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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Merhaba ben mert ya??m 38 istanbulluyum..Bir kaç hafta önce, so?uk bir Çar?amba sabah? kahvalt?da can?m öyle bir sucuklu yumurta istedi ki buzdolab?na bakt?m sucuk var yumurta yok bende hemen üstümü giyinip solu?u birkaç sokak a?a??daki markette ald?m.Reyonlardan bir koli yumurta ve birkaç parça daha kahvalt?l?k al?p para ödemek için kasaya geldi?im s?rada benden önce kasaya gelen 43-45 ya?lar?nda tahmin etti?im iri gö?üslü, kumral ,dolgun dudakl? ve giydi?i e?ofmandan iri ve ç?k?nt?l? götünün bütün hatlar? belli olan bir han?mefendi e?yalar?n? geçiriyordu.Ben kasaya hesab? ödeyip ç?kaca??m s?rada ise az önce gördü?üm olgun han?mefendi hala po?etlerle bo?u?maya devam ediyordu.( gizler h o t m a i l c o m ) Centilmen bir erkek olarak buna asla kay?ts?z kalamazd?m,hemen kad?n?n yan?na yakla??p po?etlerini ta??mada yard?m edip edemeyece?imi sorunca kafas?n? kald?r?p ye?il gözlerimin içine tatl? bir gülümsemeyle bakt?.So?uk çar?amba sabah? po?etlerin yar?s? bende yar?s? onda evine do?ru yürümeye ba?lam??t?k bile.Yol boyunca birbirimizle hiç konu?mad?k 6-7 dakika sonra ise evinin kap?s?na ula?t?k.O önden içeriye girip kendi po?etlerini b?rakt?ktan sonra benim elimdeki po?etleri al?nca so?uktan ve kan dola??m? yetersizli?inden uyu?mu? ellerimi gayri ihtiyari ovu?turmaya ba?lad?m.Benim bu halimi gören kad?n, çay? yeni demlemi?tim buyurun birlikte içelim deyince teklifi reddedemedim.?çeriye girdi?imde ilk dikkatimi çeken ?ey hafif bir lavanta kokusuydu..beni salona davet edip yumu?ak bir koltu?a oturtarak arkama da i?lemeli bir yast?k koydu.Gerçekten hizmet etmesini seven çok cana yak?n bir kad?nd?.Aradan 5-10 dakika geçince ben çay?m?n oldukça gecikti?ini dü?ünürken kad?n elinde sucuklu yumurta dahil içi bir çok kahvalt?l?kla doldurulmu? koca bir tepsiyle içeriye girdi.Birlikte kahvalt? ederken isminin Nermin oldu?unu,kocas?n? 4 y?l önce trafik kazas?nda kaybetti?ini,26 ya??nda bir k?z? oldu?unu ve onunda kocas?ndan geçen y?l bo?an?p yan?na yerle?ti?ini ama avukat oldu?u için önemli bir davas? oldu?unu sabah adliyeye gitti?ini söyledi.Bir ara lavaboya gitmek istedi?imi söyleyince bana yolu gösterip kendisi tekrar mutfa?a gitti.Banyolar? gerçekten muhte?emdi,bütün havlular?n kenarlar? ve ortalar? el i?lemesi danteller ve süslemelerle bezenmi?ti ve hepside mis gibi lavanta kokuyordu..o an anlad?m ki içeriye girince hissetti?im lavanta kokusu banyodaki havlulardan geliyordu.Banyoda i?im bitince tekrar salona gittim hemen pe?imden mutfaktan elinde iki fincan kahveyle Nermin han?m geldi.Bir yandan kahvelerimizi içiyor bir yandan sohbet ediyor,birbirimize ?s?nd?kça ?s?n?yorduk.Kahvelerimiz bitince Nermin han?m fallar?m?za bakt? benim fal?mda büyük bir kase gördü?ünü ve içinde alt?n liralar oldu?unu söyleyince..yok can?m dedim..o da bunun üzerine oturdu?u yerden kalk?p yan?ma gelerek fincan? iyice gözlerime yakla?t?rd? parmaklar?n? kahve fincan?n?n içine tutarak bak ?u kase ?unlarda etrafta ona ula?maya çal??an insanlar diye tarif ederken yüzümüz birbirine iyice yakla?m??t?.Hatta bir ara o kadar yakla?t?kki ayn? anda bir ?ey söylemek için yüzümüzü birbirimize döndü?ümüzde birden burun buruna geldik. Ve o an ne söyleyece?imizi unutup o ?ekilde bir süre donakald?k.?a?k?nl???ndan ilk s?yr?lan Nermin han?m oldu,gözlerini k?s?p dolgun dudaklar?n? yava?ça benimkilere de?dirdi bende buna kay?ts?z kalmay?p var gücümle o çekici dudaklar? emmeye ba?lad?m.Öpü?memiz bütün hararetiyle sürerken Nermin,ensemdeki saçlardan s?k?ca tutup kendine çekip can?m erke?im diye inleyerek beni öpmüyor adeta dudaklar?m? boynumu yiyordu.Kolay de?il tam 4 senedir erke?e hasret kald??? belli oluyordu.Dudaklar?m? yava?ça dudaklar?ndan kayd?r?p boynunu ve kulaklar?n? yalarken bir yandanda iki elimle süeterini omuzlar?ndan a?a?? kayd?r?p sütyenini ortaya çukard?m,iri memeleri sütyene s??m?yor kendilerini bir an önce d??ar? ç?kar?p doya doya yalamam için adeta yalvar?yorlard?.Nerminin memelerini yalamadan önce boynundan koltuk alt?na geçtim birkaç hafta önce tra? edildi?i belli olan hafif k?ll? koltuk alt? buram buram kad?n kokuyordu.Koltuk alt?n?n mis gibi ter kokusunu içime çekerek tuzlu terini kana kana yalay?p yuttum ve ard?ndan muhte?em memelerini fazla ihmal etti?imi dü?ünerek Nermin in sütyenini en ince yerinden çekip kopartt?m..aman allah?m ortaya ç?kan o iki ?ey o kadar muhte?em yarat?lm??t?ki,hiç duraksamadan memelerinin misket büyüklü?ündeki uçlar?n? a?z?ma al?p ak**e ?ekeri gibi emmeye ba?lad?m(gizler hot mail com)Ben memelerini emdikçe Nermin deliye dönüyor kesik kesik zevk ç??l?klar? atarak kanepenin kuma??n? t?rmal?yordu.Bir ara o kadar h?rsland?mki nerminin sa? memesini komple a?z?ma sokmak istedim ama nafile,be?te birini ancak s??d?rabildim.Sonra tatl? memelerden istemeyerek ayr?l?p nermini kanepenin üzerine do?ru boyluboyunca uzatt?m ve bal?keti göbe?ini hayat?nda ilk kez dondurma görmü? bir çocuk gibi yalamaya ba?lad?m oradan yava? yavak a?a??ya inerken Nermin bacaklar?n? ve vücudunu kas?yor,titriyor kimbilir kaç?nc? orgazm?n? ya??yordu.Bacak aras?na indi?imde mis gibi am kokan i?lemeli külotu ya?ad??? orgazmlardan ve ald??? zevkten s?r?ls?klam olmu?tu.Ben külotunu a?a??ya s?y?r?rken oda hafifçe kalças?n? kald?r?p bana yard?m etti.Ortaya ç?kan manzara muhte?emdi koltuk alt? gibi oray?da birkaç hafta önce tra? etti?i belliydi ben am?n? i?tahla yalarken am?n?n k?llar? tatl? tatl? dudaklar?ma bat?yor, dolgun ve pürüzsüz bacaklar?yla zevkten kafam? s?karak adeta beni mengeneye alarak am?n?n içene hapsediyordu.Kendimi bundan zar zor kurtar?p nerminle 69 pozisyonuna geçtik muhte?em ve 4 senedir sik yüzü görmemi? tatl? amc???n? yine yal?yor salg?lad??? bütün zevk s?v?lar?n? i?tahla yalay?p yutuyordum.Nerminde benim sikimi büyük bir i?tahla yal?yor ama san?r?m uzun süre yarak yalamad??? için aras?ra sikimi ?s?r?p can?m? ac?t?yordu.?kimizde adeta bulutlar?n üzerinde uçuyorduk..bizim için sadece o an vard?,gerisi yalan ve bo?tu..Nermin 69 pozisyonundayken ters dönüp yüzünü bana çevirdi art?k am? sikimin üzerindeydi heyecandan tir tir titriyor am?n? sikime bir de?dirip bir çekiyordu bu duruma fazla dayanamam?? olacakki iri ve kal?n yara??m?n üzerine yava? yava? oturdu.Sikim am?na köküne kadar girince derin bir ohhh çekip vah?i bir k?srak gibi sikimin üzerinde raksetmeye ba?lad?.Yara??m am?n?n en derin yerlerine kadar ula??yor nermini zevkten kudurtuyordu bir yandan sikimin üzerinde dünyan?n en büyük mutlulu?unu ya?arken benide ihmal etmiyor muhte?em memelerini a?z?ma vermi? kana kana yalat?yordu.Daha fazla dayanamad?m nerminin alt?ndan kalk?p onu yere,hal?n?n üzerine indirdim ve domaltt?m.Muhte?em amc??? ve darac?k göt deli?i arkadan ?ahane görünüyordu.Kal?n ve damarl? sikimi nerminin am?na arkadan öyle bir kökledimki ç??l?k at?p yerdeki hal?ya t?rnaklar?n? geçirip çekerek hal?n?n üzerindeki fiskos masas?n? bile yerinden oynatt?.Bir yandan Nermin in am?n? sikerken bir yandanda götüne parma??m? sokuyor,kara incisinide yara?a al??t?r?yordum.Sikimi am?ndan ç?kar?p götüne sokmak için kafas?n? ufac?k deli?e dayay?nca ?imdiye kadar uysal olan kad?n birden eliyle sikimi oradan çekip tekrar am?na soktu..bunu istemedi?ini dü?ünerek sayg? gösterdim ve am?ndan sikmeye devam ettim.Orgazm olmaya yak?n Nermin i hal?n?n üzerinde s?rt üstü yat?rarak bacak aras?na geçtim muhte?em bacaklar?n? omzuma at?p am?n?n ?imdiye kadar sik de?memi? yerlerine yara??m? dald?r?p dald?r?p ç?kard?m.Bo?alaca??m? anlay?nca iki baca??m? yana aç?p nerminin üzerinde aya?a kalkt?m.Nermin tam alt?mda a?z?n? açm?? f??k?rtaca??m döllerimi ziyan etmemek için bekliyordu.Bende sikimle Nermin in a?z?n? ni?an al?p ?iddele bo?ald?m..orgazm?m o kadar muhte?em olduki adeta Nermin i bahçe hortumuyla suluyormu?um izlenimine kap?ld?m.Döllerimin bir k?sm? hedefi bularak Nermin in a?z?na yüzüne ve boynuna akt? daha tazyikli ç?kan ilk spermlerim ise hedefi ?a??rarak hal?n?n üzerine ve kanepe örtüsünün oyal? eteklerine s?çrad? vücuduna damlayan spermlerimi güne? ya?? gibi eliyle her taraf?na yayd? ve gülerek beni bundan sonra hep böyle sula tamamm? erke?im diye gözlerimin içine bayg?n bayg?n bakarak adeta yalvard?.Siki?in ard?ndan birer bardak orgazm kolas? içerken neden bana götünü siktirmedin diye sordu?umda kocama götümü hiç siktirmemi?tim,sikemeden öldü gitti ?imdi sana siktirirsem ona haks?zl?k etmi? gibi olaca??m? dü?ündüm deyince bende ona hak verdim gizler hot mail c om
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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Türbanlı yengem

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Türbanlı yengem

Türbanlı yengem


Merhaba sevgili okurlar; Ben melih. 24 yaşındayım. Okuyacağınız olay gerçekten başımdan geçmiş bir olaydır, hayal ürünü değildir. Olay türbanlı olan yengem Serapla ilgili. Yaz tatillerinde Kuşadasına , dayımların yanına gidiyorum tatil için. Bundan iki sene önceydi. Yine tatil için dayımların yanına gitmiştim. Dayımların evi iki odalı. O sırada dedemler de dayımlaraydı. Doğal olarak odaları paylaşmak zorundaydık. Dayımın kızı dedemler gidecek diye onlarla yatmak istedi. Bana da yengem ve dayımın odasında yere yapılan yatak düşmüştü. Aklımda kötü bir niyet asla yoktu, odaya girene kadar. Yengem yatağın bana doğru olan kısmına yattı. Üzerinde geceliği vardı ve yazlık pike örtünmüştü. Sigara yaktık birer tane. Dayım daha iş yerini kapatıp gelememişti. Sigara faslında yengemle konu kızlara falan geldi. “Aslan gibi çocuksun, neden evdesin yabancı dilinde var, dışarıda turist avlasana” dedi. Ben de ona “Hastalık vs. bulaşmasından korkuyorum “ dedim. Bana “ Yok daha neler” dedi. “ Tabi keyfin yerinde, hastalık kapma derdin yok, sen doya doya yapıyorsun” dediğimde muzipçe güldü. O sırada dayım eve geldi. Benim sigara içmeme çok kızdığı için ben hemen sigarayı söndürüp uyudu numarasına başladım. Daha sonra odaya geldi. Kapıyı kapattı. Yatağa yattıktan sonra yaklaşık 15 dakika kadar falan o günkü iş yerinin durumundan falan bahsetti. Diğer tarafa yattığından ve ben yataktan daha aşağıda yattığım için dayımı göremiyordum. Daha sonra yengeme “ Yapma Serap, Melih burada” dediğini duydum. Tabiki kulak kesilip dinlemeye başladım. Yengem ona “ 8 gündür yapmadık, reglim dün bitti, hadi!!” dediğini duydum. Daha sonra şapırtılar gelmeye başladı. Sanırım öpüşüyorlardı. 1 dakika geçmeden yengem “ Hemen hazırola geçtin, birde yapma diyorsun” diye dayıma takılmaya başladı. Dayım “üste çık” dediğinde, yengem Serap “olmaz, görebilir” dedi. Ve o sırada geceliğini sıyırıp külotunu çıkardı. Külotunun sadece beyaz olduğunu görebildim. Müthiş derecede azmıştım.daha sonra biraz daha yan tarafa kayıp bacaklarını açtı ve dayımın bacaklarının arasına girdiğini gördüm. Yaklaşık 3-4 dakika geçti geçmedi dayım “Orospumsun benim” diyerek boşaldı. Birer sigara daha yaktılar ve daha sonra dayım duşa girdi. O sırada yengem bana dönüp “Uyuyor musun?” diye sordu. Ses çıkarmadım ama gözlerimi açıp ona bakıyordum. Yengem şortumun önüne bakıp “Tuvalete git, rahatla yoksa ağrıdan uyuyamazsın” dedi. Gerçektende ikisinin de uyuduğuna emin olduktan sonra tuvalette boşalıp öyle uyudum. Ertesi sabah dedemler gidecek diye erkenden kalktık. Her şey normaldi. Kahvaltıdan sonra vedalaştık. Dayım dedemlerle beraber gitti, oradan da dükkana gidecekti. Evde yengem, dayımın 7 yaşındaki kızı ve ben kalmıştım. Dayımın kızı daha uyanmamıştı. Herkes çıkınca bende tekrar dayımların odasında yattığım yer yatağına uzandım. Çok sıcak olduğu için sadece şortum vardı. Üzerimde çıplaktı anlayacağınız. O halde uzandım. Uyumaya çalışıyordum ki yengem odaya girdi. Vantilatörün derecesini yükseltip türbanını çıkardı. Gelip yatağına uzandı. Daha sonra bana dönüp “ Dün gece nasıldı sence?” dedi. Çok şaşırmıştım. Aklımda bu konuyla ilgili hiçbir sorunun hazır bir cevabı yoktu. Sadece “Çok kısa sürdü” diye cevapladım. “En büyük problemimiz de bu” diye cevapladı. “ Neden?” diye sordum. “Bana kalsa neler yapıcam ama dayın istemiyor. Çok tutucu bu konularda, yoksa uçururdum onu” diye güldü. “Kendine çok güveniyorsun” dediğimde geceliğini beline kadar sıyırıp külotunun üzerinden amını okşayarak “ Daha hala gerdeğe giren genç kız gibi sıcak ve darım.” dedi. “En çok neyi yapmak isterdin?” diye sordum. “Ağzıma alıp doyasıya yalamayı ve ağzıma boşaltmayı, dayın bunu hiç yaptırmadı bugüne kadar ” diye cevap verdi. Bende “Önemli olan ağzına alıp boşaltmak değil, onu herkes yapıyor, önemli olan ağzına dolan dölleri yutabilmen” dedim. Yanıma inip şortumu çıkardı, ve yarağımın başına bir öpücük kondurdu. Daha sonra bana dönerek “Deneyelim” dedi ve deliler gibi oral seks yapmaya başladı. Bugüne kadar çok kıza oral seks yaptırmıştım ama hiç birisi bu kadar istekli yalamamıştı. Deliler gibi yalıyor ve eliyle de masturbasyon yaptırıyordu. Az sonra ağzına boşaldım ve tüm döllerimi yuttu. Birer sigara yaktık ve bitene kadar hiç konuşmadık. Sigara biter bitmez bacak arasına daldırdım kafamı. Pamuklu, beyaz, önünde çiçek şeklinde küçük bir danteli olan külotunun üzerinden kadınlığını yalamaya başladım. Yaklaşık 3-4 dakika böyle devam ettikten sonra külotunu diz kapaklarına kadar sıyırıp bacaklarını omzuma alıp amının tamamına seri ve sert dil darbeleri atmaya başladım. Belini bir yılan gibi kullanıyor, kıvırıyordu. Beyaz, sperm gibi akıntısı ağzıma gelmişti. Ona göstererek bende onun akıntısını yuttum. Daha sonra yukarı çıkıp geceliğinin yakasını sıyırıp göğüslerini öpüp okşamaya başladım. 1-2 dakika da böyle geçtikten sonra kasıklarım patlama noktasındaydı. Şortumu sıyırıp bir hamlede ve sertçe içine girdim. Nefes nefese ve son hızla içine girip çıkıyordum. Ve birden içine patladım. Üzerine yığıldım kaldım bir süre. Hamile kalabilirdi. Akşam hallederim ben dedi ve gece yine ikna edip dayımla birlikte olmuş ve içine boşaltmış. Tatilden sonra konuştuğumuzda kürtaj olduğunu söyledi ama benden mi dayımdan mı belli değil. Bize gelecekler bu sıralarda. Bakalım o zaman ne olacak.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Kissing The Bride: Rehearsal 01

