Feelings Ch. 01

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I involuntarily gasped as his hands made a grip around my naked body, resting it over my breasts while his fingers rested in my collar bone. My legs fold were spooned by his, I could feel his hairs dancing on the edge of his skin tickling my fleshy waxed legs. His face was dug in my hairs and my ears could catch the rhyme of his breathing as he inhaled and exhaled. My body synced with his breathing, and my spine was beating with his heart beats. I could feel the softness of my body against his masculine rough skin, while my ass rested on his crotch, which still was dangling and beating in sync with his heart beats. My thigh were engulfing the most sensitive part of my body which had gone wet with my built in release, and I couldn’t control my heavy breathings.

I could still feel his lips against mine when he kissed me in the midst of the party we were in, it was a shock indeed and it electrified me with the contact of his tightly stretched red lips. The hairs of his moustache were tickling my upper lip as he engulfed my lower lip and kissed it, his hands had my thin waist in them as he briskly pulled me into him. I opened my eyes to see him enjoying probably the taste of my new strawberry lip balm I was wearing. The butterflies in my tummy trapped for hours were now escaping, I couldn’t feel my legs and I let my whole body on him. We soon escaped from the party and the next thing I knew was we were kissing, in the lift, in the hallway and as we entered the room. My sync with his kisses was an acceptance I was giving with every pull and brush of his hand on my body I could feel skipping a beat.

The door went beep as he swiped the key card in it and he picked me up and I felt as if I was flying, holding my wings up I could no more control my body, we rushed in as I again kissed him, I was addicted to the taste of his lips, the game our tongues played and the slight tickling of Alanya Zenci Escort his heavy black moustache and pointed hairs of his beard pushing into my soft skin.

The door behind us went shut and we heard the lock click, he pushed in the room key and the darkness of the room was conquered by the bright lights flashing the expensive golden furniture in it but we let the darkness win by switching off the lights as he threw me on the bed.

I could feel the heart racing, he was being rough just the way I liked it, I still stood up on my knees on that jelly bed and went close to him to pull him by his shirt and kiss him hard, it’s not just him who should be rough I thought in my head.

I felt his fingers struggling to unpin my saree which I had pinned after hours of struggle but he didn’t take long and the saree was off exposing my black blouse to him, our eyes had adjusted to the limited moonlight escaping the curtains falling in our room, and I could see his face lit up as he saw me getting close to naked for him.

He kissed me again and this time he was bolder than ever before, he licked my lips and left a bit on it, my eyes rolled up in pleasure and the current passed down my body reaching the inside of my thigh leaving me stunned with the feelings.

He moved to my chin and started kissing my neck as I had gripped his silky hairs and pushing him on to my breast. He soon reached the hook of it and started unhooking it kissing and licking simultaneously, the room was filled with the echo of his lips rushing on my body, and with a click I realized that my blouse was off and it was just my bra between him and my breasts. I pushed him away and started unbuttoning his shirt, and reached for his belt when he pushed me back on the bed when I landed on my back, he jumped on me like a lion jumps on his prey and started kissing my neck. Alanya Manken Escort I knew he was wild but today he was showing a different animal he carried inside him. With every kiss and lick of his I could feel my body passing currents to my ovaries, I could feel the fingers of my feet twitching.

I scratched his back with my nails when he left a gasp on my neck and gave a look to me, I could feel the glitter in his eyes, he soon reached for my bra strap and forced it away leaving me bare naked.

He played on my breasts like a kid, licking and sucking every inch, he pinched my nipples with his lips and sucked them in. My mouth went wide open as I felt his teeth against it, the pleasure in the pain was something new for me. The game continued when he atlast decided to undo the whole saree leaving me naked in my black undies for him.

He adjusted his body on the bed and hooked his arms around me, kissing my naval leaving me restless on how close he was to my undies which were now seeping in them the minor release from my body which had already started escaping, his eyes kept looking in mine, and I was hoping that the darkness was hiding the fact that I was blushing, before I could think or get my body in sync with him he already and placed a kiss on my thigh close to my lower pelvic. I couldn’t control my eyes rolling and me inhaling every bit of air floating on my body, he smirked as he saw me reacting to his kisses, I could feel it on my body, but I didn’t care less about anything. He slid in the finger in the strap of my undies slowly pulling them down to him, I adjusted my body lifting my ass up letting him take it off my body. My eyes met his when he saw me bare naked in front of him, he was enjoying every second of it and I was happy that atleast it wasn’t just me.

His hands lifted my legs up a bit, and a sudden stretch led to Alanya Anal Escort separation of my legs from each other as the thigh departed and exposed my sensitive skin to him, without any warning he pushed himself in, my fingers curled up and I lifted my upper body as his heavy warm breaths started hitting in, before I could digest the sensation of those breath his tongue pushed in, my mouth fell open and no words escaped, I felt I was chocking, something inside me wanted to escape and run away and I atlast left out a loud moan echoing the whole room with it.

My head was pushing the pillow in and I was falling short of breath as he kept on pushing his tongue in, deeper and deeper with every lick of his. My hands were searching for a grip and started scratching the bedsheet when he pushed himself deeper in me making me jolt back in a sudden motion, my hands suddenly reached for his head and I gripped those hairs again and pushed him in and a voice of pleasure escaped my body, he know he was doing it right but then his hands wrapped around my thigh went closer to his lips stuck to me and with his thumb he started rubbing me with the sync of his tongue. My lungs couldn’t take any more air in it as I had inhaled to the max I ever had, the upper body raised and my ass pushed myself in him.

I supported my body on my elbow and raised myself up to get a view of his head dipped in my body.

Air escaping my nose was entering through my tightly clutched teeth making a fizzing sound and suddenly with all his force he pulled me in him making me loose my balance on my elbow as I landed on my back again, he increased his speed to the max and I reached for his hairs again, my toe was curled up and my eyes rolled back and I lost my vision leaving out a heavy moan and releasing the built inside me, left me shivering. I gathered my legs that I couldn’t feel anymore back to myself and folded them in, I still was shivering and my body was still secreting what it had been holding in.

I turned to my side as my right breast fell on my left and I involuntarily gasped as I felt his hands gripping around my naked body resting it over my breasts while his fingers rested in my collar bone.

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My Sister, My Love

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Not till much later did I realise she had planned it from the beginning, though, of course, it seems obvious now.

“She” was my elder sister — elder by a year and a bit — and her name was Anya. She was (at the time of this story) twenty, and I — eighteen and three quarters. She was tall, almost as tall as I am, and slim, dark with long black hair and elegant limbs. She moved like a gazelle. There’s no other word for it.

We lived, you must understand, in a fairly conservative society, though it’s less conservative now than it used to be. What this basically meant is that, in those not-too-long-ago days, we had very little opportunity for sex unless it was within marriage. Even the privacy for groping someone of the opposite sex may have been difficult to come by — and if you came by the privacy, it would be likely that you couldn’t find someone to grope and to grope you.

So, given our ages and the fact that we had access to porn (porn always manages to find its way into any society, and the more conservative it is, the more its appeal) just gave us a further hormonal surge. Since my sister and I were usually rather open with each other, not the usual elder sister bossing younger brother scene, we did talk about what turned us on and we used to discuss how we would go about sex if ever we had the chance.

Still, I had never actually anticipated having sex. It was something in the future so far off that we could never contemplate it as real or of any immediate urgency. I used to fantasise about making love to an unknown, idealised woman, and masturbate. Sometimes (Anya’s room and mine shared a common wall) I could hear gasps and soft moans coming from her room, and I deduced that she was masturbating too, but I never mentioned it. It was somehow indiscreet of me even to admit to knowing this about her.

One day our parents announced that they had to go to a distant relative’s wedding and they would be gone for six days. They gave us all sorts of detailed instructions what we should do and what we should not do and so on. Everything was explained and laid out — our every action while they were gone. We were both attending the local high school and at the time it was going to shut for a week long recess. We knew of this but never told our parents of it — just in case they decided to cancel their trip to keep an eye on us, or, even worse, make us go along.

Can you imagine what it meant — six days of freedom from under our parents’ thumbs! We didn’t actually think of throwing wild parties (we weren’t even the sort who knew people who would come to wild parties) — but we could imagine them, right?

To cut a long story short, the great day finally dawned and early in the evening the parents (with a last set of instructions to us) drove off. We were back from school, and supposed to get stuck into homework, but of course school was Alanya Sarışın Escort off from the next day.

Anya closed the door behind us, leaned on it, and breathed out audibly. “Whoof!” she said. “I thought they would never leave!”

I looked at my sister and grinned. “And so they’ve gone,” I said. “So now that they went, what do we do?”

“You do what you want,” she said. “I am going to change into clothes in which I feel comfortable!”

In a few minutes she emerged from her room and my jaw dropped. My sister had been clad in a shapeless baggy sweatshirt and tracksuit bottoms over rubber flip-flops when she went in; she came out in a red halter top, tiny blue denim shorts and bare feet. Her abdomen was flat and hard, the navel puckered and eminently kissable-looking, and her feet long and slender and elegant. She had a black elastic anklet round one ankle.

“This is what I’m going to wear until they come back,” she said to me. “Not a word, do you understand?” She went up on her bare toes and stretched. “And I’m going to sleep naked and when you’re not in, I’m going to go around topless and maybe naked as well…why don’t you change to something else too?” I was still goggling at her. Only later did I recall that I had once told her that pretty feet and flat stomachs turned me on.

There was no way I was going to change to fewer clothes right then — I was trying to control a sudden hard on so strong it shocked me. As camouflage, I just grunted and covered my lap with a magazine.

But that wasn’t all to it. All through that evening she flitted in and out of my sight, almost undressed (once she came though with an unhooked bra clasped to her chest with her hands). We had dinner in silence; silence because I was trying not to look too obviously at her nipples pressing forward through her halter.

Afterwards she called me to the living room. “What do you want to do?” she asked. “Go to bed? I’ve got a video cassette here ” — those were still the days when one hadn’t heard of CDs and DVDs — “and I’m going to watch it. Join me?” Without waiting for an answer she slipped the cassette into the video player, turned on the TV, and shut the lights. I sat next to her on the sofa. My heart was hammering. I had no idea what was going to happen; I knew, however, that something was. Either she was going to maker a move on me or I’d burst. I had no idea of making a move on her — the idea never so much as entered my mind.

It was a moment before I realised what the video was showing … a South East Asian couple, young and good looking, in a room rather like ours. They were kissing passionately, and at this time kissing was hardly even seen on the TV or movies (the censors frowned on it) — even the kissing would have been erotic, in itself, they were so passionate. Quickly, they slipped off each other’s Alanya Şişman Escort clothing and as we watched his shaved penis entered her wet, dilated vagina. I heard my sister’s excited breathing. I could feel her tension rise like my own.

“Where did you find this?” I asked, trying to keep my voice casual.

“Oh…you know Sanjana” (a friend of hers) — “She got it from somewhere…” her voice trailed off. The woman in the video had positioned herself on top and with every move she made her vaginal lips clasped the man’s penis, the moisture glistening in the lights. Anya moaned slightly.

“Oh I can’t stand it any more,” she said, and stood up suddenly, her hands together reaching for her halter and drawing it over her head, throwing it to the floor. In the light from the screen I could see her breasts shine. Her shorts fell to the floor and she sat back on the sofa, right next to me, with her legs wide apart. For an instant I saw the dark puff of her pubic hair and the deep line of her vulva cleft before her hand came down over it and she began masturbating. Her other hand was playing with her nipples, her head thrown back, her eyes half closed, and little gasps came from between her parted teeth. At this moment I had no more thought for the video and neither had she. My attention was all on her, and hers, if anywhere, on herself.

Her hips began bucking rhythmically, first slowly, then harder, and she began to moan in rhythm to the thrusts. I saw the exact moment when her orgasm hit; her eyes flew wide open and her hips rose right off the cushion as her body shuddered. She sank back on the sofa at last, lying back with her skin shining with sweat, her legs wide apart, breathing deeply.

All this time I had been sitting almost frozen, watching her. I still wasn’t quite expecting it when she suddenly reached over and put her hands between my legs. I had shorts on and without any trouble her hand found its way through the flap and to my underwear. “Take all that off,” she said, in a voice I hadn’t heard before. I got up automatically to obey.

Free of clothing, my penis was rigid as a bar, and when she touched it and held it and drew me to her by it, I felt the sensation all through my body like an electric shock. Naked, I stood before her, feeling her hands on my hips, and then the sudden sensation of my penis being taken into her mouth. Her tongue flicked back and forth across my glans, the sensation so excruciatingly pleasurable that I cried out.

Suddenly she drew back, her lips slipping off my penis, and I almost groaned aloud with disappointment. But it was only a momentary disappointment, because she lay back on the sofa, her legs spread so wide that one was draped over the back of the sofa and the foot of the other was on the floor. Grasping my arms, she drew my naked body down on hers. I felt Alanya Sınırsız Escort her wiry pubic hair rub against my penis head, and then a nudging sensation as, before I quite realised it, my penis entered the warm, moist confines of her vagina. We both gasped in unison.

