Cock-Sucker: Sugarfoot , Gilgamesh

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Big Dicks

The famous Gay Poet meets his groupie fan…

This place doesn’t look real. It’s a Lego model. A replica of a real place. Only with all the life siphoned out of it. A red-brick University out in the sticks. A no-place that doesn’t exist. There are two guys here to meet me. One, his beard an act of domestic terrorism. The other grabs my attention more forcefully.

‘Hi – WOW! This is totally amazing for me. It’s you! It’s really YOU! Allen Gilgamesh. Can I just say how much I admire your stuff…? You’re like, totally a god to me. Call me Sugarfoot, they all do.’

It’s not so much the two pink button-badges he flaunts – ‘GLAD TO BE GAY’ and ‘JESUS LUVZ QUEERZ’, more the fact that he’s wearing Superman ‘y’-fronts over his tight stone-washed pre-stressed jeans. His eyes half-closed and sleepy-looking. They escort me to the English-Lit faculty venue. One on either side of me.

‘It’s not the big lecture theatre’ admits face-foliage apologetically. ‘Not enough response. But the annexe is better for the bar, which is good, right?’


He gets me a drink. There’s a scattering of people. Some posters. The reading goes fine. Terrorist-beard gives me an over-the-top talk-up which I strive, inadequately to match. I attempt some humour. Try a couple of new poems, which I think are pretty good. It’s cool to know nothing. Riff through extracts from recent collections. But they’re not really going for it. I know what they want. What they always want. The Rolling Stones got “Satisfaction”. I’ve got “Yell”, a poem both trashy and profound at once. Recording meditations and instants snatched from a more radical phase of my life. An evolution of the Gay species, opening with the primal ‘Big Bang’ detonation and closing with the entropy heat-death of the universe. Of course, the scandal didn’t hurt. The high-profile obscenity trial, the defence lawyer calling eminent literary figures to pontificate on the worth of my slim black-and-white ‘City Nights’ collection. It’s my legend. My pot-shot at posterity.

Now I know better how poems should breathe in and out, with iambic phrase-bugs chasing each other. How to adjust and modulate, putting more sound in my voice for emphasis at the correct stress-points. Splashing through couplets like puddles. This is my ‘Un chant d’amour’. Experimental…? Naw – leave that to the Large Hadron Collider. And although the words still glister, after so many repetitions they’re only words after all, words that mangle out into gobbledegook. That’s all. Me – and the Stones, neither of us can get away without doing our greatest hit. Although I can’t get no satisfaction from doing “Yell” on auto-pilot yet again. Although I do. Once it meant something. Once it meant a lot. That was a long time ago.

Afterwards, I hang around. To light-finger some books from the stand. A ballpoint pen. A pair of tweezers. Stretching time. Now face-foliage is occupied elsewhere. And I’m sat on a not-very-comfortable plastic chair with my legs crossed and my eyes half-closed, trying to look as though I’m not looking anywhere in particular, as if I’m doing nothing more demanding than… say, waiting for a bus. I mean, what am I actually waiting for? What do I expect to happen? But Sugarfoot zones in.

‘Like, WOW man, that was incredible! A total blast. I mean – you, you’re like everything I aspire to. You know that…? It’s true. You’ve been a part of everything. You were there at the beginning. You’re an integral part of Gay history, man. And I can’t believe I’m here with you. WOW, you should know that I’m your greatest fan.’

Yes, me with the grizzled antennae-hair, thinning on dome-top, the round wire-rim spectacles, the bulging gut overhang. Until he gestures it’s over and we’re to go…

‘Er, we go straight down here. Then up the stairs. We got overnight for you. Not too much. Not what you deserve.’ Talking as we walk. ‘Who is the significant other that “Yell” is dedicated to? Pray tell me.’

‘Can’t. I’m pledged never to reveal.’

‘Is it a name I’d recognise?’

Ha, that’s the tease. And it’s a good string-along that’s kept lit-crits chuntering away for two decades. Sakarya Escort You feed them teasing hints every touch and turn. Just to keep it bubbling. I wonder if he knows? I wonder if he’s even read it? We did that mutual exploration thing when we were marginally younger than Sugarfoot is now, Neal and me both eighteen, with blazing urgency in our pants and nowhere else to take it. And it was so sweet. The fumblings and feeling-up, the rubbing and tossing-off, the tentative sucking and spurting. A confusion of inexorable gravities that draws us into each other’s straining groins. But then things get complicated. To him, I guess, we are just friends. Friends who do stuff together. To me, it was more, and increasingly it’s me doing all the pleasuring, him letting me do it. Then Neal meets her. They get close. They get married. She makes it subtly obvious she doesn’t approve of me. Like she sees me as some kind of rival. And maybe I am. Because when she’s not around, old habits resume. And I’m giving him head. She won’t do it, she says it’s one thing she can never bring herself to do, although for the life of me I could never understand why anyone would not want to suck so beautiful a cock. The great thing about being male is that you get to have erections. Just how wonderful is that? The great thing about guy-on-guy sex is that you get to share someone else’s erection, which is even better, it provides a contact-high that multiplies the buzz. So I never miss an opportunity.

Until that day we’re upstairs in their bedroom and he has his pants down and I’ve got seven inches of his stiff cock pulsing in my excited mouth (I know its dimensions, we’ve done all the mutual measuring comparisons, he’s bigger than me, but it seems appropriate), and she returns unexpectedly, walks in on us, catches us in the act just as he’s on the point of orgasm. She goes hysterical, accusing him of all manner of nastiness. Treating me like shit. He’s pleading and comforting her. I’m stood there, caught up in it. He phones me later. His voice strained and a little hoarse. She’s laid down terms and conditions. If they’re to stay together it’s only if I exit forever. What can I do? It’s that angry bitterness, that raging frustration that fuels “Yell”, not all the other political stuff. It’s that helpless howl of pain against cruel fate. I’ve never seen Neal since, but I’ve kept the faith. I wonder if he knows how much that separation hurts? I wonder if he’s even read the poem it inspired…?

Sugarfoot walks beside me. I try to nod and grunt at appropriate places. Not that it’s necessary. He does all the talking.

‘You were there on the frontline of Gay Rights. On the barricades at Stonewall…’

Er, well, actually no. I was there in spirit with the Stonewall insurrection. I shared their anger, their noisy carnival of protest, by proxy, from a distance. I wrote stuff in support. Years later, visiting Greenwich Village, I did actually walk the full length of Christopher Street. But no, it’s not true to say I was actually there as those joyous outraged heroes fought back at Police repression during the long hot summer of June 1969. New energies in the air. Stale old forms collapsing and falling away through exhaustion, repetition and boredom. New sensibilities busy being born. Even from a distance, those rumour were wonderful. Even now you can read between the 3D-lines, taste the freedom like yesterday’s spliffs. News feeds on itself. Crazy-crowds in frozen chaos. Panic panic panic.

‘And you were there with the Frisco Bath House scene…’

Again no. I was always too scared-as-hell of getting hurt by promiscuous sex. Not that I didn’t think about it, and it’s not that I haven’t had my moments. Sure I have. But I usually have to like the guy, or relate to him on some human level other than just lust. Lust is good. I’ve got no beef with lust. I’ve grappled cocks and balls and hairy arses aplenty. It’s just that all that grope-grabbery and anonymous ass-fuck stuff is a little too intense and way-extreme for me. Own up, I chickened out. I’m a nice guy, honest. But I lost friends there, when the plague began, in Adapazarı Escort watery-eyed remembrance. Don’t want to drag that past out into the light. I had long-term contacts in the Castro Beat-scene community, people who published my poems in scuzzy mimeographed magazines and promoted loft-parties where I was invited to read. And yes, I wrote about it all, and yes, we had some great furtive sex in the warm twilight too. But I was never, truly, part of the Bath House scene. Don’t look back. That past is a wilderness of horrors.

He softens the waxy pallor of his face enough to form a sketchy smile. ‘You prey on people? For material to populate your poems. You’re predatory?’

‘No, I’ve got no Yoda-sense. I can’t alter your mind-set and reprogramme your motivations.’ Imprecise, furry talk that goes nowhere. Verbally circling each other like skilled duellists fencing for an opening. But with the delicacy of a cat killing a mouse.

‘And the Gay Pride rallies…’

Ah yes, that’s true. I was on more of them than I care to recall. A sense of duty. Or self-promotion. Being there to be seen being-there. Me, Allen Gilgamesh, the great Gay Poet. Fractured beauty in the street, drinking in the sun. It was expected. The pink press ran the photos. It doesn’t do my book-sales any harm. Know what I mean?

I walk like an apathy-android on autoshrug. Disconnected. Disengaged. It’s not my problem. Not any more. I made my call. Did my bit. Made my contribution. I gave. I gave. I’m walking through Lego-corridors in a Sims simulation-reality. I keep expecting the ad-breaks to begin. The sponsorship tag-line for the commercial I’m living through. My thoughts clunk clunk clunk around in my head like irascible poltergeists. One feeling elbowing the next out of the way, in turn. Why the hell am I even here at all? I got no-place else to go. That’s the truth of it.

His room. A quick-flash inventory. Senses working overtime. So keen my ears drink in the sound of stale air brushing up against the furniture. Nostrils sucking in the sour-sweet tang of his body, the funk-smell of his T-shirt, the sweat and skin-flakes soaked into the mattress. He’s yakking about shooting experimental movies, drastic avant garde stuff. It’s creepy. These young Gays, they wear their freedom like cheap cologne. And it’s right that they should. Yet at the same time… it seems creepy to me. This world is not what it should be. All things are not equal. My feelings are befuddled. It’s temptingly easy to despise these young Gays, mostly because they’re younger, prettier, fitter, and more enthusiastic than I’ll ever be again. He fetches a bottle of red wine from the chiller, slurps at its neck, and passes it across. I taste his saliva on the glass lip.

‘Prithee, grant me one boon.’ He’s giggling gleefully. I wonder where he’s going with this.

‘Boon away.’

‘Can’t, I’m bashful. I’m too shy to ask.’ But he’s talking with his voice, not his brain.

‘I wasn’t aware you hunted monsters.’

‘Sometimes the monsters hunt you. It’s not that my appetite is broad, just that other folks are so narrow.’ The sound of his Superman underpants scratch-rustling down his thighs as he tugs them free. He catches up the discarded briefs in his hand and hurls them against the wall for no obvious reason. His crooked little smirk. His pants too. Legs like white tapeworms. His clothes form a puddle on the floor.

‘Me, I wanna suck your cock, man. I wanna be able to say that me, I’m the guy that sucked that famous iconic Gay cock. That me, I sucked you off. I wanna be able to say that.’

‘Who’d believe you?’

‘Me. I’d believe it. That’s enough.’

‘I see’ I manage inadequately, seeing nothing. ‘I guess it’d be churlish to deny you.’

It all happens with indecent speed. His T-shirt is gone. A skinny bone-white torso. Prominent nipples. The right one pierced and ringed. He liberates a long thin uncut cock. He tugs it as it swings free, like guys do, setting the small tight balls a-jiggle. He’s hardly my dream fantasy-shag. But I suppose, if I wasn’t the great Gay poet, he wouldn’t look twice at me Serdivan Escort either. He squats down to unzip me, his hands not quite steady, dog-trust in his sleepy eyes for this big Beat word-slinger. He reaches for my belt, unbuckling it faster than thought. I’m conscious of the powdering of short black hairs on the back of my hand as he grabs both pants and underwear by the waistband and yanks them down, me stupidly lifting myself so he can release me, and out lolls my lazy cock. I’d like to be able to say it springs out, leaps to attention, upswings, bobs, bounds, vaults, capers, a booster-rocket aimed at Saturn. But no, it doesn’t do that any more, it kinda flops out. It’s no big deal, but it’s like he can’t take his eyes off it.

He looks up at me as though seeking permission, then lifts it reverently, rubbing it gently between thumb and forefinger until it shows signs of twitching life. A queer frightening exciting sensation. My mouth waters. So does his. My pulse beats a little faster. When he draws it into his mouth it’s like the soft drape of a silk scarf. A hint of teeth on my glans. Just enough to stimulate. He’s good with his lips and tongue. Practiced. I’m nudging his throat, aiming at his tonsils, he’s sucking with an urgency. He’s obviously well-used to doing this. My heart is thumping like mad now and yes, it’s urging yes, yes, yes. Erect now, impossible not be, as his mouth works up, down and around me. Pumping it, I have to fight against the roaring of my senses, the tightening of the muscles in my stomach, my thighs, my buttocks, my gonads. This is the worst of all possible worlds. The sound of my life falling apart around me. The Gay Hero…? I’m not one thing or another. Like most everyone else, I’m a muddle. But I can see my own image reflected in Sugarfoot’s inflated fantasies. I’m a fantastic creature of his imagination. I’m his smudged fictional creation. It’s a testament to his strange clammy power that I exist at all. Thoughts feed off words. And words nourish thoughts. Blood is pounding in my head.