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


“Hurry up, Kimmy; you don’t want to miss your own wedding rehearsal.”

My nineteen year old stepdaughter’s wedding rehearsal was in fifteen minutes, and the church was halfway across town. Kimmy was not the only one running late. I was busy zipping Ruth into her skintight moleskin minidress. We had just snuck in a ‘fast blowjob and spanking followed by pussy eating in the shower’ moment, when we really didn’t have time.

“If you aren’t careful, honey, you’ll give the preacher a heart attack.”

“I’ll be damned if I’ll be a frumpy mother of the bride,” Ruth said.

“Beside, Reverend Peever is like a hundred years old, and smells all musty,” Kimmy added.

Ruth giggled. I loved how she still acted girlish. “In that case, maybe I should unzip it to here,” she opened the dress to her navel, “just to see if I can make him stiff.”

“You are such an evil woman,” I said, kissing her, “You’ll likely be in hell before heaven knows you’re dead anyhow.”

“Oh, I expect a few angels will cheer when they get the news. But heaven wouldn’t want me. And Hell would be afraid I’d take over.”

“Did you remember your Ben Wa balls?”

“Yes. Have you got your cock ring on?”

“I thought since I just came, I might go without.”

“Better get it, nasty man. Even though Kimmy won’t be in her wedding gown that you like so much, I know how much you want Wendy.” My cock throbbed as Ruth reminded me that Kimmy had promised to help us seduce her maid of honour and lover, as payback for Ruth letting Kimmy spicing up the wedding by wearing a low-cut gown with thigh high slits on either side of the her legs.

“Okay, Ruth, just don’t you disappear with Melody Ann. The thought of you having sneaky sex with a bridesmaid might make my balls explode if I can’t cum.” Despite my recent orgasm, thinking of all the fuckable women at the rehearsal expedited my recovery.

Ruth grasped my hands and ran them up to cup her melons. I could feel that the sex in the shower had just made her hornier. One of our shared lovers had labeled her nipples “Eveready” like the batteries. Except, instead of going, Ruth kept on cumming and cumming and chumming. She leaned back into my hard cock. My hands gravitated to the hem of Ruth’s dress and slid it up. I pressed her against the wall. My fingers brushed her thong aside. “Please don’t rip it off, Jeff. The Ben Wa balls might tumble out”

I had Ruth pinned to the wall. I unzipped my pants and freed my rigid cock Ruth moaned as I rubbed the shaft inside the valley of her buttocks. She disdained anal sex, but loved this sensation. I jumped back as Kimmy startled me by walking into the bedroom.

“Who is making us late now?” She teased.

“Jeff needed to unleash his monster so I could put his cock ring on. ” Ruth ran a hand up and down my still hard cock. “You wouldn’t want Reverend Peever staring at your Step Dad’s woodie as he walks you up the aisle, would you? So he needs the cock ring. Unless you want to relieve him the old fashioned oral way?”

Kimmy licked her lips with exaggerated drama. Despite the teasing, she had never had sex with me, not even oral. The closest we had come was the weekend before. While Ruth had been out trolling for sexual adventures under guise of last minute wedding planning, Kimmy had seductively told me about her own history of sexual escapades, trading tales for my support of her choice of wedding gown. She had kissed me, and tortured my nipples, but had not licked my cock. As she stared at me now, that image played through my mind. My cock, nicknamed ‘Seymour’ by Kimmy, rose to the occasion.

Before last week, Ruth had insisted on insulating Kimmy from our open marriage and its consequences. After hearing that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, though, Ruth opened up to Kimmy about her own thrill seeking, as a prelude to the negotiation: help seducing Wendy in return for Ruth agreeing with Kimmy wearing the revealing gown.

“Well, Mom, it looks like Jeff’s a bit stiff to fit your ring onto just now. Care to borrow the adjustable ring Wendy got me? I used in on Jeff last weekend. It fit well. And I don’t need it for Eric til the honeymoon.”

“Don’t you intend to get well fucked tonight, sweetie?”

“Oh, I might sneak of with Eric for a quickie, but we need to split up before midnight. Tradition, you know. So I might just settle for sleep over sex with Wendy. After all, the maid of honour is supposed to make sure ALL the bride’s needs are cared for.”

“Are we still on for the clit piercing tonight?”

“For sure, Jeff. Right after Eric leaves. What a great secret wedding present.”

“I think I’ll just relieve Jeff the old fashioned way, Kimmy. I hope you don’t mind if I do it right here- we’re in a hurry.”

I pointed out that we didn’t even have time for that, if we wanted to get to the Church on time. Kimmy offered to drive, so Ruth could blow me in the backseat. This startling suggestion would open a whole fresh chapter in mother daughter relations, and keçiören escort my fit in that relationship. Teasing and playing with Kimmy alone had been exciting. Ruth and I had done exhibitionist games with others. But just thinking of head from Ruthie, with Kimmy watching made my already stiff member throb violently in Ruth’s hand.

Just then, the phone rang. Ruth grabbed it with her free hand, never relaxing her grip. She spoke to the caller briefly, still toying with my balls.

“That was Bob Thomas next door. He was afraid, since he saw we hadn’t left yet, that we might have car trouble. He offered to have Melody Ann drive us in their Suburban. I said ‘yes’.”

“Oh, Mom, why did you have to do that? She spoils everything.”

Despite being a bridesmaid, Melody Ann was Kimmy’s rival, including for the affections of Eric. I doubted that Ruth had told Kimmy every detail of our sexual history- that would take months- so Kimmy likely was unaware that Ruth and Melody Ann had enjoyed an intense Sapphic encounter while Kimmy had vamped me.

“Not everything, dear. In fact, her openness can add a lot to a situation. Like now. I agreed to take the offer not just to please her Dad, but also because with Melody Ann driving, you’ll have no trouble watching me deep throat Jeff.”

Ruth stuffed my bulge into my pants, and then we all piled into Melody Ann’s vehicle. Ruth and I took the back bench seat. Kimmy scored the passenger side captain’s chair. I noticed Melody Ann adjust her rear view mirror. The phrase ‘set up’ ran through my brain. Before I could think further, Ruth unzipped my pants at the same moment Melody Ann pulled out of the driveway. As we bumped out across the curb, Kimmy said, “Good thing Mom didn’t swallow you yet, Jeff, she might have bit it off.”

If Melody Ann was not in on Ruth’s plan before, she was listening now. Ruth primed my stiffening shaft with three quick strokes, then squeezed the head, her thumb grazing the slit, as she explained, “I need to make sure Jeff doesn’t embarrass us with a stiffie in the church.”

“Oh, Mrs. Hunter. I would have been happy to help with that,” Melody Ann said.

“But folks might notice the bridesmaid missing at the same time as the bride’s step dad. And what if they held up the rehearsal? And, please call me Ruthie. Jeff knows all about our time together, dear.”

“Mom!” Kimmy squealed, “You and Melody Ann? How could you?”

“Well, dear- it was like this. She was a damsel in distress. Well, actually, not really in her dress much at all. That was the problem. I rescued her and she returned the kindness. I love sex with enthusiastic women almost as much as men. More, if I’m in the mood. And Melody Ann sure got me in the mood.”

“Speaking of in the mood, Ruth, if I can’t have him now, would you mind if I sneak off with Mr. Hunter during the dinner after?” Melody Ann asked.

“Please call him Jeff, dear. I bet what he would like a blowjob under the table best. If the set up doesn’t allow that, the coatroom or restroom works too.”

My head was spinning. Suddenly, my wife was fixing me up with this young vixen, after we already had plans to play together with Wendy, the maid of honour. How would I manage? Maybe I ought to save my strength. Before I had a chance to say a word, Ruth bobbed her head into my lap, swallowing my entire cock in one gulp. Her fist pumped the shaft as she drew her lips slowly up, pausing to lick around the bottom of the helmet. “Hmmmm….Mrs…I mean Ruth, he looks as tasty as an ice cream cone,” Melody Ann mused.

I made eye contact with Kimmy in the rearview mirror. As she turned to watch more closely, I saw she was still capable of blushing. Kimmy’s tongue ran over her full red lips as she watched her mother’s mouth capture the tip of my cock. Ruth kneaded my scrotum with her hand. I noticed that Kimmy had undone the top two buttons of her conservative ‘rehearsal dress’. Her fingers were idly toying with the soft flesh bursting out of the cups of her baby blue lacy bra. Any embarrassment had passed quickly. Melody Ann was busy trying to watch the road, enjoy Ruth’s show, and now, peep at Kimmy.

Ruth busily pumped her hand up and down my cock, teasing the head with just the top of her tongue. I watched Kimmy pop her left breast free of her bra. Her nipple was fully erect. I noticed Melody Ann’s tongue snaking out the corner of her mouth as Kimmy caressed herself. I thought Melody Ann might be about to lunge across and suckle Kimmy. We didn’t need an accident, so I upped the ante to change the dynamic. I unzipped Ruth’s dress so her full tits fell out. “Like Mother, like daughter,” Melody Ann observed.

Ruth’s nipples were also excited, and got even bigger as I teased them, pulling, stretching then twisting. Ruth responded by vigourously bobbing up and down on my cock, taking it all in her mouth, then pulling up so only the head was in her lips. Her tongue teased around the bottom of the shaft on the down strokes, then flicking the soft tip etlik escort with her teeth.

“Gee, Mom, he looks like he’s swelling up even fatter inside your mouth. I can see him poking out your cheek” Kimmy mimicked my finger action, toying with her breast in synchronicity with my doing the same to Ruth. Melody Ann was wearing a knit pullover dress, but only one hand was on the wheel. The other was hidden from my view, but the excited elbow action suggested her nipples were getting a good massage.

I hoisted Ruth’s skirt, exposing her plum thong to the girls. Kimmy followed suit, shifting in her seat so she could push her hem up to her waist, revealing a tiny strip of silk that matched her bra. It was more awkward for Melody Ann to drive and uncover, so she had to content herself with glancing sideways to watch Kimmy stroke her own thigh with fingertips recently manicured in the most expensive shop in town.

My hands roamed across Ruth’s firm ass, starting by just rubbing her tender flesh.

“Kimmy, your Mom is in great shape for an older woman. She…”

“Ewww, Melody Ann, do not tell me about you and my Mom…”

“It was perfectly wonderful.”

“Well, I don’t want to hear about it, you cheap slut.” Kimmy was distracted from the excitement of the previous moment. She slumped in her seat, fingers no longer in her lap, staring out the window.

“Cheap slut? You call me a ‘cheap slut’? What if I tell Eric about you and Jeff?”

“Well, I never pulled a train of the college basketball team then bragged about being the first high school girl to have the whole starting five.”

“I think you’re jealous I did that. Just like you’re jealous I fucked your fiancé, because you’re too stuck up to do anal.”



Since Ruth’s mouth was too full to allow her to intervene, I spoke up, to avoid a disaster befalling the rehearsal. I knew agreeing to have Melody Ann as the ‘even up’ bridesmaid, just because there had to be two ushers, was a baaaad idea. I was tempted to relax and allow the blowjob to be enhanced by an all-out hissing, slapping, scratching clothes tearing cat fight, but the risk of car crash or ruined wedding was too great.

I chose a quick slap on Ruth’s ass to break the tension. Ruth grunted around my cock. Melody Ann, startled, grinned and licked her lips. “Is your ass as nice as your Mom’s, Kimmy?”

“You’ll never find out.”

“Just watching your Mom’s ass squirming under Jeff’s slaps makes me all wet.” Melody Ann ran a finger through her pussy lips, and then licked it in slow motion, showing off for Kimmy, and also making fresh eye contact with me in the mirror. Ruth lifted her head from my lap for a moment to watch this play out. “Care to taste it, Kimmy? Or would you rather I taste yours? You are wet aren’t you? I’m sure I can smell you from here.”

“Which part of ‘never’ do you not get, bitch?” Kimmy turned to watch Ruth deep throating me. As she observed us, her fingers slid back up her skirt.

“Ruth…we’re almost at the church. I can see the steeple up ahead.” Melody Ann giggled. “A-head. How ironic. Anyway, better finish Jeff off quick, or you’ll have just made his erectile problem more obvious not less.”

