Mom’s Nude Portraits

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Julia heard her son coming home from his college class. A little too early, she thought. She was an art professor by trade, but at the moment, she was focusing on her other love– painting. There was a nude female model in the workroom, which had become common in their suburban home.

The session had just ended and Julia stood up while the model got dressed. They made small talk about how the session went and the model saw the nude portrait for the first time, marveling at the artistry.

The model left through the living room at the same time Zack was there. They exchanged a friendly ‘hello’ and ‘nice meeting you’ while Julia opened the door so the model could leave.

When Julia closed the door, she gave her son a playfully stern look.

“Don’t get any funny ideas,” she said in her motherly tone. “She’s a new model I’m working with. I don’t want you chasing her away.”

“Me? Why would I do that?”

“Because that’s the kind of guy you are,” she joked.

He shrugged. “As long as you’re going to keep bringing hot women to our house, I can’t complain.”

“I’m glad you’re okay with it because there will probably be a few more models stopping by.”

“You’re busier than usual.”

“I found out this morning that my role in the upcoming art exhibition is going to be much bigger than before,” she proudly. “I’ll be given extra space to showcase my work. I already have plenty of abstract paintings, but I need more portraits. Those are usually my best sellers.”

“That’s great, mom. That means more money, and more women coming here?”

She raised an eyebrow. “Is that all you think about? Money and women?”

“It was a joke. I’m really happy for you.”

She smiled, “Thanks. This art exhibition is the biggest I’ve ever been featured in. A number of prominent figures in the art community are going to attend. That’s why I called that sexy young model here at the last minute.”

“I’ve noticed. You usually don’t paint women my age. You usually paint older women, no offense. So that was kind of surprising to me when I saw her.”

She nodded. “With all the space I’m getting for this year’s art exhibit, I’ve decided to expand my boundaries. I want to explore diversity. I’ll be painting everyone from college students, to senior citizens, and people from different ethnic backgrounds. I’m very excited about it.”

“I can tell. You look excited. It’s great seeing you like this. I know you’ll get the recognition you deserve.”

Julia’s heart warmed and she gave him a big hug, even with all the paint on her clothes.

“You’re too cute for words,” she said. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to wash up.”


It was a Saturday morning. As usual for the weekends, she relied on her son to arrange the paint and art supplies for her. It was the final nude painting she planned on doing before the art exhibition, which was only a week away.

As things were being prepared, she received an unexpected phone call; the kind that would always ruin her day.

Everything was set in her art room, and Julia had no choice but to break the news to her son.

“He’s not coming,” she said. “Apparently he’s having second thoughts, which is understandable, but the timing couldn’t be worse.”

“Aren’t there tons of male models?”

“I need a young adult. Most of the young male models who live nearby are university students. I wouldn’t feel comfortable asking someone from campus to come to my house to be nude. That wouldn’t exactly be great for my reputation.”

“Good point,” he replied. “Why don’t you just get another model that’s an older age? You’ve never had problems with that before.”

“The whole point of my collection is that I’m featuring a wide array of age groups. I already have several portraits of older men.”

“Does it matter? I don’t think people would notice if you used an older man and painted him to look younger.”

She flashed a stern look. “Yes, it does matter. Artistic integrity is important to me. My collection has a theme to it. Without the final portrait, the collection would look incomplete.”

“If it’s that important, then I’m sure you’ll find someone soon enough.”

“I hope so,” she sighed. “Thank you for your help setting up my supplies. I really appreciate it.”

“Don’t mention it.”

She smiled, “We’ll leave everything here. I’ll make a few phone calls and hopefully I can find someone by tomorrow.”

“What’s the rush? The exhibit isn’t until next weekend.”

“I know. But it’s important for me to set everything up in the gallery as early as possible. I’ll have more time to prepare my oral presentations that way. Plus I don’t like rushing at the last minute. My work is better when I’m relaxed and my head is clear.”

He nodded. “That makes sense.”

“Thank you again for spending your Saturday morning with me. I know you could have done so many other things instead. I really appreciate it.”

With that said, Julia gave him a kiss on the cheek to show her gratitude. It was a nice kiss. Her kisses canlı bahis were always special because they were loving. And she knew he liked them.

