The Mending of Broken Hearts

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Author’s Note: This story is an original work of fiction. Future stories starring some or all of these characters might also be forthcoming based upon response and demand. Certain characters featured herein may also be found in other works by the authors. Feedback is desired and greatly appreciated. Email comments to [email protected]. Thank you for reading.

Copyright 2009 by Jack and Josephine Cutter.

This story stars: Andrea Tinsley, Mike Gregory, Hayden Cross and Peter McFadden.

This story contains: male-female erotic coupling, fellatio, cunnilingus, mild exhibitionism, anal sex, mild analingus, dirty casual anonymous sex, cheating, costumes, drinking, seeds for future stories, and a rowdy Halloween party.

This story begins on Thursday, September 8th.

* * * * *

It was a busy night at the Café Montenegro.

Eduardo Moreno could not remember the last time an ordinary Thursday had been so busy, which was truly saying something: the man had been managing the establishment for nearly twenty years. There was a large private function in the secluded upstairs banquet room and three separate celebrity parties in the curtained booths in the back, not to mention a heavy flow of regular restaurant patrons and casual first-time diners. At this point, getting a table required either a reservation or some other special kind of relevance.

Which meant the quartet of individuals standing in the dimly-lit restaurant antechamber would certainly be seated, and swiftly, for while they did not have a reservation, they fell into the latter of those two categories: beautiful equaled exhilarating, and exhilarating was considered a very special kind of relevance by Maître d’ Moreno. He loved to position the young and attractive at prominent tables inside the dining room (giving the restaurant a vibrant kind of “it” factor feeling) and one of the prime spots had just opened up.

And the four of them were very attractive, indeed: two women and two men, the former somewhat similar in appearance, the latter of whom could not have been more different.

There was a blonde woman, tall and willowy and thin with a face so classically gorgeous that Eduardo would have staked an entire night’s pay on the educated guess that she was a model, and also bright baby blue eyes that caught the attention of all who would look upon them and not let go. She was, in a word, breathtaking.

The second woman was also blonde, but where the first was golden with shoulder-length waves that curled out into tips at the ends, the second was strawberry with smooth hair down to the shoulder blades and layered bangs swept across her forehead. She was tall, too, though not as tall as her friend, and also well-proportioned, though her shapely figure was not the soft kind, but rather of lithe variety. Simply stated, the girl had a killer body, athletic with excellent curves, not to mention a beautiful face. Her eyes were the most amazing shade of lightest green.

The women were spectacular, but the men were not too shabby themselves. The first was rather tall, maybe six foot two, with a lean though muscular frame that looked very athletic, straight brown hair that curled naturally at the ends and deep gray eyes. He was clean-shaven and inexplicably handsome. The second was blonde-haired and blue-eyed, a little shorter and equally good-looking, with a thin layer of stubble on his face that spoke of choice rather than inattentiveness. His body also appeared to be in excellent shape.

It was the kind of quartet that people liked to look upon as they dined, the kind of group Eduardo looked to place in the so-called high-profile hot spots on a nightly basis.

Eduardo approached the group, chatting amiably in the entryway. “Ladies and gentlemen,” he said in a voice laced with the barest hint of his homeland, “if you would please follow me.”

He led them through the main dining room, taking the long way to allow those eating to watch the procession and appreciate the beauty of the group, before seating the four at a table located dead-center the largest sidewalk-side window in the restaurant, a table known by the staff as the voyeur seats, as anyone passing by outside could easily see the occupants.

And once they were seated, Eduardo left them and returned to the desk of the hosts, happy that such beautiful people were so well-situated, knowing the free buzz they would generate would be more than worth the complimentary bottle of wine he would send them later.

Part One: Better Days

Mike Gregory and Peter McFadden had been friends for over a year. While not the best of friends nor the oldest, they shared many common interests and enjoyed keeping company. Much of their mutual likes involved sports, whether competing themselves in pick-up games (they met, in fact, playing basketball at a local gym) or watching or attending professional athletic events.

Mike had been the one to introduce Peter to his girlfriend of ten months, Andrea Tinsley. Andrea was the girl’s Kurtköy Escort soccer coach at a private high school in West Los Angeles, the same school at which Mike coached the boys soccer team (he was a walk-on coach, which meant he did not also have a teaching position with the school; he was a free-lance writer by trade). Mike had known Andrea for several years and liked her and respected her a great deal, and therefore suggested she go out with Peter, which she did, and the two hit it off. Mike thought Andrea was a beautiful and fun-loving young woman with passion and humor to spare, and Peter was very lucky to have her.

Not that Mike was complaining: his own girlfriend was also blisteringly hot and very vivacious. Hayden Cross was thirty years old, looked twenty-four and acted eighteen, which meant that with blonde hair and blue eyes that defined the word smolder, more often than not she got what she wanted. She and Mike had been dating for as long as Mike had known Peter, as Mike had met Hayden and Peter only days apart.

The two couples, Mike and Hayden, Peter and Andrea, often spent time together on double dates doing this or that and had even gone so far as to take a couple of small trips together. It was especially fun for Mike to know that he was the catalyst for the whole thing: Peter and Hayden and Andrea all met each other the same night, the night Peter and Andrea went on their first date. It was a blind date and Andrea had nervously asked Mike to come along with Hayden, whom neither she nor Peter had met, to make it a double date and break the ice.

And here they were ten months later, the two couples still going strong and still very friendly. Hayden and Andrea, both blonde and both beautiful, were dressed to the nines for their evening out, which would include a trip to the theater, which Andrea loved.

There had been a period of silence as the four enjoyed their food after it arrived: the cuisine at Café Montenegro, where they were eating, was fantastic and a rare kind of treat as it was expensive and very difficult to get into without a reservation, or so Mike had heard, although it had seemed relatively easy on this particular night.

Silence rarely lasted long, however, when the four of them were together.

“Are you guys excited for the start of the season?” Peter asked after a while.

Andrea bounced eagerly in her chair. “You have no idea!” she exclaimed. “I’m so excited I can hardly stand it! Eight months is sooooo long!”

It was September and the schools were already back in session from the summer break, which meant that fall training for winter sports like soccer would begin shortly to prepare for the season some six weeks away.

Hayden rolled her eyes. “Exciting, yes,” she said glumly. “It means we get to hear about soccer, soccer and more soccer for four months.”

Mike laughed. “We’ll try and stick to topics everyone is happy with, ok, babe?”

Hayden grinned and leaned in for a quick kiss. “You’d better,” she threatened playfully, “or no more sex for you.”

His girlfriend had never been one to shy away from sexual topics or statements and was brazenly open about such things, but while he himself did not care and Peter never seemed to mind, Mike knew the ears of Andrea Tinsley were more innocent than most. Mike knew very well that she was uncomfortable speaking openly about sex.

Andrea blushed and tried to change the subject, which had probably been Hayden’s intention in the first place. The woman was a master manipulator and loved to push people’s buttons, which sometimes frightened Mike but more often than not excited him, too.

“You know, the four of us haven’t been hanging out as much lately,” Andrea noted.

Mike frowned. “Yeah, what gives?”

Peter threw his hands out innocently. “Don’t blame me. I’m not the one who’s been busy. Blame it on summer.”

Mike nodded. “Summer does get a little crazy,” he said. “August was a complete blur.”

“I’ve been traveling a decent amount for work,” Hayden told them. She was a mega-successful real estate agent (blonde hair, blue eyes and big tits meant a sale every time, or so Hayden herself always said), but she also did a fair amount of free-lance modeling work on the side.

“Me, too, actually,” Peter admitted. He was an actor with several significant national commercial campaigns to his name, the kind of guy people recognize but don’t know where they know him from. “I never really take into consideration how much time I spend away from the city.”

Andrea said ardently, “We need to spend more time together. I always have so much fun with you guys. Mike, our friendship goes way back and you’re responsible in large part for Peter and I being together, and for my friendship with Hayden. We need to make sure we find time for each other. It’s so nice and so rare to have such friends.”

Hayden was smiling that girlish kind of smile that says an emotional round of hugging is about to follow, which it did. Hayden murmured Maltepe Escort softly and leaned forward and the two girls enjoyed a touching embrace.

“This is getting way too serious for me,” Peter said as he rolled his eyes. He was not the most affectionate of men, to be honest.

Mike said soberly, “We can hug later, big guy.”

The girls giggled.

“Seriously, though,” Mike said as he raised his glass, “Andi’s right. We do have something special here and it’s nice to recognize it. A toast to good friends.”

“To us,” Peter agreed in a voice more serious than most were likely to get.

“To us,” Andrea added, her beautiful face split by a wide and dazzling smile.

“To us,” Hayden said softly, her blue eyes bright.

“To us,” Mike finished with a sigh.

And the four friends sipped their drinks and enjoyed their good friendships and good company, and the dinner progressed with more merriment and laughter, and its end proved only the end of the beginning of the night.

* * *

The condo was dark as the two of them staggered inside. Mike was significantly cocktailed, one note shy of hammered . . . the latter of which happened to be the category his girlfriend fell into at the moment. Thank the sweet heavens, he thought, that they had had the wisdom to call for a cab to take them home. Hayden could hardly walk straight.

Mike stumbled into his favorite chair in the main room, a leather recliner that was more comfortable than his bed (or at least he sometimes thought, particularly when booze was involved). He felt his body melt into the cushions, molding to them, becoming one with them. It was going to be difficult, he knew, for him to move anytime soon.

He watched the light in the hallway go on as Hayden lurched back towards the master bedroom. She was only gone what seemed like a moment before she appeared again in the hallway, looking out into the darkness at him, only now there was something significantly different about her: she wore only a pair of thin white panties.

Mike’s jaw nearly hit the floor as he took in the sight of his girlfriend’s bare breasts; no matter how many times he saw them, they never failed to affect him. She was a heavenly creature, tall and willowy with a sensual frame highlighted by the exquisite creations currently on view. They were pear-shaped and perfect, augmented but done in a very respectable and cutting-edge way: they retained much of their natural feel and looked fantastic. Her stomach was flat and her hips flared out just enough, and led into long legs defined by hours and hours spent in the gym. She was gorgeous, she knew it, and everyone who came across her knew it, too, and Mike most of all. Nabbing her was one of his greatest accomplishments.

“Like my tits, sweetie?” she cooed.

Mike nodded dumbly. They were wonderful, swollen lobes (post-surgery 34D) and rose from her chest with perfect perkiness. Her nipples were dime-sized spots of shriveled burgundy.

“I have more on my mind than just you staring, baby,” she told him, and the grin on her face was lascivious. She moved towards him, swaying slightly on her feet from the effects of the alcohol, her round breasts bouncing and jiggling freely before his stupefied gaze. “But I’m doing it in the dark. Show’s over.”

And before he had time to comprehend what she was saying, she flipped the light switch and the room was plunged into black once more. Mike wondered what exactly she had planned, only to be startled moments later by soft hands at his legs. His eyes opened wide and tried to see what was going on, but the sheer darkness did not allow him to see at all.

He started to speak . . . and then he heard her voice.

“Quiet!” Hayden commanded. Her hand slipped through the slit in his boxer shorts and fumbled around for the treasure inside. “It’s time for you to collect your reward.”

And in that moment three things dawned on Mike: first, that Hayden was still quite drunk; second, that she seemed horny and ready for a little action; and third, that she intended for everything to happen in the dark, which meant that he would not be able to look upon her gorgeous body, but then again, honestly, who was he to complain.

And then a fourth thing dawned on him, right about the time Hayden’s gentle and knowing fingers curled around his hard cock: he was the puppet and she was the master and he would follow her willingly and completely, and whatever she had in store for him looked to be very pleasurable, indeed.

“So big,” Hayden purred.

Mike was bigger than average and quite happy with his size. He shuddered as his girlfriend pulled his cock out of its confinement and shuddered again an instant later when he felt the heat of her breath tickling his skin.

And then the incredible happened: Hayden’s soft pink tongue, sadly unseen in the pitch black of the room, flicked around the bottom side of Mike’s shaft like a hummingbird at the feeder. It was rare for her to give blowjobs (she preferred Tuzla Escort to receive) and he relished every opportunity. He wondered briefly just what had caused this excellent situation, but then her mouth on his loins drew his thoughts away.

Mike groaned, and Hayden responded by planting a wet kiss right on the engorged head. He very nearly came right there; these were moments he fantasized about all the time. The only problem was that he could not see her sucking his cock.

But he could certainly feel it.

Hayden’s fingertips caressed the length of him even as her tongue continued to tease, and it was obvious she was very enthusiastic about this particular session, which was again peculiar, but again pushed quickly from Mike’s mind.

He was determined to enjoy himself to the fullest. He dropped his hands to the sides of Hayden’s head and grabbed a good handful of her silken blonde hair, and guided his hips forward toward where he guessed her mouth was.

Hayden was drunk, yes, and also a little anti-blowjob, but she easily took the hint and allowed what was happening to happen. Mike’s cock slipped easily into her warm and suddenly willing mouth and instantly began to suckle him. Her tongue flittered over his shaft in a swirling motion as her luscious lips wrapped around the head.

Mike was in absolute heaven. Inch after fantastic inch pushed its way into her lovely mouth as Hayden worked farther and farther down the length of his shaft. Despite not liking to do it much, the woman certainly knew how to handle a cock.

Mike loved the slurping and sucking sounds she made as her tongue and lips slid up and down his shaft, and without the luxury of visuals in the darkness of the room, the soft sound of Hayden whimpering and cooing and moaning was hotter than he had ever thought it could be.

And then, astonishingly, Hayden went for the bottom; he felt her lips almost complete the journey to the base of his shaft, which he kept very neatly trimmed. She did not make it all the way there, however: she gagged and had to pull back just a bit.

As stated, Mike was by no means the longest man on the block, but his cock was nothing to cry about and no woman had ever accomplished the feat of deep-throating him. But Mike was very grateful for the attempt and would work that much harder when he had opportunity to return the favor, which was something he very much loved to do.

Hayden recovered and suckled him harder around the head, and bobbed her mouth up and down on his cock as her tongue swirled and flicked wildly across the thick veins upon it.

Every now and again she would stop and lavish a few delicate kisses on the mushroomed head, varying the type of pleasure. Her tongue licked a slimy, languorous trail from the base of his shaft to the tip and Mike lay rigid, hardly thinking, hardly breathing. Her pink tongue lashed out and flicked the tip of his engorged penis.

“Ahhhh,” he sighed as she engulfed his member once again, and this time there was a different kind of intensity. It felt like a vacuum had swallowed his cock.

