Changements de vie pour Jessica 09

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Group Sex

Je remercie Cathartico de m’avoir permis se traduire son histoire “Jessica’s Change Management” que vous pouvez trouver sur la partie anglophone de ce site.


Encore et encore soumise sur mon lieu de travail

*** Semaine 2 *** Mercredi ***

Le lendemain matin je reçois un SMS de Daniel pendant que je m’habille.

« Tu ne veux pas que j’abîme une deuxième tenue? Alors tu ne mets pas de soutien-gorge. Et tu montres ton décolleté comme il convient à une pute de bureau. »

Je m’étouffe et j’ai du mal à reprendre ma respiration après la lecture du message. N’est-ce pas suffisant qu’il utilise sa supérieure comme une salope au travail? Doit-il être aussi vicieux? Jusqu’où va-t-il aller?

Malgré mes réticences, je sens l’effet du message autoritaire sur moi. Ça enclenche ma nature soumise, ce qui me rend folle furieuse. J’ai l’impression de me trahir. Il ne faut pas que je tombe dedans une fois de plus. Je dois rester forte cette fois.

Donc, malgré mon esprit en ébullition, j’obéis à Daniel. Je ne suis pas enthousiaste à l’idée de ne pas respecter la règle numéro 1 une autre fois. Alors j’oublie l’idée de porter un soutien-gorge ou une culotte. Au lieu de ça, je mets un chemisier soyeux noir, une jupe crayon brune m’arrivant aux genoux, une paire de bas assortis et une élégante paire de chaussures couleur caramel avec bouts ouverts et talons de dix centimètres.

Je me tourne devant mon miroir pour m’assurer que ma tenue soit suffisamment décente pour le bureau tout en respectant le règlement de mon tourmenteur. Comme il me l’a ordonné, je laisse les deux boutons supérieurs de mon chemisier ouverts. Le tissu n’est pas transparent donc, à première vue, on ne peut voir que je n’ai pas de soutien-gorge. A vrai dire, ma tenue est très ajustée mais reste élégante.

Cependant, je me sens à peine habillée. Le chemisier est ouvert et offre un beau décolleté à chaque fois que je me penche un peu. A chaque mouvement de ma part, mes seins bougent et me rappellent que je ne porte pas de soutien-gorge. Je me sens vraiment comme la Pute de Bureau que Daniel veut que je devienne.

Pendant tout le chemin du travail, mon cœur bat si fort dans ma poitrine que je sens mes nichons se tendre contre le chemisier noir soyeux. Je redoute de rencontrer mes subordonnés. Vont-ils remarquer le soutien-gorge manquant? Je crois que je ferais mieux de ne pas y penser.

En arrivant au bureau, je passe d’abord prendre un café. Le claquement de mes talons sur le sol m’accompagne dans le couloir, un son auquel je me suis habituée maintenant. Bien sûr je ne passe pas inaperçue. Une fois de plus, tous les stagiaires me détaillent quand je passe devant leur bureau. Je vois que Daniel est là aussi et je sais qu’il va vouloir inspecter ma tenue.

Sans penser à rien d’autre, j’entre dans l’espace des stagiaires après avoir pris mon café. Mieux vaut terminer cette inspection au plus tôt n’est-ce pas? Inconsciemment, je commence à bouger mes hanches tandis que je me dirige vers le bureau de Daniel. J’ai l’impression de faire de la publicité pour mon corps. Pendant tout le trajet, je sens les yeux des autres stagiaires posés sur moi, me déshabillant du regard.

Je m’arrête devant Daniel. Heureusement les cloisons me protègent du regard des autres stagiaires. Je me penche en avant pour ouvrir mon décolleté et laisser le latino me regarder de la tête aux pieds. Ensuite, je pose mon pied gauche sur sa chaise, juste entre ses jambes, et je relève ma jupe. De cette façon, il a une vue dégagée sur ma chatte imberbe sans culotte.

Daniel passe la main le long de mes bas noirs. Il est presque sur le point d’atteindre ma chatte. Il est déjà palpitant d’excitation. Dire que la journée vient juste de commencer. Je ferme les yeux pour me préparer à ce contact que je désire ardemment. Mais ça n’arrive pas.

Quand il atteint le haut de mon bas droit, ce macho passe simplement la main sur mon bas gauche. Il évite complètement ma chatte et fait glisser sa main sur ma cuisse gauche. Je suis sur le point de soupirer bruyamment, je suis tellement déçue. Mais heureusement je ne le fais pas. Je ne veux pas savoir comment les autres stagiaires pourraient réagir.

Étonnamment, je ne vois pas Daniel le reste de la matinée de travail. Je suis totalement confuse. Qu’en est-il du défi quotidien au bureau? A-t-il oublié? Je ne crois pas, quelle idée ridicule! Est-ce qu’il en a marre de son animal de compagnie? Ça serait une chance inespérée! Cette idée idiote me cause malgré moi une pincée de tristesse. A-t-il révélé notre secret de bureau à quelqu’un? Bon sang, quelle pensée! Ça me fait presque m’évanouir de peur.

De seconde en seconde, je deviens de plus en plus nerveuse. Et finalement, je suis si anxieuse que je prends mon téléphone pour appeler le bureau des stagiaires et demander que Daniel monte dans mon bureau. Mais la partie rationnelle de mon esprit m’arrête avant que je le fasse. J’ai envie de me gifler. Quelle sorte de salope soumise suis-je devenue?

Je ne vais pas bursa escort ramper devant Daniel pour qu’il abuse de moi! Sois respectueuse envers toi ma fille!

Puis vient l’heure du déjeuner et je n’ai toujours pas vu le latino. J’ai du mal à rester assise. Mon regard se dirige maintes fois vers le bracelet en argent avec la petite règle. A chaque fois que je me surprends à regarder ce symbole de ma douleur et de mon plaisir, je me rabroue. Reprends-toi ma fille!

Cependant je ne peux pas m’en empêcher. Mon esprit se remémore l’utilisation de ma règle de bureau qui a abouti à un furieux orgasme. Plus j’essaie d’oublier cet instant, plus je me sens excitée. Ce symbole de ma soumission me rend folle.

Toc Toc!

Quelqu’un frappe à ma porte et me tire de mes pensées. Je sursaute et tombe presque de ma chaise. Mon Dieu, J’ai rêvassé tout en regardant mon bracelet et je me suis caressée les mamelons à travers mon chemisier. Celui-ci est tout de travers. Qu’est-ce que j’ai foutu?

Peut-être qu’il s’agit enfin de Daniel? Peut-être est-ce le moment du défi au bureau? Une fois encore je me maudis d’espérer que ce soit mon tourmenteur. Et puis Daniel n’a jamais frappé à ma porte. Ce n’est sûrement pas lui.

Et si c’est une des secrétaires comme Michelle KEELAN? Et si elle remarque que je ne porte pas de soutien-gorge? Les commérages vont se répandre à la vitesse de l’éclair. Et s’il s’agit d’un de mes employés? Il perdra tout respect pour sa patronne. Et si c’est O’BANNON le directeur général de la société? Il va reconsidérer mon ambition de devenir son successeur. De toute façon toutes les possibilités sont mauvaises. J’en viens à prier que ce soit Daniel malgré mes résolutions.

Le coup sur la porte semblait urgent et indiquait que la personne était sur le point d’entrer dans mon bureau d’une seconde à l’autre. A la hâte, j’ouvre des dossiers sur mon bureau pour paraître occupée et j’ajuste mon chemisier du mieux que je le peux. Je ne peux rien faire de mieux car il est trop tard. La porte s’ouvre et Damon, l’un de mes subordonnés entre.

– Bonjour! Je peux vous interrompre? Me demande-t-il gaiement en voyant que je ne lui parle pas.

Ouf! Je viens de réussir à éviter le scandale. Je n’ose pas imaginer la réaction de mon subordonné s’il m’avait vu me caresser les seins.

Mais ma tenue semble l’intéresser. Son regard se pose immédiatement sur mon chemisier et il voit mes tétons essayer de transpercer le tissu soyeux noir. Il n’y a pas moyen que je cache que je ne porte pas de soutien-gorge. C’est évident et je suis gênée. Je ne sais pas comment faire pour le cacher et je rougis de honte.

Mon subalterne fait de son mieux pour ne rien laisser paraître. Rapidement il me parle de l’avancement de son projet et me pose des questions sur des problèmes en suspens. Je lui réponds le plus rapidement possible. Toutefois il nous faut du temps pour trouver des solutions appropriées aux problèmes. Il s’assoit de l’autre côté de mon bureau pour me montrer le travail qu’il a déjà accompli. Je sens bien qu’il n’arrête pas de lorgner ma poitrine. Et sans m’en douter, je lui donne toutes les chances de voir mon décolleté.

Damon me demande de vérifier certaines choses. Mais au lieu de me donner les documents, il les place de son côté du bureau. Automatiquement je me penche pour les voir. C’est alors que je m’aperçois que cette position, penchée en avant, a presque fait sortir mes gros seins sans soutien-gorge de mon chemisier. Damon a droit à la vue complète de ma grosse poitrine.

Et merde, mes subordonnés sont exactement le même genre de salaud que Daniel.

Je suis sur le point de lui crier dessus. Je suis sur le point de décharger toute ma frustration sur lui. Mais je me calme à la dernière seconde. Ça ne ferait qu’attirer plus d’attention. Et on se poserait des questions sur ma tenue. Je dois subir ses regards lubriques comme si je ne m’en rendais pas compte.

Damon pose question après question. Il est clair qu’il cherche à gagner du temps pour continuer à lorgner mes seins. Et cette attention n’améliore pas l’état de mes mamelons. Au lieu de ça, ils continuent à pointer sous mon chemisier devant le regard de l’homme. Je suis sur des charbons ardents.

Enfin, Damon est à court de questions et je peux lui demander de partir. Je soupire profondément de soulagement quand il a quitté le bureau. Bon sang, j’ai besoin d’un café bien fort maintenant. Je regarde l’horloge et je me rends compte que la journée est presque terminée. Je n’arrive pas à y croire. Je n’ai pas réussi à faire le moindre travail dans la journée. Et Daniel n’est même pas venu pour me soumettre le défi du jour.

Cependant les choses vont changer. Avant que je puisse essayer de travailler, ma porte s’est à nouveau ouverte. Et cette fois on n’a pas frappé. Bien sûr, il s’agit de Daniel.

– Héhé! Tu as vraiment excité ton collègue n’est-ce pas?

Il se moque de moi en guise de salutation.

– Mais je comprends! Tu fais juste ton travail de Pute de Bureau görükle escort n’est-ce pas?

Furieusement je lui lance un regard acéré, mais je ne dis pas un mot. Il n’y a rien à dire. Quoi qu’il en soit, c’est mieux que ce soit Daniel qui entre dans mon bureau plutôt qu’un des employés de la société. C’est déjà assez grave que l’un deux se soit rendu compte que je ne porte pas de soutien-gorge.

Mon me demande en rigolant :

– Tu attends ton défi journalier? Montre-moi ta chatte!

Avec un soupir agacé, je me lève et je m’arrête devant le latino. Une fois de plus je me retrouve à retrousser ma jupe caramel sur mes hanches et à lui présenter ma chatte nue.

– Votre animal de compagnie est prête pour le défi Monsieur Daniel. Dis-je en serrant les dents et en forçant sur le Monsieur Daniel.

Dans cette posture de soumission, je ressens immédiatement le besoin de tomber sous le charme dominant du garçon. Mais je résiste. Je ne céderai pas! Pas cette fois!

– Tu mouilles déjà comme une vraie salope non? Ajoute-t-il en s’approchant de moi.

Mes joues deviennent rouges de colère. Je ne veux pas qu’il ait raison mais c’est vrai. Je n’ai pas pu me concentrer sur quoi que ce soit lié à mon travail en attente de ce moment et mon excitation s’est amplifiée.

Bien que sa présence dominatrice m’enveloppe, je soutiens son regard. Daniel réagit en mettant sa main entre mes jambes. Forçant pour écarter mes cuisses, il passe sa main sur ma fente et sonde ma chatte avec un doigt.

– Exactement comme je l’ai dit! Une vraie salope! S’exclame-t-il en tenant son doigt humide devant mon visage.

Je ferme les yeux devant cette preuve. Non, non, non, je ne suis pas une salope! Je suis une femme d’affaires respectée prise dans un chantage par un stagiaire. Cependant, que cela me plaise ou non, l’attention de mon subalterne avait rendu mes mamelons bien durs et mon entrejambe humide.

Quand j’ouvre les yeux, Daniel est devant moi, la règle en bois à la main. Un frisson de froid me parcoure la colonne vertébrale, autant par peur de recevoir une autre raclée sur le cul que par l’anticipation de me faire frotter le clitoris. Le garçon ne perd pas de temps et pousse la règle entre mes jambes pour la poser sur ma fente.

– Ooooooohhhhh… Gémis-je.

Je ne peux pas m’en empêcher. La longue attente durant cette journée de travail, l’attention que m’a porté Damon mon employé, la domination de Daniel m’embrouille mes pensées. Je ne peux plus le supporter. Au moment où la règle en bois touche ma chatte, ma volonté de résister est brisée. La femme d’affaire respectable est partie. Je ne peux que me mordre les lèvres pour réprimer mes gémissements et profiter du plaisir.

Je commence à bouger mes hanches d’avant en arrière pour me frotter sur la règle. Ma tête est remplie de la seule idée d’avoir du plaisir. Je suis tellement excitée que mes jambes tremblent.

– Veux-tu jouir petite pute de Bureau? Dis-moi à quel point tu as envie de jouir mon petit animal de compagnie! Supplie-moi!

Daniel me taquine méchamment. Mais je suis au-delà de la raison. Peu importe que je sois dans mon bureau ou non. Peu importe que ce soit un stagiaire. Un interrupteur a basculé en moi, me transformant en salope totale. Debout dans mon bureau, ma jupe retroussée à la taille, les jambes écartées, je me frotte sans vergogne sur une règle en bois. Pour le moment j’ai trop besoin de jouir pour me sentir gênée.

– Mmmmm… Ouiii… Amusez-vous avec votre bimbo Monsieur! Oooohhh… Merci! Monsieur, faites jouir votre animal de compagnie! Ooohhh… Ouiii..

C’est tout ce que j’arrive à dire. J’ai tellement le vertige que j’arrive à peine à tenir debout.


La règle en bois atterrit sur ma fesse droite avec un violent claquement.

– Tu dois gagner ton orgasme salope! C’est trop tôt maintenant! Grogne Daniel.

En réponse je sanglote, plus frustrée par le refus soudain que par le coup qui me brûle encore la fesse. La règle n’est plus sur mon clitoris. Alors j’agis sur un coup de tête, sans réfléchir, et je tends la main droite pour toucher mon petit bouton.


Un autre coup sévère tombe sur mon cul, rougissant ma fesse gauche. Puis Daniel me frappe la main et me regarde d’un air ennuyé et désapprobateur.

– Tsssss! Et l’obéissance Miss Pute de Bureau!

Il me gronde comme une écolière.

– Si tu continues tu ne seras pas autorisée à jouir. Tu es ici pour me servir avant tout. Si je ne suis pas satisfait de toi, je ne te laisserais pas jouir.

– Oui Monsieur! Merci monsieur! Répondis-je la tête pendante.

J’ai honte du fait que je ne peux pas jouir avant d’avoir servi ce macho arrogant. Il me fait comprendre une fois pour toute que je suis bien son animal de compagnie.

– Es-tu prête pour ton défi, petite salope de bureau? Demande-t-il avec son sourire prétentieux.

Et il ajoute :

– mais ta tenue est encore trop stricte pour une pute de Bureau.

Mon cœur manque s’arrêter quand il bursa escort bayan fait référence à mon habillement. L’excitation est remplacée par de la nervosité. Je ne porte ni soutien-gorge ni culotte déjà. Il me semble que je fais assez salope non?

– Tu ne montres pas assez de chair pour une Pute de Bureau. Ce décolleté nécessite plus de boutons ouverts que fermés. Déclare-t-il sur un ton neutre.