Seeing the smile on his face gave Julia an epiphany. Something had to be done, and since she probably couldn’t get a proper replacement in time, a plan had to be devised.

In her desperate hour, she decided to go for it. What was there to lose? So she proceeded with a newfound contingency plan and prayed that it would work, no matter how crazy she knew it was.

“You see the beauty in what I’m doing, right?” she asked with an incredible degree of politeness.

“Of course I do. I think your art is great.”

“Good,” she smiled. “I’m glad you think so. I started painting when I was around your age. It changed my life in a wonderful way because it gave me direction. It gave me a way to express myself creatively and I fell in love with it.”

“Why do I get the feeling that something is about to get weird?”

“I want you to pose for me,” she replied sincerely.

Julia flashed the most heartfelt look she could possibly manage.

“You can’t be serious, can you? You want me to pose for you?”

She nodded. “That’s what I said.”


She nodded again. “All of the portraits have to be nude. I also realize that you don’t want anyone seeing your nude portrait, so you can simply turn your head away while I paint. I’ll focus mainly on your body. No one will recognize you. I promise”

“No way,” he replied. “I’m sorry mom, but that’s never going to happen. Why don’t you just paint an imaginary person? Make it up. No one would know the difference.”

Julia flashed a stern look. “That’s completely out of the question. I wouldn’t be a real artist if I did that, and I feel like I would be cheating whoever buys it. Besides, using a real person always looks better.”

“How about I pose with my clothes on? Maybe I’ll compromise and do it in my underwear. You can use your imagination and paint the rest.”

“That won’t work,” she replied staunchly. “I wouldn’t be true to myself as an artist. The painting must be pure, or it means nothing. I would feel like a con woman if I tried to display stuff like that.”

There was no arguing with Julia on this. She was a woman who made up her mind. Her art was something she took great pride in, and that meant protecting her quality at all cost, and doing whatever it took to get the job done.

“You’re really not giving me much of a choice here, mom. I mean, you realize that this is extremely awkward for me, don’t you?”

She nodded. “I know this is uncomfortable. I used to be shy in college, especially when it came to my body. But I overcame it. I posed nude for my art classes a few times.”

“Really? That doesn’t sound like something you’d do.”

“Well I did it. And I still do it privately. I let my friend paint me nude sometimes, and then I paint her nude afterwards.”

Zack seemed surprised by the admission, which Julia understood.

“This is a lot different, mom. I mean, you’re my mom!”

“I know I’m your mother,” she replied playfully. “You’ve reminded me twice. But don’t forget that the awkwardness is mutual. I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t desperate.”

“You must be really desperate then.”

“Please, I’m practically begging you. I promise that if you do this for me, I’ll owe you big time. My promises are always good.”

She looked at him with a sense of desperation, yet playfulness. They both knew how important this was. There wasn’t any choice for her. She also knew that Zack couldn’t refuse, or else she’d keep on pestering him. It was inevitable. With the look in her eyes, how could anyone refuse?

“Fine,” he said. “Just this once. Don’t forget that you owe me for this.”

A broad smile appeared on her face and she reached over to wrap her arms around him, delivering a suffocating hug. Her lips were pressed all over his face as she kissed everywhere.

“I knew you would eventually see things my way,” she replied happily. “Let’s start soon. Everything is already set up.”


There was a tense feeling in the art room.

“How do you feel?’ she asked like an evil doctor.

“This is kind of scary to be honest. I feel like I have butterflies in my stomach.”

“I know the feeling. Believe me. If you want my advice, just imagine that your body is the most beautiful thing on the planet, which it is. I firmly believe that each human body is an exquisite creation. So think of this as sharing your beauty with the world.”

“Women are a lot more beautiful than men,” he joked.

She smiled, “I think you’re very handsome, as a matter-of-fact. That’s part of the reason why I wanted you to do this.”

“Thanks mom. I think you can be pretty hot sometimes as well, in a non-inappropriate way.”

“The word ‘hot’ isn’t proper terminology,” she replied in her teacherly voice.

“You know what I’m trying to say.”

“I know. I’m only teasing, Shall we get started now?”

“Now?” kaçak iddaa he asked in a state of semi-shock. “That soon?”

“This painting isn’t going to make itself. I’ll need you to remove your clothes and sit on that sofa by the window.”

