great, isn’t it?” I exclaimed. “I have a pair of mid height black pumps that will work great with it.”

“That is perfect,” Mera said. “Now for underwear. I think black lace bra and panties will work. Unless you want to wear your famous cord thong.”

“No I think your suggestion is best,” I laughed. Mera went and got them and said to try them later. It they did not work she would exchange them. It was close to seven and I was ready for something to eat.

Mera took me to a local pub. It had snack foods and was covered with local blue collar people both men and women. Most were younger than me with about two males to each female. Most of the females were wearing tight jeans and low cut tight tops. Most guys were also in tight jeans and t-shirts. I really stood out as I was wearing a longish skirt with a silk blouse and jacket. Mera was wearing a low cut top that showed a lot canlı bahis of her ample cleavage and tight jeans. As indicated Mera has a tight large Latino butt.

We ordered wings and beer with shots of tequila. We discussed my situation about Early and Mera was very supportive that Early needed to understand that a long term relationship would not work but just having fun would be great. She agreed to help me with Early if he wanted more.

“I really want you to continue coming to our parties,” Mera enlisted. “You add so much to the festivities.”

“You know I would like that,” I said.

“Well, look at this,” a young man said as he walked up to our table. “These are the best looking women in the place.” These were two men no more than 25 years old.

“That is a terrible lie,” I said.

“Speak for yourself,” Mera said. “I think we are the best looking broads in the bar.”

“Can we buy you both a drink?” the other man said. “I am Trey and this is Jeff.” Trey was a large man over 6′ 2″ probably 200 lbs and all muscle while Jeff was smaller but sinewy.

“You know I think you can,” Mera said. I looked at Mera like saying what are you doing. “We will both have a shot and a beer.”

They went to the bar and got our drinks. “What are you doing!” I exclaimed.

“Let’s play it by ear,” Mera said. This might be fun.

These guys came back to the table and sat down. After a little discussion, they asked if we wanted to play pool.

We decided to play girls against boys. Before the first game Mera and I went to the bathroom.

“Let’s play to win,” Mera giggled as we enter the girl’s room. She pulled her top off, removed her bra and place it in her purse.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“We can only win by distracting them,” Mera said. “When they are shooting show a little skin. Take your slip and bra off. That silk blouse will certainly distract with nothing under it.”

I thought about this and decide, why not. I am still looking for adventures and these guys seemed nice but horny. So I took off the sip and bra. I was wearing granny panties so I decide those had to go also. I placed all in my purse and looked in the mirror. You could clearly see the outlines of my breast when braless but the blouse was not see though so it seemed ok. I unbuttoned the top 2 button so that just a very little cleavage showed. The skirt I could raise by rolling it around the belt. This got the helm a few inches above the knee. It certainly looked sexier but not too much.

I have played a lot of pool and so had Mera. We decided to play the first game of nine ball to see who bought drinks.

As the first game was being played it was clear the guys were only slightly better than us.

As Mera went to play, she bent over he ball and gave both guys a good view of her braless tits. They could not see her nipples this time but could see her cleavage to her waist. She ran off 2 balls. Then Trey was about to shoot. I was sitting where he could clearly see me so I unbuttoned the third button and bent down to pick up my chalk. The blouse was loose and gapped open more than I hoped so I am sure he saw the whole right tit. He missed the shot.

It was my shot, I re-buttoned the third button. Trey knew exactly what I was doing. I had to reach over the table to get to the queue ball. My dress pulled across my ample hips showing the fullness of them. Both guys were staring with months open as the dress pulled up to about 5 inches below my pussy. They could not see the glory hole but the closeness of the exposure, I am sure made them want more. I made the shot. It was now down to sinking the 9 ball. I called it and barely missed.

“That too bad,” Trey said. “Let Jeff show you how it is done.”

As Jeff got ready to shot I crossed my legs where he could see me. I did a slow move where my shaved pussy could be seen. He missed.

“Now let me show you how it is done,” Mera said. She sank the nine ball so we won. The guys went to get us another shot and a beer. We both laughed as they left.

“Let’s raise the stakes,” Jeff said. “The team that wins gets to have the others do a dare.”

“We are in,” both Mera and I said.

Mera broke. Her top had now been stretched so that when she bent over the entire tit showed. I think she had done this on purpose. She then ran off 3 balls.