Je baisse la tête pour me regarder et j’avale ma salive. Mon chemisier soyeux noir a cinq boutons au total. Les deux supérieurs sont déjà ouverts et je me sens déjà à peine habillée. Le troisième bouton est au niveau de mes tétons. Quand je le défais avec mes doigts tremblants, le tissu soyeux s’écarte instantanément. Mon Dieu, mes nichons sans soutien-gorge sont sur le point de tomber. Mon chemisier ouvert révèle un décolleté vertigineux, mes mamelons étant presque visibles. De cette façon j’affiche sans vergogne ma poitrine à tout le monde.

– une Pute de Bureau devrait toujours porter une jupe de bimbo tu ne penses pas?

Avec un petit rire, il continue :

– Tu sais bien, Une bonne jupe de bimbo arrive seulement a mi-cuisse au maximum. Tu ne crois pas?

Oh non! Pas ça aussi! Je voudrais protester. Je me sens déjà comme une salope à moitié nue. Le décolleté actuel est complètement inapproprié au travail. Cependant je me suis jurée de ne pas supplier. Je ne donnerai pas cette satisfaction à mon stagiaire.

Pendant quelques secondes nous nous sommes regardés dans les yeux, les miens lançant des éclairs. Je ne fuis pas son regard, même si je sens une vague de soumission me traverser. Finalement, j’attrape l’ourlet de ma jupe caramel et je la relève jusqu’à couvrir à peine la moitié de mes cuisses. J’utilise quelques épingles de bureau pour fixer l’ourlet dans cette position tout en fixant Daniel. Mon Dieu, je n’ai jamais porté une jupe aussi courte au bureau.

J’avais perdu toute raison quand ce voyou avait frotté mon clitoris avec la règle. Mais maintenant j’ai retrouvé mon calme. Je veux lui faire savoir qu’il ne m’a pas encore totalement soumise. Cependant Daniel ne semble pas impressionné. Il sort de sa poche deux sacs en plastique transparent et s’exclame :

– Regarde ça! J’ai préparé un petit quelque chose que tu vas aimer. Et tu vas avoir le choix salope.

Mon regard change de l’obstination à la confusion alors que mes yeux passent du sourire arrogant aux sacs en plastique. Il y a des papiers pliés à l’intérieur. Mais je n’ai absolument aucune idée de ce que mon stagiaire prépare,

– Le défi d’aujourd’hui est basé sur une loterie. Tu vas choisir où ça va se passer. M’explique Daniel.

Puis il me donne les détails :

– Peut-être que ce sera ton bureau. Peut-être que ce sera les toilettes. Peut-être la salle de photocopieuse ou la salle de pause. Çà dépend de toi. Peut-être vas-tu t’en sortir avec une simple fellation, une baise de ta chatte, ou alors un enculage bien violent. Nous allons voir.

Comprendre sa loterie de salope me coupe le souffle. Jusqu’où veut-il aller?

La salle de photocopieuse?

Elle est à l’étage en dessous, juste à côté du bureau de stagiaires qui est bien occupé.

Les toilettes?

Il s’agit d’un lieu où il y a un va-et-vient constant de tous les employés de la société.

La salle de pause?

C’est une pièce sale et minable au sous-sol qui n’est utilisée que par les stagiaires.

Nous ne serons en sécurité dans aucun de ces endroits. N’importe qui pourra nous surprendre et nous voir. Est-ce qu’il devient fou? Ou veut-il seulement me faire peur? Ça ne lui a pas suffi que nous nous fassions presque prendre hier? Doit-il pousser notre chance plus loin?

– Tirage au sort salope!

Le jeune latino martèle son ordre avec impatience, insistant bien sur chaque mot.

Mes doigts tremblent follement pendant que je glisse la main dans le premier sac en plastique et que j’y prends un papier plié. Sortant ma main, je remets le mot à Daniel. Il le déplie en exagérant bien ses mouvements pour me narguer.

– Et le choix est… Une pipe! Tu vas avoir la tâche facile Miss Pute de Bureau.

Honnêtement, je ne peux que partager son opinion. Une fellation sera rapide et facile. Au moins j’ai encore un peu de chance. Je mets ma main dans l’autre sac et j’en sors un autre papier plié.

– Taddadada… ce sont….

Daniel fait une pause pour augmenter ma nervosité.

– Les toilettes!

Non, non, non! Merde! Fini ma chance! Bien entendu, le meilleur choix devait être suivi du plus mauvais. Tandis que je maudis ma malchance? Daniel a un grand sourire qui va d’une oreille à l’autre. De toute évidence c’est le tirage qu’il voulait.

– Allons-y! Suis-moi Miss Pute de bureau! Demande-t-il avec impatience.

Avant que je ne comprenne ce qui se passe, il est sorti de mon bureau et m’attend dans le couloir. Je dois me préparer à y aller. Je n’arrive pas à m’imaginer de sucer mon jeune stagiaire dans les toilettes. C’est tellement vicieux comme idée.

Mais au moins, les réunions sont terminées pour aujourd’hui. Comme seuls, O’BANNON, ORTEGA et moi avons des bureaux à cet étage, les toilettes doivent être désertes à cette heure de la journée. Secouant la tête avec résignation, je suis finalement Daniel hors de mon bureau.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Douce revanche Chapitre 01

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Douce vengeance Chapitre 1

Sweet Revenge – I

Coulybaca / Black Demon

La première erreur de John Cumberland avait été de sous-estimer le niveau de ressources et de résolution des victimes qui voulaient se ven-ger de ses multiples exactions.

Dans un effort pour sauver son entreprise flageolante, le jeune entrepreneur désespéré avait fait la dramatique faute de recruter Carl Morton, un ex détenu pervers pour se venger duquel ses victimes auraient payé de fortes sommes.

Morton avait bien accompli sa part dans l’affaire, et si John avait été cor-rect avec lui, l’histoire en serait restée là.

Mais John s’était montré trop cupide, et lorsque Morton avait quitté le pays comme programmé, il ne lui avait jamais payé le solde de leur contrat. John était persuadé qu’il ne prendrait pas le risque de revenir, qu’il se contenterait de ce qu’il avait touché.

Toutefois, Carl Morton n’était pas le genre d’homme à se laisser berner, il était de ceux qui ne s’avérerait satisfait qu’une fois leur vengeance ac-complie.

L’ex détenu se rendit compte qu’il avait très peu de chance de convain-cre son ex complice de respecter ses engagements, d’autant plus qu’il n’était plus sous le feu de la colère.

Et comme John Cumberland prétendait qu’il avait mal calculé les retom-bées et qu’il ne disposait pas du solde d’argent qu’il lui devait, Carl ne pouvait que fulminer et comploter.

En félon déjà condamné pour diverses escroqueries et fraudes, Carl Morton savait qu’il ne devait pas laisser transparaître ses sentiments. Mais il n’était pas le genre d’homme à passer la main, il était déterminé à faire payer le prix fort à John Cumberland pour le punir de l’avoir doublé.

Alors qu’il considérait les différentes options qui s’offraient à lui, il se rap-pela avoir vu plusieurs photos dans le bureau de Cumberland, et entre autres des photos de ce sale trou du cul avec une somptueuse blonde.

En réfléchissant mieux, il se souvint d’avoir vu une photo de mariage de Cumberland et de sa femme.

Fermant les yeux, il se lécha les lèvres en tentant de se représenter la jolie petite jeune mariée vêtue de ses atours de mariage. Bien sûr l’ex-pression qu’affichaient le visage du jeune marié et le fait qu’il mettait cette photo en évidence sur sa bibliothèque, montrait à quel point il tenait à sa femme.

– “Quel meilleur moyen de se venger de ce salopard que de s’en prendre à ce qui fait sa joie et sa fierté!…..” se dit-il s’échauffant.

– “Oui … Cet enculé … Je vais le faire payer … Je vais faire payer sa femme pour m’avoir roulé …..Et je m’arrangerai pour que t’en sois le témoin privilégié sale bâtard ….. Je parie que je vais en faire une sacrée pute …… ” gloussait-il.

Le plan qu’il concocta était un peu compliqué, mais ingénieux, et très gratifiant.

Carl Morton, voulait voir s’afficher l’angoisse, l’humiliation et la défaite sur la face de cul de ce salaud au spectacle des compensations qu’il allait tirer de sa femme.

En plus de tout ça, il se demandait s’il pourrait élargir son plan pour générer des bénéfices financiers conséquents.

Carl recruta les services d’une copine pour l’aider, il parvint à convaincre Connie Rustin, sa dernière / future petite amie pour l’aider à faire chuter la belle Shannon Cumberland.

Il savait que Connie se rapprocherait plus facilement de Shannon que lui, et plus spécialement il voulait que Connie capte sa confiance rapi-dement.

Alors que Shannon Cumberland faisait des courses, le débrouillard ex détenu avait saboté la voiture de la jeune femme, Connie était chargée de venir à son secours lorsqu’elle ne parviendrait pas à démarrer son véhicule.

Elle commença par placer une borne téléphonique d’assistance auto au bord de la route. Un garagiste, recruté par Carl, l’avisa que sa voiture devait être remorquée. C’est alors que survint Connie lui offrant de la ramener chez elle.

Sur le chemin de son domicile, Connie et Shannon eurent tout le temps de nouer des liens amicaux, Connie était toute surprise de découvrir à quel point cette jeune femme était naïve, innocente. Renseignée par Carl, Connie se rendit compte que si John Cumberland avait tendance à se montrer cupide et sans scrupules, la jolie Shannon Cumberland était l’opposée de son mari.

Rien d’étonnant à ce qu’elle fasse la joie et la fierté de John Cumberland, comme l’avait conjoncturé Carl à la vue de leur photo de mariage.

Connie frissonna se demandant si John Cumberland considérerait toujours que la femme assise à son coté sur le siège passager, était sa fierté et sa joie lorsque Carl en aurait fini avec elle.

Lorsqu’ils arrivèrent chez elle, Shannon convia gracieusement Connie à boire un verre, Connie accepta disant que cela lui ferait une coupure.

Comme elles sortaient de voiture, Shannon lui confia qu’elle débutait une nouvelle vie, elle s’était mariée récemment, elle ajouta que son mari avait voulu qu’elle arrête de travailler pour tenir un rôle de femme et de mère au foyer.

Malheureusement bursa escort son nouveau boulot ne s’était pas passé comme prévu, ce qui avait déprimé son mari et reporté leur voeu de fonder une famille rapidement.

Shannon confia à sa nouvelle amie qu’elle lui avait suggéré de reprendre le travail pour l’aider, tout au moins jusqu’à ce que ses affaires reprennent. Mais son mari, John ne voulait rien entendre l’assurant qu’il avait un plan pour relancer ses affaires.

Il était évident, pour Connie, que la naïve jeune femme était totalement ignorait totalement que son mari avait contacté un ex détenu et s’était engagé dans des actions frauduleuses pour sauver son entreprise.

Connie écoutait à quel point Shannon semblait désemparée à l’idée de devoir faire réparer sa voiture.

Connie prétendit comprendre son dilemme et offrit une solution suscep-tible de l’aider, suggérant que Shannon devrait rechercher des rentrées additionnelles qui l’aideraient sans pour autant travailler 40 heures par semaine.

Connie lui expliqua alors qu’elle travaillait pour une agence de modèles et que l’exceptionnelle beauté de Shannon, et sa classe pourrait lui rap-porter pas mal d’argent comme modèle.

Shannon s’empourpra et prétendit ne pas avoir les qualités pour faire un modèle, qu’elle appréciait l’offre, mais que ce n’était pas pour elle, Connie refusa de s’en tenir à cette réponse. Elle rassura la jeune femme, elle s’occuperait d’elle et prendrait tous les contacts nécessaires.

Connie savait qu’il fallait battre le fer tant qu’il était chaud, Avant que Shannon ait eu le temps de réfléchir à son offre, et tant que les deux ver-res de vin altéraient son jugement.

Elle donna alors un rapide coup de fil à Carl, lui disant qu’elle venait de rencontrer une jeune femme faite pour être un modèle, donnant les indication à Carl pour qu’il les rejoigne chez les Cumberland.

Bien entendu, attendant le coup de fil de Connie, Carl était dans sa voi-ture à deux cent mètres de chez elle.

– “Très bien, on prend un autre verre de vin en t’attendant” répondit Connie à voix forte pour le bénéfice de Shannon.

Se relevant, Connie attrapa la bouteille de vin et remplit leurs verres, puis elle prit Shannon par la main et l’entraîna dans sa chambre pour trouver une tenue plaisante pour son audition.

Dans son fort intérieur, Connie ressentait quelques remords de ce qu’elle faisait à cette innocente jeune beauté.

– “Oh ma petite chérie ….. On n’a aucun besoin de te trouver une tenue charmante ….. Ce qui intéresse Carl, c’est te voir entière-ment nue!…… “

Les choses allaient trop vite pour Shannon, mais ses efforts pour frei-ner Connie s’avérèrent vains.

Shannon l’écoutait lui dire qu’elle était sûre qu’elle allait devenir un modèle reconnu et qu’elle gagnerait facilement beaucoup d’argent et que ce serait très amusant. Avec sa voiture au garage, ce qui générerait un coût assez élevé pour la réparer, c’était juste ce dont avait besoin Shan-non.

Connie fit s’asseoir Shannon sur une table basse et entreprit de la maquiller et de la coiffer, transformant la jeune femme insouciante en une vestale pour l’arrivée de Carl.

La tête de Shannon lui tournait et elle cherchait à rassembler ses esprits alors que Connie allait et venait lui disant à quel point elle était magnifi-que et sensuelle.

Puis Connie fouilla le cabinet de Shannon sélectionnant une tenue pour Shannon passer son audition, elle savait que Carl aimerait bien la voir dans une élégante robe noire.

La bite de Carl durcit dans son pantalon lorsque Connie qui l’attendait sue le seuil, entra dans la maison et lui présenta Shannon.

La jeune et innocente madame Cumberland lui semblait carrément baisable après les préparatifs de Connie, sa bite tendit l’avant de son caleçon.

C’est tout ce qu’il pouvait se permettre sans l’effaroucher alors qu’il admi-rait sa peau ivoire au teint renforcé par le noir de son élégante robe.

Se composant un personnage, Carl assura à la jeune femme que Connie ne se trompait pas sur ses potentialités de devenir modèle. Il avait ame-né une sacoche contenant une caméra, et des contrats types.

Il expliqua que c’était un contrat type et que tous les modèles devaient le signer avant de faire des essais photos.

Shannon avait un réel problème pour rassembler ses pensées, et ce à cause de la drogue que Connie avait glissé dans son dernier verre de vin tout en la maquillant.

En fait, elle était si groggy qu’elle était absolument étourdie. Connie lui glissa un stylo entre les doigts, lui enjoignant de signer le formulaire avant toute chose.

Puis Shannon se rappelait vaguement qu’on l’avait étendue sur le dos dans le grand lit la préparant pour les essais photos, Carl avait une ca-méra en main et le regardait.

Au début les choses allèrent lentement, Connie devait assister Shannon pour toutes les poses, avant qu’elle ne s’effondre. Puis lorsque Carl sortit de la pièce, Connie prévint görükle escort la jeune droguée qu’ils avaient assez de photos d’elle habillée, que maintenant, elle devait se dévêtir et qu’elle l’aiderait à enfiler de la lingerie sexy.

Connie lui expliqua que les modèles qui présentaient de la lingerie ga-gnaient plus d’argent et que certainement Shannon était bâtie pour le faire.

Comme Shannon lui disait qu’elle ne pouvait pas se montrer au photo-graphe ne portant que ces sous-vêtements froufroutants, cette dernière lui répondit :

– “Carl est un photographe professionnel, et il a déjà vu des centai-nes de jeunes femmes en sous-vêtements!…..Il en avait même photographiées habillées de cuir!…”

Sous l’emprise de la drogue, Shannon était incapable de réfléchir, de se rendre compte des poses aussi aguichantes que honteuses qu’ils lui fai-saient prendre.

Comme la drogue faisait maintenant son plein effet, Shannon était vaguement conscient que Carl avait posé l’appareil photo et s’approchait du lit pour rectifier sa pose.

