Learning to Fly – James

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Learning to Fly

For Claire

My Friend and Love

My Little Girl

Be sure to read the other side of the story by Claire

The music dims as we walk from the club out onto the sidewalk. We can still hear the muted sounds of the utility band that played old rock, country and blues from the seventies and eighties. Your hand tightens on mine as instead of crossing the street to the parking lot, I lead you south down the sidewalk.

Leaning close, you whisper, “Daddy?”

The sidewalk is deserted for the most part and I’m not so cautious about speaking. “Yes girl?”

“Where are we going Daddy?”

I chuckle for I knew you’d ask. “Someplace special.”

You look up at me a moment, probably trying to guess where I’d be taking you so late. It’s after midnight and usually, we’d be on our way home by now. About three blocks down I turn us into an alley and now, you get nervous. I don’t blame you one bit. If I didn’t know where I was, I’d be nervous about walking into this dark alley too.

You open your mouth to say something and I am ready. “Hush girl. Trust me.”


“Hush I said,” and you close your mouth as your hand tightens firmly on mine.

I feel your palm suddenly become sweaty. The alley is dark, forbidding, and there are overfilled trash cans, dumpsters and litter is everywhere. A stray dog skitters out of our way, giving us sidelong glances. I walk briskly down the alley, leading you and about halfway in I stop and kiss you. You kiss me back but your nervousness is evident. With my arm around your waist, I feel you shiver.

A few more steps and the door in front of us is dark steel. I push the buttons on the keyless entry pad and hear a click. A pull on the handle and with a groan the door opens, the hinges giving a tortured, grating squeak. Inside it is darker than the alley. With my arm around your waist, I guide you through the door and now finally, you do resist, stopping in the entry.

“James I’m scared. What is this?”

“Trust me girl. Always trust, remember?”

“Yes but…”

I lean close and whisper, “I’d never do anything that hurt you girl, not ever. Inside now, no more foolishness.”

Even in the dark I see your shoulders slump and you step through the door. I follow and pull the door shut behind me, the hinges groaning until the door slams shut. You jump at the sound and it is utter darkness now. I can hear your breathing increase and I’m sure, were I to feel your pulse, it would be racing as well. From my pocket I take the cloth and bind it around your head. A blindfold. You hear a click and wonder what it was.

You whisper, “Please Daddy…”

I knew you’d be nervous and there’s nothing I can do for it really. You’ll just have to trust in me this time.

I carefully guide you up six steps and through another door. Down a hallway that echoes our footsteps and then we stop. I am wondering what you are thinking. I’ll ask later. Another door, this one with hinges even more ancient than the outside door. We go through that door and I stop you inside. I lock the door and go back to you.

“Listen carefully girl.”

“Yes Daddy.”

“We are in a room. I have locked the door and bolted it. No one can get in and we are entirely alone. Furthermore, the entire building is empty and locked. You saw me use the keypad. Understand?”

Your voice is quiet and small. “No not really.”

Of course you don’t understand. But I’ll try again.

“I mean that we are alone and safe.”

“OK if you say so.”

I chuckle at that. “Yes girl, I say so.”

I start with the buttons on your blouse and you xslot nearly gasp.

“What do you smell little girl?” I ask, mostly to distract you.

You inhale through your nose, probably the first breath you’ve taken through your nose since we entered the building. “I smell salt and water and wet sand and Oh! I smell the ocean.”

I take your blouse off you and set it aside. You hear something, turn your head towards the sound but it is already gone. “Hmmm,” I answer and manage to undo your bra. You feel a breeze on your face a moment, then it’s gone. As I start on your skirt, you hear a seagull, then another, off in the distance. I see a small smile form on your face. The breeze hits you again, stays a fleeting moment and is gone again.

Without my asking, you step out of your skirt as I lower it. Your stockings peel off easily and I put them and your shoes with the other clothes. I see you’ve relaxed a little and now, not only seagulls but waves rolling up on the beach.

I turn you a little, the breeze brushes across you, a whisper touch on your bare skin. I kiss you as the wind blows your hair and the gulls cry.

“I love you little girl.”

“I love you Daddy.”

Waves roll on the beach and the gulls cry loudly while I lick your nipples just a little. You gasp when I suddenly bite one, not hard, just a nip.