Trey then took his turn and ran off 2 balls. We could not afford him for him to run sink another. Mera walked over to me and unbuttoned the third button and squeezed my left breast. That felt good and Trey did not have a chance. It was now my turn. I decided to leave the button undone. I ran the table and we won.

I looked at Mera and said, “I want my pussy licked like a popsicle. What about you?”

“You know that sounds good but I think it my butt hole that needs attention,” Mera said. “Ok who gets D’s pussy and who wants my butt hole.”

Trey the larger guy said, “I want D.” We went to the lady’s restroom while Jeff and Mera went to the men’s. Trey and I slipped into a stall. I sat on the toilet bahis siteleri lid and lifted my skirt. Trey knelt down and went to work. He worked over my pussy until I was wet down to the knees. I had orgasm after orgasm.

“Keep your pants on buster,” I said as Trey started unbuckling his pants.

“I have to have relief, D please,” Trey begged.

“Win a game and then you have some leverage,” I said.

We returned to the game and both guys got very serious. I now left the fourth button unbuttoned so almost the entire length of my cleavage was showing. Mera was smiling like a cat and had tied the knot top where is was pulled down at the cleavage and knotted just under the tits. When she bent over you could see the bottom of her tits. I was sure this top was stretched beyond use again.

Mera broke and ran 2 balls before she missed. Trey did not even look at me or Mera as he made 2 balls. Then just as he glanced at us, Mera reached over again and grabbed my right tit but this time pushed the blouse aside showing Trey the nipple in her hand. Her hand covered very little of the tit anyway. Trey missed.

“This is not fair,” Trey said.

“What is not fair Trey?” I asked. “Don’t you like the show?” I recovered the nipple, but plenty of tit still showed. We now had an audience of 3 guys with one stacked girl. It was getting late and most people had left the bar. The owner had put up a closed sign up but had made no move to stop us. He was watching from the bar.

“Ok, yes I am enjoying the show,” Trey lamented. “I am enjoying the show. But maybe we can play that game also.”

I again had to reach across the table. This time however I hiked up my skirt so when extended I could feel the helm of my skirt right at the edge of my butt cheeks. I made the shot. As I was about to line up the next shot, Trey unzip his pants and let his huge member hang out. It was at least 9 inches and thick as a brick. I missed.

“I told you 2 could play that game,” Trey laughed. He put it back in but did not zip up. Jeff made the next ball. There were now 3 balls left. Mera got to where Jeff could see and unzip her jeans and pulled them off and stood with her legs spread. Jeff missed. Mera made the next ball. Then as she lined up Jeff unzipped and let his meat hang out where she could see. He was shorter than Trey but at least as thick. Mera missed. Trey made the next to last ball before we could distract him. Then as he was lining up the nine ball I reached into Mera’s panties and started rubbing her lit. She squealed. Trey missed. I called the nine ball in the side pocket both Jeff and Trey pulled their jeans down and pulled out their clear erections. With all the concentration I had i made the nine in the side pocket.

“Do you guys have condoms?” Mera asked. Both pulled out their condoms. She then looked over at the owner. “Do you mind a little adult entertainment?”

“Be my guest,” he smiled. “Do you need anything?”

“Do you have any lube?” Mera asked. “I may need it for my winning dare.”

“Will vegetable oil work?” he said. The owner was in his 60’s and looked very happy.

“That will do,” Mera said. He walked over to Mera and handed her a bottle of oil.

The onlooker 3 guys and the girl were beginning to make out as they watched. They were also down to their underwear.

“Ok here is what I want,” I began. “First strip, I want to taste that big dick and then I am going to bend over this pool table and I want my pussy banged till it hurts.”

“I want the same but pour the oil on my ass and fuck my butt hole til it hurts,” Mera said.

We all disrobed. I put as much of Trey’s dick in my mouth as I could and sucked the head. Mera was beside me doing the same to Jeff. This was quite a turn on. We then bent over the pool table side by side and I held Mera hand. Jeff was taking the oil and putting it all over Mera ass and his dick. He pushed 1 then 2 then 3 fingers in Mera’s ass. She began to moan. Trey was sticking his tongue up my pussy so that he was hitting all the right spots.

Jeff, then put his dick at the entrance of Mera’s ass hole. I was watching and it was making me even hotter. He pushed in where the head was now embedded in her butt. He was now entering slowly but steadily. Trey was now entering my pussy. It was so slippery that even his massive member entered easily although he could not get it all the way. I was determined that he would bottom that thing out in my vagina before he finished. Jeff now had at least 6 inches in her butt.

