Coming to Terms

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The following story is about a man coming to terms with his sexual orientation as well as his feelings for his best friend, be warned though, there is no sex in this chapter, but may occur in the next one. Characters are 18+, and any similarity to other characters or people are coincidental and not intended. Please feel free to leave any questions, comments, or concerns, as they will be greatly appreciated.


Oliver pulled into the parking lot of his old stomping ground, Woodbridge High School, looked in the mirror to check his hair one last time, then stepped out of the car and walked towards the school.

It had been 10 years since Oliver graduated high school, but it felt like it was just yesterday that he was that cocky football player thinking he was the best thing around. Yet, it also seemed like forever since he crossed the iconic wood bridge to get to the campus, which had given him time to humble up a bit, realizing that he wasn’t nearly as perfect as he had once thought.

“Oliver Lovelace, is that you?!” Oliver must have heard that about a dozen times in the first 10 minutes of the reunion.

Oliver was aware that he was a good looking guy. 5’11, athletic frame from working out, styled chestnut brown hair, icy blue eyes, and a killer smile. He just kind of felt that ALL he was was a good looking guy. No one asked him what he got his degree in, no one asked about his job, they just regarded him as the handsome jock, which got old about 20 minutes into the reunion.

It was weird to be in the gymnasium, decorated in a simple manner. The last time Oliver had been in that room, he was crowned prom king. Now, everyone was older and moving on in their lives.

Oliver was listening to one of the other guys on the football team tell the story about how Oliver won the big game, when Oliver looked at who just entered the crowded gymnasium, and got VERY mixed feelings.

Oliver considered hiding, until he knew it was too late. “Oliver Lovelace, it’s been awhile.” Said the very recognizable voice of Noah Larson.

Noah was Oliver’s best friend since first grade, ever since Noah had pushed down the second grader who was picking on Oliver, and the two became almost inseparable.

Things got a little shaky in high school for them though. While Oliver was killing it on the football field, Noah had his own things going on. He had Sakarya Escort an accident that left him paralyzed and in a wheelchair.

The wheelchair never bothered Oliver, he had gotten into a couple fights defending Noah from kids teasing him. They just sort of began to drift apart, he would hang with the other smart guys, while Oliver chill with the jocks. The thing that made things too complicated was the fact that Noah told Oliver that he was gay and had feelings for Oliver.

Oliver didn’t care that Noah was gay, hell, he have a couple gay friends, that wasn’t what made Oliver nervous. He just couldn’t love Noah back in that way.

Oliver knew he could pretend it didn’t change things, but he knew that he’d just be leading Noah on, which would have been worse. It was hard, but Oliver had cut Noah out of his life. Looking at him now, Oliver quickly regretted it.

Noah was probably 5’7, he had a thin, but fit frame, and dressed very well in a sportcoat, button down shirt, and dark jeans. His green eyes were hidden behind his thick black glasses, which made him look smart. His sandy brown hair, which used to be parted to the side, was now short and trimmed, as was his matching beard.

“Hey man, what’s it been, 10 years?” Oliver joked as he gave Noah a small hug.

“Yeah, 10 years seems about right, this being our 10 year reunion.” Noah teased. “So, fill me in on what you’ve been up to lately.”

Noah and Oliver made their way to the bar. Oliver ordered his usual beer, and was surprised when Noah only asked for a water. They sat at one of the tables away from everyone else.

“What’s with the water man, you pregnant?” Oliver joked as he sipped his beer.

“No, but not from a lack of trying.” Noah winked, then quickly blushed. “No, I just don’t drink.”

Oliver didn’t know what it was, his charm, his sexual remark, or just the fact that he looked so good, but Oliver couldn’t help feeling awkward around Noah.

“So, how’s life been going man?” Noah asked.

“Good, I graduated from UCLA, barely, got my degree in teaching, and now I am working as a high school PE teacher.” Oliver summed up.

“That’s great, I always guessed you would have done something with sports.” Noah said as he listened to Oliver talk.

“How about you, what have you been up to?” Oliver asked.

As Noah was telling Adapazarı Escort Oliver about getting his MD and starting a small practice with a couple of former classmates, Oliver couldn’t help but think about if Noah was single or not. His mind wandered, wondering what sex with a guy, specifically Noah, would be like. Oliver could feel his cock stir in his slacks.

