Neighborhood Dad Ch. 19

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I stopped writing a year ago. Most of the comments and emails I received were very positive, but I found that I wasn’t very thick-skinned when it came to the negative feedback.

My self-confidence suffered, and I just couldn’t write.

But lots of kind people have continued to reach out to me, and I really appreciate it.

Why just in the past month, six people have picked me as a favorite author, and I haven’t even posted a chapter in a year.

So, seeing as how it’s Valentine’s Day, I’m going to put up a couple of chapters.


Chapter 19

By the time the trio had returned to the hotel, Randi and I were clean, fed and back in separate rooms.

The next day, we headed back home with Carrie in the front passenger seat so that Randi could chat with Paige and Ricky about their evening out. It also seemed like a good idea to keep Randi away from my side, or one of us would surely give our secret away.

Carrie never said a whole lot to any guy, and that included her coach. But that was alright with me as I had other thoughts on my mind, reliving some of the great moments from the day before – and not just the mind-blowing sex.

Then Monday came all too soon, and work picked up. The furniture companies were gearing up for the High Point Market by sending out floods of press releases to yours truly. I was neck deep in small samples of wood veneers and copyrighted designs and CDs full of prototype photos. I even received a custom drawer knob from one company that was introducing a licensed collection with the Edgar Allan Poe Museum in Richmond.

In two weeks, I would be getting a three-day sneak peak inside dozens of key showrooms, then three weeks later would be market week itself.

While I was drowning in paperwork, Paige, Ricky and Anna Doyle were on the phone, talking about UNC-Asheville. This was one college where Ricky hadn’t thought to send an application, but the athletic director assured them that there was still time to consider Ricky, especially since he was one of the best students in school.

One evening I took a break from my heavy workload to check in on the girls upstairs. The five seniors from the basketball team were all jabbering away.

“Pardon me for interrupting the boy talk,” I said.

“We aren’t talking boys, Dad. We’re talking colleges,” said Paige.

“Oh,” I said, stepping from the doorway into the room. “Do tell.”

“Well, it looks like Anna and I are seriously considering UNC-Asheville. Tessa has already been accepted to Appalachian State, and Lori might be headed to Lenoir-Rhyne.”

I looked at Tessa, “You’ve already been accepted?”

“Yeah, but not on a scholarship. I’ve always wanted to be a coach myself. And a schoolteacher,” she added. “App State is pretty well known for its education program.”

“That’s true. They used to be known as App State Teachers’ College years ago,” I pointed out.

“And there are some good scholarships out there for future teachers, and I’m in the running for a couple,” she added. “Maybe I’ll get to walk on with the basketball team.”

Looking at my daughter, I asked, “How far is Boone from Asheville?”

“I just checked the map on my iPad,” she answered, raising up her tablet. “It’s not that far, but the roads are all curvy so it could take more than an hour and a half to get there. But Lenoir’s not too far away.”

“Yep, it’s only 45 miles south,” added Lori.

“Why Lenoir-Rhyne? I don’t really know anything about it.”

“It’s a small, private college, but that’s where my mom went to school, so I was a shoo-in,” she said.

Lori’s mom. That thought caught me off-guard.

It’s impossible for me to forget that Paige lost her mother, but sometimes I forget that I’m not the only widower around. I lost my Beth to illness. Charles lost his wife to a car accident.

But Lori had a couple more years with her mom — and a lot more good memories as Beth was sick for so long even before she died.

I asked a few more questions to satisfy my curiosity before finally getting back to what drove me out of my office.

“So, anybody willing to make a food run? How about Chinese?”

Easing back down the stairs with a back made stiff from sitting, I thought about the girls spread around the room.

Lori appeared much more at ease than she did right after the bathing suit incident, but not quite back to her old self. Her playful, huggy nature, and calling me Dad were gone, and I missed that. Autumn and Kim were smiling, and I still wasn’t quite sure what to make of them.