Can you — can you remember the first time you ever had sex in your life? Do you recall how it felt to penetrate a vagina, or to have a rigid penis enter you? If you can, if you can savour the memory of that first penetration, you can imagine what I felt then at that moment. I cannot describe it. It has to be felt. Wordlessly, I began to thrust, instinctively, slowly and firmly against her. She thrust up against me too, and every movement of mine was responded to by her, our gasps coming together, the warm slippery grasp of her vagina around my penis. I felt the thrumming sensation start further down, between my legs, and build quickly, and I tried to slow down, to withdraw, but it was too late, and as my orgasm sent my fluids spurting into her I heard her cry out, the sound distant through the blood roaring in my ears.

We fell asleep there that night, naked on the carpet before the VCR, not even troubling to rise and shut it off. In the morning there was no shame, no embarrassment. We rose almost together, smiled and kissed. Afterwards we bathed together, ate breakfast in the nude, and had sex again.

In those few days we were alone and together we made love not less than fifty times. It got so that we would do other things just in the intervals between sessions of lovemaking. We didn’t leave the house except to do essential shopping, we didn’t invite anyone to visit, and as far as possible we did not wear any clothes at all.

I still remember her lying back on the dining room table, her legs apart, while I stood between them and watched my penis vanish in and out of her vagina. She raised her head, too, to watch it, and cried out in excitement when I used my fingers to stimulate her clitoris. I remember well how she straddled me, holding my penis with one hand while rubbing her vagina back and forth over it until I came all over her hand and she began laughing uncontrollably.

After the parents returned we could no longer have sex that often, but we did manage it at least once a week. If we got too horny one or other of us would slip into the other’s room after mom and dad were asleep. The response was always rapturous.

I wish this story had a happy ending but it doesn’t. Anya was returning from a New Year’s party when she was hit on her scooter by a drunken driver. She never regained consciousness and died in hospital three days later.

I was devastated, more than I can say. It was years before I recovered and I can still not celebrate New Years wholeheartedly. Sometimes I lie in my girlfriend’s arms, even now, on a moonlit night and I cry. I haven’t told her why; she thinks it’s for the beauty of our lovemaking. I haven’t told her and never will, about what Anya and I did.

And sometimes, lying in the warm afterglow of sex, I look up and I can see Anya. I can feel her presence and I know she will be waiting. Someday, she promises me, we will be together again.

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My Son, My Love

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I brought the poor boy home from hospital, both his arms in plaster casts. Out driving with a friend they had managed to have an argument with a large truck. The friend who was driving managed to get out of the wreck with barely a scratch; Brendan however was carted off to hospital with concussion and both arms broken.

Two factors determined his coming home sooner than he normally would have been expected to. One was that the hospital system being so crowded and short staffed, they try to push patients out of the door as soon as possible. The other factor was that I am a trained nurse, so they thought it safe to release him to my care.

As if I did not know my business I was given strict instructions on feeding, washing and generally taking care of him.

When I became pregnant with Brendan I gave up work until he got into his teenage years. Then I began part time night shift work in a nursing home, and since the nursing home was solely occupied by frail aged people, I had plenty of practice looking after people who could not attend to themselves.

I took unpaid leave from my job and I must say it was a pleasant change to be caring for an otherwise robust young man, even though he was my son. When I washed him I often thought to myself, “I made that,” and then remembering humility is a virtue, added the further thought, “With a little help.”

Brendan had come home to me relatively helpless and I confess to getting some joy out of the situation. As I washed him and fed him it was as if he was my totally dependent little baby boy all over again.

I had been very happy when I became pregnant with him and after giving birth I loved suckling him at my breast and washing his little body. How quickly it seems our children begin to grow away from us. What began by being nurtured in the womb, step by step becomes independent.

All being well there is an ongoing love and affection between mother and child, especially mother and son; but then comes that crucial time in our lives, puberty, and the child seems to push aside the parental care and consciously shape their own life towards maturity.

It didn’t seem to bother Frank, my husband, as much as it did me. I suppose that’s the maternal thing. As the child hangs precariously on the edge of flying the coop, the “empty nest syndrome” begins to rear its head. This is part pride in what one has reared, and partly sadness at the loss one anticipates.

Now, for a brief while, I had Brendan back again. He needed me and I am the sort of person who needs to be needed, to be used.

In general Brendan made no fuss about the things I had to do for him, but washing him was a nightmare from his point of view. During his teenage years he had been very shy about his body, at least where I was concerned. I doubt that he was equally shy with some of his girl friends.

I opted for washing him with a hand held shower attachment making sure I did not wet his casts. I thought it was lovely to run my hands over his fine young body but when it came to washing his nether regions he was very sensitive.

I tried to reassure him I was used to handling the male sexual organ in the course of my nursing duties, but this did not seem to stop him feeling self-conscious. The crux of the problem was that as I washed his penis he would get an erection.

This was not new to me when handling other males, but somehow with Brendon I admit also felt a bit uncomfortable. The truth is I was fascinated by his display of male potency and did not want to acknowledge it; the long brown shaft and the purple blood suffused crown standing out superbly seemed to me magnificent.

In the general course of my professional work I was able to either ignore an erection, or, if the patient apologised as some did, I would point out that this went with the job, and they were not to worry. Brendan also apologised when he first got his wash-time erection. I tried to take the professional line, but it didn’t come out quite right.

“Darling, it’s all right, I’m used to this sort of thing.” That was fine, but almost before I knew what I was saying I went on, “Besides, that’s what supposed to happen when a woman touches a man like this.” I gave his crown a soft little squeeze.

Brendan gave a gentle groan and I went on to wash his legs.

I think it was the fourth time I gave him his morning wash when, starting to wash the area of his agitation I noticed a considerable amount of pre-cum beginning to drip out of his penis.

Brendan knew it too and began to apologise profusely; “Oh God, I’m sorry mum, but I just can’t help it…when you touch me there…I…I can’t stop it…”

Clearly it was not simply my touching his penis that was alone the reason for his obvious painful arousal. No girlfriend had so far called and I wasn’t sure if he had a current female in tow; he tended not to discuss his sex life with me.

He seemed almost feverish with sexual excitement, his penis hot and throbbing. I realised he couldn’t possibly masturbate successfully Alanya Yabancı Escort the way his arms were encased, and it seemed that nature had not come to his rescue with night time ejaculations while asleep. So the poor boy was clearly at the end of his sexual tether.

As I washed him I felt around his testes; they seemed swollen and tender to my touch. They must have been full of semen and begging for relief. I hesitated for a moment struggling with all that my professional training had dictated in these matters, and then made up my mind.

I began to flick his foreskin over the crown of his penis.

Brendan began to protest; “Mum…mum…don’t…you’ll make me…”

“Just let go, Brendan,” I said, “it’s all right; nothing to worry about.”

He became quiet and quickly he was making jerking movements in rhythm with my manipulation of his foreskin. Experience with my husband had taught me to recognise when the male ejaculation was about to take place.

I sensed Brendan’s orgasm approaching; he gave a sharp cry and globules of sperm shot out of him splattering against the bathroom tiles. The first explosion over, he commenced gushing sperm in regular surges making little grunting sounds with ever fresh spurt until finally there were a few dribbles and he relaxed.

It was a beautiful sight to see him undergo the pleasure of sexual release. Along with the delight I felt at being able to be the instrument of his gratification there also came a sense of power. “I can give or deny him this fulfilment,” I thought.

There had been several men in my life, but I had ever seen such a massive discharge of semen before. Another thought arose in my mind; “What a terrible waste when it could have given so much pleasure to another.” I tried to fend off the real thought that it could have been a pleasure for me to experience.

Beginning to relax Brendan started to voice, not an apology, but thanks.

“Mum…mum…oh mum, I needed that so badly…I was nearly going out of my mind…but why did you…?”

“Because I knew you needed it and I wanted to do it,” I cut in. “And now let’s finish your wash…and mine,” I said laughing, because the flood of his sperm had also flowed over my hand.

“Sorry mum…” he began once more, but I interrupted again.

“Feel better for it?” I asked a trifle demurely.

“You can believe that,” he said in a less regretful tone of voice.

As I finished washing him I said, “If you like, I’ll do that for you every time I wash you.” I gave him a gentle kiss on the lips.

“Would you, mum, would you really?”

I gave another laugh and said, “It’ll be my pleasure, but for God’s sake don’t tell your father or he’ll go off his head.”

“Our secret,” he replied with a grin.

So I began to masturbate Brendan for the next three days. On the fourth day things took a new turn.

It was when I felt his orgasm approaching and a temptation that had been lurking in my mind was given in to. Before he ejaculated I knelt down and took his penis into my mouth. I heard him give a howl of ecstasy and then begin to shoot into my mouth.

As he jerked frantically with every pulse of his discharge I tried to swallow his semen, but his ejaculation was so powerful it was beyond my capacity to take all of it. It flowed out of the corners of my mouth and on to the shirt I was wearing. I waited until I was sure he had finished then withdrew from him, still trying to swallow the last of his discharge.

I remained kneeling for a few moments and Brendon stood silent. I reached for a wash cloth and wiped my face, then stood.

Brendan stared at me with a look of awe.

“Why did you do that for me?” he whispered. “Why?”

“Because I wanted to, darling,” I said.

“You’ve got my stuff all over the front of your shirt,” he murmured ruefully.

“It’ll wash,” I said, “and perhaps in future I won’t wear a shirt when I wash you.” I think I was making the poor boy quite bewildered. I wasn’t quite the mother he had thought me to be.

Next day I kept to my resolve and wore no shirt when I washed him. I felt perfectly at ease; my giving oral sex to Brendan seemed to have broken down any remaining barriers of modesty there had been between us.

I was still wearing my bras and as I prepared to wash Brendan I could see him staring at my breasts. It was obvious there was a violent mental tussle going on inside him, but finally he burst out with, “Would you take your bras off?”

As it happens I have always been rather proud of my breasts and I was not alone in admiring them. Frank enjoyed himself hugely losing himself as he put it, “among the twin hills of delight.” With my now sexually liberated attitude with Brendan I decided to oblige him, and removed my bras.

I wanted him to see my breasts. I wanted him to enjoy their beauty, but in exposing them to him I also revealed my own condition. The wetness between my legs was concealed, but the firmness of my nipples could leave no Alanya Yaşlı Escort doubt that I was thoroughly sexually aroused.

Brendan was like a man spellbound. He stood gazing at my naked breasts for a long time, then said very softly, “Mum, you’re beautiful.”

The compliment was welcome but strangely it made me feel a little shy. I felt myself blushing so I said, “Well that’s enough of that; let’s get on with the washing.”

As I began washing him I was aware that he was still looking intently at my breasts. After a while he said almost inaudibly, “I wish I could touch them.”

His fingers just peeped out from under his casts but I decided on what I thought might be a better way. I said, trying to sound light, “You’ve been acquainted with them before.”

“When?” he asked surprised.

“I suckled you there when you were a baby. Would you like to do that now?”

I did not wait for him to answer but moved my breasts towards his face, and taking his head I bought it to a nipple. He took it into his mouth and as he sucked and licked I held his head close to me.

Oh God, the feeling of exhilaration his sucking and nibbling gave me. I hugged him to me crying out inside myself, “He’s mine; I have my child back again.”

I began to quiver with craving for him, my clitoris throbbing. I felt myself getting even wetter between my legs. I wanted him, oh God how I wanted him. I had never wanted any man with the overwhelming passion with which I now wanted my son.

The moment was approaching when I was to masturbate him or give him oral sex. It was not now just a case of my simply relieving him; I was almost beside myself with sexual anguish and a candidate in extremis for relief myself.

In a shaking voice I said to him, “What if we do it properly today?”

I was sure he knew what I meant, but he had to be reassured. He released my nipple and asked, “Do what?”

My throat constricted by the overwhelming emotions I was experiencing I managed to gasp out, “I mean, we should have a proper sexual intercourse.”

His reply was made in one word; “Mother”. Wet as he was he leaned against me and I kissed him avidly. If he could, I knew he would have put his arms round me and perhaps begin to feel for my vulva. He was shaking with excitement but could do little physically. It was I who had to make all the moves.

I hastened to dry him and when I had finished we went to my bedroom. I said to him, “Just lie on the bed darling, and let me take care of you.”

It was strange; I felt as if I had him back as my baby again and could “take care” of him, but in a different way now. I wanted to give myself to him, oh how I wanted to give, to meet his desperate need as I had done all those years ago when he hungered for my breasts and their overflowing milk.

Alongside his hunger was my own aching need of him. To feel him penetrate me, his thick young sperm pouring into me, filling me up to overflowing brought me almost to the point of passing out I was so possessed by my yearning for him.

