The Guidance of Nephews Ch. 03

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Saroja had never felt this uncomfortable ever before with Sundar around the house. The young man had come visiting his aunt and uncle, ostensibly on a college vacation. To his parents it did not seem like an unusual request. The twenty-year boy had been visiting his aunt’s since his childhood and spent many of his vacations there. Those were usually during long summer vacations.

But this time, Sundar had gone there, even though he had very few days off. And yet, no one thought anything of it.

But Saroja knew better. Several months ago, Sundar, his brother Gopi- both her nephews — had two unexpected sexual encounters with their aunt whom they loving called “Manni” (for sister-in-law; though strictly speaking she was their aunt).

In those episodes, Gopi had stolen a march on Sundar. While Sundar had to be content with the vigorous jacking-off his manni gave him, Gopi had actually got to fuck her. Even today, when Sundar lay on his bedding roll trying to sleep, the image of Gopi kneeling behind his beloved Saroja Manni haunted him. He had fucked her like an animal and she had enjoyed it like one.

He knew. Her moans and groans and the way she had fisted him conveyed her extreme pleasure. And yet, he felt he could have loved his manni more than anyone else. Before, when he masturbated thinking of her, it was sheer fantasy, pleasure and illicit beyond dreams. Now when he masturbated, it was always an agonizing scream in his throat as he came, that it was not he who filled her that evening in the bullock cart.

It became an obsession. If she did it twice, if she did it to his brother and to her own brother-in-law, then she could go some more distance. He fantasized about how he might do it. And where. And when. The kitchen? At night? When uncle was away at work? And how to leave his brother behind, for traditionally, they had always traveled to his aunt’s together? Sundar’s seething jealousy slowly resulted in a cooling of his relationship with his brother. In fact, Sundar had nothing on his mind nowadays other than Saroja’s breasts, her soft thighs and the heaven he could experience lying with her, inside her.

It was that obsession which Saroja spotted instantly as the young man arrived at her doorstep having come in by the morning train. She was in her nightgown and his eyes seemed to be piercing through to see if she was wearing any under garments. The normally relaxed and casual Saroja felt compelled to throw a dupatta (a thin chiffon veil) around her shoulders. She knew that the arms of her nightgown were so lowcut that her breasts could be seen below the armpit. And all the bending and leaning during the course of housework….

“No,” she decided. Her face flushed at the thought of all the randy things she had done during that marriage trip. “Weddings are like that,” she rationalized it to herself. The atmosphere was always flirtatious bordering on libertine. Yet, three uninitiated men, first in turns then simultaneously, shamelessly baring herself in different ways — she had gone too far. And now look at Sundar. Crazed. Obsessed. “No. What I did, is in the past. I could justify that — but anything further from here cannot be. It would be wrong,” Saroja was decided and determined.

They sat at the breakfast table. Arvind, Saroja’s husband knew nothing of his wife’s new found dimension to the fondness for his family. They were having breakfast and Arvind was ready to leave for work. Saroja was now dressed in the traditional saree and blouse, having bathed before entering the kitchen to cook.

“Your father called to say you aren’t doing too well at your college. Look, you have very high scores from the previous semesters, don’t let this one semester drag you down,” said Arvind to Sundar.

“Mm,” grunted Sundar.

“What kind of reply is that? Did you bring any books along?” asked Arvind. Though he was the young man’s uncle, the age difference was a lot lesser than one would imagine. Sundar’s father frequently had Arvind help him with handling the boys.

Sundar shook his head in the negative. No, he had not brought any books. (He actually had, but didn’t want to tell his uncle that he had, to avoid studying.)

“Look, this won’t do,” Arvind scolded the young man who nodded his head dumbly. Suddenly Arvind felt sorry for the kid. “What is the big thing I have achieved with all the pressure I went though in my studies?” he wondered. “At least let these kids enjoy. Enough of preaching.”

“Ok, now that he is here and without books, let him have a relaxed time,” he told Saroja. “Promise me you will go back and study like before?” asked Arvind.