A year ago, Autumn was as shy and tentative around boys as Lori and Paige, but she had really come out of her shell over the course of the basketball season. She was more open and flirty – and then there was the flashing she gave me on the road trip. That was impossible to forget. I had felt hypnotized and wanted to reach out to her naked body so badly. I was lucky her mom came along when she did.

But was that it? Did Autumn simply need to settle some score for having seen me naked by accident? Or was she scheming up something new?

I didn’t have the brainpower left to process all these young women (or Autumn’s mom Gina). Too much work and not enough rest this week, and I still had another month before all the market hoopla quieted down.

Despite all the confusing dynamics at play, I still enjoyed hearing the voices and footsteps around the house. Because of practice and games, there had been less traffic during basketball season. Now that basketball was over, it was back to business as usual.

As I walked through the house, stretching my stiff back, I saw my guitar on its stand. What did all of these renewed visitors mean for our guitar lessons? And our, ahem, “guitar lessons”?

Randi and I might not get to see a lot of each other, even when I finally get through the furniture market rush. There would only be a month and a half from the end of market until graduation. What would happen then?

I sure wished I had some of the answers to these questions.

With my workweek jumping from 40 hours a week to 55 or 60 hours, I spent little time keeping up with my daughter’s life. I always felt guilty about this time every market, but it was worse this year because she would be graduating soon.

After enjoying my time hearing about their college plans, I decided to make room in my evenings for keeping up with the girls.

I soon learned that the junior/senior prom was atop their list of concerns at the moment.

After listening to them talk dresses for what surely must have been a dozen hours straight, I simply asked, “So when exactly is the prom?”

“Oh my god, Dad, I can’t believe you. Are you serious?” wailed Paige.

“You ARE joking, right?” seconded Lori.

“It’s only like the biggest social event of my entire life,” said Autumn.

“And if I were circling that date on a calendar, I would choose -?”

“It’s a month from now, the first weekend in May,” said Tessa.

“Okay, that’s still a long ways off,” I said, nodding my head. “Once I get through market, I can take you shopping for a dress.”

Paige asked, “What?” as her friends burst into laughter.

I knew I’d done it again. I’d made some sort Dude faux pas. Sometimes I wished for more guy friends.

“Alright, ha ha. What’s so funny?”

“C’mon, Coach. You dress shopping?” asked Lori.

“Are you gonna help her pick out pumps, too?” asked Autumn.

“Some women like to have a man’s opinion. I mean, you’re trying to impress your dates, right? A guy can tell you if guys are gonna like it.”

“Forget about his total lack of feminine taste,” said Paige. “There’s just no time.”

“Sure there is.”

“No, Dad, there isn’t. By the time you get done with market, there will only be a week, week and a half until the dance.”

“See? Plenty of time.”

“Are you kidding me?” she replied with a roll of her eyes. “Every decent dress in a 500-mile radius will be taken by then. Not to mention finding shoes and making sure Ricky doesn’t wear something that clashes. It takes months to plan for the prom, and I’m already behind.”

“Behind? Come on, I bet none of these girls has a dress yet, either.”

“I have mine,” said Autumn.

“Me, too,” said Tessa, meekly raising her hand.

“I’ve already found mine, and my dad is going with me tomorrow to buy it,” said Lori.

“There, see?” Paige said, rounding back on me.

“Seriously?” I asked, looking around the faces. “You all have dresses picked out?”

Tessa looked a bit embarrassed. “Well, I’m kind of short, so I got mine early so it could be altered.”

“Well that makes sense.”

“And my mom was almost as excited to go shopping as I was,” said Autumn.

“And you?” I asked Lori.

“I was worried it would take me a long time to find one that fit right,” said Lori, dropping her eyes to the floor.

“Yeah, she’s gotta make sure there’s plenty of room for all the junk in her trunk,” said Paige, cracking a smile.

“Shut up,” Lori said, giving her best friend a hard stare.

“I’m just saying you’ve got a black girl’s behind,” Paige continued.

