Executive Platinum Ch. 13

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I had planned it as just a short vacation for the two of us. I could have had Gloria fly commercial to San Diego and then fly with me in my own plane to Las Vegas, only the logistics just didn’t work out. I got there about 2 hours before she arrived, but by the time I got the plane tied down and grabbed a taxi and got over to the commercial terminal, she was literally just coming out of the secure area. I’d brought my phone with me after all, although I’d swore to myself that I wouldn’t, but just for the flight over and back and meeting up with her. She spied me just as I was dialing her number; her hand touched my arm just as it started to ring. I turned, only to have her slip her arms around me and into my arms and we kissed. Practically a chaste kiss for us, very fit for public viewing, but still, it held promise of better later. I turned the phone off completely before I put it away; I learned a long time ago that the world doesn’t come to an end if I don’t answer — but my vacation comes to an end if I do.

“Any idea of what you want to do first?” I asked Gloria once we were in the taxi on the way to the hotel.

Leaning up to my ear, mindful of the cabbie in front, she whispered so only I could hear “Get naked, suck your cock and get it inside me.” With her turned somewhat sideways as she was, my hand easily rested on her breast which I squeezed while I bent a bit more to kiss her again. This time it was a “not for public viewing” kiss that confirmed, as she melted against me, what she’d just whispered and was followed up seconds later by her continued whisper “and get your hands and tongue all over me.”

“Gladly,” I whispered back. I had my hand resting on her leg; she slipped it down more between her legs, although with the smart pants she was wearing (having come directly from work) it was more innuendo for me than an overt request for attention.

“What hotel are we staying at?” she asked as we headed off the freeway.

“Caesars Palace,” I answered.

“Why there?” she asked.

“Mostly because I’ve got us tickets to a show there Tuesday night. That way we don’t have to drive or walk or anything.”

“You do? Which show?” She’d been holding my arm to her, but she sat up with enthusiasm when I said that.

“Does it matter?” I asked.

“Only if I don’t like it.”

“If you don’t like that, then you’ll probably like the other one.”

“The other one? There’s more than one?”

“Uh-huh. I’ve got us tickets for Celine Dione Tuesday night, but the other one we’re going to have to travel down the road a bit to get to. We’ve got tickets for Cirque du Soleil “Zumanity” on Thursday.”

“Zumanity? What’s that?”

“I don’t know, I’ve never seen it, but I hear its adult oriented; it’s supposed to be very sexy.”

“Oh my God! Celine Dione and Cirque du Soleil?”

I paid the taxi driver while the bell cap took our bags out of the trunk.

“Why’d you say we’re checking out Friday?” Gloria asked moments later after I’d finished checking us in. “My ticket’s not until Sunday.”

“Because we’re not staying here for the weekend.”

“We aren’t?” she asked, puzzled. “Then where are we staying?”

“It’s a surprise,” I answered, “you’ll have to wait until Friday.”

Moments later as we walked toward the elevators, the bell cap leading the way with our bags, Gloria nudged me, “Look at that.” I turned to see the sign; the bare back of a woman, obviously topless and wearing a thong, lying on a lounge, her well-tanned and gorgeous bottom mostly hidden by the strategically placed wording: “How Bare do you Dare? Venus Pool Club – 11 to Dusk”

“You brought us here because of that Venus Pool Club didn’t you?” Gloria asked an hour later, her naked body cuddled up to my side, our first orgasms of the week having left us momentarily satisfied. “Just like you took me to that place in Palm Springs.”

“Would you believe me if I said no?”

“No. I know you. You like me being naked and showing my boobies to the world.” She rolled over a bit and looked down at her naked body. “I don’t know why, there are lots of girls out there with nicer ones than mine.”

“I admit I like you naked; I like you naked walking on the beach with me, or swimming in the pool with me; I like you naked in bed with me, I like you naked almost any time. But you’re wrong; I just love when you show them to me. I could care less as to whether you show them off to anyone else – you’re the one that likes showing your boobs to the world. “

“I do not.”

“And I’ve told you before,” I added, rolling onto my side and reaching across to cup her nearest breast, “More than a mouthful or more than a handful is a waste! I think your boobs are absolutely perfect and if you want to show them to the world, you should. But I do like the mood that it puts you in showing them off to the world. You always want to come back and play naughty when you do.” I rolled over a bit more, replacing my hand on her breast with my mouth, tickling her Alanya Anal Escort nub with my tongue, finally sucking it into my mouth, feeling it grow to my attention.

“You just like me because I put out for you,” she teased, stroking my hair as she watched me suckle her nipple.

“Is that why Ronnie likes you?” I responded, pulling away and looking her in the eye with a grin as my hand went to her other breast.

“It’s because he doesn’t know any better,” she answered as I finished spinning over onto my belly and again suckling her near nipple as my hand worked her other nipple.

“He doesn’t know any better?” I grinned, pulling myself up and swinging my leg over her so I was now sitting on my knees, my butt against her belly. My cock, although not fully erect, had already begun swelling into another erection. “Or is it that he recognizes you as the hottie that you are, with two handfuls of breasts that are absolutely perfect?” I said, cupping both breasts as I did, “Or that you’ve got a sweet, wonderful pussy that is oh so tasty to lick and tongue or that you have a talented mouth that is oh so good at sucking him off? Does he know how spoiled he is with a woman of your talents?” I rose a bit and leaned forward, placing my almost rigid cock between her breasts and pushed them together with my hands. Rocking forward and backward it was just a few pushes between her globes before she lowered her head, her tongue reached out, and I stopped, her tongue bathing the end of my cock. Pulling back, her tongue caught me again on the next upstroke and with a little more lifting, my cockhead slipped into her mouth, her tongue swirling to my delight. “Oh my god, Gloria — that’s so nice.”

Pulling back a bit, she pushed on my leg, “get off me,” she said indicating that I should slide off to one side. I did, and she sat up, pushing me onto my back, and rolled over onto her elbows perpendicular to my body before pulling my cock sideways until she could fit me into her mouth. Without saying a word she continued sucking me, her hand holding me upright, slowly stroking, and I realized that she was doing this strictly because she wanted to. I’d ended up with my head and shoulders supported by a pillow, so I was in perfect position to just lay there and let her love on my cock. I could tell she was in no hurry to get me off but that she was going to. She wasn’t asking for anything in return, she was just giving pleasure to her man.

At times she would just take my cock head in her mouth as her hand was stroking me. Other times, she’d work her tongue and lips around the sensitive spot while just holding me upright. Her hand slipped off and reached for my balls, fondling and squeezing them when she found them, yet again returning to my shaft, slowly stroking me up and down, her mouth constantly suctioning, her tongue twirling around the head, penetrating the hole in the end, doing what she could to pleasure my erection. Whenever she was in the proper position her eyes locked with mine, the twinkle telling me that I should just enjoy, she was where she wanted to be, I was where she wanted me to be.

I didn’t have to tell her that I was about to cum, she knew; but remembering the instructions of my teacher Jenny from so many years before, “A gentleman always gives his lady the option”. I did. There was no hesitation on her part, no pulling back so that we could see the cum shoot like in a porn movie, just the constant administration of affection to my cock as my hips involuntarily rose, attempting to make my body bend backward, to make my cock the pinnacle of my body. She never opened her mouth, she just gradually slowed her tongue and mouth as I groaned, understanding perfectly that the touch of her tongue and the inside of her mouth was nearly too much to bear. Finally stilled, my cock spent, she pulled away and once more crawled up beside me.

“Ronnie will have to find his own woman to get that.”


I awoke again, the sunlight streaming through the semi-drawn curtains of the hotel suite. We’d made love before dinner, gone to dinner and made love again later, and then I’d been wakened in the middle of the night by her caresses and we’d done it again. I’d forgone getting up early and doing my run; my stroking of her body had instead woken her whereupon we’d pleasured each other once again — only to fall asleep for a few more hours.

“That was really nice,” I said, realizing that although she hadn’t said anything she was also awake. “I can’t remember the last time I’ve cum this many times in just 12 hours.” Her hand slowly stroked up and down my arm in response and she pushed her naked bottom back against me, snuggling closer.

I spooned my body into her backside, just holding her close; she gripped my arm to her chest in response. Several minutes later with a satisfied sigh she whispered, “And Ronnie hasn’t ever come close to satisfying me like that.” This time I gently stroked her side in return; we just lay there holding Alanya Çıtır Escort each other.

“You’ve changed me.”

We hadn’t said anything for quite a while, just lying there, temporarily sated and lazy, in each other’s arms.

“I’ve changed you?” I asked, understanding somehow that this wasn’t an idle observation. “How so?”

She didn’t answer immediately, the answer when it came somewhat wistful. “Growing up I always believed in the fantasy, in the myth. I always believed that sex was a part of love, that if you were with the one you loved that the sex would be fantastic. I always sort of thought, even when I realized that my husband was a real dickhead, that it was just that he wasn’t my ‘one and only’, that somewhere there was someone out there that was my one and only.” I didn’t know what to say — I still wasn’t sure where she was going with this, so wisely — I said nothing and just waited.

“I was supposed to meet my dashing White Knight; he was going to ride up on his horse, sweep me off my feet and we’d ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after.” She giggled, and then continued. “Actually where I grew up he would more likely have driven up in a flashy sports car — but still, I was supposed to meet him, we would fall head over heels in love, get married and have two or three kids, a house with the white picket fence and a swimming pool in the back yard. He’d be dying slowly every day when he was away from me, waiting to come home, so we could make mad passionate love every night and we’d live happily ever after. Somehow I really knew that I was a princess, that my knight in shining armor was out there somewhere…” She drifted off there – I stroked her arm, waiting, understanding there was more to come.

“And part of the dream was that sex was something special between two soul mates; it was exclusive and perfect and just happened. When I met my husband, I was sure I was madly in love with him and that it was OK to give myself to him because we were in LOVE! It was sort of magical and romantic, and even though sex wasn’t all that good, in fact it wasn’t any good at all, I believed it was going to get better… And then I was pregnant and we were getting married and it still didn’t get any better and from there — things just got worse.

Even when you and I met, deep down I was really hoping that the dick that I was going to be meeting in San Diego was going to be just that – my knight in shining armor. He said all the right things, fed my fantasy, made me think it was going to happen. Even though I’d been married and my first knight had turned out to be more of a wolf in sheep’s clothing, I still sort of believed that it really could happen. I’d been saving myself. Up until then I hadn’t dated anyone seriously, thinking that when it did happen I’d know, the fantasy would come through after all…” her thoughts drifted off momentarily before she restarted.

“After my girlfriend gave me a vibrator and I had orgasms by myself — I still knew that I was supposed to be with someone, that somehow I was cheating myself. I was on my way to San Diego in pursuit of a fantasy that doesn’t exist, and then in pursuit of that fantasy, you came along. You weren’t the guy I was meeting; you were someone that rescued me. At that moment you were a knight in shining armor, although evidently you weren’t my knight in shining armor, but you did everything that a dream knight was supposed to. You were the perfect gentlemen; you didn’t try to take advantage of me when you surely could have, but when I decided to have sex with you — it was more wonderful than anything I’d ever experienced. It wasn’t supposed to be like that – I wasn’t in love with you, but yet you gave me the most fantastic weekend of sex I’d ever had. You shattered my fantasy; you showed me that it was possible to have wonderful sex without being in love. Little by little you taught me that sex, and love, really are two different things. You took me to Palm Springs and we played with another couple, at least a little and that was OK too. You fulfilled my fantasy of being with a woman; something that I really didn’t think would ever happen. You came to Dallas and we played at the office, another fantasy I’d have never fulfilled…”

“You know, three years ago if you’d told me that today I would have seduced a 21 year old virgin and be having an affair with him and teaching him how to be a lover and take care of a woman — I’d have probably slapped you and surely would have laughed at you in that there was no way I was going to be having sex with someone that I didn’t love. Love came first; or, at least, the perception of love.” Rolling over onto her side where she could look me in the face, her head resting on my arm, she said “Do you love me?”

Oh shit. The “L” word.

All kinds of things went through my mind. Should I play it off that I didn’t understand? Should I tell her about the ambiguity of the word “Love” in English — how we can “love” our Alanya Elit Escort pizza, make “love”, “love” our dog, “love” our parents, “love” baseball or football or golfing, “love” popcorn or sex — or our significant other and that all of those “loves” have a different nuance of understanding? Should I tell her how the Greek’s had five different words that meant the same thing as our one word “Love?” All of those things flashed through my head in the three seconds before I told her that no, I didn’t love her. But I didn’t say it like that; I said “I adore you, Gloria; we’re kindred souls. I love being with you, making love with you – we have fun when we’re together… but I’ve only ever truly loved one woman in my life. I don’t reach for her in bed when I wake up anymore, but no matter the day, I wake up with a love for someone that will never be there again.”

But she already knew that.

“Debs was a lucky woman.” It was all she said for a minute or so, finally beginning again. “I’ve known that from almost the beginning. The way you talk about her, the way you obviously still miss and adore her. And truthfully, I recognize that I don’t love you either, not as the one and only soul mate for me. I’m greatly infatuated with you, if things were different and we lived in the same city and you asked me to move in with you — I’d do it in a heartbeat. If you asked me to have an exclusive sexual relationship with you, I’d do that in a heartbeat. But that you’ve given me the freedom, actually encouraged me, to have an affair with a 21 year old former virgin — has helped me to realize there’s more to life than a fantasy white knight that’s probably never going to show up. You know, I don’t love Ronnie either, it’s been fun, but it won’t be long and he’ll be finding a girlfriend and he’s going to be a wonderful lover thanks to you.

“Thanks to me?” I questioned.

“If it hadn’t been for you, if you hadn’t taught me to know what I needed, I wouldn’t have been able to teach him what I needed, or what other women need. But you should see him — his self-confidence has absolutely exploded over the last couple of months. He was a boy before, but not anymore. I’ve heard some of the younger girls talking about him at work, he’s becoming quite desirable and they have no clue why. If I let it go on, one of these days he’d come by telling me that he’s found someone — but I’m going to cut it off before then. He’ll do fine now.”

“You’ve been seeing him quite often?” I queried. Although I knew she’d had an affair with him I didn’t, until now, know whether it was ongoing or a thing of the past.

