A Literary Connection

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This story has no sex. It is instead the tale of two matures connecting over erotic literature. If well received a continuation is likely.

I’ve been writing and publishing erotic stories on .com for many years. All but one of my published stories have ratings of 4/5 stars or better. Some have comments asking me to continue the story, which always makes me feel great. But I never expected my stories to lead to anything else.

I published a story in the Erotic Couplings category entitled Truth and Nothing But. I thought it was pretty hot despite the fact that it had no actual sex acts. It described two people who were exploring, testing, trying to decide if they wanted to go further. They did this by asking each other, in turn, very specific and intimate questions about each other’s sexual preferences. The asker was required to also respond to the question once the other answered.

I thought it an interesting, but not overly involved, little story. Yes, I could have taken it further by having the couple decide to explore each other’s responses physically, but that was never my intent. I just wanted to explore the verbal interactions.

When I published it, I received decent, ratings just above 4. But the comments I got were all around the desire for me to continue the story. I had no interest in that. It was just a fluff piece I tossed off one night, not the start of some novella. But writers, indeed most everyone, are suckers for positive feedback, so I wrote and published part 2.

Then I got feedback in an direct message. I didn’t even know that was possible on this site but it is.

“Hi O. I hope you don’t mind me reaching out directly. I have to tell you I absolutely LOVE everything you write! And thank you for continuing Truth and nothing but. Part 2 is just as hot as part 1!

I looked at your profile and see we are in the same state. I don’t know if you are single, or where in the state you are, but I would love to meet you IRL. I’m in Claymore. You can see my profile here but my email is *****@gmail.com. If you email me I’ll send you pics and more info. I hope to hear from you! Jessica”

I was floored. The site has a personals forum but I’ve never posted there – I didn’t care for the format. And I write, and read, for enjoyment, never expecting any opportunity to meet anyone, But I’m single, far from a spring chicken, and living in a very rural area with limited dating opportunities. Can’t afford to pass up any chance for a connection.

“Hi, Jessica,” read my email. “Thank you so much for liking my stories. I write for my own enjoyment but it is so very gratifying when others find my stories enjoyable, and hopefully stimulating. I’m about 25-30 minutes from Claymore, to the south. Oh, and I’m Trent when I’m not writing erotica.”

Within minutes my email pinged and I opened it to find a reply from her. Her pictures were provocative but not at all pornographic – just sexy with cleavage and ‘come Sahabet get me’ looks. From what I could see she was very much my type – petite, B cup breasts, slim, great ass.

“I would love to see what you look like, Trent,” she wrote. “Would you send me a pic?”

I selected a fully clothed selfie of myself, standing up to show off my trim physique. I was proud of the weight I’d lost 7 years ago and kept all since. At 70 I don’t have a six pack or huge biceps, but my ectomorph body type was well defined.

“Bestill my fluttering heart…and another body part!” Jessica exclaimed.

“I’m flattered and glad you like what you see,” I replied.

“I want to meet you and I mean like right now!,” she said. “Sorry if I’m being too forward but I believe that when you see something you want you need to go for it!”

“LOL,” I typed. “What do you do for a living, Jessica, if you don’t mind my asking.”


“Oh,” she wrote, “Sorry – thought you’d guess since we’re both 70. I’m retired, like you. So my schedule is very flexible. No time like the present – would you like to have dinner with me tonight?”

I kept making typos in my reply since I was typing way faster than I normally do. “Mamma C’s at 6?”


“It’s a date! Whoever gets there first asks for a table for two and let’s the hostess knows the other will be in soon,” she had typed.

I simply sent back a thumbs up emoji before closing my laptop and walking in my closet to decide what to wear. After trimming my beard, shaving my head and face, and a shower, I donned a pair of black jeans that had garnered compliments about my ass in the past. I paired them with a collared, blue polo shirt and then selected my navy blue “formal” leather trainers.

I was running a little early but, too anxious to wait, I decided to take the long route which should have me at the restaurant right on time. I grabbed the fob for the Mini, hit the button to open the garage door, and headed out.

Here in the mountains every route is chock full of twists and turns – just the type of roads the Mini is made for. It took all my will power to maintain a light foot so I wouldn’t end up unfashionably early for our date. I timed it well (purely by luck) and pulled into the restaurant’s parking lot at 5:59.

“I”m betting you’re Trent,” the hostess greeted me with a huge smile.

“Either you’re psychic or Jessica has already arrived.”

“Please follow me.”

As we approached the booth, Jessica slid out and stood up. As the hostess turned to return to her station, Jessica stepped up, threw her arms around me in a tight hug, and kissed my lips chastely. The feel of her breasts on my chest was electric, and it was obvious she was wearing a rather sheer bra by the way her erect nipples stabbed me.

“Unless I miss my guess, you’re happy to meet me, in person,” I smiled at her face, still only inches away from and below mine.

“Too Sahabet Giriş forward?” she grinned. “I told you, when I find something I like and want I go for it!”