“Being surrounded by beautiful women in a vehicle full of the odor of sex does that to me, I’m sorry.”

Ruth increased the tempo of her bobbing up and down my shaft, her tongue now teasing my slit open aggressively. Her right hand milked my balls. She snuck her left hand around my butt. As soon as her finger stroked my prostrated, I groaned, a flood of cum filling Ruth’s mouth. Kimmy game with a great scream just a moment later.

Ruth lifted her head out of my lap, still fondling my deflating cock gently. She asked Melody Ann to pass a Kleenex, so she could wipe the excess cum off her lips and chin. In response, Melody Ann pulled over to the curb, turned to Ruth, and licked the cream clean. She finished by cupping Ruth’s chin in both hands and fiercely French kissing her, using her tongue to lave the inside of Ruth’s mouth, cleaning all the cum out. Kimmy was visibly restless, muttering about being late. However, in ironic imitation of Melody Ann’s earlier actions, Kimmy staring licking her own fingers clean. All this play just made my cock stir within Ruth’s grasp. She clamped down hard, whether intending to restrain me, or in response to Melody Ann’s attentions.

Melody Ann grinned goofily when she finished with Ruth, her own chin now glistening with a mix of saliva and sperm.” Sure you won’t do for me what I did for your Mom, Kimmy?”

“Just get me to the church, cow.”

“Kimmy, be polite,” Ruth said as she fastened her favourite cock ring around my deflated shaft. “There, girls, not even those visible nipple rings of Melody Ann’s will force Jeff to make a scene.”

I looked at Melody Ann. As Ruth pointed out, the excitement had aroused her nipples, pressing her jewelry against the wool of the dress. She was clearly braless. We all sat catching rus escort our breath for a minute before Melody Ann wheeled the Suburban in the church parking lot. A dozen vehicles were already there, the rest of the attendees waiting for us.

“Maybe if you stop imagining I’m staring at those baubles, your tits will relax, Melody Ann,” Kimmy said, “because I am not interested in you. How else can I make that clear?”

“Perhaps, dear, if you weren’t actually staring at her nipples as you deny it, Kimmy dear,” Ruth suggested.

We hopped out of the SUV. Ruth lined us up for inspection, pronouncing, “No visible cum stains.” Kimmy and Melody checked and approved Ruth’s attire. Melody Ann added a quick squeeze of Ruth’s ass and a caress of pussy through dress as she ‘helped Ruth with her lipstick.’

I noticed as we rounded the corner of the Suburban that Wendy, the maid of honour Ruth and I wanted to seduce, was staring at us. I wondered how much she had seen, or guessed. Wendy was chatting with the other bridesmaid, a rather plain athletic girl named Henrietta, inevitably known as Hank. She was pleasant and cheerful, but never seemed to have a date. The high school custodians always seemed to be whitewashing over ‘Hank gives Head- to Dykes’ graffiti. However, Kimmy had not confessed to any sexual adventures with Hank. My hormones were so charged up at the rehearsal that, for the first time, I noticed Hank as a sensual possibility- perhaps the proverbial still water running deep, the truly grateful lover. Wendy was whispering into Hank’s ear, giggling, arms linked. Watching this perked up my interest further. My cock strained against it’s restraint as I realized that Kimmy never told me about Wendy’s other lovers, only her own. What Kimmy had told me suggested that Wendy was polymorphously promiscuous, an adept sexual seductress. Hank’s adoring gaze s their heads bowed together marked her as a conquest of Wendy, and therefore a suitable target for my own interest. Perhaps not tonight though. Wendy and Melody Ann- even separately- would likely exhaust me. Though the Wendy scene was still not certain. I quickly wondered how a Wendy/Ruth/Hank (plus me) four way might play.

“Nice grin, Mr. H,” Wendy said in greeting,” What some folks might call a ‘pussy eating grin’. Have you been eating pussy on the way here?”

“Not that recently. Wendy…but he did quite fine in the shower before we got dressed.” Ruth replied.

“Reallllly, Mrs. H? Cool. I always wondered if Mr. H had it in him. Kimmy is always too shy to ‘fess up.”

“Kimmy wouldn’t know first hand, Wendy. At least not yet.”

“How do you know?”

“Jeff and I trust each other totally. We have no secrets.”

“So, like, you share everything?”

“Well, Wendy, we haven’t shared Melody Ann yet- I’ve been the only one to have her so far. And, since neither of us has had you, we haven’t shared you either.”

“Yet,” I said, referring to Wendy, but looking Hank straight in the eye, then letting my gaze obviously shift slowly down her body, licking my lips as I watched her heavy breathing puffing out her chest. Wendy didn’t even blush, but Hank did. I grinned again. My doubts vanished. This shrinking violet would be a sweet flower to pluck. I appreciated her in a new light. Usually, Hank compressed her breasts with a practical sports bra. Tonight, all dressed up, her tits were revealed to be very decent half grapefruits, apparently supported by a Wonderbra. Perhaps the bra was lacy, because in response to my stare, Hank’s nipples started to peep out through her pretty lilac blouse. ‘Buttons in the back,’ I noted to myself. I drifted off, wondering what shade of bra, what pattern of lace. Unwrapping Hank could be as much fun as a Christmas present.

Hank turned her head away, her hair spilling out of its expensive ‘updo’.

“But I thought I smelled pussy juice,” Wendy said.

“Yes, I believe you do,” chuckled Ruth,” but that doesn’t come by way of tonguing. In fact, I think there are three pussies here that need a good eating. Or five?”

“Mommmm….” Kimmy stomped her foot, like a little girl. “We’re running late. Can you fill up your dance card later?”

As we entered the church, I noticed a rental car pulling into the lot. Apparently, Kimmy’s globetrotting real father was arriving to save the day, and I would not be required as a stand-in. ‘Just as well,’ I mused, ‘more chance to find mischief.’

I chuckled to myself, recalling my dear departed Dad, whose universal retort to that word was “Miss who?” Dad had been an unrepentant cocksman, cutting a swath through suburbia. Dear Mom could have been a role model for Ruth’s tolerance, though not her polyamourous proclivities. Mom had tolerated Dad’s adventures until the neighbour, Mr. Stillwell, had chased Dad around the block with a shotgun. Seems Dad was caught skinny dipping with not just Mrs. Stillwell, but with her, their eighteen year old daughter and twenty year old niece. Mom moved in with my former nanny before Dad got back from having the buckshot removed. Maybe that’s why Ruth and I, when we married, had searched for a minister willing to leave ‘… and forsaking all others…” out of the vows. Suddenly, I wondered about Kimmy- would she choke on those words? How would Eric react if she continued her brazen ways?

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Daddy’s Girl

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I will never forget that tragic day, July 14th, 2002. That was the day I lost the love of my life in an automobile accident. My lovely wife, Caroline, was driving home from the grocery store when a drunk driver ran a stop sign, abruptly ending her life.

I still haven’t gotten over losing her. I can’t imagine ever trying to replace her love with another woman, having only dated a few times over the past ten years since her death. Those few dates weren’t even my idea, friends and co-workers were constantly trying to set me up, hoping to put an end to my ten year state of depression.

Caroline and I were married young, after dating throughout high school and having a baby during our junior year. Caroline dropped out of school to take care of our little baby, Angela when she was only 16 years old. We were married the day after my high school graduation, in 1992.

I won’t lie, it’s been a tough life at times, even before the accident. I usually worked two jobs to provide for my family as Caroline wanted to stay home and raise our daughter. My primary job was as an automobile mechanic at a Ford dealership but I picked up odd jobs here and there as well, just enough to make ends meet.

As Angela entered kindergarten, Caroline took a job working part-time as a waitress, making pretty good money at it too. I was able to cut back to just my primary job and go to school at night, hoping to better provide for my family. I graduated only a year before she died, earned a degree in accounting and quickly found a great job making twice what I was earning as an auto-mechanic. Life was looking up.

I won’t go into details about how hard Angela took the loss of her mother, I think that goes without saying. My little Angel, that’s what I called Angela, was a spitting image of her Mom. She looked so much like her that at times I even slipped and called her Caroline. Angel was a beautiful young lady, now twenty years old. She attended college nearby while living at home with me.

I must admit, being only 36 years old with a 20 year old daughter had it’s difficulties. We were so close in age that some of her friends were only a few years younger then me, and she had some great looking friends.

Enough time had gone by since her mother’s passing that Angel was even trying to set me up on dates. Sometimes her girlfriends would even flirt with me, but I never crossed that line.

“Hey Dad, want to go camping with us this weekend?” Angel asked, tossing her books on the kitchen table one Friday afternoon.

“Camping with who?”

“Just a bunch of us girls from school. We’re going to rough it in tents for the weekend.”

“Who’s going?”

“You know most of the girls, just a bunch of my friends from college.”

“Well, I don’t have anything else going on this weekend. Why not?” I said after considering my options.

“Great! You have that big tent still, don’t you?” Angel asked.

“I’ll have to dig it out of the attic.”

“Please do, I don’t want to sleep in a pup tent with the others. Our big tent is so nice.”

“OK, help me get the stuff together,” I said.

We found the old tent and a bunch of other camping gear that hadn’t been used in over a decade. After inspecting everything, checking for stakes, tent poles and holes in the air mattresses, we packed the SUV full of supplies. This wasn’t exactly going to be ‘roughing it’ as we brought just about everything we’d need.

“You girls will have to find other transportation, there’s only room for me in my car,” I said.

“No problem, there will be at least three other cars going along.”

Knowing I’d have a full day of setting up camp the next day, I went to bed early. As usual, my last thoughts of the day were of days when Caroline was alive. This was the kind of stuff she’d do, go camping at the drop of a hat with no planning. I loved that about her, her love of life and she enjoyed every day to it’s fullest.

I woke up early, startled by an impending ejaculation. Yes, I was having a wet dream, dreaming about an earlier time with Caroline. The dream was so real, I felt like we were actually making love, and just as I made a complete mess of my underwear, my eyes opened.

Come on guys, we’ve all had them, but what a fucking mess. God, I missed Caroline! I threw back the covers, grabbed a clean pair of underwear and headed for the shower.

“Good morning Dad,” Angel said, standing at the sink, brushing her teeth. “Do you need the bathroom?” she asked, looking at my cum soaked underwear, a slight grim forming.

I covered up quickly, trying to hide my predicament, hiding behind my clean underwear, dangling from my grasp in front of my crotch.

“Ah, please,” I said. “Now.”

Angel rinsed her mouth and stood back, watching me closely as I shut the bathroom door behind me. I know she knew what had happened. Although, my baby Angela probably didn’t know about wet dreams, it’s a guy thing. Wet dreams are kind of like masturbation, all men do it but few will admit to it.

I sincan escort showered and got ready for our trip, then grabbed a quick breakfast as Angela talked on her cell phone with her friends. I overheard her say that we were meeting them in an hour, good to know.

“So, where are we meeting your friends and where are we going?”

“They’re all coming here and we’re going to the State Park. There’s a great hiking trail, we’re going to camp about a mile from the parking lot.”

“A mile!?”

“Maybe not quite that far, we want privacy.”

“Who’s going to lug all of this shit?”

“Oh, we’ll all take something.”

“This tent alone weighs 35 pounds!”

“You’re a big strong man, you shouldn’t have any problem carrying it,” she said, winking.

Somehow, I knew this wasn’t going to be a relaxing weekend. I had an idea I’d be making a few trips back and forth, up and down the hiking trail.

A horn honked in the driveway alerting us that they’d arrived. I looked out the window, observing a mini van and two small cars full of college girls waiting for us. Angel slammed the door behind her without saying a word to me, leaving me to lock up and make sure all the details were taken care of with the house. As I washed the dishes and grabbed the few items I hadn’t put in the car, all I could hear were girls laughing and screaming. I shut and locked the front door, trying not to notice the girls, all adults, as I unlocked my SUV’s door and slid in. I put the window down and could hear a few conversations.

“Let’s go girls!” I said.

“OK Dad, follow us!”

“Damn girl, I want your Dad all to myself this weekend,” one girl muttered.

“No way, share!” another said.

“He’s fine,” said another.

I put my window up, not wanting to hear any more. My cock was swelling at the thought of multiple young ladies wanting me. I knew they were just teasing Angela though so I tried to get the thought out of my mind. I already had most of them pegged as cock teases.

I followed the convoy of women for the best part of the next hour, letting my mind wander from time to time, fantasizing as I drove. I knew to these young women, I was just Angel’s Old Man, but it was nice to think otherwise.

As we pulled into the parking lot, the girls piled out of the other vehicles, still laughing and taunting each other.

“OK ladies, let’s all get everything together and try to make this hike in one trip,” I said.

I hadn’t noticed but almost all of the girls were cute, sexy and scantily clad. Most wore shorts and tank tops. One girl I hadn’t seen before was wearing a bikini top, shorts and flip-flops. Her tits were huge, had to be fake! Her tits flowed over the top of her tiny bikini, leaving little to the imagination. Damn, I had to stop looking around and having these naughty thoughts.

“We should be properly dressed for hiking ladies. Long shirts and pants are best to keep the bugs away and avoid getting all scratched up along the way,” I said.

“Didn’t Angela tell you?” The gal they called ‘Red’ asked.

“Tell me what?”

“That we’re not wearing clothes when we get to our campsite! Today is Nude Day and we’re celebrating!” Red shouted as the others cheered. “We brought plenty of insect repellent.”

“What are you talking about? Nude what?” I asked, having never heard of such a day.

“Nude Day!” many of the girls yelled in unison. Then they started to chant “Nude Day, Nude Day, Nude Day!”

“Whoa, not on my watch,” I said.

“Dad, nobody expects you to take your clothes off. Ewww,” Angel said in a quiet voice.

“You’re not getting naked, Angel,” I said.

“We’re all girls, Dad. You’ve seen me naked before.”

“Not since you became a woman!” I said.

“Let’s get this party started!” Red said, towing a little red wagon loaded with two kegs of beer.

Angel was the only one under 21 in the group, being 20, the rest ranged in age from 21 to 28. There were nine girls total, including Angel. Every one of them were sexy, this was going to be tough to take, eight naked women running around all weekend. My cock was already beginning to swell, I had to stop thinking like this.

Red led the way with her wagon. We managed to pile our large tent on top of the kegs so we could make it in one trip. The girls weren’t much on hiking, but we made it anyway. By the time we found the campsite, half of the girls were topless, two of them were totally naked. I couldn’t help but stare, one had great tits and a shaved pussy, the other had small tits and just a runway strip. Me, just a constant erection straining to be freed.

I am terrible with names, to this day I couldn’t tell you half the girl’s names, just the key players. Red was kind of the leader, bringing the beer and organizing the camp-out. Her red hair made it easy to remember her name. The gal with the huge, fake tits was Michelle. She was the first to get naked, just a few feet from the parking lot. For some reason, big çankaya escort tits always makes it easier to remember a name. One girl in particular caught my attention early, her name was Monica. She was quieter then the others, but her eyes were always finding mine, flirting, winking and staring at me. She had a body to die for, nice natural tits, probably a C cup, long blonde hair, green eyes and a shaved pussy. She had a J-Lo ass as well. She was the oldest at 28 and definitely the most mature of them all. Hell, she was only eight years younger than me.

“Hey stud, when are you going to join us by getting naked?” Monica asked.

“My name is Derrick, and to answer your question, when I get home and in the shower.”