Brendan lay back and watched me spellbound as with shaking hands I stripped. I knew this was a testing moment. Seeing me naked, would he find me unattractive? I know many young men seek older women for their sexual gratification but would the addition of my being his mother prove too repellent?

I stood beside the bed for a few moments, letting him see me as I was. Again his response was brief. He simply sighed, “Oh mother, please.”

The tone of his voice, his pleading for me, told me all I needed to know. I could see he was almost ejaculating before I even came near him, so I sat astride him and slowly lowered my self on to his penis. As he slipped into me he gave a long ardent groan.

I just managed to get his full length into me when he began to discharge his sperm. I worked with his rhythm and felt the electrifying rhythm of his sperm pumping into me as he groaned and cried out with each new pulsation.

I was right on the edge of my own orgasm and although he had finished I would not withdraw from him. Still moving up and down on him I began to quake, wincing and crying out as I moved towards the agonising apex of my climax. I wanted to give myself totally to him, to melt into him and he into me so we became one.

I do not wish to denigrate Frank, but I must say this was the most overwhelming orgasm I had experienced up to that time. I think it was born of a hidden love and passion that I had buried deep within my psyche; an incestuous longing for the child of my womb.

As the enormous agony and ecstasy of our coupling began to quieten and I relaxed I found I was weeping with happiness; another first time for me during sexual intercourse.

Despite the fact that what we had done was incestuous, I was a peace. It seemed totally right; a sort of home coming; or perhaps reunion describes it better. My child had become part of me again and as a sat across him, his now slackening organ still inside me, Alanya Yeni Escort I never wanted to let him go.

Poor Brendan was not quite as tranquil as me. He was troubled by my tears.

“Mother…mother are you all right? Did I hurt you?”

“No darling, you have made me very happy.”

“That was the most stunning thing I’ve ever experienced,” he said. “I had no idea it would be like that…so…so…”

“Overpowering?” I asked.

“Yes, that’s just what it was, overpowering. When I was putting my sperm into you I wanted to…to…” He hesitated, unsure whether to speak openly about what he had wanted. I knew what he meant, and said so.

“You wanted to make me pregnant, didn’t you?”

“Yes…yes…I wasn’t really sure what it was I felt, but I wanted there to be some result…some outcome, something we had both made…something that would have made it complete.”

In that moment I felt a little regretful that I was on the contraceptive pill. I said nothing about this to him, but smiled down at him and said, “I would like that too. Perhaps…who knows…?”

I withdrew him from sensing as I did so that I was separating from something that belonged to me, part of myself. I lay beside him, stroking his strong young body and softly kissing his lips. As I touched his penis I felt that it was already hard again.

This time in a more leisurely manner I sat across him once more and let him slide into me. I moved very slowly, letting his crown almost exit from my vagina, then unhurriedly dropped down to let his full length enter, feeling the contentment and happiness of a sexual coupling made in love.

We spoke loving words to each other and in the process he revealed what I had never suspected.

“You know I’ve wanted you for a long time, don’t you mother? It wasn’t just because you washed me. I’ve wanted you ever since I came to understand about sexual intercourse. I’ve dreamed about being with you like this for years.”

He grinned; “Of course, I didn’t have my arms in casts during the dreams.”

I smiled back at him and said, “I didn’t know you felt like that about me darling, and you won’t always have your arms in casts.”

Those I knew were words of commitment. If at all possible this was not going to be a one off coupling; I felt and believed that our union had been too intense and profound for it to end there. I had set my mind on our making love not only while he was incapacitated, but beyond that into the future.

As if reading my thoughts Brendon asked, “This won’t be the only time, will it?”

“No sweetheart,” I replied, “it won’t be the only time. We have to be very careful, but let’s get together as often as we can.”

With that I felt he was ready to discharge again, so I began to move on him more purposefully. He closed his eyes, gave an ecstatic cry and ejaculated.

I was not ready for another orgasm so I enjoyed watching him as he shot his seed into me. He murmured words I could not hear properly as he unloaded into my vagina, and then I felt him relax. He opened his eyes and looked at me and almost shyly said, “Thanks mum that was tremendous.”

I made a humorous rejoinder; “My pleasure, darling, and I aim to please.”

I had taken two loads of his semen into me and what with my own lubricant we were in a bit of a mess. I withdrew from him making him gasp as the nerve crammed crown of his penis slipped out of me.

“I’ll just give us both a bit of a clean up”, I said, and made my way to the bathroom. I flushed Brendan’s sperm out of me and then taking a bowl of water and a wash cloth I went back to the bedroom and began washing his penis and groin.

When I’d finished he had another erection and I laughingly said, “Before you get your own pleasure this time, you’re going to give me mine.”

He looked at me and grinned; “How would you like it?” he asked.

“You, young man, are going to give your mother oral sex,” I replied.

“By all means,” he replied, still grinning. “How would you like me to do it?”

I had already considered this. I would dearly liked to have sat across his face but having his arms in plasters casts seemed to make that a bit difficult, so I opted for me sitting on the edge of the bed with legs up and spread wide, while he knelt in front of me.

As he knelt in front of me he said, “I’m going to do this to you until you come.”

With that he thrust his tongue into my vagina pushing it through my opening to lick inside my tunnel.

It was clear to me that the young devil had done this before, and for the next few minutes he nearly ate me as he moved between my opening and my clitoris. I felt my orgasm building then launching itself upon me. I began to vibrate ever more vigorously as the first waves swept over me.

I had my hands behind his head clasping him to me and was pleading with him not to stop. Deliciously agonising sensations had me screaming and weeping as Brendan thrust and licked with his tongue ever more eagerly. I became so delirious with sexual fire I thought I might faint so intense was the experience.

The wonderful torment seemed to rage through my whole body and the room span around me until the climax was passed and I began to quieten down.

As the after shocks diminished I recall moaning, “Darling…darling…that was so wonderful.”

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Fantasy Fulfilled

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They met on an Internet personal matching service. He responded to her profile and after the typical fits and starts of introducing themselves, they e-mailed back and forth on a regular basis.

Their e-mails rapidly became sexual in nature, interspersed with “Do you really like that kind of thing?” discussions, and their comfort level increased daily. It got to the point where checking for mail from one another was the first thing each did in the morning and the last thing they did at night.

They lived quite a distance apart, far enough that there was not much of a chance of them meeting. To be truthful, the anonymity of the Internet combined with the distance actually encouraged them to be a little more candid about their desires than they would normally have been. It was as if, “Why not? We’ll never meet.”

Then one day, things changed dramatically. He mentioned in an e-mail that he was going on a business trip, would be staying overnight in her city, and wanted to meet her in person.

Her response was one of cautious approach-avoidance. She was interested, was surprisingly circumspect about meeting. Sex talk via Internet chat and meeting in person were two entirely different animals.

Finally, he suggested that they meet at a local restaurant for drinks and dinner. No strings, and no commitments other than he would buy dinner. After some thought, she agreed and they set the date, time and location.

Remarkably, they arrived in the parking lot of the restaurant at the same time and recognized each other at first sight. Both had been quite accurate in their physical descriptions and the attraction that had started by e-mail began to grow.

Because she had read so many of his fantasies, she had been careful to dress in a short skirt, thigh high hose and heels that showed her legs to their best advantage. She had on a silky blouse that revealed the patterned bra underneath. He was dressed in khakis and a cotton denim shirt and mentioned that she had out-dressed him. She could tell however, by the way his eyes followed the curves of her body, that he was very pleased with her choice of clothing.

She was flattered when he handed her a single rose. It was a corny gesture, but a sweet one nonetheless. In another corny gesture, he held his arm out and she draped hers over it as they walked inside and ordered drinks, then had a slow dinner.

Throughout dinner they chatted, both talking in animated fashion about their jobs and interests. On occasion she would rest her hand on his arm as she made a point, or he would excitedly grasp her hand as he explained something that he enjoyed. As they finished dinner, warm from the effect of the cocktails, the conversation waned and they looked at each other.

Reaching over and laying his hand on hers, he said, “I’ve had a great time. It was nice to finally meet you.”

“Me too,” she responded looking into his eyes. “I really didn’t know what to expect, but it has been fun.”

“Too bad it has to end,” he said turning her hand over and stroking her palm with his index finger.

“Does it?” she said, looking at him with one eyebrow raised.

“Well,” he said smiling “When we decided to meet we did agree to limit it to chat. We can’t sit here all night Alanya Suriyeli Escort and talk.”

“You have a motel room don’t you?” she said smiling and dropping her hand to stroke the top of his thigh. “Couldn’t we continue our conversation there?”

“If you insist,” he said, a grin spreading across his face.

He paid the bill and they went to their cars. It was a short drive to the motel and soon they were in his room.

As soon as he closed the door she turned and faced him. He walked over to her and she stepped into his arms. She could feel the strength of his arms and shoulders as he pulled her to him.

She shivered as he bent and lightly kissed her neck, his tongue barely touching the warmth of her flesh. Slowly he worked his way up until their lips met and they kissed in earnest. She sighed as she felt his hands slip under the hem of her skirt and cup the cheeks of her ass. She could feel the beginnings of his erection as he pulled her hips to press against his.

They stood embracing until he stepped back and began to unbutton her blouse. He worked very slowly, kissing each inch of flesh as it became visible. Soon her blouse was on the bed and her bra followed in just seconds. Still standing he pulled and held her hips against his erection and holding her hips began kissing his way from her lips, down her neck to her erect nipples.

“N-n-n-g-g-g,” she whined as he sucked her left nipple into the heat of his mouth.

“Like that?” he questioned grinning at her.

“Oh, god yes,” she whispered as he moved to the other nipple.

After a minute or so he looked up from her breast and said, “I have something for you. Something you have always wanted.”

Puzzled, she looked around the room and said, “What?”

“Well, it’s a surprise,” he said with a grin. “So I am going to blindfold you while I get it out.”

“I-I don’t know,” she stammered glancing about again. “This is kind of strange.”

“Hey,” he said “Trust me. I promise it will be fun.”

“Well, o-okay,” she said, still unsure.

He walked over to his suitcase, opened it and took out a piece of black fabric.

“Here we go,” he said and he stepped behind her and gently tied the blindfold in place.

She reached her hands out for balance and he was there. Holding her by the waist, he began kissing her again, that same slow progress down her neck, then over each nipple then even further down until his tongue swirled in her navel. Her breathing quickened as she relaxed and let the sensations wash over her.

His kissing and licking slowed and he finally said, “Okay, time for your surprise, let me walk you over here.”

She shuffled in her high heels as he led her a few steps across the room.

“Sit here for a minute,” he said. He helped her sit on the end of the bed, then she felt him move away then heard him rustling in his suitcase again.

She heard his steps approaching and then he grasped her hands and said, “Okay, stand up and walk with me.”

Three steps and then she felt his hands pulling her hands down.

“Lean over,” he said and as she did she felt the palms of her hands meet what appeared to be the wooden arms of a chair.

“Grab the chair arms,” Alanya Türbanlı Escort he said and she did as he said. She was leaning over from the waist gripping the arms of the chair.

“Now wait,” he said and let her go.

There was a pause and then she felt something around her wrist and her heart started racing. He was tying her wrists to the chair! Oh, god! He had remembered her fantasy about being bound and had planned it for her.

Soon both wrists were bound, but he didn’t stop there. Before she could recover from the excitement of having her hands bound, she felt him tying one ankle to what appeared to be some type of bar.

After he tied the one ankle he tapped the inside of the knee on her free leg and aid, “Spread ’em.”

She inched her foot over but he wasn’t satisfied.

“More than that,” he said as he moved her foot over until her legs were spread quite apart. In a matter of seconds she was completely tied and


He didn’t waste time. She felt him standing behind her and his warm hands ran across her back, stroking lightly, massaging until her muscles began to relax. Standing so close that she could feel his erection pressing into her ass, he reached around and cupped her breasts in his hands.

“U-n-n-h-h-h,” she groaned as he teased the nipples between his fingers, lightly pinching them into erection.

“W-h-h-o-o-o,” she gasped as he licked around the back of her neck and then sucked her nipples into his mouth yet again.

Suddenly he stopped again and stepped away. Being blindfolded was disorienting to her and she froze, trying to hear where he was. Suddenly, she felt his fingers graze the insides of her thigh. Barely brushing the tender flesh he ran his fingers up the hem of her panties then down the other leg.

As his fingers approached the now wet gusset of her panties she would hiss in expectation, only to groan in disappointment as he withdrew them before they reached her satin covered pussy.

He lifted her skirt and tucked the hem into the waistband so it wouldn’t fall.

Then, changing his mind, he said, “I want your skirt off. I’m going to untie one leg and get your skirt off.”

“O-okay,” she panted. “What about my panties?”

“Oh no,” he said laughing “They stay on.”

He untied he left ankle and slid her skirt off.

“B-but why?” she whined in disappointment.

“Because I said so, and you’re tied up and can’t do anything about it,” He whispered in her ear as his hand ran inside her panties and caressed the smooth skin of her ass.

