Naughty Time Ch. 04

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I sat staring at the blank screen, “Naughty Time’s” web-cam no longer on, though I also noticed I was no longer feeding back to her either as she’d shut that down on her end as well. I then turned mine off too, the quickly fading image of me sitting there now with a very limp cock when I did.

There were several possibilities, though none of them as far as I could see had a very good outcome to them, unless it was of course a problem with connection on her PC. I seriously doubted that.

It was possible of course that upon seeing the panties, her panties? That she might have somehow surmised they were simply similar to her own, and thus just a strange coincidence. I doubted that too. She might not have even recognized them as being a pair she owned. I doubted that as well. Or it could have indeed been a simple computer glitch, though I also firmly believed, she herself had immediately severed the connection. At least on the web-cam. Staring at the Instant Messaging still up that still contained our last written communications to one another. I now knew that had to be the case. She was still on line, though neither one of us at the moment sat typing anything.

“Fuck!” I expressly stated to myself, now wondering if I hadn’t made a huge mistake. The shock, if mom and my Aunt Kathy now realized who it was they’d actually been conversing with had to be significant. So much so, that neither one of them had communicated back as yet, no doubt discussing it. I could only imagine the scene taking place upstairs above me, the hysterics perhaps, the uncertainty, the shame…guilt, so many possible scenarios and emotions.

So involved in my fear and concerns, the most obvious and most likely thing to happen didn’t even occur to me, until it did.

They both came walking into my room without bothering to knock. My Aunt at once yanked on my makeshift “sheet wall” pulling it down. Which is the moment that my worst fears immediately came true. For one, there was no mistaking the panicked look on my mother’s face, and the very angry looking one on my Aunt’s. Both now wore robes, securely wrapped around themselves as they both walked over towards me. I on the other hand still sitting there naked, limp as a noodle, immediately jumping up from my chair facing them as they approached, not even realizing I still was for a moment as they did so.

“Would you like to explain yourself?” My Aunt actually stated as she folded her arms beneath her breasts glaring at me. Mom standing in the background behind her, almost as though hiding behind her as she stood there, seemingly unable to even look at me.

I felt like shit.

I had no idea where to begin, how to explain any of this. The bottom line was, it had been purely by accident that any of this had occurred. My error however, was in taking it beyond that, once I had learned, at least partially anyway, who it was that I was actually talking too. Though the irony of all that was still too obvious. I still had no clue as to the true identity of “Naughty Time,” mom…or my aunt? At the moment, it seemed like a moot point however.

“Well?” She asked again waiting for some kind of a response.

I finally found my voice. “Well, it’s sort of a long…complicated story,” I began only then reaching over to grab my own robe off the end of the bed where I always kept it.

“Oh no you don’t!” My Aunt said snatching it away out of reach. “You’re not going anywhere, or doing anything…until you explain all this!” She said quite firmly. “So…explain!”

At least she let me sit down again as I began to, though I now felt horribly exposed, embarrassed and even a little shy as I placed my hands down in my lap, purposely ignoring mom who continued to stand somewhat secluded behind my Aunt. For the next several minutes I did my level best to explain everything, not leaving a single thing out, including my excursion upstairs where I stood watching the two of them standing there breast to breast fingering one another. Which is exactly what I said. In a way, I was still waiting for some kind of explosion to occur, especially after I had finished.

What I saw, totally confused the hell out of me. Aunt Kathy smiled, only then winking at me, turning towards mom.

“See? Told you…he had no idea until recently anyway,” she now added as mom finally stepped around standing beside her sister looking at me. And then like a light-bulb going off in her head, she turned back towards me adding. “You…still don’t know which one of us was…or is Naughty Time do you?”

But even as she said that, seeing the answer in my own eyes that I didn’t, mom spoke for the first time herself.

“You’re not…shocked? Angry with me? With us?” She now asked including my Aunt in her fears.

“Angry with you?” I replied, “How could I be? You had no idea who I was, until I stupidly did what I did,” I half explained. “Had I not done that…”

“We might never have known,” Kathy stated smiling even more broadly than she had been. “You wanted us to know…know you’d found yenimahalle escort out, and then see what we did!”