“Too bad, You’re a sexy guy. I’d sure like to get a good look at the rest of you.”

“Shhh, my daughter will hear you.”

“She’s the one that told us you were sexy!” Monica said. “She’s not as innocent as you might think.”

“My daughter wouldn’t say something like that,” I said, pondering what I’d just heard.

I continued unpacking and helping everyone get set up, unable to get my daughter’s words off my mind. The girls continued telling stories, taunting each other and enjoying themselves. As the afternoon progressed, I could detect from afar as I read my Kindle that the girls were all acting strange. Then I discovered that the first keg of beer had been tapped and the girls were getting giddy. My eyes caught Monica’s as she motioned to her cup of beer. I nodded that I’d like one too so she brought one right to me, her tits bouncing as she half jogged, spilling most of the beer.

It was that moment that I noticed my little Angela naked, sitting with the others around the campfire. I hadn’t seen her in so many years naked, I almost forgot that she was now a woman. She looked so much like her mother. She was beautiful, her tits were full and firm as her mother’s were, and her pussy was shaved. ‘Why would my little baby shave her pussy?’ I couldn’t take my eyes off her. My cock swelled as I stared, thinking of her mother as my eyes wandered over her body.

“Here’s your beer Derrick. I still wish you’d get naked, I can see you’re getting excited,” Monica said. “I’d like to help you out.”

“How would you like to help me out?” I asked.

“You know, with your predicament,” she said looking at my crotch.

“I’m just fine, go join the others.”

“Damn,” Monica said under her breath as she turned away and joined the others.

I had a difficult time keeping my eyes from focusing on my daughter as she sat naked with her sexy friends, especially when the sun went down and I was asked to join them around the campfire. Here I sat with nine naked adult women, toasting marshmallows around the campfire. I was tempted so many times during the day to wander off and jerk off, just to rid myself of the burning desire I had to get naked and seduce them one at a time. If my daughter hadn’t been there, I know I would have joined them. By this time they were all feeling no pain, the first keg was almost gone.

“Are you going to let your Dad get naked or not?” Monica asked Angela, slurring her words.

“I don’t tell my Dad what to do,” she said.

“Would it bother you if he did?” one of the other girls asked.

“I guess not, I’m naked,” she said, looking around at the others.

“Maybe he needs a little coaxing!” Red said.

“I’m just fine the way I am, thank you though.”

“You got that right, you are fine!” Red said as she sat next to me.

Her hand was on my thigh before I knew it, surprising me. I brushed her hand off with mine.

“Hey, stop that!” I said.

Red stiffened and whispered in my ear,”Can I see you in your tent later?”

“My daughter is sleeping in the tent with me,” I whispered.

Red winked and stopped her pursuit, taking her place back next to Angel.

“I still think you should get naked for just a bit, Nude Day is almost over,” Monica said.

“It’s up to Angela, I don’t want to embarrass her around her friends,” I finally gave in, maybe it was the beer taking over.

“Do whatever you want Dad, I’ve seen you naked before.”

“What, when?” I asked.

“All the time, you always take a shower with the door open.”

“OK, I’ll play along for a few minutes but then I’m going to bed, I’m tired.”

I only had on a pair of shorts and underwear so it didn’t take much to disrobe. I stood and slid my shorts down, every eye was on me except Angela’s, she looked away. My cock was semi erect, pushing outward forming a tent in my boxers I slid them down, stepping out of them and sat immediately as my cock sprung free.

“Wow, nice package!” Monica said.

“Hell Yeah!” Red said. “By the looks of things, he’s ready for action.”

The others continued commenting on my equipment, I never considered it to be anything special. I measured it a few times, always about eight or so inches hard, and it was almost hard now.

“Stop making me eryaman escort the object of your discussion or I’m getting dressed,” I said.

“Leave Dad alone girls,” Angela said, taking her first look at my erection, pausing just long enough to get my attention.

“If I am making an ass of myself, I’ll go to the tent Hun,” I said to Angel.

“Don’t leave on account of me, you have nothing to be ashamed of.” she said, still sneaking peaks at my cock, making me even harder.

“I’m going to bed girls, good night,” I said, trying to cover my erection with my shorts as I stood and walked away.

“I’d fuck him!” I heard Monica say after I got into the tent, zipping it closed behind me.

“I think we’d all fuck him right now!” Red said as the the others cheered.

‘Didn’t they realize that these tents didn’t have real walls.’ I thought. I tried to get them out of my mind, letting it wander to days spent with my wife. My cock was still hard when I finally dozed off an hour or so later. A few hours later I was woken up by a warm body sliding into my sleeping bag next to me.

“Angel, is that you?”

“Shhh, she’s asleep. It’s me, Monica.”

Her naked tits slid down my chest, her hand grasped my cock firmly, swelling instantly to erection. She kissed my neck as her hand slowly stroked my cock, her thumb smearing the pre cum already oozing from the tip.

The tent zipper sounded as another person entered, I could see by the silhouette that it was Red. She stood as her eyes adjusted.

“Over here,” Monica whispered.

Red tried to slide into the sleeping bag too, instead unzipped the side and cuddled to my free side. Her hand joined Monica’s on my cock. Actually, I couldn’t tell which hand belonged to whom. One was stroking my cock and the other fondling my balls. It was a warm night, so they removed the covers from us as they fondled me. I couldn’t just lay there so my hands started to roam, seeking and finding their tits.

“I want to suck your cock,” Monica whispered as she slid downward, dipping her tongue into my oozing cock hole as my shaft stood at attention. Her lips quickly devoured my shaft as Red joined her. They took turns sucking me, passing my cock back and forth. My cock twitched and oozed as I felt them switch places, taking turns plunging onto it.

“Looking at your daughter made you horny,” Monica whispered, sliding up to kiss me as Red took me deep into her throat.

“No she didn’t, that’s my daughter,” I whispered. “She just reminds me so much of her mother, she looks exactly like she did.”

Monica’s tits pressed firmly against my chest as she lowered onto my cock, it being guided into her by Red. Her pussy was so tight that Red had to push it into her friend as she slid downward. My cock slowly worked into her as she slid up, then eased herself downward, lubricating my cock with her moist pussy. Red’s lips wrapped around my balls as Monica’s tight pussy squeezed and milked my shaft.

“You want to fuck your daughter, admit it,” Monica whispered as she nibbled my earlobe while sliding up and down my shaft. “Come on, admit it,” she begged. “Say that you want to fuck her. Make believe you’re fucking her.”

I looked toward Angela, her eyes looked back toward mine. She quickly closed her eyes, acting like she was again sleeping. I watched her for a minute or so as Monica slid up and down my cock but saw no movement. I must have imagined her eyes being open.

“I want to fuck my wife. My daughter looks just like her, it’s not my fault,” I whispered.

“I want some of that,” Red whispered.

Monica slid off my cock, Red lifted Monica by her ass cheeks until she hovered her moist pussy over my face. I lifted my head just a bit, just enough to find her wet pussy with my tongue, as Red slid onto my cock.

Monica’s pussy was wet and sweet so I devoured her, making her cum as her fingers tangled in my hair, driving my tongue deep inside and myu fingers fucked her as she shook quietly in orgasm.

Red slid up and down my shaft, her pussy not nearly as tight as Monica’s. She was so wet though, dripping wet. Monica lifted from my face, almost diving toward my cock, her tongue lapping my balls and Red’s pussy.

“Fuck me just like you want to fuck Angel!” Red said. “Fuck me Daddy.”

“I’m going to cum,” I grunted quietly.

Red lifted from me as my balls tightened. Monica’s lips wrapped around my shaft, stuffing my entire cock into her mouth as her throat milked the head of my cock. Red’s tongue lifted my balls as she licked just under them, touching my anus as I started to explode. My first jet of cum shot into Monica’s throat, making her gag but her throat continued milking it. I could feel my cum escaping her mouth but Red was devouring it now, sucking and slurping it up. Each forceful ejaculation erupted directly into Monica’s throat, but she gagged up a bit for Red to have. Her moans almost sounded underwater as she gulped continuously, trying to keep up with the steady flow of hot, sticky cum filling her throat.

My ass pushed upward, forcing each load to shoot forcefully as I held Monica’s head. I loved the sound of her gargling on my cum, gasping for breath as Red sucked and consumed the overflow clean. As my balls coated with my hot cum, Red would devour it.

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Daddy’s Fuck Toy

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Jessa was, to most people, a typical 19 year old girl. She would go to school during the week and then on the weekends she would hang out with her friends. When she was younger, her parents had enrolled her into St. Augustine Catholic School for girls so that she had very little contact with boys her age.

According to her dad boys were a distraction that kept good little girls from being focused on their school work.

Jessa’s father Nicholas was an investment broker. He spent tireless hours at the office trying to support himself and Jessa as his wife had left him more than ten years ago for their pool boy, Greg.

Jessa and her dad began flirting just after her eighteenth birthday. She was sitting on the couch watching television in her silk PJ’s late on night when her dad came home from work.

“What a fucking awful day,” he said, flopping down on the couch next to his daughter. “I lost the account with Merrimack and Gary is on my case now about next weeks meeting with the VP of Pyrosoft.”

Jessa curled up with her dad on the couch, giving him a hug. “I know you’ll do great next week, dad. You and that guy from Pyro have been golfing together for years. You’ll do great.”

He looked into his daughters eyes and sighed. “Yeah. I guess. I’m still stressed, though. My back is killing me from all of the paperwork today.”

Jessa smiled up at him and bit her lower lip. “I can give you a massage if you like, Daddy.” He turned his back to her, grateful for the attention.

Jessa got comfortable behind her father and began to lightly massage his back through his shirt. “Dad, it isn’t going to do you any good unless you actually take your shirt off.” Nicholas turned his head slightly back to his daughter, unsure of whether he should remove his shirt or not.

He had lusted over her supple young body since she had started developing as a woman. He watched her when she went swimming in her tight and wet little bikini’s. He got a hard-on just thinking about it.

Since she had turned 18 a few short months ago, Nicholas had gone to bed almost every night and jerked off to the thought of fucking her.

Jessa had blonde hair down to the middle of her back and wore only the tightest of clothing. As a father he never said anything about her choice of clothing. etimesgut escort He hoped she wasn’t a virgin anymore, despite the school he and his ex wife had chosen to send her to.

He had thoughts of her in her school uniform fucking guys in the bathroom that snuck over from the nearby boys school.

Jessa was by no means plain looking. She had figured out how to use make-up early on and used it to accentuate her already beautiful features. She was a fan of shorter skirts and tight tank tops and Nicholas could see the way that the boys her age looked at her. Because he looked at her the same way.

Nicholas began unbuttoning his shirt so that his daughter could massage his back. Jessa felt chills go down her spine as she watched her dad remove his shirt.

She craved the thought of an older mature cock inside her young, tight little pussy. She had lost her virginity years ago to a boyfriend at the time. Wishing it was her own father with every pump of his cock. The fact that it was so wrong to crave something like this only turned her on more.

Jessa ran her fingers lightly over her dads back, giving him goose bumps. His shoulders shook slightly. Nicholas could feel his cock throbbing as his daughter touched his back, trying to push the thoughts out of his mind that were telling him to drive it into her little cunt.

She began working his back harder, feeling for the tight muscles. “You really are tight, Daddy.” she said to him. A slight grunt came from Nicholas’ mouth as she kneaded him.

Jessa could feel herself getting wet as she massaged her father. She thought of him turning around and flipping her on her back and just fucking her. As she thought of her own daddy inside her, her hands started rubbing lightly along her fathers back and up along his neck.

Nickolas didn’t think he couldn’t take it anymore. His cock was rock solid and there was his daughter, in silk PJ’s massaging him in one of the most sensual manners he could have imagined. Suddenly, the movements stopped.

“Daddy, you should lay down so that I can get a better angle for this. You have a lot of tension in your lower back.”

Nicholas didn’t have to be asked twice. “Sure, baby girl. We can head upstairs and I can lay on the bed for you.” otele gelen escort She nodded and he led the way upstairs.

Nicholas sprawled out on his King sized bed, being careful to position his rock hard cock. Jessa wasn’t shy in the least as she climbed on top of him and began to work at his back again.

She didn’t even notice the fact that her PJ’s had become soaked at her crotch. Nicholas could feel the heat coming off of her, though. He had decided that enough was enough. If he didn’t make a move now, he never would. His gorgeous daughter was perched on top of his half naked body rubbing him.

He flipped Jessa over, and raised her hands above her head, pinning them to the bed.

“Do you have any idea how much I want you right now, Jessa?” He asked her, the look of the wolf in his eyes. She nodded up at him lustfully.

“I want you, too, Daddy.” Nicholas leaned down and kissed his daughter forcefully, grinding his cock against her PJ’s.

“Good. Because I’m going to fuck you now.”

He began to tug at her shirt, pulling it off over her head. Jessa started to undo her daddy’s belt, letting his pants fall to the floor. Nicholas pulled down her pajama bottoms, revealing no underwear but a cleanly shaved pussy. Nicholas pulled his own boxers off and brought his now naked daughters head forcefully down on his cock.

“Be a good girl and suck your daddy’s cock. That’s it…”

Jessa moved along her daddy’s cock with her masterful tongue. She glided along it, flicking at the head of his thick cock.

“You’re a little slut, aren’t you? Craving your daddy’s cock like that.”

Jessa looked up at him with her innocent 18 year old eyes and nodded.

“I’m your little slut, Daddy.” she said, before continuing to devour his cock. As her head bobbed up and down along his cock, he grabbed her hair at the roots.

“Yeah…good little slut. Suck on Daddy’s cock.”

“Lay on the bed, baby girl. Daddy is going to show you what it feels like to have your little cunt eaten out properly.”

Jessa obeyed and promptly opened her legs up for her daddy. Nicholas buried his face in his sweet young daughters young pussy. He flicked his tongue against her clit and began to suck lightly on it. Jessa gripped the kızılay escort covers of the bed and moaned softly.

Nicholas plunged a finger inside his daughter to see how tight his cock would be squeezed when he finally fucked her with it. Gods. She still felt as tight as a virgin.

His cock throbbed eagerly awaiting the moment when he would finally fuck his baby girl. He flicked his tongue at her clit making her hips move and making her moan all the more. He could feel her muscles start to contract and knew she wanted to cum.

“Oh no you don’t,” he said, pulling his finger out of her and movie his cock to her tight little hole. “You only get to cum on your Daddy’s cock.”

He began to move his naked cock over his daughter’s slit, playing with her clit with his massive hard-on.

“Daddy, I want you to fuck me so badly. I want to feel your cock inside my tight little cunt.” Nicholas looked up at her and grunted slightly.

“Good little slut. You’ll do whatever Daddy tells you, won’t you?”

Jessa nodded as she looked at his massive cock teasing her pussy. “I’m yours daddy. To fuck whenever you want.” He leaned in and kissed her again, shoving his tongue inside her mouth.

“Yes. You are.” and he plunged his cock deep inside her, not waiting to go slowly. She moaned loudly as she felt every inch of her daddy enter her pussy.

“Oh god….Daddy…” she moaned.

“You like getting fucked by your Daddy, baby girl? You like the feeling of your daddy’s cock inside you?” he taunted as he began to pump into her.

“Yes, Daddy! Fuck me harder!”

Nicholas began to ram into his daughter. Fucking every inch of her tight pussy. He felt her juices saturating his cock.

