The Exes Seconds

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My ex-girlfriend Angie and I broke up for several reasons, but sex was not among them. We were never short on passion and adventure in the bedroom. This is probably why, even after going our separate ways, we enjoyed a healthy and frequent diet of consensual, casual sex. Out of those post-relationship couplings came an even stronger desire to enhance our physical relationship. This led to some pretty amazing encounters. This is the story of one of our very first “adventurous” times. Maybe tame to some, but certainly one of the most erotic memories I have of her.


After we broke up, Angie and I had both immediately become pretty sexually charged, and started sleeping with other people within a few weeks of going our separate ways. Admittedly, she was having a great deal more success than I was in that department, and the details of her encounters became more and more intriguing to me. I knew by her schedule and whereabouts she was having frequent sex, but oddly enough it didn’t make me jealous. It had quite the opposite effect. So one weekend afternoon as we were in the throes of a passionate, post-relationship fucking, I brought up the subject.

“Angie, honey,” I said as I thrust into her in our familiar, rhythmic style, “You’ve been with quite a few guys since we broke up, haven’t you?”

Angie stopped panting and looked up at me, concern crossing her face. “Why do you say that?” she asked defensively.

I smiled back and stroked her hair, easing gently up inside her again. “Honey, I didn’t mean that as an accusation. I’m just saying…I’ve kind of known from the hours you’re keeping and the way you’ve been acting that you’ve been seeing a few guys. It’s okay. I’m not jealous. I’ve been out a few times myself.”

The expression on Angie’s face relaxed a bit, and she placed her hand on my back and began to slide in unison with my thrusts once more. “Yes,” she admitted. “I’ve slept with a few guys since we split. What made you bring that up, though?”

I smiled at her as I said, “I enjoy how we have turned out, you know? I know as far as a real relationship goes, we’re never going to have that. But I am glad that we are still able to enjoy the best part of what we had.”

Angie nodded, waiting for me to continue.

“But honey, you sleeping with these other guys…” My voice trailed off a bit.

“What is it?” she asked.

“Well, to be perfectly honest, it is really turning me on. Thinking of you with another man…imagining his cock inside you…it literally keeps me up nights thinking about you.”

Slowly a smile spread across her face. “It does, baby? You never mentioned anything about this before.”

“It didn’t really hit me until now. Maybe it’s just because of the way things are with us now, with no jealousy and no expectations. But whatever it is, I’m finding myself wanting more.”

Angie seemed intrigued by this. “What kind of ‘more’ are you talking about?”

I stopped fucking her and pulled out, rolling over on my side to face her. “Look…I don’t know if I’m ready for a threesome, or anything like that. Maybe that’s where these feelings are all leading, and we can cross that bridge when we come to it. But what I do want more of is details.”

“Details?” she asked.

“Yes, honey. Details. Instead of wondering what you’re doing with those other guys, I want you to tell me. I want you to tell me when you’re going to get fucked, and after you’re done I want you to tell me how he fucked you. I want to know how he felt inside you, and how his cock tasted. I want you to tell me what he asked you to do for him…if he made you dress up, or if he just threw you over the bed and fucked you senseless.”

Angie’s eyes were wild with excitement. I could tell my request had brought up fresh memories of her lovers, and that those memories had begun to replay in her mind. To be honest, my admission and request had caused me to breathe a little heavy as well, and I felt my own cock surge to a thickness I hadn’t previously felt.

“Okay,” Angie agreed with a smile. “I’ll share with you.” She leaned up to kiss me, and with a quick motion I brought her up over my lap, and slid easily back into her wet cunt, impaling her with new-found vigor. The remainder of the afternoon she entertained me with stories of her recently lovers, each seemingly more intense than the next. After I erupted in a shower of cum from the intensely erotic details of penetration and cock-sucking and other men, she would start a new story and bring my limp penis back to life. We fell asleep in an exhausted heap about 9 that night, and slept soundly until morning.


Angie and I didn’t see each other for over a week after that amazing weekend conversation and subsequent romp. Neither of us had much time for bedroom activities, with each other or others. Work schedules, commitments…all made for a boring couple of weeks.

