Kinky Girl Games 02

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Picking up from last the last part, Jennifer goes to sleep after drinking her pee for the first time. She found it surprisingly okay at worst and even a bit sexy at best, but feared it might make her a bit sick.

////The Next Morning/////

Jennifer awakes feeling refreshed and happy that last night’s experiment did not make her sick at all. Sweet, she thinks. How much pee did I drink anyway? Wonder if I should drink more tonight to better test the limits? Oh well, file it under a sexy curiosity for now for as today, she had a video to make and a pee contest to win.

She gets ready and heads over to Steph’s for their first pee competition. As few minutes later, Jennifer shows up at Steph’s with a sexy red sweatshirt and matching shorts. Her 5 foot 5 inch size 2 frame complete with a set of C cups made her look drop dead hot. Jennifer was 18 in her first year of college. Her grades were ok with a long 3 more years to go after this one.

“Hi hottie!” Steph says. “You look really hot. Are you ready to make some magic today?”

“I’m ready to pee!” Jennifer says half giggling.

“Oh wow, me too. I just need to turn on these lights and I think we can get started. I have the camera ready to go. We will get a camera person soon, but for now, this will have to do.”

Jennifer turns around and makes sure the door is locked behind her and then says, “okay, I guess start over here in front of the camera?”

“Yes, right over there,” Steph tells her. “How do you like the backdrop?” Steph asks. “I used a bed sheet to over the wall, so it should look okay for the video.”

Jennifer looks at the backdrop and tries to picture what two girls peeing in front of it will look like on video. After a few seconds, she thinks it will probably look pretty good. She replies with a, “Looks great Steph!” Jennifer then adds, “What about the floor?”

Steph turns to face her and responds, “You mean will it get messed up if we miss the cups and get pee on the floor?”

Jennifer shakes her head a bit and replies, “No, not really. I mean it’s a tile floor, so pee is not going to hurt it. I was just thinking will it get slippery?”

“Good point,” Steph says and pulls a couple beach towels out of a draw. “Let’s put towels under the cups for now and we’ll see how it goes.”

“Ok, I think we’re ready then,” says a nervous Jennifer.

“Are you ready for this,” asks an eager Steph as she turns on the camera, and walks over to join Jennifer in front of the camera.

“Yes to pee!” exclaims Jennifer. “Not so sure about showing my pussy and peeing on camera, but what the heck!?”

“Here’s your glass,” says Jennifer as she hands Jennifer a 16 oz glass measuring cup. “Now, lets see what you look like without your bottoms.”

“Why me first,” Jennifer asks in a protesting flirty tone. But then starts to take down her shorts and panties.

“Wait wait, plus your panties back up,” Steph says quickly remembering that she wanted to get some still pictures of Jen for the site with her just wearing her panties. “I want to get some pantie shots for the site before we get started for real”

Jennifer pulls back up her panties and says while half laughing, “Okay, but hurry or else we’re going to be shooting a pee desperation video instead of a pee competition video.”

“I’ll hurry,” Steph promises Jennifer as she starts to take pictures of Jennifer wearing her panties. In fact a gray thong.

After taking a quick twenty or so pictures, Steph declares, “okay,, my turn!” Steph takes off her jeans to show a some pink cotton boy cut panties. “Shot a few quick ones of me,” Steph asks Jennifer as she hands her the camera. ” And make sure to get my camel toe. Evidently I have the type of clit that some guys love to see.”

“Want to show off your big clit do you,” Jennifer says teasingly. “Ok you big clit girl. Show us that panty bulge.”

Jennifer feeling a bit empowered by the camera starts to bark out a few orders to Steph. “Ok, work it, work it! Oh come on Steph. If you’re going to brag about your big clit, then own it! Show it off. Pull those panties up and show the boys what the want.”

“Jenny!”, Steph says giggling and half surprised. “Where is this coming from? I think I like this side of you, but wow! Steph pulls up her panties thus stretching them tight against her inner labia and clitoris.

“That’s it,” Jennifer says with a smile seeing the private parts of Steph starting to show though the panties better now after being pulled up tightly. “Keep them pulled up tight and with your other hand, touch your self a bit from the outside of your panties.”

“Jenny!”, Steph says again as her friend takes on a more commanding voice. “I think you have some Dom in you after all.” Steph lowers her hand down to her clit and starts to rub it slowly from the outside of her panties.

“Oh, you like the new me you say,” Jennifer says with confidence. “I’m sure that’s probably true. But I think you like touching yourself while I take pictures of you touching yourself a bit more.”

