Favour for a Friend

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All characters are 18+

* * * * *

“You’d really be helping me out Josh.”

A young man with chestnut brown hair sat back in his seat, his arms folded and his expression both frustrated and annoyed in equal measure. The girl sitting opposite him was doing her best to convince him to ‘look after’ her aunt while she was away for a week.

“You’re asking a bit much here Anna,” Josh said to her.

“Come on, it won’t take long,” Anna replied, “just pop in and say hi, ask about her day, maybe have a coffee or something, and then leave. That’s all that I do.”

Josh and Anna had been friends for some time, meeting first in college and hitting it off from there, but this seemed outside of friend territory. It was more like ‘family’ or at least ‘lover’ territory, and god knows they weren’t either of those things.

“Why does she even need someone to come in anyway, it’s not like she’s incapable of looking after herself is it? She’s what, 50?”

“She’s barely 40 Josh,” Anna corrected him, “and I get it, I really do. She doesn’t need anyone to come, but I promised mom when her husband ran off that I’d check in on her. She’s my mom’s younger sister and she’s protective of her, you know?”

“So how come your mom can’t go see her then?” Josh said grumpily.

“Because they had that big falling out, don’t you remember?”

Josh vaguely recalled hearing Anna talk about how her mom and her aunt weren’t on speaking terms after a disagreement over her aunt’s choice in men.

“Please Josh, if there was anyone else I’d ask them but there isn’t. I’ve been planning this holiday with my girlfriends for literal ages and I’ve tried to make my mom see sense but she’s being a real stubborn bitch about it.”

Josh still had his misgivings about it all. He’d never met the woman, didn’t even know what she looked like, and if Anna wasn’t one of his closest friends he wouldn’t even begin to entertain the idea.

“Pretty please Josh? I’ll love you forever…” Anna said, dramatically fluttering her eyelashes at him.

‘God damn it,’ thought Josh.

“Ok, fine,” he finally conceded. “But you owe me big time.”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Anna beamed. “And don’t worry, I’m going to spend all of my holiday telling my friends you have a huge dick,” she grinned cheekily. “I mean hey, it isn’t a lie is it?”

Ever since Anna had caught Josh masturbating in his room one time at college, she’d constantly teased him about the size of his penis. He’d never been sure whether her teasing was ironic or not and he didn’t dare ask.

“I’ll consider us even if I get a blowjob out of it,” he grumbled, trying to keep a smile from forming on his face as he played along.

“Ok, I’ll write that down, ‘one blowjob and we’re even’,” she grinned. “You know you could have bargained for a higher price than that…”

“I would have been out negotiated,” he responded. “Clearly.”

* * * * *

Anna had texted Josh the address details for her aunt that morning before she left along with a few other basic instructions:

‘She’ll probably bring up her ex-husband, try not to let her dwell on it for too long if you can. If in doubt, talk about a TV show you watched recently or something.’

As he pulled up outside her house, he stopped in his car for a moment and sighed. He’d be doing this three times this week, roughly once every two days, but he had no doubt this first visit would be the worst. It was bad enough meeting someone for the first time, but doing so in their home, alone and with the knowledge they weren’t in the best of places would make it suck so much more. He felt a little selfish for thinking that way, but what else was he supposed to feel?

He walked up to her front door and rang the bell, waiting patiently for the door to open. He heard the click of the lock and prepared his best, non-threatening smile as it opened. There was no doubt the woman standing before him was Anna’s aunt, the familial resemblance was uncanny even down to the same blonde hair and frankly gorgeous facial features, just with a little more age to them but not much and not noticeably.

“Nicole?” he asked.

“You must be Josh then,” she said with a welcoming smile. “Come in.”

Josh followed her into the house and shut the front door behind him. Nicole was wearing a dressing gown and what looked like pyjamas underneath with a pair of fluffy slippers really completing the look. He followed her into her kitchen and she told him he could take a seat at her kitchen table. Not wanting to be an ungracious guest, he obliged.

“Can I get you a drink? Coffee, maybe something stronger?” she asked.

“Erm, coffee would be great thanks,” Josh replied.

Whilst a drink might have been what he needed to get through this, accepting one right away seemed like a pretty irresponsible thing to do, especially as he’d driven there.

“How do you take it?” she asked.

“Black, one sugar please,” he replied.

“Oh, me too,” she smiled.

Josh waited as she made them, stuck in a weird Sahabet place between not quite uncomfortable and not quite relaxed. He thanked her as she brought his drink over and joined him at the table.

“First off Josh,” she began, “I just want to say how grateful I am that you agreed to come and see me while Anna is away.”

“Not at all,” Josh replied politely.

“If I know my niece she probably batted her eyelids and promised a favour or two in return?”

“Yes she… er, said she’d pay me back,” Josh said sheepishly.

“I bet she did,” Nicole chuckled. “But seriously though, I know that my darling sister gets on her back about it all the time, as if I’m some wasting widow that needs to be monitored or something. Her heart’s in the right place, but her brain is in her ass sometimes…”

Josh wasn’t sure if he was allowed to laugh at that so politely smiled instead.

“And I know Anna has been looking forward to this holiday of hers for ages, so whatever may or may not be happening between you two, it was very kind to agree to do this.”

“Erm, you’re welcome,” Josh said, “but I am just a friend, to kind of clarify.”

Josh had no idea what Anna might have said to her aunt, but if any of this was going to get back to her then he wanted to make sure things were made perfectly clear.

“So, what do you do Josh?”

“I work in the hardware store in town,” Josh replied, happily changing the subject away from his relationship with Anna.

“I do love a man who knows his way around his tools,” Nicole said with a grin.

Josh didn’t quite know how to respond to that. It seemed a naturally flirtatious nature also ran in the family as did the propensity to make slightly risque jokes. He knew how to react with Anna, but if he did the same with Nicole that could really land him in hot water.

“I’m just kidding with you Josh,” Nicole reassured him, noticing his discomfort. “Anna said you were a really nice boy and I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable…”

“No, no, it’s ok,” Josh said.

“Oh good, I’ll continue to flirt outrageously in that case then,” she grinned again, looking him up and down as she did.

Josh was stuck once again between two states of mind: not wanting to be rude and wanting to end this visit as soon as possible.

“Um, so how about you? What do you do?”

“I work from home,” she replied.

Josh waited for her to elaborate, but nothing came from it. She just simply sat sipping her coffee and smiling at him, a little like a cat playing with a small wounded animal.

“S-so have you watched anything good on TV recently?” he asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

“No not really,” Nicole said somewhat dismissively. “Got any recommendations?”

“Well it depends on what you like…”

“Hmm. Well it depends what I’m in the mood for really. I like period dramas and stuff like that but sometimes I like something a little more racey, you know? Something you’d not want to watch in front of your parents if you get my meaning,” she winked. “Know anything like that I might enjoy?”

She was clearly enjoying toying with Josh in the same way Anna seemed to, but Josh had almost finished his coffee and so saw a way out.

“Not recently, no,” he said quite curtly.

He downed the rest of his coffee and placed the mug on the table.

“Well, thank you for the coffee, I think I’m going to head off now,” he added, taking to his feet.

“Oh, ok…” Nicole said, her eyes lowering and staring into her coffee.

She suddenly looked very unsure of herself and vulnerable. It was like the facade of her flirtatiousness had been shattered leaving just a lonely woman in its wake.

“Unless there’s anything you need while I’m here?”

Josh couldn’t help himself. As much as he felt uncomfortable with her flirting, he didn’t want to completely abandon her if there actually was anything she needed help with.

“Well, I mean there is something you could do for me, or help me with rather, seeing as you’re here,” she said.

“Sure, what is it?”

“I’ve been bagging up some of my ex-husbands old clothes to throw out. You’ve heard about what happened between me and him, yeah?”

Josh nodded. He didn’t know all the details obviously but he knew enough. It was the reason he was there after all.

“I just need them dumping at like a local goodwill place or something. I mean don’t get me wrong, I can do it on my own, but if you’re offering?”

Josh was pretty certain he knew of one nearby and it might earn him some brownie points with Anna if he agreed.

“Sure, but won’t he be coming back for them at some point?”

“Not unless he’s going to fly back from Mexico…” she said glumly.

Anna’s warning about not letting her aunt get too deep into this topic flashed through Josh’s mind.

“Well in that case, sure, I’ll get rid of them for you.”

“You’re a star, thank you,” she smiled. “‘l’lI just go and get them…”

She disappeared upstairs and returned with two big trash bags full Sahabet Giriş of clothes. Josh took them to his car, squeezed them into the back seat, and then returned to the front door where Nicole was waiting.

“Is that everything?” he asked.

“That’s everything,” she smiled back. “Thank you again, and sorry if I made things a little weird earlier…”

She looked to be quite sincere and unsure of herself. Her flirtatious sense of humour was clearly a bit of a front to hide how she was really feeling and it struck Josh for the first time that she may have been every bit as nervous meeting him today as he was meeting her.

“That’s ok. I guess I should have expected it, knowing how Anna is…”

“Ha, yeah, I’ve been something of a bad influence on her over the years,” Nicole smiled sheepishly.

Josh smiled back and was about to turn to leave when Nicole stopped him.

“Listen, Josh, I know you gave Anna your word but if you have other stuff you need to do or don’t really want to… what I mean is I’ll be ok for the rest of the week.”

This was a potential out that Josh needed, one he would have jumped at not 20 minutes ago, but ultimately he knew he’d feel way worse if he took her up on that offer.

“No, no, I’ll be back,” he smiled.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah,” he said. “Besides, Anna would kick my ass if she found out…”

Nicole laughed, her face lighting up once again.

“Good point. And if you’re not into that kind of thing, it’s not really worth it…”

Nicole suddenly looked a little embarrassed. She’d done it again.

“See you on Wednesday,” Josh said, letting her off the hook slightly.

“Yeah, same time?”

Josh nodded and went to his car.

* * * * *

Anna had rang Josh later in the day asking how things went. He told her what had happened and she simply laughed.

“Hey, it isn’t funny,” Josh protested.

“Oh come on Josh, a hot older woman hit on you and you want me to have sympathy?” Anna replied.

“She’s not that old…” Josh said.

“She’s just a tease that’s all. If she was actually hitting on you, you’d not have made it out of that house unscathed,” she laughed.

“Yeah well, I’m going back on Wednesday so I’ll talk to you again after. You enjoying your holiday?”

“Oh yeah, I am 5 margaritas in and ass deep in dick right now… no wait, that came out wrong…”

* * * * *

Wednesday rolled around and Josh pulled up at the same time as before. Knowing what to expect this time, he was prepared to be a little more relaxed and cut Nicole a little more slack. He walked up to the front door and rang the bell.

“Hi Josh,” Nicole said as she opened the door. “Come in!”

Gone was the loungewear today and instead Nicole was dressed in normal clothes, a relatively form fitting t-shirt with a band logo on it Josh didn’t recognise and a pair of jeans with a similar fit. Josh couldn’t help but take a moment to notice her figure, more exposed now than it was the other day. She was similar to Anna in most respects but just ever so slightly larger in her bust, hips, thighs, all of the areas women naturally got bigger in as they got older Josh reasoned. He tried not to pay too much more attention than that at the risk of looking like he was staring.

He followed her into the kitchen once again and there was already a coffee waiting for them both. She must have planned around his visit today, hence the change in outfit.

“How have you been since Monday? Did you manage to get the clothes dropped off?”

“Yes, there was a place not too far from here. And I’ve been good, thanks, you?”

“Better for having rid of that stuff,” she smiled.

“Good. I imagine having it around was just reminding you of him all the time?”

It was against Anna’s advice to indulge in this talk, but as Nicole seemed to be in a better place today Josh thought it would be fine.

“Oh completely,” Nicole said. “It was like having a weight lifted off my shoulders.”

“I’m just impressed you hadn’t burnt them or fed them through a shredder or something,” Josh said with a pleasant grin.

Nicole laughed.

“It was so, SO tempting…” she giggled.

“Well done you, in that case,” Josh laughed, happy he could get a smile out of her.

There was a short silence as she seemed to be in thought for a moment, looking over at Josh very fondly.

“Although I will say one thing…” she finally said.


“For as much as I hate the bastard for ditching me like he did, I haven’t been able to fit in these jeans for years but now thanks to a little depression fueled weight loss, they fit like a glove again!”

Josh wasn’t sure what to make of that comment. It was distressing to hear she hadn’t been eating properly but she seemed to have found some sort of silver lining or at least some form of self-deprecating humour about it.

“Um, yeah they look great,” he said.

“Do you think so?” she asked.

She stood and turned so her back was facing him. Looking over Sahabet Güncel Giriş her shoulder, she spoke to Josh.

“See I used to not be able to fit them over my ass,” she said in a quite matter of fact way, “but with a little bit of willpower I managed to squeeze it in,” she added, squeezing her ass cheeks as she did.

Josh tried to avert his eyes after catching himself staring for too long. He had to admit the jeans did wonders for Nicole’s ass… but he wasn’t Anna, and he couldn’t make a flippant comment like that, particularly when it would mean acknowledging that he’d looked and maybe a little too long at that. She was being accidentally flirtatious again, that’s all it was.

“And the t-shirt too,” she said turning back around, apparently oblivious to Josh’s attempts not to look, “I haven’t worn this t-shirt since college. Although this one was a bit more of a struggle, my boobs have gotten way bigger since then,” she laughed, giving her chest a little wiggle and sending her breasts jiggling in the process.

Josh tried to smile politely, but his mind was telling him that her breasts weren’t just a little bigger than Anna’s, they were much bigger, the faded band logo stretched wide across her bust and the bottom of the t shirt riding up a little and exposing the subtle pudge of her belly. As much as he tried to seem disinterested, his eyes were betraying him. He must have looked like a deer caught in headlights because Nicole suddenly stopped.

“Oops, sorry Josh,” she laughed sheepishly, wrapping her arms around her chest in a move that just seemed to make her breasts bulge even more rather than cover them up, “I guess I’m just used to talking about all this stuff with Anna…”

“Errr…,” Josh said as he tried to think of something to say, anything that would make him stop staring at her breasts, “I-I’m glad you’re able to wear the things you want to again,” he finally came up with.

“I’m sure you are,” she said with a grin as she sat back down. “Although speaking of eating, I have a real craving for pizza right now. Would you like to stay and have lunch? My treat?”

Still acting on autopilot, Josh said yes.

“Let me go find a menu for the place I usually order from, they are so great because they open from midday…”

She went to one of her kitchen drawers and picked up the menu for a local pizza place Josh wasn’t familiar with.

“Have a look in here and pick what you like, I’d recommend…”

She paused. Her eyes had trailed off to just behind Josh. He turned around to see there was a pile of clothes in front of her washing machine. Upon closer inspection, they were almost all bras and underwear of some kind.

“God damn, I thought I’d put those in to wash,” she laughed sheepishly, “you keep looking and I’ll just sort them out.”

She moved towards the pile and Josh looked over the menu trying to decide what the cheapest option he could get away with was so as not to exploit her kindness.

“See anything you like the look of?” she asked.

Josh turned around to see she was bent over packing the clothes into the machine, her ass spread wide and clearly stretching the jeans as much as they would go. They’d also ridden down a little bit, exposing the top of what was clearly a black, lacey thong. He tried not to stare and was aware he was leaving way too big a gap in between her question and his answer, but it was difficult not to look.

“Errr, whatever you like, you choose,” he finally said, turning back around.

“Ok then, let me get my phone and we’ll order…”

* * * * *

Talk remained relatively uneventful whilst they waited for their food, barring the odd suggestive comment from Nicole here and there. It was a sweet mercy for Josh as it meant he could get the image of Nicole basically flaunting her ass and breasts (and then ass again) at him earlier out of his head, but also meant he was able to get to know her a little more as a person. She enjoyed dancing and nightclubs, her celebrity crush was Chris Hemsworth (‘the things I would let that man do to me’ she’d said whilst mercifully not elaborating) and her favourite pizza topping was double pepperoni with extra cheese. Josh agreed to sharing one big pizza between the two of them so he didn’t feel bad about her buying him his own.

After the food had arrived, she also asked a little about Josh and how he and Anna met. Feeling a little more relaxed with a slice of pizza in hand and a few more already devoured, he went over the story of how they became friends in college and had stayed close ever since and predictably Nicole asked whether there was or had been anything between them.

“Not in that way,” he’d told her after taking a bite, “I mean don’t get me wrong, I know she’s really hot, I mean I have eyes, but at this point it’d be like trying to date my sister. Besides, she’s sort of my unofficial wing man,” he chuckled.

“Is that so?” Nicole asked.