She groaned again as his fingers approached but didn’t quite touch her wet center.

“Oh my, look at you,” he whispered as his hands stroked the inside of her thighs.

“You said you liked oral didn’t you?” as for the first time his fingers barely grazed the wet crotch of her panties.

“W-h-h-o-o-o-o, a-h-h-h g-god, yes-s-s-s. I love it!” she gasped as she bucked her hips back seeking more contact.

“Oh, p-p-please,” she gasped. “Please touch it more!”

But he moved his hand away and stroking the insides of her thighs said, “Ah, ah, ah. Not too fast. We want this to last, don’t we?”

Then he lightly stroked her crotch again, Alanya Ucuz Escort a little firmer, feeling the lips of her pussy sheathed in slick, wet satin.

“O-h-h-h, n-n-n-o! Uh, I mean y-yes!” she gasped as his finger twirled her clit through the satin.

“A-a-h-h-h!” she gasped. “Oh, yes, please!”

“But you have your panties on,” he chuckled, running one finger up under the hem of her panties and slipping it between the lips of her pussy. “What should I do about that?”

“Oh-wah! O-h-h-h, p-p-please, Please do me. Wh-o-o-o-o! Oh hurry!” she babbled as his finger slipped back and forth barely grazing the surface of her burgeoning pussy lips and lightly nudging the erect nub of her clit.

Again, to her dismay, he stopped and stepped away. Then she felt cold metal against the skin, a knife, at her hip. There was a pull and then the waistband on her panties parted. In a second the other side was cut and she stood completely nude in heels and hose as her panties fell in a damp heap between her wide-spread ankles.

Slowly he stroked her bare bottom, soothing and teasing at the same time. Then she felt his tongue at the base of her ass cheeks and thrust her hips back to give him the access he sought. He was slow, but thorough, licking his way around, then between her nether lips.

“N-n-n-g-g-g, w-h-h-o-o-o!” she gritted and groaned as his tongue swiped across her clit, and in seconds she was pulling against her bindings as her orgasm washed over her.

He didn’t stop with one and soon she was gasping and straining as the second then third crashed through her body. Her arms and legs ached from being tied, yet she wanted more. He was only too willing to oblige her.

Stepping away from her he stripped off his clothing. Resisting the temptation to ride bareback and not wishing to break the mood with such a discussion, he paused to roll a condom over his erection and then knelt and untied her ankles.

Grasping her hips, he stepped between her legs and she gasped in pleasure as she felt the head of his penis brush her thigh and then nestle at the opening of her lips.

“What about?” she gasped as the head slipped between her lips.

“Hush,” he whispered. “It’s safe.”

She relaxed noticeably, but only for a second then gasped and groaned as he pushed his erection into her until she felt his pubic hair press into her ass.

“Oh, god!” she gasped as he paused then slowly withdrew, only to start another stroke in. He continued moving in and out slowly at first then faster until her ass was slapping against his hips with every stroke and his balls were crashing against her clit over and over.

Soon she was in what seemed to be a single extended orgasm and it went for what seemed to be forever. Just when she thought she could stand no longer, she noticed his breathing increase and his stroking become shorter and quicker.

“Uh, oh baby,” he gritted through clenched teeth, “Here it comes!”

“N-n-n-g-g-g-g! Oh p-p-please, y-y-es, give it to me!” she grunted between strokes as her last orgasm rocketed up her spine.

“Uh, uh, uh, oh god! Uh!” he grunted as he stroked into her one last time and held her close as he unloaded his balls.

Gasping for breath he bent over her…Cupping her breasts he held her close, then lightly twisted the flinty nubs until she shuddered in one final orgasm.

As their breathing returned to normal, he untied her wrists and removed her blindfold. He walked her to the bed and with one hand stripped the covers back. They crawled in and he held her close.

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Fast Food Fantasy Ch. 1

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“Matt could you shut the door for me please?” I asked. We were in the basement of the fast food restaurant we both worked at. I was the charge person. At 35 I was older than most of the “kids” that worked there. Matt too, was old, at only 23. He had volunteered to stay late with me so I wouldn’t be along in the store after hours. We had been working together for some time and had always been friendly. Sometimes, and tonight was no exception, we flirted back and forth. It was not at all unusual for any of the guys to be hitting on me. I enjoyed the teasing, considering it one of the perks of the job. It got me all hot and bothered and then I could go home and fuck my husband. I knew none of the guys from work were serious. I was old enough to be mom to most of them. I had no objections to some young play toy you understand but I wasn’t about to risk my whole life on a teenage hormone rush. So when Matt said he would stay and help long after closing I didn’t think twice about his intentions.

“Sure, but it’ll cost you,” he answered with his voice dripping sex. I laughed as always, enjoying the innuendo. I heard the door close and then felt his hot breath on my neck as he came up behind me. The air in the freezer was cold but his heavy breathing was sending shivers down my spine. I was about to tell him what he was doing to me when his arms closed around my chest and he kissed my neck.

“What are you doing, Alanya Ukraynalı Escort Matt?” I moaned, enjoying the feel of his lips on my neck but worrying about the territory we were fast approaching.

“What does it feel like I’m doing?” he answered. His hands began roaming over my body. My nipples were already hard from the cold and with no bra to interfere he found them with no problem. I leaned back into his arms, relishing the warmth of his nibbling on my neck and his hands fondling my aching breasts. I knew I should stop him but how could I.

“You know we can’t do this. I’m married and your girlfriend would kill you AND me if she found out!”

“We’re here all alone. No one will ever know. Besides you can’t tell me you don’t want it as much as I do.” He was right and he knew it. Even if I wanted to I couldn’t stop him now. I was in hook, line and sinker. My body was responding faster than I had experienced before. My pussy had been aching for attention all day and now it was soaking wet and screaming for release.

He let go of me long enough to spin me around, our lips meeting in a passionate kiss as soon as I faced him. My arms instinctively wrapped around his neck and drew him in closer. His hands were roaming down my back and pulling my ass in tight. I could feel his bulge against my leg and I had to see what he was offering. I broke away from his Alanya Üniversiteli Escort embrace and dropped to my knees. My fingers were already freezing so he helped me with his pants. He wasn’t wearing underwear so as soon as his fly was undone I was treated to a beautiful sight. His throbbing cock stood out at about 8 inches and nice and thick. It was rock solid and so hot I could swear it was steaming. He moaned as the cold air of the freezer hit his shaft but I warmed him in a hurry by swallowing his swollen member deep into my throat. He let his hands rest on the back of my hair feeling its softness as my hot mouth slid up and down his raging meat. I let my tongue swirl all along the shaft as it slid easily in and out. I sucked him deep into my throat with each stroke. He stood perfectly still letting me enjoy my work. I wrapped my fingers around his balls massaging them gently with cold hands. He hissed as he inhaled from the shock. I could feel that he was getting close and wanted more from him than just a spurt of cum in my mouth so I let him slide from my hungry lips and knelt looking up at him.

He looked down at me with pure lust in his eyes. Without a word he helped me to my feet and undid my slacks as he backed me into the corner. He sat me on a box of fries while he slid my pants down to my ankles. With his cock still swaying in front of him he dropped between Alanya Vip Escort my knees opening my legs so he could feast his eyes on my smooth shaven pussy lips. I had always teased the boys about being shaved but I knew none of them believed me. Matt wasted no time, diving in to taste his first smooth cunt. His tongue found my clit and as he traced circles around it he eased two fingers into my waiting honey pot. He fingered me, sucking on my clit until I screamed out and flooded his face. As good as the tongue lashing felt I still needed more.

“Oh Matt!! You have to fuck me. I need to feel your dick in my pussy!” He got to his feet and helped me to stand. I looked at him questioningly until he turned me around and bent me over. I held my breath as he approached from behind. I moaned with pleasure when I felt the tip of his hard cock come in contact with my aching cunt. I was so wet from the cold and his tongue bath that he slid into the hilt on the first stoke. He placed his hands on my hips and started humping at lightening speed. His balls slapped my engorged clit with each in bound stroke causing sparks of electricity to run through my lust-crazed body. I came to a screaming orgasm in no time and he followed right behind splashing his hot cum deep within my convulsing pussy walls.

Matt collapsed on top of me, kissing my neck and fondling my hard nipples through the rough material of my uniform top. I turn to him and kissed him once before saying, “we need to get this work done. If you don’t quit you’ll start something again and we’ll never get it done.”

“True,” he said. “Maybe next time we can do it right.” He pulled out and straightened my slacks before helping me up. I can hardly wait until “next time”.

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Fantastic Night with Nova and Molly

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I am a 32-year old guy and this is the story of the night my girlfriend Nova and I tried Molly for the first time. It was by far the best night of my life and definitely a night to remember.

I got the Molly from my friend Chris. He tried to find us a very high-quality Molly in crystal form. He put them in six capsules and advised us to take one every two hours.

Prior to that night, Nova and I each had some sexual experiences, but nothing too kinky. We both also had some sexual fantasies which we barely talked about before that night. We were not quite sure what to expect from a night on Molly. We just heard some random things from others and read about it online.

Thursday, April 3rd

“I will let you experience it on your own, I just have a few suggestions,” Chris said with a smile “Be open about exploring your sexuality together, anything can happen. Don’t worry if you cannot get it hard. Drink a lot of water and empty your bowels beforehand”.

“What do you mean by the last comment?” I asked Chris.

“You will know what I mean. Ass play is fun on Molly.”

“Ass play? No way. Come on man, give me a bit more information. what is going to happen?”

“You’ll see. It’s all good. It may also be a good idea to have some orange juice and cigarettes around and Vicks Vapor too”.

Chris got up and gave me the pills and left.

Friday, April 4th

We prepared per Chris’s instructions and started with the first pill at 8pm. The fear of the unknown had made us both a bit nervous and I suggested that we go to the bedroom and lay down and listen to some mellow music. Our setting was nice and calming and we soon started to kiss. After a few minutes, Nova suggested to give me a massage and I happily agreed. She was very good at massaging my back, and it really helped me relax and enjoy the moment. We switched after 15-20 minutes and I gave her a massage that started on her back and slowly moved to her legs and feet. Nova had very nice feet and she always took good care of them. Her red pedicure was shiny and I closed my eyes and kissed her feet gently.

“What are you doing? Kissing my feet?”, she asked me with a surprised look.

“Why not? You have nice feet and we are here tonight to let loose and enjoy whatever feels right.”

“Oh, so you like my feet? Really? But you never said a word about it before”.

“Well, now you know”.

“What else do you like to do with my feet? I always had this fantasy that someone plays with my feet.”

“Oh, you have a foot play fantasy? Nice, I have a few fantasies as well. Maybe tonight we get to try some of them.” I said and got up to drink some water. It was about 8:45 and I suddenly felt a wave of energy radiating from my body. It felt very nice and I told Nova to stand up and feel it too.

“Wow this is actually kinda cool,” she said with a smile on her face. We hugged each other. The touch of her skin against mine felt warm and nice, a very fresh feeling. We stared into each other’s eyes for a minute and started kissing again. This was definitely starting to be an interesting night.

We drank some water and laid down on the bed again. After some kissing, I got on top of her and slowly started to move down on her, kissing and nibbling on her nipples and then further down to her shaved and smooth pussy. This was not my first time going down on her and yet, I felt a rush of excitement as my tongue touched her clit. Her salty juice tasted so good and she and I both got into it very quickly. Surprisingly enough I noticed I was enjoying it even more than she did.

“Looks like you are liking it too much, my turn to try this”, she said it and asked me to lay down on my back and started to play with my hard dick in her mouth. I was able to feel every move of her tongue and it was magical, but I also missed licking her hot wet pussy. So, I asked her to turn around to do 69.

We had tried 69 before and it was fun for a minute or so, but no more. But this time we both were enjoying licking each other so much that we both started to moan and breathe heavily. Then all of a sudden and without telling me, she straightened her back and sat on my face.

“What is she doing? I can’t breathe” I thought for a second and I was waiting for her to get up or change her position. But to my surprise, she did not move much.

“Lick me, baby, I want to feel your tongue in my pussy” she demanded.

I started licking and fighting for air at the same time. Her sudden demanding move actually turned me on even more and I stuck my tongue as deep as possible inside her pussy. She started moving back and forth gently and riding my face.

“Do you like it, baby? I can tell you do. I like it too, oh yeah…” she screamed.

She took her time and finally lifted her ass and let me breathe.

“This was another one of my fantasies,” she said with a devilish smile.

“To sit on my face?”

“Well, to be dominating and bossy. You said it is okay we try our fantasies tonight. Still okay with it?” she asked me.

“Well, yes I am and I liked it too. I liked how you were in control and demanding. But I was not sure about your ass being on my nose.”

“Oh my God. Sorry babe, did it bother you?”

