David and Jonathan

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More than that. Way more than that.

David and Jonathan.

By name and by nature.

Man love. The love of one male of the species for another male of the species.

And certainly not platonic. When they got into it, they got into it. Lusty, greedy, hungry, sucking, deep-throat oral. All arms and legs, face-fucking, soixante-neuf. Anal, sometimes hot, sweaty, grappling, winner takes all. Sometimes slow, languid, muscular, caressing. Other times hard-core rutting, snorting, grunting, ass-stretching, chest-thumping, Tarzan-yell straight out fucking. If you were ever invited for a weekend at their beach condo you would know.

But there were also quieter times, shared moments. Hunkered on a beach for instance, looking out over the water, skipping stones, tracing figures in the sand and watching them disappear. Or holed up in a cabin, cracking a single malt, straight up, ruminating on the problems of the day.

And there were also those moments when what was needed were the arms of one around the other, being held by the other, close, body to body, the steadiness of the one shared with the other, vital.

Two guys, hitting it off. Pool buddies, gym buddies, one spotting the other, urging the other for one more lap, one more rep, and then another. Out of the pool, the gym, jazzing each other. Socially. In their business dealings.

No PDAs, public or private. Unless you count ass-grabbing. At home. Never in public. And sometimes, in the kitchen when one was preparing something, – and let me tell you, both of them knew their way around a kitchen – the other would come up behind and put his arms around the other’s waist, rest his chin on the his shoulder. And sometimes, playful, grind his crotch into the other’s ass.

But no holding hands, no walking arm-in-arm, or arms interlocked around the other’s waist. Just the assurance that the other was by his side.

And no cloying terms of endearment. No ‘darling’, or ‘hun’, or ‘sweetie’. Nothing like that. ‘Bud’ or ‘Buddy’ or ‘Best Buddy’, yes. Maybe ‘Friend’, or ‘My Friend’. Or, more usually, in all that it meant, ‘Mate’.

Two guys who knew, when there was need to speak, what the other was going to say. When there was no need to speak, what the other was thinking. Two guys for whom there was no reason to think it had not always been that way, and would always be that way.

Alike as two who weren’t but could have been brothers. Everybody remarked on it. Age, height, build, colouring, temperament.

Six-four, give or take a half-inch. Muscled. Sleek. Slim. Some bodybuilders go for the big and muscle-bound. Not them, just the opposite. Fluid, liquid, articulated, aesthetic. And in the water, they both looked as good in the water as they did out of it.

And here maybe was the difference. They were both were into bodybuilding and swimming. David was the swimmer, into bodybuilding for what it could do for him in the water. Jonathon was the bodybuilder, into swimming for what it could do for him as a bodybuilder. But perfect. Both of them.

T, D and H, both of them. David, Celtic dark. Hair, black, wavy. Untamed. The bod, hairy but not furry. Black, wiry. Pecs, abs, belly, legs. Mostly he kept it clipped, – number three – neither ape nor clean. And the beard, dark, which likewise he kept to a three days scruff. ‘It’s sex-ay,’ he used to say.

Of course when he was up for a meet it all came down, the hair, the beard and the body hair, clean for speed. But the way it grew, it would all be back in a week or so anyway. Five o’clock shadow five minutes after he shaved.

Jonathan, as much the Celt, but bodybuilder clean all the time. Three days max and it was a whole body shave, head to toe.

Outgoing? Believe it.

Fun-loving? Yup, up for just about anything, anytime.

A wild side? You gotta be kidding. Definitely, a wild side! In those eyes, Jonathon’s particularly, always something dancing. At the same time, something deeper, mysterious, a bit of the dark side. David particularly. Touching on dangerous even.

Hang ups? Not them! Uninhibited. Really. ‘Live and let live’ – that was their motto.

They were a smart dressers, with an eye for cut and quality and what would look good. And more, with their athleticism, and putting themselves out as models, they knew how to make it look good. But, dressing only as circumstances demanded. At home or wherever, whenever, sarıyer escort shucking off shoes, shirts and pants. Naked. Always bare-assed naked. The freedom of nothing at all. Dress was optional for anyone invited or dropping in.

For certain, sharing the same space, something, or sometimes rubbing one or the other the wrong way, there would be words, stubborn silences. But always there was regard for the line that must not be crossed, and eventually, apologies, and the other coming round.

And invariably that meant, well, in up to the balls, humping, pounding, rocking and rolling, belly-to-belly, cheek-to-cheek, edging, then, arms wrapped around backs, legs-entwined, going for the gold, the sharp, hard thrusts, reciprocated, over and over, fingers clawing at the mattress, moaning involuntarily, and over the top, the ejaculation, powerful, shooting hot, hard, deep into the other; consummation, warm, spreading, sexual satisfaction, each continuing to hold the other, then drifting off; then waking, flip-flopping top for bottom, penetrating, deep, to the balls, again the waves of one body merging with the other, late into the night.

Mutually exclusive. No strange C or A for them. Not that there weren’t opportunities. They were a couple of hot numbers. There was always somebody, of either gender, checking out one or the other and putting the moves on. But it was always ‘thanks a lot, but no thanks – the only one I am interested in is the one I’ve got!’

Sure, into bodybuilding as they were, and built, they would check out a dude with a good build, but it was the build more than it was the package that had them turn heads and take notice.

As for the package, they could have been doing porn. David, uncut, long, like seven plus. Skin-back, he called it the one-eyed monster. Not original. But he was not exaggerating. Jonathon, likewise uncut. But thick. The other one-eyed monster. Straight up when he was hard. Stood them in good stead as models. They had the goods for swimwear and underwear shoots .

What got them together? It was sort of their own Brokeback Mountain. A wilderness camping trip they had gotten talked into with a bunch of guys. It had turned wet and cold, and the choice was to spend the night shivering with your teeth chattering, or do the common sense thing, bunk in together, snuggle up and keep warm. So they zipped their sleeping bags together and got cozy.

How cozy and how much sleep they got, well … But apparently in the morning they were not the only ones not sure where to look when it came to squaring the other guys in the eye. There were several who came home with new fuck buddies.

But they were the only ones who took it further than that. It wasn’t long after that they moved in together, in time bought the condo, which eventually they flipped for the penthouse. The sexual attraction had been mutual for some time, but neither of them knew just what to do about it. It was the camping trip where, and when, it was consummated.

Started out they were working for the same dot.com, in different departments, dumped on the street when the company imploded. They got together on some contract work, which landed them a retainer and the breathing room to establish themselves as independents. To help keep the wolf at bay, they signed with an agency, did some movie background work, and some modelling gigs. As they got older they were in demand as mature models.

That was how the travel bug bit, ranging farther and wider on locales for photo shoots. It was their ambition to at least swim in all seven seas, set foot on each of the five continents. And they did manage to see a fair bit of the world. Latin America, the Mayan ruins. Oz, the Land Down Under, Bondi Beach, the Reef. Europe. France, Paris, the Riviera. Italy, Rome, Florence. Greece, Athens, the Greek Islands, Santorini. England and Scotland.

Scotland particularly. They kept going back. The Highlands and the Isles. Tramping the glens, sailing the lochs. The lure and the lore of ancient ancestral holdings, long gone. Leaving the car, searching on foot for what might remain. Misty mornings, rainy days, peat fires in the pub.

They had one favourite pub that did B and B. Ocean views on one side, the hills behind. Come and go as they pleased. Or not. Some days, particularly when there was no letting up to ‘the Scottish mist’, they would just hang about the pub, maslak escort or likely as not hang the privacy sign on the door, and go for a ‘roll in the heather,’ as they called it.

So when did it all go wrong?

They were in Scotland. David’s 50th birthday. Apparently there is a cairn marking one of the Clan lands. Not easy to get to. But David figured this was where he wanted to be when he turned over his half-century. In the photographs, they are triumphant, but the hike there and back was more really than Jonathan could handle.

For maybe more than a year he had been off on what he had been able to lift, and on his times in the pool. He put it down to age, but there was the nagging suspicion it was something more. It was this hike that convinced them to get it checked out.

Their doctor, long time friend, put him through a battery of tests. And then he called them in.

Somehow it was what they had expected. But they were devastated by the prognosis, the doctor likewise. “Three years, maybe less, with care maybe longer.”

The symptoms were already well advanced, he explained. Rapidly progressing weakness. That they were already aware of. Muscle atrophy and the involuntary twitching. That too they were aware of. Eventually there would be spasticity, tightening, and the inability to stretch the muscles. Difficulties getting out words – ‘dysarthria’ – swallowing – ‘dysphagia’ – and, as more and more neurons were hit, ‘dyspnea,’ progressively difficult breathing. Until in the end ..

“ALS. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Lou Gehrig’s disease. There is no cure. But it can be managed.”

“Sorry,” the doctor concluded. Sorry for them, sorry that he, knowing them as friend as well as physician, had to tell them.

Their lovemaking that night was particularly intense. Deep. Poignant.

“I want you in me as deep, as high up into me as you can get,” Jonathan said.

And David, kneeling, obliging, lubed Jonathan’s ass, and himself, positioned himself, guided the head of his dick to the other’s asshole, and pushed, Jonathan spreading his ass cheeks to him. There was the inevitable surprised quick whimper as they achieved penetration, then the waiting until the sphincter could yield to accommodate him, further whimpers as he pushed himself in, the other grinding his hips to draw him in as he pushed. Familiar sensations, yet not, never the same twice in all of the years, the one yielding to the other to allow full entry to his interior, until the other had reached the fullest extent of his ability to reach as deep and as high up as he could.

“Just keep it there,” Jonathan said, “I just want you there, to know you are there, just as you are right now.” His arms around the David’s back, he pulled him in to himself, holding him tight. And David obliged by pulling Jonathan tight to himself.

And they continued holding each other, body with body, the one high up in the other. Holding, and being held there. No words. Just their two bodies together. Breathing now coming into rhythm. Heartbeats likewise. Muscle and sinew yielding to accommodate the other. Two souls reaching out each to the other.

No rutting. No ass pounding. No rush for climax. There would be, again, at other times, later, but not now. Now, holding each other, tight, hips grinding imperceptibly, gently, and the one high up in the one, gently stroking, the gentlest of love making, though the word never had passed either’s lips, of male love making, though again the word had never passed either’s lips, but love making, male love making, the love of one male for another being given its most intimate expression.

There were tears, which the other first thumbed away, gently, then kissed away. There were attempts at speaking, Jonathan, which David shushed, “Not now. Not tonight. There will be time,” he said.

Then, inevitably, the stirring in the loins. The thrusts a little harder. The give and take more insistent. Until, the nose of one buried deep in the shoulder of the other, the one pushing himself as high and deep as he was able, the other pushing back to take him, likewise, as high and deep as he was able, the muffled, startled cries as the one expended his life-force, shooting it high, deep into the other. They came together, David high up in Jonathan, Jonathan between their two bellies. Grasping each other, holding the other as close as it was possible to hold him. beyoğlu escort The little cries of having been completed, of having been fulfilled. Tongues finding tongues, mouth pressed to mouth, the consummation complete.

And it was like that, each time after that. Well, maybe not every time. There were some nights of raucous, mattress thumping delight like before, but even then there was also the realization, unspoken, that each time now would be one time less, that one of them would be going on without the other.

Through the weeks and months following on the prognosis, the one came to assume more and more of what had been done jointly as the other became less and less capable. At first it was assistance getting into and out of bed. Then help standing. Then sitting. Walking. Dressing. Grooming. And the intimacies and indignities of personal hygiene.

Even as the penthouse took on more and more of the aspects of a hospital ward, and the load became ever more demanding, there were no complaints. As the one’s capabilities diminished, when depression took hold, the other became the anchor. Passion was sublimated in compassion. Ardour tempered with tenderness. When the slightest touch became painful, a jarring of the bed excruciating, the other opted for a foam pad and duvet on the floor. And as he became more and more expert in turning the other on the bed, the hands of the patient, now bird-like, touching, and, the eyes, gaunt, looking directly into the eyes of the caregiver, with a gratitude and much more, heartfelt.

Finally, in the end, the decision for a hospice. The patient, emaciated, fragile, the once-sculpted physique no more now than skin and bones. The other, moving in with his pad to be in close proximity, burned out beyond exhaustion, but determined to continue, even, or particularly, in the grief of imminent bereavement.

Very quickly they became something of staff favourites, with comment and compliments on the quality and extent of the care the one was able to extend to the other, and the general acceptance and humour of the other to his situation.

The stay stretched out to two weeks, then three, and into a fourth.

It was the afternoon of the Thursday of the fourth week when the nurse at the desk heard him cry out, looked up and saw David, lurching as he tried to stand, struggling for air, fists clenched at his chest, then collapse to the floor. She rushed to him, calling for assistance, fingered the carotid for a pulse, then the wrist, separated his fists, and began CPR. A second nurse went to the patient, saw the head as it turned, and felt for a pulse, waited, then laid the hand down.

Several years later, bantering as they did in the locker room, a group of gym buddies got around to talking about them, wondering what had finally become of them. There had been no funeral. No announcements of any final arrangements.

“I can tell you exactly what became of them.”

It was the City guy who worked the crematorium. “Nothing. I’ve still got them, waiting for whoever to decide who’s gonna take care of them.”

“You mean, nobody ..?” someone said.

“Nope,” he shook his head. “They had joint estates. The lawyers and insurance companies and the families are in litigation to decide who survived whom, and who is going to inherit. So in the meantime .. “

“Fuck. That can go on forever.” It was one of the older guys in the group.

Some while later, some months or so, this older guy asked the dude from the crematorium if there was anything doing.


“Fuck,” the older guy repeated. ‘That ain’t right.”

Some months later he asked again. And got the same answer.

Then he wanted to know, “What happens if the lawyers get it all, and nobody inherits?”

“Well, eventually, if they are not claimed, we’ll do a dispersal.”

“Whadda ya mean?’

“A dispersal. There’s a Memorial Garden where we scatter remains that have been unclaimed.”

“Fuck.” The older guy said again.

And later still, when the two of them were alone, the older guy raised the question again.

“Still there,” the Crematorium guy said.

Then, the older guy wanted to know, “What happens if they just sort of disappear?”

The Crematorium guy shrugged. “Guess they just sort of disappear.”

One autumn day later that year a small two-seater took off from a private airfield north and east of Oban. When the pilot leveled off over the Trossachs, he reached for a canister. Earlier, he had emptied into it the contents of two heavy-gauge plastic bags. He spun off the lid, banked, and let loose a long trail of grey-white ash.

Then, circling back, he dipped his wings, and disappeared into a bank of clouds.

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Curious with the Gay Kid

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I was one of the normal kids. I played football, dated one of the cheerleaders, had friends, went to parties, and picked on the gay kid, Rich. Like every school, ours had the one gay kid that everyone knew about. He had been caught freshmen year making out with another guy, who ended up moving. People took every opportunity to torture him, including myself.

I considered myself to be straight, and had a good sex life with my girlfriend. But, as I was about half way through my senior year, I became curious about how it felt to be on the taking end of sex. I would often tease or even finger my ass while masturbating because I enjoyed the new sensations. I often looked at Rich, the gay kid, and wondered if he had ever been fucked in the ass, wanting to ask him what it was like. I caught myself staring at him in the classes we had together. Even more surprising to me was how often I caught myself looking at his crotch. It seemed like every time I looked at him, he had a hardon, and a big one at that. I always wondered just how big he was. He was not allowed to shower with the rest of the guys after gym, and walking up and asking just wasn’t an option.

One day however, everything took a turn for the best. One night I wandered into the movie store, I had just turned 18 and was planning on renting a porno. When I walked in, the first person I noticed was Rich, looking at some older movies. I was feeling daring and went out on a limb.