I’m sucking in hoarse ragged breaths as he sucks my penis in long deep strokes, making little appreciative murmuring sounds in his throat. Chills running down my brain. The light is flash-flickering. My cock throbs like toothache, setting up quivers that tremble the floor. Shivering, like every cell of my body is on vibrate. As though tectonic tremors are set up purely by emotional intensity. I could levitate from here to there on pure telepathy. Our irregular breathing is the loudest sound in the world. This scrawny young man gives a scrawny shudder, concentrating so hard he has my head buzzing, his breath coming fast, hot in my groin, as the tautness in the pit of my gut grows and grows. Then the long time-elevator of build-up begins. It starts quietly like an aching hunger in the bone-marrow, and grows to flash across separate nerve-cells, synapses, brain-cells, every touch-point in the body, radiating out from that intensity-centre, that nexus of mouth-penis connection. He’s smirking up at me as I begin sputtering drizzles into his hungry mouth, his sleepy eyes unnaturally bright, and then he’s chewing the viscous globs in his mouth, munching them, tasting them, savouring it like some pervy connoisseur kinkfest.

‘Thank you, thank you’ his voice slurred. ‘You don’t know what this means to me.’ Sugarfoot, young and dumb with a mouthful of cum. He swallows, making his adam’s-apple bob on his boy-scrawny neck.

‘It’s like you’re passing the torch of your genius on to me. Now I’ve got your DNA-spermatozoa swimming inside me. It’s as though I’m absorbing elements of your powers. Like it’s something I can carry forward into the future.’ He kisses the messy tip of my glans in a dreamy infatuated way, so that when he draws back he’s still linked to it by a long milky strand of sperm. He licks it away, his tongue severing the connection.

I’m thinking, you do this to me and expect me to think afterwards? No. It’s just a stupid groupie blowjob in a Lego no-place. Yet I get this crazy feeling that part of him is right. In this replica of a real place he’s siphoning my life-energies out of me. Until I’m less than a ghost no-person in this no-place that doesn’t exist. The real me, the real reality is left there, somewhere out in the past. Neal, where are you this night? We should be together, you and I. I still feel that ache, that lost sad longing…


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Coach Abraham

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My first sexual experience of any kind was with the coach of the wrestling team, Mr Abraham, that I had secretly lusted after for some time. In my last year of high school, I found myself being kept behind so often after class that it was becoming second nature. It wasn’t that I was disruptive or a trouble-maker; I just had a quick temper and wasn’t good at following orders from authority figures. I was battling with deeply hidden emotions, not sure whether I was into girls or guys and this led to a great deal of pent-up frustration and anger. Also, I was a day-dreamer and would often find my head full of thoughts that kept me awake at night, my cock hard under the covers, until I had to take myself in hand to relieve my aching loins. I would often picture the other guys from the wrestling team, but had found myself thinking about Mr Abraham more and more, his natural masculinity a real draw to me and my secret passions.

The latest incident happened in gym class, when Coach Abraham overheard me call one of the other guys a ‘fucking cunt’ during an argument that had broken out between us. Zeb Wilson was a cocky son-of-a-bitch and always winding me up and knew exactly which buttons to press and I just lost my temper with him.

“I don’t appreciate hearing that kind of trash in my gym, Smith. Stay behind after class,” Coach Abraham barked.

I sighed inwardly, embarrassed at having been called out in front of the other guys, who seemed to move away from me, not wanting to get caught in the middle.

So later, after the last bell had rung, I waited on the bench in the locker room for Coach Abraham to come in and read me the riot act. He had a reputation of being a hard task-master, making guys do press-ups or laps around the gym, so I stayed in my shorts, anticipating that my punishment would involve some sort of physical activity. The locker room door slammed open and Mr Abraham came in, dressed only in a pair of sweats. His ripped, muscular body was covered with a thick coating of hair and I found my eyes being drawn to his manly chest, which was glistening with sweat. He was always tanned and had tattoos on his arms that were obviously from his days as a Marine. He kept his head shaved short and had a pair of sultry brown eyes that seemed to study your face when he was talking to you.

“You got a potty mouth on you, Smith. Where did you learn to talk like that?” he asked, standing over me, hands on hips.

“I’m sorry, Sir. It’s just that he wouldn’t leave it alone,” I replied. “Zeb just rubs me up the wrong way.”

“That’s no excuse. I don’t like that to hear that kind of language from my students. You’ve been spoiling for a fight for some time now. What’s gotten into you? You got trouble at home, is that it?” he asked.

I wasn’t about to confess the reason that I was so short-tempered was due to a simmering sexual tension within me, not when Mr. Holmes was stood within touching distance. I could almost imagine myself reaching up and caressing the big bulge that always showed in his joggers. I often wondered if he wore underwear or was just naturally gifted in the penis department.

“No, not trouble at home, Sir,” I managed to reply, licking my lips that had grown dry. I found it almost impossible to swallow; I felt like I had an obstruction in my throat and was aware that my heart had begun pounding.

Mr Abraham gave a deep sigh and sat down beside me. His thick, muscular thigh touched my leg, but he didn’t move it. The smell of him was intoxicating; a heady mix of aftershave and sweat.

“I remember Sakarya Escort what it’s like to be your age and I wasn’t too different myself, Smith. I mean, it wasn’t such a long time ago, y’ know. I always felt angry at the world; always fighting my feelings. You got problems with a girl, is that why you’re so antsy?” he enquired.

I let out a short laugh. “No, Sir, not a girl.”

He paused for a moment, then quietly said, “A guy, then?”

I looked at him, shocked that he might have read me so easily. Was ‘SMITH THINKS HE MIGHT BE A FAG’ written on my forehead in big, ugly letters or something? My face felt hot and I felt that I might pass out at any moment.

“Hey,” he said, placing a hand on my knee, “I’m a man of the world. I know what it’s like when your hormones are raging all over the place.”

I was mortified to realise that my prick was hardening in my shorts as a response to that pressure on my leg. He gave my knee a slight squeeze and I almost moaned out loud. Suddenly, he got up and moved towards the row of rusted red lockers than ran the length of the locker room. I couldn’t move; I was stuck to the spot. I saw the tattoo on his back, just at the top of his spine and nestled between his shoulder blades and willed myself to keep calm; to focus on anything but the swelling in my shorts that was beginning to hurt and make my balls ache.

“Perhaps a bit of physical exercise will help you with your aggression, Smith,” Coach Abraham said now, then turned his back on me again.

“Yes, Sir, maybe so,” I managed to respond.

“Maybe I’ll join you,” he said, then proceeded to pull down his sweats, exposing his tanned and toned ass that was perfectly encased in a startlingly white jock. He opened one of the lockers and reached inside.

I didn’t know what was going to happen next, but I could not tear my eyes away from his glutes and his thick, muscled legs. All the moisture from my mouth had disappeared again and I swear he could hear the dry click from across the room as I tried to swallow.

Mr Abraham turned to face me, and I could see that he was getting aroused. If I had thought he was big before, it was nothing to the swelling that was there now. The material on the pouch of his jock was straining across his hardening dick and it was mesmerising. In his hand he held another jock, which he tossed across the room towards me. I caught it and held it close to me.

“This is a spare I keep, Smith. Best put it on,” he said.

“Yes, Sir,” I replied, standing up and pulling my shorts down.

My cock sprang free from its nylon prison and I saw Mr Abraham smile as he took in all my eight inches with his eyes.

“Well, that’s going to look mighty fine in that jock. I know the other guys always look at your crank in the shower; I’ve heard them talking about how hung you are. Now, put that jock on,” he ordered.

I nodded, unable to do much else. I stepped into the jockstrap and pulled it up over my rock-hard prick. I adjusted the straps so that they rested under the curves of my ass and, hands on hips, looked at Mr Abraham who had begun to rub the massive bulge in his underwear.

“Will I do, Sir?” I enquired, heart pounding in my chest.

“Yeah, Smith, you’ll do just fine. Now, get your ass over here,” he barked.

On trembling legs, I made my way over to him, who was now sat down on a bench near the lockers, his eyes watching my approach.

“Where do you want me, Sir?”

“Get over my knee, Smith,” he answered, spreading his Adapazarı Escort legs.

I did as I was told, my stomach over his left thigh and my cock resting on his right. I bent over as far as I could, then felt a sting on my ass, as my coach began to spank my butt cheeks. I resisted crying out, as I knew it would only increase the tempo of his slaps and had to bite down on my lip to stop from moaning.

“This will teach you for using foul language in my gym, boy,” Mr Abraham said, sounding as breathless as I felt.

“Yes, Sir. I’m sorry, Sir.”

The slaps increased, and both my ass cheeks were smarting, and I knew they would be red and sore. In between strikes, Coach Abraham blew gently on my butt, cooling the stinging sensation and I started to struggle on his lap.

“Keep still, Smith, or I’ll do it harder.” He laughed. “Or maybe you’d like that, huh?”

I guessed that he was enjoying it, as I could feel the evidence poking into my chest, hard as steel.

“I knew you’d like it, you fuckin’ foul-mouthed boy,” he growled.

I couldn’t believe it! “But, Sir…”

He laughed. “Going to tell me off for cursing? My gym, my rules, Smith.”

“Yes, Sir,” I acquiesced.

He stopped hitting me and pushed me gently off his lap, turning me in the process so that I was on my knees in between his legs, my face inches away from the bulging front of his jock.

“Now, Smith, you’re going to put that potty mouth to good use,” he announced, then pulled down the pouch of his jockstrap and his solid cock was free, the glistening head hitting him in the stomach with a small slapping sound.

I knew what he wanted me to do, but I was so nervous. I’d dreamt about doing this to another guy for so long, had imagined how it would be, but I wasn’t sure how to proceed. I moved my face closer to his crotch, taking in the musty smell of him through my nose and looked up at his face.

“You’re going to suck me now, Smith, and make sure you do a good job, or the punishment will be severe,” he ordered, his voice rough with lust.

I nodded, unable to do much else but agree. I licked my lips and moved closer to the head of his cock, my lips parting in anticipation. Coach Abraham caressed the top of my head, then gently pushed me towards his waiting erection. I needed no further encouragement. I opened my jaw wide and took the swollen head of his cock into my mouth, using my tongue to clean away the glistening drop of salty pre-cum that was trembling there. Mr Abraham smiled down at me, my mouth moving further down his shaft, inhaling his scent through my nostrils as I made my way toward his pubic hair. Once there, I had to stop before I gagged. He wasn’t huge in length but had a girth of thickness and I was struggling to hold him in my warm, moist mouth.

“You done this before, boy?” he asked me.

I shook my head as best as I could, not wanting to loosen him from my suction.

“Could’ve fooled me,” he smiled.

I then worked my way back up to the head so that it was pushed against my lips and ran my tongue gently in the slit of his helmet. Mr Abraham grabbed the back of my head and then pushed me back down, so that my nose was nestled in his musky cock hair. I coughed, thinking I was going to gag, but then began to suck him harder, moving my head up and down his shaft.

“Fuck, you suck good, Smith,” he said, and hearing him talk that way turned me on, so I picked up the pace.

I reached under myself and rubbed my hard prick through the fabric of the jock, Serdivan Escort feeling dampness as my cock was leaking like a tap.

“You’re a natural, Smith, and you suck cock just the way I like it, like you can’t get enough,” Mr Abraham said, and at that moment in time, it was all I wanted in the world just to be able to keep sucking that beefy piece of meat. The coach tapped me on the shoulder. “You carry on like that boy, and I’m going to blow my wad. You don’t want that yet, do you?”

I shook my head, his cock still in my mouth. He pulled my head up, leant down and kissed me on the lips, his spit mingling with the taste of his own dick. He broke away, standing up and turning around.

“I’ve got another use for that filthy but very talented mouth of yours, Smith,” Mr Abraham said, then knelt on the bench, exposing his butt to me. I could see the pucker of his asshole and wanted to know what it tasted like. “Eat my ass, boy,” he prompted, pulling my face towards his exposed man hole.

“Yes, Sir,” I replied, putting a hand on each of his ass cheeks, pulling them slightly wider to allow myself more access to that wrinkled delight. I put my nose in the crack of his butt and inhaled, breathing in the sweaty aroma of his puckered hole.

“You like the way I smell, Smith? That’s what a man smells like. Bet you’ve been waiting for this, haven’t you?” he asked, wriggling his hips a little so that his hole bounced off my nose.

“Oh, God, yes Sir,” came my muffled reply.

“Okay boy, you’ve smelt it, now fuckin’ eat it.”

I gently pushed my tongue out of my mouth and rested it against his manly cunt. He gasped as I began to run my tongue up and down the crack of his ass, savouring his taste and wanting more. So much more. I lapped my tongue speedily and the coach started to writhe in what I hoped was pleasure. His grunted moans spurred me on to quicken the pace and I was soon jabbing his hole with the tip of my tongue, in and out, fucking him with it and using my saliva as a natural lubricant.

“Oh Smith, you are one hot dirty fucker with that mouth. Yeah, screw my hole boy,” the Coach panted.

I pulled my rigid cock out of the jockstrap and began to tug my shaft, cupping my balls in my hand, releasing and then wanking the shaft again. I could feel my climax building and I desperately wanted to hold back. I wanted this to last, as I had dreamt about it for so long, alone in my bed with only my imagination as a prompt for my carnal desires.