“On the contrary, I want to try something Alanya Olgun Escort that is my fantasy,” I said it and told her to be on her hands and knees and on the edge of the bed. Then I sat behind her while looking at her ass and pussy in front of me. What a view!! I started licking her pussy and she started to moan again. Then I started to move a bit up toward her ass hole and licked it gently.

“What??? Are you serious?” she almost jumped.

“Yes, I have imagined doing this before and I have heard ass play can be fun on Molly.”

“Hummmm, okay hon. Do what you want. I might wanna try it too”.

“You wanna lick my ass?” I asked with my mouth open.

“Why not? We are supposed to explore our kinky side tonight”

I agreed and I started to explore her ass hole again. It felt like a taboo thing to do and yet I was filled with pleasure, I was trying to stick my tongue further in her tight ass, and by her rapid moaning I could tell she was liking it quite a lot as well.

“Okay okay stop, this is too good. I want to try it now” she said after a few minutes.

“Sure, but let’s take our second pills. It is almost 10pm.”

“Already? wow, time flies when you are having so much fun”.

We took the second pills and she had me positioned the same way she was and she started licking my ass hole. It felt very ticklish and amazing. Interestingly enough, she also seemed very much into it and could not stop rimming my butt. After a few minutes, she finally stopped and stood up.

“I cannot believe I licked a guy’s ass and enjoyed it so damn much” she confessed.

“So it is not just me, you like it too?”

“Oh yeah, my heart is still beating like crazy from the excitement,” she said, “But I am not done with your butt yet.”

“Yeah? Wanna lick it more?” I asked.

“Soon babe. Let’s just have sex now.”

She laid down and I got on top of her and we started kissing. Chris told me that it was possible for me not to get hard on Molly, but I did not seem to have any issue and I was very hard. I slid my dick into Nova’s warm and tight pussy and we both stopped breathing for a second. Oh, the way it felt was the same and yet very different from any sex we had before. It was very sensual and intimate. I just stopped and stared into her eyes and she stared back into mine. Then I slowly started moving in and out while kissing her. A minute later I straightened my back and she put her feet on my chest while I kept on going. My rhythms were getting faster and we both were breathing harder. She lifted her feet off of my chest and raised and put them right into my face. Her feet were a bit smelly and instead of it bothering me, I suddenly took a deep breath and tried to smell her scent as much as I could. A huge rush of excitement came upon me and I took her big toe in my mouth and kept on fucking her. She too seemed to be enjoying this a lot and started rubbing her other foot on my face.

“Oh baby, lick my foot, I know you love it, let me stick my toes in your mouth” she moaned.

I took my time with her left foot before moving to her right one and I could not get enough of it. It was also a big turn on for her and she kept slapping my face with her feet gently and playfully.

After ten minutes, I could not go on any longer and I collapsed next to her. We both were sweating a lot and she suddenly licked my forehead and announced that it tasted “so fucking good”. In turn, I too licked her forehead and noticed how much I enjoyed her salty sweat. Then I grabbed her arms and took a whiff of her armpits. Yes, it was sweaty with a mild typical smell and amazingly enough, I found its aroma quite erotic and a big turn on. Who knew?

She decided to do the same and smell my armpit. Her reaction was even stronger.

“Oh my God. This is too good babe. I love love love your armpit smell. I can’t get enough of you. What an amazing night. Thank you God.” she said while we were staring at each other and catching our breath.

“Me too. Damn, this is beyond any expectation I had. I am feeling like the world is very small right now. It is just you and me in this room. There is no other places and other people and there is no tomorrow” I replied.

“Yes, me too. Good observation. Did you like licking my feet?”

“Oh, I loved it. I loved how they smelled and licking your toes was heavenly. I wish we tried this before. I mean I always noticed you had nice feet, but never imagined they could give me so much pleasure.’

“Awww, really? It was such a turn on to see how excited you were licking them. It almost made me cum. We should do more of it. But first, I want to sit on your face again.”

“Hahaha, normally that statement would sound odd and rude. But right now, I would love nothing more.”

I laid down on my back and she got up and sat on my face with her back toward my legs. She positioned my hands and arms above my head and put her feet on my wrists preventing me to move much. She leaned backward and kept her ass a few inches above my face.

“Babe, you are a bit too high up. I can’t reach your ass” I said to her.

“I know. I actually wonder how much you wanna lick my ass right now”

“I want it of course”

“You do? Tell me what you want Alanya Otele Gelen Escort babe.”

“I want to lick your ass hole Nova.”

“I am not sure you really do. I want you to beg for it if you really want it.”

“Beg for it? Hummmm, Nova, please let me rim your ass. Please… I am begging you”

“Good. That is what I want to hear” she announced and lower her ass and placed her butt hole right on top of my mouth. I am not a submissive person by nature, but something about being on Molly made me take a lot of pleasure seeing Nova dominating me and me doing what she wanted. I started licking her ass and she moved back and forth, controlling how my tongue was licking her.

A few minutes later she finally stopped and got up, even though I did not want it to stop. I was breathing heavily and I asked her to let me rim her more.

“Later buddy. You seem to like it quite a lot and I want to try it on my own. Sit on my face you naughty boy” she laughed and laid down on her back. I moved and sat on her face with my knees bent under my body and sitting more vertically. My dick was between her eyebrows and I tried not to put any of my weight on her face.

“Sit down babe. I want your ass completely on my face” she said and I obeyed. She started licking my ass hole and I could tell how much she was into it. For me, it was more of a mental turn on seeing her under me trying so hard to breathe and pushing her tongue deep inside me. This position was fun both on the giving and the receiving side and I was glad that she wanted to try it. She finally pushed my body up a bit with her hands.

“Oh my God. Damn, I love this. I love your ass. I love licking your ass hole. I don’t want to stop. Can I do it again later?” she almost screamed.

“Sure babe, but for now I want to play with your ass more,” I said it and I directed her to lay down on her back with a pillow under her butt, and I moved between her legs and started licking her pussy and her ass hole. She grabbed her ass cheeks and tried to spread them as much as possible. I licked my index finger and started to gently push it inside her butt hole. She sighed and seemed to feel a bit of pain, but then told me to push my finger in more. A minute later my finger was completely in her ass and I was moving it in and out slowly.

“Oh I like it babe, but I think it works better if you use oil on your finger,” she said.

I grabbed the oil bottle and applied some oil to my hand and her ass. She was right. The oil made it much easier and she soon had 3 of my fingers in her ass.

“Oh wow, this feels both good and bad. I like how it feels, but I also never imagined letting anyone near my ass” she said with a smile on her face.

“I like it too, I never had anal sex, but I always wondered about trying it”.

“Yeah? Let’s just do it.”

“Sure, let’s do it, there is no better time than this,” I said and put some oil on my dick which was not very hard at that moment.

“I am not hard babe. Let me see what I can do to make myself hard” I murmured.

“What if you lick my feet? Maybe it helps?” she replied.

“Okay,” and I started to lick her feet and wow, I was hard within 20 seconds. What a cool trick! I positioned myself and slowly slid my dick into her virgin ass, just the first inch.

“Hold on hold on,” she said with a painful expression, and after a few seconds gave me the green light to push a bit further. After a minute or two, my dick was completely in her ass, but she still needed time to adjust and get comfortable. Then she told me to start moving back and forth slowly.

“How is it? Still hurting?” I asked.

“It hurt before, actually it feels okay now. You can slowly go faster” she replied.

This was the first time we both were experiencing anal sex and it was an experience beyond words. We were both mentally and physically overloaded with pleasure. The vaginal sex felt very good, but anal had a different feeling to me and I absolutely loved it, not to mention it felt very intimate to do it with Nova. She seemed quite into it and started moaning harder and louder than usual.

“Oh God, Oh God, This feels so fucking good. I love your dick in my ass, fuck me harder” she screamed as I was pounding her ass faster and harder. The good thing about Molly was that it prevented me from cumming and I was able to keep going.

Several minutes later, I finally had to stop. I slowly took out my hard dick and I saw Nova’s ass hole staying open for a few seconds. It was a very erotic view and I loved it.

“Damn, anal is super nice. I cannot believe how good it felt to be inside your ass. How was it for you?” I asked while breathing hard.

“Oh, it was fantastic. I never imagined how good and erotic it would feel. I always thought it would feel painful and wrong. I want it again. What about you?”

“What about me? Of course, I want to do it again.”

“No, I mean do you want to see how it feels to have something in your butt?

“Hummmm, I think not. I will take your word for it.” I replied with hesitation.

“Come on babe. What do you have to lose? I want to try it with you. Just one finger. Please” she insisted.

“Just one finger? Okay, but we stop if I don’t like Alanya Rus Escort it. Deal?”

“Deal”, she jumped and grabbed the oil and lubricated her index finger and ordered me to get in a doggy style position. I was curious, excited, and yet hesitant, but I decided to go with the flow. After some rimming, she slowly started to rub my anus with her oily finger and then started to gently push it in. I felt a pressure followed by an odd feeling that I did not quite like. But after a minute and some back and forth, when her finger was completely inside my ass, I started to realize what she was talking about. It actually started to feel pleasurable and I did not mind it anymore.

“How are you feeling hon? Is it hurting” she asked.

“Well, not now, I am okay now.”

“Do you want me to use the second finger?”

“Yeah, but go slow.”

She said okay and after lubing up her second finger, she inserted both fingers into my ass. The pressure I felt was much more and I almost wanted her to stop but decided to tolerate the pain a bit more, and it paid off. The pain was replaced by a massive level of pleasure which was very hard to describe and I began to see why she was enjoying my dick in her ass so much. Finally, she stopped after a few minutes and stood up.

“I will be right back. Don’t move,” she told me.

A minute later she came back with a sex toy. As I looked at it, I realized it was a long, double headed red plastic anal beads.

“I just had a thought. Let’s do an ass to ass fucking position with this” she said with a lot of excitement in her voice that made me chuckle.

“Hummmm, I really like your ideas tonight. How exactly?” I asked.

“Let’s do it on the floor. I sit in doggy style position, so you can stick part of this in my ass, and then you can also sit in doggy style with your ass towards mine and stick the other end in your ass”.

“Okay, not sure if it works, but let’s see,” I said and directed her to a good spot on the floor. Then I lubed up the toy, her ass, and mine and started to push the first ball of the anal beads in her ass. She sighed with a little pain or pleasure as she received each ball and after four balls I stopped. It was my turn. I positioned myself and grabbed the other end and gently pushed its first ball in my own ass, and then slowly I pushed three more balls in myself. The beads had about 13 balls altogether and it was long enough to make this work. Her legs and feet were between my legs.

“Ready? I am gonna start moving back and forth” I said while trying to figure out this very unusual and yet very erotic sexual play with Nova. It took us both a minute to adjust and learn how to move back and forth smoothly. We could not see each other during this ass-to-ass play and yet it was such an intimate play. Guys and girls during sex receive pleasure in different ways, guys feel it in their dick and girls in their pussy. But this play was giving us both the same sensation and pleasure and therefore it was a unique a explore. I was also able to see her sexy feet and soles under me and I moved my head a bit down and started kissing and licking her soles passionately. This was heavenly. Again after several minutes of pure pleasure and moaning and enjoying every second of it, we finally had to stop and take a break.

It was almost midnight. After drinking some water and taking the last pill, we decided to go out for a short walk. Neither one of us were smokers, but Chris told me to try and smoke a cigarette or two while rolling. So, I lit up a cigarette and we went out. The stars were out and the weather was fantastic, and smoking the cigarette actually felt good.

“Everything feels so nice. I feel pure joy and happiness. What a positive energy” she announced with a big smile on her face.

“I know. This is hundred times better than I imagined. I can’t wait to see what else will happen next tonight.”

We walked around for a while until she decided to take off her flip flops and walk barefoot.

“Will you do something for me?” she asked.

“Sure, what is it?”

“I tell you after you promise to do it. No backing down.”

“Well, after you fingered me in the ass, I doubt I will say no to much else tonight. Okay, promise.”

“I want you to lick my toes right here right now.”

“But you have been walking barefoot. Your feet are dirty.” I protested.

“Oh, I know. That is why I want you to lick them clean.”

I stood there for a few seconds smiling at her in silence, knowing I would end up doing it.

“So?” she demanded, while she sat on the curb and stared at me. I sat next to her and looked around. There was nobody else around, but the thought of anyone seeing us both excited and scared me. Finally, I grabbed her left foot and neared it to my face and started kissing her foot while looking into her eyes. She had a devilish smile and opened her mobile phone and took a picture. I was however mostly in my own world and licking her toes one by one and really enjoying her strange request. A minute later she got up and kissed me passionately and said “baby I love you so much. I hugged her and said, “I love you too”. I then mustered my courage and kneeled before her and pulled down her pants a little and started licking her pussy right there. She was a bit shocked and started looking around to make sure nobody was around. A few seconds later, she wanted to try it too and went down and took out my dick and started giving me a blow job. I was both nervous and excited to be out on the street and doing something that naughty with my girlfriend.

