Fox Hunt Ch. 05

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Chapter 5: The Scarlet Woman

Cold aching muscles groaned as they slowly returned to life, while a slender hand reached up to rub the sleep out of beautiful green eyes. Shivering, the young woman pushed herself up from the chilly steel floor and rubbed her arms to encourage circulation. Her eyes closed, Butterscotch Fox breathed deeply and steadily as she collected her thoughts, steeling herself for yet another day in the hospitality of Dr. Vanessa Payne. Her train of thought was quickly derailed however by a gentle rapping on the crystal globe of her prison, and the young heroine’s eyes darted over to behold- almost on cue- the good doctor herself.

Vanessa stood nonchalantly outside of the sphere with one latex-clad hand in the jacket pocket of her black pantsuit, her eyes gazing possessively up at Butter with a coy smile turning up the corners of her ruby lips. Snapping to attention, Butter sprang up and stood perfectly still, allowing her captor to gaze at her gorgeous body in all her nakedness. Her eyes never leaving her prisoner, Vanessa removed a touchscreen device from her pocket, and with a few taps, a seam appeared in the Diamentium globe and slid down into the floor. “Wake up, sleepyhead” cooed the villainous Brit, “It’s such a lovely day this morning; I thought I’d take my pet for a walk – what do you say? Sound good?”

The question of course was rhetorical – Butter had no choice in the matter. Her free will had been surrendered in exchange for the safety of her only sister, Regan. The two of them had only their father growing up, and with his position occupying most of his time, it fell to Butter to look out for her younger sibling. Aside from her own duties at the Institute, Regan was the greatest source of pride in her life. Her little sister had always been the smart one in the family, taking after their father while Butter pursued her calling as a Superheroine. And now, in her darkest hour, Butter’s two devotions had come together with her duty as a Superheroine and her duty as a sister now one in the same; to protect the innocent. “Yes ma’am” she obediently replied.

Beckoned by her captor, Butter stepped out of her sphere and stood attentively at Vanessa’s side. Pleased at her prisoner’s acquiescence, the good Doctor reached down and weaved her rubbery digits through the heroine’s fingers. Clasped tightly, their fingers interlocked not like lovers, but rather like links in a chain. “This way” she said smiling, “step lively now.” Her heels clicking like a metronome on the steel floor, Vanessa strode confidently through the shadows before a sliding door opened automatically, leading the two into an illuminated hallway. Devoid of daylight, Butter had lost track of how long she had been imprisoned in that room and had whiled away countless hours dreaming of escape. But now, in the custody of the insidious Vanessa Payne, Butter found herself longing for the security of its confinement.

The winding hallways of the facility seemed to go on forever, its cold steel façade maddeningly claustrophobic to the young heroine as Vanessa happily marshalled her down this corridor and that with a spring in her step. Finally, the pair came to a stop in front of a massive steel bulkhead, and Vanessa tapped a keypad several times. With a loud rumble, the bulkhead rolled slowly down into the floor as a piercing light blinded Butter, forcing her to shield her face with her hands. Slowly, painfully, her eyes struggled to adjust to the illumination, and when she at last regained her sight, what she beheld stole her breath away. Walking through the giant archway, Butter stepped onto a large balcony overlooking the lush green foliage of a tropical island hundreds of feet below their mountain lookout. After weeks of confinement, Butter could not help but find the great wide open space intimidating.

“This view is quite spectacular in the morning” smiled Vanessa as she deeply inhaled the fresh mountain air, her back arching in a stretch like some malevolent black cat, “Wouldn’t you agree?” The ingenious Brit clasped her hands behind her as she turned her back on her young captive and stepped towards the edge, her eyes scanning the horizon, appreciating the landscape in the early morning sun. For a moment, Butter stood in awe and confusion, looking around for the catch-22, trying to understand why Vanessa had brought her here. Then, she noticed the distance between them, and the Doctor’s utter dismissal of her. Vanessa was at least fifteen feet away, and completely distracted. At first she would not let herself entertain the thought. But the more she considered, the greater the urge became. ‘She’s not even paying attention’ she thought. With the horizon laid out before her, escape was now a simple matter- ‘I could just fly away’ she told herself. ‘Fly away into the clear blue sky and she could never stop me…’ porno indir The temptation lasted only a moment, but to the downtrodden heroine, it seemed an eternity. She wouldn’t dare. Who knew what Vanessa had planned for Regan if she left her behind? Now Vanessa’s logic became terribly clear; this simple act was a demonstration of her power. Without a word, Vanessa had forced Butter to defeat her own “fight-or-flight” instincts- dangling her freedom in front of her just to rub her nose in it. Her teeth gritted, Butter summoned every ounce of strength to deny her own self-preservation, and with great bitterness, began to gently weep.

The sound piqued Vanessa’s mouth up into a smirk as she gazed over the landscape. Casually, she turned to see Butter standing rigidly still, her face turning red. “Aww” the Doctor spitefully cooed as she approached the heroine, “Poor baby.” Raising a gloved hand to her captive’s face, she wiped a tear away with a single digit. “Are you ready to go back inside?” With murder in her eyes, Butter silently nodded. “‘attagirl” grinned Vanessa as she brought her finger to her mouth, tasting the sugary sweetness of Butter’s tears as her eyes dared the heroine to do something.

Returning to the shadowy corridors within the mountainside, Vanessa led Butter down the twists and turns of her stronghold before arriving at a set of sliding double doors. Tapping a keypad on the wall, Vanessa leaned over and spoke her name Vanessa Payne into the console, eliciting a soft chime before the doors slid open. The room beyond was pitch black, save for a spotlight revealing a heavy steel pedestal in the centre of the room. Reluctantly, Butter allowed her owner to tug her into the room, and the doors snapped shut behind her.

“Do you know what this room is, Butter?” the Doctor inquired. Not knowing, the heroine shook her head, and said so. “This is where the great Butterscotch Fox will finally be laid to rest” beamed the sadistic Englishwoman. Vanessa’s rubbery hand slid into her jacket pocket, and produced a touchscreen device. Tapping it once, powerful overhead lights switched on with a loud *clack* to reveal a large Plexiglas cylinder ten feet in front of the two women.

The cylinder, protruding out of the grated steel floor with screens and machinery at its base, stood ten feet tall and was filled with a viscous green fluid. There suspended in that fluid, floated a thing that could only be loosely described as human. It possessed all the characteristics- two arms, two legs, ten fingers and toes- but consisted only of bones, nerves, and thin, undeveloped muscles. So unfinished was the half-person that it had yet to grow eyelids, it’s blank gruesome eyes staring lifelessly down at Butter, it’s teeth bared in lipless smile.

“No!” cried the heroine, her eyes welling up with tears at the Doctor’s grotesque work, her trembling hands covering her gaping mouth “No, it can’t be!”

“Oh but it is!” Vanessa gleefully shot back. “It’s you my dear Butterscotch Fox! The very first of our production model Butterclones!”

“No!” Shrieked the distraught Fox as she buried her face in her hands, so disturbed was she at the sight of this abomination. “No no no!”

“Now Butter…” chided the brilliant villainess, “you’re not allowed to look away- open your eyes.”

Beside herself with horror, the heroine simply shook her head as she sobbed into her hands.

“I said look!” growled Vanessa, “look!”

Incensed at her captive’s disobedience, the evil Brit grabbed Butter’s wrists, and angrily forced the heroine’s hands away from her face. So drained was the young blonde- both mentally and physically, that despite her tremendous strength, she could not resist as Vanessa wrestled her hands to her chest, pining them in place while one hand grabbed Butter under the chin.

“Open your eyes!” the Doctor barked, pointing the heroine’s face at the cloning tank, “Open your fucking eyes, cow- or your sister dies!”

Near hysterics, Butter’s eyes snapped wide open at the threat, and beheld the unholy creation that would spell doom for all superheroines. “No…” she whispered with shuddering breath, tears rolling down her wet cheeks.

Beaming at her prisoner’s despair, Vanessa’s red lips parted to bear her pearly white teeth in a cruel smile. “Yes…” she said, breathlessly, “yes!” Releasing her grip on her blonde plaything, Vanessa strode up to the cloning tank, running her gloved hand along the smooth glass as she admired her work. “With your genes and my expertise, I’ll soon make all the soldiers I need to overpower the Institute! Each one bred for war with no regard for self-preservation. Imagine – an endless supply of living weapons ready to slam into those super-sluts at mach-3…they’ll hardly know what hit them before they burst like water balloons!”

Shocked at rokettube the morbid details of Vanessa’s design, Butter stammered for words, overwhelmed by the implications of things to come. “Y…you CAN’T!” she blurted, “It’s INHUMAN!”

Turning on her heel, Vanessa crossed her arms as she looked back to the heroine. “Look who’s talking, Monsduggian cunt!”

Butter winced at the slight against her people. She, like many heroines of the Institute belonged to the Monsduggian race; a proud race of warrior women granted strength and abilities by their beloved goddess Deina. Butterscotch Fox had always taken great pride in her heritage, but now their power was to be turned back upon itself, as Vanessa’s army of soulless dolls prepares to exterminate the champions of truth and justice.

“Oh but it gets better…” tittered the evil scientist, “Once your ‘sisters’ are finished winning the war, they’ll help us win the peace…”

The revelations up to this point had been terrible enough for one day, but despite the sickening fear growing inside her, Butter could not bear to remain in the dark. “W-what do you mean?” she squeaked.

Vanessa gazed deeply into Butter, staring daggers into the heroine’s green eyes, her very look an act of assault. “There are a lot of important people who are not going to be happy with me breaking up their boys club. Once I’m in control of the Institute, I’m going to need a lot of support to stay in control- and you my dear will be my peace offering. Supporters of my regime will enjoy far more privileges than ever before. When the dust settles and the fighting is over, my clone army will be discontinued, and the Institute will go straight into production rewarding our benefactors with their own personal Butterslave! With a product so desirable, demand will grow to a fever pitch until every person of merit will have one! What man or woman could resist? CEOs, Generals, Presidents, Kings, every powerful human being in the world will have their very own Butterscotch Fox so they can kiss you, fuck you, or push you down the fucking stairs if that’s how they get their jollies! And one day, when I am firmly entrenched in my position and the powerbrokers have all been lulled into a false sense of security, I will give the order to have those obedient clones kill their owners. To break their neck, punch a hole in their chest, or outright explode – instantly decapitating every power structure on earth! With the world in chaos, the Institute – my Institute – will step in to fill the power vacuum.

Stunned at the scope of Vanessa’s grand design, Butter stood mouth agape- there were no words to describe the inconceivable evil to be unleashed upon the world. Vanessa had made clear her grudge against Butter herself, but she could not fathom that the brilliant Englishwoman could be so sadistic as to settle that score with the entire world. The Doctor had already promised to sully her good name with the public, but now her legacy was to be despoiled even further as decadent perverts defiled her image with the daily ritual of cumming on her face.

“Don’t look so surprised, Butter…” gloated Vanessa. “It’s only prudent to exploit such a valuable resource. No one on earth can resist the charms of Butterscotch Fox.” Vanessa’s heels clicked on the steel floor as she began slinking toward Butter, her hips swaying fluidly. “No one — man or woman — can resist you. It’s in your nature…the most desirable piece of ass in the universe…” Reaching out her latex-clad hand, Vanessa traced the curves of Butter’s face, her thumb caressing the outline of her pouty lips. “…the perfect woman.”

Vanessa cracked a slight grin as the tension in Butter’s body began to melt. “And you can’t help it either, can you?” she chuckled in her posh London accent, “You’re made for sex, it’s what you’re built for. Isn’t it?”

Her mouth trembling, Butter could manage no denial.

“You need it. Like you need food and water — and you’ve been without for a while haven’t you? You’re starving” Vanessa’s breathy voice said, inching closer to her captive with every word. “It’s why you’ve managed to survive for so long- you know that right? Despite capture, despite being at your enemies’ mercy, they defer killing you because they can’t bear the thought of losing out on the greatest fuck they’ll ever have. That’s why you always win in the end…”

The two women now stood so closely their bodies nearly pressed against one another. “Do you know why I’m the one to finally stand in triumph over you?” Vanessa whispered breathily, the tip of her nose playfully caressing the tip of Butter’s, their faces so near that their gaping mouths breathed the same hot breath. “I don’t want you, Butter.”

Slowing pulling away, Vanessa’s gleaming eyes locked with her prisoner’s, her thin, ruby lips parted in a supremely porno satisfied grin. “I don’t want you” she repeated.

Butter’s face soured under Vanessa’s gleeful scowl, her green eyes welling up with exasperation and shame. The brilliant villainess had toyed with her most expertly, both frustrating her sexually, and demonstrating the heroine’s terrible weakness- so desperate was she for love that she would readily lie with the woman who had tormented and victimized her. For years Butter had endured the persecution of critics and enemies who vilified her as a whore. Now bile rose in her throat as her conviction began to falter, and her denials rang increasingly hollow- for if she had had balls, they would be turning positively blue.

Near wit’s end, Butter could no longer contain her bitterness and grief, and spat her disdain at Vanessa like so much venom. “Y-you’ll burn in hell for this! Monsduggians will not simply lie down and be conquered! You’ll never bend our will to yours!”

This outburst amused Vanessa to no end, and she lifted a rubbery hand to her mouth, stifling a girlish giggle. “You think so?” the evil Brit cooed, “Well let’s ask your friends what they think- see how well they’ve managed…”

On cue, powerful overhead lights activated, illuminating the dark corners of the room, revealing all three of Butter’s teammates, and their evil counterparts at their sides. Butter gasped in shock to see the state of her friends, so great was her disbelief that she stood silently for many moments as she took in the sight of the miserable tableau.

American Fox, always the patriotic champion of the team, sat submissively next to the diminutive Lolita, Ebon Fox. The heroic Fox sat naked, her legs curled lazily beneath her, her head reclining to lie pitifully in Ebon’s lap. Her tousled raven curls were pinned up into a bun atop her hear in a chignon hairstyle, and her expression was tinted chalk white with makeup messily adorning her face, rosy blush and red lipstick smeared across her cheeks and mouth to complete the perverse caricature of a china doll. Her eyelids drooped sleepily as she stared blankly ahead at nothing in particular, a leather neck corset constrained her throat with a tiny heart-shaped padlock affixing a thin steel chain the end of which was tightly clutched by the diminutive hands of her mistress. Ebon Fox sat upon the plush cushion of an antique stool, perched attentively with back straight and hands on knees, the gleam of her deep green eyes betraying her eagerness for this morning’s agenda.

“American Fox!” cried Butter, alarmed by the vacancy of her soulless gaze, “What’s wrong with her?”