“I think you’re right, but,, we have gorukle escort bayan other things to do,” as Steph pulls her hand off her clit. She then takes the camera from Jennifer.

“I thought I was going to see you cum,” Jennifer says in the most teasing slash I could care less slash that would have been hot voice she could come up with.

“Maybe later if your lucky. But for now, we have something else to work on,” Steph says with a wink. “Now, lets get the panties off and let the games begin.”

Jennifer slides down her thong and notices how much wetness is in the base of her thong. Wanting to stay in the sexy mood she announces giggling, “oh wow Steph, I’m really wet.”

“Me too!” Says and excited Steph. “Maybe we should add a wet undies contest?”

“Here, look at mine,” Jennifer holds up her panties to show Steph.

“Not bad!” Says Steph. “Respectable. How, how about these?” Steph holds up her panties to display a nearly saturated section that was against her vagina.

“Okay, I think you win,” declares Jennifer. “Does that mean watching me makes you wetter than me watching you?”, Jennifer says not liking to lose any battle.

“Maybe it means my pussy is better at cranking out the lube than yours,” Steph snaps back in a playful tone. Having fun with her little victory and feeling playful pulls her panties up to her nose and take a long deep sniff. “My pussy rocks. Super wet and smells so good..”

“Ah, should I leave you two alone for a while?” Jennifer asks Steph keeping up with the playful banter

“No, its ok. I’m sure I’ll have some time with her after you leave today.” Steph says with a longing voice. Stephs drops her panites and walks over to the camera on the tripod to start it and then walks back around to be in front of it again.

“Hi, this is our first, Fill the Cup game. My name is Miss Steph and next to me is Miss Jenny. We’re going to see which one of us can fill this cup up first with pee. We will both have 5 minutes to complete the task. If we tie, we will do it all over again until we have a winner. I will now start the countdown clock.”

As the clock starts to click backwards from 5:00:00. Both girls seem a bit nervous at start.

Jennifer at first holds the cup between her pussy and the camera.

Steph goes into more of a squatting position

“Ok Miss Jenny, I’m going to pee.” Says Steph

Jennifer, fearing that she might get a late start, also goes into a squat position.

“Go for it…I’ll catch up!” says a somewhat distracted Jennifer trying to stay focused on her task at hand.

Having a larger than average inner labia, Steph spread her lips to give her a lip free obstructed aim at her cup.

Watching Steph’s technique of lip parting, Jennifer does the same. This brought on just a bit of a shyness feeling being in such an open position.

“Here I go!” Steph tells Jennifer and the camera. As she is saying that, a burst of pee shots out of Steph and over the cup and spilling unto the towel. Steph quickly adjusts herself and cup to catch more. As she does, the cup starts to fill. As the cups feels she can smell just a hit of her pee.

Seeing the display that Steph is putting on, Jennifer tries her best to pee but is too camera shy to produce even a drop.

Steph now in full stream is filling up the cup quickly. 5 oz, 10 oz, 12 oz. When she hits 14oz her flow slows and then stops. “That was quicker than I had thought!” says a satisfied Steph as she looks down to see that how full her glass is now. Being very confident of the sexiness of both her pussy scent and the scent of her pee, she was happy that a hint of both were in the air now. She was also pretty sure that Jennifer did not share her confidence with it came to what her pussy smelled like. Jennifer, Steph thought was one of those girls that did everything they could to get their pussy to smell as much like nothing as they could. So the same was likely true about what she thought about her pee. So going with that frame of mind, Steph hoped that on this day, both her pee and pussy were more fragrant that Jennifer’s. So by doing this, Jennifer could fell more confident once she got a whiff of both Steph’s and her’s, then should would have the “closer to nothing” smell that she seemed to be striving for.

She then looks to Jennifer’s empty cup and asks, “How we doing over there?”

Jennifer looking at Steph’s cup now and says, “Okay, that was pretty impressive. I’ll catch up. I just need some time.” Jennifer thinks, oh come on, this can not be that hard. She pees all the time. She even peed in a cup last night and drank it. She is a peeing super sexy hottie. It will happen she tells herself. Jennifer also then catches the smell of Steph’s pee. Oh good she thinks as she’s pretty sure her pee will have no smell or at worst, not as much as Steph’s, she finds more confidence to bare it to the world, and too that small room with that hot lights that is now smelling a bit like someone just peed in.