I approached him, and he tried to avoid me. I finally caught him and said “Hi.” I made some small chat, asked him what movie he was getting, just bullshittin’ for a while. Then I dove in and asked him if he wanted to come over to my house and watch the movie, my parents were out of town and it was a perfect opportunity for me. After some convincing that it wasn’t a plan to hurt him or anything, he agreed to come over. We went back to my house and straight to the basement. We watched the movie, “Oceans 11,” very good by the way, then came the awkward silence after we turned off the TV. I went straight for the throat, “Rich, have you ever been fucked?”

He immediately thought I was only poking fun at him, but he eventually loosened up. “No, I’m a gay top, I do the fucking,” he answered.

“Have you ever fucked a guy?” I asked.

“No,” escort osmanbey he responded again “My boyfriend never let me.”

“Well how would you like to try it for once?” I asked him. He thought again it was some kind of trick and even tried to leave for a moment.

I convinced him I wasn’t joking, I told him how I had looked around online, and was kind of curious about being fucked. He shifted uncomfortably then asked exactly what I was thinking.

“You want to fuck, you’re gay, I want to try being fucked, I’m straight. I’m the one with the problem. And the solution is that you could fuck me. But, you can’t tell anybody what we do, and as long as you keep quiet, and I like it, we can do it as long as we want.” I watched him think for a minute, trying to figure out if I was telling the truth.

“OK,” he responded, “I’m up for it.” I glanced instinctively at his crotch, the slender pole along his thigh told me he was indeed “up” for it.

“Just remember,” I said, “don’t tell anybody, or I’ll deny it, and nobody will believe you.”

“OK,” he responded, looking somewhat excited for this opportunity.

At this point I told him to go ahead and undress while I ran to get a few things. I came back downstairs with a towel, some lube, and a condom. I looked over and saw Rich standing there in only his underwear, he was a tighty-whity guy. He had a somewhat muscular build and was quite tan, especially for winter. Then there was his crotch; I could clearly see the outline of his boner forced into a bend to one side. I sized him to be about 8,” just and inch more than me, and I had always felt like I was well sized. He saw me staring and I had to cover my gay moment, “I’m not giving you head or anything, I’m not gay.”

“OK” he answered. I walked over and put down the towels while Rich watched anxiously. I then stripped down myself, trying to flex a little to show off. Then we were both just standing in our underwear, I’m a boxer man.

“OK, here we go,” was all I could think to say, I yanked down my boxers and let my semi-erect cock hang between my legs. I could have sworn I saw his hardon jump a little at the view of me. It was his turn; I felt oddly excited and tried my best to conceal it. He leaned forward and yanked down the tighties. escort güngören When he stood back up, my jaw dropped. I had been right-he had a full eight inches. But I had also been wrong, the eight inch cock in front of me was completely soft. I again covered myself “You should go ahead and get a boner” I said trying to keep my voice normal. I looked at the condom in my hand, which was bought for my size, and threw it aside. I watched as he stroked the big dick in front of me. As it grew I tried to size it up, about ten inches already, I thought. “OK that’s good, let’s get to work.”

I got to my hands and knees on the towels, the image of his big dick in my head, and spread the lube around my asshole.

“Put some on your cock too,” I told him. He did as he was told then stood frozen in place. I placed my hands firmly and told him to go ahead, but to take it easy at first. I clenched my fists and closed my eyes, which made me repeat the first view I had gotten of his massive dick. Then I felt it, the enormous head press against my asshole, I did my best to loosen my muscles, but the idea of being penetrated had them excited. The big head felt like it was three inches thick, with the shaft being about an inch slimmer, and rock hard. I felt the head press harder against my ass, with no luck.

“Come on you pussy” I said to him, wishing I hadn’t shortly after. He did press harder, too hard. The massive head popped in, and thanks to his thrust to gain entry, so did three inches of his cock.

“HOLY SHIT,” I yelled aloud, “Don’t move.” My ass was now on fire, I had never had anything that big in my ass. I felt myself adjusting slowly and told him to go ahead again. He pulled back to only the head was in me then thrusted again, repeating the process a few times. I gritted my teeth through the pain, feeling some pleasure start to rise deep in me. After a couple of minutes my ass had loosened to the thickness, and I was now enjoying it. Being fucked felt better than I had imagined it would. “How much is in?” I asked, thinking it should be almost fully in. He paused for a moment when in deep thrust and measured with his eyes.

“About eight inches,” he answered from behind me. I knew at this point that his cock had still been growing while he fucked me, I escort çapa could feel the extra length being added.

“How much more?” I asked.

“About four inches to go,” he answered.

“Wow,” I thought to myself. I had never imagined I would experience a real foot long cock, something some considered a myth. I again gritted my teeth as his fucking started to speed up, and it started to hurt slightly from the added girth towards the base, but I didn’t mind. I could feel his massive pole pushing some of my insides around, which felt good, and painful at the same time. Then I felt it, his balls slapped mine. He now started to pull back and drive in about eight inches of his cock, being somewhat rough and enjoying being in control for once. He seemed to be using this chance to get back for years of torture, and relieve built up stress. His more powerful thrusts meant more pleasure for me. I had gotten a boner that was now throbbing, wanting to cum. I let go and came all over the towel and let my dick get soft again as Rich fucked on.

Then he pulled his cock almost all out of my ass, only letting the head pull back against my hole, only to slam it fully back in, causing me to moan loudly and arch my back, making me feel like a slut. He held still with his cock balls deep inside, then I felt it, his cock started to swell. I looked a couple feet to my left and saw the condom I had brought down with me and forgotten about. Then with a moan, he burst. I was being filled with what felt like gallons of hot cum. I had not planned on him cumming in me, but was enjoying it anyway. Each gushing shot felt like a full load from me, I counted about five strong shots then. I felt the spurts come to an end and he pulled his cock out, causing a slight pain as the thick head popped back out. I reached back and felt my ass, I had a gaping hole, something I hadn’t thought about. I got to my feet with shaky knees and felt the cum rush out of my ass and down my legs. I looked at Rich, his cock now soft but retaining most of is size, down to about 11 inches and covered in his cum. I couldn’t believe I had just taken that monster all the way inside me. I offered him a towel and he cleaned himself up and got dressed. Not taking time to properly put himself away, he left his now ten-inch cock hanging out the left of his underwear.

“Well, I guess you better leave now. I’ll talk to you at school on Monday.” He said goodbye, and left. I went up to the bathroom to take a shower, where I easily slid three fingers into my gaping ass, and came harder than ever.

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Cum Lover and Steve Pt. 01

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Adriana Chechik

I will first give a little background as to how I fell in love with cum and later Steve. For many years I had been self sucking and savoring quarts of my own cum. I had occasionally fantasized about sucking another cock but never really thought I would since I had a fairly regular girlfriend.

However, she went away for the summer. I then attended a few wild parties in her absence and got quite excited by some of the girls in their skimpy garments, but being as shy as I was nothing came of it. After one particularly wild night with girls dancing in their thong underwear I was soon sporting a powerful woody. I left, thinking I had to get home and relieve myself.

Not having a car at the time, I went to the corner to hitchhike a ride. After a short time I was picked up by a young good looking guy. We were making small talk when he suddenly blurted out: “Have you ever had a blow job?”

Me, “yeah, my girlfriend does it all the time.”

Young guy says, “until you get it from a man you’ve never lived.” He then put his hand on my thigh and continued, “I live nearby and can show you right now.”

He began rubbing my thigh toward my crotch which sent a jolt of electricity through me and instantly stiffened my cock. I said, “Okay, let’s go.”

To cut the story short, we got to his place and headed to the bedroom. I sat on the bed to get my tight jeans over my feet. Meanwhile he had pulled off his shirt and pants and stood right in front of me with a huge bulge in his underwear. By this time I was I was so hot I took hold of his cock and squeezed without thinking. He pulled his shorts down and this magnificent cock sprang to attention. He said, “do you like that? Have you ever sucked a cock?”

I said, “No, but I’m aching to have it in my mouth.” I took it in my hand and then wrapped my lips around the head. I was so turned on I was panting. I sucked in and out for quite some time until he tensed up and delivered spurt after spurt into my mouth. I swallowed it all. He then proceeded to give me the best blow job I ever had as he had promised.

After that night the only thing I could think of was that beautiful cock in my mouth and the taste of that lovely man juice. I was a cum lover.

I wanted another cock, but had no idea how to attain one. A couple of weeks later I was sitting at a table in a nudie bar when a black guy sat down next to me. He turns to me and when I look back I see that he is rubbing the bulge in his pants. The tits and pussy had already turned me on, but his growing bulge was so incredibly stimulating I couldn’t take my eyes off it.

Black guy, “Hey whitey, you like to touch it?” I reached over and fondled his manhood. He then said, “Once you suck a black cock you’ll never want anything else. I live around the corner, game?”

I said, “I can’t wait to get that giant in my mouth and suck out your love juice. Let’s go.”

When we got to his place, he wasted no time and was naked in a flash. He lay down on the bed as I pulled my stuff off. I never saw such a monstrous and gorgeous piece of meat with a set of tennis sized balls. It flashed through my mind that I would be receiving a very large load of what I need from that cock.

His cock was not overly long, but was about two inches thick. I played with it contemplating how to get it between my lips. I told myself that it was now or never if I am to take his load. I took the bulbous head in just barely and then was able to move down 2 or 3 inches before my throat wouldn’t take anymore. I sucked in and out for what seemed forever and my jaw got tired, so I stroked a bit while licking and sucking those large balls. It seemed like he would never cum. I alternated sucking and stroking for what must have been an hour until finally I felt his body tense. I then got what I expected; gusher after gusher, maybe ten spurts, of luscious cum.

He then got up and took my cock in and I came almost immediately.

He said, “my goodness I turn you on. I told you there is nothing like black meat.”

Me, “you got that right. Give me your number, I need this again and then again.”

At that I left and then returned several times, falling in love with black cock and the cum that I craved. I had never been fucked until the last time we saw each other before he moved away. I couldn’t kağıthane escort believe my ass could take that monster but he slowly eased it all the way in. It was painful at first, but the intense pleasure quickly overcame the pain. I loved it.

After the loss of my lovely black cock I had nightly wet dreams about it, but was at a loss of what to do. One day I noticed those free sex rags that have stories and ads for sex. I rented a mail box and decided to place an ad with little thought of anything coming of it. My ad said: “Young, well built, good looking white guy seeking a beautiful black cock to caress and suck.”

To my complete surprise, I received a note in my mail box a couple of weeks later. It said: “I have just what you are looking for. I have a muscular smooth bronze body with a ten incher and a perfect cock head. Call me and you can suck to your hearts desire, caress my large balls and I am told my gorgeous bubble butt.”

Wow, it seemed too good to be true, to have what he describes. I called and we set up a day and time. On the appointed day I flew with wings on my feet. My dick was getting hard before I even knocked on the door, but when he opened up, it became engorged as I beheld more than just a cock, but a lovely man. (I had never thought of myself as gay), but taking in this apparition, I instantly knew it would test that proposition. He asked if I would like a beer and went to the kitchen and brought two bottles. We sat talking about ourselves and finished our beers.

He then came and sat on the couch next to me, put his arms around me and thrust his tongue into my mouth. I never envisioned this before, but I reciprocated and my cock got even harder. He then got up, took my hand and led me to the bedroom. We both stripped down in what seemed just one motion. I have never been so turned on, by either a woman or man, as I was by drinking in this Greek god. I stepped over and with cock to cock planted my mouth on his. He lay down and I got on top of him kissing all the time. I then moved to his perfectly formed tits and commenced to sucking one then the other while his cock was rubbing on my chest. I said, “get up I want to see that butt you mentioned.”

He did and I sat on the edge of the bed and drank in the enormity of the feeling I had on gazing on what could only be described as perfect, round and bronze. I started caressing and squeezing those lovely cheeks. Having sucked my girlfriends ass did not prepare me for the yearning to bury my tongue between those exquisite cheeks. I ran my tongue up and down the crack and greedily and sloppily kissed all over. When spreading the cheeks, I thought I would cum. I licked all around in there before planting a wet kiss on the love tunnel. I then licked and sucked pushing my tongue into the opening. Steve was moaning and crying out.

He then lay down again and moaned that he wanted tongue on his balls and my mouth around his what I now say was also a perfect cock head. With relish I obliged, taking one then the other ball in my mouth and what a mouthful. Went up and down the shaft with my lips then attacking the balls again. He groaned “take my cock head in your mouth now!”. I wasn’t ready, kneading the balls with my tongue and doing some tit play at the same time. I then sat up to admire that perfectly shaped and proportioned member. Steve moaned “please take it, this is torture”. Not to give in right away, I pushed his legs in the air and buried my face in the love tunnel again. My goodness, I was in love with that asshole. I then lowered his legs, took his pole in my hand and took that cock head like a lolly pop. For some time I just held the head in my mouth to savor the taste of such purity. When I tried to gobble up the rest I could only get four or five inches down.

Steve was yelling, “yes, yes, take it all”.

I said, “Steve I can’t, I’m already gagging.”

Steve, ” if you completely relax you can get it down your throat and I want that now!”

I relaxed my jaw and throat as much as I could and attempted to suck more of it in and started to gag a little. By slowly moving his cock up and down against the back of my throat it began to ease further in and the gag reflex eased somewhat and I was able to get about eight inches. I couldn’t have been more excited having that escort beşiktaş glorious black cock halfway down my throat. I continued to suck that thing in and out of my throat for what seemed like forever.

Steve moaned that he was going to cum and began to tighten all over. At that I somehow took all ten inches as his huge load of cum exploded halfway to my stomach. I pulled back to the head in order to taste the continuing spurts of delicious love juice. After this frenzied love making we were both exhausted, turned around into a sixty nine position and collapsed cocks to faces.

After resting for a short time Steve started a tongue bath from head to foot, nibbling now and then on my cock and balls and darting in and out of my ass. Heavenly. By this time he had another raging hard on. He reached into the night stand and came up with a tube of KY. I almost shot my wad anticipating that gorgeous ten inches buried in MY love tunnel. After lubing his prick and my butt hole he lay on his back and commanded me to straddle him. He demanded I lower myself onto his cock and take the whole thing up my ass. I was ready and slowly eased it all the way in with my ass resting on his balls. We started grinding and moaning in unison. We became as one. Even though I had an on again, off again girlfriend this was the best sexual love I had ever experienced. After a bit Steve unloaded again deep in my tunnel. How delicious it was. He then rolled me over and performed the best cock sucking I could ever imagine. It only took a few minutes to have an explosive orgasm, more powerful than anything before. It was getting time for me to go, so we cuddled a little and tongue kissed, then said

goodbye, with the promise I would call ASAP. My cock came to attention in the car on the way home with just the thought of what just took place and knowing that it would continue.

Of course I called the next day. I told Steve it was the most fulfilling love making I had ever experienced and that I was in love with it. He said he couldn’t wait till next time in order to wrap his arms around me and kiss me hard on the mouth. He said we don’t have to always be so wild, but could just get naked and hold each other front to front, front to back, back to back, face to cock and nose to ass. He invited me to a home cooked dinner that coming Saturday.

When I arrived he was cooking buck naked except for an apron. It was all I could do to keep from burying my nose in that beautiful ass while he was standing in front of the stove. We kissed long and deep and both of our cocks came to attention. Whew, could we wait for dinner? Steve said we should have a nude dinner like “Naked Lunch”. No need to urge, I was naked in a flash. While dinner was cooking Steve opened a nice bottle of Bordeaux and poured two glasses as I sat on the sofa. He sat down and began to tell me about himself.

He said that he was 24 and guessed that I was 21, I only nodded being barely just over 19. He said that for the last three years he had lucked into a fabulous career in modeling, high fashion, avant-garde, underwear and bathing suits. At his young age he had been able to travel the country and the world for long periods of time for photo shoots. He said: “Let me show you some.” At that he opened a drawer and pulled out a number of magazines. In the first he showed me photos of him in conservative suits shot in Rome. Next was the avant-garde outfits which were shot on the streets of New York. Third, was an array of Jockey underwear by a pool in Palm Springs, hot. Next was a shoot for Speedo in Hawaii. Last but not least was a small catalog with thongs of all colors and contours, really hot.