“I was very disappointed with her” chimed the evil psychic as her pale hand smoothed over her jet black bob of hair, “she was very disagreeable, so I hollowed her out. I haven’t decided what to fill her with yet, but until then…” The villainess smirked as she tugged at American Fox’s leash, firmly guiding the semi-conscious heroine’s face to her own before planting a soft wet kiss on those painted lips, “…she’s very good at taking direction!”

The former Violet Fox stood adorned in a form-fitting latex bodysuit with a plunging neckline accentuating her generous bust. A studded leather mini-jacket ornamented her arms and ended high on her back. Her taut, silky legs were enwrapped by fishnet stockings and ended in black stilettoed ankle boots. Her strong slender fingers poked through the holes of leather finger gloves and were decorated with metallic purple nail polish. Her brunette hair was slicked back on either side of her head, with the top spiked up and forward in a punkish fauxhawk. Her face was twisted into a cruel sneer and decorated with violet lipstick and glittery eyeliner while a spiked leather collar encircled her elegant neck. Behind her, the villainous Pearl Fox pressed herself into her new companion and wrapped her silken arms around her, her chin resting on her lover’s shoulder as she beamed.

“Violet!” blurted Butter, “What have they done to you?!”

With a spiteful harrumph, the good doctor’s convert glared down on her former teammate. “They’ve set me free Butter! This is who I am- not who the Institute tells me to be! Your delusions seem so pathetic now it’s laughable! But I’ve seen the light, Butter- and thanks to Vanessa, I’ll live my life on my own terms from now on- I’m going to stop repressing all my anger and finally put it where it belongs – as Violent Fox!

Silver Fox stood rigidly at attention, her snow white locks tumbling down her shoulders, her face denoting only the merest shadow of emotion with the slight furrowing of her brow. Her blue eyes now tinted lavender, her vacant thousand-yard stare gazed beyond Butterscotch Fox at nothing in particular. The sleek, crystal shell which enveloped her statuesque body reflected the harsh light in glittering pink. Her full, pouted lips quivered as she struggled to eke the smallest whisper. “B-butter…no…g-get out…they…they’re going to…” Before she could finish, Silver’s eyes widened and a pained expression spread across her face. “She…she’s eating…me…!”

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For Just One Day Pt. 03

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Mommy came on me, coating my face with her cream. She was moaning loudly, crying out every time a new wave crested. I was still eating her out, lapping up the juices as quickly as she could produce them. I was a little too energetic, though, and one of my fangs scraped her clitty. Mommy sucked in her breath and moaned again at that little bit of pain. I was finally getting close to climaxing myself. The buzzing in my pussy and ass were driving me crazy with lust. I tried rubbing my clit through the panties but my paws prevented any stimulation. But, that didn’t matter. Mommy saw what I was trying to do and, smiling, pressed her phone again. I thought that she might turn off the good button or even hit the bad button for me nipping her, but the vibrations increased in power, finally sending me over the edge. I sprayed my cum all inside my panties as I let out a long, catlike moan. I could feel droplets of dew running down my legs as the powerful vibrations continued inside me.

I was on all fours still, arching my back, enjoying the orgasms that mommy had given me with her toys when she leaned up and started petting my fur, from my head all the way to my tail. I pressed into her hand as another mini wave of pleasure crested in my loins. Finally, türkçe altyazılı porno she turned off the vibrations and i collapsed in a heap on the bed, spent from the wonderful sensations mommy had given me. I looked at her face through half lidded eyes. I had never seen Katy so…peacefully happy. Her expression was that of a human enjoying her most loved pet. She continued stroking me gently, from my rump, down my leg to my paw. After a few minutes of this, mommy made me stand and unlocked and removed my panties. “We can’t have little Nikki kitty running around all sticky, can we?” My panties were literally drenched with my cum. Thick strands connected the fabric to my skin as she removed the panties, wiping them with the towel from the bathroom. She made me spread my legs apart and delicately dabbed my inner thighs and pussy dry. The terry cloth towel sent shivers through me as the fabric tickled my clit. Mommy’s finger began pulling on the ring holding the egg in my pussy. I let out a growl and batted her hand away. She giggled again and I realized that she was only teasing me. I smiled back, showing my fangs, silently letting her know that I would bite if she tried to take my toys away again.

Mommy xnxx put my panties back on me, locked me in and walked to the living room. I followed on all fours as best I could but ended up walking anyway. As she sat down on the couch, I plopped down and curled up, resting my head on her lap. We watched TV for a while. Well, more accurately, she watched TV and I took a little catnap as mommy petted my head. She hadn’t bothered getting dressed again and it felt so good for my cheek to be against her bare skin. Waking up, I realized I hadn’t cleaned my face. I licked my paw and gave myself a bath as mommy’s hands started stroking my titties. I purred loudly as her hand fondled me and lightly teased and pinched my nipples until they were poking out proudly. I stopped bathing my face and began licking mommy’s titty tips, stroking her breast with my paw. We fondled each others breasts, each enjoying the sensations the other was giving. I had never felt so close to Katy as I did at that moment. She was right again. It was so much fun to just let go and be her pet. I only wished that it could last longer than just a day.

Around noon, mommy got off the couch and went to the kitchen. I stayed there on the couch, enjoying the porno izle view and the warmth from where her body had been. Mommy called me into the kitchen after a little while. I saw and smelled a big bowl of tuna fish and another bowl of milk. I ate hungrily, licking my bowl clean. Katy laughed at the sight of me eating, with my messy tuna and milk covered face. I sniffed at her as I sat on my haunches and cleaned myself off. She laughed again at my expression. I stuck my tongue out at her and she laughed even harder.

And so it went for the rest of the day. She played with me, turning on the buzzy toys buried in me and I licked and nipped various parts of her delicious body. The day passed too quickly and bedtime was upon us, I couldn’t help myself and began to cry. Katy looked at me so tenderly and held me close. We both knew why I was so upset. Neither one of us wanted this day to end. She cupped my chin in her hand, wiping my tears away with the other before touching her lips to mine. “Little kitty, please tell me what is wrong. You may speak.”

“Oh mommy,” I said, choking back the tears, “I don’t want this day to ever end!” It was true. I had never been so happy as I had been that day with Katy. She held me close, petting my head gently as the tears continued to flow from my eyes, unabated.

“Oh pretty kitty,” she said, in her gentlest voice, “sleep with me tonight. We will talk about the future tomorrow.” I closed my eyes and smiled as she held me tight.

That is how I became my mommy’s kitty.

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First Time in a Little Black Dress

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I was 18, not a virgin, but only had sex twice. I had never been with a girl before, but I knew I was bi-curious, wanting to explore the unknown realms of another women’s desire. I had been invited to a hotel party by my friend Kathy, who was bringing a couple of other girlfriends as well. Eager as always to go to a party, I dressed in a tiny black dress that had a low V neckline. My breasts are small, so I didn’t need to worry about wearing a bra. Being 5’1, my heels were 5 inches stilettos, allowing me to be the same height as most of the other girls I was with. We were picked up in a limo, and then whisked away to downtown Vancouver, to enjoy the night view in the 34th floor of an expensive hotel.

Music was blasting, drinks were being made, and dancing was in full force. I looked over at Victoria, and she was beautiful; of Asian descent, full figured yet petit. Her looks enabled her to have a career in car modelling for imported cars. Her personality was wild, untameable, and exotic. That was what turned me on the most. I walked over to where she was dancing with Kathy, and joined in. We grinded and swayed our hips in rhythm, my butt against her crotch. Giggling and tipsy, I grabbed her hand and led her to the bathroom because I needed to pee.

As soon as I shut the door, I turned to see her sitting on the bathtub. She beckoned me to sit beside her, to that I followed her command. Sitting on the edge of the bathtub, I was staring at her voluptuous breasts, which suited a tiny frame. She traced her hand along my face, staring into my sea-green eyes. She leaned into me; I could smell her perfume, a mix of sweet and spice, causing my mouth to water. Gripping my face, she pulled my lips onto hers, her velvety tongue caressing gently against mine. güngören escort She tasted of coke and rum, the drinks we had been sharing all night. Instantly I thrust my hand in her silky thick black hair, groaning into her mouth. She released her lips from mine, and I shuddered from the erotic event that had just unfolded. Victoria then grasped my hip, and led me to sit on the counter.

Again she ground her mouth on mine, tongues wrestling with one another, like a race that couldn’t be finished. Lifting her head up, she gave me a seductive smug look, and started trailing kisses down my neck. I moaned in response to the lovely sensation, each kiss leaving a tingling reminder that she was going lower. She parted one strap of my dress, to reveal a tiny pink rosebud. Licking around it, she then took a perky bud into her mouth and gave it a little nip. It was enough to give me shooting sensations of electricity in and around my wet little mound. I grabbed her butt, and started kneading her firm behind. After she was done playing with my highly sensitive nipple, she hiked up my dress past my thighs, to my waist. She touched my now damp black thong, and purred in approval.

Giving me more deep kisses, she parted my panties to the side with her right hand, and parted my pink folds with her gentle fingers. The touch was so light, it heightened my senses and I ground my sopping wet pussy into her fingers. Her thumb found my clit, and she began circling around and around in slow notions. I whimpered into her mouth, and she complied by thrusting two fingers into me. I came so fast, my pussy convulsing around her now damp fingers. She giggled, took her hand out and licked her fingers so seductively, I thought I was going bağcılar escort to orgasm again. My body was sated, but I knew that we had only just started…


“Oh, Victoria,” I moaned in her mouth. My body was still shaking from the aftershocks of the orgasm she gave me. I looked into her russet eyes; dark with a hint of red. They were half lidded in lust, her cheeks blushing. Putting my hand on her waist, I got off the counter and made her trade me places. Immediately I grabbed her lips with my teeth, suckling and nibbling. Stroking my tongue in her mouth, I reached around to her back, and pulled on the zipper on her dress.

Now I had never been with a girl before until this moment in the bathroom. I had watched porno flicks, watching girls vigorously rub themselves and their tongues against each other’s clit. It always looked so fake, so unnatural. Knowing myself, my sweet spot is super sensitive, needing to be built up slowly. Every girl is different, so in this minute I was unsure what to do.

Going with my gut, I hopped her off the table, still in locked lips. I managed to pull the zipper to the end, and shrugged the silky dress down her body. Luckily it was a strapless dress, so there was no need to maneuver around. I brought my head up and gazed at her stunning figure. An hourglass waist, size c boobs and a small, yet firm butt. I trailed my hand down past her breasts, to her navel. She shivered from the light sensation. I motioned her to turn around, where I undid her bra. Not turning her back to face me, I kissed her neck, tasting her sweet salty skin. My hands reaching around her, I toyed with her nipples, and she instantly arched her back into my chest and gasped. Excellent I esenler escort thought, she is as sensitive as I am. Turning her around, I got to see her naked chest, nipples a dark shade of burnt amber. Closing my mouth around one, I suckled it while lightly pinching the other. Gradually I had her back sitting on the counter, not taking my mouth off of her. Moving my mouth onto the other bud, I took my right hand, and slid it down her panties. MY GOD was she wet, just soaking. Using my middle and ring finger, I took her juices and moved it around, making sure everything was lubricated. I stroked her sweet spot in and around, making her squirm in delight. With a slight pop, I took my mouth off her protruding bud, and kissed down her belly.

I licked around her navel, and stopped touching her to remove the panties that were blocking my delicious goal. Looking up at her face, she was panting and had a sheen of sweat covering her chest. I continued my new kissing trail down past her navel, until my tongue hit the jackpot. Slowly I licked around her clit, using my hands to part her folds. She tasted like sweet nectar, how a woman should taste. I enjoyed torturing her with my tongue, until she put her hands on my head and pushed my mouth onto her. Suckling away, she was moaning and pulling my hair, a little hard but I liked it. I could feel her start to shake, so I put one finger in her tight little hole. Victoria jerked up in reaction, but my elbows were pressed down on her thighs, she wasn’t going anywhere. Crooking my index finger, I stroked in and out of her simultaneously in rhythm with my tongue. She started groaning and panting, and I knew her climax was coming. Suddenly she screamed, I swear the party heard her even with the music bumping loudly in the background. Her shaking made me focus, solely on getting every sensation I could give her. I felt my finger get wetter, and her hands dropped from my head to her sides as she went limp. Lifting my head up, I looked at her lovely little face. Taking my dripping finger, I licked up every drop. “So sweet, my Victoria.”

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Fiona’s Favourite Girl is Zoey…

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3D Hentai

With great gratitude and thanks to the ever patient Literot for his edit and persistence.

All characters are of course over the age of consent.

This is directly following my last chapter about myself and Zoey.



4:29 am

I woke early, subconsciously wanting to savour the feeling of sharing my bed with someone instead of just my vibrator. It wasn’t just anyone though. It was Zoey. I watched her as she slept peacefully. Did she have a slightly satisfied smile on her face, or was that just wishful thinking? Her hair was a tangled mess; she looked like she’d had a night of wild sex … and she had!

It was hard to resist a slight peek under the covers to marvel at her gorgeous breasts, thinking how only a few hours ago I was sucking, kissing and playing with them.

These moments were truly wonderful although at the back of my mind there was a real fear. This was her first time and she had always been adamant that she was 100% straight. What was going to happen when she woke up? Would she regret everything we had done and run for the hills? Would this destroy our friendship? Why was I so stupid to sleep with my best friend? I had totally overstepped the line in a moment of weakness. This had all happened before and it had haunted me for years.

When I was much younger (perhaps to some, too young), my best friend and I spent time, in fact a lot of time, experimenting with each other, getting more intimate every time. It was regular full on multi orgasmic sex. I loved every second of it. It was my first experience of sex and of love and I was head over heels in love with her. The problem was that whilst indulging in our favourite thing of her grinding on my face whilst she rubbed my pussy, naked of course and just as we were reaching orgasm, her older sister walked in on us. Oh shit. Amongst a string of other abuse, she called us a couple of disgusting dykes and left.

The next Monday morning at school was possibly the worst day of my entire life. Everybody knew. Even the teachers; her bitch sister had told all. Even my former best friend distanced herself from me. It totally broke my heart and seemingly let her off the hook. I became the joke of the school and a total social outcast. Even the nerdy kids didn’t want anything to do with me. I also struggled with my own demons.

Was I gay? I knew I liked looking at girls in the locker room after gym. I also used them in my own private masturbation fantasies. I convinced myself that this was normal. I struggled with these feelings and thoughts for a long time, eventually locking them up tight in the back of my mind. Eventually, slowly, things started to get back to near normal.

I dated a couple of guys. I lost my virginity to one of the popular guys at school, although it was rather unpleasant and uncomfortable and he then went around bragging how he had converted the lesbian.