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Fancy Dress Party

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“I am taking you to a fancy dress party” I tell you. “I am going to pick out the costume and you will do as I say”. Still held captive by your attacker you have no choice but to obey. You made your decision when you decided to go back to see how he eats pussy. He goes to his closet and takes out a black thong. You put it on. Wearing only the thong the cold air hitting your nipples making them hard – feeling the thread from the thong on your ass hole you step into the black cloak he is holding. The cloak covers you completely. He places a mask over your face. You can still see everything. He also puts on a strange looking mask and cloak and he leads you to his car.

You drive for what seems like hours. Down dark country roads dimly lit by the poor street lighting, it’s hard to make out where you are. Finally you arrive at a huge cottage. The gates open and you drive up to the main doors. He takes your arm in his and leads you into the house. It’s a fine house – with many antiques and paintings. You proceed to the main foyer. A group of people are assembled there all dressed in black cloaks and masks. A man dressed in red also with a mask stands in the middle.

“Let the games begin” he announces. The crowd disperses into different directions. You move with a section of the crowd into a large room. There is a table in the room. A large round table. On the table there are 6 or 7 naked women playing with each other’s bodies. One woman has her legs spread and is silent. Wearing only her mask another woman is licking her pussy. A crowd has gathered around the table and is watching. Just watching – no one is talking – just watching. Alanya Masaj Salonu He leads you around the table and makes you watch for a few minutes. You feel the intensity in the air – 20 people watching these women sucking each other – there bodies intertwined together. The picture is incredibly erotic. You can se the folds of every woman’s pussy – tongues licking every part – cum dripping from some. You feel heat building up inside you – part of you scared part of you wanting to join in.

He whispers in your ear – “I have a lot more in store for you my slave” as he pulls you away from the table leading you into the next room. The next room is filled with different couples. Some are naked – some still in their cloaks. Everyone still wears their masks. A man is on all fours in the middle of the room – a woman lying on his back as another man is pushing his fingers into both there ass holes together. A crowd is gathered around watching them. To your left a woman is moaning as she bounces on top a mans cock. You can see her riding him – his dick disappearing into her pussy. You turn again to watch the couple’s ass. He kneels you down right in front of them as you watch the mans fingers disappear time and time again into their asses.

He picks you up and leads you again to another room. This room is fairly empty about 5 people watch you as you enter the room with him. A man is naked wearing only his mask standing in the center of the room. His legs are spread waiting. A man is beginning to take off his robe and is walking around the naked man. He grabs his ass as he walks around him. Everyone Alanya Masöz Escort else in the room is wearing their cloak.

“Take off your cloak” he commands you. You obey letting the cloak fall to the floor exposing your breasts for all to see. You have never been naked in front of so many people before. You anticipate what you are going to be asked to do in front of all these people. Will you be able to perform? You are so hot from all the sexual activity you are willing to do anything. He pulls you towards the man. “Suck him” are his only words. You kneel down – carefully take his balls into your hands and take his cock deep into your mouth. You see a crowd beginning to gather around. Everyone wants to see every detail. You move your tongue over his cock. Letting your spectators see every move of your tongue. You begin to move faster feeling his dick swell in your mouth. You notice the other man has moved to your body he is also now naked. You concentrate on your sucking wanting to please the crowd – afraid of what will happen to you if you do not perform well. The 2nd man moves behind you and pulls your hip so that you are now on all fours. Somehow you know you are not allowed to stop sucking. You have been given the task and must not deviate from it. You move to his balls taking one into your mouth moving from one to the other – licking them all over.

Suddenly you feel the thong being pulled down. You raise your knees to assist him in removing your thong. Still trying to concentrate on your task you move your tongue under his balls. The crowd has now increased there are too many people Alanya Öğrenci Escort to count. You pussy and ass are now exposed for all to see. Some are bending down closer to your ass to get a better look. Nods of approval go back and forth as the 2nd man expects your goods. Another man removes his cloak. He kneels before your and you feel his tongue lick the rim of your ass. He spreads your ass cheeks wide exposing your hole for all to see. He continues to lick. You feel the heat increase inside you and take the mans dick further into your mouth to muffle your moans. You cannot help it – you have to moan in ecstasy. You feel the tongue move from your ass and inside your pussy. He then pulls away allowing the 3rd man to continue licking you ass.

You feel the cold air on your open ass and you wonder what will happen next. You find out as a man enters your pussy. He is so large you feel your pussy stretch to accommodate him. You lunge forward sucking more of the mans cock – sucking more frantically now wanting to cum. You feel him fill you up – your pussy taking as much as it can – he begins to move faster fucking you harder. The man in your mouth begins to cum – you feel the pre cum in your mouth. You turn to see the masked crowd watching you – taking in every detail. You suck harder as he fucks you harder. You feel him squirt in your mouth – you swallow as he pours his cum down your throat. He shoots inside your pussy – you feel him fill you up and you cum – taking the 2 men’s cum inside you – your mouth and your pussy pushes you over the edge. You cry out but the penis in your mouth muffles your cry. Both me pull out and walk away to be licked of by 2 other women.

Your master picks you up – “The night is not over yet” there are many more rooms to visit” you nod your head and walk with him naked, wearing only you mask in to the next room.

Hope you enjoyed the story, you can send any comments – I love the feedback!

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My Sister Janet Pt. 03

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All characters engaged in sexual acts are over 18 years of age.


Even before dawn broke it was still warm enough for a single bedsheet. Janet was nestled on her side with me behind her so that my chest, stomach and thighs were in contact with her and I felt her warmth. I reviewed last night in my mind, erotic images and words, but one powerful message dominated everything.

We had committed incest. My sister and I had fucked – twice: I’d licked her pussy, she’d sucked my cock. Not to mention that I’d cum in her and on her and we’d pissed on each other for fun. I felt zero guilt.

As my mind woke, so did my cock. Janet was breathing slowly, deeply, so I just let my hardon nestle against the fabric between her butt cheeks. It was warm, and a little damp there. I thrust gently, loving the warmth of her, then I took my cock out of my boxers and put it back there. I could feel how flimsy was the barrier between my cock head and my sister’s flesh, and I pushed gently.

I must have drifted back to sleep, because some time later I realised the sun was nearly up. My cock again became rigid and I got it nested in my favourite spot again, then I realised with a jolt that it was touching bare flesh.

I raised my head to look, but I couldn’t tell if Janet was awake. I whispered: “JJ? You awake?”

“Mmm hmm, just.”

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to wake you.”

“You sure? Felt like you were trying to put your cock in my bum. That’s why I took my panties off.”

“Was that your bum? Oh, um…”

Janet reached back and put something in my hand.

“Use that. It’ll help. Take the reward you earned last night.”

It was a tube of lube she’d handed me. Now I’m not slow on the uptake, but I think it took me a few seconds to grasp her meaning.

My sister wanted me to fuck her arse. I’d heard about it, now I was going to try it. Was there anything my dirty sister didn’t know about turning me on?

“JJ, I mean…”

“It’s OK, I’ve always wanted to try. C’mon, little brother. Let’s try it?”

Janet turned onto her stomach and spread her legs. I squirted a bit of lube on my index finger and rubbed it around her puckered arse, thinking it was just the tight external ring that would resist my entry. Then I lubed my shaft, an extra bit on the head. I’d heard it could be difficult to get inside a girl’s arse. And I realised I had no idea how. I pushed gently while Janet moved her hips upwards to try to help, then pulled her bum apart with both hands. Even when I managed to get the tip in, my cock bent up because she was so tight and I couldn’t get the angle right.

I held my shaft tightly to keep it straight and pushed gently. Janet whimpered: “Ow! OW! No no, it’s OK. Just gently.”

I sensed she’d relaxed her whole body and Alanya Grup Escort the next time I pushed, it was as if I’d broken through a knot. My steamy-sexy sister gasped and tensed a little, but her sphincter opened more and then I was inside it.

“Oh! Just keep still for a sec, Mike.”

“Does it hurt?”

“Yes, but it’s also really fucking good. Um, maybe just – yes, like that. Press, don’t fuck. Mmmm. Oh Mikey, I like thiss…”

If her pussy was hot and liquid, her arse was hot and tight. After maybe two minutes of gentle pressure, we’d worked out a rhythm with me just pressing while she pushed back with her hips. It was too much for me after only a couple of minutes, and I had to restrain myself from pushing too hard and hurting her and I began pressing into her arse more urgently. She had opened to accommodate me now and raised herself off the bed a little. She was moaning, fingering herself.

“Oh Mikey! Nngh. A cock in my bum Oofh and two fingers in my pussy! Oh FUCKKK This…is fucking heaven! Please cum with meee…”

She didn’t need to say ‘please’. My balls were knocking against the hand she had tried to bury inside her own pussy and all of a sudden they tightened, my cock twitched and pulsed, and I groaned through clenched teeth while I emptied inside my sister’s arse. Her sphincter pulsed gently in what I imagined was her own orgasm, which just made my climax headier still.

This time she didn’t want me to stay inside her.

“Oh Mikey it hurts a bit. Take it out – gently – OWW! Oh, I’m sore.”

“I’m so sorry JJ. I wouldn’t have done it if I was going to hurt you.”

“I know you wouldn’t, I know. It was just the first and last bits that hurt. In the middle I was nearly fainting with pleasure. Jesus Mikey, I can’t believe I’m so fucking horny with my own brother!”

“Yeah! I know! I can’t believe any of this. Although I have to say girl, if I woke up from a coma or something to find it wasn’t real I’d wank for days on the fantasies!”

“Hahahah. Oh, it’s real alright. OK. My bum’s sore, we’re both sweaty and I need a pee.”

“Me too. Wanna hold it again?”

“Um, no. I just had an idea. Let’s shower but not pee. I’ll tell you why in a minute. C’mon – get clean before we get dirty again!”

We soaped each other in the shower. I liked standing behind her and soaping from her tits to between her thighs while she reached back with one hand around my neck to hold me close. She spent a while soaping my cock – “Gotta make sure he’s nice and clean!”

“OK, so what’s the game this time JJ?”

“OK. Here, get dry.” She handed me one of the damp towels while she dried with another.

“It’s like this. One of the sexy little things I like to do is wet my panties.”

“Huh?” Alanya İranlı Escort

“You heard right. I like to pee my pants on purpose.” She was bent at the waist to one side fluffing her hair dry, talking about this as though she were discussing her favourite movie. Her no-nonsense directness is probably what helped me got over the fact that I’d started a sexual relationship with my own sister and felt absolutely no guilt or regret.

“OK, well, what do you have in mind?”

“It’s super horny if I can hold it until I cum then pee and cum at the same time. The release is fantastic. Can boys do that?”

“I don’t think so. No.”

“That’s a shame. OK, slight change of plan then. How about I do my thing and tell you when I want you to pee? Or wait! You can piss on me anytime and then maybe cum on my tits – you said you wanted to. Deal?”

I liked her taking the lead, since I had no experience and even less confidence. I just nodded. This time we used the empty spa bath. Janet put our beach towels on the bottom to sit on, still dressed in her t-shirt but she’d put yesterday’s panties back on. Those tight white ones that hugged her so well. She had her legs wide apart so I could see her slit through them.

I got naked and knelt between her calves. She was biting her bottom lip as she looked at me and reached for my cock and balls. She masturbated me gently for half a minute, then popped me in her mouth.

“Wait, Nettie. I go off like a rocket in the morning, even after cumming once already I don’t think…”

She let go of my cock, saying: “Oh Nettie is it? You haven’t called me that since we were tiny.”

“Don’t touch my dick for a bit. It’s a boy thing. Especially this boy with you…”

“Aw! You say the nicest things…”

I put my hand between her legs and stroked gently. In seconds she was moaning and wet, I’d practically pushed her knickers up inside her and they were damp. Janet pulled at her own nipples underneath her t-shirt while her chest began heaving. I stroked between her legs for maybe three or four minutes, then she put her right hand inside her panties and began frigging with more urgency, looking into my eyes with that bottom lip between her teeth again.

Closer to climax now, her head dropped to her chest, closing her eyes for a few seconds at a time but always meeting mine when she opened them again.

With her left hand she reached for my cock. I understood and knelt close. Janet began moaning in her throat, bent to gobble my cock in there, and pulled at my shaft. I had no resistance left, I tried to warn her but it came too soon. She didn’t care – I pulsed the gobs of my cum on the back of her throat while she gently fed my shaft as far in it as she could.

I stayed in her suckling Alanya Manken Escort mouth for some seconds in a selfish afterglow, not realising she was working up to cumming herself. As my mind came back to earth, that other morning thing took over. I needed to piss.

I withdrew and tried to aim it down with some difficulty, my sister helped by sitting more upright without slowing her fingers inside her panties. One word was said: “OK”

Spurts of yellow piss took sticky strands of cum off the end of my dick, then I managed to relax enough to let go. Janet played it over her tits, where I soaked her enough to make the cotton transparent. Her stiff nipples strained against the fabric.

