I, Globerapist

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I met a borracho in a bar and we fell into a deep discussion of cosmic matters. He claimed to have exhausted his funds on a one-way bus ticket into town. For many years, he’d been promising himself a trip to our little city, apparently. Why anyone would want to come here-anyone not an engineer or bureaucrat affiliated with the aerospace contractors that make their home in the industrial parks in the suburbs-is beyond me. We don’t even get many tourists out at the Astronautical Training Center run by the government. This burg is just too small and out of the way. It’s quiet and nothing happens and that’s exactly how we like it.

I’d been starved for intelligent conversation. You know I’ve always been a reader and even a thinker, and you know what it’s like to work with salesmen and account managers all day. Sometimes I think I’ll “go postal”, as they say, if I hear one more basketball game recounted in full detail. I kept buying this fellow drinks just to hear him talk. He was fascinating to me: widely read and cosmopolitan in his opinions; strangely so for someone who looked like an unwashed drifter. Few are the subjects we failed to touch on that evening. He was thirsty, too-kept putting them down about as fast as the barkeep could pour, but I didn’t mind footing the bill. Yes, we talked about everything under the sun, and I admit that I had a grand old time.

Finally, as the barmaid was wiping the empty tables and the parking lot was emptying out, he started to mutter under his breath, something about “seeking employ as a spaceman, in order to inseminate new worlds”. Anyway, I had no idea what he was talking about, and as it was getting to be pretty late and I was afraid the wife was worrying, I told him that I had to go, but I’d be happy to give him a lift to wherever it was staying. Turns out he had a room in one of the drifter hotels out by the switchyard. I pulled up in front and said goodbye and good luck and thanks for all the good yarns. I was waiting for him to get out, but he was fumbling around in his satchel for something. Finally he produced an oilcloth packet of dirty papers-it was this manuscript, which I’m sending you, Wilson, because I know how fascinated you are by any thing of this type. Told me he was going away for a long time, maybe forever, and he was real thankful for my hospitality and wanted me to have something. Then he got out of the car and disappeared into that old bum hotel and I never saw him again. Frankly, I just don’t want the damned thing lying around the house, but for some reason I was afraid to burn it. Anyway, have a look at it and tell me what you think……….

Youthful dreams

As long as I can remember, I have dreamt of fucking the world, or worlds like it. Orbs, worlds, planets, spheres, globes, balls…. these have always hypnotized my sexual eye. When I first read that scene in Robert A. Wilson’s “Illuminatus” books where the initiate inseminates a giant golden apple, I felt a powerful deja-vu. There ought to be some way to put my finger on the root of all this. I know that as a youth I was obsessed with cosmology, astronomy, celestial mechanics and whatnot. I often lay awake at night, masturbating at my leisure beneath the constellations of glowing star-stickers on my ceiling and feeling myself afloat within the bigness of the void. Like many people, I had a ritual I needed to perform in order to fall asleep. Quietly, quietly tugging my ten-year-old pod in a soothing rhythm, I would visualize those astronomical comparisons designed to give a sense of the size of outer space

…. the Earth is a grain of sand at the second base of a ballfield in Brooklyn….the Sun is a grapefruit at home plate…the nearest star is another grapefruit in Green Bay….and the next nearest a Ping Pong ball in Peking…..

and a rushing, vertiginous, almost nauseating ecstasy would shoot through my stomach. To be a dot was pure joy. To be relieved of the responsibilities of size. After all, what harm could a dot do? What black act a speck perform? At large amongst the insensate, crushing grandeur of those impossibly vast balls as they rolled along their tracks, I knew the freedom of tinyness and insignificance. Others have reported the same feeling at that age, but always described as terrifying and bewildering. The sensation, however, was the same-suddenly conscious of the Earth’s rotation; one is flung off into emptiness; where one disappears.

So it would appear that my obsession with the celestial spheres is grounded in ecstatic feelings of tinyness, perhaps learned in the womb, where, after all, we float. I’m sure that psychological science, aided by myth, would have the World represent Mother, that big blue ball which birthed us and nursed us and whom we can never outgrow. Tied always to the apron strings…at first we love her and her largeness comforts us, but at puberty something happens, we rebel. It was around then, at age 13 or so, that my innocent desire for the cosmos, which was, I’m sure, in its way sexual otele gelen escort in an infantile, all-consuming fashion, changed and became lust. In the difficult teenage and early adult years to come, lust would curdle in frustration and become venom and my weightless visions of the void were replaced with black daydreams of cosmic rape. I’m well aware that I’m skipping over some important history here, but suffice it to say that those were dark and pimply years and they made me a venomous and unpleasant man.

Janitor in a gentleman’s club

Let’s skip forward now. The story of how I, a boy with such promise, grew to be a scrawny and unshaven man, living in furnished rooms, eating soup unheated directly from the can and reading the Russians while making marginal notes in red ink such as “That’s me!” and (triple underline) “I’ve SEEN this bastard around here somewhere” will be told elsewhere; or maybe it will never see the light of day. In order to learn how I found my calling and my obsession, we need know no more than this: I was a young underground man, nursing frustrations in my funk-hole, frequently masturbating, furtively coveting the round buttocks of girls. I smelt, was usually intoxicated, and was quite unemployable. Thus, the downward slide in prestige of employment: from cake-decorator in a lesbian-owned-and-operated bakery to surly used -bookstore clerk to the final rung, where I made a stand and clung.

Thinking to turn my chief pastime to gold, as it were, I sought and gained employment as a janitor in one of the many gentlemen’s clubs in our metropolis. A peep-show palace where men came to masturbate at the spectacle of Live Nude Girls There, finally, was a dark place where I could skulk and sulk, unwatched, unwashed, with holes and rends in my garments, minimum wage almost too good for me. I had only to endure the brusque and dismissive managerial style of the Iranian family that ran the place. I did a good job, too. My duty was to remain in constant movement between the various floors of that place, pushing a mop-wringer brimming with piney suds. Dark halls lined with narrow doors. A green light would go on above the door, indicating the “all clear”, a spent client would emerge, fiddling with his zipper, avoiding eye contact, and hurry to the stairs, and I would slosh my mop and shuffle into the spermiferous and reeking compartment to swab the decks. Indeed, the nautical metaphor comes easily to mind, because in those long, closeted and red-lit halls I often imagined myself a third-class steward or messmate on some infernal tramp freighter, all holds loaded to the hatches with a full cargo of spunk, all hatches battened down for a one-way cruise to the slimiest depths of the underworld.

Geometrical obsessions

In those days, I had a curious tic of constantly drawing, on any available surface, small doodles of three-dimensional shapes, be they cubes, pyramids, or more complicated forms. You may be familiar with this sort of thing; in the language of draftsmanship and mechanical drawing it’s called “isometric representation”. The form is shown from an above and side angle of 45 degrees each. All hidden lines are dotted. One day, killing time, I discovered how to represent a sphere: first a circle is drawn. A small ellipse near the top of the circle represents the visible Polar Regions, a dotted ellipse of the same size near the bottom; the invisible antipodes. The lines of latitude and longitude are then filled in, in the same fashion

. I was entranced by this new method of depicting spheres and one day, after mopping a unicellular blot left high on a cubicle wall by a client of above-average ejaculatory force, I took out my Magic Marker and limned an inconspicuous yet pleasingly orbicular globe in an out-of-the-way corner of the booth. Not long after, I had cause to revisit the same booth, this time to mop up a widely scattered pattern of small droplets that, to the trained and professional eye of a cumhouse mopboy, bespoke a particularly frenzied and vigorous style. I couldn’t resist leaving another sphere next to the first, and that’s when my secret mark was born. Like a fighter plane crew chief painting dead Zeros on the fuselage of an ace, I left my sphere in the corner of every come- compartment in that place, one per ejaculation mopped.

That camaraderie which supposedly exists between the downtrodden

I should say something here about that camaraderie which supposedly exists between the downtrodden. Although I had something in common with the girls who worked in that joint, viz., that our paychecks all depended upon the ejaculatory urge, they, burdened with the insufferably humiliating nature of their job, needed someone to look down upon with scorn. Unfortunately, something in my physiognomy, spirit, or job description nominated me for that unpleasant role, and so, instead of the foxhole solidarity one might expect to find amongst the footsoldiers of the ejaculatory mecidiyeköy escort trade, it was strictly a case of me against them. In a word: they hated me, and for them I reserved an especial spite, which they returned, with interest. How could they not hate me? And yet, mopping the dark halls, confronted at every turn with fat bare bottoms and breasts, masturbation my only friend, how could I not look upon them with lust and lust’s black brother, spite? They obviously knew, with the sharp sensitivity to insult or scorn of the lowly, that I saw myself as better than they, and I imagine that I became something of a stand-in for, and reminder of, the clientele- a regular face to put upon the faceless masses of furtive patrons. I was, in my lust and spite and skulking nature, Everyman who had sneered at them as he gaped, called them foul names as he spilled his seed, and slunk away, head down, ashamed of his lust, leaving a paltry tip and a few blots of sperm on the glass.

I never even tried to be friendly with any of the strippers save one. From the beginning I despised them for their idleness, their vanity, their petty jealousies and rivalries. As far as I could tell, their conversation consisted of nothing but complaints about their cretinous paramours and fights over small personal items such as lipsticks and hairbrushes. Every once in a while, for variety’s sake, they would engage in a spirited debate over which neighborhood thug drove the most expensive automobile. Their leader was a half-breed Latina named, incongruously, “Jenny”, and her, I wanted, with all the venom at my disposal.


Jenny was a very pretty girl with a spoiled and petulant face, the thick body of a peasant, and wavy black hair, pulled tightly back from her low forehead into a cascading topknot. Her lips were outlined in black pencil, her ears adorned with giant gypsy-hoops of gold. Her outstanding feature was her ass, which was very large and round, and which drove me to redouble my masturbatory efforts. Scarcely a day passed that didn’t find me in the stinking employee toilet, bent over an erection like Portnoy, imagining squeezing a ribbon of seed like toothpaste into the crevice between her hemispherical assets.

I was so starved for attention that I ran countless errands for Jenny just to talk to her. Pregnancy testers, red Twizzler sticks, Benson and Hedges cigarettes (which she thought were classier than the Newports everyone else smoked), buckets of chicken from Popeye’s, tubs of diet sodas, dime bags of alternative tobacco. I was willing to be her factotum, her man on the street; whatever she wanted me to be, though it availed me not. Standing in the doorway of one of the little cubicles, which smelled like nail-polish remover, cum, and cigarette smoke, I was always awkward and horny. I would try to lock eyeballs with her tits (which were quite small and out of proportion with her heavy-duty chassis) as she bent over in her terrycloth dressing gown, which she wore when she wasn’t working the floor in a white bikini looking for customers, but she was unavailable to the male janitorial gaze. Her lip would twist and she’d hiss“The fuck is you looking at, flaco? Get your skinny pendejo ass out of here before I smack the shit out of you!” (The “oo” sound in “looking” pronounced to rhyme with the “u” in “ukulele”.)

There was no way for me to stand my ground in the face of that kind of blunt scorn. I’d tear my eyes away from her large bottom and focus on my pool of piney suds. Her G-strings were unbearably stimulating. She had a different one for each day of the month, sometimes two a day. There was a strange difference in texture between the skin of her rear and that of her face. On her ass, the skin was rather coarse and large-pored, with a greyish tinge; overall reminiscent of new-plucked chicken flesh, while her face was smooth, youthful and pretty. This discrepancy seemed to point at something larger- metaphysical even.

After a while, I started to get a bit obsessed with Jenny’s ass. If one needed me to perform an errand, I could reliably be found shuffling around the neighborhood of her cube with a hangdog expression, trying to catch a glimpse of it. I wanted to fuck it, although Lord knows I hadn’t the solidity or the force to deal her the pounding I dreamt of: my little noodle would have been completely lost between those twin medicine balls and she’d have shaken me off as a baboon shakes off a beetle. All in all, I felt an aggrieved sense of being dispossessed of something that was rightfully mine. As a private dancer, she was, in fantasy anyway, the property of anyone, and my constant exposure to her milieu served only to erode in my mind the barrier between the fantasy and the reality; where I should have grown cynical I grew soft. No doubt she WAS a whore, to the last bone in her body; all women are, but since I had nothing she wanted she was as off-limits to me as the moon and the stars. Watching her perform day after day for türkmen escort any hunchback in possession of a picture of President Jackson aggravated my sense that I’d somehow been ousted from my rightful position as regards ownership of her, and that only spite prevented her from reinstating me. Perhaps it was ammonia fumes that were responsible, or that hyperactive salsa music that used to blare from the speakers at all hours; or maybe excessive masturbation had perturbed my equilibrium. Looking back on the events that set me upon my path, I discover upon introspection that practically any stimulus would have served. If I seem to be regarding Jenny as a bit of an object, it’s for this reason, although admittedly, a person as self-centered as I needs little excuse to view his fellow man as cutouts moving stiffly in his own private puppet show.

Precipitating events

A Rum State of Affairs

After my sheepish non-courtship had been limping along for some several months, Jenny seemed, overnight, to tire of my presence. For a while she’d apparently been amused with an errand boy who read big books on break, and tolerated, or at least ignored, my feeble flirtations, but at some point she seemed to get wise to the malice and contempt underlying my fixation on her and my person abruptly became noxious. Maybe she’d caught me unawares, peeping at her with malevolent cow eyes. Whatever the explanation, she no longer summoned me to run out for her lunch and cigarettes, and when I tried to inch up to her as she leaned on her high stool between clients, she sneered at me and drove me away with personal remarks and an imperious flap of her well-manicured hand. I persisted: gazing hungrily at her buttocks had become a habit I couldn’t do without. If I couldn’t pilfer my daily eyeful while performing as her stooge, I’d just have to take it, boldly. Her loss of all tolerance for me actually put a bit of steel in my backbone and I took to parking my wringer bucket at the end of the hall and leaning on the mophandle, arms akimbo, staring at her body with a naked need. Needless to say, she didn’t put up with this for long. Before the day was out, management had informed me that I had better keep in constant janitorial motion with my gaze fixed firmly upon the floor; and if I was spotted irritating the dancers by touching their asses with my eyeballs one more time, I’d be out on the street.

