The Inheritance Ch. 01

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1.01 Susan Inherits a Beach House:

1.02 Susan visits the Beach House:

1.03 Susan moves into the Beach House:

1.04 Susan meets the Entities:

1.05 Susan and the Jacuzzi:


1.01 Susan Inherits a Beach House:

Susan sat at a large conference table for the reading of her parents will. Her parents had gone over their will several times Susan and she sat there as the lawyer read the will. The last item came as a shock to Susan. It was an old, beach front house, that was on the ocean front at Cape Hatteras.

The lawyer finished and then talked to Susan about the house.

“The house was built in the 1950’s and no one has lived in it since 1972. It is boarded up and will take time and money to make it livable.”

Susan asked why no one was living in it.

All the lawyer could tell her was of the rumors and myths of strange things happening to the people that had rented it. He did tell Susan that her parents did go the house frequently, on weekends, but didn’t know why. Susan decided it was time to visit the house and would decide if she wanted to keep it or sell the property.

1.02 Susan Visits the Beach House:

She checked into a beach hotel and the following morning drove to house. It was what she expected, a large multi-room house surrounded by years of landscaping neglect. The lawyer had asked the property manager to remove the boards on the doors and windows. Susan would decide if and when to have the utilities reconnected.

It was like walking into a doorway to the past. All the furniture was covered with sheets, all the carpets were turned over to preserve the pattern and styles. Susan was pleasantly surprised to see that whoever did this also did the same to the sitting rooms and bedrooms on each of the upper two levels.

She spent the better part of the morning touring each and every room and after considerable thought, decided to renovate it, either to move in or rent it. She contacted the property manager and arranged for the house and property to be ‘fixed up’ and renovated. It would take most of the summer before all the work was completed.

The room she was most intrigued with, was the large room in the basement. It was the only room in the house that was modern, cleaned and up to date. At first glance it seemed like a normal family room with a sectional, chairs and recliners.

Susan saw a large ‘sealed’ envelope on the coffee table with her name on it. She opened it and her eyes flew open when she read what the family room was really all about. The papers described in detail, what all the devices were and how to use them. They ranged from customized Sybians to male milking machines, to sexual harnesses. Mattresses with support rails and beds could be raised up from the floor. Everything was controlled by a hand held remote or a laptop computer.

A shaken Susan couldn’t believe her parents were into this kind of thing. But then again, her parents didn’t know that she was a bisexual. They never put two and two together when Susan dated both men and women. If they had Susan might have found out about this room earlier.

She decided to keep the door to the basement locked, at least for a while.

1.03 Susan moves into the Beach House:

Susan made several trips to the house and was happy with the way it began to look. Finally the day arrived when she could move in. The water and plumbing were working but the electrical and internet phone wouldn’t be connected until the following morning. The contractor had installed a generator for the water heater and air conditioning, but nothing else.

She smiled as she wandered throughout the large house. It was truly beautiful and couldn’t understand why no one wanted to live in it for so many years. The older residents and neighbors told her about the strange occurrences back in the 50’s thru 70’s but she brushed it off.

She brought a large supply of candles and her laptop computer with a spare battery. She would get some office work done during the afternoon and evening.

She picked out one of the sitting/bedrooms and setup her computer on the desk and put her cell phone beside it. Around 6:30pm, she ordered her favorite Chinese food and sat in the bedroom eating and enjoying her meal amidst the glow of all the candles.

When she finished she lit four candles in the bathroom and relaxed with a soothing shower. When finished, she undressed and scrutinized her nakedness in the mirror. Susan had kept her body in shape by working out at the local gym and on the jogging paths. Her body was curvaceous with full, firm, 36C breasts. She looked at her thighs and saw her ‘perfect’ hairless labia and thick clitoral hood. She had a body that most women would kill for. She put on a silky robe over her nakedness and returned to her computer.

1.04 Susan meets the Entities:

Soon Susan was completely absorbed in work.

Susan sensed that someone or something was near her. She turned, sharply rising from her İstanbul Escort chair and stood there looking around, but there was no one there. A few moments went by and she sensed it again, this time it was behind and almost touching her.