“Mr Abraham, Sir, I think… I’m… going to… cum,” I managed to pant into his moistened rectum.

He pushed my head away and spun around to watch, as I straightened up and tugged on my prick, building myself to an orgasm. Hot jets of spunk spurted from my cock and landed on the floor, his feet and all over my legs. My whole body shook with pleasure as my climax dissipated, my breath catching in my throat.

Mr Abraham stood up, his dick out in front and he took himself in hand. “You going to take my load, Smith?” he asked, positioning himself over my face.

I nodded, mouth open, ready to take it all. His hips thrust as his breathing quickened and soon a milky white stream of hot cum exploded from his engorged cock, his balls pulsating with the force of his orgasm and I closed my mouth around him, taking that hot nectar down my throat. When he broke away, I grabbed his hand and sucked the remnants of his ejaculate from his fingers, wanting and needing to taste every drop. I smiled up at him and he looked at me, an expression of satisfaction on his face.

“You going to be careful what you say in the future, Smith? Going to mind your manners in my gym?” he asked.

“Yes, Sir,” I replied, knowing in my heart and mind that I was going to do everything in my power to ensure I was kept behind at every given opportunity.

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Carnival at Viareggio

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All characters are over 18.


“I’ve never looked out on the Tyrrhenian Sea before. All in all the beaches of Viareggio surpass those we have visited in Venice. Perhaps we should just stay here longer.”

“I couldn’t help but overhear you, sir,” a well-dressed young gentleman, complete with white suit, vest, and white bowler hat and shoes called over from under a nearby beach umbrella. “You said Tyrrhenian Sea. That, I am afraid is a common misconception of the tourist to Italy. That’s actually the Ligurian Sea out there. But it’s just a natural mistake. I would agree that the beaches here are better than those in Venice, though.”

Hugo Von Stoben had been talking to a different, younger man sitting with him under a beach umbrella, who stood as Von Stoben’s attention went to the nattily dressed—and quite incongruently attired for the beach, he thought—young man who had just corrected him on the body of water they were facing. The younger man stretched and sauntered down to the sea.

He was dressed for the seaside as any well-formed young man of the 1920s would be—in a one-piece, form-fitting, short-legged woolen costume topped by an athletic shirt adhering to the young man’s muscular chest and with deep arm slits and neckline. Such bathing suits apparently had been meant for modesty but had neglected to provide anything that hid the obvious line of the young man’s left-dressed cock and the curve of his balls. To most young women and a certain kind of man, the young man was breathtaking in his innocent beauty.

Both Von Stoben and the formally attired young man watched him walk down to the surf—the view from behind of the pert, but bulbous buttocks being as interesting as the frontal view—and start stretching his body. Within minutes he walked into the surf up to his knees, executed a beautifully arced surface dive, and started swimming out to sea in strong, sure strokes.

“You have a handsome son, sir. You should be proud of him.”

“I am quite proud of Eric, yes.”

“He’s a strong, elegant swimmer.”

The young man had swum out some distance from the beach and was swimming laps parallel to the beach between the wave-breaking rock walls at either end of the beach. He kept his curly mop of platinum blond hair above the water, as he did the pert bulbs of his buttocks, and his arm strokes were regular and pulled him a long distance with each stroke. In the water, he looked much taller than he did on land.

On the beach, Von Stoben and the young man he was talking with weren’t the only ones watching Eric swim. On the other side of Von Stoben, a canvas chair under an umbrella was just now being occupied by a German doctor, Gerhard Mueller, from Hamburg, who was large-boned, a bit on the heavy side, and had a florid, redheaded complexion. He was perhaps in his forties. He, and the man sitting on the other side of him, an older French Catholic priest, fully clothed in black clerical garb and a high, white collar, Father Jacques, had met the Von Stobens here on the beach the previous day.

“Not the Von Stobens of Munich?” Mueller had asked when they were introduced, and when they allowed as how they were, indeed, those Von Stobens, Mueller had attached himself to them like glue.

To that point he had been staying close to the fifth man in the little bunch in canvas chairs under five beach umbrellas. The Englishman, Sir Reginald Chamberlain, a man appearing to be in his fifties, was tall and rugged looking, almost cadaverous in appearance, but with piercing black eyes. There had been a hint at the introductions that he was in Tuscany convalescing from some wasting disease, but the discussion had not yet delved deeper into that topic. Nor had it explored the depths of what the French priest, a professor at the Faculté Notre-Dame Catholic seminary, in Paris, was doing on the western coast of Italy in March of 1924 beyond that his order had determined he needed to take a sabbatical.

All four men sitting with Von Stoben, even Dr. Mueller, as he arrived on the beach, being the only one of the group who said he came to the beaches on Tuscany’s Riviera della Versilia every spring, were scrutinizing the young man swimming in the sea. Only Von Stoben was looking at the men he was talking to during their disjointed chatting.

The only one of the group who wasn’t watching the swimmer, and the only woman present, was Ingrid, who sat immediately to Hugo Von Stoben’s left, but set back behind him under a separate umbrella. Like the young gentleman in the white suit, she was fully dressed in a somber, long-sleeved dress that ran up to a choke collar, pinned with a large cameo broach, and down to the ground, with the points of black leather boots peeking out from under her multiple petticoats. She paid little attention to the men, keeping her nose in a series of Victorian Romance novels. The impression given was that vacationing at a Mediterranean beach hadn’t been her idea, and that she didn’t wish for Hugo to forget that.

“We’ve Sakarya Escort been in Viareggio for three days now, and the architecture hasn’t ceased to amaze me,” Hugo said to the young man sitting to his right. “I was led to believe it was an ancient town, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a larger collection of Art Noveau-style buildings.”

“Ah, that would be explained by the fire we had seven years ago that leveled much of this area of the city. Only the Grand Hotel Principé di Piemonte survived. Perhaps you’ve seen the hotel?”

“We are staying there.”

“A good choice.” The young man raised his eyebrows. Only the very rich stayed there. “I have one of the Art Noveau buildings myself.”

“You? You live here? I took you for a fellow tourist,” Hugo said. “Your accent. I thought—”

“That I was an American, right?”

“Yes, I confess I did think that.”

“I am, as a matter of fact. But a displaced one. I am Martin Biddle, and I have an antique store here on the Piazza Puccini, not far from the Grand Hotel.” He briefly looked away from Eric swimming in the sea to shake Hugo’s hand and then looked back. “My family thought it safer for their reputation for me to live abroad,” he added.

Hugo didn’t pursue this point, but he did register it in his mind. He turned his head and took another look at the young man. He was quite handsome. Trim, but with good musculature. And obviously sophisticated and refined—and well to do, as he was expensively dressed, if overdressed for the seaside. And perhaps knowing now that he lived in Viareggio explained why he was fully dressed. It was unusually warm for the beginning of March in Tuscany, but that was all relative. It was warm enough for bathing wear for the likes of Hugo and Dr. Mueller and the English nobleman at this time of year—and even for the sixty-year-old, gaunt French priest, who was, to use a pun, sticking to his habit—but it likely would still be too cold for the beach for a local inhabitant.

Eric came out of the water but remained on the hard sand at the water’s edge. He was, indeed, a beautiful young man. Short, but trim with a boyish body that, nonetheless, had good torso definition and strong looking arms and legs, as he would have to have to have been swimming as strongly and expertly as he had been. He was Germanic, light blond, with striking blue eyes, and a dazzling smile when he wasn’t looking shy and withdrawn into himself—or aloof to the scrutiny he obviously knew he was being given from the line of umbrellas.

A sigh went up from the cluster of men sitting around the Von Stobens as Eric unbuttoned the straps on the shoulder of his form-fitting one-piece swim suit and let the top of the suit drop to reveal his smooth, both boyish and well-muscled torso. Seemingly entirely blind to the multiple sets of eyes capturing and mentally caressing his form from the line of umbrellas, he started doing stretch exercises again to step down from the vigorous swim in the sea—and then a few mild calisthenics.

“Did I overhear right, that this is your first visit to the Riviera della Versilia?” Biddle asked Hugo—although his eyes were glued to Eric.

“Yes, we are doing the rounds of beach resorts this year. January was the Turkish beaches, the island of Cyprus in February. Italy was reserved for March and April. We will go to Venice, where we have gone before, after our visit here. And later in the spring we’ll take in the French Riviera. Eric wants to swim in the sea, and I love to spoil Eric.”

“I can well see why,” Biddle murmured. In fact he could only wonder at the effort Von Stoben must have to make to keep men’s hands off the young man. His own hands were twitching at the prospect, which he hoped to be able to pursue. The young man must know the effect he was having here on the beach. In a louder voice, though, he said, “But how can your young son be out of school for such a long time?”

“He’s not as young as he looks,” Hugo said, with a small laugh. “He finished his basic schooling last year. He wanted to take this year off to perfect his swimming skills. He enters the Universitat at Heidelberg in the fall—a year older than most entering students—but the difference certainly won’t be seen in his visage; he still look years younger than the others. He wants to swim competitively for the Universitat, but he believes, because of his size, that he will have to convince the coaches with his skill. They invariably will say he is too small just from looking at him.”

“Ah, I see,” Biddle said, giving a little smile and slitting his eyes as he peered at the young man. His interest was diminished in one respect, but the lessening of the risk involved compensated—almost. And the young man did look quite young. “He does swim like a fish, and so elegantly.”

Eric returned to the chairs, with the eyes of at least four men following him, but only long enough to gather a towel, which he took out to the sand between the watchers Adapazarı Escort and the sea, and then reclined, his torso raised a bit by the set of his elbows in the sand—his beautiful small body pointed at the line of umbrellas—and flopped his curly haired blond head back so that his face and torso and legs were exposed to the best advantage to the rays of the sun.

“Do you and your family plan to join with the Carnival of Viareggio festivities tomorrow, Herr Von Stoben?” Biddle asked in a low, gravelly voice.

“The carnival? They have a carnival here?”

“Yes, of course. Tomorrow is Shrove Tuesday—we also have a Mardi Gras parade. It’s been celebrated for nearly fifty years here every year and rivals the one in Venice in enthusiasm if not in expense. It’s a time for our people to let loose and show their true selves. There’s a parade and dancing in the streets and partying in the wine shops. Partying in the streets too, for that matter, before the celebration is finished.”

“Show their true selves?” Hugo asked. “That’s an interesting way to put it.”

“Yes, it’s a time that they can wear real masks but act as themselves, rather than showing their faces and masking their needs, desires, and deepest sins.”

Hugo looked at Biddle with interest, but Biddle was looking at Eric.

“I hadn’t known about the carnival. And we have no costumes or masks.”

“I could quickly fix that,” Biddle said, turning a dazzling smile on Hugo. “There are many Mardi Gras costumes in my antique store. And masks aplenty. I would be happy to let you and your wife and son borrow what you need. Your family really must not lose out on our carnival.”

Hugo laughed. “I’m afraid that Ingrid would rather walk on burning coals than go out into the street in a mask and a gaudy costume.”

“Then you and your son. You must visit my shop this afternoon and pick something out. Here, here’s my card. I won’t take no for an answer.”

* * * *

Hugo explored Biddle’s antique store with fascination after Biddle had picked out costumes and masks for them. Hugo would go as a Roman senator.

“I think perhaps a young sailor—or cabin boy—for young Eric here,” Biddle had said, carefully helping the young man try out several costumes. He certainly did look arresting in the sailor suit, with a white tunic that came down only to his midriff and tight, white trousers with a square buttoned codpiece. A blue and white scarf tied around his neck and a sailor’s hat set at a jaunty angle on his blond curls completed a look that, yes, was arresting, although sensual might have been a better term for it.

The choices completed and Eric changed back into his clothes, the young man joined Hugo at a case that had drawn Von Stoben’s admiring attention. The showcase gleamed with gold and contained an array of expensive-looking gold chains and watch fobs. Von Stoben pointed to a fob with three deep-red rubies inlaid in it that he particularly admired.

“Let me show you something over here,” Martin Biddle said, as he put an arm around Eric’s shoulders and guided him to another part of the shop. They had their heads together in conversation as they leaned over another case. Hugo was aware of them but devoted most of his attention to admiring the gold chains and watch fobs in the case in front of him.

All three men were smiling when Eric and Hugo left the shop.

* * * *

The parade and the Carnival of Viareggio raucous celebration in the streets lived up to its billing. The Torre di Via Regia seaside promenade and Viareggio Avenue and the blocks off this parade-route were teeming with boisterous, mostly drunken revelers in every conceivable costume and, as the festivities chugged on, lack of costume that one could imagine.

Hugo and Eric were parted by a stream of revelers meeting a counterstream of revelers, all shoulder to shoulder and hip to hip, moving in no discernible direction in the streets as the last of the parade floated by. The serious partying was starting now and wine was flowing on the promenade.