Mike’s head fell back and he growled loudly as waves and waves of pleasure coursed through his body from the exquisite pleasure the sultry hot woman was bestowing upon him, and he could feel himself starting to lose control. Then her tongue lashed out again and swirled the head of his cock, while at the same time one of her hands tickled its nails over the wrinkled skin of his scrotum, and that was the end of him.

He cringed as white-hot liquid exploded from his swollen penis in thick, ropy waves. Hayden knew it was coming and angled his shaft away from her, letting the pearly juice erupt from the tip to land harmlessly somewhere off to the right. He came, and kept coming for well near ten seconds as the beautiful blonde sat frozen and still unseen before him, milking his cock with gentle strokes until he was spent. And when the barrage ended, Mike’s body melted further into the leather of the chair, drained completely.

“Mmmm,” Hayden sighed. He heard rustling as she rose to her feet, standing over him, and she said in a soft voice, “My present to you, baby. No reciprocation needed.”

“Thanks, love,” he said with an unseen smile. “Why all the attention?”

“I just wanted to let you know how much I love you, that’s all,” she told him, and now she was father away.

The light in the hallway flickered on and he saw her standing there again, only this time he had a wonderful view of the sleek track of her spine and her taut little ass covered in tiny silk panties. It was incredibly sexy.

“Come to bed, baby,” she said with a soft smile thrown over her shoulder.

Mike was ready to do just that. He rose from the leather chair, his cock drained and deflating, and followed his beautiful girlfriend into the bedroom.

* * *

The routine of Andrea Tinsley on school mornings was simple: roll out of bed and into the shower at seven, yogurt and a banana as she scanned the newspaper at seven-thirty, out the door by seven-forty-five, a stop at Coffee Bean on her way in and arrival at the school just after eight o’clock. It was a routine perfected over three years working at West Mountain, a prestigious private high school in West Los Angeles.

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The Masseuse , The Landlord

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This story line was given to me by an unknown reader. He/she contacted me and asked if I’d write it. Well, here it is, I hope that you enjoy it

Connie was hanging around her kitchen, awaiting her first costumer of the day. She’s a masseuse, licensed by the state to conduct her own massage parlor. Only problem here was the fact that she was working out of her apartment, which was against the complex’s rules. So far she hasn’t been caught, she tries hard to screen her appointments.

Connie is forty years old, long blond hair, combed straight down her back to her waist. Her face has a lot of wrinkles, from the worry of where the next dollar is going to come from. Her breasts are not overly large, but they are firm, round and her best feature. Her waist is getting larger as the years go by and her legs are long and still in pretty good shape.

Connie tries hard to keep herself looking good, because her ad is for Erotic Massages. She has had a few customers leave in the middle of a massage, because they were unsatisfied with her. Connie was giving some serious thought to calling it quits and finding a real job to make ends meet.

As Connie sat, sipping her coffee, she hear a knock on the door. Getting up to answer it, she turned the knob and started to open it. Suddenly the door was shoved open, and Connie’s landlord was pushing his way into her apartment. Connie fell back into the kitchen, grabbing the kitchen table for stability.

“What in the hell do you think your doing,” she yelled.

The landlord, Jim Thompson was about six foot three, 360 pounds, balding, and had the stump of a cigar in his mouth. His beer gut hung from under his shirt and over his belt, and he smelled of bad breath and beer.

“Well Miss Connie,” Jim said, “I’m your next customer”.

Connie was really taken aback at this. True she didn’t know who her next customer was, but she never in her life thought it would be him.

Jim said, “I’ve seen the ad you run for Erotic Massages, and you know I can have you evicted if you don’t do what I tell you”.

“I know what you can do Mr. Thompson, and I’m sure we can come to some mutual agreement,” Connie said.

“Oh we’re going to agree, that’s a fact, because if we don’t, you’ll be in jail this afternoon,” Jim said.

“Okay, okay, let’s get this over with,” Connie said.

“Connie, first off, you are not the one that is going to give me a massage, I want your daughter to do that,” Jim said.

“She not licensed for that,” Connie said.

“Don’t give a dam if she’s licensed or not, either she does it, or I call the cops,” Jim said.

Connie fell to the chair and wanted to throw her coffee cup at that ugly bastard, but she had no choice, she had to follow through.

“Okay, I’ll talk to her, but your going to go home and take a bath and look half way presentable when you come back,” Connie said.

Jim turned to leave and just laughed at Connie. “I’ll be back in a hour, you better be ready for me,” he said. He opened the door and slammed it behind him as he left.

Connie went to Betty’s room and knocked as she entered.

“I need to talk to you sweetheart, I’m in a bit of a bind and I need your help,” Connie said.

Betty was twenty two years old, stood five three, slim build, bright red hair, cut short, green eyes. She weighed just under one hundred pounds. Her breasts were small, but looked perfect on her. Her butt was her best asset, as it pouted out as if yearning to be touched. Her legs were thin, but nice.

Connie went on to explain what the landlord wanted and if he didn’t get his way, she’d end up in jail.

“Your not going to jail mom, I’ll do it for you, but you need to show me what to do,” Betty said.

Connie took Betty into the spare room and showed her the different creams and oils and told her what to use them for, and gave her a small demonstration on what to do.

“Okay Mom, I think I got it, but I’ll have to change and be ready for him when he gets here”. “I also want you to stay in your room while he’s here, no matter what you hear, okay”?, she asked.

“Alright, but you do know I don’t like this,” Connie said. She then went into her room and closed the doors.

Betty also went to her room, she removed the clothes she had on and took a quick shower. Coming back into her room, she opened a drawer and brought out a peach color pair of thong panties. Slipping them up her legs, they felt so good. The silk like fabric always made her feel special. Whenever she wanted to masturbate, she’d wear these panties. She then found the matching bra and placed it over her small breasts, clasping it closed in the front. Looking in the mirror, she liked what she saw and went to her closet to get a light robe, to cover herself. She then went to the kitchen to await the landlord.

Betty did not have to wait long, when she answered the knock on the door. Opening the door she let Jim in to the apartment. He had cleaned up, but to her eyes he was still a fat, ugly, beer guzzling, son of a bitch Bostancı Escort to her. She showed him back to the massage room, told him to undress and get on the table and she’d be right back.

When Betty went back in the room, Jim was lying on the massage table, with a large towel over his large butt. Betty went to the table with the creams and took a tube with her to start on Jim.

“Hey”!, Jim said, “Your suppose to be giving me an erotic massage, loose the robe”.

Betty took off the robe while standing in front of Jim’s face. She was just inches from him, as his eyes roamed over her body. He had watched her walk by his office so many times, wondering what she’d look like undressed. So many thoughts had run through his mind that it drove him to the point where he was forcing the issue.

His eyes danced over her small pert breasts, wishing that she didn’t have to wear that bra. He then let his eyes travel down to her panties and was almost going to make her remove them, along with the bra. He thought about doing that, but hoped that as the massage went on, she might be more willing.

When Betty removed her robe, she knew the effect it would have on him. She had heard his lewd comments every time she had walked by him. Betty stood there and let him eyeball her and she hoped that he would calm down so she could get this over with.

Moving to his right side, Betty put some cream on her hands and started to work Jim’s neck and shoulder muscles. Her hands were like silk on his body, as he closed his eyes and made believe that she was naked while giving the massage. His neck muscle started to relax, as her fingers worked.

Jim was so large, in order to reach his neck properly, she had to lean her chest into his side. With all the movements she was making, her nipples started to stiffen. Betty always knew her nipples were her downfall, once they got hard, it wasn’t going to be long before her pussy started to get wet. If that happened, she’d want to have a hard cock nearby, and she really didn’t want to fuck this fat bastard.

As Betty kneaded Jim’s shoulder, she was able to back away from him and not have her nipples rubbing against his body. Betty continued working his side, back and lower back, thinking that this wasn’t going to be to bad.

Betty moved over to his other side and again worked his neck and shoulder. Her nipples were once again getting hard. As much as she tried to ignore it, she couldn’t. The more she moved, the more her bra caressed her nipples and kept her hard.

As she went down his side and back to his lower back, her pussy started to get wet. Betty’s mind was starting to wonder what size cock Jim had. Was it small, large, short, long? As her mind wandered, she worked on both his legs. She then told him to roll over on his back, and she’d massage his front side. As he moved, she was standing by his feet and got a good look at Jim’s cock.

It wasn’t big, but it was fat, like him. His nut sack was very large, her lips were wetted by her tongue as he moved. Betty’s pussy was now drenched, she could feel the fluid dribble down her leg. God she needed a good stiff fuck.

Betty worked on Jim’s legs from the feet up. When she reached his fat thighs, she kneaded the flesh, like she knew what she was doing. The back of her hand had touched his cock and his nut sack as she worked her hands under the towel he wore.

The more Betty had her hands on his inner thighs, the more Jim’s cock grew. It wasn’t long before his cock was very hard and pushing the towel up from his body.

Betty eyed the lifting towel and said to Jim, “This is going to be your one and only massage, if you ever try to threaten my mother or me again, I’ll tell the police that you forced me to have sex with you”. So what happens from here on, is never going to happen again”.

Jim agreed with Betty saying, “I only wanted to see you, nothing else”.

Betty then reached up and took hold of the towel and slowly slid it off of Jim. When his hard cock was in sight, she just looked at it. It was about six inches in length, but thick, real thick. The head was circumcised, and purplish in color. The pee hole was also large, almost three-eights of an inch around. His nut sack was holding two large nuts.

Betty placed her hand around his shaft and Jim inhaled sharply. Betty then started to masturbate this hard cock in her hand. Betty shoved her free hand into her panties and felt her moist pussy at her fingertips.

Jim was loving the fact that Betty was jacking him off, but what he liked more was the fact that she was also finger fucking herself right next to him. He watched in amazement as her hand moved up and down in her panties.

Betty wanted more than this, so she leaned over Jim’s legs and placed his cock to her lips. His large cockhead was a lot to put in her mouth, but she managed to do it. Her tongue licked over his pee hole and took in his precum, which wasn’t as bad as she had thought it would be.

She lowered her head further and Anadolu Yakası Escort took in more of his cock into her mouth. Her other hand was furiously working in and out of her pussy. She wanted to cum and cum hard. As gross looking as this man was, she just couldn’t help herself.

Jim watched as her lips took his cock deeper into her mouth. The more she took, the harder it was for him to believe that this was happening. He was going to push the issue a little further. Jim reached out and unclasped Betty’s bra. It fell open and her small breasts came into full view. His hand reached again and encompassed her breast and felt her hard nipple in his palm.

Jim tweaked her nipple with his thumb and forefinger and Betty took in a sharp breath. Her breasts were very sensitive and each time he pulled on her nipple, she came closer to having a climax.

Betty shoved her panties down her legs and onto the floor. Now he could see all of her and she didn’t care, she wanted to cum and didn’t care who got her to that point.

Jim watched as her panties hit the floor, then his eyes took in the most beautiful pussy he had ever seen. She had shaven the majority of her bush, and just left a small patch at the top. He could see how small she was, so he sat up a little and reached around her and brought her body up off the floor and over his.

Her legs landed alongside of his head and her pussy was right in his face. He licked up her juices that were flowing down her legs and then worked his mouth to her pussy lips. Jim lapped up her outer lips and took in her wonderful aroma. He inserted his tongue between her lips and sucked in her juices.

Betty was surprised as to how easy he had picked her up and the fact that she never let loose of his cock from her mouth. She moved her hips over Jim’s face and shoved her cunt harder onto him, as she engulfed all of his cock into her mouth.

His cock reached her throat and she almost gagged, but was able to hold it back. Her hands were now rolling his balls and one hand was working it’s way to his ass. There was a lot of flesh to get by, but she managed. When her finger entered his anal passage, Jim gulped.

Betty drove her middle finger as deep as she could in his asshole, she didn’t care if hurt, or if he did this every day. Her mouth continued sliding up and down his shaft, as her hand rolled his nuts. She knew she had to fuck him in order to finally cum, so she pulled her body up from his face and her mouth from his thick cock.

Turning around over his fat belly, she brought her pussy over his cock and lowered herself onto him. His fat cockhead was pressing at her pussy lips, so she pushed a little harder and it went in.

“Oh God, what a fat cock,” she grunted.

Her pussy was juiced up enough to allow her to lower herself and take in all of his cock. Little by little it went in. Betty was just about ready to cum, his cock was so thick. He brought his hands up to her little tits and when he did this, Betty felt herself starting to climax.

“Maul my tits, hard, I want to cum, going to cum,” she said.

Jim did as he was asked and just about mashed her breast to her chest, as her pussy worked up and down his hard thick cock.


Her body let loose a torrent of fluid as it racked in orgasm. Her eyes closed, her hips moved faster and she almost passed out from cuming so hard. As she slowly returned to reality, she continued to pump her hips on his fat cock. She wanted his cream in her, she wanted to cum just like that again.

Jim watched Betty as her body had shook as she climaxed. He held her up as she almost fell on top of him. Her pussy was so tight on his cock, he knew he was just about ready to shoot his load into her. Unsure if she’d allow him to spunk in her, he just kept thrusting his hips up to meet her pussy.

He had not had a woman in a long time. He got himself off just watching fuck flicks and knew that no woman in their right mind wanted to fuck a man as fat as him. Right now his cock was stroking one of the prettiest girls he had ever know, and he wasn’t going to stop.

Jim felt his cum all the way in his scrotum as it worked up his shaft and shot into her pussy. “God that felt so good,” he thought, as his cock shot spurt after spurt of cum into her.

Betty felt his rod stiffen even more, just before he climaxed, so she tightened her pussy muscles and worked his cum from his cock. When the first shot hit her cervix, she started to cum again. Both of them felt their bodies rack as the climax hit them.

Betty felt each spurt of his cum as it shot from his cock, and each shot made her cum harder. Her pussy pounded his cock, wanting all he had to give her. Jim wanted to shove himself harder, but he was doing all that he could, as his cock started to soften.

Betty felt him getting smaller, as she slowed the tempo down. She was still a little irate ate herself for allowing this fat bastard to get Pendik Escort to her this way. She had not planned on anything like this, but she was thinking fast, wanting to make him pay.

As his cock deflated and fell from her wet cunt, Jim watched as Betty stood up on the bed and turned her back towards his face. Betty bent over, placing her hands on her knees and began to piss all over Jim’s belly and face.

Her stream hit him unexpectedly, it was warm and coming fast, he didn’t move. His cock was starting to get hard. He watched this in movies and never thought it would happen to him. He liked the feel of the warm fluid spraying from her freshly fucked pussy hit him.