Steve, “I guess I am telling you this because I am leaving tomorrow for New York, then Paris, Rome and last Tahiti. It will take two or three months. I almost canceled out of having to leave behind our fantastic sexual love.”

Me, “Steve, I am heartbroken. I am just getting to know you and I am falling in love.”

Steve, “I will write and fly back as soon as I can.”

We had both finished two glasses of wine when I asked what he was cooking. He had had some French cooking classes and was making “coq au vin.”

Hearing this, I took hold of his dick and said, “how fitting, cock with wine.”

He then went to the escort maslak kitchen and announced that the cock was ready and that I should sit down at the well set table. We ate, drank (he opened a second bottle) and talked. I told him some anecdotes of my life and about my self sucking. He was intrigued.

Steve, “after dinner you must give me a show.” He cleared the dishes and asked, “if I needed anything special.”

Me, “the bed will work fine, the shelves in the headboard are perfectly positioned.”

By this time I had a powerful erection, so was ready to go. I lay down and threw my legs over my head and hooked them under the lower shelf. I stretched a little so I could swallow as much as I could of my

rock hard cock. Steve lay down next to me in order to get a birds eye view. At first I just brushed my lips with the head. Steve was moaning already. Next I pulled my balls down and popped one in my mouth and rolled it around. He gasped at that. I then demonstrated the “full Monty”, sucking in first the head and then almost deep throating my seven inches. At that I told Steve that I could never hold out long as it so turned me on. He said, when you cum don’t swallow it at the same time as I blasted a load in my mouth. I lowered my legs and sat up with a full mouthful of my man juice. Steve kissed me hard on the mouth and sucked my cum into his mouth and then back and forth before swallowing. That is one of the most exciting things I have ever done.

Steve, ” When I get back you must help me do it myself.

We both washed down the remaining cum with the last of the wine.

By this time we were both pretty drunk and very tired, so we remained in bed and cuddled, while sucking each others tongues and lips. I want you to stay the night and cuddle as I said on the phone. In the morning we will say a proper goodbye. Steve was falling asleep and rolled on to his stomach as he went under. Being almost asleep myself I wanted to fall to sleep next to his sex. So I turned around and laid my head on his fantastic ass with my nose nuzzled into the crack and promptly fell asleep. Steve had moved during the night and I awoke with his balls in my face. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I started licking his balls and his ten inch member sprung up ready for action. I took it in my mouth and that woke him up. We proceeded to fuck and suck for most of the morning. He said that he had to get ready to go and we should say goodbye. I asked if I could have the catalog of photos with thongs, so I could jerk off gazing at his magnificent body and especially his ass. As I was about to depart after numerous deep kisses, I told Steve that it would be very hard for us to be separated after so short a time of glorious love and sex. I think I will miss the feel and taste of your cum the most. He said that he would miss all this terribly.

We parted at that time and as the days went by I marveled at Steve’s ass and bulge in the thongs. I jerked my cock many a time. About ten days went by before I received a small package from him. There was a letter recounting our 2 days together and what he would do upon his return. He ended by saying, open the package for a small gift of my esteem and to remember me by. I tore it open and was thrilled to see a small round antique box with an enameled cover. So thoughtful. I put it aside and reread the letter while perusing his photos. I was really turned on by this time and casually picked up the gift and opened it. I almost popped my load. It was full to the brim with delicious smelling cum. Now I realized how thoughtful he really was. What a treasure. I had to savor it on my tongue and lips and put my mouth into the box and sucked up some of Steve’s glorious man juice. I swished it around in my mouth for a long while jerking my cock to an orgasm before swallowing. I saved most of it for the following days. About every ten days he sent me another box full. I most certainly would have preferred to suck it out of his cock, but this substituted nicely.

In the fourth package came a devastating letter, apprising me of his great career offer from a top photographer and fashion designer in Paris, to remain for six to twelve months all expenses paid. Steve assured me he wouldn’t forget our love and would dash home as soon as his assignment was over. He promised to keep sending the delicious packages. I decided I would have to find some other outlet for my insatiable throbbing cock, at least for the time being. While the fucking and sucking with my girlfriend was very satisfying, I lusted for cock and most of all the cum.

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Cramp Pt. 02

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


NOTE: Just a fantasy. Just for fun. Everyone is of age. Comments are encouraged. While this story stands alone, readers wishing to know the full story may want to read the first installment of “Cramp” before reading Part 2.


You awaken at your usual time and lay blinking while your mind organizes itself. Absentmindedly, you reach below your morning erection to scratch your balls. You’re initially puzzled at the sensation of oil coating the inside of your thighs and at that instant that the events of the previous evening come crashing into your consciousness.

You lay staring at the ceiling. Memories of his hands and fingers and the things he did to you cause your mind to roil in a flood of regret and guilt….And arousal. You wonder how it happened. You’re not gay. No man other than your doctor had touched the places he went last night and certainly not with the intent this man had.

You sit on the side of the bed with your head in your hands, noticing that your usually persistent morning erection had subsided and your penis now lays drooped over your testicles, as if reflecting the shame you feel. Your pubic hair and the hair the inside of your thighs are matted and oily. When you stand, you feel the slick evidence of last night’s activities between your buttocks.

You walk to the bathroom and as you sit on the commode, you see the pile of bath linens on the floor. Upon flushing, curiosity gets the better of you and you pick up one of the towels. It holds both the odor of his oil and in the middle is a crusty, dingy, musty-smelling spot…Semen….Your semen.

You stand holding the towel and remember how you fucked yourself on his finger in order to fuck his oil slickened hand with your penis…How he made you squirt precum by rolling his finger over your prostate….How you squealed in pleasure and excitement… And you realize your penis is erecting itself with those thoughts.

Shaking your head as if to clear it, you drop the towel only to notice a wash cloth on the edge of the vanity. You pick it up to put it with the towel and you see more crusty evidence of your orgasm along with a narrow brown stain along the middle of the cloth. Your blush with shame as you recall allowing him to clean your anus much like a parent cleaning a small child.

You turn on the shower, adjust the water temp, step in and begin to scrub yourself as if attempting to wash away what happened. You’re fine until your begin to wash your penis and testicles and that’s where your body (and mind) begin to betray you. The first stroke of your soapy hand causes the head of your penis to engorge and before you can clean your balls, it is standing fully erect.

Disgusted, you attempt to ignore it, and tentatively reach to wash your anus. You had expected to feel some discomfort while sitting on the toilet, but to your surprise, there was none. Now, as your wash, the puckered opening relaxes and your finger easily slips in to the first knuckle. You gasp, your penis throbs and your knees buckle at the pleasure of your self penetration.

Again, you shake your head in disgust and ignoring your burgeoning erection proceed to finish your shower. You dry off and walk nude back into the room, your penis standing rigid and bobbing as you walk.

You catch the side view of your reflection in the mirror and stop momentarily to stare at yourself…Your slender build, penis standing rigid, the roundness of your ass…Girls always said you have a “nice” ass and now you wonder if certain men (Or a certain man) might think the same. As you stare, you flex your buttocks and sphincter and feel a surge from your prostate to the head of your penis.

You watch in disbelief as a dollop of precum seeps out of your meatus and drools to the floor. Unable to resist, you encircle the shaft of your penis with your thumb and forefinger and slowly move up and down the shaft, just stretching the skin behind the head. You close your eyes and imagine him frigging your erection and telling you to bend forward.

Bending, you reach behind your back with your other hand and finger extended, stroke the dry pucker of your anus….The sensation is not even close to last night.

You look around the room and your gaze falls on the complementary bottles of shampoo and lotions provided by the hotel. Hurriedly, you twist the cap off the lotion and dump half the small bottle into one hand. Tossing the bottle aside, you lay down on the bed and spread the lotion over both palms.

You groan as you caress your penis with one greasy hand. You frig yourself slowly and feel your testicles tighten. Rolling onto your side your extend your other hand back and slowly spread lotion around and over your anus. The lotion stings back there but you ignore it and forcing yourself to take your hand off your penis, you slide your middle finger into your anus.

“Ah, god!” You work your finger it in as deep as you can reach.

“W-h-h-o-o-o!” You alternate thrusts with the finger and stroke your eyüp escort penis with your other hand. Yet, it’s not enough. You can’t reach to finger yourself as deeply as he did and you roll onto your back, sighing in frustration.

At that instant there’s a knock on the door of your room. Fearing that it might be the cleaning staff, you jump up, wrap a towel around your waist and walk toward the door.


“Hey…It’s me. Just checking to see if you are okay this morning. How’s that cramp?”

Heart pounding, you hesitate.

“You okay?”

“Y-yeah…I’m good.”

“You sure? You want me to take a look?”

“Ah, n-no. I d-don’t think so.”


You hear him move away from the door and you panic.



You open the door, step back. He’s dressed in jeans, a sports shirt and the same boat shoes he had on the previous night. Upon seeing you in the towel, he walks past you and into the room. Closing the door, you follow.

Your erection under the towel is obvious, but he seems to take little notice.

Nodding, he says, “So, let’s take a look.”

You remove the towel and your erection stands rigid.

“My leg’s okay but…”

“But, what?”

You drop your gaze to the floor, unable to form the words.

He steps forward, reaches with one finger and scoops a smear of lotion that had pooled at the root of your penis.

“What’s this?”

“Um, l-lotion.”


“Yeah, hand lotion…”

He raises one eyebrow as if to question…

Again, your gaze drops to the floor as if you are shamed by your admission.

“I was j-jacking off.”

“Ah, I see…”

He smears the lotion around the head of your penis, forms a tight circle with his thumb and forefinger and lightly frigs your erection until the lotion is absorbed. Your knees go weak at his touch and you gasp in pleasure.

“You enjoyed last night?”

You nod, still staring at the floor…Still unable to meet his gaze.

“Turn around.”

You comply.

His hands stroke your hips and your penis twitches at the sensation. Grasping your shoulder he pushes so that you bend forward and rest your hands on the desk.

You flinch as you feel his fingers spread your buttocks.

“More lotion?”

You can only nod in shame.

“Didn’t it sting in your ass?”

“Yeah,” you nod.

“Yeah, it does that. Especially this cheap motel stuff. I’ll clean it off for you.”

He walks into the bathroom, wets a wash cloth with warm water and steps back into the room.

“Spread your legs and squat a little…Show it…”

You know exactly what he wants…You spread your feet apart and dipping your back, squat slightly, cocking your hips and presenting your anus to him.

“Good boy,” he whispers and you groan as the warm cloth caresses your anus. For the second time in less than twelve hours, he’s cleaning you.

He tosses the cloth into the bathroom and using both hands, lightly massages your buttocks. He lightly grips each cheek as his thumbs spread you wide.

“Relax it…Show me the pink.”

“The p-pink?”

“Yeah, your hole is dark on the outside and pink inside…Flex your sphincter tight, hold it, then relax and show me the pink.”

You do as he says, as you relax your sphincter you feel you anus relax and open slightly.

“Good boy, Almost there” he whispers, “Do it again…”

Moaning in need, you flex, hold and release again and feel yourself open more.

“Ah, there it is,” he whispers.

“W-h-o-o-o-o!” You gasp as he uses two fingers to lightly massage around your opening.

“You really like this, don’t you?”


“I brought the oil with me. Do you want me to use it?”

Blushing crimson, you can only nod. Looking down between your legs, see precum drooling from your rigid penis.

“Okay, but I’m going to undress so I don’t get oil on my clothes. Is that okay?”

Your heart races,

“Um…I don’t know…I g-guess so.”

“Just stay as you are.”

You nod and continue to hold your position, hips cocked, anus and testicles open to his view. There is the familiar sound of a zipper and the rustling of clothing being removed.

“Turn around…”

You straighten, turn to face him. He’s nude. Staring at you. You attempt to hold his gaze but curiosity gets the best of you. Your eyes wander to his muscular shoulders and chest, down to his slender waist, and then further down to rest on his erection.

He’s larger than you but not by a lot…It stands rigid with a veiny stem capped by a larger, plum-shaped head. The head is so tight and full that it shines like a freshly peeled onion. His testicles are much larger than yours and his hairy sac hangs loosely, clearly showing their size and shape.

“Have you ever touched another man?”

“N-no,” you reply.

“Would you like to?”

“I d-don’t know…”

“You don’t fındıkzade escort know?”

“I just….”

“How ’bout if I guide you? Tell you what to do. Would that help?”

“I g-guess..”

“You guess?”

“Yes, I’d like for you to guide me.”

“Okay, kneel down right here. Get a pillow. It’ll make it easier on your knees.”

Your penis bobs as you step across the room and you feels more precum drool down your shaft as you kneel on the pillow. He steps forward. You look up at him. He nods as if encouraging you.

“Go ahead….Touch it…Feel it”

Hesitantly, you reach and stroke your palm on the underside. It’s warmer and softer and harder than you expect. Your fingers encircle the shaft and you gently frig him.

“Go ahead,” he whispers. “It won’t break.”

Sliding your hand up the rigid shaft, you scuff the crown of the head. He gasps at the sensation. The head is firm but spongy and you squeeze lightly. Another gasp from him.

“Ah! That’s it!” he grunts.

Emboldened, you lift your other hand to cup his testicles and are surprised at their weightiness. You lift them, roll them and then remembering how he handled yours, you lightly tug them down and are rewarded by his groan of pleasure as the skin on his penis is stretched tight.

Again focusing on his penis, you see a large drop of precum seeping from the slit. You look up. He stares into your eyes and nods again…

“Go ahead…Clean it off.”

“I d-don’t…”

“Yeah. Yeah you do. Clean it off before it drips….”

You lean forward, extend your tongue and guide the head of his penis to it. You lick under and around the head, deftly scooping the precum onto your tongue. It coats the surface of your tongue in a strange way and the taste is salty, but the sensations are not unpleasant. You hesitate.

“Go ahead,” he whispers. “Suck it.”

You close your lips around the head and slowly take him into your mouth.

“Ah, Jesus, that feels good!”

He stands still and lets you do the work. You draw him in deeper…Halfway down his shaft….Run your tongue under the frenulum and are rewarded by his grunt of pleasure and another squirt of precum. You swallow greedily.

Emboldened, you move forward, taking him in until his breath hisses as your lips lock around the base of his penis and his pubic hair brushes your nose.

“You’re just a natural cocksucker, aren’t you?”

You pause, holding him deep in your throat and stare into his eyes.

“Aren’t you?”

You nod as you lower your gaze and slide your lips back up his shaft. You want to continue, to see how it would be to have him finish in your mouth, but after a couple of minutes he stops you…

“Okay, I don’t want to cum yet, so let me work on you a bit.”

You reluctantly release his penis from your lips and blush at the drool running down your chin.

“Get on the bed.”

You start to lay down.

“No. On your knees…Lay across the bed, put your ankles right at the edge, then get up on your knees, spread and show it.”

“O-okay….Like this?” you question as you shuffle into position.

“Perfect!” he whispers as he cups your testicles.


You hear the snap of the cap on the bottle of oil and close your eyes in pleasure as his oily hands begin to explore your body.


He spreads the oil over your buttocks and you squeal as his fingers caress, then probe your anus. Soon he is in you to the knuckle stroking your prostate and the other hand is milking your erection. Suddenly, he releases your penis and his finger slides out of you.

“Uh-unh! Oh, no don’t…”

“Don’t what?”

“Take it out…P-please don’t take it out.!!!”

“So, put it back?”

“Yes!!! Please, yes!!!”