“Yeah, she constantly bigs me up to her friends in the hope one of them will get with me. I think it’s a terrible idea myself, I mean what if we broke up? Then she’d have to choose between me and her friend and I’m not comfortable with that…”

“Well aren’t you chivalrous,” Nicole grinned. “Sure you’re not just scared in case it makes her jealous?”

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This is the true story of how a good deed turned into one of the most scariest chapters of my life. Susan was a friend of a friend and via her, sort out my assistance in helping her son achieve his dream of becoming an engineer. Names and places have been changed but the events are all true.


My name is Shaun, I was 49 at time, had been divorced for nearly two years and had recently split from a woman I met via an internet dating site. It was an amiable parting of the ways, we both knew from the start of the relationship it was never going to be a long term partnership and when it ran it’s course we parted as friends and occasional lovers.


59 years old, a senior nurse in a care home, twice married. Her first husband was a Doctor from India, with whom she had two daughters. The marriage was turbulent and sometimes violent, thanks to his heavy drinking. Due to his lifestyle he suffered a fatal heart attack leaving Susan a wealthy woman. They had two properties in this country plus a further two and land in his homeland, all of which she inherited. Her second husband was 22 years younger than her and when she was 43 years old, persuaded her to have another child, on the day their son, George was born, he packed his bags and left, the only contact she had with him after that was via the divorce solicitors.

When this story begins, I was working as an apprentice master for a large German motor parts manufacturer, responsible for not only those based at my site but also at the other two factories they had in the UK. Because of this role, my friend asked if it was okay for Susan contacted me in regards to George, who had set his heart on becoming an engineer, but was struggling to understand the maths and physics he was required to pass to get on his chosen course. I agreed and exchanged a few e-mails with both Susan and George. What I loved about George was his enthusiasm, for someone so young, he already had a great understanding of the engineering basics but his academic qualities were way to limited. I came up with the idea of “Face Time Lessons”. Twice a week, we would go online together, where I would give him one to one tutoring. He struggled at first, but once I found his learning trigger, his improvement was remarkable, where his grades were C’s & D’s he was now getting B’s and A’s. At the end of each session, Susan would come online to thank me and have a little chat and I noticed subtle changes in her appearance, a little more make up, changing hair styles, hints of cleavage, hemlines shorter.

There was one fly in the ointment as regards to George getting on his course, not did he only have to pass his exams but he had to demonstrate his manual skills as well, producing a working project. I could not help him with this over the net, I needed to be with him physically. I had a few long weekends off owing to me, so I suggested travelling down on a Thursday night, working with him over the weekend before returning home on the Monday. Luckily the village in which they live has a pub that does B&B, so I booked a room for four nights there, I decided not to drive there instead took a train, so I could relax and take in the scenery. Susan agreed to meet me at the station and take me the rest of the journey.

It was dark and damp when I arrived and the car park was empty, after about ten minutes a car pulled in and I could just make out Susan’s face. When I got in, I could see she was still in her uniform, she had come straight from work.

“Sorry I’m late and thank you for this.” She said.

“It’s okay, I’m looking forward to meeting George and working with him.” I replied

“Don’t laugh or think me old fashioned, but I need to change, I don’t feel comfortable going into a pub in my uniform.”

I assumed we were going to go to her house in order for her to swap clothes, how wrong was I. She reached over to the back seat, retrieved a bag placing it on her lap. She unbuttoned her top, removed it, before tossing it behind her. A woman I met barely 2 minutes ago, was sitting beside me wearing a navy blue lacy bra that struggled to contain her huge tits. I didn’t even try to hide the fact I was staring at them. She just laughed. It didn’t end there, off came her trousers, her panties matched her bra. Slipping a dress on she said,

“Right let’s go.”

I booked in, dropped my stuff in the room before joining Susan in the bar.

“What’s your room like?” She asked.

“It’s okay, there’s a single bed, a small TV and as there are no other guests, I have sole use of the shared bathroom.” I answered.

She took a sip of her drink and leant in towards me whispering,

“You don’t have to stay here, I think I have something you would like better.”

We finished our drinks, had another, before she announced,

“Time for bed, I think.”

I remained seated as she stood and made her way to the door,

“Are you coming or not?” She asked.

I duly followed and a short walk later, she turned into a driveway,

“Welcome Sahabet to my house.”

It was not what I expected, knowing that she was very well off, I thought she would have had something more extravagant, but this was a small cottage, quaint looking, but tiny. The front door opened onto a staircase leading to the next floor, on the left, a door opened into a compact living room off which, was the smallest kitchen I had ever seen. Upstairs was just the same, the bedrooms had been reduced in size to accommodate a bathroom. Where she had in mind for me to sleep was beyond me.

“House tour over, now follow me.” She said.

We walked along a narrow passageway that led to the back door, flicking on a light switch and throwing the door open uttered,

“You’ve seen my house, now see my home.”

To say I was gobsmacked at the sight before me would be an understatement, the huge garden was dominated by a L shaped, single storey building, modern looking and hidden from the outside by the woodland she owned. The inside was just as spectacular, the kitchen, dining and living room was all open plan, 3 large bedrooms, all en-suite and at the end of the passageway, a door had a sign on it saying,


Leading he way in, she told me,

“You can stay here, if you want?”

I would be a fool to say no, this den had everything a young man could dream of, two leather sofas, one of which was a pull out bed, TV’s, game consoles, a pool table and even though George had just turned 16, a fully stocked bar. Plus it contained a separate shower and toilet.

“Thanks, I would love to stay, but what about George, won’t he mind me invading his domain?” I asked her.

“He’s staying with his sister tonight and besides it was his idea, you use this room.” She replied.

I returned to the pub, collected my things and when I was paying the landlady for the full 4 days, she gave me a wry smile and a wink.

Susan had changed into a white bath robe whilst I had been out and was waiting for me with a large glass of wine,

“After my last shift, I normally indulge myself in a nice long bath and enjoy a few glasses of wine, come to my room, I can tell you all about his place while I soak away my aches and pains.” She said.

Sitting on the edge of her bed, I could not help noticing that on the bedside cabinet was some interesting reading matter, books all about sex, titles such as,


Next to the books, in plain sight, stood a rather long and thick dildo. From the bathroom, she began to relate the story of this house,

“The cottage belonged to my grandparents, my mother was born there and so was I. My mother inherited it and when she passed, it came to me. I lived there with my first husband, he gave me many a beating in there. The only good thing I can say about him, was that he was clever with money. When the woodland and the farm behind us became available, he sold some of his property in India and purchased it. He kept the woods and around 5 acres of land, split the remaining land into smaller plots, selling them off to developers, making a huge profit. He built a bungalow on this site, which he never saw completed, dying before it was finished. George was conceived in it, very romantically, NOT. Me bent over the kitchen sink, doing the dishes while my ex-husband emptied his balls in me. After my divorce, I considered selling up and moving away but a large Indian company made me an offer to purchase the land and property I still owned over there, for a stupid amount of money. So with some of the proceeds, I had the bungalow torn down and built this house.”

I’d hate to say how much it cost or know it’s value in today’s inflate property market.

“Shaun, be a love, come top up my glass, will you please?”

Picking up the bottle and entered the bathroom expecting her to be hidden under a blanket of bubbles, but no, the water was clear with just a tint of green. Her naked body was fully exposed to me. For a woman nearly 60 and with a fuller figure, she looked incredible, curves in all he right places, big cherry topped tits, widish hips and a shaved pussy. I tried to advert my eyes whilst refilling her glass, but her bobbing breasts were too nice not to stare at.

“Never seen a naked woman before then?” She laughed.

I could only mumble something unintelligible as a response especially as her hand had moved to my crotch and she was stroking my hard on, through my trousers.

“Why no join me, the bath is big enough for two.” She purred.

Now the last 6 weeks has been barren as regards to my sex life, apart from a quick hand job from my neighbour, the only relief I’ve had, has been self ministered, so I quickly undressed and climbed in with her. The water had barely covered my ankles when I felt her hand wrap around my cock, slowly stroking it up and down.

“I hope you like blow jobs? Sahabet Giriş Because I’m going to suck you dry.” She told me.

She knelt up, lowered her head, opened her mouth and placed my dick between her lips. She began to flick her tongue over my throbbing head, lapping up the pre-cum that had started to trickle out. Slowly, inch by inch she eased herself lower down on my cock until I was fully engulfed in her mouth, with one hand she reached behind me, placing it upon my buttocks, she used the other to caress my balls. She held my cock in place by gently clamping her teeth around it and they raked against my skin as she began to pull her head back. I gave out a little yelp in shock and discomfort when she reached it’s head, Susan began to gnaw on it’s sensitive crown, sending bolts of electricity through my body, however the pain was soon surpassed by waves of pleasure as she swirled her tongue around it, licking the rim underneath, using the tip of her tongue in invade my slit before sucking hard upon it. Down she went again, this time applying a little pressure to my arse, forcing me to go deeper into her mouth, she gagged a little as I hit the back of her throat.

She adjusted her position slightly and when she was comfortable, she used the hand resting on my bum to encourage me to start fucking her mouth. I began with long slow strokes, pulling my cock virtually all the way out, just leaving the head between her lips, allowing her magic mouth to suck it hard. I could feel he sap begin to rise in my balls, my orgasm was imminent, grabbing her hair, making sure my cock stayed in her mouth, I began to thrust faster, small powerful strokes, making her gag, back and forth I pounded her, grunting. Saliva dribbled from her lips, her tits bounced, finger nails dug into me. I didn’t even worry about asking her whether it was okay, I just emptied my balls down her throat, spurt after spurt of thick, creamy, hot spunk erupted from my cock, hitting her tonsils, filling her mouth, a cocktail of sperm and saliva leaked from her lips. She sucked and sucked, draining every last bit of baby seed I had to offer, my cock pulsed and twitched, slowly deflating. True to her word,

“She sucked me dry.”

With trembling legs, I collapsed into the water, falling upon her, totally spent.

“Wash and go to your room.” She commanded.

For the rest of the weekend nothing happened, we were never alone, I either spent time working with George or she was away at her daughters. Monday came and before I departed, made arrangements to visit the following week to finish the project.

The train had barely left the station before my phone pinged, my nightmare had began.

“I’ve arranged for George to stay down his sisters till Saturday morning, that way we can have some real fun.” She wrote.

The thought of spending a day and two nights having sex appealed to me greatly, so I replied,

“WOW, can’t wait.”

That was a mistake on my part, day and night my phone pinged, a constant barrage of sexual texts, describing every act she wanted to do. My e-mail was worst, picture after explicit picture arrived, some of which shocked me. On Wednesday, she sent a video attachment entitled,


In it Susan was naked on the bed, laying beside her was an array of vegetables, which she proceeded to fuck herself with, firstly a carrot, followed by a courgette, next came a cucumber, long and curved. I watched in amazement as she took the entire length inside her. Finally came an aubergine, with a large bulbous head, no way, I thought to myself as she pushed it against her pussy. I couldn’t believe my eyes, right before me, her cunt spread wide open and with little difficulty she took the whole thing. She drove it in and out, each time it was accompanied by a squelching sound, hot sticky love honey covered its skin, now more white than purple. Her moaning hit a crescendo as she climaxed.

I realised at the end, the way the camera moved around, Susan could not have been alone, so I typed a reply,

“HOT, but who took the video?”

She must have been sitting by the computer, waiting for me, the reply was immediate,

“Why? Are you jealous?”

“No just curious.”

“My friend Linda took it, she’s agreed to take one of us providing you fuck her to.”

That knocked me off my stride, I never saw that coming.

“I’m not sure about that, it’s something I’ve never considered doing.” I answered back.

“Go on, it will be fun, I promise, besides like your ex, Linda likes to be spanked.” She replied.

That shocked me, you see I never reveal any secrets about what goes on behind closed doors.

“How the hell do you know about that?” I demanded.

“I saw a picture of you two together, I did a picture search, found her name and on her dating profile it states she likes to be spanked when naughty.”

I was spooked now, if she was prepared to check up on my past, what else was she capable of. Even Sahabet Güncel Giriş though she sent message after message, I didn’t contact her again that evening, instead raged a battle with myself. My head was saying get out now, whilst my cock was saying, just think of the fun.

My cock won out and in the morning, I messaged her what time I would be arriving.

It was dark when I alighted the train, being a request stop, I was the only passenger to disembark. I could see Susan’s car, but not her. As I walked down the platform, she called out,

“Get in here.”

Susan stood in the open doorway of the ladies toilets, coat opened and naked beneath it,

“I want your cock right now.”

Pulling me in, she threw herself upon me, clamping her mouth to mine, nibbling my lips and sucking my tongue, whilst fumbling with the button and zip of my jeans. In just a few short seconds she had them and my pants down, my erect cock pointing directly at her,

“Someone’s ready.” She purred.

Stepping back and resting against the vanity unit, Susan holds her pussy lips wide open, even in the dim light I could see that she was already wet.

“Hurry up, come and fuck me, don’t you know it’s impolite to keep a woman waiting.”

She wrapped her arms around my neck as I moved closer to her, placing my hands on her buttocks and using the unit as support, I lifted her up, the head of my cock directly inline with her pussy and with one thrust, I was buried deep in her sopping cunt. If it’s a fucking she wants, a fucking she is going to get. Grabbing a tight hold of her arse, digging my finger nails in, I begin to pound her, hard and fast, pulling my cock almost fully out, before slamming it back in, each thrust bringing forth a grunt from her. As revenge for all the messages and pictures she had sent me over the last week, I had only one thing on my mind and that was to fill her cunt full of spunk. I didn’t give a second thought about her pleasure, tonight was all about me. I fucked her harder than I have ever fucked a woman before, I was unsure if her moans and groans were coming from pleasure or from pain as I continued to piston her pussy. Clamping my mouth to her neck, I bit and sucked upon it, love bite followed love bite, I wanted people to see that this respectable looking older woman, had been well and truly shagged. The forcefulness of my pounding was causing Susan’s tits to bounce wildly, up and down, around and around they danced, her erect nipples pushing against me. The tension in my balls was building fast, I knew that what intentions I had in mind for tonight would soon be brought to fruition. Grasping her tighter and biting on her neck harder, I thrust into her with all my might and without giving her any warning, I emptied my load into her. She let out a scream when the first lot of hot creamy spunk hit against the back of her cunt, whimpering then as I spurted more and more inside her. Once completely drained, I pulled out of her and stood back, she looked a mess. Her once neat hair, matted with sweat clung to her forehead, love bites adorned her neck and breasts, cum, my cum dripped from between her quivering legs,

“Time for drink, take me to the pub.” I told her.

It took a few seconds for her to realise what I had said,

“I can’t, I just can’t.” She pleaded.

“You can and we are.” I told her in a commanding tone.

Giving me a look that said she knew she was beaten, ran her fingers through her hair, attempting but failing to tidy it up, buttoned up her coat, pulling he collar up, trying to hide the badges of sex, we headed to her car. We shared the journey in silence, broken only by me telling her to unbutton the top and bottom two fasteners of her coat, before we go in.

“But you know I’m naked underneath it, people may see.” She protested.

My reply was simple,


Reluctantly, she did as I asked and as I thought with these undone, Susan did display quite a lot of bare flesh. Susan quickly found a table in the back of the pub, and tried to hide away from preying eyes.

“Hello again, back for some more then?” The landlady asked, giving me a wink as she poured our drinks.

“Yes, let’s just say, your village has it’s attractions.” I joked back.

Two drinks later we were back at Susan’s house and it was my time to play her at her own game,

“I’m off to bed, I’ll see you in the morning.” I told her before heading off to George’s den.

I have to admit that the exertions of the past few hours had left me knackered and my head had barely touched the pillow before I fell fast asleep.

I was awoken by someone knocking on the door, a quick glance at my phone told me it was 9:45, I had been asleep nearly 9 hours. From behind the closed door Susan called out.

“Can I come in?”

Even at my age, I still woke with a morning wood, so I replied,

“Only if you are prepared to suck my dick.”

The door opened slowly and Susan edged in and to my amazement was not alone,

“I think you’ve already met Linda.” She told me.

Through sleepy eyes I could just make out the woman standing behind her, it was the landlady from the local pub, both women laughed when I hastily pulled the bed sheet over me, trying to hide my erection.

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Lady Penelope – Milf of the Mansion Ch. 22

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Big Tits

England, 2024.

“This is the BBC news at ten. Just in is the latest in the ongoing story of the potential fraud case against Lady Penelope Ward-Williamson. Surrey Police are still investigating a three million pound payment made to Her Ladyship in 2023. The transfer of funds at Coutts Bank is being treated as suspicious by the National Crime Agency probing the allegations of fraud and bribery surrounding the wealthy owner of Williamson Manor and the landed estate. Lady Penelope has denied any wrongdoing and explained it was payment for her role in the making of a private motion picture.”