Oliver had tried anal with a couple girls, and enjoyed it, but found that girls weren’t into it as much. He wondered if it was better if the other person enjoyed it too.

“Is it hard?” Noah asked, making Oliver panic a little, until Noah continued. “Are you daydreaming Oliver? I was asking if teaching is hard.”

Oliver could feel himself blushing a little as he explained what teaching is like, all the while wondering if anyone could notice his now raging erection. Luckily he was sitting, letting the table hide his boner.

“Are you seeing anyone?” Oliver finally asked, hoping that if Noah were taken, Oliver’s feelings would die down.

“I was, up until a couple months ago, but he got too clingy with me.” Noah started to explain. “Sure I want to settle down one day, but there was no spark between us. I want passion for a change.”

Oliver felt the front of his boxers get wet from the precum leaking from his cock. He imagined taking Noah right then and there and showing him passion, but knew he couldn’t.

“Sorry, I tend to say too much.” Noah apologized. “So, you seeing anyone special?”

“Yeah, I’m looking at him right now!” Oliver thought, but answered with a simple “No.”

Noah and Oliver continued to make small talk, telling stories about college, work, and funny stories about themselves from years ago. No matter what they talked about though, Oliver couldn’t get his mind off of Noah. His cock was like an iron rod, leaking precum into his slacks. His cock was pointing straight out, Oliver knew he needed to fix it before anyone noticed.

“I’ll be right back, need to take a piss.” Oliver said as he stood, quickly putting his hands into his pockets to conceal his erection.

He thought he was in the clear until Noah said “Hold on, I need to go too.”

Oliver carefully walked a step behind Noah, since Noah would be at eye level with his pitched tent. They entered the bathroom and Oliver went to the urinal, while Noah headed to the stall. Serdivan Escort

Oliver remembered the day he had last seen Noah, graduation day. Noah had confessed his love for him, and Oliver just threw it away. Looking at Noah know, he wondered what would have happened if Oliver had decided to be honest, not only with Noah, but with himself.

Oliver didn’t know what made him do it, but he walked up to Noah and kissed him deeply. His tongue began to explore Noah’s mouth, his hands grabbing Noah’s shoulders, pulling him in deeply.

Oliver thought it was an amazing kiss, and he hoped Noah thought the same. When the kiss ended, Oliver was surprised by the look on Noah’s face, one he had not been expecting.

“Get away from me!” Noah yelled as he pushed Oliver away. His face was a mix of anger and sadness.

“I thought.” Oliver tried to explain, until Noah interrupted.

“No, you didn’t think.” Noah said. “I like you a lot Oliver, more than you can imagine, but that doesn’t mean that I want you like this, some cheap hook up in the bathroom, I know I’m worth more than that.”

Oliver wanted to stop Noah from leaving, but he was too confused to chase after him. Oliver knew how he felt, he always had, but he could never act on it, no school wanted a gay quarterback on their team when he went to college, but he wasn’t sure what his reason for denial was now. He also knew that Noah did deserve better, way better, and Oliver wouldn’t be able to make Noah happy unless Oliver faced the truth, he was gay.

Oliver quickly left the reunion, making an excuse that he felt ill. He was too emotional to pretend to be fine, so he began to drive home, the whole time thinking on whether if he should pursue Alex, or let him live a happy life with a normal man.

“I’m gay.” Oliver practiced over and over again in the mirror when he got home.

It felt weird to say, it felt so freeing, but at the same time, so false. He knew he had feelings for Noah, but not for other guys. It felt too overwhelming to comprehend at the moment, so he practiced something else.

“I’m in love with Noah Larson.” Oliver said, surprised at how natural it felt coming from him.

Oliver was asleep by 11 that night, his mind finally able to relax from thinking about what to do. He didn’t expect the day to be so sobering, he expected to talk with old friends and have a couple beers, not make a move on his old best friend in the men’s restroom.

One thing was for certain though, Oliver knew that if he let Noah go again, it would be a big mistake. Tomorrow, Oliver planned, tomorrow he would try to decide on his next move.

To be continued…

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