“Can you take more?” Jeff asked Mera.

“I am going to take the whole thing, just keep pushing,” Mera said. Jeff continued to push until the whole dick was swallowed by her big ass. He began to pump in and out slowly. She was now well lube but he but a little more oil on when he pulled almost all the way out.

“Shove that dick of yours back in all the way,” Mera yelled. Jeff rapidly slammed into Mera until his balls slapped her pussy. I could feel her orgasm as he did. “Oh that feels good,” Mera said.

Trey was now almost all the bahis şirketleri way into my pussy. He had maybe an inch left to go. “Shove it all the way into my pussy Trey,” I yelled. He then made one more push and I had a massive orgasm. I looked to my other side and the onlooker girl was being thrashed by one of the onlooker guys. She smiled at me. The owner was sitting in the chair yanking at his old member that was also cover with vegetable oil. All three guys were pumping away. Trey could not hold out much longer and I also thought Jeff was ready to go. It turned out that Mera tight ass hole was too much for Jeff and he was cuming into his condoms. He bent over and kissed Mera’s neck as his dick went limp.

As he pulled out one of the onlooker guys asked Mera, “Can I have some?”

“Be my guest,” Mera said. “Put on a condom.”

“I am prepared,” he said. “Which hole?”

“My pussy needs some attention,” Mera said.

I was surprised that Trey was holding out. The guy next to me had erupted in the girl onlooker. He was not wearing a condom as these people looked like they knew each other. Without asking onlooker number 3 took onlookers number 2’s place.

“I want it in my butt like she did,” onlooker girl said indicated the way Mera had been fucked in the ass.

Onlooker 3 guy then took the oil and lube her ass. Her ass was much smaller that either Mera or I. It was very tight. He had to work very slowly to get it in.

Trey could not stand the sight of this guy slowly but steadily pushing his big cock into her small butt hole and he let go into his condom. I was now delirious form orgasms. As Trey finished he also kissed my butt and said, “Thanks for the relief.”

“How does it feel,” I asked the girl next to me. She looked like she was struggling to get it in.

“It hurts but I think it is going to feel good,” she said.

“Relax as much as you can,” I advised. “Once you get used to it the feeling is great. In some ways I like it best.”

“So you are an expert,” Jeff said. He was now bending over me kissing my back. “Can I have a turn at you. I am almost ready to go again.”

“Get the oil and give me the same treatment you gave Mera,” I commanded. He quickly began to spread oil over my butt and working it into my anus. He worked up to 3 fingers as he had done Mera. He could tell I relaxed my ass hole easily and I was going to be able to take his big dick.

“I love you girl with the big plump asses,” Jeff said. “You can take my big dick better that these smaller girls.”

“I am getting the hang of this,” the onlooker girl said. “This dick in my ass feels so good now and has stretched me so I think I could take you now, big boy. Don’t underestimate small assed girls.”

We all laughed. Jeff now had most of the head embedded in my ass. He was slowly working it in. “Push it all the way in, then pull back reoil and slowly push it in all the way.” I said to Jeff. He did that and when he got it all the way to his balls hitting my pussy I was convulsing with orgasms. I looked over at Mera and onlooker 1 was about done. He was filling up his condom.

So onlooker girl and I had our ass full of dick while Mera’s pussy was getting threshed. The owner took a long time to cum but he was done.

All three girls squealed as our guys shot their wads. It was over.

The onlookers said, “You girls are welcomed back to this bar anytime.”

“Next time the drinks are on the house for you girls,” the owner said. “Can I have a kiss?”

“Sure” both Mera and I said. He kiss us both. Of course the kiss came with a tit squeeze and a finger in our pussies. Which was quite alright with both of us. We all got dressed after wiping off with a bar towel. Of course panties and bras were not necessary. As we got in Mera’s car to go home we both laughed.

“Anytime you are ready for a girls night out let me know,” Mera said. “We make a good team. Good luck with Early, I think you are right to limit the relationship to just a good time.”

(My visit to Early’s company)

As the day arrived for my first date with Early, I am confused about what to do. While I still believed he was too young, I also was having the time for my life. I never knew sex could be like this and I was not ready to stop and Early and the lifestyle enjoyed by the four horsemen was not something I wanted to stop.