Betty was surprised at herself, as her body emitted her urine. She had never done this and had never thought of doing it until just now. She had hoped it would make him mad, but it was having the opposite effect on him. As she was bent over peeing, she watched as his cock started to get bigger. Jim spread her urine over his fat belly and watched her pussy as it released more and more piss. It seemed as if she would never stop pissing. His cock was now rock hard once again.

Betty watched as his cock hardened, and she continued to piss on Jim. Her pussy was wanting that hard cock inside of her again. With her back to him, she lowered her pissing pussy and sprayed his cock. When she stopped pissing, she placed her cunt over his cock and slid it inside her pussy.

His cock slid right in her and she once again hated herself for wanting that cock in her pussy, but she needed it. She lowered herself until he felt his scrotum on her thighs. Up and down her hips went, as his cock felt so good in her pussy.

Jim could not believe that she was fucking him again. He watched as her ass bobbed up and down on his cock. He held her ass cheeks as she fucked him, feeling those orbs in his hands, as she worked her pussy on him.

Jim held those globes in his hands when he decided to find out what her asshole was like. Moving one hand to the puddle of urine on the table, he drenched his middle finger and brought it to her anal passage.

With a slight move his finger slowly entered her ass hole. Betty gave no sign of wanting him to stop, so he shoved his finger in up to the first knuckle.

Betty felt his finger at her ass and was going to say something, but she quickly changed her mind and allowed him to enter that sacred area. When his finger slid in she felt her pussy walls tighten on his fat cock. She continued pumping her pussy on his shaft.

“Fuck my ass, stick it in all the way,” she said looking at him.

Jim wanted to please her, so his finger was pushed in all the way. He felt his cock fucking her pussy through the membrane. His finger followed her motion and it preceded to plunge in and out of her ass.

Betty was so close to having her climax, as she watched that hard fat cock run in and out of her soaking cunt. She was dripping more juice in his lap as she felt his finger sliding up her ass. The combination for her was something she had never felt before, and she liked it. She liked it a lot.

“Gonna cum again, gonna cum all over that fat hard cock of yours,” she managed to say.

“Go ahead and cum, let me feel you spill your juices all over my prick,” Jim said.

“Oh yes, yes, I’m close, fuck my ass,” Betty screamed.

As her orgasm got closer, Betty grabbed her tits and squeezed them, as her ass was being pummeled by his finger and her pussy by his cock.

“SWEET JESUS I’M CUMMMMMMMMMIIIINNNNNGGGG,” she hollered, as her pussy let loose with the biggest orgasm she had ever felt. Her cunt tightened on his cock and her fluids raced over his cock and flowed into his lap.

Jim felt her pussy get tighter and knew she was there. He continued to shove his cock into her pussy as hard as he could, while his finger stroked her asshole. Her juices warmed his cock and scrotum as his balls were bathed in her sweet cum.

He could not hold back either, as his cock shot a jet stream of cum up into her warm wet pussy. Two, three, four times he let loose in her and she felt each shot as her body shuddered. She was getting tired, but felt that she needed more.

After he finished shooting his cum into her cunt, and he started to get soft, she pulled up from his deflating rod and turned towards Jim. Walking up the table, she sat on his fat stomach and slid into his face.

Jim watched as she stood and his finger plopped out of her ass. He didn’t know what was going to happen next, but he surely would not complain. As she turned, her pussy was still dripping juice on him and as she worked her way forward, she left a cum trail on him. When she sat on his stomach and slid towards his head, he knew what she wanted.

As her pussy neared his face, he opened his mouth to receive it. His tongue licked her cuntal fluids and swallowed each drop. He tasted himself and her and loved the mixture. He shoved his tongue into her as deep as it would go, as her hips started to move back and forth over his mouth.

His fat arms could not reach around her legs, so he held her thighs as he ate that delicious pussy. He was in heaven and knew in the back of his mind that this may never ever happen with her again. He tongued that cunt with all he could muster.

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The Man and the Model Ch. 02

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Next morning, John, the lonely advertising man, woke up and admired the sleeping curvaceous model whom he had met on the train and befriended the previous day. John wanted to check how many people had seen the sexy video clip of her parting her thighs that they had uploaded on the internet. Without waking her up, he slipped out of the bed and opened his laptop and proceeded to see the number of hits of their video. There were only a disappointing 15. He had sent it to friends and if they liked it they would forward it to others and…

“Hey, good morning. How many hits?” she asked, standing nude behind him.

“15. Don’t worry, there will be more soon,” he tried to console her as she rubbed her thighs on his back.

“That was just fun. Nothing will come out of that. What I want is a chance to meet someone who will give me work, ” she said playing with his hair.

“I know a photographer who may be of help,” he said thinking of his friend James.

“Can you introduce me to him today, if possible?”

“Ya. I will try,” he said and went to the bathroom thinking she was fast, unabashed and manipulative, asking him favors without a moment’s hesitation.

Later when he emerged from the bathroom she offered him a glass of orange juice.

“Can I stay here with you? I mean move here, bring my things. I don’t want to see that landlord anymore,” she said.

Here was another move on the chessboard. How could she come up with ideas and suggestions nonstop?

“Ya, sure. There is a spare key which I can give you. Feel free to move in,” he smiled, kissed her and left for work.

He needed to think about this woman. Was she taking advantage of him? He must have felt something amiss when she was prepared to do a sexy video on the train with him soon after they met. Of course, she was using him! The only consolation was that she was not lying, hopefully, and was quiet straightforward about her life. Now, what would he lose if he introduced her to his photographer friend or Pendik Escort let her stay with him? He needed a woman at home, someone whom he could fuck at will instead of trying to hook up with someone at work or at a bar. So he decided to let nature take its own course.

During lunch he got a message from her saying she had brought her things to his apartment and hoped to see him in the evening.

That reminded John that he should speak to James about Roxy. He found James discussing a photo shoot with a client and waited till it got over and told him briefly about Roxy, sparing him the details about their living together etc. James said he was ready to meet her and John sent a message promptly to Roxy to meet them at a bar in the evening.

Later at the bar after the warm-up conversation, Roxy showed James her photographs and he appeared frankly impressed. Roxy was sitting between John and James and had her hand on the new acquaintance’s thighs. Oblivious to that, James browsed the photographs as John noticed Roxy trying to cozy up to James.

“I like the pics. You have a nice body. Let me see what I can do,” James said and excused himself to go to meet a friend who saw him and raised his glass in a hello.

“Oh Roxy, I forgot to tell you, he is gay,” John said.

“Oh, god! Why didn’t you tell me before. Did I make a fool of myself?”

“No, he is cool. Don’t let it worry you.” he told her as James returned.

“Give me time, I will work out something,” James told Roxy and they had one more drink and parted.

When John and Roxy were on their way home, she asked again: “Do you think I acted silly?”

“No, You merely touched his thighs and that happens a lot,” he took her hand and squeezed it. He should never expect her to be restrained in making friends or offering sex to come up in life, he told himself.

Lovemaking that night was normal: he mounted, pounded, poured and they went to sleep.

Next morning when they were having Kurtköy Escort breakfast, a call from James came as a surprise to them. He wanted to meet Roxy and shoot some photographs. She was so excited and kissed John, thanked him and prepared to go to the photo shoot.

At office, Carrie the secretary of the boss, met John and exchanged a few words of gossip which was their frequent routine. Who was sleeping with who, who couldn’t have an erection and who was frigid. She was a bit plump, nice, always smiling and comfortable to have around as she would giggle at whatever was said whether it was a joke or not.

“Heard James is shooting with a new model,” she said in a secretive tone which he found amusing.

“Really, where?” that must be Roxy he thought but acted surprised to keep the informer in good humor.

“Not here, I presume at his house,” she whispered back.

They spoke for a few more minutes and John left for his room. Carrie was friendly, sometimes overdoing it and her behavior almost bordered on being nosy. Rumor had it that the boss was banging her, among the other women he had. She was just a snack for the boss. But as far as John and Carrie were concerned, there had been nothing more than a friendly drink now and then. He had thought of sleeping with her when he would get desperate, imagining taking her from behind which was big and round. but now after Roxy had walked into his life, he brushed such thoughts under the dirty carpet of his mind.

He didn’t hear from Roxy till 4 in the evening when she messaged him that her work was over and she would be waiting for him at the house. She looked tired but happy and after dinner, which he had bought, she stripped and lay on him, taking his erection inside her wet pussy. He held her ass and raised himself to meet her tired vagina and after a few thrusts, the dull ritual was thankfully over.

Almost immediately, he heard her steady breath and watched TV for sometime before falling asleep.

For Ümraniye Escort the next two days she left for the shoot with James, apologizing to John that she couldn’t spend more time with him or give him quality sex. John assured her everything was fine and all that mattered now was her career.

The third day, she was very happy as James had assured her that he would show her photographs to his boss and other contacts he had. That night they drank wine and sex was amazing, She sucked him wildly and raunchily and sat on him and roared her way to orgasm. After another round of wine, he took her from behind, grabbing her hair and slapping her ass till it turned red.

Lying by his side she drawled drunkenly: “I want your boss to like me and give me work, John. You and James have been great. I wish I could give you and James a thank-you fuck.”

Before he could reply, she was asleep. What the hell, he thought, that was a great fuck!

Next morning he left for work and met James who said he had given Roxy’s photos to the boss. The whole day went by without any message from Roxy and when he returned home, she was not there. He had no idea where she would have gone and her phone was switched off. He called James who said he had not heard from Roxy.

He woke up next day almost expecting to see Roxy lying next to him, but emptiness had returned to its rightful and favorite place next to him in his bed. Her leaving was unimaginable as things were going her way at present, she had no misgivings and finally her suitcase was there.

At office, Carrie buttonholed him and whispered: “Do you know something? The boss is not here today. I heard he is shacked up with the new model.”

John was aghast. New model meaning Roxy? Shacked up with the boss. He knew she was fast, but…

He put the question to James.

“No, man. I tell you, I gave the photos to the boss and that is it. I never took her to meet him,” James said.

There was no reason why James should lie and none for Carrie also. Carrie spoke to car drivers, lift operators and almost anyone one could imagine. Her information should be correct. In the absence of any other plausible explanation or phone calls from Roxy, he assumed she was with the boss.

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The Loving Husband Ch. 22

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The short synopsis of this story to date is included below, but reading the previous chapters may help.

This is the continuing story of a cuckquean, my wife, Ann. She had been reading cuckold stories on line and decided that she was a cuckquean, a kind of female cuckold. This was based on how enthralled and excited she became by imagining me having sex with other women. I was shocked, but she pursued it. She didn’t show any tendencies toward the humiliation or denial part, but loved knowing I was having sex with other women. Apparently, this started with some voyeuristic tendencies about watching someone she was involved with have sex with another woman when she was in college and now she got off on thinking I was having sex with other women. I didn’t understand it, but she pursued it and I started doing so.

In the last chapter, Violet and I went to a strip club and played with a stripper in one of the private rooms. Then, not too much later, my wife invited Violet and the stripper, Jasmine, over to recreate the scene. She filmed it for her use later.

As time went on, Ann and I were approaching our 10th anniversary. I decided that it would be good to plan a special party for the love of my life. I started planning it well in advance. I was making quiet arrangements several months in advance.

As the date approached, I enlisted Ann’s college roommate Joanna to assist. I didn’t hear anything from Ann about this, so I wondered if she was doing any planning for our anniversary. Finally, about three weeks out, she asked about going out to a nice dinner. We discussed it and I agreed. I then told her that she should make an appointment with her favorite spa to get a facial, massage, and her hair done for the occasion. She loved that and made the reservation.

When the date came, she left for her reservation at 1pm. I had arranged for everything else to happen starting at 2pm. She normally takes about 4 hours when she gets the works done, so we had plenty of time.

Jo arrived at 2pm, as did our local parish priest and the caterer. They started setting everything up in the backyard. It was not easily visible from the front of the house, so I was hoping to get Ann to go immediately upstairs to get dressed for our supposed night out for dinner.

The friends and relatives that I had invited started arriving around 4:30. I had made arrangements with the spa for them to call me when Ann left. They didn’t call until almost 5 and by then most of the guests had arrived and were hiding in the neighbor’s backyard. The cars had been parked all around the block.

Ann arrived home at 5:20 and looked gorgeous. Her skin was glowing and her hair looked perfect. I had gotten dressed in my blue suit, so I was ready. I met her at the door and told her how great she looked and just kind of guided her upstairs while we were talking. I told her the kids were with her parents and that she should just go ahead and get ready.

I waited nervously in the kitchen. There were certain things that were visible in the backyard and all the guests in the neighbor’s backyard were having trouble being quiet.

Ann finally came down and she didn’t appear to have noticed anything. I had told her we had reservations at a top quality restaurant so she came down in a very nice dress and made up perfectly. I took her into my arms and smiled.

“I love you so much.”

She grinned and gave me a quick kiss. “I think you might get lucky tonight, buster.”

“I’m lucky every night and day I get to spend with you.”

She put her head on my shoulder and sighed. “I am, too.”

I then took her by the arm and turned toward the back door. “First, I have a surprise.”

We went out the back door and she suddenly saw the setup with the tables and chairs and the small trellis that was decorated. Her eyes went wide. “What’s this?”

I grinned. “Okay, everyone. Let’s go.”

My wife looked around and then saw all the guests start streaming in through our gate after exiting the neighbor’s yard by their gate on the side of the house. She looked at me and I could see the tears in her eyes. She was always touched by something personal or when you went out of your way to do something for her.

She hugged me. “I love you.”

Then she turned and started greeting all our relatives and our friends. Our kids, Amy and Robert, also came strolling in with Ann’s parents. Finally, the parish priest came in and congratulated us, too. He had married us and was a good friend of Ann’s family.

The food was distributed to the tables by the caterer and everyone started eating and drinking. I could see that Ann was so happy by all this. She had been made up to look fantastic at the spa and was dressed elegantly. She was enjoying all the attention from the ladies who said she looked so young and fantastic. Well, she did, but like all the women I knew, she loved hearing it.

Ann and I had a great time Tuzla Escort and the party was fantastic. There were some anniversary presents on one table, even though I had requested that there not be any. We opened those and shared what they were with all the guests.

The party continued until about midnight and then most of the folks, since they were parents, had to depart. The caterer started cleaning up and I told Ann that they would take care of the food and the rest would wait until tomorrow. We had finished saying goodbye to everyone and we headed inside. The kids went home with her parents.

I took Ann directly up to the bedroom. I stood her in at the end of our bed. “Are you ready?”