Sundar nodded. The only thing he wanted was for his uncle to go. He wanted to be alone with the woman of his dreams- Saroja manni. Could he get her to show him her breasts again? The first time it was all-too hurried and the second time there was not nearly enough light. Moreover, she was on her knees, her breasts were swaying below. He had touched them and felt them. But he had not had enough of them. They had felt nice and full; he wanted to try squeeze them, milk them and suck them.

Arvind türkçe bahis shook his head as he came down the stairs and found the young man still at the table staring vacantly. He could not have known than in his mind’s eye Sundar was seeking out Arvind’s wife’s breasts.

“Pamper the boy!” called out Arvind to Saroja as he left for his day’s work. Saroja had avoided sitting at the table after Arvind had gone up.

She came to the door of the kitchen and leaned on the door and watched the sullen youth at the table. Behind her the maid was washing vessels making clanging noises.

“What is wrong?” Saroja asked, taking care to spread the upper part of her saree cloth wide enough to cover her chest and midriff completely. A saree is worn with a petticoat and blouse. What might seem like a very modest dress is actually extremely sexy, and especially so if the woman who is wearing it wants it to be so. The midriff between the petticoat and the blouse, sometimes exposing the navel and the soft curve of the belly is alluring. And the blouse can leave nothing to imagination, if it was tightly cut, or with a low neckline, struggling to contain full, heavy breasts and you could also have the tailor make them practically backless.

Saroja was conscious that blouse she was wearing was a bit tight. Indian women tend to wear their older clothes around the house, even if they are ill-fitting. But Saroja, extremely self-conscious about her sexual aggression from the marriage season was regretting her choice of blouse at this precise moment.

Sundar didn’t reply. He just shook his head. What he wanted to say, he couldn’t. He wanted her to just take him in her arms and soothe him, break out his tension, and let him bury his head in her breasts while she took him in between her warm inviting legs. How was he to say all that?

“Have you really allowed your marks to slip?” she asked. He nodded, yes.

“Then how are you going to get into your MS program?” she asked. No reply.

Saroja almost knew for sure what the matter was but she didn’t want to acknowledge it. In her mind she had blocked it out. She was in denial.

Looking at him, sitting there in a slouch, head hunched, she realized the young man was a psychological shadow of his former self. She had seen him grow from a little boy to a tall broad young man. And yes, she had felt his cock, longer and bulkier than that of her own husband, his brother Ravi and of his elder brother Gopi. Ravi was thicker — for her the pick of her lot. She was comfortable with that. Ravi, Arvind’s brother seemed more legit, given that he was older, in his late 20s. She felt a flush. Oh god! How she had gorged on these three in those two days!

But here was the outcome. She felt bad for having converted this bright young man into a gloomy brooding guy.

“Come on, what is it?” she demanded, moving closer to where Sundar sat. Sundar kept his head down. The maid watched from the kitchen beyond, continuing with her chores. She was on old hand and had seen this family grow from one thing to another.

“If you are going to say nothing and do nothing why did you come?” she asked. Still no reply. She moved really close. From where he was sitting, her much-desired breasts were at his head level. All he needed to do was turn towards her and embrace her. But he didn’t. All he dared do was look at her form from the corner of his eye…

She reached out and ruffled his hair. “Come on, Sundar. It’s not so bad!” she said to him softly. He turned towards here. He could practically smell her. The damp smell of mild sweat, typical of the heat of this port city. He looked at the cloth covering the entire torso of Saroja’s body. He leaned back and looked beyond at the maid in the kitchen. But for that maid there, he would surely have put his arms around Saroja manni and buried his face in those cushiony breasts.

She knew that was exactly what was on his mind. And she knew it was the maid restraining him. If this young man was going to do anything good with his life, it would be because she solved this problem for him. And if he was going to amount nothing, that too was going to be because of her. And having nurtured him, looked after him and mothered him from time to time over all those years, she could not let that happen.

She put a hand on his shoulder and said, “Come with me,” and she was surprised at how dry her throat had suddenly become.