I left work and hurried home to get dressed. Early was supposed to send a car and pick me up at 4:30pm. His office had cocktails on Friday afternoon as part of team building. The dress that Mera sold me was really outstanding. It was really sexy looking without showing much and the bra and panties really made me feel sexy.

The limo arrived at 4:30pm exactly. The driver came to the door and knocked. When I opened the door for him he really looked familiar.

“Hi, my name is D,” I said.

“My name is Brit, Early said to bring you to the office,” Brit said.

Brit was a distinguished looking gentlemen with a wonderful accent. I thought maybe English. He was my age or maybe older, it was hard to tell because he was in such great shape. He was maybe about 6′ 2″ tall. His hair was only slightly greying but still very thick and wavy. It he had not been a limo driver, I would have been interested in him.

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This is a note from Mark to Linda in which he describes a couple of his masturbatory experiences.

My dearest Linda,

In your note you described how you masturbated when you finally had a room of your own. It struck a responsive chord in my memory taking me back to my early 20’s. I began acting out my fantasies in my bedroom, at night, with all of the lights out.

It would take me the rest of my life at one story per e-mail to describe all of my fantasizing. However, I’ll stick to our original agreement and share

with you those which I can recall with sufficient clarity and which have unique aspects to set them apart from all of the “routine” masturbatory experiences I can remember.

To set the stage, you must understand that I had always been sexually precocious as a child as far back as I can remember. As I reached puberty, I have recollections of riding on a bus and being subjected to the embarrassment of having a raging hardon suddenly occur, stimulated by nothing more than the motion of the bus swaying and bumping its way home from school. I’m sure you’ve heard stories of boys having to cover their crotches with books, sweaters, etc., in order to hide the telltale bulge in their pants. That most assuredly was I; but, in my case, it started when I was 12 or 13! Anyway, you get the picture.

I have rarely masturbated without an accompanying fantasy. Two exceptions happened on separate occasions with boys. I suppose, technically, they could be classified as homosexual incidents.

On one occasion, Paul, a school mate of mine, and I had slipped into the school gym during the summer vacation. After we had played as much one on one basketball as we wanted, we had wandered into the area behind the stage which was located at one end of the gym. I really can’t remember the details of what led up to the incident, but it probably had something to do with bragging as to who had the biggest dick, or who could come quickest. In any event, I can picture Paul and I sitting on the floor with our back up against the wall, flys open, and furiously beating away on each others stiff pricks.

I’ve not had many homosexual experiences, so I don’t know what’s a “normal” mean time to climax for 18 year olds. I estimate that Paul and I both ejaculated in less that two minutes from the time we stroked our penises erect.

On another occasion, my friend Bob and I were at a Friday night movie. The movie was not erotic by any means; in fact, it was probably boring güvenilir canlı bahis siteleri which led us into a mutual masturbation activity in the darkness of the back of the practically empty theater. I can still feel the hardness of Bob’s prick in my fist as I jacked him off in rhythm with his stroking of my erect spear.

I mention these two incidents as examples of masturbatory adventures I experienced without any accompanying fantasy.

When I was 18 or 19, we were visited by my mother’s sister, her husband and their daughter, Marjorie. Marjorie was a high school senior, so she must have been 18 or 19. One night, after dinner, Marjorie and I were in the back yard. Darkness had fallen and the heavens were filled with bright stars. Marjorie had backed herself up against a tree and I had slowly positioned myself in front of her, edging closer and closer as we talked about our lives and friends and what we wanted to be when we grew up. Marjorie was about one or two inches taller than I, but we were standing on a slope and I was uphill which made us “nose to nose.” Finally, with my breath held, I moved up against her. She didn’t push me away, or even try to move away herself.

This bolstered my courage, so I put my hands on her shoulders and aimed my mouth toward hers. To my surprise, as our lips touched, she grabbed the back of my head with both of her hands and mashed our mouths together. At the same time, she opened her legs slightly and pushed her pelvis forward, grinding her mons veneris into my groin.

I felt myself immediately begin to get hard, but, even though I was embarrassed, I thought, “What the hell!” and pushed back. Marjorie’s tongue suddenly darted into my mouth and she began to explore my tongue, teeth and the roof of my mouth. Then she began sucking on my tongue, drawing it into her sweet mouth in a rhythmic, almost throbbing motion. I moved my hands from her shoulders onto her small, but shapely, breasts and began squeezing them and pinching the nipples.