Ses paupières devenaient lourdes, elle ne réalisa pas que Connie tenait maintenant la caméra alors que l’athlétique noir se positionnait avec elle dans le lit.

Une chaude démangeaison courut entre ses cuisses, elle en trempa son fond de culotte de cyprine. La drogue comportait une bonne dose de cantharide qui portait ses sens à ébullition.

La caressant de ses mains rugueuses Carl savait qu’elle était hors d’était de se rebeller, aussi lui écarta-t-il les cuisses en grand.

Tout en caressant la beauté pantelante, il lui mordillait l’oreille murmurant pour la caméra :

– “Oh, madame Cumberland, vous avez la peau si douce…… Vous êtes si sensuelle ……Votre mari n’aurait pas du me doubler ….. Maintenant je vais lui retourner le compliment en me faisant son précieux petit ange ……”

Puis Connie ajouta quelques sarcasmes de son cru :

– “La jolie madame Cumberland est jeune mariée, elle se prépare à fonder une famille …… Penses-tu pouvoir l’aider grâce à ce gros gourdin pendant entre tes jambes? …..”

Se plaçant entre les cuisses de la succulente beauté Carl frissonna et s’esclaffa :

– “Que je sois damné d’appliquer ma loi ….Mais je suis si heureux de le faire!…. Mais oui ma chérie … Ecarte tes cuisses ……Je ne vais plus tarder à t’embrocher!…..”

Shannon secouait la tête d’un côté à l’autre, essayant de comprendre ce qui lui arrivait. Tout était si brumeux, mais elle ne faisait pas d’erreur, un étranger ….. Un homme noir ….. S’apprêtait à introduire sa grosse bite en elle.

Shannon ne pouvait faire que des prières incohérentes pour que cet homme arrête, elle lui disait qu’elle était une femme mariée et squ’elle ne pouvait pas faire l’amour avec un autre homme que son mari.

Mais ses prières furent totalement ignorées, tandis que l’épais gland cou-rait dans sa fente juteuse.

Bientôt dans son délire induit par la drogue, son corps commença à la trahir, ses supplications laissèrent place à des gémissements et de sourds grognements de plaisir alors que Carl se penchait sur elle, forçant son étroite intimité à s’ouvrir pour enfourner son bourgeon enflé.

Cherchant désespérément à repousser le musculeux gaillard allongé sur elle, Shannon jetait un oeil inquiet vers Connie qu’elle supposait son amie la suppliant :

– “Connie ….. Connie …. Aide moi …. Aide moi s’il te plait …… Je t’en prie …. Dis lui d’arrêter ….. Dis lui d’arrêter …… Ne le laisse pas me faire ça …… S’il te plait ….. Je t’en priiiiiiiiiiee ……”

Toute aussi endurcie qu’elle fut, Connie frémit de remords et de dégoût de participer ainsi à la dégradation de cette innocente jeune femme.

Ayant souvent couché avec Carl, Connie savait à quel point il était diffi-cile de s’adapter à ses mensurations sortant de l’ordonaire.

– “Aieeeeeeeeeee …… Nonnnnnnnnnnn …… Nonnnnnnnn ….. C’est bien trop gros ……….. “

Connie entendait Shannon crier ces mots alors que ses bras se cou-vraient de chair de poule à la vue de Carl s’enfouissant dans l’étroite chatte de la jeune femme.

Réglant sa caméra, Connie vérifia que l’angle de vue permettait de capturer à la fois son visage déformé par la peur et l’énorme bite disparaissant dans sa toison dorée.

– “Argggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh …… Ahhhhhhhhhhhh …… Nonnnnnnnnnnnnn …….. Nonnnnnnnnnnnnnn!….. “

Shannon poussait des cris aigus alors que les babines soyeuses de sa chatte enveloppaient l’énorme envahisseur.

Connie regardait avec intensité Carl agripper ses hanches menues puis s’élancer et la défoncer la faisant hurler de plus belle :

– “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh …….. mon Diiiiiiieu … Arrêtez …. Je vous en prie Arrêtez …… S’il vous plait …… Mon Dieu ……Arrêtez … Vous allez me tuuuuuuuuuer ….”

Connie frissonna de nouveau ressentant de la pitié pour l’innocente jeune femme, elle savait ce qu’elle endurait. Heureusement pour bursa escort bayan elle, la cantharide pesait lourdement sur les sens de la beauté inexpérimentée, transformant sa chatte en un marécage félicitant le coulissement du pis-ton bien huilé alors qu’il se mettait à aller et venir en elle.

Maintenant, elle avait bouclé ses poignets dans son cou et ses chevilles dans son dos.

Connie était épatée de voir l’effet de la cantharide qui transformait la naïve et innocente jeune femme en une goule affamée de plaisir.

Alors que l’adorable petite beauté s’arc-boutait sur ses petits pieds menus afin d’amplifier les poussées de Marcus dans son ventre, ceux qui verraient cette vidéo ne pourraient douter que l’adorable madame Shannon Cumberland était une salope qui adorait les bites noires, et plus spécialement celle qui la ramonait à ce moment.

Elle vagissait :

– “Mmmmmmmmm …… Mnnnnnnnnnn …… Oh ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ……. Ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiii …… Ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii …….. “

La transformation de la naïve jeune femme en une fieffée salope était totale, elle s’agrippait désespérément à son “amant” noir pour obtenir la jouissance qui la délivrerait.

– “Ohhhhhhhhhh …… Ohhhhhhhhhhh …….. Encore ……. Encore ………. Plus vite …….. Plus vite ………. Baisez moi ….. Encore ……. Plus fort ……… Ouiiiiii …. Je vais ……. je jouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis ….. Oh opui Je jouiiiiiiiiiiissssssss!….”

Connie avait les mâchoires qui se décrochaient à la vue du rapport sexuel imposé qui se déroulait dans le lit conjugal des Cumberland.

Cela rappelait à Connie le jour où elle avait vu un étalon monter une ju-ment au ranch de son oncle.

L’étalon de son oncle dépensait la même énergie brutale que Carl pour faire soumettre par la jeune ménagère innocente, à ce rapport sexuel, subi sur son lit conjugal.

Comme le petit corps ivoire tremblait convulsivement sous les assauts du musculeux athlète noir, Connie observait le soin que prenait Carl à lui enfouir la totalité de sa bite l’étroite moule. Les fesses de Carl se crispèrent, l’orgasme le terrassa alors qu’il grognait :

– “Uhhhhhhhhhhhh ……Ah …… Uggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh ……. Oh, chérie ….. Ma Chériiiiiiiieeeeeeeee ….. Oh ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ….”

Le pervers savait que la version éditable de la vidéo devrait persuader les spectateurs que la belle madame Shannon Cumberland était une amante consentante. Et, lorsque la jeune femme s’évanouit, submergée par l’orgasme, Connie réalisa un terrible plan de sa longue bite noire palpitante qu’il extrayait de son étroite chatte frémissante

On pouvait distinguer clairement les traînes de foutre s’écoulant de sa chatte béante pour se répandre sur ses fesses et former une large mare sur le lit.

Shannon se traîna hors du lit cherchant désespérément à surmonter les indésirables effets de la drogue pour prendre une douche avant le retour de John.

A son retour, il lui demanda pourquoi elle semblait si absente, nerveu-sement Shannon expliqua qu’elle avait du attraper un rhume lors de sa sortie en ville.

Elle était submergée par la honte et le dégoût à l’évocation de ce qui venait de lui arriver cet après-midi, Shannon espérait seulement que Carl et Connie avaient pris leur pied, puisque c’était apparemment leur but.

Elle aspirait à oublier tout ça, malade de savoir qu’ils avaient pris ces photos compromettantes.

Shannon frissonna et serra les dents au souvenir des mais rugueuses de cet homme sur son corps, lui écartant largement les cuisses …..

– “Il pouvait ainsi introduire facilement sa vile mentule dans mon ven-tre!…”.

Elle ne déniait pas le fait qu’il lui avait ouvert un monde insoupçonné de jouissance, la soumettant à l’orgasme de la pus grande intensité qu’elle ait jamais connu.

Shannon frémit craignant les suites possibles de cet horrible viol, elle avait tout oublié du contrat qu’ils lui avaient fait signer.

Les six semaines suivantes, chaque jour elle se demandait avec an-goisse si ce salaud l’avait engrossée.

Elle frémissait, se rappelant qu’il lui avait dit que John l’avait berné et qu’il entendait bien se venger de lui. Elle aurait aimé lui demander s’il connaissait ce dénommé Carl, mais elle n’osait pas, sachant qu’elle de-vrait alors expliquer ce qu’il lui avait fait … Dans le lit qu’ils partageaient.

Shannon ouvrit la porte, toute surprise d’avoir la visite inattendue de Connie qui brandissait une copie de son contrat et un cocktail de photos compromettantes.

La mémoire lui revint immédiatement à la vue des ces photos montrant la grosse bite noire s’introduisant lentement en elle, elle fut prise de nau-sées.

Elle ne put qu’écouter Connie lui expliquer ce qu’on attendait d’elle, lui disant que tout irait bien tant qu’elle se plierait aux exigences de Carl.

Sa jeune femme de 24 ans faisait tout l’intérêt de la vie de John Cumberland, sa compagnie, son boulot … Tout ça importait peu à coté d’elle. Elle était sa seule raison de vivre, il la regardait longuement chaque matin en quittant son domicile.

Accosté par deux mecs encapuchonnés alors qu’il montait dans sa voi-ture, John avait été emmené dans un vieil entrepôt, il était assis face à l’homme qu’il avait doublé.

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A Cure For Stuttering

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Mrs. Khanna ran into Mrs. Sorabji as the latter was stepping out of an exclusive shoe store at Nariman Point in Mumbai.

“Hi Yasmin,” exclaimed Mrs. Khanna,” haven’t seen you in ages! How are you?”

“Very well, thank you. And you?”

“Oh, vadhiya ji vadhiya,” said Preeti Khanna jovially, then her eyebrows knitted into a frown, “you are a clinical psychologist, right?”

“Yes, of course,” said Yasmin Sorabji, wondering what was coming next from this ebullient Punjabi that she had known for years.

“Have you got some time to spare right now?”

“I start my evening counseling session at five. So I guess I have an hour or so to spare. What did you have in mind?”

“Not here. Let’s go get a cold coffee at Firpo’s and I will tell you. Come on, come on,” said Preeti as she dragged her friend to Firpo’s.

Yasmin Sorabji was an elegant, sophisticated person, someone you could easily mistake for an ultra rich socialite. In a way she was just that – she was married to an ultra rich businessman and really did not need to work at all. That she did so was because of a strong work ethic instilled in her by her father, who had been a Pediatrician. She was definitely not the kind of person you would even think of taking by the arm and bodily dragging off somewhere.

But Preeti Khanna had gone to the same school as her and was by nature the kind of person who could very easily be informal even with a queen.

“You remember Harbans Kaur?” said Preeti, once they had settled down with their cold coffees, “Oh, ho,” when she encountered a blank look from Yasmin, “The one whose husband is general manager of Century Tyres, yaar.”

Yasmin still had no idea.

“You were invited to their son’s wedding two years ago but could not make it, because you had to rush your own son to the hospital.” And he had to have his appendix removed, now Yasmin remembered! Her younger son had come home from college in the States and had promptly fallen ill.

“Aha, now you remember. Well it is about that son.”

Yasmin waited, while Preeti looked at her with a meaningful expression on her face, “What?” She said in exasperation as Preeti appeared determined not to let the moment fade.

Finally, dramatically, in a whisper,” His marriage crumbled.”

“Well that is sad. But what has it to do with me.”

“He needs help. You see his stuttering is back.”

“Tried a speech therapist?”

“Oh yes. No success. I think that there is a deep psychological reason that needs to be unearthed and treated.”

Oh dear here we go again, thought Yasmin. From being totally unaware or in denial a generation ago, educated Indians were now fully into Psychology.

“You see the whole thing was very messy – court shourt and all that. And suddenly the boy’s stuttering was back.”

Yasmin waited. It had been a while since she last met Preeti and now remembered what it was that irritated her so much about her – it was this dramatization to extract the maximum out of what could very well turn out to be a trivial issue. Typical Punjabi overacting, she thought, but then applying her professional persona to herself she calmed down and waited for Preeti to complete her story.

“You see his father arranged his marriage to this girl from a Sikh family in Delhi. Good family, very rich. Only, the girl was not educated beyond high school. As you know the boy is brilliant (and no, Yasmin Sorabji did not know this). Topper from IIT, Powai. This difference in intellectual level is what Harbans says was the problem. The girl claims otherwise – abuse from the boy and her in laws. Anyway in less than a year the girl was back in Delhi with her family. And her family went berserk. As you know because of all these dowry demanding, bride burning cases, the law these days is heavily tilted towards the bride. They used the law to extract a lot of money from the boy’s father and even had the boy in jail. Not for long – just a week. But that was enough! Finally a divorce settlement was reached.”

“The divorce came through last year. So Harbans and her family are finally free of the court system. But the effect on the boy has been devastating. He has lost all confidence, has withdrawn into himself and of course his stuttering is worse. He was fired by Infosys and has barely been able to stay employed. He is now working in a very inferior position for Voltas here in Mumbai.”

Preeti Khanna paused with arched eyebrows, and Yasmin felt her irritation rising, because she felt once again something petty was going to issue out of her friend’s mouth,” It is almost as if he has suffered a significant injury. To his mind you know. When I see him now, he reminds me of Madhu Ranade’s nephew after the Kargill war. And you cured him. Remember?”

Of course Yasmin remembered. PTSD. That had been Madhu Ranade’s nephew’s problem. It had taken concentrated counseling over four years to get him functional. To get rid of the severe trauma of seeing dismembered bodies, the smell of burning flesh and the intense sense of helplessness on losing friends.

Even escort şişli now more than ten years later, she still saw him once every three or four months or so but these counseling sessions were more to allay the anxiety of everybody involved. He was fully functional – good job, excellent prospects, stable marriage, good kids. She knew intuitively that Preeti had analyzed the matter correctly. Her education may have been limited to convent school and then one year towards a bachelor of arts degree but her native intelligence and high emotional IQ allowed her to see things in clearer perspective than most other people. I guess, thought Yasmin, that is why I like her despite her irritating ways.

“So what do you think?”

“About what?” asked Yasmin.

“Oh ho baba, will you treat him or not?”

“I can certainly meet with him – if he agrees. And then we can decide if he needs to be treated or not.”

So a fortnight later Balbir Singh presented himself at Yasmin’s office on the fourth floor of an old colonial building in Colaba. He was slightly built, around five foot four in height, the very antithesis of the popular concept of a Sikh, though he did have thick facial hair. A large head (crowned by a neatly tied turban) with some arresting features made him marginally good looking. Yasmin, who was five foot eight, found she towered over him, more so because he stood hunched up, making himself even shorter.

There was no doubt that Balbir needed help. That he lacked confidence was glaringly evident. Whether this was an extreme manifestation of inherent shyness, or something more pathological, needed to be determined and that thought Yasmin would direct her efforts to heal him. Balbir felt very comfortable talking to her – she was an accomplished therapist. In a few sessions she established an excellent rapport with him and ascertained that indeed mental trauma had made him regress emotionally – insecure, extremely shy and completely lacking in confidence. Stuttering, was a part of this syndrome. He had stuttered as a child, been cured by a speech therapist, then reverted as an adolescent and again been relieved of it by another speech therapist. This time around, it was the mental trauma which had prevented speech therapy from being effective. Exactly as Preeti Khanna had surmised, Yasmin ruefully acknowledged.

Exactly what the mental trauma was that had triggered this regression escaped her – for the moment. She narrowed it down to something sexual. Something had happened in the privacy of the bedroom. Through the years Yasmin had treated several married couples with sexual problems. In India where marriage was regarded as something that happened to everybody, it was not unusual to come across this problem. The usual suspects were homosexual tendencies, impotency, lack of interest in sex, or hormonal or developmental problems that resulted in abnormal anatomy. However, these usual suspects were soon ruled out.

She discovered the key to the puzzle purely by chance.

One evening they were making no headway. Balbir appeared distracted and fidgety. Finally he said, ” Iii m sorry. I rrrreally hav ttto go!”