“Are you kidding? He’s been over just about every weekend for two months now – I swear he’s virtually insatiable; he can just keep going and going. I have to send him home on Sundays just so I can walk on Monday!”

“So now you’ve practically got a live-in lover,” I teased. Gloria looked up at my eyes again, realizing that I was teasing.

“I’ve got a practically live in student lover,” She teased right back. “But I still need my weekends with the “Master.” Having sex with him has opened my mind even more though. Remember back last year when we were with Mary and Steve in Palm Springs and we flew to your house with them and they wanted to fuck us? If I hadn’t been there, would you have fucked Mary?”

“If you hadn’t been there, I never would have met Mary.”

“Oh, good answer! I know that. But if you were in the situation where you met Mary, and she let you know that you could fuck her if you wanted — would you have held back?”

“Probably not,” I answered, “or then again — maybe. It’s not that simple. I don’t have sex with just any woman because I can; I like to have a relationship of some kind first.” She was quiet for a few moments.

“I’ve thought about it quite a bit since then. And since I’ve been with Ronnie, it’s increased my awareness that sex and love are two different things. I really did find Steve attractive; I’ve wondered many times what it would have been like if we’d had condoms available. I sucked his cock, what really is the difference between having his cock in my mouth and having his cock in my pussy?”

“I don’t know,” I answered, “maybe that it’s hard to get pregnant if he comes in your mouth?”

“Very funny,” she giggled, “I can’t get pregnant anymore anyway, but you’re the only one that gets me without a condom.”

“So are you saying if Palm Springs happened today, you would probably have agreed to be with Steve?”

“No, not at all. I’m saying that you’ve made me realize that sex and love are two different things. I can have sex with Ronnie, and teach him how to pleasure me, and I can pleasure him, and we both know it’s really not going anywhere…” she paused, thinking; “or at least I know it’s not. Maybe I ought to make sure he knows that too?”

“Probably a good idea. Have you been letting him spend the night?”

“I’ve been tempted. It’s nice waking up with a man in my bed.” She paused a second and added, “well, at least it is when it’s you.”

“Hmmm, probably not a good idea. My Jenny never let me stay, so I knew it wasn’t love. I lusted after her all the time and at the time I would have called it love. By doing that it forced me to recognize it was just sex, not real love and affection.”

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Eat at Joe’s Episode 01

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Jennifer sighed as she listlessly ran a damp rag across the scarred Formica counter for what seemed like the millionth time. It was hot, and the ceiling fan overhead did nothing to cut through the oppressive heat. She brushed a damp curl of blonde hair off her forehead and sighed again.

The graveyard shift sure is dead tonight, she thought to herself, and giggled at her own joke.

It was true; the hour was approaching three a.m.-too late for the drunks and too early for the farmers-and only one customer was in the joint. She grabbed the coffeepot off the burner and approached the old man sitting on the vinyl stool at the end of the counter. To her surprise and relief, the old guy declined a refill and got up to pay his shot.

Finally, the diner was empty and she could take her break. That was one of the advantages of working graves…the couple of hours between three and five a.m. when the restaurant was usually deserted. She normally used that time to get her short work done, filling salt shakers and replacing ketchup bottes at each booth. Tonight had been especially slow though, and the short work was already done. That meant a nice long break, and maybe something to eat if she could persuade Tommy, the cook, to whip her up a snack.

That shouldn’t be hard, she thought.

Unless she was mistaken, Tommy had a little crush on her. He sure gave her the eye when ever she walked into the kitchen, and a couple of times when she’d had to use the stepstool to reach a can or box on a high shelf she could have sworn he was looking up her skirt.

Probably, got an eyeful too. After all, she never wore panties to work.

The management insisted that all the waitresses wear pantyhose under their short, tan skirts. Some of the waitresses-the older ladies especially, with their varicose veins, made worse by years spent on their feet-really needed the support, not to mention the coverage that pantyhose provided.

When she’d first started working here, a year or so back, she’d worn her regular panties along with pantyhose to work everyday. But after a week or so of struggling to pull up her clothes in the tiny bathroom stall, she’d ditched the panties and just worn hose. Another month, and she’d lighted on a new way to increase bathroom break efficiency and cut down on the saggy, elephantine ankles she got every time she pulled her hose down and back up. She’d taken a sharp pair of sewing scissors and carefully cut out the crotch of all her pantyhose. Now she never needed to take off her hose during a shift, and everything was so much easier. Including slipping a finger into her pussy on those rare occasions she was overcome with lust at work. Of course she was a good employee and always washed her hands thoroughly afterwards.

She had to admit to herself that since Tommy had started working here those lustful moments in the lavatory had grown more frequent. She’d often caught herself in the bathroom fantasizing about his broad shoulders and taut buttocks while she pleasured herself.

One of these nights, she mused to herself, she should really do something about him.

With a smile on her face, headed toward the kitchen.

Tommy was busy cleaning the grill when Jennifer sauntered through the swinging door and into the kitchen. He gave her a nod and a grin. Jennifer was by far his favorite waitress and not just because she concealed a hot little bod under the goofy getup the management called a uniform. She was one of the few waitresses who treated him like a person; who seemed genuinely interested in him. They often took their breaks together and she always took time to ask him about his activities and interests. There’d also been a few nights where she’d seemed interested in him in a different way; brushing up against his hip as she passed him in the kitchen, or flashing him a glimpse of her luscious DD breasts when she bent over to pick up an order. But, he’d also seen her flirt that way with customers, so maybe he was reading too much into it.

“Hey, Tommy,” she said, leaning on the prep table near him and flaunting her ample cleavage.

“What looks good tonight?”

Besides you I mean, she thought to herself.

She wasn’t really paying attention as he rattled off the specials for the evening. Instead she was devouring him with her eyes.

He really is delicious, she thought.

She could see part of a barbed-wire tattoo peeked out from beneath the sleeve of his tight, white T-shirt as it strained across his tanned, toned biceps. His stained apron stretched over his rock-hard abs, but unfortunately for her, covered his groin. Still, she had a great view of his muscled legs, clad in black work pants, and his tight ass! His ass was so sexy it was all she could do not to grab it whenever he passed her by.

“Uhm, Earth to Jenn,” she heard him saying. “Were you listening to any of that, or was I just talking to myself?” he asked.

“Sure, Tommy,” she lied. “I was listening.”

“So what’ya want?”

You fucking my wet pussy, she said inside her head.

“I’ll take a patty melt,” she told him.

“Why do you even bother to ask Beylikdüzü Fetiş Escort what the specials are when you always get the same thing?”

The better to spend time looking at you my dear, she thought.

“I don’t ALWAYS get the same thing.”

“Well, almost always. Maybe you should mix it up a bit. They say variety is the spice of life.”

So he liked variety, she thought to herself. I got your variety and spice right here.

“Alrighty then, I won’t have the patty melt after all. I’ll let you decide what to fix…surprise me!”

She flounced off toward the back, thinking about cooking up a few surprises of her own.

As she entered the dim, cool confines of the walk-in she sighed with pleasure. A few minutes in here and she could stand to face the muggy heat of the kitchen again, not to mention Tommy. Even though she was sure he liked her, she still didn’t want to approach him again smelling like stale sweat. Bad enough that she smelled of the peculiar odor of a restaurant…that recognizable scent of grease and smoke and burnt coffee.

She unbuttoned the top two buttons of her blouse, pulling the damp fabric away from her sweat-soaked skin, letting the cool air of the walk-in stream across the tops of her full breasts. Her nipples, though not fully exposed, puckered and tightened in the frigid air.

God, that feels good, she thought.

She wondered what the chilly air would feel like against her hot, tired legs, and began to hike her skirt up, inch by inch, exposing her hose-clad thighs. Just as she’d expected, damp coolness of the air felt good against her skin. She hiked her skirt up even higher and felt a brief rush of cold air brush against her pussy, causing it to tingle.

Tenatively, she put a hand down to her pussy and was not surprised to find it hot…and wet. Seeing Tommy in those tight black pants had really turned her on, as had the cool air against her skin. Thinking of him even now sent stabs of lust to her pussy, getting her even hotter and wetter. Parting the damp curls surrounding her sensitive bud, she dipped one finger into the glistening wetness of her cunt,and slowly massaged her clit, the center of her growing passion. She felt her desire grow as she twirled her finger around, causing her clit to stiffen and her juices to flow. She lifted her leg and braced one hush-puppie clad foot against a nearby box in order to slip a finger of her other hand into her warm pussy.

Tommy couldn’t stop thinking about Jennifer as he finished cleaning the grill. Surprise her, she’d said. He could think of a few things he’d like to surprise her with…his seven inch cock for one! Man, she looked hot in that tight, short skirt and button-down blouse, unbuttoned enough to reveal the lacy bra cupping her sweet tits. If she could make that ugly uniform look good, just imagine what she’d look like naked.

He was lost in thought for a moment, imagining her long legs wrapped around his torso, while he plunged his throbbing tool into her wet hole. Good thing he had on his apron, ’cause he was rock-hard thinking about sex with Jennifer. Unconsciously his left hand crept beneath the hem of his apron and slowly massaged the bulge in his pants. He quickly realized what he was doing, but it felt too good to stop. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw that Jennifer still hadn’t returned from the back, and so, slowly, he eased his zipper down. His stiff cock sprang out into his hand, and he nearly groaned aloud.

Keeping an eye out for her return, he started to stroke his hand along the sensitive shaft. He could feel his balls start to tighten as the snug circle of his thumb and forefingers slid across his tender skin, down to the head of his cock. His firm grip caused the head to swell, and the several drops of pre-cum that oozed out of it made it glisten under the flourescent lights of the kitchen. His pulse started to race as his hand stroked back and forth, slow and langorous at first, then with mounting urgency and increasing pressure. He could feel his orgasm building, the explosion just out of reach, and quickened his strokes. Suddenly, a sound from the back of the kitchen grabbed him back from the edge of bliss. It was a strange thump, like a door closing. Man, he was so close, virtually on the edge…his instinct was to keep going. But he knew if he got busted whacking off at work he’d be out of a job. With a curse, he tucked himself back into his shorts, zipped up and went to investigate.

He was surprised to find that the back door was still locked and alarmed. Maybe he was just hearing things. Sometimes when he was alone in the restaurant he imagined weird things. Of course, he wasn’t completely alone…where was Jenn anyhow? Maybe he should check on her? He headed toward the storeroom and the refrigerator.

Jennifer slid her finger into her tight pussy, stroking it back and forth, and soon added another. But still she ached for the full feeling of a cock buried deep inside her. She was afraid to go out and throw herself on Tommy…it was too soon…she was too afraid he’d say no, turn her down…besides, she needed Beylikdüzü Gecelik Escort to have her pussy stuffed full right now…anything to relieve the growing ache.

She looked around the cooler and spied a bunch of bananas.

Too curved, she thought.

There was a huge hunk of salami…

Promising, but she knew she’d never get anything that huge up her cunt without some help.

Then her eyes lit on some cucumbers in the produce section.


Barely missing a stroke, she leaned over and grabbed a nice, thick cucumber about eight inches long. It was tapered on one end and sort of rounded on the other. The skin of the vegetable was green and smooth, with no scars or pitted areas to abrade her tender flesh. Slowly she rubbed the bulbous end of the cucumber against the entrance to her sodden pussy, then gently eased the tip of it past her moist lips and into her tight passage. The cucumber was cool and slick against her heated flesh. Her fingers continued to flick against her clitoris as she slid the waxy vegetable into her cunt, inch by inch. Before long, seven inches of the long piece of produce was buried in her juicy snatch.

The chill of the cucumber made her gasp but gradually she became accustomed to the cucumber’s cold firmness, so unlike the soft, silk-over-steel feel of a real dick. Then she began to slide the veggie dildo in and out of her dewy flesh, slowly easing it out, then driving it home in her aching cunt. She loved the fullness of it stretching her tender pussy, but she had to admit even as she fucked herself with it, that it didn’t compare to real cock. It was cool and unyielding; in the end she preferred real flesh. Still, for now it was getting the job done. Before long, she was writhing with pleasure as the first tremulous waves of her approaching orgasm washed over her. Just then, the walk-in door swung open, exposing her to the bright light and the warm air of the kitchen.

Tommy stood in the doorway of the walk-in, stunned by the sight before his eyes. There in front of him, skirt hiked around her waist, was Jennifer, pumping a…Good Lord, was that a cucumber?…in and out of her sopping pussy.

Well, that would certainly explain the noise, he thought.

Time seemed to crawl as he stood frozen in the doorway, first amazed…then disgusted…then…turned on at the sight of the produce sliding in and out of her cunt like a green dildo. He knew that she knew that he was there; her eyes caught his and held, but her dark blue orbs were glazed over with her approaching orgasm and she couldn’t seem to control the motion of her hand as it continued to work the firm vegetable in and out of her wet hole.

He watched as her teeth sunk into her bottom lip and her hand movements beneath her skirt grew even more frenzied. Her breath came in heaving pants and she was making grunting noises, that had him growing harder than ever under his apron.

Finally, her body gave a huge, convulsive shudder and her head lolled back, eyes closed, as she reached her orgasm. And all he could do was stand and watch. Watch as her hand slowly eased the slick vegetable out of her dripping pussy and dropped it to the floor.

The thud of the cucumber hitting the floor seemed to release him from his stupor. Before he knew it he had crossed the small confines of the walk-in and he was holding her in his arms. She was limp and pliant in his grasp, and he could sense the opportunity in this moment.

Jennifer was surprised to find herself still upright. She was sure she would pass out from the shame of being caught masturbating, not to mention from the earth-shattering orgasm that had ripped through her body moments ago. Then she realized the only reason she was still standing was that Tommy’s hard arms were around her, and his even harder erection was pressing against her body. She had only a moment’s awareness of this before he dipped his head to hers and she became aware of much more…aware of his mouth greedily fastening on hers, his tongue twining around hers, and his teeth nibbling at her bottom lip. Even though she had just climaxed she could feel her nipples growing taut once more as he kissed her hard and hungrily. She felt herself responding to his kisses and her clit, still exposed to the frigid air, began to tingle once again. Within moments, the cold of the walk-in cooler was vanquished by the rising heat of her body.