“Now I want you to cum for Daddy. Cum all over Daddy’s cock.” Jessa moaned even louder as her daddy ordered her to cum. She felt her muscles tighten and screamed loudly


As Nicholas felt the waves of her orgasm on his cock, he couldn’t help but spill his load inside his baby girl. He pushed harder and deeper into her, filling her up with his juices.

“Good little slut. Take your Daddy’s juices.”

Nicholas left his cock inside his daughter for several minutes until he finally pulled out.

“You’re such a good little girl, Jessa. Daddy is going to have so much fun with that tight little cunt of yours.”

Jessa smiled at her dad. “I’m your little slut now, Daddy.” Nicholas pulled her close to him and they lay together on his bed.

Ideas of what he would do to her next danced through his head…

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Rahab Bk. 02 Ch. 07: Ana

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Below us, the smoke from the fires I had kindled obscured the view, but I could see above us four archers keeping up a steady fire. I scrambled up the hillside, with the help of my rescuer.

Two thoughts occurred simultaneously. They knew who I was, and they had wanted to save me. For the first time since the assault on the convoy began, I breathed a sigh of relief.

As we paused, the masked archer praised me:

‘That was swift thinking, little Vizier, and you have more courage than many a warrior. Most women would have screamed and fainted.’

‘I am not most women,’ I smiled, in reply to the compliment.

‘No more than we are, now swiftly, into the caves here, and we are safe.’

She guided me into the mouth of a cave hidden from view until you were on top of it. A stone was rolled across the entrance. Two lit torches led us through the gloom.

The air was not foul, and the gradient easy.

I had to run to keep up with my rescuers.

Rounding a corner, I could see lights ahead. We came into what seemed to be an underground hall. It was decorated like the Great Hall of a palace, but the walls were lined with icons, and through the great curtains, I could see what looked like an iconostasis. From without came a low, deep-voiced chanting. Instinctively, I crossed myself. She began to loose her turban.

As she unwound the turban she wore, she revealed a face of some beauty. Her skin was whiter than mine, but not by much, and her eyes were deep blue; she was beautiful.

‘Welcome to the cave of the Bodyguard.’

‘Thank you. And thank you, too, for rescuing me.’

‘We could not let you fall into the hands of the Assassins; they would have used you to destroy the power of the Sultan.’

‘I would,’ I said, ‘have used this first,’ and drew the dagger from my pouch.

‘You are, indeed, all they say of you.’

I thanked her again.

She beckoned me to follow her through a curtain.

On the other side was a room for us to rest and eat. The others seemed to have vanished.

She motioned me to sit, and I complied, suddenly feeling exhausted. I was begrimed by the battle, and my clothes, not made for such martial strife, were torn, and stained.

Servants quietly brought us food, and we ate.

‘I am Anastasia,’ she told me, smiling, ‘but call me Ana.’

Out of her costume, she wore the white tunic of a Roman patrician, with a purple edge. She keçiören escort ate delicately. Her Greek was exquisite, much better than mine.

‘I daresay you are puzzled, little Vizier?’

‘I am,’ I admitted, ‘but I would not trespass on your great hospitality by making unwelcome inquiries.’

‘You can be trusted, so I shall tell you what I would ask you not to pass on.’

Nodding, I smiled, and promised that I would treat her words with the care I treated those of the Padishah himself.

As we ate, and drank what seemed to me a fine Falerian wine, she recounted the strangest tale I had ever heard, one well worthy of Homer himself.

She assumed, rightly, that I knew about the last emperor of Constantinople, Constantine XI Palaeologus. I told her that I knew he had been a hero and had fallen with his men when the great city had been taken by Mehmet II in 1453.

‘Did you ever hear stories about him?’ Anastasia asked.

‘Only that an angel turned him into marble, and that he is hidden by the Golden Gate, and will rise again when the Christians throw off the Turks.’

‘That is a version of the truth,’ Anastasia said, suddenly growing deadly serious.

I looked, and was, interested. My weariness fell away as my interest rose.

‘Do you known who Giovanni Giustiniani was?’

‘Yes, he was the charismatic Genovese who directed the defence of the city, and who was fatally wounded in the final assault.’

‘Correct. Constantine escaped with Giustiniani, and went with him to Chios. He and an elite bodyguard escaped. They made their way by stages to the Holy Land, where the emperor, disguised as a pilgrim, gave thanks for his escape. We are the descendants of that bodyguard, and we guard his tomb, and his rightful heir. You heard the monks chanting prayers for him, just now. When they have gone, well, we shall see.’

I was stunned. All that history told us about the end of the last emperor was untrue. He had escaped, he had an heir. But why would his warriors want to save me? Unable to keep the thought to myself, I asked Anastasia.

‘We have to accept that for now, the Ottomans control the Empire, indeed they have even taken the title of Emperor of Rome. But there are worse enemies than them, and the people who attacked you mean to turn the Empire into an Islamic barracks and assault Christian Europe; that we cannot allow. We know you work for the right, etlik escort and we wish to preserve you. Besides, you are a pretty little thing, and we daughters of Sappho need to stick together,’

She reached out and touched my hand. I squeezed her hand.

‘Is the labourer worthy of her hire?’ She laughed, as she flirted.

She was so lovely, tall, elegant, her long blonde hair now loose; she looked good enough to eat. I leaned in.

Our lips met. She pulled me to her. The kiss held. Our lips pressed, opening at last, as her tongue found its way to mine. As she entered my mouth, I felt a surge of desire. My last sexual encounter with Jess had seen her deny me satisfaction; I was all the more eager as a result of that.

She was taller, stronger and more assertive than I was, but she was tender, drawing me to her, caressing me as I stroked her luscious, thick hair. I felt her power, but I felt something deeper, a need to love, and to be loved. My heart opened to her.

‘I want you, Rahab.’

‘Take me, Ana,’ was my reply.

She did, with a tenderness and power I had never felt before.

Lifting my top from me, she kissed my tiny breasts, making my nipples hard and achy.

I responded in kind, lifting her tunic, exposing her larger, perfect breasts. My hands roamed over them, cupping them, playing tenderly with her hardening nipples. I could not resist. My mouth closed on her left nipple, sucking urgently, before moving to the right and doing the same. My hand slid between her thighs. Her mound was smooth, and my finger darted between her moist lips, running along its length, and making her moan.

She pushed me back, removing my harem pants as she did so. She slid a leg between my thighs, moving until her sex touched mine, our wetness combining into one great mess. As she rubbed, I felt her bud against mine; I groaned. She rubbed my nipples, then squeezed them; I responded in kind.

The more she rubbed, the wetter we both got. I began to gasp as I sucked her nipples. She was beginning a low moan. I felt my climax coming, and, to judge from her eyes, as I looked up, hers was not far behind. That we were both clearly on the edge excited us both. When we climaxed we did so in a huge wet joining of our juices, our sweaty bodies at one, lost in mutual pleasure. We fell back on the couch.

She pulled me to her. I snuggled up to her, feeling safe, warm and secure.

‘You rus escort are so beautiful, Rahab, that was so special.’ She looked at me, her great blue eyes full of tenderness.

‘It was the same for me, darling Ana. You arouse in me feelings I cannot name.’

She pulled me to her. I felt warm, loved, and safe. No harm could reach me here.

We slept. Through a night troubled with memories of burning me, she was there. Light came, there were sounds

‘Would you care to bathe?’

As my brain sought to grip where I was, there was a moment when I did not know whether or not I was dreaming; the coffee smell convinced me I was waking.

Ana was up and dressed. She handed me a robe. The cave was an extraordinary affair, with its own warm pool. The water felt wonderful on my skin, and I washed away the stains of the previous day.

The servants attended me, and brought me soft towels to dry myself, and a fresh tunic, which, when on, just about covered by backside. Ana explained it was a child’s tunic, but that any of their tunics would have swamped me; it had to do. She hugged me, telling me she loved me; I, too, spoke of love to her. I blushed. I had never felt this before

‘I should like to show you the heart of our Fastness, my darling one. But of it you must not speak. I also have to warn you that I cannot guarantee that it will be safe. Those who enter will find a judgment.’

On my agreeing, she took me down a narrow passage, lined with candles and icons. It led into a chamber. There, in the centre, was a marble effigy of emperor Constantine XI; he was, indeed, the ‘Marble King’ of legend. I stood a while, saying a prayer for his soul. I felt something, someone there. Then a voice sounded in my ear.

‘You are the servant of the Living God, and you will be led where you need to be. Do not be afraid. I am with you.’

I turned, but there was no one there.

‘Was that you?’ I asked Ana.

She just shook her head: ‘It is Him.’.

‘Fear not, Rahab, all shall pass away, but I will endure and conquer.’

Again, I looked, again no one.

‘You are weighed in the balance, and you are not found wanting. Endure all for me.’

I felt a warm glow. Suddenly I knew. I was on hallowed ground.

I had seen Christians do it, so I crossed myself.

Saying a final prayer, I held Anastasia’s hand. She looked at me, I looked up at her.

‘He spoke to you, didn’t he.’

I nodded.

‘You are one of us now.’

Again, I nodded. She held me so close I could hear her heart beat.

Suddenly, the silence was torn apart by the claimant sound of a trumpet.

‘We are under attack,’ Ana exclaimed, to arms, to arms!’

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Ragamuffin Jo

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Big Tits


This is a story of 5128 words. It’s very descriptive so if its quick action that you are hoping to read then maybe this story is not for you. Enjoy.

With a population of just four hundred people, the village sits at the base of steep cliffs with high headlands on both sides where the coastal plain is so narrow that we only have one road which runs along the drop off to the beach before climbing up the high headlands and on to other distant towns. It’s an ancient town having first been settled over eight hundred years ago. The quaint shops are on the opposite side of the coast road with a wide pavement known as the terrace where during the summer we have a farmers market. At one end of the town stands St Johns Church and at the other, we have the Post Office while commanding the very center of town you find the Three Bores Inn which doubles as hotel and pub. During the summer it does a roaring trade with tourists requesting refreshment and accommodation.

I am Jane McPhee and at the age of twenty-six own the only antique book and art gallery in town. It may sound surprising that we have such a business but during the season with the town full of tourists eagerly looking for bargains we do an incredible trade. The shop has been run by my family for four generations and I took over as owner-manager when my parents died while on a fishing outing. Since then with the general shortage of employable people I have run the business with just one twenty-year-old woman helping me and this morning she announced that due to her impending engagement this would be her last summer in the town.

It can be very pleasant eating a plowman’s lunch at one of the tables overlooking the beach. We call it the beach, but it really is a small cove with a half-moon gravel shoreline, but it still attracts fossickers and people wishing to sit on a hired chair by the seaside. It was one of these lunchtimes that I noticed a stranger walking slowly along the beach: she was not much taller than five feet three. As she approached the steps leading up to the village, I noticed that she was little more than a vagrant wearing what looked to be an ill-fitting multicoloured tee shirt which was torn down one shoulder which she had repaired with a stapler. Stranger, still she appeared to be wearing a black cotton dress two sizes too big for her which was tied around the waist by a discarded piece of greasy cord. The dress was long hanging well below her knees and on her feet she wore different coloured tennis shoes which were also held on by pieces of colourful cord.

Making the top of the steps she paused to roll a cigarette and so I got to observe the stranger more closely. She was of European origin and although terribly thin, I noticed a true beauty in her features. Her hair which was roughly combed being tied with another length of the same cord was black and long. Although she had tried to repair her tee-shirt it didn’t hide the side of a small pale breast with a dark cheeky nipple just visible. As she stood with her legs slightly parted I couldn’t take my eyes off her incredible beauty. Her face was round with a small pushed up nose and when she smiled, I noticed that although stained with tobacco her teeth were well-formed. As she was just a matter of feet away from me, I decided to start a conversation but was shocked when she replied, “fuck off cunt.”

My trouble is that I am incredibly shy and so hearing her reply I dropped my shoulders huddling over my lunch. On arriving back at work, I asked my assistant if she had noticed the strange woman and she told me that there were rumors of a woman living in the big cave at the southeast end of the beach. Getting up the nerve I asked what she was doing up there, but my assistant was hesitant to reply. It was only that I was infatuated with this woman’s beauty that I continued to push for more information and although my assistant was reluctant to tell me I finally broke her resolve. In a half-whisper, she said she was making money giving tourists blow jobs.

Regardless of this information, I was still attracted to the stranger so I decided to ask my assistant if when taking her evening stroll along the beach she could give the girl twenty pounds from asking that she call around to my residence at the rear of the shop. Of course, she was shocked, but I told her that all I wanted to do was help the poor unfortunate woman out of the gutter.

It was nine days before the money was given to the stranger and while taking my lunch she stopped once more to roll a cigarette but this time she shuffled closer and thanking me for the money told me that she couldn’t come round to my house until eleven on account that she had a lot of work that evening. Knowing her nature of work and that the town was bursting with tourists I didn’t ask for information other than saying that I would be waiting for her.

It was a spectacular evening and the twilight had just faded at ten-thirty five when I heard a soft tapping at my front door. Opening it I found the stranger dressed in more respectable clothes holding a small box of chocolate which sincan escort she offered me as she stepped into my kitchen. Although she was in better clothing, I noticed that it was still threadbare. Sitting at my old deal kitchen table with a cup of tea I nervously started the conversation.

“Thank you for dropping round.”

“I should be the one thanking you after calling you a fucking cunt I’m amazed you want to see me let alone talk with me.”

“Listen I have forgotten that so let’s forget about it. What I want is to get to know you then I may have something to offer you.”

“If you want a fuck then you have to pay three hundred pounds like everyone else.”

“I may hope that one day in the future we may fuck but I am not going to pay you. Making love is a thing between consenting adults. For now, let’s talk and get to know each other then if I feel confident, I may have something to offer you.”

“What do you want to know?”

“How about I start then once you know who I am you can tell me about yourself.”

“I am Jane McPhee and I am twenty-six. My family have lived here ever since the first houses were put up: we were fisherman back then.”

“Shortly after completing an arts degree my parents were drowned in a fishing tragedy and as the only child, it means that not only am I an orphan but having no known relatives I am alone in this world. I have been managing this shop ever since.”

“Will you marry?”

“Not as we know it because I am lesbian something that although the townspeople are okay about, I know that they would never accept me having a relationship with a woman from this village.”

“Well that’s my story so what about you.”

“Hmmm! My story is a little more involved I’m afraid.”

“Okay, how about you start tonight, and we set a time for you to explain the rest.”

“Well my name is Josephine Jacobs although I am known as Jo and as you can see, I have fallen on hard times … but it wasn’t always like that. I was born in Thailand where my father was heavily involved in trade and so we travelled a lot. As a child I had everything a Kid could want but all this fell apart just after I had turned eighteen: I am also twenty-six. When my parents died, I had a boyfriend who was five years older than me and he promised to help me manage the fifteen million Euros my parents left me. He sure managed it right from under my nose and into his fucking Swiss Bank Account. After that, I had three other short-term relationships all which ended in betrayal and worse: the last man raped me forcing me into bondage servicing people he owed money to.”

“Finally, I met a woman and I fell deeply in love with her. The following two-and three-quarter years were the best in my life until she met a girl who was celebrating her eighteenth birthday … she actually convinced me to enter a three-way with them but of course, it wasn’t long-lived and one evening last winter I arrived home to find the locks changed: I lost all my possessions and so here I am in your little village.”

“I have been told you are making a living as a prostitute.”

“Does that offend you?”