Within minutes of my first handful of breast, my mother’s calling us into the house suddenly brought us back to reality and we tore ourselves apart and moved guiltily back to the house.

Now we can get back to where I’m in my room, at night, laying in bed on my back. I slip my shorts down to my ankles and then kick them off. My mind goes back to that summer night a few years before. I see Marjorie, her beautiful blue eyes and shoulder length blond hair, backed up against the güvenilir illegal bahis siteleri back yard tree. My hand grasps my already stiff rod and begins to lightly stroke it in that already familiar up and down motion.

This time my mother does not call us. This time I squeeze and pinch for a few minutes while Marjorie is thrusting her hips and tongue in an ever-increasing motion. I stop squeezing and open the buttons of her blouse. She releases my head and reaches around behind her, under the back of her blouse and suddenly her bra hangs loose over her heaving breasts.

This vision has resulted in a firmer grasp around my still growing erection while the pumping slowly continues.

I see myself lifting the bra up, off Marjorie’s beautiful, milk white mounds, exposing her stiffening nipples. I take each nipple between the thumb and fingers of each of my hands and begin a gentle pinching.

My grasp loosens around my turgid prick and begins to massage the head and glans penis and its supersensitive underside in unison with my vision of a similar use of my hands on Marjorie’s nipples.

She has begun to moan, softly now. Her hands are fumbling with the zipper of my fly. I bend my head down and suck in her right nipple. I begin flicking it with the tip of my tongue. Her moaning increases in intensity. She has the zipper all the way down and is digging into the opening in my shorts trying to capture my throbbing prick.

The head of my dick in now slick with pre-ejaculate and I’m rubbing my hand around the head very slowly and lightly sending electric waves of pleasure throughout my groin area.

I move my mouth over to her left breast and repeat my ministrations on her erect nipple. I lightly begin to bite on her nipple as I suck it into my mouth; then, back to the flicking with the tip of my tongue. As her hands finally free my raging hardon and it springs forth like an unleashed snake, my hands reach down and begin to raise the bottom of her skirt.

The opening in my real life penis is now constantly oozing clear, slippery lubricant. It flows down the sides of my rigid cock onto my fingers. I stop my stroking to lift my slick fingers to my mouth to lick them. The taste is somewhat salty, not at all unpleasant.

My mind’s eye is now viewing the hem of Marjorie’s skirt as it reaches her hips. I slide my hands inside the elastic of her panties and begin to tug them over her hips. Her hands are holding my throbbing prick like a güvenilir bahis şirketleri baseball bat. They are not large enough to encompass the length of my shaft. There is an inch of cock exposed at both the head and the base.

I have now spread my knees as widely as possible and my hands duplicate Marjorie’s in my fantasy. While my hands are larger than hers, I also cannot hide the entire shaft. It measures between 7 and 10 inches erect, depending on the duration of foreplay and the intensity of my desire.

Marjorie is now pulling my prick toward her now exposed cunt. Her pussy lips are puffy and she, too, is oozing liquid from her genitals. She lifts one leg up on my hip to create a better opening angle. She removes her right hand from my dick and notches her opening with her first and index fingers. I hold still as she moves her slippery cunt toward my dripping dick.

My back arches on my bed as I begin playing both female and male roles. I hold my fist steady and thrust my slick cock up and down at the same time imagining what it must be feeling like to Marjorie who has now impaled herself on the first two inches of my prick. My bucking becomes faster; I begin moaning as Marjorie has backed off and then, with one mighty thrust, has swallowed six of my ten inches up her tight, swollen, juicy tunnel.

She backs off again, but I can hold still no longer. I brace myself against the tree and ram forward as hard as I can. Marjorie screams with pain and pleasure as I feel her uterus bumping against the head of my prick.

My hand takes over the pumping as I lay still on my back and try to envision the sensations Marjorie is experiencing simultaneously with my actual waves of pleasure. I can feel the knotting beginning as the spermatozoa begins its journey from my gonads. I feel the rock hardness of my prick thrusting into and out of Marjorie’s tightening vagina. I will myself to feel the sensations she must be feeling as I pound into her body. She screams again as the first of my load erupts into the back of her love tunnel, dousing her cervix with its gelatinous liquid.