Saroja led the way up the stairs, to her bedroom, towards her marital bed. That was the only place the maid wouldn’t enter if the door was shut. Sundar didn’t follow. He just sat there at the table. “Hey! Come on! Vaa da!” she called from there. She was going to hold him close and talk to him, make him open out. Then she would explain to him that whatever happened during that wedding was over and in the past. She was there for him, but the way an aunt should be there for the nephew. Not the man-woman thing. She could swing it with him, she was confident.

The maid turned to look and saw her mistress leading the young man up the stairs. Sundar walked behind Saroja, his eyes iddaa siteleri on her ass, as it rolled and swung sexily as she climbed up the stairs. He wanted to lean forward and bite her. God, he wanted to eat her, consume her, and devour her!

She pulled him into the room. She stood near him, not too near according to her; but tantalizingly close if you asked him.

“What is the matter with you?” she asked.

The young man stood there dumbly.

“Go on, tell me! Otherwise how am I to help you?” she pleaded, “Your performance is falling at a crucial time in the college, isn’t it?”

She thought she saw him nod ever so slightly, but she couldn’t be sure. This conversation was going nowhere.

He was in a daze. When she led him up the stairs his heart started thumping hard and he was not sure what would happen next. He knew that was her bedroom and that could mean intimate things. But that room was also Arvind Uncle’s; it could be that nothing illicit would happen there. The act of taking him to her bedroom suggested an invitation from his vivacious and risqué aunt; the sacred marital bed suggested a limit to what might happen. Whereas in any other room, he could even be bolder….

Such were his thoughts, even as his dear and beloved manni hoped a conversation — intimate if need be, but a conversation nevertheless- would have the young man focus back on his work.

Finally she felt she needed to make a move. She pulled him close, leaning back against the wall. “Enna (What)? Tell me now atleast” she urged him. She had her arms around his neck, and caressing his head. She noticed how she was looking up to him, he was taller than her.

He felt her softness envelope him. Those soft cushiony breasts were pressed against his chest. Saroja shifted slightly and her thigh grazed his crotch. It indicated a strong hard erection. “Oh no!” thought Saroja.

An instant later Sundar buried his head in Saroja’s neck. His face felt hot and suffused. “Enna da! What!” she said. She was not asking; she was comforting. Sundar shook his head, nuzzling her neck.

She lifted his head, and holding him by his chin, she asked, “You want me?”


“You are shy with me? With your manni?” she asked gently. “But there is nothing shy about this, is there?” she said, as her hand wandered down to his hard on.

“What is it that will make you focus on your work again? You want this?” she asked, her hand pulled aside her saree cloth; Sundar could see the slightly faded blouse, working hard at keeping those straining breasts in place.

“You want me to make you cum like I did last time?” she whispered. May be that would help. This much she had engaged in before as well. It was not new, nor further. She waited for him to respond. If she was going to masturbate him, pleasure him, it would be a quid pro quo. He had to open out to her and promise performance at college. No freebies here.

For Sundar, it was now or never. If he kept quiet, manni would fist him like she had the other evening. And that would be the end of it. He decided not to let go of the opportunity. If was to have her fully, if he was to feast on those breasts, if was to sink into her arms and merge his body with hers, he would have to tell her and now!

“But you did so much more for Gopi!” he blurted out.

Saroja stiffened. The young man wanted sex. He was obsessed with her body and he wanted to fuck her. Maybe the two brothers had discussed the events of that evening. Maybe Gopi had boasted. Maybe….

“I will do all I can for both of you boys. But you must forget that evening. That was an unusual situation,” she reasoned with Sundar, as he pawed at the side of her breast.

“But I love you!” sobbed Sundar as he rubbed his cheek against hers, feeling her soft wonderful face with his own face, with wispy strands of a new beard.

“Love?” asked Saroja. “Its not love. You want this. My body. You lust me. That is what has jammed up your brain,” said Saroja. She took his hand which was pawing her breast and squeezed his hand so that her own breast was squished. She grabbed his other hand and let him feel her midriff. Her skin felt hot and flushed. She felt delicious and he felt a banquet was at hand.

“No, I love you!” he groaned, as his cock felt trapped. He needed to be let out and he couldn’t wait for this negotiation to be concluded.