“Oh, of course,” she said, relieved that the reason for his distressed behavior was so trivial, “you know where the bathroom is.”

While he went to relieve himself, Yasmin stepped out on to the narrow balcony that ran the length of her office. The blast of heat and humidity that greeted her reminded her to do whatever she was going to do and quickly get back into the air conditioned comfort of her office. She had various plants in earthen ware beds firmly attached to the guard rail of the balcony, and as she had suspected, the help she shared with a few of the other offices in this building, had not done their job of watering the plants properly. There was a small extension of the balcony around the corner just outside the bathroom that housed a money plant that she was particularly fond of and which they invariably forgot to water. Picking up a pitcher of water she made her way sideways to the plant. As she started to water the plant she detected some movement out of the corner of her eye and heard the tinkling sound of water meeting water. She turned her head and found she was looking through the partially opened ventilator into the bathroom. It should have been closed to enhance the air conditioning but for some reason had been left partially open. The shaded ventilator slats were tilted vertically in such a way that the person peeing into the pot saw only the murky Mumbai sky. But the eyes of someone peering in, were directed downwards to the bowl. And what her eyes saw had Yasmin mesmerized. She saw a big cock emitting yellow stuff vigorously and noisily into the bowl.

Not just a big cock but an extraordinarily huge one! She had never seen one this big. Apart from her husband’s, Yasmin had sampled a couple, one (cousin) before getting married and one (a distant cousin, during a marriage) after that. But she had seen quite a few in her line of work – on visits istanbul eskort to prisons and mental hospitals, where deranged men would expose themselves. She always had a male escort who would quickly step in and get the loonies to cover themselves but not before she had more than a passing glance at their sexual appendage.

This thing was longer and thicker than anything she had ever seen. It was bigger in its present flaccid piss discharging state than the three cocks that had fucked her had been in their excited erect state.

She stood motionless, holding her breath till the pissing stopped, never taking her eyes off the huge piss emitter. Then Balbir swung his dong rhythmically, in the time honored way that men have of getting rid of the last pesky drops, before stuffing it back in his trousers, zipping up and leaving. Only when she heard the door to the bathroom close did Yasmin begin breathing once again. Then she quickly made her way back and stepped into her office just a few moments after Balbir had settled back on the couch.

He was more involved now and in a short while Yasmin brought up the marriage issue again. Veering from her normal practice she asked a direct question, “Was the size of your organ a problem?”

He looked at her with a shocked expression on his face. It took a few moments before he could force out a very soft,” Yes.”

It turned out that his wife had made it a major issue. On their wedding night they had been too exhausted to try anything. It was on the second night of their honeymoon that their first attempt at coitus took place. She simply lay passively on the bed and lifted her night garments up to expose her vagina. No attempt at intimacy, no fore play. Not really knowing what to do, he had taken off his clothes and approached the bed with a half erect cock. She had allowed him to lie on top of her but made no attempt to embrace him or make any gesture of affection or encouragement. He remembered that he had rubbed himself on her to get a full blown erection. He had then inserted his cock in her vagina. He got the head and a bit of the shaft into her cunt before she began complaining vociferously and made him take it out. She had then told him that he was too big for her and that he had to give her time to get used to his size. After that she had turned around and fallen asleep with her back to him. He remembered masturbating his frustrated cock to an orgasm later.

Subsequently he had made attempts to fuck her but had gotten nowhere. Then one night out of frustration he had gone to bed naked. She was as usual completely covered. She had looked at him sternly and asked him why he was naked and sprouting an obvious erection. Plucking up courage, the courage of the frustrated, he had told her it was time they fulfilled their marriage obligations. This sent her into orbit and she let him have it. Among the many demeaning things she said about him, he remembered in particular that she had stated that his cock was a monstrous abnormality, something no human could have possessed; he was a rakshas, a vile non human creature of the underworld and she was going to have nothing to do with him. She had made him get off the bed and sleep on the floor. And that was the end of their sleeping on a conjugal bed.

Yasmin established that his wife’s demeaning comments and her despicable behavior could be traced back to a comment he made after their first and as it subsequently turned out, only attempt at copulation. He remembered that he had not felt the resistance of a hymen, something he had been told to watch out for by one of his uncles. Later, he did not find any blood on the bed sheet and mentioned this to her.

Yasmin made him think back, and slowly made him realize that unlike him, his former wife had been sexually active before marriage, and most probably had been having an affair that had been terminated by her marriage. She was unhappy because of this and more importantly she had wanted to transfer her guilt to him. To her paranoid mind his comment about the lack of blood implied that he knew she had been screwing around. She was not going to forgive him for this, even though he had not connected the dots till this moment and his comment then was one of relief that he had not injured her in any way.

Yasmin expanded on this realization and gradually Balbir came to accept the fact that his ex wife had used the size of his cock as a means to an end. She also made him realize that his former wife was not normal but a psychologically disturbed person with definite personality problems. That the onus of their failed marriage lay with her not him, and certainly not his sexual organ. As a result he began gaining confidence and went for long periods without stuttering. And this new found confidence showed at work, where he quickly advanced to higher positions.

But there remained an unresolved issue. He stone walled whenever she brought up the need to start again – get married and move on. He still thought that his cock was a disgusting piece of flesh that no normal woman escort mecidiyeköy would ever take into her body. Yasmin had come to genuinely care for this intelligent, introverted, gentle person. The fact that she wet her panties at the thought of his huge penis had of course nothing to do with it.

She decided on the next course of action. A completely non professional approach. Why she chose to do this, she could not have consciously explained to herself, except to tell herself it was to help a client. If she could have psychoanalyzed herself she would found the subconscious motivator – lust. Or maybe she did know but chose to continue in blithe denial.

Otherwise why did she one day in the middle of a session abruptly say,” Show it to me.”

He looked at her uncomprehendingly, so she pointed with a shapely, manicured finger, to his groin and said, “Your thing.”

To say he was taken aback would be an understatement. He just sat there paralyzed.

“You still have this fear that it is abnormal and no woman would ever want anything to do with you once she saw it. I just want to reassure you by giving an unbiased opinion.”

They sat there looking at each for what seemed like an eternity. Then he stood up and dropped his trousers and his shorts. He stood there looking down at nothing while Yasmin inspected his dong. She could no longer pretend that her interest in his cock was purely clinical. Seeing it in its naked glory made her consciously acknowledge the real reason – pure unadulterated lust.

She managed to say in a matter of fact way,” Yes it is big.” She saw him cringe at the word ‘big’, and so added quickly, ” But nothing that would harm a woman.”

In a flat tone he asked,” How would you know?”

Taken aback, she said,” I am experienced and just know.”

Still in the same tone he continued,” Have you directly experienced something like this? You know when it is excited it is much longer and thicker.”

“No, I haven’t but…. Okay let me see it in an excited state.” Why on earth had she said that?! Pure unadulterated lust had made her say that. Yes, she was coming to terms with the fact that his humongous cock had triggered this reaction in her middle aged brain. She had never consciously been an overly sexual person. Yes, she loved to fuck, but what sex she had with her husband was enough. Till now that is. Even now she did not really want to fuck Balbir, but his cock – that was what she wanted. But, did she want to fuck it or just see it and maybe handle it and thus get this absurd lust for a huge cock out of her system? Let’s find out thought her conscious mind.

Meanwhile Balbir mechanically reached down and began working his cock with his hand. She watched enthralled as it responded.In what she thought was a very professional tone she said,” Well bring it here and let me feel it and I can then give you an informed opinion.”

He stepped forward and she grasped his prick and moved her hand over it as if measuring it and comparing it to others she had handled. She was unable to get her hand around its girth. She used both her hands and looking down was struck by how small they looked on his cock.

“No,” she said, fighting hard to keep her voice even, “it will definitely not harm a woman. She may take some time to get used to its size but a normal sized woman should be able to handle it.” She did not remove her hands but found herself working his cock with them, stimulating it further. Her soft hands on his cock were more than he could handle, and a few strokes later he was on the brink of coming. He tried to warn her and then tried to pull away from her firm grasp on his penis but got caught up in his orgasm. With a grunt he ejaculated – all over her clothes, her hands and arms, her neck and a little on her face. She did not move till he finished coming and continued playing with his cock till he was done, only then did she let him go.

He was totally embarrassed,” Sorry,” he said, as he quickly pulled up and zipped his trousers.

“Nothing to be sorry about,” she said in a matter of fact manner, as if this happened to her all the time, as he saw himself out of the door. Afterwards, she spent quite some time in the bathroom, washing her face, neck and arms and then sari and blouse. Luckily he had been her last client of the day, so she had the time to wait while her clothes dried under the fan. Mentally she noted to herself that from now on he would always be her last client of the day. Why? Consciously she felt it was because she was making progress in a very difficult case and having the day end in triumph was going to make her day. But subconsciously?

He was very awkward when he returned for his next session. When you have ejaculated all over your psychologist, of course you are going to be discomfited. But she continued in the same matter of fact manner, as if nothing had happened. Gradually his diffidence evaporated and they had a good session. In the weeks that followed he continued to make good progress – his confidence soared and his stuttering was almost gone. At work he reached the highest position he thought he could attain at Voltas and was actively looking around for a new job. But he still baulked at the idea of meeting another woman, of getting married, of getting on with life. And without that she knew he was not completely healed.

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A Walk Down Memory Lane

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Hey, sorry for not posting in a while. Anyway, here’s a non erotic story I finished. It’s kind of sad. Sorry about that. All characters are over 18. This story doesn’t really have any sex in it. It’s just a short little story about love and loss.


It’s a foggy, cloudy morning as I took a stroll down memory lane with Teddy, our giant malamute. The thought of you always on my mind. The way you smiled brightened even the darkest day. You were the sunshine that no cloud could erase. I remember when we first met. I didn’t even know I liked girls, but I knew as soon as I saw you, I liked you. You had that kind of face that made everything seem alright.

We were in college at the time when we first met and I was lucky enough to have you as my lab partner. I didn’t know then that being your partner would change my life so drastically. God, I still remember how you made me laugh with your cheesy jokes. It was hard not to smile when you were around. You made every bad feeling leave my thoughts. I felt elated when I was around you. The way you talked brought wonder into my life. I hung onto every word. Even just the sound of your voice was a melody so sweet, it made songbirds sing.

We quickly became friends. Our friendship was the kind that stories were made of. We shared secrets about each other that no one else knew. We told each other our life stories. The good, the bad, and the parts we even hid from ourselves.

The more time I spent with you, the more I fell in love with you. I didn’t even realize what that word meant before I met you. Then you told me how you felt about me. You admitted to me that you were gay. I was at first afraid even though I knew deep down I felt the same way. I hate to admit it, but I felt ashamed. I knew I had these feelings for you. I knew it to be true, but my parents would never approve.

The way they preached their beliefs, they’d never accept me for who I am and I tried hard to shun my feelings. I tried to deny them, but in the end, I only ended up hurting you which was by far the worst thing I could’ve ever done. I felt so hopeless, so depressed and so miserable after I tried to push you out of my life. My days grew dark and my heartfelt pain. My heart darkened at the thought of a life without you.

I tried to move on. I tried to become the girl my parents wanted, but it only made my life worse. I felt I was living a lie. I couldn’t deny who I am and who I love. I rushed back to you and you accepted me without hesitation. I felt so warm being held in your arms. When we kissed for the first time, I knew then and there what love truly felt like.

We spent many nights in college, held in each other’s arms. I would give anything to have one more night with your head in my lap and my hands in that silky black hair of yours. What I would give to feel your lips on mine one more time.

You always made me feel special. Even with all my insecurities, you had a way of making them fade away. I thought my hair was too curly, but you loved the way it’d curl around your finger. I didn’t like the freckles I had, but you said they were like looking into the night sky. You made me love myself.

I remember our first date together. It was a disaster, but it made for one of the sweetest memories that we laughed about ever since. We went to a busy restaurant and waited for over an hour taksim escort for a table. But what an hour it was. You made me laugh with your interpretation of the conversations people were having. I’ll never forget your impression of that man in the suit with the toupee. You thought he was discussing how toupees were made. No matter what situation, you always seemed to find the humor in it.

I can’t forget the walk we took afterward and how we got caught in the rain. We had to run for the park shelters to escape the rain and we got soaked. Even so, you laughed as both of our makeup ran down our faces. The kiss we shared made that entire date worth it.

I remember the first time we had sex after our 3rd date. Wow was it awkward. I had no idea what I was doing. We ended up smacking heads as we tried to be sexy, but even so, I had never felt pleasure like that in all my life up until that moment, but even that didn’t compare to the way we held each other afterward. We spent the entire night kissing. I’ll never forget how loved I felt.

Of course, not all the moments were good. After you finally convinced me to come out to my parents, I was devastated to see them so disappointed. So disapproving. They tried everything to break us apart. My mother had a way of making me feel so guilty and so ashamed about myself. I felt unworthy of being loved. That’s when my mother and I stopped talking. I felt so terrible. If it wasn’t for you, I would’ve remained in that dark place. You lifted me up with your support. You stuck by my side through the worst of it.

It was only a few months after when you proposed. I felt like I was on cloud 9, floating above it all. I’ve never been so happy in my life. Your parents welcomed me with open arms. They were so kind and supportive. We spent a lot of time planning our wedding. There were some moments when I thought it’d all come crashing down. I thought for sure we’d pull our hair out with the food mixup. And then there was the dress snafu, but when the moment finally arrived, I was beyond happy. You were so beautiful in the matching white dresses we picked out. It was like we became one that day.

Even my parents showed up. They seemed to finally accept us. Our first dance together was so magical. I can still hear our song playing, From This Moment, as we swayed to the lyrics that touched both of our hearts. I lost count of how many times we heard the ting of silverware against glass, but I enjoyed every kiss from your lips. And that night was beyond special. Unlike our first time together, it was smoothed and hot. Full of passion and so much love.

Our honeymoon was unforgettable. You always wanted to see Paris. Especially since you were such an amazing artist. I still can’t believe I let you paint me in the nude. I still have the painting even though I will never let it see the light of day. But that day we spent browsing museums and ended up at the Eiffel Tower. That kiss we shared made everything seem so perfect. I didn’t know a word of French, but I sure learned a bit of it when our lips touched. God, what I’d do to have that moment back.

When we moved into our first apartment together outside of college, you got the job at the gallery and I got a job as an editor for a publishing company. We worked like crazy to pay for everything. Bills piled up istanbul eskort and we practically drowned in them, but we still made it work. Of course, we argued. Those arguments seem so petty now. We both said some hurtful things. How I wish I could take back every mean thing I said to you. I’m sure you felt the same way.

I almost thought I lost you when you went to stay with your parents after our worst fight. I don’t even remember why we argued. I just regret the words I hurt you with. I never felt more lonely that night when I slept in bed without you. I cried until dawn came. And yet, the fights we had seemed to fade away compared to all the happy moments. And when you came back to me, I was on my knees apologizing. You only smiled and pulled me into your arms. We got much better at communicating our frustrations after that.

Somehow, we made it through those rough days. Through hard work, we both earned pay raises and promotions. I was never more proud of you when you got your work entered in the gallery. I still visit the gallery to look upon your art. It fills me with so many mixed emotions. I fall apart every time.

When your parents passed away, I thought I’d never see a smile on your face. You were so sad. So devastated. I stayed by your side even when all seemed hopeless. You spent many days in bed. I just wanted to see you happy. I worried sick about you. It seemed like you lost the will to fight, but I never stopped believing in you. I never stopped believing in us.

And when I came home with that puppy, it seemed like the joy returned to your face. You took care of him with all your heart and my own heart filled back up with love. You spent so much time training him and teaching him tricks. You called him Teddy because he was just a giant furball. We watched that little malamute become a giant bear.

After so many years, we still had so much love for each other. I can’t forget that vacation we went on. We spent a full week down in Cancun. It had been so long since we had such fun. I remember when we had those shots they lit on fire. You knocked it over and set the entire bartop on fire. And then of course there was the night we danced until dawn. We slept all morning, but it was so much fun. We both tried that chili tequila. Never again. I thought my mouth was on fire. Thank god for those limes.

