Tenants , Lovers

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I’m Mark and my wife Lena had passed away a few years before from cancer and I was just now getting back to a date every so often but none of them seemed to be someone I’d want to spend the rest of my life with. I knew when we got married that we’d never be able to have kids because Lena had a bad car accident when she was a teen and the surgery to keep her alive required a hysterectomy but we’d loved each other enough that it didn’t matter.

Dan and Lisa lived next door, they were there when Lena and I moved in 10 years ago and we’d became good friends. They were almost twice my age (I was 35) and they were awesome when Lena passed. They were there if I needed to talk, she’d invite me over for supper occasionally and even let me use their pool or hot tub. In early February, they decided to sell their house and move into an apartment so there wouldn’t be any maintenance to do or as much space to clean. When they told me they were going to sell, I thought about it for a few days and then told them I’d be interested in buying it if we could work out something on the price. I’d always loved their house, it had a great layout, was a bit bigger than mine and it had a great yard with the pool.

The only good thing about Lena’s passing was that she’d had a reasonable insurance policy but not enough to let me buy the house outright and I’d have a hard time getting a mortgage when I still had a mortgage on my house. I told them my plan was to move into their house and rent mine out so between the insurance money I had in the bank and what I’d make on renting my house, I’d be able to pay the rest off monthly. They said they’d think about it and a few days later gave me the good news that they were good with it. Partly because they wanted someone they knew would appreciate and look after their house plus they knew how much I liked their house.

By May, everything was done – I owned two houses and had a lot less money in the bank than I did before. It only took a few days to move everything from one house to the other and then another couple of weeks to clean the old one, give some of the rooms a fresh coat of paint and advertise it for rent.

I had lots of people come look at it – some knew right away I wouldn’t want living next to me so they got told “I’ve had lots of people looking so I’ll let you know.” Others tried to get me to lower the rental price which I had no plans of doing and one or two who I thought were planning on turning it in to a grow-op or something because as soon as I told them I lived next door they suddenly lost interest. Finally, a couple came to look at it that I liked – Ron was just a bit younger than me and his wife Natalie was a bit younger than him. They’d been living in an apartment and wanted to get into something bigger, potentially with an option to buy. I told them I hadn’t thought of that but was certainly willing to consider it.

He was in pretty good shape but I think his office job had caused his shape to be a little rounder than it may have been a few years ago. Natalie on the other hand was round but in all the right places, nice full, round breasts and a firm but nicely rounded ass. If there was any extra weight anywhere, I couldn’t tell where it was. All that was topped off by green eyes, blonde hair and an amazing smile. I had a friend who rented buildings run a quick credit check on them and when it came back clean, i called and told them I’d be happy to rent to them.

When they came by to sign everything, I got a quick handshake from Ron and a nice hug from Natalie. There wasn’t anything sexual to it but damn she felt good for the few seconds she was against me. At least the next weekend when they moved it was nice and warm and when they took me up on my offer to help, I quickly realized that Natalie looked even better than I’d thought. Instead of the skirt and long pants I’d seen her in before, she was wearing a tight pair of cut off shorts and instead of a long-sleeved blouse she was wearing a halter top. Now I really knew she had a great ass and there were no signs of a bra under the top but there was no sag to her breasts and if anything, they seemed to be more prominent than I remembered from before.

The awesome view certainly made the day a lot better and by the time we had everything moved in, it was more like they were old friends than tenants. As the weather warmed even more, we became good friends – had barbeques together, they used my pool, sometimes the hot tub and I took every chance I could to check out Natalie. She loved to wear revealing bikinis at my pool, her casual clothes were sometimes loose, sometimes tight but always showed off her figure and as much as I did my best not to get caught, I’m pretty sure she noticed me checking her out once or twice but just smiled and kept on doing whatever it was she’d been doing. We’d even put a gate in the fence between the yards so we didn’t have to go around to get to the others house and I’d told them to feel free to use the pool porno video any time they wanted.

It was a Saturday in early August and Natalie had gone out with her sister for the afternoon so Ron and I were enjoying a beer and just relaxing outside. He seemed like there was something on his mind but hadn’t quite figured out how to say it. I finally asked if everything was ok between him and Natalie and he said everything was great but then said he’d like to run something by me.

