Story of Osu Pt. 05

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Sam’s head was spinning slightly after the fast and fierce interlude she had shared with Sergei upstairs in her hotel room. Her body still vibrated with arousal at that last caress on her ass and she fought to bring herself back under control.

Returning to the lobby, Sam joined Matt, Will and Derek as they entered the hall and settled in the bleachers where their sister, Zoey, was saving them seats. She joined them and chatted with Zoey as the boys settled into the row behind her.

Moments later, they spotted Sergei returning and the boys called his name and waved for him to join them. He settled in with them and paused to appreciate Sam’s curves as she sat on the bench in front of Derek. He could tell the boys enjoyed having her there, judging by the looks they gave each other and the amount of time they spent watching her instead of the events.

Sam and Zoey were talking about the camp that would follow the tournament day and Zoey was sharing her excited expectations. She and her brothers had never attended a camp before, and neither had Sam. The two girls shared what they were looking forward to and what made them nervous.

Sergei had just settled into a normal conversation with the boys, when he heard Sam say to Zoey that she was still hungry. The look she tossed over her shoulder at him was so quick he almost missed it, but she managed to convey pure lust in a split-second. His cock jumped at the clear invitation, and he was glad for both the fact that he was sitting down and that the teens beside him were distracted by Sam’s ass and had missed it.

He heard Zoey ask if she’d eaten and Sam’s answer made him smile, while at the same time making his cock twitch in his pants.

“Oh, I had a bite of something tasty, but I really would have enjoyed more.”

He took a deep breath and covered his mouth with his hand to hide his smile and his blush.

Settling down as the demonstrations began, Sergei managed to calm his body with some effort, and directed his focus to the front. They all spent a couple of hours actually relaxed and enjoying the events. There had been a number of changes to particular moves in certain katas and preferred techniques. This was a chance to see them done properly and ask questions.

Sergei found himself very proud of his students, as they asked thoughtful questions that showed they took the training seriously, while still having lots of fun. He was enjoying this.

He thought that he finally had a handle on this thing with Sam for the moment and could actually behave, when she moved to strip off her gi top in the increasingly warm hall. Many people had done the same thing already, including Zoey and the boys, and he hadn’t given it a moment’s notice.

He couldn’t pretend not to notice the press of her breasts against her thin tank top as she peeled off her shirt. She was still appropriately covered, but somehow all Sergei could see were the small, tantalising details – the play of her muscles under her skin, the way her nipples hardened as the air hit her skin.

Most arresting, though, was the flash of bare flesh where her pants had ridden low on her hip. He knew there was only smooth skin under those pants, and it warmed his blood.

He spotted two small, purplish bruises on that exposed strip that he realised instantly were from his fingertips and last night’s adventures. Suddenly, all he could think about was his hands holding her hips as his cock pounded into her.

Just that quickly, he was rock hard again.

Shifting slightly, so his predicament wasn’t visible to anyone, he watched as Sam caught the hem of her tank top and pulled it down over her pants, covering that small exposure. He wanted to groan with disappointment, but kept it together.

From beside him, though, came three not-so-subtle sounds that could have been pulled from his own throat. He looked at the teens and saw they had all been watching Sam and enjoying her movements to get comfortable and that little peek of skin. He realised these boys weren’t boys any longer. Even Will, the youngest at just recently eighteen, was a young man and these young men liked what they saw in Sam. All three of them had their gi tops settled securely in their laps and wore slightly uncomfortable, flushed expressions.

I know exactly how you feel, guys, he thought.

Dragging his attention from the boys and from Sam, he struggled to focus on the artists demonstrating the manoeuvres. Breathing steadily, he managed to bring his body back under control, and was lucky that he did because just then the session concluded and everyone rose to applaud. Everyone, that is, except the three young men beside him. They remained sitting and Sergei had to fight to hide his smile.

He couldn’t blame them, really.

The rest of the day was spent in various groups, working on the new techniques and practicing with members of other dojos.

Sam tried to casually avoid Sergei a little, to make things easier on both of them. But no matter where she went, she hendek escort was aware of him. She even ended up partnered with him during one of the afternoon training sessions on conditioning. She thought she was going to combust when he stepped between her legs to hold them up for elevated-leg pushups. Judging from the tortured groan she heard from him, Sergei was similarly effected.