“How I choose to support myself and my estate is my business and is strictly a family matter. I see myself as an entrepreneur. There are many entrepreneurs involved in the making of private films from struggling film companies, and if benefits are made from that involvement it is all perfectly legal.”

“Lady Penelope was also asked whether she had lied to the press about her actual participation in the so-called ‘Blue Movie’ but she insisted it was not true. Since that quote however it has been established that that widowed aristocrat had indeed acted and part-funded the film entitled ‘Downtown Abbey Manor’ and that she had not declared the profit to the HM Revenue and Customs.”

“I made an error in what I said to the press. I regret not saying straight away that yes, I was involved, and the HMRC was informed I was involved. My legal team has advised me not to comment and to say nothing of my involvement in the motion picture.”

The BBC contacted a spokesperson for her legal advisors who said they were authorised to speak on behalf of Her Ladyship regarding any numerous questions about the company Red Hot and Blue which has since dissolved. In response, a spokesperson said: “Any questions that you have are fully addressed in the statement to the authorities.”

“A spokesman for Surrey Police has undertaken an investigation and will produce their findings concerning both the civil and criminal cases. The NCA, which investigates serious crime, said in a statement that it had ‘opened an investigation’ in May 2023 into suspected criminal offences committed in the procurement of unauthorised contracts by Red Hot And Blue and that they were now satisfied the police will act accordingly.”


The Surrey and Sussex Community Rehabilitation Company (KSS CRC), delivers a range of rehabilitation services to people who have been sentenced by a court to either custody or community supervision. Community Payback (CP), Is punishment often given as an alternative to prison and requires offenders to complete between 40-300 hours of unpaid work depending on the severity of the crime committed and the individual’s criminal record. CP has many benefits including its flexibility, allowing service users to complete their CP time alongside current work commitments.

In addition, women-only groups and individual placements are available to allow service users to complete their hours in a positive environment alongside like-minded people who can mentor, motivate, and exchange credible expertise encouraging them to learn new skills to support their rehabilitation.

And so it was that Lady Penelope had been found liable and had been committed to 100 hours of CP and to pay the princely sum of one million pounds to HMRC. The humbled Lady had accepted the judgement and received word of her first chore soon after. This was for her to participate in preparing a free lunch for the local homeless and the needy.

She had to attend this charity function set up at The Old Vicarage in Dorking, Surrey. This former Vicarage is believed to be of Georgian origins and is denoted of particular architectural merit by its grade II listing. The property is accessed from a long discreet driveway and is on the edge of Dorking town centre so highly conveniently located for the facilities of the town and the stations.

The house occupies an elevated position with charming views up West Street towards St. Martin’s Spire and towards the North Downs. There is an enclosed easily maintained garden with lawn and patio seating area and a detached garage and driveway parking.

Her Ladyship duly arrived in her Rolls Royce motor car driven by her chauffeur. An obvious demonstration to all that she was from the upper strata of society. A world of fine food and wine where the champagne was consumed seven days a week. Even though she had been successfully prosecuted, instructing her driver to return in three hours, she entered the vicarage and passed through the ground floor principle dining room to the fully fitted kitchen.

She tugged disdainfully on her cheap attire which consisted of a pale blue cleaners dress and a white cotton apron. The imperious noblewoman had taken it upon herself to make some adjustments of her own and had shortened the hem to three inches above the knee.

She pouted and huffed as she looked around the kitchen where she was expected to spend the morning baking bread and making Sahabet soup for three dozen. About ten minutes later, the designated helper arrived in the shape of one Jennifer Richmond. Like Lady Penelope, she had been given the CP as a result of offences due to alcohol abuse. She was twenty-nine with a slim build and light brown hair.

“Lady Penelope, I presume?”

“Correct. And you are Jennifer. This is a fine state of affairs and no mistake.”

“I know. Still, it beats spending time in prison.”

“I agree. How does this work?”

“The fundraisers of the charity have generously offered some fresh food from surplus and we are going to cook lunch for around thirty homeless people in the vicarage. Are you up for it?”

Penny nodded and spread her hands.

“Great. We shall have some help from local women who are borderline offenders. A lot of nineteen-year-old girls are under pressure these days to err on the wrong side of the fence. These girls need something to occupy their minds.”

“So, we are going to bake fresh bread and make some nice sandwiches.”

“Right, and we have to make a big batch of soup.”

“Sounds good. And I will try to make my favourite dessert. Italian meringues. It’s egg whites, sugar, and vanilla extract. Real gooey.”

Jennifer pinned her hair up and looked around the kitchen. She was dressed in the same plain dress as Penny, and both were without makeup. The food had been delivered and Jennifer turned on the two ovens. Just then the two heard the front door slam which signaled the arrival of the girls.

“That will be Katrina and Georgia.”

The kitchen door was smashed open and the pair of volunteers matched in with the hoods up on their big coats. They were slouched and morose and when they showed their faces they both looked thoroughly bored.

“Good afternoon,” said Her Ladyship in her plummy voice. “I am Lady Penelope and this is Jennifer.”

The tallest of the two black girls looked the older woman up and down and regarded the pair of them with utter contempt. This one had cropped dark hair and had a stud-pierced nose. The other was heavier built with a huge behind.

“Katrina, innit.”


Both younger girls had permanent sneers and the conversation died a sudden death before it had even started. Taking the helm, Lady Penelope began to take charge.

“Katrina, we need to crack on. Could you start to lay the tables?”

“Whatever!” she mumbled and showed the palm of her hand. “Ain’t no boss of me, stuck-up bitch.”

This last aside was just about audible for Her Ladyship’s ears and she was starting to get angry. NOBODY defied her. Ever. At the other end of the kitchen, Jennifer and Georgia seemed to be getting along as they cracked eggs into a big metal bowl.

“Hey! Watch it!”

Not once but twice Katrina passed by Lady Penelope behind her back and accidentally, on purpose, bumped into her as she attempted to roll out the dough.

“Excuse me!” she said, not in the least bit apologetic, and uttered another insult under her breath.

The wealthy noblewoman was now thoroughly uncomfortable with the evil looks and catty remarks and she was in two minds to leave.

“Hey, Sista! Wanna do that thing?”

Katrina yelled across the kitchen to her friend who responded by joining her. Suddenly there was a shriek of laughter and Penelope’s apron was untied and her dress was lifted up to the back of her neck. Then, her panties were dragged down to her shoes and she was exposed from the waist down.

“Hey! What the bloody hell!”

Both black girls laughed like drains and pointed at her bared backside, clearly amused by her embarrassment. Georgia held up the trophy underwear and read the label which read Rigby and Peller.

“Damn, bitch! Your knickers cost more than my weekly job seekers allowance!”

Fuck all this, thought Penelope. She was kicked off her underwear and went to where Jennifer was making her meringue. She picked up an egg and then broke it over the shorn head of Katrina. With a proud and defiant manner, the renowned Lady cracked another over the girl’s big bosom.

“Now apologise!”

“White cunt!”

She wobbled over to the table picked up a mixture of eggs and vanilla extract and smashed it into the front of Penny’s dress. Georgia joined in and tossed a lump of soft dough in her direction which missed and whizzed by her head and hit the kitchen wall. Jennifer came to the rescue and spun Georgia around and tipped a bottle of milk all over her head.


The black girl chased Jennifer and when she caught up with her tackled her to the floor and with her right hand smeared the messy meringue mix between her legs.

“Ooh!” exclaimed Jennifer as she reached down and rubbed the stuff into her loins.

Despite her bull dyke appearance Penny slapped Katrina on the left breast and took her breath away with her bravado. Then she saw red and wrapped a meaty forearm around her neck and squeezed her Sahabet Giriş into a headlock.


The blonde managed to get a grip on the edge of the counter and pushed forcefully into her belly. Her feet got tangled and she slipped on the now messy floor. She looked across at Jessica and Georgia who were in a tangle of legs in some sort of wrestle. Penny caught her breath and wiped her brow.


Her Ladyship got a punch in the right arm as Katrina hit her and then stomped out of the kitchen.

“I am OUT of here! Coming sista?”

“Be right behind you babe,” answered her friend.

Lady Penelope was not done and picked up two eggs and proceeded to smash them firmly into Georgia’s huge cleavage and then proceeded to mash the large mammaries together to create a rather sticky mess.

“Ugh, you posh cow! How revolting.”

“Apologise this instant!” barked the MILF with fury in her eyes.

“And if I don’t?”

Jennifer came up behind the black girl and raised the back of her dress. As she turned, the slim brunette crammed the gooey meringue up between her legs and smeared the rich contents into her crotch.

“You two are mad!”

“Mad as hell!”

Jennifer got one of Georgia’s arms up behind her back in a hammerlock and forced it up high.

“Fuck off!”

She was pushed closer and closer to the floor until Jennifer was sitting on her back.

“You make a nice cushion, you fat trollop!”

Georgia tried to roll and the pair of grappling honeys shifted as Jen still maintained the upper hand. Penny jumped in and planted her backside on the girl’s upturned face.

“Get…mmph…off!” mumbled the helpless black girl as the fullness of Lady Penelope’s rump pressed on her face.

“Nothing doing until I hear you say sorry.”

Penny lifted her dress around her waist as Georgia stopped struggling. Penny’s exposed pussy moved across the drooling mouth of the girl who tasted her cunt juices.

“Nice one, Milady.”

Penny grinned as she moved her crotch higher and down harder, thereby cramming her moist pussy into Georgia’s mouth. With no other option, she arched, twisted, squirmed, and moaned as she reluctantly kissed the smothering cunt.


Jennifer turned up her pressure and squeezed her thighs inwards and Georgia cried out in muffled protests. Penny made a few more bumps and grinds with her backside and then leaned over and started to smack Georgia’s oversized bared breasts with both hands, causing the ample flesh to redden.

“Even her tits are fucking fat! Here, watch this!”

Jennifer pulled her dress down to her upper torso so that her braless bosom spilled out in a brazen display of pride. She stretched out prone over Georgia’s tacky body and mashed her boobs into the others. Penny purred as Georgia now willingly poked her pink tongue against the damp gash of the older woman and licked greedily. The pair of them moved in sync and the MILF sighed as her pussy was probed and licked.

All three now moved together on the floor of the kitchen in a perfect rhythm.

“Oh my goodness!”

Jennifer felt the frisson of a thrill as her very wet pussy was frigged hard by Katrina. She shrieked with unbridled joy as she was finger fucked. Jen fell onto her back and opened her legs wider as Katrina clamped her mouth to the brunette’s warm and moist cunt. The younger black girl teased with her flicking across her slit and clit that emerged aroused and erect.

Penny shunted to and fro as she began to cum on Georgia’s face. “Oh, my word!” she cried out in between deep breaths and throaty moans. Her Ladyship rolled off and buried her face in Georgia’s heaving bosom and humped her young rival with pelvic thrusts.

Jennifer and Katrina were joined at the hip as they scissored their legs and rubbed each other’s cunts in a lust-crazed tryst. Pussy to pussy, and clit to clit, they enjoyed an erotic face-off. With eyes glazed, they gyrated faster and faster until they eventually reached their peak and they both stiffened in their mutual climaxes. Spent, they sank to the floor in a heap of limbs and heaving breasts, still clutching the other.

Georgia was on her back now and starkers as the renowned aristocrat explored her wet cunt with her mouth. The contrast of black on white was a stunning sight and Her Ladyship let a long and slow dribble of saliva drip down her seam and the crack of her ebony bum. As the spit dripped slowly down the exact line of her slit the wealthy blonde placed the tip of her tongue on that small piece of skin between her anus and her waiting cunt.

“Ooh, yes!” she exclaimed as her nostrils filled with the scent of that beautiful black pussy.

She pushed her cheeks apart and inhaled deeply to get that sublime rush in her pussy. As she tongue fucked the young ebony-skinned doll she furiously pumped her with two fingers. Hungry for more, Her Ladyship rose up and straddled the black girl so that her pussy mound Sahabet Güncel Giriş met the others.

By this time, the sex-mad MILF had bedraggled hair which gave her a wild look. As she held out the girl’s legs she dry-humped her with forceful grinding motions, swiping her gash on the other. Penny’s lower body slammed in and their thighs and loins became slick and sticky as their cunts leaked. The older of the two was laughing heartily as she rubbed her clit hard for maximum stimulation. Georgia snapped her meaty thighs closer around the older woman and shook violently as her bush made maximum contact with the other. Both of them had heaving bosoms as they fucked each other with increased velocity.

“Switch,” said Jennifer and she and Penny came face to face on their knees on the kitchen tiles.

The other white woman flung her legs out and displayed her pussy, all wet and inviting. With barely contained excitement Penny wet her lips and dove into her moist pussy, flattening her tongue against the moist petals of her labia. Her hands went under her buttocks and squeezed as she wormed into her vaginal slit, sucking loudly as she breathed through her nose.

“Yeah, yeah!”

Katrina rose to the occasion and straddled Jennifer so that her black cunt pressed to the brunette’s mouth. Both Jen and Penny made audible slobbering noises as their tongues licked and licked. Jennifer climaxed with a loud combination of squeals, moans, and gurgles.

“Let’s try a daisy chain!” gushed Lady Penelope, clearly wallowing in the unexpected lesbian foursome.

She got onto her right side and placed her head on Katrina’s cunt as she stretched out ahead of Georgia. Her left leg went up and Penny gladly inhaled her musky sex. Jennifer lay by Penny so that the brunette could get at the older woman’s golden snatch with the bright pink labia which had opened up like petals of a flower. Georgia completed the chain and licked Jennifer out as she was eaten alive by Katrina.

So there they were, in a perfect circle. Their faces were buried in hot cunts and all four working all of them into a frenzy. Lost in wonderful warm pleasures that resulted from the mashing of hungry mouths on hungry slits the kitchen resounded with ragged panting and girly shrieks. The circle of pussy licking was a crazy tangle of arms and legs as one focused on the next, who focused on the next. As they chased their orgasms the bell to the vicarage chime repeatedly.

“Oh, shit, the charity lunch!”

The chain broke and Lady Penelope got up quickly and rushed bare-ass to the front door and looked out through the frosted window. There must have been about twenty ne’er do wells shuffling around outside. Damn! She opened the door a crack and grinned sheepishly at the first man.

“Is this the place for the free grub?”

She looked down and then over her shoulder at the beckoning sound of the other three in muted sexual rapport. Then, she turned back to the expectant fellow and shook her head.

“Soup is off, sorry.” she closed the door and headed back to the kitchen. “Right, where were we ladies, and WHERE did you find that big cucumber?”


Lady Penelope’s CP was increased from 100 hours to 120 as a result of the ruined charity lunch. The next task on her agenda was to decorate the interior of the very same vicarage in Dorking. A week passed and Her Ladyship was informed that she would have three helpers, which was a relief as the pampered Lady had no idea of one end of a paintbrush to the other.

It was a Wednesday and unseasonably warm for the time of the year when she arrived in her chauffeur-driven Roller at the vicarage. On the path up to the front door, she saw paint supplies strewn about and several gallon tins of white gloss. Again, as per strict instructions, the busty beauty suitably attired in a one-piece white cotton overall.

“Hey, here’s Lady Penelope.”

Jennifer Richmond waved and smiled as she greeted the Lady. Beside her were three unsmiling teenagers of about eighteen or nineteen, all clad in the same drab overalls. It had been a while since the last time and Penny had to admit that her mind was already wandering. She entered a chaotic-looking living room and noted the three black men were already sweaty and hot. The scent of virile testosterone-charged young bodies and the smell of fresh paint was an unexpected turn for her.

“You started without me,” said she in an unapologetic manner.

“Milady, these are our helpers. This is Ace, and that is Specs.”

The one who looked a tad older in the group nodded hello, his eyes fixed on the sight of the fifty-two-year-old blonde.

He wiped his shaven head with a cloth and mentally undressed her. His broad chest rose and fell most attractively.

“Who’s this?” Penny pointed to one of the others.

A teenager stood with a gallon of paint in each hand as he nodded hello. Clad in the baggy overalls but with the front zip open to his navel, he appeared to be on the skinny side compared to the more bulky Specs. He had dark spiky hair and he had the most adorable brown eyes.

“And this is Big. Say hi, Big.”

“Hi, Big,” he said laughing and the others fell about as if he had just told the best joke ever.

“Why are you called Big?”

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Favour for a Friend

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All characters are 18+

* * * * *

“You’d really be helping me out Josh.”

A young man with chestnut brown hair sat back in his seat, his arms folded and his expression both frustrated and annoyed in equal measure. The girl sitting opposite him was doing her best to convince him to ‘look after’ her aunt while she was away for a week.