“Well, considering the clothes you get around in you can’t be doing too well.”

“That’s mostly a camouflage because the less people know about my real life the better. I am actually doing very well. My plan is to work at it for one year and then take stock of where I stand. I would love to go into business: say a café or seafood restaurant.”

“But running your business in that old cave? Surely it’s musty smelling of rotting seaweed with a damp sandy floor.”

“No one around here knows how perfect the cave is you see it has a hidden land entrance that leads down to a naturally lit cave with soft moss-covered floors. I wash in a small freshwater stream which enters some miles further inland. Maybe one day I will show you.”

“Oh, fuck it’s already two why don’t you spend the night here I have two small guest bedrooms so you will be very private. Then early in the morning just after breakfast you can make your getaway: by the way I have some fresh clothes for you and if you can use them a pair of shoes.”

“You are so kind I would love to spend the night just as long as there’s no hanky panky.”

“I have told you Jo that I may have something for you but not yet. Also, sex is not part of my immediate plans. Maybe if we really get along, we could change that agreement but not yet.”

“Jane you are way too good to me I really don’t deserve it. Especially after calling you a cunt.”

Not replying to her last comment I pointed to her room saying that she will find a new outfit of clothes then turning on my heel I walked up the narrow creaking staircase to my bedroom. It was still dark when I went downstairs the following morning to find Jo cooking eggs and bacon looking incredible in her new outfit.

We didn’t have time to continue our discussion setting a time for the following Tuesday evening. As she walked quickly down towards the beach, I watched the dress I had given her. On Jo, it was just below çankaya escort the knee and every step made it sway. Going back to my kitchen I sat realizing that for the first time since my parents died, I had entertained a visitor.

Now that I had gotten to know Jo, I found myself dreaming about her almost every night while every day found me taking lunch just back from the steps down to the beach. It was the Friday that I next saw her noticing that she still wore her usual ill-fitting threadbare clothes. When she stopped to roll her customary cigarette, she shuffled a little closer and after lighting up she winked before saying I cannot wait for Tuesday. Hearing this I felt my pussy twitch.

It was just gone six-thirty when I heard Jo’s familiar light tap on the door. This time she gave me a lovely bottle of Burgundy suggesting we share it over dinner. One thing that I have quickly recognized is that Jo, being very intelligent is easy to be around and our conversation over dinner ranged across many different topics which I found most refreshing. Due to being lesbian, I have always steered clear of inviting any local women into my house knowing that if I did my life in the town would be destroyed and I would lose everything: sometimes the world is so nearsighted.

Once dinner was over, I asked the question that had been haunting me: “Jo you walk up the beach at exactly the same time every day: why?”

“It’s how I organize the game. Sorry, I refer to my kind of work as a game. I suppose it’s an easy way of getting around the guilt complex. You see Jane I happen to be very religious. My parents brought me up by the teaching of the Catholic Church and since their passing, I have found myself relying on the Church more than ever.”

“I walk up the beach at that time because I have a bus to catch. As you are aware the next town is quite large, and it has a library which has computers for public use. I log into my Facebook page which is dedicated to my kind of business where people contact me. I email these people and book them into my work schedule for the following evening. Having completed that I catch the evening bus home arriving in time for the first booking that evening.”

“Aren’t you worried about things like AIDS?”

“Every three months I go into the city where I have my old family doctor. She does all the necessary tests and gives me a new certificate of health. I can assure you that I am STD free.”

“Most impressive. You have a good business head.”

“I take after my father in that field: he taught me everything.”

After hearing all about Jo’s ‘Game’ we relaxed together watching an old black and white movie on television. I was secretly hoping she would stay the night, but she felt it more prudent during the early days of our friendship that she walk back to her cave so it was with tears in my eyes that I hugged her farewell.

That evening I lay in bed crying because I missed my new friend. It’s crazy because in the village she’s known as ‘The Ragamuffin’ and here I am a respectable businesswoman falling in love with her. Thinking about this made me laugh wondering what the village gossip would be if it got out that I was giving ‘The Ragamuffin’ meals at my place.

I was beginning to enjoy the weekdays because like clockwork Jo would stop to roll her cigarette as I ate lunch giving me a wink when she moved off to catch the bus.

After a couple of weeks, I began to wonder about her cheeky wink asking myself if she was falling for me just as I was for her or was it just her way of saying ‘Hi.’

Of course, the other thing that changed my week was waiting for her soft tap on my back door every Tuesday evening hoping that she would accept my invitation to stay the night. I found myself thinking about her reluctance to stay the night which at first hurt me. Then as the weeks went by, I understood her reasons. Afterall at this time if the village got wind of what was going on, I could easily find the artists in town taking their work into the larger centers which would seriously affect my business.

It was four months after Jo had tapped on my door for the first time that I began to think about how I could offer her the position of full- time assistant at the shop. The summer was over and with Autumn already three weeks old my assistant was beginning to pack her bags for her new life in Paris where she was engaged to a man working for the European government. Okay during the Autumn and Winter trade dropped but I still needed an assistant so that I could take my lunch relaxing in the pub or travel to the city in order to view new books or artists. Jo would be just the person but how do I get around her moniker ‘The Ragamuffin’ knowing that it needed almost military planning.

The following Tuesday I put my idea to Anny. At first, she was silent thinking the possibilities through carefully until with a deep sigh she stunned me by asking how we could make it work. We talked all evening without solving the puzzle the stumbling block being how to bring her into the business without causing eryaman escort a riot. At last, we gave in sitting with a bowl of popcorn between us watching Hitchcok’s film Rebecca on television.

When the film was over Jo got up to walk back to her cave but as she went to open the door she turned back and hugged me.

“Oh, thank you Jane I hope we can make it work.” She then kissed my lips, or should I say brushed her lips against mine. Then opening the door, she walked away through the cold dark night.

That night I lay thinking about Jo knowing that I was in love with her. The night was long, and I got very little sleep thinking about how to bring her into the business. The following morning, I awoke with a blinding headache as my whole body seemed to sway with exhaustion. As business is slower during the Autumn and Winter, I lock the shop door in order to take my usual lunch and as today had a weak sun I decided to sit at my usual table outside.

Like clockwork, Jo arrived and stopping to roll her customary cigarette giving me her usual saucy wink but this time she dropped a folded piece of paper on my table before walking away quickly. Too nervous to read her note I shoved it into my pocket sitting back with whirling thoughts. Having completed my lunch, I almost ran back to my shop and closing the door behind me opened Jo’s note.

“Jane I am not working tonight. I have an exciting idea. Love Jo xoxo.”

Being too nervous to work I placed a note in the window saying that I had a migraine. Entering my house, I couldn’t settle finding myself walking up and down the old sandstone floor of the kitchen waiting for Jo’s familiar tap, tap, on the back door. As the twilight began to fade, I finally heard Jo.

Opening the door, she quickly entered and sitting on her chair at the kitchen table began to talk.

“Jane I hardly slept a wink last night because I couldn’t stop thinking about our conversation. At last, as I walked up the beach to catch the bus it came to me.”

“Is this is why you are not working tonight”

“Partly but to be honest I was knackered after losing a night’s sleep so before setting out I had already decided to take the night off.”

“Jane, I have never told you about an aunt I have. Actually, she’s not an aunt rather she is an old friend of my mother’s, but I have always called her aunt Hettie. I also didn’t tell you that each day I take the bus to the library I have carried the previous night’s earnings. I don’t know if you are aware but next door to the library there’s a bank where I have an account. So far after the summers work, I have nineteen thousand pounds saved.”

“Our problem is how to make the villagers forget who I am. Now that it’s offseason I am making very little money for example last weekend I made just four hundred pounds which amount to three blow jobs on Saturday and one on Sunday. When you consider I have almost no overheads it’s not bad takings but Jane you are aware of how I feel about this work so to me four hundred for a weekend is almost a slap in the face.”

“I have decided that enough is enough, so I am packing up and taking a holiday with Aunt Hettie two hundred miles north of here. I am going there until mid-March when I will return south.”

“Fuck that might just work.”

“It will work. First I must put on weight and cut my hair: I was thinking I restyle it to just below the ears and dye it alight brown.”

‘I should buy a pair of glasses from the pharmacy which will also help with my disguise.”

“Jo, that’s brilliant. You should email me two weeks before leaving so that I can plan to meet with my contacts in the city. I will make it known in the village that I am closing the shop in order to go on a purchasing week in London. I will introduce you to my contacts and leave you to make arrangements to have our purchases brought down here.”

“Wonderful and when you arrive back here you can tell about how you have found the very person to take over as your assistant.”

We decided that so she can get the word out that she was closing her business she should leave her cave in two weeks’ time. It was also agreed that she should return to the cave this evening so seeing that it was fully dark outside Jo got up to make her leave. This time as she stood by the door, we kissed properly for the first time. Hugging each other we kissed deeply feeling our tongues play and it was with moans of frustration that we pulled apart in order that Jo could walk back down the dark beach.

Although Jo and I kept in touch by phone and email it was the longest six months of my life. And then on February twenty-eight, I received an email from her telling me that she planned to take the train in two weeks’ time and so began the busiest two weeks since my parent’s passing.

I was a wreck standing at the Station waiting for Jo’s train to arrive. Pacing up and down stopping to read newspapers or grab an evil flavored coffee from a vending machine I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry and then the announcement came over that the train would be arriving in five minutes time. It was the longest five minutes of my life only to be made more frustrating as I stood amongst the crowd waiting for the sight of Jo walking towards me. I really don’t know how it happened but suddenly I felt a woman fling herself at me and through my tears of joy I saw her.

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Daddy’s Damaged Daughter

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Sean and Kylie are real people and the account of Kylie’s accident is exactly how it happened.

Kylie’s mother left, leaving Sean to fend for his daughter, to provide all the nursing and care which has slowly but surely assisted her to improve.

Sean is a very loving father with a beautiful but damaged daughter. This story is from my imagination and not true, but I’d like to think it could be, they both deserve that much.

* * * * *

Kylie was excited when she was allowed out on her first date. Her father regretted his decision when promptly at 7pm the hotted up Chrysler CL Valiant pulled into the driveway of their home.

“He’s here, Nick’s here,” cried Kylie excitedly from her position of the lounge room window.

Sean Thompson had allowed is daughter to organize the date only after a lot of persuasion on her part. They were going to a Blue Light Disco controlled by off duty police officers so there would be no booze or drugs. Duke, the boy in question had promised to pick Kylie up and return her straight home after the disco had finished.

Realizing that he couldn’t keep his teenaged daughter locked up for ever, he reluctantly agreed to the liaison but instantly became uncomfortable when he saw the car. At the best of times the Valiant was a very fast vehicle, but the engines throaty roar was evidence of extra work to improve on its already powerful performance. Even the body had been lowered to lessen wind resistance.

Almost of a mind to cancel Kylie’s date, he relented when he saw the excitement on her face but it didn’t stop him from addressing his concerns to Duke. “Just remember that you have my daughter in the car. No speeding or showing off and I want her back safely by eleven o’clock,” he said.

Sean watched the car carrying his daughter slowly back out of the driveway and move off at a modest speed along the road toward the town centre. Nodding to himself that Duke had seemed to take note of his comment, he retired to the house and sat watching TV waiting for the time to pass.

By eleven-twenty, Sean was worried and pacing the lounge, vowing that Duke would never be allowed to take Kylie out again, no matter how much she pleaded. Half hour later he’d put his jacket on, grabbed his keys and was heading for his car when a highway patrol unit pulled into the drive.

Heart in his mouth, hands shaking he approached the officers as they got out of their car, “Mr. Thompson?” asked the leading policeman removing his cap.

Even though the patrol car used sirens and lights, it seemed to take forever to make it to the hospital. The Valiant Kylie had been a passenger in had rammed into the rear overhang of a stationary truck on her side of the vehicle. Surgeons were working furiously to save her life.

Seth never knew how he got through that night. Sitting in the waiting room, he constantly jumped to his feet as someone walked through the door, hoping it was news of his daughter. Only when the first rays of the sun were breaking over the ranges did the news come and it wasn’t good.

Kylie had suffered some brain damage and many broken bones together with severe internal bleeding. Her condition was critical but the doctor assured Sean that if they could get her through the next few days there was hope of some recovery.

Those days become months and the month’s years with many operations and therapy before Sean was finally able to take Kylie home. The accident had affected the speech centre of her brain and it was difficult for her to walk unaided. There was a nasty scar on her pretty cheek but that was nothing compared to the trauma her body had been through.

Sean had spent most of Kylie’s time in the hospital by her side, giving up his job and security to ensure his daughter had his constant support. His devotion and lack of earnings had pushed his marriage onto the rocks, his wife writing both him and Kylie out of her life.

But now all the trouble and strife he’d had had been made all worthwhile because his precious daughter was home at last. He knew it would be an arduous task caring for her, but day by day she improved a little more.

Their life became almost a set pattern. Each morning Sean would help Kylie from her bed and assist her with toileting. Then he placed her in the bath to soak a little while before soaping her all over and rinsing the suds from her body. For a start it made him a little uncomfortable handling his naked daughter but needs must and he got on with the task at hand without further thought.

Then he assisted her with dressing, feeding and brushed her hair, all the time talking to her before he guided her into a chair for her to watch television or a video. He took her to the supermarket, the park and at least one night a week, into the pub so he could have a quick drink and enjoy some male company.

Initially he was very embarrassed for Kylie when she had her periods. First learning how to fit pads and eventually tampons, after a few accidents he got used to her mecidiyeköy escort flow cycle and was able to keep her clean and comfortable.

Then at night he would settle her down in bed and lay alongside her reading from magazines and books until she fell asleep. Then the next day it would all start over again.

This daily routine continued for some time and Kylie very steadily improved under his care. She was able to walk unassisted if a little shaky in her gait, but the proudest moment for Sean, was when she leaned across the bed while he was reading to her one night and she kissed him on the cheek and managed to say, “Daddy.”

That single word was like an arrow into his heart. There was no greater gift he could ever remember receiving in the whole of his life, than the first word she’d spoke since the accident.

If Sean had to figure out what happened later between Kylie and him, he would have picked that moment when it all started. The very next momentous moment occurred a couple of days later.

Sean had soaped Kylie all over in the bath and had the flannel ready to rinse the suds from her. Starting at her neck, he began to rinse the suds away and as they washed away, he saw that her nipples were firm and erect. He stopped stunned at the sight in front of him and then he looked at Kylie’s face.

Kylie was as surprised as her father at the betrayal of her body, it was the first time she’d had any sexual sensations or thoughts since her accident and there hadn’t been too many before that. Weakly she held onto the grips and the side of the bath and managed to repeat the one word she could say, “Daddy.”

Shaking himself out of the trance, he leaned forward and softly kissed his daughter on the forehead, “Ok baby let’s get you swilled off and in front of the fire.”

Lifting her out of the bath he got her to stand while he toweled her off, still her nipples were erect but he couldn’t avoid not touching her breasts while drying her body. He slipped a tee-shirt over her head and assisted her into a fresh pair of cotton panties before guiding her to a chair in the lounge.

Sean gave a lot of thought about what had happened. “Its progress,” he told himself, “Her body is slowly healing, that’s what we wanted, it’s just another sign that she is getting better.” But, even though that’s what Sean was saying to himself, he found that he was hard again and not for the first time that day.