Eric could hear the noise of the celebration from only a short distance away from where he was suspended off the ground and pressed up against the wall of a shop in an alley off Viareggio Avenue behind a stack of wine casks. The sounds closer to hand were the grunts and heavy breathing of the devil pressing him to the wall and his own moans and groans as the buried cock of the man in the devil suit slid Eric’s back up and down on the rough shop wall with the strength of the cruel upward thrusts in Eric’s channel. The front flap of Eric’s sailor trousers was open and slapping back against the wall between his raised and parted legs. His knees were hooked on the devil’s hips, and his hands tightly grasped and then released their grip on the devil’s biceps through the red velvet of the devil’s suit, matching the rhythm of thrusts of the devil’s cock up into his channel.

His head was thrown back against the rough Serdivan Escort bricks of the wall, and his mouth was open as he gulped for breath and moaned deeply.

The devil’s hands were under the half tunic of the white sailor shirt and gripping the sides of Eric’s torso as he lifted the small body and slammed it down on the up-thrusting cock. Lifted and slammed. Lifted and slammed.

The devil was muttering what a nice little piece Eric was, how tight his passage was, while Eric whimpered, “Yes, deeper, harder. Fuck me hard.”

The noise of the crowd beyond the alley ebbed and flowed, but the pace of the cock thrusts steadily increased as did the intensity of the two coupling bodies in a mutual effort to explode, which Eric did first, with a little scream in unintelligible German, whereupon he collapsed in sighs and groans as the devil fucked on for several more minutes before realizing his own shuddered release.

When he was finished, the devil swirled away, leaving Eric in a sighing heap at the base of the wall, where two nearly drunk Italian fishermen revelers found him and each took their turn with him before staggering off, surprised as the fine little piece of tail had held his own with them rather than struggling.

When Hugo and Eric somehow managed to reunite in the milling crowd, slowly wearing down from the height of its partying, nothing was said about the short interval they had been parted.

Late in the night, when Martin Biddle had finished his inventory and redisplaying in the antique store downstairs, locked the front door to the shop, and mounted the stairs to his flat above the shop, he found Eric standing at the open wardrobe in his bedroom, fingering the velvet material of the devil’s costume hanging therein.

“Where? How?” a shocked and confused Biddle asked.

“You were in the back of the shop and I just walked in and came up here without you seeing me,” Eric said. “But do you really want to have a discussion at this moment?” He opened his other hand to reveal that he had found Biddle’s stash of Sheik lambskins.

Biddle didn’t see the need to discuss anything. He enveloped Eric in his arms, and while they were kissing deeply, he unbuckled Eric’s belt, unbuttoned his fly, and pushed the young man’s trousers down to his ankles. He went down on his knees and buried his face in Eric’s belly, kissing and tonguing the young man’s navel.

Eric placed his hands on the back of Biddle’s head to hold the man, not much older than he was, to his belly. He gave a little laugh and murmured, “Eat me out, suck me. Fuck me.”

With a low moan, Biddle palmed Eric’s buttocks and closed his mouth over the small blond’s cock. After a while, he turned Eric and stroked Eric’s cock with both of his hands, encircling the young man’s hips with his arms, and snaked his tongue into Eric’s asshole.

The first fucking was on the bed, with Biddle sitting on the foot of the bed and holding Eric’s wrists, as Eric’s legs streamed out around and behind Biddle’s hips, and his torso cantilevered out over the floor beyond the foot of the bed, giving him the aspect of a thrusting figurehead on the prow of a boat. Eric used the leverage of his feet to fuck himself on Biddle’s cock, remarking that it was just like barebacking.

Biddle used lambskins precisely for that effect, but he wondered—with wonder—how the young man knew what barebacking felt like.

After a rest, their bodies entwined on the bed, Biddle pushed Eric over on his belly, wrapped an arm around his waist to bring him up onto his knees, mounted his hips from above, and fucked him deep and rapidly like a dog.

Eric demonstrated in no uncertain terms that he was getting exactly the attention he wanted.

As they cooled down afterward, Eric said, “I’d better go before I’m missed.”

“How can you not have been missed?” Biddle asked.

“I have a separate room at the Grand,” he said.

“Ah, then, it’s still early,” Biddle murmured, as he pulled Eric’s rump into his groin, raised Eric’s leg to give himself a better angle, and entered him strongly and deeply again.

* * * *

The little group fell into a set pattern over the next several days. They would all be out on the beach in the late morning, with Eric doing his swimming exercise ritual, and four sets of eyes—those of Biddle, of course; Sir Reginald; Dr. Mueller; and Father Jacques—watching Eric closely and somewhat greedily, if guardedly. Both Hugo and Ingrid were buried in books most of the time.

All would go back to their respective abodes in the mid afternoon for siestas but would be back on the beach for a second round of swimming exercises and sighing gawking in the late afternoon.

Then during the night, Eric would slip out of the hotel and lie under the young, sexy American antique dealer in the flat above his shop, expending lambskins at an alarming rate.

On the fourth afternoon, though, Eric came out of the surf holding his arm and nearly close to tears. Hugo rose from his canvas chair and came down to the surf to meet him.

“He’s scraped his arm on rocks,” Hugo explained to the others when the two came back to the line of umbrellas. “He swam too close to the rock breaker wall out there to the north of the beach.”

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Christmas Cocksucking

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It was night now, and Jeremy and Brad were in the car, driving up to the party. Every at Christmas Jeremy’s family would hold a party and all the family and friends would go up to their winter cabin to eat drink and have a good time. Jeremy and Brad had been going out for about two years now, but Jeremy’s family didn’t know he was gay.

Jeremy was about 5’10 and had long dirty fair hair and dark blue eyes. He would work out regularly and was quite tanned. Brad was about 6′ he worked out with Jeremy; he had short light brown hair with green eyes. Jeremy’s family just thought they were good friends and didn’t think anything more of it.

But tonight would be the night when Jeremy would announce that he had and was seeing Brad for the past two years and that he was gay. Jeremy didn’t know how his family would react. They were nearing the cabin now. Snow had just fallen, leaving a white blanket over the road and mountains near-by.

The party was just starting to build up and there were a few cars outside the cabin when Jeremy and Brad arrived. They parked the car and walked into the lodge. There were about twenty people in there at the moment. And they greeted them both when they entered.

The log cabin was big, there were two floors. From the ground floor you could see the magnificent sky-light and there was a balcony which ran all the way around the room, and through the balcony would lead to the bedrooms, bathrooms etc.

“It’s nice to see you son, and you too Brad,” said Jeremy’s dad when he shook Jeremy’s and Brad’s hand.

“Thanks sir,” Replied Brad.

“Now you know you don’t have to call me sir, call me Hank,”

“Sure… Hank,” and then they walked over to one of multiple tables with food laid upon them. About an hour or so later the party was full and Jeremy was drinking hardy to build up the courage to tell everyone that he was gay. Hank got up to make his usual Christmas speech, thanking the friends and family for coming and thanking his wife for the Sakarya Escort food etc.

After about three hours of the party, everyone was having a good time, and Jeremy thought this was the best time to tell everyone. So he got up to where his dad had made the speech and stood there until the room had stood silent and everyone was watching him.

“Hi everyone,” He took a big gulp and looked at Brad who stood at the front smiling in a sympathetic way, urging him to get it over and done with, “I just want to thank everyone for coming, but I have something else I want to tell you all,” He was starting to sweat and gulped again, “Me and brad have been friends for about five years now, in fact it was in this party this party that we met,” He gave a nervous sort of laugh and gulped again, “Well for the past two years me and brad have been living together, and for the past two years we’ve also being seeing each other.” He looked around and everyone was still silent and looking from one person to the next.

Then his dad said, “Get out,” and then Brad jumped onto the platform and held Jeremy’s hand, “Get out now!” he shouted.

But then Brad shouted back, “Why?”

“Why? Why! Because I don’t allow queers on my property, now get out!”

“No, Hank, calm down,” said his wife, “Don’t, he’s your so—“

“I don’t have a son Marissa! Now I won’t tell you again,” and with that Jeremy and Brad, hand in hand, left the cabin.

They were in the drive-way, kissing on the bonnet of the car when Marissa came running out, “Don’t go Jeremy, Your father-“

“My father doesn’t want anything to do with me.”

“That’s not true, he’s just mad, once he’s calmed down, he’ll change his mind,”

“Mom, he wont, I know he won’t.”

“Well then, I’ll speak to you tomorrow, bye son” and she kissed him on the cheek, then kissed Brad on the cheek and they got into the car and drove off.

About halfway down the road Jeremy started to sniffle and Brad Adapazarı Escort could tell he was crying, trying to hide it from Brad. “Let me drive,” said Brad and they kissed and changed seats.

They got back to their house and it had just begun to snow. The sat on the sofa, Brad started a fire. Once the fire was lit and was crackling Brad said, “close your eye’s Jer’.” And Jeremy closed his eyes and put his head back. Then Brad unzipped Jeremy’s trousers and pull his boxers down to his ankles. Then Brad started to lick Jeremy’s cock gently while caressing his balls. The Jeremy started to suck Jer’s 8 inch cock all they way down while Jeremy moaned softly. Then Jeremy brought his hands to Brad’s head and started to push up and down and then moaned more violently as Brad deep throated his length time and time again. Then he shot his load in Brad’s mouth, once his cum had been drained Brad stood up wearily and went over to Jeremy, cum still in his mouth, and kissed him and let the cum swirl around their mouths until it was gone.

“Pull over, let me do all the work” Whispered Brad, and then Jeremy took off his trousers, jumper and boxers and lay, fully nude and flat, beside the fireplace. Then Brad took off his clothes to reveal his toned body, crackling in the light of the fire place, he then started to massage his cock until it was dripping with pre cum and was full y erect to it’s 9″ maximum. Then he started to lick Jeremy’s ass and put a moist finger up his hole, then two fingers, then three and then took them out and put some lube around the hole and the tip of Brad’s cock.

Brad then plunged in slowly and softly while Jeremy moaned in pain and pleasure, then Brad fucked Jer’s tight ass harder and faster until the sound of Brad’s Balls smacking Jeremy’s ass echoed all through the empty house. Then Bard started to moan hoarsely and loudly, “Shit Jer, I’m gonna cum in your tight ass boy,” then he moaned so loudly, that birds outside flew off in alarm, Serdivan Escort and came inside Jeremy and then Jeremy whined too as the cum spurted out from his hole, due to the force.

The Jeremy felt Brad’s tongue deep inside his ass hole, licking all the cum he could out of his ass. Then he stood up and Jeremy rolled over and Brad sat on his hard cock and started to bounce up and down on it, while kissing Jeremy, They continued fucking and sucking all through the night until the early sun came up and birds started to sing their birdsong. Then Brad and Jeremy went off upstairs to take a shower together to wash their cum off themselves.

From then to Christmas day they hadn’t heard anything from Hank until a knock at the door came at about 10.30 in the morning while thy were opening their presents. Brad got up and walked to the door and Jeremy was too busy feeling the dildo he was given by Brad when a voice said:

“Hi Brad, could I come in,”

“Yeah, sure,” and in walked Hank, Jeremy had been playing with the dildo in his hands when Hank appeared, and quickly tried to hide it under a piece of rapping paper.

“Hello son,” said Hank and Jeremy stood up.

“Hi dad,”

“Look son, I just want to say sorry for what happened on the night of the party, I just want to apologize and ask you back into the family,” at this stage Brad had been in kitchen making tea for everyone. “But if you’re going to come back into the family you have to leave Brad.”

“What? I’m not leaving Brad just to come back into your family,”

“Well it’s either Him or us Jer’,”

“Well then I choose him, he loves more than you ever did!”

“Come, on, think about it,”

“I have thought about and I want to be with Brad! Now if that’s all you’ve got to say to me then you can go!” then Brad walked in as Hank stood up.

“Leaving already Hank?”

“Yeah, he’s leaving and he’s never coming back!”


“Cause he’s asking me to choose between you or them, now go dad, you’re not welcome here!” and then Hank turned on his heel and marched off out the door. The Brad and Jeremy kissed and sat down to opening the rest of their presents.

Later that night they were in bed, trying out their new toys and fucking each other all night long…

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Clayton’s Available Ass

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Clayton Smithers sat in his jail cell wishing to God he had never tried the scam. At first it had worked fine; the diploma mill had sold him the diploma and arranged what looked like good references, even responding with glowing letters of praise if anybody ever asked about the qualifications of Doctor Clayton Smithers. It had been a sweet deal with money coming in and all kinds of sexy women patients to fuck but it had come to a sudden end. The FBI had busted the diploma mill and tracked down the “graduates” who had been using the diplomas the same way as Clayton had, to swindle and otherwise take advantage of suckers.

Now he was charged with multiple counts of rape and fraud and his female victims were so outraged they had testified at his hearing and had even given permission for videotapes of them to be used as evidence. Clayton had foolishly taped himself and the women having sex while they were under hypnosis and now those tapes would be used against him. His bail was one million dollars but if it had been one dollar, he couldn’t have paid it because all his assets had been seized as the fruits of an illegal enterprise and he didn’t even own the clothes he was wearing; they were jail issue. “Could things possibly get any worse,” he wondered.