You hear another slurp of oil and then feel the pressure…

“So, if you like one finger, let’s see what you think about two…”

And before you can comprehend his meaning, you feel a sharp fullness as he slides both his first and middle finger into your greasy, grasping hole.

“W-h-h-h-h-h-a-a-a-a-a??? Oh, god. Oh, god. It f-feels so g-good!”

Finger fucking your stinging anus, he reaches around and frigs your penis.


You groan again as he releases your penis and pulls his fingers from your anus.

“Oh, p-please!”

“Please, what?”

“Please put them back!!!”

“You like being filled don’t you?”

“Yes!!! P-please….I n-need it!”

Again you hear the slurp of the oil squirting but there’s a pause. You wait and are puzzled to feel his hands gripping your hips and pulling you toward the edge of the bed so that your buttock are fully separated and your anus is exposed.


Then you feel it…The warm, oil-slickened tube of his erection slides between your buttocks and glosses over your anus as he slowly thrusts back and forth.

“W-wait! N-o-o!”

“Hush! escort şişli Quite acting like a child….”

“B-but I d-don’t want…”

“I think you do….”

Continuing to slide his erection between your cheeks, he shifts his hips slightly and the head catches slightly on the opening of your anus, then slides over it.


“Felt good, didn’t it?”

“Y-yes, but….A-h-h-h-h-h!”

Another thrust at a slightly different angle causes the head to catch again. He holds it there, then lets it slip away. Another squirt of oil has your anus so slick that there’s almost no friction.

You feel him shift again, making his penis point at rather than slide past your winking hole. He takes one hand off your hip and grasping himself, presses it into your crack as it slides up. This time, the head catches, then partially penetrates your hole.

“A-h-h-h-h-h! W-wait!”

“Just relax and I’ll wait…”

“I d-don’t know if I can….”

He pauses, holding your hips so you can’t move…

“Flex….Like you did before….”


You flex your sphincter in an effort to expel his shaft but you can’t hold it. Just as you relax, he pushes again and this time the head pops past your sphincter.

“Oh, god! Oh, god!”

“I’m in you now. Just relax…”

“W-h-h-h-o-o-o-o!!! Oh god you’re stretching me!”

“Damn you’re tight!”

He pushes, then stops….

“Oh, oh, oh!”

Another push….

“Oh my god! Oh my god!”

“Like it?”

Oh, y-yes! Yes! But just go slow!”

A pull back, then a thrust in….Back again and in again.

“O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-h-h-h-h-h!!! Y-yes!”

A few more strokes and he’s in to the root…You feel his pubic hair rasping against the tightly stretched ring of your anus. Reaching around your, he slides his hand over your drooling erection and you squeal in pleasure.

Shifting his weight again he begins to slowly thrust and withdraw. You whimper when you feel the head pull against the grasping ring of your anus, fearing he will take it out of you, then moan in gratitude as he pushes deep into you again and again.


“Oh shit!”


“I’m going to cum!!!”

“Oh, yes! Oh yes! Fuck me!”

He is thrusting into you maniacally, slamming into your upturned hips as you strain to take every centimeter of his penis into your hole. With one last thrust, he plunges deep into you and holds your hips tight against his groin. You feel his cock head swell and his hips twitch as he squirts his scum deep into your bowels.

“Okay, baby, here it is! E-r-r-r-r-h-h-h-h! Oh, shit!”

“Oh my god I can feel it! I can feel! Oh, y-e-e-e-s-s-s! Fill me up! Oh, god!”

“Yeah, take it! U-n-n-g-g-h-h! Ah! Ah! Ah!”

As his spasms subside, he leans forward over you, gasping in exertion, totally spent. His penis remains buried in your ass. Spooning against you, he rolls you onto the bed and reaches around to stroke your until now neglected penis.

You moan in pleasure as he, still inside you and still erect, slowly fucks you as he firmly milks your penis. Then you squeal like a little girl when your orgasm washes over you.

His erection slowly subsides, slithering out of your anus with a slurp. You fart a combination of oil and semen and it pools between your cheeks. Your anus feels stretched and open.

He gets off the bed,

“Mind if I use your shower?”

“No. Go ahead.”

He showers quickly and when he returns to the room, you’re still on the bed. He reaches down and touches your hip.

“You okay?”

“Yeah…Just thinking.”

“Don’t think too hard about it.”

“I just…”

“You just got fucked…It’s kind of a big deal to accept that you liked it, but in the end, it’s just sex.”

“But, I’m not…”


You nod.

“Maybe not, but you sure like a cock up your ass….And you suck cock like a whore.”

“Yeah…I guess I do, don’t I?”

“Yeah, you may not be gay, but you’re definitely a cum slut. Are you here for another night?”

“No, I’m supposed to check out in about a half an hour.”

“Oh, too bad.”


“Well, I have a friend coming in tonight. His cock is a lot bigger than mine. I think you’d really enjoy him.”

“Oh, I don’t think I could do that….”

“You don’t think you can stay or you don’t think you want to be fucked by a big cock?”

“Either…I need to get home.”

“Make an excuse…Like I said, my friend is big and he’ll make you like it…Even more than I did.”

You avoid his eyes.

“I can’t….”

“Okay…Can’t or won’t you’ll be missing something.”

He reaches down, fondles your now limp penis, then gives you a light slap on the ass.

“I enjoyed it…You’re a good fuck.”

You give a weak smile.

“Thanks, I guess…”

You get off the bed after he leaves. You’re still leaking. You start toward the shower, but the turn toward the phone on the bedside table. You dial and as you stand waiting, you absentmindedly flex you sphincter and feel his cum run down your legs.

“Front desk? Yes, I’d like to extend my stay one more night, please.”

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Bunk Buddies

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My fuck-buddy Rob has always been fascinated to hear about my time in prison. I told him early on in our hook-ups that life inside hadn’t actually been that interesting – that it was mostly mind-splittingly dull and that the sex, such as it was, was brief and infrequent – but he keeps asking about it as if he thinks I’m holding back on telling him all the juicy bits.

“There must have been more to it than that, Edward,” he’d insisted one of the first times we met up.

Edward isn’t my name, by the way. It’s just the name I gave him when I was a bit paranoid about who knew what about me and I’ve never had the guts to tell him I’m actually called Steve.

“Maybe more goes on in the rougher slammers,” I’d shrugged, “but mine was low-security, remember. I wasn’t surrounded by violent criminals or sex pests or whatever – just blokes like me who were doing time for fraud – mostly business theft and forgery, that kind of stuff.”

“But all you men crammed into those tiny cells,” he prevailed, “it must have been a right den of iniquity after lights-out.”

I know it turns him on to think it might have been like that – the cells writhing with sweaty naked male bodies every night after lock-down – but it just wasn’t true.

“I’ve told you before, mate,” I sighed, “we weren’t all crammed into the cells – it was a modern place with only two blokes sharing each cell. I mean, there was sex going on, yeah – it was still a prison for Christ’s sake! – but it was done on the sly and not really talked about.”

Every time we met up, Rob had kept going on about it, the way he does. He can be really annoying like that and is as stuck-up as hell, but he has a really nice arse and, although there’s no way he’d admit it, he’s totally sex-mad. So whenever I feel like going in through the backdoor with another fella, which is pretty often, I can give him a call and guarantee he’ll be up for it too.

“So what happened on the very first day?” Rob had asked one afternoon at my place after I’d finished banging one out up his tush. “I mean, after the end of the court case and once you’d been… er… checked in?”

“Checked in?” I’d laughed. “It wasn’t a fucking hotel reception desk!”

He’d chuckled back, sprawled out on my bed with his dick still looking thick and heavy even though he’d lost his wood. “What would you call it then?”

“‘Processed’, I think is the term they use.”

“Okay, so what happened after you’d been processed?”

“It wasn’t half as bad as I’d thought it would be,” I told him, wondering if he’d up for bending over a second time before he had to leave. “In fact, it was a bit of a let-down after the build-up I’d given it and all the warnings I’d had about what to expect. The other men seemed generally okay – just normal, run-of-the-mill blokes more or less – and the common room on our floor had a sort of pub atmosphere to it, with fellas sitting round chatting and others playing pool.

“There were no knifings or glassings going on all over the place, like they tell you about, and mostly the guys looked out for each other and warned you about who it was best to leave alone. Even the showers weren’t that scary – you could drop your soap all you like and no-one was going to jump you – but, like I say, I dunno what goes on in other nicks. Maybe I just had it easy.”

“Okay,” Rob nodded, “but what happened that night when you met your cellmate – Derek, wasn’t it?”

I shrugged. There wasn’t a lot to say.

“He was a decent sort of bloke – pretty ordinary and boring, to be honest. He’d been an accountant with some big firm and had got caught siphoning money off into his own accounts. Ended up doing two years for it, which seems pretty rough when you hear about young lads getting let off with cautions for robbing old ladies in the street.”

“But what about the sex?” Rob had persisted.

I’d laughed at that. Like the men end up shagging each other as soon as the cell doors get locked.

“It took time, mate. Neither of us were gay, remember. It took days and weeks for the desperation to set in.”

“How long had Derek been in for?” he asked.

“A few weeks. He’d been banged up with some kid on remand before I got ‘checked-in’. Nothing had happened between the pair of them, as far as I know.”

“So how did it start between you guys? Who… er… instigated it?”

I chuckled again. He could be a nosey bastard. Most people get embarrassed when you mention your time inside. Not Rob, here – no way! He has a fascination for prison life; seems to think of it as one big dick-fest.

“The very first night, when me and Derek were getting ready for bed, I noticed that his floppy dick was just as big and thick as mine, and I thought, ‘There’s no way that fucking thing is going anywhere near my arsehole’.”

“Had he suggested he might want that?” Rob asked.

I mean, Jesus Christ! He really has no idea!

“Rob, mate – the way it was between me and him that night was more like two guys sharing a room on a business trip or something. We were Sakarya Escort making awkward small-talk, knowing we could well be bunking up together for the next year and a half – trying to suss each other out without seeming too pushy too quickly.”

“So why did you think that when you saw his prick?”

“Because I know what goes on, mate. Everyone does. And while he was being all meek and mild with us standing there pulling on our skuffs, for all I knew he might be a total fucking loony and I might wake up in the night with a knife on my throat and his hard-on grinding into the back of my shorts.”

“But obviously it wasn’t like that?”

“No, he was as boring as fuck,” I grinned. “The most he did over the next few nights was to pull off his porker under his blanket when I was jerking away at mine.”

“After lights-out?”

“Yeah. I mean, it’s what you do, isn’t it? First couple of days you keep putting it off until you can wangle some time on your own, but then you realise there’s next to no privacy in there so you end up running a boner after lights-out.”

“So it was purely masturbation at that stage?” he asked.

I chuckled again. He could be such a muppet.

“Yes, it was purely masturbation. Except… actually no… I tell a lie…”

I suddenly remembered some comment Derek had thrown me. Something I’d forgotten about all this time.

“It was on maybe the third or fourth night and we were quietly whacking ourselves off in our separate bunks. We could both hear the sounds of other men doing stuff together in their cells further down our corridor. Maybe they were trying to be discreet about it but those metal bedframes squeak like you don’t believe. And we could hear one of the screws looking in on them and taking the piss. Hear the stuff he was saying to them, letting the whole corridor know whose arse was being fucked.”

Rob glanced over at me and I noticed his prick was getting longer. “Was it like that every night?”

“Pretty much,” I laughed. “But it’s what you expect in a men’s prison, isn’t it? I mean, you don’t expect to hear lullabies after lights-out!”

He nodded, intrigued.

“So Derek calls over from his bunk – dead quietly so I could hardly hear him – ‘You into any of that sort o’ stuff, mate?’

“‘What sort of stuff?’ I asked back, knowing full well.

“‘Sex stuff’, he said after a hesitation. ‘Doing it with… you know… with other fellas.’

“‘Absolutely not,’ I said back, as plainly as I could. Which was ironic really given that just a week or so later, I was banging away at his arse like I was gagging for it!

“Anyway, I said, ‘Are you?’

“And he said, ‘Am I what?’

“‘Are you into doing stuff with other fellas?’

“‘Er… no’, he said back in a way that didn’t sound convincing. ‘But two years in here is a long time…’

“‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

“‘It just means,’ he said before pausing to find the right words. ‘It just means I’m not ruling anything out.’

“‘Well I am,’ I called over to him. ‘My arse is strictly just for shitting through’.

“‘Message understood loud and clear,’ he said back.

“But then, after we’d both resumed our quiet rhythms on our dicks, he added, ‘I’m just sayin’ that maybe mine isn’t.’

“That was when I’d first realised Derek might be up for having his bum poked. Until then I suppose I’d assumed sex behind bars to be a two-way thing – you sow your oats in another fella’s furrow, and then you bend over and think of England while he has his turn going to brown town.

“It was only when Derek said what he did, that it occurred to me that some guys might be willing to take without wanting to give back. And that got me thinking about what it would be like to use another bloke’s arse for sex while I was inside.”

“Did you like the idea?” Rob asked.

“Of course not – I was disgusted by it. I found it horrific, actually – the thought of Derek bending over for me to use his big flabby rump as a sort of jerk-off aid.”

“So what changed over the following week?”

“I can’t say that I dwelt on what he’d said because until today, I’d pretty much forgotten we’d had the conversation. But once he’d made it clear that he wouldn’t necessarily say no if I were to be up for some bum loving, that obviously planted the seed of an idea which then steadily grew.

“I think it was hearing other men on our corridor having sex each night while feeling horny myself that gradually got me used to the idea. I got to thinking that maybe doing it with another fella might not be so awful and that maybe in the darkness and with him facing away from me, the feel of having something warm and wet around my cock might be better than using my hand.”

“It’s strange that the idea was so unpleasant to you,” Robert commented, shifting his position so that his cock, now semi-hard, curved upwards against his thigh. “Even before I discovered I enjoyed sex with other men, I would have assumed that if I ever ended up in prison, I would Adapazarı Escort end up having homosexual encounters of one form or another.”

I thought about his question before answering him, pleased that my talk about prison was making him horny and that I might get my leg over for the second time this afternoon.

“I think I’d always thought of bum sex between straight males as a bit of an adolescent thing,” I tried to explain.

“An adolescent thing?”

“Yeah, something that horny lads get up to when they’re messing around together before they get proper girlfriends… doing each other up the arse to see what it feels like before moving onto the real thing…”

“I’ve never really thought about it like that,” he mused. “Did you think like that because you used to experiment with other boys when you were that age?”

“Me?” I laughed. “No way, mate! I never liked the idea. But everyone knew that some lads did bum stuff ’cause they had permanent hard-ons, and I once saw two mates going at it in the park for a laugh.”

“You saw two lads having anal sex together?”

“We never called it that. We used to call it ‘scuttling’ back then – like it was just a game or something. But yeah, when I was like fourteen or something I saw Lee Finlay doing Paul Tucker’s arse. All their mates were gathered round them, laughing and pointing and saying how disgusting it looked.”

“But you never fancied having a go yourself?”

“No fucking way! After seeing Lee Finlay’s cock scuttling Tucker’s arse – literally smeared in shit as he slid it in and out – there wasn’t a chance in hell I was gonna try anything like that!

“The point is, though,” I went on, “that I saw bum stuff as being for kids – for lads who were too horny to wait for a pussy or for knobheads who were trying to gross their mates out by bumming each other as a joke.”

“Until you got to prison,” Rob added.

“Yeah, until I heard the other fellas on my corridor doing it and how much they were enjoying it, while I was lying on my bunk with my hand down my shorts feeling like a total numbnut.”

I saw Rob’s dick was now fully on the boil again so I got him to roll over onto his front and stick his arse up while I jerked my own drooping semi back up to full size.