“Yes,” I said softly, looking down at myself, almost laughing…crying, my prick having shriveled up into nothingness as though looking for its own escape.

“But I’m your mother…”

“And I’m his Aunt,” Kathy said interrupting mom. And your son, my nephew, was admittedly, and willingly enjoying himself watching us…weren’t you Kyle?” she now asked.

“Yes…I was.”

“See Darlene? He’s not afraid to admit it…even to you. And especially as he did actually continue to do what he did…now realizing that. Don’t you see sweetie? Kyle wasn’t trying to do anything to expose you or I, or hurt either one of us. He was plain and simply aroused with the knowledge of finding that out. Though still curious I’m willing to bet, as to which one of us was in fact…the woman he first met and started talking to weeks ago now.”

“But…” mom attempted, though my Aunt quickly shut her down from continuing.

“No Buts for one thing. But…for another,” she grinned. “What I do think is this, as far as his punishment should go, and I do believe he should be punished for this…a little bit anyway. Neither you nor I are going to tell him who Naughty Time really was. He’s going to have to live with wondering which one of us it was, and let that be a lesson to him.”

“You’re kidding me!” I said staring at the two of them. “You mean to tell me, you’re seriously not going to tell me which one of you it was I began talking to in the beginning?”

“Nope…at least not for now,” Kathy said. “And I think we still have quite a bit we need to further discuss as well.”

“Yes we do,” mom added looking flushed in the face, embarrassed as hell as she further gathered her robe around her as though fearing it might suddenly pop open or something, though I also noticed she was even then looking down in my lap, though my own embarrassment at my current state far surpassed hers.

“I agree…and we will later,” she again said interrupting. “I think we need to have a long sit down and discuss everything at length, there’s obviously a lot we need to discuss, get out in the open here. But at the moment…”

I was once again stunned as I sat there watching my Aunt suddenly untie the sash on the robe she was wearing, opening it, and then simply dropping it down around her feet. As I’d somewhat guessed correctly, she was still naked beneath it.

“Kathy! What are you doing?” Mom blurted out, stunned and surprised at her sister’s action.

“What do you think I’m doing?” She asked. “Same thing you were doing, and wanted to continue to do…until you saw your son holding up that pair of panties you said he’d given you. I for one…am still fucking horny! Especially now!”


“But what? And please don’t tell me you now have reservations about any of this, especially not after everything you’ve shared with me prior to now. You and I don’t have any secrets remember? And even more importantly, you must realize, Kyle knew perfectly well who we were, maybe not “which” one of us was…well, Naughty Time,” she giggled. “But he did know it was us, and he obviously was very aroused by that, and as you damn well know…showed us he was, jerking himself off, and playing with himself while we watched him. While he…watched us!” She purposely added.

Mom struggled with that briefly, for a moment anyway, as the realization of that finally began to sink in.

“You’re not shocked…that my sister and I?”

“Shocked? Are you kidding me? God mom…that was such a…” I caught myself for a moment, and then just said it. “Fucking turn on…that I couldn’t stop thinking about it! You have no idea how often I have sat here thinking about the two of you, and then actually watching the two of you, enjoying myself as I did. So shocked? No mom…not shocked, aroused yes. Very much so.” I now looked down feeling the sudden lengthening of my prick finally coming out of its shell as the sudden turn of events began to look promising here again. More so in fact than I could have ever believed, especially with my Aunt now standing totally naked before me.

“But what about…your father?”

“Fuck Harold!” Kathy said once again jumping in. “Though come to think of it…don’t. Not ever again. Here’s someone that’s dying to fuck you sweetie, and hopefully…me too,” she added once again winking at me, looking down at my prick which had grown very much stiff again. “See? Look how hard he is honey just thinking about it…thinking about fucking the two of us, thinking about the two of us playing with one another, or about the two of us licking his cock together. I bet you’d like that wouldn’t you Kyle?” Aunt Kathy asked.

I stood up, my prick about as hard and as stiff as it had ever been.

“Fuck yes!” I said simply, and then walked over, and undid the sash on my mother’s robe.