Anyway, finally school was over and university started. A clean slate. I eventually learned, after many, many wrong turns, that it was okay to feel these things, to like girls as more than friends. I had casual relationships but could never really open up after my broken heart.

Anyway, back to my best friend, lying in my bed, naked after a night of possibly the best sex I have ever experienced.

I gently rolled onto my back and closed my eyes in an attempt to stop the tears from the impending doom of losing my best friend again. When I opened them, she was lying on her side, looking at me. She smiled and said good morning. We laid there for quite some time, looking at each other and not knowing where to go from there.

I broke the ice with the offer of breakfast which received a hearty nod and another bright smile. I could see confusion and doubt in her eyes; it didn’t seem good but at least she was still talking to me and hadn’t run away.


Had I made a huge mistake? I so wanted to try sex with Fiona. I had been having fantasies about it, not thinking I would ever in a million years actually go through with it. I felt a little uncomfortable about it now, lying naked next to her. She was so beautiful and sexy that I was having a hard time trying not to jump her again at that moment. The big problem was that I was straight … totally. Or was I as straight as I thought?

Does everyone have these types of feeling? Maybe I was curious all along. I didn’t know. What I do know now, is that night blew my mind completely. I had never, ever, merter escort had sex quite like it and Fiona took me to places I never knew existed or even imagined. I usually struggle to cum through sex unless I take matters into my own hands so to speak. But Fiona had me screaming with ease (I never even knew I was a screamer!). It was quite amazing. So much so that I felt like I wanted more. The question was, ‘what does this make me’?

I felt totally confused. I was definitely not ready to answer these thoughts at that moment. How should I act with Fiona? What should I say? Should I talk about it, or just try and act normally? Clearly I wasn’t normal anymore; I had just had a wild night of the best sex ever with my best friend.

“I am in need of tea”, I said, in an attempt at being normal, “and the toilet right now!” before leaping out of bed to the bathroom completely forgetting my state of undress. I felt embarrassed and a bit bashful. Fiona just sat there looking at me with a smile. She knew how silly I felt.

“I am naked too you know”, she added, just to make me feel even more silly. I had to laugh.

Sitting on the toilet I was smiling. I felt pretty good.

When I came downstairs for breakfast, Fiona was in the kitchen cooking up some eggs wearing only a pair of knickers and a small, tight vest top. It was struggling to contain her very ample cleavage. She looked really sexy and I just stared at her knowing how good her body felt. What was happening to me?

Breakfast and tea was eaten and drunk and we chatted as if we hadn’t fucked last night, both ignoring the great pink elephant that had joined us for breakfast.

I had a family get together to attend, so I had to get going. I was anxious about how to leave things as I was still very confused about these new feelings, but also concerned that I could hurt Fiona.


As Zoey left I gave her a quick kiss on the lips as a goodbye. I think it surprised her but she didn’t react badly.

“I’ll call you later”, she called over her shoulder as she got into her car.

I sat on the sofa wondering if I would ever see her again.

The whole day I spent between horny excitement at having great sex, and depression about the situation.

Zoey didn’t call or text or reply to my texts. I couldn’t help but fear the worst. That night I lay in my bed, alone, crying myself to sleep.

Monday came and went; no call.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday passed; no call.

I had calls from friends sorting a night out on the tiles but I declined as usual. I wondered why they stuck around such a bore.


I knew I owed Fiona an explanation as to my disappearance over the last whole week. I needed some time to think about things. I had no answers, but had to see her. She was still my best friend after all I hoped.

On Saturday, early, I knocked on her door. After several knocks, she finally opened the door to me. She looked tired but still beautiful. My heart started beating harder as I saw her and it dawned on me then that I must have had the hots for her in some way. I had never seen her looking more tired and bedraggled but still found her irresistible and beautiful.

“Can I come in?” I asked, rather meekly.

“Of course, you are always welcome here. Have you lost your key?” answered Fiona with a warm smile.

She seemed to have cheered up all of a sudden. Maybe it was me?

“We need to talk. I am really sorry not to have called. It was so wrong of me. I just didn’t know what to say or how to put it. I needed some time to think about things, to know how I felt, and maybe even to understand the confusion. Oh, I don’t know.”

My thoughts all just came rushing out at once. Fiona just smiled and gave me a gentle hug. It felt so good to be in her arms again.

“Have I messed things up between us?” I asked, while my face was nestled into her neck. I wanted to kiss it.

“Shh, you’re here now and we can talk, or maybe just draw a line in the sand and carry on as normal,” Fiona said very calmly.

“I love you totally as my best friend and I would never want to pressure you into anything you might be uncomfortable with. What happened the other night admittedly was really good and I can’t regret that, but I can’t not have you in my life. I need you as a friend.”

“I need you too,” I quickly replied, “I don’t want to spoil things. I don’t regret that night zeytinburnu escort either and at least now I know how good you are in bed.” I tried to lighten the mood, but it was more a truth. I strangely felt a pang of jealousy towards any future girl who was lucky enough to get a night with her.

“Are you busy today? Maybe we could hang out, get some lunch or something?” I asked, hoping to spend some much needed time with her.

“Sure, that sounds nice,” she replied.

We spent the day messing around as usual and it was fun and we laughed a lot. Things felt great and happy and we were our old selves again.

Late in the afternoon we went to the cinema and sat at the back like a pair of teenage lovers. I had to hold her hand as the film was scary (I’m not good at scary), but it felt nice, warm and soft. I liked it more than I should.

I was planning on staying at Fiona’s afterwards and we left the cinema hand in hand through town. It felt nice, like she was all mine.

We stopped off for a drink in her local on the way home and chatted to a few of her friends then left for her house. Fiona opened a bottle of wine and we sat on the sofa close together talking softly about our fun day.

After a few minutes of silence I turned to her and said, “Fiona, will you take me to bed?” It felt right – I wanted this.

“Will you disappear again after tomorrow?” Fiona’s voice showed concern but I also she knew she wanted it as much as me.

“I won’t. I don’t know what this all means, but right now, I really want it, more than anything. Please take me to bed and make love to me.” With that, I kissed her softly on the lips and Fiona’s hot, soft lips kissed me back tenderly. It was bliss.

The kissing built slowly, softly, with no rushing, just tenderness as our passions rose. Her fingers loosened the buttons on my shirt. Her warm hands slipped under the shirt and swept lightly across my bra covered breasts, teasing my nipples which were straining against the fabric. I felt dampness seep into my knickers. I was very quickly a hot, sexy mess.

Let’s get into bed,” Fiona suggested as we moved together from the sofa.

On the way, Fiona pushed me against the wall and kissed me with a fiery passion and it took my breath away, as she moved on to my neck. I let out a loud gasp and grabbed her hand and pressed it against my still covered breasts rubbing it around.

After a short moment she took my hand and quickly dragged me to the bedroom. While kissing frantically, we removed each other’s tops and bras (I was surprised how easy it was to remove someone else’s bra – why do guys struggle with them?) Once freed, we pressed up together, breast to breast. This wonderful feeling notched up my desire another 100%. My god, it was so good, soft, warm, smooth and sexy.

“Fiona, please take my knickers off,” I asked breathlessly between kisses. I could hardly wait any longer, surprised by the level of my desire. I had never wanted it this much, ever. This woman was driving me crazy. Lust or love I didn’t care, I was on fire.

My hands were on her large, soft breasts thumbs rubbing over her very hard nipples. They felt amazing and I suddenly knew why guys like boobs so much. As she bent to remove my jeans and knickers, she latched her mouth to my right breast and lapped gently I nearly exploded into orgasm. Wow! I felt on the verge and we were still half-dressed. This woman has found something in me I never knew existed. This was sexy beyond my wildest dreams.

I felt my jeans falling to my ankles, and Fiona’s soft hands gliding up my thighs and across my bum, gently kneading the flesh. After pausing there, her hands moved up my back, under my arms and over my breasts, as she gently swept her thumbs repeatedly over my engorged nipples and then seamlessly slid them down to my over-heated sex. She teased momentarily, then slipped her hands around my thighs and lifted me up and gently laid me on the bed with her on top of me.

Her breast was pushed against my pussy. I could feel her hard nipple slowly rubbing against my clit. She slowly rubbed it in circles so lightly across and around, gathering the plentiful moisture, missing my clit every so often, teasing me to new heights. I wanted her to carry on, to stop, to finger me, to lick and suck me. I was a sex-crazed bundle of horniness, mostly though, I was acutely aware that she still had clothes on that HAD to be removed, right güneşli escort then.

I pulled her up to my level, feeling her moistened nipple dragging up my torso. We kissed more, passionately rubbing our breasts together, grinding against each other. My hands reached down and undid her jeans and I slipped my hands under the fabric across her panty-clad bottom and squeezed, hard. It was gorgeous. Soft, round and sexy. I brought my hands back out and grabbed the waistband of the jeans and pushed them down. Fiona lifted herself and helped take them off also taking her very damp knickers with her. Now we were both naked, in bed, passionately rubbing our bodies together. I had never known a feeling like it; it was beautiful. There was a sense of urgency right now for a lot, lot more. We both felt it and whilst so far it had been very unhurried and fluid (in more ways than one), we were both now desperate.

Fiona started kissing her way down my body, slowly and still with a teasing desire, down over my needy pussy and across my thighs. My pussy was on fire and I could feel the sticky wetness on my inner thighs. I needed more.

“Oh, Fiona, please, please lick my pussy, please?” I whimpered. She didn’t need asking twice and immediately went to work.

She ran her tongue gently and slowly from the very bottom right up to the top, over and past my clitoris and then travelled back down again. Up and down, up and down. She softly nibbled and sucked at my labia then slipped her tongue over my clit whist gently pressing two fingers up and into me lifting them up to my g spot. I exploded like an atom bomb.

“OH FUCK! YES, YES OH YYYER ARRGHH FUCK EEEEEGHHH,” noises that I didn’t even recognise as my own. Spent, I collapsed, gasping for breath. I could hardly move. Fiona still had her fingers deliciously buried in my vagina gently rocking them with no real pressure, whilst looking up at me, her face covered in my sticky girl cum. Keeping her fingers inside, she moved up the bed to lie next to me.

“You taste divine,” she said.

So I leaned over and kissed her hard on the mouth, mixing her saliva with my cum. I often taste my fingers when masturbating, but it was much better from her mouth. She started rocking her fingers more, slipping them in and out in a steady rhythm making a sloshing sound from my incredible wetness. The desire rose in me very quickly and I felt an impending orgasm almost immediately. Up, up and over. A deep growling sound emerged from within me followed by a line of expletives, followed by blackness.

When I opened my eyes, Fiona was lying by my side, gently, lovingly, stroking my face. I felt good, and loved and totally, utterly, spent.

We lay together for a while, cuddling up. It was comfy and warm and there was no pressure for me to return anything. It was just soft and nice. At this point I became restless. Remembering how I licked Fiona last time and how much I enjoyed doing it, I realised I was pretty desperate to do it again. I wanted to taste Fiona and I wanted to make her cum.

With this renewed vigour, I set about it by kissing first her mouth, then sucking and nibbling lightly on her breasts, followed by lifting her on top of me and moving down to her surprisingly wet pussy. Before devouring her, I looked closely at her gorgeous flower. It was swollen and pinky-red with damp folds. It looked beautiful and although slightly nervous from my inexperience, I could hardly wait to taste her.

I tentatively lapped my tongue across her clitoris getting a sharp gasp from Fiona, and then slipped my tongue the full length from bottom to top several times. Whilst doing this I was squeezing her bottom with both hands. Egged on by Fiona’s moans, I built in confidence and lapped away. What I lacked in experience I made up for in enthusiasm. I pressed a finger into her as I sucked gently on her clit and I could hear her building, her breaths coming in quick succession as I slipped a finger up against her puckered anus (this is something I do sometimes when masturbating as it make me instantly cum). The response was a loud, guttural gasp as I then pushed and it slipped in up to the first knuckle. This had Fiona cumming hard, swearing and panting. I felt a light leak of fluid onto my face and she then flopped onto the bed gasping. Slowly, easing my fingers from her, I scooted up the bed next to her and we kissed lovingly and softly.

Satisfied and satiated we drifted off to sleep, leaving the difficult questions until the morning.


I woke and found myself cuddled up to Fiona’s beautiful naked form, looking directly into her sleeping face. I felt totally at peace and happy with no doubt whatsoever.

“Fiona, I think I love you,” I whispered. Then happily let myself drift off again, cuddled up and warm.

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Experimental Drug

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


I went to my doctor for my annual checkup. It seemed like nothing at the time. For the record, I am or at least was Joe Williams, a man of 55, but still in decent shape all things considered. I still try to keep fit, which isn’t quite so easy when you have knee problems and lousy lungs. Still at about 6 foot and 175 pounds, was not too fat or thin. Starting to grey a little bit, not too surprising considering my age, but haven’t lost too much of my hair.

So I get to the doctor’s office and tell them I was there to see Dr. Josephson for a regular follow up. The receptionist told me that Dr. Josephson had a mild heart attack the day before and that an associate of his Dr. Romano was taking his appointments. If I insisted, they could reschedule me, but not likely for another three months. She said Dr. Romano seemed very competent and had been well liked by the patients so far.

I didn’t really want to wait another three months, particularly since I wanted refills on a couple of prescriptions, so I said I’d see Dr. Romano. After waiting for about fifteen minutes, they measured my height and weight, then showed me back to one of the examination rooms. In a few minutes a nurse came in and took my pulse and blood pressure then used a peak flow meter to measure my maximum lung capacity, and told me Dr. Romano would be with me shortly.

A woman walked in the room and I figured she was a nurse or medical assistant, until she held out her hand and said, “Hi, I’m Dr. Romano.” I shook her hand as my eyes bugged out and my mouth gaped open. Dr. Romano appeared to be 25, about 5′ 6″ and perhaps 120 pounds. She had blonde hair in a should length bob, with a beautiful face, a trim figure and what looked like it might be C cup breasts, though it was hard to tell through her clothing.

She told me to sit down and sat in a chair near me, then began looking through my file. As we sat there, I blurted out, “You look too young to be a doctor.” She looked at me and smiled, then replied, “I’m much older than I look.” She resumed looking at my file, as I sat there wondering if she could be thirty, though honestly she didn’t look like she could be.

“Dare I ask how old you are?”

“About your age, actually.”

“There’s no way you could be a day over thirty.”

“There is, but it’s highly experimental, and rather risky. We tried early tests on lab animals and lost almost half of them in the tests. We’re doing much better now, which is why we’ve tried a very few tests on humans. I shouldn’t even be discussing it with you, though you would be a decent test subject.”


“You lost about a third of your lung capacity, apparently from growing up and living around smokers. Beyond that, you have some knee issues that impede you somewhat.”