“You’re asking a bit much here Anna,” Josh said to her.

“Come on, it won’t take long,” Anna replied, “just pop in and say hi, ask about her day, maybe have a coffee or something, and then leave. That’s all that I do.”

Josh and Anna had been friends for some time, meeting first in college and hitting it off from there, but this seemed outside of friend territory. It was more like ‘family’ or at least ‘lover’ territory, and god knows they weren’t either of those things.

“Why does she even need someone to come in anyway, it’s not like she’s incapable of looking after herself is it? She’s what, 50?”

“She’s barely 40 Josh,” Anna corrected him, “and I get it, I really do. She doesn’t need anyone to come, but I promised mom when her husband ran off that I’d check in on her. She’s my mom’s younger sister and she’s protective of her, you know?”

“So how come your mom can’t go see her then?” Josh said grumpily.

“Because they had that big falling out, don’t you remember?”

Josh vaguely recalled hearing Anna talk about how her mom and her aunt weren’t on speaking terms after a disagreement over her aunt’s choice in men.

“Please Josh, if there was anyone else I’d ask them but there isn’t. I’ve been planning this holiday with my girlfriends for literal ages and I’ve tried to make my mom see sense but she’s being a real stubborn bitch about it.”

Josh still had his misgivings about it all. He’d never met the woman, didn’t even know what she looked like, and if Anna wasn’t one of his closest friends he wouldn’t even begin to entertain the idea.

“Pretty please Josh? I’ll love you forever…” Anna said, dramatically fluttering her eyelashes at him.

‘God damn it,’ thought Josh.

“Ok, fine,” he finally conceded. “But you owe me big time.”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Anna beamed. “And don’t worry, I’m going to spend all of my holiday telling my friends you have a huge dick,” she grinned cheekily. “I mean hey, it isn’t a lie is it?”

Ever since Anna had caught Josh masturbating in his room one time at college, she’d constantly teased him about the size of his penis. He’d never been sure whether her teasing was ironic or not and he didn’t dare ask.

“I’ll consider us even if I get a blowjob out of it,” he grumbled, trying to keep a smile from forming on his face as he played along.

“Ok, I’ll write that down, ‘one blowjob and we’re even’,” she grinned. “You know you could have bargained for a higher price than that…”

“I would have been out negotiated,” he responded. “Clearly.”

* * * * *

Anna had texted Josh the address details for her aunt that morning before she left along with a few other basic instructions:

‘She’ll probably bring up her ex-husband, try not to let her dwell on it for too long if you can. If in doubt, talk about a TV show you watched recently or something.’

As he pulled up outside her house, he stopped in his car for a moment and sighed. He’d be doing this three times this week, roughly once every two days, but he had no doubt this first visit would be the worst. It was bad enough meeting someone for the first time, but doing so in their home, alone and with the knowledge they weren’t in the best of places would make it suck so much more. He felt a little selfish for thinking that way, but what else was he supposed to feel?

He walked up to her front door and rang the bell, waiting patiently for the door to open. He heard the click of the lock and prepared his best, non-threatening smile as it opened. There was no doubt the woman standing before him was Anna’s aunt, the familial resemblance was uncanny even down to the same blonde hair and frankly gorgeous facial features, just with a little more age to them but not much and not noticeably.

“Nicole?” he asked.

“You must be Josh then,” she said with a welcoming smile. “Come in.”

Josh followed her into the house and shut the front door behind him. Nicole was wearing a dressing gown and what looked like pyjamas underneath with a pair of fluffy slippers really completing the look. He followed her into her kitchen and she told him he could take a seat at her kitchen table. Not wanting to be an ungracious guest, he obliged.

“Can I get you a drink? Coffee, maybe something stronger?” she asked.

“Erm, coffee would be great thanks,” Josh replied.

Whilst a drink might have been what he needed to get through this, accepting one right away seemed like a pretty irresponsible thing to do, especially as he’d driven there.

“How do you take it?” she asked.

“Black, one sugar please,” he replied.

“Oh, me too,” she smiled.

Josh waited as she made them, stuck in a weird Sahabet place between not quite uncomfortable and not quite relaxed. He thanked her as she brought his drink over and joined him at the table.

“First off Josh,” she began, “I just want to say how grateful I am that you agreed to come and see me while Anna is away.”

“Not at all,” Josh replied politely.

“If I know my niece she probably batted her eyelids and promised a favour or two in return?”

“Yes she… er, said she’d pay me back,” Josh said sheepishly.

“I bet she did,” Nicole chuckled. “But seriously though, I know that my darling sister gets on her back about it all the time, as if I’m some wasting widow that needs to be monitored or something. Her heart’s in the right place, but her brain is in her ass sometimes…”

Josh wasn’t sure if he was allowed to laugh at that so politely smiled instead.

“And I know Anna has been looking forward to this holiday of hers for ages, so whatever may or may not be happening between you two, it was very kind to agree to do this.”

“Erm, you’re welcome,” Josh said, “but I am just a friend, to kind of clarify.”

Josh had no idea what Anna might have said to her aunt, but if any of this was going to get back to her then he wanted to make sure things were made perfectly clear.

“So, what do you do Josh?”

“I work in the hardware store in town,” Josh replied, happily changing the subject away from his relationship with Anna.

“I do love a man who knows his way around his tools,” Nicole said with a grin.

Josh didn’t quite know how to respond to that. It seemed a naturally flirtatious nature also ran in the family as did the propensity to make slightly risque jokes. He knew how to react with Anna, but if he did the same with Nicole that could really land him in hot water.

“I’m just kidding with you Josh,” Nicole reassured him, noticing his discomfort. “Anna said you were a really nice boy and I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable…”

“No, no, it’s ok,” Josh said.

“Oh good, I’ll continue to flirt outrageously in that case then,” she grinned again, looking him up and down as she did.

Josh was stuck once again between two states of mind: not wanting to be rude and wanting to end this visit as soon as possible.

“Um, so how about you? What do you do?”

“I work from home,” she replied.

Josh waited for her to elaborate, but nothing came from it. She just simply sat sipping her coffee and smiling at him, a little like a cat playing with a small wounded animal.

“S-so have you watched anything good on TV recently?” he asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

“No not really,” Nicole said somewhat dismissively. “Got any recommendations?”

“Well it depends on what you like…”

“Hmm. Well it depends what I’m in the mood for really. I like period dramas and stuff like that but sometimes I like something a little more racey, you know? Something you’d not want to watch in front of your parents if you get my meaning,” she winked. “Know anything like that I might enjoy?”

She was clearly enjoying toying with Josh in the same way Anna seemed to, but Josh had almost finished his coffee and so saw a way out.

“Not recently, no,” he said quite curtly.

He downed the rest of his coffee and placed the mug on the table.

“Well, thank you for the coffee, I think I’m going to head off now,” he added, taking to his feet.

“Oh, ok…” Nicole said, her eyes lowering and staring into her coffee.

She suddenly looked very unsure of herself and vulnerable. It was like the facade of her flirtatiousness had been shattered leaving just a lonely woman in its wake.

“Unless there’s anything you need while I’m here?”

Josh couldn’t help himself. As much as he felt uncomfortable with her flirting, he didn’t want to completely abandon her if there actually was anything she needed help with.

“Well, I mean there is something you could do for me, or help me with rather, seeing as you’re here,” she said.

“Sure, what is it?”

“I’ve been bagging up some of my ex-husbands old clothes to throw out. You’ve heard about what happened between me and him, yeah?”

Josh nodded. He didn’t know all the details obviously but he knew enough. It was the reason he was there after all.

“I just need them dumping at like a local goodwill place or something. I mean don’t get me wrong, I can do it on my own, but if you’re offering?”

Josh was pretty certain he knew of one nearby and it might earn him some brownie points with Anna if he agreed.

“Sure, but won’t he be coming back for them at some point?”

“Not unless he’s going to fly back from Mexico…” she said glumly.

Anna’s warning about not letting her aunt get too deep into this topic flashed through Josh’s mind.

“Well in that case, sure, I’ll get rid of them for you.”

“You’re a star, thank you,” she smiled. “‘l’lI just go and get them…”

She disappeared upstairs and returned with two big trash bags full Sahabet Giriş of clothes. Josh took them to his car, squeezed them into the back seat, and then returned to the front door where Nicole was waiting.

“Is that everything?” he asked.

“That’s everything,” she smiled back. “Thank you again, and sorry if I made things a little weird earlier…”

She looked to be quite sincere and unsure of herself. Her flirtatious sense of humour was clearly a bit of a front to hide how she was really feeling and it struck Josh for the first time that she may have been every bit as nervous meeting him today as he was meeting her.

“That’s ok. I guess I should have expected it, knowing how Anna is…”

“Ha, yeah, I’ve been something of a bad influence on her over the years,” Nicole smiled sheepishly.

Josh smiled back and was about to turn to leave when Nicole stopped him.

“Listen, Josh, I know you gave Anna your word but if you have other stuff you need to do or don’t really want to… what I mean is I’ll be ok for the rest of the week.”

This was a potential out that Josh needed, one he would have jumped at not 20 minutes ago, but ultimately he knew he’d feel way worse if he took her up on that offer.

“No, no, I’ll be back,” he smiled.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah,” he said. “Besides, Anna would kick my ass if she found out…”

Nicole laughed, her face lighting up once again.

“Good point. And if you’re not into that kind of thing, it’s not really worth it…”

Nicole suddenly looked a little embarrassed. She’d done it again.

“See you on Wednesday,” Josh said, letting her off the hook slightly.

“Yeah, same time?”

Josh nodded and went to his car.

* * * * *

Anna had rang Josh later in the day asking how things went. He told her what had happened and she simply laughed.

“Hey, it isn’t funny,” Josh protested.

“Oh come on Josh, a hot older woman hit on you and you want me to have sympathy?” Anna replied.

“She’s not that old…” Josh said.

“She’s just a tease that’s all. If she was actually hitting on you, you’d not have made it out of that house unscathed,” she laughed.

“Yeah well, I’m going back on Wednesday so I’ll talk to you again after. You enjoying your holiday?”

“Oh yeah, I am 5 margaritas in and ass deep in dick right now… no wait, that came out wrong…”

* * * * *

Wednesday rolled around and Josh pulled up at the same time as before. Knowing what to expect this time, he was prepared to be a little more relaxed and cut Nicole a little more slack. He walked up to the front door and rang the bell.

“Hi Josh,” Nicole said as she opened the door. “Come in!”

Gone was the loungewear today and instead Nicole was dressed in normal clothes, a relatively form fitting t-shirt with a band logo on it Josh didn’t recognise and a pair of jeans with a similar fit. Josh couldn’t help but take a moment to notice her figure, more exposed now than it was the other day. She was similar to Anna in most respects but just ever so slightly larger in her bust, hips, thighs, all of the areas women naturally got bigger in as they got older Josh reasoned. He tried not to pay too much more attention than that at the risk of looking like he was staring.

He followed her into the kitchen once again and there was already a coffee waiting for them both. She must have planned around his visit today, hence the change in outfit.

“How have you been since Monday? Did you manage to get the clothes dropped off?”

“Yes, there was a place not too far from here. And I’ve been good, thanks, you?”

“Better for having rid of that stuff,” she smiled.

“Good. I imagine having it around was just reminding you of him all the time?”

It was against Anna’s advice to indulge in this talk, but as Nicole seemed to be in a better place today Josh thought it would be fine.

“Oh completely,” Nicole said. “It was like having a weight lifted off my shoulders.”

“I’m just impressed you hadn’t burnt them or fed them through a shredder or something,” Josh said with a pleasant grin.

Nicole laughed.

“It was so, SO tempting…” she giggled.

“Well done you, in that case,” Josh laughed, happy he could get a smile out of her.

There was a short silence as she seemed to be in thought for a moment, looking over at Josh very fondly.

“Although I will say one thing…” she finally said.


“For as much as I hate the bastard for ditching me like he did, I haven’t been able to fit in these jeans for years but now thanks to a little depression fueled weight loss, they fit like a glove again!”

Josh wasn’t sure what to make of that comment. It was distressing to hear she hadn’t been eating properly but she seemed to have found some sort of silver lining or at least some form of self-deprecating humour about it.

“Um, yeah they look great,” he said.

“Do you think so?” she asked.

She stood and turned so her back was facing him. Looking over Sahabet Güncel Giriş her shoulder, she spoke to Josh.

“See I used to not be able to fit them over my ass,” she said in a quite matter of fact way, “but with a little bit of willpower I managed to squeeze it in,” she added, squeezing her ass cheeks as she did.

Josh tried to avert his eyes after catching himself staring for too long. He had to admit the jeans did wonders for Nicole’s ass… but he wasn’t Anna, and he couldn’t make a flippant comment like that, particularly when it would mean acknowledging that he’d looked and maybe a little too long at that. She was being accidentally flirtatious again, that’s all it was.

“And the t-shirt too,” she said turning back around, apparently oblivious to Josh’s attempts not to look, “I haven’t worn this t-shirt since college. Although this one was a bit more of a struggle, my boobs have gotten way bigger since then,” she laughed, giving her chest a little wiggle and sending her breasts jiggling in the process.

Josh tried to smile politely, but his mind was telling him that her breasts weren’t just a little bigger than Anna’s, they were much bigger, the faded band logo stretched wide across her bust and the bottom of the t shirt riding up a little and exposing the subtle pudge of her belly. As much as he tried to seem disinterested, his eyes were betraying him. He must have looked like a deer caught in headlights because Nicole suddenly stopped.

“Oops, sorry Josh,” she laughed sheepishly, wrapping her arms around her chest in a move that just seemed to make her breasts bulge even more rather than cover them up, “I guess I’m just used to talking about all this stuff with Anna…”

“Errr…,” Josh said as he tried to think of something to say, anything that would make him stop staring at her breasts, “I-I’m glad you’re able to wear the things you want to again,” he finally came up with.

“I’m sure you are,” she said with a grin as she sat back down. “Although speaking of eating, I have a real craving for pizza right now. Would you like to stay and have lunch? My treat?”

Still acting on autopilot, Josh said yes.

“Let me go find a menu for the place I usually order from, they are so great because they open from midday…”

She went to one of her kitchen drawers and picked up the menu for a local pizza place Josh wasn’t familiar with.

“Have a look in here and pick what you like, I’d recommend…”

She paused. Her eyes had trailed off to just behind Josh. He turned around to see there was a pile of clothes in front of her washing machine. Upon closer inspection, they were almost all bras and underwear of some kind.

“God damn, I thought I’d put those in to wash,” she laughed sheepishly, “you keep looking and I’ll just sort them out.”

She moved towards the pile and Josh looked over the menu trying to decide what the cheapest option he could get away with was so as not to exploit her kindness.

“See anything you like the look of?” she asked.

Josh turned around to see she was bent over packing the clothes into the machine, her ass spread wide and clearly stretching the jeans as much as they would go. They’d also ridden down a little bit, exposing the top of what was clearly a black, lacey thong. He tried not to stare and was aware he was leaving way too big a gap in between her question and his answer, but it was difficult not to look.

“Errr, whatever you like, you choose,” he finally said, turning back around.

“Ok then, let me get my phone and we’ll order…”

* * * * *

Talk remained relatively uneventful whilst they waited for their food, barring the odd suggestive comment from Nicole here and there. It was a sweet mercy for Josh as it meant he could get the image of Nicole basically flaunting her ass and breasts (and then ass again) at him earlier out of his head, but also meant he was able to get to know her a little more as a person. She enjoyed dancing and nightclubs, her celebrity crush was Chris Hemsworth (‘the things I would let that man do to me’ she’d said whilst mercifully not elaborating) and her favourite pizza topping was double pepperoni with extra cheese. Josh agreed to sharing one big pizza between the two of them so he didn’t feel bad about her buying him his own.

After the food had arrived, she also asked a little about Josh and how he and Anna met. Feeling a little more relaxed with a slice of pizza in hand and a few more already devoured, he went over the story of how they became friends in college and had stayed close ever since and predictably Nicole asked whether there was or had been anything between them.

“Not in that way,” he’d told her after taking a bite, “I mean don’t get me wrong, I know she’s really hot, I mean I have eyes, but at this point it’d be like trying to date my sister. Besides, she’s sort of my unofficial wing man,” he chuckled.

“Is that so?” Nicole asked.

“Yeah, she constantly bigs me up to her friends in the hope one of them will get with me. I think it’s a terrible idea myself, I mean what if we broke up? Then she’d have to choose between me and her friend and I’m not comfortable with that…”

“Well aren’t you chivalrous,” Nicole grinned. “Sure you’re not just scared in case it makes her jealous?”