I said, “Sure, we’ve become pretty good friends so what are you thinking?”

He paused a bit then said, “Well, that’s kind of what I wanted to talk to you about. Natalie loves seeing people’s reactions when she wears something skimpy, tight or revealing and I’ve seen you check her out a few times.”

Oh crap, I knew she’d seen me but didn’t think he had and now I was wondering if he was pissed or what.

When he saw the concerned look on my face he said, “Don’t worry, I’m ok with it. I enjoy knowing that others like looking at her and it often gets us even hotter when we have sex. I appreciate the fact that you’ve always just looked – some people have tried taking advantage of her and touching or grabbing her and that’s cost me a few friends.”

“Phew, well I’m glad you’re not mad – she’s a great looking lady and yes I’ve certainly enjoyed checking her out. If you don’t mind then I’m kind of wondering why you mentioned it.”

He took a few seconds before saying, “Well, sometimes when we’re having sex, we’ll have some ‘sexy talk’ as she calls it and I’ve found that any time there’s talk of another guy seeing a flash of her boob, pussy or maybe even nude she gets really turned on and lately it’s gone to talking about someone else actually touching her. Once or twice, I’ve mentioned having a threesome but she just says she’s not sure if she’d want to go that far. I guess what I’m wondering is if you’d be interested in ‘accidently’ seeing more than you have and if she’s ok with that then maybe a little touching. I’ve seen the two of you hug and you seem to enjoy it.”

Busted again! Now I was a bit embarrassed, “I think any guy would enjoy a hug from Natalie so sure, I’m good to see what happens. What were you thinking?”

“Well, every so often and especially after a few drinks I’ve been able to convince her to go skinny dipping with me in your pool after you’ve gone to bed and she always gets turned on at the thought of getting caught. How about I let you know the next time we’re going to be skinny dipping and you can ‘catch’ us and see what she does?”

Now I really couldn’t tell him that I’d seen them skinny dipping a few times and even had a couple of pictures of her naked in the pool so I said, “Sure, as long as you don’t think she’ll freak out, I’d love to try it.”

Now that he’d gotten out what he was thinking, he was visibly more relaxed and after a few more beer he went home to get a few things done before Natalie got home. It was about 11:00 that night that I got a text from Ron. All it said was “15 min?” but I knew what he meant. I’d been thinking about what he’d said all afternoon so I changed into a housecoat and waited for them to come over. I’d left the sliding door open to I could not only hear and see better but she wouldn’t hear the door open when I came out.

Sure enough, about 15 minutes later I heard the gate open and Ron saying, “you’ve had a few drinks so make sure you’re quiet. Wouldn’t want Mark hearing us.”

“I guess not but it might be fun to see the look on his face.”

Ron made sure that they were standing in a spot where there was just enough light for me to see as he dropped his housecoat and then stood behind her and undid hers. As he let it drop, I had an awesome view of her tits and while I was too far away to be sure, it looked like her nipples were nice and hard too. As the housecoat came all the way off, I could just make out that her pussy was smooth and bare. He must have been pretty sure I was watching because he made a point of cupping her tits and giving her nipples a squeeze before they stepped into the shallow end.

I watched them hug and kiss for a few minutes before stepping out to the pool deck. When they swam down to the deep end and back, I stepped out just as they stood up. Looking down at her tits from only a few feet away was amazing, they were firm and capped with awesome, hard nipples with the water still dripping off of them. I could feel myself getting hard at the sight and I’m pretty sure they both noticed it when they looked up and saw me, Natalie blurted, “oh shit!” and Ron said, “sorry, we didn’t think you’d mind. I hope we didn’t wake you.”

I’d expected Natalie to try and cover up but I guess she realized that not only had I already seen her, there was nothing there to cover up with so she just moved a little behind Ron but I still had a great view of one tit and the very top of her slit. “No, I couldn’t sleep so I thought if I was going to be up I might xnxx as well come out for a swim to relax. Looks like you guys had the same idea.”

Ron did his best to sound embarrassed, “um, ya – sorry. We can go and let you enjoy the pool.”

I looked at Natalie long enough for her to catch my eye and smile a bit before saying to Ron, “you’re welcome to stay as long as you’re ok with all of us being nude.”

