Fireball Revelations

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Fireball’s Revelation

I guess the first thing to say is that my real name is not Fireball. That’s just the label laid on me sometime during my freshman and sophomore years in high school. It was given me by the other girls in my peer group mainly for my achievements in physical activities, you know, gymnastics, softball, basketball, volleyball, and the like. Even in dancing where I immediately shot to the top of the class and stayed there through to graduation. The dancing thing was kind of a no-brainer for me. Mom had me enrolled in dance classes for as long as I could remember and that helped me get and stay in physical shape even to today.

Being a girl in a one parent family (Dad died when I was three), it was not always easy, especially as I grew, and my body began to fill out. Fortunately, my parentage helped me tremendously. One set of grandparents were Spanish heritage and the other were French-Canadian and both traced their ancestors back a couple hundred years. My short stature of five foot two and a half inches, one hundred and four pounds balanced on narrow hips, and a dimpled ass were gifts from the Cajun side while my wavy black hair, strong legs and back, and my pair of thirty-nine inch C/D sized boobs capped by thick ruby-brown nipples came from somewhere in the Bosque hills of Spain. I guess I should also credit my parent’s families for my good looks in the facial structure department, too!

But I did not always see things that way. Take for example my childish fears of growing up. My first period arrived early in my twelfth year and scared the shit out of me before Mom set me down and began explaining the facts of life to me. It was not quite the revelation she thought it would be but what little I then knew about the human bodies of both sexes suddenly took on a more immediate and personal meaning. She would occasionally add to my budding level of knowledge, especially about the male gender department, so that when my chest began filling out later that year, I was kind of prepared for the reaction the boys and girls in my school would have. And they certainly did!

I have always had a cheerful, outgoing personality and I pride myself with having a multitude of both girl and boy friends. However, I found out rather quickly that having boobs can alter friendships. Freshman year seemed to pass without any social disasters as all of us kids were going through roughly the same challenges and changes. I did notice that boys seemed to have other things to do than be around girls. However, during the summer between the school years when most of us kids did not have that daily contact, those changes seemed to kick into overdrive.

When the first day of classes in my Sophomore year arrived, the weather was hotter than any other August day I could remember. The previous night’s forecast was for high humidity, which meant extra curly hair, and over one-hundred-degree heat and that translated into a light sundress and a carried sweater against the air-conditioned classrooms. I had a new sunflower print sundress that I had never tried on, a gift from one of my grand-mothers, and it seemed just the thing to wear that first day back at Jackson High. After seeing the TV weather report the night before I put the dress on to see how it looked and was immediately surprised. It was the required length to meet the school dress code by maybe a quarter of an inch and, while it seemed to hug my hips a bit more than I was accustomed to, it flared out nicely to showcase my legs when I moved. It was in the chest area where I had a problem. At that point in my development my tits had grown to where I only had two bras I could wear with the dress and one of them was a sports bra which was totally unacceptable. The other one squeezed my tits together to create a cleavage that kind of bulged up. That bra was basically transparent, too. The cups were a light, flesh colored mesh material that did nothing to keep my dark nipples a secret, but it was so comfortable and breathable that I loved it. When I tried the dress on with that bra the square bodice neck opening allowed a good four inches of bulging cleavage to be seen. Of course, my bedroom lighting wasn’t strong, so I did not notice much else. I just passed it off as unavoidable and promised myself that I would check with Mom in the morning to see what she wanted me to do about it.

Mom was too busy the next morning to give me much more than a quick glance as I ate breakfast and then she was out the door and going to work. There was a cool morning mist out, too, and I was glad I was wearing my light sweater as I waited for the school bus. I kept the sweater on during my morning classes as the school’s a/c was fighting the day’s heat and winning. I was in the outdoor cafeteria when I finally took off the sweater and all three of my then closest friends got a good look at my chest.

“Oh My God, Kerri! Where did you get those!” Ann whispered from across the Escort table. She had a look of uncertainty on her face and immediately looked over her shoulders to see if anyone heard her. I saw that Sharon on my right had an expression of disbelief and a glance to Karen to my left told me she was blushing red.

