UofS Ch. 00

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0: The Fool

Genesis LeClair had a throbbing headache and her mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. A hangover. The pillow was so soft, if she could just go back to sleep, the pain was sure to go away eventually. She refused to concede to this reality. She wouldn’t open her eyes. Beside her, someone groaned and turned over.


Her eyes popped open of their own accord and she saw blue plaid sheets that were certainly not her own. She found that she was also very naked.


Regardless of her headache and Alex’s slumber, she leaped out of the bed. Alex slept on, ignorant to her distress. Her head pounded in response to the sudden movement. Water. Water would help. She started toward the bathroom. It didn’t help that the layout of the house was still unfamiliar to her; she had moved in only the day before.


Alex had been home when she had arrived. She’d known that one of her new roommates “Alexander Falkner” was a student of visual arts at the university they both attended. She had envisioned him as an archetype: pale, moody, and dressed in black with a cigarette. She was not prepared for the laid-back blonde dressed in surfing shorts and a muscle shirt.

“Genesis LeClair?” He had asked, leaning against the door frame.

“Genny,” she said, forcing a smile to cover her gape.

Visual arts indeed. There were certainly a lot of visuals about him to appreciate. Alex wasn’t much taller than her, but his figure was beautifully muscled. His summer shirt did nothing to hide amazing shoulders, at least a four pack, and perfect pectorals. His skin was tanned from a summer in the sun. She couldn’t see the colour of his eyes, but it didn’t matter. She had never been much of an eye person anyway.

Roommate, she reminded herself. That meant hands off.

It had seemed like such a good principle.

“Call me Alex,” he’d grinned and reached for her suitcase. “I’ll help you bring your things up. I’m glad you’re here, it’s been lonely all by myself.” He carried her suitcase up the stairs and she followed, trying to appreciate the amazing ass to match his upper body without coveting it. So much easier said than done.

“This one is mine,” she gestured to the door on the right.

“Yeah,” Alex laughed, “the one without the plasma TV. Claire was in on Monday moving her furniture in.”

“When is she moving in for good?” Genny asked.

“Tomorrow night,” he replied, gesturing for her to enter the room first. Most of her things had been moved in earlier in the summer. Her suitcase contained only the essentials.

“What have you been up to on your lonesome?” she asked. “I don’t imagine many people are in town yet. Classes don’t start until next week.”

“I’m an artist.” He flopped on her bed, testing the bounce. “The introverted, self-sustained bit is my specialty. I also played a lot of video games. What’s that thing in the poster?” He pointed to the fractal above her desk.

It was a full-colour representation of mathematical relationships in the complex plane. A black body with horizontal symmetry sat in the middle, and its lacy black edges radiated complicated patterns of colours with an aesthetically pleasing self-similarity. Despite the austerity of its origin, it had a new-age style, decorative appeal. Genny liked it because it was a gift from her parents. In a rare moment of insight, they had seen it as a bridge between their hippie lifestyle and her love of order and predictability.

“It’s a Mandelbrot Set,” she said. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

“Yeah… I’ve never seen one before. I like it.”

Alex had chatted away while she unpacked. He had clearly been dying for human interaction after a week in solitude. He looked at her while he talked, and she noticed that his eyes weren’t always on her face. She suddenly became very conscious of how short her skirt was and how little her tank-top concealed – not that she minded his attention.

She had decided to leave her old university, her former sweetheart, and her plans to become a physicist, far behind in Montreal. This school was supposed to be a fresh start. She wanted to study pure mathematics, flirt, have irresponsible relationships that would never work out in the long run, and for the first time in her life not be completely logical in her decisions. Or, like her Mandelbrot set, at least give the illusion of spontaneity.


Supporting her weight on the bathroom counter as she sipped a glass of water, Genny wondered if that policy had really worked out. She may have screwed up her relationship with her roommate forever. Though, she thought with a smile, the process had been anything but painful


When she’d traveled from Montreal, Genny hadn’t brought any food with her, so she and Alex had decided to go out to McDonald’s for dinner. They lived right downtown, so the walk was short. The hot summer day was just cooling down and goose bumps prickled Starzbet Güncel Giriş over Genny’s bare shoulders.