Natalie just smiled more and said, “Well you’ve already seen us so if Ron’s ok with it then I’m fine too.”

A quick nod from Ron and I dropped my housecoat. Before I could step into the pool, Natalie grinned and said, “Hmm, seems like you’re ‘up’ alright!”

The water was cool enough to take some of the hardness away but when she said, “Anyone else want a beer?” and got out of the pool right beside me, the view of her smooth pussy and firm ass certainly stopped me from softening anymore and if anything I got a bit harder again. When she came back with a six pack and bent over to hand one to me, her tits hung down beautifully and temporarily her nipples were only a few inches from my face. I would have loved to kiss one of them but wasn’t sure how Ron would handle it so instead I blew on the closest one which made it harden even more. After handing Ron his beer, she put her hand on my shoulder for support and stepped the rest of the way into the pool. What Ron didn’t see was that as she stepped in, she let her hand run down my chest to my crotch and gave my cock a quick squeeze before moving over by Ron again.

Those beer went down quickly as did the next round before Ron said, “Well, we should get to bed and let you relax for a bit before you crash” and with that he got out of the pool and as Natalie got up, I took the opportunity to quickly tweak one nipple and run a hand down and across her pussy. When she gasped and Ron looked back she said, “It’s ok, I just stubbed my toe on the step.” and gave me a quick wink before getting out.

The next morning, I got a text from Ron. “I hope you enjoyed your view last night. Let’s just say that things got even hotter when we got home. If you’re good with it, would love to do it again or maybe something else.”

I knew the next Wed was Natalie’s birthday and that he was planning on having a party for her the Saturday after. Thinking about it, I sent him a quick text back suggesting that instead of at their place they could have the party at my place where there was more room, the pool and the hot tub. There’d definitely be some drinking and maybe she’d be up for another skinny dip after the party. That got me a ‘thumbs up’ emoticon and we put things in motion. When Natalie found out that I’d offered my place for her party, she gave me a big hug and instead of the usual peck on the cheek, I got a quick but full kiss on the lips.

The week dragged by and eventually Saturday rolled around. By the afternoon there were a couple of families, about 5 couples and some singles enjoying the party. The pool was a hit and after the bbq was done, most of the families with kids had left and the hot tub became popular with those who were still there. I’d figured it would go much later but at about 9, the temperature dropped and by 9:30 it was raining which caused a bit of a scramble to get inside and warm. Some people stayed for a few more drinks but by 11 everyone had gone and Ron and Natalie were starting to clean up.

“Why not leave this mess until tomorrow and go and relax in the hot tub for a bit?” I suggested.

“Sounds good!” was Ron’s reply.

Natalie said, “I’d love to but my suit’s still wet and I hate getting into a wet suit, I’ll run home and grab another one.”

With a wink at Ron I said, “Why bother, we were all skinny-dipping last weekend, it’s dark and the bubbles will hide things anyway. Let’s just go in nude.”

I could tell Ron wasn’t sure that Natalie would go for it but after thinking for a few seconds she said, “What the hell!”

I didn’t want to give her any time to change her mind so I grabbed her hand and said, “Let’s go then.”

There was a bit of hesitation as we stripped by the hot tub but soon the clothes were coming off and Natalie looked just as good as when they were naked in the pool. We slipped into the hot water – Natalie and Ron beside each other and me across from them and almost at the same time all three of us said, “oh ya!” and then we all laughed.

There was a bit of a lull in the conversation before Natalie looked at Ron and asked, “So honey, I’m a year older do you think I still look good?”

He chuckled and said, “You certainly do but even if you didn’t, I know better than to say so. Why don’t you ask Mark what he thinks?”

She looked at me and said, “Well, what do you think…do I look good?”

I was just about to reply when I felt a foot tracing a path up the inside of my leg and I was pretty sure it wasn’t Ron’s. “You look great – Ron’s a lucky guy to be able do more than just look.”

“Awww, xhamster thanks!” and as she blew me a kiss, I felt her foot right up against my quickly hardening cock. “I’ve always loved it when guys look but lately Ron’s been trying to convince me to see what it would be like to have someone do more than just look.”