Ann grinned. “Are you going to ravish me?”

“Abso-fucking-lutely, but slowly.”

I slowly undressed her, kissing her bare skin as each section was revealed. She could only murmur her approval with small hums. First, it was her dress. When that came off she was left in her panties, bra, and thigh high stockings. I was behind her and kissed her on the neck lightly. Nuzzling and lightly kissing her neck always got her in the mood.

When I took off her bra, her beautiful tits were available for sucking and those are Ann’s on-buttons. She moaned and held my head. I then released her nipples and went to my knees. I pushed her back on the bed and lifted each leg to remove her stockings. I rolled them down and tossed them in the chair on the side of the bed. I kissed each leg up past her knee to her inner thighs and she moaned her approval.

I then pulled her panties to the floor and was surprised by a little heart pattern that was left in her pubic hair shave pattern. It was just over her pussy, and when I rubbed around it, it was obvious that it had just been done at the spa that day. The pattern was new and the area all around was very smooth.

I looked up at Ann and she was smiling at me. “You like it?”

I gave her a quick nod. “Yes, I do. It’s beautiful. And I love this part of you as much as the rest.”

Ann chuckled. “You just love pussy.”

I grinned. “Guilty.”

I leaned in and gave her smooth pussy a few licks and she trembled.

Ann reached down and grabbed my head. She pulled it away from her pussy. “Stop. I want to get you undressed now.”

I stood up and kicked of my shoes. Ann quickly removed my shirt and pants. She looked at my boxers. “I hope what’s hiding in there is ready for a long night.”

“Only one way to find out.”

Ann knelt in front of me and pulled my boxers down quickly, making my cock come springing out and hitting my stomach before settling down horizontally, pointing at her face. She slowly and teasingly licked it from my balls to the crown and then crawled back on the bed. “Come and make love to me.”

I knew what that meant. She wanted slow and tender. I crawled on top of her and we kissed and felt each other up. She spread her legs wide. “Please, do it now.”

I obliged. I moved to put my cock in her and she grabbed it and guided it home to her hot, wet, core. I slowly pushed and my cock slid into her as it picked up her wetness. She still had a fantastically receptive pussy that remained fairly tight and was always wet when she was turned on.

I looked into her eyes and leaned in and kissed her as she put her legs around me and started humping against me. I slowly fucked her as we kissed. She loved it slow and I took my time. I was slowly moving in and out, making sure that I bottomed out and did a quick circular move with my hips when I was buried against her clit.

Ann pulled back. “Me – on – top.” She said the three words between gasps of air.

We rolled over, barely keeping my cock in her and she got her knees under her. She settled down on my cock and started grinding against me. “I love this part.”

I grinned. She could really get off when on top and was grinding her clit against my pubic mound. She continued to grind and I reached up and tweaked her nipples. She groaned. She had her eyes closed, her hands on my chest, and her head thrown back, heading for that glorious release we all love.

“Oh, fuck!” She was humping me hard now. Reaching for her orgasm. I kept thrusting and banging up against her. “Arrrggghhh.” Ann groaned loudly as she came and shook and trembled on top of me. I was still hard.

Ann rolled off me and lay down on my right. “Whew! I need some help.”

I grinned. My surprise was still waiting in the wings. I got up and went to the door. “Ladies?”

Ann rose up on her elbows and watched. She grinned at me.

Violet and Jo entered. Ann looked at both of them. Violet was naked and her voluptuous body was jiggling in all the right places. Jo was naked except for the strap-on device she was wearing that had a cock on it just like mine.

Ann stared at it as it got closer. She inspected it closely. “Hey! This looks just like John’s cock.”

Jo Gebze Escort grinned and shook her head yes. “It is. John told me about this and we went to a place that will take a mold of a cock and make a dildo from it.”

Ann looked back and forth between me and Jo. “And when did you do this? And how did you get John’s cock hard?”

Jo’s smile got larger. “There is an adult store not far from here that will do it.”

Ann waited. “And?”

Jo shrugged. “I might have had to help him get hard.” Ann raised an eyebrow. “Okay, okay. I sucked your husband’s cock until it was hard and could be molded.” She looked over at me and then back to Ann. “And then I fucked the hell out of him.”

Ann shook her head. “I always knew you were a slut, Jo.”

Jo acted offended. “Am not.”

Ann looked over at Violet. “You are both nothing but sex-crazed, cock-sucking sluts.”

Jo was going to act offended again, but Violet broke into the conversation. “Yes, we are. And we are going to suck and fuck your husband right here, right now. The benefit is that you get to be the director.”

Ann grinned. “Oh, goody.” She sat up on the edge of the bed. “Honey,” she looked at me, “lay down on the bed.” I did so and she looked up at Violet with a grin. “V, you get on John’s cock and then Jo is going to fuck you in the ass. But wait just a second.”

Ann hopped up and to grab her phone. Fortunately, she had just charged it. She put it on video and started shooting.

She got close to where V and I were going to be joined. “Okay, V, ride that cock baby.”

Violet climbed on top of me and lowered herself onto my cock. It fit like a nice glove. I reached up and grabbed her tits and toyed with her nipples. She groaned and started bouncing up and down. She had turned into an amazing sex partner. Ann was down between my legs pointing her phone up at where V was taking my cock.

“Okay, Jo, grab the lube from the nightstand and put it liberally on V’s asshole.”

Jo went to the nightstand and got out our lube. She got on the bed behind Violet while Ann moved to the side. She settled down on top of me and then V and I went still. Jo started her work and I could feel her rubbing the lube on Violet’s asshole. Violet moaned and squirmed a little and I then I felt Jo’s finger enter her ass where it rubbed up against my cock through the membrane that separated her ass from her cunt.

Jo finally stopped and moved up behind Violet. She positioned herself with her legs a little astraddle of mine and I could feel her trying to get the fake cock into Violet’s ass. Violet tried to relax, but I don’t think she had ever been double-penetrated and I certainly had not been involved in one. Finally, I felt the head make it in and Violet moaned. It rubbed up against my cock, stimulating me, too.

“Oh, fuck. That’s tight with twin cocks in my holes.”

Ann moved closer. “That’s right, V, you are being double fucked by my husband’s cocks.”

Violet groaned. “I know. His cock is nice and fat so I feel stuffed.” She slowly moved back and forth, enjoying the cocks.

“Here it goes.” Jo started slowly thrusting, pushing Violet back and forth on my cock. The rubbing was quickly going to set me off with the way it felt.

But I didn’t have to worry about that, because suddenly Violet was shuddering and shaking on top of me.

“Ugggghhhh!” Violet could only groan as her orgasm came fast and hard. She continued to jerk for a few seconds and whenever she did, she would cause the two cocks to stimulate her again and she would jerk again. She was cumming and cumming.

V finally stopped and I felt Jo slowly pull out and then get off the bed. V twitched the entire time. Ann was still filming and got in there to get a close-up of Violet’s abused asshole and my cock still in there.

“What a slut, V! Your ass looks well fucked and it was only in you for few minutes.” Ann was enjoying this.

Violet was still a little spent. “Oh, shit, I need some help getting off. I think my legs are shot.”

Jo giggled. “I thought we got you off pretty well.”

Violet groaned. “John, roll over a little. My legs are jelly.”

I rolled to my side and took her with me, my cock still embedded in her pussy. When we got to the side, she rolled the rest of the way without me and my cock popped out of her pussy, still hard, red, and looking rather angry. V jiggled everywhere. Her tits looked great and her pussy was red and swollen.

Ann looked at me. “Honey, your cock looks like it will take any ole hole right now.” She was pointing the camera at it.


My wife looked at Jo. “Jo, you cock-sucking slut, finish off my man. He needs a mouth to cum in.”

Jo looked at Ann. “Who you calling a cock-sucking slut?”

Ann laughed. “Don’t get me started. I can start with you blowing your boyfriend behind that bush in college while we all watched, and go on from there.”

Jo Aydınlı Escort stuck her tongue out at Ann. “Bitch!”


“Uh, ladies? I’m using that term loosely, of course. I still have a very hard, very angry cock that is looking for a home.”

Ann pointed at my cock while she held her phone in her left hand. “Suck, bitch! You suck that cock or I’ll put that fake dick on and we’ll double team you.”

Jo started to bend over to suck my cock. “Wait! I think I like that idea!”

Jo ripped off the strap on and handed it to Ann. Ann was a little taken aback at how suddenly Jo thrust it out. But she recovered and took it. She handed her phone to Violet. “Get this on video.”

“C’mon! I have never been double-fucked and doing that to V has my pussy dripping at the thought.”

Ann laughed as she donned the device. “I never realized you were such a depraved little slut, Jo.”

Jo grinned. “Neither did I. But I want to try this while I have the chance.” She straddled me and guided my cock into her steaming wet pussy. “Oh, fuck, that’s nice.”

“Yeah, slut, you love my husband’s cock.”

“Fuck, I sure do.”

“Well, I’ll share it with you as long as you don’t hog it.”

“Mmmmm. Well, now I have a copy I can use at home.” Jo continued to bounce on my cock.

Jo was bouncing up and down, enjoying her ride. I held onto her hips and then reached up to play with her tits. I heard Ann and V talking and then there was a hand pushing Jo over against me. I pulled her down and felt Ann straddling my legs. I then felt it as she started lubing Jo’s asshole. She toyed with Jo’s ass a little, lubricating it and playing with it while Jo mewled her appreciation.

“Oh, fuck. Please do it. Now!”

Ann smacked Jo on the ass, the slap resounding around the room. “I’ll fuck you when I’m ready, cunt.”

I grinned. It was only recently that Ann would even think about using the c-word.

Jo groaned and then I felt Ann shuffle forward enough to apply the fake cock against Jo’s asshole. “Hold on, slut. You are going to get fucked.”

Ann pushed and I could feel the fake cock up against mine through the membrane. My second time tonight double-fucking someone. It was fucking amazing – and amazing fucking.

Jo started moaning and Ann suddenly slapped her on the ass. “Go ahead and moan you fucking whore. You’re a slut for being double-fucked by me and my husband, aren’t you?”

“God, yes!” Jo was moving quickly toward her orgasm.

“Cum for me my little cock-slut. Cum for me and I’ll let my husband fill your pussy with cum. Then I’ll make Violet clean you out.”

Jo’s body suddenly went into spasms and she arched her back. “Oh, fuck! Ugh! Ugh!’ She kept grunting until she finished cumming. I was so close that if Ann moved that cock in Jo’s ass I was going to cum.

Ann looked over Jo’s shoulder after Jo collapsed on my chest. “Ready, hun?”

“Yes.” I was more than ready.

Ann started slowing thrusting again and I let it go. “Fuck, here it cums!” And with that, I started cumming. I grabbed onto Jo and thrust up into her hard several times, my orgasm so strong that it left me panting to catch my breath. When I finally relaxed, I looked up to see Ann grinning down at me.

“That looked like it was a big one.”

I took a deep breath. “It certainly was.”

Ann smacked Jo on the ass. “I’m pulling out of your slutty ass now.” And she did. Jo lifted her head a little and moaned.

My cock as shrinking and slipping out. Jo rolled off to the side and onto her back before that happened.

“Wow. That was intense.” Jo sounded exhausted. “I’ve never felt that before.”

Ann took her phone from Violet and pointed to Jo’s pussy. “Violet, get in there and clean up that mess before my sheets get dirty.”

Violet grinned and crawled between Jo’s legs. Jo just sighed. “Just do it. But I’m too exhausted to cum again.”

And so she did. Violet got down there and cleaned up Jo’s pussy. When she was done, everyone was pretty exhausted. Jo and Violet got up and went to clean up in the bathroom. Ann waited behind and sat next to where I was still laying.

“You are a lucky man.”

I smiled and patted her on the knee. “Yes, I am.”

She leaned over and kissed me. “I’m lucky, too, because I like watching you fuck other women.”

“I’m lucky that you do.”

“Yes, and don’t you forget it.” With that she got up to go into the bathroom to also freshen up.

After a few minutes, they all came out. They were all still gloriously naked.

Ann pulled them over. “Okay, you two do rock, paper, scissors. Winner gets to suck John off to wake him up in the morning.”

Jo laughed. “And the loser?”

Ann thought about it for a second. “The loser has to rim him and help him cum.”

Jo looked thoughtful for a moment. “Neither one is a great hardship.”

Ann shook her head. “See, I knew you were a dirty slut.”

“Who you have asked to fuck and suck your husband.”

“Yeah, so fuck you. Now let’s determine who does what.”

The ladies did that and after two rounds, Jo was going to rim me and Violet was going to suck me. Damn! The things I do to keep my wife happy.

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The Long Late Morning

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They kissed softly at first, savoring the taste and sweetness of each other. Drawing closer, their tongues dueled, each touching, caressing the other. The warmth of their bodies enveloped each totally; their desire grew even more.

He was entranced with her beauty and whispered words of tenderness and love. He kissed her soft lips, loving her, taking her mouth and sipping her slowly. Then her cheek he caressed, running his tongue down to her neck, lost in the taste of her skin. He kissed her shoulder, dragging his teeth downward, till he was in her valley. Pausing, he felt her soft heartbeat inches away, almost pulling her closer. He kissed his way up her breast, smiling as he found her already slightly hard. Suddenly, he took her into his mouth, wanting her, teasing her, till she was a diamond lost between his lip and gum. And so with her sister, kissing, sucking, and biting her just as she loved.

With his kisses and caresses she grew fully awake. Hearing his words of devotion she pulled him closer, her hands massaging his neck and shoulders. She held him tightly for a moment in her valley; when he moved up her breast she gasped. Such pleasure as he kissed and swirled around her hardness; “Stay here my love, close to my heart,” she pleaded silently, yet knowing his journey was not over.

Slowly he moved, stopping now and then to kiss and touch here. Soon, her scent reached him, and he smiled, knowing she wanted him. Never did he tire of her scent, her desire for him. He held her close then, resting, and her heartbeat now distant. He gently rolled her over, brushing the back of her neck with his lips, Methodically, he massaged her back, hearing her sigh with pleasure, working his way down. As he Kurtköy Escort touched her globes and caressed them, his kisses came closer, deeper, his tongue licking, thrusting.

As she felt his strong hands on her back she moaned from the sheer delight of his massage. The warmth of his hands, the pressure of his movement contributed to a lazy relaxation as she sank further into the bed. Then his touches on her cheeks, spreading her gently, she relaxed even more from his kisses. Then, suddenly she felt his plunge, his kisses there, his tongue insisting! The sheer excitement of this caused her to rear up, gasping in surprise and delight. Yes, he cared for her so much she almost wept.