I didn’t have any words ready and before I could think up a reply Mrs. Hurlburt, one of our teachers on lunch monitoring duty was standing over my shoulder. “Miss Goody, come with me to the school office right now!” She demanded with a harsh, commanding voice maybe one degree over Ann’s whisper. Without saying a word, I stood, grabbed my sweater and my schoolbooks, and left my lunch tray for someone else to deal with. I had my sweater folded over an arm and my schoolbooks in that hand as I was escorted through the crowd of students where each and every one of them got a good look at my cleavage. And, just for good measure, I started swinging my hips as I walked.

A lecture and a written note of warning sent home with me to Mom was my punishment. Oh, I got sent home for the rest of the day, too, and had to walk there. I was soaked with sweat by the time I got to my empty house. Even my thong panties were sopping wet. The thong, bra and dress went into the washing machine while I got a quick shower. I was lying naked on my bed when Mom got home. I hurriedly put on a loose tank-top and gym shorts before going to give her that note. She took the news fairly calmly once I explained everything and that evening, we went bra shopping. She also made a comment about me flashing all my assets and then made a sudden decision to make a call to the doctor’s office and schedule an appointment for me to see about birth control pills. That embarrassed me more than walking about town with my tit’s on display.

I don’t know how many of my friends saw my first day incident but, after being so embarrassed, I felt like every damn one of them did. I know that it was a topic of conversation for several days thanks to Ann, Sharon, and Karen. All of the boys I knew started treating me differently afterward. So did a couple of other girls. It wasn’t until the next year that Sandy, my first real girlfriend and BFF, told me that in the direct sunlight bathing our outdoor lunch patio my nipples had been discernable through the material of both the bra and dress. Instantly embarrassed yet again, it was a lesson I never forgot, and I finished out my high school days as the hottest virgin in Jackson High who never had a single boy date. Mom was my prom date in my Junior and Senior years. Sandy didn’t go to either one.

I did not know the truth of that until a month into my graduation summer. By then I pretty much knew all the facts of life, or thought I did! I knew that all the guys wanted to bury their faces in my tits and put their hands on my ass. All of my girlfriends were as jealous as all hell, too, because I could have had anyone of their boyfriend’s I wanted simply by shaking my big tits or tight ass in their direction. That made my final two years in high school rather lonely, except for Sandy, of course. My sexual education was part of the school’s education system so basic human development became much more of a personal starting point thanks to Sandy and Mom. The more advanced stages of that education came when I teamed my knowledge with technology.

My Mom was a great single parent and a real over-achiever. She was a well-respected lawyer and could afford to give me the things in life that she had never had. One of those things was my own laptop computer with a built-in camera and Internet. I used mine mostly for schoolwork and games until one day in early June. Mom came rushing home in the middle of the afternoon to announce she had to make a quick overnight trip to Arizona. She hurried to pack a suitcase as she told me that I was on my own for a few days while she attended some big conference. Now, she had been on overnight trips before and I was used to her leaving me in charge of feeding the cat and taking out the trash, so it was no big deal. Then she said that she was expecting a mail order delivery and to sign for it in her name. She didn’t say what it was which made me suspect it had something to do with my eighteenth birthday the previous week.

Sandy and I were laying out in the backyard sun sipping iced wine coolers topless and wearing only thong panties when the delivery truck pulled into the driveway. There was no way any of the neighbors could have seen us and I’m sure the delivery man didn’t either. Between the corner angle of the house, the dense brush filled woods behind the yard and the separate garage, that little refuge from the world had been the family tanning spot for ever and had seen both Mom and me out there completely naked more than once. Sandy had been more concerned about baring it all than I ever had been and brought her shorts and t-shirt out there with her. When the driver rang the Escort Bayan doorbell, Sandy jumped to put on her shorts and shirt while I had to dart inside to find something to cover myself with. Fortunately, my light blue terry-cloth robe was laying in the laundry room and I quickly tied it around me. Evidently, I didn’t wrap it tightly around me as I had a generous amount to titty flesh exposed when I opened the door. I immediately saw that reflected in the old driver’s face as he thrust an electronic device into my hands. I was using my finger to sign for the delivery as Sandy stepped up behind me, crushing her boobs against my back as she peered over my shoulder. I didn’t even think of it as we had been bosom buddies for some time, but she did make me step a little closer to the man and exposed nearly all of my left tit. I hastily tightened my robe while looking down at the large box at my feet. Right there in plain sight was a slapped-on label that said HEAVY LIFT.