“Wonder what makes for a better game?” Steph asks the camera and thinking nilüfer escort bayan ahead that they wants the video to be interesting. She continues, “we still have over 4 minutes on the clock. Should I just stand here or should I do something more fun?”

“Ahhh, what do you mean?” Jennifer says after listening to Steph and knowing that Steph can be very crazy and daring sexually.

“Maybe I can help you,” Steph teasing says.

“Keep on your side Miss Steph! Anyway, I’m close.” Says a very focused Jennifer.

After a few more seconds Jennifer feels her pee finally obeying and starting the desired journey.

“Okay, okay, I think I’m going to pee now.” Jennifer announces. After a few more seconds, Jennifer starts to pee. At first her pee aim is off and instead of a stream, it hits the side of her leg, a bit under the cup and even some in the towel below.. As her stream gets stronger, her aim gets better.

Staring at Jennifer pussy and progress, Steff calls out, “5 oz! 8 oz! 12 oz, 13oz, 14oz,” as Jennifer’s flows slows to a dribble.

Jennifer had did it. At least if she was going to loose, it would not be a shutout. And trying to take a deep sniff test, no pee smell. Well, maybe a little, but not as much as Steph’s. Plus she still can’t detect her own vagina scent or Steph’s. Good she thinks, one less thing to worry about.

“14.5 ounces! Do you have any more?” Steph asks as she stars at Jennifer’s wet sex and golden nectar directly below her. It looked good. Jennifer looked good. Steph wondered what it would be like to taste her pussy juices right now. In fact it would be pussy with some pee drops on top. As she thought and wondered, she felt herself start to get even wetter.

“Darn it! I know I can do better than that.” says Jennifer and jolts Steph back from her sexy daydream back to the now.

Getting back to her second agenda for today was hopefully about to get started. And that was to turn this pee game into something more sexual. Something that she had been thinking off for days now.

“You know,” Steph begins her idea. “I think the loser should perform a task”

“A task? What kind of task?” Jennifer asks.

“Something fitting the game,” Steph says using her best logical voice. “And something that would look good on the web site.”

“And what would that be!?” Jennifer asks asks politely..

“I think the loser, cleans the winner.” Stephs has with a bit of unintended hesitation.

“You mean the looser wipes the other’s pussy?” jennifer asks with a giggle. Jennifer thinks, that’s not all that sexy Steph.

“Yes.” Steph says slowing continuing. “But with a twist. The loser, can only user their,” Steph holds here for a second and then completes the sentence, “tongue.” There, she said it. Now just sit back and await the response from this beautiful women next to her that happens to be naked and holding her pussy open over a cup of her own fresh pee.

Oh Great, Jennifer thinks to herself. She had zero desire to like another woman clean. That would mean licking her pussy for sure, at least for a minimum number of licks to at least say your doing an okay job. Steph was really pushing her now. She could say no. But, she promised Steph she would help make this site work. And she knows that what Steph just described would look crazy sexy on screen. Plus Steph and her had talked before that while on camera, they need to be agreeable. So, knowing full well that this might be her introduction into being “gay for pay”, she says, “Oh Miss Steph, you are naughty.” and manages a smile and nervous giggle.

Jennifer looks at the clock to see how much more time she would have to wait until she is licking Steph’s private parts clean of pee. Plus she remembered how abnormally wet Steph was before they started. Oh wow, not only am I going to get my first lesbian experience, I’m going to drown in pussy juice. Then, as Jennifer’s mind drifted, she felt more pee coming. With 15 seconds left on the clock, her stream started flowing right into the cup. 15 oz, 16 oz all the way up to almost the top of the cup almost to the rim. As the timer alarm started to go off, Jennifer had clearly won the first ever pee off.

Both girls look down as Jennifer dripping snatch. Both are delighted. Jennifer because she won, and because now she does not have to lick all over Stephs pussy. And Steph, now gets to put her tongue where she had wanted to ever since she first meet Jennifer.

“I win!” says a very happy and relieved Jennifer. “Okay Steph, what did we say the loser does for the winner?”

“Congrats you bitch!” says Steph in a voice that a cat might have while stalking it’s pray. Steph moves the cups to the side and tells Jennifer, “Stand up and part your legs just a bit.” Steph then crawls over to Jennifer and places her face an inch way from Jennifer sex and takes a deep breath.

Jennifer being very aware of smells and thinking sex would be so much better if there was never any pussy smell to think about, nervously asks, “What are you doing?”

“I’m trying bursa otele gelen escort bayan to smell you,” says Steph.