He left a damp trail down her leg as he explored her knee and firm calf. Turning her over, he worked his way up the other leg, stopping occasionally to kiss her, taste her yet again. And then, then, he reached her thigh, soft, and tender. Yes, kisses and licks as he was so close to her now, he could scent and see her wetness for him.

As he grew closer to her, she moved toward him, wanting him there. She felt her juices seeping and she wanted him there to taste her. Now. She loved him nearby, but it was not enough. She cradled his head in her hands and urged him closer.

He smiled as she moved, pulling him closer. His mouth moved toward her and his tongue slipped in and tasted her. She moaned gently, and he knew of her desire. Over and over he drank her, kissing her, taking her into his mouth, savoring her softness and juices. She pulled him closer and soon he was covered in her wetness, inhaling her scent, drinking her essence again and again. Then he moved upward, his fingers moving her apart until Pendik Escort he tasted her center. She gasped and moved under him again. He did not relinquish, kissing, licking her there. He took her into his mouth, sucking, loving her, over and over, not pausing, teasing.

As she felt his tongue in her she almost went crazy from the pleasure. She felt him take her into his mouth, raising her to a new level of joy. He was relentless, not stopping, pleasing her over and over till she was lost to him and lost to herself.

He relaxed now, watching her chest slowly stop heaving. He moved up, kissing as he went, till he reached her face, touching her softly there. Gently he kissed her, waiting for her to come back.

Far away she felt his kisses. As she came back, she felt him next to her, his fingers upon her face. She took two of his fingers and kissed them, tasting her upon them. She kissed his face, over and over, drying him, loving him. “You are so good to me, my love, ” she whispered. Softly, into her ear, he said, “I only want to pleasure you lover.”

Her love for him was immense, and she wanted to please him. Slowly she kissed his chest, running her hand in his hair, gently stroking him there. She knew what he wanted, smiling as he shifted slightly, unconsciously drawing her downward. She obliged, and her hands found him, already hard. She pouted just a bit, for she loved to bring him from softness. She caressed him just as he liked, gently, all over, quickly licking up some early juice. Her tongue touched him, here, there, over and over, taking him into her mouth. As her hands massaged him, her mouth loved him, feeling him grow harder still. She stopped; she wanted him inside Mutlukent Escort her this morning.

He felt her teasing him, delaying from touching him there until we was moving under her. When she did touch him, he gasped from the pleasure. Over and over her touches and kisses gave him pure happiness. Finally, he was in her mouth, and she took more and more of him till he was so close. She stopped, smiling at him, pulling him to her.

She lay back, pulling him to her. She massaged herself with him, feeling his heat against her wetness. She drew him into her, such ecstasy was hers! He was in her, and she wrapped her arms around him, urging him, for she wanted him, only him. They rocked back and forth, each becoming the other.

As she pulled him toward her, his desire for her took over and he entered her, completely, as her kisses covered his face. He was lost in her and she in him. They were so close their heartbeats became one.

Their hands met, and joined in the lovemaking. As her hand felt him moving, her finger slid in also, filling her even more. She gasped from the delight of feeling him hard against her finger in her softness.

The pressure of her finger against him increased his desire even more. He moved faster, and felt her pull him even more. His finger, wet from her, moved down, to where he had kissed before, rubbing, probing wanting her there also.

She felt him moving faster, and she wanted him even more. She felt his finger pushing into her, wanting her. She spread her legs even more, and allowed him in to her there. Ah, she was so full with him, fingers, his kisses at her mouth. Now her finger found it’s way to him, nudging, urging, wanting him.

As his finger entered her, he could feel her push against him. He relaxed, feeling her there, in him, moving, rubbing, and pleasing.

They were one, each full of the other, moving together, until they could stand no more, each releasing to the other their passion and love.

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The Lifting

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Basking in the glory of pleasures with which we met the dawn, your breaths became slower and deeper as you melted into Egyptian cotton covering the lofty feather bed. The down comforter floated across our bare flesh, lightly teasing my pulsing thoughts to savor every sensation I could possibly capture in the quiet sounds of the morning.

Rhythmic heat flooded any concentrated effort toward slumber. Peacefully sedated, you were unknowingly at my mercy as I nuzzled closer against your warm side. Bare body parts found their places: The smoothness of my inner thigh clinging to yours; my calf resting on soft hair of your shin; toes comfortably intertwined. I tossed my arm across your chest. Cupping your chin with my hand, I gently pulled your face toward me in order to inhale my own scent still sticky on your face.

My other arm insisted on staying pleasantly immobilized between our hips. My fingers lingered on the threshold of my own moist folds as my mind and body united in understanding, embracing each intensifying movement before approaching the next. Making an arguable attempt to enjoy the incongruous solitude of secret pleasure, I simultaneously advanced toward a more desperate exploration to which it rather excited me to imagine your response should you awaken in the midst of the event.

I taunted my opening with the tip of my index finger, allowing a flat portion of my wrist to press firmly against my alert and wanting clit. My swollen lips welcomed each flicker and thrust I offered. In the stillness around me, I was re-awakening from within, mesmerized with the passion of attending to my personal sanctuary in your oblivious dreaming presence.

My folds grew thicker, the stickiness warmer and wetter. The gentle prodding and pressing was no longer enough. I had to grasp my lips harder, firmer, even pinching them in delight. I grabbed at myself, thrusting multiple fingers in to play together in perfect harmony while my palm jiggled faster and harder against the haven of nub.

Sweetly agonized, I controlled the rising pressure of desire as my fountain spewed in waves of heat and ecstasy. With face askew I squirmed against my hand – begging for mercy as much as for more – teasing myself to a higher plain. Holding back, then quickly turning the volume up yet another digit or sometimes several at a time to continue the gorgeous journey of self pleasure.

I turned fully on my back, close still enough to feel the heat of your body, yet freeing both hands to satiate the insane pleasure. I tensed often, slapping, patting, flicking. I muffled my gasps, intent to take it as far as I could for as long as I could.

In the hazy shadows of the dawn, colors within Anadolu Yakası Escort every cell of my being transformed together in a choreographed dance. Quenched, I entered my dream breathing slow and deep. I covered my shaven mound with still fingers, a fine smile of satisfaction plastered across my entire body.

The Dream: The ordinary mirrored doors were extraordinary in that in the course of making love in a strange bedroom we rather enjoyed the position from which we could watch our bodies banging and embracing from across the room. We saw extensions of the whole, pieces to which we could look just inches to breathe in and capture as much as grab from afar and reclaim. The mirror, along with Karaoke feelings and the unfinished marble threshold in the remodeled bathroom, became the theme from which this dream unfolded.

Imagine a room with rounded, mirrored walls. Reflections extend infinitely outside the circle, echoing in waves from the center. The floor is gleaming white marble, solidly anchoring the panoramic view, as well as the mirrored ceiling from above. This room is magically lit, warm daylight creeping in from beyond the range of the mirrors.

Sensual non-human shadows lurk near stone pillars of various heights. Many different sizes of light colored furs are strewn across the marble, falling perfectly and providing safety in the mystery of this unfamiliar place. These sensual non-gendered beings are in place, anxiously awaiting but untouchable. There is a sense of excitement to know that they exist solely to observe. They are The Watchers.

Suddenly, I am the music in an orchestra of arms and hands, The Lifters. This is their mission, to lift me above. Upper torsos, both male and female all bear a striking resemblance to you, as though the musicians are the many different parts of your makeup. The whole of you is right below me, conducting with perfect timing so that The Lifters sway in unity, lifting their arms with fluent grace, lifting my weightless body above as if in worship.

My senses are heightened. I see, hear, feel, smell, and even understand everything at once, drinking in it in. Endless reflections surround me. A crazy sexiness flows in and through my body. The room is infused with the fresh culmination of our cum. Sensual undertones, sexy overtones, and soft whispers of arms brushing against each other as I dance across fingertips. The Watchers and The Lifters sing without words, lulling me into a trance.

I am sitting with my legs crossed in front of me, completely naked and aware that as I flow gracefully across The Lifters they are preparing me. The Lifters sing toward my openings, warm breaths easing Kartal Escort in, overlapping. The Lifters begin to finger me, taste me, and I am wet with desire.

In a fluid united movement, I am taken right up against a portion of the curved mirrored wall. The Watchers wait breathlessly in anticipation. I stretch my legs out in front of me toward the mirror, and there is a murmur below me as I part my thighs and press my legs open, painted red toes against the wall. Open for all to see. I like to look, and I spend some time here enjoying looking, and soon The Lifters are reaching for me.

Those who are nearest touch me: the crack of my ass; the flesh of my buttocks, the openings nearest are fingered and licked, and I encourage it, I show The Lifters what I like. They finger me more, lick me, pinch me, spank me and kiss my skin.

The pleasant weight presses me closer to the wall, forcing my knees to bend as my pussy presses against the mirror and leaves a mark. I bring my legs together in front of me on the wall, my bottom and legs pressed vertically as I continue to be lifted and passed along the curve of the round mirrored room, a full circle among safe arms as I smear the walls with my pussy juice.

I am flexible and fluid. I am guided to crawl my ass further up the wall as my back stretches comfortably and my legs begin to fold over my head. I bend my legs just enough to get them below the level of my head. My slit is wide open, my pussy an offering. I feel a thunderous bass beat below me, inside of me, above me, growing louder and louder as I am passed around the circle of Lifters. This position is the key, this wide open pussy begging you to pleasure me. I am touched, I am teased. I am slippery and cannot tell what is being used to bring such ecstasy, only that I want it to never end.

The thunder grows stronger. The rhythmic beat grows steadier, beats faster. Body parts are pleasuring me all at once. My clit is being pressed and licked and rubbed. My slit is a cave of rolling pink flesh searching for everything at one time. I take in the sights and sounds and smells as I accept flesh of all kinds.

I take in pressure and points and parts I cannot tell of how they go together in the whole. I only want it to go on and on and just when I can’t imagine it getting any better, I am touched in a place just right, or I am touched stronger or softer, or a smell or taste is offered to take me to another plane.

I am taken to one orgasmic level to the next and to the next, and I am screaming with pleasure, begging for it to take me again and again. I am squirming and squirting and juicing and I squeeze my breasts, pinch my nipples, my head Maltepe Escort falling back against The Lifters. My mouth is salivating with desire, my inner cheeks swelling, my tongue tensing and I am taking in flesh of all sorts, fluid flesh, sticky with the smell of desire, I am nibbling on folds and a cuisine of sex flavors.

I engulf the head of your cock with my mouth, teasing the ridge as I swirl my tongue around its ledge. I take you in further, to the back of my throat which seems extremely pleasant to do in this semi-upside-down position. I stroke you with my hands as I continue to be pumped in the mouth. A hand stays with your head as I work your balls, tea-bagging them and suckling on the texture, gentle but passionately taking a side into my mouth, then the other.

My hand continues to stroke you, working the whole length of your shaft, toward the deep front pocket above your balls, feeling you on the underside of your sweet sacs, the root being stroked from end to end. I rub a generously lubed hand against the outer pucker of your sweet ass button. My thumb rubs the space between your balls and ass, I tease you just a bit, wanting your hardness inside of my own folds, prepared and ready to receive you. I want your hardness inside, I want to have it all. I want every position, every body part, every pace, and every intensity all at once.

You have now become separate from the whole of The Lifters, and you are crowned and lifted up to me by taller Lifters, who carry you to enter me. You are placed above me, and all Lifters work together to let us unite. We do not weigh anything, yet we have the perfect amount of pressure to work the beat together.

The thunder grows. The beat is growing again. My pussy is clamping on your shaft in a beat of its own. I can reach your balls, behind them stroking you and pressing and enticing all the right places. We are drenched with passion, lifted above to each experience the other’s gifts.

I feel you tense. I feel everything that happens to you from head to foot as you shoot strong heavy loads of your cum inside of me. I want to taste it, and briefly move for you to load my throat. I swallow, I spit, and I rub it all over every inch of my body.

You enter me again, and that is it for me: I explode with your gorgeously rock hard cock inside of me, our fingers, Lifters’ fingers, tongues, all body parts imaginable interchanging with each other, spurting and gasping for breath.

The grand finale of the orchestra pulls tightly together toward one final zenith: The fluttering shrill of a flute; an earthy beckoning call of a bassoon; and then, the clash of symbols…Bang! Again, bang!

We catch our breaths; peace of the cello surrounds us. The mirrors fade away. The Watchers look away. After we our intertwined glistening bodies are gently placed on the white fur throw, The Lifters fade. The marble melts into streams, then lakes, flowing out into the vast ocean with gentle waves.

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Opposites are Best Lovers Pt. 02

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After Terry returned to his apartment, I reflected on how my life dramatically changed in just 24 hours, all because of him. I was hungry and made myself a big protein smoothie. I was still nude as I sipped on my smoothie reflecting on the recent events and then it hit me: I was happy and excited about my life!

I’d never felt so sexually excited about anyone else. My ex-girlfriends seemed stale and unfulfilling in comparison to Terry. My enormous cock got rock hard again just thinking about him. I looked at it proudly with a new sense of how amazing it really is. I walked over to the mirror and flexed my massive slabs of muscle, proudly displaying my body.

After finishing my smoothie I received this text…

“Kelly, what you did to me earlier was overwhelming and beyond fulfilling. You changed my whole life today. You were AMAZING!”

I got a rush of the most wonderful feeling of purpose and contentment that I’d ever experienced and replied, “You changed my life too. I’ve never felt so dominate and manly and never had such a need to express it. I want to care for you and make you happy.”

“I’ve always wanted a super-big muscleman to take care of me Kelly. Here I go, getting emotional just thinking about it.”

“I know what you mean. I’m supposed to be this non-emotional big tough guy and here I am having wonderful and caring thoughts about you.”

“I’m so exhausted from everything that happened today, mentally and physically. I need to sleep and recover…. My mouth feels sore and my jaw is all stretched out too. LOL!”

“Sorry Terry, I must have forced things a little too much.”

“No worries Kelly. I guess you’ll have to train my mouth diligently. Ha!”

“I promise I’ll be more careful next time Terry.”

“Kelly, speaking of next time, can I please come over tomorrow morning before you go to the gym? I could jump in bed with you and we could just cuddle.”

“That sounds incredible Terry. I’ll leave the key under the doormat.”

“OK, good… And Kelly, you don’t have to shower tonight.”

“You sure?”

“I’m very sure Kelly. I can’t wait for tomorrow morning.”