Alex turned when she shivered. His hand closed over her shoulder for a moment, sliding over her skin. It felt like electricity had passed from his skin to hers, bringing every nerve in her body to a state of alert. A small gasp escaped her lips and she tried to disguise the fluttering of her eyelids as a casual blink. If roommates were totally off limits, maybe she could trade with someone in the apartment next door.

She was so conscious of him, his presence beside her. She wanted to walk closer, but she didn’t want him to know how attracted she was to him. She was careful to keep herself the same distance from the edge of the sidewalk, to keep herself from gravitating toward him, but his hand still brushed hers as they walked. It had been months since she’d had sex or even made out with anyone. It was natural for her body to respond to his every motion and radiate pleasurable tingles from between her thighs.

There were shadowed alleys between the old buildings, and she envisioned him pulling her into one, pressing her shoulder blades against the crumbling brick, and kissing her lips with authority. His body would push against her, his hard cock fueling her wetness with grinding thrusts through clothing, hands clutching breasts and buttocks in a frantic foreplay. He’d take her ear in his teeth, and moan her name in a desperate whisper –

“Genny?” He asked as she walked right past the door to the McDonalds. “It’s right here.”

They had both ordered burgers without onions to go.

“This isn’t a very classy meal,” Alex sighed as they got back home.

“I have wine, if you’d like to bring the elegance up a notch,” Genny had teased.

“Why not? Let’s have wine with our McDonald’s, Genesis!”


The next morning, toothbrush in her mouth and still completely naked, Genny wondered where she had packed her robe. She wandered back to her bedroom and sat on her bed. Even though it was neatly made, her DVD collection was a mess.


She had held her Big Mac in one hand and her glass of wine in the other while Alex looked through her DVDs. He had insisted upon reading the backs of each and every one, and the ones he deemed unsuitable ended up in a pile on her desk. The wine had already started to go to her head, and she didn’t care so much that he was making a mess. She just wanted to touch him, his tanned arms, his firm stomach, and those muscular shoulders.

“Just pick one!” She had laughed, so he settled on a Jackie Chan movie. Her computer wasn’t set up yet, and he had a DVD player on his, so they had gone to his room. She sat on the bed with the rest of her dinner, munching on fries while he set the movie playing, turned off the lights, and poured himself another glass of wine.

About thirty minutes into the movie, and after her third glass of wine, she realized that she was tired. She had gotten up early in the day to catch a train as Alex would certainly understand, so she decided it would be okay to rest her head on his shoulder. Friends could do that. He lifted his arm to put it around her, and her head slid down his chest to rest on his thigh. He was so warm, so solid.

“You’re very pretty,” he said.


“I mean, from an artist’s perspective.”

“Oh… and how is an artist’s perspective different from a man’s perspective?”

“From a man’s perspective…” He hauled her into a sitting position to look her seriously in the eye. “From a man’s perspective, you’re not just pretty. You’re friggin’ hot.”

Genny giggled again, modesty forgotten and lightheaded with wine. “Well,” she replied, “from a woman’s perspective, I’m in very hot company.”

Even after his three and a half glasses of wine, Alex was still modest enough to blush. Emboldened, and seized by a desire to force him into action, she reached her hand out to touch that perfect chest. His shirt was rough and she was sure his skin would be smooth, so she reached to take his shirt off.

“Genny?” he asked, his eyes closed and his voice a little shaky as she pulled the hem of his shirt upward and over his head.


He opened his eyes slowly, and he didn’t seem surprised that he was staring right into hers.

“I thought you were tired,” he murmured, tilting his head so that his forehead was touching hers. The distance between their lips was so small. The mathematician in her wondered exactly how close they could get before committing to a kiss. Her body told her brain to shut the hell up and get back to the task at hand.

“Not anymore… ” She climbed onto his lap and, keeping her eyes coyly averted, caressed his shoulders. They really were exceptionally sculpted shoulders.

Her train of thought was completely derailed as he brought his lips to hollow at the base of her throat. Shivers ran Starzbet Giriş down her spine, and a soft sigh escaped her lips. The pressure of his lips on her skin increased and he worked his way up her neck, becoming more adventurous with every kiss.