She threw him a scorching look over her shoulder before beginning the exercise, and she heard him curse in Russian under his breath & grip her ankles harder. Immediately, all she could think of was him taking her from behind, hard…now. She grit her teeth with need and tried to focus on the workout.

Luckily for both of them, they traded partners for the next interval, and she tried to rein in her desire.

Finally, blessedly, the afternoon’s events came to a conclusion. They had some free time before dinner, and some people were headed to the pool. Others had booked the smaller practice rooms to continue training.

Sergei was relieved, because he wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep himself together in public around Sam. So far, he didn’t think he’d embarrassed himself or her, but that was only a matter of time, given how he was feeling. It seemed like the mere possibility of having her to himself soon made it harder to control his body. Even now, as they moved back to the lobby as a group, he could feel himself becoming more aroused as he watched her walk ahead of him.

He needed to get out of here.

Before he could manage an escape, though, Shihan Collins caught him.

Damn, he thought as the older man approached him, clearly wanting something.

Shihan reached out and touched Sam’s arm as she went to move past him, including her in whatever he needed.

“Ah, Samantha,” Shihan began, looking serious about something.

“I’m glad you and Sensei Sergei are both here. I have something I need to talk to you both about.”

For just a moment, Sergei was concerned that Shihan had spotted something in his interactions with Sam. Clearly, Sam shared his alarm, as she shot him an unsettled look.

“Osu, Shihan,” she said, pasting a questioning smile on her face “what’s on your mind?”

Shihan looked at Sam with clear disappointment and explained.

“I’m afraid luck is not with you again this tournament, my dear. We have no other women in your division looking to compete. I am so sorry, I was looking forward to seeing Sensei Sergei’s prize pupil in action.”

He looked genuinely sad for Sam and Sergei had to admit that he was a little crushed, too.

Sam had worked so hard for so long and only wanted what any of his serious students wanted: to test her skill in the ring. He was impressed with Sam’s response, though. Although he knew she was bitterly disappointed, she simply smiled at Shihan.

“Osu, Shihan! I had already considered that as a possibility. However, I’m happy just to be here and I’ll still learn from others during the tournament. Plus, there is still training camp, which sounds like a wonderful challenge and a lot of fun.”

Shihan Collins looked at Sergei, impressed with Sam’s attitude and his expression showed there was more he wanted to say.

“Sensei Sergei, I did have a thought. Joe from Sensei Davis’s dojo was planning to do a sparring demonstration tomorrow after the kata competition.

He is testing for his black belt at the camp after this, so he is rather above Samantha’s belt level. However, he is closer to her size than any of the other adults who are competing.

If you agree, and Samatha is willing, Samantha could face Joe in the ring for a three-minute match. Tournament rules, of course.”

Sergei was surprised. He had never known the organization to allow mixed-gender bouts. He looked at Sam, who was clearly excited about the idea, and nodded at Shihan.

“Osu, Shihan! Sam is obviously in agreement and I have no objections. Joe will certainly challenge her, but she may have some surprises for him, as well. Thank you for allowing this.”

“Yes, Shihan,” Sam chirped, enthusiastically.

“Thank you so much for the opportunity!”

Her eyes were sparkling with the unrestrained excitement about getting a real bout after all and Sergei felt even more drawn to her. Her energy and passion were evident in the colour that flooded her cheeks and the way she was now breathing a little harder through her slightly parted lips.

His arousal came charging back with a suddenness that surprised him.

“Well, Shihan,” he said, “if Sam is fighting Joe tomorrow, we have a few things to go over beforehand. If you’ll excuse us, we should spend a little time in the practice room.”

“Of course! Good luck, Samantha.” Shihan Collins said as he left them.

“I’m fighting an almost black belt tomorrow.” Sam looked at him, dazed.

“Yes, you are. Come on, follow me.”

Leading her off the lobby and down the hall, Sergei directed her into a side room. Flipping the sign beside the door hopa escort to IN USE, he closed the door behind them. A quick scan of the room showed it was, in fact, empty and windowless.