From the look on Ron’s face, I don’t think he was expecting her to tell anyone what their bedroom conversations had been but he certainly didn’t seem upset by it and I had a feeling that she might be stroking him under the water.

As her foot continued to rub my crotch, she looked at Ron and continued with “Mmm, that seems to have gotten hubby a bit hard. Is that from me touching you or thinking about someone else touching me?”

Before he could answer, she looked at me and said, “Seeing me naked seemed to get you hard the other night. I’ll bet thinking of touching me would get you even harder.”

As she said ‘harder’, she pressed ‘harder’ against my cock with her foot. I tried to cover my reaction with a bit of a cough before replying, “I think a guy would have to be dead to not get turned on by seeing and touching you – and I’m certainly not dead!”

With a smile she turned back toward Ron saying, “What do you think…we’ve talked about it, would you like to see someone else touch me?”

Even as Ron was nodding yes, Natalie continued with “From the way you just twitched, I’d say both heads are saying yes!” and with that she turned so she was basically sitting in my lap facing Ron.

I wasted no time in running my hands down her sides, across her belly and then slowly back up, waiting for either her or Ron to tell me to stop. There was no ‘stop’ and soon I was cupping her tits and feeling her hard nipples between my fingers. As my fingers touched her nipples, I could feel them hardening and lengthening under my fingers and as I continued to play with them, she started moaning so I knew she was enjoying the nipple play.

She sat up even more, I think so that Ron could see my hands around her breasts and my fingers teasing her nipples. Seeing as no one was telling me to stop, I slid one hand back down her belly and down the top of one leg. When I brought my hand back up, I ran it up the inside of her leg and immediately felt her spread her legs to give me better access. At first, I just teased her by sliding my finger up and down the fold of her lips but bit by bit I increased the pressure until I was able to slide the tip of a finger inside her. The water from the hot tub made it a bit more difficult but soon I was alternating between sliding two fingers in and out of her pussy then teasing her clit for a few second before going back to fingering her. The whole time I was doing that, she was giving Ron a running commentary of what I was doing, where I was touching and how it felt.

After a few minutes of that, she leaned forward away from my fingers to give Ron a long, passionate kiss saying, “You were right honey, it feels awesome to be touched by someone else. How about he fingers me until I cum and then we can go home and I’ll show you just how horny it’s made me?”

I couldn’t hear his reply but I was pretty sure it was a yes from him. As she sat back into my lap she looked over her shoulder saying, “Ok, slide those fingers back inside and see if you can make me cum”.

At the same time, she gave me a great big grin and a wink which I didn’t fully understand until I felt her hand on my cock. As she sat back down, she guided the head of my cock against her pussy and when she could tell it was in the right spot, she slowly lowered herself onto it until I was all the way inside her.

“Oh your fingers feel so good…use your other hand to rub my clit!”

I knew with the jets going, he couldn’t see what was really happening so I started stroking her clit and said, “Damn your pussy feels good on my fingers…tight, hot and really slippery!”

Just to keep up the visual, I slid my fingers under her ass to tease her pussy while my cock slid in and out. Just to see what her reaction would be, every so often I’d slide a finger a bit higher up her ass so it went across or occasionally pushed against her asshole. Each time I did, she’d moan about how my fingers were hitting the exact right spot and how good it felt. Unfortunately, I wasn’t in a good enough position to get more than just the tip of one finger inside her ass but her moans told me she certainly enjoyed it.

We weren’t able to move much but enough that the combination of my fingers on her clit, my cock moving slightly in and out of her pussy and her husband sitting 4′ away with no idea that she was getting fucked was enough to set her off in just a few minutes and when her pussy started to spasm around my cock I knew I was going to cum too so I tried lifting her up off my cock but she just pushed back and moaned, “I want to feel your fingers deep in my pussy while I cum!”

That couldn’t have been a clearer message so I pulled her back against my lap and thrust up at the same time just as I started cumming. As I shot spurt after spurt of cum inside her, she was moaning “that’s it, right there, don’t stop” until her orgasm had finished.