Here was the moment she’d been waiting for.

Unlike the cucumber Tommy was very warm and very much alive, and finally, very much hers for the taking.

As he sucked and nibbled on her neck, causing her pussy to moisten even further, she slid her hands up beneath his long apron and yanked open the fastening of his pants.

A blast of cool air hit him as she slid his pants and boxers down along his hips, freeing his cock, but neither the cool air, nor her cool hands gripping him could minimize the erection he was sporting. She held him firmly, but not tightly, with one hand while the other slipped between his legs to caress the boys. The head of his cock rubbed against the scratchy Beylikdüzü Genç Escort cloth of the apron with each stroke of her hand, quickly bringing his lust to a fever pitch. He needed to take control of the situation or it would soon be over. He moved his mouth lower, licking the top of each creamy breast above her bra line. She moaned, and faltered in her ministrations for a moment, and in that second of respite he quickly slipped a finger into her sweet pussy.

Jennifer moaned again as Tommy slid his finger deep into her pussy. It felt good…but it wasn’t enough. Tommy seemed to know what he was doing, especially when it came to kissing, and normally she would appreciate the slow, sweet approach he was taking…but right now she needed his cock and it seemed there was only one way to get it. Writhing away from him, she took a step back.

“Is something wrong?” he asked her.

“I want you to fuck me!” she told him and turned to face away from him.

Grabbing hold of one of the metal shelves that lined the cooler she bent over, her skirt still hiked way above her hips. Her puffy pink pussy lips glistened with moistness, offering an invitation he couldn’t refuse.

Tommy stepped up behind her, taking a moment to admire the smooth skin and sweet curves of her ass. He knew she was aching for it, he could tell by the hungry look in her eyes as she peered over one shoulder at him, and so was he, but he couldn’t help it. She was so damn sexy! He reached out and ran a finger along the knobs of her spine, down along her back, and across her pantyhose-clad ass until he reached her wet slit. He flicked his finger against her swollen clit and she sucked in her breath.

Nice response, he thought.

He stripped off his white apron and tossed it over his shoulder, not caring where it landed. Then he stepped up behind her and taking his throbbing cock in hand, slowly rubbed it against her wet snatch. She moaned and pressed back against him.

He thought about teasing her just a bit as he remembered all the times she’d flirted with him, or flashed him a bit of skin and then walked away, leaving him with an aching cock, but he really didn’t have it in him. So as she pressed back harder against him, he guided the tip of his cock in between her wet cunt lips. She squirmed a little, and he knew it was time.

Grabbing her hips with both hands he thrust forward. Despite her wetness, part of his cock remained unsheathed, so he pulled back and thrust into her honeyed warmth once again. This time his cock slid into her like a knife through butter and he found himself buried to the hilt in her warm pussy and the cold was forgotten.

Jennifer sighed contentedly. This is what she’d been needing…craving. Tommy’s cock lodged deep in her snatch felt every bit as good as she’d expected it would. And when he began to slowly thrust in and out, letting his cock slide almost completely out of her before ramming it back in she began to whimper and moan. One of his hands slid up to pinch her nipple through her shirt as he rocked back and forth, driving his massive cock deeper and deeper into her, causing her to moan even more loudly. Her moans definitely seemed to excite him, for he began to thrust faster and faster. Soon she could feel the fluttery beginnings of another orgasm.

Tommy knew that he couldn’t last much longer. He’d been on edge and hard too long. With each thrust Jennifer moaned and thrashed her ass against him, causing his balls to rub against the whispery fabric of her nylons. The friction and the noises she was making were going to send him crashing over the edge very soon. He hoped he could make her cum soon, before he lost all control.

Jennifer could no longer control the noise…she’d always been a noisy lover, and Tommy was turning out to be a great fuck. Another thrust and the fluttering she was feeling turned into the crescendoing waves of approaching orgasm. He thrust again, and the moment of climax was upon her, turning her world upside down and leaving her breathless. She felt her inner muscles ripple as the orgasm shuddered through her. Then the moment of tension was past and she felt the familiar sense of release and relaxation.


Tommy didn’t pause in his vigorous thrusting until he heard her gasp. Thank goodness she was cumming. Now he was free to seek his own release. He gave one last mighty thrust, then her pussy seemed to tighten around him, gripping his cock and sending him over the edge. With a grunt he exploded, filling her cunt with his load of hot cum. He collapsed against the damp fabric covering her back, trying not to crush her with his weight. For a moment, they just stood there, bodies pressed together trying to catch their breath.

Finally, they peeled their damp, spent bodies apart and went about straightening their respective clothing. Fully dressed once more, they stepped out of the cooler and into the warm kitchen. The bright light was revealing. Tommy could still see the faint outline of Jenn’s nipples under her shirt, and he was sure his pants were still bulging a bit beneath his apron. And yet the light seemed to reveal much more. There was a new light in her eyes as she looked at him, and he was sure it was reflected in his own. The moment of silence between them grew, hanging palpably in the warm air of the kitchen…and in that moment of silence there was an unspoken promise…until the silence was broken by the tinkling bell over the door of the diner.

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Educating Charlie Ch. 02

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The sweat was pouring off him and it felt good.

Jake was in the zone and focused as he pounded the treadmill in his gym, passing another mile. His ipod blared out his favourite tunes and he felt his tensions easing out. His breathing was perfect and the woes of the working week dissipated.

Thump, thump, thump on the treadmill.

Then he caught her in the corner of his eye.

Charlie buttocks and legs were working the step machine at the far end of the room and just her presence made Jake feel woozy. He slowed down and got off.

He reached for his towel and took a double-look. It was her all right. Shit.

Jake quickly made a sharp exit across the busy post-work gym in an effort to avoid his friend. He finally found the double door, looked back and breathed in relief that an awkward moment had been avoided.

Luckily the steam room was empty and Jack slumped down after losing his clothes back at the changing room. Draped in a small white towel, he leant backwards trying to find solace in the mist around him. The last few weeks had been a blur and he was a different person. He felt he’d become a liberated soul due to these experiences but also knew that feelings swam with sex. At the time the menage a trois with Liz and Steve felt harmless, but clearly they’d all upset Charlie in their actions.

Jake sweated out his guilt for another ten minutes or so and at last felt ready to face the world again. Just as he was about to get up the door opened and in stepped Charlie with a friend chatting. He waited for the inevitable recognition.

They simply stared at each other with Charlie looking more upset as the seconds drifted by. Suddenly she looked away and sat with her friend, leaving Jake pinned to the bench.

Jake didn’t know what to do or say, trying his best to avoid the occasional glances from the two women.

Minutes passed and Jake waited to make his exit in an effort not to seem rude, when Charlie’s friend left the steam room leaving them alone. Shit. An awkward silence fell, aside from the hiss of new steam entering the room.

“Are you Ok?” Jake finally asked.

“Yeah…I mean, sort of.” Replied Charlie. More silence followed.

He watched her face as she stared at the floor biting her lip. More steam rose, partly hiding her.

Out of the steam, she spoke. “I’m more jealous of you guys than upset. Liz is so open and confident. I wish I could be like that.”

“Liz is… interesting.” Jake replied. “I wouldn’t hold her up as a role model though.”

Charlie pondered this and then went on to explain how painfully shy she truly was and that she at least envied Liz’s attitude.

“I want to be more confident around men.” She said finally.

The hiss of the steam poured in again and he almost lost her.

Charlie used this opportunity and moved next to Jake. As she did he noticed a wondrous curvy figure come towards him out of the mist draped in the same small, tight white towel that barely covered his crotch. God, she had an amazing body, he thought.

Silence fell upon the pair again. Charlie shyly rocked and back off her hands on the bench, whilst he tried to think of something to say to keep the conversation going.

Suddenly she turned and said, “Will you help me?”

Before he could answer she leaned in and kissed him passionately. He decided to kiss her back and their tongues met. Jake started to get turned on as she pushed into him with her body and a mix of shock and delight flowed through his Beylikdüzü Grup Escort brain. She pulled back and again looked at him shyly. Jake took the whole picture in and remember how beautiful she was. She had a delicate face, with slightly chubby, but rosy cheeks and looked an image of innocence.

There truly was something about her. Her appearance was so simple in many respects, and yet she was so sexy. If only she knew.

He noticed her towel had come undone slightly during the embrace and one of her large, milk-white breasts was on display, along with part of her belly. The sight was beautiful in the magical mist that surrounded them.

They kissed again and his hand involuntarily reached for the soft flesh of her escaped breast and she breathed into him in pleasure. Jake’s hand sunk into her bosom and he thought of how natural it felt. He knew he was sporting an erection and she felt for it tentatively, laying her hand on top through the towel.

They parted again and Charlie’s towel had slipped completely and he took in her naked form.

Both breasts were as magnificent as before and even though her legs were pressed together, he could see the top of her natural brown bush amongst her wide curvy hips. She smiled at him, not knowing what to do.

“Well you seem pretty confident around me.” Said Jake.

“I have been practicing what I was going to say…and do, ever since Sunday.” Replied Charlie.

“What, here!?”

“No…but somewhere. When I next saw you.” She smiled.

She leaned in again and they kissed again. This time she fumbled around his towel, and after a bit of effort, exposed him. The steam hit his hard penis first, but a fraction later Charlie’s hand was wrapped around it. Jake broke from the embrace and kissed down her neck. Charlie groaned in appreciation and then they heard the door open.

Charlie flew up in a shot and somehow left the room with her towel around her whilst Jake was left alone with his arousal on display. The middle-aged couple looked shocked at both him and the departing Charlie. Jake covered himself and tried to leave in complete embarrassment. As he was leaving the husband gave him a little knowing smile.

When outside he looked for Charlie but couldn’t find her. After a quick scan he decided to get changed quickly in case anyone complained.

As he left the gym he kept an eye out for Charlie, but there wasn’t any sign, nor had she contacted him via his mobile. Jake felt like he was back to square one with her.

Jake had little choice but to go home. He sat around and pondered the events in the steam room. Had he manipulated it? Had he taken it too far? No she wanted this.

He rang her. No answer. He tried again. Nothing.

The evening dragged on and Jake had that slight twinge in his stomach that suggested he’d done something wrong, but wasn’t quite sure what. His phone bleeped.

Open your door, the text message read.

He followed the instructions and out in the hallway he found Charlie waiting. She had obviously been crying from her puffy eyes under her glasses, so he invited her in quickly.

“What is it? Tell me.” He asked. She simply leaned in and kissed him gently whilst still sniffling. She then hugged him.

“Tell me I’m beautiful.” She requested.

“You’re the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen.” She smiled weakly.

She pulled away and started to undress without looking at him. She slowly undid her fitted blouse and Jake Beylikdüzü İranlı Escort simply watched, not knowing what to do. Clearly she was upset, and he thought he should stop her. Then he thought how desperately he wanted to continue what started earlier.

He returned to the image before him as Charlie pulled off her blouse and her large breasts came into view, contained in a frilly bra. She took off her shoes and then started to undo her skirt.

“You don’t need to do this Charlie.” He said, as his conscience got the best of him.

“Look, have a glass of wine, relax. Please.” He pleaded.

She ignored him and carried on undressing. Her skirt fell and she stood in her underwear. She was wearing a matching set of expensive material that comprised of a bra, frilly sheer pants, exposing her natural front region, a garter belt, suspenders and tights. She continued to undo the suspenders and the tights fell one by one down her curvy legs. Next she lost the suspender belt. All the time though there was no passion and it was almost robotic.

Finally she glanced at him in just her bra and pants. She reached around and undid the bra. It fell. Jake glanced down at her magnificent breasts which sat proudly on her chest. He wanted to feel the large area of soft flesh and to lick her pink nipples. Charlie simply continued and finally just pulled down her panties without spectacle. She stared at him again.

In her naked glory Jake didn’t know what to do, everything felt wrong. She looked stunning standing in the middle of his living room, but he felt like he was taking advantage to do any more than look. Finally she spoke.

“Am I beautiful now?”

“More than ever, Charlie. You have an amazing body…”

Before he could finish she turned and her curvy body walked naked to his room. He followed to find out what was going on. When he looked into the room she had got into his bed and under the covers. She checked he had followed and then took off her thin glasses.

“Are you joining me?” She asked.

He sat on the end of bed and decided to play this conservatively.

“Please join me Jake. Get under the covers.” She said quietly.

He moved and got under, still wearing his work clothes. Charlie giggled at last.

“No, silly. Naked.” Suddenly it felt right.

He struggled but got undressed under the covers and threw all the clothes out of the bed. They both lay there naked nervously like two virgins without a clue. Charlie pulled him in for a kiss and also pulled his hand to her breast.

“That felt so good earlier.” She added.

Jake felt it his duty to express how much he loved her body. He rose to his knees and bent in to kiss her right breast. It tasted sweet and pure when his mouth engulfed her nipple. He let go and gently blew on the moist skin he had left, seeing the beauty in her hardening. The other breast was given the same delicate treatment before he kissed down her belly. Jake took his time; he knew this time they wouldn’t be disturbed.

He finally reached between Charlie’s legs and pushed away all the covers to see her properly for the first time. Jake saw a wonderful full bush before him which revealed her excitement in the glistening drops of moisture displayed everywhere. He then noticed her large puffy lips. Jake started to kiss the inside of her thighs and worked his way slowly down. Finally he reached her and gently kissed her to her clit whilst she groaned in anticipation.

After Beylikdüzü Manken Escort a few minutes of sucking on Charlie’s sweet tasting body, she was breathing heavier and on the verge of cumming. Jake decided to move back up her body and slid next to her. He reached for her face and knowing she would be able to taste herself on him. Jake wanted to show that he had loved doing it and how normal it was. Charlie shyly tasted his lips as they kissed and Jake’s hand this time reached for her pussy. She started to groan again and they kissed passionately. Charlie came hard as Jake slid his fingers through her wet lips.

Moments passed and Charlie lay there with closed eyes as her body’s shaking subsided. Jake jumped out of the bed and walked to the kitchen. He returned a few moments later with that glass of wine for Charlie and took in her curvy naked form laid out on the bed.

Charlie rolled over onto her front and took the wine off him, taking a sip. She looked up and smiled.

“That was amazing,” she said.

