Work Study Guy

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Ok, the story goes like this. The old man cut out when I was six. Mom raised me until I was 14 and then she cut out with some ass hole from Hollywood.

Seems like Mom and Hollywood got in a bad car wreck out on the interstate.

So, here I am at 14, the mofo what in complete charge.

I go down to the kiddie high school and set up a work-study type thing with one of the companies out in the big industrial park. I have to fib about my age, as they do not allow children of 14 to be exploited. I mean, 16 OK, but 14 no go. (I have no idea why; don’t ask.)

The insurance settlement from Mom’s death is a cool $100,000. Nice, but not enough to retire on. So, I get a fairly decent two-stroke motorcycle and work things out with the heat so I can ride back and forth to work and the grocery store with no license. It is an easy sale, as otherwise I might be a heavy financial drain on the state.

I spend my first two years at work working on the big new computer installation. They got a new building and all kinds of communication gear. Since I am just a kid, I get to crawl around the ceilings and tug the new wiring into place. I keep my mouth shut and my eyes and ears open. When the contractor walks out, I am the only one who knows enough to finish the job.

With the work and school thing, I am a total unknown at school and just the kid who crawls around the ceilings at work.

Down at Willie’s Joint I am the guy who cleans up the Friday night Texas Hold ‘Em game. If I don’t have some break from school and work, I die.

My last two years of high school and work are kind of strange. A big company buys our little local operation and a couple of sharpies come in to run the company. Run it into the ground, that is. Since I am really running the computer operation by this time, I can see what is happening but I can do nothing. Well, not quite nothing. I buy something called puts. They are a stock type of thing and get real valuable when a company’s stock price goes down. I run the $100,000 into $2.3 million after tax over two years. This includes laundering something like $200,000 from Willie’s Joint. I also do a couple of other creative things.

Just before I graduate from high school, the feds come in. I get called in to this room with three FBI (or whatever) guys.

“You are Joseph Riley?”

“No, my name is Joe Riley, just Joe, not Joseph.”

“Mr. Riley, you have been buying puts in your company’s stock for over two years. Do you want to tells us why?”

“Yeah, my boss is a dumb mofo. If they got a guy like that in charge and the rest of the ezecatives don’t know, stock gotta go down.”

“Are you acquainted with any of the ah . . . ezecatives?”

“Well, except for my boss, no. I sho’ would like to get acquainted with Miss Rhone, the big boss’ secretary. I hear the bitch can suck the chrome off a bumper hitch from 20 feet away. However, bein’ a minor child, I wouldn’t know first hand about anything like that.”

“Very interesting, Mr. Riley. However, you don’t know anything about the day to day operations of the company?”

“Well, I understand that Cohen, the mofo CEO rippin’ off a piece most ev’ry day from his secretary. I sho’ would like to get at that hot ass bitch myself!”

“We were thinking more of the financial side.”

“Well, they say that Ms. Anderson canlı bahis over in accounting will put out for $100. However, bein’ a minor child, I wouldn’t know first hand about anything like that.”

“We meant company financial side.”

“Well, they say Miss Closse been rippin’ off like $50 a week out of petty cash to support her live in boy. Mofo be a stone wimp. Don’t know why she bothers.”

Strangely enough, the feds do not press me too hard for more info.

The new management comes in. The CEO calls me in. “Mr. Riley, the company is in difficult financial straits. We are going to have to operate in a much more efficient manner.” The sumbitch pauses for some kinda effect.

He turns and gives me the executive stare, “Do you think you can run the computer operation?”

I say, “I have been doing just exactly that for almost two years. I make up the schedules, write the reports and see that the work gets done. For the last six months I have even written the employee evaluations.”

The CEO and I had a longish talk. There were some real issues, but I had the computer data to let us win. The CEO then made his first offer.

The CEO says, “Excellent. Your boss no longer works for the company. You are now the IT Department Manager. Your salary will be increased to $55K per year.”

I say, “At that salary, I would be the lowest paid IT Manager in the city and by quite a margin. Plus, I can do more that the other IT Managers.”

The CEO leans forward. “How?”

I say, “Your predecessor looted the company and thinks he hid his share in a bank down in the West Indies. However, I run the company computers. The money is sitting in a bank in KC. You tell me where and you got it back Monday morning.”

The CEO kind of leans back in shock, “What do you think you are worth?”

I tell him, “The average salary for an IT manager is $83K per year. Since I am young, I will ask $80K per year.” I get it!

I have now graduated from high school and I got me a position. I am 18 and I decide that the next thing I need is to check out the local cunt.

Now, Heather is the hottest babe in town. She, like I, just graduated and her old man was a Senior VP at my company. I say was. He got the heave-ho along with most all of the top management.

I don’t have Heather’s phone number, so I go over and ring the doorbell. Heather kind of peeks around the edge of the door and runs off crying.

I aint the most handsome guy in town, but I aint that bad!

Hannah, Heather’s mother, comes to the door. Hannah looks at me with a ‘you insect’look. However, she tells me to come in.

Hannah is in the midst of a heavy booze trip. She looks at me a little bleary eyed. “OK, my husband ran off. I am divorcing him anyway, so no problem. I no longer have his salary coming in and I will have to sell the house. Since my husband no longer has a job, there will be no money from him. The only thing Heather and I have is some stock in the company. It is pretty much worthless. How much do you think we can get and how long?”