“What does this treatment do?”

“We take DNA samples from the subject and use those to dope our drug. Then when we inject the drug, it causes the body to rebuild itself based on the original DNA. I had been in a car accident that took one lung, and damaged my kidney, spleen, and other things. I might not have lived for long without the treatment, but since I was on the research team, and was willing, I was the first human test subject.”

“And you’re my age?”

“I am. It restored my youth, and rebuilt my lung and other internal organs.”

“And it could do that for me?”

“It does not always have the expected reaction. In test animals, a few reacted very negatively. When we tried a second dose to repair any damage, those animals invariably died. Some died just with a first dose.”

“But you’ve done better with human subjects?”

“We’ve tried it on five humans. One of those died. We think we know why, but still it is risky.”

“But someone who was willing to take the risk?”

“You see a potential fountain of youth, and you’d love to regain that youth, as I managed to do.”

She looked at me, with a very slight smile. I was indeed thinking about regaining my lost youth, and maybe my lost lung power and get my knee fixed. “My parents are dead, I’m not married, and I have no children. I’m an independent contractor, so no one but me really cares whether I’m alive or dead. Give me a chance to get back what I’ve lost and I’d take it. What do I have to lose?”

She handed me a business card. “Think hard about it. If you still feel that way in a week, call me and we can talk further.”

She wrote me out a prescription for my regular medication. I asked, “Is there a chance I could talk to you sooner?”

“Give it a week and think very hard. I should also have mentioned besides one in five dying, one in five had a very unexpected and unwelcome result. We can’t guarantee any positive outcome.” She got up and shook my hand, then left.

I sat at home, drinking a beer and thinking. There was a 40% chance I’d be dead or fucked up, if I did this. There was also a 60% chance I’d be young and healthy. Besides which, I really wanted to spend more time with Dr. Romano. She was one of the hottest women beyoğlu escort that I knew, and this treatment was a chance to get somewhere with her – a slim chance no doubt, but a chance.

I waited a week, then called Dr. Romano about the experimental drug. A receptionist answered the call and I gave her my name and told her that I’d talked with the doctor. She said Dr. Romano was tied up but would call me back. It was several hours later before my phone rang. The caller ID said it was a ‘private caller’. I wasn’t sure if it was her, or a telemarketer, but I answered.

“This is Diane Romano. You called me about the research.”

“You mentioned it to me, when you were covering for Dr. Josephson. I’m one of his patients.”

“I really should not have mentioned it. The research is quite experimental and rather dangerous still.”

“What if I’m willing to take the risk?”

“You really should reconsider. The risks are considerable, including death and disability – far too great a chance of either for an otherwise healthy person.”

“I’ve already lost one third of my lung function, and as I age, it’s only going to get worse. And I have no close relatives. If that would give me the chance for a better life, I’m willing to take the risk.”

She said we could talk further at the clinic, and gave me the address. She said she could see me at 2pm the next day. I slept poorly that night, thinking about the potential benefits, the dangers, and the chance to see Dr. Romano again. I got up the next morning, did some contract work until about noon, then ate lunch and made my way to the clinic.

I got there about ten minutes before 2pm and told the receptionist that I had an appointment with Dr. Romano. She told me to take a seat then got on the phone. About two o’clock, she asked me to follow her and led me to a small office where Dr. Romano was sitting at a desk working. She showed me in the room and closed the door. Without looking up the doctor told me to have a seat. She continued to work for a few minutes on a laptop computer, before she closed it and looked at me.

“It’s Joe, isn’t it?”

“That’s right, doctor.”

“Please call me Diane.”

“Okay, Diane.”

“Look, I’m very enthusiastic about this work – much too enthusiastic really. I know the risks, along with the potential from my own experience. On a few occasions that’s led to me talking about it when I should have kept my mouth shut. I’ve been told so explicitly by our director of research, and my boss. It’s easy to see the possibility of regaining youth and physical vigor, and minimize the dangers in your own mind. That’s foolish and I’ve enabled that.”

“I understand the dangers. If I had a family or even a serious relationship, I’d never give it a second thought. I don’t though, and the potential for gain seems worth the risk.”

“We need to give you a thorough physical. You can then talk to the director. He will have the final decision.”

“Fair enough.”

I don’t think I’ve ever had so thorough a physical in my life. If there was anything whatsoever wrong with me, I think they knew it by the time that physical was over. At the end, I pretty much felt like I’d been run over by a train. After it was done, I sat down with Diane and her boss, Dr. Patel.

“Mr. Williams, you really should not be here. This is an early stage experimental test. We don’t have formal approval to even test it on human beings. We got wavers for a handful of people who would have died without the treatment, but for an otherwise healthy person, it is out of the question.”

“Do you really want me to go public with what you’re doing here?”

“No one would believe you.”

“Some would, and others would start to question. Do you want that sort of inquiry? I’d hate to do that to your research, but if you turn me away…”

We were sitting in a conference room with a number of windows. Dr. Patel got up and gestured for Diane to follow him, then asked me to wait. I could see them outside. Dr. Patel seemed very angry at Dr. Romano, and Diane was not taking it well. Dr. Patel seemed to do most of the talking for quite a while, then Diane made a few comments and they returned.

“All right, Mr. Williams, we will take you on as a test patient. You will have to sign a non-disclosure agreement. You’ll also have to indemnify us against either your death, or disability, or any other untoward results from the drug. When you begin treatment, you will be here for at least a week, so you need to make any necessary provisions for the necessary time. Can you be ready for treatment in one week?”

“That should be enough time. I’ll notify my employer that I won’t be available for at least one week.”

“Fine. We’ll see you back here one week from today, promptly at 8am. Dr. Romano will get the agreements for you to sign. She is a notary and will notarize your agreement. We got some DNA samples from your physical and will use those in the treatment we prepare for you.”

Dr. cihangir escort Patel got up and left, leaving Diane and I in the conference room alone.

“I’m sorry. I guess I got you in a lot of trouble.”

“I know the potential for this treatment, and I know we need a lot more testing to work out all the issues related to it. You know you could be killed by this. Dr. Patel would not kill you deliberately, but right now he wouldn’t be sorry if you died either.”

She took me back to her office and had me sign more documents than I’ve ever signed at one time in my life. At first I scanned them, but very quickly gave up and just signed them. It probably sounds stupid, but really, I already told them if it killed me it was okay. How much worse could it be than that?

One week later, I was back at the clinic. I wasn’t completely sure they wouldn’t close down and move, but they were where they had been. At 8 am on the dot, Dr. Romano came out and escorted me back to a room. She had me take off my clothes and put on a hospital gown, then lie down on a hospital transport bed. I was surprised that she was doing this, but she told me they were doing bare bones research and had only minimal staff.

“Once you get the treatment, you’ll be unconscious while your body rebuilds itself. It normally runs one to three days, though we had one very serious patient who was out for four days. After you wake, assuming you do, we’ll need to run all sorts of tests and diagnostics on you.”

“I’m ready.”

“We’ll put a feeding tube in your arm. We will also need to strap you down. We’ve had a few test subjects go into convulsions after treatment.”

Diane strapped me down to the bed and put a feeding tube in my arm. She then held up a syringe.

“This is the drug for your treatment. Are you really sure you want to go ahead with this? This is your last chance to back out.”

“Do it.”

She stuck the needle in my arm and injected the contents of the syringe into me, and I lost consciousness.

I woke up very woozy, to find I was still strapped down to the bed. As I came to consciousness, Diane came into the room.

“Don’t try to talk yet, and don’t try to move. Take a sip of this.”

She put a cup with a straw to my mouth and I sipped water. As I did, I realized just how dry my throat was. She was hovering over me with a very concerned expression.

“There was a problem with your treatment and you’ve been out for five days. I’m glad you’re back with us, but the results of the treatment are going to be very different from what you expected. We had an emergency patient arrive not long before you were treated. There was a lab mix up and you got the treatment that was meant for the other patient. You have health and you have youth, but at a cost you won’t like.”

“What…?” My voice sounded strange, higher pitched.

Diane took a deep breath and shook her head. “The other patient was a woman. The drug rebuilt your body all right, but into the body of a woman.”

“Oh my God. That can’t be. You have to undo this.”

“I told you up front that every test subject that was treated twice died. Every one. If we try to change you back, it will kill you, absolutely certainly.”

“I’m stuck this way?”

“You are. I’m very sorry. We made it clear that the treatment could kill, disable, or change you in ways you didn’t like. We’ll help you as best we can, but we can’t undo it.”

“Is that why I’m strapped down?”

“We couldn’t be sure that you wouldn’t hurt yourself or someone else. And you did have severe convulsions as your body was rebuilt. If it’s any consolation, you are a very beautiful woman.”

“Beats being an ugly hag, I guess, but that’s a small consolation.”

I craned my head and looked down my body as best I could. I could feel longer hair on my head and could see breasts poking up from my chest.

“If I promise to behave, will you unstrap me?”

“As long as you behave. We do need to give you another physical – very thorough.”

I nodded. Diane unloosened the straps and removed them. I sat up on the bed. As I did, I could feel my breasts, which had been somewhat flat on my chest drop down to a normal position. It felt very weird. I never felt my chest move like that before. And as I moved I could not feel a penis, which I was used to feeling as I moved about with little clothes. I slowly and gingerly swung around so my legs hung off the side of the bed.

“Can you stand?”

I stood up, though my legs felt a bit weak at first. As I moved, I could feel my boobs move and the feel was very disconcerting. Diane took my arm and helped me as I took a few tentative steps. With each step, I felt stronger and more self assured, though my body felt so very, very different.

“We never even realized this treatment could make this kind of change. I think we assumed it would kill the patient to treat them with someone else’s DNA – particularly across genders. okmeydanı escort For a couple of days, we weren’t sure you’d survive, but you hung on.”

“And the other patient?”

“She got the correct treatment, a bit later than she would have and has made a full recovery. I can let you meet her later, if you’d like. For now, we can let you wear something a little less revealing, but we need to check you out.”

She handed me a gown that at least covered my ass, unlike the standard backless gown. She helped me take off the backless gown and put on the other one. I got a good look at myself and my boobs as I changed. I was about 5’4″ and about 115 pounds. I had brown hair that came down to nearly my shoulders. I was surprised it had grown so long in five days, but I guess it was no less shocking than the rest. I had a nice trim figure and shapely hips, and my boobs had to be at least a C cup. I basically saw nothing but pubic hair in my crotch. If I’d had more time and Diane hadn’t been there, I’d have checked out my pussy, but was reluctant to do so now.

“Do you feel strong enough to walk, or should we use a wheelchair?”

“I feel better with each step, let’s walk.”

They poked and prodded me in more ways than I’d ever been before. Diane told me they needed to do a pelvic exam with a speculum and said Dr. Patel could do that. I asked her if she’s do that instead. She said she was no gynecologist, but I told her I was still uneasy about those body parts and would rather have a woman touch me there than a man.

“Hell. This is so new, I haven’t even seen or touched myself there yet.”

She smiled at me, and for just a second I thought she might kiss me, then she resumed her professional demeanor. She used a mirror during part of the exam so I could see myself and see what she was doing as she examined me. I could see her use the speculum to spread the lips of my pussy. It felt very strange to have something go into my body there and in that way. It was weird, but at the same time, it felt pleasurable. The fact that it was Diane touching me there seemed to make it more so.

“You have an intact hymen. I’m not surprised, it did that to me when I was treated. I guess there’s nothing quite like losing your virginity a second time, though it would be a lot different for you the second time, I guess.”

I think I blushed. Diane smiled and told me she now needed to do a digital examination as well. She pulled the speculum out of me. I could feel her fingers across my labia, gently stroking them and spreading the labia as she slid a finger inside me. I could feel myself getting wet down there as her finger explored the outer parts of my pussy. It was all I could do to keep from gasping and panting as she did. She finished her exploration and pulled her finger out, which was a little disappointing, but them this was supposed to be a medical exam, not something truly intimate.

Diane told me that the tests showed that I had ovaries and a uterus and that everything connected up right. She also said their DNA tests showed I now had XX sex chromosomes in each of the cell samples they tested. I was now fully and truly a woman.

“I feel responsible for what happened to you. If I hadn’t mentioned the treatment to you, you’d never have insisted on it and never have ended up like this.”

I wasn’t quite sure what to say. I knew for sure I had a woman’s body, but I still didn’t feel like a woman. When I looked in the mirror, I saw a very beautiful sexy woman, but that didn’t feel like me.

“Look, it’s going to take some time for you to get used to living as a woman. We want to run a lot more tests, which will take several more days, but that doesn’t mean you have to stay here every minute. If you’d like, you can stay with me. I can show you a bit about living as a woman, and bring you back here for tests each day. And honestly, I want to keep an eye on you and make sure you’re handling this okay.”

“I’d be staying with you?”

“I have a little one bedroom apartment, not too far from here. We’d have to share a bed, but it is king size.”

A week or two before, I’d have loved nothing more than to share a bed with this woman, and now she was offering exactly that. Yes, now I was a woman, and I didn’t know how much of a difference that would make to her. Would I turn down a chance to share a bed with her? No way.

Diane told me she cleared it with Dr. Patel and said she had some clothes that would fit me. Obviously the clothes I wore to the clinic wouldn’t do any longer. She brought a bag with some clothing into the room, then told me to take off my robe. Oddly, I felt a little shy at that. Yes, she’d had her finger up my pussy during my gynecological exam, but somehow this seemed less clinical and more personal.

“Let’s get you cleaned up too.”

She had me lie down while she shaved my legs and underarms. She trimmed the hair around my pubes, but didn’t shave it. Diane pulled a pretty pair of lacy pink panties out of the bag and gave them to me to put on. I slid them on, but almost felt more exposed than when I was naked. She then handed me a lacy pink bra that matched the panties. I put my arms through it and Diane helped me fasten it in back. She then gave me a form fitting, knee length black skirt to put on. I looked at the skirt and looked at her.

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Fantasies Ch. 2

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A few days later my friend Jason called. He was the one who had introduced me to Amanda. After the usual Hi’s and pleasantries he told me his reason for calling.

“This is a bit awkward,” he said. “‘Cause I don’t know if you go for this kind of thing, but Amanda’s been asking about you. She says she’d like to get to know you better.”

“In what way?” I ask, though his voice was dripping with innuendo.

“Well I think we’re talking about something other than friendship,” he stated, “that’s the impression I got, although she didn’t actually say that herself.”

We chatted about it a while longer and I explained that although I’d never walked that path before I wanted to try, and that I did kind of have the hots for her. We agreed that he should give her my number, said goodbye and hung up.