Their eyes firmly met and both smiled before she gazed at his waist. His penis was half-erect. Charlie subtly scooted slightly forward and kissed the tip from the edge of the bed. She then took a large gulp of wine, followed by an inch or two of his quickly hardening cock. Her lips let go of him and she looked up with lust in her eyes. Jake knew then that he was helping unleash something inside her.

They put their wine down and Jake slid back into bed. Charlie’s fingers were soon around his cock and he was hard in a matter of seconds. “I want you inside me,” she whispered in his ear.

Jake parted her legs for a second time and moved in between. He positioned himself above her. “Sure?” She nodded urgently in reply.

He felt the head of his penis slide along her moist lips and she hummed approval. He looked down and Charlie had her eyes closed and was biting her lip waiting. He pressed slightly and gently, feeling his head move inside her. He pulled out again and saw a bead of liquid still connect them. He approached again and his whole cockhead went in, feeling small devine electric shocks of pleasure move to his brain.

A few moments later Charlie felt ready to accept him as he worked back and forth slowly. Jake’s penis was now glistening with her wonderful juices and finally he slid fully inside her. Charlie purred and Jake simply paused feeling how tight she was around him. He looked down and she gave him a gentle and encouraging smile. He pulled out again and slid back in. Her eyes shut and she half-moaned. Jake took his time and made love to this wonderful body rather than fucking her.

Soon Charlie was groaning loudly as Jake perched himself on his arms and slowly slid back and forth. He felt himself almost going deeper on every stroke and his balls gently grazing across her. Suddenly without much warning she came. She opened her eyes looking disappointed as it subsided.

“Fancy going on top?” Asked Jake.

“What? I’ve never…tried,” replied a hesitant Charlie.

He quickly rolled her on top of him and he guided his cock back inside. Charlie looked shocked and moved slightly, feeling his penis inside her. Jake reached up and took both heaving breasts in his hands and pushed hard into her with his bum. “It’s all part of your education Charlie,” he said smiling.

Soon they were fucking like animals and Charlie found the delight in the position as she bounced up and down. Charlie was suddenly screaming and Jake was in heaven. Finally Charlie came again and Jake could feel himself getting close.

Jake explained the situation and asked her is she fancied trying one final position. She asked what he meant and he simply pulled out of her, pushed her off and was suddenly behind her. He placed her on all fours and penetrated her from behind. “This…” He finally answered.

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Eat at Joe’s Episode 01

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Jennifer sighed as she listlessly ran a damp rag across the scarred Formica counter for what seemed like the millionth time. It was hot, and the ceiling fan overhead did nothing to cut through the oppressive heat. She brushed a damp curl of blonde hair off her forehead and sighed again.

The graveyard shift sure is dead tonight, she thought to herself, and giggled at her own joke.

It was true; the hour was approaching three a.m.-too late for the drunks and too early for the farmers-and only one customer was in the joint. She grabbed the coffeepot off the burner and approached the old man sitting on the vinyl stool at the end of the counter. To her surprise and relief, the old guy declined a refill and got up to pay his shot.

Finally, the diner was empty and she could take her break. That was one of the advantages of working graves…the couple of hours between three and five a.m. when the restaurant was usually deserted. She normally used that time to get her short work done, filling salt shakers and replacing ketchup bottes at each booth. Tonight had been especially slow though, and the short work was already done. That meant a nice long break, and maybe something to eat if she could persuade Tommy, the cook, to whip her up a snack.

That shouldn’t be hard, she thought.

Unless she was mistaken, Tommy had a little crush on her. He sure gave her the eye when ever she walked into the kitchen, and a couple of times when she’d had to use the stepstool to reach a can or box on a high shelf she could have sworn he was looking up her skirt.

Probably, got an eyeful too. After all, she never wore panties to work.

The management insisted that all the waitresses wear pantyhose under their short, tan skirts. Some of the waitresses-the older ladies especially, with their varicose veins, made worse by years spent on their feet-really needed the support, not to mention the coverage that pantyhose provided.

When she’d first started working here, a year or so back, she’d worn her regular panties along with pantyhose to work everyday. But after a week or so of struggling to pull up her clothes in the tiny bathroom stall, she’d ditched the panties and just worn hose. Another month, and she’d lighted on a new way to increase bathroom break efficiency and cut down on the saggy, elephantine ankles she got every time she pulled her hose down and back up. She’d taken a sharp pair of sewing scissors and carefully cut out the crotch of all her pantyhose. Now she never needed to take off her hose during a shift, and everything was so much easier. Including slipping a finger into her pussy on those rare occasions she was overcome with lust at work. Of course she was a good employee and always washed her hands thoroughly afterwards.

She had to admit to herself that since Tommy had started working here those lustful moments in the lavatory had grown more frequent. She’d often caught herself in the bathroom fantasizing about his broad shoulders and taut buttocks while she pleasured herself.

One of these nights, she mused to herself, she should really do something about him.

With a smile on her face, headed toward the kitchen.

Tommy was busy cleaning the grill when Jennifer sauntered through the swinging door and into the kitchen. He gave her a nod and a grin. Jennifer was by far his favorite waitress and not just because she concealed a hot little bod under the goofy getup the management called a uniform. She was one of the few waitresses who treated him like a person; who seemed genuinely interested in him. They often took their breaks together and she always took time to ask him about his activities and interests. There’d also been a few nights where she’d seemed interested in him in a different way; brushing up against his hip as she passed him in the kitchen, or flashing him a glimpse of her luscious DD breasts when she bent over to pick up an order. But, he’d also seen her flirt that way with customers, so maybe he was reading too much into it.

“Hey, Tommy,” she said, leaning on the prep table near him and flaunting her ample cleavage.

“What looks good tonight?”

Besides you I mean, she thought to herself.

She wasn’t really paying attention as he rattled off the specials for the evening. Instead she was devouring him with her eyes.

He really is delicious, she thought.

She could see part of a barbed-wire tattoo peeked out from beneath the sleeve of his tight, white T-shirt as it strained across his tanned, toned biceps. His stained apron stretched over his rock-hard abs, but unfortunately for her, covered his groin. Still, she had a great view of his muscled legs, clad in black work pants, and his tight ass! His ass was so sexy it was all she could do not to grab it whenever he passed her by.

“Uhm, Earth to Jenn,” she heard him saying. “Were you listening to any of that, or was I just talking to myself?” he asked.

“Sure, Tommy,” she lied. “I was listening.”

“So what’ya want?”

You fucking my wet pussy, she said inside her head.

“I’ll take a patty melt,” she told him.

“Why do you even bother to ask Beylikdüzü Fetiş Escort what the specials are when you always get the same thing?”

The better to spend time looking at you my dear, she thought.

“I don’t ALWAYS get the same thing.”

“Well, almost always. Maybe you should mix it up a bit. They say variety is the spice of life.”

So he liked variety, she thought to herself. I got your variety and spice right here.

“Alrighty then, I won’t have the patty melt after all. I’ll let you decide what to fix…surprise me!”

She flounced off toward the back, thinking about cooking up a few surprises of her own.

As she entered the dim, cool confines of the walk-in she sighed with pleasure. A few minutes in here and she could stand to face the muggy heat of the kitchen again, not to mention Tommy. Even though she was sure he liked her, she still didn’t want to approach him again smelling like stale sweat. Bad enough that she smelled of the peculiar odor of a restaurant…that recognizable scent of grease and smoke and burnt coffee.

She unbuttoned the top two buttons of her blouse, pulling the damp fabric away from her sweat-soaked skin, letting the cool air of the walk-in stream across the tops of her full breasts. Her nipples, though not fully exposed, puckered and tightened in the frigid air.

God, that feels good, she thought.

She wondered what the chilly air would feel like against her hot, tired legs, and began to hike her skirt up, inch by inch, exposing her hose-clad thighs. Just as she’d expected, damp coolness of the air felt good against her skin. She hiked her skirt up even higher and felt a brief rush of cold air brush against her pussy, causing it to tingle.

Tenatively, she put a hand down to her pussy and was not surprised to find it hot…and wet. Seeing Tommy in those tight black pants had really turned her on, as had the cool air against her skin. Thinking of him even now sent stabs of lust to her pussy, getting her even hotter and wetter. Parting the damp curls surrounding her sensitive bud, she dipped one finger into the glistening wetness of her cunt,and slowly massaged her clit, the center of her growing passion. She felt her desire grow as she twirled her finger around, causing her clit to stiffen and her juices to flow. She lifted her leg and braced one hush-puppie clad foot against a nearby box in order to slip a finger of her other hand into her warm pussy.

Tommy couldn’t stop thinking about Jennifer as he finished cleaning the grill. Surprise her, she’d said. He could think of a few things he’d like to surprise her with…his seven inch cock for one! Man, she looked hot in that tight, short skirt and button-down blouse, unbuttoned enough to reveal the lacy bra cupping her sweet tits. If she could make that ugly uniform look good, just imagine what she’d look like naked.

He was lost in thought for a moment, imagining her long legs wrapped around his torso, while he plunged his throbbing tool into her wet hole. Good thing he had on his apron, ’cause he was rock-hard thinking about sex with Jennifer. Unconsciously his left hand crept beneath the hem of his apron and slowly massaged the bulge in his pants. He quickly realized what he was doing, but it felt too good to stop. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw that Jennifer still hadn’t returned from the back, and so, slowly, he eased his zipper down. His stiff cock sprang out into his hand, and he nearly groaned aloud.

Keeping an eye out for her return, he started to stroke his hand along the sensitive shaft. He could feel his balls start to tighten as the snug circle of his thumb and forefingers slid across his tender skin, down to the head of his cock. His firm grip caused the head to swell, and the several drops of pre-cum that oozed out of it made it glisten under the flourescent lights of the kitchen. His pulse started to race as his hand stroked back and forth, slow and langorous at first, then with mounting urgency and increasing pressure. He could feel his orgasm building, the explosion just out of reach, and quickened his strokes. Suddenly, a sound from the back of the kitchen grabbed him back from the edge of bliss. It was a strange thump, like a door closing. Man, he was so close, virtually on the edge…his instinct was to keep going. But he knew if he got busted whacking off at work he’d be out of a job. With a curse, he tucked himself back into his shorts, zipped up and went to investigate.

He was surprised to find that the back door was still locked and alarmed. Maybe he was just hearing things. Sometimes when he was alone in the restaurant he imagined weird things. Of course, he wasn’t completely alone…where was Jenn anyhow? Maybe he should check on her? He headed toward the storeroom and the refrigerator.

Jennifer slid her finger into her tight pussy, stroking it back and forth, and soon added another. But still she ached for the full feeling of a cock buried deep inside her. She was afraid to go out and throw herself on Tommy…it was too soon…she was too afraid he’d say no, turn her down…besides, she needed Beylikdüzü Gecelik Escort to have her pussy stuffed full right now…anything to relieve the growing ache.

She looked around the cooler and spied a bunch of bananas.

Too curved, she thought.

There was a huge hunk of salami…

Promising, but she knew she’d never get anything that huge up her cunt without some help.

Then her eyes lit on some cucumbers in the produce section.


Barely missing a stroke, she leaned over and grabbed a nice, thick cucumber about eight inches long. It was tapered on one end and sort of rounded on the other. The skin of the vegetable was green and smooth, with no scars or pitted areas to abrade her tender flesh. Slowly she rubbed the bulbous end of the cucumber against the entrance to her sodden pussy, then gently eased the tip of it past her moist lips and into her tight passage. The cucumber was cool and slick against her heated flesh. Her fingers continued to flick against her clitoris as she slid the waxy vegetable into her cunt, inch by inch. Before long, seven inches of the long piece of produce was buried in her juicy snatch.

The chill of the cucumber made her gasp but gradually she became accustomed to the cucumber’s cold firmness, so unlike the soft, silk-over-steel feel of a real dick. Then she began to slide the veggie dildo in and out of her dewy flesh, slowly easing it out, then driving it home in her aching cunt. She loved the fullness of it stretching her tender pussy, but she had to admit even as she fucked herself with it, that it didn’t compare to real cock. It was cool and unyielding; in the end she preferred real flesh. Still, for now it was getting the job done. Before long, she was writhing with pleasure as the first tremulous waves of her approaching orgasm washed over her. Just then, the walk-in door swung open, exposing her to the bright light and the warm air of the kitchen.

Tommy stood in the doorway of the walk-in, stunned by the sight before his eyes. There in front of him, skirt hiked around her waist, was Jennifer, pumping a…Good Lord, was that a cucumber?…in and out of her sopping pussy.

Well, that would certainly explain the noise, he thought.

Time seemed to crawl as he stood frozen in the doorway, first amazed…then disgusted…then…turned on at the sight of the produce sliding in and out of her cunt like a green dildo. He knew that she knew that he was there; her eyes caught his and held, but her dark blue orbs were glazed over with her approaching orgasm and she couldn’t seem to control the motion of her hand as it continued to work the firm vegetable in and out of her wet hole.

He watched as her teeth sunk into her bottom lip and her hand movements beneath her skirt grew even more frenzied. Her breath came in heaving pants and she was making grunting noises, that had him growing harder than ever under his apron.

Finally, her body gave a huge, convulsive shudder and her head lolled back, eyes closed, as she reached her orgasm. And all he could do was stand and watch. Watch as her hand slowly eased the slick vegetable out of her dripping pussy and dropped it to the floor.

The thud of the cucumber hitting the floor seemed to release him from his stupor. Before he knew it he had crossed the small confines of the walk-in and he was holding her in his arms. She was limp and pliant in his grasp, and he could sense the opportunity in this moment.

Jennifer was surprised to find herself still upright. She was sure she would pass out from the shame of being caught masturbating, not to mention from the earth-shattering orgasm that had ripped through her body moments ago. Then she realized the only reason she was still standing was that Tommy’s hard arms were around her, and his even harder erection was pressing against her body. She had only a moment’s awareness of this before he dipped his head to hers and she became aware of much more…aware of his mouth greedily fastening on hers, his tongue twining around hers, and his teeth nibbling at her bottom lip. Even though she had just climaxed she could feel her nipples growing taut once more as he kissed her hard and hungrily. She felt herself responding to his kisses and her clit, still exposed to the frigid air, began to tingle once again. Within moments, the cold of the walk-in cooler was vanquished by the rising heat of her body.