A shiver ran through her as a gentle caress ran down over her shoulders and beneath her arms, she felt a gentle cupping of her breasts and then a light tweaking of her nipples through the thin material of her robe. An apprehensive feeling filled her mind and she quickly stood up and walked to the middle of the room, her eyes darting nervously about her. Once again Susan felt the soft touches slowly exploring her body through the silky fabric of her robe. She felt her right breast being massaged and then a soft pressure pushed between her thighs and onto her labia. Something touched the sensitive hood of her clitoris with gentle a gentle swirling motion.

Susan trembled and shook as wild thoughts filled her mind. She gasped when she looked down at her body and saw the strange movements of her robe as her breasts and inner thighs were being fondled and explored. She stood there unable to move as the unseen ‘hands’ roamed freely across her body. Both breasts and nipples were now being attended to and she felt delicate touches probing the soft folds of her labia.

Despite Susan’s fears, her body was slowly succumbing to the exquisite touches and caresses of the ‘hands’, ‘fingers’, ‘mouths’ and ‘lips’ that were relentlessly adorning her body through the silky fabric that covered her nakedness. She made an attempt to move to the door way but the unseen pressures on body held her firmly. Somewhere, deep in her mind, Susan rationalized that if she was in physical harm’s way, it would have happened by now.

“Nooooo .. Leave me alone .. stop it ..”

Suddenly she felt the fabric being pushed onto her clitoral hood with exquisite swirls and massages. Her hips jerked and a reluctant moan escaped her mouth as her clitoris slowly extended itself.

“Ohhhhhh .. Noooooooo ..”

Susan’s body was now betraying her mind. Her rising arousal slowly pushed her fears into the background and a wonderful flushed feeling washed across her loins as the silky fabric brushed across her rigid clitoris, pushed against the folds of her labia and swirled the stiffening nipples in delicious circles.

“Ahh .. Ahh .. Ahh ..”

She felt soft ‘lips’ touch her lips and tried to turn her head but ‘hands’ held her face. She felt a warm moist ‘tongue’ touching her lips and then slipping back and forth between them. The ‘tongue’ slowly moved inward and Susan took a deep breath when she felt her tongue being touched. As her tongue was explored, she felt the pressure of the soft fabric being pushed onto her swelling labia and a reluctant moan filtered into the unseen ‘mouth’.

“mmm .. mmm .. mmm ..”

Susan unconsciously began pressing her tongue against the presence’s ‘tongue’ and a flood of new sensations saturated her mind as the two tongues danced and played with each other. Her response was hesitant at first, but soon the kiss became deeper with a rising sense of passion.


The kisses on her neck and face continued along with the massages on her breasts, nipples and on the swelling folds of her labia and clitoris. The robes soft fabric was adding to the stirring arousal of her body.

As the passionate kiss continued and Susan was barely aware that the sash to her robe was being loosened. The robe’s soft folds parted and ‘hands’ pushed the robe to her sides. Susan broke the kiss and gasped as her firm breasts and erect nipples sprung into the air and her rigid clitoris stood out like a pink beacon at the top of her labia. The last remnants of her resistance were gone and she now embraced her unseen Lovers.

Her breath was coming in quick pants and a long, soft sigh was heard as her robe was pushed from her shoulders. Her aroused nakedness was highlighted by the soft glow of the candle lit room. The ‘mouths’ and ‘hands’ now reacquired her body, having more of the soft, trembling, bare skin to massage and suckle on. A soft ‘finger’ pressed onto her hard clitoris with an ecstatic twirling motion and Susan gasped loudly as her hips bucked forward at the incredible contact.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..”

The ‘mouth’ and ‘lips’ slipped from her face and suckled their way down toward her right breast. A massaging ‘hand’ seemed to hold it as an offering for the advancing ‘mouth’. She gasped as a wonderful warmth bathed her erect nipple and then a warm, moist .mouth’ descended onto the excited nipple with a delicious sucking and suckling action. She felt her left breast being gently lifted and a different ‘mouth’ slipped over the tingling nipple. Ripples of pleasure flowed across her chest and flowed downward, merging with those that were emanating from her clitoris. At the same time she felt the ‘hands’ on her inner thighs move inward and form themselves around Anadolu Yakası Escort the swelling folds of her labia. A ‘thumb’ pressed and swirled her excited clitoris in ecstatic circles. She instinctively spread her legs and her hips bucked upward as jolts of joy shot throughout her body.

“Ohhhhhhh .. Goddddddd ..”