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Mom’s New Family Affair Ch. 10

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Settle in and get comfy for this chapter. It’s going to be a long one! We decided not to break it up as to keep the flow of the story going…

Hope you like it…


The alarm on my phone went off and I quickly canceled it so as not to wake Beth. I immediately noticed I had “morning wood” and rolled onto my back as I pushed the sheet down on my side of the bed, grasped my rock hard shaft with my other hand, started working it up and down slowly and casually as I glanced over to Beth.

She was on her side with her knees pulled up in a bit of a fetal position with her back towards me. Her sheet only partially covered her from her hips down and I admired the gentle curve of her waist and hip and the soft skin of her back as her chest rose and fell slightly from her shallow breathing.

I was quickly getting to love waking up next to her. She was still dead asleep and I had no intention to wake her thinking I’d let her get another hour of sleep before she had to take off to her new job at the florist.

I then looked down at my cock and let my hand slide up over the mushroom like head and gave it a squeeze. Damn, I had the urge to jack off so badly this morning… but instead I grinned and thought ‘No way… I’m saving every drop for later!” See, today was Thursday, and tonight was my first date night with Mom.

Today I was working my intern position at the company, so I quickly showered put on my slacks, dress shirt and tie. I take my sport coat with me just in case, but I hardly ever wear it. Often times I just leave it neatly across the back seat of my SUV. I tied my shoes then knelt on the bed, kissed the nape of Beth’s neck and whispered “Have fun at dinner with your Dad tonight Babe,”

Beth gave out a soft “mmmmmmmm” as she turned her head toward me. “I won’t get out of work until after seven tonight and after dinner with Dad, I’m meeting Angie for a drink or two so don’t worry if I’m late, Ok?”

“Sure, that’s Ok, tell her I said hi too”

“I will” she said softly with a smile that turned into a mischievous grin “And you have fun with Mom tonight also! I guess I’ll see you as you get dressed tomorrow morning” she said with a whisper of a giggle. I said “Yep” openly admitting I liked that part of the date night with Mom options.

“Ok, got to go, have fun” and I gave her a peck on the lips.

“You too Baby” she said dreamily with a grin and a soft giggle knowing what I was in for as her head slowly returned to its position and she fell back to sleep.

I headed downstairs and cut through the kitchen to get to my car. The house was quiet as a church. I then noticed a note on the counter from Mom that read “Plan on taking me to dinner tonight 🙂 I think I’d like sushi if that’s Ok with you, if not we’ll decide later.” At the bottom of the note there was a P.S. – I’m so looking forward to tonight, Hon! XXX.

I smiled, folded the note and put it in my pocket then took off.

The day really dragged especially since I was assigned to load data into a spreadsheet all day. Usually it’s really interesting there, but two of the bosses were out of town so there were no meetings going on to attend and thus I got stuck with work just to keep me busy.

I thought back over the past few days of this week where we tried to act “normal” around the house, though the word normal would never quite be the same again for us. There had been no chasing each other through the house to suck and fuck, and we easily settled into what would end up being our new norm where hello kisses were more sensual with occasional added intimate hugs or an occasional flirt being exchanged between Mom and us.

I thought of Monday morning and how when I kissed Beth goodbye she immediately jumped up, gave me another kiss and knowing Mom was home, she slipped into bed with her with a giggle as I watched before heading down the stairs. Beth had spent all day with Mom and once I made it home from work, I found a large pot roast dinner waiting for me. Beth said Mom was teaching her how to cook and she was extremely proud of what she produced, which was actually good, I definitely wasn’t eating mistakes here.

When I asked how things had gone during the day, hinting for some of the sexy details, Beth had just giggled and said that I need to first have my date night with Mom and then we’d compare notes. She also mentioned that that the weekend was over we should at least try to act normal around the house for a while and see how it goes. I couldn’t tell if it was Beth’s idea or Mom’s so I just let it ride.

However, Wednesday had been different since she came home from her dinner out with the girls being a bit more buzzed from drinking more wine than usual. She had stumbled on to Beth starting to give me one of her unhurried blow jobs, but that soon led her to joining Beth sucking my cock which led to her being bent over the dinner table and fucked by me from behind and of course later being cleaned up by Beth who managed to make her cum one more time.

All bahis siteleri in all, I tried to keep up with my promise to keep things as “normal” and not go around begging Mom to suck my cock or trying to hump her like a male dog every hour even though I’d have to admit, it was constantly on my mind.