Here was the moment she’d been waiting for.

Unlike the cucumber Tommy was very warm and very much alive, and finally, very much hers for the taking.

As he sucked and nibbled on her neck, causing her pussy to moisten even further, she slid her hands up beneath his long apron and yanked open the fastening of his pants.

A blast of cool air hit him as she slid his pants and boxers down along his hips, freeing his cock, but neither the cool air, nor her cool hands gripping him could minimize the erection he was sporting. She held him firmly, but not tightly, with one hand while the other slipped between his legs to caress the boys. The head of his cock rubbed against the scratchy Beylikdüzü Genç Escort cloth of the apron with each stroke of her hand, quickly bringing his lust to a fever pitch. He needed to take control of the situation or it would soon be over. He moved his mouth lower, licking the top of each creamy breast above her bra line. She moaned, and faltered in her ministrations for a moment, and in that second of respite he quickly slipped a finger into her sweet pussy.

Jennifer moaned again as Tommy slid his finger deep into her pussy. It felt good…but it wasn’t enough. Tommy seemed to know what he was doing, especially when it came to kissing, and normally she would appreciate the slow, sweet approach he was taking…but right now she needed his cock and it seemed there was only one way to get it. Writhing away from him, she took a step back.

“Is something wrong?” he asked her.

“I want you to fuck me!” she told him and turned to face away from him.

Grabbing hold of one of the metal shelves that lined the cooler she bent over, her skirt still hiked way above her hips. Her puffy pink pussy lips glistened with moistness, offering an invitation he couldn’t refuse.

Tommy stepped up behind her, taking a moment to admire the smooth skin and sweet curves of her ass. He knew she was aching for it, he could tell by the hungry look in her eyes as she peered over one shoulder at him, and so was he, but he couldn’t help it. She was so damn sexy! He reached out and ran a finger along the knobs of her spine, down along her back, and across her pantyhose-clad ass until he reached her wet slit. He flicked his finger against her swollen clit and she sucked in her breath.

Nice response, he thought.

He stripped off his white apron and tossed it over his shoulder, not caring where it landed. Then he stepped up behind her and taking his throbbing cock in hand, slowly rubbed it against her wet snatch. She moaned and pressed back against him.

He thought about teasing her just a bit as he remembered all the times she’d flirted with him, or flashed him a bit of skin and then walked away, leaving him with an aching cock, but he really didn’t have it in him. So as she pressed back harder against him, he guided the tip of his cock in between her wet cunt lips. She squirmed a little, and he knew it was time.

Grabbing her hips with both hands he thrust forward. Despite her wetness, part of his cock remained unsheathed, so he pulled back and thrust into her honeyed warmth once again. This time his cock slid into her like a knife through butter and he found himself buried to the hilt in her warm pussy and the cold was forgotten.

Jennifer sighed contentedly. This is what she’d been needing…craving. Tommy’s cock lodged deep in her snatch felt every bit as good as she’d expected it would. And when he began to slowly thrust in and out, letting his cock slide almost completely out of her before ramming it back in she began to whimper and moan. One of his hands slid up to pinch her nipple through her shirt as he rocked back and forth, driving his massive cock deeper and deeper into her, causing her to moan even more loudly. Her moans definitely seemed to excite him, for he began to thrust faster and faster. Soon she could feel the fluttery beginnings of another orgasm.

Tommy knew that he couldn’t last much longer. He’d been on edge and hard too long. With each thrust Jennifer moaned and thrashed her ass against him, causing his balls to rub against the whispery fabric of her nylons. The friction and the noises she was making were going to send him crashing over the edge very soon. He hoped he could make her cum soon, before he lost all control.

Jennifer could no longer control the noise…she’d always been a noisy lover, and Tommy was turning out to be a great fuck. Another thrust and the fluttering she was feeling turned into the crescendoing waves of approaching orgasm. He thrust again, and the moment of climax was upon her, turning her world upside down and leaving her breathless. She felt her inner muscles ripple as the orgasm shuddered through her. Then the moment of tension was past and she felt the familiar sense of release and relaxation.


Tommy didn’t pause in his vigorous thrusting until he heard her gasp. Thank goodness she was cumming. Now he was free to seek his own release. He gave one last mighty thrust, then her pussy seemed to tighten around him, gripping his cock and sending him over the edge. With a grunt he exploded, filling her cunt with his load of hot cum. He collapsed against the damp fabric covering her back, trying not to crush her with his weight. For a moment, they just stood there, bodies pressed together trying to catch their breath.

Finally, they peeled their damp, spent bodies apart and went about straightening their respective clothing. Fully dressed once more, they stepped out of the cooler and into the warm kitchen. The bright light was revealing. Tommy could still see the faint outline of Jenn’s nipples under her shirt, and he was sure his pants were still bulging a bit beneath his apron. And yet the light seemed to reveal much more. There was a new light in her eyes as she looked at him, and he was sure it was reflected in his own. The moment of silence between them grew, hanging palpably in the warm air of the kitchen…and in that moment of silence there was an unspoken promise…until the silence was broken by the tinkling bell over the door of the diner.

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Early Arrival

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The car entered the driveway slowly and when the door closed, it only clicked. He wanted to surprise her.

Their phone call ended an hour ago. She ended it abruptly telling him she needed more time to get ready and that it’d take her at least another hour, provided she did not get interrupted again. Then her phone rang again into a call lasting half an hour. It was important, but still left her far behind on her preparations for this special date.

Bathed, perfumed and make up in place, she was still sorting through her closet looking for just the right outfit. Focused yet flighty thinking about what to wear, she sat on the edge of the bed and wriggled into her nearly black silk stockings. She liked the way they felt against her freshly shaven legs. She reflected about the thick lather and the sharp blades of that vibrating razor. The waistband of her stockings was now at the top of her thighs. Pulling up a little further, her thumbs hit on her pussy and she could feel the wetness begin.

With a glance at the clock, she thought to herself that she had at least another half an hour before he was to arrive. With that in mind, she lay back on the bed enjoying the cool comforter against her bare back. She lifted one foot to the bed using it to bump her ass into the air and slide the stockings back off as far as her knees. While arched up, she stayed in that position until the gentle breeze across her bare pussy stopped. Her hand immediately found its way to the wetness.

As she eased into the pleasure of feeling herself, she thought she heard something across the apartment. It was Beylikdüzü Anal Escort brushed off to the breeze pushing through a window. She lifted her head to peek around just in case. She saw nothing, nobody and heard no other sounds. She resumed her fondling and petting. Slight mumbling and moaning kept her fantasy of him alive. It brought her back to hearing the same sounds and it brought her closer and closer.

And then a click.

She lifted her head one more time and heard nothing else. Resuming once again, she was determined to make it happen. That orgasm needed to be there soon. He was going to be picking her up any time now and she had to release that intense feeling twinkling through her pussy lips before he got there. Being in his presence was only going to bring it back, and she figured if she released it now, she’d start fresh and more mildly when he arrived.

That click was the door behind him as he slowly let the doorknob turn and latch behind him. Shoes were left at the front door and he snuck in. He listened to her moaning. An uneasy feeling came upon him thinking she was not alone. He tip-toed into the adjacent room, hoping to see her. First, a stockinged foot, toes curled. Then the leg up to her knee, noticing the other foot tucked under her bent knee. Eyes following up that leg to her bent knee, bent out towards the wall. Looking up to her inner thigh, he could hardly see any of her pussy with her hand in the way. He breathed in deep and heavy. And he slid his stocking feet across the wood floor so she wouldn’t hear him.

He Beylikdüzü Çıtır Escort watched as her fingertips shifted and swayed all around her garden. One finger then two and then three and tapping and pinching and wow — he was amazed at all he was observing. He stood tall at the foot of the bed and waited for her to sense his presence. She lifted her head off the pillow in an ecstatic abdominal crunch and her eyes slit open just enough to notice his shadow standing over her.

Too far into her mission and too far beyond breaking out of this fantasy, she closed her eyes, smiled and dropped her head back into the fluffy pillow. Her legs parted further as an invitation to him. With the feel of his hand on her inner knee, she said in a labored whisper “you’re early”.

He ran his hand up along her leg, zig-zagging back and forth across her leg with the most soft, sensual touch. She moaned louder. He squeezed her tender shivering flesh and pushed his hand far up her leg. A pinky touched on her finger when it began sliding into her hole. Both fingers inserted, he gasped when she did and he took his finger back. On the way, he grabbed her stockings and slowly peeled them off her smooth legs.

Rather than tossing them aside, he stretched them from toe to toe. The gleam in his eye meant he was up to something. She continued her business of fingering herself as he began his business of tying one leg of the stockings to her ankle/knee connection and the other leg to the frame of the bed. She could not get free.

She heard the jingle of his belt buckle Beylikdüzü Elit Escort as it was opened quickly and was set to fall to the sides of his zipper. Then was the sound of the zipper clicking every tooth in anticipation of setting that eager hard cock loose to tempt her wet and overly stimulated hot pussy. Without touching her, he leaned forward and with his practiced tongue, licked her once. The sound that escaped her was a gasping, shrieking sigh of extreme pleasure. She pushed her ass into the bed to try squelching the intense feeling he just sent careening through her nerve endings. When the heat of his moist breath pushed on her lips again, she raised herself to meet him in anticipation, almost eagerness. Instead of a tongue this time, he pursed his lips and pressed them to her clit.

She had maintained a system of making herself feel so good in that man’s absence that he knew when she’d have it exposed. His hands were able to pay attention to his own satisfaction while his mouth suckled on her hard hot clit. Flicking gently, she swirled her hips in rhythm to his actions. Within seconds, his chin was glistening. She parted her legs best she could while being tethered in place. It put her pussy on better display for him to access. The next feel she got was his long strong tongue probing her. At first she thought it was his finger, and soon enough was convinced by the flicking and the added wetness that it was his tongue pushing into her like a penis. When he had it in her as far as he could get it, his sucking started again.

And it ended in an instant.

She whimpered when it stopped. The feeling was intense, more intense than she could have done to herself, and she wanted more of it. He knew. He leaned into her again and gave her one more teasing lap of his tongue then stopped before reaching her clit and before the lip-sucking went any further….there was more in his mind for her than that…

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Dual Orgasm

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EXPLICIT MATERIAL NOT INTENDED FOR MINORS. © 2000 Commercial use prohibited without author’s consent.

* * * Orgasm from Mrs. Looney’s Perspective

I got up at 4:30 this morning to catch a 7:00 flight to Austin for a meeting. I’m not usually a morning person but today, for some reason, I jumped right out of bed and got in the shower. I needed plenty of time to get ready this morning. I shaved my legs, underarms and then my pussy. It had to be smooth for my return home this afternoon.

After my shower, the usual preparations were made for the day. Fixing my hair, applying makeup and other miscellaneous tasks were completed.

Now I had to choose the appropriate attire for the day. It’s often difficult to choose my dress on a normal day but today was different. I wanted to wear something sensual. Something that would keep me hot and bothered all day.

First of all, I put on panties, pantyhose, bra and slip, then chose a long black skirt with a white pattern scattered about it. For the top, a thin, white pull over shirt was decided upon. Since I was going to a business meeting I chose to wear a white sweater with black trim and tiny buttons down the front. After looking at myself in the mirror, the outfit certainly didn’t match my mood. Something had to be changed. After careful thought, I removed everything and started over.

Pete and I had tried something a week or so ago to enhance my nipples. My breasts are about a 36C with large nipples. They look like pencil erasers when hard. I found a flesh colored thread in the sewing kit and carefully wrapped them until only the tip was exposed. To do this they must be hard which required them to be pulled and twisted. My nipples were now almost totally encased in thread. They stuck out about « an inch. Needless to say this alone made me horny and it’s only 5:00am. This isn’t a normal state for me at this time of the day. Then I found a pair of scissors and cut the crotch out of my pantyhose and put them back on, with no accompanying panties. I now had full access to my freshly shaved pussy. I put the originally chosen outer layer of clothing back on. This felt and looked much better. I could see my nipples protruding through 3 layers of clothing.

I was finally ready to leave for the airport. Pete was still asleep so I gave him a light peck on the forehead so as not to wake him. He had no idea what I was wearing, or not wearing, in this case, until I sent him an email from my 2-way pager later in the morning. We teased each other all day sending messages back and forth.

By the time I was on the return flight home, I could barely stand it any longer. After all the teasing I’d endured throughout the day from his pages, I was horny as hell. After we boarded the plane, we were told that the weather was bad in Dallas so we’d have to wait awhile before we could depart. It was hot on the plane. I was already uncomfortable from not being able to satisfy my burning need for an orgasm. I was really horny.

We left for Dallas about 30 minutes later than our scheduled departure. It was a short flight but somehow, people still managed to sleep on the plane. I’m not one of those people but the two gentlemen I was sitting between did. It seemed like everyone around me was sleeping. Pete has always wanted me to “do something” on the plane and I never do. The flights are always full and traveling coach doesn’t provide much room, if you know what I mean, for adventure. This trip was an exception. Since both the gentlemen were sleeping and I was so horny, I decided to do something about it.

After the flight attendant had delivered all the beverages at my end of the plane, I lowered my tray table, which hit me about mid thigh. Slowly, and making sure no one was watching, I raised my skirt up Beylikdüzü Esmer Escort to just below my exposed pussy. I leaned my head back and let my fingers begin exploring the depths of my swollen, hot, pussy. It seemed like only a couple of minutes had passed when the flight attendant returned to gather any remaining cups and trash in preparation for landing. I had to stop my ministrations and I hadn’t yet had that much-needed orgasm.

We deplaned and I quickly made my way to the parking garage and my car. Last night Pete hinted at taking my finger toy on the trip. It is a small vibrator that fits on your finger. I took it with me but decided to leave it in the car. I can’t imagine how humiliating it would be to have my purse searched, only to have the toy found and then to have to explain it, or even worse, turn it on to show it wasn’t an explosive or some other weapon. Anyway, it was there in the car waiting on me and calling my name.

I exited the garage and paid the exorbitant parking rates then headed for the house. Traffic was moving nicely so there would be no delay in my arrival at home. Using my finger toy, however, seemed to make my foot lighter instead of heavier on the gas pedal. Even with light traffic if seemed like forever before I got home.