Reality sets in as I feel the first salvo of come splat onto my chest, followed my three, four, five more each hitting lower and lower until the last barely escapes the opening and drips down my fist onto my wrist. I lay there, catching my breath, for five, or so, minutes. Then, I reach over the side of the bed and grab one of my socks and begin my cleanup duties.

Linda, I hope the above has “stirred up” your juices and you’ll be able to finish yourself off (if you haven’t already done so!) in quick fashion. As I finish this note my erection is demanding immediate attention. To ensure I don’t get the keys all sticky, I’ll sign of for now. Sweet dreams, Sweetheart.

All my love,


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My Ex Sister-in-Law’s Cuckold

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(Author’s Note: This story contains a cuckold-theme and a man eating his own cum. If this element does not appeal to you, neither will this story. Love to receive feedback. Thanks for reading!)


I was house-sitting for my former sister-in-law, who went on a two week vacation with her sister Stacy (my ex-wife) and some friends.

Kelly and I had always been close, and we were both devastated when Stacy and I called it quits, partly because of how close we had become to one another. We remained friends, even though at times it was awkward, more so for her as she felt caught in the middle.

Her house was a lot nicer than my crummy apartment, so I jumped at the opportunity to hang out there, enjoy her big screen TV, hot tub and all the other amenities her place offered.

Kelly was a divorcee herself, having married a wealthy CEO in Dallas, Texas. After that failed, she got a very nice settlement and moved back home.

Despite all the great features of her home, by the fifth night I had begun to feel bored. It’s just not the same when it’s not your own home. I felt like watching a movie on her home theatre system, but rather than go rent something, I decided to see if I can find some movies in her DVD collection.

Not surprisingly, it was mostly chick-flicks. I found a DVD that, in marker, had been titled “Watch while I am away.” Could this be for me? Perhaps as a surprise she left me a movie. She had a raunchy sense-of-humour, so I wondered if she put a porn video there for me to watch as a lark.

There was only one way to bahis firmaları find out, so I popped the DVD in. The screen was black for a few seconds, but you could hear the rustling sound of the camera being set-up. Suddenly the blackness of the camera’s lens cap cleared and the image was of a woman’s naked body. She was too close to the camera, so all I could see was from her neck to her thighs, which of course revealed a beautiful pair of tits and a gorgeous shaved pussy.

As the woman in the picture backed up, her face came into view and she sat on a recliner. It was Kelly.

“Now Drake, I want you to watch this movie I have filmed for you, watch it each day, for every one of the next three days while I am away on business,” she said into the camera.

I hit the pause button. This was obviously a movie she had made for her ex, that was to be viewed by him and him only. I shouldn’t watch this, but my cock was becoming harder and harder, even as I had my internal debate on whether or not to continue. I knew I should have just shut it off, but I did the same thing every red-blooded heterosexual male would do: I went with the decision coming from the wrong head. I listened to what my dick was telling me and hit the play button.

Kelly continued her monologue: “You know Trevor. He will be on this trip too. Well, you should know that I plan to fuck him on this trip. As I’ve warned you, your little cock cannot satisfy me, so I have no choice but to find a cock that will. Trevor is 6’4” and 250 lbs. I bet his black cock will be twice as big as yours and kaçak iddaa will fulfill me the way you cannot.

“So here is what I want you to do. By the time you watch this, I may actually have his cock slamming down my throat. Think about that.” As she said that, she reached down and brought up a big, life-like black dildo. “As you sit there, my little cuckold, your pretty wife may be getting fucked by this. It turns me on just to think about it, and I know it turns you on too.”

Kelly began rubbing the fat bulbous head along her pussy lips. Her moans complimented the vision as the dildo began to disappear into her.

I couldn’t believe that my former sister-in-law had this slutty, dominant side to her, and that my ex brother-in-law Drake, a powerful, rich executive, was her submissive cuckold.

“Oh, Drake, jerk your little dick for me,” Kelly cried as the dildo sank further into her. It had to have been at least 9″ long and was thick and veiny, yet she had no trouble whatsoever accepting it. “Imagine me being fucked by Trevor. Stroke your cock as you watch this and imagine me being fucked. Picture it. Think of me sucking and slurping his cock, then him using me and fucking me every which way. Stroke your cock!”

I don’t know if Drake had jerked off to this or not, but I certainly was. I had already undone my jeans and now my fist gripped my cock as I not only imagined Kelly being fucked, but I also imagined this video was meant for me.