The next morning, just after sunrise and much earlier than I normally get up, I felt Terry crawl under the covers and into bed with me. I barely woke up from my deep sleep, started to say something, and heard Terry’s sweet voice, “Sleep baby, I just want to hold you.”

I was on my back and Terry rested himself mostly on top of my big body. His head on my chest, his leg wrapped on top of my thigh, and my arm cradling him gently. I felt so comforted, appreciated, and cared for, and drifted back to sleep in total bliss. When I did wake back up about an hour later it was because of Terry’s sexy moaning and whimpering. He was feeling up my muscles and smelling me. He felt so small and lightweight on my giant muscles. I could feel my big cock pushing up against his thin little body. He lifted up the covers and said, “Something keeps pushing into me under these sheets, and my God it sure smells manly, such a giant dirty cock.”

Having newly found confidence and motivation to show off, especially for Terry, I replied. “There’s something extremely big and hard for you under there.”

Terry raised up the sheets a little higher saying, “Look, it’s so enormous! Oh, my, it’s dripping tons of clear, manly fluids.”

“It’s my massive morning hard-on, and it needs your attention.”

“Mmmmmmmmmm, I want it.”

With that I took control, which is exactly what Maltepe Escort he wanted me to do, and pushed his head under the covers. As he slid down me I could feel his hard tiny penis rub up against my body and I detected a minuscule, almost undetectable amounts of nectar emanating from it on my skin.

Terry was all over my big cock. He was even more lustful than the day before. He was alternating between my cock and balls, in a trace-like super-sexual state. Consistent with that, he was unceasingly moaning and whimpering, intermixed with sounds of heavy sucking and lapping on big cock and ball meat. He didn’t say anything while locked in his sucking related trace, and all I interjected was, “You are so sexy and so nasty.”

When he finally came up for air, I heard him say, “I love this so much and I can’t stop myself.” Then he immediately went back to his lustful work.

Terry was taking me profoundly towards colossal ejaculation. He knew I was close to the point of no return and he got up on his knees and to the side of me. Leaning over he continued to orally service me, but now he was showing off his tight little feminine body. He reached up with one hand and started rubbing his little tits and playing with his nipples. His other hand remained on my big thigh, stabilizing his mouth on my enormous cock and balls.

The other thing he was doing was arching his back and giving me a clear view of his shapely little ass. In fact, he moved his hand from his tits, down to his ass cheeks, rubbing them sensually. For the first time I was getting urges to fuck him and I recalled the big dildo on his nightstand.

I was loosing control as he kept diligently applying more suction to my now aching cock. My big cock head and an inch or two of thick cock shaft forced its way into his needy mouth. Then I reached up and started massaging his little ass, resulting in Terry shifting into even more purposed sucking. He moaned so much that his mouth generated high-end vibrations evident and encircling the sensitive head of my big cock. The feel of his firm little ass in my hands was highly stimulating. New, and very erotic urges hit me in a powerful way that lite up the primitive part of my brain.

He turned his little ass more towards me as if he wanted to show off what was partially hidden between his cheeks. Then, I saw it for the first time, and he kept it fully exposed for me. What I observed, confirmed that his massive dildo had indeed been forced inside of it, many times. It was enlarged and had pronounced lips. I was so sexy looking and I could see it slightly twitching and the lips were oscillating. I thought about how it would stimulate my cock, and for the first time in my life I had ass-related oral urges.

Terry was working very hard on my monster cock now, and as I gazed at his ass I fantasized about trying to stuff my giant cock into it. At that point the smell of his ass hit me as he moved it slightly more towards my face. It had a powerful affect on me. I felt totally overwhelmed and hyper-sexual. That, coupled with the amazing suction on my big cock, made me explode like a TNT bomb. I was so out of control with primitive urges that I held his head down firmly with both hands and kept pumping rope after rope of dense sperm wad into his mouth. I didn’t let go because my alligator brain was fully in control of my actions.

I just continued pumping wad into his stomach and burying giant cock as far as I possible could into his now blown out mouth. Cevizli Escort All he could do was moan from the immense struggling he endured. I could see his mouth was overtly spread open, contorting his face. I didn’t think his mouth could stretch open that much!

Cum was oozing out the sides of his straining lips. When I regained composure I quickly released my grip on his head and his mouth immediately popped itself off my cock head. Thick gobs of creamy white wad came gushing out of his overloaded mouth. He coughed and gurgled trying to clear his breathing passage. I could see that sperm was even coming out of his little turned-up nose.

Slowly, I began to shift out of my primitive urges. At that point I felt a sick sensation that I might have gone way too far and had flashbacks of how my girlfriends reacted negatively in similar situations. I felt guilty and even panicked at the thought of loosing him.

Terry rested himself on me again, his head nestled in my big chest. I waited anxiously for his feedback and was afraid to say anything. He was clearing his throat and I noticed he’s eyes were watering significantly. He tried to say something but his throat and mouth were still clogged up with sperm and he couldn’t get so much as a word out. I kept holding him tenderly and finally heard a somewhat gurgled sentence…

“Wow, you came like a fire hose. I absolutely loved it Kelly!”

Total relief doesn’t capture how great I felt after hearing that, and I replied…

“You turned me on way too much this time, and my morning wad is always the biggest.”

“No kidding! At least I won’t need to eat breakfast.”

“Terry, you just triggered the most manly feelings I’ve ever experienced.”

“Yeah, you exploded right after a showed you my ass, didn’t you?”

“Terry, I really liked it and never had those kinds of feelings before, your ass overwhelmed me so dramatically.”

“Kelly, what kind of feelings?”

I was getting enormous again as I replied, “It smelled so erotic and it triggered overpowering urges to penetrate and pump it.”

Divulging my nasty thoughts to him was sexually and intimately exciting. My enormous cock flexed upwards in such a hardened state that it bumped up against him…

“Wow, I can sure see you must have loved everything about my ass. Kelly, you’re making me feel like a slutty girl. That’s how I want to feel.”

“I want to make you my slutty girl.”

“You already have. Do you want me to show you my ass and pussy again?”

With that he got on his knees and turned his back to me and dropped his head to the mattress. He was arching his back and wiggling it in front of my face. I could see it was swelling up and pulsing as if it wanted me to know how excited it was, and he said…

“Why don’t you smell my ass while I smell your stinky cock and ball scent.”

He raised up his head and was rubbing his nose on my manhood. I lifted my head closer to his now squirming and well developed hole. The scent was addicting and earthy. I could see it was oscillating as it started to get shiny from moist natural lube forming on it. Now we were both smelling each other like our lives depended on it. His clit-like penis was hard, but his real pleasure was from his ass pussy. I was drawn closer to it, just like Terry was drawn to my enormous cock and balls. I had to taste it and couldn’t stop myself from lapping on it. A few tentative laps made Terry whimper desperately. I was taken in by the taste Atalar Escort and smell, wanted more, and lost all inhibitions. I started lapping it uncontrollably, just like he was lapping my big cock and ball uncontrollably. Now we were both in an unbreakable lustful trance, totally fixated.

The more I licked him, the more I stimulated his girly juices. It was so powerful that I couldn’t stop my building orgasm. Terry was almost screaming with excitement and desperately stuffing big cock head into his mouth now, sucking very hard.

Then something happened that I didn’t expect… Terry actually had an orgasm just from my oral stimulation. He let out a sexy moan, said “Oh God,” and pushed his ass into my face. I reached around his leg and found his little penis with my middle finger. It was hard and fluttering. Little droplets of girly clit fluid got on my finger. More importantly, his pussy opened up and his pussy lips flexed in and outwards, pulsing and throbbing. It got even more juicy as it pulsed.

Now I aggressively wanted to overwhelm him with another thick massive wad and held his head in place again. However, this time after pounding three or four ropes down his throat, I lifted his head off my cock and he pumped it with his little hands point blank, blowing rope after rope all over his face and hair. He lapped up as much as he could with the help of his fingers and then turned around collapsing on my chest. My wad was everywhere and his face was still so inundated it slipped around on my big muscle-hard pecs. He held me tight and whispered, “I’m falling in love with you Kelly.”

“Terry, now I’ve fallen in love with you. I’m driven to do things to you that I never thought I would be interested in.”

Terry started to cry and he raised his head off my chest, passionately licking wad off of me until none remained. He never looked so submissive, as he cried and lapped me clean.

For the first time in my life I had a lot more on my mind than just lifting weights and getting more massive. Now my mind was also filled with thoughts of Terry. I was thinking about sex more than ever, specifically sex with him. Instead of being anxious or uncomfortable showing off my body, I couldn’t wait to show Terry. Bodybuilders at the gym commented about how much harder I worked out. They could see I was looking at myself in the mirror more often, flexing, assessing, and strategizing on how to put on even more muscle mass for Terry.

For he’s part Terry worked very hard to keep me satisfied. He would text during my workout to encourage me to work out hard and get as pumped up and smelly as possible. Then he’d ask me to stop by as soon as I got home to show him. It was amazing when I returned home. He’d take off my gym cloths and go to work on me, driving me crazy and ultimately sucking me off to tremendous orgasms. He was always dressed so sexy, and even started wearing lingerie!

Terry was insatiable. He made a point of making me very proud of my giant cock. I was even less concerned about people ogling me. He made me feel like more of a man than any girl ever did. We both knew that it was only a matter of time before I mounted him and fully showed him my extreme manliness.

I had been going to a boxing gym once a week after my weigh training to help stay leaned out. When I told Terry I would be later than normal the next day because of that he got very interested. I told him that I spar with guys for an aerobic workout. He then asked if he could come watch. I hesitated and he said…

“Don’t worry, I will make sure the boxers think I’m a girl.”

I have to admit the thought of him watching me box intrigued me, and I replied, “I’ll think about it and let you know tomorrow morning.”

This could be interesting….

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The Seduction – The Next Step

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This story is the continuation of “The Seduction” which should be read first.

This story may contain: MFM, FF, GROUP, INCEST, MM

All characters are over 18 and clean and safe.


Just as I was going to tell Cass what I wanted her to do, the doorbell rang and I answered it. It was Bob. I welcomed him in.

“What’s up Bob? Gabby was just here. Did she forget something?”

“Hi guys. I know. I told her I had to ask you a favor.”

Cass invited him to have coffee and to tell us what he wanted.

“First, I want to thank you for helping Gabby. I don’t know how you did it, but she is unbelievable in bed now.”

I told him it wasn’t necessary to thank us but we were glad he is enjoying the new Gabby.

He smiled and said, “I know Gabby changed for me and now I want to do something special for her but I don’t know what to do, as far as sexually pleasing her.”

I looked at Cass and I knew what was coming.

Cass said, “Bob, can I be honest?”

“Of course Cass.”

“Well, have you ever thought of doing a threesome with your wife and another man? That is something she will love. I know from personal experience.”

Bob just looked at her as she continued.

“Years ago Nick introduced me to a threesome and I loved it…eventually, I had four men at one time but I do prefer only two. But, you have to love your wife and understand that a threesome is about totally pleasing her, not you. And, the main thing is that you will be watching another man fucking her and you can’t be jealous… that’s the hard part.”

“Wow, I never thought of a threesome. I do love Gabby above all else and want to please her. I don’t think I would be jealous…Tell me more.”

“First, you will want a friend or someone you know and trust who would want to participate. Then it would be all about taking your time with her and pleasing her. She will love having two men giving her so much attention. You can tell her how amazing she is…how beautiful she is.. or even that you love the slut she’s become…whatever gets her excited.”

“I understand. But how would I go about it?”

“Isn’t it her birthday next month?”


“Why not surprise her for her birthday and arrange a threesome as her gift. We can help you pull it off.”

“Hmmm. I guess it could work but there is one thing missing, the second man.”

“Bob, I am sure my husband would be more than willing to help out. He is an expert at threesomes and, you do know he helped Gabby in learning how to deep throat you so he does have a connection with Gabby.”

“Of course…will you do it Nick?”

“Sure, not a problem. Can you come over later tonight to go over the plan. We will have it figured out by then.”

“Sounds good. See you two later tonight. Thanks.”

After he left Anadolu Yakası Escort Cass and I discussed a plan that would work and we would tell Bob about it tonight.

Later that evening Bob & Gabby came over. Cass took Gabby out to the pool to relax as I talked to Bob about the plan.

“Now Bob, on Gabby’s birthday, the four of us will go out to dinner. When we get home we will have cake & coffee then we will give Gabby her gift…it will be a sexy, see through black lingerie. We will tell her to try it on for us & she will…then Cass will announce a special gift for her from her & Cass will lead her to our bedroom and give us to her as her gift.”

“That sounds terrific. My cock is hard just thinking about it.”

Laughing, I continued, “Now, before then you will need practice doing a threesome so you will have to tell Gabby that next weekend you have to travel. I will make reservations for the weekend at a motel and you and I can do a threesome with Cass. She already agreed to it. Ok?”

“That sounds super. But you’re ok with me fucking Cass?”

“Of course. Cass & I haven’t had a threesome in awhile and it will be a nice change of pace. Besides, I like watching her taking another guy’s cock and knowing she will be mine later on “

“Ok. I’ll start everything on Monday.”

We then went outside to the pool with the women.

Gabby said, “You guys take care of everything?”

Bob just said everything was taken care of.

On Monday, Bob called me & told me he was set for the weekend. I told him I already made reservations for a nice motel outside of town for us. He sounded excited.

The weekend came & Bob headed out to the motel and later on, Cass & I drove to the motel to meet him. We had told Gabby that we were going to visit my parents and would be back Sunday night.

After awhile, we met at the motel & we checked in as Bob waited in his car. Finally we were all in the room together. We put our stuff away. The place wasn’t bad. It had two bedrooms, living room, kitchen and a large shower for four…perfect. There was even a patio where we sat and discussed the weekend.

Cass started out by saying, “I think you will enjoy this weekend Bob. I know I will. As we proceed, Nick and I will give you some pointers. We brought some warming lotion so you can practice giving me a massage which Gabby will love.”

Nick continued, “Just remember, it’s all about her & pleasing her. Are we all ready?”

We got up and went into the larger bedroom. We all started undressing and soon the three of us were naked and it was the first time we had seen each other naked.

Bob said, “Wow Cass, you are beautiful.”

“Thanks Bob. I see you’re already to go, as is my hubby.”

I said to Bob, “Cass & I are going to walk you through Bostancı Escort everything first. After you do it, then the two of us will do Cass.”

I told Cass to get on the bed on her stomach and I stood on one side of her & Bob on the other side. I told Bob to put some warming lotion in his hands and start massaging Cass with the liquid.