That night as he lay on the bed as normal reading to Kylie, she snuggled up close too him, her head on his shoulder and a weakened arm cast over his lap. Sean found it hard to concentrate and the hardness returned between his legs. Finally he gave up attempting to read and just cuddled Kylie until she fell asleep. Quietly he left the room with things to think about.

It was an uncomfortable night for Sean but by the time the first rays of the sun struck his bedroom window he had come to a conclusion. Kylie was a young woman with the needs and desires of her sex. The accident had robbed three years of her youth, years when she should have been courting and exploring with boys her own age.

Because of Kylie’s inability to communicate her wants, he’d had to second guess her needs and most of the time had been successful but he’d seen the frustration in her eyes when he had failed to understand. For Seth, the hardening of her nipples had been a sexual signal and had sent a clear message that her body was looking for more than just basic needs. The damndest thing though, he was the only man that could provide her with what she needed.

He heard the bell tinkling from Kylie’s room and got out of bed to start another day but this time with a purpose in mind. Kylie smiled at him as he entered the room, her pretty face somewhat flawed by the scar on her cheek. He knew that scar upset her because she never allowed herself to see her reflection in a mirror.

Sean bent and kissed his daughter, “Come on sleepy, let’s get started. It’s going to be a special day today.” Kylie weakly lifted her arms as the nightie was pulled over her head and was then assisted to her toilet. She looked puzzled when Sean guided her back to the bed and laid her on a clean towel.

Kylie was used to being naked in front of her daddy and it had never bothered her until yesterday when her nipples had become erect. She could see that it had flustered daddy, he would have been even more flustered if he had known that her pussy was wet and getting wetter by the minute.

She wasn’t sure exactly when taboo thoughts first entered her head, what she did know was that her daddy had given up everything to take care of her. The love she’d felt for him as a father had changed and when she was alone began dreaming incestuous thoughts. More than anything, Kylie was frustrated that she couldn’t tell her daddy of her feelings. Speech was non-existent and her motor control; wouldn’t allow her to use pen and paper. However, as weak and useless as her body seemed to be, she knew that she wanted her taksim escort daddy to incest her.

Kylie found her knees being raised and then parted widely, this is the way Sean normally changed her tampon but she hadn’t got her periods. Understanding came, when she watched him with a small pair of scissors and start snipping away at the small amount of pubic hair above her vulva. Hot creamy foam was then applied before her daddy skillfully wielded a safety razor, shaving her completely clean.

The shaving didn’t stop there, the next thing she knew he was shaving her armpits followed by her lower legs until every trace of hair had vanished. It made Kylie feel more feminine than she’d felt for a long time.

Strong arms then swept her off the bed and gently carried her to the bathroom and deposited her into the prepared bath. This time though Sean used his hands and a bar of soap to lather her body instead of the flannel.

Kylie held her breath hardly daring to hope that her fantasy was going to become reality. Then suddenly her daddy’s hand was caressing her small breast while soaping it, his thumb grazing over the nipple before finger and thumb gently teased it toerection, Sean and Kylie both watched the tiny miracle of nature.

Seth looked into his daughters’ eyes seeking some form of signal or recognition for what was happening, Kylie had her eyes cast down to where he was playing with her nipple and there was an undoubted look of pleasure on her face. Seth let his hand trail downward over her stomach to the cleft between her legs.

The little gasp from Kylie was both involuntary and instinctive as her daddy caressed her shaved pussy for the first time. She felt his gentle loving fingers trace over every part of her vulva testing both its tight firmness and pliability. Then a searching finger was slipping up the length of her slot, which even though covered by the bath water, could not hide the warm moister that was forming within.

Kylie weakly gripped the sides of the bath for support and hoped what was happening was not a dream. During the long process of recovery from her accident she’d often thought about sex but had given up hope that anything would happen due to her scarring and poor motor skills. But here she was naked in the bath and her father was tending to her needs as he always had, but this time it was needs of a different kind.

Sean hesitated for long moments before easing his finger into Kylie’s tight pussy; again he heard her gasp and her knuckles turned white as she gripped the bath. Kylie dare not look at her father in case she broke the spell. If he stopped now she didn’t know what she would do, at that moment there was nothing more she wanted in the world that to please her father. Keeping her eyes closed, she reveled in the intimacy of her daddy’s touch and the movement of the finger within her.

Sean could never in the whole of his life ever remember being as hard as he was at that moment. After Kylie’s accident his sex life had come to an abrupt stop, the only thing he was interested in was her recovery and he’d worked tirelessly to that end. What he hadn’t counted on was the extra bond that had formed between them, how much closer they had grown together during the recovery period and the surprise that he not only loved, but needed her.

Even before he actually slipped the finger into Kylie he could feel the heat emanating from her pussy, he was even surprised how wet she was and how easily his finger had penetrated her tight love tube. Father and daughter looked into each others eyes as he masturbated her tight pussy, both completely lost in the passion of the moment.

For Kylie it was more than she’d ever dared hope for, trapped physically in her wrecked body she’d tried often to communicate her desires to her daddy and now he’d picked up on the smallest of signals. She could feel her heart beating wildly in her breast and her hands gripped as hard as they could to the sides of the bath as she felt the pressure building between her legs. New connections were laid between her damaged brain, making direct communications with her pussy, signals were instantly transmitted in urgent sexual coding and for the first time since the accident, Kylie trembled out a cum.

For one horrid moment, Sean thought he had gone too far and that Kylie was engaged in a fit, that was until he looked at her face and his concern drained away. He recognized a woman in complete orgasm, the pleasure on her face was obvious.

Kylie’s body shook so badly that Sean had to steady her with his free arm while he finished her off, feeling the sweet warmth of her cum spilling over his finger and hand. Only when he felt the final pulse did he take her in his arms and kiss her like a woman for the first time.

Moments later Kylie found herself swept up in her daddy’s strong arms and wrapped in towels before being carried to the master bedroom and laid upon the soft bed. She hadn’t lain on that bed since well before the accident, not since she beşiktaş escort was a small girl when she used to climb into the warmth and cuddle next to her father. Those were special memories for her but she guessed that what was about to happen would be even more special.

Her daddy propped her up against heaped pillows before pulling the towels from her body, returning her to complete nakedness. Kylie was nervous but excited at the same time watching her daddy remove his clothing. The muscular chest with short grey curly hairs, his narrow frame, thinning hair and tight butt, were all part of the man she had come to love so much.

It was only when he dropped his shorts that Kylie’s heart missed a beat. She had never seen a male erection before so had nothing to compare it with, her daddy looked so big, so powerful and so dangerous, she was mesmerized by the size and beauty of the pole that would deflower her.

She had no idea how her daddy would take her, she assumed he would just lie over the top and stick his thing in and move over her until he was finished, well, that’s what she had mentally prepared herself for and was prepared to accept. So when Seth climbed on the bed and lifted her arms before he straddled her chest, she was surprised.

She was even more surprised when he guided her lips to the head of his cock and realized she was expected to take the monster into her mouth. At first the thought horrified her because it seemed so rude and dirty and wondered why her daddy wanted to subject her to something like that. The she remembered the changed pads and tampons and the other messes she’d made since the accident and how her father had taken care of her with no complaints, just love and gentle reassurances. It was those memories that slowly parted her lips and accepted the head of his penis between her soft lips.

Strangely, the moment the velvet head pressed into her warm mouth the revulsion of what was happening passed, sudden warmth filled her being and her heart was bursting with love for the man who had fathered her. Her tongue swirled around the head gathering the precum off the slit, tasting the male essence for the first time in her life, it was both sweet and salty and she loved it.

Kylie then took the initiative, taking as much into her mouth as she could manage and careful that her teeth would cause no damage, she began sucking in the cock that made her, her tongue gentle caressing the glans as she bobbed her head up and down. All the time she was doing it her eyes were firmly fixed on the face of the man she had come to love so much, watching every little expression of his mounting ecstasy.

She wondered how long it had been since the daddy who had cared for her with such devotion had allowed himself to have sex. How much pent up passion he had been holding back as well as the reservoir of man cream stored in his huge balls.

The answer came a whole lot quicker than she expected, like an uncontrolled hose pipe Sean’s cock blasted semen into his daughter’s throat, the force so strong his cock jerked uncontrollably as jet after jet pulsed into Kylie’s mouth.

Kylie had sense enough to swallow what she could; greedily gulping down the essence of her father but there was far too much for her to take for her first blow-job. In danger of choking from the unusually high quantity, she pulled her mouth away, taking the rest of the load over her pretty face.

Sean’s relief was evident in his face, he rarely masturbated and what had just happened had made him feel more of a man than he’d done for a long time and he had his precious daughter to thank for it. Kylie was still licking his sperm of her face when his lips met hers in a passionate and lasting kiss, his man juices smearing across their lips and still running from the corners of her mouth.. Her heart beating so quickly, Kylie thought she must surely die from the happiness of the moment.

It took Sean ages to for him to clean up the mess he’d made using tissues and finally a clean flannel before some semblance of order returned to the bedroom, only then did he lay beside Kylie, his head propped up on one elbow while he plied her lips with soft and tender kisses.

Then the slow vanilla type love making began. Sean’s mouth sucking on the soft inner flesh of her neck so hard Kylie knew he was drawing blood to the surface and tasting her saltiness. Knowing her daddy was feeding off her body made her toes curl with passion.

Suddenly his mouth was at her breasts, licking first between the valley and then attacking each orb in turn. His tongue trailed around the outer perimeters of the soft flesh before gently working a path inward to the areola. Even as he worked those, he was careful not to allow his tongue to touch the nipples, preferring building her passion to such a need she would almost have to beg him for release.

Kylie had never been in such a state before; her body was trembling with excitement and need and not just from the sex. It was her father’s love, which seemed to be cloaking her like a blanket of soft mist on a slow moving river. She knew what her daddy and herself were about to do was wrong, but that special mist made it secretive and secure, no one would ever know.

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Çınarın Hikayesi. Bölüm – 6

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Çınarın Hikayesi. Bölüm – 6

Çınarın Hikayesi.

Çınarın Hikayesi 7 Kardeş, Ablam Nalan (6)

Rukiye ablam işer gibi çömelmiş fatma ablamın yüzünün üstüne, fatmaya amını

Ben hemen rukiye teyzeme bak yay uyanık vay. Tabi kardeşi ufak ablası ne dese

Annem ,, yorum yapman bittiyse anlatayımmı, yoksa başka zamanamı kalsın…

Ama yalanmı rukiye teyzem böyle biraz daha dediğim dedik. Ama fatma teyzem
öylemi kafasına vur elinden ekmeğini al sesi çıkmaz… Ben öyle deyince annem
gülerek sen öyle san ben bilirim onun ne fettan olduğunu.. Ben yine şok.Hadi ya..

Annem başladı anlatmaya tekrar. Bizim yattığımız yerden, Rukiyenin olduğu yer
direkt görülüyo . Ama babamlar yatağın öbür ucuna dönüp sevişmeye
başladıklarından , kapı krişi engellediği için görülmüyo. Ben rukiyeyle fatmayı
izlerken., Babamla annemide dinliyordum. Annemgilin sevişmeleri bittiği için mola
veririyorlardı. Arada annem cilve yapıyor. Babam ne yapıyosa artık annem yok
olamaz diyordu. Kısık sesle konuştukları için bazı yerlerini duyamıyordum.

Annemle babam birbirlerini yalıyorlardı anlıyordum. Ama ablalarım… Bu işte bir
terslik vardı. Kafam bir türlü basmıyordu. Ama rukiye ablama baktığımda halinden
o kadar memnunduki.,, Yüzü şekilden şekile giriyordu.

Babam nurayım seni çok sevıyorum kız dedikçe., Annemde hamzam benim
güçlü erkeğim iyik**e seninle evlenmişim deyince. Babam kız dur hatırlatma,
üç kere geldim seni istemeye,anca razı oldun. Her geldiğimde naz ettin.

Annem kız evi naz evi deyince. Babam anamı belinden tuttuğu gibi kucağına
oturttu. Bak bende senden hergün intikamımı alıyom,sabaha kadar sikerek..
Annem gülerek he iyi yapıyon. Sen hep böyle intikam al oldumu kocacım
diye kırıtıyo… Baban annemin karnına bastırınca dur hamza basma karnıma
altıma yapcam yoksa. Ben tuvalete gidecem accik müsade et..

Ben eyvah dedim…

Annem kanepeden indiğinde dönüp salona doğru bakarsa direk ablamları görür.
Fatma ablam o kadar iştahla yalıyoki., İkisininde kimseyi görecek hali yok. Ben
hemen üzerimden yorganı açarak kalkınca ,rukiye yatağa girdi. Annem beni
tutarak sarıldı tuvaletemi gittcen benim güzel kızım diyerek öptü.Bende sanki
uykudan uyanmış gibi gözlerimi ovalıyorum. Anne ışığı açma gözlerim yanar
dedim . Tamam gızım tamam. dedi önce ben işedim. içeri gittim. Baktım rukiye
bana öpücük atıyo. Kafama yorganı çektim. Uyuya kalmışım.

Sabah okula gitmek için hazırlandık. Evden çıkana kadar kimse bişey demedi.

Ben Orta okula gidiyom o zaman Ablamlar liseye.. Rukiyeyle 3 Fatmayla 2 yaş
fark var armızda.

Evden çıkar çıkmaz Rukiye bana sarılarak benim güzel kardeşim ablasınımı
kurtarmış deyip şap diye şapırtatark yanağimdan öptü. Fatma kolumu çimdik-
leyerek bunları anlattığını bi yerde duyarsam kırarım bacaklarını diye tehtdit

Ben yine kızlara hararetli hararetli anlatıyorum. Kızlar resmen eriyolar. Kızlardan
birisi, Nuray teyze ne kadar şanslı biri her gün koca yarrak yiyo deyip of offf
deyince kızları bir gülme tuttu. Sonra kız çiddi ciddi, yalanmı kimin babası
anasını her gün sikiyo… Kızlara tek tek dönüp senin baban ya senin.kimseden
çıt yok.

Ben dedim kızlar bişey soracam. Hepsi bir den pür dikkat bana baktı.
Ya dün bana bir şey oldu böyle içim çekildi resmen diye anlatmaya başlayınca.,
hepsi birden,kızım bize her gün oluyo. Biz burdan eve gidince ne yapıyoruz
zannediyosun.Senin anlattıkların geliyo hepimizin gözünün önüne. Kimimiz
yatakta kimimiz banyoda boşalıyoruz rahatlıyoruz.

Normalde bizim orda düğünler yazın olur. Ama amcamızın kızını bir almancı
çocuğa vermişler .Onlarda hep beraber anca kış gününe izin alabilmişler.
Dügünüde kışın yapacaklar. Amcamlar köyde oturdukları için, Annem babam
hafta içi düğün hazırlıkları için köye gidecekler. Bizde hafta sonu gidecez.
Babam hikmetle kasımı da götürdü erkekler yardım etsin diye.

Zeynep ablamın okul bittiği icin annem ben ne yapcam burda bende gelem
sizle. Annem kızım kal kardeşlerine yemek yap göz kulak ol.

Ama zeynep ablam kurnaz. Gız ana bak bu almancıların bir sürü akrabası
vardır. Şimdi içlerinde eli yüzü düzgün bekar olanları, kızlar kapsınlarda
bende evde kalayım.

Annem kızım kendin ediyon. En az 30 kişi geldi seni istemeye hiç birini

Zeynep ablam he ana he doktorlar ,mühendisler geldide ben istemedim.
Gelenler sayam sana istersen… yok gızım yok sayma istemem.