He flipped the lock and pushed her up against the wall beside the door, laying his hand at the base of her neck. He could feel her pulse hammering under his touch and wasn’t sure if it was her excitement about the fight or their sudden closeness that was responsible.

Sam quickly gave him his answer. Reaching up to tangle her hands in his hair, she pulled his face down to hers and met his lips with a fierce, needy kiss.

Pushing his gi from his shoulders, she ran her hands across his glorious chest and down over his flat, hard stomach. She could feel his cock harden against her immediately and rolled her body against his, whimpering for him to get closer.

She had been on edge for hours and felt like she might actually hurt him, she was so desperate for him.

She felt Sergei’s hands at the hem of her tank top, and a split second later it was coming over her head. Her sports bra followed a moment later and then finally, finally she was skin to skin with him.

His mouth left hers and slowly trailed down her neck, nipping her lightly along the way, as he laid a line of hot, wet kisses down her skin until he reached his target. Closing his lips around her hard little nipple, he sucked hard while his fingers pinched its twin.

Sam’s head fell back against the wall as she let the pleasure roll over her. The feelings were so intense, she thought she might come right there and then. But Sergei wasn’t going to give her that chance.

Sliding her pants over her hips, he bared her smooth, soft skin. Dropping to his knees in front of her, he smiled wickedly up at her. Suddenly, she realised why this had been such a turn on for him yesterday. Looking down at him, his eyes locked on hers, his mouth inches from her wet, needy flesh, she was beside herself with desire.

She couldn’t help the desperate plea that dragged from her throat.

“Oh, please! I want your mouth on me.”

Only too happy to oblige, Sergei leaned in and slowly parted her wet folds with his tongue. Lightly, delicately, he stroked her with just the tip, drawing a tortured cry from her. She eagerly lifted her hips to meet his tongue, but he backed off and kept up the feather-light caress, pulling her slowly towards insanity.

How he had that kind of control, she had no idea. Every nerve in her body was screaming out for release. She looked down at Sergei, and the sight of him pleasuring her was enough to set her clit throbbing even harder.

“Oh god, Sergei,” she whispered. “Please….please!”

Making eye contact with her again, Sergei finally relented.

Circling his tongue around her hard, throbbing clit deliberately, he took her higher. Her whispered entreaties became one quiet, high keening wail, and her hips bucked against his mouth helplessly.

Sergei could feel her legs shaking uncontrollably as he tongued her clit mercilessly, circling faster and faster. Finally, he drew the hard little nub between his lips, sucking hard and lashing at the sensitive underside with rapid strokes of his tongue.

Sam’s hands clenched in his hair and she swallowed a scream, coming explosively on his tongue. Her vision went black as the sensations overtook her, crashing through her body until all she knew was the pleasure from his tongue.

It took all she had to avoid screaming out loud at what Sergei was doing to her, and as his mouth gentled on her, she could think only of how much she needed him inside her.

Sergei was at the edge of control on his knees before her.

Taking Sam’s sanity with his mouth had gotten him painfully erect and he couldn’t wait any longer. Standing up, he kissed her hard, his face still wet with her juices, and drew her hand to his pulsing cock. She squeezed him through the fabric of his pants, scraping her nails gently along his length, and he almost came right then.

This wasn’t going to be sweet or tender, he realised. This was going to be hard, fast and feral.

Turning to the conference table pushed up against the wall nearby, Sergei turned Sam away from him and pushed her down over its surface. Her sexy back stretched out before him, her sweet ass and hips a perfect place for his hands, and her legs spread wide with her glistening pussy beckoning to him from between them.

A muttered Russian curse slipped out of him as he took in the sight before him. He couldn’t believe he was doing this but, more than anything, he needed to be deep inside her.

Grasping her hips tightly, he slid his silky steel shaft once along her wet folds. Wasting no further time, he plunged deep into her tight, wet heat and started to pump steadily back and forth.

Every time he slid inside her, it seemed she felt better than she had before. Her muscles clamped and rippled on him, taking away his ability to think of anything but the absolute perfection horasan escort of being inside her.