Since we’d sent so many messages back and forth throughout the day, Pete pretty much knew what I was and wasn’t wearing, with a couple of exceptions. He was horny too! This is a natural state for him so it was no surprise to find him hard as a rock when I got home. He met me at the door with a warm embrace and a slow sensual kiss. I must have been wet because my mouth was very wet. Pete always says that when my kisses are wet, so is my pussy. Of course I knew I was wet because I had played with myself all the way home, about a 45-minute drive. It was a long time to play with myself and not have an orgasm.

He had a stupid little grin on his face. He gets that grin when he’s up to no good or has been thinking about sex all day. Taking me by the hand, he led me to our bedroom. Candles were lit and scattered about the room and it smelled so sweet. Pete immediately noticed how hard my nipples were and took my shirt off to obtain unobstructed access to them.

We removed his red silk boxers so I could move over and on top of him. I straddled him and lowered myself down toward his throbbing cock. He stopped me since I had pantyhose on but I continued lowering myself, lifting my skirt to reveal my crotchless pantyhose and shaved, swollen pussy. Pete then quickly removed my skirt so he could have a better view.

Pete likes it when I get on top. My breasts hang just above his mouth and this time they were pointing straight at him since they were still wrapped in their string. I told him they had been that way since 5:00 this morning and were very sensitive and to please be gentle.

He took each breast in a hand and gently massaged them, moving ever so slowly to the nipple. Taking it in his mouth he let his tongue caress and tease first one, then the other. He sucked, licked and twisted each nipple in turn.

While he played with my nipples, making me even wetter, I slid my wet pussy along the top of his cock. Man was he ever hard. My clit was getting plenty of attention and I was about to come. I shivered all over. My body began to quiver as I was on the verge of an orgasm. He stopped me from moving all of a sudden.

We kissed passionately. I began to nibble on his lips and gently run my tongue over his lips. This tickled but he loved it.

He started running his fingernails across my ass, which really tickled, while he sucked on my nipples. Continuing to drive me crazy, I was getting closer and closer to orgasm. I’d been waiting literally Beylikdüzü Eve Gelen Escort all day. I needed his hard cock in my hot pussy and I mean now. He slowly began to enter me then thrust upward in one strong movement. My pussy felt tight to me so I can’t imagine how tight and wet it felt to him. His cock was long and hard and hit just the right spot. If we stayed in this position, I was going to cum really quickly.

Pete began raising his pelvis to meet my downward thrusts. He reached down and grabbed my ankles pulling them up close to his body. I raised myself up and stretched my arms out over his head. Again, this gave him perfect access to my hard nipples. They were still wrapped in thread. Pete began to unravel the thread. As he pulled it, the thread circled my nipple giving the most wonderful sensation. It was like a thin tongue, quickly circling my nipple but barely touching it. About half way through the removal of the thread from the first nipple, I had my first orgasm of the evening.

Raising my upper body to sit upright on Pete’s cock, I had my second orgasm. I began to slide back and forth causing enormous friction to my clit. His long cock was also hitting deep inside me. It was so slippery and wet. He was still holding my ankles so I couldn’t move very well. My pussy muscles began to contract, I stopped breathing and my body began to tremble. He pushed his pelvis up and I arched my back forcing him even deeper inside. I had the most intense orgasm and squirted all over him. My hot juices hitting his pubes made him come instantly. He had, what seemed like, an earth shattering orgasm. I thought he would never stop jerking and moaning. He loves it when I squirt on him.

I started kissing him again and moving my pussy up and down on his very sensitive cock. He begged me to stop moving and reluctantly, I did. I finally rolled over and off of him, spilling the remainder of my pussy juice down his side.

This was a perfect end to an otherwise tiring day of travel. Now we get to sleep in a huge wet spot. Oh well, it was worth it.

* * * Orgasm from Mr. Loony’s Perspective

I knew she was wet. Sticky and frustrated from sitting on the plane, I had been paging her all day. Little text pages that were making her think about sex. Little hints to get her all hot and bothered.

She called when she got on the ground, back home. Her voice was anxious, sounding like she wanted to be with me right at that moment. Another hour, waiting for her to get home. We had recently gotten her nipples hard and wrapped thread around them. The string held them in place, hard as a rock, and only let the tip of her nipple stick out. That was rubbing the inside of her shirt and driving her crazy. I was going crazy just thinking about it.

I heard the door open and rushed in to give her a kiss. Our tongues slid together and her mouth was soaking wet. It felt like she had just taken a big drink of water. This immediately told me she was as wet as a pool. This is how I have always been able to tell, wet mouth, wet pussy, wetter mouth, and a wetter pussy. So, from the passionate kiss I received, I assumed she was in the wetter range of things.

I pulled her into the bedroom and lay back on the bed. I knew I had a dirty little grin all over my face, because she had one just a big on hers. I could see her nipples were hard and when I reached to pull her on top of me she pulled her skirt up to reveal the crotchless hose I love for her to wear.

Her pussy was shaved smooth and looked puffy and swollen. I wondered if she had touched herself on the plane. I always give her a hard time, asking if she played with her tits or her pussy, and I know sometimes she does and does not tell me. I hope she Beylikdüzü Evi Olan Escort fingered herself on the ride home, the thoughts running through my mind. I only had on boxer shorts, which quickly disappeared.

As she positioned herself above my cock, I was frantically removing her shirt. She has the most wonderful tits. They are small, soft, lovely mounds of sensitivity. I can hold each of them in my hand and have a whole mouthful left to suck into my eager mouth. She loves to go without a bra and does so whenever possible.

I threw her shirt to the floor and she lowered her cunt over my dick. Aughhh, it was hot. It felt like I was inserting myself into an oven, but with a soft, silky fit, like a satin glove. She must have been thinking of something good because she sat down on top of me and I slide inside her all the way. Her clit was pushed up against my pubic bone and I could feel her muscles start flexing inside. It was such an incredible feeling.

I reached up and held her face with my hands and gently kissed her lips. She moaned a little when I ran my tongue over them and her pussy spasmed. She jumped a second, and then ground her hips into mine. We were kissing like mad and I reached under her and grabbed her ankles. I pulled them up towards me and it made the point where her pussy and my dick met, into a “V”. I could feel the tip of my cock hitting her cervix.

She fell over me, holding herself up with her outstretched arms. This placed her boobs, dangling about 1 inch above my face. I grabbed a pillow and shoved it under my head. Her nipples fell right into my mouth. I was sucking and pulling on it and rubbing my fingertips over her ass. I knew this tickled, but it made her jumpy. She does not like to become jumpy, but when she does, she orgasms harder and harder each time.

I ran my hands up her sides, supping the undersides of her chest. I was still sucking on the same nipple, so I grabbed her other tit with both my hands and squeezed it tight. I turned my head and sucked her whole boob into my mouth and pushed my tongue over her nipple as hard as I could. She was trying to pull away, but I raised my legs and started to finally thrust my dick in and out of her pussy.

I slapped her ass as I grabbed her hips and started pulling her into me. I turned back to the first nipple and pulled it with my teeth, biting it gently until she started to cum. This was certainly a fast one. She started not to breathe, that is the first sign of an impending orgasm. She takes short deep breaths and then suddenly, right before she comes, I grab her tits and push her upright to a sitting position. This causes my dick to extend its full length into her pussy. Her hands are holding onto my chest and arms and my hands are rubbing all over her boobs.

Her legs are locked in place and all she can do is to swivel her hips back and forth. This is the most incredible feeling I have ever felt. I feel my dick slide back and forth thru her muscles as she squeezes me trying to get me into the right spot. She quickly changes and her hips rise up and my dick comes out until the tip is just barely inside. I rolled her nipples in my fingers and pull and twist them as she rides up and down my shaft.

I arch my back, causing even more of me to push into her. I strain my stomach muscles and grind her clit on my pubes. This causes me to start hitting her sweet spot. This makes her cum and cum and cum. I feel her take a last big breath in and then she starts to shake and quiver. I feel a sharp, hot, liquid come out of her pussy and start to run down my stomach and chest. She starts moaning louder and slapping her pussy against me. She cums again and soaks the bed with her sweet smelling juice.

She pulls her knees into my chest and leans over my face kissing my neck. I try and turn away, but she holds me in place. I kiss her hard and she grinds her sensitive crotch into mine. We lay until her legs get tired and she rolls off with a squishy plop. Content and very happy, we fall asleep waiting for the hot water to wash off with.

Comments? and Suggestions? are certainly welcome!

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Dreams Can Come True

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Big Tits

Sarah was at a party at her best friend Erin’s house. It was very late when it ended, so Erin invited her to stay the night. She was tired, and gratefully accepted. The couch in the living room pulled out into a bed, so she planned on sleeping there.

Sarah didn’t have anything to sleep in aside from the mini-skirt and tank top that she had worn to the party. She decided to use this opportunity to flirt with Erin‘s very hot younger brother, Dave. She knocked softly on his door. “Hi Dave. Do you have a shirt that I could borrow to sleep in? You wouldn‘t want me to catch cold, would you?” she asks, running her hands down her body, reminding him how little clothing she has on. His eyes follow her every movement. Without taking his eyes off her, Dave finds a clean shirt and hands it to Sarah. “Thanks,” she says with a smile. She kisses Dave on the cheek and goes to get ready for bed. She gets in bed lying down on the left side of the bed on her back, as she always does. When she closes her eyes her head is turned to the left and her left hand is next to the pillow.

Once everyone should be asleep, Dave quietly creeps down the stairs. He stands in the doorway for a minute to watch Sarah sleep. He says to himself, “Look at her. So beautiful and peaceful. I have to let her know how I feel . . . tonight.” Escort bayan He carefully makes his way to the right side of the bed. Slowly, he lifts the covers and slides into bed next to her. He lies on his left side, propping himself up on his arm. With his right hand, Dave reaches over and turns her head to face him. Her body automatically shifts to adjust. This startles Dave and he quickly withdraws his hand.

Slowly Sarah opens her eyes. She is happily surprised to see Dave. He looks guilty and nervous. She is about to say something but Dave puts his finger on her lips as a way of asking her to be quiet. She smiles to show her compliance. She looks into his eyes and sees that they are full of lust. She understands why he is here. Before he can remove his finger from her lips she kisses it, to show him she understands. This makes him smile.

Dave rests his hand on her cheek. He uses his hand to explore her face. He runs his fingers through her hair and finally lets his fingers trace her mouth. Then he lowers his head and kisses Sarah.

At this point Dave begins to lose his nerve. He breaks off the kiss and moves away. Dave has always been very shy, especially around women, and has never had a serious girlfriend. He doesn’t want to offend Sarah, but he has never wanted to be with Bayan escort a woman so badly before. He hangs his head and, for the first time, he looks ashamed. Sarah slides over to him, lifts up his chin and kiss him, sliding her hand around to the back of his neck. He gives in and lies down on his back, glad to not be in control. With this understanding she kisses him, sliding her tongue into his mouth. Dave enthusiastically kisses her back. She runs her left hand up and down his torso a few times before pulling Dave to a sitting position so that she can remove his shirt. Then she quickly removes hers.

Dave pauses again, shy at the sight of her bare breasts. Almost in slow motion he lifts his hands to touch them. Her nipples have already begun to harden. He lowers his face to kiss first one breast, then the other. He spends several minutes kissing and sucking her breasts while she holds his head to her chest.

Sarah slides her hand down his body until she reaches her prize. Dave’s cock is hard and straining against his cotton boxers. She rubs it through the fabric and he pauses his suckling to sigh in pleasure. She presses firmly on his chest encouraging him to lie down. He helps her to remove his boxers. She kisses the tip of his hard pole, savoring the salty pre-cum that has formed Escort on the tip. He sighs again, a little louder. She quickly removes her panties and straddles his face, putting them in a sixty-nine position. Her pussy is hot and wet and she needs something to keep this boy from waking the rest of the house. Dave had never eaten pussy before, but he is a quick learner. He eagerly licks up and down her pussy. He tongue-fucks her hole and licks her clit while she licks and sucks his cock. From the excited state that Dave is in she knows that he won’t last much longer if she continues sucking his cock and she desperately wants to fuck him.

Even though she is close to cumming she pulls away from his face. She grabs her purse from next to the couch and frantically search for the condom that she knows is in there “just in case.” She finds it and puts it on him. She kisses Dave as she mounts his cock. They both moan as he slowly penetrates her. It feels so good and so right that she doesn’t want to move. Slowly she rides Dave’s cock, savoring every sensation. After a few minutes she begins moving faster. She kisses Dave and he massages her breasts. When he comes so does she. Reluctantly she pulls herself off of him, removes the condom and disposes of it. Then she lays down next to her very worn out, happy, lover.

When Sarah wakes up in the morning Dave isn’t with her. The condom has disappeared too. She can’t be sure whether she dreamed the previous night’s events or not. She also can’t find the shirt that she had gone to sleep in.

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Detective Dick P.I. Ch. 3

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Saturday 3:45 PM

I headed back to the Bateman mansion because I didn’t know where else to look for Mrs. Bateman. I drove by the house once, looking down the driveway to see if her car was there. I didn’t see it, but I considered that she might have put it in the garage. So I parked my volkswagen on a side street out of view and walked back to the wall along the side of the house.

I climbed up over the wall and jumped down to the other side. I was behind some bushes in the back yard by the swimming pool. Staying out of sight, I looked over the bushes to see if anyone was around, and to make sure I wasn’t spotted.

I was shocked to see that I wasn’t alone at all. Mr. Bateman was sitting in a chair by the pool, with the maid kneeling between his legs. The maid had the top of her uniform pulled off, and was slurping away on Mr. Bateman’s cock. That little bastard, he had hired me to try to catch his wife cheating, while he was doing the exact same thing himself! I hadn’t been seen.

The maid was a gorgeous latino woman in her early twenties. She had long dark hair that came down to the middle of her back, which was brushed back as she bobbed up and down with the cock in her mouth. Her uniform top had already come off, and I got a great view from the side, of her huge breasts which jiggled slightly. Her skin was so smooth and dark, and she had huge firm nipples.