I pulled myself together and managed to play the part of model mop-boy for about a week, but all the while I was seething inside. I can’t tell you how bitterly annoying it is for a man of my education to suffer insult and scorn from a near- illiterate; who probably moves her lips while reading the “TV Guide” listings, a completely materialistic sow who keeps herself in gaudy jewelry by witnessing the ejaculations of sexually frustrated strangers. Her non-tolerance of me, her open disgust for me, went straight to my gizzard and started burning me up from inside. I masturbated more, not less, but thoughts of lovemaking turned to thoughts of violent, forceful intercourse. The problem is that her ass seemed to grow in my mind, the farther I was driven from its presence in the real world; and the angrier and more lustful and resentful I became, the larger it seemed to swell in my masturbatory fantasies, to the point where it was capable of absorbing, insensate, all my malice and force. In my own fantasies, I could inflict no damage or pain upon it; I was as puny as a bug raping a beanbag. Behind my eyelids, I clambered upon it, flung myself upon it, flailed at it frenziedly, all to no avail. I tried my hand at every method of self-abuse, hoping for a different outcome. No dice.

A Fateful Day

On a fateful Monday, I spent morning sloshing about, eyes swollen from lack of sleep. My penis was so sore that I’d had to swaddle it in lotioned tissue to prevent my drawers from irritating it. The entire previous night had been spent writhing upon my cot, praying for sweet relief from the fantasies that tormented me. I’d squeeze out orgasm after weakening and belated orgasm in search of sleep, each requiring more effort than the last, until I was completely wrung out and exhausted and fell into a hellish doze populated with unbearably gigantic entities like those postulated by Mr. C.S. Lewis in his “Out of the Silent Planet”, communicating nonsense from one end of the ether to the other in a hideous booming drone. I’d have called in sick the next day and taken to my bed, but with rent overdue I needed every last kopeck, drachma and shekel. By the time my lunch break arrived, I was so cranky and sore, physically and metaphysically, that I went straight to the liquor store and spent my lunch money on a poorboy of Tokay, which I drank straight off in a phone booth. Somewhat refreshed and feeling that I was onto a temporary solution to my misery, I returned to the liquor store and spent my carfare for the rest of the week on a pint of the cheapest vodka. Which likewise I did drink down posthaste. It was a different mop-boy that staggered back to work late, under the glaring Islamic eye of the manager. I felt aloof, expansive, and indifferent to the petty scorn of the insects with whom I- temporarily of course, due to a slight detour taken on my road to better things- was forced to associate.

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I Have More Instructions for You

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“I have some more instructions for you, my pet.

This set of instructions will take much longer for you to complete than the last, my pet. So ask yourself, do I have time to complete them? Once you begin, you must not be distracted or tempted to disobey. I am going to instruct you on how to prepare that pretty body of yours for any visits from me, your Master. And if the preparations are to my liking… well then you will see why you submit to me.

First you must run yourself a warm bath, and while it is running you will memorise what you are required to do during it. If you forget something, you will have to start over and you may be late for my arrival. We don’t want that, do we? For then I would have to punish you. You are to start by just relaxing in the warmth of the water, letting the tension drain from your muscles. Also relax your mind, letting any stress of the day flow away. In its place, become aware of your body. The only thoughts that should remain will be how to prepare yourself, and how you can use your own body to bring your Master pleasure. Lay still in meditation until you are aching to submit before my touch, to be my pet and dominated however I desire. Wash yourself over, so that your skin will be clean and fresh. Also shave your mound and leave your pussy lips as smooth as you can, even if you have never done so before. Take your time rubbing soap or foam over your fur, but do not get too excited just yet. I will enjoy feeling you smooth and slippery under my fingers later, if you earn it. You will return from bathing washed, shaved, perfumed and naked, as I will instruct levent escort you on how to dress.


How was your bath, my pet? I shall assume your body is now ready for me, and your mind is beginning down the right path. Now I will have you gift-wrap yourself in fine clothes before you present yourself to me. A button down blouse and a short skirt will do nicely. Look at the clothes you own, and consider which will please a man the most. Choose an outfit that is sluttier than what you would wear in your day-to-day routine, but it must also convey some aura of class. I very much enjoy seeing you dressed as a confident, sexy woman, only to have me very much in control over you. In your choice you must show me that you are eager to display yourself for my affections. You are to take time with your makeup and hair, and choose your finest jewellery. But you are definitely NOT to wear any panties. Others who see you may only guess, but I will know that your beautiful cunt is secretly uncovered and burning to be used. When you are dressed, you will look into a mirror and tell yourself: “The woman I see exists only as a pet to my Master”. With each repetition you will pose and flirt, feeling the sluttiness of your actions from the reflection. You will repeat this ten times, until you know it is true down to the deepest sense of your identity.

Well done my pet! You are now ready for an evening by your Master’s side. Any time I decide to see you, you are to clean yourself and be ready to show off both your body and the outfit you have selected like mecidiyeköy escort a good girl. So shall I take you out to a restaurant, secretly teasing your horny body under the table? Or perhaps you shall wear an anal plug as you cook for me? No, tonight you are going to bring yourself to orgasm still covered in the clothes you have chosen to wear for your Master. You will learn that even fully clothed, you are under my command and you cannot hide your desire to cum again and again at my word.

Feel the contours of your body through your clothes, paying close attention to how the fabric lies against you skin. Concentrate your roaming hands on the tighter areas, exploring how you would feel if a stranger decided to grope you over your clothes. Relax my pet; I’m not ready to share you with others by telling you to allow that just yet. But I want you to fondle yourself, and enjoy the touching as much as being touched by your own hand and my thoughts. Press the cloth of your top and bra against your breasts, and then you may loosen your clothing and run your hands against your bare skin underneath. You may not remove anything you are wearing until your Master says, to better learn that it offers no real protection from my gaze. After all, I know all of the kinky fantasies and desires in your heart no matter if you try to deny them.

Play downwards and enjoy the sensation your clothes give your freshly shaven pussy now that it is no longer restricted by any underwear. Does it excite you? Are you aroused pressing against the very thing that is intended to hide your horny aches kağıthane escort from the world? I want you to strive to feel your own wetness as you begin to squirm, clenching, grinding your legs and admiring how it twists and stretches their covering. You are going to leave your fine clothes dishevelled and messy before we are finished my pet. If you have followed all these instructions, as I am sure you have as an obedient, pretty little pet of mine, you may now pleasure yourself as you see fit. You may even reward yourself with a favourite toy if you desire more than your own fingers. But remember! My pet must remain wearing everything she is now, so I will enjoy the knowledge that you may struggle at first to get your toys under your garments even without panties. Now enjoy yourself my pet! Fill the room with your moans and begging for release, and I shall grant it to you. You may writhe, smearing makeup and roughing your hair, and crease your pretty attire as it is dirtied with sweat and warm juice from your smooth sweet body. As your toy enters you, think of it as an extension of your Master’s mind and body. Enjoy being left helpless and submitted to the pleasure that grows from your innermost places. You cannot think of anything other than this feeling, these waves of delicious agony that sweep over you and pin you in place until you fear your own mind may snap under the tension. Let it build and build until you can do nothing more but release yourself in loud exclamation to your Master and orgasm as strongly as you ever have!

…and now relax again, my pet. Once more, become aware of the state of your outfit. I bet it doesn’t look so presentable right now as it did when you spent so much time on it. I also doubt you planned to get so dressed up before I asked it of you. We have had our fun for today my pet, so be a good girl for me until I return to instruct you again.”

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Hurting Me

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Hot Babe

Why do you like hurting me so much?

I was just minding my own business, washing the dishes you left in the sink for me before you went to work. I had taken off the little pink Hello Kitty ring that marks me as your slave, and placed it on the counter next to the sink. You had insisted on me wearing an item that you chose for me, something that I would never choose to wear normally. You knew I had a bit of a fetish for women wearing Hello Kitty, so I guess you fucking thought you were being funny with that ring.

When you came home I was excited, but I didn’t want to seem too eager and turn you off. So I just said “hey you” and kept working at my chore.

You walked into the kitchen and slid up behind me. You draped yourself over my back, kissing my neck and reaching around to cup my balls gently through my clothes and apron. “Hey babe,” you said, in a deep, throaty voice that let me know exactly the type of thoughts running through your mind. I smiled.

You toyed with my ring on the counter top. “Don’t forget to put that back on when you’re done washing, pet.”

“Yes ma’am,” I replied meekly.

“Those the same dishes that were here when I left?” You asked, innocently enough.

“Yeah, I just got around to them. Gonna need some of this stuff to cook dinner. Sorry I’m running so far behind today.”

I felt your body tense up against mine, and your hand squeezed my balls a little too roughly.

I knew I was in deep shit.

You yelled at me, your temper rising. “You haven’t even fucking started dinner yet? What the fuck? It’s like 7:30, bitch!”

I tried to save myself. “I said I’m sorry! I got caught up playing a game, OK? And you know I don’t like it when you call me that word.”

“What word? Bitch? That’s what you are, a bitch! My bitch!” You were really losing it and I started to get scared. “You fucking sit around playing video games all day while I’m out working! All I fucking ask for is some light housework out of your lazy ass, and you can’t even do that right!”

“Please, bebek escort I’ll be good. I’ll do better, I promise!” I begged.

You put your hand on the back of my head and pushed my face down into the sink, crushing my nose against the stainless steel as you screamed in my ear. “Shut the fuck up! I’ve heard it all before. I’ve been nice to you so far because you’re so good with that sweet little tongue of yours and I get off so much making you eat your cum out of my pussy. But now it’s time you learned the real way I like to use my bitch!” Your voice wasn’t playful at all, and I did not like this game.

You hissed into my ear. “Stay!” Just like you’d say to a dog. I hated it, but I loved it, and I obeyed. I kept my face down in the sink obediently as you went into the bedroom. A few minutes later I heard you coming back, and I hoped you would be pleased that I hadn’t moved an inch.

“Good boy,” you said, “at least you can literally do nothing right!” You were behind me again, and you suddenly smacked my ass roughly. I jumped in shock, it fucking hurt! I tried not to move though, because I knew it would only make you mad, which would definitely make you hurt me more.

“Hmm, I don’t have any lube. I guess we’ll have to use dish soap this time. It will probably burn and make you very uncomfortable for the next few days, but I really don’t give a shit.”

I didn’t know for sure what you were talking about, but I had a pretty good idea. And that idea made me extremely nervous.

You stepped over to one side of me and grabbed me by my hair, pulling my head up and turning it to face you.

I gasped. My fears were confirmed. You had stripped off all of your clothing, and hanging from your waist was a 7-inch pink strap-on.

“How do you like my new cock, baby?” You said, grinning at me evilly as I stared at your weapon.

“I…I don’t want to do this, OK? Lets just do something else. I’ll lick your pussy so good, sweetie. Just put that thing away!” I was really worried now, mecidiyeköy escort and I couldn’t think of any way to stop this from happening to me.

“Mm, what a nice offer. I’ll take you up on that later. But for now, your ass is mine!” You said, moving behind me again.

My mind was running a mile a minute as you yanked my sweatpants and boxers down with one tug. You were so strong! It scared me, and reminded me why I’m your bitch.

You reached over me and grabbed the dish soap I had been using (for its intended purpose, no less) only minutes before. I heard you squirting the “lube” onto your cock and rubbing it a few times with your hands to spread the soap around. Then I jumped as I felt you squirt some of the cold liquid into the crack of my ass.

I felt something pressing against my opening, and I tensed up automatically. You slapped my ass. “Let me in, bitch!” You said. “It’s only a finger. Be grateful I don’t just shove this monster in without prep, because you know that’s what you deserve.”

I tried to relax my muscles. It was just a finger, it couldn’t be that bad.

You pushed hard and finally I felt your digit slip inside. I groaned loudly as the pain and the uncomfortable feeling of fullness shot through me.

You hissed at me through clenched teeth as you worked your finger in and out of my ass, deeper on every stroke. “Oh yeah, bitch. Your fucking ass is so tight you can barely even take my finger. God, I can’t wait anymore!”

You pulled your finger out and I started to sigh in relief, but immediately I felt your strap-on pressing against my hole. I tensed up again and you grabbed my hair, giving it several rough yanks until I loosened up for you. “Oh yeah, there it is, bitch!” You said as the head of your cock popped into me. I screamed and begged you to stop.

“Please…” I was so miserable, the pain and the humiliation too much for me to take. I started crying as you continued to force your way into my ass. Your grip on my hair only tightened as you started to florya escort thrust into me, using it as a handle to pull me back against you.

I felt your slick cock sliding deeply, mercilessly, inside my greased hole, stretching me out. The dish soap was tingling and starting to burn. “You’re such a worthless little cunt, you know that?” You reached around me with your free hand to grab my cock and balls, and started squeezing my manhood viciously as you fucked me, my groans of despair only driving you on.

You let go of my hair, my head falling back into the sink as you put both hands on my hips and really started going to town on me. I was screaming and blubbering as you pounded me ruthlessly, with no regard for my comfort or safety. You seemed to be enjoying yourself though, giving a little grunt of satisfaction each time you plunged your dick into my anus.

Your thrusts started to get faster, and you seemed to forget I was even a person, using me like a fuckdoll to take out your anger on. The top of my head banged into the back of the sink each time you slammed into me, balls deep. I had given up on screaming, I was so hoarse, but I still managed tiny whimpers of pain with each jarring thrust.

Your nails dug into my skin as your hips jerked against me lightning-quick, and you let out a high-pitched squeal as you gave me one last hard pump, burying yourself to the hilt in my aching ass and trying to drag me even closer to you with your hands on my waist.

“Oh fuck yes!” You said, rocking against me slowly as you finished your orgasm.

You pulled out of me, slapping my ass. You reached around to feel my cock again and laughed maniacally. “Still soft! I guess you didn’t enjoy that fuck as much as I did, huh bitch?”

“Don’t worry,” you said. “You’ll get used to it eventually. Although when you do I will probably just buy a bigger cock!”

You laughed all the way to the bedroom. “I’m gonna go smoke a cigarette, let me know when dinner’s ready, slut.”

I roused myself and dried my eyes, pulling up my pants. My anus was sore, and burning like wildfire thanks to the soap, but I knew that I had to get to cooking if I wanted to avoid any more punishments and be allowed to cum that night.

I picked up my slave ring and slipped it back on. I was yours then, more than ever.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

How My Life Changed Ch. 03

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


In the end (I discovered later) it was two and a half hours before Ben showed up. By then I was going out of my mind between jumping at every noise thinking it was someone coming into the glade, trying not to move despite the discomfort because of the bells clamped to my aching nipples and a horrible moment when something crawled up my leg, nearly making me scream.

Nobody came into the glade thank god but I could hear plenty of people passing on the path a short distance away and every time one of the bells on my clamped nipples chimed my heart skipped a beat.

The relief I felt when I saw Ben walking into the glade was total. I had never been as humiliated and afraid as I had been over the past day or so, never been so out of control and seeing him, even though I knew he was responsible, made me go weak at the knees.

He was wearing a pair of cut off shorts and a short sleeved, khaki shirt that was open to the waist, showing his toned physique. He had a rucksack over one shoulder and was carrying a water bottle.