Annem tamam gitmeden kızlara bi kaç kap yemek yap kaytarma ama
yarın gidiyoz ona göre. Ablam koşup sarıldı hemen Anama.

Gerçektende zeynep ablam o düğünde mobilyacı birinin oğluyla tanışıp
yazında evlendi..

Annem doğruldu,dündü bana baktı, Hiç sesin çıkmıyo dedi. Bende annem
hiç anlatmadığın o kadar çok şey olmuşki. Biz gerçektende seni hiç

Sonra kayarak anneme arkasından sarıldım. yanaklarından öptüm..

Anne ben açıktım.. Annem bende dedi. Ben anneme sarıldım oda bana
aşağıya indik beraber. Mutfaga doğru giderken, Şirin abla gelip arkadan
popoma şakkk diye vurarak. Abowww deyince gülmeye başladık.

Sultan teyze eh artık acıkmışşınızdır gari dedi. Annem sultan ne yaptın
gız ne güzel kokuyo dedi. Oda ne yapmadımki.. Saydıda saydı..

Yemek boyunca Annem sultan teyze ve şirin abla , Ortaya konuşup, espiri
yapıyorlar, sonrada katıla katıla gülüyor. Selvi abla olaya tamamen
tarzan kalmış. Soruyor sordukca bunlar selviyide makaraya sarıyorlar.

Oda iyice merak ediyodu. Sultan teyze gecenlerde pazardan bi patlıcan
aldım ”kol gibi” deyince yine gülme kırizi.

Bu sefer Şirin abla abla bize yarın ”kol böreği” yapsana. Artık gülmekten
milletin karnına ağrılar girmiş ama yinede espirilerin biri bitmeden diğeri

Ben ayağa kalktım hanımlar size doyum olmaz. Ben gidip biraz hava
alacam. herkes yemeğe devam ediyor.

Ben kapıya doğru gittim asansörün kodlarına basıp açtım sonra binmeden,

köşedeki sütünlardan birinin arkasına saklandım sonra onun gölgesinde
yaklasıp dinlemeye başladım.

Selvi abla, aşk olsun ayşe abla o kadar sordum anlatmadınız. Annem
kız nesini anlatım. Anlatılacak gibi deyilki.

Selvi abla tamam peki deyince. Annem kızlar bu konu armızda kızların
yanında hiç bahsetmek yok. Selvi ya abla banada söyleyin ne olur.
deyince acıklı acıklı, annemler yine gülme krizine girdiler.

Sonunda sultan teyze Ayşe ben anlatıyom, dedi. Annem ay anlat tabi
selvininde hakkı bilmek. Öyle deyince kız abla çatlatmayın adamı .

Şirin abla, selvi bügün neler kaçırdın neler inanamazsın. Selvi deme.
Annem hem vallaha hem billaha. Ne oldu gı deyin hele.

Sultan abla.ben çınara çorba yaptımya …selvi hee biliyom. Onu
götürdüm çınarın odasına eee.. Bir girdim odasına, çınarın yatağının
üstünde bir tane genc yakışıklı çocuk striptiz yapıyo. Selvi ne zaman.

Sabah, selvi ben niye görmedim o zaman… Şirin abla dinliyecenmi,
Tamam anlatın. Sultan abla ballandıra ballandıra anlatmaya başladı.

Dedimya çocuk sırım gibi çınarın yatgının üstünde Ayşe yatakta
dizlerinin üzerine çökmüş. Şirin halının üstünde aşağida oda dizlerinin
üzerinde. Sitriptizci çocukda şortunu indiriyo yavaşca aşağiya.

Sonra cucuğun dalgası şortunun lastigine takılınca cocukta hızlıca
şortunu aşağı indiriyo. Çocoğunki mal lastikten kurtulunca direkmen
ŞAKKK Diye çocoğun göbeğinde yaylanıyo.. aha da nah bu kadar..

Bu ikiside öyle bi etkilenmişlerki cocuğun yarrağından donup
kalmışlar. Selvi vallahamı. çokmu büyükdü heee kocaman.
ay abla ya beni niye çağırmadınız. Ben otuz yaşına geldim.
Daha bi çük bile göremedim. Sizde bana yarrak diyosunuz..

Ben saklandığım yerden kulaklarıma inanamıyordum. Demek
kadınlar aralarında amlı,sikli,yarraklı,çekinmeden konuşuyolardı.

Selvi yok ya şaka yaptınız demi bana?

Hep bir ağızdan yooo. Selvi yemin edin. Hepsi yemin billah.
Selvi of ya size inanamıyorum. Bana nasıl haber vermessiniz.

Selvi çokmu büyüktü adamin şeyi. Annem neyi ? Selyi parmağıyla
göstererek şeyi. Şirin abla siki., Sultan teyze ne siki ya yarrak
resmen hemide kalın güzel bi yarrak.

Sultan abla üzülme selvicim, Ayşe ablana söyle bi daha çağirsın
genç delikanlıyı. Ayşe ablana tapıyo çocuk. O isterse hemen gelir.

Sonra jeton düştü selvi ablada ama köşeli jeton.

Gerçektenmi ayşe abla çağircanmı bidaha. Ne zaman deyince.

Başta annem olmak üzere, hepsi gülme kırizine girdi yine.
Selvi abla .ya biliyodum beni işletiğinizi. Çok kötüsünüz.
Ben bu gidişle kız kurusu ölecem vallaha deyince.şirin ablada
Kızım sanki biz yarrak gördük daha önce.Bu gün ilkti zatan deyince.

Ya anlamadım gercekmi diyonuz yalanmı deyince Annem sultan
teyzeye,sultan doğrusunu anlat.dedi

Sultan teyze selvi ben iceri girdimya hepsi oraya kadar doğru.
Bide baktım Ayşe yatağın üstünde, Şirinde halının üstünde,ikiside
ağzı bi kariş açık. Çınar ayakta yatağın üstünde şortunu aşağıya
indirmiş. Herkes donmuş kalmış gibi.

Girdim içeri dedim bunlar neye bakıyo böyle hipnotıze olmuş gibi.
Bide ne görüm ahada bu kadar yarrak ama gerçektende çok güzel
bi yarrak . Hemi boyu tam hemi kalınlığı tam.

Bende içeri girip görünce tutamadım kendimi…
Abowww kol gibi Maşallah deyince çınar şortunu çekip kaçtı.

Selvi, gerçektenmi ? Annem gerçek selvi gerçek ..Babama çekmiş
sıpa. deyince hepsi birlikte neeee ?

Annem ne ne bi kere tarlada babam işerken gördümdü. Hepsi haaa.

Selvi abla hemen şirinin yanına gitti çokmu büyüktü gerçekten. Şirin
ne bileyim selvi eliyle gösterek şu kadar vardı. Hemi ne bileyim selvi
daha önce yarrakmı gördümki kıyaslayayım.

Hemi kızım sen üniversite okumuş kızssın. Hiç bi arkadaşın olmadı.
Yani çirkin deyilsin hatta bayağı bağı güzelsin. Olmadımı hiç.

Selvi aslında vardı bi çocuk bütün okul boyunca çıktıktık cocukla
hatta evlilik planlarıda yaptık. Sonra bi baktım okulun bitimine
altı ay kala başkasıyla nişanlandı..

İyide hiçmi sevişmediniz çocukla. Yok be abla oda saftı bende safım.
Sonra başka kız biraz buna yüz verince koşa koşa gitti kıza.

Kızım hicmi yanlız kalmadınız. Abla hep beraberdik zaten en fazla
pantolununun üzerinden sikini okşadım oda beni .yani hiç birbirimizi
çıplak görmedik.

İyi selvi çok merak ettiysen biliyosun çınarın odasını gider dersin
bende görecem. Çınar iyi çocıktur tabi selvi ablacım, dur ben bi
senin amına koyayım deyip yatırıp geçiri verir amına. Seninde bütün
merakın gider deyince. Selvi abla keşke deyince. Şirin abla kız sen
iyice azmışşın deyince.

Selvi ablada, azdım ya azdım insan içine cıktığımızmı var. Allah var
çınar yakışıklı cocuk abla bi kere sikem dese buyur dükkan senin
diyesim var yalan yok. Hemi belkim ateşim biraz söner.

Sanki sen farklısın sende cayır cayır yanıyon yalanmı. Yaşın 35 oldu.
daha kız oğlan kızsın. Bak ayşe ablaya senden bi yaş küçük 7 tane
çocuğu var.

Selvicim oralara hiç girmesenmi.kariştirmasanmı.Sen ben farklıyız
Ayşe abla farklı. Ya yok abla allah var ablam olsa ancak bu kadar
severdim zaten. Gerçi oda hep ablalık yaptıya zaten.Hakkını ne
yapsam ödeyemem ne yalan söyleyim. Ailem olsalar zaten daha
fazla sevemezdim.

Tamam hedi git işine bak, çınar gelince sana yolluyacam. Selvi ablana
çok ayıp etmişsin kız çok merak ediyo diye.

Selvi ,,Tamam bak bekliyom.

Oturduğum yerden doğrulurken vay be.16 senede duymadığım ne varsa
sanki hepsni birkaç dakikada duymuştum.

Kafamda dolaşan tilkilerin hesabını yapamaz oldum. Ne kadarda
çokmuş dedim kendi kendime.

Devam edecek.

Yorum yapmadan gecmeyin..

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Köylü Kızı (ALINTI)

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Köylü Kızı (ALINTI)

tamamen alıntıdır..

Adım fadime köylülerimizin tabiri ile fadik.Anlıyacağınız gibi bir köyde büyüdüm. Bu olay başımdan 8 sene kadar önce geçti köylü kızıdır cinsellikten anlamaz diye düşünenler var içimizde tabiki. Köyümüzde normal Tv antenleri çekmediği için uydu kullanırdık.Ne olduysa eve uydu aldığımız la oldu.Bilirsiniz sizde uydu kanallarında porno tv ler vardır bunları izledikçe kadın olduğumu anlıyor ve artık kendimi kontrol edemiyordum.Yaz aylarından bir gün dere kenarına çamaşır yıkamaya inmiştim.Genelde herkesin çamaşır yıkadığı yere gitmek gelmiyordu içimden bunun için kimsenin olmadığı yerlere doğru yürümeye başladım ve büyük bir kaya bulup oturdum.Çamaşırları yıkamaya başlamıştım bi yarım saat kadar geçtikten sonra sıcaktan bunalıp ayaklarımı dereye sokmuş dinleniyordum.O arada bir kuzu sürüsünün dereye doğru geldiğini görüp
toparlanmaya başladım.Yavru bir kuzu biraz ilerime gelip su içmeye başladı çok şirin olduğu için gidip kucağıma aldım ve sevmeye başladım.1-2 dakika sonra da ağaçların arasından bir delikanlı çıktı ve göz göze geldik o an kucağımda kuzuyu görünce bir gülücük attı ve dereye eğilip ellerini yıkadı.
Daha sonra yanıma doğru yürümeye başladı yerdeki çamaşırları görünce çamaşır yıkamaya geldiğimi anladı ve kolay gelsin diyerek ilk adımı atmış oldu.Bu çoban hiç görmediğimden başka köyden olduğunu anlamıştım.Bende teşekkür ederek kuzuyu yere bıraktım ve çamaşırların yanına gelmiştim.Aradan 5 dk geçtikten sonra filmler aklıma geliyor arzularıma karşı koyamıyordum.Çoban da biraz ilerimde duruyordu ve aklıma güzel bi fikir gelmişti.Bu fikir de yıkamak için getirdiğim kirli iç çamaşırlarım dan kilodu mu suya düşürüp akıntı onun yönüne doğru olduğu için çamaşırımı tutup bana getirmesidi.Bana baktığını hissediyordum ve hemen kilodumu alıp sabunlamaya başladım ufak bi hareketle de elimden kaymış gibi yapıp bıraktım kilodu ve istediğim olmuştu hemen hareket ederek yerinden kalktı ve dere den kilodu alıp yanıma doğru yürümeye başladı her adımını duyduğumda kalbim küt küt atıyordu ve ayağa kalkıp ona doğru yüzümü döndüğümde dudaklarımızın birbirine değmesi için çok az mesafe kalmıştı.Gözlerimizin içine bakıyorduk elimi uzattım kilodu sıkı sıkı tutumuş tu.O an içimde fırtınalar kopuyor du ve nasıl olduğunu anlamadan bir anda dudaklarımız birleşti.1-2 dakika kadar öpüştükten sonra kayanın önüne doğru geldik ve soyunmaya başladık artık çırılçıplaktık.

Filmleri saymassak ilk defa bi yarrak görüyordum yavaşça eğilip diz çöktüm önünde ve elimle dokunmaya başladım her dokunuşumda daha çok sertleşiyor ve bu çok hoşuma gidiyordu dudaklarıma doğru yaklaştırırken daha da çok büyüyordu gözümde ve kafası artık dudaklarıma değiyordu dilimi kafasının üzerinde gezdirirken erkeğim saçlarımı kavramış
başımı ileri geri hareket ettiyordu.Hepsini azıma alıyor ve bir kaç saniye çıkartmadan bekletiyordum.Daha sonra ellerimden tutarak ayağa kaldırdı beni ve kayaya ellerimi dayayarak domaldım önünde yarrağını kalçalarımın üzerinde gezdiriyordu.Kafasını am dudaklarımın üzerine getirdi ve bastırmaya başladı ilk defa olduğu için girmesi biraz zor oluyordu verdiği acı canımı yakıyordu.Daha da sert bastırmaya başlamıştı kafası artık giriyordu içime amım dan akan sularla girmesi biraz daha kolaylaşmıştı ve yavaşça git gel yapmaya başlamıştı verdiği acı büyük bir zevke dönüşmüştü ve hepsini sokmasını istiyordum yavaşça inlemelerim çok hoşuna gitmiş olcak ki biraz hızlanmaya başladı her girişinde biraz daha derine iniyor ve çıldırtıyordu beni.İnlemelerim biraz daha artmıştı kendimden geçmiştim yarrağı\”nın hepsi içime giriyordu artık büyüz zevk alıyordum kendimden geçmiştim hızlı hızlı girip çıkmaları deliye döndürmüştü beni.Ve o an bacaklarımda ki kanı fark ettim umrumda değildide bunları göze almıştım aldığım zevk herşeye değerdi.Daha sonra yüzümü ona doğru döndüm ve sağ bacağımı kaldırıp kolunun arasına koydum.Yarrağı\”nı biraz sıvazladıktan sonra tekrar amcığımın üzerine getirdi ve gözlerimin içine bakarak sokmaya başladı her girip çıkmasında daha deliye dönüyordum ve o anda ii ce kasılarak boşalmaya başladım o kadar güzel bi duygudu ki anlatamam ve birden içimden çıkarak oda amcığımın üzerine boşalmaya başladı am dudaklarım kıpkırmızı olmuştu yanıyordu alev alev.Ben daha devam edicez diye düşünürken toparlanmamı söledi derede ii ce temizlendikten sonra giyinip yollarımız orda ayrıldı.Çok mutluydum hiç de pişmanlık duymuyordum bu aldığım zevk çok güzeldi ve bunla kalmayacağı belli idi daha sonra 2-3 tane daha böle kaçamağım oldu başka kişilerle samanlıkta olsun tarlada olsun bunları da anlatmak isterim.

tamamen alıntıdır..

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32