“Even though I’m not there, I want you to talk to me, darling. Tell your wife how good it feels stroking kaçak bahis your cock and tell me how badly you want me to be fucked by Trevor or any other man I want. Say it out loud!”

Even though it wasn’t directed at me, I found myself following her orders: “Yeah Kelly, I love it when you get fucked by other men, suck that big black cock, feel it deep inside you,” I exclaimed.

Kelly’s timing was perfect. As I approached the climax, she continued “Are you close, hun? Are you ready to cum?” I moaned out in affirmative. “I want you to cum in your hand you little cuckold, collect it all and imagine Trevor cumming in my mouth.”

I sat on the edge of the couch, cupped my left hand and pointed my cock at it. I exploded with a huge blast of jizz.

“Mmmm, did it feel good sweetie?” Kelly asked on the screen. As I said yes, I was surprised by what she said next: “Now, I have a mouthful of his cum, and for being such a good boy, I want to share it with my cuckold. Imagine me spitting his cum into your mouth. I want you to eat the load in your hand, eat every last drop of it, pretend its Trevor’s fresh load.”

While I was shocked, I found myself hypnotized by her firm directives. “Eat it!” she yelled into the camera. I brought my hand to my mouth and took my first taste of my own cum. “It’s yummy, isn’t it?” Kelly asked. I was so turned on by this dirty deed that I agreed, it was delicious. “Don’t waste it, cuckold, eat the rest of it,” she ordered. I happily obliged, licking what ran between my fingers, wiping and eating what still poured from my oozing cock until it was all gone.

“That’s a good husband,” Kelly said. “Now sleep tight and watch this video again tomorrow,” she said before the screen went blank.

I fully planned to.

(To be continued…)

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Face Time

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Tappity Tappity Tappity

Busy day at work. I wish I could say I dealt with the exchange of gold or commodities or that I was working on some investigative story. Nope. I am a data entry clerk. I am correcting orders and verifying information. Chained to my phone while co-workers talk sports, drama-recaps, and office gossip. I want to talk about the Kentucky game instead of talking with some man on the phone by a pool who is phoning it in and telling me about the weather in Vegas. No break yet. Really need to pee but let me finish one more order.

Finally, I go and return to my desk to see I missed a text on my cell. Quick swipe with my finger and I see my boyfriend asking how my day is. Nice of him to think of me. I smile.

It must be a slow day in his IT world. I can picture him with his Doctor Who and toys on his desk. Talking about the next superhero movie. My geeky guy. I picture him in his office which is block north of where I work. I like to think of him in his nice shirt and tie. I like the novelty t-shirts but love his professional style. I can’t become distracted. I take a deep breath and return to work mode.

I text back:


Tappity Tappity Tappity


Another text this time a khaki crotch shot with a bulge.

Thinking of you

Seriously? I think.

Nice, Mike. BZ.

Shouldn’t you be cleaning a keyboard or something?

I go back to typing.


His hand is on his mound.

Keep working.



I get a couple of more texts that I ignore. Then it is silent.

I hope he didn’t get caught. I keep typing for 10 minutes when my phone vibrates again.


I start with the first two texts I ignored.

First pic: pants unbuttoned and partially unzipped. His hand is an open palm gesture like he is showing me a prize on TV game show.

Second pic: pants unzipped and now his erection is lifting the cloth of his novelty binary patterned boxers. Again with the Wheel of Fortune hand modeling.

Last pic: His cock is out and he wrapped canlı bahis his hand around the shaft.

Use the Force and get your Love Saber

I smile because it is cute and sexy.

You are a dirty dork 🙂

He texts back.

Follow my instructions:

1) Log in to my Twitter account

2)Tweet “Monty Python Quotes – GO”

3) Put the phone between your thighs and keep working.

I shake my head at his text.

I’m wearing a skirt! And you have like 1,000!


I know you’re wearing a skirt 😉

I have 1,012 followers, thank you.

Now stop shaking your head and do it.

Nasty Nerd.


I do as he says and return to typing. My phone vibrates and I can feel it on the tender skin of my inner thighs. Very nice…now I’m distracted. I squeeze my legs together and release to vary the sensation. I look around and I find no one is interested in what is going on in my cubicle. I slide my hand under my skirt to push my phone closer to my panties. Every time there is a notification tweet the vibration ripples over my skin and makes me tingle through my knees, stomach and breasts. Even my shoulders are feeling it. Thank you, thousand-plus strangers.