He found out. For the next several hours the prisoners in the block of cells were allowed out into a tiny cement courtyard for exercise or whatever else they wanted. Clayton preferred sitting on his bunk feeling sorry for himself. Even if he had wanted to go out, he couldn’t have because two large men were suddenly blocking his door. Terrified, Clayton Smithers remembered how the arresting officer had warned him about how other prisoners would want to anally rape him. Actually, “warned” isn’t the right word; “gleefully informed him of what would happen” is more correct.

“Smithers,” the first man said. “You got a really cute ass and we’re gonna fuck you.”

“We’re gonna fuck you whether you like it or not,” the second man added.

“But, how can you do that? We’re all men,” the victim-to-be asked.

Both men laughed and the first man said “Your asshole will be as good a fuck as a woman’s cunt. Better than some cunts I’ve fucked.”

“You can’t. I won’t let you.”

The two men stepped into the cell and one of them slugged Clayton in the stomach. He collapsed and lay on the floor, groveling from the pain.

“That’s just a sample,” a voice said. Clayton couldn’t see who was talking because he was doubled up in pain.

The second voice was even more threatening. “We’re gonna fuck your asshole and if you don’t wanna cooperate, we’ll beat the shit out of you and then fuck you.”

Clayton continued to lie Sakarya Escort on the floor, still in pain but it was starting to recede. His fright was even worse than his physical pain. He believed the two men would take turns raping him and if he objected or tried to stop them, they would beat him half to death and then rape him. There was nothing he could do to prevent being raped, but he could possibly avoid being beaten up.

The two men yanked him to his feet and waited for Clayton to answer them. He could hardly speak but he forced himself. In a trembling voice, he asked, “What do you want me to do?”

“Take your mattress off your bunk and put it on the floor,” the first man commanded him. When that was done, he continued. “Take off your pants and lay down and spread your ass cheeks.”

One man was barring his exit and the other was behind him. Either could have beaten him to a pulp using just one hand and there was absolutely no chance against two of them. Clayton did as he was told, hoping to get the ordeal over with. Naked below the waist, he lay face down on the mattress, reached back and spread his buttocks.

Clayton felt his legs being spread farther apart by the man who had been behind him. Next he felt something cold and slimy on his ass, then something thrusting inside and spreading the cold, slimy stuff. He realized it must be soap from the metal dispenser and would be used as a lubricant and that the rapist was spreading it with his finger.

The man’s soapy hand and his other hand roughly took hold of Clayton’s buttocks and spread them further apart. “Holy shit,” he said. “This guy’s got the hottest ass I ever seen.”

“Hurry up and fuck her then,” his accomplice demanded. “I’m horny too.”

“Put your fingers here and open up your asshole,” the first rapist told Clayton, who trembled to obey, dreading what was about to happen to him.

He felt something blunt pushing between the fingers that were holding his ass open. It pressed harder and incredible pain suddenly rocketed through Clayton’s body as it broke through his anal sphincter and into his rectum. “Ah,” the man grunted and pushed his cock in deeper.

As it went in farther, a new kind of pain arose as the intruding erection pressed against Clayton’s prostate gland. The victim was sobbing as the invasion of his bowels continued but even while the agony reverberated throughout his body, he realized that it would have been worse if he hadn’t first been lubricated with soap. Finally the penetration stopped. The pain seemed to be subsiding slightly while the assailant lay on top of his victim. “This is the best ass I ever fucked,” he told his companion. “Not only is Adapazarı Escort she soft like a girl, she’s tight as a virgin’s cunt.”

“Quit talking and start fucking”

Putting his hands on Clayton’s fleshy hips, the assailant did just that, slowly drawing his cock most of the way out of the abused hole and ramming it back in, even farther this time. Although pain still swept through Clayton’s body, it seemed to be much less this time and every subsequent thrust of the cock into his rectum hurt still less until the agony he had felt at first was just a memory. The immense pain from the stretching of his anal sphincter had been of very short duration also and had completely disappeared. Instead of abusing his prostate, the man’s cock seemed to be almost caressing it. Clayton was no longer crying or begging because the agony that he had experienced had disappeared, although the cock was still plowing in and out of his ass. The line between pain and pleasure can be a thin one and, as the man drew his cock back and drove it forward again and again, the sensation that radiated throughout his body, increasing with every stroke, had evolved into pleasure.

The feeling increased as the assault continued and Clayton was squirming on the mattress from the enjoyment of having his ass stretched, his rectum filled and his prostate massaged. The man on top of him noticed this and laughed. “It hurts, don’t it, Smithers? It’s gonna keep hurting for a long time,” and he started driving his cock in harder and faster, giving Clayton even more pleasure.

Both men were enjoying themselves but only the one on top was going to cum and he could feel it would be soon. Laughing, he taunted the man he was raping. “I’m gonna cum in your ass, Smithers. Gonna give you a nice assfull of my jazz.” He rammed his cock in and out faster until, with a grunt, he ejaculated, keeping his promise. Although he had climaxed, he continued sliding his cock slowly in and out of the ass that had felt so great until his cock began softening. He pulled it out then, and wiped it on the plump, naked thighs that lay in front of him.

“Okay, your turn,” the first man said to his confederate.

“About time.”

While the first man stood at the cell door, the second knelt on the mattress between Clayton’s legs, pulled down his pants and underwear and covered his cock with the liquid soap. “Hold your cheeks open,” he ordered the man he was about to rape. Clayton was glad to comply.

The ass that was about to be fucked was dilated from the first man and slimy with soap and semen so no lubrication was needed. With his victim helping by holding his buttocks open, the second man guided his Serdivan Escort cock to the waiting hole and eased the head in. Putting his hands on Clayton’s hips as his partner had, he drove all the way in with one thrust.

Once again, pain reverberated from Clayton’s anal sphincter but only a tiny amount and it was quickly followed and overwhelmed by a wave of pleasure. More such waves swept from his ass throughout his body, causing him to squirm on the mattress, it felt so good. He was enjoying the second cock even more than he had enjoyed the first.

Like his partner, the second man thought the squirming was from pain and he laughed at his victim. “Hurts like Hell, don’t it. You better get used to it, cuz we’re gonna fuck you every night. Guys in the pen are gonna fuck you too, once they see what a nice cunt you got.” Clayton secretly smiled at that; he was already looking forward to it.

For now, though, he would enjoy the sensations the second man’s cock was giving to him. Over and over, the man plunged in and out, sighing from the fun he was having. Pleasure piled up in Clayton’s body with every stroke and he moaned aloud from it. Once again the rapist laughed at the suffering he thought he was causing, and he started fucking Clayton even faster.

He was ready to cum and he also taunted his victim about how his ass would be filled. “You gonna be shitting my jazz all day tomorrow,” he gloated.

As he climaxed and ejaculated, the second man gave one last hard thrust into Clayton’s ass, stretching his anal sphincter and sending an extra shiver of pleasure through his body. Like his partner, he continued to stroke his cock in and out, draining his semen, until it softened. When he removed his cock, he wiped it on Clayton’s thighs and got to his feet, leaving the victim lying face down on the mattress.

After his pants were back on, he turned to Clayton to taunt him again. “Don’t forget, we’re gonna fuck you again tomorrow night at the same time. If you give us any shit next time we’ll kick your ass before we fuck it.” Both men got to their feet, laughing at what they thought of as a joke.

When they were gone, Clayton got to his feet, painfully because he was a little sore. He smiled, though, at the great time he had enjoyed from the two big stiff cocks that had just finished plugging his ass. Sitting on the toilet seat, he cleaned himself off as well as he could with the meager amount of inferior tissue he had been allotted. His cock was semi-erect and, as he thought of the wonderful time he had just had, it became completely stiff. He smiled and started masturbating, thinking of how the next night would be even better.


Thank you for reading this story. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Whatever you thought, please express your opinion by voting and giving me feedback, either a personal comment or email to me. Hearing from readers helps me to write more and better and I reply to all messages or comments.

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Charles Ch. 02

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Big Tits

After that first time with Charles, exploring each other sexually, we seemed to grow even closer as friends. Neither of us acted like a gay couple or anything. We just did so many things together like most teenage boys did. We camped out, fished, swam, hunted, and talked about girls. Of course our new found sexual desires in each other was unmistakable.

About a month or so after that first time, we were once more going through some more porn that had had borrowed from his brother, but this time he had a movie and projector. I had never seen a porn movie before and was really looking forward to checking it out. We sat around, had some smoke to relax a bit and he kicked on the the projector.

It didn’t take long of watching the couple on the movie fucking and sucking, for me to get a raging hard on. I was totally engrossed in it so much so that I didn’t even see Charles moving closer to me. It wasn’t until I felt his hand moving across my cock through my jeans that I looked at him then down at his fully erect cock, sticking out of his zipper. I reached down, unzipped my jeans and pulled them down a bit with my underwear, releasing my hard on. My hand then went right to his beautiful massive cock and his hand went to mine.

We continued watching the movie, not saying a word, stroking each other and enjoying the pleasure. I kept stealing glances at him when the precum wetness flowing from the head of his cock touched my hand. I was wondering how much longer it was going to be before he was going to cum. Charles then slid off the couch and got down in front of me, my hand already missing the heat of his cock. I looked at him wondering what Sakarya Escort he was going to do, but it didn’t take long to find out. He quickly brought his mouth down over the head of my cock moving it around in his mouth for a minute or so and running his tongue around it. It felt heavenly and my groan of pleasure told him so. He lifted off just for a second to smile at me then slid my cock back in. This time he began moving up and down, going almost all the way down to the base. I could feel the back of his throat against the tip each time he went down. I couldn’t concentrate one bit on the movie anymore and was just staring at him while his mouth worked it’s magic on me. It wasn’t long at all before I felt my cum working it’s way up from deep inside me. My breathing got heavier and heavier and he seemed to suck harder and harder on me. Suddenly, I felt the first wave of pleasure hit me as I began to cum in his mouth, throbbing over and over again. He stopped moving up and down on me, just holding it in his mouth as he swallowed my hot seed. It seemed like forever but he soon released my cock from his

lips, a small trail of cum dripping down his chin. I just laid back there on the couch in warm post orgasmic bliss.

Charles then moved back up beside me on the couch, his cock still hard as a rock and sticking out of his pants. We started watching the movie again and my hand found his dick once more. After a short time, he said he wanted to try something

else and told me to lay face down on the floor. I wasn’t sure what he wanted to do at first, but laid down for him anyway. He disappeared into the bathroom for Adapazarı Escort a minute but soon came back with a bottle of lotion. Still confused at what he wanted to do, especially when he squirted a bunch of the lotion onto his hand and rubbed it all over his erection. He then got down behind me and put some on my ass! Whoa, he wanted to put his cock in my ass! I rolled over in fear and he said to just relax and it wouldn’t hurt. Sounded like he had done this before.

Anyway, I trusted him and rolled back over, giving him full access to my ass. He positioned himself over me and I felt the bulbous head of his slippery cock slide in between my ass cheeks and stop at the entrance. He then began to push against my small opening as I resisted a bit. He asked me to relax and pushed more. I bit my lower lip as his pressure increased. Then suddenly my

asshole gave way and the huge head was inside. Arrrgghhh! It hurt like hell and I asked him to stop! He stopped pushing and kept reassuring me that it would stop if I just relaxed. I tried as best as I could and the pain seemed to subside a bit. He then pushed on deeper into my rectum, filling me with his huge member until I felt his balls against me. It felt like I needed to take a huge shit but all that was inside me was his massive tool! Charles stopped moving briefly allowing me to adjust somewhat. He then began to slowly withdraw about halfway then pushing it back in, each time causing me to groan very loud. After moving in and out a little, he started a nice rhythm, filling my tortured ass over and over. My cock started to get hard again, and the pain was gradually being Serdivan Escort replaced by pleasure as I moaned for him to fuck me. I almost couldn’t

believe that I was enjoying being impaled on him like that. I slid my hand down under my cock, each thrust from him causing my hand to slide up and down it. He was really getting into it and told me that he loved the feeling of my hot ass wrapped around him as he fucked me faster and faster. Charles then tensed up, letting out a loud groan, shoved his cock as far as he could into me, and began filling my colon with his hot cum. On each pulse he would thrust against me, holding me tightly with his arms, pinning me hard against the floor, as he emptied his balls inside me, I erupted with him feeling my cum flowing from me into my hand.

Both of us spent, we stayed just like that for a little bit. I felt his powerful tool begin to soften, then finally slip out of my ass. I laid there with him beside me, both of us lost in thought and his cum leaking from my stretched asshole. I told him that I didn’t know if I wanted to do that again and he said we could talk about it some other time. We both got dressed and he headed home since my parents were due back at anytime.

Charles and I continued our sexual explorations for a couple more years after that in between having experiences with girls, but we never did have anal sex again. I didn’t like the pain of when it started out nor did I like that my asshole was burning sore for several days after. We did, however, suck each other cocks when we had the chance.

Charles went into the Army after we graduated high school and sadly, we lost contact. I never had any experiences with other men, nor have I ever desired to. I’ve been with women happily all my life, but I have often wondered if I ever met up with him again, would we pick up where we left off? I can’t answer that question. He sure did have a beautiful cock, though.