It felt damn good to be standing there with my hard cock pressed against ankara escort my mother’s tummy. The feel of her soft pliant breasts as they filled each of my hands. My lips coming down onto hers, kissing her passionately, deeply surprising her perhaps with the hunger in which I did, kissing her unlike anytime I ever had before. And then she kissed me back with the same wanton hunger I was showing her. Aunt Kathy soon joined us, stepping up behind me then, sandwiched between the two of them, her own sweet breasts now caressing my back, her hands dropping down, coming around to take hold of my hard stiff member, now rubbing it directly against my own mother’s pulsating cunt.

“Nice that you have such a large bed,” she chuckled. “So…shall we?” she asked.

“Yes…yes! Fuck yes!” Mom stated simply then as the three of us moved over towards the bed.


“God…it’s been, too fucking long!” She said as she and my Aunt Kathy literally dragged me into bed together. I actually laughed out loud, the tension, relief of all this finally getting to me, even just hearing mom say “fuck” was almost priceless all by itself. “I just couldn’t do it anymore,” she had added. “Not knowing what I now know,” though she didn’t elaborate, and now was not the time to ask her either. “But I was actually starting to think I would never know what it felt like to have a cock inside me again, especially one this nice,” she said actually wrapping her hand around my shaft, fondling and stroking it, as was my Aunt, as the two of them now lay to either side of me there on the bed.

“Go on honey,” Aunt Kathy said. “Do it…fuck your son.”

Mom looked at me, the question in her eyes though she didn’t come right out and ask it. I merely smiled at her and winked.

“Yeah mom, do what Aunt Kathy told you to do, climb on here, and fuck your son!”

She quickly did, easing herself down over my shaft in a reverse cowgirl, though that had been at my Aunt’s suggestion, which we quickly discovered why. With me laying down on my back head propped up by the pillows, reaching around so I could also continued to hold and fondle mom’s exquisite breasts, Kathy then nestled in between mom’s legs. As mom slithered up and down my shaft, my Aunt simultaneously licked her clit, as well as me. It was one of the most erotic things I had ever seen, let alone felt. Mom was half drunk on lust, as were we all. For myself, so excited that I was actually shaking because of it. Feeling my Aunt periodically removing my prick from mom’s pussy so she could lick and suck it, then putting it back in, licking mom, was a delight beyond my wildest dreams. And even when I climaxed, that too had to be amongst the top most intense orgasms I’d ever experienced before in my entire life.

I had even fought desperately to keep from doing so all too soon, but the sensation of my mother’s hot slick cunt, and the added tickling, sucking of my Aunt’s mouth was just too much for me to withstand.

“Oh fuck! FUCK! I’m gonna…CUM!” I screamed out as I began doing so.

And just as I did…mom did. She too screaming out at near the top of her lungs, Aunt Kathy removing my prick in order to suck it, drinking down the first spurt or two, and then rubbing it against my mother’s slit, drenching her pussy, teasing her clit with my still spurting cream as mom continued on in the throes of her own orgasmic delight.

Even after we had both climaxed, just laying there feeling, and hearing my Aunt as she now proceeded to lick and clean up the two of us was one of the most sensual things I could have ever witnessed or experienced.

“You both realize of course, I’m still fucking horny?” She now asked as mom and I basked in the afterglow together.

I opened my eyes grinning. “Well after that…it might be a little while yet before I’m capable of fucking you too,” I told her. “But…something I have very often thought about, which I now feel like I can say to you, is to finally have a taste of that sweet pussy of yours!”

“And it is too!” Mom said without thinking, and then blushed…giggling. It felt good seeing, and hearing her do that again. It seemed like a lifetime since I actually had.

“You know…later? When we actually do sit down and have our little chat? There’s a whole lot of questions I’m going to have about that, which I’d really enjoy being given the answers too,” I told them both.

Aunt Kathy rolled over onto her back, spreading her legs as I slithered up and over mom, now lying between them.

“And I can assure you Kyle, we have a great many stories to tell you about that too, some of which I’m not sure you’re mother will even now, be too happy about my sharing with you.”

“But you will anyway,” mom agreed, leaning over to suck one of my Aunt’s breasts. “And to be perfectly honest? Under the circumstances now? I don’t mind you telling him either, sharing some of our long held secrets. It would be nice…going forward from this point on, not having any, anymore. At least between the three of us,” she then added seeking some assurance.