The phone stops vibrating. I take it from underneath my skirt and place it on the desk.

My phone vibrates and I jump in my seat.

He texts me:

How did I make you feel?

I text back.

5 minutes. Go some place private.

I head to the bathroom and to the handicapped stall. It is large but slightly more private. It also has a mini bench.

I text him.

Put your phone on mute.

He texts back


I video call him. He smiles and waves. I love his blue Irish eyes.

I make exaggerated sexy poses, wink and make kissy lips. I loosen my work pony tail to let my strawberry blonde hair fall. He smiles and goes with it. I hold the phone close to my chest and start to unbutton my blouse . After three buttons, I position the phone at an angle were he can see the tops of my breasts and slowly twist bahis siteleri my shoulders. While he is watching, I unhook my bra from the front. I continue my shimmy to make the cups fall off Now he can see my nipples. No more cheesy smile. He looks around him to make sure no one is near. He starts biting his lip and I know he is getting turned on. He doesn’t want the tease. He wants more.

I take my free hand and drag it over each breasts starting from nipple to the top of my neck. I comb my hair over my shoulder with my fingers because he loves the contrast of my hair on my pale skin. I look at him and he is just fixed on me. He looks like he wants to come through the phone. I take my free hand and put it over his mouth on the screen. He pretends to lick my fingers. I twist and squeeze my pale pink nipple and show him that this turns me on. I undulate like a porn star. He is shifting in his chair and starts pulling at his collar and loosening his tie. He is hooked.

I move a little to make my breasts jiggle and pop my hips so he can follow my curves with his eyes. I slide my hand down my side and hips until it finds the hem of my skirt and I pull it up slowly now he can see my panties. I look at him.

He mouths


I place my phone on the little bench. In a coordinated motion while bending over to smile and wink at him I take my panties off. He likes when I put my face to his and let my hair fall over him. Through his phone,he pretends to brush my hair away. With my skirt over my hips and my hand free I straddle my phone. My left knee is on the little bench as my right leg is still straight and I get in a position where he has light to see me.

I pinch the sides of my labia. My pussy swells and the flesh is warm. . I know from him when I get hot like I am now, my skin flushes. He says my body tells him I’m ready to receive him. I do feel that way. I am feeling hot all over. I take my hands and open my lips so he can see me.

I slip one finger in and find I’m wet! I insert two fingers in my vagina and find it very smooth and slippery. bahis şirketleri I bend my right knee to go deeper. I go a little harder and faster. I use my left forearm against the wall to steady myself. The hard wall is cool and feels so good to touch. I let my head rest on my arm. My body feels very warm and sensitive all over. The ends of my hair tickle my shoulders and adds to my arousal. I start massaging my clit with my thumb. I open my mouth and pant. I’m going to orgasm and I have no idea what sound is going to come out of me. I can feel a drop of sweet roll down the back of my thigh and my motion slows. I think about sitting on Mike’s face and his deliberate tonguing. He gets me to the point where every lick brings me closer to exploding. I think about my thighs on the side of his head while he breathes into me. I lift my head and bite my arm softly. I’m going to come. I’m going to come. What strength I have left I use to keep myself steady as I vary the pressure on my clit. I feel like I will just collapse but I need to come so bad. The tip is so sensitive I’m almost afraid to touch it but if I don’t, I know I will be miserable. I brush it with my thumb and I pop. I’m not as sturdy as I was when I started. My right leg is quivering and my left knee aches but I feel good. I just lean against the wall with my eyes closed. I bring my hand up to my face and smell my scent. I smile.

I stretch, roll my neck, do calf raises, extend my arms. I lookI just see the time and my rose wall paper. He must have hung up. I should feel bad that I forgot about him but I needed this break from my desk. I put my clothes back on and wash my hands. I take wet a paper towel with cool water to pat my face and neck. Now that I look straight I return to my desk.

When I get there I see Mike sitting in my chair.

“What are you —Why are you-?

I can’t even think of which question to ask him.

“Sara, I had to see you.”

He looks so serious. Oh, God! Please tell me I didn’t just broadcast my pussy on the internet.

“Why?!?!?” I ask with every horrible scenario in my head.

“Why?” he realizes I’m panicky. He smiles and squeezes me tight.

“Why do you think, silly girl?” he whispers in my ear.

I can feel his bulge against my stomach.

I giggle and hug him back.

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