I leaned back on the couch rehashing all my fantasies of the last few days; I’d never fantasized about real people before, only ones I invented. The thought of actually enacting these fantasies made my pussy come alive, soaking the crotch of my jeans instantly. I headed towards the bathroom, deciding that I really should trim my pubic hair again in case there was any action in the next few days. As I was about to step into the shower the phone rang. I sighed and headed naked towards the phone. As I answered I heard a woman’s voice shyly saying…

“Hi, is this Kat?”

“This is she” I responded. It was her. Her voice sent shivers down my spine and my free hand automatically headed for my pussy as I fingered myself while we talked.

“Hi, this is Amanda…” she hesitated, as if unsure of what to say next. “I… I’ve never done this before” she stammered. “But I was wondering if you wanted to get together sometime?”

“Get kağıthane escort together??” I asked.

“Yeah, for coffee or something.”

“Sure,” I said, realizing I had probably just passed the point of no return.

We arranged to meet at a local coffee shop that very evening. We said goodbye and I checked the clock. It was 3pm, I had five hours to prepare myself. I had no idea if she intended anything to happen that night, but I figured it was best to be ready. I jumped into the shower and shaved my legs, trimming more than usual along my bikini line. I wanted to look real good. I selected my outfit… Tight black jeans, no panties, I’ve never really felt a need to wear panties, A lacy black bra and a black velvet top. I finished off the ensemble with Black lace up boots and dark glasses. I checked myself in the mirror, I looked pretty good, I just hoped she liked black.

At 8pm I strutted into the coffee shop. Amanda was already there, I joined her at her table, and then went to grab a coffee. The evening got off to a flying start, we chatted, small talk at first, then we discovered we both had a liking for vampires. Eventually the talk turned personal. I found out that she’d never been with a woman either, but was also bi-curious. As the conversation hotted up I felt the sexual tension between us increasing. As the coffee shop closed I invited her back to my place for… what else… Coffee. It was a really silly suggestion and she picked up on my mistake immediately. It was obvious neither of us had any intention of drinking more coffee that evening.

As we arrived at my house I set the mood with soft lighting and grabbed a bottle of wine from the fridge, pulling off my levent escort boots to ease my aching feet. We settled down on the sofa and soon the conversation turned to my video collection. I mentioned that I owned some porn and we threw one in the video player. As the movie started her hand rested lightly on my thigh and we shifted closer together. We drained our wine and turned our attention to the TV.

To fit with the mood of the evening I’d put a lesbian video on. There were three women fondling, sucking and licking each others chest. Hands wandering everywhere. I glanced at Amanda and felt the ache that had arisen in my loins increasing. I could see her nipples standing to attention beneath her flimsy black shirt. She looks up and catches me watching her. The movie is forgotten as we slowly move together for a passionate and lingering kiss.

For a few minutes our tongues entwine, then we part and look at each other. Having a silent conversation with our eyes, as we agree to proceed. Her hand begins to rub my crotch as I unbutton her shirt, revealing a red lace bra. I remove her shirt and my hands travel sensually over her body, finally coming to rest on her pert bosom as we kiss passionately again. I feel for her nipples through the fabric as I began to kiss her ear and nibble gently on her neck. She removes my shirt, momentarily removing my hands from her breasts so I lower my head and suckle on her nipples, gently ant first, then harder, as she lets out small gasps of pleasure. Her hands found my erect nipples and returned the favour.

We spent hours on the couch, exploring each others bodies with our hands and mouths, but both hesitant to move further. We kissed licked sucked and nibbled şişli escort every exposed inch. Eventually I decided to take the next step. I laid her on the floor and began to give her a back rub, sitting on her butt I massaged her shoulders, gradually moving down her back. Slowly I moved myself backwards until I was kneeling over her knees. I began to massage her butt cheeks and the backs of her thighs, gradually sliding my hands further underneath her skirt, pushing it up at the same time. I run my hands over her inner thighs, she gasps as I brush lightly against her panty clad pussy lips. She wriggles underneath me and turns over onto her back. I push her skirt up more and remove her red lace panties. She sits up wrapping her arms around me and kisses me deeply, our tongues dancing in the darkness. I stood up and offered her my hand, pulling her to her feet I lead her to the bedroom.

We kiss again and she kicks off her shoes. I unzip her skirt, sliding it down she steps out of it. On my knees in front of her I look up to see her shaven lips in front of me, glistening with wetness. I lower her to the bed and she lies back, I pull her forward to the edge of the bed, and dip my head forward toward her sweet aroma. I slide my finger along her slit and raise it to my lips, savoring my first taste of her sweet nectar.

As my tongue explored her hidden assets each gasp and moan that escaped her lips heightened my desire. I flickered my tongue across her erect clit, occasionally dipping into her for another taste. I began to suckle on the hardened nub and gently slid a finger into her as her moans increased and her hips began to buck wildly towards my eager mouth. I slid a second finger into her dripping hole, and sucked harder as she raised her hips, violently grinding herself into my face as wave after wave of pleasure ran through her body.

I joined her on the bed as she kissed me deeply, we curled up together and fell asleep. We awoke shortly after and she returned the pleasures. Needless to say neither of us got much sleep that night.

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Fiery Passion

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Editor’s note: this submission contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sexual situations.

Hello, my lovelies! I am so sorry I have been away for so long. Trust me, it was not by choice. I have been working on multiple stories and just when I thought I would finish one this one came to me and would not leave me alone until I wrote it. It is short and sweet, of course (emphasis on the short). I got inspiration from all of the old romance novels I grew up reading. Please enjoy and leave comments!

XOXO SkylerLuv


I promised myself I would not cry. And yet here I am, unable to stop the tears from spilling onto my white gloves. Beatrice looks apologetic but she knows there is little that she can do. Nothing she says will change where we are headed and where my life is hurling towards. The tears continue to fall, reminding me I still have much, much further to go. This is not even the beginning.

The carriage bounces at the same stuttering speed it has been since the beginning of our journey. If I had motion sickness, I would have been in my own personal Hell. Small blessings, I suppose.

William. I know his Christian name. I know he is well respected, with enough money to buy me. No, he did not purchase me. My father assured me it was best for my future. With the amount of money and land that he has I should never want for anything. It must be more money than all of my other suitors back home combined. It felt like my parents were trying to get rid of me but the tears in their eyes were a small comfort. They would miss me as much as I missed them. This is what is best for me, my mother said once or twice. I cannot stay at home forever. I was introduced to society and it is time for the next chapter of my life.

I bite my lip to stop the sobs that are trying to escape. I can do this. I have to do this. I have no choice. Closing my eyes, I lean my head back in hope of getting some rest. I know sleep will not come. We have been traveling for hours. We are about to reach our first destination where we will stay at a small inn and then continue traveling tomorrow until we get to my new home. How can it be my home when I have never been there? I will not know anyone there. Beatrice will be the only person who I will be able to confide in. As much as I can confide in a personal maid.

The sting of leaving my childhood home would be less painful if it was not so far away. I would not be able to visit my friends and family as much as I would wish. Will William let me make monthly visits? What does he expect of me? I hope not anything I cannot give him. Per my father, they met a reputable gentleman’s club. William was searching for a wife, his need to carry down his name almost as persistent as my need to stay rooted at home.

I like my own solitude, preferring to be alone then in the presence of others. Reading in my mother’s garden, walking along the pound in our backyard as I did some self-reflection, crying when I an upset in the sanctuary of my own room. These were now times that I would have to share with another and the thought displeases me. I know I will not disobey my future husband. I will bow my head and be a dutiful wife just like I am now being a dutiful daughter. And just like how I have been practicing since I was very little, I try to control my emotions before they get the best of me.

A sharp gasp makes me sit up. I turn to look at Beatrice wondering what caused her to make such a noise. The carriage comes to an abrupt halt. My hands come out to stop me from falling over. She peaks her head out the window but quickly cowers far back in her seat. Her face is as white as my gloves. Her round brown eyes look like they are about to pop out of her head. Her shaky finger comes up to her lips indicating that I should stay silent.

My heart beats at an alarming rate but I do as she says. All thoughts of Wilandale and my old home cease. I move to look out the window but she catches my arm and gives me a warning look. For someone who is younger than me, Beatrice is more like a guardian than any personal maid I’ve had in the past. One reproachful look and I know to sit still.

“We are only passing through.” I hear Peter yell out. There is a quiver in his tone.

Suddenly the carriage doors are ripped open and I jump back. The sunlight floods the inside of the carriage, blinding me from seeing anything beyond the threshold. Beatrice screams fill the space as two large hands reach in to drag her out. I silently grab her arm, trying to pull her back in. My mind is empty of thoughts, my body is trying to be useful to her even if my mouth does nothing. In the process of trying to keep her inside I am pulled out as well.

We both land on the dirt road and scramble back to put some distance between us and them. We hold on to each other and lean back against one of the carriage’s wheel.

The first person I see is a man almost as big as an ox. Much taller than an ox. His shoulders are wide and all he is wearing is some animal fur on to cover his private parts. My taksim escort hand comes up to my chest as I try to control my breathing. I have never seen so much exposed skin in my life.

“Move.” Someone orders.

Once he steps away a smaller figure appears. I say smaller because she is not as tall or as strong as the man now standing next to us but she is not small.

Like her partner she is only wearing enough to cover her breast and the lower part of her body. Her arms, legs, and stomach are exposed. She has one side of her black mane cut close to her scalp. The rest of her hair, which comes up to her shoulders, is covered with strands wrapped in colorful string and feathers. Once my eyes land on her face I gasp. Her face has rough edges, making her look more like a boy than a girl. There are scars on her cheeks and some look intentional. Her eyes are black and soulless. Only after she meets my eyes does she speak again.

“Tie him up, bring them.” She points at Beatrice and me with a thick, wooden, arrow she is holding. It has similar colored feathers from her hair around the tip.

She turns away as the others do her bidding.

All the people with her are dressed the same. Minimal coverings. They all have white paint on their russet skin. Intricate lines one either their faces, backs, or arms. Their heads are shaved, save a small section or a large one enough to decorate with colorful feathers or string. I do not notice any other female in the group. None of them have a definable expression on their face.

Beatrice begins to weep and I grab her hand. I am surprised my tears have stopped but I do not question it. I need to stay alert. The large man grabs us both by the arms and makes us stand. He ties our hands with thick rope, one behind the other. I look back and see them tying Peter to a tree.

“What is going to happen to him?” I ask.

I can’t take my eyes away from Peter. I hope the large man knows I’m talking to him.

“An animal will probably eat him.” He grunts.

My stomach tightens and I turn away to relieve everything that was in it. It finally dawns on me what we have gotten ourselves into.


When I think back to the lessons about this land, I remember my tutor briefly going over the section about its inhabitants. The Morzan tribe, if I remember correctly. I was not paying much attention then. My mind was more focused on where I was going to go play after the lesson. I never thought I would encounter one. I never thought I would be on foreign land. I ignore the pulsing in my temples and try to remember any details about this tribe. Maybe I am not thinking of the right people anyways. But I have to try. My mind flashes through multiple lessons. They keep to themselves and do not bother anyone unless they are bothered first. That is somewhat helpful. But then again, they did just kidnap us. I remember something else: they are not friendly to outsiders. I try to wreck my brain for any useful information that I might remember but nothing else comes to mind.

I would have never crossed this path if I had known they were there. Why would Peter even think of it? Oh, Peter. My stomach tightens again. I then start to think about the implications of our kidnapping. We will never get to Wilandale, they will assume we are dead, my parents will think something terrible happened. A tear slips down my face, they will be devastated. I do not know how they will handle the news. How long will it take for them to get the word?

We have been walking for miles. My shoes are every bit as uncomfortable as I expected them to be for the amount of traveling on foot we have been forced to endure. The uneven ground makes them rub up against the blisters that have formed. The only thing keeping me going is Beatrice walking silently behind me. Only once did I slip and almost fall. The ogre looked back as if he was losing his patience. I didn’t want to give him a reason to be angry with me so I kept walking even when I wanted to stop.

Did they really travel this far only to stumble upon us as we crossed their land? It is a long walk. I thought their village would be nearby. It is very odd they found us when they did. Maybe they were hunting. Maybe they make it a habit to wait for people to come through that road to kidnap them as well. A shiver goes down my spine thinking of all of the ones that didn’t make it out alive.

The sweat trickling down my scalp does nothing to cool me from the blistering heat. The layers of clothing make it even more suffocating walk. My mouth feels like it is filled with enough cotton to make a stuffed doll. Just when I am about to ask for water, the trees in front of us begin to clear and a small village appears.

Everyone in the village stops to stare at us. I feel my cheeks heat up and lower my gaze. From my peripheral vision I notice everyone is still not moving. The women and men are all frozen to get a glimpse of the newly captured women. The houses are made of hand chopped wood, dirt, and etiler escort leaves, there are children running around naked, skinned animals are hanging by their feet. I almost run into the ogre when he stops abruptly. Beatrice yanks me back against her.

“You have done well.” An ancient voice says. I shift to look around the man in front of me and see an older man with gray hair and a band around his head staring at us. He has large feathers coming out of the headband, they are beautiful and intimidating at the same time. Though his words are praising the group, he does not look happy. He actually looks displeased. “Take them to Tula’s house and make sure they are given something to eat.”

When he bows his head, everyone begins to move again. With eyes shifted away from us I feel more comfortable to get a better look around the place. It is small. There are only about a dozen houses or so. Their leader has the biggest one by far, right at the edge of the village. There are only trees surrounding the area, no big wall, nothing to deter people from coming in. Who in their right mind would end up here? I hear a river nearby and I am reminded again that I am thirsty. At least he promised food. They seem to have a system in place. Some are washing their clothing, others preparing meals, and the rest are building things or planning things. I guess I expected chaos. What I did not expect was to be kidnapped and then offered food.

The girl leading this small group knocks on a wooden door before us. An elderly woman opens the door. The girl bows and whispers something, the woman nods and opens her door further. Only the girl, the ogre, Beatrice and I go in. Everyone else stays out. The door shuts behind us and we’re in a semi-lit place. There is a fire in the corner and some light coming from in between the wood used to build this place. There is not much inside. Some benches, two separate rooms, utilities for a small kitchen but not much else. I finally get a good look at the woman who lives here. She is wearing a long white cloth to cover herself up. Her long black hair is parted down the middle but there are some strands of gray mixed in. She doesn’t have many wrinkles. Her skin is as dark as the rest.

“Untie them, they are guests in this house.” She does not sound happy.

“Yes, Aunt Tula.” The girl comes up to us and unties the knots. She doesn’t look at me or Beatrice.

“You know I disapprove of this. But I do not have the final say so, I can only do what I think is best on my end.” She turns to a room across from the kitchen and raises her voice slightly. “Kat, come help me get dinner set up for our guest.”