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Caught Stroking

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I’d been friends with Steve for quite a while, we used to be co-workers before he got a new job but we still met up to hit the gym or go fishing together on occasion. We also had another thing in common that came out by accident, I’d forgotten I was wearing a pair of pink lace panties until we had got to the gym one night and only realized when I pulled down my slacks to change. I was mortified but Steve just commented that they looked great on me, said he had the same pair in black and confessed to wearing them too. We chatted about it at length, both wore them for the same reason and it made our friendship even closer. After a while we took things a little further and started to show each other new pairs which soon led to us jerking off together to porn movies, our panties just pulled to the side as we stroked our own cocks. We’d comment on each other’s load but there was no touching or anything, we were both open minded but we just enjoyed what we had. Our wives didn’t suspect anything, we were careful about only washing our panties when it was safe to do so and since our masturbation sessions took place in my movie room when our wives were shopping or working, we figured we were pretty safe. That was not the case however.

“Oh man, I do not like how this new fabric softener feels with these, I think I’ll stick to the lace ones until she goes back to her old brand.” Said Steve, pulling at his panties.

“Told you those satin ones were trouble, the sheer does look good on your balls but you pay for it.” I said laughing.

“Oh fuck off, you’re just jealous that they make yours look too small.” He replied with a laugh.

“I’m not liking this movie, mind if I put the bi one on?”

“No, go ahead, that girls voice is annoying as hell huh.”

“Right, fucking putting me off.”

I changed the movie on my digital feed and skipped past the boring plot stuff, we’d watched the movie before and both enjoyed the sex scenes. A few minutes later we were both close, our breathing and stroking increasing in intensity. We always took turns to cum, I knew it was Steve’s turn so I slowed down to watch him. Right as he started to spurt, his head back in ecstasy and groaning in pleasure as the first jet of cum splashed on his stomach, my wife Clara walked into the room, closely followed by Steve’s wife Jane. I froze, Steve opened his eyes and froze too, unable to stop his cock from finishing his climax though, his last couple of spurts just happening.

“Get him a towel Marcus.” Said Clara.

“I… we uh, already have one.” Stammered Steve.

“Is this why you won’t come shopping with me, so you can come here and suck each other off?” Said Jane.

“We don’t, we just jerk off.” Replied Steve.

“Turn the movie off and stand up, both of you.” Said Clara.

Steve finished wiping the cum from his stomach and we both did as she said.

“Wow, their panties are almost as nice as mine. Where do you get them?” Said Jane.

“Online mostly.” Replied Steve.

Both women sat down in the chairs.

“Right now we are both pissed, we suspected something was going on but not this. Do as I say and you get to sleep in your own beds tonight, refuse me and you’ll both be looking for somewhere else to live after we tell everyone. Am I understood?” Said Clara.

“Honey we shoul…” I tried to say.

“Don’t you fucking dare ‘honey’ me, I do everything you ask in bed and more and this is the thanks I get? Sucking your friends cock and wearing panties behind my back? Well we want to see it, get on your knees Marcus, Sakarya Escort right now.” Said Clara.

Steve and I looked at each other but I did as she said.

“Now turn to the side, both of you.” Said Clara.

“Suck his cock until he’s hard again.” Said Jane.

Steve looked at his wife and looked like he was going to say something but Jane just shook her head slowly and glared at him. He’d just cum not minutes before and still had cum oozing from his cock. I knew Clara wasn’t going to back down so I looked up at Steve who just nodded then I took his cock into my mouth. I’d never been with a guy sexually before, other than the masturbation sessions of course but neither of us had tried to touch each other or suggest it went further. I sucked him the same way Clara would suck my own cock and after a while he started getting hard again, his 8 inch cock soon filling my mouth. When he was fully hard, Jane told me to stop.

“Now switch positions, Marcus, cum in his mouth.” Said Jane, Steve shot her a pleading look but she continued her ‘don’t fuck with me’ glare.

I had been pretty close when the women had walked in, Steve’s mouth felt pretty good and before long I was close again. I managed to warn him but he closed his eyes when I started cumming and swallowed each spurt of seed I sprayed into his mouth.

“Wow, he must like it, I didn’t even tell him he had to swallow.” Said Jane.

Once I’d stopped cumming Steve let my cock slip out of his mouth and looked down.

“Good he’s still hard, I’ll be right back.” Said Clara.

She came back into the room a few seconds later and handed Steve our bottle of lubricant, he looked at it with a confused look on his face.

“What have, do… do you want me to fuck him?” Said Steve.

“Yes, we do.” Said Jane.

“Marcus, face down ass up on the couch.” Said Clara.

I tried looking at her, seeing if there was any hint of her joking but was given the same glare as before and did as she said. Steve tried the same look on his wife but her glare remained the same too and I did as she said. My heart was pounding when I felt him get on the couch behind me, I’d already watched him give his cock a generous coating of lube, he attempted to take his panties off but his wife told him to keep them on. Mine were just pulled down to my knees. Steve rubbed some more lube over my asshole then I felt him place the tip of his cock against it. He paused, I suspect to hope for the women to stop him at the last second but all he got was a ‘what are you waiting for?’ from Clara. Steve pushed into me slowly, I winced in pain as the head pushed past my ring then felt him slowly push the rest of his cock inside me until I felt his balls resting against mine.

“You okay man?” He said to me.

“He’s fine, no talking, just fucking.” Said Clara.

Steve began to thrust in and out of me, it hurt for a few seconds but once I got used to him it actually felt good. His cock was a little bigger than mine, he was circumcised where I wasn’t though but I could almost feel every vein as he fucked me. He lasted for ages since he’d already cum from jerking off but after what felt like forever he groaned then sprayed what he lad left in his balls inside me. He pulled out when he was done and sat down on the couch next to me.

“Okay, switch positions, here Marcus.” Said Jane, handing me the lube.

“Don’t question, don’t argue, just do it.” Said Clara.

Steve looked at me as he got into position, mouthed ‘its fine’ then just waited. Steve’s cock Adapazarı Escort had been rubbing my prostrate so I was rock hard, I coated my cock with lube and eased into him with the same care he gave me. Once I started thrusting, both women put their hands into their panties and were playing with themselves as I fucked Steve. I wasn’t watching them when he fucked me so I don’t know if they did the same but they were clearly enjoying the show. When Steve started to groan in pleasure, Clara leaned over and whispered something to Jane, Jane replied ‘Okay’ to whatever it was then carried on fingering herself. From my own anal stimulation and the sensation of Steve’s cum still oozing from my ass I didn’t last as long as Steve I pushed in deep then held my cock in place as I came, spraying my cum into him as I shuddered in pleasure.

“Both of you go and shower then get back here, don’t keep us waiting.” Said Clara.

We didn’t argue and went to my bathroom to shower, we had a huge walk in that we both fit in comfortably, we washed quickly and I got him a towel.

“You okay with all this man? I didn’t expect us to go this far, I was enjoying just jerking off to porn.” I said to him.

“Not like I’ll be posting it on twitter, we both know we’re not gay. Can’t say we didn’t enjoy it, both got a load in the ass to prove that point.” He said, smiling.

“I guess you’re right.”

“Come on, lets get back, see what else we’re doing. Not sure I can get it up again though, cock is aching.”

“Mine too.”

We presented ourselves to the women again, they had both stripped down to just their panties and were sitting on the chairs topless. Despite my cock feeling like it was going to fall off I couldn’t help getting hard at the site of Jane’s breasts, they were smaller than my wife’s but really pert with amazing nipples. I noticed Steve getting hard staring at Clara’s breasts too.

“Well, nice to see we have the desired affect, here, these will help.” Said Clara, she handed Steve and I a pill.

“What are they?” I asked.

“Herbal Viagra, my friend got me some from Mexico.” Replied Jane.

We both swallowed them with a glass of water, once they kicked in, which was really quickly,

I noticed the pain going away as my cock grew.

“Good, now since you both got us turned on watching you fuck, we want it too, Marcus, I want you to fuck Jane while Steve fucks me.” Said Clara.

Steve and I looked at each other, he started to say something but Jane gripped his balls.

“No questions, just do it. I know you won’t cheat on me but Clara and I want this.” She said to him.

Both women got on all fours kneeling on the couch and pulled their panties to the side, Steve got behind my wife and eased his cock into her and held on to her waist as he started to fuck her. I pushed into Jane and started fucking her too, reaching up to fondle her breast when Steve fondled Clara’s. I’m not sure how long we both lasted but both women came quite a few times before Steve and I weakly sprayed what our poor balls had left into each other’s wife. Steve and I were both exhausted.

“Jane honey, you and Steve can crash in the spare room, I think he’d fall asleep at the wheel.” Said Clara.

“Thank you, and thank you for sharing him, was my first uncut cock, felt good.” Replied Jane.

I showered again with Clara then we crashed together in bed. She laid on my chest but looked up at me.

“I love you, did you have fun?” She said.

“I enjoyed it, never thought I’d have sex with Serdivan Escort a guy though, we’d seriously just jerk off as we watched porn.” I replied.

“Well having you fuck each other wasn’t the plan, you’re both usually so dominant we wanted to push you to fight back and fuck us both but neither of you did. Jane’s never been double penetrated, I haven’t either but was hoping to get it today from both of you.”

“You were pretty firm with your demands.”

“You’ve been harsher with your demands in bed my love, is why I expected a ‘fuck that, you get on your knees’ from you. I won’t lie, watching you both was hot as fuck, I didn’t think you’d let it get that far though. How did it feel?”

“Little painful but not bad. I need to sleep.”

I slept pretty hard that night, next morning Steve was on the deck drinking coffee, Jane was still in bed so I grabbed a mug and went out to chat.

“Did she tell you?” He said as I sat down.

“Yea, I really didn’t feel we were in any position to resist though. We okay?”

“Oh of course, I’m not upset about us fucking, it was fun. I do think we need to reclaim our dominance though, I have a plan.”

Steve went over what he had in mind, I agreed, got us both another one of Clara’s Mexican Viagra and put the plan in motion. We stripped off then got Jane first, she had just stepped out of the shower but Steve grabbed her, shoved the gag in her mouth when she gasped in shock then held her as he tied her wrists behind her back.

“You know I love you and would never do anything to hurt you but yesterday something was taken from my friend and I and we’re taking it back.” He whispered into her ear.

He led her to the movie room and sat her on the couch then we both went and got Clara, saying the same thing to her then led her to the movie room too. We didn’t explain to them but they caught on pretty quickly. We got between their legs and licked first our own wife then each others, making a point to finger their asses with lube coated fingers. Clara was first, I coated my cock with lube and pushed my cock into her ass missionary, pushing her knees up to her chests, once she was used to me I pulled out then sat down on the couch and helped Steve lift her on top of me, lowering her ass back onto my cock. Steve held her legs open then pushed his cock into her pussy then worked with me to build up a rhythm. She moaned in pleasure as we fucked her, both of us lasting ages but eventually we filled both of her holes with cum at the same time. I untied her and took her gag out then helped her sit in the chair on a towel. We were both still hard thanks to our pill so we switched roles and I fucked Jane’s pussy while he took her ass from below. Once we’d both cum again we untied her and sat her in the chair next to Clara.

“So, are we going to hear complaining when we swap, Marcus and I would like to try a different ass.” Said Steve.

“No Sir.” They both said in unison.

That night after sleeping pretty much most of the day, Clara woke me up with a blowjob, once I was awake she had me make love to her then we snuggled close.

“So next weekend can we just relax please Sir, my holes would not like that to be a regular thing.” She said with a smile.

“Only if you buy me some new panties.” I replied.

“Fine, you and Steve going to fuck again?”

“He’s not really into receiving but said he’d fuck me if I wanted it, he said he liked making me cum though.”

“Mmm, you’re welcome. I don’t care what you do with him but I’d like to be there if you fuck Jane again.”

“Well I’ll leave that to you to set up if you want Steve again.”

Life goes on for us all, Steve and I play around on occasion but just when the mood takes us, we’re talking about doing a swap once or twice a year too, with the guys firmly in charge though…

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By the Roaring River

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“Amelia, I’m,” I took a deep breath, “gay.”

Three words. Just three little words that ended my life.

She’d kicked me out, took everything, kept the kids, and spread the good word all over town. It was a small town, maybe 4,000 people. In one fell swoop I lost my wife, my kids, my family, my friends, and the respect I’d always had. My job was still there, thank God. They couldn’t fire me or they sure as hell would have a discrimination suit on their hands.

After work Fridays there was nothing to do. I couldn’t go down to the Dairy Queen because none of the girls would wait on me and the assistant manager was a jackass. Bowling was out, no one to do it with. The movies were already watched. Shopping required money and my wife, sorry, ex-wife, got most of it in child support and alimony.

The walls of the small, dumpy apartment squeezed in on me. The peeling wallpaper and patched plasterboard were just two more symbols of my ruined life.

Three words.

How I prayed, wished, begged, and cried, promising everything if I could just take them back. Laughed it off as a joke. Amelia wasn’t stupid. She had always known I wasn’t quite right and I’d confirmed her suspicions.

My eyes landed on my fishing pole. Small rivers, creeks and lakes cover this part of Missouri. A solitary camping weekend, just me, the skeeters, and the fish was an attractive idea. It wouldn’t be like the family trips we used to make, nothing ever would be. My wife kept my sons well away from me, lest I rub my vile ways off on them. Of everything that came from those three words; losing my boys hurt the worst.