Genny pressed herself into his lap, wrapping her legs around his waist, her skirt hiked up above her thighs. She could feel the heat of him through her panties. In a brief moment of panic, she tried to remember if she was wearing a good pair. She shifted against his body, feeling the easy glide of the satin across his shorts.

Relieved, her attention was reclaimed by his lips. While they were doing fabulous things behind her ear his hands slid down the curve of her ribcage to her waist, caressing the wider curve of her hips then traveling down to the smooth skin of her thighs.

She skimmed her palms over his chest, her fingers toying with his dark nipples, enjoying the firm muscle beneath her hands. Her old boyfriend had been skinny – something she had been very attracted to – so she was surprised at how immediate her attraction to Alex’s broad, firm body had been.

When she brought her lips to his cheek, slightly rough with a day’s growth of stubble, he stopped kissing her neck and turned to face her. She closed her eyes and kissed him again at the corner of his mouth. He shifted his head slightly and their lips met.

Genny was beginning to understand the term “pent-up sexual frustration” very intimately. Still occupied with the play of pubescent teens, her body was responding with enthusiasm that was almost embarrassing. Not that she cared. The taste of him mixed with the wine on his lips made her giddy. His mouth felt so good moving against hers, sucking, teasing, pressing, retreating.

She didn’t know if he leaned backward first or if she pushed him down, but they were lying on his bed. Eager to taste more of him, she probed his lips with her tongue. His mouth opened to deepen the kiss, and for a moment she was aware of nothing more than the soft massage of his tongue against her own.

Pausing for air, she felt his hands on her legs. He slid them up the backs of her thighs and under her skirt to grasp her ass. Not caring how wanton it might seem, she encouraged him with murmurs of pleasure.

His hands were big; they didn’t have to move much to explore her. His fingers passed over her skin so close to where her panties were almost soaked through. Reflexively, her legs parted further, inviting, begging for a touch.

She didn’t know if he was teasing her with his fleeting touches, or if he was just too shy to commit to pleasuring her directly. She kissed him again, this time with abandon. His hands moved to her hips, and he pushed them down so that she could feel his erection through his shorts. With each kiss, her weight shifted and he moved her body up and down the length of his cock.

He rolled her over so that she was on her back, and he lay on top of her, pressing fast, hot kisses on any exposed flesh. When he got to her lips, she held him there, her fingers tangled in his curly hair and tongue questing through his mouth. He was sweating, even though the air coming in through the open window was cool.

“Do you want me, Alex?” she whispered against his lips, gripping his ass to press his erection against the wet satin between her legs.

“Genny….” He sighed and pushed himself against her more firmly.

“Because I want you.” She must be drunk, she thought, to propose sex to her newly acquainted roommate. But oh, it felt so good to be touched.

He kissed her deeply, almost with more affection than passion, and lay beside her. She was humiliated – she’d put herself out there, taken a risk, her skirt was around her waist, and now what?

“I have condoms,” he said, running his hand under and around the lacy band of her panties, “but we don’t need them yet.”

In a careful movement, he pulled off her panties and tossed them on the floor among the fast food cartons.


Alex was still sleeping when Genny, her robe wrapped around her, made her way into his room. The fast food cartons were on the floor, right where they had been left. Hopefully, her clothing would be equally easy to find.


Those sturdy hands had moved slowly back up her legs, caressing, and parting her thighs. Finally, he placed his hand between them and stroked her wet lips softly. Her hips pushed against his fingers, begging for more pressure.

She saw him grin before he massaged her lips firmly, parting them to gain access to her more sensitive features, and her eyes fluttered closed in pleasure as his fingers brushed her clit. She could feel his touch igniting desires she had almost forgotten. It was different from the way she had been pleasured in the past, but surprises were half the fun.

His fingers explored her with tiny motions. He would run his finger around the source Starzbet of the moisture, and then use the lubrication to stroke her clit. She became used to the pattern, relishing in the sensations alone. He broke the pattern to slip a finger inside and she gasped.