A younger girl, probably a little younger than me walks out. She is taller than her mother. The resemblance is uncanny. From the hair being parted down the middle to the roundness of their dark eyes. Her face is still full as if she was a babe. Her eyes widen when she takes a good look at us. She gives us a friendly smile and bows.

I turn to Beatrice who is also watching their every move.

“May I please have some water?” I exhale slowly. I need to sit, and eat, and drink. I have never gone through something so rigorous in my life.

The girl with led our kidnapping comes to stand in front of me and frowns. “You do not speak to Aunt Tula unless she speaks to you.”

“Mila, she can speak to me how she pleases. It is not her fault she is here.” The aunt places a hand on her shoulder but the girl, Mila, is still frowning at me.

“Please, come have a seat at our table. I will get you some water, and my daughter, Kat, will get you some food. Mila, you and Somi are welcomed to stay and join us for dinner.”

“We have to go back and meet with the elders. Thank you anyways, Aunt Tula.” She leaves without another word. I feel like weight has been lifted from my shoulders. She intimidates me, I do not like her.

Beatrice grabs my hand and leads me to the table. Once I am seated, she bends down and begins to remove my shoes.

“In this house, everyone is treated equal.” The older woman stares down and Beatrice and raises an eyebrow.

Beatrice bows her head and stops what she is doing. “I have been taking care of her since I can remember. She is hurting and I have to help her.”

“She can take care of herself. If she needs our help, she will let us know.” Tula hands me a wooden cup with water.

“Thank you.” I help Beatrice sit next to me. I don’t know what to think. I never thought I treated Beatrice like a slave, but I guess I am used to her doing a lot for me. The older women used the word ‘our’ and ‘us’ including herself. I am expected to ask her for help? Does that include helping us escape?

Kat sets plates in front of us and we sit in silence as they bow their heads and say a silent prayer.

I don’t begin to eat until Tula does. The food is delicious. I don’t know what type of meat it is but the spices in it are like nothing I have ever tasted before. I eat without stopping until my bowl is empty. Kat can’t beşiktaş escort take her eyes away from us. They are big and curious. Unlike Mila’s dark eyes, Kat has an innocent look. She watches the way we eat, how we sit, and what we are wearing.

“So, would you like to give me your name?” Tula asks when she finishes her food.

“I am Corine, this is Beatrice.” I say before taking another sip of water.

“Thank you.” Tula bows her head. She then gets up and motions for us to do the same.

She leads us to the same room Kat came out of. “I know this is not much but you will be staying here with us.” There are three cots in the tight space. “I will let you ladies get some rest. Tomorrow Kat will show you everything you need to know about ways and the next day you will be assigned your duties.”

My eyes widen. Duties? For people who have been kidnapped this is going a lot differently than I expected.

Once we are alone Beatrice comes to stand behind me. “Let me help you get out of this dress.”

“Just unbutton it please, I will do the rest.” I don’t want Tula coming back in and seeing Beatrice acting like my maid again. She does not take any nonsense and has treated us with kindness. If I want to stay on anyone’s good side it will be hers.

That night I twist and turn, unable to go into a deep slumber until the sun begins to rise.


“Miss, you’re leaning to close!” Beatrice grabs my arm and I jump back.

We’re by the river now. Kat woke us up very early in the morning and showed us around the village before anyone was awake. With the lack of sleep, it was hard to keep up. All I could think about was getting back on that cot and never waking up.

She explained that they each have assigned duties that change every so often and we are expected to help them here during our stay. I wanted to ask her if she knew how long we would be here but I didn’t want to overstep. Like her mother, she has been kind to us since we got here. She went by each house explaining who lived there and what they did. I was very surprised to hear that some women go hunting alongside the men. They are not automatically expected to clean or cook but are given the choice to do what they think they will help the village the most. Mila’s house is not far from Tula’s. I made a note to stay away from there.

We’re now looking down at the river with a very strong current. The water is somewhat murky but looks inviting. I was just debating about throwing myself in when Beatrice pulled me back. Even if we haven’t been beaten or mistreated, I do not want to wait around until it happens. I also want to go back and let my parents know I am still alive. They won’t know about our kidnapping until days from now. We were expected to get to our destination in three days. A lot can happen in three days. My life changed in a matter of seconds yesterday.

I look at my surroundings trying to gauge where we are. Even if I could run away, I wouldn’t know in what direction. But we have to get out of here soon. I have to make sure Beatrice is ready for that too. With enough time I can somehow make it back to my parents and avoid having them fret over me. Maybe Kat can help.

“Kat, what river is this?” I try to keep my tone light.

“The Rondon River.” She comes closer to us. “If you go against the current it will take you back to the main roads.” She points up the river.

My mouth drops and she sighs. Why is she willing to give us information like that? Is this a trap?

“Although I wouldn’t suggest trying to escape. Mila will take it personally and if she finds you…I just think you should follow our rules while you are here.”

Beatrice grabs my hand for comfort. “Are we able to shower in this river?”

Kat smiles and pulls out something small from her bag. “That is why I ended the tour here.” She hands Beatrice a bar of soap. “No one should be coming around here anytime soon, so you can wash in peace.”

“Out here?” I am incredulous. “Surely you have a designated place to shower at?”

She snickers. “Yes, but it is a bathhouse. One for the men and another for the woman, you will have more privacy here.”

I bite my lip. I have layers of dirt on my skin and would like to wash it all away. But I don’t know how to swim and it looks deep.

“You can use one of my stockings as a washcloth for you, miss, then you do not have to fully undress and still get clean.”

“No, it is fine, Beatrice. We should shower and make it quick.” I turn so she can unbutton my dress

Kat turns away as we begin to disrobe. Once I am completely naked, I dip a toe in the water and jump back. “That is freezing!”

“Just wait until the sun is beating down on you all day. You will wish you were in this freezing water.” Kat giggles.

Inch my inch Beatrice and I go into the water until it reaches our hips.

“Do you-” Kat’s eyes widen as she turns around to look at us. I lean all the way down so the water is covering me whole. I hiss as the coldness wraps around my body from the neck down.

Beatrice stays standing and allows Kat’s eyes to roam all over here. Beatrice is used to sharing her shower with the rest of the maids back home. I am sure she does not think anything by it. Kat blushes and turns around again. “Sorry, I should have made sure you were covered.”

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Epiphany Ch. 01

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It has been nearly 2600 years since the Science Institute discovered a genetic mutation which was reoccurring at an unnatural rate. Genetic mutations are one in a million deviations of the normal genetic code of life. Most are one of a kind and unnoticeable, others result in dangerous defects within the organism they occur, but some are much more profound. Changes over millions of years due to genetic deviation are the natural cycle of evolution. But this mutation is repeating much too frequently to be considered natural.

The Singula have managed reproduction with genetic engineering for over four millennia in order to ensure healthy, productive, and socially accepted additions to the community. Through the Collection Ceremony, genetic material was drawn from the parents and skill strands were incorporated into the sample based on what professions the parents wished the child to be qualified to pursue. Markers for hair color and type, facial features, and physical attributes, such as size and build, were then combined with the selected skill strands into a fertilized ovum. The Collection Ceremony climaxes with the Planting of the fertilized ovum into the mother.

During Collection Ceremonies it was discovered the marker for gender selection had mutated in one out of every 4761 individuals. Only the marker which produced a female birth was present. This, over time, will result in the slow extinction of a species. The investigations which followed would later determine that this was much more than a random mutation, but an engineered virus designed to wage war on a people from across the galaxy. The Science Institute assigned many different names to the anomaly, but over the centuries, the slang reference “Arch-Virus” has become the accepted name.

Advancements in genetic engineering have provided a relative carefree existence for the last 1200 years. Diseases have been rendered ineffective due to the development of disease resistant immune systems and cloning techniques have extended life spans to over 200 years, all a benefit from the research surrounding the Arch-Virus. Early hypotheses sought to blame the Arch-Virus on hundreds of years of genetic engineering, but this would eventually pass. Even though quarantine efforts were made to contain the Arch-Virus, the frequency of male births slowed until the last was born six generations ago. The same genetic engineering that was first blamed for causing the Arch-Virus eventually saved the Singula from extinction by providing a means of reproduction in the absence of man.

Space exploration found worlds devoid of humanoid life with evidence it once flourished upon them. Dozens of planets, once full of diverse cultures, spot the galaxy as reminders of forgotten civilizations. Analyzing fossilized remains from each world finds traces of the Arch-Virus. The Space Surveillance and Exploration Consortium (SSEC) have been plotting the origins of the Arch-Virus. The trail of destruction can be tracked through the Singulus System, passing through the two closest systems. Presumably one before and one after since the Singulus System lies between them, but it is unclear which system was affected first. A thirty-one week journey takes you to the Pantylus System which was once the home to a fierce warrior race. Scientists’ best guess is the populations of the Pantylus System went extinct over 10,000 years ago. In the other direction, the Topelius Sector is a twelve week space flight. Topelius 2 was found with only primitive plant life. Little evidence remains of the humanoid culture once dominant there, but it too seems to have died out over 8,000 years ago. Beyond the Topelius Sector, the route splits into two directions toward some of the densest star systems in the galaxy.

Expedition Forces of the SSEC are traveling in all three directions in search of evidence…

Chapter One

The Space Surveillance and Exploration Consortium (SSEC) command and control center, located in the Aphrodys Region, houses the key officials charged with unlocking the origins of the Arch-Virus. Executive Tianna Assmay is the SSEC’s third headmistress since the Science Institute authorized its creation 392 years ago. The Consortium is a collection of privately operated Intelligence, Manufacturing, and Research firms utilizing their resources to develop technologies vital to the investigation into the origin of the Arch-Virus. Although a private entity, the SSEC is tightly controlled by the Oversight Council…

Senior Administrative Aid, Labria Delatha, softly knocks on the door leading to Executive Tianna’s private bath chamber. Nervously waiting for Tianna’s response, she debates whether to open the door or wait for her to acknowledge the knock. This is the first time since she was appointed to her position two months ago she has needed to intrude on the Executive. After another moment of waiting, Labria takes a deep breath, and gently pushes the door open just enough to peek around the door. Seeing no sign of the Executive, she pushes the door the rest of the way open and slowly walks around the corner to find Tianna stepping out of the shower.

Tianna exits her large shower and takes a towel off its hook next to the shower opening. She leans forward so that her shoulder escort bayan kağıthane length crimson hair is only a foot or so off the ground and tightly wraps the towel around it to draw the moisture out. After just a moment, she unwraps her hair and with a quick snap stands upright flipping her hair out of her eyes. The forceful motion sends a ripple through her body causing her ample breasts to bounce and muscular ass to shake. Aware her Senior Aid is thoroughly inspecting her muscular body, she asks “Do you have a reason for interrupting my shower”. Labria doesn’t respond, too shocked by the vision before her. Tianna insinuates, “If I didn’t know better I might think you are in here to watch me in the shower.” Shocked and embarrassed, Labria tries to play down in fact; she was staring at Tianna’s body. Her face has turned a light shade of pink from her embarrassment, but her rock hard nipples poking through her uniform top reveals her true feelings. Since the bath chamber is warm and steam filled, the only explanation for her erect nipples is that of arousal.

Stumbling over her words, Labria finally utters the words “Central Counselor”. This draws a quick glance from Tianna, wanting to know what her Senior Aid means. Labria finds a small amount of composure, allowing her to say “Central Councilor Lilith Sapph is on the Holo-Array asking to speak with you”.

Tianna, now the one searching for some composure, tells Labria to quickly get her another towel because the one she has is already soaking wet. As Labria turns around with the fresh towel, Tianna tosses the wet towel to her, simultaneously grabbing the dry one from her hands. The soaked towel hits Labria across her full chest and the moisture quickly soaks through her top turning the white micro-fiber uniform top transparent. If that wasn’t bad enough, micro-fiber uniforms also shrink quite a bit when wet. Tianna watches in anticipation as the buttons on her Aid’s micro-fiber uniform top pull against one another. The micro-fiber material stretches, revealing a hint of the firm orbs about to break free, and just then Labria’s firm breasts explode out of her uniform. This abrupt release forces her breasts through a series of bounces. Grabbing at her chest to control the movement produces the unintentional sensation of pleasure as her still rock hard nipples roll across her fingers. Nearing a state of panic, Labria franticly asks “How am I going to address the Central Councilor? I don’t have a spare uniform top and I can’t wear one of yours!” Each position within the SSEC requires a different uniform color. Wearing a uniform color or type above your rank is a serious regulation violation.

Tianna hands Labria a towel and says, “Calm down. Everything will be fine. Use this towel to cover yourself and make up an excuse if the Councilor inquires about your uniform malfunction”. As Labria reluctantly makes her way to her office, Tianna shouts, “Ask the Councilor if she would permit me to contact her once I have had the time to dry off and get dressed. I’m sure she will, so hurry. I need your assistance in getting ready.” Labria nods and continues toward her office, keeping the towel close to her chest.

Labria activates the Holo-Array Emitter and takes her seat to address the Central Councilor. She is not receiving a signal from the Councilor’s Emitter, but her control panel indicates the two Holo-Arrays are still connected. The Councilor must have turned off the Emitter while she was waiting. It isn’t until this moment that she glances down and realizes Tianna has given her a hand towel and it is not large enough to completely cover her ample breasts. In the midst of her fuming, a voice interrupts her ardent thoughts and her attention jumps back to her duties. The Central Councilor’s Attendant, Toriale Tribade, answers the communication with an aroused “My, My, My, I must have pleased someone important recently. I didn’t realize you’re ‘features’ where so luscious.”

“Not now, Tori, I don’t have time for your perversions. Where is Central Councilor Sapph? I asked her to wait while I retrieved Executive Assmay for her,” Labria franticly states.

“The Councilor asked me to hold the connection until you or the Executive came back. I’ll transfer your signal to her Emitter in a little bit, but I’m not letting you off the hook that easy. You owe me an explanation. I desperately need to know what happened to you’re uniform top,” inquires Toriale.

“I’m in a huge hurry right now, Tori, the Executive is waiting for me to return. Please, just transfer me to the Councilor. I really need to get back to Tianna,” states Labria.

“OK. OK. I’ll transfer you…after you drop the towel. I just have to see the rest of those scrumptious looking tits,” demands Toriale.

“What! You want me to do what,” questions Labria?

“I want you to lower the towel, sit up straight in your chair, cup the bottom of your tits, and gently squeeze. Squeeze your tits and run your fingers across your nipples until they get nice and hard. Oh, and close your eyes. That is what I want you to do until I tell you to stop,” states Toriale.

“You want me to close my eyes, drop my towel, and fondle by breasts? Sure, and when I open my eyes you will have transferred me to escort bayan beyoğlu the Councilor. I don’t think so,” replies Labria.