Of course, I can’t forget about the high school reunions. We went to mine that weekend during the summer. I was so nervous about running into Becky, the girl that bullied me throughout high school. But with you by my side, I felt like I could take on the world. The irony was that she never even showed up. Turns out her life wasn’t so great.

Then there was that time we had our college homecoming. It felt so good to be back where it all started. We were both decked out in our school colors. You looked so cute with the school abbreviations painted on your cheeks. We had so much fun catching up with all of our old friends and cheering on the football team. Of course, we got a little too drunk that weekend. I had to hold your hair while you threw up all night long. You swore you’d never drink again.

But, when your high school reunion came, you couldn’t go without a drink. You were so nervous and yet I thought you were so adorable. So worried about what they’d think of you, but no one batted beşiktaş escort an eye when we walked in hand in hand. I had so much fun discovering who you were in high school. Such a loveable geek with braces. You were so embarrassed when I went through all those photos, but it only made me love you even more. You were so relieved when it was all over.

Then you fainted when we were out on a stroll with Teddy. I knew something was wrong right away. I paced in the waiting room while you went through all those tests. I held your hand as the doctor gave us the horrible news. Lung cancer. It seemed like the world had come crashing down.

I tried so hard to stay strong for you. There was no way I was ever gonna let you go through this alone. We were going to beat this. That’s what I said to you every time I held you through all the tears. There was no way I was ever going to leave your side. We would get through this together.

I watched helplessly as you went through chemo treatments. I saw your body whither into a shell of your former self, but I knew how strong you were. You were so brave. You never complained. You never wavered. Even through all the pain and suffering, you still had that beautiful smile. Even when I did all the crying, you remained so uplifting and bright. You inspired me to be better. But things only got worse.

When you were hospitalized, I never left your side. I held your hand when you struggled to breathe. I wished I could give you my own lungs. I desperately wanted to do the breathing for you. God only knows you gave me a heart when I needed to be loved. Now you were the one who needed to breathe and there was nothing I could do to help you.

When you finally took your last breath, I thought I was the one that died. I was lost for words. The light had been snuffed out of my life and now I was left alone in a world so dark. I thought I’d never love again. I cried and cried. The tears seemed endless. The pain was too deep. How could I live in a world without you?

I was consumed by grief. I stayed in bed but I couldn’t sleep. Memories of you were all I thought of and none of them could bring you back to me. When we finally had your funeral it rained. Even the world cried at the loss of you. It knew it’d never be able to shine as bright without you in it. I cried through it all. I never felt so much pain.

The days grew dark and my life became dull. The pain remained and yet I felt numb without you. My joy turned into despair, but my love for you never wilted away. I looked through all of our photos. I tried to keep every memory of you alive, but it was so painful to think about you because I knew I could never hold you again. I would never feel your lips upon mine or see my hair curled up around your finger. All I wanted was one more day with you. I wanted to feel your head in my lap. To run my hand through that black silky hair. My hand felt so empty with yours in it. Even Teddy seemed to mourn without you here. If it weren’t for him, I would’ve drowned in my tears.

And now here we are, taking the same walk to where you lie. Not a day has gone by that I haven’t thought of you. You made me promise I’d move on and live a happy life, but I refused to believe you could ever leave this world. If only we could have one more day. If only we could have one more kiss.

I love you so much and I always will. Goodbye, Amelia. Until we meet again.


Thank you for reading. Please let me know what you think in the comment section below. Also please visit my profile for more stories. Give it an honest rating too. Merry Christmas everyone and I love you all!

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A Cabin, A Lake and Everything Ch. 04

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Ch. 04: On the beach, then the porch: Friday

Pam and Bob had decided to concentrate on each other for a few days during this vacation. Wednesday thru Friday were those days where they planned to just relax alone and enjoy the lake and cabin. They looked forward to just going to breakfast and enjoying the canoes and kayaks. Then, at night, just sitting together on the porch reveling in the peace and tranquility, along with the sounds of the crickets and the golden-emerald like flickers of the fireflies. They agreed to spend the better part of Friday just sunbathing and swimming at the beach. Saturday would be a day of preparing to get things sorted for their trip home on Sunday. In their minds, they just wanted a few normal vacation days, just for the two of them. Things did not go quite as they planned.

Friday morning, Pam and Bob went through their normal routine of breakfast at the village, along with walking through the General Store. They returned to the cabin late morning and began preparing for their day at the beach.

Pam, having such fair skin, had not been able to develop even a base of a tan, so she made sure she put her trusty Bain De Soleil suntan lotion in her small bag. Bob had a nice base tan, so he wouldn’t need to concern himself with getting sunburned. Along with the suntan lotion, Pam also packed some cold cans of soda for each of them in her small carry bag. They each grabbed a large beach towel and headed out.

They walked down the path to the beach and turned left. Pam wanted to lay on a section of the beach that was less travelled. The right side of the beach from the path was a direct route to the main beach, where the boat rentals, small snack shack, and pavilion were.

They selected a spot about 15 feet from the path and laid out towels for each, positioning themselves facing the tree line and on their stomachs. They were both being completely naked. Bob had just begun rubbing Pam’s back and shoulders with suntan lotion when he heard a female voice say, “Well, look who’s taking in the sun.” It was Marna and Tyge, carrying towels of their own and walking towards them. They all exchanged greetings, when Marna said, “Do you mind if we join you?” Both Pam and Bob shook their head in the negative. “Great,” responded Marna, as Tyge immediately laid his towel beside Pam. Marna remained still for a moment then moved around them and laid her towel alongside Bob, who was leaning on one elbow and on his side, continuing to apply the lotion to Pam’s shoulders.

Marna lay down on her side, supporting herself by her elbow, mirroring Bob’s position. Tyge sat on his own towel with his legs folded in front of him, Indian style, facing Pam’s side, admiring that glorious young ass of hers.

Tyge saw the tube of suntan lotion and motioned to Bob. When Bob looked up, he asked Bob if he’d hand him the lotion. After putting more in his own hand, he handed the tube to Tyge. Tyge looked at Bob and once again motioned, seeking permission to put lotion on Pam’s legs. Bob nodded yes.

As Tyge began, Pam lifted her head and looked back. She saw what he was doing and laid her head back down on her hands, using them as a pillow. She once again closed her eyes.

Tyge began on Pam’s calves, just spending enough time to suitably coat them. He then moved up to her upper legs and inner thighs. Pam was enjoying what both men were doing to her. The Oxytocin hormone in Pam, was beginning to have an effect on her mood. She was feeling more relaxed and a stronger trust and connection with Tyge. Each time Tyge’s hand rubbed her inner thighs, close to her ass cheeks, a finger would inadvertently lightly rub the lips of her labia. This caused Pam to make a hissing sound by sucking in air, forcefully, through her mouth and clenched teeth. Bob knew this sound as an indication that Pam was enjoying something that was being done to her and that it was arousing her.

After a few of these hissing sounds, Marna leaned close to Bob’s ear and whispered, “Can I watch?” Bob nodded his head slightly, indicating an affirmative answer. Marna placed her open mouth extremely close to his ear, softly breathing air in it. This, along with watching Tyge’s hand erotically massaging Pam’s inner thighs and pussy, was causing a sensation in Bob’s balls, signaling the approach of arousal. Marna reached over Bob and began, slowly and softly, rubbing the tips of her fingers below his naval, almost touching the shaft of his now semi-erect cock.

By now, Tyge was rubbing Pam’s pussy, almost exclusively. He then, once again, grabbed the soft plastic tube of suntan lotion. The sun had heated its contents. Tyge squeezed a few dollops at the top of the crack of Pam’s ass. This immediately reminded Pam of the semen that filled her ass crease the night of the fireworks display. It felt exactly the same, in consistency and warmth. Pam was extremely aroused, but still in complete control of herself, being cognizant of where they were and in plain view of anyone who, by chance, walked by.

Before Tyge began distributing beyoğlu escort bayan the lotion on Pam’s ass cheeks, he straightened his legs and moved on his side and shoulder, taking hold of his now huge, rigid, and fat cock with his free hand.

Bob was now equally rigid from seeing Pam and Tyge’s actions, and mostly by the constant hot breath of Marna teasing his ear, and the action of her hand, which was now wrapped around Bob’s young, stiff cock and stroking it lightly. Before grabbing Bob’s cock, she whispered, “Your wife and my husband are enjoying each other, we should do the same,” as her big tits and nipples tenderly tickled Bob’s back.

Bob couldn’t believe what was happening, but found himself thoroughly enjoying it all.

Tyge began rubbing the lotion on, and in, the skin of Pam’s young, firm, round ass cheeks, periodically allowing his fingers to disappear between them. Tyge began speeding up the stroking of his own cock. Pam was beginning to moan and opened her legs slightly.

As Tyge sped his own masturbation action, Marna kept in unison on Bob’s cock. Bob was in seventh heaven, and now realized what Pam found so exciting about casual extramarital sex with strangers. He knew that it wouldn’t be long before Marna’s actions would make him explode.

Bob, now totally out of control, grunted loudly, and said, “Oh my God … don’t stop Marna, I’m going to cum soon!” Pam, excitedly said, “Me too, baby!”

Tyge, now jerking vigorously, while exploring Pam’s ass and pussy, leaned over to Pam’s ear and said, “I want to fuck you.” Pam turned her head to face Tyge, and excitedly stammered, “N …, Not here …, Not …, Not now.” Tyge stopped rubbing Pam’s ass and cleaned his hand of any excess suntan lotion with his towel. Satisfied it was free of any foreign substance, he placed a finger between Pam’s soaking wet labia at her vaginal entrance and slid it deep inside her, slowly sliding it in and out. Pam gave out a loud, audible moan, then a long “Ohhhh!” Pam tensed and began gyrating her hips slowly and had a very intense orgasm. Finally, her body was completely relaxed, indicating her orgasm was completed. Tyge removed his finger and put it in his mouth, drinking any morsel of Pam’s juices he could clean from his finger. While doing this, and still masturbating vigorously, he began to grunt and jerk his body. Tyge shot a very large load of cum from his very big cock, causing a dull thumping sound each time a stream of his semen hit the sand between their towels.

Bob could not hold out any longer and proceeded to shoot his own ejaculate in long, multiple streams, all over himself and Marna’s hand.

When Bob had finished shooting his load, Marna removed her cum covered hand from his cock, and said, “I couldn’t eat the cake, but I can surely lick the frosting,” as she began to lick all of Bob’s cum from her hand.

Tyge cleaned himself up as best he could with his towel, then leaned over and kissed Pam on the head, and softly said in her ear, “Thank you, I hope we can continue this at a later time, in a better place.” He then stood up, picked up his towel from the sand, and said to Marna, “Are you ready for a shower, my love?”

Marna looked at Bob, and said, “You’re a delicious young man. Another time, perhaps?” She then got up, picked up her own towel, and they both walked toward the path leading to their cabin.

Bob just plopped his head down on his towel, and said, “Oh my fucking word, that was the hottest ever,” still breathing heavily. “Did you see how much I came?”

“I kept my eyes closed and saw nothing. I really wasn’t sure I wanted to see,” said Pam. “Let’s give them a few more minutes and then head up to our cabin. Okay?”

“I don’t think I could walk right now, anyway,” he said as he closed his eyes, and continued to catch his breath.

“Do you think Tyge’s satisfied with what happened just now?”

“Nope,” Pam said convincingly. “I’m quite sure this was just ‘Danish Pastry’ to both of them. Neither will be completely satisfied until they share a full course meal with us.”

“I don’t know if I could do that,” he replied, in an attempt to convince both Pam and himself, even though he knew that he could.

“Bob … we both know that you loved being naughty, just like I do. Just look at it this way … You’ll be providing a service to an old and lonely woman,” as she giggled.

“Touché,” Bob said, as he chuckled. “You got me there … You’ve got a steel trap for a mind.”

“I just listen well to whatever you say to me. Especially when something is said repeatedly. Now kiss me you fool and let’s go to the cabin.”

“Let’s go for a quick swim first. I’m all sweaty. You must be too,” Bob suggested.

Pam jumped up, and yelled, “Last one in is a rotten egg,” as she ran into the water.

Bob didn’t have the energy for that. He just slowly got up and walked into the lake. They frolicked in the water for about 30 minutes before returning to their cabin. While istanbul escort bayan unpacking her carry bag, Pam said, “The swim was refreshing, but I don’t know about you … I need a good old fashioned shower, with soap and shampoo.”

Bob immediately responded, “Yeah, me too. When do you want to walk on down there?”

“How about right now? Are you ready?”

“I’ll follow you anywhere, Pamela Taber. Let’s go.”

As they walked the path to the shower, Bob asked Pam, “Today’s Friday. Are we going to the pavilion tonight?”

“Oh, I don’t know … I kinda just feel like hanging out on our porch, or at a fire … the past two nights have been wonderful, just the two of us. I was thinking about grilling a couple of the steaks we brought along with some whole potatoes and eating on the kitchen table. A little wine and a lighted candle, just you and me. “

“Sounds good to me. Tomorrow is Saturday. Jacques is probably going to be playing tomorrow night. Or have you forgotten?”

“Jacques is old news. Besides I think he only plays on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.”

Bob shrugged his shoulders, and said, “Just a thought, it’s entirely up to you.”

They both entered an empty shower stall, Pam taking the shampoo with her. They each had their own travel soap containers, and when Pam finished with the shampoo, she handed it to Bob by sticking her arm and hand out the ladies section door and sang out, “Yoohoo, here’s the shampoo.” Bob reached out, grabbed it, and thanked her. When Bob came out of the men’s shower room, Pam was sitting on a huge rock she always used while drying up and towel drying her hair.

Bob asked, as he approached Pam, “You about ready, honey?”

Pam gave him that gorgeous, innocent smile of hers, and said, “Yep, just about. Give me a second. I love this time of the day to take a shower, there’s usually no one here.” After running her fingers through her blonde, naturally wavy curled hair, she said, “Okay, all set sweetie,” as she put her shower sandals on and raised herself off the rock. Bob still wore his hair short, in a flattop style, so he had no need to worry about his hair. He had never cared for that long hair look most of the guys his age were now wearing. They casually walked up to their cabin, content in the knowledge of the love each had for the other.

Back at the cabin, Pam said, “Bob, I’m going to make a salad and start getting the sirloins and potatoes ready for the grill. While I’m doing that, would you mind throwing some clothes on and running down to the village and pick up a bottle of Zinfandel for us to have with it?”

“Merlot is better with sirloin, honey,” Bob assured.

“Maybe so, but I like Zinfandel better. Merlot is too strong for me. Would you mind, baby?”

“Whatever,” Bob replied, as he began to dress.

Bob was coming out of the general store with a bottle of wine, when he heard, “Bonne apres-midi (good afternoon), Robert.” Bob turned, and replied, “Hello, Renee, and good afternoon to you.”

“You speak French very well, Robert,” she replied, as she approached with a big smile.

“Oh, I took it for a few years in school, and we have two men in our warehouse that speak it all the time. It keeps it fresh in my mind,” Bob said, with a sense of pride.

“I was out on the lake earlier today and I saw something that’ll stay fresh in my mind for a while,” she said, as she coyly looked at Bob and smiled. “I must say … I was pretty impressed. Have a nice evening … Say hello to Pam for me.” She then turned and walked back to her office.

“Shit! She saw us today … I knew someone would … I just didn’t expect it to be her … Fuck,” Bob thought to himself, as he walked back to his car.

As Bob entered the cabin, Pam said, “Hi honey! The potatoes are on the grill, the salad is done, and I’ll be putting the steaks on the grill shortly. Would you put the wine in the fridge so it’ll chill, please?”

“Renee saw us today,” Bob said, with some concern.

“Huh? What?” Pam asked, not sure what Bob was talking about.

“Renee saw us on the beach, with Marna and Tyge, this afternoon,” Bob said, somewhat annoyed with having to repeat himself.

“So … what’s the big deal? I’m sure we’re not the first. Was she upset that we did it in broad daylight, right on the beach?”

“Well … No, but…”

Pam softly sang out, “But what, honey? Are you embarrassed that she saw? Or are you disappointed that she saw you letting another woman, other than her, sexually pleasing you?”