There’s two great things about having Rob as a bum-chum. First, like I told you, he’s always up for a shag. Morning, noon and night, he’s horny for it and give him half an hour after shooting his jizz and he’s ready for more. Second – and this is better as far as I’m concerned – he never asks to climb aboard the good ship Edward. I made it clear online before we even met up that sex with me would be totally one-sided, and he’s always accepted that, even though I know how much he’d love to have his turn porking a big hairy tush like mine.

Once I was ready and I was working myself into him, he asked, “Did Derek say anything else about sex? After the ‘not ruling anything out’ conversation?”

“No,” I grunted, enjoying the warm feel of his innards swallowing the thick girth of my cock. “But no prison talk while we’re shagging, mate. I know it turns you on, but it doesn’t do much for me.”


The next time we talked about it, I was over at Rob’s place. We were in his front room, having just done the deed very energetically in front of his fireplace, and were sitting around having a beer waiting for my chub to go hard again and his arse to stop throbbing.

“You know how you said all the men on your prison corridor were bonking after lights-out?” he asked.

“I didn’t say that,” I retorted. “I don’t think they all were.”

“Okay, well some of them were. How did you know they were doing anal?”

“What else would they be doing?” I asked, perhaps a bit naively now I think about it.

“Wanking each other off… sucking each other’s cocks…”

“It wasn’t a fucking gay orgy, Rob,” I hit back. “We were all banged up without our wives or any women… we just wanted something that could pass as a half-decent fuck, not a full-on sausage party.”

“I know that,” he said, “but guys like having their dicks sucked too. You might not, but a lot of men love it.”

“Yeah, well that was probably going on too, but it wasn’t something I was interested in and it wasn’t on my radar. I heard the screws calling some guys cocksuckers and pole-lickers and stuff, but I figured that to be just name-calling. As far as I know, it was mainly butt humping going on – at least on my corridor it was.”

“What do you think changed your mind about giving it a go?”

“Frustration,” I laughed. “Boredom, maybe.”

“There wasn’t a particular moment when you thought, ‘This might not be so bad’?”

I looked across at the mantelpiece and of a photo of Rob’s son on his eighteenth birthday, trying to work my way back through my thought processes at the time. It was difficult to filter out all the rest of what I’d been going through – the sheer terror of finding myself in prison, surrounded by so many unknown men from Serdivan Escort all walks of life – but I tried to remember what had finally made my mind up.

“There was this bloke called Miles,” I told him eventually. “A nice fella with a clever sense of humour – the sort of guy I’d probably be friends with if I knew him on the outside. He looked totally clean-cut with his thinning curly hair and his little wire-frame glasses and he shared a cell with a fat bloke called Phil two along from mine.

“One night maybe a week in or so, one of the screws – one of the nastier gits – was having a go at someone for being ‘a dirty fucking shit-stabber’. They’d look through the peepholes on the cell doors after lights-out – see who they could catch trying to have a sly poke.”

“Was that a regular thing?” Rob asked, looking surprised.

“They found it funny,” I nodded. “It was a way of demeaning us by letting us know they were watching us using each other for sex… having to bum our cellmates as a form of release while they looked on and laughed.”

“How could they see what the men were doing?” he asked. “I mean, wasn’t it after lights-out?”

“There were dim night-lights in the cells which were on all the time so it was never fully dark. And if the blokes were doing it up next to the door where the screw couldn’t see them, he’d just let himself in so he could sneer at them as they did it standing up. One screw – a total nutter called Fletcher – would whack himself off while he spied on the fellas who were bonking.”

“He actually masturbated watching them? How do you know that?”

I had to chuckle at Rob’s face, he looked so shocked.

“He would pound his wrist against the cell door – he wanted the blokes who were butt-fucking to know he was jerking off watching them. He’d call out stuff… kinda like, ‘Do his arse faster! Come on, fuck him harder! Make me cum!’… that sort of stuff, to let the men who were at it know he had his dick out through his fly and was bashing himself off.”

“He was that turned on by watching them?” Rob asked.

“I don’t think it had anything to do with being turned on,” I said back. “It was a power thing: he used to shout out stuff like, ‘I’ve got my wife’s pussy to screw when I knock off in the morning. Look at you dirty fuckers – having to shag each other’s shitters!’ That was what got his prick on full bone – the feeling of superiority.”

Rob nodded, wide-eyed and I had to laugh again.

“How’s your arse?” I asked him when the surprise wore off.

He ran his finger around the swollen ringpiece I’d left him with. “A bit sore,” came the verdict, “but should be usable again soon if you’re up for it.”

“Like I wouldn’t be,” I grinned. “How about you bend over the coffee table?”

“Give me a couple of minutes,” he said. “Let it recover a bit more. While we’re waiting, tell me where your friend Miles fits into things.”

“Oh yeah,” I said, having lost my own thread. “Well on this particular night, Fletcher was making a hell of a racket about two men going at it. He was jeering stuff like, ‘Did they teach ya how to do this in that posh boys’ school you went to?! How to shove yer little pinkie dick into a stinky brown poop-hole?!’

“He was wanking himself off – making it obvious he was – shouting stuff about what the guy’s wife would think if she saw her straight-laced hubby going at it behind a fat hairy bloke who was bending over. ‘Havin’ to watch your tiny nuts bobbing up and down while you’re bummin’ his big flabby arse! Havin’ to see you like I am with your titchy little cock goin’ at it, covered in his crud!’

“And I realised he was watching Miles buggering Phil.”

“Did that disgust you?” Rob asked, running a finger around his arsehole again to check its subsiding puffiness.

“Maybe not so much as it had when Derek had said that his bum might not just be for shitting through. But it did make me think that if even softly spoken Miles was up for getting his dick dirty, maybe I was being too prissy in ruling it out.

“After all, to paraphrase what Derek had said: eighteen months is a long time without a shag.”

Rob nodded and grabbed the lube off the coffee table: always a good sign.

“The next day,” I went on, “I tried to find out from Miles what he’d been doing with Phil when Fletcher had been peering in on them. I mentioned it to him over breakfast when it was just the two of us.

“I don’t know what I expected him to say. Maybe just laugh and come back with something like, ‘Do you really think I’d do something like that, mate?’ Or maybe, ‘Fletcher was just making it up – we were in our own bunks and he was just mouthing off.’

“As it was, though, he just glared at me – all his humour totally gone – and said quietly, ‘It’s what goes on, mate. Welcome to prison.’

“I said something back, something along the lines of asking if he actually liked it.

“And he muttered, with a sort of defensive snarl, ‘It’s better than nothing. Now just shut the fuck up about it.’

“Which I did, because Miles wasn’t really one for swearing. He was embarrassed – maybe ashamed even – that the whole corridor knew he was playing piggy-backs with Phil on his bunk after lights-out and it became obvious the following night that it was very much a two-way arrangement.”

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Corey’s Experiment

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This is a story that I started working on a while back, and I never really finished it. Recently, I rediscovered it and decided to revive it. Think of this as an experiment. I’ve never written any erotica before, so this is completely new territory for me and I could use some feedback. Be as harsh as you think this piece deserves. I can’t improve if I don’t know what needs to be improved on.

It was four o’ clock on a Thursday and I was nervous.

As I took off my work uniform and changed into my street clothes, my heart was pounding, and I waited for the sudden vibration of my phone to pull me out of the haze I’d gone through most of the day in. Even if I hadn’t felt it vibrate, I’d still give it a cursory glance, checking to see if he’d texted back. Of course he hadn’t.

I jammed my work clothes into my backpack and came out of the bathroom stall, giving myself a quick glance in the mirror. Sure I looked good, well good for having just gotten off work. I doubted he’d care much anyways.

I used the water to smooth down my hair a little, then I heard the telltale buzz and felt the vibration of my phone against my leg. I checked it quickly. The text was from him,

in front of the mall near the sears. see u soon 😉

My insides gave a nervous turn and I replied quickly.

Ok, Be there in 5.

I took a deep breath and looked at myself in the mirror. God suddenly I looked so ugly. I wondered if he wouldn’t be attracted to me. What if I couldn’t turn him on? Then what? I’m fairly average looking for a 19 year old boy. Not particularly muscular and too thin. My hair long and constantly gets in my eyes, although girls always tell me it’s cute.

I’ll make it clear right now. I’m not gay. I love women, and they seem to love me. I’ve had sex with a girl a few times and those times were amazing. But they’ve never completely satisfied me. I never thought much of it until a few months ago.

One of my friends, Terry, came out of the closet. It was kinda a big surprise since Terry was one of the last people I’d expect to be gay. He didn’t look feminine and he sure as hell didn’t act like it. On top of that, women love Terry. He’s the kind of muscular, fit guy who should have played on the football team in High School, but never did.

After he came out, I felt kind of nervous around Terry. But also I started thinking, was he attracted to me? Even if he was, would he want to fuck me? What would that be like anyways? Eventually, I asked him.

“Fuckin’ hell no,” he said to me, and laughed. We were sitting in his house at the time, passing a joint between us and the question had just slipped out. To be honest, his answer kinda surprised me. I’d been expecting him to say yes and then… well I don’t really know what I’d expected after that.

“Why? Are you secretly into guys Corey?” he asked playfully.

“No man, just curious,” I replied but I felt like I was lying to him. He was grinning like a Cheshire Cat by that point.

“You sure? I think you’re the kind of guy who’d like it up the ass,”

I honestly didn’t know if he was joking or not.

“I dunno,” I replied absently, and immediately I regretted saying it. Terry nudged me playfully.

“Oh I bet you fuck yourself in the ass all the time,” he said, “Do you use your fingers or a dildo? Come on, you can tell me!”

I shifted uncomfortably and kept quiet. Terry just laughed at me.

“You’re nervous, I get it.” He said through giggles, “It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. But hey, if you ever want to try the real thing, you know where to find me cutie.”

The joke was over at that point. Terry didn’t bring it up again, and neither did I. Our friendship resumed as normal.

But for me, things were Sakarya Escort different. When I masturbated, I started thinking about guys, and these harmless fantasies became more and more vivid. I fantasized about being held down by an older man while he fucked me, or maybe a couple of guys, one of them fucking my ass while I sucked the second ones cock. My gay fantasies always made me cum faster, and harder. It was glorious.

After a couple of months of this, I got the guts to go on a gay porn site. It was amazing. The first video I watched had two boys, only a few years older than myself, in the back of a bus. As I watched it, I felt my cock growing rock hard, and started to stroke myself off. The orgasm I had that night made me actually cry out. I’ve never had that happen before.

Soon, I was fingering myself in the shower, just to see how it felt. I pretended that my finger was another man, and leaned against the wall as I stroked myself. That first time, I fell to my knees forcing myself not to scream in ecstasy. It was wonderful, and I needed more of it.

I needed a real man.

A few weeks ago I signed up for a website called GayDate. Not a very original name but it got to the point. I put on my profile that I was curious, and added a nice picture of myself that I’d taken a few weeks earlier. I didn’t think I’d actually get any replies but I did. Quite a few of them.

There were a lot of tantalizing offers. Some of them were barely older than me, some of them were older, out of shape ‘bears’. There was one who specifically caught my eye though.

His name was Vince. There was no given last name. Vince might have been his last name for all I knew. He was 40 and tall with rugged good looks and a toned physique. He was bald, no tattoos and no bullshit. He looked perfect to play out my fantasies with.

I messaged him back, and for a few weeks we talked. He seemed nice, and I think we clicked. I wasn’t in love with him or anything. We both made it clear we were both looking for the same thing. Sex. The most basic, carnal pleasures.

After our few weeks were up, we set up our first date, and that date was today.

As I went out into the parking lot, I recognized his car immediately. It was a red convertible, just like he’d described and I could see him sitting behind the wheel, wearing a black T-shirt and sunglasses. I rushed over towards him, waving as I did and he waved back. There was an anxious throb in my chest, and as I got closer, that throb intensified.

He gave me a quick glance, I couldn’t tell if he was nervous or excited or what. The sunglasses hid his eyes and made him seem mysterious and even more sensual.

Then he smiled. He had a cute smile, and I felt my cock stiffening in my pants.

“Hey.” He said, and I could hear the nervousness in his voice.

“Hey,” I replied. “I’m Corey. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

“Likewise,” he said, “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.”

I smiled and blushed. “Thanks, so have I. Meeting you, I mean.”

He laughed as if I’d told the funniest joke in the world.

“Here, get in,” he said and opened the passenger door for me. Obediently, I got in beside him.

As soon as I was seated, Vince leaned over and kissed me, right on the lips. At first I was startled, and a little bit embarrassed, but it felt good and I went along with it. As our lips parted, he smiled at me again.

“You’ve never done this before, have you?” he asked.

“No, never.”

“I can tell. I can fix that.”

As soon as he’d spoken, he pulled out of his space and moments later we were on the road.

I could hear the beating of my own heart in my ears as we drove through suburban streets towards his house. Adapazarı Escort We talked a little during the ride. Mostly small talk that I can hardly remember. All my responses were automatic, and my mind was consumed by the knowledge that soon I’d be alone with Vince. I’d have his cock inside of me, and that made me squirm in anticipation.

By the time we pulled into his driveway, I was on the verge of exploding. He got out of the car and strutted up his walkway. I couldn’t help but to admire him. His shirt was tight, and showed off his well toned body, leaving little to the imagination. His jeans were tight, hugging his ass perfectly and creating a perfect bulge near his groin.

I got out of the car, and followed him to the door. My heart was racing now, the anticipation was at its climax. My cock strained against my pants, begging for attention.

He let us both into his house, and locked the door behind us.

Now we were alone. His body pressed against mine and pushed my back against the door as he kissed me. It was a soft, but passionate kiss that made me squirm with desire.

“That’s better,” he said softly as I melted into his arms. His hand reached down to caress my throbbing cock through my jeans, and he graced me with another winning smile.

He took my hand, and led me into his living room. It was like walking through a dream come true.

We paused in the middle of the room, and my hand slipped from his. His strong hands caressed my cheek, and I saw an expecting look in his eyes. I knew what he wanted.

I got down on my knees, my eyes never leaving his. This was the part. The need, the anxiety was too intense to hold back.

I undid his pants, and saw to my delight that he was wearing nothing underneath. He helped me pull his jeans down from his waist, and set his bulging cock free. I guessed it was about eight inches long, the perfect length.

I gently stroked him, savoring the feeling as his shaft twitched at my touch. I glanced up to meet his eyes as he looked down on me, enjoying the foreplay, and waiting for the pleasure. I wouldn’t disappoint him.

I took his cock in my mouth, sliding my lips down until I felt him touching the back of my throat.

He sighed, and ran his fingers through my hair, and slowly, but passionately, I sucked that beautiful cock of his. It felt big in my mouth, and I wanted to gag. But I wouldn’t have traded the moment for anything in the world. I closed my eyes, savoring the feeling of him filling my mouth. My tongue danced around his head, tasting his salty precum.

“Oh God…” he whispered, “Corey…”

I smiled, and ran my tongue down his shaft, and onto his balls before wrapping my hand around his cock and stroking him.

He moaned again as I sucked on his balls, first the right one, then the left and worked my way back up to the head of his cock.

“Oh Corey.” He sighed as his hands seized clumps of my hair and forced me down further on his cock. I could feel it in my throat now, and he pulled back just a little before thrusting again.

I couldn’t breathe, but the feeling was amazing. I reached down my pants and started to stroke my hard cock. I already wanted to cum just from letting him fuck my face.

I felt his cock starting to swell, and the anticipation for the big moment. I’d fantasized about this so many times before, and now to actually feel it? Truly divine.

He cried out as he came, and my mouth was filled with his warm cum. I moaned in satisfaction as he pulled out.

I opened my eyes to see his rapidly deflating cock in front of me, and Vince’s kindly eyes staring down at me. I held my mouth open like one of those girls I’d seen in a porn movie. Vince just smiled, and ran a Serdivan Escort hand through my hair.