“Would you mind carrying it inside for me?” I asked the man.

He shook his head no. “I’m sorry miss. Company policy does not allow me to go inside. Sorry.”

“Just wait a minute.” Sandy said and went back into the house. A few second later she came back to the door pushing an old wheeled hassock that was in the living room. When I say old, I mean that baby me had learned how to walk while pushing that hassock around the house. Anyway, Sandy kind of pushed me out of the way as she wheeled the hassock up to the door frame. “If you could put that thing on here, we can do the rest.”

“Yes, please.” I added and the old man stooped to lift the box onto the hassock. I just managed to get the door closed and my back to it before the waist-tie of my robe parted. I did hear that old codger chuckle to himself as he got back to his truck. I guess we made his day!

I helped Sandy push the heavy box into the middle of the living room and then we just stood there wondering what was inside. Finally, I realized I was thirsty and went looking for my wine cooler. The glass was still on the back patio by my recliner, but the ice was melted, and the wine was too watered down. It was time for another one. I opened one for Sandy, too, and, not bothering to pour them into either of our glasses, I carried a bottle out to her. She was back on the patio, sans t-shirt, shorts, and panties, lying face down and showing her bare buns to the Sun God. That seemed a good idea to me. My robe and panties were soon draped over my recliner and I was face down, my legs were slightly spread, and my chest was propped up on my elbows as I drank my cooler. That put my boobs sort of on display but only Sandy could see me.

It was soon too hot for me and I could feel the start of a sun burn my skin. I especially felt it in between the cheeks of my ass where sunlight almost never shines. It was time to get inside and I told Sandy we should get some lotion on before we really fried our asses off. She agreed and rose up to join me in the early afternoon shade of the overhead patio roof. Now, over the last two years we had seen each other in various stages of nudity more than once and, after years of gym classes, being naked among girls our age had become no big deal for either of us. Suddenly, though, today was different and it took me a second to understand why.

Looking at Sandy with her blond hair, apple sized breasts with pink tips, her thin torso, and her proportional hips, it suddenly registered on my mind that she did not have a single bush hair above her pussy. I was instantly jealous. I had been trimming my dark crotch hair for years just to keep it from showing when I wear any kind of swimsuit or gym clothes and I was tired of it.

“Did you shave your snatch, Sandy?” I had to ask.

“Yes, last night. Bonnie helped me. Do you like it?” Sandy asked just before she drained her cooler.

“Yes, and Bonnie helped you do it? Wow!” Bonnie was Sandy’s older sister and three years our senior. Bonnie was a student at our state college and kept us informed on all the important news about college dorm life. She was also immensely popular with boys and some men, so much so that we wondered when, not if, she would get pregnant.

“It was easy. You just have to be gentle and make sure not to cut yourself. I was trying to do it by myself, but Bonnie walked in on me, saw I was struggling and finished it for me. She even got the hair around my asshole. See?” With having said that, Sandy turned around, bent over at the hips, and put her hands flat down on the patio’s concrete deck. Not only could I now see everything she had down there, but I also saw what looked like a ruby jewel where her asshole was supposed to be.

“Is that a butt plug? Sandy? What are you doing?” I could not help asking. I was so totally surprised and instantly intrigued that the words escaped before I knew I was saying them.

“I’m trying it out, silly!” She answered as she stood back Bayan Escort up and faced me, “and I kinda like it! Do you want me to put some lotion on you?”

“Sure. I’ll get it.”

“Bring some Vaseline, too.” She called after me.