Beth was affected the same way which led to a lot of fucking each night. We left the door open but Mom never showed, at least where we’d notice. One time though, we heard her moans as she masturbated listening to our sex from Beth’s moans and my attempts to talk her to the point of orgasm. Even that subtle aspect alone was a turn on to us.

Every so often I’d look at the note, refold it and put it back in my pocket as I made a mental note that I wanted to keep it as a keepsake for some reason. I couldn’t believe all this was happening and just the thought of tonight made my dick start to swell, so, needless to say working at a desk was coming in handy.

Five o’clock finally came and I made a bee-line to the car thinking in another 20 minutes or so I’d be taking her out to dinner to Kawabata, her favorite Japanese restaurant. It actually took me 25 minutes, but Mom was ready to go as soon as I entered the house.

“Perfect timing! I just came down” said Mom as she came to me and gave me tiny peck on the lips. I could tell she didn’t want to mess up her lipstick. “Mmmmm, I like this tie on you” she said as she adjusted it “Keep it on for me will you?”

I stepped back and looked at Mom’s dress. It was what they called a wrap dress which wraps around in front and ties off at the side. This one was a dark red, almost maroon color and fit Mom perfectly as it crisscrossed her breasts which really enhanced their shape, and how the tie off at the waist showed off her flat tummy and thin waist. I also estimated with my horny mind that the wrap was in a good direction that when I was driving I would have easy access sliding my hand into her skirt for some fun if I wanted to.

“Wow Mom, you look great in that dress! Is it new?” as I let my gaze go lower to take in her legs too. I liked that the bottom hem was about three inches above the knees. Long enough to be proper but short enough to be sexy on Mom.

“Why thank you!, Yes, it is, I bought it during Beth and my shopping trip Sunday. By the way, Beth now has one too… so you should keep it in mind and plan on taking her somewhere where she can wear it.”

I said it’s not a bad idea and Mom then said “I’m ready if you are…” she said with a smile.

“Well, let’s go then” I said and I escorted her out to my SUV, opened the door for her and got a nice glimpse of her sexy inner thigh as she moved it get into my high vehicle. It was also good to know she wasn’t wearing a slip. A minute later we were driving down the road.

As I drove, Mom adjusted herself in her seat to where she was close to the console and leaned her legs toward it until they came in contact with its edge. I glanced down at them and let my fingers glide across her smooth skin as I said, “So… have I been behaving myself like you wanted me to as part as the conditions for us all getting together?”

Mom slipped on her sunglasses and said “Oh I think you’ve been a perfect gentleman during our little transition. We all seem comfortable about it and I think none of us have been too pushy. I must admit, there are times I’d just like to jump you right then and there, but I wouldn’t want to start too many bad habits from the start. Anyway I love Beth’s idea of date nights. I think on nights like these it gives us a time to get crazy with who we’re dating in any way we choose.”

“Yeah, I like the date night concept too…. And I agree, it is comfy around the house even with us becoming less inhibited in wearing clothes. Whose idea was it? I have to admit, I really like the open nudity when we do it.

Mom laughed. “I think we all like the attention. Believe me we’ve noticed you like it, especially when your dick acts as a good indicator. It wasn’t really an idea. It just came up in a conversation with Beth on how I won’t need to get fully dressed to go down and get some water at night, and the talk evolved into the idea of being able to go nude around the house. We were both so glad you picked up on it too without being asked.

“Yeah, it feels funny to be so free in a way” I said with a chuckle. “You know, your tan’s looking really good this year Mom” as my fingers stoked the skin around her knees.

“Why thank you… Mmmmm, I’m glad you like it” she said as her hand alighted onto my hand to hold it in place as she swung her outside knee out which caused my hand do slip to her inner thigh on the leg against the console. Her outside calf was now vertical and her legs where spread a bit as the other still leaned against the console.

I let my fingertips caress her inner thigh and let it slide about half way up it to a level where my arm was comfortable but made no attempt do slide too high so soon.

“So canlı bahis siteleri how was work today?” She said turning her head and giving me a smile.

“Long… I thought it would never end and I had a heck of a time concentrating on what I was doing. “It’s a good thing I was at a desk all day too” I said with a chuckle.