Ben barked a laugh as he saw me and I felt another wave of shame wash over me. He came up close and stood there looking at my trussed up form for a moment before taking a long pull of his water.

‘Well then Jayme, look at you. How was your wait?’

‘Long sir, I missed you terribly,’ I said with a tear running down my cheek.

‘How did you like the clamps with bells idea?’ he asked with a grin.

‘It was very clever sir,’ I said wondering why he hadn’t untied me and taken me in his arms yet. ‘It made the wait unbearable sir.’

‘Heh,’ he snorted before reaching out and yanking the pegs off my nipples, making me scream out loud – first from the pull and then from the blood rushing back into them.

‘Thank you sir,’ I gasped when the pain eventually subsided.

‘You’re welcome,’ he replied trailing a hand down my quivering stomach muscles. ‘I can’t help but notice though that I’ve been here for almost two minutes now and you haven’t bothered to ask me about my birthday party. It’s almost as if you don’t care, I can leave you here if you like?’

‘No sir, please god, don’t leave me here sir!’ I cried making him laugh. ‘I’m sorry I missed your party sir, did you have fun?’

‘Yes Jayme I did,’ he said his trailing hand now having reached my pussy. ‘You do realise you are soaking wet down here?’ He asked with a raised eyebrow. ‘Anyway, yes I had a very nice time thank you for asking, there was a lot of laughs, some booze and when Eve asked me where you had gone I told her the whole thing and, you know, one thing led to another.’

‘W…what?’ I said hoping against hope that it wasn’t true.

‘I said, Jayme, that when you turned up looking like a slut and then fucked off with another man, Eve asked a very reasonable question as to what was going on. So I told her all about you, about the birthday present you are giving me and what I imagined Dan was going to be doing with you.’

‘What….what did she say sir?’ I asked feeling faint from the stress of it all.

‘She loved it Jayme, turns out she absolutely fucking hates you and thinks you are some trampy little slut who’s not good enough for me.’ He laughed. ‘I think she wants me for herself you know,’ he whispered conspiratorially.

‘She said,’ he continued, ‘and she couldn’t stop giggling when she found out about it, that she loved the idea of you being molested by some freak and she hoped that the experience permanently fucked you up. A little strong I suppose but she’s entitled to her opinion, besides it sounded so good when she said it.

‘Anyway,’ he continued looking at the shame on my face and rubbing the growing bulge in his shorts – the sick fuck was getting off on telling me this, ‘I hadn’t considered it but when she suggested that we should fuck it seemed like too good an opportunity to pass up.’

‘You fucked her sir?’ I asked in a whisper, my head reeling.

‘All night long babe and twice this morning, Christ she’s one hell of a woman,’ he gushed making me feel like shit. ‘Now this is the thing, she’s came up with a marvellous idea, tonight I had had some nasty things planned for you but instead I am going to untie you now and take you home. There you are going to clean the house and serve Eve and myself as we have a nice long afternoon lazing about, fucking, sucking – you know the drill, before you cook us dinner tonight. Eve said that if you are very good we might not make you watch me fucking her.’

‘Yes sir,’ I said wanting the horror to end.

‘Ah, now this is the thing though, you are going to be under her command,’ he chuckled seeing my terrified expression, ‘and I won’t lift a hand to stop her, whatever she wants to do to you and judging by some of the things she said to me last night, she’s not going to be very nice to you I’m afraid.’

‘Ok sir, I’ll do it for you,’ I said after a moment, enjoying the faint surprise on his face. ‘I’ve been through so much already and I still want to prove how much I love you sir.’

‘Brilliant,’ özbek escort he said producing a key for the handcuffs and letting me go. ‘You’ll find some clothes in the bag. Get dressed, we don’t have long.’

I opened the bag quickly, my joints protesting from being held in one position for so long, to find the clothes he’d brought were my pair of tiny denim shorts that show off half my ass cheeks and a gossamer thin string Bikini top. I quickly got into the clothes and not wanting to disappoint him I snapped the handcuffs shut on my wrists again.

He just smiled and led me back down to the path where this time, there were a lot more people.


Eve got to our house at about three o’clock. I was cleaning the dishes after cooking Ben his lunch when the doorbell rang. After a curt nod from Ben I walked to the door, I was still wearing my bikini and shorts combo although now I was barefoot.

I opened the door but before I could say anything the tall woman slapped me in the face.

‘Shut up slut!’ she said and barged her way past me down the hallway with me trailing meekly behind her, rubbing at my jaw.

A tall – 5 inches or so taller than me without heels -, statuesque blonde with big, full breasts, Eve was a good looking woman and she was wearing a knee length skirt and a top that showed most of her ample cleavage above heeled sandals that tightened her long, shapely legs nicely.

Roughly Ben’s age, so about fifteen years older than me, she actually looked like a woman in her late 20s.

She strutted up to Ben and my heart lurched when he grabbed her and kissed her hard with his hands fondling her ass. Not knowing what to do I returned to finish the dishes in the kitchen while trying not to listen to their murmured conversation and laughter.

After a while she walked into the kitchen and when Ben started to follow her she put her hand on his chest and stopped him.

‘Now now honey, I want to have a little girl chat with Jayme here, why don’t you go out the back, I’ll be there in a bit,’ she said sweetly.

‘Alright Eve, I’ll see you later.’

Once he had gone she turned to me and looked me up and down with an expression of disgust.

‘Strip, and get on your knees slut,’ she said venomously and I quickly did as I was told.

She stepped forward, towering over me and I felt completely helpless as she looked down her nose at me.

‘Women wear clothes Jayme,’ she purred, ‘little slut girls go naked. Now,’ she said grabbing my chin and forcing me to look up at her, ‘I’ve been waiting for my chance to make your life hell since I met you so imagine my surprise when I discovered that all I had to do is ask.’

She released my jaw and stepped back, shaking her head. ‘Don’t think for a moment that I don’t know how to really hurt a stupid little girl like you, I’m going to make you wish you’d never been born! Let’s have a look at you then,’ she said, grabbing my hair and painfully yanking me to my feet.

She circled me like a shark as I stood trembling, examining me up close.

‘What size are those tits Jayme?’ she asked when she was back in front of me and poking my right breast with her fingernail.

’32 A Miss,’ I replied shakily.

‘Hah!’ she laughed, ‘call those tits? These are tits you pubescent little skank,’ she said, cupping her much larger bosom and pointing them at me.

‘Do you think a man like Ben could possibly be satisfied with a boyish little freak like you? Where are your curves you skinny little fuck?’ she stepped close and grabbed my pussy in her right fist, tugging painfully at my lips with her long nailed fingers and making me cry out in pain.

‘The only womanly thing about you is this cunt isn’t it?’ she demanded tugging at my flesh.

‘Yes Miss!’ I cried with tears in my eyes.

‘And I hear it’s a well used little fuck hole, I hear you will fuck anything you can possibly fit in there, even total strangers? Is that right skank?’

‘Yes Miss,’ I whispered.

‘Say it you shit,’ she shouted in my face, twisting my pussy lips again.

‘I’m a filthy skank miss and I will shove anything that will fit into my well used cunt miss!’ I cried.

Barking a laugh she released me before noticing the wetness on her hand with an expression of disgust.

‘What the fuck is this?’ She shouted wiping my juice on my face and pushing me over onto the floor where I landed awkwardly. ‘Are you getting off on this you filthy little whore?’

She looked around as I sat dumbfounded on the kitchen floor, she reached onto the countertop and picked up a large carrot from the bunch I was to prepare for dinner.

‘Fuck yourself with this you little skank,’ she said throwing the vegetable at me, ‘ram it on up there until you cum.’

I picked up the carrot from the floor, it was freezing cold as I had just gotten them out of the fridge but Eve obviously didn’t care so, shivering uncontrollably, I took the thick, hard thing and pushed it as mecidiyeköy escort far as it would go into my soaking wet pussy.

Wracked with shame and filled with self loathing I shuffled around and lay on my back, legs spread wide in front of her and rammed that thick carrot into my pussy as hard and as fast as I could. Eve watched me with a sneer for a moment before squatting down in between my legs.

‘Now, once you have cum on that thing I want you to fix us some drinks and bring them out the garden. Then I want you to explain to Ben just how much of a boyish freak you are and I want you to beg him to fuck a real woman, not a nasty little skank like you. You understand skank?’

‘Yes…Miss,’ I groaned as I felt my orgasm building.

With that she stood, spat on me and walked out into the garden.


I did it as well, I served them their drinks, glad that our house wasn’t overlooked by any windows and then I stood in front of the man I love and explained why he should fuck someone else.

I think the worst part of it was that he seemed to agree with all of it, commenting that my boobs are too small and I don’t have enough curves, at least nothing like Eve’s who he said was a far superior example of Womanhood.

Once I had gone through that they decided to go upstairs, Eve insisted I watch her fuck him and I was lashed to a chair in the corner of the room while they spent a couple of hours playing with each other. I have never felt so humiliated in my life, so useless and helpless.

Ben was wearing a condom when they fucked and after he came she decided that the bin was a waste, so she fed the ‘little skank her dinner,’ upending the cooling sperm into my mouth and making sure I sucked the condom clean of her juice like a boiled sweet.

Later on Eve decided that I wasn’t to make dinner for them and they were going to have a meal in town, her rationale being that if I made food she might catch something. So as Ben phoned around to make a reservation, Eve led me into the garden.

‘Lie down on the floor skank, spread-eagle yourself’ she said.

I was naked except for ankle and wrist cuffs which she had made me put on earlier when she tied me to the chair to watch them fuck. I quickly laid down and spread my arms and legs wide, too far gone for any shame.

She opened the shed at the bottom of the garden and a few seconds later she emerged with four long wooden pegs from our bell tent, a mallet and some guy ropes. She quickly tied the ropes off to the cuffs and then hammered the pegs into the ground, before tightening the guys and stretching me taught.

Then she walked back into the shed and fetched another rope, this one an old, dirty and rough thing that had been in the shed since we moved in. Humming to herself she doubled it and fed the rope around my waist, slapping me to get it under my ass, before tucking it under itself at the small of my back and pulling it up my ass crack. Then, she threw the ends over a tree limb about ten foot above my head and a little behind before pulling on the ends, making me groan as the rope dug into my sensitive pussy.

Then she went back into the shed and came out holding one of Ben’s dumbbells which she held in the air while awkwardly tying the rope to it before letting it swing, laughing as I cried out when the rope suddenly became taught on my crotch.

Then she started to walk inside but stopped, reaching up she grabbed some pegs off the washing line and sat down beside me on the grass.

‘Now you can spend the rest of this evening thinking up something to say to us tomorrow about how I am better than you in every way. When we are ready I will come and get you,’ she said popping a wooden peg on my nipple, ‘and you can tell Ben and myself why I should be his woman and you shall become our little skank toy.’

She clipped the other nipple with a peg and leaned in close, her breath hot on my cheek.

‘Because slut, I am taking your man so if you want to stay a part of his life you’d better think up a damn good reason why we shouldn’t throw you out on the street and there is only one thing that’ll make me want to keep you around, do you know what that is?’

I shook my head, barely able to concentrate over the sensations in my crotch and nipples.

‘That one thing is me being able to hurt you whenever I feel like it bitch,’ she said with a sweet smile, ‘you won’t belong to him anymore, you’ll become my personal little servant. Now stick out your tongue, let’s get a peg on there to stop you whining.’

She stood up and pulled the rope, making the dumbbell raise a couple of feet into the air and laughed as I shook my head in alarm.

‘Nphoooohh..’ I spluttered with my tongue pegged.

‘Sorry, I didn’t understand you skank. Oh, you want me to drop this?’

I frantically shook my head again.

‘Oh ok, seems odd but if you want me to drop it I will,’ and laughing she let go.


It was fully dark when they came home, the lights azeri escort came on in the house and after a while the back door opened.

It was Ben who walked over and untied the dumbbell before removing the rope from around my waist. Next he removed the pegs form my nipples – the tongue one had fallen off some hours ago thank god – making me gasp and writhe.

He squatted next to my helpless body, fed me some water from a bottle he was carrying and chuckled.

‘She’s really done a number on you eh Jayme?’

‘Yes sir,’ I croaked.

‘Well if it was up to me I’d let you go but you are Eve’s and she wants to be fucked first, says she’ll make up her mind depending on how much she enjoys it as to whether you’ll be sleeping like this or somewhere more comfortable. What do you say to that Jayme?’

‘Please fuck her really well sir, whatever it takes – suggest some things she might not have thought of to do to me sir, just don’t leave me out here all night?’ I said urgently, acutely feeling the humiliation of begging the man I love to please another woman.

He laughed. ‘Listen to you; didn’t I say you would become a different person?’

‘Yes sir, you were right sir.’

‘Well, Eve told me about her idea and I can’t wait to hear you argue to be replaced by a woman who wants to do nothing but hurt you. Taking me away from you will just be the start I suspect.’

‘I don’t want to,’ I said with a tear running down my cheek.

‘Well tough, you agreed to do whatever anyone told you to, so tomorrow you will convince me it’s the best option for all of us.’ He looked up to the bedroom window, ‘Well, it’s a hard life. Jayme, I’m off to make love to someone else and tell her all the things you hate so she can do them to you. See you later!’

They left the window open of course and all I could hear as I lay there shivering on the cold, damp grass were the sounds of lovemaking. After a while they stopped and I heard the back door opening again, both of them came out and Ben quickly started loosening the ropes holding my arms.

I moaned as my joints protested after their lengthy immobilisation, shaking and falling over as I tried to stand up which made Eve laugh out loud.

‘Your boyfriend pleased me tonight skank,’ she said cruelly, ‘so you get to sleep on the sofa. Besides, you look like you need a good rest. Tidy this mess up and lock the house but be showered, made up and ready with breakfast in the morning at 9.’


They were screwing when I opened the bedroom door in the morning; Ben was grabbing her hips and slamming into her from behind as she moaned with every thrust.

Not knowing what else to do I stood there quietly while they carried on, Ben ignored me completely but Eve saw me straight away and spent most of her time looking me right in the eye and smiling.

When they finished I served them their breakfast and waited for them to eat before tidying up the dishes. As I left the room Eve called out and, setting the tray down on the landing table I returned to the bedroom. The place stank of sex and Eve’s perfume and despite myself I found myself getting more than a little turned on from what I had seen.

‘Jayme, once you are done tidying up we won’t need you for the rest of the morning,’ Eve said with a languid smile. ‘So I want you to go to the spare room and masturbate, find something painfully big to stuff in that little skank cunt of yours until you have cum five times – and I’d better be fucking amazed by the size of it when I check. Then cuff your hands behind your back and wait for me to summon you.’