His sensitive tip reached to her depths, pounding into her, and the feeling took away his ability to breathe. Gasping at the incredible pleasure of her pussy closing around him, Sergei drove into her, again and again, his hips slamming against hers with almost brutal force.

Sam was matching him, stroke for stroke.

She ground her hips back against him with every rapid slam of his shaft into her. Her hands were splayed on the table beside her head, and her fingers clawed at the smooth surface in sweet ecstasy.

Sergei could feel her muscles quickening around him and knew he was done for. He knew that her orgasm would tear his from him instantly. He quickened his pace and began to fuck her even harder, his balls slapping against her clit as he hammered her sweet flesh.

In seconds, he felt her tightening on him as a second orgasm ripped through her body, making her lose the battle for silence with one ragged cry of pleasure. Instantly, he felt the searing heat of his release flooding up his shaft and into her. Pumping hard, he gave himself over entirely to the mind-blowing pleasure and emptied himself into her, driving back and forth several times to draw the sensations out even longer.

Finally, he slumped over her body before him on the table and kissed her on the shoulder.

“Damn,” he breathed.

Giving her a playful but firm bite in the same place she had marked him earlier, he chuckled.

“Wonder what people would think if you showed up with a matching bite?”

Sam looked over her shoulder at him, smiling devilishly.

“I’m beginning to not care much what people think! You can mark me any time, especially if it means you put that incredible mouth anywhere on my body!”

“So glad you approve,” Sergei chuckled, pulling out of her and helping her stand.

They took a moment to gather their clothes, playfully throwing garments at each other as they separated his from hers. Sergei even managed to find a box of tissues, which he passed to Sam with nonchalance she found refreshing.

“You know,” he said as they dressed, “I had intended to use this room for training to help you prepare for tomorrow. This was more fun, although less useful for a fight.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” Sam mused.

“I’m definitely more relaxed and might even be able to focus on something other than sucking your cock till you come on my tongue.”


Sergei was momentarily speechless at her comment. He felt his cock weigh in on that option with a lively twitch and shook his head. He had to stop being surprised by his apparently endless desire for this woman.

“You’re kidding! You were thinking that today?”

“Only half the time,” she winked at him.

“When you took my legs for the pushups, I couldn’t help thinking about you pounding into me from behind. Apparently, great minds think alike!”

At that, Sergei sat back on the table, his hard cock clearly apparent, and tossed her a wry grin.

“Well, clearly we were on the same wavelength all day today. I’ll admit, when I held your legs for that exercise, I entertained similar thoughts.”

Sam looked at Sergei, and grinned.

“So, what are we still doing own here, when we have two comfortable, private rooms at our disposal upstairs? Or would you rather try our luck behaving at the pool?”

Sergei smiled and shook his head at her.

“I am afraid you won’t see me anywhere near the pool with you. I’m having enough trouble keeping my hands off of you and hiding my body’s reaction to you when we’re fully clothed.

I’m smart enough to know my limitations. I’d put on far too much of a show in my swim trunks – and you anywhere near me in a bathing suit? Forget trying to behave!”

Sam tilted her head and regarded him.

“I find that both disappointing and flattering at the same time. I know you’d look hot in a swimsuit and I’d love to see that. But you’re right. I’d never be able to keep my hands off you. There’s going to be swimming at camp, though. Maybe we’ll have figured out how to be around each other by then. I might wear you out by the time we get there!”

She winked at him, but secretly, she was afraid of exactly that. She was overwhelmed by how he made her feel and was terrified he would get tired of her when he’d had his fill of admittedly incredible sex.

Sergei looked at her in surprise.

“Rather the opposite seems to be happening. The more I have you, the more I want you. At this rate, I’ll never be able to teach your class again!”

He looked down at his lap and the raging hard on he couldn’t hide.

“I can’t help myself around you, and I’m happy to further demonstrate that in private, but I also don’t want you getting hurt tomorrow in your match with Joe.

There are a couple of things I want to go over with you…as soon as I can get this under control.”

He smiled and looked up at the ceiling, blowing out a deep sigh.

“Ahhh, jut give me a minute, here.”

Reassured, at least for the moment, Sam grinned at him.

“I’m happy to be a good friend to you and offer a hand…or mouth…or any other body part you think might help with that.”

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