“Love?” she mocked him. “If you loved your Saroja manni you would focus on your studies only because I said so!” she said, pushing him away now. As she did so, she allowed her hand to drop to see if her debate on love and lust had taken any heat off him. It had not. In fact, his seemed to be a solid heavy cock. She remembered Gopi as being thicker. But that might have only been comparative. Compared to her own husband, Sundar’s dimension seemed to be just as impossible and a serious upgrade. “Same family, different dimensions,” she found herself thinking incongruously.

“Nor would you be in this state of arousal,” she said.

“That is only because I love you! I don’t feel this way with all those girls in deneme bonusu veren siteler my class,” he protested.

“Love means not being able to like that with anyone else. But you will get married. In fact, in all probability I will only be selecting the girl for you! Will you not forget this Saroja manni then?” challenged Saroja. It was meant to be a rhetorical question, but the young man took it literally.

“I won’t!” he protested again.

“You won’t what? Get married? You will have to,” said Saroja, thinking of the prospect of reviewing the girls one of whom should be selected. In social circles, there are typical references to whether a boy and girl are suited to one another. Sometimes, an elder would say, “He is well built; the girl will not be able to take it.” She pondered that remark. What it meant was that he would lie atop and fuck her silly, and the girl needed to be physically matched with the boy for that. “Such hypocrites! They talk about sex without acknowledging sex! Well, if I go through with this I would be well qualified with first hand information on what it would take from the girl!” she thought.

“And I am married as well. In fact, that is how I know you, right?” said Saroja manni to her “little” — now large and hunky — Sundar. “You accept that don’t you? That’s how it is.”

“I don’t accept it!” retorted Sundar, thinking of all those unbearable nights he imagined Arvind uncle touching his Saroja manni in an intimate way.

“Nonsense! That too is just jealousy. Sexual jealousy. Another form of lust! Come on, now I challenge you. If your manni says that that one evening was a chance occurrence and you should let it pass, if you really love me, you should accept that. Will you?” she asked him.

Sundar didn’t know what to say. Saroja sensed victory. She let the pallu which she had so carefully used to cover her breasts and midriff completely, slide down. “If it is truly love, you should be able to resist this,” she said, displaying her tight blouse, with the damp spots and underarms soaked with sweat.

From less than an arm’s length away the treasures of her sexuality seemed so near, yet so far.

“Where,” she asked, “show me?” and stepped forward, moving towards him till it was he who had his back to the wall. As she walked toward him, she let the upper part of her saree trail her. It unraveled a little bit and her own breathing seemed to accentuate the plumpness of her breasts. Yes they were plump and heavy breasts, not full and proud ones.

The young lad seemed cornered. Saroja reached out and touched the bulge in his trousers. “This!” she exulted, triumphantly thumbing the head of his cock, “is the ultimate sign of lust!”

Sundar opened his mouth to say something but nothing would come out. He stared at the slopes of those luscious mounds, slick with sweat and smelling of her womanliness. He wanted to tongue her while squeezing the bulk of the flesh.

She might just have read his mind. “A young man will want this,” she clutched at her own breasts and pushed them upward toward him, as if they were on offer. “He will take it from anyone. From his Saroja manni, from Suguna the maid, from any woman!” she hissed.

The middle hooks of the blouse strained with the pressure created by Saroja and the clasp gave way. The blouse opened out in the centre, flesh pushing against the breach, trying to escape the tortuous confines.

The maid, Suguna, who had been wondering about what was going on upstairs, had decided to go snooping. Looking around for an excuse, she found the washed clothes which needed drying and headed up the stairs to pretend she was on the way to the terrace to put them out. She had heard the whispering and argument in low tones and it aroused her curiosity even more. And then suddenly, she thought she heard her own name being taken. She stopped at the landing. The door was open and she couldn’t see anyone or anything, so she too was unlikely to be spotted. This was a good place to linger and try and overhear.

“No! Never!” replied an agitated Sundar, his eyes firmly on the flesh peeping out from the gap in the blouse. He licked his lips and inhaled the aromas of his sweaty aunt.