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A Literary Connection

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This story has no sex. It is instead the tale of two matures connecting over erotic literature. If well received a continuation is likely.

I’ve been writing and publishing erotic stories on .com for many years. All but one of my published stories have ratings of 4/5 stars or better. Some have comments asking me to continue the story, which always makes me feel great. But I never expected my stories to lead to anything else.

I published a story in the Erotic Couplings category entitled Truth and Nothing But. I thought it was pretty hot despite the fact that it had no actual sex acts. It described two people who were exploring, testing, trying to decide if they wanted to go further. They did this by asking each other, in turn, very specific and intimate questions about each other’s sexual preferences. The asker was required to also respond to the question once the other answered.

I thought it an interesting, but not overly involved, little story. Yes, I could have taken it further by having the couple decide to explore each other’s responses physically, but that was never my intent. I just wanted to explore the verbal interactions.

When I published it, I received decent, ratings just above 4. But the comments I got were all around the desire for me to continue the story. I had no interest in that. It was just a fluff piece I tossed off one night, not the start of some novella. But writers, indeed most everyone, are suckers for positive feedback, so I wrote and published part 2.

Then I got feedback in an direct message. I didn’t even know that was possible on this site but it is.

“Hi O. I hope you don’t mind me reaching out directly. I have to tell you I absolutely LOVE everything you write! And thank you for continuing Truth and nothing but. Part 2 is just as hot as part 1!

I looked at your profile and see we are in the same state. I don’t know if you are single, or where in the state you are, but I would love to meet you IRL. I’m in Claymore. You can see my profile here but my email is *****@gmail.com. If you email me I’ll send you pics and more info. I hope to hear from you! Jessica”

I was floored. The site has a personals forum but I’ve never posted there – I didn’t care for the format. And I write, and read, for enjoyment, never expecting any opportunity to meet anyone, But I’m single, far from a spring chicken, and living in a very rural area with limited dating opportunities. Can’t afford to pass up any chance for a connection.

“Hi, Jessica,” read my email. “Thank you so much for liking my stories. I write for my own enjoyment but it is so very gratifying when others find my stories enjoyable, and hopefully stimulating. I’m about 25-30 minutes from Claymore, to the south. Oh, and I’m Trent when I’m not writing erotica.”

Within minutes my email pinged and I opened it to find a reply from her. Her pictures were provocative but not at all pornographic – just sexy with cleavage and ‘come Sahabet get me’ looks. From what I could see she was very much my type – petite, B cup breasts, slim, great ass.

“I would love to see what you look like, Trent,” she wrote. “Would you send me a pic?”

I selected a fully clothed selfie of myself, standing up to show off my trim physique. I was proud of the weight I’d lost 7 years ago and kept all since. At 70 I don’t have a six pack or huge biceps, but my ectomorph body type was well defined.

“Bestill my fluttering heart…and another body part!” Jessica exclaimed.

“I’m flattered and glad you like what you see,” I replied.

“I want to meet you and I mean like right now!,” she said. “Sorry if I’m being too forward but I believe that when you see something you want you need to go for it!”

“LOL,” I typed. “What do you do for a living, Jessica, if you don’t mind my asking.”


“Oh,” she wrote, “Sorry – thought you’d guess since we’re both 70. I’m retired, like you. So my schedule is very flexible. No time like the present – would you like to have dinner with me tonight?”

I kept making typos in my reply since I was typing way faster than I normally do. “Mamma C’s at 6?”


“It’s a date! Whoever gets there first asks for a table for two and let’s the hostess knows the other will be in soon,” she had typed.

I simply sent back a thumbs up emoji before closing my laptop and walking in my closet to decide what to wear. After trimming my beard, shaving my head and face, and a shower, I donned a pair of black jeans that had garnered compliments about my ass in the past. I paired them with a collared, blue polo shirt and then selected my navy blue “formal” leather trainers.

I was running a little early but, too anxious to wait, I decided to take the long route which should have me at the restaurant right on time. I grabbed the fob for the Mini, hit the button to open the garage door, and headed out.

Here in the mountains every route is chock full of twists and turns – just the type of roads the Mini is made for. It took all my will power to maintain a light foot so I wouldn’t end up unfashionably early for our date. I timed it well (purely by luck) and pulled into the restaurant’s parking lot at 5:59.

“I”m betting you’re Trent,” the hostess greeted me with a huge smile.

“Either you’re psychic or Jessica has already arrived.”

“Please follow me.”

As we approached the booth, Jessica slid out and stood up. As the hostess turned to return to her station, Jessica stepped up, threw her arms around me in a tight hug, and kissed my lips chastely. The feel of her breasts on my chest was electric, and it was obvious she was wearing a rather sheer bra by the way her erect nipples stabbed me.

“Unless I miss my guess, you’re happy to meet me, in person,” I smiled at her face, still only inches away from and below mine.

“Too Sahabet Giriş forward?” she grinned. “I told you, when I find something I like and want I go for it!”

I laughed and said, “Not at all too forward. After all, at our ages we can’t afford to waste time. No telling how much we have left!”

With that we sat and, when the waiter arrived I ordered a Johnny Walker Black, neat, as I’d already seen the white wine she had ordered before I arrived.

“So, I’m flattered that you think so highly of my little stories,” I told her.

“You have no idea! I know the titles and plots of every one!” Jessica gushed.

I laughed appreciatively. “Which one is your favorite?”

“All of them! Really. It depends on my mood. If I’m in the mood for some incest, First Threesome is my favorite. Nothing Ventured is great for exploring my exhibitionist tendencies. Everything you’ve posted appeals to one or another of my memories, fantasies, or curiosities.

Tell me, where do you get the ideas for these stories?”

“So far every story I’ve posted was inspired by some real life event. For example, at a bike convention 150 miles away from home I was invited to be the second man in a married couple’s threesome.”

“State Rally!!”, she exclaimed.

I nodded and she continued, “So, how was it?”

“I turned them down. So the story was inspired by their invitation but the entirety of the rest of that one, plus the three additional chapters, are purely fictional. There is only one story that is completely true.”

“Let me guess. Jan?” she asked while scrunching up her forehead.


“The Appeal?”


“I give, please tell me?” she pleaded.

I chuckled but before I could answer the waiter reappeared to take our dinner orders. Once he had our choices he turned and headed to the kitchen.

“Ok,” I said, “but this should have be obvious. The preface openly states that it is the only fully true story I’ve posted. Apparently most people thought that was just part of the story, a set up if you will.”

“First Threesome! Oh my god, did you really have sex with your sister-in-law?” She exclaimed excitedly.

“100% true,” I replied as I used my right hand to mimic drawing a cross over my heart.

“You know, I got a complaint in a comment on that one stating that there was no point in bringing up the virgin thing, since she had lost it before coming to visit us.”

“Oh that’s foolish – her frustration over the boyfriend not wanting to take her virginity was the impetus for the whole thing! Bet it never would have happened if it weren’t for that!” Jessica protested.

“I agree. That’s what started all the phone calls, which led to my wife’s offer as well as the discovery that the boyfriend was very unfortunately endowed,” I verified. “Besides, that’s exactly how it happened and I wanted that one to be true to the facts. Since it happened over 40 years Sahabet Güncel Giriş ago, and I did change the names, I don’t think anyone involved will stumble upon it and have concerns.”

Our food arrived but did nothing to staunch the lively conversation, although it did slow down a bit as neither of us would speak with a mouth full of food. The discussion moved on to other topics as we each shared the activities we engage in other than writing and reading erotica.

I learned she also works out several times a week and volunteers with a soup kitchen serving lunch two days a week. I filled her in on my workout schedule and volunteering activity with Habitat. It was apparent we had much in common.

After coffee we reluctantly agreed it was time to end the dinner. I paid the check and escorted her to her car, which I had unknowingly parked right next to.

“Well this must be an omen!,” Jessica said with a laugh.

“Yes,” I responded in a similarly playful tone, “clearly my car is very attracted to yours!”

“And what about it’s driver?”

“Clearly he’s very attracted to the driver of your car!”

The broad smile on her face made it clear that she was also very attracted to me. This time I faced her, pulled her to me in a firm hug, tilted my head down to hers and pressed our lips together. She opened her lips and tentatively touched mine with the tip of her tongue. In an instant our tongues were wrapped together, exploring each other’s mouths and lips.

“Get a room!” the passenger of a departing car shouted through the open window. All four occupants roared with laughter at the incredibly passé but appropriate phrase.

“For the record, I would love to but that would be rushing things a bit too fast, don’t you think?” I told her.

“Sadly, yes. But you best be prepared on date 2! And speaking of that, since tomorrow is Saturday and neither of us has standing obligations, I would love to see your cabin,” Jessica said with a hopeful look on her face.

“You are most welcome to come down and see it. You’ll have to take it as it is since I won’t have time to do much cleaning but I”m okay with that. What’s your phone number so I can text you my address?”

Once she’d given it to me I immediately texted my address so we now had each other’s number. With exclamations on both sides about how great tonight went and several more kisses, we reluctantly separated after I promised to text when I safely arrived home.

Once I was in the cabin I sent her a text: “Safe at home. May I ask a personal question?”

It took only a few seconds for her to reply “Sure, I think. LOL!”

“Are your nipples always erect?”, I typed and hit send.

“Oh, you noticed, did you?”, came her reply, followed by the moving bubbles indicating that she was typing.

“Only when I’m in the presence of a hunk I’m crazy about.”

“I didn’t think it was possible but you’ve just scored even more points than you did at dinner,” I sent, accompanied by the kissy face emoji.

“You scored a heap of points yourself, hon,” came her answer.

“Time for bed,” I typed. “Text me when you head my way tomorrow. Good night.”

“Night Trent. I can’t wait to see you again,” Jessica signed off.

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Somewhere Else in Time

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This is my Literotica 25th Anniversary Challenge story.

This story is a work of fiction, as are the characters and events. All characters are over the age of 18.


25 Years Ago


It was the end of August, and I would be leaving tomorrow to return to college for my senior year. I had put away and organized the gardening tools, just as Mia liked them, and was waiting for her inside the new gardening shed here at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. There was but a single window, but it did not point in the direction from which she would approach.

When I saw the Help Wanted ad for a gardener helper on Mackinac Island earlier this year, I decided to apply. My family had vacationed on the island for many years. We could not afford to stay at the Grand Hotel, but rented a cottage further away on the water, and my memories were mostly happy, except for a few issues at times with my twin sister. But we had gone to separate colleges, and I rarely saw my sister anymore, except at holidays.

Mia was the head gardener at the Grand Hotel, in her early forties, but due to her physical outdoor work, she looked much younger. I had learned many things from Mia over the summer, about growing and caring for flowers, and about sex.

When I arrived in May, I was disappointed to learn how slow the pace of life was here on the island. It was one thing to visit for a week, do the different things on the island, and then leave, but quite another when all the different things became the same things you did last week.

I would take solo bike rides around the island, and one Sunday, Mia came up behind me and said hello. We rode together for a while, and then she pulled over at the start of a little path into the woods that I had overlooked and ignored. She led me along the path, single file, and we emerged at a small secluded cove. It was a beautiful spot.

We sat on the pebble shore and talked for hours. Mia lamented the lack of single men her age on the island among the seasonal and permanent residents. Many were retired couples or families. She challenged me to stone skipping, thinking she had the advantage of living on the island, but I had made the most of my childhood visits, and managed one rock with eight skips.

As the weeks passed, Mia and I went biking as often as we could, and started hiking into the hilly center of the island. Mia seemed to know the names of every wildflower, and where to find them, and when they bloomed. Mia had a great attitude on life, and could be seriously funny at times.

I had, of course seen Sunset Rock, but never stayed for the sunset because the trail was difficult to find, in both directions, and feared it would be especially so after dark. One evening, Mia invited me there to watch the sunset, and as the fading rays no longer cast their glorious colors onto the clouds, Mia took my hand, and we kissed.

Using flashlights, we quickly found the way back to our bikes, and peddled back to the hotel in the fading twilight. Mia led me willingly to the gardener’s shed and we had sex in the darkness. Our hands substituted Sahabet for our eyes, as we completely explored each other’s naked bodies. Over the summer, we met often in the gardening shed, each time as special as the first.

The door to the shed opened, and I blinked from the brightness surrounding the lean, backlit figure. As my eyes adjusted, I could see the smile on her face. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail, and was dressed in Levi jeans and a white T-shirt. She looked more like one of the other young helpers than the head gardener.

As she stepped inside and closed the door, she latched the door from inside, using the hook I had installed back in June.

“It was a hot one today,” said Mia. “I’m really sweaty and dirty.”

“So am I, Mia. But I’m leaving tomorrow, and after all the hard work we did together this summer, that’s the way I want to remember you.”

Mia crossed her arms and grabbed the hem of her T-shirt, pulling it up over her head. As she removed her bra, I marveled at the shape of her perfect, round breasts, which showed no sign of age.

“Well, don’t just stand there watching me, Dennis, take your clothes off too!”

I kicked off my shoes, then didn’t bother unbuckling my belt. A summer of outdoor work had hardened my body, and my jeans were now really loose, so I simply pulled them down and stepped out of them. As I pulled my T-shirt up over my head, Mia’s hand touched my chest.

“Do I get some credit for sculpting your perfect body?” she asked.

“Do you mean from gardening, or from something else?”

She replied, “I mean from something else.”

Mia hugged me, pressing her small breasts against my chest. My head bent down, and our lips met. I closed my eyes, as I did not need them, because I had spent so much of the summer looking at Mia’s wonderful body and burning it into my memory. Today, our last day until next summer, I wanted to focus on each of my other senses.

The softness of her lips. Her hands on my bare back. My hands rubbing her smooth shoulders and back. The natural smell of her hair and body. Her soft cooing and passionate whispers. The playful dancing of our tongues.

We broke our embrace, and I spread out a tarp on the wooden floor of the shed. The floor was hard, so I laid down first. Mia knelt beside me and grabbed my rapidly rising cock with her hand.

“I’m going to miss this cock,” she said.

“Just my cock?” I laughed.

“Your cock is like a gardening tool. They all look the same until used. Only then can you tell the skill of the user.”

“You taught me well this summer,” I replied.

“And I am glad you put yourself into my hands”, she laughed as she began stroking my cock.

I reached my own hand out and rubbed her firm ass cheeks, then stretched my fingers out, but my arms were not long enough for me to reach between her legs. She shifted closer, and I slid my hand beneath her pussy. She was already getting wet as I explored her folds.

“I’m ready,” said Mia, as she swung her leg over and mounted me. She held my cock and rubbed the head against herself. The Sahabet Giriş sensations were so wonderful, I was unsure whether this felt better than penetration, but I would find that out soon enough. I reached up with my hands and cupped her small breasts, my thumbs teasing her erect nipples.

All summer, I deferred to her much greater sexual experience, and there was no reason to change that today. She rose up onto her knees and positioned my cock at her entrance, then began lowering herself onto me. As she slowly slid down, taking my cock into her, she would occasionally pause.

I looked up and saw that her eyes closed, as if her mind were taking her to another place and time. I closed my eyes and drifted back to the flower beds here at the Grand Hotel when I first saw Mia. The personnel lady had taken me to her as Mia was preparing a flower bed for planting. Mia was on her knees, facing away from me, and I could not help but stare at the perfect ass wrapped in her tight jeans.

My mental vision of her was interrupted when Mia whispered, “You can start now.” By chance, these were the same words she first spoke to me at the flower bed. I began gyrating my hips, using muscles that had been trained and strengthened by her all summer. I began slowly. There was no need for speed. This was for pleasure, for both of us as the soft flesh of our loins rubbed against each other. We went on for much longer than usual, and I dropped my hands to my sides, using them to assist my hips.

I could tell Mia was ready for more, when her pussy rose up the top of my cock. She was letting me rest, so I lowered my hips back to the floor, and she followed me down. It was her turn to move. She began her sensual and fantastic up and down motion, sliding her pussy along my cock. I could feel her squeezing against me, clasping, and teasing me with her skilled inner muscles, trying to pull my cock away from me.

It felt so wonderful, and I was so lucky to be with Mia. I was getting close to my orgasm, and fought back my twitching cock. I watched as she rode me, our eyes meeting, her lips smiling. She could read my face, and feel my cock throbbing, and she wanted the same thing as me. She lowered her left hand to her mound, and I watched as her fingers slid down to touch her clit.

“Ohhhh!” she yelled. “Ohhhhh!”

I could hold back no longer. “Oh, Mia!” Neither could she. I felt her inner muscles ripple against my pulsing cock, and we climaxed together. When we had finished, she fell forward onto my chest, and we lay there. I had never been happier in my life. But Mia was 25 years older than me, and I knew we would not be together for much longer.