‘Yes Miss,’ I said seeing Ben smirking.

‘Oh and one more thing,’ she said, ‘when you wank I want you to think about what you watched this morning. I want you to cum with the image of a real woman making love to your man.’


It was a few hours later that the door opened and she walked into the spare room. I was sitting in the corner, naked and cuffed, with my legs spread letting my hot, stretched pussy breath in the air. She had stipulated ‘painfully big’ so I had found a hard, plastic drink bottle and it was sitting, along with the tube of KY jelly I had had to use to get it in me, on the floor in front of me.

‘Fuck me,’ she exclaimed picking up the bottle, ‘your cunt must be slack as hell. No wonder Ben wants my pussy, he can actually feel the sides for a start.’ She put the bottle down and shook her head, ‘It’s time to come downstairs and whore yourself to us, skank.’

I struggled up and followed her down the stairs to see Ben and Eve sitting on the sofa. They had put out a low, hard wooden stool with a thick dildo jutting up from the seat (held in place with some tape) and Ben pointed to it as I entered the room.

I squatted down, carefully positioning my pussy over the head of the dildo, luckily I was wet enough that it was only a little struggle to fit it inside me. I cringed at the laugh from Eve as I moaned, feeling the invading lump of plastic stretching me and nudging against my cervix.

‘Hah,’ Eve said, ‘took it in one! She ‘s like a fucking windsock.’

‘Right then Jayme, what have you got to say?’ Ben said, looking at me intently as I shifted on the impaling dildo.

I took a deep breath, terrified about what I was going to say.

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House Bitch 03: Panty Slut Jobber

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Life under Mistress’s loving, but fierce tutelage continued. I reveled in being her bitch, in being Mistress Jamie’s panty boy, her satin slut. She had tempered me, brought me to heel, and made me a better man by reducing me to nothingness, by making my sole purpose in life her pleasure. In service to Mistress Jamie, there was emotional fulfillment. I adored her as I worshipped her as I bowed before her and submitted to her. She was my goddess.

Mistress Becca, the cunt with whom I’d fought for Mistress Jamie’s approbation, had received Mistress’s approval. She had satisfied Mistress’s expectations and demands for what constituted a proper dominatrix. Releasing Becca from her control and command, the newly-minted dominatrix ventured out on her own, yet she was still held in Mistress Jamie’s thrall, and continued to pay obeisance to Mistress. We despised one another as only those possessed by the green-eyed monster of jealousy can despise. This pleased my Mistress. It reinforced her proven superiority to women and men. Becca continued to pay court to Mistress, but now she had her own submissive. A dominatrix in her own right, Becca was still Mistress Jamie’s submissive in the hierarchy. By her release, Mistress Jamie had elevated Becca above her former status as an apprentice and well above my station. It was now my place to submit to Becca. I hated the thought as I hated Becca. At least that cunt was gone and I now had Mistress’s attention to myself, greedy slut that I am.

One afternoon, Mistress grabbed me by my collar and led me to her playroom. She shackled me to a St. Andrew’s cross, and after inspecting her work, inquired, “Are the cuffs too tight, slut? Are you ‘comfortable?’ Don’t answer. I don’t care. I was merely making pleasant conversation—accidentally. Silly me, you stupid, unfeeling, worthless cunt. I don’t know why I even manifest the slightest concern for you or interest in you.”

I nodded as Mistress looked blankly into my eyes and through me. She turned on her heel, walked away from me, approached a cabinet, and opened the doors. Mistress slipped on well-padded, pink MMA gloves. They allowed her to strike with as much force as she desired, but left her fingers free to grab, pinch, pull, and twist.

She approached me. My cock swelled in anticipation. It grew, throbbed, and began emitting the slightest bit of precum, moistening my turquoise, satin, string bikini. “What will she do?” I wondered.

Mistress wore a lime green athletic bikini that would’ve been as appropriate cihangir escort on a beach or by a pool as it would’ve been in a studio. It was designed for vigorous workouts and turning heads. Mistress turned and swelled my heads. I adored and worshipped her.

“Slut,” she pronounced, “I’m agitated, but I don’t know why. You’re going to help me get it out of my system.”

With that, Mistress proceeded to use me as a punching bag. She calibrated her punches, where they landed, with how much force, and how much frequency. Despite her contemptuous treatment of me, it masked a concern for my welfare, for my education, and for my training. She used, abused, dominated, and humiliated me out of love and concern for my wellbeing.

Approaching in a boxer’s crouch, Mistress set upon me. “Thump!” a shot to my midsection. She drove it in as hard as she could. Another, followed by another. All I could do was emit and “Oof!” or “Ow!” as she pummeled me. I strained against the shackles, trying to free myself from the abuse, despite my enjoying it.

“You’re a feisty slut, aren’t you?” asked Mistress rhetorically. “Let’s see what else you’ve got,” she said.

“Slap!” The sting of her padded leather glove turned my cheek red and I cried out as I struggled to break free from the restraints. The sting invigorated me. It aroused me. Never had I ever felt so alive as I had under my beautiful Mistress, Jamie.

Approaching closely, Mistress kneed me my groin. It was hard enough to elicit another cry from me, but not truly painful—thank goodness for small favors. She smiled cruelly and rubbed her knee into my cock and balls, the satin doing nothing to protect me.

She pressed her body into mine, taking in my aroma, using her senses like a hunting cat with its prey. The grinding continued. Mistress teased my nipples, which made my abused cock swell.

She stepped back and began delivering more shots to my body, slaps to my face, and knees to my groin. Mistress Jamie had worked up a light sheen to her beautiful body. Her ripe, round, full breasts heaved. He face glowed with the exertion as it relaxed from the emotional and physical release that beating me had provided her. He breathing was heavy from the work out. I too was breathing hard, but from the working over she’d been giving me.

Undoing her gloves, Mistress next unfastened my shackles, and then led me to her bed. After humiliating me in the playroom, she intended to do so bed.

Mistress pushed mecidiyeköy escort me into her bed and climbed atop me. Reaching into my satin bikini, she put her hand around my engorged cock, and slipped out. She went down on me as I fingered her warm, wet pussy almost to the point of orgasm.

“STOP!!” she demanded. “Stop, you goddamned fuck!” she commanded.

It was to no avail. My lust had overridden my senses. Mistress demanded that I stop fingering her just short of an orgasm. I was stubborn. I’d failed to learn and jockeyed for position as we wrestled in bed. I was going to fuck Mistress Jamie, demonstrate my worth, my value, my own dominance. I would be on top. Flipping Mistress on her back, I tried to cram my now fully engorged cock into her tight, increasing moist, pussy.

I can’t begin to describe the intensity of the struggle, the passion, and senses inflamed. We kissed intensely, tongues and lips fighting for control. Teeth biting lips and tongues. Our hands grasped for control over each other as fought.

Mistress Jamie is as powerful and skilled as she is intelligent and beautiful. She forced me, wrapped her hand around my throat, and with the other slipped her bikini panty to the side. She mounted my stiff cock and slowly slid down the shaft, her pussy warm, tight, and wet. It was like a warm, wet, glove gripping me. Mistress’s ass cheeks rested firmly against my hard ball sack. Mistress was in control, as always.

Releasing her hand from my throat, Mistress stretched out along my chest, until her hands tightly held mine down, locking me in place. She could feel my pulse deep inside her, traveling up from her cunt as she squeezed your cock, not allowing any movement, all the way up to her breasts squashed against my heavily beating heart. Mistress Jamie’s lips covered mine, muffling any further sounds I tried to utter, her tongue ravishing and plundering my stunned mouth.

Mistress rose back up, beginning slowly, astride my stiff cock. Her face grimaced slightly but then lit up in pleasure. Mistress Jamie began riding me, slowly at first, up and down, milking my cock, the mushroomed cock head brought right to the tip, to the point of near release, only to have her slide back down, rhythmically squeezing all along my engorged shaft. We stared into each other’s eyes intensely. She pressed down harder, trying to take as much of my cock as her cunt was capable of taking.

Increasing pressure from my growing cock fed Mistress’s wicked domineering ego and kurtuluş escort drove her intensity. I tried bucking for release. Mistress felt an uncontrollable wave wrack her body. Her thighs tightened. She couldn’t think of anything but sating her raw need for me. She was hit with an agonizing, pleasure-filled, drawn-out orgasm as she pounded my balls with her ass, as she rode up and down, warning me not to cum as her hot juices spiraled down along my shaft and along the curve of my warm, satin-covered cheeks.

As Mistress felt me about to explode, she dismounted, with a hard slap across my cock and balls explained to me that a bikini bitch doesn’t deserve to cum inside of any Mistress. She paused, post-orgasm, and decided that I had been such a naughty satin slut that I should jerk off in bed, lying next to her, as she kissed me.

I grasped my engorged cock, sticky and wet with Mistress Jamie’s juices and began stroking slowly, my hand traveling up and down the shaft, stopping just short of my tender, throbbing head.

“Cum on my panties, bitch,” commanded Mistress.

Dutifully, I knelt before her, my legs straddling hers. She twisted, teased, and tormented my nipples, slapped, and choked me, as she enjoyed my humiliation.

“Cum now. Do it!” she ordered.

I obeyed. I shot my load on her lime green, bikini-pantied cunt, and moaned with the release. My breathing was labored, my heart pounding.

“Clean it up, slut. Lick your cum from my goddess-like pussy and clean it properly. Bitch cum doesn’t belong on me,” she ordered. “Make sure you get all of it, bitch,” said my goddess.

I did as ordered and licked my cum from her panties. My cum was thick, salty-sweet, and delicious. As I licked more deeply, more powerfully, Mistress Jamie shuddered in yet another orgasm, her body convulsing, wracked in delicious torment and delight.

Relaxing for a moment, Mistress Jamie announced “I’m done with you. I need something else, someone else in my life. You’ve been a nice little amusement, but in the end nothing much to me, nothing much for me. I need a man who can stand up to me, a man who can withstand me, a man who’ll romance me. You’re not that man. You’re not much of a man, are you?” she concluded rhetorically.

I was crushed. I knew not what to do, where to go, or what joy or meaning my life would have. My mind scrambled trying to think of how I’d displeased her, how I’d disappointed her, how I’d failed her.

“Clean out your possessions. I expect you to be gone in two hours. Don’t bother contacting me ever again,” said Mistress Jamie. With those words, Mistress Jamie, the woman with whom I’d shared a tempestuous, lustful, wondrous relationship, was out of my life. Here ends our tale. I miss her. How I miss her so and wish she’d have me back in her life.

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Author’s Note: I would like to dedicate this story to all my brothers and sisters in uniform and their significant others. As I close in on my retirement I cannot thank you all enough for the great job you all do every day. Whether you are currently serving or served at any time in the past, I salute you all.

As always I eagerly encourage you to rate my story and/or post a comment. I love to hear from the readers.

It’s hard to believe that a whole year has gone by. For the past 365 days we have been forced to live apart, but finally I am home. A sigh of heartfelt thanks escapes me as I pick up my heavy bags and load them into our SUV. With retirement right around the corner this should be the last time we are forced to be apart for such a long stretch of time. The sorrow and the heartache are behind us now and our life together can finally resume. All the frustration of insane time differences, poor communication, and bottled up feelings is now over.

I look over at you, your deep brown eyes still shiny from the recently shed tears of joy. You wore your wavy brown hair down today, knowing that I have always loved the way it frames your beautiful face. Your make-up is light, just enough to accent your features without burying them, just the way I like it. A set of diamond stud earrings flash occasionally as your hair shifts in the light Texas breeze. A white blouse with an eye-catching purple design graces your body, showing off nothing but enhancing your chest all the same with just a hint of cleavage at times. Your outfit is complete with a pair of skin tight designer jeans and a set of black wedge sandals that show off your pedicure. It leaves you with a very sexy look, but in a classy way. I drink you in deeply as I hit the button that closes the hatch.

Suddenly you are in my arms once again. This time no tears fall as our mouths quickly lock together in a deep and passionate kiss. My arms encircle you, holding you close to me, my hands gliding up and down your back and down onto your tight ass. Your lips part and I eagerly seek your tongue out with mine. They meet and quickly begin to dance. We both moan at the feeling, so long since either of us has felt that simple pleasure. I grab ahold of your ass and pull you even more firmly against my body. A small shiver creeps its way up your spin as you easily feel my arousal bulging in my crotch that is pressed tightly up against your lower abdomen. A whole year we have gone without. A year that our bodies our now wanting to erase as quickly as possible.

The kiss breaks and we gaze into each other’s eyes. There is love there, so true and deep that nobody could ever take it from us. Still, there is something much more than just love. It is a feeling of longing, a deep and burning passion that has been left to simmer for far too long. Now, so recently reunited, that simmer is rapidly building to a boil. It is primal; a need that has gone unfulfilled that is now awakening from its long slumber with our bodies pressed together so close. Like a great cat, it stretches within us both.

“Did I mention that the kids are spending the night at a friend’s house?” Your voice is low and filled with desire. Your fingers run up the back of my neck in a gentle caress. A low growl escapes me as my hands match yours. As my fingers make their way into your hair I deftly sweep your dark curls away from the side of your neck. I see your eyes go heavy a second before I lean in and latch my lips onto the sensitive skin just below your ear. You stiffen as your body reacts to the rush of heat that explodes through you. You almost jerk away, so sensitive after so long apart, but my one hand quickly grips you tight by the hair on the back of your head as my other slides down your back to once again press you tightly against me. My tongue bathes the side of your neck now, starting low and tracing a hot, wet path upwards until it contacts your ear. You moan even louder as I roughly pull your head further to the side by your hair and then latch my teeth onto your earlobe with more than just a light nibble. Your body quivers in response, like an electric shock that zips through your body to explode in your now very hot pussy.

Finally I pull back and let go of your hair. Our eyes meet again, and this time there is no denying that the beast as truly awakened within us both. “Take me home.” My voice is deep and you have no doubt that those words carry far more meaning than just the simple statement I have made. We break apart from our embrace and quickly jump into the SUV.

The drive home is too long. Although the airport is a mere five miles from our home, it seems to last an eternity. I try to relax, the long flight from overseas having taken its toll on me. I busy myself eating a quick meal that you picked up for me from a fast food joint on the way to the airport. As excited to get home as I am, I almost lose myself in the simple bliss of a real, honest to goodness cheeseburger. No more funny food with strange tastes and smells. I actually grin to myself as you weave in and out Betist of traffic aggressively. This coming weekend we will fire up the grill and enjoy life with the kids in our new home.