“Liar! Your body will react!” said Saroja. Her voice was now loud and urgent. “Watch! And prove to me it isn’t lust!” challenged Saroja.

Her hand moved to her blouse and she opened out the top hook. The breasts gratefully surged. The slopes were on offer now. She reached to his head and pulled him down. She held his face on the pillowing slopes and rubbed his face on the flesh. It was hot, sweaty and abrasive. The effect on her own body surprised her more than anything. The boy was stiff and resisting, trying to disprove Saroja manni.

Her other hand had slid down his body and was desperately searching for the trouser waistband. In her feverish haste she couldn’t locate the gap between his t-shirt and his trouser quickly enough. She wanted the barometer of his arousal in her fist and his face in her breasts. She took a bet he wouldn’t last and the release would be the end of his sexual tension. ainst the flesh and despite himself; his lips were dragged and made wet strokes on her already damp breasts. He tasted Saroja’s salty skin and sweat. She was stroking his head and rubbing herself against him. And suddenly, she had the band of his underwear pulled as her hand stole in.

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Mom’s Weekend Ch. 01

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Sandra walked into her hotel room and set her bag down next to the bed. She drew open the curtains and took a deep breath as she looked out at the view. The evening sun cast a golden reddish yellow glow in the sky. Here she was, in the big city, far away from home. And she felt so lonely.

She had just flown in and headed straight to the hotel to rest. The flight itself hadn’t been long or tiring. She was just at that moment, when she yearned to be with her husband, lying in bed, hugging through the night. Instead, her company had sent her here for the weekend. And for no other reason than to sign a document with a partner. The meeting was scheduled for the next morning and she planned to get a good night’s rest.

But rest wasn’t forthcoming. Maybe a soak in the bath would do her good. She opened her bag and pulled out a change of clothes. In the bathroom, she filled the tub with water, poured some shower cream. But just as she was about to undress, she looked at the running water. No, it reminded her too much of home.

She shut off the tap and let the water drain away. She went back to the room and saw the telephone. Maybe she should call home. Hearing his voice might help. Or it might just make her long for home even more. What she needed was something to take her mind off home.

That’s when her sight settled on a magazine that she had stuffed into her bag. Some guy at the airport had handed it to her. Without a thought, she had taken it, probably planning to read it at some point in time. She had time now, so she took it out and started flipping through it.

It turned out to be one of those adult magazines, filled with advertisements and other messages. Her thoughts ran as she looked at advertisement after advertisement. Could she really be considering getting a “date” for the evening? Before she knew it, she had picked up the phone and started dialing a number.

It rang once, twice, three times. She was about to put it down when someone answered. After some uncertain moments, she requested a partner and gave her address. The person at the other end said that she would send someone over within the next hour.

After she hung up the phone, she crawled into bed and pulled the covers over her curled form, looking out at the darkened sky. She had really done it. She had called for an escort and soon, she was going to cheat on her husband with a total stranger. But she was so far away, so he wouldn’t be able to find out. Or would he? She chided herself silently and shut her eyes.

She must have fallen asleep because a loud knocking on the door awakened her. She jumped out of bed, unsure of what to do. Then she saw her reflection in the mirror. She was still wearing her pink blouse and blue jeans. She straightened out her clothes, ran a hand through her long brown hair and took a deep breath. She didn’t look fifty-years-old at all, thanks to her grueling daily workout. She had managed to keep her figure slim and tight, while regular visits to the spa kept her skin smooth and wrinkle-free.

This was it. She could either open the door or pretend that she wasn’t in.

She opened the door, her head hung low. “Please come in,” she said to the person standing outside without looking to see who it was. She quickly walked back into the room, keeping her back to him at all times. She heard him walk in and close the door behind him.

“Is this your first time?” he asked gently.

She nodded. Her heart was beating furiously and her legs felt like jelly.

“I understand.” He walked up behind her. “There’s nothing to worry about. We won’t do anything that you don’t want to do.”

He placed his hands on her shoulders and she instantly felt a tingle run through her body. She felt flushed, though her hands were clammy and cold. Needless to say, she was extremely nervous. “I don’t know if I can do this…” she whispered.