Mr. Bateman leaned back in the chair, pushing his cock up into the maid’s mouth. She pushed her head down also, taking his cock all the way into her mouth, and probably down her throat some as well.

I don’t know how long she had been sucking on his cock for, but Mr. Bateman was eager to change it up. He lifted her head up and motioned for her to rise up to her feet. He led her over to the deck table which was a little closer to me. I was a little nervous about being seen, but neither of them was paying attention.

The maid leaned over the table, placing her hands on top of it and sticking her ass out behind her as Mr. Bateman pulled her skirt off, then slid her panties down her thighs. She wiggled her ass as her panties were stripped off, and stepped out of them as they came down to her ankles. From where I was sitting, I could see everything, from her face, right down to her hairless little cunt.

Mr. Bateman pushed his hips up against hers behind her, and guided his cock up against her slit. He pushed forward, Escort bayan burying his shaft inside her with one thrust. The maid moaned and clutched one of her hands around her tit as she started to get rammed from behind.

Mr. Bateman grabbed a hold of her hips and started pushing and pulling on her as he slapped his hips against her over and over, sending his cock sliding in and out of her fuckable little twat.

“Ohhhhhhh God I’m cuuuummmmMMMMmming!” Mr. Bateman yelled as he pumped away at her cunt. Then he thrust himself deep inside her as his cock shot its load, filling her up inside with his jizz.

[Damn that was quick,] I thought to myself. [No wonder Mrs. Bateman is so bored of sex with him.]

I grabbed my camera and quickly snapped a couple pictures while he was still lodged inside her cunt, emptying his semen in her fuckhole.

Mr. Bateman gave her ass a little squeeze and then headed inside.

Saturday 5:35 PM

I had been hiding there in the bushes for about two hours while the maid lingered around outside. As soon as she left, the pool boy showed up, so it seemed like forever by the time the coast was clear. I climbed back over the wall and headed back to my car, then went home.

Sunday 12:02 PM

I watched from across the street as the pizza delivery boy was brought inside by Mrs. Bateman. I had been sitting in my car all day, scoping out the scene, waiting for her next encounter, and finally he had arrived. I left the car and snuck over to the side of the house by the window where I had seen her on Friday. It would be really great if I could get some pictures of her fucking another man in their own house. Those would really help Mr. Bateman in his divorce case.

I looked inside the window to the dining room, but they weren’t in there, so I walked down a little further, peeking in windows until I found them. Mrs. Bateman had brought the pizza boy into the living room. She was sitting on the sofa beside the man, kissing him deeply while he felt her up, and low and behold the maid was there too, sitting on the other side of him, stroking the bulge in his pants with one hand, while the other unzipped her uniform!

[Damn,] I thought to myself, [The maid probably gets more action than anyone in this house.]

She certainly wasted no time in slipping out of her tight little Bayan escort outfit. The uniform slid off her legs as she stood up and she kicked it aside. She was now standing there in just a pair of little black thong panties. The maid knelt down between the pizza boy’s legs and began unzipping his pants while he was busy kissing and squeezing Mrs. Bateman.

Mrs. Bateman stood up and started to strip off her clothes as well, while the maid was reaching inside the man’s pants, pulling the stiff member out. She grabbed the bottom of the tight little t-shirt she was wearing and pulled it up. The fabric strained as it pulled over her enormous breasts, but it eventually slid off, and her tits bounced free. She wiggled out of her shorts next, so that now she was also standing in just her panties. Mrs. Bateman knelt down beside the maid, taking her place in front of the pizza boy’s cock as well.

The two women leaned forward and both started licking their tongues along his shaft at the same time. Their tongues danced around up and down every inch of his veiny pole; sometimes they would lick their tongues together with each other as they coated him in wet, warm saliva. Then the maid took the swollen cockhead inside her mouth, wrapping her lips around it and began to nurse him. Mrs. Bateman wrapped her lips around the base of the shaft, sucking up and down like a harmonica.

The maid was sucking messily on the top of the pizza boy’s cock. Her saliva was drooling down from her mouth as she slurped, causing drips of her spit to dribble down the shaft to where Mrs. Bateman was sucking. Mrs. B would lick up the spit, mix it with her own, and then continue sucking and licking the length of the shaft, letting the mixture of their saliva drool down over his balls.

The pizza boy was muttering something, but I couldn’t hear what it was through the window. Mrs. B and the maid switched positions, and Mrs. B took the tip of his cock into her mouth and began sucking hungrily. She sucked up and down hard like a cum starved slut. The maid was busy down below, sucking his balls into her mouth one at a time, massaging them gently with her mouth and rolling her tongue over them.

The maid and Mrs. Bateman kissed each other passionately, their tongues lashing together. The pizza boy thrust his cock forward, sliding it between their lips as they kissed, so that each woman could suck on either side.

Next, the women stood up, and Mrs. B motioned for Escort the pizza boy to lie down on the sofa. The two sluts were standing side by side, with their rear-ends facing me as they both hooked their thumbs under the waist-band of their panties and began sliding them down. They bent over as they pulled their panties down over their asses, and down their thighs.

I was in perfect position to see both their cunts as they bent over, sticking their rear ends out. Their asses were almost touching together, and each woman’s cunt was peeking out between her cheeks proudly. Both sets of pussy lips were shaved clean, Mrs. B’s were pink and swollen, and the maid’s were darker and just as fuckalicious.

The maid climbed onto the couch, straddling the pizza boy’s head and lowering her pussy lips down to his face, while Mrs. Bateman climbed onto him, guiding his stiff prick to her own cunt. She slid down, taking the man’s cock inside her as she nuzzled her hips up against his, riding on top of him like a cowgirl. The pizza boy was probably groaning, but his face was buried in the maid’s cunt.

The women leaned forward to kiss each other again, and arched their backs, pressing their tits up against each other. God, that was a sight to see. Each woman had larger than average knockers, and Mrs. B’s would be classified as huge! The titflesh squashed together as they pressed their body’s closer. The maid reached up, squeezing the sides of Mrs. Bateman’s gorgeous melons as she started to bounce up and down on the pizza boy’s cock.

Mrs. Bateman rode up and down, bouncing on top of the man below her and grinding her hips against his, working his cock into her hard. The maid squeezed and rubbed at her breasts while she pressed her own pussy down against the pizza boy’s face. His tongue was lashing up, licking up and down her slit and flicking in and out between her lips rapidly.

The pizza boy bucked and thrusted his hips upward, fucking up against Mrs. Bateman harder. His tongue found its way to the maid’s clit and he flicked his tongue over it rapidly while his cock was jackhammering in and out of Mrs. Bateman’s pussy.

I heard a series of moans through the window as the pizza boy started to cum. He pushed his hips up as his cock started to spurt, and began squirting his blasts of sperm deep into her slutty, oversexed fuckhole. By the looks of it, the maid and Mrs. B orgasmed as well, because they were moaning and clutching each other tightly while their bodies quivered. The man kept his cock inside Mrs. B while he emptied his entire load inside her, injecting her with his gooey fuckjuice.

I snapped a couple pictures then scooted back to the car.


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She arches back into his embrace, pressing her taut nipples against the palms of his hands and grinding her well-rounded ass against his turgid member as it strains against the confines of his slacks…

He lightly kisses her temple and begins the slow, teasing, nipping and licking of her ear, neck, and shoulder that always floods her pussy and makes her shiver as she struggles to get those deliciously talented lips within reach…

As she continues to squirm against him, her skirt begins to ride up her soft legs thighs already moist from the simple thought of that first moment their lips meet. He takes advantage of this opportunity to snake his finger beneath the edge of her panties and lightly stroke the velvety mound above her clit…

He slips in another finger and bends her forward, grabbing her hip and pulling her even closer to him, forcing her to reach out and grab the back of a chair to keep her balance. Relentlessly he grinds against her now soaking wet panties, refusing to allow her to move other than to spread her legs as he works to drive her into a frenzy before he will allow her any release, including the feel of his hands on her bare skin…

As he drives her over the edge and her knees buckle, he finally allows Escort bayan her to turn around and she clings to his shoulders and indulges herself in a passionate, greedy, kiss as she unbuttons and unzips everything she can reach, consumed with the need to touch and smell and taste him…

As their kissing becomes more urgent, she adroitly removes all of her clothing while leaving him completely unfastened but covered. She maneuvers him back to the chair she used during his sweet tormenting and forces him to sit. As she removes his shirt she revisits his tactics: long, slow nibbling, licking, and sucking down his ears, neck, shoulders, and chest until she is kneeling in front of him nuzzling the engorged head of his lovely cock through his open zipper…

She uses the tip of her tongue to send the Morse code of her longing down his delectable length, drawing his pants down to his ankles as she goes and continuing the tease by gently cupping his balls in her hands and alternately blowing on and licking them… Unable to resist her favorite treat any longer, she slowly runs her flattened tongue up and down his shaft until he is wiggling with the frustration of wanting to feel the suction of her lips as takes him into her mouth and down Bayan escort her throat…

When she reaches the very tip of his now rock hard member, she runs her tongue in ever faster circles until his head is shiny and wet and then she rises on her knees to hover over him as she lowers her mouth to engulf. She starts off slowly, gradually increasing speed as she plunges repeatedly, taking him as deeply into her throat as she can…

Once her juices are dripping down her thighs and she has to feel him inside her, she gives him one final slurp and watches as he, sensing that her need is as great as his, slowly rolls on the condom, moving with such exaggerated slowness that she is ready to push his hand away and finish the job herself. He starts to rise from the chair, but she kneels in the chair instead, barely allowing the head of his dick entrance to her honey hole…

She sways and wiggles atop him, letting him guide her down onto him but refusing him the last thrust to having her totally filled. As punishment for the delay, he grabs her nipple between his teeth rapidly flicks his tongue over it, causing her to moan and writhe on him, grinding down on the full length of his tool, exactly as he knew she would…

He grabs Escort her ass and pulls her back and forth in his lap as her gyrations become increasingly erratic and her moans of pleasure increase in pitch and volume. Not willing to let her off the hook so easily he raises her off him and then simply lays her on the carpet, their discarded clothing serving as a blanket. He puts his arms under her legs and settles them on his shoulders. He starts with the sudden deep thrust that always makes her cum immediately; then starts a slow deliberate, stroke , angling himself for the deepest penetration. By this time she is obscenely wet; his sac is foamy with her juices and his motions…

She has lost all awareness of everything but the necessity of feeling the scream wrenching orgasm that is building inside her, he continues his thrusting, sometimes leaning in to catch one of her nipples between his teeth and bite down with just enough pressure to make the pain a wonderful accent to the overwhelming pleasure he is giving her. As he nears his own peak, he flips her over and, pressing her shoulders to the floor, begins the slow rhythmic deep stroking that make her whimper in ecstasy. Knowing that his orgasm is moments away by the way his pole is throbbing deep within her, she grinds back against him as his strokes become faster and faster. Just as she thinks she will go crazy with lust, she felt his thigh muscles tense and seconds later felt him pulsing inside her as her orgasm consumed her.

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Muslim Widow Aunt as Slutty Servant

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Hi all, its Ali here!

I’m back with yet another sensual and memorable incident involving my middle-aged Muslim widowed Aunt Sheen. This post is about the day my mature, but extremely horny. aunt lost a bet and had to become my personal maid for a day. This incident is from a week after her daughter, my sexy older cousin, Dee left for Pune. Aunty Sheen and I had traveled to Pune, and spent a memorable two days experimenting with bisexual dominant-submissive sex (Read my posts — “Widow Aunt, Dee and I try BDSM — 1 & 2”.

We had then brought Dee back home with us. She had stayed almost the entire month of May for her college’s summer vacations.

A Little About Us —

About Me —

I’m Ali. I’m a rich Muslim guy, tall — over 5′ 10″ — fair-skinned with long, straight black hair and sharp features with light brown eyes. I have a trim but muscular physique from having played soccer since I was little.

For privacy reasons, I cannot disclose the name of my hometown but I can tell that it is the largest city in central India. I come from a well-to-do home with a huge, extended family, consisting of the wives and k**s of my father’s seven real brothers.

We own a huge piece of land on the northern outskirts of the city, with a walled and gated compound. There are three 3-storied buildings with luxurious and more than spacious apartments for each family.

About My Family –

Despite being rich, we are ultra-conservative Muslims and every member of the family is expected to follow our religious tenets strictly and hence we tend to live a simple life.

For instance, the women and girls in my family wear a Hijab to cover their fair hair and pretty faces while they cover their tall, curvy bodies with an Abaya, whenever they step out of the house. Although we are a close-knit family, intermingling with others from the opposite sex was prohibited. I believe it was this strict environment that prompted a handful of my female family members to rebel and start taboo, sexual relationships with me.

About Aunty Sheen —

Aunty Sheen is short, dark and plump which is unlike the rest of the women in my family who are all tall, curvy and extremely fair. Sheen aunty has wavy, medium-length dyed hair with big brown eyes and thin, severe lips.

Aunty is short — less than 5′ 6″ tall — with smooth dark chocolaty skin. She is extremely voluptuous with 44F-cup round and soft breasts. Her waist is slightly slimmer than her chest but flares out to the sides and forms her wide, curvy hips. Aunt’s best asset has to be her enormous, perfectly round and extremely soft 50-inch mature butt. Aunty Sheen’s sexy, big brown ass gives way to thick, but shapely smooth legs and tiny feet.


Hungry ‘Maid’ Eats Cum for Breakfast

(9AM — 11AM Saturday, 5th June 2008)

After Aunty Sheen lost the best on who had made Dee orgasm the most during her month-long stay at home, I told her I wanted to be pampered for the day. She immediately offered to become my maid for a day. My slutty middle-aged aunt was always ready to experiment and try new things to make the sex even more exciting so I readily agreed.

So, when my parents and sisters decided to visit my mom’s mother at her hometown I told them I couldn’t come because I was expecting the results of my 12th (K-12) exams. I was extremely excited about the adventures that lay ahead but had to try hard not to show it to my folks as I drove them and my sisters to the airport at 7 AM on that cool early summer morning. On the way back,

I stopped at Café Coffee Day to have my firs smoke and coffee for the day. I smoked and sipped my coffee and made plans for the day. I felt my excitement rising with every passing second as I thought of new and different ways to enjoy the day with my horny, middle-aged aunt.