“Oh really?” she asked as she glanced into my lap. “Because of this?” she said as her hand eased into my lap and squeezed the swelling member that was starting to grow down my leg.

“So what brought that on” she asked with a bit of a giggle as her fingers continued to trace the growing shape in my pants.

“The thought of being with you tonight. You have no idea how friggin’ hot you get me. The last week’s been like one long wet dream.”

“Oh, I can believe that. It’s the same for me too. My day was very similar but with one exception…” said Mom with a sideways glance and grin.

“And what would that be?” I asked returning her grin.

“Well, I was able to take a break in the ladies room. Thank god I wore panties today. If I had worn one of my string thongs I would have had a wet spot in the back of my dress. My pussy has been soaked all day…. Mmmmmmm want to see? She said as she slid lower down her seat as she moved my hand higher to where her pussy met my fingertips. I was right, the folded over material making up the skirt of her wrap dress offered a very easy approach to Mom’s lower charms.

I could feel the abundant dampness and I pressed my fingertips onto her panty clad pussy, felt her slit and the hardness of her clit as it grew, ready to sprout out of her slit, but still hidden beneath the puff of her pubic hair.

It crossed my mind at that moment that I was glad my SUV was so high as we came to a traffic light that turned red. I definitely didn’t want to lose contact because someone could look in. I looked at Mom and asked “And what were you thinking that kept you in that state or arousal?”

Mom gave me a sultry look and said “Why the thought of fucking my son of course… and all the perverted ways I can show him my motherly love”.

“If this is perverted Mom, I want to be the biggest pervert in the world. I admit it does feel a bit kinky to me, but you know something? It super excites me, it does Beth too” I said as I heard a horn tap behind me. The light had changed so I accelerated as I worked my finger under the side of her panties as my finger snaked low to her vaginal opening to her creaminess which I smeared up over her clit.

Mom let out a soft “Ohhhhhhhhh” as she felt my finger work into her slit. “Oh, I don’t know…” her voice rang with a chuckle as she said it. “I can get really pervy in my mind, because it excites me that way too. If I told you everything, you’d think I’m crazy and turn you off.”

We were nearing the restaurant so I retracted my hand and turned on my turn signal. “Can I get a promise from you then?” as I glanced quickly at her.

“It depends. What type of promise?” she asked as she released the lump in my pants and fed her hand through my arm.

“You let me decide if it’s too pervy, Ok? In the meantime I’ll promise to give you an honest answer and not hold anything against you if it’s over the top for me.”

“Mmmmmm! You have my promise. It’s a deal” and she kissed my cheek as we pulled into a parking spot. Mom’s caresses had produced her desired effect and my semi hard cock now tented my dress slacks. Moving helped, but I thought I needed more so I opened the rear passenger door and grabbed my sport coat, which lay across the back seat and slipped it on.

It somewhat helped hide my condition. I focused my mind and thought about work to distract my horniness. Moving seemed to help too and by the time we made it to the restaurant entrance, I felt confident it wouldn’t be too noticeable, especially with the sport coat on.

Kawabata was a five star rated restaurant. We were greeted by a Japanese hostess dressed in a traditional kimono and geta which are wooden sandal type shoes. Since it was early, less than half the tables were full and we had our choice of the remaining seating.

Mom pointed the hostess to a booth in the rear corner where the lighting was a bit more subdued saying it was her favorite table. We eased into the booth and the hostess gave us our menus and took our drink order for hot sake.

I watched as the hostess return to her station in her tube like garment and wooden sandals which caused her to shuffle more than walk and then my eyes returned to Mom. She was looking at me with a bit of a grin and one eyebrow raised. I couldn’t read her look so I asked “So… what are you thinking right now, Mom? You look a bit amused” with my voice crackling with a chuckle.

Mom’s grin increased into a sultry smile and then she replied “I was just wondering what my sexy son had his hopes up for this evening, that’s all.”

I think I might have started to blush but came out of it. It felt super strange going güvenilir bahis face to face with Mom discussing this. Up to this point it had actually been with the three of us as a group conversation.