“What do you smell?” Jennifer asks and then thought, Oh no, she might tell me! She thought, why did I ask such a stupid question.

“You smell like a well hydrated sexy bitch that washes her pussy too much to be honest. But I love it anyway.” Steph says and then immediately thinks, oh no, way too honest there.

Jennifer thinks for a second, did she just call me too clean?

Steph then returns to her mission and opens her mouth, sticks out her tongue and starts to lick on the insides of Jennifer’s legs down around her knees where the first drops of pee and rolled down. There was not much left, but what there was, Steph made quick work of. She licked up the pee residue stream up Jennifer’s leg she was tracing the source of a newly discovered river. Steph could taste just a hint of what Jennifer’s pee must taste like. She also detected some perfume, and a hint of sweat. Steph circled back around Jennifer to better get to the part of the old stream that had followed a path around to the back of Jennifer’s thighs.

“That’s giving me goose bumps.” Jennifer says giggling.

Steph, continuing upwards, now at the base of Jennifer’s buttocks she pulls back a little.

“Bend over a bit so I can clean you better.” Stephs asks in a stern voice.

“I’m so glad I won this miss bossy.” Jennifer says back playfully.

With Jennifer bending over Steph got a great view of Jennifer’s pussy and ass. At this closeness, she could actually make out a hint of a smell of some of Jennifer leftover pee but mostly, she could make out that totally intoxicating aroma of Jennifer’s pussy. All this even with Jennifer best effort to keep her pussy smelling like nothing at all. The smell of both her pee and pussy where heavenly to Steph. She was so turned on now, and using the excuse of doing a good job of cleaning, Steph returns her tongue to the bottom of Jennifer’s buttocks. She then proceeds up and over to the crack of Jennifer’s ass.

“Miss Steph! I don’t think I have any pee back there.” Jennifer giggles a bit awkwardly.

“You’re probably right,” Steph says. “But we both know how clean you like to be.”

Steph returns her tongue to the top of Jennifer’s ass crack. She then moves down slowly, slowly approaching Jennifer’s ass hole.

Jennifer knowing – at least thinking she knows where Steph’s tongue is going, she could not really decide to protest or to joke about this or just stand up or not move. She had never had her private parts licked or even touched by another woman like this. And her ass was never privy to a tongue of any gender. Up till now, her ass had only been violated by a few boys, fingers and a toy one time when she lost a bet and had to wear a butt plug to class one day. At this time, she was torn on what to do. She was not into women – at least she never really thought about it. And she was not all that into anal sex. But this was feelin kinda good. At least very interesting. She knows she could end this at any time…but maybe just let Steph’s tongue there first to see how it felt before putting an end to this. Plus she knew how much Steph seemed to what her, so if nothing else, at least this would give her a taste. So with that, she just waited for Steph’s tongue to get to where she hoped it would go.

Steph had talked to Jennifer before and knew she has always told her she was not into other girls. Still, she could tell by the way she was holding herself she was getting into this. Plus when she got an unobstructed view of her pussy, she could tell that she was in an aroused state of being. At this point, Steph wanted several things. She wanted more of Jennifer. She wanted to taste all the juices she had. She also wanted to press the point that Jennifer wanted this. So when she got just above Jennifer’s ass hole, she paused a bit. In this pause, she got the feedback she was wanted. Jennifer, albeit conscious or subconscious, lifted her ass just a bit towards Steph’s exploring tongue. With this little movement, Steph’s tongue came in contact with Jennifer’s ass hole for a split second.

Jennifer, thinking to herself – OMG. Did I just push my ass on her tongue? Did she notice I did that? Am I a lesbian? Did I wash really well before this? Did she just stop? Do I taste bad? OMG, does she think I’m gross. Should I ask her to please start again? Should I just pretend to be offended at all this? Or should she play out her role as the winner and command Steph to get on with the “cleaning”. Remembering what her mom told her, confident is sexy. As in, playing the role of the girl afraid her asshole is not sexy is not near as sexy as the, “hey bitch, you said you’re going to clean me, so clean me,” is much better regardless of the condition of her ass. But as most of best communication goes, it was settled in a few seconds with no words at all.

Steph was in heaven. She had taken Jennifer where she wanted and got the response she was hoping for. After pausing just a few seconds, she returns her tongue to Jennifer’s ass and starts to rim the outside of her asshole. Around and around her tongue goes in a counterclockwise movement. Some of the rotations came closer to the center and others further away. After 20 rotations or so, she stopped with her tongue and moved up a little to give Jennifer a kiss right on her asshole

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