Mia looked up at me and said, “I have to meet the horse-drawn wagon bringing in gardening supplies soon, and I doubt I will see you later tonight. I hope you will take the same job next year. Come back to me.”


25 Years Later


It was early October, and by chance, I saw a click bait story pop up on a web page, about the Grand Hotel. They were having a celebration for their head gardener, who was retiring Sahabet Güncel Giriş at the end of the month after 50 years of service. There was a photograph. It was Mia! She was older, and her hair had turned a silver grey, but there was still a sparkle in her eyes.

One of the regrets in my life was not returning to Mackinac Island after I graduated my senior year, but I had an excellent job offer, and decided to take it instead. I never forgot about Mia, but assumed she had moved on with her life, and found a new young gardener helper that summer. The article mentioned that Mia had lived on the island for the entire 50 years, and had never married.

Should I go to Mackinac Island and try to see her? I doubt she would remember me after all this time. I thought back to 1998, just a few years after they filmed the movie, ‘Somewhere in Time’. Is time travel even possible? I decided it was worth a try.

I found my old Levi’s jeans, and could barely fit in them anymore, so I began working out and dieting. I still had my old white T-shirt, though now covered with paint splatters. I began watching for money dated prior to 1998, and had accumulated everything I needed to make my attempt. I had a week before the Grand Hotel closed for the season, and if my time travel failed, I might still be able to see Mia.

Taking the ferry across to Mackinac Island, the Grand Hotel stood timeless as always. Dressed as I was, there was no way for me to enter the grounds through the front entrance, so I snuck around to find a sheltered spot, then dashed to the gardening shed. It was much as I remembered, the tools now rusted and worn, but tidy and organized just the way Mia liked. The little hook I had installed on the inside of the door was still there.

I laid down on the floor of the shed, and ran the premise of the movie through my mind. Time travel could be achieved entirely by force of will. I needed to will myself into the past by convincing myself that it was 1998. I closed my eyes, cleared my mind, and drifted back to 1998.

“What are you doing in my shed!” yelled a woman’s voice.

I turned, and saw that it was Mia, just as I remembered her back in 1998. I had done it! It was 1998 and I was there.

“Mia, I have come back to you, just as you asked.”

“And just who the FUCK are you?” she yelled.

“I am Dennis. I came back from twenty-five years in the future. I did it just like in the movie.”

Mia’s jaw dropped, and she walked towards me. She touched my face, and then recognized me. “It is you. It’s impossible. You left the island as a young man, just a few weeks ago.”

I said, “I am here now, and seeing you again, I realize how much I missed you. We’re almost the same age now. I love you, and want to be with you forever. Will you marry me?”

“Yes! Oh, Yes!” she replied. Mia turned around and latched the door from the inside as I spread the tarp out on the floor.


25 Years Later (again)


It was early October, and by chance, I saw a click bait story pop up on a web page, about the Grand Hotel. They were having a celebration for their head gardener, who was retiring at the end of the month after 50 years of service. There was a photograph. It was Mia! She was older, and her hair had turned a silver grey, but there was still a sparkle in her eyes. And I was standing next to her!


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Grandpa Has A Big Dick 11

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Grandpa Has A Big Dick 11

By: DickThePimp

Totally Fake In Every Way Possible

I miss my chick Gabbie (Pornstar Gabbie Carter). My mom Kelly (Porn Goddess Kelly Madison) too. I’m out of town on business, and my two chicks… yeah, two, I’m dating both… are back home alone.

Thankfully we have cool neighbors. They’re keeping an eye out. Watching my women while I’m away.

One neighbor, Hank is particularly good at watching over neighbors. He’s a nice guy. Funny. Chicks seem to like him. He’s a mature charmer, and a really good watch dog for your house/condo… and girlfriends.

The 75 year old retired liquor store owner loves hanging out and swimming. Drinking and flirting too.

He’s our next door neighbor. Kelly and Gabbie are both comfortable around him. He’s always flirting, but he’s also always nice and not creepy at all.

Damn… I miss my chicks. Fucking job. It’s a pain in the ass. I’ve only had it for a year, and I’m already sick of the traveling.

“I miss my baby.”

“I miss James too, Kelly. God, I miss him. I want him to fly back home and fuck my brains out as soon as he steps off the plane. God, I want his cock.” Gabbie’s freaky, horny bitch smirk makes mom giggle.

“Me first. He’s my son after all. Hahaha.” They laugh, and tip their glasses to each other. They’re sipping mimosas in the kitchen.

“Hey, ladies. Just thought I’d check in.” Hank walks in the open, back of the house sliding door. Grinning.

“Hey, Hank.” Mom tips her glass to him. Gabbie smiles and sips her drink.

“You gals busy today?”

“Nah. We’re just hanging around the house. We might go shopping later. It’s mimosa time now though. Want one?”

“No thanks, doll. I’ll take a beer if you’ve got one though.” The old guy isn’t into mimosas.

“Sure.” Mom walks over to the fridge and gets a beer for Hank. She hands it to him over the kitchen counter.

Hank can’t help but check out not only mom’s huge braless titties in her thin white tank top, but also Gabbie’s very sexy booty in her pink bikini bottom. She’s bending over the counter across from mom, sipping her mimosa. She makes sure to wiggle her 23 year old booty a little for ol’ Hank. Gabbie the tease at it again. Ha.

“I’ve gotta say, James is one helluva lucky man. Two gorgeous girlfriends. And, one’s his mom.” Hank drinks his beer and grins. A flirtatious overtone to his words is very evident.

“Well Sahabet thank you, Hank. We’re the lucky ones though. My baby is such a great guy. And God, can he fuck.” Mom laughs mischievously. Mom the tease at it again too, I see. They all laugh.

They keep chatting for a little while in the kitchen. Drinking and flirting in all directions.

Then, they head outside for a dip in the pool and to get some sun. Mom’s not shy at all, so she just whips her tank top off and voila! The most perfect naked titties you’ve ever seen. She plays it up for Hank. Jumping up and down and woo-hooing as she lets her loose booty shorts slide right down her long, silky smooth legs. She’s got a red, thong bikini bottom on.

Hank’s staring a hole through her 34FF boobs. He’s seen them before. Mom loves to sunbathe topless… and nude, so Hank gets a regular, gawk all you want show from next door.

Gabbie takes her top off. She’s got on a pink bikini that barely covers her nipples and pussy. Again… Hank’s staring a hole through my other girlfriend too. The horny old guy is caught up in a hot, big titty chick conundrum. Who does he stare at next?

Hank surprises my two chicks by pulling off his swim trunks. He’s got a white speedo on under them.

They look at each other and laugh, then give him a cheer. The mimosas are kicking in for mom and Gabbie.

Hank tosses off his yellow Hawaiian shirt and heads to the pool.

Mom slaps his old butt, and laughs again as he passes her.

Gabbie sits on the edge of the pool, her legs in the water. Mom does too. Sitting beside Gabbie. They watch Hank swim around. He almost drowns a couple of times from very intensely watching mom’s massive jugs sway around as she and Gabbie chat and laugh.

Mom makes sure to keep up the flirtatious tone of the day by shaking her boobs for Hank as he swims his laps. Cheering him on too.

Gabbie smiles and decides to join in, pulling her extremely skimpy top off of her extra luscious, perky breasts and letting horny ol’ Hank deeply ogle them from the pool. The combined titty flashing ends Hank’s lap swimming really quick. He concentrates on more boob gawking and flirting. Way more fun ways to spend an afternoon than swimming.

Hank decides to get out of the pool and head to the bathroom. When he gets out of the water, mom gets a close-up view of his speedo encased bulge. Her eyes raise, Sahabet Giriş impressed, and she nudges Gabbie to check it out also.

A couple of minutes later, Hank comes back out and stands by mom. She’s looking up at him while they chit chat.

Gabbie keeps checking out his growing bulge. Seems like ol’ Hank is getting excited being so close to four absolutely spectacular, natural, naked boobs.

“Very nice bulge there, Hank.” Mom gets things a little more heated.

“Thanks, doll. Glad you like it. It certainly likes you.” Hank’s horny grin is beaming. His bulge is snaking around in those very tight confines too. Mom’s impressed. So is Gabbie. They both watch it dance around, almost exploding out of the skimpy swimsuit.

“Well, thank you, Mr bulge.” Mom wickedly giggles. She also reaches up and grabs Hank’s bulge, shaking and cupping it. Shaking her eyebrows playfully as she plays with the impressive 75 year old meat.

Much to Hank’s intensely horny delight, mom keeps playing with his tightly bunched-up bulge.

Gabbie watches and smiles, then she leans down and starts sucking on my mom’s titty. Holding it in her hands and softly sucking on it as Hank watches and licks his lips. Groaning happily as mom keeps shaking, cupping, and fondling his growing meat.

Hank’s bulge is bulging so damn big.

Mom laughs at it bouncing around in that tight speedo. It’s starts peeking out of the side of it, and mom swoops right in. Grabbing it and jerking it. It immediately explodes out of its tight confines, pointing right at her.

Mom smirks and jerks. Pumping the rock hard old rod nice and quick. It bounces around in mom’s pumping hand. So excited to be out and about… and being jerked off by the sexiest woman ever.

Hank is very happy. Standing there and growling. His hands on his hips.

Gabbie has her face buried in mom’s 34FF breast. Cupping it with both hands and sucking voraciously on it.

A minute later, Hank’s mood gets even happier. Mom leans in and sucks his dick. The whole thing. Right down her throat. Nine inches of rock hard, shiny and pale old white meat right down her throat.

Hank grabs mom’s blonde head and starts fucking her throat. Growling like a crazed bear as he throws his hips forward, jamming his rod continually down mom’s very accepting gullet.

Gabbie starts fingering mom’s vibrating pussy while she keeps Sahabet Güncel Giriş on sucking her huge tit. She tilts her dark brown haired head and watches mom suck off Hank. Smirking away as the action gets more and more heated and kinky. They both miss my dick very much, so they’re making do with our old stud neighbor’s for the time being.

Gabbie lets go of mom’s feverishly heaving boob, and smiles at her.

Mom let’s Hank’s wildly bobbing dick slip from her mouth. A trail of her saliva clinging to the tip of it. She puts the excitedly bouncing dick right into Gabbie’s mouth and kisses Gabbie’s cheek as she starts sucking on that big old dick herself.

Hank’s in heaven. Two uber babes sucking him off on a beautiful, sunny LA day. His shit eating grin is almost jumping off of his face.

Gabbie sucks down all of the precum that’s pouring from that old weiner. She sucks it hard. Suctioning out more and more of the slimy clear fluid.

Mom sucks on Hank’s huge balls. They’re really big. Really big. Mom slurps them hungrily. Her tongue lapping all over them as she sucks.

A minute later, Hank is laying in the grass with mom riding him. He’s gripping her massive bouncing boobs while Gabbie grinds on his mouth, her back to mom.

Mom’s reaching around Gabbie, playing with her big titties while Gabbie grinds faster and faster on Hank’s mouth. He’s licking her out as she grinds him. My chicks juices flooding into his waiting mouth. Feeding him such a tasty, naughty snack.

Mom’s bouncing hard on that big hard dick. Impressed with the 75 year old, gray haired stud’s stamina and dick hardness.

They switch. Mom rides Hank’s very happy face, and Gabbie rides his very excited… and very, very hard… mature dick with her beautiful, bouncy, 23 year old ass. Gabbie loves anal, so she’s got Hank’s well seasoned nine thick inches buried up her booty hole while she grinds away on it. Smiling wide and moaning loud and nasty.

A few minutes later, mom and Gabbie are laying on their stomachs, between Hanks legs, slurping down his fast spewing seed as he jacks off into their mouths. Each uber hot, big titty bitch eagerly sucking down as much thick gooey old seed as they possibly can. Much to Hank’s immensely naughty and perverted delight.

“Damn, dolls. That’s was GREAT! WHEW! You both made an old man’s day.” Hank rubs his cum glossed rod across mom and Gabbie’s lips. Grinning away. They all laugh.

Mom and Gabbie kiss. Sharing some cum. Then, They get back to sucking the old guy clean. Being very helpful neighbors to a poor old pervert. Ha.

I need to get home quick. I’m missing out on all the damn fun. Damn job. Ha.

By: DickThePimp

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A Mother Betrayed and Remorse

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All the characters and events in this story are fictional and incest has also been included. All the characters depicted in this story are above 18 years old.


As a principal, I have to watch a lot of things. What’s going right in school and what’s going wrong? All these things had to be taken care of. I am a 40 year old woman. You can say that I am a sensual and attractive woman. You can see for yourself. This is how I look and my body

3 years ago my husband died due to an accident. I have a son and a daughter. Son Alan who studies in the same school, and my daughter Lisa are doing college. In these three years, I have never dated. My sexual desire had subsided. Anyway, I was not satisfied with my husband either.

My husband was skinny and the penis was also small. To be honest, I also wanted someone with a big cock to satisfy me by fucking. I was physically not happy with my husband and was thinking about divorce that my husband had an accident. After that all the responsibility fell on me. I once thought about starting a date again, but had to manage Alan and Lisa too, so could not, maybe next year when Alan enters the university and leaves this house, I will have fun by bringing the men home I can

I was sitting in my office when suddenly the door opened in a jiffy. I looked at the door, it was Alan. Slender little boy, whose body was not muscular. Looking at the curly hair, it can be said that the structure of Alan’s body was far away from the structure of men, Alan had not grown like a man. He was a shy and timid kind of guy, who always stood behind me when in trouble. Perhaps the reason for this could also be that his father was also such a person.

“What happened Alan?”

I saw a little blood oozing from Alan’s lips. Seeing this I understood…

“It’s Mac, isn’t it?” I asked,

“Yes mom, he broke my jaw again. Please help me mom. Punish him.”

Mac was a student of the school itself. Which used to emphasize on weak students. I knew about it, but when I thought of taking action, the school teachers would stop me and say that we will take care of that.

I didn’t pay that much attention to all those things, because I had more work to do. But when it comes to the son, every mother stands by him. And today I was going to do the same thing. I asked the watchman to call Mac and I sent Alan to the classroom.

I’ve never seen a Mac though. Because out of so many students, who remembers whom?

I was furious, and today I was about to punish Mank. Then the door opened and a boy came in. It was definitely Mac. Wow…! What a boy He was a handsome boy with a muscular body. His height was around 5.9 feet. As Alan’s height was 5.11 2 inches taller thane mac. I kept looking at him, this boy had grown like a full man. I just kept looking at Mac. He was a really strong boy.

“You called me ma’am?”

Upon hearing Mac’s voice, Starzbet I came out of Mac’s masculine physicality and said

, “Yeah, what’s going on, Mac? Why do you bully the students at school?”

Although I was very angry, but I don’t know why after looking at Mac, my voice changed to normal as if nothing had happened.

“Only on weak students ma’am.” Mac smiled and said,

“On weak students, but why? You know, I can even kick you

out of school for this.” The boy who can’t even protect himself, coward, he is a pussy. I will beat him everyday, show him his rightful place, even if I am thrown out of school for him.

“After all, why are you doing this? What wrong has my son done to you?” While saying this, I sat asking myself that why am I talking to this boy so softly? Knowing that it is this boy’s fault.

“why am i doing it? For you ma’am, I have fallen in love with your beauty.” Mac began to come closer to me saying, “Seeing this magnificent, doomed body, I have gone crazy to enjoy it.”

“Mac, behave! I’m your principale.”

“But there must be a woman too.” Saying Mack approaches me very close to me, and, slowly raising his hand, brings it to my face and with his little finger, lifting the bundle of hair scattered on my face, on my ear, said, “Such a woman, I don’t know how many times I have healed my cock in the desire to enjoy it.”

Mac’s finger was sliding down my cheek through my ear. A strange tingle ran through my body. I don’t know what was happening. I looked at Mac with half-open eyes. His face was very close to mine. There was only a gap of a few inches between me and Mac’s lips.

Mac looked into my eyes, now moving his finger over my lips and said –

“I have wanted to drink these intoxicating sips of wine, I don’t know how long.”

I was getting uncontrollable, Mank’s words, his touch and hot breath were making me orgasm. Then suddenly Mac grabbed me from behind, twisting my thick hair, and holding my thick torn hair with one hand, while doing the other side of the neck, once again dragging his finger from my neck, bringing it towards the shoulder said-

” Aaaaaaaaaah…McCakkkkkkk.” — I groaned,

Mac kisses my neck, saying, “Putting his head into this jugular neck “

The kiss had increased my sexual arousal very much. My breathing was rapidly going up and down. Deprived of the touch of men for a long time, today mac’s warm breath had awakened my lust. I could not stop myself. I wanted to stop the mac so…

“Please mank, please…don’t please!” There was less of denial in the tone of my voice, but the smell of lust was more. I couldn’t stop myself and, turning in a jiffy, stick my lips to Mac’s lips. And start kissing Mac wildly.