I remained on my knees for a moment, jerking myself off to the feeling of having cum in my mouth. As I felt my own orgasm approaching, I moaned and swallowed it all.

“My, my. Aren’t you a little slut,” Vince chuckled. His cock hung limp from his pants, and just looking at it I wanted to suck it again.

He took off his shirt, tossing it aside and stepped out of his pants. For the first time I saw him fully naked, and my cock started to grow hard again.

I started to undress, pulling off my shirt and undoing my pants. Vince helped me to my feet and led me to his couch. We were both completely naked now, and I could see his cock hardening for round two.

Together, we lay down on the couch. His arms wrapped around me, holding me close and I pressed against him. He was on top of me, and I could feel his hot breath on my neck, as well as his gentle kisses. I turned to kiss his lips, and he pulled me closer to him. My cock was rock hard again, and the feeling of it against his warm body just turned me on more.

His cock wasn’t fully hard yet and I reached down to stroke it. His eyes bored into mine and I felt him hardening to my touch.

“Oh that feels good,” he whispered, running his hand along my body. Then suddenly he pulled away from me. He rolled me onto my stomach. He was hard enough now.

I arched my back, holding my ass in the air for him. God I wanted it so badly now. I needed it!

I felt the head of his cock press against my asshole, and gasped as he slowly forced it in. His hand rested on my thigh and I felt him starting to thrust, pushing it deeper with every movement.

He grunted when it was all the way in, and started to fuck me, slowly and passionately.

I grabbed at the leather of the couch as the initial pain of being taken hit me, but the pain soon gave way to pleasure as his thrusting became faster and more powerful.

I reached down to touch my cock but his hand was already there and he was stroking me.

I moaned and whispered some gently encouragement before I got lost in the feeling.

His steady pounding made me want to scream in ecstasy, my toes curled as I felt myself growing closer to orgasm.

Then he paused, and pulled his cock out. I started to say something, but before I could he’d rolled me on my back and was back on top of me.

“Vince…” was all I managed to get out before I felt him entering me again. Anything else I wanted to say was lost when he kissed me.

The thrusting resumed, even harder this time. I could hear the slap as he pounded my young asshole. I wrapped my legs around him, holding him close and feeling like a whore.

God I loved it.

The closeness of our bodies, as well as his manly grunts as he fucked me made everything even better. I moaned, and tightened my grip on him. God it just felt so fucking good!

Vince kissed me, on the neck, on the lips and wherever else his lips could find. His thrusts became more violent, and penetrated me deeper. He reared up, seizing my hips with his strong hands and holding me in place as he rammed his cock inside of me.

I was screaming now. Screaming from pleasure, screaming from pain and screaming his name. I came all over myself, my cock spurting cum all over my naked body. The orgasm was unlike anything I’d ever felt before and it made my body go limp.

I felt Vince’s cock swelling inside of me, and I knew he was close. His short, aggressive grunts became deep, heavy breaths and he gasped as he ejaculated inside of me.

His warm cum filled my little asshole, and slowly, his thrusts weakened before stopping all together. Spent, he pulled out and collapsed on top of me. We lay together like that for a few moments before he kissed me.

“So virgin boy,” he crooned, stroking my hair as he spoke. “How was that?”

I cuddled up to him, and smiled.

“Perfect,” I whispered. “When can we do it again?”

“Soon enough,” he whispered.

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Brotherly Love

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Sometimes it seemed like a dream to me. Two weeks ago I’d wound up at my brother Scott’s apartment and gotten stoned and next thing I knew he was sucking my dick. All kinds of things happened from there. It was kind of a wild night. The next day, however, he’d all but pushed me out of his apartment. I wasn’t sure if what had happened had been my fault. Maybe I’d embarrassed him. I did know that night I’d gone through a million and one sensations, having him suck me and then later on have sex with me, it was the some of the most amazing feelings and one of the most intense experiences I’d ever had. I thought about it all the time and every time I let my thoughts head that way I’d inevitably get a hard on. Then feel guilty because it was my older brother I was fantasizing about.

With no explanation he showed up outside my school one lunchtime a couple of weeks later. I recognised his car and wandered over. He was leaning back against it, wearing his versace jeans and a skin tight white teeshirt. He smiled at me over black ray bans and I felt an incredible sense of relief to see him but all the same when I reached him I felt shy.

“Hey,” I said. “What are you doing here?”

“Waiting for you,” he said. “Got any classes this afternoon.”

I nodded.

“Smart kid like you, you can afford to cut school for one afternoon,” he said. I hesitated. It was my senior year and while I wasn’t flunking my academic record wasn’t exactly stunning. “Sure, you can,” said Scott, opening the door not thinking for a moment I was going to say no to him. And he was right. “I need your help with something.”

“Okay,” I said. “Sure.” I got into the car wondering what it was he had planned. I have to admit I was also wondering if things were going to get as hot as last time.

Scott slid into the drivers seat, he was so good looking. We look a little alike but not much. Its like I’m some kind of smudged copy of the original. His face is angular and strong and when he smiles it lights up his face like he is planning the most outrageous mischief. And generally he is.

“You haven’t been over lately,” hesaid breaking into the silence as we pulled out onto the road.

“Been busy,” I said. He glanced at me and his eyes were laughing and I started to relax. I’d been out of my mind to think he might be weird about what happened. Scott loved weird. That’s the exact lifestyle he wishes to cultivate. “I didn’t know if you wanted me coming over.” I said being a little more honest.

“You’re my kid brother,” he said. He’d pulled up to a red light. He looked at me and his expression was serious, maybe even a little sad. “That’s a truth that isn’t ever going to change. No matter what happens. I’m always going to be glad to see you. I know what its like living with Dad remember,” he grinned. Scott had been kicked out of home. No big surprise, huh. “I know you need to get away from him sometimes, you can come over to me any time. I’m always going to be there for you, promise.”

“Okay,” I said because it wasn’t like Scott to make speeches like that and I didn’t know exactly how to respond. “So what do you want my help with?”

Usually its money. Scott has a serious drug habit. He thinks its not a problem because he’s not begging on the streets or anything like that. But he likes getting stoned. A lot. All the time. He likes the people around him to get stoned too. He’s forever borrowing money off me. My Dad would kill me if he knew I gave Scott money. Actually he would kill me if he knew I even saw Scotty. My Dad thinks he is a bad influence and dangerous. That’s what he told me once. He made me promise never to see him. But he’s my brother. What does my Dad expect.

“I’ll tell you when we get to the apartment,” said Scott. And despite everything I felt a rush of excited anticipation. We were going to his apartment, I wasn’t sure what he might have planned or even if I wanted anything to happen but it had felt so good the things we’d done. I kept remembering over and over how it had felt having his lips close on my cock. How hot and warm and wet it had felt being sucked off by him. I’d been wanting to happen again and again.

When we got to his apartment it looked as though it had been trashed. Scott went straight in to the kitchen to get us beers and seemed to genuinely not notice the incredible mess he was living in. I was looking around in amazement, if not a little disgust, sometimes I can’t believe how Scott can live sometimes, this was one of his nicer apartments. He followed my eyes.

“Oh,” he said. “Raoul split a few days ago. We had kind of a fight before he left.”

Raoul was Scott’s boyfriend. I started picking up some of the stuff they’d evidently been throwing at each other or breaking in their fight.

“What’d you fight about?” I asked.

“He found those photographs I took of you,” said Scott calmly watching me over his beer. I felt myself blushing. Although it struck me he had polaroids of a lot of boys, I wasn’t Sakarya Escort sure why it was me specifically Raoul was mad about. As if he were reading my mind Scott said, “He thought it was wrong because we’re brothers. I explained we’re half brothers, but Raoul suddenly decided to get moralistic about it. He thinks I forced you into it or something.”

I shook my head but I didn’t look at him. He didn’t force me into it. I was curious. I was also a complete mess. I was so stoned I hardly knew what I was doing when it happened. That’s not to say I didn’t like it. I just wasn’t sure it was an experience I’d have tried sober. And it wasn’t anything I wanted to try with any other guy but Scott. I felt safe with him.

“You liked it right,” Scott was suddenly standing next to me. really close. I felt myself getting hot and bothered and it occurred to me that even though I was here and glad to see him, things weren’t ever going to be the same between us. “Hey,” he gently turned my head to him so I looked at him. “You liked it, I know you did.” His voice had got soft and I felt my stomach twist, his hands were on my shoulders and I thought for a second he was going to kiss me. “I’ll go you one better,” he moved really close to me now and I felt myself leaning in towards him as his hands moved down my back and I could feel his breath on my neck, his lips brushing my skin as he whispered in my ear, “I bet you want to do it again.”

“Uh,” I stuttered trying to say I wasn’t sure but instead the only sound that came out was closer to a moan at feeling him so close,. His hand made its way to my crotch and my moan changed to a sigh as he found the bulge in my jeans and caressed it.

“I can feel you do,” he whispered, his hand expertly unbuttoning my jeans, finding my cock. I moaned and leaned against him feeling his fingers lightly touch my cock. He played with it, touching it and then not touching me making me want him, my legs felt shakey, and somehow with his other hand he was helping me pull my teeshirt off. I felt dizzy, I’d only been in apartment two minutes and already this was happening. I’d wanted it to happen. I think. It felt so good. Oh God, it felt good, and even though my eyes were shut I seemed to know where his mouth was and turned towards him and felt his tongue in my mouth exploring, while his experienced fingers teased and played with my cock.

He moved me towards the sofa, managing to help me out of my boxers and jeans on the way. I practically collapsed on it, my legs were so weak. He licked and kissed his way down my chest to my stomach. I was shaking with anticipation. I wanted so bad to feel his mouth on my cock again. I pushed his head down greedily and when he took his cock in his mouth I moaned, leaned back and nothing else in the world mattered except the sensation of his mouth working my cock.

Then suddenly he stopped, it nearly drove me crazy feeling him pull away, like that. My eyes snapped open and I wondered what I’d done but he was smiling at me.

“Yeah you liked that,” he said. “Say it.”

I nodded, I didn’t think I could talk, my cock was throbbing and I wanted to pull him back over and beg him to finish the job.

“Say it, “ said Scott again. He liked to do this. Make me say things. “Say you like getting your cock sucked.”

“I like it,” I whispered. “I like…”

“Say it,” said Scott. “Say you like being sucked off by me.”

“I like being sucked off,” I said but my voice shook and for a second I felt like crying which was weird because it was obvious I liked it, but saying it out loud, I felt like I was announcing I was gay or something.

“I knew you did,” said Scott but he didn’t start up again, instead he tossed my boxers and jeans over to me and I knew he meant for me to get dressed again. I wondered if that was why he’d pulled me out of school. Just to prove that Raoul had it wrong. That was a distinct possibly.

I started to pull my boxers on, I felt ashamed and sort of slutty for wanting him so much. Scott was ignoring me now, he’d turned his attention to rummaging through the overturned book case. I decided to start picking up the mess around his apartment again. When I looked back at Scott it was clear he wasn’t tidying, he was specifically looking for something that had been on the book case, because now he was putting down a couple of lines of white powder on the back of a book. I looked away while he snorted it. Then abruptly he stalked into the bathroom slamming the door.

I carried on tidying because by now I wasn’t sure what was coming next. That had been the last of his stash. I replaced the book case and the empty box his drugs had been in. When he came out again I’d finished tidying and was sweeping up the last of the broken glass from the living room. Scott bounced out in a hyper coked up mood. He kind of grabbed me in a wrestling hold and I shook him off angrily. I was mad at him. I didn’t know what he was doing. Probably just screwing Adapazarı Escort around with me out of some perverse amusement.

“There’s broken glass, leave me alone,” I snapped and took the trashpan through to the kitchen to empty it. When I came back out, Scott had retrieved his beer can and smiled at me looking a little sheepish. He held out my untouched beer can.

“Can I go back to school now,” I asked.

“Aw,” Scott said. “Don’t get mad. Drink your beer, okay. I need to talk to you about a favour I need.”

And cleaning up his trashed apartment didn’t count as a favour. I took the can and sat down, warily measuring out some distance between us. Scott watched me drink the beer and waited.

“Well,” I snapped.

“Finish your beer,” said Scott.

I wasn’t much of a beer drinker and this beer tasted weird but I drank it as fast as I could, I wanted to get out of here. He was in one of his moods and I knew from experience when Scott was hurting he wasn’t happy until everybody was as unhappy and screwed up as he was.

“I’m in trouble,” said Scott. I looked up. “I owe a lot of money that I don’t have. And the guys I owe it to don’t fool around. Understand?”

“I have some money,” I said wearily. I reached for my wallet. “I can get more if you want. I have a hundred or so in the bank. I’ve been mowing lawns…”

Scott rolled his eyes. “I don’t want your lawn mowing money, jeez.” His tone was just about as ungrateful as you’d expect. I scowled at him. That beer had gone straight to my head. I was feeling a little uncoordinated and I wanted to go home and wait for it to wear off. “Besides I need five hundred dollars by tomorrow. I can get a couple of hundred together myself and I need your help to get the rest.”

“How?” I went to put my beer can on the table and missed. I blinked. I wasn’t much of a drinker but I wasn’t normally that bad.

Scott came over to sit beside me. “Listen, this is important. Will you help me, please?”

His tone was serious, not like I’d heard before. I nodded. “Whatever you want me to do,” I said.

“Seriously,” said Scott and I started. There was something in his expression. I knew he was going to ask me some big favour. “There’s this guy, I’ve been telling him about you and he wants to meet you.”

“Oh no way,” I stood up, Scott caught my arm and pulled me down again.
“Listen to me, this is serious. I wouldn’t ask but I’m desperate. Look, he’s really into the fact we’re brothers. He just wants to watch, I swear, and you like it anyway. Where’s the harm?”

“He wants to watch what?” I said slow on the uptake, then I realised what he meant. “No way!” I said still not sure I’d got it.

“I need your help. If I don’t get this money I’m in serious trouble understand,” Scott said. “All he wants is to watch me suck your dick. You let me do it just now, all that’s different is he’s going to watch.”

“Some guy is going to pay you $500 to watch you suck my dick,” I said. I blinked. I don’t know what kind of beer Scott had given me but suddenly things were a little out of focus.

“I swear that’s all he wants to do,” said Scott. “You don’t know him. He doesn’t even live in this town. Where’s the harm.” As he was saying that his hand had found its way to my crotch and he grinned. “Why, Clinton, if I didn’t know you better I would think that the thought of somebody watching you get your dick sucked by your big brother is turning you on.”

I pushed his hand away. He was right, I was hard. But not from what he said about the guy watching. My cock just seemed to jerk into action at the mere mention of Scott sucking my cock, regardless of the audience.

“Come on,” Scott whispered, he moved closer to me, “Do it for me,” he kissed my ear and I shivered as his hand worked its way into my jeans again. This time I didn’t push him away. “Please help me out, okay.”

“Okay,” I whispered, because now his fingers were squeezing my cock and the beer was hitting my blood stream all I could think about was how much I wanted to feel his mouth on me again. And in a way the idea of somebody watching us was a turn on.

Scott had timed it perfectly. Literally thirty seconds after I said okay the doorbell went and Scott jumped up to answer it after telling me to take my teeshirt off. I kept it on while he got the door. The guy who came in wasn’t what I expected at all. I guess I was imagining some sleezy looking guy. This guy looked like a bank manager. Touching fifty but in a sharp suit with some artful frosting on his hair. Scott introduced me but he gave me a different name. The guy shook my hand but he looked straight into my eyes and held my hand a little too long. It unnerved me a little.

Scott was still hyper from the coke. He was jumping around, which made this guy seem all the more focused, he didn’t take his eyes off me. Scott told me to take my shirt off. I hesitated and he nudged me and taking a deep breath I pulled Serdivan Escort my teeshirt. The guy was just sitting there watching me. I glanced at Scott nervously, he moved closer to me and took my face in his hands. I closed my eyes. This felt exciting and bad and sickening all wrapped up together. I felt Scott kiss me lightly, then gently move his tongue into my mouth. I stayed tensed up as he moved his hands over me. I tried to forget about the guy watching me but I couldn’t.