“Shut up!” Lori said louder, grabbing a cushion and taking a swing at Paige’s head.

“You know she’s right,” added Autumn. “You could throw a tablecloth over that butt and serve dinner on it.”

Lori blushed bright red and dropped her face into the cushion as the other three giggled hysterically. I thought back to that first day of practice when all the girls were stretching, and Lori’s ass was easily the nicest in the group. Suddenly I worried that Lori might not be the only one blushing right then. I decided to get back downstairs.

“Well, let me know if or when I can be of help,” I said, turning to leave.

“Saturday,” Paige said. “Like early Saturday. I don’t want to wait until everything’s been picked over all day long.”

“Okay, honey.”

I headed to my TV downstairs and turned it on. Too much work and no sex the past week had left me feeling horny, and thinking about Lori’s firm, meaty cheeks wasn’t helping any.

I was flipping aimlessly through channels a few minutes later when a soft voice came from behind my recliner.

“Sorry about that teasing earlier,” said Autumn, shifting into view on my left side.

“It’s okay,” I said reflexively.

“We were just having a little fun. I for one appreciate your taste in all things,” she said with a grin.

Something about that grin made me a little nervous, and I sat up straighter in my chair.

“For example, that night in the hotel room when I flashed you. Your eyes told me just how much you liked what you saw.” She ran her hands over her stomach, then one rubbed down over her thigh while the other slid up nearly to her breast but didn’t quite touch it.

I needed to take control of this situation before it got out of hand like before – especially with three other girls right up the stairs from us.

“Now, Autumn, what happened that night -“

She cut me off. “I know, I know. I came on way too strong. You’re a man, a mature man, not some pimply faced boy always rushing to get in some girl’s pants.”

If she only knew how much I’d thought about jumping her that night.

“And the thing is, that’s not really me. It’s not like I’m a slut – I don’t sleep around. I just …” she trailed off. Then starting again, “Remember last fall when I accidentally walked in on you?”

As if I could forget.

“My face must have been beet red, I was so embarrassed. I mean, I hadn’t had a lot of experience with boys. I’d dated a few and had a couple of boyfriends, but, well, I, uh, we never did … it. I … I never, you know. You were the first guy I ever saw naked in real life.”

I swallowed, trying to think of what to say, but nothing was coming.

“Some girls, the first guy they see is usually a relative. You know, they might see their older brothers getting out of the shower or accidentally walk in on their dads, but there’s just me, Mom and my younger sister.

“As embarrassed as I was right then, I couldn’t stop thinking about it later. Seeing your butt and then when you turned around I got a quick peek at your … package before you covered up.

“It kind of awoke something in me. Like all these hormones had been building up pressure for years, and suddenly someone popped the cork. I found myself thinking about you when I was alone in bed at night. Sometimes I would touch myself hearing your masculine voice or remembering how you put a hand on my hip when you were moving me into defensive position on the court.”

Her hands were moving again, sliding across her shirt and jeans, not touching anywhere private, but certainly coming close. It was mesmerizing between her hands and her voice and thinking about an 18-year-old beauty masturbating to ideas of me.

Wait, wasn’t I supposed to be taking control of the situation here?

“Autumn, it’s flattering that you find yourself attracted to me, but nothing like that can happen between us. I’m your coach, and I could get in big trouble for messing with a player.”

“I would never tell anyone, Coach. It would be our little secret.”

I started to say something else, but she shushed me with a soft sound and a hand on my left shoulder.

“It’s okay. Like I said, I came on too strong before. I want to let you come to me. Maybe after graduation when you don’t have to worry about being my coach anymore. Until then I’ll go to prom with some boy I don’t care anything about. And you? Well … ”

Her hands slid up underneath the hem of her T-shirt and began to raise it higher until I could see a black bra come into view.

“I told you that I’ve touched myself while thinking about you.” She slid her hands over her cups and squeezed. “Maybe you should touch yourself while thinking about me.”