I put my arms around Mac’s neck. MAC also starts sucking my lips wholeheartedly. Sometimes he would suck on my upper lips and sometimes lower ones, sometimes Starzbet Giriş both of us would start hitting the tongue and suck each other’s tongue. Mac’s hand passed through my back and knocked on my huge huge ass and he started kissing me while caressing my ass.

“Knock..knock..knock” – both of us parted from the sound of the door. Mac smiled at me once and left.

As soon as Mac left, the watchman came in and said, do the teachers have to speak for the meeting? I refused him. He’s gone. I stood in wonder. My brain was not working, and started thinking about the incident that happened a while back and started questioning myself.

How can I do this? He bullies my son, tortures my son, instead of punishing Mac, I am doing all these dirty things with him. No, no, from now on I should explain to Mack.

When I got home after school, Alan was at home. He was in his bedroom. I also went to my bedroom and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

After freshening up, I changed and came downstairs to the hall, where Alan was already sitting and watching TV. I too sat on the couch.

“Hi sweetie.” – Said smiling with a sweet voice,

“Hi Mom, I hope you must have punished Mac?” – said Alan, looking at me.

As soon as I heard Mac’s name, I started remembering today’s incident, that Mac playing with my body in such a sensual way, really made me swoon. But now I was regretting that by doing all this with my own son’s bully, I was making his side stronger and stood up against my own son, why? I started getting angry with myself, I was also starting to feel the shame, what should I answer to Alan’s words?

“He’s very smart… Honey, he said what proof do I have that I have beaten Alan? And you know honey, I can’t take any action without any proof.” – Lying I couldn’t take my eyes off Alan.

“Yeah, you’re right. Then what should I do?” said Alan,

While listening to Alan, I also got into thinking that what should I do? Because that bully Mac said that he will not stop bullying, even if he is thrown out of school. Oh my god…what shall I answer to Alan?

“I think I should explain to Mac by meeting him, if he doesn’t understand even then, I will take some big step against him.”

“Thank you mom.”

“Anything for you baby. Well give me Mac’s cell number.” – I said unlocking my phone,

at that time I said, comforting Alan, because that’s what Mac looks like this morning That was, it was an ass hole, which would not stop bullying easily.

Alan gave me Mac’s phone number, after which we both had dinner and went to our respective bedrooms to sleep.

I was lying on the bed, took my phone and messaged Mac.

“Hi Mac! I’m Julia, I want to see you tomorrow.”

By messaging, I waited for Mac’s reply. Just then the message tone of my phone rang…

“Ok, come to my house, my mother has gone out for work’. Maybe Starzbet Güncel Giriş she’ll be back a week later.”

“Ok…good night, see you tomorrow.”

“Good night mem, and thanks for today’s sweet kiss, I love you.”

“Shut up, let me sleep” – a small smile appeared on my face as I sent it. Did n’t want to escalate the matter. “

“that was hot mem”

“Shut up Mac.” And switched off the phone.

I was not getting sleep. I didn’t want to think about the incident that happened in the morning, but whenever I closed my eyes I could feel the warm breath of Manka on my throat. I once again started falling asleep, I slowly put my hand inside my G-string panty, and began to caress my pussy.

I whispered softly in arousal, I began

to rub the cleat of my pussy, my body felt bliss The wave began to flow. I moaned on my lips…

“Oh…Mack, oh mac, please make me come baby, oh I’m coming, oh my god it feels so good..oh..oooooooooooooh” – mine The body began to tremble with the pleasure of ecstasy, and I fell on the bed with contentment.

I was gasping, I used to do masturbation often, but in today’s masturbation, the ecstasy which I had attained, I had not had such pleasure earlier. Why was it like this? This thing arose in my mind. Was this a reason to masturbate thinking about the Mac? Oh gosh… please help me. Please get me out of this situation.

The next morning when I wake up, I switch my phone on and throw it on the bed and go to the bathroom to take a shower. Soon I came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, dressed in a T-shirt and leggings and walked down the hall to the kitchen to make breakfast. Having made breakfast, I entered the hall, where Alan was already sitting on the couch watching TV.

“Good morning…sweetie.”

“Good morning mom.”

I also unlocked my phone while sitting on the couch and saw that a message from Mac had been received. My heart started beating faster and I thought, what would Mac have sent now?! I clicked on the message in excitement…

“Oh…oh my goooooood!” – A voice like this suddenly came out of my mouth,

“What happened mom?”

Alan’s voice echoed in my ears, I looked at Alan who was looking at me all this time. Actually, a surprised voice came out of my mouth because Man had called me good morning and also sent a picture attached.

You see, are you surprised?! I was also shocked to see this picture which sounded like a shock came out of my mouth and Alan listened.

“A…a…nothing, I…I, actually, was some school related message. You don’t mean it. So relax.” – I took a sigh of relief while saying,

“Oh…ok mom.”

I was surprised, I didn’t even care about Alan. I just kept looking at that picture. Is this Mac’s cock? God this is huge. It was really big, I had never seen such a cock till today. This cock seemed so big when it was swinging, even if my husband was erect, it would have reached half of it.

I was confused, is this cock from Mac? Or was just a picture downloaded from the internet that he sent me.

Thank you friend that’s all in this part, how did you like this part, do let us know through the comment.

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Der Lehrkörper 04

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Reine Fiktion – Namen, Orte, Personen, Handlung sind nicht real oder nachahmenswert


„Ich habe Scheiße gebaut und er hat mich in der Hand. Wenn ich nicht mache, was er sagt, wandere ich ziemlich lange ins Gefängnis. Das schaffe ich nicht, das weißt du ja”, beichtete Christiane ihrer besten Freundin die Lage in der sie sich befand. Gabriele schaute betreten. „Und was will er von dir?” „Das hast du doch schon miterlebt. Du hast ja auch mitgemacht”, warf ihr Christine vor. „Ich war hacke, strunzevoll”, verteidigte sich Gabi hilflos. Die beiden saßen in der Küche und tranken Kaffee.

„Ich habe kein Stück Unterwäsche mehr”, jammerte Christiane und hob ihren Rock hoch. „Und schau dir die Länge des Rocks an. Es hat noch an den Seiten mit der Schere Schlitze geschnitten. Wenn ich gehe, sieht man seitlich fast meine Taille und meine Vulva. Und hier, schau dir das T-Shirt an. Wenn ich meine Arme auf dem Tisch abstütze sind meine Brüste von der Seite freigelegt.” Gabi rutschte auf ihrem Stuhl herum. Es schien sie zu erregen. „Wie geht’s dir damit?” fragte sie dümmlich. Christiane fixierte sie: „Probier’s doch aus. Warte ich hole dir die passenden Klamotten.”

Sie ging in ihr Schlafzimmer und holte ein T-Shirt mit weitem Ausschnitt und einen besonders kurzen Rock und kehrte damit in Küche zurück. „Also, ich weiß ja nicht”, zögerte Gabi. „Jetzt komm, Jonas ist schon gegangen. Wir sind hier allein.” Gabi zog sich aus und zog den kurzen Rock ohne Unterhose an, dann streifte sie das T-Shirt über und bewegte sich ein wenig. „Du hast schöne Brüste, schwer und mit schönen Nippeln”, säuselte Christiane und Gabi verschränkte reflexartig ihre Arme vor ihren Titten. Sie ging ein wenig auf und ab, im Flur am Spiegel vorbei und konnte den leichten Flaum ihrer Schambehaarung sehen.

Es machte sie an, wenn sie leichten Wind an ihrem Schamlippen spürte, nicht nackt war, aber jeder konnte bei entsprechender Perspektive alles sehen, oder fast alles. Sie hob ihre Arme hoch und stellte sich seitlich vor den Spiegel. Sie schaute sich die Ansätze ihrer Brust durch den Ausschnitt an, beugte sich leicht vor und konnte dann ihre Titten im Profil vollständig sehen. Ihre Nippel waren hart und rieben sich am T-Shirtstoff, was sie noch mehr erregte.

„Und?” fragte Christiane. „Willst du noch wissen ,wie es ist, alles zu machen, was dir jemand sagt?” Gabi ließ die Arme sinken. Sie nickte leicht. „Dann lass uns ausgehen”, schlug Christiane vor. „Was? So?” entsetzte sich Gabi. Statt einer Antwort öffnete Christiane die Haustür, schnappte sich ihre Tasche und schob die verdatterte Gabi nach draußen. „Du brauchst nichts, ich zahle”, meinte Christiane und sie fuhren mit einem Taxi in die Stadt.

Der Fahrer war irritiert, als er die beiden Frauen auf der Rückbank einsteigen sah. Da er nicht sicher war, ob er gerade wirklich die Fotze der einen gesehen hatte, drehte er sich um, als er sie nach dem Fahrtziel fragte und schielte auf ihre Schritte. Aber sie hielten die Beine geschlossen und vielleicht sollte er bald Feierabend machen und sich zuhause ein paar Pornos reinziehen, dachte er dann und griff sich an den Sack. Christiane flüsterte Gabi ins Ohr: „Spreiz deine Beine und zieh den Rock hoch!” Sie reagierte zögerlich, schob aber dann ihren Rock etwas nach oben und spreizte ihre Schenkel. „Weiter”, befahl Christiane und schob Gabis Rock weiter hoch während ihre Beine sich weiter spreizten.

Ihre Möse war jetzt feucht und lief auf das Kunstleder der Rückbank. Der Taxler roch etwas, konnte es aber nicht zuordnen. Es machte ihn geil und er rutschte auf seinem durchgesessenen Fahrersitz hin und her. Er korrigierte den Sitz des Rückspiegel Starzbet und wäre beinahe dem Vordermann draufgefahren, als er die leicht behaarte, blonde Fotze von Gabi sah. Er begann zu schwitzen und schaute mehr in den Rückspiegel als auf die Straße.

Christiane machte dem Ganzen eine Ende: „Da vorne an der Ecke können Sie uns rauslassen.” Sie schaute auf den Taxameter und hielt ihm einen Zwanziger hin. „Stimmt so.” Damit war der Taxler wieder allein und beschloß, Feierabend zu machen und es sich selbst so richtig zu besorgen. Er gab Gas und hüllte Christiane und Gabi in eine fette Dieselwolke.

Die Kneipe an der Ecke, die Christiane im Visier hatte, war eine Spelunke mit Kicker und Billardtischen. Nur Bier- und Schnapstrinker und wenig Frauen, wenn überhaupt. Im Lehrerzimmer hatte sie mal einen Kollegen davon erzählen hören, der dort aber nur selten Gast war. Die beiden Frauen öffneten die schwere Eingangstür und traten in den verrauchten, dunklen Kneipenraum. Hinten waren über den beiden Billardtischen und dem Kicker Hängelampen, im Halbdunkel standen Männer mit unterschiedlichen Körperumfängen vor den Stangen oder lehnten lässig mit dem Queue an der Wand, während der Gegner gerade Kugel versenkte oder knapp daneben spielte.

Sie gingen an den Tresen, wo sie sich auf Hocker setzten. „Heb deinen Rock hoch und setz’ dich mit deinem nackten Arsch auf den Stuhl”, forderte Christiane und Gabi setzte sich auf den mit Cord bespannten Hocker und sofort bildete sich unter ihr ein Fleck, weil ihre Fotze auslief. Sie bestellten zwei Bier und zwei Kurze und kippten die gleich runter, da standen schon zwei neue Schnäpse vor ihnen.

Der Wirt nickte mit dem Kopf: „Kommt von Kalle, da hinten. Der will immer, krieg aber keinen mehr hoch.” „Too much information”, murmelte Christiane und schaute sich um. Bei den Billardtischen hatte sie zwei Jungs ausgemacht, die nicht wie rollende Fässer aussahen. „Komm, lass uns eine Partie spielen”, schlug sie vor und ließ dabei offen, um was für eine Partie es sich handeln würde.

Gabis Hocker hatte einen dunklen Fleck, als beide aufstanden und mit neuen Bieren und Schnäpsen auf die beiden Jungs zusteuerten. Die beiden Jungs, wenig älter als Jonas, waren gut in Form. Schmale Hüften, breite Schultern, guter Haarschnitt und, sehr wichtig: schöne Hände. Christiane sprach den an, der gerade darauf wartete, dass der andere einen Fehler machte. Sie waren nur wegen des Billardspiels hier und tranken höchstens zwei Bier, weil sie noch fahren mussten, mit dem Fahrrad.

Das jedenfalls war Christianes Einschätzung und die stimmte. „Wie wär’s mit einer Partie gegen uns?” fragte sie und legte als Einsatz einen Zehner auf den Rand des Tisches. Die Jungs schauten sich an und nickten. Das Spiel begann und die Jungs waren am Zug und versenkten gleich mal 4 Kugeln, bevor einer von ihnen daneben haute. Christiane versenkte fünf Kugeln und den Jungs gingen die Augen über. Nicht wegen des Spiels, sondern weil Christianes Titten frei über dem Tisch schwebten, das T-Shirt war so weit, dass es auf dem grünen Samt lag und der Ausschnitt zeigte sie faktisch nackt.

Es wurde etwas ruhiger in der Kneipe, die Jungs waren dran, aber unkonzentriert und Gabi übernahm. Sie beugte sich über den Tisch, ihre Titten rutschten über den Samt, als sie den Queue führte und sie versenkte eine Kugel, dann beugte sie sich vor, um eine weitere Kugel zu versenken. Dabei hob sie ein Bein und alle Männer in der Kneipe, die hinter ihr standen, konnten ihre Fotze, die feucht schimmerte, bewundern.

Die Jungs holten auf und bald war nur noch die schwarze Acht auf dem Tisch. Christiane zielte perfekt und versenkte die Kugel im richtigen Loch. Sie kassierte Starzbet Giriş den Zehner und fragte: „Noch eins?” Die Jungs waren heiß und ihre Hosen waren im Schritt etwas ausgebeult. „Um was spielen wir?” fragte Christiane und bevor die Jungs Geld zücken konnten, flüsterte sie den ersten der Beiden ins Ohr: „Wenn ihr gewinnt, dürft ihr sie ficken. Und wenn ihr verliert, dann eben nicht.” Sie schlugen ein und Gabi legte mit zwei Kugeln vor.

Es war jetzt mucksmäuschenstill in der Kneipe und alle hatten sich um den Tisch versammelt, um sowohl das Spiel als auch Gabis und Christianes Titten und Ärsche zu begutachten. Die Jungs konzentrierten sich und führten weit, ihnen fehlte noch eine Kugel, um dann die Acht in Angriff zu nehmen, was mit dem nächsten Stoß auch eintrat. Jetzt waren sie noch einen Stoß von einem anderen Stoß entfernt.

Vertan. Die Kugel drehte sich etwas zu hart und fiel nicht, lag aber für die nächste Runde perfekt. Christiane war dran und Gabi, die ja nicht wusste, worum es ging, schaute gelassen. Waren ja nur 10 Euro. Sie schob noch zwei Kugeln in die Taschen und vergeigte dann eine sichere Kugel. Die Acht landete im Korb und die Jungs schauten sich gegenseitig an, ob denn die Abmachung auch ernst gemeint gewesen wäre.

„Spielschulden sind Ehrenschulden”, sagte Christiane. „Aber erst trinken wir noch ein Bier zusammen und stellen uns vor.” „Ich bin der Georg und das ist mein Cousin der Tobias”, stellte Georg sich vor. „Gabi.” „Christiane.” Gläser schlugen an Gläser und wurden an den Mund geführt und geleert. Die Jungs waren gespannt, was jetzt kommen würde und Christiane meinte, dass es hier zu viele Spanner geben würde und sie vielleicht auf die andere Seite der Straße einen Spaziergang im Park machen sollten.

Zu Viert verließen sie die Kneipe unter den Blicken von Kalle und allen Anderen, die heute Abend eine Wichsvorlage bekommen hatten. Sie überquerten die Straße und gingen in den Park, der nur schwach beleuchtet war. Weiter hinten waren zwei Tischtennisplatten und Christiane steuerte auf sie zu. Es war dunkel hier im Eck des kleinen Parks, nur eine kleine Laterne sorgte für etwas Orientierung.

Bei den Platten angekommen, setzte sich Christiane auf einen der Tische und sagte lakonisch: „Ihr könnt sie in alle ihre Löcher ficken und sie macht alles mit, was ihr wollt. Ausgemacht ist ausgemacht.” Gabi dachte, sie hört nicht richtig, als die Jungs auf sie zutraten und sie zur Platte drängten. Sie wurde blass, aber das sah man bei dem Licht nicht. Die Jungs stiegen aus ihren Hosen und legten Gabi über Eck auf dem Rücken auf die Platte. Ihre Beine hingen herunter und einer der Jungs hielt ihren Kopf. Sie schloss die Augen.