My liquids splashed off her and ran down between her legs to wet her panties, which were jiggling about with the rapid movement of her hand.

“Fuck yesss, this is… Oh fuck, Mikey!”

Something devilish started in the back of her throat and took power from her lungs. I was a spectator now, watching as my sister flung her legs apart and used her free hand to push her invading one hard against herself. The noise through clenched teeth was raw, primitive, climactic.

As I watched her thighs closing on her hands, twitching and jerking, her pee-soaked tits heaved and jiggled, and I heard a strong pssshhhtt sound. This was what she’d wanted – she was pissing hard and cumming at the same time. Her eyes were closed, so was her mouth as she twitched and jerked in rapture, all the time flooding her hands, knickers and thighs with her pee.

I was awestruck. My sister, eyes closed in rapture, had just swallowed my cum, helped me to piss on her chest, then masturbated herself in front of me to a strong peegasm. My mind stretched it out, even though the intense part probably lasted just seconds; but it was a full half-minute before the last twitches faded and my lovely, horny sister opened her eyes, bit her bottom lip, then burst into happy laughter.

“Oh my effing gee! I have never come that hard before. And with you watching, well, maybe that’s why.”

I was slowly stroking my half-hard cock. “All part of the service, ma’am. Oh, and anytime you want somebody to watch – anything – I’m your man.”

She giggled and her tits jiggled again. “Oh, look how wet I am.”

“I had noticed.” Another giggle. OK, you shower and I’ll put this wet stuff in the washer.”

So practical! And that’s how it went. Janet showered after me, then we realised we had no clean clothes in this suite – after all this was our parents’ room – our stuff was in our cabins.

I put on yesterday’s shirt and shorts, Janet borrowed mum’s track suit. We went back to our cabins.

These were the first few minutes away from my sister since it all kicked off and I suddenly realised the ramifications of our tryst. You can’t unfuck your own sister or unlick her pussy. She can’t unsuck your dick any more than you can uncum inside her pussy, her arse or her mouth. I felt redness around my face. I didn’t know what to think now that I was alone.

Except I was very sure I didn’t want it to stop.

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My Sister Amy

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(My first story, please give constructive criticism! It’s pretty short too. Sorry!)

My little sister had always preferred me. Even when we were young, she would seem to only be content when she was in my arms, or when she was spending time with me. I was 4 years older than her, at the time this story took place I was 22 and she was 18. As she grew older she continued to depend on me for advice, and, well, just about everything.

My sister, Amy, had a very nice figure, she had a very clean and glowing face, with beautiful, enticing eyes that just made you want to stare into their depths for as long as you could. Moving down her body she had very firm 36C breasts that were just the perfect size, not so large as to look fake, but not so small as she looked flat chested. Perfect. She had long, supple legs, too. She had a body that could drive any man crazy.

Except me.

I always looked at my sister as, well, my sister. I never dreamed that she would look at me any differently, or that I would one day look at her differently as well. In fact, I could never figure out why any female would take a second glance at me. In my opinion, I was just an average joe. I was about 5’8, average build, green eyes. Nothing too special, but maybe I’m being too humble.

Anyway, let’s get to the story. It was the end of an average day in mid summer, the house was quiet as I took my shower before I went to bed. Some people would think taking showers before going to bed is strange, but I always thought it was very relaxing, so it became part of my routine every night, before I went to bed.

I got out and slid on a grey T-Shirt and a pair of shorts to fall asleep in, ( I always preferred going to bed in regular clothes over sleep clothes, for some reason.). I made my way to my sister’s room to give her a good night kiss on the forehead as I did every night, she said she couldn’t fall asleep without it, so I obliged her. I noticed her light was already off through the crack of the open door as I approached, so I figured she was Alanya Esmer Escort already asleep. This would happen occasionally, and when it did, I still gave her a goodnight kiss, just to make sure she had a peaceful sleep.

I slowly pushed the door open just a little and began sneaking in. Just as I was about to kiss her, she opened her eyes and spoke, in an emotionless voice. “Go away.” I froze, my heart twisting at these words. She had never said anything mean to me, even on accident. She had never denied my comfort, or my love. I stood there, not knowing what to to do or say, my eyes wide. So I left.

Over the next few days I fell deeper and deeper into a spiraling depression as my sister continued to ignore me and look past me with cold eyes. I wondered what in the world could have caused such a sudden change in my little Amy. My girlfriend broke up with me because I refused to go on dates with her anymore, I was just too depressed. As I lay in my bed, sobbing, I realized I needed Amy just as much as I always thought she needed me. I always thought she was the fragile one that needed my protection, but without her, I was a wreck.

I decided that I needed to fix this, I needed to find out why she was so cold. As the day came to an end and my sister was climbing into her bed, I stepped into her room and closed the door behind me. She looked at me with surprise for a fleeting moment, then her expression again changed to indifference and she turned her attention from me to the wall. “What do you want, Matt?” I walked to her bed and sat on the edge. “Amy…Why….have you been so cold to me lately?”

She gave no response.

I sighed and put a gentle hand on her thigh, not in a sexual way, but a caring one.”Please Amy…you’re scaring me…” I could tell she was struggling to keep her cool demeanor, and it finally cracked. Her face exploded into a combination of tears, worry, and guilt. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close to my chest, rocking her back and forth. “Sssshhhhh…..Amy….don’t Alanya Eve Gelen Escort cry….please….just tell me what it was….okay?” She nodded and slowly calmed down until she was ready.

“I…I was….” She blushed deeply. “T-touching myself….and….I suddenly….though of you, Mark….and I….I had the best orgasm I had ever had….I was scared….I thought I was a freak….so….I thought it was best to avoid you and not talk to you….for fear of you finding out somehow….finding out i’m a freak….” She looked away embarrassed and I stared at her with a mixture of shock and pity. I gently pressed my lips to her forehead and smiled reassuringly. “My little Amy? A freak? Never.” She looked up at me and smiled some, hugging me again.

I thought for a moment. My little Amy loves me, and not just in a sibling way. The way a woman loves a man. I gulped slightly out of nervousness for what I was about to do. She suddenly felt the soft touch of my fingers on her chin, bringing her face up to mine and pressing my lips to hers. I kissed her with a calm, deep, passion, more than I ever knew I had for my sister. Her eyes were wide for a moment before she hesitantly began to kiss back.

The kiss deepened and escalated until my arms were around her waist and hers were tightly wound around my neck, our tongues in the depths of each other’s mouths, exploring and chasing each other. I made a move to crawl on top of her, and she did nothing to resist, effortlessly sliding under me. She slid her hands under the fabric of my shirt and felt my warm, rough chest. I moved my hands under her sleep shirt and felt the smooth, supple skin of her belly, tracing my finger around her belly button, making her shiver with sensitivity and excitement.

I took the edge of her shirt and slowly lifted it over her head, not rushing. I wanted this to last. She lifted her arms to allow me to do so easily. I now layed my eyes on her bare breasts for the first time, instantly making me harder than granite. Alanya Evi Olan Escort They were even more perfect than I had imagined. Round, shapely, and springy, I found out as I gently grasped them. I rolled her hard, aroused nipples in between my fingers and leaned down to take her left nipple in my mouth, sucking softly as I pinched the other very gently, making her cry out softly in pleasure.

I quickly moved down her body, becoming more and more excited for what was to come. I reached her waist and tugged her pants down and off, tossing them behind me and gently spreading her legs, revealing her dripping crotch. I licked my lips a little before diving in and devouring her young pussy, hurriedly dragging my tongue up and down her slick labia, teasing her clit with my tongue, making her nearly scream in ecstasy. I could wait no longer.

I pulled back and tore my own clothes off, crawling up to her and pressing my shaft, slick with precum, to her entrance. I rubbed it up and down for a while, causing her to moan out of anticipation and try to push me inside of her. I smiled at her and began to push myself inside of her, slowly inching my way in. I knew of course that virgins were supposed to be tight, but I never expected this much resistance. When I was finally all the way inside of her I began to move in and out of her, like a well oiled machine, my pace steadily increasing.

I began to pound her pussy harder and harder, like a piston pumping away. With each and every thrust she let out a sharp cry of pain mixed with pleasure. Both of our bodies were drenched in sweat by this point, and every hard thrust pushed her back on the bed. I held her knees to keep her from being pushed away completely. I felt my orgasm approaching fast, like a speeding train, and opened my eyes in fear. “A-Amy…I’m going to cum…I’m gonna pull out….”

“NO!!” She shouted, and in desperation she quickly wrapped her legs around my waist, preventing me from leaving her. I ran out of options as my hot seed began to spew out of me and flow into her, filling her up to the point that it was leaking out of her and forming a small pool of my cum on the bed below us.

No words were exchanged as I slipped off of her, panting. We simply sat there for a long time, thinking, and eventually we fell asleep together, not as brother and sister, but as lovers.

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Exxecutive Privilege

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The Penske files

Sharon heard an unexpected noise in the cubicle areas outside her office. Who could be around here at this hour on a Friday before a three-day weekend?

Through her office window she saw a tall figure walking through the rows of cubicles. The person stopped, and then made their way toward her office. In a moment Daniel, a marketing assistant, appeared at her office door.

“I thought I saw the lights on in your office. What are you doing here so late on such a nice Friday evening, Sharon? It’s a three-day weekend, too.”

“Hey, Daniel. I’m trying to get this Penske proposal ready by Tuesday since Ann’s on vacation. Thought I’d plow through it now, so I don’t have to come back and work on it tomorrow. I want to enjoy the whole weekend,” she replied. “And what about you? What brings you back to the office so late?” she asked.

“I was out having a couple of beers with friends after work, then I realized I’d left my backpack here. It’s got my gym clothes in it and that’s where I’m headed next. I almost didn’t make it into the building before they locked the doors.”

“Going to go work off those beers, huh?” she asked with a smile.

“Gonna try,” he said, grinning.

He looked more closely at her and scowled. She still wore her corporate gray skirt-suit and white top, though she’d kicked off her shoes.

“You look tense and tired, Sharon. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather come back tomorrow and finish that proposal? It’s late, and you said earlier you’d gotten here at seven o’clock.”

“I’ve thought about it,” she replied. “I should at least take a break. I’ve only been doing simple stretches here at my desk. My eyes sting from looking at the computer screen so long.

Daniel looked thoughtful and hesitant.

“Well, I recently started going to massage school. I should give you a couple pointers for working at your desk.”

“Really?” Sharon exclaimed. “Then you’re just the person I want to see!” She thought for a moment. “I hope that doesn’t mean you’ll be leaving us, though.”

“No worries there, it’s just something I want to do to help people. And the extra money wouldn’t hurt, either. It’ll be a side gig,” he replied.

Sharon paused.

“I hesitate to ask this, but would you mind rubbing my shoulders a bit?”

“I was thinking about it,” Daniel said, smiling. “It would give me a chance to practice on someone who’s not a classmate. It’s inappropriate I guess, though — I mean as co-workers.”

Sharon was Daniel’s manager and vice president of marketing. She had interviewed and hired Daniel. Why not? she asked herself. After all, some high-tech firms offer free shoulder massages to their employees. Consider it “executive privilege.”

Sharon gave a short laugh and said “Look, we’ve been working together for over a year now. I have no misgivings about having you rub my shoulders.”

“Well, okay then,” Daniel replied.

He stepped around to the back of her chair as she leaned forward a bit and rubbed her shoulders and upper back.

“Yeah, you’re pretty tense. You should do some de-stressing exercises if you’re going to be working at a desk this long,” Daniel said. “I’ll show you them before I leave.”

“Yeah, I know I should take better care of myself,” Sharon sighed. “I wanted to pump this out, though.”

Sharon felt the tension and stress disappear under his skilled hands. She sighed. Sharon became more relaxed, and worked hard to suppress a moan.

“They’re teaching you well at that massage school,” Sharon said.

It felt so good. She wished Brad weren’t gone-she could use some physical attention.

Daniel continued the massage for another minute.

“Where did your boyfriend go? Didn’t he go on a trip?” he asked.

“He’s gone on a motorcycling trip with a few of his buddies. They’re driving the River Road from the source of the Mississippi to its mouth in New Orleans. Then they’re going to Mardi Gras. They’re making it a 17-day trip. Not my thing. He calls me every night.”

“Wow, that sounds like an awesome trip. When did he leave?”

“A week ago Monday.”

Sharon didn’t want these good feelings to end, Daniel’s touch was heavenly. She’d had a hard week anyway, besides Ann being on vacation.

Daniel was a nerdy hipster type who dressed a bit too funky for a corporate environment. In his spare time Daniel was an artist. He blended photography with painting, with occasional female nudes. Sharon had seen some of his work. His pieces had a sensuality to them but the sensibility of Jackson Pollack. Sharon tried to put together all these incongruities about Daniel. A hipster in a corporate marketing environment, a gym rat, artist, and-masseur? What an eclectic guy!