I could feel the blood pumping to my cock, then it gave a lurch as she added, “My, look at your face. I think you’ve already been fantasizing about me.”

She eased both hands down, thankfully letting the T-shirt fall, but then she rubbed both over her pubic mound briefly before spinning and walking away.

Jesus, I could do with a little touching right this minute, I thought.

With my crowded schedule, I had cut back guitar lessons to one night during the week and one afternoon on the weekend.

Until this busy cycle was finished once again, that would be the only time I would see Randi. And with the girls coming over practically every day, it would be very difficult to get some alone time.

Then came Saturday and our prom dress scavenger hunt.

I think Indiana Jones had an easier time digging up ancient relics than we had finding a dress that (A) looked nice, (B) fit well and (C) didn’t cost me an arm and a leg.

I will never understand how girls think — especially when it comes to fashion. Paige had a really pretty dress all but selected. So then she went looking for shoes and felt that none of the shoes suited the dress. So she went with a different dress because it had better shoe choices. Then why did she try on 15 dresses before shoe shopping in the first place? I could have saved a lot of time and gas in my car running here and there.

Still, the second choice was quite nice itself, and Lori and Autumn agreed. As soon as they all agreed on the dress and shoes, out came the cell phones to call Tessa and Kim. We all agreed to meet at Richie’s for dinner so the girls could share all the shopping details.

I suggested, “Maybe burgers, fries and milkshakes might be a bad idea when you’ve got prom dresses to fit into.”

Paige, Lori and Autumn provided plenty of glare power all on their own, but I also could feel the disapproval via speakerphone.

“Richie’s it is,” I said, raising my hands in surrender.

Ricky and his dad came out to chat with us. With a busy Saturday evening crowd, both were needed, but I was thankful to have a little male presence, even if just for a few minutes.

While Paige was bending Ricky’s ear about tuxedo choices and accessories, I turned to Richard, “So … how ’bout them Hornets, huh?”

After finishing my burger, I leaned back in the booth and savored my heavenly milkshake.

I wasn’t paying any attention to what the girls were saying at that point. Which is why it took me so long to really notice how Paige and the others appeared. They looked so happy.

Suddenly I was reminded of something I’d almost forgotten from a couple of months earlier. Paige coming home all excited with a stuffed animal that Ricky had bought her. That was Valentine’s Day.

After watching my daughter smile and hug on that animal, I felt guilty all evening about my relationship with Randi. The next time I saw her, though, all those feelings washed away because I was just thrilled to be with her.

Did I make a mistake? Should I have talked to Randi about Valentine’s Day and what she missed by being involved in a secretive relationship with an adult?

Paige was talking about flowers and matching somethings between her and Ricky. But because of me, Randi wouldn’t have that kind of talk with anyone. She couldn’t discuss coordinating outfits because her boyfriend wouldn’t be taking her to the prom. His own prom was 21 years earlier.

Randi missed out on a chance to have some boy lavish her with gifts and affection on Valentine’s Day. Now she was supposed to miss out on getting picked up by her date and escorted to the dance? What about the seniors’ traditional post-graduation trip to Myrtle Beach, S.C.? Would she miss that because of me? Would she turn down a chance to attend her dream college because it is too far from me? How many sacrifices would she have to make for a relationship that couldn’t possibly have a long-range future?

Then I realized that I didn’t even know if Randi would be going to the prom stag. She hadn’t been mentioned by any of the girls all afternoon.

“Hey,” I said to no one in particular. “What about Randi? I haven’t heard you guys say anything about her dress yet.”

“That’s because she doesn’t have one,” said Paige. “She says she isn’t going. I’ve tried to talk — we’ve all tried to talk to her, but she just says it’s something that doesn’t interest her.”

No, Randi wasn’t going to do this. I wasn’t going to let her. Right now, these choices might not seem like much, but looking back on her childhood years from now, she will be kicking herself for not experiencing all the typical thrills that teenaged girls have.

I needed to have a talk with her. Soon.