Once again I sigh in complete happiness as I finish my very unhealthy dinner, chasing the whole thing down with a couple of long swigs from the coke that came with the meal. I am so simply amazed at how perfect you are for me. You are so beautiful, so strong, so determined. Being a military wife is never an easy life, but you always seem to pull it off. Not only that but you stay positive through it all. Our new home is just the latest example of you being able to move forward, letting nothing get in your way. Here I am deployed half way around the world, and when I come home you have handled the arduous task of finding the perfect home for us and our family, going through the financial nightmare of securing the mortgage, and getting everything moved in and set up, all so that when I returned home I wouldn’t have to worry about any of it. It was just yet one more sign of why I know I found the perfect woman to share life with. Of course as we pull into the driveway and you park the car in the garage, I quickly remember one of the other reasons you and I are so perfectly matched.

The tension skyrockets between us as you turn the key to kill the engine. You reach up and push the button to close the garage door. The ticking of the cooling engine is quickly drowned out as the door makes its way down the metal tracks to seal itself. Without a word we both quickly climb out of the SUV and head into the house, my bags forgotten in the back. They will still be there later, but we both have much more important things to attend to.

As we burst into the house we are all over each other in an instant. We barely make it into the kitchen before the clothes start to come off. You quickly sling your purse onto the kitchen counter where it promptly tumbles to the floor spilling half of its contents. I begin to stop, but your hands push me. “Leave it.” You growl as you quickly begin to pull my shirt over my head. A tangle ensues as I attempt to do the same. We laugh for a second and then you push my hands away and quickly resume your work of getting me unclothed as quickly as possible.

As my shirt finally comes off you waste not a second throwing it to the ground and reaching for my pants. I do a little quick dance of kicking my shoes off by prying them away from my feet with the opposing foot. I accomplish this quickly and with minimal stumbling as I once again focus on getting your shirt off. The button on my pants pops open and you stop for a second, just long enough to lift your arms and allow me to pull your shirt up and off. It lands somewhere in the hallway leading to the bedroom. In a flash your hands are back on my pants ripping the zipper down as I now attempt to reach around behind you to undo your bra. I growl as I can’t seem to find it as you begin to shove my pants down over my hips along with my boxer briefs.

“Front.” You voice is husky, the heat of the moment deepening your normally tone. I blink as I try to grasp the meaning of that one word until my eyes lock onto the clasp located between the two cups of your bra. A sly grin forms on my lips as I quickly slide one finger up underneath the clasp. I start to pull just as you literally step onto the crotch of my pants and underwear to shove them the rest of the way down my legs. It more than accomplishes the task but they bunch up at my ankles causing me to pitch backwards. Your bra jerks you towards me, and then the clasp breaks open. I have a fleeting glimpse of your wonderful tits as I fly back and smack into the door leading to our bedroom.

It does little to slow my fall however as it was left slightly ajar. Ultimately I finish my fall hard onto my ass just inside the doorway. The door adds insult to injury as it swings wildly open, hits the door stop, and then springs back at me to smack me on my quickly raised arm.

“Oh, shit. Baby, are you okay?” You quickly bend over, your tits hanging out of your now ruined bra. I growl at the sight before me.

“Fine.” I respond and then I quickly sit back up and pull you down into my lap. My very hard cock presses hard into your ass as you straddle me. My lips quickly latch onto your left nipple in a hungry frenzy. Your body shivers as my tongue begins to swirl and flick.

“Oh, I see.” A gasp escapes from you. “Yes. Oh fuck that feels soooo good.” I switch to the other nipple, sucking it fully into my mouth and then running my tongue over it. My hands are suddenly back at your waist, moving around to try and get at the button to your jeans. You shed the ruined bra and then in an awkward move you bend back as much as you can while making sure that my lips stay locked into place. You know you’ve pulled as far away as you dare when you feel that sweet sensation of my teeth locking on to your sensitive flesh. You gasp loudly as once again a line of liquid heat flashes through your body, like there is a direct nerve Betist Giriş going from your nipple to your clit. You struggle to reach your sandals as you feel first the button pop open on your pants and then my fingers roughly pulling the zipper down.

My hands are pushing your pants down, but the angle is all wrong. Once again I growl, this time in frustration. You manage to get one foot free, but with the way you are pulled down onto me you can’t seem to get your hand to the other sandal to remove it. This position just isn’t working. You cry out in surprise as my lips leave your nipple and both hands lock around the small of your back. With a heavy grunt I push up with my groan and then quickly fling us both to the side and roll you under me.

“You know, there is a bed just a few feet away.” You smile up at me.

“Too far away.” I’m possessed at this point. I sit up and quickly tug your remaining sandal from your foot. Once it is out of the way, flying off to some distant location back down the hall, I sit up onto my knees and grab ahold of the bottom of your pants legs and quickly jerk them off of you. They go flying over your head as I toss them away. Your panties quickly follow suit. For a second I stop and gaze down at your body in all its naked glory. Your pale skin so creamy. Your full lush tits with your nipples erect begging to be sucked on. My eyes burn as they follow your curves down over your hips and tight ass. Onto your thighs and across your very bald mound. Then as if you are reading my mind your legs spread open and I can see your very wet and aroused pussy. You slink your hand down over your stomach and quickly slide a finger into you delicate folds, spreading them even further open to expose your pink, sweet center.

“Is this what you want?” Your voice is husky as you rub your finger back and forth over your clit a few times. Your eyes make a similar trip over my body, my shoulders and chest, down over my abs, and ultimately ending with a long and pointed stare at my very erect and throbbing seven inch cock that is pointed right between your legs. Your fingers quickly move away from your hot cunt as you pull them back up and slip them into your mouth. “Mmmmm, so yummy. You should try a taste.”

You actually shriek out as I quickly dive forward and bury my very eager mouth onto your very wet pussy. You shriek yet again as my tongue dives into your wet folds, lapping up your juices as I attempt to devour you whole. For the next few minutes all you can do is gasp and groan as I suck, lick, and nipple on your sweet hole. I’m like a starving man at a feast. My tongue is everywhere, circling and flicking your clit, then gliding down and in as I shove it as far into you as possible. Then further down, past the end of your hot cunt and tickling the flesh that separates it from your tight little asshole. Back up to your clit as I suck on it, pulling it up in between my lips and rapidly flicking my tongue over it.

Your body tenses up as you can already feel your orgasm starting to build, the first of many you are sure. It is there, so close. Then you feel me slide a finger inside you. Once more you groan in pleasure as it quickly finds that special spot inside you. Slowly it starts to rub on it, back and forth across it as my tongue continues the assault on your clit. It’s building faster, roaring through your body now. Like a powerful river being held back by a cracked dam. My tongue circles your clit again, faster and faster, swirling and driving hard against that sensitive little nub. My finger continues its slow but steady rub back and forth over your g-spot.

“Yes. Oh, that’s it. Fuuucck! YES! I’m going to cum, baby. Please don’t stop.” Your hands move onto your tits as you grab them and squeeze your nipples hard. A shiver pulses through your body as this just heightens the feeling in your clit more. You buck your hips as I once more suck your clit back in between my lips. My tongue goes insane flicking it back and forth hard and fast as I sense your pending eruption.

“OHHHH!! YES!! Soooo Good!!! FuuucccCCCCKKK!!!” You explode in a blaze of heat. Somewhere you hear yourself cry out a long and loud moan of pure pleasure. Your whole body tightens up violently, your hips bucking uncontrollably as you reach down with one hand and forcefully hold my head in place against your pulsing cunt. I continue to work my tongue on your clit as I now slide yet another finger into you and work your g-spot even more. Again you scream out your release as this makes you peak again. You know somewhere in your mind that you have boiled over and flooded out only because my tongue is no longer just on your clit, but everywhere as I attempt to catch all your wonderful juices as they flow out of your very wet cunt.

Slowly your body starts to reform itself as I finally slide my fingers out of you. With glazed-over eyes you look down your body at my face trapped in between your thighs. A smile graces your lips as you release your muscles and give me a chance at some much needed air. My mouth and chin are still very much drenched with your juices, but it is the look in my eyes that makes you gasp with lust. Yes, the beast has truly been let loose now. You stretch as you feel your own primal urges respond.

“I am so going to fuck the shit out of you.” My voice is dark, wicked almost. You shiver in response and then cry out as I suddenly jump up from in between your legs. You barely have time to get your own legs under you as I reach down and once again grab you by the hair at the back of your head in a strong grip. You get your hands up onto my forearm to help stave off some of the pain you feel as I literally pull you to your feet. You shriek a little at the abruptness but your inner cat purrs in delight. Then I am spinning you in place as my other arm reaches around your middle and pulls you back into me tight. You groan deeply as you feel my very hard cock pressed hard against your ass.

I finally let go of your hair but then my arm is down and across your upper chest, my hand quickly rushing up and grabbing you hard around the throat. “Hope you enjoyed that tongue bath my pet. Now it is my turn and I fully plan on making use of every one of your fuck holes. Master is home.” You whimper in response as I pick you up simply by leaning back and taking your weight onto my chest. I then carry you finally the rest of the way into the bedroom and dump you onto our bed. You land sprawled out on your stomach with your head away from me, but once again I quickly bend over and grab you by your hair and pull you around. “On your back, slut.”

You shiver in response, but quickly and eagerly comply. With my hand still in your hair I pull you a bit more and position your head so that it is slightly hanging off the side of the bed. A thrill goes through you as you begin to anticipate what is about to happen next. I finally let go of your hair and you gaze up my body and into my eyes. Your soul responds to the darkness in my eyes. Your breathing is harsh and fast, your whole body flushed with the heat of the moment. I reach down with both hands and grab ahold of your nipples between my thumb and forefinger. You whimper low in your throat as I pinch them hard and then slowly begin to twist. Your whimper turns into a moan and then a cry as the pain flashes hard through your body. Of course this is just what I was waiting for as I quickly bury my cock in your now open mouth and effectively cut off your cry.

You seal you lips around my hard cock as I finally ease up on your nipples. “Suck it, slut. You have had a year of no practice so I don’t imagine you will do a good job at it, but Master will remind you quickly.” You start to bob your head slowly up and down on my hard shaft, swirling your tongue around the head as it slides in and out of your mouth. You feel me lean my body forward a bit more, pushing more of my throbbing cock into your mouth. “Yes, that’s it. You like sucking on my hard cock, don’t you?”

You nod your head in response as your tongue flicks back and forth just under the head of my dick. “I can’t hear your head nodding. I asked you if you like sucking my hard cock, slut.” With that I slap your left tit hard. You cry out around my hard cock.

“Yes.” You gasp as my cock slides out of your mouth.

“Yes, What?!!” My gaze is hard, boring into your eyes with a deep intensity. You shiver as your mind finally succumbs. It has been so long.

“Yes, Master. I love sucking your hard cock, Master.” With that you once again try to latch your lips around my hard dick, but I pull away slightly so that your questing mouth misses it.


You whimper. “Because I’m a dirty little slut.” Your voice is now very subdued and contrite. The forcefully repressed submissive in you slowly slinks its way back into your psyche, a long forgotten friend. This is yet another reason we are so compatible; my need to dominate, your need to be dominated.

“Because you are MY dirty little slut. Now suck my balls.” With that I quickly reach down and hold my hard dick up out of the way. Your mouth quickly opens back up as your tongue reaches out and swirls around my sensitive balls. You can almost sense how heavy with cum they are after so long. Your tongue glides over them, around and underneath, searching out that sensitive spot just behind them. You run your tongue over it slowly as you feel me shiver in response. Then you gently suck one of them into your mouth and bathe it with your tongue. You finally release it and open your mouth to move to the other, but suddenly I release my hard cock and shove it back into your open mouth.

“Fuck, that feels so good. ” My hands wrap themselves back around your throat as I begin to piston my cock in and out of your mouth. You moan around my pumping flesh as I begin to drive it deeper and deeper. My hands around your throat tighten as I finally bottom out with my cock lodged in your throat. I pause there as I savor the feeling of your throat wrapped around the head of my cock. You try to suppressing your gag muscles as much as possible, but with my hands around your throat it is almost impossible to do as it just makes the sensation that much more intense. Your eyes begin to tear up and you involuntarily reach up with your hands to push at my thighs.

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His Ch. 10

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Asian Shemale

When she arrived at the hotel, she stopped in the lobby ladies room to fix her makeup and straighten her clothes. She also cleaned and dried her pussy, which had been soaked for the last two hours.

She knew she smelled of sex and smoke, so she washed as well as she could in those conditions and sprayed a light mist of perfume. She checked herself one last time in the mirror and then found His suite.

She knocked and within a few seconds He opened the door.

“Come in.”

She went into the living area and sat on the chair he led her to. He sat near her.

“How have you done in fulfilling my instructions?”

“I have done as you said Master.”

“Good. Was the first task difficult for you?”

“Yes, Sir, at first, but then it was easy and I started to enjoy it before I had completed it.”

“And the second one, was it pleasurable to you?”

She looked at the floor as she felt warm and knew she was blushing.

“Yes Master.”

“Good. So you are ready now to complete the third task?”

“Yes Master.”

“Stand up and remove your dress.”

She stood and unfastened it and stepped out and then neatly laid it on a chair back. She went to Him and stood waiting for his approval and further instructions.

“Lie down on the bed.”

As she went to the bed, He went to the closet and brought out a box and set it near the bed. She tried not to be too obvious as she tried to look into it.

He pulled out a dark blue scarf and folded it lengthwise over and over until he had formed a band that was about six inches wide and two feet long. He moved to her and motioned for her to come to him. She slid back to the edge of the bed and He placed the scarf over her eyes and tied it in the back. He peered under it to see if she was able to see under it.

“Can you see?”

“No Master”

“Not even any light?”

“No Master. I can’t see anything at all. I am blind.”

He tested her by pretending to slap her with His hand but she didn’t react, and so he was satisfied and bent back down to his box. He pulled out a a handful of cords. they were about a quarter of in inch in diameter, and were braided cotton. He tossed one to each corner of the bed.

“Lie down in the middle.”

She lay back and moved over, feeling her way as she tried to find the middle of the bed.

She felt Him grab her left arm and pull it above her head. A cord was lopped around her wrist three times and then a slip knot pulled in place so that it was secure but not too tight. From the jerking on the cord, she imagined He was tying the loose end to the bed frame.

He grabbed her right arm and tied it in the same manner. He arms were pulled above her head and away from her body. She knew what was next, so she spread her legs as He patted her right foot for compliance.

He secured her ankles and then she heard Him move away from the bed into the other room. She heard muffled talking, but couldn’t understand if He was talking to someone there or on the phone. He came back into the room and she could hear Him sit down in the chair near the bed. He didn’t say anything and she was afraid to speak.