But on the Friday evening, two weeks after I made my request of her, I knew she was going out on a date. As I had requested, she told me about bahis siteleri her plans. I received an e-mail from her at work. Very short and non-committal, but it got my mind spinning at the possibility:

“Hi sweetie,

Going out tonight after work. New guy, so don’t know much about him. Could turn out to be nothing. We’ve only chatted online a few times. He’s a friend of a friend.

Don’t get your hopes up too much, but I promise to text you as soon as I can after I get home and let you know what happened.


I was completely unable to concentrate the rest of the day. At five o’clock on the dot, I packed bag and headed out of the office, anxious to hear Angie’s story later that night.

The evening dragged as I waited for word. My mind was in complete chaos. I didn’t want to get the text to early because that would probably mean a boring, uneventful evening. But I could barely wait to hear every delicious detail of my gorgeous ex in the arms of a new man. I pictured her in every possible position with this new lover: Bent over, on her back as he filled her with the length of his cock, on her knees obediently taking him into the back of her throat.

I wanted desperately to masturbate…to feel release. The build-up of erotic emotions made me ache. To pass the time, I pictured Angie as I always used to each evening, coming to bed, removing her robe to reveal her curvaceous, naked body. Angie never liked sleeping in any kind of clothing, so I was always treated to her nude form. She was not a skinny woman…not that I cared for overly thin women anyway. She had full, supple hips that rocked seductively as she walked, and creamy thighs that felt like home each time they were wrapped around me. Her breasts were more than ample, each dotted by the most perfect nipples I ever had the pleasure of tasting. She would laugh whenever I compared them to miniature marshmallows, which they uncannily resembled. Her lips always tasted sweet, and her pussy was divine. In fact it was the first pussy I had ever had a strong, ongoing desire to eat. Angie was perfect in her imperfection, and in the way she took care of herself.

The hours wore on, ticking off slowly as I stared at the clock. Twelve AM….one AM…two AM. Finally from mental exhaustion, I fell asleep on the couch, still holding my phone, waiting for word.

I awoke early on Saturday. 7:30 or so. I had a stiff neck and an aching sensation in my groin. I had patiently waited as long as my body could hold out to hear from Angie, but the message had never come. Had she lost her resolve? Had she even made the date? Disappointment intermixed with questions as I stepped into the shower to get ready for the day.

After relaxing in the hot water, I threw on some boxers and a t-shirt and made myself some breakfast. I sat down at the computer in my normal Saturday ritual and caught up on the news and e-mail.

Suddenly, my instant messenger window opened. It was Angie. She had only typed three words:

“Oh my god.”

I wasn’t sure what to make of that, so I replied, “What is it?”

“I just got fucked so hard I nearly passed out.”

I could feel the grin spreading across my face, and the swelling sensation in my underwear. It had been a good night after all, and apparently it had turned into a good morning as well.

“I’m so happy for you, baby! Can you call?” I replied.

“Can’t call, he’s still here. In the shower. Hold on…”

I waited patiently for her to start typing again. Finally another message appeared.

“Sorry. He just walked up behind me. Asked who I was talking to. :)”

“Did you tell him?”

“Yes. And I think he saw what I wrote. He was smiling when he walked back to the room.”

I was overcome with excitement. I couldn’t wait to hear the details. Eagerly I typed back, “I want to hear all about it as soon as possible. Can you come over today?”

Of course it wasn’t enough to hear the details anymore. I needed to be with Angie….to be inside her. I needed to feel where another man had just been inside this woman who I had been with for so long. The need was insatiable.

“Come over?” she typed back. “Sweetie, I am so fucking tired. He’s been fucking me since 3am and wouldn’t let me sleep.”

I smiled as I kicked into dominant mode. BDSM was something Angie and I had experimented with during our relationship, but neither of us really got into it….except for the verbal control aspect. Angie did love it when I gave her orders to get what I want. Even if I wanted something she didn’t, hearing me be firm would usually put her in the mood to oblige.

“Angie, honey. I need you to come over here as soon as possible. Please don’t argue. You know I need you here, and as soon as he’s gone I want you in your car and on the way.”