Sighing heavily, I forced myself to get up and gather the supplies I’d need to go camping. I moved lethargically, not really paying attention to the things I stuffed in my backpack. I just didn’t care anymore. It didn’t take long to pack the truck, not like the laughing chaos that had always hallmarked family outings. The only thing left was some beer and the bait. A quick stop at the Quick Trip and I was as ready for the fish as I’d ever be. Somehow, I’d hoped for a little more excitement, or at least a little less depression.

Roaring River State Park was one of the most serene places I’d ever visited. The highway was long and winding, full of hills and turns. Sometimes it made you feel as if you were the only person alive. I left the truck in a designated parking area near the scenic river and hiked the rest of the way. Even as utterly lonely as I was, I had no interest in human contact. I didn’t feel like being the butt of every joke, ostracized, or whispered about. I just wanted peace. Maybe I should move.

The hike along the river went a long way toward making me feel better. The fresh air, coupled with the warmth of exercise, raised my spirits; perhaps this little trip was a good idea I should repeat. I reached my old and familiar campsite a few hours before sunset. The hike was shorter than I remembered; either that or my legs had grown longer since high school.

The river was clean, running shallowly over pebbles in places. A few deep holes lined the banks where trees dipped into the water. If you didn’t mind the hike, it was a good place to fish. I spent a few minutes setting up my camp; it wasn’t as much work as it had been with the boys around. Then I gathered wood for a fire. This was one task I’d always enjoyed with my boys; just walking around the woods picking up sticks and logs, discussing the merits of this piece of wood versus that one. The memories brought a ghost of a smile to my lips.

I returned with the last armload of wood for the night. I had enough to see me through the evening. I dropped it into a pile with the others, then built the fire. There is something satisfying about setting the logs just so, adding a bit of kindling, then nurturing a tiny spark of flame to life, babying it until it grew to a happy blaze. For the first time since I’d said those three damned words I felt a full measure of peace. I felt like just maybe all was right with the world. I stood, my back to the flames, staring at the Roaring River. It was twilight; I could barely see the water reflecting the last of the sun’s rays. Shutting my eyes, I drank in the sounds of the fire, the river, and night.

“Mr. Moreland?”

I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sound of my name spoken so quietly. I whirled, prepared for anything. A figure crept from the bushes, moving closer to my camp.

“You don’t know me. I’m Wes Franklin’s son, Richard.”

Wes Franklin had been a friend back in high school. We’d drifted apart after graduation; he’d chosen blue-collar work and I’d gone to college for my degree. We were still friendly, but not as close. I’d seen Richard a time or two. He’d always been a quiet boy, not boisterous like his father.

“Richard,” I replied guardedly. I looked for others; perhaps this was an ambush. It wouldn’t be the first time I’d been physically threatened.

“Can I come closer? I’m cold.”

“Are you alone?” I was suspicious. It was hard to see anything beyond the ring of firelight.

“Yes.” Sakarya Escort He edged closer.

“Well, come on, get warmed up. Are you hungry?” I couldn’t remember if I’d packed any food or not.

“No.” He settled down by the fire, staring at it.

I pulled the beer out of the backpack and sat down where I could see him. I took a long pull from the bottle and wondered what in the hell he was doing here. “What are you doing here?”

“I followed you.” He shifted his weight, glancing at me for a sliver of a moment, then stared at the fire. “I saw you coming out of the Quick Trip and I just followed you here. I didn’t know where you were going.”


He didn’t say anything. He just looked more and more uncomfortable by the moment. Tactfully, I changed the subject, for now. “I heard you joined the Army.”

“I’m on terminal leave. I’m getting out next month and I came back home.”

“Oh. Bet that makes your Dad happy.”

“Yeah, I’m going to college in September.”

“Which one?”

“I don’t know.”

There didn’t seem to be much to say after that, so I just took a sip of the warm beer and listened to the cicadas. My eyes drooped a little as I began to relax, feeling a little of the peace I’d missed since my little announcement. It was nice to have some human companionship, even if it was just Richard.

“I followed you here because, ah…” he trailed off for a moment, staring off in the direction of the river.

I looked at him, appreciating the simple, masculine beauty of his profile.

“…I’m gay.”

Beer sprayed out through my nose. “What?”

“I said, I’m-“

I cut him off. “I heard that. Is this some kind of joke?” I was getting pretty hot under the collar.

“No, sir. I’m serious. I’m gay and I followed you because I thought you’d at least understand.” He looked miserably down at his lap. “My father never would.”

I chugged down the rest of the beer in one solid gulp. I stared at him, really stared at him. He was good looking in the soldier way. Tight buzz cut, firm muscles, and squared jaw. He reminded me of several pictures I used to steal time with on the Internet. He could have any girl in the world. Wes was going to have a shit fit.

“It sucks to be gay in this town.”

“I kinda noticed. I’ve been watching you since I hit town. People really hate you here, why do you stay?”

“My kids are here.”

“Do you ever get to see them?”

“Every other Thursday we meet at McDonald’s for supervised visits.” I opened another beer and took a non-committal swig. “I’m a pervert, you know.”

“Have you ever, ah, you know.”

“Have I ever what?”

“Had, you know, sex.”

I paused in the act of lifting the bottle to my mouth and stared at him. “Of course. I have kids.”

“I meant with a man.”

I didn’t know how to reply to that. I was, indeed, a homosexual virgin. “No.”

He deflated a little; it seemed he was disappointed. I charged forward boldly, “Have you?”


There was silence for a while, as we both digested that bit of information, if you could call millions of howling cicadas silent. I finished my beer and reached for another one. Wordlessly, I offered him one and he took it. I added another log to the fire while he tossed it back.

“Do you want to?” His voice was almost inaudible. The beer was messing with me, I thought I heard him offer me sex.


He cleared his throat. “Do you want to have sex with me?”


“Hear me out. I’m scared, more scared than I’ve ever been in my life. I’ve never touched another man and I want to, but my Dad, if he ever found out, it would kill him. I don’t want to try it with some stranger, just go out and pick some guy up. I don’t want to get hurt either. I trust you, Mr. Moreland.”

“I’ve never done it either, I might hurt you anyway. Your dad could still find out and he’d kill us both.”

“No, you won’t hurt me. I’ll be leaving for college, probably in California, in a couple of months. He’d never know.” He turned his head and caught my eyes firmly. “I want to.”

I tossed back the beer to hide my nervousness. My cock twitched, it wanted him beyond a shadow of a doubt. “Let me think about it.”

“How long?”

“I don’t know, until I’m done thinking about it.” I couldn’t hold his gaze anymore. I watched the fire instead. I didn’t know what to do.

His offer was the culmination of all the fantasies I’ve ever had, but it scared the hell out of me, too. I was homosexual in name only, still untouched by the sordid lifestyle. I tossed a quick glance at his clean profile. There wasn’t anything sordid in him, just a decent young man sitting by a fire with a dirty old pervert. I held the bottle to my lips. Well, he was just as perverted as I was. And I wasn’t really that old, just old enough to be his father. I took a sip and let my eyes wander over his body. Might as well give into the perversion.

I hadn’t let myself go like most middle management did, but I was no young Adapazarı Escort hard-body like he was. But then, Wes had started young. He’d been 17 when Richard was born. That made me a mere 17 years older. It was hard to believe we were both virgins.

The self-confidence he’d displayed moments ago was gone, replaced by insecurity it seemed. He fidgeted under my regard, staring at his feet.

“You’re sure you want to do this?”

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life, Mr. Moreland,” he said with all the conviction of a young man who doesn’t know any better.

“Call me Ben.” I put the beer down and frowned at him. “Let’s turn in. If something happens, it happens. If it doesn’t, well no hard feelings.”

He nodded curtly, but didn’t move.

I gathered my courage before my good sense could return, climbed into my tent, and flipped on the small, battery operated lantern. I usually slept in most of my clothes when I camped out, a habit from having children. This time, after a moment’s hesitation, I shucked down to my underwear. I couldn’t quite bear to get completely naked. The what-ifs crowded my mind, but I brushed them aside and opened the sleeping bag completely. I had a couple of thin blankets inside, I hoped they were enough to keep us both warm.

Unbidden, the thought of cuddling with him to share body heat surged through me, making me shiver.

I heard the hiss of the fire and assumed he put it out. A few minutes later he crawled into the tent and sat next to me. I leaned on an elbow and watched him disrobe completely. He was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. I couldn’t help it, I had to touch him. My fingers brushed his biceps, then curved around his arm, feeling the taut muscles flexing.

My hand slipped away, still burning from the heat of his skin. I never thought that the act of touching another male would be so exciting, more exciting than the blase orgasms I’d had while conjuring images of this very situation. My erection, obvious as the river out there, embarrassed the hell out of me. I couldn’t look at him. Instead, I fiddled with the blankets.

“It’s okay, Ben.”

“Is it?” It was too weird. I wished my cock wasn’t ready to explode, it was stealing my good sense.

“Yes, it is.” We were silent for a while after that, both of us laying there, staring at the pale green tent sides.

“I’m going to shut off the light,” I said, more to break what was becoming unbearably heavy tension than anything.


I paused, then leaned over and shut it off. The darkness was more soothing. I could hear his breathing and my own, but I didn’t have to look at him and he couldn’t see me. I started to relax, feeling less embarrassed to be in a small tent with a naked man.

“When did you figure it out?”

He didn’t have to delineate what “it” was. I closed my eyes and sighed. I remembered the utter fascination I’d had in high school with the showers, and the terrible fear that I’d be caught ogling the other guys’ equipment. I’d stolen a Playboy mag from my Dad, but the females in it did nothing for me. What always made the cream spurt were the remembered images of smooth bodies, gleaming wet cocks, and heavy balls in the showers. Despite all the high school shower stories and fantasies I’d ever heard about, I never got to see one hard.

I’d just never admitted it to myself, not until I got the computer. “I’ve always known, I just never accepted it. Then I got the Internet and discovered pornography. I never went looking for women, just men. First it was innocent stuff, exercise sites where the guys were flexing in trunks, then soft-core stuff. Finally, the hardcore. I had the best orgasm of my life staring at those pictures. It ruined me for women. I could only get it up for my wife when I thought about those pictures and those men.”

“What’d your wife do?”

“When I told her she believed me. Didn’t need any convincing. She kicked me out, took everything.”

“I’ve always known and being in the Army only convinced me more. I joined up to be a man, like there was something wrong with me. Dad was so proud of me for it. He thought it’d make me a real man. I had a friend there who was gay, but we never did anything. It’s like as long as I’m a virgin, I’m not really gay. There’s nothing wrong with being gay, but my Dad makes it the worst thing a man could be.” Richard took a deep breath and rolled onto his side, facing me. “He hates you so much for betraying him.”

I didn’t know what to say to that. I picked up on the agony in him. If his father hated me, a mere acquaintance who used to a friend a long time ago, how would he feel toward his son? It’s hell to deny an intrinsic part of yourself to make another person happy, or respect you. I didn’t know what to say, but I knew what this young man needed. I grabbed him in a bear hug like I’d give one of my sons, completely non-sexual. He stiffened at the sudden contact, then quivered. It took me a while to realize that he was crying. My wife always wept noisily and copiously, as if she Serdivan Escort were trying to hammer the guilt into me. Richard made no noise and held himself as if he’d break if he relaxed and let the tears go.

Suddenly, I had the tremendous urge to kill Wes and kick the asses of everyone else in town. It just wasn’t fair that Richard was suffering so much. There was something terribly wrong when he had to pretend to be something he wasn’t just to keep his Dad’s love. I didn’t say anything, just let him compose himself.

“I’m sorry, don’t know what came over me,” he muttered eventually, trying to pull away. I held him tight.

“You’re human, it happens to the best of us. I understand.” I loosened my hold when he quit trying to move. We lay still, on our sides, facing each other, casually touching. We weren’t quite ready for more. “I’ve shed a tear or two over it myself.”

Now that was an understatement. I bawled like a baby a few times. It just hurt so much to lose everything. Particularly my boys.

“I just wish I could tell my Dad.”

“That’d be a bad idea.”

“I’ll say,” he snorted. “He’d shit a ring around himself.”

I laughed at the unexpected turn of phrase. The image of Wes dropping his pants and literally making a ring of shit was funny as hell. After a few moments, Richard laughed along with me. Still grinning, I said, “I could see him doing that.”

He chuckled. “Mom would kill him, think of the mess.”

I smiled, knowing instinctively that my eyes were staring deep into his. Or maybe it was wishful thinking. I couldn’t see anything in the dark belly of that tent. I lifted my hand and traced the back of my knuckles down his cheek. The stubble of his five o’clock shadow scraped my skin. My cock perked up, pressing hard against my boxers at the knowledge that I was stroking a naked man like a lover.

The silence changed, from tense to something else. A few heartbeats later I felt his lips brush mine, a quick touch that was gone before it even registered. I wanted more. With an awkward bumping of noses, I found his mouth in the dark and tasted it. First it was just lips moving against lips, and then the tongues joined in the action. I was kissing Richard with everything I had, my mouth, my body, my soul. It was the most erotic thing I’d ever done.