I look at Hannah. “The company will recover pretty quickly. By six months to a year, the shares should go from about $1.30 to perhaps $30. I am the IT Manager and I know what I am talking about.”

Hannah kind of dissolves. “The house will not bring even enough to kaçak iddaa pay off the mortgage. Heather and I have maybe a week’s money on hand. We will lose everything. Six months to a year might as well be forever.”

I say to Hannah, “You know every lady in town connected with the company. If they can hold out, they can at least get out with something. A lot of money has been stolen from the company. Mostly the computer has records of all of the stolen money transactions. The current files and the backup files were destroyed before the previous management left. I have a secret set of backups. The feds have the data and the company will recover almost all of the money. It will take a few months and there will be some legal action, but there is no real doubt. If the ladies can hold out, they will be able to cash in the company stock held by their former husbands and should have at least enough money to start over.”

Hannah looked at me for a while, then sort of whispered, “How do they, and I for that matter, survive in the meantime?”

I said, “If we organize the ladies, there are a few executive secretary jobs open, what with the ladies who left with the rascals. That should allow some of the ladies to make it. As for the rest, there is a very hard solution, but it is the only way.”

Hannah said, “That is nice, but I am not an executive secretary.”

I said, “No, and I can offer you a deal that will let you survive. However, you have to talk the rest of the ladies into the scheme. Thus, you and Heather will have to do the hard solution.”

Heather looked puzzled. “What is your hard solution?”

I said, “The company needs to keep everything calm for the next six months. That means no dumping of company shares. The CEO will right the ship and no one drowns. There is, however, no cash. Thus, if your shares and my shares are to be worth a lot of money, all of the ladies have to play ball. None of the ladies has any choice. However, they are going to have to be talked into the only solution. You are the only one who can do that and you and Heather are going to have to do something you definitely do not want to do.”

Hannah looked at me with hope and fear. “What do I have to do?”

For the ladies who cannot get executive secretary jobs, there is only one hope. Willie’s Joint is going to do the nudie bar thing. They will pay top wages for top girls. It is a mean job, but it will get pretty much everyone through the next six months or so. It is the only way but it will still be tough to sell. There is only one way you will sell the idea.”

Hannah put her head in her hands. “It won’t work. OK, I can still do . . . That sort of thing, but most of the ladies cannot.”

I said, “I know. But their daughters can. It is the only way. Once the matter is settled, the ladies and daughters can move elsewhere with enough money to start over and no one will know. However, there is only one way you are going to sell the idea.”

We argued back and forth, Hannah and I. She finally came to accept the situation. However, she assured me that none of the other ladies would.

I got Hannah to make a phone call. I listened on the extension. Hannah called Allison’s mother. Heather was the hottest babe in town. Allison was a close second.

Allison’s mother listened to Hannah describe kaçak bahis my solution. To Hannah’s great surprise, but not mine, Allison’s mother finally said, “Look, If we have to cut and run, Allison will wind up married to some nothing. I am not going to let that happen. If the only way out is for Allison to dance nude, Allison will dance nude and whatever. But, I have to be sure that the money will be there after Allison dances.”

Hannah nearly dropped the phone. However, she wrapped up with Allison’s mother.

There would be many more calls and a great deal more work. However, the two ladies had basically decided the same way almost all of the other ladies would. Their daughters would dance nude because there was no other way out.

I would have to move in with Hannah and Heather, because I was the only one still one the inside. I could provide company information and even get some useful information from the other ladies. The only way the ladies would play ball is if they had an inside source. Now, I had figured this and was planning to make my move on Hannah. However, what actually happened was quite a surprise.

Hannah and Heather came down from Heather’s room and talked to me. Both Hannah and Heather had to do the nude dancing thing. If they would not do it, the other ladies could not talk their daughters into the duty. That I had already figured.

I was surprised at how easily Hannah had talked Heather into the nude dancing duty. Heather said, “I am not going to abandon my mother, because she would not abandon me. With the money from the stock and the nude dancing, we can move somewhere else and no one will know. However, you are going to have to do your share!”

Heather stood up and lifted her skirt. She was wearing no panties. If I have to screw customers, I am going to need more experience. So you can just come upstairs with me and I am going to screw your brains out.

At a time like that, who needs brains?

We went upstairs and both stripped. I did retain enough brains to make Heather suck on my cock a bit first, just like she might have to do for a customer. I almost came as she wrapped her lips around my throbbing rod. I did manage to get us over to the bed and I mounted Heather. I entered her hot wet pussy and got my full length in on the very first stroke. I tried to take my time and make it last forever, but all too soon I could feel both of us getting to the edge of the cliff and over we went!

Afterwards I told Heather how good she was and how sexy. Heather kind of cuddled even closer to me and said, “I just want you to remember all of those nice things for the other girls!”

I said, “The other girls?”

Heather said, “Well, all of us are just 18. So we are going to need a little training first. Since you are involved, you are the trainer.”

I said, “Well, I will do what is necessary. However, I am going to have to work down after starting with the best!”

Heather said, “Oh, you are just trying to get another screw. Well, OK. However, that will be the last tonight. My mother has done without since my worthless father ran off and she will need some training too.”

With one screw down, I was able to last a bit longer and actually got Heather to one orgasm before I joined her in the second.”

We cuddled afterward and I tried to imagine ‘having’ to screw almost all of the hottest babes in town, probably on a regular basis. Oh, I would do it. But my dream life was going to be pretty well shot after that. However, in desperate circumstances, we all would have to make sacrifices!

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