There were several moments of nothing. I feared maybe I had pushed the wrong buttons, or that I had gone too far with our new “adventure” and put her off. After nearly a minute, a single sentence appeared in my message canlı bahis siteleri window:

“Be there in an hour. :)”

I could hardly contain my excitement. I rushed to get dressed and pick up a bit, anticipating the imminent arrival of my dear ex-girlfriend, and the erotic details of her evening.


I jumped as Angie knocked on my door. Unable to hide my excitement, I threw it open causing the doorknob bang loudly against the wall. She chuckled a bit, then kissed me on the cheek and stepped inside.

Angie was wearing shorts and a green tank top. Though she was a bigger girl, I had always loved the way these particular shorts fit her hips. Tight and very revealing of her exceptional curves. The tank top instantly revealed that she had failed to put on a bra. I wanted to reach under her shirt for a feel immediately, but managed to keep my desires in check. Anticipation, despite its torturous nature, is divine.

As she sat down on the couch, I took a closer look at her. She appeared happy, but tired…and a bit out of sorts. She was, of course, gorgeous as she always was. Makeup applied, hair brushed, but she had a bit of a “thrown-together” look about her. Then it hit me.

Angie had come to me immediately after her date left. She had not showered…made no attempt to remove the fresh smell of sex from her body. She may have even been fucked one last time before her new lover left. Besides clothing herself, Angie had come to me exactly the way her previous lover had left her.

I began to tremble a bit from sheer, erotic pleasure.

“You didn’t shower, did you, honey?” I asked her.

“No, I didn’t. I got dressed and came over, like you told me to.”

“So you are here fresh from your night with your other cock…with his smell still on you?” I asked.

She smiled up at me. “Yes I am. Does that make you happy?”

The grin on my face provided the answer. I sat next to her and placed my hand gently on her thigh. “Thank you, baby. You are exciting me so much. You have no idea.”

“The excitement is mutual, baby. I love being here with you, and I’m dying to tell you all about it. Ready to hear?”

I nodded and Angie immediately began her story, starting with meeting her date last night at the restaurant. He had taken her to a local place, and by all accounts was just as unsure about what to expect as she had been. As the night went on, they found they had a lot more in common than they expected, including, as it turns out, a very free and casual attitude toward sex. As the evening wore on, the wine kept coming, and around midnight Angie invited him back to her apartment.

Since the invite had been completely unexpected, her date had to stop and pick up some condoms. Angie kept a supply in the dresser by her bed, but he insisted on getting his own. After what seemed to be a curiously long time in the drug store, her date emerged with his purchase and they headed to her apartment.

When they arrived, Angie and her date immediately began kissing. Very passionately, from her account. They opened a bottle of wine and continued to drink, feeling very good and extremely sexually charged. Around 1:30 am, the kissing turned to petting, and the conversation took a hiatus. He ran his hand up under her skirt and began pressing against her wet panties. She responded by rising up to meet his touch. Within only a few moments, the skirt was around her knees and her blouse was open, revealing her gorgeous, full breasts with only a thin satin bra preventing her lover’s touch. She unhooked the bra and they flowed out of her blouse. Immediately her lovers hands moved to grasp her marvelous, milky breasts, taking each nipple into his mouth and gently caressing them with his tongue. Remembering how sensitive Angie’s nipples were, I could imagine the sounds she must have been emitting by now.

Before taking her into the bedroom, Angie’s lover unzipped his pants and guided her down so her face was directly in front of his crotch. She knew what he wanted, and was happy to oblige. She waited eagerly as he lowered his pants around his ankles, then slipped his underwear down to reveal his cock.

She was “visibly shocked” as she put it, at the first sight of his member. It was long. Longer than mine, and longer than any she had felt inside her before. Not particularly thick, but 11 or so inches, she estimated. She eagerly took it in her hands and began to stroke it. Her lover responded with low sighs and gentle moans. After a few minutes of experiencing the tactile sensation of her lover’s cock in her hands…becoming familiar with each inch, the texture, each delicate, throbbing vein…she lowered her and guided it into her warm, waiting mouth.

She valliantly attempted to take every inch, down to the hilt, but barring one thrust where she felt herself beginning to gag, she had to work it with her tongue, moving up and down the sides of the shaft, frequently letting her tongue play against his shaven balls. Angie’s lover made no complaints, güvenilir bahis and simply let his head rest against the back of the couch as she serviced his very competent cock.