“Don’t be silly! Let’s get the steaks on the grill, okay?” Bob felt he wanted, and needed, to change the subject.

Pam sang out again, “Pam thinks she struck a soft spot,” as she giggled and brought the steaks out to the grill.

“Let’s just drop it, okay?”

Pam’s laughter faded out the door.

At dinner, the subject of Renee’ never came up. Bob didn’t want to discuss it, and Pam didn’t have to, she knew. After dinner and the cleanup, they went out on their merter escort bayan porch, each with a fresh glass of wine.

Darkness had fallen, and they were watching the flickering lights of the fireflies when Pam said, “The week is already almost over, it went by fast.”

“Yeah, I know. It has gone by fast, hasn’t it?” Bob then asked, “Are you sorry we came now, or have you enjoyed it all?”

Pam displayed a large smile, with her eyes wide open, and emphatically responded, “Oh no … not sorry at all! I love everything about this place, and the extra-curricular activities have been exhilarating and very pleasurable. I may find myself getting bored when we get home,” replied Pam, as she giggled that naughty giggle of hers.

Bob looked at her, and said, “Sounds like this afternoon’s activity with our neighbors has left you feeling frisky and pretty horny.”

Pam lowered her head a little, smiled, looked at Bob with her pupils touching her upper eyelids, and said, “Well … maybe a little … but did you see the size of his penis, and its girth? He’s not as big as Charlie’s brother Walter, but he surely would be an acceptable substitute. I caught a peek while he was fingering me and masturbating himself, just before he came. Very nice indeed.” She finished her glass of wine and brought the glass into the cabin. When she returned, she grabbed the inflatable mattress that had been leaning against the banister of the porch near her chair. She laid it on the flooring and lay on her back on it. Her feet were facing Bob who was sitting on the opposite side of the stairway from where she had been sitting.

Bob smugly said, “In that case, maybe you should think about getting a part time job at an old age home on Saturdays for the winter.” He then smiled and sipped his wine.

“That’s a thought, thanks.” She then giggled that same giggle and sent him one of those big smiles.

Shortly thereafter, they were joined by Marna and Tyge. Marna sat in the same chair Pam had occupied, while Tyge stood behind her with his big hands resting on the backrest of the chair. Both were, of course, totally naked, as were Bob and Pam.

Pam said to Bob, “Why don’t you get Marna and Tyge each a glass of wine, if they want some. I’ll have another myself too, please.”

Bob looked at Marna and Tyge, they both nodded their heads, and said, “Sure, we’d love some wine, thank you.”

Bob obediently got up and went into the cabin.

“Can I be of any help, Bob?” Marna seductively asked.

“I have nothing to carry four glasses of wine on. Sure, that would be a great help and save me a second trip,” Bob answered.

When Bob and Marna returned with the wine, Bob noticed that the small porch light was now off. The lights within the cabin were now the only illumination for the porch. It was quite a bit darker with the light from inside that it barely lit up the porch sufficiently enough to allow the foursome to see each other. Tyge was now crouched down beside Pam, stroking her hair. Marna placed Tyge’s glass on the floor beside him. Bob did the same with Pam’s glass of wine, placing it alongside the mattress, on the opposite side of Tyge. Both Bob and Marna sat back on their respective chairs, with Bob still facing the other three.

Pam sat up and took a sip of her wine. Tyge did the same, and then began massaging Pam’s shoulder. His legs opened up, giving Bob a clear view of his cock. It was very impressive in length and girth, even though it was still in its flaccid state.

Pam returned to her previous prone position and closed her eyes. Tyge slowly moved his hand from her shoulder and brought it to one of her young, full, round breasts. Pam gave out a soft moan while arching her back slightly, and slowly rocking her chest and shoulders from side to side. Tyge tenderly began massaging her breast and teasing her rapidly hardening nipple.

These actions did not go unnoticed by Bob. He began feeling tingling sensations in his balls and the butterfly sensation intensifying in his stomach, signaling the beginnings of his arousal. He noticed Tyge’s cock begin to swell and grow ever so slightly. He knew that Tyge was experiencing the beginnings of similar sexual arousal.

Just as he was observing Tyge and Pam, Marna was doing the same with him, and realizing the early stages of arousal building in Bob. Bob was so intently focused on the goings on at the mattress, that he was oblivious to the fact that someone was observing him, along with his changing condition.

Tyge, sensing Pam’s enjoyment to the type of attention he was giving her, became semi-erect. His massive size and weight was still preventing his cock from rising from its relaxed, flaccid position. Iit only grew in both aspects of its size. Tyge lowered his head and began nibbling on Pam’s, now firm, nipples. He then sucked each nipple individually, and equally, for a few minutes before moving his face down towards Pam’s vulva, keeping this hips and thighs alongside Pam’s upper body. He began kissing and licking her pubic area, then her labia and clitoral region, before concentrating his lips and tongue at her vaginal entrance. Pam was constantly making soft moans, with the occasional “Oh”, followed by a hissing sound, when she sucked in air between her clenched teeth whenever Tyge contacted particularly sensitive areas.

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Hope a Little Longer

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This is my second story although parts of it predate the first. Feedback welcomed. Starts slowly, goes on quite a bit.

Prologue – Rachel

My mother met my father while they were in college. She was studying English and had always had a religious leaning. He was studying animal husbandry and was from an ultraconservative Christian fringe group. I don’t know if my mother was ever really attracted to my father himself or rather to the discipline of his upbringing. Mind you i’ve picked up a lot of what I know second hand from Auntie Jen so it’s been translated through the filter of her disapproval before it ever reached me.

Fundamentally though I think my mother had always been one of those people who really like being told what to do; and I have found some humour over the years thinking about all the other ways that might have worked out for her. As it was though she met my father while they were in college, and the rest, as they say, is history. Her history anyway I guess – only the first part of mine.

We were an exclusive group so the community was very small and everyone knew everyone else. Much like any other childhood I imagine, it is hard to explain how ordinary mine seemed when growing up inside it. At that time I wasn’t much of a creative thinker, I suspect some people would say that is still the case, and looking back I must have been fairly blinkered. So I happily recited the passages, bared my soul before God, and learned the ways of my divinely determined path toward domestic drudgery. My education wasn’t very academic. It focussed more on subjects like cookery, and home management, and the Bible – there was always the Bible. That was what it was going to be important apparently for a girl growing up in a mostly forgotten leftover exclave of the nineteenth century.

Back then Sarah was invariably at the centre of our games and schemes. She was full of energy and always up to something. In any conversation you felt you had her undivided attention and were the most important thing in the world. I idolised her and cherished each moment of her company but the three year age gap between us seemed like a chasm in those days and I couldn’t really have called her a friend. She was the oldest of our little set because there was a clear distinction cut between children and adults. As we children grew up our eldest would each in turn drop out of our society into the grown up world and, at the time i’m thinking of, Sarah was next in line.

Girls tended to be married young and it was pretty much taken for granted that it would be Ben who was matched with Sarah. He was a couple of years older than her and the families were close. She seemed to like him and they were always smiling at each other and finding, or being tactfully given, time to talk. It all seemed to be going well for them but then Jacob Tulley’s wife died and he was left a widower at thirty five.

The wedding was strange and even to a child it was obvious there was no joy to it. Jacob was dressed as well as he could be, in a suit which was tighter now than it had been when he last wore it, and Sarah pale and silent. All day she looked as if she was about to be sick. Even the elders of the community presiding over the ceremony were sombre while the ritual was completed. It was a sunny day in mid spring and afterwards Hannah, Ginny and I sat at the end of one of the long tables which had been placed out on the lawn.

I was watching some of the younger children chasing each other around between the trees. They were playing a hiding and chasing game which I could still remember although it looked as if the rules had changed since I had played. It seemed to me as if something vital was seeping out of the world and I felt ill and scared. Glancing over at another table I found my mother looking across at me and our eyes met. There was a long pause while neither of us would, or could, look away but after a time the moment passed.

My spirits remained subdued over the following months. Sarah had, as expected, disappeared into the world of adults and was no longer one of us. We all felt her loss I think, but isn’t it hard to tell how much you colour your impressions through your own experience, it could have been just me. Presumably she was trying to build her way into a home in the shadow of Joanne Tulley’s death and she can’t have been prepared for it, who could be.

The next thing I can really remember is the night she hanged herself. The story, pieced together in retrospect from ghosts and whispers, was that she’d gone upstairs to put the girls to bed and when she didn’t come back down Jacob went up to check everything was ok. He had found her strung up from a beam in their bedroom.

So the ambulance took her away. Some of the men, although strangely not Jacob, were dispatched along with Sarah’s mother to speak to the doctors, presumably to the police as well, and when they returned word was quickly sent around that Sarah had left us in hospital. Naturally as suicide was maslak escort a terrible sin there would be no funeral. She just ceased to exist.

This was a shock to all of us, children and adults alike, but I think it hit me particularly hard. As I said before I had really looked up to Sarah and it was horrifying to see her, I don’t know how to say it even now, erased? excised? I was at a loss to understand how she had been turned from what she had been into the absence she had become and I lacked the tools I needed to cope with the grief.

Only a few weeks after that, without any warning, I was sent to stay with my mother’s sister on her farm in the west country. I never really got a proper explanation of why but when I try to pick it apart now my best guess is that recent events must all have acted as a bit of a wake up call for my mother. I picture her forced to consider how different things were for women like her, who had married into the community as adults, to how they were going to be for those of us who were growing up with it.

So I was fourteen years old and i’d been turned into an outsider. It took quite a while before I was grateful for that final gift. Final because I have never seen or spoken to any of them since. They aren’t allowed, it’s called the doctrine of separation.

Prologue – Ray

Life with Auntie Jen was hard to come to terms with at the start. For the first couple of days I barely dared leave my room and Jen brought me up plates of food which I picked at dejectedly. She was the single mother of my twin cousins who were just starting higher education, Michael at agricultural college and Stephen studying business management. It was October and the harvest was all in but there was still a lot of tidying and pruning to be done in the orchards before winter, so they were all out working on that most of every day.

As this left the house empty I crept out to explore. Peeping into the boys rooms the musty scent of male adolescence made my nose wrinkle and the women in the posters on the walls left me shocked, scandalised, and fascinated. I gravitated eventually to the big farm kitchen, which was the most comfortable and familiar place, and that is where Jen found me when she came in for her lunch. She decided it was time to sit down with me and work out what we were going to do.

We made sandwiches and tea and then sat at the table and ate. Auntie Jen was patient, considerate and above all practical. She must have had the situation sprung on her with almost as little notice as I had, but she took it in her stride and this didn’t even cross my mind at the time as I am sure she had intended. She went out of her way to make it clear to me that I was family, that they were happy to have me with them, and that my room was my own safe space where nobody would go without invitation.

Jen said most of her time was taken up with managing the farm and that it had been difficult for her having to bring up the boys as well. They were old enough now though to look after themselves largely speaking and were even taking over some of the farm work so she could make time for me now that I needed it. She also said she’d decided to keep me out of school for the year and spend some money on a private tutor instead.

I tried to take all of this in. Up to that point i’d been assuming that sooner or later i’d be going back home but that wasn’t compatible with the way she was talking. So I thanked her and told her how sorry I was to be a burden and explained that I didn’t know why my mother and father had sent me away.

She was quiet while she chewed up another bite of her sandwich and sipped her tea. After she’d finished she said reasonably that she didn’t think it was so much about sending me away. Probably it was more about giving me an opportunity to see another side of the world and that she was pleased to be able to help me with that. This was an angle I had not considered and it was my turn to fall silent as I mulled that over.

We talked a while longer. Somehow over the course of our conversation we had started to become friends. After that she wanted to know if there was anything I needed right away so I asked her how to turn on the television and she laughed at that but she showed me.

Back in my room I went through the drawers, Jen had stocked them with clothes she thought would fit me, mainly hand-me-downs from my cousins. Wearing boys clothes seemed initially quite odd to me although i’d discover that on the farm, and around the farm kids at school (when I eventually went the following autumn) I didn’t stand out at all.

That afternoon I was sat watching the television, more with bemusement than enjoyment, when the boys came storming home. I’d changed into jeans and a tee-shirt to try to get into the swing of things.

“Hello little mouse! Hey Mike! The little mouse has come out and she’s got your old top on!” This from Stephen who was generally the louder and less diplomatic istanbul escort of the two.

“Give the mouse a break Steve,” said Michael, “She’s had a tough enough week without you taking the piss.”

“And i’m not a mouse.” I said with an edge of indignation, “I’m Rachel.”

They looked at each other, “The mouse roars!” said Steve and they both giggled while I stared between them not sure whether to be annoyed or not.

“No offence Ray,” said Mike slumping onto the sofa.

“Yeah no offence Ray,” said Steve, “but you must admit you’ve been a bit of a mystery so far.”

I sighed, I had to concede the point, “Yes I suppose so, but this is all very new to me you know.”

Mike nodded, “Mum said it’s a bit different where you’re from.”

Then he went and got us cans of something fizzy from the fridge and I watched the two of them play video games. When Auntie Jen put her head around the door a while later the boys were crouched next to each other on the sofa locked in mortal combat and I was curled up on one of the armchairs nursing my cola and laughing at some of the smacktalk they had been exchanging between them. I looked around still smiling and caught her eye and in that second I think she must have had some hope that it would work out ok.

It wasn’t all easy of course. I had nightmares for a while and to my mortification I wet the bed twice. My tutor despaired at the state of my education but in the end, through great perseverance on both of our parts, she managed to coach me up enough that I could join the lower sets in secondary school the following year. It must have cost Jen a fortune and though I wasn’t really aware of the details at the time I had a growing appreciation for how much she was doing for me. My strongest aptitude was definitely for mathematics and I took to it well, tearing through the ground I had to make up.

Over that first year my view of my previous life changed quite dramatically. Obviously I started by missing the place and the people, especially my parents and my brothers, and some days I wished the radio and the television would just shut up for a while. I fled to the tranquility of my room plenty of times.

Gradually though several things began to change my perspective. I started to learn more from my tuition and realise how much there was to know about the world. I picked up a games controller and i’ll tell you the day I first beat Mike fair and square was a day neither of us will forget in a hurry – he was so proud. Steve taught me to drive the quad bikes we used for getting around on the farm which i’m still not quite sure was legal at my age. I started with the kickboxing club the boys went to as well.

All of these opportunities were there for me and, as my horizons broadened, my thoughts when I looked back were increasingly coloured by anger rather than nostalgia. Sometime around then I stopped praying and I have never really felt guilty about that.

I made it through two years of school not too distracted by the social side – I had come in a little late to make the deep bonds that my classmates already had between them. I knew a few of them from kickboxing though and we got on well enough. Then I left school with the grades I needed to go on to college and there took qualifications in working with computers. With my methodical approach to things and my mathematical mind I’d taken to that kind of practical logic very well.

After leaving college I didn’t have a lot of luck finding work locally so I worked around the farm for a few months before bumping into one of my former college teachers, Mrs Graham, in the village one day. She was semi-retired after a career in London, and after we got talking and I told her how things were going she suggested she might be able to put my name forward to some people she still knew in the industry. A few weeks later following some emails back and forth and a half hour Skype call I found myself on a train on the way to my first job interview.

Part 1 – Seeing a Ghost

I kicked out with my trainers against the floor pushing my chair back. Then, straightening my legs to lift my feet off the floor, I let myself coast until my head bumped gently against the plasterboard wall behind me. Standing up I reached forward snapping shut the lid of my laptop and yanking out the leads. My concentration had been slipping for a while now and it was time to call it game over for the day with, to be honest, less progress than I had been hoping. But hey sometimes those are the breaks.

As I packed up and put on my jacket over my plain black tee-shirt I glanced around and noticed that half of the twenty or so desks in the office were empty already. Not really a huge surprise though that late on a Friday afternoon.

“See you guys next week.” prompted in response a couple of hands loosely waved in the air and some vague mumbling from those engaged enough with the reality beyond their screens to register that I had spoken. sarıyer escort Andy, ever the informal social secretary of the single crowd, looked over from his seat in the next row of desks down.