“That’s all right,” he said in a low, soothing tone. “If you want to, we could just sit and talk. Or watch television. Anything you want.”

She relaxed somewhat at that suggestion. Sure, she could watch television with a total stranger. That would be entirely fine. Slowly, she turned around, keeping her head down. She found herself looking at the body of a smartly clad man in dark shirt and pants. Then she looked up.

Both of them gasped. She took a step back, her hand to her open mouth, while he just looked at her with wide-eyed disbelief.



The shock was too much for her. She found the bed and quickly sat down before her legs gave way. bahis siteleri Meanwhile, John had moved to a table and sat against it. Neither of them took their eyes off each other. For a long time, neither of them said anything.

Finally, John broke the silence. “Well, this is awkward.” He tried to look at something else, but he kept finding his gaze moving back to his mother’s face.

By then, she had regained her composure. Instead of the lonely woman that she was a while ago, she was now a mother who was rather shocked and angered.

“Johnny, how long have you been doing this?” she demanded.

“Just for a while,” he said.

“I thought your dad and I sent you here for school. Why are you a… a…?” But she couldn’t bring herself to say it because she felt guilty about having called for one in the first place.

“An escort? Mom, it’s just a part-time job. I still go to school in the day.”

“Don’t we give you enough money?”

“Sure you do, and don’t think I don’t appreciate it. But I thought that I could use the extra money, so…”

She didn’t know what to say next. Her thoughts were still a jumble from the revelation. She just knew that she felt both embarrassed and frustrated. She couldn’t imagine what he was going to say to his father about this. Suddenly, she felt exposed.

John sat next to her on the bed. She didn’t move, her gaze fixed at an empty spot below the television set.

“What about you, mom?” he asked. “You called for an escort.”

She remained silent.


She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “It’s just… it’s…” She turned to face him, then turned away quickly. “I just felt lonely. I’m so far away from home and I needed some company. So I called…”

He nodded in understanding. “I see.” He looked at her travel bag on the floor. “So what shall we do now?”

“How will this affect your pay?” she asked in a concerned manner.

“It’s okay. I just give the agency a commission. They don’t ask, I don’t tell.”

“But you need the money, right?”

He sighed. “Yeah, I guess. Bills are stacking up.”

They sat there in the silent, dark room for what must have been an eternity. Finally, she stood up and walked to her bag. He looked at her, wondering what she was doing, half-expecting her to ask him to leave. But as he looked, he found his eyes tracing her figure. It had been almost a year since he’d been home. He’d always known that his mother was beautiful, but after spending such a long time away and then meeting her in this situation, he found himself admiring her slim body. He found his eyes drawn to her narrow waist, then the sensual curve of her bum. Ashamed, he quickly diverted his gaze to the floor.

“So how much do I owe you?” she asked suddenly.

“What?” he asked in surprise.

“The person said that the minimum… session is an hour. How much is that?”


She bent down to her bag to retrieve her purse. In doing so, she had inadvertently given him a very good sight of her jeans-covered bottom. He found his breath quickening, his heart beating faster. And he felt a stirring in his groin. No, he couldn’t get excited by admiring his mother’s ass. He just couldn’t.

She pulled out a stack of notes and dropped it on the table. “Is that enough?”

He got up and looked at it. “I guess. But seriously, mom, you don’t have to…”

“No, I want to.” She turned to face him, her head kept down. They were standing close to each other, so close that he thought he heard her heart beating. Her chest rose with each breath, but he noticed that she wasn’t just breathing normally. She was taking in deep breaths each time. As if she was panting.

And then he felt her hand on his crotch. He felt his cock throb when she touched. His breath quickened, as did hers. He looked down and she looked up. “Mom…?”

“Shhh,” she said softly as she slowly rubbed him. Her sight was fixed on his lips, watching them move closer and closer to hers. And they kissed. At first, it was a tender peck. Then he pressed harder against her and felt her press back with equal vigor.

His arms went around her body as she wrapped her free arm around his neck, pulling him closer. He stuck his tongue out, pushing at her lips. She opened her mouth, letting his tongue in. Their tongues met and she groaned.