“Alex! If you are trying to make me be patient, you are doing a terrible job.”

“I think, Genesis, that I will take that as a compliment.”

His fingers were confident and dexterous, moving over, in, and around her with such skill that the individual touches melded into a constant pulse of pleasure between her thighs. When he stopped to pull off her skirt, she whimpered in disappointment. She felt him shift, and then his fingers parted her lips once more and his warm, wet tongue was on her sensitive clitoris, moving with the pace of his finger as he stroked her inside.

She didn’t know what he was touching, but it felt amazing. Her hands felt lost. She touched everything as they wandered – his hair and shoulders, his hand between her legs, her stomach, her breasts.

When he stopped, the waistline of his shorts came into view and she grasped it. A button undone and a quick tug later, she was looking at a pair of bona fide Homer Simpson boxers.

She couldn’t help but giggle. Homer looked so innocent. The massive erection he was failing to conceal looked anything but. Alex blushed at her giggle and pulled the boxers and shorts completely off before flopping down on the bed with a grin.

He was lying naked, supine, and erect. She really couldn’t resist such a chance as this. She straddled his legs and reached out to grasp his cock. He moaned and closed his eyes as her hand moved its skin over the swollen, sensitive tissues beneath. Its stature matched the rest of him – solid and broad.

With one hand holding the base, she lowered her lips to the circumcised head, circling it with the flat of her tongue before taking it into her mouth. Her lips were wet, and she slid them up and down the length of his erection. His hands strayed to her shoulders, and then up into her hair as he whispered words of pleasure and encouragement.

Genny moved from his cock to plant wet kisses along his toned abdomen and chest. She sat herself on his abdomen, making sure he could feel how wet she still was against his skin, and leaned in to kiss his lips.

He slipped his arms around her waist and tugged at the hem of her tank top until it came off over her head. She was wearing one of her nicer bras: a lacy satin push-up in a teal that set off her skin tone. He didn’t even look – his hands quested blindly over the clasp and barely fumbled before releasing the hooks.

Genny was slender and her B-cup bra, quickly tossed the way of her tank top, left more than a handful for Alex’s eager hands. She kissed his neck where it met his jaw and sucked softly, reveling in his sighs. When he tweaked her nipples and rubbed the flesh around them, she reciprocated with sighs of her own. Her hips pressed against him, and he moaned softly, guiding her down so that she was sitting on the solid length of his cock.

The heat alone was arousing, and she pressed her hips down again, sliding up and down in an imitation of riding him until he reached for his bedside table to pull out a condom.

“Is this something you want?” he asked.

She kept her gaze even with his and took his hand to place it between her legs so he could feel how aroused she was.

“It most certainly is.”


Among the fast food cartons, Genny located her panties, her skirt, and her tank top. Her bra was still missing. Alex snorted and rolled over to his back, exposing his chest, navel, and that tantalizing treasure trail of hair cut off by the sheet wrapped around his hips.

Among the blankets, a fragment of satin and the structure of a cup caught her attention. Trying not to wake him, she climbed onto the bed to retrieve it.


She had lain under him, and rolled the condom over his cock while he supported himself with his arms. Thus prepared, she gripped him by the base and guided him to her. When he first slid inside, she gasped and tilted her hips so that he could go deeper. Drawing his pelvis back, he pulled out of her slowly, inch by pleasurable inch.

Genny wondered how on Earth she had gone so long without this. She gasped as he slid back, and clutched his beautiful ass, trying to take all of him. Alex slid in and out again and again, his breath coming quickly, his skin starting to become slippery with sweat.

She moved her hands everywhere she could, taking in all of the tensed muscles of his body with her fingertips. Mumbled words were falling off of his lips, loosened by the wine: adjectives punctuated by gasps of pleasure. His pace steadily increased, and she found her breath keeping time with each thrust.

She knew she wouldn’t finish – she hadn’t really expected to, but as his thrusts became deeper and more focused she found herself gripping the sheets in pleasure while squeezing out words of encouragement between involuntary sighs and gasps. The headboard had been rattling, now it was banging against the wall. Sweat between their bodies made a smacking sound each time he buried himself in her.

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