“Hey Ray, a few of us are heading out for drinks if you fancy?”

I weighed the offer for a moment but i’d taken up the invitation a couple of times recently so my work camaraderie credit was well stocked and it had been a long week.

“No, i’ll give it a miss thanks, i’ve got something else on.”

He shrugged and waved his hand in the classic ‘whatever’ gesture which in a way conveyed more casual acceptance than an hour of smalltalk in the pub around the corner would have done. I was pleased with that. Having only been on the team for six months, and moreover being the only woman, it was still feeling good to be getting these occasional reminders that I had settled in.

The tube was packed as usual but running smoothly. I was travelling late enough that the commuter traffic was starting to die down and the more colourful crowd coming out for their evening’s entertainment were well represented. In fact by the time I stepped off at the mainline station there were as many people trying to board the carriage as there were leaving it. The formal dance of savvy London regulars was keeping everything running as neat as could be. On the station concourse though it was a different story. As soon as I came up the steps I ran into a crowd standing where no crowd should have been and my heart sank.

I maneuvered around to where I had a view of the departure boards and could see there was a long list of delays and cancellations. By hovering a few feet from one of the staff and listening in while he was interrogated by a couple of obnoxious alpha males I established that a train had come off its rails outside the station and was blocking the line.

I’d been working in the city long enough now to have been through a few of these delays so, fearing the worst, ducked into a shop to pick up a ready meal for dinner. Then I found space to stand in a dead spot between the traffic flows where I could keep an eye on the boards while I read a few pages of my current book. Actually in the end it wasn’t too long before the issue apparently cleared and I saw a train on my line flash up so I started picking my way through the crowd to the platform.

And that is when it happened. The chaotic flow of the crowd thinned and separated briefly in front of me for just a moment and perhaps ten metres away I caught sight of a face. The woman was walking at an angle to me toward the station exit and even as my eyes re-focused, trying to zero in for a better look, the crowd closed again and she was gone. For a moment all I could be sure of was that I had seen someone from my past, much older now but still recognisably the same person, then my mind caught up abruptly and served fully formed the context, the memories, and the name. I froze there, taken aback. After some time I became aware I was standing there in the crowd like an annoying island, being bumped, jostled and occasionally sworn at by the tide of people trying to make their way past me to the platforms. I pushed myself back into motion to catch my train.

Forty minutes later I was climbing the communal stairs up to my flat. Unlocking the door I thumbed in the code to switch off the alarm and dumped my messenger bag and the flimsy Marks and Spencer bag containing my dinner onto the side in the kitchen. After checking through the post I turned on the oven then stripped off my clothes and took a shower. I worked some shampoo through my short hair, rinsed it back out again, dried off, and changed into tracksuit bottoms and one of my more comfortable long sleeved tops.

The oven was up to heat by then so I chucked the lasagne in and mixed a dressing into the salad leaves. Pre-prepared foods still seemed decadent but after getting in late on a Friday they were an acceptable means to an end. Plus as a bonus the food had come with a pack of four little beers included and I felt a definite need for one of two of those.

After I had eaten I lay back on the sofa with a beer in my hand. There was some quiet music playing out of my phone through its base station in the corner of the room. Nothing I could remember hearing before, something Spotify had drifted onto based on a tune I probably fed it weeks ago. A clear thin voice sang about reaching for the moon.

I stretched out and released a deep breath. My excuse to Andy earlier had been a white lie and I’d had no plans other than an evening to myself. In fact aside for a couple of hours of training tomorrow I would be on my own all weekend. I’d only moved into the city when I landed my job in the spring and although I was determined to make it work I was still a country girl at that time so after a week surrounded by people all day I needed some serious downtime.

I’d had a little while to process my odd experience at the station earlier and rationalise it away. With so many people around you were bound to see someone who looked familiar once in a while after all. Anyway it couldn’t have been Sarah, because that was a hundred miles away and a long time ago, and besides anything else Sarah had died. I finished my beer and went off to bed.

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A Blissful Afternoon Ch. 01

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It’s been over a month since we’ve had a chance to be together. You know how life gets in the way. If you’ve read any of my stories, you know that I’m a 50ish, married, voluptuous (I opted to use that word instead of plump, my usual description), vibrant, redheaded woman, whose husband (by his choice) isn’t interested in having sex with me.

Other than no sex we have a good marriage. (Yes, I suppose that’s sort of a contradiction in terms.) He is a good man, but thinks I’m too fat to have sex with. My husband does accept what I do, and I don’t flaunt my activities in his face.

Today has been the first day in over a month that things have worked out for us to meet. When we meet we have to use the option of cheap motels. As you know I’m married, and he’s going through a divorce. (No, I did not cause the divorce, it was going on when we met.) For most comfortable rendezvous, all that is needed is a bed (including clean sheets), and a bathroom. (Hey, I’m human, I admit I have to pee every once in awhile.) Ambiance is not really needed. (Although it is necessary for special occasions.)

That afternoon he called me to tell where he was. It wasn’t the usual place we went, but cheap motels are all nearly the same. He was in room 228, but he would have to meet me at the outside door. (I guess I was wrong, not all bargain motels are the same, this one had a little more security than our regular one.) Of course, he gave me a big kiss when we met at the door.

Damn, he looked good. He made my mouth (and other parts of me) water just looking at him. He’s about 6’1, muscular, light brown well cut hair, hazel eyes, and the finest ass that his jeans showed off so well. It took all the restraint I could muster to wait till we got to the room to put my hands on him.

Once we got into the room, I wrapped my arms around his neck and molded myself to his body and planted my lips on his. We did some tongue wrestling and some upright body grinding until I had to break away to use bebek escort the bathroom. (See, that bathroom does come in handy.)

When I came out, he was in his underwear, and on the bed waiting for me. (Ok, I’m going to have to mention that he was wearing long underwear. He works outside and in refrigeration units, so he wears them frequently.) His stiff cock (since no one has suggested to me a better terms to use than cock, I’m going to continue to use it.) was peeking out of the fly of his long johns Although long johns probably aren’t on the top ten sexy underwear list, he did look so damn hot stretched out on that bed.

Now, I didn’t need to use any restraint to keep my hands off him. I climbed on the bed, stretched out beside him and wrapped my arms around him. Our lips met, and we melted into each other. I covered his lips, face, ears and any where else my lips could reach with kisses, licks and nips. And he was doing the same.

I was still totally dressed at this time, and I needed to feel skin on skin. Kissing fully clothed is like fishing without any bait. You may have fun, and it occupies some time, but it’s definitely not the real thing. I sat up and pulled off my t shirt. His response was to plant kisses on my breasts along the edge of my bra.

I might not have been dressed so sexy on the outside, but I was wearing sexy lingerie. A black lacey bra that barely held my 40DD breasts, and black lacy panties to match. I did get a groan of appreciation for my efforts.

Although he did like the looks of my bra, he like the looks of my bare breasts better. “I think we should release the girls'” he said as he deftly undid the hooks on my bra with one hand. (That does take talent, I can’t always do it with one hand.) One motion of his hand and the girls were free.

His kisses moved to my nipples. Taking one hardening tip between his teeth he began to nip and suck. I don’t know about other women, but my nipples and istanbul eskort pussy seem to have a system of nerves connecting them. When my nipples are sucked and bitten, my pussy starts to tingle and get wetter.

“Oh that feels so good” I moaned while I held his head to my breast. His hand was moving down my body to work on getting the rest of me naked. He easily opened the button on my jeans and slid off my jeans and panties. (Sadly he didn’t notice my sexy underwear until I was putting them back on.)

His fingers start to probe my wet pussy, working mainly on my clit. I can feel the muscles in my pussy warming and start to tingle. I’m starting to get wetter, and his fingers are making sloshing noises with my juices.

I feel myself taking little gaspy intakes of air as my clit is fingered more, and find I have to take some deep breaths to stable myself. His mouth slides down to join his fingers at my pussy. His tongue flicks over my clit and I moan with pleasure.

“Oh baby, you taste so good,” he drawls. And proceeds to push fingers into my dripping cunt. I can feel little waves of pleasure and warmth permeate through my pussy. I take one of the pillows, fold it and place it under my ass so he can get better access to my pussy.

With his mouth devouring my clit, and his fingers deep in my pussy, that feeling of warmth and pleasure that were just in my pussy explode over my entire body.

He raises his head from my pussy and says “I’ve missed that.” Then, he moves up and glides his hard cock into my waiting pussy. Immediately my cunt contracts around his cock. I take his head between my hands and commence to lick my juice off his face. I know I taste very good.

I encircle his hips with my legs. With my hips still raised on the pillow, he braces his arms on either side of me and thrusts his cock deep in me. “Oh baby, yes, that’s so good, keep doing that,” I moan. (If you haven’t figured out yet, I’m more of a moaner than a screamer.) kağıthane escort Repeatedly he lunges deep in my pussy and nearly pulls out. With my hips raised, his cock reaches deep in my pussy.

I can feel my vaginal muscles contract and twitch with pleasure, and an extreme feeling of bliss starts out in waves over my body. My thighs and abdominal muscles begin to quiver. I am deep in orgasm land, and I want more.

“Please, please don’t stop. I need more. Oh baby, yes, yes, that’s so good.” I beg. My hands are running up and down his back and ass. My nails are scratching at his back. My hands latch on to his fine behind to draw his cock deeper into my pussy. He’s deeper in me than I think he’s ever been.

We’re both panting for breath. By now sweat is pouring off our bodies which assists in our gliding against each other. Faster and harder he drives into my pussy. I’m thrusting my hips up and onto his cock. The feelings of bliss and pleasure are escalating over my body.

I can feel his cock pulsate in my pussy. His throbbing cock feels like it will soon explode. I know only a few more pumps and he will be filling me full of his hot cum. I clench my vaginal muscles hard around his cock and I know he can feel the added pressure.

After a few more hard thrusts he lets out a loud moan and I can feel his cum fill my pussy. That is just the catalysis I need to push me over the edge. It’s like fireworks exploding over my entire body. My vagina is quivering. My arms and legs are trembling. I’m in heaven. This is orgasm land quadrupled.

He continues to push his cock into my pussy. He can feel the quivering of my vagina and knows that it will continue for a long while. After a few minutes he collapses against me. I wrap my arms and legs around him and he kisses me. I contentedly purr to him. “You were fantastic.”

I’m still in orgasm land, that feeling of bliss and pleasure has permeated every inch of my body. He says to me “You make me that good.” (I know that sounds really hokey, but that’s really what he said.) We both relax back on the bed and take a rest to gear up for round two.

I’ll continue the rest of the afternoon in another story. (You didn’t really think the afternoon consisted of just one fuck session did you?)

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A Bowl of Cherries Ch. 03

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Of course, now that they had finally been together, Richard is unavailable again (at a physician’s conference in San Diego). To drown her sorrows Molly orders a large jar of sake with her sushi combo. Although she is a bit wobbly as she gets up she decides to walk home instead of taking a cab.

Still depressed, she walks into an Irish pub, hoping that a nightcap will improve her mood. A Guinness and a Bailey’s on top of the sake wasn’t the most brilliant idea, since they probably didn’t mix well, but they did have the effect of making her positively tipsy. Stumbling into the street, Molly almost dives off the curb in front of a taxi (wouldn’t that be ironic?) Luckily she is able to grab onto a signpost and twirls around it a few times, laughing in the face of death.

Molly should probably know better, but a couple blocks later she passes, or rather doesn’t pass, a sports bar – reasoning that she should rest her feet since she was wearing heels. She was way overdressed for the place and when she walked in all eyes were on her. Molly’s first stop was the restroom where she also paused to adjust her dress and maximize her cleavage.

Taking a seat at the corner of the bar, she ordered a pitcher of whatever domestic swill was on special. Pretending to watch hockey on the big screen, Molly played her little game (looking back at the men who inevitably stared at her). Even though she was dating Richard exclusively she could still have a little harmless fun. Every time she would glance back they would turn away like they had been slapped in the face. zonguldak escort At least two of them caught shit from their wives/girlfriends over it.

Men today are such pussies, Molly thought. A beautiful single woman sits alone at a bar and no one hits on her. So Molly turned up the heat, twisting her barstool sideways with her legs crossed she kicked in time with the music, her left shoe dangling from her toes. Until it went flying and she had to awkwardly snatch it out of the air, almost knocking her pitcher over in the process. Embarrassed, Molly quickly pays her tab and heads for home, until she comes to the French restaurant on her block and convinces herself that she needs a glass of Cabernet to complete her pub crawl.

Finally arriving at her apartment, it must have taken Molly five minutes to find her keys in her purse and get the door open. She couldn’t remember ever being this drunk, but still feeling sorry for herself, she made a Manhattan (with extra cherries, of course). Sitting on the couch she thought about Richard and their encounter in the car, and the dream that started it all, right here on this couch. Taking another sip of her drink, Molly ran her hands over her breasts and sighed. Preparing for what was to come, she flipped the ruined side of the middle cushion back up and grabbed a towel from the kitchen to lay on. She had cleaned it the best she could but it would need to be replaced eventually.

Molly kicked off her heels and peeled off her short black dress. Molly usually fantasized fethiye escort about her current lover or some movie star when she played with herself, but even though they fucked, Molly had not even seen Richard’s cock yet. Besides, she was too intoxicated to think clearly, so she decides to just enjoy herself tonight.

Molly began by stroking her hair and caressing her face and neck. Then she gently ran her fingertips up the inside of her outstretched left arm. Skipping over her breasts for now Molly slid her palm down her stomach and swirled her index finger around her belly button. Continuing onward but wanting to save the best parts for last, Molly raised her leg and stroked her inner thigh with the backs of her fingers.

Having had made herself wait long enough, Molly cupped her breasts with her hands, flicking her nipples with her thumbs until they stiffened. She took the left one into her mouth, which she always seemed to favor. Was it possible to be left-breasted? She giggled at the thought. Releasing her nipple from between her teeth she stuck her thumb in instead and sucked on it. Oh, yeah – she was getting some tonight.

Molly moved her hands to her crotch and spread herself open. When she stuck her fingers inside she was reminded by a sharp pain that she had French tips put on the day before, so she would have to “think outside the box.” Being careful, Molly lubricated her fingers and alternated between sliding them over the tip of her clit and pressing down on it and rubbing in circles. alanya escort Occasionally she would tug on her inner lips and tentatively finger herself.

After what seems like forever, Molly stops. Her pussy feels numb – that had never happened before. Reaching over to the end table for her drink she accidentally dips her fingers into the glass. Taking a gulp, her juices combine with the bourbon and cherries to make the perfect Manhattan. Returning to work, the alcohol stings briefly. Molly realizes that she literally and figuratively has “whiskey clit.” Thinking she may be dreaming, Molly glances at her watch – it is indeed 11:03, just as it was the last time. Trying to get things started again, she begins slapping her pussy.

“Wake up, kitty”

Still nothing, then harder.

“Bad kitty!”

Returning to her clit, Molly realizes that in addition to the loss of sensation she has gone completely dry. That is also a first for her. Checking her watch again, it was difficult for her to tell the time as all the alcohol she drank continued to enter her bloodstream. With some concentrated squinting she was able to determine that it was 11:07 – so this wasn’t a dream after all.

Also, that would mean that she had been going at it for over an hour. She was going to need some assistance if she was going to finish. Struggling to stand upright, the room spinning wildly, Molly resorts to crawling to her bedroom.

Just climbing into bed felt like a major accomplishment. Reaching into her nightstand she grabbed her favorite toy and some lube (it was two months expired, but she was too drunk to care). Applying the buzzer to her clit, Molly realizes that even this is only vaguely pleasurable and pointless, like a Sunday drive. She inserts the vibrator and closes her eyes until the battery runs out. Finally admitting defeat, Molly passes out face-down in her pillow.

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Dream Lover

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(This is a work of fiction. No ages are given, but that the characters portrayed in this work of fiction are over the age of 18.)