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Starlet Gone Wild Ch. 01

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Eddie: So, midnight at The Marriott?

Darcy: Yes. Just tell them Daisy left a key for you.

Eddie: And you promise you’re not underage or a dude?

Darcy: Pinky Promise.

Eddie: that doesn’t give me much confidence in your age.

Darcy: I solemnly swear. And you have to promise not to try to turn the light on.

Eddie: I don’t get it, but you have my word.

Darcy: It will be worth it. I swear.

Eddie: See you then, Daisy.

Darcy: Yep. Bye, Eddie.

No, Eddie doesn’t know my real name. He can’t. He seems like a good guy, but I can’t take a chance on him knowing who I really am. It would be too easy for him, or anyone, to betray a girl he barely knows.

After six years of teenage mega-stardom, six years of rigidly living up to the squeaky clean image an entire team of people have pushed upon me, I’m ready to finally do something naughty.

I’ve seen all of my friends grinding on random men and finding a place to spread their legs for them for years. Even without the image to uphold, I couldn’t do that. I’m a good girl. But I’m also a horny girl, and having just turned twenty, I won’t wait anymore.

I could date one of the blazing young stars whose people have repeatedly contacted my people. But it feels so fake and so public. I could date some regular guy, but I’m too famous for that to work. I’m on t-shirts and posters and lunchboxes. My face and name are beloved and ridiculed with equal fervor.

I just want to have sex without any drama.

I dress as ordinarily as I possibly can: jeans and a light hoodie with sunglasses. I also apply dark lipstick since I’ve never worn anything but clear gloss publicly.

I drive my old Corolla and park at the Marriott half an hour from my home. It’s not scary gross, but it’s also not suspiciously upscale. I check in and leave explicit directions with the front desk. Rosanna says she’ll be there all night. She’s about thirty, delightfully plump and busty and she seems ready to do my bidding when I slip her a fifty.

I get there plenty early, leaving myself three hours to mentally prepare myself at the hotel. The room has two queen beds and a television set. It’s as generic as it can possibly şişli escort be.

I wish there was some body part left to exfoliate, moisturize or wax, but those things have been obsessively tended to every day for the last six years. Well, except for the hair, you know, down there. I wonder if I should tackle it in the two hours I have left. I unbutton my pants and reach my hand down into the soft thatch of light brown hair. My finger slips over my excited clit, which seems to know exactly what it’s in for. I decide to leave the hair for now.

I flip through the channels nervously, skipping quickly past a rerun of my show. The scene shows me at fourteen with shoulder-length hair and thick bangs. I’m too skinny with elbows and knees everywhere. I’m glad I’ve filled out some, with hips and a butt and smallish but lovely breasts. I was on All About Allie for six years and the show just wrapped a few weeks ago. The final episode won’t even air for another month. After it does, there will be the concert tour featuring my costars and me. And then onto the challenge of my first movie, a starring role in the adaptation of a wildly successful young adult book series. Everything’s coming up Darcy, except in my personal life of course.

The time slips by both slowly and quickly somehow. At 11:55, I turn off the lights and sit on the edge of the bed, fully dressed. The man I’m waiting for is twenty-two and in his fourth year at UCLA. Apparently, he’s some kind of science geek. And two weeks of chatting online have proven him to be quite witty and charming. I have no idea what he looks like though, or if a single word he’s said to me has been true. Part of the excitement, although it’s got my stomach in absolute knots.

He knocks on the door. How very considerate. “Come in.” My voice shakes. Oh God, what if he recognizes my voice? How did that not occur to me? Okay, Darcy, lose the big head. Not every person in America recognizes your voice.

The light from the door reaches the first queen bed but not the one I’m sitting on.

“Hi,” he says in a nerve-racked voice. It’s endearing.


“Where are you?”

“I’ll come help you.” I at least have a general knowledge of the room istanbul escort going for me. The simple sound of his voice has put me at ease about him. But not about the other stuff.