“You don’t have much choice. I will not transfer you to the Councilor until you do what I’ve asked. If it makes you feel better, lock your console to keep us connected. That way the only way the Councilor could see you would be if she were watching with me, and that isn’t very likely,” proposes Toriale.

Labria is stunned. She just sets there with her mouth wide open. After locking the console as Toriale suggested, she looks around her office and drops her head. Looking down at her hand towel covered chest and then back up to Toriale’s image displayed by the Holo-Array Emitter, she says “You better not be recording this! I’ve begun scrambling this signal anyway, just in case.” With a frustrated sigh, she slowly lowers the hand towel into her lap. Watching, as Toriale’s eyes widen, Labria scoots up in her chair and gently palms each of her massive breasts lifting them slightly. As waves of embarrassment and then excitement overtake her better judgment, she closes her eyes and begins to squeeze. She moves her fingers up and over her nipples, allowing each fingertip to apply a light flick until both nipples are rock hard. She opens her eyes and drops her hands into her lap which gives her massive chest a nice bounce. “Are you happy now,” asks Labria?

Much to Labria’s surprise, the image being displayed by her Holo-Array Emitter is that of Toriale fondling her own breasts. She is beyond stunned as she watches the Central Councilor’s attendant unfasten the buttons of her micro-fiber uniform top and expose her own chest. Labria knows she should look away but for some reason she cannot. The earlier waves of excitement have returned but this time embarrassment is absent. Hoping to speed things along, Labria proposes, “Please, Tori, transfer me to the Central Councilor and I promise we will continue this another time.”

“Not yet, you aren’t playing by my rules. I didn’t tell you to stop or open your eyes. Keep going until I tell you to stop this time,” demands Toriale as she slides her uniform top off her shoulders.

“You better hurry; you don’t want to keep Executive Assmay waiting too long. Go on, close your eyes and get to playing with your tits.”

“One last time, Tori, and you can forget my offer to continue this another time,” shouts Labria! She closes her eyes and places her hands back on her breasts. Squeezing and manipulating each globe with haste she hears Toriale moan. As the moans become more sensual, Labria cannot fight the urge to peek any longer. Her eyes open slightly to find Toriale leaning back in her chair vigorously masturbating. Labria tries to hide her surprise but her eyes are drawn to Toriale’s right hand, rapidly forcing at least two fingers in and out of her sex. Her facial expression must have changed, because her Holo-Array playmate became aware she was being watched.

“Well, it seems I’m not the only one doing a little watching. I wasn’t sure if you were going to enjoy our activity or not. It has been rumored you don’t play with others, but maybe that rumor is false. Are you sure we can’t finish this another time, in person maybe,” quipped Toriale.

“I don’t play with others! Playing with others and letting you masturbate to my bare bosom are two very different…activities. This is over, transfer me to the Councilor at once,” demands Labria as she scoops the hand towel from her lap and drapes it back over her chest as best she can. “I can’t believe I let you manipulate me like this. You have sunk to a new low, Tori.”

“Thank you, Labria, I do aim to please,” laughed Toriale. “I’ll transfer you now. Oh, and I can’t wait to…see…you again.”

Labria leans forward and unlocks the emitter console. The image of Toriale fades out, and after a brief wait, the image of the Central Councilor appears before her. It isn’t the Councilor, though, it is a previously recorded hold screen image of the Councilor asking whoever is viewing to please wait and the ‘Central Councilor of the Singula’ will be with you momentarily. Labria finds herself still somewhat shaken from her activities with Toriale. She is unsure what possessed her to even participate with the whole episode but she can’t help but feel her anxiety from unexpectedly becoming topless played a role in participation.

The hold screen image flickers and Labria suddenly realizes that the Central Councilor has activated her own emitter and is receiving the Aid’s image. She quickly glances at her chest to make sure she is as covered as she can be and addresses the Councilor, “I apologize deeply, Central Councilor Sapph, for making you wait. Executive Assmay was in her private bath chamber taking a shower when you called, and as you can see, my efforts to inform her has resulted in my uniform top getting wet. To keep you from waiting any longer, Executive Assmay wishes to contact you a short time later so she may finish drying off and get dressed”.

The Councilor sets silently in her chair, taking in the view of Labria’s firm breasts. Since the hand towel is not large enough to cover both breasts and the slightest motion reveals most of one breast. The silence is unnerving to Labria and it is causing her to nervously fidget in front of the Councilor. Trying to mask more than her breasts, Labria is unaware the motions of the hand towel are keeping her nipples hard and adds very noticeable protrusions from behind the thin cloth. Labria’s fingers have become numb from tightly gripping the corners of the hand towel as she waits for the Councilor to speak. As her restlessness intensifies, she unknowingly pulls one corner of the hand towel out of her left hand completely revealing herself to the Councilor.

Councilor Sapph responds, “You do not need to be so formal, you may address me by my first name, Lilith. Fetching Executive Assmay from the shower does indeed explain the pleasant greeting I have received from your beautiful breasts. Tianna may contact me at her leisure once she has gotten dressed. Have a pleasant day and I look forward to seeing you again”.

Labria thanks the Councilor and in turn wishes her a pleasant day as she leans forward to turn off the Holo-Array Emitter. Labria glances toward the controls and is mortified to notice her exposed breasts, complimented with erect nipples, dancing free. She leans back in her chair and places the hand towel across as much of herself as she can. She speaks aloud to herself, “Calm down, Labria. Settle your nerves. Relax. Do not dwell on the thinks that have happened this day.”

Reflecting on what has happened in the last half hour, she is not sure how to deal with these unusual events. Having her chest burst from her micro-fiber uniform top in front of Executive Assmay was certainly unexpected. The recollection she fondled here breasts while Toriale watched and then masturbated was still shocking. No explanation, excuse, or emotion can describe her thoughts from having just addressed the leader of her people topless. The longer she thinks about it, the angrier she becomes with the realization Executive Assmay is responsible for setting this entire situation into motion. She quickly makes her way toward Tianna’s private bath chamber, free bosom bouncing with each forceful step.

Reaching the door, Labria extends both hands to shove the door to the bath chamber open without knocking or even slowing down. As she turns the corner, she is frustrated to find the Executive still naked, flipping through the many uniforms in her walk-in wardrobe. Labria steps into the wardrobe and leans up against the wall behind the Executive. She wants the Executive to know she is there, but will not say a word. Waiting for Tianna to acknowledge her return, Labria stands silently taking in discriminate peeks at the Executive’s muscular frame. With each passing moment and peek, Labria’s angered gaze slips into a mesmerized stare.

Tianna, straining to remember the contents of boxes on the upper shelf of her walk-in wardrobe, finally speaks to Labria. “Is the Central Councilor still waiting on the Holo-Array or has she agreed to let me call her back in a few moments”. Labria responds with the short and sweet one word response of “Agreed”. Tianna chuckles, aware of her Senior Aid’s frustration. Looking over her right shoulder at Labria, observing her Aid’s continuing efforts to cover herself with the hand towel, she asks “How was your conversation with the Councilor”. Labria hesitated to respond but, after a short period of silence, blurted out the answer of “How do you think!” Tianna chuckles again then suggests “You may as well put down the hand towel, since it isn’t doing much to hide anything”.

Labria thinks for a moment then drops the hand towel to the floor, crossing her arms under her chest which draws them together and pushes them forward in a most pleasing manor. She stands at Tianna’s back, just an inch or so from poking her back with her erect nipples. Visions keep flooding her mind with ways to take revenge on the Executive. Her first thought involves rare Florallure plant extract finding its way into Tianna’s afternoon refreshment. The effects of the Florallure are well documented as a crude aphrodisiac, leaving the recipient completely free of inhibition. Labria could plan this for an event, perhaps an evening the Executive is entertaining a group of Regional Councilors. That would certainly make for some interesting press. The fact that the Florallure is illegal, mostly because of its ability to cloud one’s memory, causes Labria to move on to another thought. Her next idea involves another exotic plant, the Vividac, to be added to the Executive’s bath or shower. The Vividac plant is a skin irritant. As it penetrates the skin, it confuses the nerves and causes them to be hyper-sensitive. To compound this problem, the more sensitive the skin, the more affect the Vividac plant has. The simple act of walking would no doubt send the Executive into orgasms as the hyper-sensitive folds of her sex would have to glide across themselves. Labria begins to really like this plan since it would force the Executive to stay naked for as many as two weeks. She feels this plan would work but is unsure how would negatively affect Tianna? The Executive would become aware of her problem while in her Private Bath Chamber and would be able to stay secluded until the effects diminish. The more she thinks of this the more she realizes how difficult it would be for her to pull this off. Tianna would know of Labria’s involvement and there is no telling what action she would take as retribution. In addition to that, the Executive might take to her treadmill and embrace an endless number of orgasms.

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Emily and Jo Ch. 02

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“I came here to help you guys study…but I really should be going. Sorry that I interrupted.” I backed out of the room trying to erase the last few images out of my mind but it wasn’t working all I kept seeing was Jo and Emily in that 69 position. I was half way down the hall when a hand reached out and grabbed my shoulder. I spun around not expecting Jo in a little bathrobe. She dragged me back to her room.

I walked in and saw Emily playing with herself.

“I really shouldn’t be here when you guys are…,” I trailed off I could not finish I could not take my eyes off Emily’s pussy it was to good of a sight to turn away from.

“Professor we are glad that you are here,” Jo said smiling up at me. She quickly disrobed giving me another eyeful of a beautiful body.

Emily got off the bed making her tits jiggle with every step. She came towards me, took my hand, and put it on her naked breast. I could not help squeezing they were amazing. Jo went behind me and pulled off my jacket. I did not even realize I was just fixed to Emily’s tits. Jo came around front again and started to unbutton my blouse. She had to remove my fatih escort hand from Emily’s tit to take it off. When my shirt and bra were off Jo came towards me again and gave me a kiss. Her lips were so soft her tongue darting into my mouth searching, and tasting me. It was a most amazing kiss I did not want it to end but like all good things it did. Her mouth then went to my breasts. She took one while Emily took the other. They were sucking on my tits like little babies waiting for the milk to come.

They leaded me to the bed were I fell back on to it. With them still latched to my tits. Emily finally let go but went towards my skirt to pull it off. Her face was so close to my crotch that when she pulled the skirt off she got an eyeful of my shaved pussy. Jo withdrew my tit from her mouth to my mouth. We were locked into a very passionate kiss while Emily examined and played with my aroused pussy.

Jo got up and straddled my stomach her pussy rubbing against it. I looked up into her lust filled eyes and was glad that I came and stayed. My hands reached out for her tits but she intercepted me. She brought my hand istanbul escort to her mouth were she sucked in my fingers. I realized it was the hand that was playing with my clit when she caught me. She sucked my fingers as if she was sucking a cock. I moved my other hand to her pussy. I pushed a finger in between my stomach so I could reach it. My first touch sent her body into an orgasm. I realized when I was caught she was so close to cumming that she did not get to finish.

I was glad that I could help her finish. I was so intent of Jo that I forgot about Emily until I felt her. She was fucking me with what I did not know. It felt too big to be her fingers but I let her continue her work it felt to good to be stopped. I pulled Jo’s pussy up towards my hungry mouth. She lowered her pussy over my mouth. I stuck out my tongue and stuck it in her pussy. She started to ride my face. I moved my hands toward her ass to hold her in place. I found her sweet little hole and pushed a finger inside of it. She jumped in surprise I guess she has never had anal before. I was glad that I was the one to break her cherry ass in. Emily taksim escort was fucking me hard and fast that I was so close to cumming that I almost bit down on Jo’s pussy. When I did cum, I screamed into her pussy. In the middle of my cum she came her sweet juice flowed down my open mouth it was delicious. I could not wait for more. She climbed off me and flopped down on the bed.

“That was amazing Professor I’m glad I went and got you,” Julia smiled her evil smile at me.

“Girls we shouldn’t have done that I’m your teacher, if we got caught we would be in serious trouble,”

“No one going to get in trouble were all over eighteen and we invited you back in you didn’t seduce us we seduced you,” Emily happily smiled.

I did not know what to say they were right. I did not know what else to say because Jo climbed down to my pussy and Emily put her pussy in my face. I could not say no to it.

I left in the middle of the night it was time to leave. Emily and Jo’s body were pushed up against me I was afraid that I would wake them, they would want more, and I could not say no. I would not now what else I would do if I stayed a second longer. I grabbed my clothes and hurried home. When they woke, I would be long gone. However, the problem was going to be Monday in class. They both sat in the front so I could not ignore them it was going to be hard. What I’m I going to do??

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Ebony Seduction Ch. 06

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I woke up and reached my hand out, touching nothing but empty sheets. I opened my eyes, glancing at the bedside clock. 5:47. Damn. Too late to go back to sleep. Too early to really get up. A mixture of anticipation and dread filled my gut at the thought of what might happen today. The very real possibility that I might lose Keisha as an intern cleared my brain faster than any shower or cup of coffee might. Sighing to myself, I rose out of bed and started my day. A shower and a couple of cups of coffee later and, after gathering my work clothes and laptop, went to work out at the gym. Working out, I pushed myself as hard as I did yesterday with Keisha, making myself sweat, trying to mentally steel my nerves by physically straining my body. Some laps in the pool and another quick shower and I dressed, prepared to go to work.

Walking in, I had to pass Miss Whitten’s office. The door was open and the light was on which really was no surprise. She often worked early as I often worked late. Trying to glide past her notice, I failed spectacularly. She called out to me as I was hurrying down the hallway. I winced, stopped, turned around and entered her office. “Close the door Pam. We need to talk.”

“Yes Miss Whitten.” I pushed it shut and sat down in the chair facing her. Images of being sent to the principal’s office back in high school and the dread that came with it flashed through my mind. There was a silence in the room, a pregnant pause while I waited for her to speak.

“You look very nice today Pam.” That wasn’t what I expected.

“Um…thank you. You do as well, Miss Whitten.” I actually meant it. She always looked professional. Conservative grey or navy blue is what her colors of choice were but today, she’d opted for a maroon and white combo. While she was a bit older than me, Miss Whitten still had a commanding beauty that just drew your eyes to her. Nothing overstated or gauche. Just a natural presence. She smiled at me, trying to calm my nerves, I guess.

“Okay, I’m not going to beat around the bush Pam. We both know why I called you in this morning.” I could feel tears welling up in my eyes.

“Yes ma’am. I understand. I’ll let Keisha know that she will have to be reassigned.”