Dann ließ er ihren Kopf langsam los und als sie ihre Augen wieder öffnete, hing ihr Kopf über der Tischkante etwas nach unten und sie spürte, wie die Eichel eines der Jungs, Georg oder Tobi an ihre Lippen stieß. „Mund auf!” kommentierte Christiane und Gabi öffnete ihre Lippen, um den Schwanz in ihren Mund zu lassen, was auch unmittelbar passierte. gleichzeitig merkte sie, wie etwas an ihre jetzt wieder nasse Fotzte stieß, ihre Schamlippen teilte und in sie eindrang.

Die Jungs fickten sie jetzt eine Weile und Christiane rieb sich beim Zuschauen ihre Klitoris, sah zu, wie ein Schwanz in Gabis Mund verschwand und am anderen Ende in ihrer Fotze. Die Jungs waren ausdauernd und so nach einer Viertelstunde schlug Christiane vor, es auch mal in ihrem Arsch zu versuchen. Gabi wollte protestieren, hatte aber den Mund voll Schwanz. Es war nicht so klar, was sie meinte.

Einer der Jungs legte sich auf die Platte, Gabi wurde auf ihn gesetzt und sie führte sich, ohne extras dazu Starzbet Güncel Giriş aufgefordert werden zu müssen, den aufrecht stehenden Schwanz in ihre Fotze und begann ihn sofort zu reiten. Der andere von den Jungs kletterte jetzt auf den Tisch, hockte sich hinter Gabis Arsch, schob ihren Rock zur Seite und setzte seinen Schwanz an ihr Arschloch. Es war zufälligerweise, derjenige, den sie geblasen hatte und ihre Spucke schmierte seinen Schwanz so gut, dass er mit einem Hüftstoß in ihrem Arsch war. Nur durch eine dünne Haut getrennt rieben sich die Schwänze der Beiden in Gabi, die abging wie Schmidts Katze, stöhnte, jaulte, gurrte und immer etwas rief, was keiner verstand.

Gabi war schon weggetreten und durch, als die Jungs ihr Sperma in ihrer Fotze und ihrem Arsch verteilten. Christiane war inzwischen auch so weit und hatte die Tischtennisplatte gut befeuchtet als es ihr kam. Die Jungs zogen sich an, bedankten sich artig und verschwanden im Dunkeln. Gabi kauerte auf der Platte und war noch paralysiert von der doppelten Penetration. Sie atmete heftig und ihre Beine zitterten, als sie von der Tischplatte stieg. Aus ihrem Arsch und ihrer Fotze liefen Spermabäche, anders konnte man das nicht nennen.

Christianes Telefon klingelte und sie ging ran. „Wo steckt ihr? Ich habe bei dir zuhause angerufen, da hat niemand abgehoben”, beschwerte ich mich. „Wir sind im Stadtpark bei den Tischtennisplatten.” „Gut, schick mir deinen Standort. Bleibt einfach dort. Ich bin gleich da.” Ich machte mich auf den Weg und war mit dem Fahrrad in fünf Minuten im Park und wenig später sah ich sie auf den Tischtennisplatten sitzen. Ich musterte Christiane, die mich devot begrüßte, indem sie mir unaufgefordert meinen Schwanz durch die Hose rieb.

Ich schaute Gabi an, die mit feuchten Augen da saß. Irgendetwas war anders und ich konnte es bei dem Licht nicht erkennen. „Gehen wir noch was trinken”, schlug ich vor und wollte mit ihnen ausgerechnet in die Kneipe, aus der sie mit den beiden Jungs gekommen waren. Unter der ersten Straßenlaterne fiel mir Gabis Outfit auf.

„Was ist passiert?” fragte ich Christiane. „Sie wollte sich so fühlen, wie ich mich fühle und ich habe es ihr gezeigt.” „Das heißt, sie macht alles, was du ihr sagst?” „Yep.” „Dann sag ihr, sie soll sich ausziehen. Jetzt.” Gabi hörte mich, reagierte aber nicht. Erst als Christiane sagte: „Zieh dich aus.” begann sie ihr T-Shirt auszuziehen und ihren Rock auf den Boden fallen zu lassen. Ich staunte nicht schlecht und hatte einen Harten, als ich sie mit ihren langen blonden Haaren und ihrem blonden Flaum auf ihrem Venushügel so stehen sah. Ihre Titten hingen leicht, aber sie hatten eine Form von Birnen mit dicken Nippeln, die nach oben gerichtet waren. Ihr Arsch war größer als Christianes und ich hatte Lust, es ihr in den Arsch zu geben.

„Sag ihr, sie soll sich vornüberbeugen und ihre Knöchel mit den Händen festhalten”, befahl ich Christiane und Gabi beugte sich ohne Umschweife vor und hielt mit den Händen ihre Knöchel. Ich trat hinter sie und rieb ihre noch spermagetränkte Fotze, holte meinen Schwanz aus der Hose und war erstaunt, dass ihr Arschloch ebenfalls voller Sperma war, was es mir einfach machte, ihr in einem Rutsch meinen Schwanz komplett in den Arsch zu schieben. Sie wankte etwas und hielt mein Becken ruhig und nach kurzer Wartezeit begann sie, ihr Becken vor und zurück zu bewegen und mich mit ihrem Arsch zu ficken.

„Massier mir meine Prostata”, sagte ich heiser zu Christiane und sie steckte mir einen Finger in den Arsch und massierte meine Vorsteherdrüse, was ich sichtlich genoss und mich bald in Gabis Arsch ergoss. Christiane massierte weiter bis auch der letzte Tropfen in Gabis Arsch gelandet war. Sie erzählte mir vom Abend in der Kneipe, vom Billardspiel und den beiden Jungs, die sie gleichzeitig genommen hatten auf den Tischtennisplatten. Dann war das Ziel ja eigentlich klar, dachte ich und schlug vor, dass Gabi sich wieder was „anziehen” sollte.

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Sexy Dirty Slut pt. 2

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Female Ejaculation

Richie invited more of his friends over from the community center. Along with Billy, a man named Tommy, who was mentally retarded, and a man named Larry, who had Down Syndrome came to meet me. They had heard about Billy and Richie fucking me and they wanted a turn.

I could tell that Tommy and Larry were really horny and excited to meet me when they did. Richie was cute with how much he wanted to show me off.

I stripped my clothes off in the living room while the four men watched me. None of them could take their eyes off my tits. They were big as I held them and jiggled them.

Richie’s dog, the black mutt named Roscoe, was also in the living room. He sat on the floor on his haunches with his growing erection dripping pre-ejaculate.

As I stood next to Richie while he sat on the couch, I moaned looking down while Richie played with my pussy. He licked and fingered my cunt while the other men watched. They had their cocks out and they were already tugging on themselves staring at me with so much lust in their eyes.

I played with my big tits pinching my nipples and jiggling my flesh. I wanted to have sex with all four of these men. I wanted to give these mentally retarded men and the man with down syndrome the time of their lives. I wanted to feel them fuck me bareback and cum inside me. But most of all, I wanted to have the dog fuck me and knot me while they watched. I wanted to suck off each man while I gave the dog my cunt.

“Oh, God, your pussy is always so wet and tight,” moaned Richie as he pumped a finger into my cunny.

“Oh, Richie,” I moaned.

“I want to watch Natasha with the dog,” said Larry. He was so adorable. He was a little short and chubby, but his cock was so big at ten inches.

“Give your cunt to my dog,” Richie ordered. My cunt pulsed I was so turned on hearing this mentally retarded man order me around like his little slut.

I got down on the carpeting near the dog and stroked his member poking out at me. I leaned down and sucked on his dick drinking the pre-cum dripping from the tip. Then I moved onto my hands and knees as the dog knew to mount me from behind. I reached back and helped guide his cock into me.

The dog thrust his cock inside my cunt plunging so deeply inside. He humped and pounded his prick bouncing his knot against my entrance trying desperately to sink further inside.

“Oh, God,” I cried out cumming so hard on the dog’s pumping cock. The big thick flesh of him massaged me inside and speared into my pleasure spot over and over again. My tits shook back and forth and I could feel the men staring at them. It felt so good to be their whore.

Finally, the dog pushed his knot inside my cunt tying himself to me. I cried out moaning so loudly from the pleasure.

First, Richie knelt in front of me and shoved his cock down past my lips. I sucked on his cock thrusting back and forth. He came quickly shivering and shooting his semen into my mouth. I swallowed him down eager for the next cock to suck.

Billy was next cumming the moment his cock touched my lips. Some of his cum splattered onto my face. Then Tommy was next. He came quickly Starzbet shooting spurts of his hot seed down my throat. Then Larry wanted me to milk him. I sucked and licked slurping hungrily on his cock flesh until he ejaculated emptying his testicles into my mouth.

The dog’s cock was packed so deep inside me. He was making me cum so hard. The stretch was incredible. When he finished, a huge flood of his hot doggy ejaculate washed down my thighs soaking the floor. I stroked the canine’s penis and sucked on him delighting in his hot sweet cum filling my mouth. I sucked off the dog and drank his semen loving the delicious sweetness of his sperm.

“Oh my God. You’re so hot. I can’t wait any longer,” said Richie. He grabbed me and pushed me down on the couch spreading my legs. The mentally retarded man plunged his big dick into my tight doggy cum soaked cunt and began humping relentlessly against me. He fucked me to orgasm as he came shooting his seed inside me.

When he pulled away, Billy climbed on and thrust his cock inside me. I loved the way his dick felt pumping into me again and again. I loved that none of them wanted to use a condom.

“Oh God,” he moaned as he slammed himself against me. Billy came shooting his cum inside my pussy. He pulled away letting himself spill out of me.

Then Tommy climbed on top of me and humped into me. He fucked his cock into my pussy over and over again making me cum. Then he moaned as he ejaculated emptying himself into me.

Larry was last to fuck me. His big dick was so nice and thick sinking into me. He spent a lot of time groping and suckling on my tits while he fucked me. They all loved playing and sucking on my tits. Larry made me cum so hard. I loved when he came. He groaned and grunted shooting his semen inside me. His dick was so big.

My grandpa loves knowing about all the slutty things I do. He encourages me to do them. Then I go visit my grandpa after he takes a Viagra. He’s so hard for so many hours. Grandpa loves fucking me and listening to me tell him all of my dirty stories about me having sex with multiple men.

I love straddling my grandfather sliding my cunt up and down his cock while he suckles on my big tits. I’ll tell him about the mentally retarded men I have sex with and that I have sex with their dogs. I’ll also tell him about the old men I take care of who love fucking me bareback and cumming inside me. Some of them have dogs as well and they love watching them knot me.

“I love when these men and their dogs use my cunt, grandpa,” I moan bouncing up and down on his big erection. “I love sucking them off and drinking their cum. Doggy cum is so delicious, grandpa. I want to be covered in doggy ejaculate. I want to bathe in doggy cum.”

He always cums when he hears me say that. I love when my grandfather shoots his cum inside my cunt. He feels so good buried inside me lying on top of me playing and suckling on my tits.

He’s hard for so long he wants to fuck me in the ass. I let him bending over the edge of his bed. I love when he wets himself in my cunt and then slides himself into my asshole. Starzbet Giriş He eases himself in and out, back and forth, switching between fucking my cunt and anus. It feels so good especially when he plays with my clit. Grandpa really knows how to please a girl.

He loves cumming in my asshole. And he loves watching me suck him off after. I love tasting him after he’s ejaculated inside my ass.

When my father found out that my grandpa was taking Viagra, he wanted to try it too. But Daddy wanted to take it at home late at night so he could stay up all night and we could have sex. Luckily, my mom’s a sound sleeper. She takes a sleeping pill every night. I think they stopped having sex a long time ago.

My father’s cock is so big and hard when he takes a Viagra. He loves when I lie on my back and spread my legs wide pulling my knees up close to me. He slides himself into my cunt and fucks me until I cum. Then he pushes his slick cock into my ass and pumps into me over and over again. He feels so big inside my rear. His fingers rub my clit until I orgasm. Daddy goes back and forth fucking my cunt and asshole until he empties into my ass. Just like grandpa, he loves watching me suck him off after. I love it too.

My father’s cock was so hard for so many hours. At one point, he could just slide back and forth fucking me between my cunt and asshole for like an hour not cumming. His dick was so big and hard I came repeatedly. I was so wet cumming over and over again. I practically bit my lip the whole time trying not to make too much noise.

I started helping out an elderly man. His name is John and he’s seventy-eight years old. He takes heart medication that gives him an erection every day.

He didn’t say anything when he was changing for bed. He just undressed and sat on his bed.

I couldn’t stop staring at his cock because it was so big. It was so hard at maybe ten or eleven inches. It was throbbing purple.

I dropped to my knees and took the old man’s dick into my mouth sucking on it. It was so warm and felt so good to lick and suck. So much pre-ejaculate leaked out. I could hear his breathing grow loudly as I sucked and licked his cock. He came quickly in my mouth and I swallowed him down.

My cunt was soaking wet as I watched him sit back on the bed. His cock was still big and throbbing hard. We were in his bedroom, so I decided to undress and sit on his prick. I let my cunt slide down on his cock while I leaned down. Every man loves suckling on my big tits while I ride them. It seems to bring them so much joy to have so much flesh to hold on to and suckle in their mouth.

This time it took a while longer for the old man to cum. It felt so amazing bouncing my cunt up and down on his big thick shaft spearing into me again and again. Being impaled on an old man’s cock, riding his dick knowing he was paying me, turned me on so much. I came so hard on his penis pumping into me I didn’t want to stop.

The old man’s cock was so big inside me it felt so incredible when he came. He seemed to grow thicker as he ejaculated inside me. I knew I’d want Starzbet Güncel Giriş to have sex with the old man again after that.

Every night I help him get ready for bed, I suck his cock first so he cums quickly and easily. Then I straddle his dick and ride him until he spurts his semen inside me. It feels so good knowing this old man’s emptying his testicles into me filling me with his sperm every time I visit and fuck him. His dick is so big and he makes me cum so hard every time I’m addicted.

An old man who lives next door likes to expose himself to me in the stairwell. The first time he does it, he asks, “Can I see your cunt?”

It’s dark and no one’s around, so I drop my pants and underwear for him. Immediately, his fingers go for my cunt and he’s rubbing and fingering me. His hands grab my hands and he puts them on his dick urging me to jerk him off.

I stand there tugging on the old man’s erection while he plays with my pussy. He starts cumming spraying his ejaculate at my cunt and he’s rubbing his cum into my folds.

The old man is still hard so I turn around and bend over giving him my cunt to fuck. He sinks into me from behind and pumps into me. His hands hold onto my tits. He’s cupping and squeezing them while he humps his dick into my cunt from behind.

The old man and I are having sex in the dark stairwell for a while. It’s late and he smells a little like alcohol which makes me used and horny. When he finally cums inside my pussy, his seed spills out and soaks my thighs dripping down to my panties.

The old man and I meet in the stairwell regularly so we can have sex bareback. He loves cumming inside me and I love the feeling too.

One night, he let his two dogs into the stairwell. They were rather large and still intact. The old man wanted to watch me with his mutts.

I got down on the floor and fondled their cocks urging their penises out of their sheaths. I sucked and stroked each one delighting in the sweet musky scent and flavor of them.

Then I moved onto my hands and knees letting one of them mount me from behind. He plunged into me quickly and started pounding away for dear life. Oh God, his big dick felt so good spearing into my cunt over and over again. The tightness of my pussy clenching around his big thick fleshy cock pumping into me repeatedly gripped him pleasuring the canine.

He humped until his knot pushed inside me stretching me tightly around his big cock flesh. I cried out moaning from so much pleasure.

The old man brought the other dog to my face as he helped him turn around. He held out the dog’s cock for me to suck. I covered his tip with my mouth and sucked down on the dripping dog penis. I worked my lips and tongue on his hot throbbing cock. His pre-cum leaked more and more and his penis twitched the more I sucked him.

A rush of doggy semen flooded my cunt packing deeply inside. It filled me up and stretched me making me cum so hard. Then the dog I sucked began cumming spurting his doggy ejaculate into my mouth. I swallowed down the sweet hot liquid shooting to the back of my throat. It coated my throat on the way down filling my belly.

I sucked and slurped delighting in the doggy semen filling me in both ends. I couldn’t wait to tell my daddy and grandpa about what I did. I knew they would want to watch me with two dogs too.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32