Deliberately, I put my hands the flat, well-defined plane of his chest. It was fascinating and infinitely more exciting than my wife’s perfect breasts. I brushed his nipples– so like my own– with my fingers and teased them to hardness. He groaned, slithering his tongue deeper into my mouth. He wrapped his upper leg around mine, pulling our bodies tightly together. I could feel his erection nestling against mine, a burning hot slab of flesh that I desperately wanted.

“Richard, are you sure?” I had to ask, to be sure.

“I want to fuck you, Ben.”

I groaned and latched onto his mouth again. He sucked on me, his hands everywhere on my body. I shuddered when he slipped them under my boxers. Suddenly, I couldn’t wait to yank them off, to feel my naked cock-flesh rubbing against his naked cock-flesh. The boxers were pulled far enough down my thighs for my cock to hang out, pressing to him. His hips humped against mine, sliding his erection back and forth against my body. It was too much for me, the feelings, the very idea of this gorgeous, young man’s penis hot for me. I shuddered, my oily sperm exploding between our bellies.

The smell of cum was heavy in the confines of the tent, over-riding the smells of the beer I’d drunk and the smoke from the fire that clung to us. I was embarrassed, horribly so. I’d never shot off so quick in my life for something so insignificant as a couple of humps. I closed my eyes and sighed.

“It’s okay, Ben,” he murmured, his fingers finding my hair. He pulled me closer, until his lips were against mine. “It’s great to know that I turn you on that much. I jacked off before I came here, or I’d be cumming with you.”

“I usually have more control.” While what he said was gratifying, I was still embarrassed as hell. I have never been so fast off the mark.

“You’re not done are you?”

I opened my eyes, realizing that I wasn’t anywhere near finished having sex with him. With the wife, it had always been a one shot deal. Pop goes the penis and off to sleep I went. With Richard, I wanted more, much more. “I haven’t even gotten started.”

I could feel him smiling through the darkness. “Good.”

He slithered down my body, turning himself into a pretzel to fit in the tight space of the tent, and nuzzled at my belly. I felt his tongue stab into my navel and shuddered. My dick, still a little pooped from its explosion, twitched and started to stiffen. I shut my eyes and tried to picture us as we might look: the young man with the perfect bubble buns licking cum from the belly of the old man. I blurred reality a bit and gave myself some washboard abs.

Richard lapped at the cum, roughly tonguing me until there was none left, then nosed down farther. I held my breath, wondering if he would do it, wondering if I would let him, wondering if I’d cum all over him again. I felt the warm heat of his breath washing over my privates. My cock felt too small for its skin. I wanted nothing more than to have him lick it. I wanted nothing less than to lick his as well.

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Camping Man Sex

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My brother and his friends were going to a hunting camp for the weekend. My brother Tom asked me if I wanted to go along. That wasn’t like Tom. He normally didn’t like his eighteen year old brother tagging along. He did say that his friend Jake requested that I be included.

Jake was the alpha male in my brother’s group of friends. He had been the quarterback on the football team. What he wanted he normally got. I said I would go along. Friday morning the cars were packed and we drove an hour and a half to the camp. Everyone was busy unloading the gear. I tried to stay out of the way.

I decided to go walking along one of the trails. I hadn’t gone far when I heard a voice. It was Jake.

“Wait up for me Matt!”

Jake asked if he could join me. I had no problems with Jake walking with me. We got to a split in the trail. One way went up this hill. We huffed and puffed our way to the top. Once we made it, we had to catch our breaths.

“I’ve got to get back in shape,” Jake said to me.

We looked out over the woods for a few minutes. Jake walked over to me and spoke.

“Do you know why I asked to have you come along?”

I told him no. He said he found me attractive. I didn’t quite know what to say. Jake said this was his secret. He was gay. I never suspected that of Jake. He came closer and he put his arm around my waist. He pulled me tight into his body and he kissed me. I was shocked to say the least. I never thought about men. I had sex one time with a girl.

Jake forced his tongue into my mouth. For some reason I gave into him. Jake’s hands were all over me. He soon had my shirt off and he pulled my pants and underwear off. I was naked except for having my shoes on. I hate to say it but my cock was getting stiff. Jake got undressed as well. I was looking at his long, thick cock dangling between his legs.

It all went so quickly from there. There was a tree that had fallen down. Jake told me to sit on Sakarya Escort it. He took hold of my ankles and he raised my legs up. I wanted to tell him to stop but I was frozen in place. I saw Jake’s cock moving closer to my ass. He rubbed his mushroom across my crack. I felt his hard prick starting to push past my sphincter.

God, did that hurt.

“Don’t fight it Matt,” he told me.

I wasn’t fighting a thing. I watched as Jake slid his long dick into my bottom. Something must have snapped inside me. It hurt but I also felt some pleasure. Jake was splitting my ass with his hard bone. I gave into my male lover. Once Jake was all the way inside me he began to pound my ass hard.

It was a good thing we were far out into the woods. I was crying out from the ass fucking I was taking.

“God you are tight!” Jake told me.

He was right about that. My virgin hole was taking cock for the first time. Jake went as hard as he could. I heard his balls slapping against my ass. It did occur to me that Jake wasn’t using a rubber. I didn’t know what to do about that. His bare cock was starting to feel good buried deep in my hole. I lost it finally.

“Fuck me hard Jake!” I begged him.

Jake smiled and gave me the fucking of a lifetime. In the back of my mind I knew I would let Jake have me again. It might have been a half an hour that Jake fucked my man hole.

“I can’t hold it anymore Matt!”

I felt Jake’s seed showering my hole. It felt hot and juicy as his load poured into my gut. All I know is that Jake had a lot of cum to give me. He finally slowed down and rested his cock in my bottom.

“That was so intense,” he told me.

Jake finally pulled out. My ass felt raw from the fucking I just took. Jake help me to my feet. I started to push out his man seed from my bottom. Jake kissed me again. He said we should probably be heading back. It felt like I had been riding a horse all day.

When Adapazarı Escort we got back everyone asked where we had been. Jake said we climbed the big hill along the trail. We had to rest at the top. No one questioned a thing. That night we played cards and drank beer. My mind was elsewhere. Jake and I looked at each other all night long. I wondered what tomorrow might bring.

As it turned out Jake fucked me one more time. Everyone wanted to walk out in the woods. Jake said I could walk with him. That meant no one else should go with us. We ended up at the same spot on that hill. Everyone else would be too lazy to walk up there. We got undressed again. This time I stood on the ground and bent myself over that tree.

Jake placed his hands on my hips and he rammed me from behind. Maybe I still had some of his cum in me from the previous day. It seemed to go easier this time around. Jake moved his hands from my waist and placed them on my shoulders. He pulled my body back onto his erect cock.

I was loud once again. His fat prick felt like it was splitting my ass in two. Jake told me I was his cock whore. He was going to fuck me whenever he wanted. I would have agreed to anything he said right then. I was addicted to his cock and I had to have it. We went much longer this time around.

Jake’s cock must have been rubbing against my prostate. I was rock hard. To my surprise Jake gave me another good dose of his cream. He went off like a rocket in my ass. I ended up milking him dry a second time. This time, Jake gave me a surprise. He pulled out and had me turn around.

Jake knelt before me and he took my hard cock in his mouth. He wrapped his hands around the back of my thighs and pulled me into him. I must have been deep in Jake’s throat. I heard him gag a few times as I pushed my rod into him. I came like mad that day. Jake pushed a finger into my bottom and I couldn’t control myself.

I Serdivan Escort blasted my load of cum down his throat. Jake’s head snapped back as he managed to swallow most of my seed.

“God, you were full!” He told me.

Jake stood up finally and he kissed me on the mouth. I tasted my sticky cum for the very first time. I pushed his load out of my ass once more. We walked back to camp. My ass was so sore. I didn’t want to sit for long. There was no more man sex that weekend. We packed up our things and made the drive back the next morning.

Jake’s family has money. Some weekends he would get a motel room for the two of us. Jake would fuck me but this time in a comfortable bed. I even got to fuck Jake once. He said his ass was aching for a good fucking. Like we always do, I gave Jake my bare cock. He urged me to pound his tight hole as hard as I could. It was the first time I ever came in a man’s ass.

I know it is something I want to try again. Jake said it was just this once. Maybe I will need to find another partner for that. I know Jake would be mad if I was with another man. I keep those thoughts to myself. I did finally have sex with another man. He was a friend of my father’s. His name was Ron.

Ron would make passes at me when he stopped by our house. He told me to stop over sometime and visit him. Well I gave in once and saw Ron. Ron was somewhat overweight. His cock was on the small side but he was thick. I barely walked into his house and he was all over me. He wanted fucked. He made that clear to me.

That’s what I did. I got Ron onto his back. His ass was exposed. Maybe he thought I would use a rubber but I didn’t have one. I plunged my stiff cock into Ron and fucked him senseless. I don’t think Ron was prepared to get fucked that hard. I was super horny that day. I pounded his hole for a good hour. I shot one stream after another into Ron’s gut.

His body was shaking when we finished. He sort of begged for me to be his lover. I told him no. I said I was afraid of my parents finding out. I could see he wasn’t happy but too bad. I just needed to get my nut off.

I made sure Jake never found out about Ron and I. I much prefer to have Jake using my ass with his bare cock.

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The Morning

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As the morning arrives, the room slowly brightens with dawn. I wake, lazily stretching my body, careful not to disturb you. I watch you as you sleep, your hair partially covering your face, your breathing soft and regular. I put my head under the sheet and see your naked body in the gloom, the darkness of your nipples stands out on the whiteness of your breasts. I move lower, inhaling the aroma of our last night’s sex, the mixture of our scents heady. My nose is close to your pussy, the smell of our cum and your pussy intoxicating, my cock stirs as memories flash in my head, of you, of me, of us.

You moan softly in your sleep, do you feel my presence? I listen, trying to hear your words…too soft, a whisper. As I place my head back on the pillow, I move your hair off your face gently, gazing at you, my cock now hard, my desire for you, my need for you increasing. I reach to my groin, rubbing some of our scent on my finger from my cock, and bring the finger close to your nose. I watch as you inhale…the smell of us. Your nostrils flair slightly, and I see the ghost of a smile Anadolu Yakası Escort on your lips.

You move, slow sleepy movements. I see your lips opening; the tip of your tongue visible and I place my fingertip near, almost touching your tongue. The tonguetip reaches and touches my finger, the ghostly smile widens. Your eyelids flutter, opening, looking at me. The mutual smile of welcome, of good morning. Your lips cover my finger, sucking, licking, tasting.

It’s my turn to moan, the sensual feel of your mouth on my finger…as your tongue caresses, your lips closing around it, the gentle suction. I place my other hand on your cheek, sliding around your neck, cupping. As I pull you to me, you release my finger as our lips close together, My tongue brushes the fullness of your mouth, I taste you, my kiss light, gentle at first, but my hunger, insistence grows…the urgency of my kiss, and you respond, returning the impending passion, our tongues colliding, stroking. I hold your neck tightly, as the kiss lingers, continuing.

We shift our bodies closer to gain maximum contact; I feel your breasts against me, the diamond points of your nipples on my chest. You put your leg over my thigh, your heel against my ass, holding me, trapping me in your embrace. Your hand burrows between us, I push my cock against the palm of your hand, the heat exciting me more. You hold the shaft and begin to rub the head against your pussy lips; omg so wet already, the head glides on the shaved smoothness. I thrust a little, the head cleaving the lips apart; the warm wetness engulfs the head. The tip presses on your clit, a shudder goes through your body. I look in your eyes, the pleading look tells me everything, your wants meet my needs. I push against you, rolling you onto your back; my weight forces my cock half into you. The soft groan, was that you or me? As I lay on you, my lips at your ear, gently biting the lobe as I whisper, good morning.

My push my cock completely into you, oohh, yes. I start to slowly stroke in and out, lost in the feeling of your pussy, your depths. Your arms and legs wrap around me, I am tied to you, not wanting to stop, falling further into you, deeper with each stroke. I hear your whisper, harder, fuck me harder. I use my ass and leg muscles to thrust into you, watching your eyes widen with each slamming penetration, feeling your nails biting into my back, breathing shallow and rapid. I feel the familiar rigidity in your body as you near orgasm, my pace increasing to meet you, my fucking harder as my cock nears the point of no return…the wild frenzy…increasing as I feel you start to cum, pussy grabbing, trying to hold my cock, fucking faster…that feeling, the blessed feeling of my orgasm as it builds to the peak…peaking, I feel you bite my shoulder as you sob, your release…as you feel my cock begin it’s rhythmic pulsing, my cum shooting into you as I thrust to push it deep in you, pumped deeper, your pussy liquid with our cum.

As I lay next to you, the sun shines into the room, I see you smile in the sunlight, wondering how I deserve you, what I have done in the past that was good enough to be with you. I kiss your cheek, look again into your eyes, oh those eyes…and say, again, I love you baby. You are my woman; you make me very happy, satisfied, and always wanting more, smiling.

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