“Easy girl,” I tell you quietly when you tremble.

I guide you backwards a few steps and help you sit down on padded cloth surface. Although you’ve relaxed a little, you are still a little nervous. The breeze brushes your face and body, the gulls cry and the waves roll endlessly on the sand. Smaller shorebirds make their cries and you can almost see them in their small flocks, rising into the air to circle and land on the sand again.

Gently I move you to lie down and begin.

I run my hands over your body, touching everywhere except the sensitive places, your erogenous zones. I carefully avoid them, yet with each pass of my hands, I come close, sometimes seeming to be about to touch them, but moving off in another direction.

I move your arms over your head and with soft ropes, I bind your wrists together. Not so tight but you won’t be easily getting out. When I’m done, I watch you try to move them, but they are attached to something and you can’t. More rope touches your waist, then under and around it. Five times I pass it under and around. Except for the sound of the ocean and the birds, you hear nothing but me moving around you.

The knots finished about your waist, I begin with your left ankle. Four turns of rope, a knot. With the left ankle I do the same. I wonder what you’re thinking. The ocean breeze comes and goes. I notice your nipples are hard and smile.

I take your left leg and bend it until your heel is nearly touching your thigh. You can feel the ropes tugging while I tie the knot. Then on the other side, the same thing. Your heel is nearly touching your thigh and the rope around it is fastened to the rope about your waist.

Feel the breeze girl, hear the ocean. The scents and sounds and wind touch your senses, awaken them.

About your knee I turn another rope. Gently it pulls to one side and holds you there. On the other side it is the same. I’ve tied you up before and I see the arousal it brings in you. Now I have you before me, unable to move, open to me, knees wide apart and your most private places bared to me. Not that you would withhold them from me, but like this, I can do anything. Anything at all.

Are you wondering what will come next?

Down the inside of your thigh I run my hand, softly, gently. I brush across your mound and up the other thigh. A soft, smooth xslot Giriş caress. Down again, up your belly to your breast and over it to your shoulder and up your arm. Down the other arm, crossing your shoulder, caressing your breast and then your belly again. My hand moves slowly, the middle finger pushes towards your damp slit as my palm caresses your mound. Nearly there it becomes two and they separate, sliding across your labia. For the first time, you moan softly.

My other hand begins it’s own exploration of you. The two seem to have different destinations. Different purposes. Teasingly my fingers toy with your nipples. First one, then the other. Distracted by that, you gasp as my finger delves between your folds, finds you moist with desire and seeks inside you. Slowly it moves in and out. My thumb begins a gentle circle around your clit giving me more soft moans that make me smile.

For a while, I simply tease and play a little. I can tell when you begin to be impatient and my voice soothes you, caresses your ears. I pause momentarily, just a second. The breeze passes and reminds you it was there all along. The gulls and birds and ocean fill your ears.

Hard plastic slips into you, its entrance made easy by slick folds and just a little lube. In a little, then out and back again. Slowly. Each time pressing a little deeper. It finds that spot inside you; is shaped to make it easy to do so. A slow, steady throb begins, pulsing against that place. Moaning you try to press against it, but cannot move.

No girl, tonight I will be the one that makes it happen.

Fingers dance on your breasts. They tease your nipples. Sometimes lightly pinching, sometimes squeezing, tugging, pulling. Ripples of pleasure dance though your loins, ignite flames within your depths.

My other fingers tease and tickle your clit. Almost enough but not quite. The intruder that is making your insides burn, pulses and throbs while the ocean pulses in your ears. Thunder rumbles in the distance now. Far off. Gulls cry and scream their way around you.

“Daddy please I need more!” The first time you’ve spoken since I began this tortuous tease. I say nothing in reply, but I’m sure you know I’m smiling.

I so love to give you the things you want, to make you cry out in pleasure. To watch and see you come for me. Right now, my impulse is to give that to you. But I resist. Tonight I want something. Something for you, but something I want badly as well. Something I have wanted badly from you. Tonight you will give it to me.

Even as I continue, your arousal grows yet doesn’t reach that fevered pitch you want so badly right now. I trail my fingers up a little as I bend and kiss your mouth.