Both of her hands were on his bum now and she pulled her crotch right up to his. His bulge was now pressed against her belly. As they kissed, they rubbed their bodies against each other’s, enjoying every sensual canlı bahis siteleri touch. His hands moved from her back up to her shoulders. As he pulled, she arched her back, giving him space to press his warm lips to her neck. She gasped as his lips moved from one side to the other.

His lips met hers again and they kissed like lovers who hadn’t been with each other for eons. He squeezed her ass cheeks and smiled when she groaned in his ear.

“Oh God…” she moaned. “Oh Johnny, Johnny… Oh…”

He broke off the kiss and looked into her eyes as she looked back at him. She didn’t know what was coming next, but frankly, she didn’t care. She was more excited now than she had ever been. Whatever came next would only make her feel better.

His hands were on her waist and they moved to the front. As they continued looking at each other, he unbuckled her jeans and pulled the zip down. Then, as he kneeled down, he pulled her jeans down to her ankles. She stepped out of them and he tossed them to the side. He was looking straight at her panties-covered pussy. He could smell her intoxicating aroma. And when he slid a finger over it, he could feel her wetness.

She groaned at his touch, holding onto his head to steady herself. She felt her panties being pulled down, followed by his breathing on her pussy. She had kept it neatly shaved because that’s the way she liked it, and now, electricity whizzed through her body from her exposed lips. She felt his lips suck on them, then his tongue lapping at her juices. She pressed her crotch into his face, wanting to feel more of him.

Finally, he stood up and kissed her again. She smelled herself on him and tasted her juices. She was extremely turned on by them and her hands ripped at his shirt. He slipped it over his head quickly and threw it next to her jeans. While still locked in a passionate kiss, they backed up until she felt the edge of the bed against her legs. She sat down, her hands around his hips. Quickly, she undid his pants and pulled them down, taking his briefs along. He slipped out of his shoes and stepped out of his pants. His erect cock sprung up. It was all swollen and red. And there was a trace of pre-cum on the head.

She wrapped one hand around it. He groaned as she started stroking it. Then he felt something warm touch his tip. He looked down and saw her licking it all over, from the head down the shaft, then back up. And as he continued watching, she opened her mouth and took it in. The intense warmth overwhelmed him and he moaned out loud.

She sucked at him furiously, making loud slurping noises. Dribble spilled out of her mouth onto her pink blouse, but that didn’t stop him. He was pumping her face now and she loved every moment of it. She’d performed oral sex on her husband before, but it had never felt like this. She kept wanting more and more of it.

He felt the pressure at the base of his cock and knew that he was going to cum soon. But he wanted it to last longer. He pulled himself out of her mouth. She looked at him in a puzzled manner. He took her hands and pulled them up above her head. She knew what he was going to do next. In one move, he pulled her blouse up, gripping her bra and taking it along. Both clothing pieces soon joined the others on the floor. They were both naked now and took a moment to take in each other’s presence.

They lay back onto the bed, her hand firmly grasping his cock. His hands moved over her breasts and his fingers found her hardened nipples. He tweaked one and she yelped. They smiled at that. He bent down and sucked it. She closed her eyes and groaned. When he moved to her other nipple, the cool air caused her exposed and wet nipple to become fully hard.

She pulled his head up to hers and they kissed again. He pressed his lips hard on hers and her mouth accepted his tongue. His hand grasped her pussy and felt her heat. She spread her legs open as he stroked her.

“Oh God… oh…” she moaned as his finger penetrated her folds and dug itself deep. After finger-fucking her for a while, he pulled it out and placed it at her lips. She opened her mouth and took his finger in. They smiled as she sucked on it.

He moved himself over her. His cock struck her horny pussy and she gasped. “God, Johnny…”

“Mom, you know what’s going to happen next,” he said into her ear.

“I know, I know…” Her hand wrapped around his dick again and pulled him closer. “God, fuck me, Johnny. Fuck my hot pussy with your thick rod.” She couldn’t believe that she’d just said that. She would never güvenilir bahis have said such things to her husband. But now, it felt just like the right thing to say. And she felt excited when she said it.