The combination of wine and sexual tension was causing Angie’s memory to cloud. At some point after 2 am, she told me, he lifted her up from his cock and walked her into the bedroom. There he vigorously removed his remaining clothing as she let her blouse fall to the floor and slid her soaked panties down around her ankles. The first position he took her in was from behind, her naked frame bent over the bed. He entered her, slowly at first, probing her depth to see how much she could handle. After a few short screams and a spasm in her hips, he thrust his full length into her. There were no words, and no warning. He simply slid his entire length deliberately and forcefully into her. Angie cried out, feeling a man deeper inside her than she ever had before. She closed her eyes tight and saw colorful stars with each of his thrusts. He was relentless in his rhythm, unyielding in the depth of his push. This man was going to take what he desired from her pussy, and there was nothing she could do to stop him. Not that she had the slightest desire to.

He pulled out briefly after about five minutes of pounding, and reached for a condom. He slid it over his glistening cock, but the length did not cover him. He whispered something to her about not being able to find his usual brand at the store earlier, and hoped that these would do. Valliantly he attempted to keep the condom firmly in place as he entered her again, but they ended up being a funny side-note for the evening.

Angie’s lover came for the first time after about forty-five minutes of fucking her from behind. Mid-way through her legs had tired, so they had moved up onto the bed where she could relax her position and he could still enter her deeply. She recalled the noise he made as he came, and feeling him pull out and rip the condom off. He had told her under his breath moments before that he wanted to cum on her, and he remained true to his word. She felt the thick jet of warm seed land across her back, followed by another, and then another. He was ejecting an impressive amount of cum, and she loved how it felt on her. She reached back and massaged it into her skin as he continued to empty himself completely. They collapsed in each other’s arms shortly thereafter, and began to kiss.

Angie said the night progressed from there, much to her surprise. After about 30 minutes, she said, her lover began to stiffen again. She gently touched him and brought his cock back to full size. Desiring a more traditional position, he positioned himself on top of her this time, and entered her from the front, gazing into her eyes the entire time. She eagerly accepted his cock once more inside her, enjoying the different sensations it gave her body from this angle.

In total, five separate times that night her lover entered her. They didn’t sleep, and barely spoke, except for the occasional scream of “Fuck me!” He took her from behind again, instructed her to ride him once, spent the balance of their coupling alternating between missionary and standing positions. Finally, near 8am, he showered, got dressed, kissed her and thanked her for the wonderful night.


I was proud of myself for resisting the near unbearable urges to take Angie as she was sharing her story with me. I did occasionally feel between her legs or brush over her nipples through her tank top, but I kept my throbbing cock in my pants while she shared all the details.

As she finished her story, she looked into my eyes and smiled. “Was it as exciting as you hoped it would be?” she asked.

I responded by taking her hands and lifting her to her feet. She still smiled, curious about my actions, or my lack of verbal response, or both. “What are you doing?” she asked.

I led her to the kitchen where I pushed her firmly against the counter, letting her feel against her leg how excited she had made me. She started to speak again, but I took her in my arms and kissed her, enjoying the familiar taste on my tongue. She responded to my embrace, running her hands up and down my back.

Very suddenly and with a firm hand, I turned her around, placing her palms flat on the top of the kitchen counter. She looked back at me with a questioning look. Realization filled her eyes as I reached around to unbutton her shorts. With swift movements I pulled them down around her ankles and told her to step out of them. She did, obediently, as I lifted the tank top over her head, leaving her fully exposed.

“Baby…I haven’t washed yet. I still smell like him. I smell like stale cum. Don’t you want me to wash first?” she asked.

I put a finger to her lips indicating she should quiet herself. “Honey, you are exactly the way I want you. Now spread your legs a bit and bend over the counter.”

With firm guidance, I moved her hips back to me. I pulled my throbbing cock from my pants as I let them fall to the floor. I could hear Angie’s sweet sighs of anticipation as I placed the tip of my cock at her wet, swolen cunt. With a single motion I slid quickly into her and began fucking her forcefully. I could not control myself any longer. I felt an animalistic urge settle over me.

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