Susan’s wide open eyes still saw nothing in front of her or around her. Her mind and body no longer cared about the ‘whys’ or ‘hows’, only what ‘they’ were doing to her aroused body. She felt pressure against her legs and back, it was almost like a soft, thick layer of warm air. Her body was slowly moved from a standing position to a prone position. The persistent attention on her body never faltered or stopped and a sense of excitement gripped her when she felt her legs being bent at the knees and spread apart. Her arms were repositioned so they were held level with her shoulders.

Susan visualized the erotic position she was in and her breath came in quick pants and gasps. While the ‘hands’ and ‘mouths’ adorned her body, a third suckling mouth gently slipped onto her abdomen and worked its way downward. The ‘fingers’ of the ‘hand’ that was molded to her labia slipped between the folds, pushing them further apart and began to deliciously explore her wet pink furrow. The suckling ‘mouth’ was now approaching the junction of her thighs. A deep intake of breath and a longer moan was heard as the ‘mouth’ left her abdomen and a long, warm ‘tongue’ curled around her straining clitoris. The contact was electric and Susan’s hips arched as jolts of joy flooded her sex. The ‘tongue’ was joined by ‘lips’ and both began to suck on her organ of joy.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..”

The exploring ‘fingers’ began to tease and tantalize her clasping inner lips and her hips began pushing her excited womanhood against her unseen Lovers. Slowly two ‘fingers’ pushed into her eager passage with an exquisite twisting and turning motion. She gasped as jolts of intense pleasure flooded her vagina, merging with those from her throbbing clitoris and bullet-like nipples. Her clenching vaginal muscles were trying to draw the twisting ‘fingers’ deeper into its enflamed sheath.

The stroking ‘finger’ tips began circling her excited vaginal walls as if they were searching for something. She suddenly arched up from the ‘blanket of air’, her hips ground her enflamed sex in wild circles and she squealed in joy. Her Lovers had found her ‘G’ spot and began an ecstatic massaging of the sensitive tissues. All the unseen forces came together now and intensified their actions on her body, from breasts and nipples to her rigid clitoris to her spasming vagina. They suckled, they massaged, they stroked, they teased and they caressed. She thrust her breasts and engorged nipples into the devouring ‘mouths’ and ground her enflamed sex into the sucking ‘lips’ and thrusting ‘fingers’. Susan was catapulted into a sexual frenzy and she arched up, wailing, as first orgasm was unleashed.


Susan lay on the ‘blanket of air’, her body shook and trembled with the power of her orgasm, cooing and moaning as deep aftershocks rippled across her body.

“Ohhhhh .. Thank you ..”

She felt all the unseen ‘mouths’, ‘lip’s, ‘hands’ and ‘fingers slowly leave her body and she whimpered with disappointment. It was then that she felt two large ‘hands’ come to rest on her bent knees. They startled her for a moment and then she smiled as the large ‘hands’ drifted down her thighs toward center of her sexual being. The ‘hands’ moved with deliberate slowness and Susan kept shifting her thighs in an effort to speed them toward their destination. A grateful gasp was heard when she felt her swollen folds being molded between the ‘hands’. She felt a thick ‘finger’ slipping between her folds, pushing them apart, and instinctively began sawing her wet, pink furrow up and down onto the exploring ‘finger’.

The tip of the long, thick appendage nestled into her clasping inner lips with exciting caresses and teasing probes. Her eager vaginal entrance screamed for more and the ‘finger’ didn’t disappoint her. It slowly slipped into her clenching passage with ecstatic twists and turns. A second thick ‘finger’ joined the first and both began ecstatic strokes into and out of her spasming vagina. Susan couldn’t believe the fullness that was exploring her womanhood. It was almost like an erection.

‘Yes .. Yes .. I love it .. I want it .. Oh God yes ..’

She had just had an incredible orgasm and this .. this new Lover, was pushing her toward another one with only its ‘fingers’. Susan felt movement between her thighs and then she felt a warm, moist breath of air bathing her engorged clitoris. Despite the spasms of intense pleasure within her seething vaginal passage, she held her breath as her new Lover lowered its ‘mouth’ and suckled its way over her rigid organ of joy. While the ‘fingers’ plundered her vagina, the ‘lips’ and ‘mouth’ Kartal Escort began an ecstatic ‘deep throating’ of her rigid clitoris and her loins exploded with joy as her second orgasm exploded throughout her body.


She slumped down onto the ‘blanket of air’ gasping and panting as she came down from her orgasmic high. Her vaginal muscles continued to clenched tightly around the long, thick ‘fingers’ as intense aftershocks racked her body.