It was 9 AM when I drove back home. I parked the car in the huge common parking lot inside the entrance to our walled and gated compound. I grabbed my phone and looked up at Aunty Sheen’s duplex apartment on the first floor of the first building. My family has a spacious 5 –bedroom apartment on the ground floor while Aunty Sheen, by then, lived alone in the duplex apartment on the two upper floors. I noticed one of the curtains on the small drawing room window in the front twitch. I smiled as I pulled out my iPhone and started texting.

‘I’m home.’ I quickly sent a text to Aunty Sheen.

‘Welcome home, sir.’ Aunty Sheen instantly replied with a smiley.

I grinned to myself as I stepped out of my dad’s car and looked around casually. I smiled at two of my aunt’s who walked in through the main gate from their morning walks. They chatted with me about my result and other stuff before I had to tell them that I had to go out somewhere. As soon as they started walking to their building at the rear I quickly made my way to the portico at the entrance of our building. Instead of unlocking our door, I took the stairs to the side Escort bayan and hurried to the first floor.

The iron-grilled gate and the main door behind it were wide open so I walked in.

“Welcome, sir.” Aunty Sheen said as she suddenly appeared from behind the door.

I grinned and felt my young thick dick twitch hard inside my jeans at the sexy sight when I turned around and saw my aunt.

Aunty Sheen looked extremely slutty in her skimpy desi outfit. Sheen aunty wore a tiny, tight white bikini top. The triangle of see-through fabric barely covered her large circular black areolas and crushed her enormous dark round boobs together. Her smooth brown arms and shoulders were completely exposed, as were her tight, deep cleavage and round motherly belly. The sheer white Sari was wrapped tight but very low around her wide, round waist. The fabric was quite transparent and clung to my aunt’s plump but lusciously curvy figure. Her low-slung Sari showed off her sexy deep dark navel and smooth clean-shaven crotch. I could see her thick, shapely brown legs underneath the folds of her see-through Sari. Her feet didn’t make a sound as she turned to close the iron-grilled gate and door so I knew she was barefoot. I watched Aunty Sheen’s enormous, round ass cheeks jiggle softly under her Sari as she stood on tiptoes and secured the several locks on the main door.

Sheen aunty immediately turned to me with a smile and folded her hands before bowing low. I had to grin at the way my mature Muslim aunt pretended to be a common Hindu maid.

“Please let me help you to relax, sir.” She said, taking a step towards me.

My eyes slid down from her glossy thin dark lips smiling wide to her tight deep cleavage and the way her large, round breasts swung softly with each step. I simply nodded my head and stood still.

Aunty Sheen immediately took a step closer and waved to the cushioned wooden chair behind me. I quickly took a seat on it, sitting with my back straight and placed my feet wide. Aunty went down on her knees and started to unbutton the black cotton short-sleeve shirt without a word. I watched as she expertly undid the buttons and slowly stripped my shirt off of my arms. She folded my shirt carefully and placed it on the small table where the keys and change were kept right inside the main door.

Next, she went down on her knees, giving me a clear view of her ample brown cleavage and started to untie the laces on my sneaker. She gently took off my shoes, followed by my socks. She placed them carefully near the small table and turned to undo my belt. I watched her enormous, round motherly tits jiggle softly as she quickly pulled down the fly of my jeans. I lifted my butt off and Aunty Sheen pulled my jeans and underwear down in a second.

“Hm…” I sighed with relief at suddenly being naked in the cool small drawing room.

My eyes stayed glued to my mature slutty Muslim aunt’s plump assets as she stood up slowly. She quickly pulled my cell phone out of the jeans, before folding my pants and placing them carefully over my shirt. She whiffed my underwear quickly before grinning and placing them on my clothes.

“Would you like to have breakfast on the balcony upstairs, sir?” Aunty Sheen asked with an eager smile as she turned to me, her eyes roving up and down over my naked, fair and ripped young body.

“Yes. That sounds good.” I said, smiling and feeling excited now that I was finally at my slutty aunt’s house.

“I’ll bring the breakfast right away if you would take a seat, sir.” Aunty Sheen said and bowed before turning and walking towards the kitchen through the large living room.

I followed her into the dark, air conditioned family room but could clearly see her huge, sexy Sari-clad butt cheeks sway and jiggle as she walked ahead. Her feet didn’t make a sound on the cool tiled floor and thick, soft rugs that were littered over it. It felt great and satisfying to be completely nude yet once again in my aunt’s home. Aunty Sheen stopped in the kitchen and I turned to take the staircase going to the first floor from the side. I knew my mature, horny aunt was staring at my trim and taut naked body as I made my way up the stairs slowly.

The staircase from the kitchen initially led to a large landing with a toilet and bathroom in front. The stairs continued a few steps up to Dee’s room on the right and my aunt’s disowned son’s room in front before turning to go right up to the huge terrace of our building. I found the door to the large bedroom open and passed through the warm bedroom out another door and into the large balcony in front. Two 3-foot wide balconies ran along the remaining two sides of the main bedroom with another door opening at the foot of the staircase going up to the main terrace upstairs.

Thankfully, the large balcony faced east, to the front of our property and could not be seen from the common parking lot immediately below. However, anyone looking keenly from the road going Bayan escort along the front of our property could see us over the waist-high concrete railing of the small terrace. So, I walked carelessly towards the small, round wrought iron and glass coffee table placed near the front wall of the bedroom. There was only one of the low, round wrought-iron lawn chair placed near the coffee table, with its back against the bedroom. The remaining three chairs had been pushed and lined along the waist-high terrace wall at front.

Although it was only around 9:15 AM, the temperature was already rising. The coolness of the summer morning was being replaced by warm sunshine steadily as the sun rose higher into the sky. I sat in the low, cushioned chair and grabbed the fresh packet of Classic Regulars that Aunty Sheen had thoughtfully laid out on the coffee table. There was also a disposable lighter and a small ceramic bowl for an ashtray. I lit a cigarette, leaned back on the still-cool cushion and looked at the barren sun-burnt land beyond the road in front of my home.

“Ahem.” Aunty Sheen cleared her throat and I turned my head to the bedroom door.

Aunty Sheen waited expectantly with a large tray laden with a hearty breakfast. The yellow sunshine shone on her plump, sheer-clad form and clearly showed off my mature Muslim aunt’s thick, brown thighs and muscular, wide calves. It made her voluptuous brown chest shine like two round chocolate cakes and her smooth, thick arms shone golden brown in the bright sunlight.

I smiled when I felt my free hanging cock twitch with excitement. When I nodded my head Aunty Sheen carefully stepped to the coffee table. The thin strip of Sari which unsuccessfully tried to cover her huge mature breasts fell down and exposed her deep, tight dark cleavage. I watched her massive, motherly mammary swing and sway as she bent over to keep the tray on the low glass-topped table opposite me.

Sheen aunty smiled as she met my eyes and stood up to turn and hurry to the lawn chairs placed at the far end of the large balcony. My thick, bare cock now started to tighten up when I looked at the way her enormous, round brown ass cheeks jiggled and swung hard under her soft, sheer Sari.

Aunty Sheen quickly returned with a cushion from one of the chairs and placed it on the floor, close to my left. I grinned with amazement when my aunt went down on her knees on the soft, large seat cushion. Her wide, round hips protruded out even more when she sat back on her feet. The coffee table was just above her voluptuous chest and it was easy for her to serve the breakfast from the tray. I snuffed out the cigarette and started to eat.

Aunty had served a small portion for her and we ate in silence, only broken when I ordered her to pass me more ketchup or jam. She finished her food quickly and placed the plate back on the tray. I ate with the plate in my hand and leaned back in the round, low-slung chair. Without another word, my subservient and slutty aunt reached out and caught my semi-aroused dick gently in her warm, soft palm.

“Mm…” I moaned my approval and smiled as Aunty Sheen started to stroke my young, thick, circumcised dick gently.

Her soft palm brushed up and down till my dick became significantly hard. Then, Aunty Sheen started to stroke my hard, huge cock casually but carefully, so as not to disturb me as I ate. It was an incredible feeling to be jerked while out in the warm summer morning. I took my time to eat, letting my horny aunt stroke and squeeze my thick, hard dick as much as she wanted.

Around 15 to 20 minutes later, I finally finished my breakfast. With an eager smile, Aunty Sheen took the empty plate from me and placed it on the tray.

“Would you like to have your coffee here, sir?” Sheen aunty asked, pushing out her big, brown and barely-covered boobs at me.

“Yes. That sounds nice.” I replied, grinning now that things had started and my thick, hard cock throbbed in the warm summer morning sunshine.

I watched my plump, mature aunt’s lovely, large breasts hang down and sway hard as Aunty Sheen poured a large mug of coffee for me. She handed me the mug of piping hot coffee and before I could tell her she already had a cigarette out of the pack and offered it to me. I smiled and nodded, appreciating her keenness to serve me and make me truly comfortable. I let my mature, slutty aunt light my cigarette with the lighter before I noticed her staring longingly at the pack of cigarette.

“Take one.” I said simply and Aunty Sheen immediately grabbed the pack and pulled out a long brown-tipped cigarette.

I loved the way her low-waist Sari exposed my slutty Muslim aunt’s wide, round hips. My thick, stiff dick twitched hard in the warm open air with excitement. Aunty Sheen immediately lit her cigarette and took a long deep drag on it. She smiled and bowed her head in gratitude.

“May I please taste your cock, sir?” Aunty Sheen asked in a soft, hesitant voice and looked Escort longingly at my huge, hard dock standing straight and throbbing in the golden sunshine.

“Yes, you may.” I replied softly and smiled slowly.

Aunty Sheen immediately got off of her knees and slid the cushion beneath her to rest at the foot of my chair. I spread my bare, fair muscular legs wide so my plump, curvy aunt could kneel between them.

“Please lie back and relax, sir. I’ll take good care of your beautiful big dick.” Aunty Sheen said in a soothing voice and I did as she requested.

I slid lower on my seat till my smooth scrotum was hung over the edge of the low chair. Aunty Sheen pushed the coffee table at her back even further so she could shuffle back a couple of feet. I watched her lovely, large brown tits sway and swing under her as she settled on her heels and leaned forward. My slutty widowed aunt put her face close to my crotch and took a deep whiff.

“Mm…” Sheen aunty moaned and closed her eyes. “I love your sweet sexy sweat, sir.” She whispered and caught my huge, hard cock gently in her right hand.

“Hmm…” I sighed deeply with satisfaction when her warm, soft palm again wrapped around the base of my thick dick.

Aunty Sheen took a deep drag on her cigarette before leaning so close that her thin, glossy lips nearly touched my stiff, thick shaft. I watched with increasing arousal as Aunty Sheen slowly blew the smoke out on to my throbbing, hard cock. She squeezed my huge, hard shaft before gently stroking it half-way up and down its long, veined length. Sheen aunty took another long drag and put her lips right over my huge engorged dick head.

“Oh…” I cried out softly in excitement when the cool, grey smoke caressed against my ultra-sensitive circumcised dick head.

Aunty Sheen slowly flicked out her long, pink tongue and brushed it gently over my round, swollen cock cap before her mouth she kissed it softly. I closed my eyes and began to enjoy her adorable licking and sucking while taking deep relaxing drags on my cigarette.

“Oh, yeah…” I moaned my approval when Aunty Sheen started to lick her way down my thick, throbbing shaft and stopped at my big, smooth ball-sack.

Aunty Sheen quickly took another drag on the cigarette and began to lick and kiss my young, heavy balls lovingly. My huge, hard dick jerked with excitement as an energizing energy shot through its large length. Aunty Sheen and I had been fucking long enough to know the other’s erogenous zones and she played her tongue expertly over my clean-shaven scrotum to make my huge, hard dick even harder.

I loved the way my mature, plump aunt’s large, round soft tits pressed hard against my bare, firm thighs when she leaned to suck and kiss my cock and balls. A little while later, Aunty Sheen sat straighter and I opened my eyes to see her leaning over me. She had flicked the butt of her cigarette to the side and I watched with intense excitement as she pressed her huge, dark mature breasts to my thick, slick cock and slipped it right into her deep, tight cleavage.

“Mm… Yes…” I moaned and encouraged my eager aunt as she started to rub her large, soft and warm boobs on my huge, thick dick.

I closed my eyes once more and leaned back to enjoy my aunt’s lovely tit-job. I could hear her moaning a little while later. Aunty Sheen then alternated between sucking my swollen dick head and rubbing her huge, soft tits on my thick, throbbing dick.

“Oh, I’m so fucking turned on.” Aunty Sheen almost growled.

I opened my eyes to look at her.

“Please, can I cum, sir?” Sheen aunty pleaded with a beseeching tone.

“Huh… yeah…” I exhaled and nodded my head quickly.

“Thank you, sir!” Aunty Sheen sighed in gratitude.

Sheen aunty quickly went back to sitting on her heels, with her knees resting on the cushion beneath my crotch. I watched as she eagerly pulled at her soft, sheer Sari till it rode up to her thick, brown thighs. I grinned when my horny, mature aunt slipped her left hand under her Sari.

“Mmm!” Aunty moaned aloud as soon as her fingers touched her extremely aroused cunt.

“Ohh… Mmpph!” Sheen aunt’s moan of pleasure was suddenly cut short by a muffled gulping sound as she suddenly took my engorged dick head into her mouth.

My horny widowed aunt’s small, thin lips were stretched wide as they gobbled my thick, hard shaft deeper inside her warm, eager mouth.

“Mmhh… Mm… Mmph!” Aunty Sheen’s moans were muffled but mesmerizing.

I watched the top of her head bob up and down over my huge, hard dick while her left arm shook with the effort of fingering her hungry pussy vigorously down below, hidden underneath her sheer Sari.

“Oh! Yeah!” I moaned my own pleasure at having my huge, hard dick sucked so well.

The slick, warm sensation of my aunt’s hungry mouth and the way her soft, warm hand tugged my huge, hard shaft below had my young dick extremely excited. I could actually feel it throb deep within my aunt’s hungry, wet mouth.

“Aack! Aagh! Aack! Aack! Aagh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!” Aunty Sheen began to gag and choke audibly as she hungrily sucked my cock deeper and deeper into her small, wet mouth.

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