I got the lotion and the Vaseline out of the downstairs bathroom and because I was oddly inspired to duplicate Sandy’s bald beaver look, I picked-up Mom’s shaving cream and my Lady Bic razor. I carried all of that to the kitchen then I decided that we both needed more wine coolers. “Sandy, come get your drink.” I called as I tried to carry everything out to the patio. I could not keep the jar of Vaseline in my fingers and it bounced on the floor just as Sandy stepped inside. Fortunately, the jar was plastic and didn’t break. I stood watching as Sandy bent over to pick the jar up and her butt plug decided to shoot out of her butt hole. It hit the tile floor with a metal clang, and I started to laugh. The expression on Sandy’s face was priceless! She instantly went searching for the plug and found it under one of the kitchen table chairs.

“That’s not funny!” She spouted and grabbed her wine cooler.

Back out on the patio I told her to lay down so I could get the lotion on her. She did that face-down and then twisted around to reach behind her to put the butt plug back in. I grabbed it from her hands. “I’m washing this thing before you use it. It was on the floor you know.”

“Thanks, Kerri.”

A short minute with dish soap and warm water had the plug sparkling clean and then I was back outside kind of kneeling beside her. “Spread your cheeks.” I said as I lined the rounded tip of the thing an inch from her rosy hole.

“Put some Vaseline on it first.” She said. “Just smear it all over. The first time I did this it hurt like hell. The Vaseline makes a big difference.”

I did that and repeated, “Spread ’em.” She reached back with one hand on each cheek and pulled them apart. This was the first time I had ever gotten an up-close and intimate view of a girl’s pussy and asshole, including my own! Sure, I had used a mirror to check out my holes and taken selfie shots of my cunt with my phone’s camera. I even pasted them to my computer and could expand those pics to full-size as background screen savers if I wanted. Of course, my holes were adorned by dark hair while Sandy’s were so bare, I could see every curve and wrinkle of everything she had.

“Put it in, already.” She hissed and that snapped me out of my trance. I placed the rounded yet blunt end of the plug against her hole and gently tried to push it in. The up-side down looking plug just wouldn’t penetrate at first, so I just held it in place, gradually increasing the pressure as her butthole slowly accepted the invasion. At about halfway in, her hole gave up the fight and seemed to want to swallow the whole plug until only the jeweled handle was still outside. Sandy had been gritting her teeth and moaning as I pushed that plug in and gave out a sharp cry when the insertion was done. Another bout of heavy breathing followed, and a final moan of relief told me that task was done.

“Doesn’t that hurt?” I asked.

“At first, yes.” She confessed. “But afterward I feel like I’m on an electric wire and I get these little thrills that just make me want more. Now, how about that lotion?”

“Ok.” I said, “but then I want you to do me a favor.”

“Anything, girlfriend.”

“I want you to shave my pussy.”

“No problem. Now get busy.” She insisted and laid down flat.

Starting at her shoulders I soon had the lotion all over her back and down to her ass cheeks. She even spread her legs as much as she could so that my oily fingers could work the lotion deep into her crack and inner thighs. Doing that had my fingers dancing over her plug, making it move slightly in her hole and producing a moan of pleasure. However, when I started working the lotion around her pussy lips she started gasping and sliding her pussy against my hand. I decided to play a little with her and worked my oily fingers around the jeweled knob of her plug while my thumb went into her open vagina to the first knuckle. That caused her to raise her hips and push back. Grasping the knob to pull and push in and out of her tight hole while my thumb did the same to her vagina instantly had her actually tensing and shivering and crying, “yes!” That distinct cry of pleasure came just before she seemed to collapse and fall flat on the recliner. I sat back a little, put more lotion on my hands and began moving my hands down her inner thighs when I noticed a small trail of juice coming out of her pussy.

“I think I just had an orgasm.” She mumbled as I worked the lotion down toward her feet. “I’ve never had one before.”

“Never?” I asked in fake surprise. I had never had one either but didn’t want to admit it. “Ok, your backside is done. Do you want me to do your front?”

“Yes, but I’m so relaxed I don’t want to move!”

“Come on, Sandy, roll over!” and she reluctantly did. Putting the lotion on her legs was quickly done up to approaching her crotch area. I took a few seconds to finish off my wine cooler before oiling up my hands to work on her inner thighs.

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