“That’s it Bob…rub gently…all over her back… move your hands down to her ass and this… that’s it. Don’t touch her asshole or pussy…rub lotion near them but don’t touch them… tease her….good…now do her legs….perfect.”

After quite awhile I asked Cass to roll over.

“Now Bob, do the same thing on her front…massage around her tits and nipples only…then move down to her stomach and further down to above her slit, but don’t touch…just tease her….good.”

“Talk to her…tell her how gorgeous she is…that you think she is the sexiest woman alive…if she likes dirty talk, then say dirty things to her…but just keep massaging her….good….”

“Ok. Now start massaging her tits and her nipples…. that’s it…see her nipples getting erect..keep massaging them…good.”

“Now massage near her pussy… yeah, that’s it….move your hands over her slit…good…now spread her legs…ok, start massaging between her legs…touch her asshole…try slipping a finger in her cunt as you massage her…good…keep massaging…”

After a few minutes Cass started squirming…”That’s it Bob…see her getting hot…. don’t stop…she likes dirty talk…”

Bob said, “You like being my slut, don’t you Gabby?”

“Yes Bob. I like it…fuck your slut of a wife now…stick your cock in me now.”

“That’s it Bob…now mount her and fuck her.”

Bob mounted Cass and slipped his cock into her cunt.

“Fuck me Bob. Shoot your cum into my cunt. Then I want Nick to fuck me as you watch him stick his cock in my cunt and cum in your slut’s cunt.”

Bob started fucking Cass and finally shot his load into her cunt….

Great job Bob…great…

Then Bob said, “How did I do Cass? Was I ok?”

Cass replied, “Pretty fucking good… let’s rest awhile then do the threesome for real.”

We rested and had some wine…we figured on doing the threesome then have dinner then do another threesome that night and one more time in the morning.

Finally, I said, “Ok guys, let’s do it for real…Cass you will be Gabby for real now.”

Gabby got on the bed on her stomach and Bob & I stood on each side of her. We put some warming liquid in the palms of our hands and rubbed them to get the liquid warm then we started massaging Gabby.

“Mmmm. That feels nice guys… don’t stop.” As she spread her legs apart. Bob did very well.

He then said, “Is my slut of Ümraniye Escort a wife enjoying her birthday present?”

“Very much so…mmmm.”

As we both started massaging her ass, she said, “That’s it guys, don’t miss anywhere. It feels amazing.”

Bob then told her to turn over and she was now on her back. We started massaging her front and around her tits and nipples. Our cocks were hard and erect and as we massaged her, she took our cocks in her hands and started jerking them.

Now, Bob started massaging her tits and I started massaging her pussy. Her body started squirming. “Mmmm.”

Then she moved her mouth to my cock and started sucking it…then she went to Bob’s cock and did the same.

“Fuck me now.” She said.

Bob said, “Go ahead Nick, fuck my wife and cum in her.”

I mounted her, got my cock in her and fucked her until I came. I pulled out my cock and Bob got on top of her and got his cock in her cunt…he wasted no time in fucking her and cumming in her.

We were all spent and rested.

Then Cass said, “You guys were pretty good but I would have liked you to get your fingers in my cunt and asshole, preferably at the same time. Also, you should have gotten me on all fours and filled both my holes with your cocks.”

She continued, “On the next session, after you massage me, join me on the bed and feel me up forever…I like your four hands all over my body…play more with my nipples too. It’s ok if your tough with them.”

“Hey Bob, does Gabby like her nipples nibbled on?”

“I’m not sure but I can try it before her birthday.” As he laughed.

“Remember guys, it’s all about pleasing Gabby. We’ll do another session after we get back from dinner.”

It was about 8:00 p.m. when we got back to the room. ‘Ok guys, let’s do it again.”

Well, this time we followed everything Cass told us to do and we wound up the threesome at almost midnight, it was so good.

When we finished, we had coffee and did a wrap up. Cass told us that she never enjoyed such a great threesome and said that Gabby will be in heaven if we do the same to her on her birthday.

I was tired and went to bed…Gabby & Bob stayed up…

I don’t remember what time it was when I woke up in the middle of the night but when I did, I heard Cass & Bob in the other bedroom. I walked over to the bedroom and there was Cass on all fours with Bob’s cock deep in my wife’s ass.

“Hey Bob, remember to do that to Gabby on her birthday. Don’t stop. I’m enjoying the show. Hey Cass, once a slut, always a slut.” And I laughed as I walked away.

I know they both joined me in bed before the sun came up and Cass was in the middle and she had both of her hands wrapped around our cocks.

Cass whispered to me, “You know baby, I wouldn’t mind this being a regular thing. Think we can get them to start swinging with us?”

“I’m sure we can. I would love it to be a regular thing too.”

The next morning, we had one more go of it and it was even better. We checked out and headed home…Bob was going to get home later that night.

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Jean’s Wounded Warrior Ch. 05

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Jean’s Wounded Warrior Project

Chapter 5 Jean’s Superpower

I dedicate this story to all the brave men and women in uniform who have served this country.

This story takes place in the late 1960s.


Jean had warned me that her brother’s memory was unreliable, and he was subject to strange fantasies about her. However, his remarkable ability to recollect events from those years when he and his twin sister lived with their mom made me doubt my wife. Whenever I pressed Robert to repeat something, my brother-in-law precisely repeated the details of his elaborate story. Since I could verify some critical elements, I began to believe his tales weren’t fantasies produced by brain damage. I found it harder and harder to believe he was making it all up despite my growing dismay as I listened to his lurid stories about my wife’s coming of age.

The next time I called, Robert continued his story where he left off without missing a beat.


When I woke up late on New Year’s morning, I lay in bed for a while and stared at the ceiling. I listened to a blizzard howl outside my window. I felt like the storm was an omen for the new year.

At last night’s New Year’s Eve party, my sister had spent the night slow dancing with a classmate. I was still burning with jealousy. What was wrong with me? I should be happy for my sister. I hadn’t made a New Year’s resolution in years, but I pledged to end my sinful relationship with my sister. I had to quit before it went any further and became truly incestuous.

My mom’s boyfriend had left before I got out of bed around noon. She had made French toast with a pile of fragrant bacon and asked me to wake my sister. My mom was eager to tell us she had met a new man at her party.

“Ben is a respected professor in the Cornell School of Law. I hope you will be nice to him. You will see him here regularly for dinner and maybe breakfast.”

Jean looked at me and shrugged. Our father, who had abandoned us, was also a law professor at Cornell. It was the reason I had free tuition at Cornell. I guess my mother has a thing for law professors. I hoped she’d find happiness again. At least a law professor had to be better than that nasty old black man who had tried to rape my sister.

My fears that my sister would dump me for the classmate she had spent the night dancing with on New Year’s Eve proved unfounded. Our mom went to dinner with Ben a couple of nights later. As soon as she left, Jean rushed into the living room wearing nothing more than low-rise bikini panties and a smile. I tossed the textbook I was reading aside as she jumped onto my lap. My twin sister didn’t even take time to change the Beetles album I was listening to. She kissed me hard and began giving me a lap dance to the song Norwegian Wood. I was soon as hard as any damn tree in Norway. Jean whimpered as she ground her clit on my erection. My hands went to her sensitive breasts. It had been days since we’d given each other orgasms, and it became a race to see who came first. My sister won because she cheated. She stopped grinding on my cock and shoved her fingers inside her panties to get herself off while I sucked on her gorgeous breasts.

It seems my sister was saving my cock for a different fate. After she recovered from an intense orgasm, she dropped to the floor between my spread thighs and pulled off my boxers. Once she removed my only article of clothing, she wrapped her lips around my cock. She slowly stroked my erection while taking more and more of it into her warm wet mouth. Her tongue licked my shaft, and I moaned in appreciation of her rapidly improving technique.

Jean whimpered. She pulled back to lick my cock from the base to my flared red tip.

“Oh, God, it’s so hard!”

It had been so long since we did it. Jacking off is a poor substitute for my sister’s loving hands and mouth.

I laughed. “Yeah, it’s so hard I could use it to drive nails.”

My twin sister giggled. “No, silly. I mean keeping my pledge.”

I tried to remember a pledge. It’s impossible to think when all the blood in your brain has left to fill your erection. All I could remember was my broken New Year’s pledge to stop fooling around with my sister before it became incest.

“What pledge?”

“I signed a pledge at church. I promised Jesus that I would save myself for marriage.”

I vaguely remembered when the girls had stayed behind after Sunday service for a talk about abstinence. I knew several of them had decided later that anal sex didn’t break their vow. They’d all earned a reputation as sluts. It didn’t seem fair that women weren’t allowed to enjoy sex. The guys who fucked sluts were called studs. I felt sorry for my sister. I had a hard enough time controlling my urges. I couldn’t imagine what she was going through. If she made one slip, she would be labeled a slut forever.

Jean bobbled her head up and down my cock several times before pulling off again. I groaned in frustration. She smiled up at me.

“It’s getting harder Ataşehir Escort to keep my pledge. I dream about us doing it all the time.

“Doing it? You mean the two of us having sex?”

“Yes. It’s the two of us in my bed. You’re so gentle and loving. I can almost feel you inside me. I always wake up happy after I dream about you fucking me hard until I have an intense orgasm. The best part of my dream is that my orgasm is real. It’s a fantastic way to wake up in the morning.”

I had no idea girls had wet dreams. I hadn’t had one in months. Since I first kissed my sister, I’d been jacking off a lot. Since my sister started giving me blow jobs, I have been masturbating so much that my cock was always sore. Talk about raging hormones.

Jean returned to loving my cock while I thought about what she had said about us having sex. I daydreamed about it all the time. The idea scared the crap out of me. Thanks to my Christian upbringing, I knew incest was the most terrible sin I could commit against my sister. I was supposed to protect her from harm.

Jean paused again. It was getting annoying, but she wanted to talk it through. When a woman has a guy’s cock in her hands, she can get him to do anything she wants.

She looked up at me and said, “At times, I can almost convince myself it would be ok to have sex with someone you love with all your heart. Oh, Robbie, I love you so much. Do you love me, too?”

She gave my cock a little twist as she licked the tip. My body jerked.

“Oh, God! Oh, God, yes! I love you so much.

As an aside to the ladies, I must warn you not to believe what a man says while having sex. We’ll say anything to ensure a repeat performance. However, in this case, I was telling the truth. I’d always loved my sister deeply. That love had changed since we first kissed, but I would always love my fantastic twin.

Jean had tears in her eyes as she looked up at me. “Robbie, if you love me, promise you’ll respect my pledge. I’m terrified that I’ll get so aroused that I give in to the moment. I’d be ruined forever.”

“Jean, it’s Ok. I promise I’ll respect your pledge and protect you as long as I live.”

“I knew you would understand. With the way Mom is behaving, you’re the only one I have to keep me safe. I’m too weak to keep my pledge alone. It’s why I won’t take off my panties or let you touch me there. I’ll lose control if I take them off or let you put your hand inside them. Please promise me that you understand.”

As much as I wanted to see my sweet sister’s pussy, I knew she was right. I couldn’t have the forbidden fruit. What made my promise extra hard was that Jean had one hand inside her frilly panties the whole time we talked. She kept herself on the edge of boiling over by playing around with the sweet pussy I had just promised not to touch or see.

“I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die. Now could you take care of me? My balls are starting to hurt.”

My twin sister wiped the tears from her face and laughed. She pumped my cock a couple of times with her soft, warm hand before she took me deep into her throat. Her lips brushed against my pubic hair while her tongue swirled around my erection. She held me deep for a moment before she pulled back a little and began bobbing up and down. I lost it when her hand began massaging my balls. Her timing was getting better. Seconds after I came, she pushed herself to an intense orgasm with the hand she worked in her panties.

She kept my cock in her mouth until I stopped shooting cum. Once again, she spit out my seed into a tissue. She sat back on her heels and smiled at me as she wiped her pretty mouth.

We had barely finished when we heard two cars pull into the driveway. We ran to our rooms as Ben and my mom entered the front door. It wasn’t even nine, and the two oversexed adults were home for another night of fun and games.

Before she met Ben, our mom would go out dancing three or four nights a week and stay out until the bars closed. That left plenty of time for Jean and me to finish our homework before exploring our newfound passion. Our mom’s new routine made finding a safe time for sex challenging. It seemed they went out to dinner a couple of nights a week and then came back to our house early to fuck. The worst part was that Ben started coming over for dinner on weeknights and staying late. Ben was putting a severe crimp on my illicit relationship with my sister.

We started hanging out in my bedroom and getting our rocks off while Ben was fucking our mom. The house was too quiet, the walls too thin, and my bed springs too noisy to allow Jean to give me a blow job or even a lap dance unless my mom and Ben were going at it hot and heavy.

Unfortunately, my mom’s new playmate was in his fifties, and he didn’t last long enough for Jean and me to reach an orgasm while they were loudly fucking. We had to take turns getting off those nights he came for dinner. Luckily, Ben seemed to recover after half an hour and often went for a second round with my mom.

When they went out, we had a little more time as Anadolu Yakası Escort long as we put off our homework until after they came home. What we managed to squeeze in around our mom’s new schedule wasn’t enough to satisfy a couple of horny teenagers.

Even with the restraints my sister and I had to put up with, we still managed to play nearly every day. My sister became an expert at blow jobs. While she was giving me a lap dance, I was teasing her breasts or grabbing her panty-covered ass. I loved playing with my sister’s pert breasts. She seemed to like it when I pinched her nipples and gave them a firm tug. She always kept on her bikini panties. If I tried to slip my fingers inside, she would slap them away and give me a stern warning.

“Behave yourself. The bouncer is watching.”

I knew she was saving herself for marriage, but how was I to know she wasn’t on birth control? That kind of thing was between her and our mom. I was vaguely aware that she’d tried two different birth control pills and reacted badly to both. I didn’t know she’d quit trying to find a prescription that worked after a third prescription produced worse side effects.


January is a hard month in Central New York. The weather is often windy and bitter cold, with one snowstorm after another. Our mom’s response to the freezing drafts in her bedroom was to set the thermostat to the maximum, which made the rest of the house baking hot. The sweltering heat made studying difficult.

Jean and I had semester finals the last week in January. I needed to do well to keep my scholarship. My sister needed high marks to get into a good college. Jean and I deprived ourselves of sexual release because we needed to cram for finals. Ben’s presence made finding a spare moment difficult.