“You want me to fuck you, mom?” John teased. “You want me to stick my swollen cock in your pussy?”

“Yes, God, I want it, I need it.” Her hand was tugging at him. “Stop teasing and fuck me already!”

The head of his cock pressed against her pussy lips. As they looked into each other’s eyes, he pushed himself gently into her sopping box. She groaned when his full length had entered her. He pulled out just as slowly, then sunk back in, relishing every stroke. She wrapped her legs around his waist and held him tight as he continued moving in and out of her.

He was pounding into her now. The sound of his balls slapping against her pussy echoed in the room. The bed bounced along with them, increasing their motion. The feeling of his cock rubbing against the insides of her pussy pushed her over the edge. She arched her back as a powerful orgasm shot through her body. It was more powerful than she’d ever had and it made her feel good all over.

She pushed her hair away from her sweat-covered face and looked at him. Her son. In the back of her mind, she’d always known who she was having sex with. But now, as she felt his cock fuck her like there was no tomorrow, the fact sunk in. She was fucking her own son. And she was enjoying every moment of it!

The same thought was going through his mind. Never in a million years had he thought that he would be in this position with his mother. But now, as he looked at her lust-filled eyes, a wave of excitement swept over him. He was fucking his mother! He was fucking his own mother!

“God, mom, you’re so fucking hot!” he said loudly.

“And you’re so fucking good!” she replied.

“I’m gonna cum, mom. I’m close.”

His words made her realize then that he was fucking her unprotected. She was still fertile and couldn’t risk getting pregnant by him. “Pull out, Johnny,” she said. “You can’t cum in me.”

Somewhere in his reckless abandon, he knew that she was right. He pulled his cock out of her pussy. Instantly, both of them felt like they had lost something. But as he stroked his hard member, he started to climax, shooting his seed all over her belly and it helped them overcome their loss. She watched as his white cum landed in trails from her breasts down to her navel. After he’d stopped cumming, he fell next to her, exhausted beyond his wits.

She rubbed her finger over his cum, spreading it over her panting belly. She even rubbed some over her nipples, which only made her feel more horny. The smell of his cum filled her senses. She looked over at John, who was recovering from their session.

“Wow, mom,” he said in between gasps. “That was the most wonderful sex I’ve ever had.”

“It was the best for me too,” she said. She looked down at his flaccid cock and held it with her cum-covered fingers.

He looked at her glistening belly. “You’re so beautiful and sexy,” he said. “I just wish that I could stay here and continue fucking you through the night.” He looked at her in a concerned manner. “If that’s what you want.”

She leaned over and kissed him. “You bet that’s what I want. So stay.”

His eyes drooped. “I can’t. I have another… client.”

A look of disappointment replaced her excitement. “What time?”

He looked at the clock. “Soon.” He noticed the sullen look on her face and felt sorry for her. “But we could meet up again.”

She sat up. “I don’t want to call that agency just to ask for you. This first time already made me feel… dirty.”

“You don’t have to call the agency. Listen, I’ve nothing planned for tomorrow. If you don’t…”

“I have a meeting in the morning. But after that, I’ll be free.”

“So we could…”

“Meet for lunch and catch up.”

She saw from his expression that her answer wasn’t the one that he was expecting. She bent down and kissed him, then whispered, “But after that, who knows?”

He smiled and kissed her back. Then he got up and retrieved his clothes. “I’m sorry that I have to leave you now,” he said as he dressed.

“That’s all right, I understand, it’s your job.”

After wearing his shoes, he bent down and kissed her fully on the lips again. “I hope you’re feeling better now.”

“You have no idea. So I’ll call you after my meeting. You still have the handphone that your dad gave you, right?”

“Sure thing, mom.” He gave her nude body a glance over, then reluctantly left the room.

Alone again in the darkness, Sandra pulled the blanket over her body. But now, she didn’t feel the twinge of sadness that she had felt earlier. Her last thought before she drifted off to sleep was that of Johnny fucking his cock in her pussy.

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