“How about we all agree to that,” I said even as I took my first precious lick up my Aunt’s wet glistening split. “That whatever the three of us do together, remains between just the three of us, and no one else.”

“So I take it then, you’re inclined to continue pleasuring two old ladies from time to time?”

I nipped her clit.

“Ouch! Hey, that hurt! Well sort of…” she laughed.

“Number one, I don’t want to hear that any more. Neither one of you are “old ladies”. Two, I couldn’t ask to be with anyone sexier than you two, especially since I love you both so very much. And three?”


“Yeah three…I have an idea about something that I seriously do want to discuss, with the two of you…later, over a glass of wine, some more chat…and hopefully some more fun. But for now, I’d prefer it if you’d just lay back, enjoy this, and let me enjoy doing this!” I asked.

“Sounds like a plan to me,” mom stated, and then at my Aunt’s coaxing and suggestion, she immediately climbed up and once again sat down on my Aunt’s face. Seconds later, all that could be heard was the mutual moans and groans of pleasure coming from all three of us, as I finally began doing something I had so long thought and fantasized about, licking my Aunt’s pussy, watching her as she ate out my mom’s.

We had again taken a brief rest after that, after they had both climaxed again, and then I was treated to something I would never have envisioned. It was something I hadn’t really even fantasized about either for that matter, as up until now at least…it would have been so totally out of my fantasy realm of possibilities to even think up such a thing. But here I now was, lying on my back, head propped up, looking down, watching mom and my Aunt passing my prick back and forth to one another as though it were a baton. As good as it felt, it was almost more pleasurable actually laying there watching them. Seeing mom, sucking, licking my cock, slurping on it almost greedily, and then passing it to my Aunt, who then did the same, though usually, I watched as the two of them licked and sucked it together, driving me nearly insane with the pleasure of it.

Even when I came, I kept my eyes open, watching as though having an out of body experience, which in a way…I was. Seeing the eruption of my prick squirting, in what had to be one of the most copious spunkings of my life, seeing my Aunt, and mother gleefully laughing, aiming it, directing it at one another, and then licking and sucking it all up after I was spent, was almost more erotic and climatic than the orgasm itself.

We had gone upstairs shortly after that to fix something to eat, the three of us now famished, none of us putting anything on as we did so, taking delight in the decadence of simply doing that.

For the next three solid hours during, and well after dinner, we simply talked. Mom finally spoke of things that she hadn’t even told her own sister, the two of us listening, at times in shock by what we heard. I saw my Aunt’s face getting angrier and angrier by the moment. It wasn’t even dad’s fooling around on the side what upset her so much, but more about some of the things he’d forced mom to do, all of it against her will that did it.

It was during that conversation in fact, that mom finally told us, she in fact new dad hadn’t even taken the plane, and wasn’t in fact out of town. She knew exactly where he was. Where he was staying even. After dropping him off at the airport, she had left, though having long been suspicious, waiting a short distance away. Sure enough, another car pulled up to the curb, him getting in it, and then speeding off. She had followed at a safe distance, watching as my father and another young, very young…too young, woman, went into a nearby hotel.

“Where’d you say they were staying?” My Aunt asked. With some coaxing and prompting by us both, she then told her. “Any guess as to what name he might have checked in under?” She asked reaching for the phone.

“I do,” I said fairly sure that I did. Several month’s back I had gotten the mail, saw a credit card which had been sent to us, at our address at least though under a different name. A name I thought funny odd at the time, even mentioned it to dad, who of course took it, said he’d look into it himself, and then let it go at that. Only now did I shake my head thinking about the absurdity of it as I did.


“You’ll never believe it,” I told them both. “But go ahead, try it. Roman Polanski.”

Now the thing was, my Aunt was a licensed masseuse, had been giving massages for years and was damn good at it. So much so, she’d built up quite a little clientele by now, though she hated having to give away a goodly amount of her hourly fee to the place where she kept and maintained her small studio. However…several of her best customers were cops, who very often came to my Aunt for their physical aches and pains, and much needed stress relief.

She had made the call, given someone she knew, who she said owed her a BIG favor the place where my soon to be ex-father was staying. In addition to that, she’d also given her friend the fake name he might possibly have been stupid enough to check in under.

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