We had a week off for semester break, but neither of us expected any relief since our mom, as a teacher, got the same week off. If anything, I was afraid Ben would move in for the week. We were happily surprised when our mom announced she and Ben would spend the week lying on a beach in Florida. Our mom took our stunned expressions the wrong way. She thought we were upset and nervous about being abandoned, and she quickly told us that she had filled the freezer with lasagne and other easy meals. She fussed like a mother hen until she drove off with Ben on Saturday afternoon. Jean and I were excited to have the house to ourselves for the next three days.


I called my friends from college as soon as Ben’s car turned the corner. James and Joey went home at Christmas but stayed in the dorms over semester break to save money. They were both eager to come over and party. My friends offered to bring pizza and booze, and I eagerly accepted. My first college finals had been a lot harder than I expected. High school had been a walk in the park. Just as I was about to hang up, James begged for a favor.

“Hey man, is it ok if I invite Thad? He’s the only guy staying in the dorm for the break besides us. It doesn’t seem right to leave him all by himself.”

Thad was a tall, skinny black kid from the deep South. He was in one of my classes, and I knew he was polite but a bit too full of himself. I guess being a doctor’s son and having a 4.0-grade point average as a pre-med major will do that to a guy.

“Sure. What the hell, why not? Just make sure you bring enough for everyone.”

James said, “Does everyone include your sister? As I remember, she can knock back more than her share of alcohol.”

“I’m not sure if she’ll make it. She has basketball practice today. Sometimes, she hangs out with friends afterward. But just to be safe, bring extra. My mom won’t be back until Tuesday night. It’s time to party.”

A half-hour later, my sister walked in the door. She shook a dusting of snow from her parka and hung it by the door. She removed her wet boots and set them on a mat below our coats. It was only a half-mile walk from the high school, but it can be a pain in a snow storm, especially before the city gets around to plowing the roads.

I said, “How’s the weather?”

“It’s blowing pretty hard and just starting to snow. I think it’s cold enough to turn into a blizzard.”

I kept up the small talk for a couple of minutes. The guys still weren’t here, and I wasn’t sure how to break the news we were going to have a party. She’d had fun the last time Joey and James had come over. Hopefully, she wouldn’t be upset about not being able to spend some alone time with me tonight.

Jean said, “I’m going to take a shower until the hot water runs out. Coach Taylor ran us ragged. During the second hour of practice, some girls ran out of energy and didn’t get back on defense fast enough for the asshole. He made us run wind sprints until I thought I would puke.”

I remembered running wind sprints for the sadist. Everyone on the team would line up at one end of the basketball court and sprint to the other when the coach yelled, “Go!” As soon as the last guy finished, he would yell go again. It hardly seemed fair after finals week. I Kartal Escort know my sister hadn’t gotten more than five hours of sleep a night for the last ten days.

“How many did you run?”

“I don’t know. I lost count after fifteen. Maybe a couple of dozen. My legs are like noodles. Speaking of noodles, maybe you could heat up some lasagne for dinner. I’m famished.”

I didn’t tell her she would have pizza tonight while watching John Wayne on TV. I’d been twelve when I saw ‘The Longest Day’ in the theater. It was one of my favorite movies. While I waited for the party, I cleaned off the coffee table and got out five shot glasses and some bags of chips. I was hoping for a repeat of our last party. I was looking forward to seeing the smirk whipped off Thad’s face when my sister beat him at Joey’s drinking game.

My sister was still in the shower when the guys arrived with two large pizzas, a case of beer, and a brown bag that clanked. I told them to hang their heavy winter coats in the hall closet and remove their snow-covered boots.

James said, “It’s snowing like a son of a bitch out there. I’m glad it held off long enough to buy some whiskey. I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to the weather here. If we want snow in California, you can drive to the mountains where it belongs.”

Thad smiled like a thief when he set the bag of booze on the kitchen counter. Joey turned on the oven and slid in one of the pizzas to reheat it.

Thad said, “Thanks for the invite.”

James said, “Sorry it took so long, but no one in college town was willing to buy booze for underage kids. Luckily, we brought Thad. We went across the tracks, and our hero found a black gentleman willing to make the buy.”

Thad and Joey broke out laughing.

Thad said, “More like a drunken bum. Luckily we had someone standing at both ends of the block. I was standing across the street from the liquor store, so he had nowhere to go. Even so, our elegant gentleman thought he could make a run for it and keep all of the booze. He looked at me crossing the street and ran straight into Joey’s arms.”

I could picture the bum’s face when he saw the tall, muscular Thad coming for him. The Southern boy’s thick dark winter coat must have made him look as big as a bear. With the hood up, all that showed in Thad’s coal-black face were the whites of his eyes. He appeared as scary as a wraith from Lord of the Rings.

My friends popped a beer and sat on my mom’s new white couch. I warned them about keeping the sofa clean. I turned on the floor fan and aimed it at them to circulate the warm, stifling air. I moved the armchair closer to the couch to share the breeze and settled in with my cold beer. We had a couple of hours before John Wayne made an appearance. I heard my sister turn off the shower. A couple of minutes later, Joey smiled when he noticed the whine of my sister’s hairdryer. By that point, the heat in the house was getting to everyone. The poor Italian kid’s armpits were soaked.

Joey smiled and said, “Are we going to follow the house rules while we party?”

Thad looked puzzled, but I noticed even our Southern guest was wilting in the heat. He said, “House rules?”

I laughed. “My mom keeps the place overheated. So the custom is to strip down to our underwear.”

Thad stared at me like I was crazy. “James said your mom was going to be gone for several days. Wouldn’t it be easier to turn down the thermostat?”

“My mom’s new boyfriend lowered the temperature the first night he was here. She turned it up to the maximum setting and removed the knob. Good luck adjusting it.”

I stood up and set an example. I peeled off my tee shirt and jeans leaving me in my boxers. I grabbed another round of beers and sat back on the armchair I’d marked as mine. Joey and James quickly followed my lead. Thad stared at us like we were nuts. He threw back the rest of his first beer.

The tall black kid shook his head and said, “My dad said you Yankees were fucking strange, but this house is too damn hot. I guess when in Rome….”

Thad took off the heavy flannel shirt that he had worn under a thick coat to keep him warm on the trip to my house. I doubt he had ever seen snow in Alabama, let alone experienced the bitter cold of upstate New York. When he removed his tee shirt, I was impressed with his lean, muscular chest and six-pack abs. I got another surprise when the young black man stripped down his boxers. His underwear barely concealed what appeared to be the biggest cock in the room.

Joey poured everyone a shot of cheap whiskey to go along with our second beer. James made a toast.

“Here’s to surviving finals. Thank God, they’re over.”

We threw back our whiskey shots before clinking our beers and taking a long pull from the cold bottles. Everyone had just relaxed when I heard my sister come out of her bedroom and walk into the kitchen. I’d turned off most of the living room lights so we could watch TV. When my sister turned on the kitchen lights, the light showed right through her translucent baby doll pajamas. My sister froze when she saw my friends. Judging by her revealing outfit, she’d planned on a private party with me. I loved her choice of sexy red lingerie under her skimpy PJs. She’d put on bright red lipstick to match her panties. She’d even fastened her long French braid with a bright red hair tie.

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Meeting Abi Ch. 01

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This is the background to how I met my now GF Abi. My hookup at the time Erin set up, but it was never meant to get serious and didnt at first.

Erin is a successful lawyer in my area. After our mall hook-up, she texted me a few days later and asked me out to dinner to talk to about something. I fully expected her to end our arrangement, but instead it was something totally different.

Over dinner Erin explained to me that her secretary who had always been reserved and quiet about her personal life but had recently started to open up to Erin.

According to Erin, Abigail (the secretary) had revealed that she had been raised in a devoutly religious home and with incredibly strict parents who up until she moved out at 28, had been incredibly overbearing.

Over the past few weeks Abigail(now 30) had revealed more and more about her life until she finally admitted to Erin to that she was a virgin and had considered hiring a male escort to take care of her “problem.”

Basically, a long story short, Erin told her not to do that, and that she knew of someone (me) who could take care of her “problem” and who wouldn’t treat her just like a transaction.

Fast forward a week later, Erin arranged for us to use her house because she was out of town, the only rule was using the guest bedroom. I got to Erin’s house first and let myself in using the door code.

I poured two glasses of wine and waited for Abigail to arrive. Around 7:45, I heard a knock at the door and ran to answer it, when I opened the door, I was greeted by Abigail. I had seen a picture of Abigail, but it was from the shoulders up.

Abigail is about 5’4 and incredibly thin, she probably only weighed 110-115lbs at the time. She was wearing a pair of fitted but not tight jeans and a checkered blue sweater that fit her torso, but like her jeans wasn’t tight. I introduced myself and gave her a hug and a light kiss on the cheek.

We walked into the living room and made small talk over the next half hour while drinking a couple glasses of wine. Abigail told me about herself, her upbringing, and how she felt like she was missing out and that guys she dated were put off that she was still a virgin.

As we finished our wine, she looked at me, smiled and said, “Thank you for being willing to Ataşehir Escort help me out with this, can we go upstairs?”

I smiled and lead Abigail up to the spare bedroom. As we reached the room, Abigail turned to me and said, “I’m going to let you take the lead. Erin told me your clean, and I started on birth control for period control after I escaped my parents, so we don’t need a condom.”

I kissed her softly on the lips and pulled her close. We kissed passionately for a few moments before I allowed my hands to begin to wander to her ass, giving it a firm squeeze, causing her to pull away and take a deep breath.

She looked at me and smiled and then leaned back in to kiss me more. As we continued to kiss, my hands left her ass and wandered up underneath her sweater, as my hand reached the back of her bra, she lifted her arms and allowed me to take her sweater off. I told her she could take my clothes off too, and she lifted my shirt off.

As I leaned down and kissed her neck, Abigail gasped and let out a little moan and shiver. As I kissed down to her neck and collarbone, her moans began get more consistent. I reached down and unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down her body.

I looked at her and smiled before saying, “I think I am over dressed, a little help?” She smiled and unbuttoned my pants and allowed them to fall to the floor.

As we both stood there in just our underwear, Abigail blushed and said, “I’m sorry but I don’t own any sexy underwear.”

For the first time I realized that she was simply wearing a pair of very conservative white panties, and a plain, full coverage white bra.

I just laughed, told her, “There’s nothing to apologize for, you look beautiful.”

Abigail just smiled and said, “Thank you.”

I pulled her back in to a kiss and we kissed for another minute or so before I unsnapped her bra and stepped back so it could fall away. As the bra hit the floor, I realized the Abigail had a very small bust (32b as I found out later.).

Once again Abigail blushed and said, “You’re the first man to ever see me like this.”

I told her, “Then I am honored, lets lay down.”

As we moved towards the bed, Abigail said, “Before we do that, let’s get rid of the rest of these clothes.”

We both Anadolu Yakası Escort took our underwear off and I noticed that Abigail had a full but trimmed bush.

As we laid down, we continued to kiss; as we kissed Erin’s hand began wander down before she asked, “Can I touch it?”

I smiled and told her yes. She took my cock gently in her hand and gave it a slight squeeze. I told her, “Keep that grip and move you hand up and down.”

She proceeded to give me what I would call a “teenager hand job.” It didn’t have much rhythm, but it did feel good. After a few minutes of this, I pushed her onto her back and climbed on top of her.

I smiled at her and said, “Can I eat you out?”

She blushed and said, “A man has never touched me down there, but if you want. I’m sorry it’s so hairy, I’ve been too nervous to shave, just trim.”

I smiled and told her that it was fine, and I kissed my way down her body pausing to kiss her breasts and nipples before traveling the rest of the way to her bush.

As I moved between her legs, I could tell that she was wet. I lightly kissed her thighs causing her to jerk a bit before starting to moan. As I got closer to her pussy, her moans began to get heavier, I paused be starting and said, “I’m going to eat you out now, relax and enjoy it.”

She mumbled some words that I couldn’t make out because I was starting to lick her pussy. I used just basic up and down strokes paying special attention to her clit. I kept this up for 2 or 3 minutes all the while her moans began to get more consistent and louder.

I paused for a brief moment and slipped a finger into her causing her to go, “OH GOD!!” I stopped and looked up and asked if she was okay.

She took a couple of deep breaths and said, “Wow, yes that feels amazing, I’ve only used my fingers and they are much smaller!” I smiled and lightly began to finger while licking her clit. This action caused her moans to begin louder and louder; I kept up my pace and within another minute or she let out a slight whimper/moan and I felt her pussy clamp down on my finger. I stopped with my finger but kept up licking her clit as she shook with orgasm.

As her orgasm subsided, I slid up till I was even with her, and she kissed me before remarking, “Is that Kadıköy Escort all me on your face and beard?!”

I smiled and told it was and when she started to apologize, I told her it was normal. We laid there with me softly cupping her breasts as she caught her breath until she said, “I’ve never given a blowjob and I think it might be too much, is that okay?”

I told her it was and that we could stop now if she wanted. She smiled and said, “NO, I came here to lose my virginity, and that’s what I’m going to do.”

I sat up and repositioned between her legs and lined my cock up at her entrance. Before I slid in, I said, “This may hurt for a moment, just tell me to stop, but I’ll go slow.” She just bit her lip and shook her head.

I pushed into her with just the head, and she took a deep breath, so I stopped, after a moment I began to push more, I felt a tiny bit of resistance, but I was able to slide all the way in. As our pelvises met, she let out a loud moan that kind of shocked me. I asked her if she was okay and she said, “I’m great, I just feel so full!”

I slowly began to pull out and thrust into her, each time causing her to moan louder and louder until she began to cum again. As she came down from her second orgasm of the evening, I began to pick up my pace, thrusting in and out of her with a little more force and making sure I pulled out almost all of the way before plunging back in.

I would love to tell you I last for another 15 minutes, but due to her tightness and moans, that wasn’t in the cards tonight. I thrusted a few more times and right as she began to cum for a final time, I had enough sense to pull out and with two strokes of my hand, blew my load all over her stomach and a bit even reaching the bottom of her small tits.

Be both collapsed on the bed and began to catch our breath. After a few minutes of nothing but breathing, Abigail leaned over and kissed me and said, “Thank you for that! It was amazing and I’m glad my first time was withs someone so caring and experienced.

Erin was right you do know what you’re doing!”

I smiled as I told her thank you. I got up and got her a towel to clean up with.

As I leaned against the headboard, Abigail got dressed and said, “Erin told me I could stay the night, but I need to get home to my cat.”

I told her no problem and walked her to the door. After she had left, I texted Erin, “Abigail just left thanks for setting that up, hopefully she just doesn’t catch feelings lol!” Well as time progressed, it became clear that is exactly what happened.

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