After a few minutes she felt Him crawl onto the bed. He moved her bra so that her nipples were pulled further out of the holes and then she felt Him pull her rubber panties up tighter. She felt cool air on more of her pussy and knew that her labis was completely exposed. She took a deep breath, and waited for Him to start, but he didn’t.

He got off the bed and she heard Him rustling around in the box and then she heard Him place objects on the table.

“You are not to move, resist or say anything until I release you, no matter what happens. Do you understand?”

She paused for a second as she tried to comprehend what she might be agreeing to.

“DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” His voice boomed.

“Yes Master.”

She heard Him open the door and then she heard it close behind Him as he walked down the hall.

She lay captive kuşadası escort in her dark world, and strange thoughts and images of violent acts passed through her mind. She was losing control of her calmness, minute by minute. She kept telling herself that her Master wouldn’t harm her, but then she remembered that He had beat her before when she displeased him, and He ravaged her when he had tied her up before too.

But if He planned to do depraved things to her, then why did he leave? And who was he talking to? Is there someone still here? Where did he go? What is he doing? When will he get back? Questions without answers filled her mind and occupied her time.

After what seemed like hours, she heard a shuffling outside the door and then she hear the pass card enter the reader and the door opened. Footstep walked into the room and stopped near the bed. She heard the rustle of clothing being undone, and then she heard breathing from someone very near her.

The smell of a man’s cologne was heavy in the air and she tried not to breath it. It was almost overpowering and smelled too sweet, as if it were designed to cover over other unpleasant odors. She turned her head, attempting to discern, what was happening and who it might be there with her. She was sure it wasn’t Master, but how could this person come in here and what did he want?

And the realization swept over her like a cold wind and she knew then that Master had arranged whatever was going to happen.

She shivered and her heart felt like it would explode. Blood pumped faster and faster. She could feel it surging through her body as panic set in. She wanted to cry out for Him to release her, and to beg Him to stop, but she could not. So she lay there full of fear and apprehension, trying to go to another place in her mind.

She jumped when the hands touched her. She started to scream but stifled it just before it flew out of her mouth. She flinched as she felt hands rubbing across her bar, feeling the shape of her breasts and then pausing on her nipples to pinch and twist them. She gasped as she felt her breasts being pulled up by her nipples. The pain shot through her chest and she felt like her flesh would tear, but then they were released and she relaxed for a second.

The hands moved away from her rubber bra and the caressed her stomach. She could feel the texture of the hands. They were not rough as she expected, but firm. They moved across her stomach and circled from her sides down to the top of her panties. She felt the rubber being stretched and pulled away from her and then she felt a hand start to force it’s way down between the tight rubber and her belly.

She tensed as she felt fingers just at the top of her labis, and then she gasped as they rubbed across them and then pressed down between her legs. The cutout in her panties was pulled open as other fingers joined the first ones. The hands were working on her pussy…one from under the waist band and the other thru the opening at the crotch.

She tried to imagine how her pussy looked in the panties, with the fingers rubbing and probing into her, but she couldn’t think, because as much as she was distraught, she was also starting to become excited. She could feel her pussy start to tingle deep in the flesh and then it traveled up through her flaps to the surface and also flowed deep inside her vagina. She knew that she was becoming wet and she could imagine that her clit would soon be engorged and her lips would be gaping apart.

Fingers curled up in her pussy and then the were removed and then reinserted and another finger made it’s way inside until she felt her pussy full. And the fingers started to thrust in and out, faster and faster, and the other hand found her clit and rubbed it harder and harder until she started bucking uncontrollably and then crashed down on the bed as she was overcome by her orgasm.

She noticed that the hands were gone from her then, and she listened intently, wondering where he was.

A kuşadası escort bayan soft slapping sound moved toward her, and then the origin of it stopped next to her bed. She turned toward it. It was a rhythmic sound not unlike gentle clapping. And as she listened trying to identify it, the sound became louder and the pace increased, and then it almost became blurred in the speed.

A warm liquid shot onto her neck and another hit her chest and yet another hit her stomach, and she felt the weight of the man pressing the bed down as he leaned on it. She felt drops falling randomly on her skin, and then she suddenly realized that she had been used to cum on.

She was angry at this degredation by a stranger, and was more angry that he had seen her and she had not seen him, than that he had cum on her.

She heard him zip his pants and then gather his clothing and open the door. The door closed softly behind him, and she lay there with his cum drying in her body.

The entry card entered the reader and the door lock clicked and the door opened again. Foot steps walked across the floor and they stopped at the foot of the bed. She braced herself.

She felt the bed sag as he crawled onto it. Then she felt something firm and long passing across her leg. It was dragged up from her ankle to her thigh and then back down again. This procedure was repeated on her other leg. Then the pressure was increased and she felt the object massaging into her muscles as it moved up and down her legs and then finally up to her crotch. The rounded end was rubbed between her lips and then pressed against her lips.

She could feel it being forced into her and she felt her labia moving apart to accept it. Deeper and deeper it went until it was almost painful. The it stopped and she suddenly was hit with a sensation almost as if she had been struck by lightening as it started to vibrate.



Unintelligable moans slipped out of her mouth as she reflexivly bucked up against the rod that sang in her cunt. The humming grew louder and she felt her body shake and shudder. Then she fell back in climaxic shock. And then it was silent, and the vibrator was withdrawn. She felt it being rubbed up her stomach and heading for her tits.

Her nipples were already tensed when it started to rub across them. Then the humming resumed and she felt the virbration racing through her tits and down into her chest, and she felt like her chest was on fire. She felt hot and flushed as her tits were vibrated and pulled and pinched and generally abused, and soon she felt that familiar sensation washing up from her lower stomach, and it passed up to ther throat and she could almost taste the orgasm.

She felt him lean over her and she realized that he had moved his leg across her chest. He lowered himself to sit on her chest between her breasts and her belly and she could hear him unzip his pants and then she detected the faint odor of urine as he leaned forward and rubbed his cock across her chin.

She flinched as he rubbed her cheek. When she turned, he rubbed it across her other cheek, and then he took his cock and slapped her cheeks.. one side after the other and then he slapped her chin, and she felt him shift his body and then his cock slapped across her lips. She pursed her lips tight to prevent him trying to enter her mouth, but after a few more slaps, he moved back and got off of the bed.

She felt a warm liquid streaming on her feet. She cringed and tried to withdraw them, but she could not. When he was finished, he zipped up and snickered as he tickled the bottom of her feet, mocking her, and then he left.

Again, the door opened and she heard footsteps. This time they stopped at the side of the bed and she saw a flash of light even through the blindfold and exactly at the same moment heard a pop. Again and again. Footsteps to the end of the bed. Flash and pop…Flash and pop…Footsteps to the other side. Flash and pop. Then escort kuşadası a flash very close to her face. Flash and pop.

She listened as he left the room and closed the door without touching her, but she felt more violated than with the others. She started to sob at the humiliation, but she heard the door open again and she struggled to calm herself.

He walked to the bed and she could hear clothing drop to the floor and then she heard him sit down and then shoes fell. He stood up and walked to the end of the bed and crawled between her legs. He reached up and grabbed a pillow next to her head and she felt him lift her ass up and he shoved the pillow under her.

She was raised up and she immediately knew he was going to fuck her. This one was not fooling around. She felt his fingers exploring her cunt, and his hands opened her up and he stuck his fingers inside and made stirring motions, and he started to finger fuck her. She reacted by pushing back against his hand and he fucked her harder and harder with his hand until he had three fingers all the way in.

She was stretched out and her cunt flowed. Her juices ran down her ass and soaked the bed.

She didn’t care then. She wanted him to fuck her, no matter who or what he was. And it was with great relief that she felt him move up closer to her She felt his legs against her thighs. Her flaps were laying back like the petals of a dark pink flower and her open cunt was wet and glistening when he placed his cock at the entrance.

She started to brace herself, but didn’t have a chance as he rammed his cock all the way in in one thrust. He knocked the air out of her lungs and before she could grab a breath, he pulled back and rammed it in again. He steadied himself and then he began to fuck her harder and faster and deeper.

His cock rammed into her so hard that she was jerked against her restraints. His big cock filled her and stretched her out and she lay there open and unable to respond. He took her and used her and ravaged her with his hot meat. Slamming and thrusting and ramming and plowing her, his cock worked on and on. He was relentless. His cock pistoned into her. He was like a wild animal as he fucked her poor cunt.

But she was beyond any realization of that, for she was lost in her confusion as she started to cum over and over and over. She barely knew where she was as she floated up and up and then crashed down, only to float up again.

He hammered her for a few minutes and then she felt him pull back. He crawled over her and straddled her tits. He pressed his cock against her lips and she willingly opened them so he could use her mouth. Her mouth became as her cunt and he held her head still while he fucked her mouth. He used her like a piece of fuck meat. He slapped her face with his hard cock and then she opened again eagerly offering her mouth for his use. And soon she felt him slow down and then she felt his hands on her blindfold and it was pulled away and she looked at Him.

Master took her head in His hands and slowly and tenderly stroked His cock in and out of her mouth. He made love then to her lips and she looked into His eyes and saw His intent. She smiled as well as she could and tightened her lips and sucked with a vigor that milked His cock and He was helpless to stop as He started to cum in her.

She held His cock tight between her lips and drained Him, and then as he pulled his cock out she flicked her tongue up to catch drops that formed and leaked out.

He got up and untied her restraints and massaged her ankles and wrists. He went to the bathroom and drew a warm bath and helped her into the tub. Jaccuzi jets pulsed over her as she relaxed and rested.

He sat in the chair and when she came out. He had her sit down.

“You have done as I instructed and I am pleased. Tomorrow we will resume your training. Be at my house at 1 pm. Do you have any questions?”

“Yes Master. May I ask freely?

“Yes, child.”

“How did you know those other men would not harm me when you left me alone and at their mercy?”

“What other men, child?”

He smiled as he started for the door. “

“You may rest here tonight. The room service menu is very good and the wet bar is well stocked. But remember tomorrow”

“Yes Master.”

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Hesitating Leanne Ch. 01

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Chapter 1 : Leanne’s first taste of CP

Dear Reader(s) :

This will be a 5-Chapters-story, which is dedicated to a dear friend of mine, a lovely Lady from the UK who used one of her fantasies to develop this story.

Dearest ‘T….’, you know about my love for you, and how much I adore you – to my consternation you decided that a woman’s life – including ‘those feelings’ – had to end with menopause, though this certainly has never been Mother Nature’s will. I miss you so much, my sweet darling, and I’ll never stop grieving for you … if you’ll ever need me by your side I’ll be with you instantly.

Thank you all, and enjoy!


This was almost as nerve-racking as a first date, even though Leanne and Brad had been married for almost 4 years and been together for 2 years before that. As is the case with most couples, taken as part of the day-to-day business of just being, the joy of sex had diminished over the years, although Leanne was still a very shapely and attractive young woman and Brad was reasonably good-looking, in a rugged kind of way that didn’t show his sensitive nature, and had kept in good shape, not drinking too much and taking regular exercises. While they were aware that their relationship was a bit stale and in need of a boost, they were both faithful to each other and always had been; this, and their professional standing in the small community they lived in excluded any idea of ‘swinging’ and only left them to explore their ideas together.

Tonight was to be the fruition of a lengthy period of honesty, sharing and adjustment on both their parts as to what they wanted and – tonight, all their talking, all their surfing the internet for just the right pages, all their hidden uncertainties and hang-ups explored, had come to this – tonight they would actually make real their shared fantasy.

Watching videos of spanking and caning on some of the websites they had visited had had a remarkable and arousing effect on Leanne, making her feel quite damp between her legs and causing her nipples to harden in her bra – and she was acutely aware that she was blushing like – what was that silly expression – yes, like a farm-girl at her first dance! Brad too had been very aroused by many of the uninhibited sites they had discovered, and especially the idea of being trained and caned by a leather-clad Domme, although he knew that some dreams just never come true, no matter how hard you wish!

Dinner had been light but the atmosphere brittle; awkwardness that had been absent for years had resurfaced and an expectant mood hovered as if it was a physical presence. By agreement, they had decided not to drink until later, when the debriefing and make-up phase of this night would be entered, so they tidied away the dinner things and prepared for what was to come.

“We don’t have to do this tonight, love – or at all if you don’t feel…”

“I do feel, darling, I do. If we don’t do this tonight, kuşadası escort the opportunity may never come again and we will both be too embarrassed to bring it into the open again. If it doesn’t work, we’ll know soon enough, but we have to go ahead and try it – you said we always regret the things we don’t do, so let’s. All we need to know is who will be spanked first – we have talked this out so many times, we just can’t stop now, not knowing.” With that Leanne walked over to the sideboard, opened a drawer and took out a pack of cards, gave them to Brad and told him to shuffle them, which he did. She cut the cards, drawing the 4 of Clubs. Brad smiled a knowing smile and cut the cards himself – 4 of Diamonds! Cutting again, Leanne exposed the Jack of Hearts; Brad drew the King of Spades!

“Well, it looks as if our choice has been made for us,” she said, “I will be ‘bottom’ for this evening; you, my love, will be my ‘top’ – now, doesn’t that make you feel good – and even a bit hard?” she asked, a wicked smile playing on her lips.

“Y-yes, my love. F-fine.”

She led the way to the foot of the stairs, kissed her husband lightly and went to the bedroom to get ready while Brad fetched the cane he had bought especially for tonight. In reality, it wasn’t a cane, because he had been too embarrassed to buy one, even from one of the mail-order kinky shops they had explored online together, so he had bought a length of 3′ dowel and cut a 2″4′ piece, rounding the cut ends carefully with fine sandpaper to ensure their smoothness; although this was going to hurt, he saw no point in making it worse than it needed to be.

He tapped on the bedroom door, wondering quite why as he did so, and entered to see his pretty wife in a pretty pink blouse and a blue cotton skirt, shyly waiting for him. Still feeling on very shaky ground he asked her, his mouth dry and his voice catching in his throat, to take off her skirt and to lie across his lap for her spanking. She let the skirt fall to the floor and stepped out of it neatly.

“Y-you’re wearing stockings and suspenders!” Brad stammered out, his grey-green eyes almost popping from their sockets.

“Yes, my love – they make me feel so sexy and wanton – and I can already see what they’re doing for you!” Replied Leanne, her beautiful hazel eyes firmly fixed on the bulge in Brad’s trousers.

“Come here, you little minx!” He laughed, pulling her soft warm body onto his lap, his erection causing him delicious problems in controlling both it and this lovely young woman.