“Relax,” Scott whispered. “Pretend its Dad watching us.”

That suggestion was so shocking I nearly jumped. Scott grinned at me and I realised that was his way of injecting humour into it.

The guy told us he wanted me to stay standing and for Scott to kneel down. I felt like I was tingling, from fear or sexual excitement I don’t know. The guy was perfectly calm about the whole thing, like he did this kind of thing all the time. Just instructed us step by step what he wanted to see and thankfully most of it involved me just standing there while Scott did all the work. Sometimes he asked us to move so he could see something better. He kept asking Scott if we were brothers and Scott mumbled yes, and he asked me to tell my brother to suck me and I managed to whisper it as I felt Scott start to unhook my belt buckle. I closed my eyes and got ready for it to start.

Scott undid my jeans roughly, quickly like he couldn’t wait and nearly ripped them pulling them off. The guy wanted to see him do it that way. He wasn’t gentle or slow, he pulled them off and pressed his hands on my arse and pulled me to his mouth. I stumbled forward and felt his lips close on my cock. I groaned. Even in this bizarre situation it felt good. I heard the guy murmur, good, and for Scott to suck me hard. I glanced at him and I could see he was unzipping his trousers, playing with his cock, while Scott licked my cock and sucked it. I felt his hands kneading my buttocks as his mouth worked me and I moaned. It felt so good. I could hear Scott breathing hard and the guy in the chair breathing. I moaned again. I felt so slutty and wanton and whispered to Scott to suck me, suck me good.

Then suddenly I heard the guy say, “Okay, he’s ready.” And Scott took his mouth away. My eyes snapped open and I saw the guy had walked over and he was on his knees. Scott moved around behind me and I felt his hands on my shoulders, like he was trying to reassure me, but his grip was so tight he was making sure I wasn’t running.

“Its okay, “he whispered. “I’m not leaving. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

“Oh God, “I whispered. My head was buzzing and I didn’t know if I could do this. My legs were shaking but Scott was holding me steady while this guy, this stranger got down and took my cock. “Scott,” I whispered. I wanted him to make it stop. Scott’s hand clamped over my mouth and I felt the guy take my cock in his mouth and start to move up and down my shaft. Scott held his hand tightly over my mouth and whispered in my ear it was okay he was going to make it up to me he promised. He had his arm wrapped around me tightly in a parody of a brotherly hug but really he was holding me still for this guy to suck me and lick me and slip his finger into me, like some kind of inanimate sex toy. I felt tears slip down my cheeks but Scott held me and wouldn’t let go. The guy moved his mouth up and down over my cock, his finger was jammed into my arse and he was working a second finger in, that started to hurt.

“I know you like this, “ I heard Scott whisper, “You can stop crying, you wouldn’t have let this happen if you didn’t want it.”

He wasn’t strictly speaking correct. The guy seemed to drool a lot and sometimes he squeezed tight on my cock when he sucked and it hurt. The pain of having his fingers in my ass was not exactly pleasurable either but after a while I was getting used to his slobbering and Scott let his hand move from my mouth and started playing with my nipples and kissing my ear. In a way that turned me on far more than this guy sucking my cock, I started to respond and I heard Scott whisper good. He turned my head towards him and kissed me and the effect was so amazing, feeling Scott’s tongue in my mouth and this other guys tongue on my cock. I heard myself moan and Scott whispered for me to go ahead and cum and I thrust into the guys throat and felt my cum shoot out. Scott caught me as I went weak kneed. The guy stood up wiping his lips and for a second I felt sick at what I’d done and how it had turned me on, then relief that it was over. But then I realised the guy was unbuttoning his pants and Scott was forcing me down and I heard the guy say, “My turn.”

Scott pushed my head forward towards the guy’s crotch. I nearly gagged but the guys hands clamped on the back of my head and pulled me onto his cock. I felt Scott move away and heard the creak as he sat down on the sofa. The guy was groaning and moving my head over his cock faster and faster.

It didn’t feel like Scott’s. It wasn’t as big for one thing and the guy wasn’t interested in taking it slow, he was just wanting me to suck him and suck hard and fast. I realised he was only semi hard but he was getting harder as he moved his cock in and out of my mouth. Then suddenly he pulled it out.

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Coming to Terms

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The following story is about a man coming to terms with his sexual orientation as well as his feelings for his best friend, be warned though, there is no sex in this chapter, but may occur in the next one. Characters are 18+, and any similarity to other characters or people are coincidental and not intended. Please feel free to leave any questions, comments, or concerns, as they will be greatly appreciated.


Oliver pulled into the parking lot of his old stomping ground, Woodbridge High School, looked in the mirror to check his hair one last time, then stepped out of the car and walked towards the school.

It had been 10 years since Oliver graduated high school, but it felt like it was just yesterday that he was that cocky football player thinking he was the best thing around. Yet, it also seemed like forever since he crossed the iconic wood bridge to get to the campus, which had given him time to humble up a bit, realizing that he wasn’t nearly as perfect as he had once thought.

“Oliver Lovelace, is that you?!” Oliver must have heard that about a dozen times in the first 10 minutes of the reunion.

Oliver was aware that he was a good looking guy. 5’11, athletic frame from working out, styled chestnut brown hair, icy blue eyes, and a killer smile. He just kind of felt that ALL he was was a good looking guy. No one asked him what he got his degree in, no one asked about his job, they just regarded him as the handsome jock, which got old about 20 minutes into the reunion.

It was weird to be in the gymnasium, decorated in a simple manner. The last time Oliver had been in that room, he was crowned prom king. Now, everyone was older and moving on in their lives.

Oliver was listening to one of the other guys on the football team tell the story about how Oliver won the big game, when Oliver looked at who just entered the crowded gymnasium, and got VERY mixed feelings.

Oliver considered hiding, until he knew it was too late. “Oliver Lovelace, it’s been awhile.” Said the very recognizable voice of Noah Larson.

Noah was Oliver’s best friend since first grade, ever since Noah had pushed down the second grader who was picking on Oliver, and the two became almost inseparable.

Things got a little shaky in high school for them though. While Oliver was killing it on the football field, Noah had his own things going on. He had Sakarya Escort an accident that left him paralyzed and in a wheelchair.

The wheelchair never bothered Oliver, he had gotten into a couple fights defending Noah from kids teasing him. They just sort of began to drift apart, he would hang with the other smart guys, while Oliver chill with the jocks. The thing that made things too complicated was the fact that Noah told Oliver that he was gay and had feelings for Oliver.

Oliver didn’t care that Noah was gay, hell, he have a couple gay friends, that wasn’t what made Oliver nervous. He just couldn’t love Noah back in that way.

Oliver knew he could pretend it didn’t change things, but he knew that he’d just be leading Noah on, which would have been worse. It was hard, but Oliver had cut Noah out of his life. Looking at him now, Oliver quickly regretted it.

Noah was probably 5’7, he had a thin, but fit frame, and dressed very well in a sportcoat, button down shirt, and dark jeans. His green eyes were hidden behind his thick black glasses, which made him look smart. His sandy brown hair, which used to be parted to the side, was now short and trimmed, as was his matching beard.

“Hey man, what’s it been, 10 years?” Oliver joked as he gave Noah a small hug.

“Yeah, 10 years seems about right, this being our 10 year reunion.” Noah teased. “So, fill me in on what you’ve been up to lately.”

Noah and Oliver made their way to the bar. Oliver ordered his usual beer, and was surprised when Noah only asked for a water. They sat at one of the tables away from everyone else.

“What’s with the water man, you pregnant?” Oliver joked as he sipped his beer.

“No, but not from a lack of trying.” Noah winked, then quickly blushed. “No, I just don’t drink.”

Oliver didn’t know what it was, his charm, his sexual remark, or just the fact that he looked so good, but Oliver couldn’t help feeling awkward around Noah.

“So, how’s life been going man?” Noah asked.

“Good, I graduated from UCLA, barely, got my degree in teaching, and now I am working as a high school PE teacher.” Oliver summed up.

“That’s great, I always guessed you would have done something with sports.” Noah said as he listened to Oliver talk.

“How about you, what have you been up to?” Oliver asked.

As Noah was telling Adapazarı Escort Oliver about getting his MD and starting a small practice with a couple of former classmates, Oliver couldn’t help but think about if Noah was single or not. His mind wandered, wondering what sex with a guy, specifically Noah, would be like. Oliver could feel his cock stir in his slacks.

Oliver had tried anal with a couple girls, and enjoyed it, but found that girls weren’t into it as much. He wondered if it was better if the other person enjoyed it too.

“Is it hard?” Noah asked, making Oliver panic a little, until Noah continued. “Are you daydreaming Oliver? I was asking if teaching is hard.”

Oliver could feel himself blushing a little as he explained what teaching is like, all the while wondering if anyone could notice his now raging erection. Luckily he was sitting, letting the table hide his boner.

“Are you seeing anyone?” Oliver finally asked, hoping that if Noah were taken, Oliver’s feelings would die down.

“I was, up until a couple months ago, but he got too clingy with me.” Noah started to explain. “Sure I want to settle down one day, but there was no spark between us. I want passion for a change.”

Oliver felt the front of his boxers get wet from the precum leaking from his cock. He imagined taking Noah right then and there and showing him passion, but knew he couldn’t.

“Sorry, I tend to say too much.” Noah apologized. “So, you seeing anyone special?”

“Yeah, I’m looking at him right now!” Oliver thought, but answered with a simple “No.”

Noah and Oliver continued to make small talk, telling stories about college, work, and funny stories about themselves from years ago. No matter what they talked about though, Oliver couldn’t get his mind off of Noah. His cock was like an iron rod, leaking precum into his slacks. His cock was pointing straight out, Oliver knew he needed to fix it before anyone noticed.

“I’ll be right back, need to take a piss.” Oliver said as he stood, quickly putting his hands into his pockets to conceal his erection.

He thought he was in the clear until Noah said “Hold on, I need to go too.”

Oliver carefully walked a step behind Noah, since Noah would be at eye level with his pitched tent. They entered the bathroom and Oliver went to the urinal, while Noah headed to the stall. Serdivan Escort

Oliver remembered the day he had last seen Noah, graduation day. Noah had confessed his love for him, and Oliver just threw it away. Looking at Noah know, he wondered what would have happened if Oliver had decided to be honest, not only with Noah, but with himself.

Oliver didn’t know what made him do it, but he walked up to Noah and kissed him deeply. His tongue began to explore Noah’s mouth, his hands grabbing Noah’s shoulders, pulling him in deeply.

Oliver thought it was an amazing kiss, and he hoped Noah thought the same. When the kiss ended, Oliver was surprised by the look on Noah’s face, one he had not been expecting.

“Get away from me!” Noah yelled as he pushed Oliver away. His face was a mix of anger and sadness.

“I thought.” Oliver tried to explain, until Noah interrupted.

“No, you didn’t think.” Noah said. “I like you a lot Oliver, more than you can imagine, but that doesn’t mean that I want you like this, some cheap hook up in the bathroom, I know I’m worth more than that.”

Oliver wanted to stop Noah from leaving, but he was too confused to chase after him. Oliver knew how he felt, he always had, but he could never act on it, no school wanted a gay quarterback on their team when he went to college, but he wasn’t sure what his reason for denial was now. He also knew that Noah did deserve better, way better, and Oliver wouldn’t be able to make Noah happy unless Oliver faced the truth, he was gay.

Oliver quickly left the reunion, making an excuse that he felt ill. He was too emotional to pretend to be fine, so he began to drive home, the whole time thinking on whether if he should pursue Alex, or let him live a happy life with a normal man.

“I’m gay.” Oliver practiced over and over again in the mirror when he got home.

It felt weird to say, it felt so freeing, but at the same time, so false. He knew he had feelings for Noah, but not for other guys. It felt too overwhelming to comprehend at the moment, so he practiced something else.

“I’m in love with Noah Larson.” Oliver said, surprised at how natural it felt coming from him.

Oliver was asleep by 11 that night, his mind finally able to relax from thinking about what to do. He didn’t expect the day to be so sobering, he expected to talk with old friends and have a couple beers, not make a move on his old best friend in the men’s restroom.

One thing was for certain though, Oliver knew that if he let Noah go again, it would be a big mistake. Tomorrow, Oliver planned, tomorrow he would try to decide on his next move.

To be continued…

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College Kid Sex Ch. 02

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Asa Akira

After the response to the initial story, I decided I needed this kid to fuck me. Many great responses from Literotica readers swayed my opinion, and since I was hot for his cock anyway, led me to play with him again.

I reached him online, and he told me that he just got out of class at the university and could be here in fifteen minutes. I agreed and went to prepare for his arrival. I rarely use the bedroom for guy sex, but I knew that’s where he would want to take me. I laid out a bottle of lube and a condom, just to be ready.

He arrived, and we immediately began kissing. It felt strange, kissing this guy who was half my age, but it served a purpose and got both our cocks hard. I reached down and rubbed him through his running shorts, and he moaned at the contact. He reached for my belt and zipper, and we pulled away long enough to strip and resume kissing. He relaxed back on the couch and pulled me on top of him, both of us rubbing our dicks together as we kissed, getting hotter by the minute.

I moved down to his erect cock, and began to lick. He moaned and held my head to his crotch, pulling his cock into my mouth, and forcing me to take it deep. I sucked him like that for a few minutes, and he finally let my head go, so I moved down and began licking his balls. His moans of encouragement told me that he liked what I was doing, so I continued. After a few minutes of this, he pulled my head up and told me he didn’t want to cum too soon. He then looked at me and asked me what I wanted.

I sighed, and told him that I really wanted him to fuck me, but that Sakarya Escort I was tight and he needed to be patient and go slowly. He nodded, and asked where, and I told him we would go to the bedroom. His face lit up at this, and he jumped off the couch and headed for the bathroom, saying he’d be right back.

I went to the bedroom and lay down with my butt in the air, giving him a nice view of his target. He came into the room and took note of my butt, telling me he thought I had a nice ass, and that he was going to enjoy taking me. Promising to be gentle, he began rubbing his cock on my ass and nuzzling my neck.

Just as I was getting used to that, he moved back and spread my ass, then slowly began licking my hole. It felt really good, and helped me relax. I pointed out the lube and the condom, and he said he had seen them and continued rimming my tight ass. He did this for several minutes as I moaned and enjoyed it, then I heard him open the bottle of lube.

I felt his finger slowly circling my hole, getting it wet with lube, and then he began a gentle penetration. I groaned, as my hole was very tight, and I’ve never been much for having it fingered. He told me to just relax, that he knew what he was doing, and to just let him do his thing. I tried to relax, as I knew that I wanted his cock, but it was still not easy.

After a few minutes of gentle finger-fucking, he slid a second finger into me and really began spreading my ass. It hurt a bit, but I relaxed and tried to picture his cock entering me. Moments later, I felt him get up and Adapazarı Escort heard the rustle of the Trojan being opened.

I rose up to see him, and caught the last half-inch of the rubber going down his cock. It looked impossibly huge in the dim light, but thin, long and stiff, and I knew that I wanted it inside me. He moved back to the bed, and I closed my eyes and felt his rubbered cock teasing my hole.

“Don’t tease me, dammit, put it in before I change my mind!” I growled, and he gently laughed. Suddenly, I felt the head of his cock pop into my ass, and I groaned at the intrusion.

He leaned over me and said “Hmmm, is Daddy hot for cock? Does Daddy want to be fucked? I’m not going any further until Daddy begs for it!”

I hadn’t planned on having to beg for it, but it was too late to turn back now and I was too horny to stop! “You know I want it, put that dick in me and fuck me! Come on, take my tight ass!”