Over the desk

Daniel stroked her hair for a few seconds, then gave her hair a gentle tug to signal an end. Sharon felt a familiar tingle inside her from the hair pull. She sighed, still hunched over her desk, wondering if he knew that the hair pull was “a move.” Alanya Fetiş Escort She didn’t think it was his intention, but it had aroused her senses.

“Okay, we’ll stop here. You don’t seem as tense now,” Daniel said.

Sharon paused for a moment, wondering more about those “executive privileges.” It wasn’t so much that she missed Brad, Daniel’s touch had turned her on. Even though her body was more relaxed, her mind raced with indecision. Should she come onto him? Screw Brad, he wasn’t going to last long in her life anyway; too much of a macho guy. But, there was the obstacle of manager-employee relations and its possible repercussions. She shifted in her seat and felt the tingle again.

“No, I think I’ve still got some tension left in me,” she said in a quiet, hesitant voice.

Slowly, she sat upright in her chair and turned to face him. Daniel had started to walk away.

“Enjoy your weekend, Sharon!”

“Wait. Don’t go yet, Daniel,” Sharon said.

He turned and looked at her.

She smiled and paused before speaking.

“You know, Daniel, it isn’t easy being in my position, a vice president and a department manager. It requires a lot of responsibility, which comes with significant stress. The stress comes with managing people. But there are certain perks to a vice president’s role. You could call them ‘executive privileges, `I guess,” she said, pulling her chair out from her desk.

Daniel didn’t mean to frown, but he did. She took no notice and went on.

“I suppose you’ve heard of some privileges that executives and some managers have. One of them is obvious-telling a subordinate what to do, and then they do it. That’s part of managing people.”

She paused.

Daniel gave a quiet scoff through his nostrils and said, “I’m not sure what you’re getting at, Sharon.”

She looked at the floor and then said, “What I mean is, I still have some tension in me. Maybe you didn’t hear me say it a minute ago.”

“No, I didn’t. I thought I’d taken care of it.”

Her gaze returned to his face and she smiled.

“Okay, then, I’ll tell you straight out. I’m asking you to finish the job you started, because we can’t leave work half done in this office. I still feel tension in me.”

Daniel’s expression turned to one of exasperation as he looked at the ceiling. Sharon felt in unfamiliar yet familiar territory. She had come on to men before, but never when it involved a working relationship. The more she thought about and talked about it, the more her loins tingled.

“Okay, then, what would you like me to do?” he asked.

“A woman has certain needs, Daniel,” she said, looking him in the eye. She touched her finger to her lower lip.

“What?” Daniel asked.

Sharon reached out her stockinged foot and rubbed it along his calf.

“Sh-Sharon, what are you doing?” Daniel asked, backing away and into the credenza hard.

A photo of Sharon and Brad leaning upright fell flat, and the tall credenza fell, blocking his exit. She had him trapped. Sharon gave him a look that said she was the cat and he was a mouse

“I’m not sure this is the right thing, Sharon.”

“Not sure what’s the right thing?” Sharon asked, feigning innocence.

“You’re trying to…”

She scooted her chair closer to him, and then reached out to rub his thigh.

“What am I trying to do, Daniel? Tell me.”

Sharon enjoyed this, fuck any repercussions. Her pussy was wet. How many times had she fantasized about seducing a younger man?

Daniel moved the credenza aside so he could get through. He couldn’t seem to get the words out.

“You’re trying to-turn me on,” he said at last.

Sharon laughed. Oh, this was fun!

“Turn you on? I don’t understand,” Sharon said. “All I said was that I still have more tension in me. Do you think you can relieve the rest of my tension, Daniel?” she asked as she traced her finger to his crotch.

“Well, yes but, you … you’re my manager, and you have a boyfriend.”

“Which makes it all the more delicious, doesn’t it?” she asked, disbelieving she’d said it.

Was it the long day? Maybe it was the fight she and Brad had before he left. It may have been that she was plain horny, alone in the office with a hunky young co-worker.

“Oh, no. I can’t believe this is happening,” Daniel said.

Sharon felt something in his slacks growing harder and longer as she rubbed. She ran the edge of a polished red fingernail down the length of his pole.

“You know, I think he wants to come out and play,” she said, looking up and smiling. “Don’t you think he wants to play? Maybe he knows what you want better than you do.”

Sharon watched him as he struggled with his thoughts. She continued to rub and stroke him through his pants. He was no longer trapped between the credenza and her. He could leave if he wanted to.

“You can leave, you know. You can get by the credenza, if you want. I don’t want this to be harassment. Alanya Gecelik Escort You don’t think I’m harassing you, do you?”

“No,” Daniel whispered at last.

Now it was Daniel whose body had gone limp, although something else had stiffened. Sharon smiled and felt his cock hard inside his pants.

“Do you mind if we set this big guy free?” she asked.

“No,” Daniel whispered again.

She felt inside his boxer-briefs, and pulled his dick out so it could get some air. She gazed at its length. It had a slight up-curve to its shape, and ended in a tapered tip. It was a ready-made G-spot cock!

Sharon loved sex, and was very orgasmic. In her younger years people considered her a bit of a slut. This accounted in part for her first marriage at age 20 and later two divorces. She became known around her high school and liberal arts college for her oral skills. Funny thing was, she never became known for her artistic skills.

Still sitting in her chair, she slowly and methodically took his entire length into her mouth. Her nose bumped against his shaved pubis, and she heard him gasp. She made guttural, half-choking noises as she worked it down her throat. She rolled her tongue around it a couple times, then slid it out slowly. His cock slipped from her mouth, wet with her spit. And then she did the same thing again and again.

Sharon watched Daniel as she sucked, taking in more of him. He was tall, with a wiry frame, tight abs, narrow hips, and rather scrawny thighs. (Brad had a stockier build, so his thighs were more like a baseball catcher’s.) He wasn’t particularly tan, a bit on the pale side. Sharon enjoyed the sun in her free time, so her skin contrasted with his.

Sharon stared at the area where his outer thigh met his hip. The muscle tightened as she thrust his cock into her mouth. She looked at his cock the next time she slid it out of her mouth. Gobs of her drool covered it, a string of spit hanging from the head. The look and texture of his cock, its veins and the spongy head, excited her. She felt her pussy drip, and a familiar, aching hunger inside her.

She grasped the base of his cock in one hand, caressing his balls as she sucked. Her hand twisted and turned around the shaft as she worked him. Daniel grabbed her head with both hands and moaned, “Oh yeah, that feels so good.”

Letting go of his balls, she slid her hands up and unbuttoned his shirt. His hairless chest was nicely toned. She loved feeling his belly and chest, knowing what pleasure she was giving him as he sighed. Her panties stuck to her pussy lips, she was so wet.

Sharon took his length into her mouth again. Then she reached behind him and grabbed both his butt cheeks, and pulled him hard into her. This had the effect of adding another inch to his length inside her mouth, and she almost retched. She escaped the situation by sliding his dick out until just the head was in her mouth, and exhaling hard.

Daniel moved to the side away from Sharon slightly, and his cock slipped out of her.

“I thought this was about relieving your shoulder tension,” he said, smirking.

Sharon stood up, and then sat on the edge of her desk.

“I think we’ve got a real good start on that,” she replied in a throaty voice that dripped with desire.

Looking him in the eyes with a lustful expression, she slowly lifted her skirt up around her waist. Her arousal had soaked through her panties and the crotch of her nylons. She could see the desire in his eyes when he saw the damp dark patch between her legs.

“Oh, my god, that looks so good,” he said quietly. “You are so wet!”

Still looking into Daniel’s eyes, Sharon said to him in the same low, sexy voice, “I need something else from you now. Something that will put out my fire.”

Daniel watched as she straightened up, and reached under her skirt. Sharon took off her underwear and nylons together, and then removed her skirt. Daniel looked her over appreciatively.

Naked, she cleared away papers, the computer mouse and keyboard, and some photos from her desk. Then she bent over it, offering him her ass. Daniel reached down and began to finger her sopping pussy, which opened for his fingers. A stream of her arousal began to trickle from her pussy onto the desk.

“I don’t need any foreplay, just… I need to feel you inside me,” she said, her voice shaking.

“Come here,” she told him, grabbing his cock from behind and pulling him toward her.

Daniel moved forward, and she rubbed the head of his cock against her pussy, making her tremble in her legs. He kept rubbing and teasing her opening. Her juices collected at the hole.

“Don’t tease,” she begged. “Fuck me. I need you inside me. Get it in.”

Then he slowly but firmly plunged the whole of his rod into her wet sheath.

“Oh yessssss! That’s what I want!” Sharon moaned. “Yeah, fuck me good baby!” she whispered.

She felt a wave start to form somewhere inside her. It Alanya Genç Escort started far offshore and began to build, taking her along with it in its force. Then it started to crest. It crashed on the beach, and she felt herself cumming as she moaned “Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!”

Daniel stayed with her, continuing to move in and out of her as she came. He teased her by pulling out entirely, or leaving just the head of his rod in her-then plunging back into her again. And again. Back out and tease—plunge in deep; the repetition and contrast drove her crazy. Her hands were taut as she gripped the edge of the desk.

Sharon had a mental picture of how she might look to anyone coming by her office window. She, bent over her desk as her young subordinate plowed into her doggie-style. The mental image made her hornier, and she bucked her hips back at him. The sound of their hips slapping together filled the office, with their grunts and moans.

Daniel began to lose himself in his passion, and started to fuck her harder. He grasped her hips once more, and pounded her. From his insistent ramming and his increased panting she sensed he was about to cum.

“Wait! I want you to cum in my mouth,” she heard herself say.

Daniel stepped back while Sharon got off the desk, then knelt on the floor in front of him.

She watched as Daniel stood over her, head back as he stroked his cock. She said words of encouragement as he did. Then she heard him gasp in pleasure, saw his cock swell and lurch. She loved cock, especially one spurting its load down her throat. She clamped her mouth down hard over his rod. Suddenly, spurt after hot salty spurt splashed at the back of her mouth and spilled down her throat.

Sharon bore down to swallow it all, grimaced, and realized there was no way she was going to take it all. She released his cock, lifted her face and opened her mouth wide. The last spurts splashed on her face and open mouth, dribbling down her chin and onto her tits. Even after her efforts, she wanted more of Daniel’s cum. It tasted so good!. She tried sucking and jerking, while stroking his balls. All she could produce was a few little squirts.

It was over. They looked at each other, breathing hard, Daniel still towering over her.

“Oh my god,” they said simultaneously, and broke into laughter.

Daniel helped Sharon up, and she sat on the desk. Sharon reached for a few tissues, wiped her pussy, and cleaned the cum from her face and breasts. She sat down in the chair, noticing the cum and pussy juice mixture on it. A quick wipe erased the evidence.

“Well, I’m definitely not feeling any more tension,” she grinned.

Daniel chuckled.

“I think I’ll skip the gym tonight,” he said.

There was an awkward silence.

“I’d better go,” Daniel said, and he began to dress.

He then set the credenza in its position, and they said an awkward goodbye.

Sharon didn’t move from the desk until she heard the elevator door close. When she did, she saw a puddle of their combined juices on the desk. Sharon dressed, and collected herself and her things. She put things back where they belonged, and took a small hand mirror out of her purse. Examining herself in it, she noticed her hair was messy, but not too bad considering.

She headed for the ladies room, checking on the way to see if anyone had been around to catch their encounter. The place was like a ghost town. She had a pee, washed, and checked herself again in the bathroom mirror.

How the hell did that happen, she asked herself as she walked to the parking garage. Daniel was an attractive young man, and she’d been alone in the office with good-looking guys before. Fuck, she’d flirted with them in her office, even when she had a guy at home. This wasn’t like her. What had happened?

There was a text message on her phone from Brad: “Hi, it’s me, just checking in to say we’re all fine. Was hoping to talk. Where are you? Gonna go to bed early tonight, today was a long ride. We’ll talk tomorrow, I guess. See ya.”

Sharon didn’t know what to do. Should she call a girlfriend? No, it would shock her friends if she told them about the encounter with Daniel. So would her two college-aged daughters. These days she tried to hold up a reputation as a “good girl.” But even good girls can succumb to sexual situations, she told herself.

Heading into the bathroom, she turned on the water for the tub and took off her clothes. She poured some bubble bath and lit a candle, and then got into the tub for a hot soak. A good sob was in order as well; she hadn’t meant to be unfaithful to Brad. It disturbed her to know she’d come onto Daniel so easily. Had she never left her slutty side behind?

True, Brad wasn’t that great of a guy. She knew he was more convenience than someone she could spend years with. He was a kind of a jerk, really. But she had a tendency to fall for jerks—she didn’t know why. Daniel was a sensitive, artistic guy who seemed to know his way around a woman’s body-the kind she never went for.

Sharon got out of the bath, dried off, and then put on her pajamas. She had a restless night, feeling horrible as she argued with herself. Could she, should she ever tell her boyfriend about the encounter with Daniel? Why had she been so quick to have sex with him?

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