‘Smack!’ The first spank on her tightly-knickered bottom was feeble, a disappointment to both of them after all the talking and imaginings, but he soon warmed to the highly enjoyable task and Leanne was quickly squealing and squirming under the rain of smacks to her bottom, her nylon-clad legs kicking wildly as the spanks came heavier and heavier. He paused for a few moments, and tugged down her skimpy white kuşadası escort bayan knickers to just below the tops of her stockings to expose her now reddened buttocks as well as her beautiful, glistening twat in the center, freeing a cloud of her intoxicating scent that made his nostrils flare, and he continued to spank away at the delightful target as she writhed and cried under the onslaught on her defenceless bum.

Brad stopped and lovingly stroked his wife’s bottom as he shushed her and told her not to cry, and that if she had had enough, that was fine.

Leanne shook her head no, causing her dark brown mane to to whirl around, “We’re going to finish this, Brad, as we have planned; we can hold a post mortem later if we must. Now get on with it or you are going to make me cross – and take me off the boil!” she said, big wide eyed, her voice rough and husky from the spanking and the sexual tension she was experiencing.

She stood up, took off her blouse and her pretty white bra, showing her beautiful, shapely breasts with the pertly erect pink nipples, and went to the corner they had agreed she would stand in between the two stages of her spanking. She looked glorious, her lovely, firm bottom on show, and the hip-band and straps of her suspender belt a startling white contrast to her tan nylons and her burning, dark pink buttocks.

“You may put your hands on your head and remain there until I tell you otherwise – and don’t let me catch you trying to rub your bum, either,” said Brad, really feeling his way into the part they had created.

“Yes, Sir – whatever you say, Sir!” Leanne said in a rather arch manner, the ‘sirs’ almost insulting in the way she said them.

“And for that little piece of insolence, Miss, you will stay there a further 5 minutes and you will remain silent – or do I have to gag you with your own knickers?”

“No, Brad – Sir. I’ll be good – I don’t want you to gag me,” came the slightly more respectful reply.

The time seemed to pass too slowly for Brad and he could hardly imagine how long it must seem to Leanne as she began to fidget, shifting her weight from foot to foot and obviously finding keeping her hands on her head tiring. If he didn’t do something quickly, she would have slipped over from erotic arousal into quite non-erotic numbness or, even worse, passion-destroying cramp!

“Come along now, young lady – we haven’t got all night! Get yourself over these pillows and stick that lovely bum up for me to cane it – quickly now, girl!”

Leanne did as she was told and in seconds was lying on the bed, her middle supported on two of their best feather pillows and her sweet, glowing rump in a most inviting and vulnerable position. Brad picked up the piece of dowel and tapped her lightly on the bum with it.

“Six should do for tonight, my love – you will count them for me, please. If you miss a count, we will start again from one, is that clear?”

“Yes, escort kuşadası Brad – er, Sir. Quite clear – count them all.”

Without warning, Brad’s hand rose and fell, the rod landing firmly in the centre of the delicious target Leanne had presented for him. He watched in fascination as the line he had struck changed colour, first white, then a darker pink, ever deepening into an angry red. Leanne shrieked and gasped out, “One, Sir!” She had never even thought it would be so painful and it was all she could do not to beg him to stop, to hold her close and just rock her till the pain went away – but they had come too far to give in now.

Breathing heavily, she tensed herself for the next stroke, but Brad had sensed she would do just this and waited until he saw the muscles of her bottom relax before planting another stripe about an inch below the first one, causing a howl of anguish from Leanne as he watched the same, almost hypnotic change in the colour of her flesh from pink to a dark and livid bruise she would certainly remember in the morning.

“T-two, Sir.” she remembered to say, just in time to avoid a re-start.

“Good girl. Keep with me, now – four to go.”

The third slash of the rod came as she said, “Yes, Sir.” and she writhed on the pillows, the awful burning in her bottom worse than anything she could remember – and she was so wet and horny at the same time, as if something inside her had managed to merge pain and pleasure into one feeling, “Three, Sir!”

Her lovely bottom was beginning to look so red and sore and she was writhing on the pillows in a strange mixture of agony and delight as the fourth stroke caught her just across the sweet spot, the sulcus, where the bottom meets the thighs. She howled, stammering out, “F-f-four, Sir!” as she gasped for breath and tried in vain to hide from the terrible slashing rod.

Brad’s erection was causing him serious problems and he needed Leanne so badly, so urgently, that the last two swishing cuts, across her thighs just above the tops of her nylons were given quite quickly and without a lot of force. He tossed the rod into the corner, holding his lovely, tear-stained wife close and stroking her hair, saying what a brute he was and how he would never do such a thing again – could she ever forgive him?

“Ow – that fucking hurts! But I want you, mister – now – and you had better make it fucking good or I’ll never forgive you! Come on, I want you to take me to the moon – and you owe me big-time! My bum is on fire, you bloody sadist!”

“Yes, Ma’am!” said Brad, tugging off his pants. “We’ll have to try this again – soon!”

“Oh we will, sweetheart, we will – but next time, I shall have the cane and I will make your arse dance to it!” Leanne whispered as he slid into her sopping vaginal opening effortlessly, her nails clawing at his back as she bit into his neck as she had the very first time he had taken her, all those years ago ….

… will be continued in ‘Hesitating Leanne’ Ch. 2 : Leanne finds a Rule – and makes another

Thanks for reading, please be fair and don’t forget to vote 🙂

Your feedback, comments (and additional ideas) will be helpful, so don’t hesitate.

Copyright © 2011 Bernd Glaesing, Berlin, Germany

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Her Name: Cunt, Bitch, Slut, Whore

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She no longer has a name except in her everyday life. When she sees him, she is referred to as bitch, cunt, slut, or whore. She does as she is told, relishing the chance to test her patience, tenacity, and willingness to submit. He tells her to do risky things, and degrading things, and still she remains wet and intoxicated by his orders. In her daily life she is in charge of many tasks, and called upon to make decisions on behalf of numerous people. She is forced to offer direction and make decisions, and often faces putting her needs and opinions aside for the good of those around her. With him, though, she embraces the chance to be told what to do, and when, and with whom.

They meet in secret. She can feel the shift to his domain within her and between her legs. Any contact with him brings about aching deep inside. She feels like a little child, or a puppy, waiting for affirmation that he enjoys telling her what to do. Rarely does he praise her except after acts of complete and utter submission. He knows her vulnerabilities. He knows how jealous she is to hear of him touching or enjoying someone else. He has mastered the ability to climb inside her mind and leave her begging for more no matter the risk. When she can see him, she wants only to hear his direction and abide.

He does not make her crawl to him, or take risks that anyone other than the two of them would recognize. But she knows to do what he tells her to do. The punishment for not can be as appealing as the reward for her, and she suspects for him. Again, he rarely reveals what brings him the most satisfaction and pleasure. She finds herself so reliant on feeling controlled that she will actually disobey for the sake of being corrected. He will tell her to do things that only they will realize or know about. In a crowded room she submits without notifying anyone.

Almost immediately after meeting, she is on her knees, sucking him deep inside her mouth. She inhales his scent, even when he tells her she is sucking someone else’s juices off of his dick. It is as if she is trying to consume his cock, feeling it grow inside her mouth. He will talk to her, often about other women. He will compare her to others he has had and still has. It is as if he works to remind her she is nothing special. She suspects, though, that somewhere inside he is as intoxicated by controlling her as she is by his control. kuşadası escort Sometimes, he will fuck her mouth, forcing himself deep into her throat. He twists her nipples until they burn.

Sometimes, he forces her to use her toys to fuck herself, or will tell her to flick her clit as she sucks. He calls her a cunt, and tells her she just wants cock. She literally cannot refrain from whimpering with desire. The sounds escape her mouth even as it is invaded, sometimes with his hands holding the back of her head as he strokes in and out with his dick. She often silently wishes he would pull her hair, or straddle her face as she is lying on her back. He stands over her, feigning no regard for what turns her own.

Occasionally now he will only cum in her mouth, waiting for her to swallow. Sometimes he will pull out and demand she open her mouth so he can cum on her tongue. On occasion he will demand that she show him his cum before swallowing it and showing him her empty mouth. He permits her to lick the last drops off the head of his dick; he knows she is always hungry for more of his taste. She will rub her face on him, slurping and licking his taste and his smell. She wants him to know how much she loves his cock and what it gives her. She wants him to know as she licks his balls and sucks him that she loves it. He does know, and uses that. He withholds it from her, refrains from communicating, and makes her beg for what she wants specifically.

Sometimes as she is sucking, he will tell her he wants pussy. He will tell her to pull her pants down and bend over. She rarely gets to watch him fuck her or inflict pain. She hears him, and feels him breathing on her neck as he tells her what a slut she is. He will reach under and find her clit; sometimes he pinches it before he spreads her pussy lips. He makes fun of how wet she is. If she does not comply, if she does not bend when he says and expose herself when he tells her to, he will spank her. That leaves her with marks she could be forced to explain. He does not spank lightly, and hits her rapidly with his big hand. It stings, and makes her pussy ache as she gets even wetter. He fucks her pussy and somehow, with each stroke teases her g-spot. She still does not understand why or how he manages to touch it each time he enters her.

Sometimes as he is fucking her cunt he tells her to kuşadası escort bayan touch her clit. He wants to know if she likes it when he fucks her but if she admits this, he makes fun of her and tells her what a dirty slut she is. She wants to desperately to be fucked harder and he knows that. He knows she wants it and will pull out and demand that she suck him. She sucks her own juices off of him and inhales her scent with his. She wants her fingers inside her then but waits to be told. She is not sure if he knows that she waits for him to tell her. She suspects neither of them is aware of the power and control he could exercise over her. He will stroke her pussy again, but usually announces he needs some ass. She typically refuses, at least at first. She knows this is fruitless; he will take her ass whether she helps him or not. But she loves the game. There are times she really does not want him to leave her pussy for her ass, but the control and fear associated with ass fucking is intoxicating too.

He tells her to spread her ass cheeks. She is repulsed at the thought, at how degrading it sounds to be told to do that. He tells her she is a bitch, and wants it in the ass. She hears him spitting on his dick and can even hear his breath catch. He enjoys her ass, and threatens to shove it in if she does not help him. She begs him to be easy until she relaxes. He demands again that she spread her cheeks and threatens to spank her. She wants the spanking, and she wants it in her ass. She wants to feel the head of his cock violate her as her body works to reject it. The head enters her swiftly; she often screams when she feels it. He does not enter her gently but rather shoves passed her asshole. Sometimes, after the initial shock wears off and she begins to relax, he takes his cock away pulling out completely. She feels him stroke himself and watch her as she lies there, leaning over something. She is vulnerable, her asshole and her pussy exposed and begging him to fuck her. She feels how wet she is without touching herself. The air is cool against her hot cunt. She waits with anticipation until he shoves his cock back inside. Sometimes he returns to her pussy even for just a few strokes before ramming her in the ass again. Her body reacts violently, the physical reaction to refuse his entry battling with the emotional and mental desire screaming escort kuşadası for him to be inside her.

He reminds her often that she is a cunt. He never says she is his cunt or his bitch, but she is. She suspects he knows that. He has to know with all the risks she takes, and the orders she obeys, that he knows. She takes pictures of other women, and she lets him watch her with other men. He has to know she is his to direct and control. He tells her when she can cum, and he tells her when she cannot touch herself in his absence. He can turn her on with mere words, especially in when they are directives. As he fucks her ass, he holds her at her hips. Sometimes, he grabs her at her shoulders to study himself and gain deeper placement deep in her ass. Again, somehow, her g-spot is stimulated as he fucks her ass. Sometimes he strokes slowly, teasing her. And sometimes, he fucks her deep inside with hard, rapid strokes that leave her dizzy. Sometimes he pulls out and even then she will suck him. She will suck him to show him how much she will do for him. She feels his hands twist her nipples again; they are burning as she sucks the dick that has been in her ass and she only wants more. Get up, he tells her, and take it some more. She bends again, at the waist, offering her the ass he has already violently so willingly. She knows she must have it, and he knows it too. He strokes her strongly, sometimes massaging her clit with his amazing fingers. He asks her when he is about to cum where she wants it. She always wants to swallow it. She always wants to drink him in. He knows that, but wants her to say it. Most of the time he gives her what she wants—he cums deep into her throat. She sucks until no more cum is expressed. She cleans him, slurping every ounce of her she can off his cock. She loves how his cock looks after fucking her—wet and swollen. She only wants more, but he tells her that is all she will get for now. She looks disheveled as she dresses; he looks satisfied.

She knows when he is ready again, and willing, he will fuck her again. She knows she can resist and tell herself she won’t again, but she will. He knows it too. Until he reams her again, or forces his hard cock down her throat, or bends her over and fingers her to orgasm over and over, he will tell her what to do. She will look for other women to fuck him. She will take pictures of them and share them with him. She will set up cameras and let him watch as she fucks others. She will share her desires and yearnings with him so that he can use them in her most vulnerable states against her later. She cannot wait until what she has revealed is used on her in the most controlling ways…

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He Called Again Last Night

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He called again last night. He told me that in the morning there would be a box on my porch. That I was to take it inside the house, place it in my bedroom, and leave it there, unopened.

He would be calling again tomorrow night. Then he had me turn the lights off and get in bed, snuggled in safely under my quilt as he told me one last story. Of a man who finally has to hold the woman of his dreams. Of how he held her tenderly, and tasted her lips as if they were made of the finest and rarest of wine; Of how he stroked her to ease the fear that caused her heart to beat in triple time within her chest. Then, just as I drifted off to sleep, I remember hearing the phone hang up.

Tonight as I sit here remembering his words of last night I look out the window at the beautiful sunset. I remember bits and pieces of the conversations we have had over the last 3 months, and understand that all this time has been leading up to here and now, to this terrified excitement deep in my stomach. As I lifted my tea to my lips to take a sip, I noticed the trembling of my hands. Every nerve in my body was drawing tight.

There was no question he knew who I was, and I had given up asking him how he knew me, and from where. He called me once or twice a week, every week for about 3 months now. I had not really felt afraid of him, not in a long time. At first I had worried, searching the faces of every man I passed hoping for a clue to who he was. But as the months passed and nothing threatening happened, I had relaxed, even looked forward to his calls. I mean, its almost like we had developed a sort of relationship — if that is possible from just talking to each other — yet I knew nothing of him. He seemed to always touch on something I was feeling inside during his calls. Our conversations encompassed many topics; sometimes it was all-sexual, he would probe my fantasies, my previous sexual experiences, and at other times it was just easy conversations. I began to listen to the things he said to me. I found that he began to appear in my dreams, this faceless apparition that haunted me over the phone lines. I began to dream of the stories he would weave for me during the late night calls.