He laughed again, and then I felt his weight on my back as his cock entered me all the way. He was very insistent, but gentle, and I felt my hole opening up to take his meat. It hurt, but not too much, and before I knew it I could feel his balls slapping my ass. He began a slow steady thrusting, impaling me with most of his cock on each stroke, and then thrusting deeper every few thrusts.

I groaned into the pillows as he fucked me, telling him to go slowly but to keep going. He did so, keeping his thrusts shallow but firm, and then he reached around to pull me up. He maneuvered us back into the classic doggy style, Serdivan Escort then reached with one hand to pull my nipples as he pumped. This got me very hot, and I moaned for him to keep going.

He kept pumping me faster and a bit harder, and it was beginning to hurt. I knelt and continued to take his cock, since that was what I had asked him to do, and he leaned back into me and asked me where I wanted him to cum. Since he was wearing a rubber, I asked him to pull out and shoot it on my face.

He slowly removed his cock from my ass, and we both groaned at the change. He pulled the rubber off and tossed it aside, then began to jack his cock. I flipped over and lay underneath him, waiting for that hot sticky sperm I was craving.

I didn’t have to wait long, as his cock was drooling precum and it looked ready to burst at any moment. He groaned that he was cumming, and told me to take it all, which I certainly did! Sperm rained down on my face and chest, and it seemed like he must have saved it up for a week as I was almost drowning in it. Finally it stopped, and he panted and collected his breath. He stood up and moved back to the bathroom to clean up.

I watched him get dressed, still nude, his cum running down my face and chest. He thanked me for a great time, and said he hoped we could play again soon, then patted my ass as he went to the door. Once he was safely out, I retreated to the bedroom to finish getting off, scooping his cum off my chest with my fingers and licking them clean while I jacked my dick. I shot a huge load, then took my sore bottom and the rest of me to the hot shower.

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it and experiencing it. I love feedback, so tell me your thoughts. I also love cock, so if you’re in the west central Texas area, maybe we could share an afternoon worth writing about!

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Collateral Ch. 04

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It was almost dinnertime when he finally woke up. He had to remember to say an honest ‘thank you’ to that Agnes lady. His room was comfortable, and sleep had taken him fast, once he had hit the pillows. The bedroom was a tad smaller than Klaus’s, but it carried the same warm, cozy feeling. As opposed to the golden tones in the other’s bedroom, different hues of blue seemed to be dominant in this one.

It was strange how he had always thought of blue to be a cold color, and now he was thinking exactly the opposite. It most probably had to do with how a particular pair of baby blues could burn with inner fire when looking at him. He shook his head. It was not healthy for him to fantasize about Klaus. He had no intention to lose his brother’s trust, and his reputation along with it, just for a fleeting moment of passion. Although he was sure it was not going to be just a moment, and it was not going to be fleeting if it was going to happen.

Klaus had simply said that he was not going to force himself on Jake. Nonetheless, that was something he secretly desired. If it was going to be against his will, he was not going to be considered guilty, right? With a groan, he pushed himself up from the bed. What was he thinking? Just a word that he was taking it up the ass and everyone he knew was going to despise him. Even worse. Even if he could say in his defense that he hadn’t wanted it.

His stomach grumbled loudly, and he remembered he had eaten nothing for long hours now. The idea that Klaus had sent him to sleep on an empty belly like he was a child or something hit him. Damn, was the man’s intention to starve him?

He washed his face and brushed his teeth. His bathroom had everything he needed. He combed his hair and looked critically in the mirror. The problem was that he didn’t seem man enough. Diaz was right. He was still soft around the edges, regardless of how many muscles he had put on lately, under his brother’s supervision. The problem was that he didn’t fuck, as Diaz had put it plainly.

After a few failed attempts with girls that had only led to lame sex, he had just given up. He had tried to defend himself, saying that “the girls didn’t want him”. His brother had just stared at him in contempt. “You’re handsome enough,” Diaz had pointed out, grabbing his neck and squeezing hard. “Only that you’re behaving too much like a pussy around women. Women want men, not boys.” That was what Diaz had said on more than one occasion.

However he had stubbornly kept everything to himself. He hated getting involved with some random girl just to please his older brother. Plus, the girls had no fault he was how he was; making them feel bad didn’t have to be on his plate.

Hesitantly, he opened the door to the bedroom and went out. The house seemed to be quite lively at that hour if the noises coming from downstairs were any indication. He took the stairs down and looked around. Agnes patted his shoulder gently. “Mister Metzger is in the dining room. He expects you to join him,” the old lady gestured towards the room in question and then went about her business.

Her German accent was even stronger, Jake thought. On Klaus’s tongue, English sounded just a bit rough. Agnes seemed almost like a machine, although her eyes were warm.

He eventually dared enter the room indicated by the old lady. Apparently, Klaus had company, another blond man who looked to be of the same descent as the owner of the house. The couple seemed engaged in conversation, and Jake took advantage that they had not yet noticed him.

The guest looked strong and tall, but even taller and bulkier than Klaus. He had darker blond hair, and Jake could not see his eyes from where he was standing. He was not the embodiment of elegance like Klaus was. Rough short stubble made him look masculine, and his hair was a bit longer, as well. The opened shirt showed how relaxed the man was. Klaus himself no longer wore a suit, but he still looked as if taken straight out of the box.

He coughed a little to draw attention. After all, he needed something to eat, and fast. Sakarya Escort Two pairs of blue eyes turned to stare at him.

“Well,” the guest spoke, visibly amused, “is this your new toy?”

Klaus, on the other hand, kept his eyes glued to Jake, without saying anything for a couple of seconds.

“Jake, this is Hans, a friend of mine,” he eventually spoke. “Come closer and take a seat.”

Toy! He was a fucking toy! He knew he was rude for not saying anything and for pulling a chair far away from the two, but did it anyway.

“Closer,” Klaus said calmly, and he rose with a huff, only to move two chairs closer, but still not right next to the two men.

“Closer,” the blond beckoned him again, without changing his tone or looking even a tiny bit annoyed at Jake’s resistance to complying.

Eventually, he sat next to Klaus. The man looked at him for a few seconds, with an unreadable expression in his beautiful blue eyes.

“Are you hungry?” he asked politely.

“Of course I am,” Jake snapped, wanting badly to avoid sounding like a child. Nonetheless, it was clear from Hans’s amused expression that he was failing to do so.

“You were sleeping so soundly that I decided to let you be. We were just waiting for you to wake up.”

“I woke up on my own. What were you going to do? Starve until tomorrow if I didn’t?” Jake mumbled.

“I would have sent Agnes to wake you up,” Klaus explained in the same even tone. “Or I would have come, but that could have meant waking you up in more ways than one.”

There was no smile, no emotion on Klaus’s face as he spoke like that. Jake wished he would not feel pins and needles everywhere as the man continued to stare at him.

“He’s a feisty one,” Hans commented.

“I am right here,” Jake hissed. He decided that very instant he hated this Hans guy. Not only because he was so annoying, but also because he was too gorgeous and stood too close to Klaus for Jake to like it. Maybe Hans was Klaus’s lover or something. Anyway, it was not his business if they were intimate or not.

“So?” Hans challenged him with his eyes.

“So maybe it’s rude to talk about somebody who is just inches away from you like he’s not present,” Jake answered in kind.

Hans laughed and turned towards Klaus. “I think I get the appeal now. He’s not that much on the outside, but he does look to have a mind of his own. Are you sure this is what you want?”

Jake felt his cheeks getting warmer. The guest was simply continuing to ignore him. Plus, what the hell was he talking about? What had Klaus told him? Couldn’t he keep a secret? Especially one that was not his own?

“One thing I am certain of, Hans, is that you should stop bothering Jake. He is new here, and he still needs plenty of time to adjust,” Klaus came to his defense.

The conversation stopped there, as a young maid came through the door, pushing a tray of food. Enticing smells hit Jake’s nostrils, making him forget for a moment, about Klaus’s annoying friend. He was ready to dig in.

The other two did him a service and ate in complete silence. Jake chose to stare stubbornly at his plate and did not care about making eye contact with any of the two.

When the meal was over, Klaus invited his guests to follow him on the balcony just outside the room to relax.

Jake sat on a reclining chair, again feeling acutely out of place. The two blonds wore casual clothes, but everything about them spelled rich. Jake was pretty sure he was sticking out like a sore thumb, in his 5-dollar t-shirt and washed out jeans.

“Do you want to spend the night?” Klaus offered, and Hans stared at his host a bit surprised. Then he stole a quick glance in Jake’s direction.

“Oh, don’t tell me … He’s not broken in yet?” he asked a bit derisively, and Jake crossed his arms over his chest. “If you needed a hand, it would be my pleasure to help you get him … adjusted.”

“There is no need for you to bother. And I was asking only if you cared about sleeping here, seeing that you must be pretty Adapazarı Escort tired from your trip,” Klaus spoke, and Jake noticed with satisfaction how the other’s face fell upon hearing the not so well veiled refusal.

“I am not that tired,” Hans cooed, leaning towards Klaus and touching his arm.

Jake rose from his chair. “I’ll go to my room,” he said determinedly.

“Sit,” Klaus said shortly, and Jake sat down quickly.

He immediately cursed under his breath. What the fuck? Was he a dog now or something? But he could not just take it back and stand up again.

Klaus seemed a bit tense, which was odd. Jake noticed how Klaus was staring at Hans’s hand, still resting on his forearm, with a small frown. Eventually, Hans seemed to take the hint and withdrew his hand.

“As you wish,” he waved his hand as if he didn’t care that much for Klaus’s whims. “I will take on your offer then, and sleep under your roof. Is the blue room free, as always?”

“I’ll have Agnes prepare another room for you. That is where Jake stays right now.”

Jake could barely refrain a bout of satisfaction seeing Hans’s jaw tensing as if the man was about to take a bite of something, or preferably someone. Apparently, the guest was not so high in Klaus’s good graces. On the other hand, Jake seemed to be, and that was something the young brunet could not comprehend. He had nothing on this Hans dude.

The guy was tall, beautiful, perfect, just like Klaus. But, maybe Klaus was not enjoying so much fucking another version of himself. Maybe he was just getting tired of vanilla cake and wanted a bit of milk and chocolate, Jake smirked at the thought.

“Why are you smiling?” Hans stared at him, looking very much affronted as if he could read Jake’s mind.

“None of your business,” Jake shrugged and relaxed in his chair. It was not like him to get in verbal confrontations, as he had no idea how to deal with them. But he felt as if he was at war with Hans, for no other reason than Klaus. Wait, did he want Klaus? Of course, he wanted Klaus; but he couldn’t have him because it was too dangerous for him to come forward and say it like it was.

“I think it’s been a long day for all of us,” Klaus concluded. “Hans, come with me, and I will let Agnes know you are spending the night. Jake, wait for me in your room. Don’t wander around the place.”

Jake rose and walked away. It was not as if he WANTED to take orders from the haughty blond, but, for the moment, he had nothing better to do anyway. As the door to the balcony closed behind him, he missed the tense conversation held in German between the other two.


“It is not like you to act so jealously,” Klaus said with a frown.

“I was hoping to get together with you again. I would not have bothered to make this detour otherwise. And I’m not jealous. I’m just annoyed that you are willing to play with a new toy, while I’m here. Especially since this new toy does not seem to behave that well.”

“Hans,” Klaus’s voice grew a bit colder. “You are making my situation difficult by telling him to his face he is nothing but a toy.”

“Isn’t it the truth?” Hans asked with a shrug. “And he is not your usual type.”

“My usual type? What is that supposed to mean? Please enlighten me,” Klaus fiddled with his glass of wine.

“You know, high class, sophisticated. What are you doing with a piece of street trash like this one?”

“I’m tired of high class and sophisticated. They’re nothing but a bore,” Klaus spoke while slowly sipping his drink. “Plus, I’ve never had a virgin,” he added matter-of-factly.

“A virgin? This one? Please,” Hans snorted. “He has probably had more butt sex than you and me together. You should seriously take him to the vet and have him checked,” the guest said sourly.

“And what exactly makes you say that? Except for the fact that he didn’t look impressed with your attempts to put him down.”

Hans took the offense well. “He has a mouth on him, apparently.”

“So? He’s from a poor neighborhood; I don’t Serdivan Escort expect him to have been born with a silver spoon in his mouth, hence the language.”

“Then tell me what makes you think he’s a virgin,” Hans said in response.

“Let’s just say I had the pleasure to enjoy a solo performance from his part … to one point, when I had to take over and experience firsthand how affected he was to be touched by another man.”

“Don’t force him if he’s not gay,” Hans said with a small frown. “It’s not like you to do that. I know very well you have never been crazy about bi guys, either.”

Klaus seemed to ponder for a bit. “Then how do you call a guy you catch masturbating while smelling your t-shirt?”

Hans laughed softly. “For real? He’s just in denial, that’s all?”

“I do understand him, you know. I met his brother.”

“Older brother, I assume,” Hans fiddled with his glass.

“Yes. He’s leading one of the gangs I’m trying to pacify to get things done around here. He’s the embodiment of all things macho. Jake seems very shy around him. I bet he cannot just go tell his brother something like that.”

“I suppose that would not go down well.”

“Plus, doing something forbidden like hooking up with a guy, in a neighborhood where everyone knows everyone … well, I think you get the picture now. Unless he sodomized himself with whatever he thought he could use as a dildo, I venture to say those are uncharted territories,” Klaus allowed himself a joke.

“You know, the offer is still standing,” Hans looked at his friend, his eyes at half-mast.

“And I still have to decline. I’m afraid I’m not that much of a hypocrite to use you as a substitute when I desire another.”

“True that,” Hans admitted. “You’re the type that always gets involved body and soul in everything you do. Although I’ve always pegged you for the restrained type in your relationships.”

“Really? In what sense?” Klaus seemed genuinely surprised.

“In the sense that you don’t get attached, even if you focus on a single person. I must admit that after we hooked up the first time, I was surprised to feel flattered and insulted at the same time by your interest.”

“Hans, I can assure you …”

“Don’t bother, Klaus. It is just how you are. You are … cold, I think. Not between the sheets. I used to have the bruises to prove it,” Hans chuckled softly. “But there is a wall between you and your lovers, always. In the beginning, I thought it was just me, but I have seen you treating everyone with the same passion and indifference at the same time.”

Klaus remained silent, seemingly examining the contents of his glass.

“So, after you break him in, what’s next?” Hans asked.

Klaus just shrugged. “I will not stay here forever.”

“Of course, there is always some new business somewhere that needs your skilled hand to get going. I think you’re addicted to beginnings, nothing more.”

“I frankly think I’m too young to settle down if this is what you are asking of me.”

“You’re doing this for what, 10-12 years?”

“11, to be precise,” Klaus admitted.

“Aren’t you growing tired?”

“Aren’t you?” the host answered with another question. “You’re traveling a lot.”

“I would have settled down for you. And let’s face it, Klaus, I am not going through lovers with the speed of light, the way you do it. At least, whenever I meet someone new, I am thinking whether or not they are worth the trouble to be considered ‘the one’.”

“The one?” a superior smile crept on Klaus’s well-defined lips. “There is no such thing. When the time comes, I will settle for someone. If I choose so, I will shape him up into becoming this ideal you are talking about.”

Hans shook his head. “That is not how it works, Klaus.”

“I’ve never thought you would be the romantic type, my friend,” Klaus laughed.

“Me neither. It must be the wine talking,” Hans took another sip from his glass. “Well, I will let you play and go looking for Agnes.”

“I’d like to accompany you,” Klaus rose from his chair.

“There is no need. I will just ask Agnes for directions,” Hans refused. “Good night, Klaus, and I mean it,” he added with a small smile.

For a couple of minutes, Klaus remained unmoving, staring over the perfect landscape, without actually seeing anything.


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