I find him in the dark, my hand grazing the soft knit of what feels like a nice polo shirt. I awkwardly find his hand, the skin of which is like silk, even softer than my overly-pampered paws.

“It’s nice to finally sort of meet you.”

“I’m nervous. Can we take this slow?”

I feel Eddie scoot back on the bed and I follow suit so both of our heads rest on fat feather pillows.

“Of course we can. Is this your first time, Daisy?” Eddie’s voice is timid with the question.


“I’ll take good care of you.”

Eddie puts his hand behind my neck and our lips come together. His are soft and insistent. An alien feeling takes me over and I cling to him, my long legs wrapping around him. I feel his hard-on reaching out for me, straining to plunge into me through the layers of denim and cotton. Eddie breaks away from me and I hear the sounds of his shirt peeling off and his jeans being wriggled out of. I take the opportunity to fling my shirt to the floor. His hands beat mine to my waistband, and he pulls my jeans and panties off in one quick motion. He kisses me once more and I feel his hips between my knees. We’re both quivering with need and I know he’s waiting for my go ahead.

“I’m ready,” I whisper in his ear. My hands clutch at Eddie’s back for dear life. He puts his hands beneath my hips and the head of his penis easily finds my soaking wet pussy lips. I wish the lights were on for just a moment. I’d love to see the cock that’s about to take my virginity.

“Oh God!” I groan as Eddie fills me to the hilt.

“Are you okay?”

“Oh God, yes. Fuck me, Eddie!”

His head finds a home next to mine and he takes no mercy in pounding me. Each thrust takes me closer until I feel a gush of fluid squirt out of me and all over both of us. My entire body pulsates. We cling to each other as the thrusts slow and we kiss passionately. My legs wrap around him tightly and his movements become smaller yet more intense. Eddie’s body tenses and he shudders, one last plunge beşiktaş escort into me and he’s still. His sweaty torso presses into mine as we try to catch our respective breaths. A part of me wants to keep him on top of me and inside of me. But Eddie slowly pulls his long cock out of me and lays next to me. He scoots close, nudging me so that his front presses into my back. “God, Daisy, that was amazing.”

“It really was,” I reply quietly, wishing he could know my name. Eddie kisses the back of my neck sweetly and cups my breast. His thumb and forefinger roll my nipple gently sending a zap of electricity to my loins. I moan softly, pushing my ass into him. Everything feels wet and a little bit sticky, but I want to touch him. Eddie runs his hand down my smooth belly and he slips a finger into my slit, torturously massaging my still engorged clit and my pelvis grinds against the long, slim digit instinctively. I sigh and buck against him and I feel his prick suddenly rock hard against my ass. His finger picks up speed and I come like a tidal wave, Eddie plunging two fingers into me as the velvety muscles contract wildly. As my orgasm slows, Eddie slips his fingers out and they are rapidly replaced by his cock. His finger returns to my clit and touches it gently as he glides into me slowly. He keeps our bodies tightly joined, moving infinitesimally inside of me. It feels like a long, beautiful time that Eddie spends inside of me. His hands wander, lingering at my belly button, pressing into my ribs. My body finds a rhythm with his and this feels like the most natural, organic moment in my life. I feel a long, intense orgasm eat me alive. My chest moves with breathy sighs and I can feel that my vagina holds his penis like a tight fist. Eddie’s smooth motions become erratic and I feel every one of his muscles tighten.

Eddie slides out of me but we stay in the same position.

“You’re more amazing than I ever could have imagined.” His breath tickles my ear and only a layer of our intermingled sweat separates my backside from his front.

I feel at home with his body cradling mine, my muscles like rubber and my pussy exhausted. I let myself relax into the feeling, taking comfort in the warm friendly body holding onto mine. The smart part of my brain tries to drag me away from Eddie. However, the deeply satisfied sex-drunk part of me shakes her head stubbornly and drifts off to sleep with Eddie’s arm snugly around my middle and his nose nestled into my hair.

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