His stories held my attention. I didn’t really understand why such tales held such appeal to him, and more than that I didn’t understand why I listened to them with such rapt attention because they frightened me at times, yet eventually became so very erotic to me. Over time they came to sound romantic and desirable. They were erotic tales of bondage and domination.

The stories were of women, enslaved by strong and seemingly cruel men. Why would any self-respecting woman want it? His answer; “It is where she longs to be. And if it wasn’t right for her, there is no way she could be held there. It’s the place where she can give herself over to her desires with total abandonment, knowing she cannot be held responsible, it is pleasure without guilt”

I got the idea the woman is his story was always the same in his mind. I once asked him what she looked like. He described her as tall and slim, with small breasts and long legs. With dark hair, and deep eyes that made you never want to look away. “Someone as beautiful as you,” he would say. That always made my heart skip a beat, the way he described me made me sound beautiful and precious to him. I would ask him why he kept calling me. His answer was always the same “You have a beautiful heart.”

Tonight, as I sit here thinking; watching the beautiful sunset in the distance; I think only of him. It’s silly, perhaps even dangerous, as I know nothing about him. I don’t even know his name, or where he is from. All I know of him is his voice, and his stories.

The phone rang, startling me from my thoughts. I knew before I picked it up that it was him. I picked it up with a knot of apprehension in my throat and my voice cracked as I whispered, “Hello.”

His voice comes to me out of the darkness like a warm summer breeze, “You are to go into your bedroom and undress. Make sure your door is unlocked. Slip the blind fold in the package over your beautiful eyes, and then take the metal cuffs I sent to you and put the first one on your wrist, lace the chain around one of the bars on your headboard and then clip the cuff onto the other wrist and relax there on your back.”

“I’m afraid,” I whisper, suddenly thinking of running, anywhere, away from here, and him.

“I know,” he said. Then he hung up the phone. I had no way of knowing how close he was, or how long he would be in getting to me. I thought of calling the police, but something in my gut said not to. He had never threatened me, his stories were erotic, never sick or frightening, I had to find out, I would never forgive myself if I didn’t. I got up, went to my bedroom, and undressed. I slipped the soft silky blindfold over my eyes just before I snapped the first cuff loosely on my bed frame. A moment of cold panic hit me just before I snapped the other cuff into place. With the kuşadası escort snapping of the second cuff on my wrist, securing my body helplessly to my bed, I knew that I was about to say goodbye to something. I prayed it was not my life. I prayed that my intuition was right, and I was in no danger. I shook, and wasn’t sure if it was excitement or fear, lust or panic.

I suddenly heard him breathing, and felt warm breath on my cheek as he bent over me. “Finally, after so long waiting, wanting…here we are,” he whispered.

I swallowed hard, waiting to feel him touch me, rape me, I wasn’t sure what.

Instead his low voice spoke gently in my ear. “I’m watching you; your beautiful body is shaking. You fear me and I understand, but soon you will understand there is nothing to fear but yourself.”

He touched me then, a gentle stroke along my collarbone, then over my shoulder and up my arm, stroking the tender skin at the inside of my elbow, up to my wrist where it was encircled by the cuff. His hand lifted and moved to my ribcage, which he traced gently with his fingers, but he didn’t touch my breast. I couldn’t make a sound. All of a sudden I wanted his hand on my breast, wanted him to touch all of my most intimate places. His hand caressed down over my belly, to my hip and my thigh all the way down to my left foot, where he slipped something around my ankle, and then almost as quickly, my right ankle. His touch was so gentle, his voice low and soft as he asked, “Are you O.K.?”

I nodded my head. One by one, my ankles were secured to the corners of the bed. I felt myself become wet as I pulled my legs gently and felt his straps pull back.

He said softly, low. “You are so beautiful”. He put his hand in the center of my chest, and whispered, “I feel it.”

I swallowed hard once again and asked in barely more than a hoarse whisper, “You feel what?”

His answer was slow in coming. “The beating of your slave heart” he said.

I choked back a sob and began to struggle as I heard words that terrified me, words that I didn’t want to hear. Not here, not now; not tied, not so helpless. I could hardly breathe. I felt the weight of his body as he lay beside me. His hand gripped my hair as he put his lips to my ear.

“Shhhhh. You are safe. Shhhhh.” He stroked my hair, his touch slowly calming me. I could smell him, an aftershave I couldn’t put a name to. My heart was still pounding inside me, but the terror slowly subsided.

It was the softest touch, when his lips met mine. It was hard to breathe with him lying over me as he was. So my lips were partly opened, and he kissed first the top, then the bottom, slowly sucking on my lip. His fingers stroked at the sides of my head as he still held my face with his hand. Slowly, his hand moved from my face and traveled down the column of my neck. As he caressed me his kiss became deeper with his tongue moving into my mouth, exploring. The tension seemed to leave my body then.

He pulled his lips from mine, and he kissed my cheeks. He spoke to me in words so soft and sweet, told me of how I smelled just as sweet as he knew I would, of how soft and smooth my skin was. I felt his fingers in my hair as he pulled my head back gently and kissed my bare neck. He moaned then, and that deep masculine sound caused butterflies to flutter in my tummy, and my clit responded to the primal message his moan had carried. He held my head there, firmly as he pushed his groin against me. The firmness of his cock pressing right against my hip was undeniable. I could not lie still and I pushed back, my desire becoming my focus.

He stood up, leaving me to writhe there on the bed in his ties. The metal of the cuffs was biting into my wrists. One by one he opened them and replaced them with soft leather cuffs, telling me how this would make me more comfortable. Then I felt him move off the bed, the silence stretched. Softly I spoke, “where are you?” He answered me immediately, “I’m here, watching you. Your body is so perfect.”

He came closer to me and I felt his breath on my face just before I felt his lips against mine again. How I loved the feel of his lips. He kissed me passionately before pulling back, leaving me wanting more and straining toward him. “Such a greedy girl.” He said, and I could hear a grin in his voice, “You’ve been waiting your whole life for this, haven’t you?” As he asked I realized he was right, this was what had always been missing, this feeling of helplessness, of not being in control, not even of my own body. Somehow I liked being there for him, exactly as he wanted me. I could feel him watching me and all I cared about was that he find me attractive, that he wouldn’t suddenly change his mind, decide I wasn’t enough. His hands caressed the sides of my breast slowly circling the underside. At first, his touch there caused me to jerk as if I had been shocked. I started quivering again as my nipples puckered into hard little pebbles of flesh. “You like that don’t you?” kuşadası escort bayan All I could do was whimper; I couldn’t find a voice to respond with. His thumbs slowly ran over them, giving me more pleasure than I thought possible. He captured my left nipple in his mouth and sucked softly, his tongue lapping at the tip, and then gently nipping it with his teeth. I arched my back into him, my body hungry and responding to the sexual fire he was building inside me. “Oh yes,” I whispered.

“I can smell you”, he said to me as he rolled my nipples in his fingers.

“I can smell your desire. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to resist.” His voice was deeper now, and I knew I wasn’t the only one being turned on here.

“Ask me to pinch your nipple.” He growled, “I want to hear you ask me to please pinch your nipple.”

The sound of his voice made me wild. I wanted to feel so much more. His touch was consuming me. I wanted to give him what he wanted, what he needed. Suddenly I would have done anything he asked. With a choked cry I groaned, “Please pinch it”. He moaned low as he squeezed my nipple and pulled causing red hot fire to course through my body. I gasped and moved. I arched my back and bucked my hips up towards him. It was exquisite pain. Then suddenly he released it. I cried out, I couldn’t handle the sudden throb. He buried his head against my chest and sucked it, soothing it. I was gasping. I already knew I needed the touch of this man. I knew that before he came, I knew that when I blinded myself and bound myself to the bed in preparation of him. I needed him. I had always needed him.

He lifted his mouth from my breast and tenderly kissed my mouth.

“Your skin is so tender so sensitive. I like that. Your body responds so perfectly to me, I will own it, I will control when you come and how”.

I felt him pull my arms tighter over my head, tightening my torso, stretching me. Next, I felt him press his sweet lips to each of my nipples. His hands began to touch me, fleetingly, skipping from place to place so I never knew where they would land next.

My body went on and on. His hands caressed me all over. I felt them run gently up the front of my thighs and then between them. I felt his thumb as he used the very tip to gently stroke the outside of my pussy lips, I groaned with need and he began to gently rub my clit. He lay with his body against mine and pressed my head against him, speaking soft words to me. I heard him but I couldn’t understand what he said to me.

His fingers expertly stroked against my clit until it was as if I was connected to a string and he was gently reeling it in. When I whimpered and bucked the rhythm didn’t change; the reeling continued, slow and steady. I heard myself cry out as if from a distance; the cry sounded so anguished, almost angry and it matched the furious bucking of my hips as I tried to reach the exquisite contractions of release.

“Beg me” he said, his voice hoarse now with desire, “Beg me to let you come”

I was almost in tears as I begged him, I had never felt such need, the universe had shrunk to his fingers and what they were doing to me. Suddenly his fingers pushed inside me, into my wetness, all the way to the deepest part of me. I screamed as one of his fingers curled forward, finding my G spot, the other still pushing deep within me. When his thumb joined in, stroking my clit to the rhythm of his thrusts, my orgasm hit me like a thunderclap. I saw bright lights behind my eyes as the universe exploded around me. I was everywhere at once, a part of all things, it was incredible.

He lay beside me and held me as slowly my breathing returned to normal. He swept away the damp hair clinging to my face. I lay there so very still, so very aware of him.

I felt his lips kiss my cheek. “How do you feel?” he whispered to me.

“Alive,” I whispered back.

He laughed softly, “Good” he said, “I’d hate to have killed you before I even took my clothes off”

I felt his weight lift off the bed, and heard clothes rustling and zips moving as he undressed. When he lay back next to me I could feel his warm skin against mine for the first time, could feel the hair on his chest, and on his arm as he brushed it slowly over my body. When he kissed me again there was a new depth to it, for the first time I could feel his desire as well as my own, his passion mounted and his kiss grew rougher, dragging moans of desire from deep in my throat, as my body responded to him again. Suddenly his mouth vanished and his body disappeared, only to reappear as he straddled me, his legs on my shoulders. His order when it came sounded as desperate as mine had been, and I felt the power that I too held, the power of desire.

“Take me in your mouth” he demanded, and his voice was thick with need, rough with passion.

I opened my mouth, eager to obey. Reaching forward with my tongue extended; I found the silky skin at the base of his shaft. Stretching my neck I escort kuşadası slowly licked up the length of him, enjoying the knowledge that now he would have to wait as he had made me wait. I reached the tip of his cock, and rolled my tongue around his head, when I found the eye and gently probed inside it with the tip of my tongue; he made a sound which must have been heard since earliest man, totally primitive.

I rolled my tongue around some more, lubricating him with my saliva, so that when I pulled back, then pushed forward to slide him into my mouth, he slid past my lips easily, pushing back against my tongue as my warm mouth enveloped him. I began moving up and down his long cock with my mouth, licking inside with my tongue as my lips formed a tight circle around him. I allowed my bottom teeth to ever so gently drag up the underside of his shaft as my tongue wrapped round the tip, and my lips sucked on him. “oh god” he groaned, letting me know I was pleasing him, if my mouth hadn’t been so full of him I would have grinned so great was my pleasure at controlling him, even for this brief time. He began to push in rhythm with me, my tongue caressing as my lips sucked, my teeth occasionally grazing the tip of him as he pulled almost fully out, only to be sucked back into the wetness of my mouth. Suddenly he pulled out of me, and I felt him turn around, his cock back at my lips, but now his tongue pushed my lips open and I felt him lick the small nub of my clit.

I gasped at his warm touch and as I did he thrust himself back into my mouth, hard, all the way to the back of my throat. His tongue encircled my clit, then drew it into his mouth, sucking on it the same way I was his cock. I could feel my orgasm building, and was suddenly scared I would bite him or hurt him somehow, but my hips bucked up to meet him, and as I gave myself over to the explosions inside me I licked and sucked him as deep as I could, at one point gasping so deeply that I felt him slide down into my throat, felt him push down past my larynx as I groaned against his cock.

Suddenly he pulled out of my mouth again, my tongue desperately following him, straining for one more taste of him.

“God, where did you learn to do that?” he asked his mouth suddenly next to my ear again.

I felt inordinately proud that I had pleased him, that I had been able to give him some measure of the pleasure he had given me. His body pressed down on me now, I could feel his cock pressed against my smooth mound, and strained my hips up, wanting him inside me more than I had ever wanted anything. He began to slowly rub the length of himself back and forward over the lips of my pussy, pressing on my clit, god I was going to come again! But before I could tip over the edge, he stopped, and suddenly I felt him untying the bonds holding my ankles, and then rolling me over onto my stomach, my arms now stretched out in front of me.

“You have a gorgeous back” he said, as he slowly dragged his nails from my neck all the way down to my ass, setting my spine tingling, sending shocks of electricity through my whole body.

“And a really gorgeous ass” he said as he suddenly bit it, making me squeal with shock. He moved up my back, alternatively dragging his teeth, then slowly biting, all the individual bones in my back, all the way up to my neck, where he bit the soft joint between my neck and shoulder. There was pain, but it was so intrinsic to the pleasure that I no longer noticed, all I felt was sensation, more sensation than my body could withstand. Entirely of its own volition it arched back against him, pushing my buttocks towards his penis, wanting to feel it inside me. His weight came down against me, pinning me to my bed, as one hand snaked round to savagely twist my nipple, and the other snaked up into my hair, pulling my head back, stretching my neck to its fullest as he ordered me to be still.

“Stay still and I’ll let you come again” he promised “stay still and I’ll come inside you, you’ll feel my hot spunk deep inside you, but if you move, you’ll be punished”

His voice was harder now, rougher, much more commanding, but instead of frightening me as it would have half an hour ago, now it only fuelled my need. I was on fire, I had to feel him pushing into me, I wanted him to fuck me harder than I had ever been fucked in my life, I didn’t feel like I would ever be able to get enough of this stranger.

He lifted himself off of my back, and there he was, the head of his cock pushing at the entrance to my sex. He slid inside of me, it seemed like millimeters at a time, sooo slowly, so exquisitely, my body reacted on its own, pushing back, gripping him inside me. Immediately he pulled out, making me cry out with the pain of losing him inside me.

“I warned you not to move” he growled, and suddenly he slapped my bare ass, hard.

“What are you doing?” I cried, not understanding how he could be so passionate one minute, so cruel the next.

“I told you not to move” he repeated, as his open hand slapped me again.

“I couldn’t help it” I cried as his hand struck me a third time, then a fourth.

“I wanted you so much” I sobbed, as his hand hit me again, my ass was on fire from his slaps, and I wanted to explain, to make him stop. “I just wanted you!”

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