“Ohh .. Ohh .. Ohh ..”

Her Lover let her rest for a few moments and then she sensed that presence leaning over her body between her wide spread thighs .. and then she felt it.

It felt incredibly long and incredibly thick and it pulsed and throbbed as it lay over her abdomen. She could feel a warm wetness pooling onto her abdomen from the ‘head’ of its massive, unseen ‘erection’. Her mind said it was two big, but her body vaulted up the arousal ladder, screaming,

‘YES .. YES .. YES ..’

She sensed the face of the presence as it neared her face. She closed her eyes, parted her lips and waited. Its ‘lips’ touched her lips and then its ‘tongue’ slowly slipped into mouth. Susan moaned into its ‘mouth’ as she aggressively returned the kiss, it was deep and full of passion.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ..”

While they kissed her Lover settled further onto her body. It shifted its mid section and its heavy ‘testicles’ came to rest on her engorged organ of joy. She pushed her sex upward, sinking it between the soft, heavy balls with an ecstatic swirling motion and a deep guttural moan was heard from mouth.


They broke the kiss and Susan lay there gasping and panting as the silky heaviness massaged her excited clitoris. The presence began planting wet suckling kisses over her face and neck. The kisses trekked downward to her neck and shoulders and then toward her chest. As its ‘head’ moved downward, so did its body, and she squealed again as the throbbing hardness slipped over straining clitoris. The suckling ‘mouth’ reached her right breast, moving over the firm mound and descended onto the bullet-like nipple. Its ‘lips’ and ‘tongue’ swirled around the rubbery tip and Susan moaned her gratitude.

The presence shifted its mid-section again and Susan’s eyes shot opened as its massive ‘gland’ slipped between the swollen folds of her labia, pushing them far apart. The suckling ‘mouth’ began an wonderful journey over to her left breast and nipple, bestowing equal time to both. While its mouth adorned one, its hands massaged and kneaded the other. Susan gasped and moaned, pushing the breast and nipple into her Lover’s mouth. Back and forth, back and forth, no one had ever given her breasts so much attention or pleasure.

Her Lover now shifted downward between her spread thighs. Its ‘hands’ gently wrapped around each thigh as its ‘head’ came nearer and nearer to her open sex. Again Susan held her breath as a wonderful moist breath of air bathed her hyper- excited clitoris. The suckling ‘mouth’ slowly descended onto it and she squealed as her rigid organ slipped into the loving ‘mouth’.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..”

Her hips bucked and jerked in joy and the grasping ‘hands’ on her thighs prevented the ecstatic contact from being broken. The ‘mouth’ slowly loosened its suckling grip and moved downward onto the twitching folds of her labia. Susan cooed and gurgled as the large ‘lips’ and thick ‘tongue’ pushed into the wet furrow and began to suck and kiss its way toward the excited portal of her womanhood.

“Oh God .. I Love it ..”

The thick tip of the ‘tongue’ began an ecstatic tracing of her clasping inner lips and jolts of pure pleasure flooded her dazed and aroused mind. She spread her thighs as wide as she could to give her Lover complete and open access to her seething sex. Its long ‘tongue’ slithered inward and she almost fainted from the incredible sensations as it twisted its way inward, like a thick snake. Like its ‘finger’, the curled tip circled her clenching walls and quickly nestled onto her exploding ‘G’ spot. Explosions of joy rumbled across her loins like a series of freight trains.

The unseen forces released the hold on her arms and Susan’s hands shot downward and grasped the unseen ‘head’, pulling it deeper into her enflamed sex. The long, curling ‘tongue’ pushed deeper into her vagina, sucking up her oozing vaginal nectar as though it was a straw. It withdrew and slipped back in, again and again. Susan’s hips were bucking and thrashing, her clenching vaginal muscles desperately trying to draw the wonderful appendage deeper and deeper into her spasming vaginal sheath.

With each inward and outward sweep, the swirling tip massaged and caressed her excited sweet spot throwing her into a sexual frenzy. Susan’s body arched upward and froze and she screamed as her third orgasm rolled throughout her body.


It took several seconds for the ecstatic convulsions to subside into delicious aftershocks. Her hands adorned the loving ‘head’ that was still latched onto her spasming sex and she moaned with disappointment as the wonderful ‘tongue’ slipped out of her clasping entrance.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..”

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