I whisper in your ear, “Easy girl. Daddy will give you what you need.”

A little longer and your body arches against the ropes. Your chest heaves to meet my fingers and hands. I see you strain against the ropes on your waist. Quickening my finger dance on your clit, I see the first one coming.

My voice starts out quiet, soft. “Yes girl that’s right. Do you want to? Do you? Come on girl, such a good girl for me come on girl.”

And deeper now, not quite but almost a command. Just a teasing of what is to come. “Come on that’s right. Are you ready? Are you ready for me? Are you going to for me?”

I see the pebbles dance across your breasts. Your breathing quickens and nipples harden. Your areolas tighten and crinkle. The flush climbs your body, reaches your breasts.

The Voice comes to me. “Come! Come Now! Do IT! Come!”

A gasp and a cry. “OHHHH DADDDYYYY!” And there it is, the wave rises up and breaks over you.

I smile as the thunder xslot Güncel Giriş rolls closer. The cry of the gulls seems more frantic, the waves break faster on the shore. I am not done though. This is only a beginning.

Moments barely seem to pass before the second. For the barest moment, I wonder if the scents and sounds and the wind are gone from your senses, replaced with my fingers and voice. Again I call your pleasure forth and again your body responds to my call.

A third time and a fourth! A fifth!

Thunder crashes around us. Rolling around us. Gulls scream in the wind.


And you wail, cry, strain against the ropes. Again and Again. I’ve lost count now and I’m still going. You’re still going. Panting, begging sometimes wailing.

All around us the storm rages. Thunder booms and crackles. The wind is a near gale.

A momentary pause. Not much. I slip the blindfold up and wonder if you notice. It no longer matters to you but I need your eyes.

“COME! COME! COME NOW!” It barely works. You are slipping away from me. I see it, know it. Perhaps dimly you know it. Perhaps not.

I turn the pulsing vibrator up, make sure it’s in place properly. You are panting, sweating. For long moments your breath comes in great heaving gasps, then you pant again.

“Come on girl, you’re not done yet are you?”

I get only a moan in response.

You jump against the ropes as the egg touches your clit. I rub it back and forth and around.

The Voice Orders You. “Come for me girl. COME NOW! Right FUCKING NOW!”

You whimper and strain and I know you must come back to me a little.

“NOW SLUT! RIGHT NOW! COME NOW!” The shock of it sends you over once again and I work frantically. I have you right where I want you if I am careful. Right where I need you. I see the glaze in your unseeing eyes. The orgasms roll through you one right after another with nearly violent spasms.

There it is. Now James. Don’t fuck up now!


I see it come and… The wave crashes and you are. …. floating.

“Fly away little girl…” And you are soaring with the gulls in the wind. Feeling so far away. Thunder rolls, not so close now. It’s moving off. The storm is passing.

“Fly little girl, fly…” my nearly whispered voice buoys you up. Lifts you away on the wind. You feel your hair flying. Everything is gone but the gulls and ocean far below. You soar with them, flying ever higher.

“Fly my girl, fly for me…”

And for once, there is no me. There is no you. There is no care or worry of anything. There is only peace and wind and air. Even the gulls are gone. You soar, flying high…

*~* Later *~*

Slowly, you become aware that I am holding you. In my arms you come back to me. We are sitting sort of. My back against the wall. Your back against me, sitting between my legs and my arms about your waist.


“Shhhh quiet girl, just relax.”

I bring a water bottle to your lips and give you a sip. A small chocolate is next. More water, more chocolate.

Finally you look around. The room is large, sparsely furnished and painted in shades of deep blue, even the ceiling. There is a refrigerator and a sink, a microwave. A padded table and a chair. We sit on a full size bed with no head-board or foot-board.

You relax again, leaning against me. In moments you are asleep. Exhausted.

I use the remote to turn the ocean back on and turn the volume down. Another button shuts off the lights. The breeze is gentle again. I pull a blanket over us and close my eyes.

I am so content now. The rush is over.

I wonder girl, as I drift off to sleep myself, if you liked….

Learning to fly

*~* The End *~*

Thank you for reading “Learning to Fly” by James of Dualduet. We hope you enjoyed reading this and hope you’ll let us know what you thought. — Claire and James.

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