He sighed, “If you insist.”

Julia noticed her son’s heart beating faster. It was the inevitable feeling most nude models face when doing it for the first time. He even looked like he was about to sweat.

She gave an amused look. “I completely understand how terrified you must feel. Your whole life, you were taught by society that nudity is bad and something to be ashamed of. But in the world of art, nudity is something to be appreciated. I was so scared my first time posing nude, but then I got used to it, and it became a wonderful feeling.”

“I guess you’re right. Here it goes.”

With slightly shaky hands, Zack pulled his tshirt overhead and placed it on a nearby table. Julia just stood there and watched him. Despite all her professionalism and years of doing this, she found herself curious as to what her son looked like naked. But she tried to push those perverse thoughts out of her mind.

Next came Zack’s shorts, which he also placed on the table, while Julia kept on staring.

Now, Zack was only in his underwear, feeling an exhibitionist rush of some kind while Julia looked on. It was a surreal taboo rush for both of them. She noticed that her son’s heart was starting to race.

Worse, an erection appeared to form inside of his underwear. Julia’s eyes widened when she saw it.

“Maybe we can compromise,” she said, showing mercy. “Maybe I can paint you like this, with your underwear on. I can try to paint the nude portion of your body using my imagination. But if it doesn’t look right, we can do a nude portrait tomorrow.”

“That sounds like a great idea,” he replied with gratitude.

She noticed his breath of relief. She had just spared him the humiliation of having to get naked and having his erection exposed. She could still notice the bulge through his underwear, but it wasn’t nearly as bad.

“Have a seat. Sit comfortably. Any way you like. Look towards the window so I’ll only paint the side of your face.”

Zack appreciated the mercy and sat down, just the way mom wanted.

There was a long pause as Julia kept her gaze on her art subject. The room should have been filled with the sound of her brush painting on the canvas, instead there was silence.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked, looking at her.

“The portrait,” she replied. “I’m not sure if I like it. I’m a visual person and I need the authenticity. Anything else and I’m cheating myself and my work.”

The innuendo was strong and Julia hoped that her son would pick up on the signals she was sending. She was a perfectionist. Surely her son knew that.

“You want to go all the way?” he asked, already knowing the answer.

She exhaled in disappointment. “I’m sorry. My artistic integrity is on the line. All of my portraits must be perfect for the upcoming exhibit. I’ll have to paint you nude. There’s no other way. Can you do it for me?”

A feeling of nervousness washed over him. By the look in Julia’s eyes, it was a final decision, rather than a question.

“Fine,” he said. “If it means that much to you, then I’ll do it.”

She walked towards him and kissed his cheek. “Thank you. Thank you so much. You’ve always been so supportive of me and my career. I owe you so much for this, I promise.”

It was amusing to see Zack stand up, preparing for full nudity. Once he wrapped his fingers around the waistband of his underwear, the awkwardness began. Julia raised both eyebrows, as if signaling for him to get this over with already. This was a real time waster, after all.

Then the act was done; Zack bent down and removed his underwear.

He was now completely naked. Julia kept one eyebrow raised as she took a good look at his penis. Were parents supposed to see this? She wondered. Him being naked like this was unusually exciting– for both of them.

“On the sofa,” she ordered.

“Yes ma’am,” he playfully replied.

Julia did her best to suppress her smile when Zack walked over to sit on the sofa. She was thoroughly amused when he struck a bland pose, with his face slightly turned so that he wouldn’t be recognized in the painting. She wondered if Zack realized that she was actually staring at his penis, admiring it.

It felt so strange seeing him exposed like this in the most casual way in her workplace. She began to work.

“This isn’t so bad, is it?” she asked, her paintbrush touching the canvas. “Before long, you won’t even notice that you’re naked.”

“Thanks for the reminder.”

She tried to focus on her task — finally — but another problem emerged. It was a problem which commonly occurs with male models. She considered ignoring it, but it was too distracting. All she could do was stare. It did look nice, and maybe it would go away. She kept on staring.

Eventually, kaçak bahis she had to say something about it.

“You realize that you have an erection, don’t you?” she asked in her teacherly voice.