As I drifted off into sleep, I thought of him, his youthful body, his soft smooth skin, his gentle smile, the way his golden blonde hair caught the light of the sun and gave him a halo of the divine, and his blue eyes looking at me with love, caring and longing. He stood there caught in time, a picture etched into my memory, ever youthful, ever loving, ever beautiful to my eyes, heart and mind. His nudity expressed openness and lack of shame for the feelings he had for me that welled up inside as he stood there before me, looking at me patiently, standing there caught in a moment of time that lingers ever in my mind’s eye. His erect penis oozing precum revealed his desire for me, his willingness to share himself with me. All that love, I held for him in equal measure. My penis too stood at attention being aroused by the thoughts of him, his love, his touch, his smell, his weight against my body while we laid together in each other’s arms making love, kissing with tongues dancing one with the other and further aroused our sexual desire for each other, that binds us at the soul level in our experience united in love.

Sleeps veil came over me, and the lights of conscious thought dimmed. I floated into that restful, secure place where renewal and replenishment dwells for the sleeping beings. Where the cells of my body shed the old and where refreshed anew as healthy beautiful vital and alive cell parts of my physical being. Parts that worked their work to rebuild and renew my body into the youthful body I remembered. As I looked upon his beautiful body, I fashioned mine in his likeness. I grow into that being every moment until it reveals itself to me as I gaze into the mirror at my reflection. The changes I see in the mirror, as I look at myself in the morning, are subtle yet I see this youthful body growing, replacing ever so slowly and deliberately, the old body until one day when I look into the mirror, the old body will be as a faded memory of what I once thought of as being mine.

The renewal continues as I drift off into dreams of us together.

There is a gentle breeze that cools the air and carries with it the sweet smell of green grass, and flowers in blossom. The leaves of the grand old tree I find him reclining against move slowly in rhythm with the breeze. He is there, in the shade of the tree with eyes closed, resting and waiting for giresun escort me to arrive. As I approach he hears the sounds of my foot steps approaching, opens his eyes, looks at me with a loving smile and beckons me to join him at his side in the shade of this grand old tree. He had place a blanket there where he rested with a basket of food and other things to fill our hungers while we spent this time together. I sat beside him, took him and turned him towards me. I softly rubbed his cheek and gave him a little kiss on the lips in greeting.

“Hello my love. It is so nice to be with you once again.” I kiss him again and hug him to me, holding him in my arms, smelling him, feeling his arms around me as is warm breath touches the skin on my neck.

Our embrace ends after a time, then he softly kisses my lips, smiles delightfully at me and says, “I’m glad you where able to come. I was wondering if you would be able to find me.”

“My love for you, my longing to be with you guided me right to you.” I paused for a moment, “You know of course, I love you dearly and would never leave you except that life doesn’t offer me that option at this time.”

“Yes, I know. That makes these times together that much more valuable.” He sits up a bit, turns toward me again and looks at me from head to toes, “Let me take in the vision of my love, my lover.”

“Be my guest, as I too delight in the vision of you.”

Our mutual adoration leads us into touching each other’s bodies. As we kneel on the blanket facing each other, I tug at the base of his white t-shirt pulling it up out of his faded blue jean shorts. As I lift it up, it reveals his soft skin and lightly tanned torso. He helps me by pulling it over his head, removing it. He drops it on the blanket, then as he looks into my eyes, seeing deep into my soul, does the same thing to my pull-over shirt. I remove it and drop it next to his as his hands caress and stroke my ribs. We kiss passionately for awhile, our mouths open, devouring each other, diving deeply into the lustful feelings that are building up in us both. I slide my fingers down below his belly button on down under this underwear where I find his hard dick awaiting my touch. I feel the wet sticky precum at the head of his enlarged penis, then smear it around the opening it seeped out of. As I touch his dick, and finally hold it in my hand, he unbuttons his jeans which drop to his knees. His white cotton Jocky shorts bulge with my yalova escort hand around his erect dick which now protrudes beyond the waist band as though longing for freedom from the confines of that cloth. I continue to hold him and stroke his dick while he pulls down his underwear which rest on his shorts at his knees. My mouth waters longing to devour his dick as I look down upon his beautifully formed cock being held and stroked in my hand. While my lust and longing builds, while I continue to hold his cock and stroke it gently in my grip, he kisses my neck as he undoes my belt. With my belt undone, he unsnaps my pants and unzips the zipper which was bulging with my own throbbing cock, longing for his touch. My pants drop to my knees. I feel his warm touch at first just sliding around my dick head, smearing my precum the same as I had done to him. His touch is warms and causes my dick to get even harder than it was. The sensation of his touching my cock delights me to no end. I passionately kiss him again, his passion meeting mine as we each hold each others dicks in our hands stroking, kissing loving each other. After a time, we break away from each other and quickly remove our clothing leaving us both totally exposed, aroused and longing for the love playing to continue.

My mouth longs for the taste of his dick, so I encourage him to stand up, lean back against the tree trunk with his legs spread and his erect throbbing cock beckoning me to take it into my mouth as I kneel before the alter of his cock. I stick my tongue out first barely touching the head of his cock, licking up the precum that is ready to drip off at any moment. His taste is delightful. I move my lips to the end of his cock, with just my lips around the opening of his dick, and such the remaining precum into my mouth. He grown a bit in delight at the touch of my lips on his dick. I wet my lips with my tongue, then slowly consume the head of his cock into my mouth. As my lips encircle the throbbing cock, my tongue dances around the head, playing with the dick opening and probing it. My mouth then slides down the shaft of his cock. The musky smell of his crotch fills my nostrils and deepens my longing for him, my longing to delight him and make him shoot his load into my mouth. To that end, I inhale his smell and continue to suck his cock. Stroking it with my lips and tongue. All the while, he holds my head in his hands, and plays with my hair. I occasionally look up and see he is yozgat escort truly enjoying the delightful sex play we are having as he smiles and groans at those moments of deepest delight. As my mouth works his cock, my right hand fondles his ball sack moving his balls around between my fingers. My left hand holds his butt cheek, kneading it as though it where a soft piece of dough.

“Oh God! YES! I’m coming!” he says as he holds my head and plunges his dick deeper into my mouth, fucking my mouth faster and faster until I feel the warmth and taste the gushes of his come in my mouth. I suck it up as fast as he shoots it, savoring every little drop of his manliness. Oh God, how completely I love him! Once the height of his ecstasy has passed and his dick begins to soften, I kiss it again, lick his balls then kiss them too. With my kisses, his dick once again begins to harden. I gently fall back onto my back with my legs spread, looking up at him as he towers above me and begins to come down upon my hard cock. I nearly came at the same time he did, but didn’t. My cock was dripping with precum and so sensitive and aroused that the touch of his lips sent a wave of sexual thrill throughout my body. My body involuntarily convulsed at his touch, my hips thrust forward to push my hot dick into his mouth. I laid back and took in the sensation of his warm mouth on my cock, his tongue licking at the shaft, his lips sliding over the head of my dick onto the shaft sucking and caressing my dick to bring me to orgasm. His efforts where not long delayed since I was already so aroused by our previous play. I watched as his head bounced up and down on my cock, over and over again and his hand held the shaft and stroked it as his lips made room for that to happen.

“I love you so much!” was all I could say before I finally erupted into his hungry mouth. As I spurt my load into his mouth, shot after shot, my love deepened for him, and I know his for me as well.

“God! That was great.” we said to each other in harmony. Then laughed at our simultaneous thought thus expressed.

Having thus satisfied each other’s sexual desire for the time. We laid there on the blanket naked next to each other, enjoying the time we had together. No audible words where spoken but our minds met and conversed in thoughts, feeling, images and sounds as minds that meet in this way can easily do.

Drifting away into the veil of sleep I rested peacefully until the light of the morning such shine through my window onto my face. I turned to my side, to see that he wasn’t there beside me, yet I could still feel his touch, his loving embrace. I felt the gold ring on my finger he’d given me in that dream. Yet it was a dream, but the ring was real. I know I will be with him again, and eventually, we will never have to part again.

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Her First Happy Ending

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Jessi’s fingers were white-knuckles curled tight around the steering wheel as she pulled into the driveway of the massage parlor. Her best friend, Andrea, had raved about this place and even gave Jessi a coupon for a free massage. Not one to deny a free hour of relaxation, Jessi took the offer up immediately. Secretly, she hoped her taking up the free massage offer would make Andrea shut up about it.

As she locked her car and walked into the tinted-windowed massage spa, she smiled and thought, “Maybe I’ll even get a cute hunk massaging me.” The thought brought a smile to her lips even as she was walking into the parlor.

Looking around, it was lit well, looked clean, and smelled of coconut oil. It looked to be a reputable spa. She was greeted by an older, plump Asian women with a sweet smile.

“You here for massage?” The tiny woman inquired in broken English.

“Uh, yeah, I have a free massage coupon?” Jessi replied, fumbling around in her purse for the coupon.

The woman looked her up and down. “You must have money for tip? You need tip, or massage will be no good.”

“Oh, yeah! I brought money for the tip. If you don’t mind me asking, how much do you think is appropriate?”

A younger, slightly taller woman passed by and the older woman half-said, half-barked at her in what sounded like Tagalog. As she started down the hallway, leading Jessi behind her, the older woman stated simply, “Depend on what kind of massage.” Before Jessi could ask what that meant, she was pushed into a smaller room with the door shut behind her.

The room contained a comfortable-looking massage table, a counter with a sink and container full of coconut oil, and an antique-looking Japanese style screen. Judging by the hangers on the screen and the relative privacy, she assumed this was the part where she would have to get naked. Her anxiety from earlier in the day returned to her. “What if my masseuse is some hot stud? And he’s gonna see me NAKED?”

Jessi pulled her clothes off with urgency. She had worn only a light sweater and a pair of comfortable shorts. She had gone sans bra and panties as she assumed she would just be taking them off anyways. Completely nude, Jessi examined herself in the mirror. She had small, not even A-cup breasts and a petite waist. Her tiny chest had always been a source uşak escort of embarrassment for her, especially through high school as her best friend Andrea’s chest had swelled to a DD-cup. Jessi covered her perky pink nipples with her hands just to keep them warm. She had shaven her pussy that morning, just in case. She really wasn’t expecting anything to happen, but she thought better safe than sorry anyways.

Wrapping herself in a thin white towel that just barely covered her up, Jessi laid face-down on the massage table and waited anxiously for her masseuse to her arrive. Her jaw nearly dropped as the door opened and her masseuse walked in. It was the girl who had walked by earlier! She was tall, almost as tall as Jessi; and had beautiful, dark eyes and hazelnut tan skin.

“Hi! I’m Sunny. I’m so sorry to put you through this, but can we move rooms? This room actually is reserved for a client, Mama-san accidentally mistook you for her.”

Jessi gulped as Sunny walked into the room and got comfortable, washing her hands and putting her hair up into a bun. “Does she expect me to change back into my clothes while she’s here? Or does she just want me to hobble over into our new room in a towel?” Jessi thought to herself. Sunny didn’t look to be leaving.

The beautiful masseuse must’ve read Jessi’s mind, as she laughed and said, “It’s okay if you change back into your clothes. We’re just heading to the room next door.”

Jessi nodded and slipped into her regular clothes. She regretted her decision to go without underwear as she slipped her loose-fitting shorts on. She glanced over at Sunny, who was absentmindedly playing with her phone. Sunny was wearing a silky purple robe that only extended about halfway down her thigh. Jessi nearly turned red as she wondered if Sunny wore any underwear that day.

After moving rooms, undressing, and laying on the table, and covering her sensitive areas with the towel, Jessi was finally ready for her massage. Sunny rubbed some oil into the palm of her hand and began massaging Jessi’s back. Having Sunny massage her was like a breath of fresh air for her body, she felt like new. Sunny massaged her entire back side, from her neck to the tips of her toes. Jessi almost forgot that she was naked under that tiny towel.

After she van escort had finished massaging Jessi’s back side, Sunny instructed her to flip.

“Oh… Do you have another towel? For, you know… My chest?”

Sunny laughed. “Sorry, I think they’re all being used. Would it make you more comfortable if I was naked too?” she asked as she untied the tie on her silk robe and dropped it to her ankles.

Jessi’s jaw dropped. Sunny was completely naked in all of her glory. She had full, round, natural breasts and a cute shaved landing strip on her vulva. Jessi had never really seen a woman her age naked before, much less a beautiful woman like Sunny.

Sunny smiled and rubbed some oil into her palm. “Now, I want you to flip.”

Jessi flipped and exposed her small breasts to the cold air, instantly hardening her nipples. She blushed as Sunny remarked, “Cute.”

Sunny massaged Jessi’s neck, waist, and all down her legs. Jessi, the virginal blonde was startled when Sunny slowly moved her way up to Jessi’s breasts. She sat up and asked, “Oh, um, do you… Usually massage there?”

Sunny laughed. “Believe it or not there is actually a lot of tension in that area. Breast massages are heavenly.” Reassured, Jessi laid back down.

Sunny massaged Jessi’s breasts deeply, massaging her muscles and tissue in her chest and freeing her of all tension. Sunny startled Jessi as she poured oil directly on her nipples, hardening them even more. She slowly took two thumbs and rubbed the oil into each nipple.

Jessi was a virgin, but that didn’t mean she had never played with herself before. And she knew for a fact her nipples were extremely sensitive. Sunny’s gentle touches to her rock-hard pink nipples made Jessi bite her lip to keep from moaning. Jessi couldn’t keep it in any longer, and asked, “Does Andrea have this done to her?”

Sunny smiled, but didn’t stop caressing Jessi’s nipples. “Oh, yes. In fact, Andrea’s one of my favorite clients. She talks about you a lot, you know,” Sunny said as she went to the counter to rinse her hands.

“Really! What does she say?”

Sunny returned to Jessi and agonizingly slowly peeled off the towel covering Jessi’s wet, pulsating pussy. She winked and replied, “Don’t worry. I promise you its all good.”

Jessi was nervous. erzincan escort “I… I’m not really used to being so exposed.”

A smile. “Virgin?”

She blushed. “And?”

Sunny smiled and went back to caressing Jessi’s perky little nipples. “Well, now I know exactly what Andrea sent you here for.”

The blood drained from Jessi’s face. “So this is one of those massage parlors?”

Sunny simply smiled and closed her eyes as her hands traveled from Jessi’s nipples down her stomach. Almost instinctively, the innocent virgin opened her legs to Sunny’s touch. Sunny’s hands slowly moved down her waist, caressing her hips and inner thighs.

Jessi gasped as Sunny’s palm rubbed her pussy. It was the first time anyone had touched her like that. She leaned her head back and sighed deeply. Sunny massaged her vulva and labia, sending tingles up Jessi’s legs and spine.

With one finger, Sunny teased Jessi’s soaking wet entrance. Jessi moaned as Sunny plunged just one finger in her virgin pussy. “God, you’re so tight!” Sunny exclaimed. Jessi laughed.

Sunny lowered herself, sticking her ass in the air as she bent over and started kissing Jessi’s inner thighs. Her tongue circled Jessi’s vulva and with one loooong stroke, Sunny licked up Jessi’s wetness from her entrance all the way to her clit. Jessi shuddered with pleasure and anticipation as Sunny’s tongue just barely passed over her sensitive clit. Jessi moaned louder and louder as Sunny started to gently flick her tongue over her clit. Soon enough, the beautiful masseuse was full-on licking and sucking on Jessi’s clit. Jessi moaned more and more, louder and louder as Sunny brought her closer and closer to her first lesbian orgasm.

As Sunny licked Jessi’s clit, she slowly started to rub Jessi’s hole. She then plunged two fingers into Jessi’s pussy, eliciting a euphoric scream from the blonde girl and bringing her only seconds away from orgasm. Jessi leaned her head back and moaned, “Oh, Sunny, don’t stop!”

With Sunny sucking hard on her clit and fingering her tight little pussy, Jessi came hard, soaking Sunny’s fingers with her orgasmic juice. Sunny gladly licked it up and then leaned towards Jessi for a French kiss. Then, she went to wash her hands, leaving Jessi breathing hard on the table.

As they both cleaned up, Jessi reached for her purse to tip Sunny. The lovely massage therapist just laughed and remarked, “No tip this time.”

Jessi was perplexed. “Are you sure?”

Sunny winked. “Oh yes. I like you, little blonde virgin. Come back again… And bring your friend. I’ll show you two a real happy ending.”

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