I laughed and said, “Not at all too forward. After all, at our ages we can’t afford to waste time. No telling how much we have left!”

With that we sat and, when the waiter arrived I ordered a Johnny Walker Black, neat, as I’d already seen the white wine she had ordered before I arrived.

“So, I’m flattered that you think so highly of my little stories,” I told her.

“You have no idea! I know the titles and plots of every one!” Jessica gushed.

I laughed appreciatively. “Which one is your favorite?”

“All of them! Really. It depends on my mood. If I’m in the mood for some incest, First Threesome is my favorite. Nothing Ventured is great for exploring my exhibitionist tendencies. Everything you’ve posted appeals to one or another of my memories, fantasies, or curiosities.

Tell me, where do you get the ideas for these stories?”

“So far every story I’ve posted was inspired by some real life event. For example, at a bike convention 150 miles away from home I was invited to be the second man in a married couple’s threesome.”

“State Rally!!”, she exclaimed.

I nodded and she continued, “So, how was it?”

“I turned them down. So the story was inspired by their invitation but the entirety of the rest of that one, plus the three additional chapters, are purely fictional. There is only one story that is completely true.”

“Let me guess. Jan?” she asked while scrunching up her forehead.


“The Appeal?”


“I give, please tell me?” she pleaded.

I chuckled but before I could answer the waiter reappeared to take our dinner orders. Once he had our choices he turned and headed to the kitchen.

“Ok,” I said, “but this should have be obvious. The preface openly states that it is the only fully true story I’ve posted. Apparently most people thought that was just part of the story, a set up if you will.”

“First Threesome! Oh my god, did you really have sex with your sister-in-law?” She exclaimed excitedly.

“100% true,” I replied as I used my right hand to mimic drawing a cross over my heart.

“You know, I got a complaint in a comment on that one stating that there was no point in bringing up the virgin thing, since she had lost it before coming to visit us.”

“Oh that’s foolish – her frustration over the boyfriend not wanting to take her virginity was the impetus for the whole thing! Bet it never would have happened if it weren’t for that!” Jessica protested.

“I agree. That’s what started all the phone calls, which led to my wife’s offer as well as the discovery that the boyfriend was very unfortunately endowed,” I verified. “Besides, that’s exactly how it happened and I wanted that one to be true to the facts. Since it happened over 40 years Sahabet Güncel Giriş ago, and I did change the names, I don’t think anyone involved will stumble upon it and have concerns.”

Our food arrived but did nothing to staunch the lively conversation, although it did slow down a bit as neither of us would speak with a mouth full of food. The discussion moved on to other topics as we each shared the activities we engage in other than writing and reading erotica.

I learned she also works out several times a week and volunteers with a soup kitchen serving lunch two days a week. I filled her in on my workout schedule and volunteering activity with Habitat. It was apparent we had much in common.

After coffee we reluctantly agreed it was time to end the dinner. I paid the check and escorted her to her car, which I had unknowingly parked right next to.

“Well this must be an omen!,” Jessica said with a laugh.

“Yes,” I responded in a similarly playful tone, “clearly my car is very attracted to yours!”

“And what about it’s driver?”

“Clearly he’s very attracted to the driver of your car!”

The broad smile on her face made it clear that she was also very attracted to me. This time I faced her, pulled her to me in a firm hug, tilted my head down to hers and pressed our lips together. She opened her lips and tentatively touched mine with the tip of her tongue. In an instant our tongues were wrapped together, exploring each other’s mouths and lips.

“Get a room!” the passenger of a departing car shouted through the open window. All four occupants roared with laughter at the incredibly passé but appropriate phrase.

“For the record, I would love to but that would be rushing things a bit too fast, don’t you think?” I told her.

“Sadly, yes. But you best be prepared on date 2! And speaking of that, since tomorrow is Saturday and neither of us has standing obligations, I would love to see your cabin,” Jessica said with a hopeful look on her face.

“You are most welcome to come down and see it. You’ll have to take it as it is since I won’t have time to do much cleaning but I”m okay with that. What’s your phone number so I can text you my address?”

Once she’d given it to me I immediately texted my address so we now had each other’s number. With exclamations on both sides about how great tonight went and several more kisses, we reluctantly separated after I promised to text when I safely arrived home.

Once I was in the cabin I sent her a text: “Safe at home. May I ask a personal question?”

It took only a few seconds for her to reply “Sure, I think. LOL!”

“Are your nipples always erect?”, I typed and hit send.

“Oh, you noticed, did you?”, came her reply, followed by the moving bubbles indicating that she was typing.

“Only when I’m in the presence of a hunk I’m crazy about.”

“I didn’t think it was possible but you’ve just scored even more points than you did at dinner,” I sent, accompanied by the kissy face emoji.

“You scored a heap of points yourself, hon,” came her answer.

“Time for bed,” I typed. “Text me when you head my way tomorrow. Good night.”

“Night Trent. I can’t wait to see you again,” Jessica signed off.

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