I remembered how Mom liked dirty talk from last Saturday night so I cleared my throat and said quietly, I want it all Mom, damn, I want to fuck you so fucking bad….. I also want you to suck my cock and want to eat that sweet cunt of yours too. But there’s one more thing, after what you said in the car I want to hear more about the pervy thoughts you have. I’m starting to think about sex in different ways now. It seems like sex is like vacation, the destination is great, but the trip to get there can often be just as much fun just like it did all last weekend. Does that make any sense?”

Mom grinned a big grin. “Mmmmm, I’m impressed with your insight! I fully agree and think the same way. I’m so glad we’re on the same page. Everyone associates foreplay to the physical kiss, touch or lick, but the mental foreplay can be a real amplifier to me.” said Mom as we heard the waitresses’ shuffle as she brought the sake.

The sake came in small ceramic bottles with matching cups that were a bit larger than a thimble. Each bottle holds about ½ the portion of a full glass of western wine. This sake is served hot and the smallness of the bottles assured it wouldn’t cool off too much if you drank it at a normal pace.

She poured each for us and then asked if we were ready to order. I looked at Mom and said “Usual?” Mom and Dad came here a few times a year and I came with them once or twice so I knew what she liked. Mom nodded her head and I ordered the combination sushi-sashimi platter for two with an order of yakatori (two sticks of grilled chicken with sauce) from the grill for an appetizer.

As she left Mom continued “I have a question. Beth told me all about what happened that Saturday afternoon where she mimicked me in my suit and glasses” with slight giggle “Sounds like you had an interesting time, but remember in the end do you remember what she said to you as you fucked her in the pool?”

“You mean the mommy talk?” as I felt a slight electric shock of excitement hearing her use the F word again.


I had to give a slight laugh as I said “Ha, I thought it was pretty fuckin’ hot. I kind of suspected she gave you the details since you did it for real when we fucked on the couch Sunday afternoon.”

“Tell me the truth; did it turn you on when I used it on you this weekend?”

“To be honest, yes it really did but from the point of view as it being a game at the time. I have to admit, Beth told me you thought that might be a bit on the silly side, so I was surprised to see so much of it.”

“Oh, that’s because of Beth, she loves it and I must admit I’ve found I love playing along doing it too… but with you, surprisingly it feels different.”

“How so?” I asked as I took a sip of the sake.

“At first I think I did feel that it was a bit silly, but after a bit of reflection, the thought of it has become very hot to me too. See, I’d fantasized about being with you a few times, but I never let my mind dwell on it too much I never really thought it would happen and I didn’t want to obsess myself on something that seemed totally impossible. At least not until Beth came along and started the ball rolling. But now…..”

Mom paused as her face turned to a devilish grin, “Now things are different and the “mommy talk” is much more appealing to me as a pervy option for us on occasions when the mood hits us. I have a feeling it will “amplify” the taboo context for both of us much like how Beth’s words excited you when you imagined me saying them.”

“Sounds good to me Mom” I said as I replenished our sake cups. We took another sip. “With that being “an option”, should assume there might be others?”

Mom grinned “Oh you are such a smart boy….I just told you one, why don’t you think of one and tell it to me?”

I thought for a minute as I sipped my sake. “How about be being your younger boy-toy where I call you Katie. You can be the rich MILF I’m fucking and trying to impress.”

“Ooooh, I hadn’t thought of that… that could be a good one and a nice contrast for some of the others I have in mind. I’m starting to really like this idea about different approaches… it’s kind of like role playing and that’s even easier for me to accept since it’s more like a game in my mind and helps with my own feelings of shyness or embarrassment. Ha, sometimes with my little pervs, I even scare myself.”

“What are some of the others? What scares you?” I asked as casually as I could, not wanting to seem anxious and hoping I’d hear some of Mom’s more naughty fantasies.

We heard the shuffle again as the waitress dropped off the yakatori appetizer and we ordered refills on our sake.

As she left I looked at Mom as if to say ‘go on’ but she just picked up one of the yakatori sticks and very sensuously licked the sauce off the surface of a piece of chicken, and then said softly, just above a whisper “I want to be able to act slutty…..I want to do slutty things and be told to do them on occasions too. I even would like sometimes to be called a slut or a whore, but, more specifically, I want to be ‘your’ slut. “

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