“Well, if that’s what you want, I’ll try to find you another intern.” My eyes snapped up to she her smiling at me. She reached over to pull a tissue out of the box and handed it to me. I took it, dabbing my eyes and trying not to smear my makeup. “Look Pam, I don’t want to move Keisha around. Ever since she arrived, your productivity and the quality of work has vastly improved. I could tell that you were well on your way to burn out and I was really worried that I would soon lose one of my best analysts. But ever since Miss Stuart has been helping you, I’ve noticed that you’ve become more efficient and I definitely don’t want to jeopardize that.” I smiled when she said that, my breathing starting to calm down somewhat. “That being said,” she continued, “I do have to have your assurance that, while in the office at least, a certain level of professionalism is maintained. Is that understood?” I nodded my head, still a little too elated to be able to reply. So, no more sex in the office, okay?” My eyes widened in shock.

“Um…what do you mean Miss Whitten?” My palms became sweaty again. She smiled at me, punched some keys on her computer and turned the monitor around so I could see. The elevator footage of last Friday night with Keisha and myself holding hands and dressed rather provocatively flashed on the monitor. I blushed and looked away, realizing how stupid and costly that could have been to my career.

“Don’t worry Pam. Nothing is going to come of it. I just ask that you don’t do anything with her here.” I nodded, my face flush from embarrassment. “But, if I may speak on a personal level?” She waited for me to look up at her. I met her gaze and for the first time, really noticed her bluish grey eyes and how beautiful they were. I nodded again, my hands gripping the armrests of the chair tightly. “I was shocked to see you and her at Cheyenne’s yesterday and, honestly, was going to recommend that she be relocated to another analyst.” My mouth went dry when she said that.

“What changed your mind?” My voice was soft and a little hoarse.

“Joyce did.” she answered. “I discussed it with her. She reminded me of what it was like to be young and in, well, is it love?” I thought about it before answering her. It felt strange to be sitting here, facing my boss, talking about such a private matter. But, I realized, this also affected my job so it was in her best interest as well. Also, it felt kind of good to be speaking to someone about this. I really didn’t have any close friends to confide in about my feelings.

“I don’t know yet, honestly, Miss Whitten.”

“Please Pam, call me Barb for now. ‘Miss Whitten’ is about business. This is just between you and me.” I smiled at that and relaxed somewhat. She reached behind her and pulled out a bottle of water from the mini fridge she had in her office, offering it to me. I gratefully mecidiyeköy escort accepted it and took a long pull from the bottle. I sat in silence for a few seconds before continuing.

Taking a deep breath, I looked at her head on. “Truthfully Barb, I, um…think so.” The look on her face hardened almost imperceptibly. That look emboldened me and the words started pouring out. “Okay, honestly, it’s been so long for me to be in a relationship that I really don’t know what love is. I mean, I though I was in love before and was hurt bad. I don’t know if I can do it again. I love the way Keisha makes me feel but I don’t know if that is because of her or just because it’s been so long since I’ve felt good inside that any improvement is better and I’m mistaking that for love. We’ve only been together this past weekend and already, I can’t imagine myself without her. That scares me, Barb. What if this is just infatuation and the feelings fade? What if she meets someone better? What if…” my words trailed off. Tears came back and I dabbed my eyes again.

“Look Pam, this may sound trite, but I know how you feel. Your world changed literally overnight and you don’t know what to make of it. I don’t want to cheapen your feelings but we’ve all been there. I was coming off of a painful divorce to a very abusive husband when I first met Joyce. I’d never even entertained the thought of being with another women before her but she helped me get rid of a lot of emotional baggage that I’d been carrying. I too thought that I was in love with Jeff but Joyce made me realize that it was a false love, a desperate need to feel wanted. She helped me through it and I truly love her. Yes, we argue. Yes, we sometimes hurt each other’s feelings but I can’t imagine my life without her. You and Keisha may have just consummated your feelings last Friday but I’ve seen you and her together here. How you look at her when she isn’t noticing and vise versa. Also, at Cheyenne’s, how you two looked together. I know how you feel because it’s the same way I feel when I’m with Joyce. We are happy together. Look deep inside yourself Pam. How do you feel when you are with Keisha? Are you happy? I think you are. Scratch that. I know you are. That’s why I didn’t remove her from under you. Now, I ask again. Are you in love?” I listened to her words, letting them sink in before replying.

“Yes Barb, I love Keisha.” Saying the words out loud was very tough for me to do. One of the toughest things I’d ever done in my life, in fact. But, it felt good saying it. Barb smiled at me and leaned back in her chair.

“That’s good to hear Pam. I am genuinely happy for you. Now, can I count on you to keep it professional here?” I nodded again, smiling. “Good. Do you need some time away from the office to collect your thoughts?” I shook my head no, assuring her that I was okay.

“Well, actually…” I paused “now that you mention it, I was thinking of taking a vacation the last week of May.” Miss Whitten’s eyebrows shot up in surprise.

“Really? Miss ‘I-have-to-be-forced-to-even-take-one-sick-day’ actually wants a vacation? Well, that really cinches it. I now have proof that Keisha is good for you.” I laughed at that, knowing that she was right. “Okay. Fill out the days and I’ll approve it for you. Should I be expecting one from Miss Stuart as well?” I blushed a little.

“Yes ma’am. I’m planning on taking her to Hawaii.” After all that had just transpired, I figured that telling her my plans couldn’t hurt. Again, she got a surprised look on her face.

“Wow! Well I hope you take lots of pictures. Hawaii is truly breathtaking.” With that, I stood up to leave. I paused at the door, turning to face her.

“Thank you Barb. I really appreciate what you just did for me.” We shared a smile and then I left to go to my office. Entering, I looked at the spot of the floor where my life had changed for the better. Memories of last Friday night flooded in and I shuddered at the feelings coursing through me. Sitting at me desk, I forwarded the case I’d finished up Saturday before filling out the necessary form for vacation time, I actually asked for two weeks off instead of just one, thinking that I would need time to prepare to go and I didn’t want to feel rushed. Keisha arrived just before nine, a look of apprehension on her face. I asked her to shut the door and have a seat. I purposefully had a dour expression on my face and Keisha’s shoulders slumped as she sat down.

“Um…Miss Smith?” I waited for a second, just looking at her. Then, my face broke into a grin.

“You are still my intern.” Keisha literally whooped before catching herself. Her face lit up the room as a look of pure joy spread over her. I told her in great detail about what had just transpired in Miss Whitten’s office and how, here at work, Keisha and I needed to maintain a professional relationship. “Can we do that Keisha?” I asked her. She nodded saying that she understood and assured me that she could keep it together while we were here. I smiled at that, then paused. “Keisha, aksaray escort there’s one more thing that I did while with Miss Whitten. I, um, well…” I stood up, walked around my desk and took her hands in mine, kneeling down so that I could look her in the eyes. I took a deep breath before continuing again. “Keisha, I love you. I love everything about you. Your smile, your intelligence, your personality, your body, the way you make me feel. Everything.” She looked down, blushing. I could tell that she was thinking hard at my revelation.

“Pam,” she said, tears in her eyes. “I love you too. I didn’t want to leave you last night. I wanted to stay. To wake up with you, having your arms around me. I cried last night because you weren’t there.”

“We can talk about this later, after work, but I know exactly what you mean.” I release her hands, smiled, stood up and went to sit down at my desk again. “By the way, Miss Whitten said that she would approve my vacation so prepare yourself for fun in the sun.” Keisha let out another whoop.


The days passed quickly. It turns out that we both didn’t have to worry about keeping our hands off each other at work as the workload seemed to increase as well as her studies for finals. Keisha and I did discus her moving in with me and both of us agreed that it would be better to wait until after Hawaii. The time away from each other actually seemed to strengthen our relationship as the moments that we could spend together were treasured that much more.

At last, it was one more week before my vacation was about start. I came home from a long Friday, my shoulders and neck stiff with tension. I didn’t expect Keisha over as it was the end of finals week and she was celebrating with her friends. I didn’t even get undressed or pour my customary glass of wine before plopping down in my chair, wishing I’d taken three weeks of vacation instead of two. After a minute of relaxing, I picked up my phone and texted “missing you” with a little heart emoji attached to Keisha. I really didn’t expect a reply anytime soon and was somewhat shocked when, not even a minute later, she replied with “Be right there” with a pair of lips. That brightened my mood considerably but I seriously considered texting her back to just enjoy tonight with her friends. But I’d been missing her all week. Who was I to tell her not to come over.

It wasn’t even thirty minutes later when Keisha opened the door. I hadn’t moved and was slumped down in my chair with a pained expression on my face. “Jesus Pam. I’ve seen road kill looking better than you.” she said, quickly walking over to me. I smiled wanly and looked her over. I could tell I’d caught her in the middle of hanging out with her friends and felt guilty about not texting her to stay.

“I really, really appreciate you coming Keisha but you should have stayed with your friends.”

“It’s cool. I was getting bored anyway. Just a bunch of noise and getting drunk. Trust me. I was planning on ditching and coming over here even before you sent the text.” I decided to believe her and held out my arms for a hug, wincing as I did so. Instead of hugging me though, she took hold of my hands and pulled me up, leading me to the bedroom. I let her dictate my actions as she laid me down and began to undress me. Reaching underneath me, Keisha unzipped my skirt and then removed it from my body followed by my right silk stocking and then the left. She took her time unbuttoning each button on my blouse and then unhooked the front of my bra before moving my arms and body so that she could toss the garments on the floor. Finally, she took hold of my panties and pulled them off of me, caressing my legs as she did. I was laying there in the nude looking watching her as she began to undress, her glorious body coming into view with every piece of clothing she took off. When she was finished undressing herself, Keisha rolled my body over and then climbed onto the bed. After straddling my legs, she began to massage me.

Her strong fingers pressed into my shoulders and neck. I winced at the pressure feeling the knots resisting her fingers but she kept at it. I know not how long she took, constantly kneading into my aching muscles as I just relaxed feeling the pain slip away. I felt her move down my back, always pressing and moving her fingers before she finally reached my ass. She grasped both cheeks in her capable hands and massaged my ass. I was so relaxed at this point, I barely felt her climb off of me. Spreading my ass open, I felt Keisha’s tongue touch the tip of my asshole. My bottom was thoroughly coated in her saliva before she grasped me and rolled me over onto my back. I opened my eyes to gaze upon her face. She smiled at me before straddling my legs again to start working on my front. She took each of my breasts in her hands and started to work them too. Digging her fingers in, she played with my tits, all the while looking at me. When she was done with them, Keisha trailed her fingers down over my stomach where her fingers came to rest on my vagina. nişantaşı escort

All of this attention and loving touches had me worked up. Keisha dismounted me again and spread my legs open before climbing into the middle. Laying down between my legs, she began to massage my pussy, both inside and out, playing with my juices and rubbing her fingertips against my clit. I could feel the beginnings of an orgasm stirring as my body squirmed under her probing digits. Then, she leaned down and gave me a long lick with her tongue. My breath caught and my hips bucked at the touch as she snaked her tongue through the wet folds of my pussy. My body felt like it was on fire as she ate me out. When she pursed her luscious lips and sucked on my clit, my back arched and I clenched down. The first wave of my orgasm crested and my whole body shook. I then felt her lips wrap around my left nipple as she shoved two fingers into my pussy hole. She licked and sucked, constantly wiggling her fingers in me, tickling my g spot until she bit down on my nipple. My back arched again and I screamed her name as I coated her hand when another orgasm hit me. I was seeing stars as she switched to my right breast and sucked that nipple into her mouth. She ran her fingers through the folds of my pussy again, rubbing my clitty. I was already super sensitive there, having cum twice and her fingers set me off again. I don’t remember much after that.

Just like in the fairy tales, Keisha’s kiss awoke me from my slumber. I could barely move my arms as I wrapped her in an embrace, holding her naked body to mine. She broke the kiss before, touching both of my eyelids with her lips, before she laid down next to me. Her hand was caressing my stomach as I laid there. “Feeling better?” she asked as her hand glided over my tits. I nodded, not wanting to speak. For the longest time, we laid on the bed, our bodies pressed together. It was I who finally spoke.

“My God, that was amazing.” I said as I started to caress her arm. “Thank you. I needed that so badly.” She kissed my cheek and then started lightly touching my face, running her finger down my nose, touching my lips and then grazing my cheek with feather like touches. I opened my eyes to see her looking down at me. Her head was propped up with her other arm and she was just looking, a faint smile on her lips.

“Just lay here baby until I get back, okay?” I nodded my head as Keisha got off the bed and walked to the bathroom. I heard the water running in the tub but didn’t get up until she came to retrieve me. She walked back into the room, took me by the hands again and led me to the bathroom. The lights were dimmed and two glasses of wine were sitting on the ledge surrounding the tub. We both climbed in and Keisha activated the jets. She just held me as I snuggled up to her, nuzzling her neck. This was the first time that she had assumed the more dominant role. It may have been a small gesture but the act of holding me like that put us on more even ground. No longer was I the teacher leading her down a path of discovery. Now, we would walk the path together.

“How were finals?” I asked, breaking the spell that had been woven. Keisha let out a groan and squeezed my shoulders.

“I am so glad they’re over.” I giggled and kissed her on the neck as my hand started rubbing her chest. “Aimie is leaving to go back to England not this Monday but next. I was thinking of taking her and her girlfriend out as a “good bye” party.”

“Mmmmmm…That is very sweet of you.” I paused for a moment. Then an idea struck me. “What about coming over here? I’m off next week and could take my time and cook them a nice dinner.”

“You’d be willing to do that?”

“Of course! It would be my pleasure.” I said, smiling.

“Cool! Thank you so much.” Keisha hugged me tight and gave me a quick kiss.

“Come on, let’s get out of this tub before we both turn into prunes.” We got out and toweled each other off before grabbing our glasses and walking back into the bedroom. I laid her down on the bed, took a sip of wine and told her to close her eyes again.

“Oooooh Pam.” Keisha said smiling. “Do you have another surprise?” I just winked at her and smiled. When she’d complied with my request, I went to my play drawer and pulled out the oil and double headed dildo. I sat down on the edge of the bed, opened the bottle and squirted a line of oil that led from her cleavage down to her pussy. I started oiling her tits, spreading the strawberry scented fluid all over those luscious globes. She smiled at the sensation as I coated her breasts and nipples. When they were good and shiny, I did the same to her stomach before moving down to her crotch. She spread her legs for me as my hand began to rub her hairless mons and outer lips. I would have loved to linger, touching and massaging her most intimate place but I moved to her thighs, down her calves, eventually to her feet. Her whole body glistened in the soft light of the room. My hand went back to between her legs as I began to rub her pussy. She was already moist and not just from the oil and my two fingers easily slipped into her. I started working my hand in and out, twisting my wrist at the same time. Her breathing quickened and she started rubbing her breasts as her climax inched closer. That’s when I pulled my hand away and replaced it with the dildo.

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