He turned his body to look at her. “Yeah. Sorry mom. I should probably…”

“Don’t move!” she snapped. “Your pose just became perfect. The morning sunlight across your body is exactly what I want. It’s flawless. Don’t move a muscle.”

“But what about my…”

“It’s not important. Believe me, I’ve painted countless naked men and this is normal. It will go away by the time I start painting your pelvic region. Now look out towards the window.”

She gave her instructions and Zack obeyed, turning his face again to look towards the window. The room was silent except for the sounds of her paintbrush quickly doing its job. The hard-on wouldn’t disappear. She continued painting, but the erection was a distraction.

“Is that thing going away yet?” she asked playfully. “For most male models, it would have faded away by now.”

“Your other male models probably aren’t my age. Sorry mom. I was trying to warn you about this. There’s nothing I can do.”

“You must have eaten something potent for breakfast,” she said, half sarcastically, half joking.

“Maybe we can continue this later in the afternoon? I’ll make sure I’m in the exact same pose so it won’t mess up your painting.”

“That won’t work. The sunlight would be different.”

Zack seemed to be getting desperate from the humiliation of his erection pointing straight up in the air. This had to be resolved, and soon.

“Do you think I should, you know, go take care of it really fast?” he asked in an embarrassed voice. “It shouldn’t take long. I’ll be right back.”

She thought for a moment. “I don’t want to lose this pose.”

“Then what should we do?”

“Are you sure it won’t go down anytime soon?”

He nodded. “I’m positive, mom.”

She took a deep breath. “Then maybe I can take care of it for you. Would you mind? I know I’m your mother, and that it would be completely inappropriate, but think of it as a professional courtesy. We’re making art and this is part of the process.”

His jaw nearly dropped and he had to compose himself. His cock suddenly became even harder as he wondered if this was even a real offer.

“What do you mean?” he asked, trying to get confirmation.

“I’ll relieve your erection so you won’t have to move. Your pose is perfect and I don’t want to lose it. Would you be comfortable with this? If not, forget that I said anything.”

Immediately, she could tell that Zack was okay with this. She also got the impression that Zack wanted to downplay his enthusiasm so he wouldn’t look like a pervert.

“Sure mom. If that’s what you think is best.”

Julia put her paintbrush and pallet down on the table. She walked over to her son with a stern, professor-like stature. Her face was serious, as if the unintentional erection was interfering with her work. When she stood in front of him, she put her hands on her hips.

“Now remember, this is a one-time deal. Don’t ask me to do this again. This is purely for professional reasons and I expect you to understand that.”

“Of course,” he replied.

“Good. I’m going to get started now. Don’t move a muscle.”

Julia got down on her knees, directly in front of him. She didn’t waste any time and immediately grabbed the base of his throbbing erection with both hands. Her hands felt soft and she used that softness to full effect.

She couldn’t believe that she was actually stroking him. She looked at her small hands delicately wrapped around her son’s erection. She gazed at it like a piece of art. The sun was shining on it and she was convinced that this would be her masterpiece.

“That feels good,” he blurted out.

“Well that’s the point,” she replied. “The sooner we get this over with, the better.”

It was the perfect excuse. Her slow and gentle strokes suddenly became faster and harder.

“Just like that,” he moaned. “Keep doing that.”

“You’re in some mood today. Do you always get this aroused?”

“Not usually.”

“Just do me a favor and try to hurry.”

She kept her focus, but then she felt Zack’s body tense. Was he finally about to cum? And where would it happen?

“Do you think you can help me finish?” he asked, unsure of how to choose his words.

She raised an eyebrow while continuing to stroke. “What do you think I’m doing right now?”

“I mean, this will be a lot faster if you showed me something. I’m a very visual person, just like you. I’m used to seeing something adult-oriented.”

“Watching me give you a handjob isn’t visual enough?” she asked sharply. “You should be thankful that I’m even doing this.”

Her hands continued to stroke. She knew this was almost finished and she wanted to keep this within its limits.

“I am thankful,” he said. “All I’m saying is that this would be much faster. You always talk about how nudity isn’t a big deal. It’s kind of unfair that I’m the only one naked here.”

She continued stroking his shaft in a very sensual way. She wanted to think before she spoke. Her hands suddenly stopped, and Zack was afraid that his over-aggressiveness stopped her.

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