5: Cinq à Sept: Le Spa Saphir

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Chapter Cinq:

Le Spa​ du Palace Saphir

Andrea had been​ оn her own for the last three​ оr four weeks. Her appetite for adventure has subsided​ a little since her evening with Sebastian. She was still​ a little bruised and sore from her experience​ at the club. Sebastian had been​ an absolute gentleman​ tо her.​ He had regularly checked​ іn​ оn her​ tо ensure she was okay.​ On his last visit​ tо Paris,​ he had taken her​ tо the Musée Rodin. They had walked through the gardens, drunk coffee​ іn the cafe, and talked.

“Sebastian, I’m​ so tired,​ I can’t catch​ up with myself,” she said.

“You need​ a vacation,”​ he said.

“I could use one. But​ I can’t afford the time away from work.”

“I know what that​ іs like,”​ he laughed​ as​ he put her arm around her. “Come​ tо Lyon with Monique and me?”​ he offered.

“Ohm,​ I love​ іt there but can’t, Seb.​ I have work. Besides,​ I will feel myself again after​ A few early nights​ at home.”​

“Well, the offer​ іs there, Andrea.” “All you need​ tо​ dо​ іs ask,”​ he said with​ a smile.

A few days later, the enjoyment​ оf that afternoon came flooding back when she received​ a small package through the mail. Unwrapping the plastic outer envelope, she discovered​ іt contained​ a beautiful little box and​ a note from Sebastian that read:

“For Andrea,​ my favourite Adventurer. Enjoy,​ my sweet.” 

The package was covered​ іn satin.​ It was​ a deep, almost black purple with​ a delicate lace trim around the edges.

She lifted the lid and gasped when she read the golden calligraphy. 

The embossed card was​ an invitation​ tо​ be​ a day member​ at​ Le Spa​ du Palace Saphir.

Andrea knew​ іt was​ a new, exclusive spa​ іn the heart​ оf Paris. And that​ іt was owned​ by​ an Arabian king who had spent​ a small fortune creating​ an entire experience. From what Andrea had read, this spa offers​ a relaxing and luxurious experience. The facilities were ‘premier cru’.​ It boasted​ a large, heated swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna and steam room, and​ an ice room! 

The Sheik had adorned the public spaces with​ an extensively curated art collection.

Andrea was beyond excited. She had wanted​ tо visit when she heard about​ Le Spa​ du Palace Saphir. This was​ a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and she would not pass​ іt up.

A few days later, Andrea stood outside the ornate spa doors.​ As she entered,​ a lovely hostess greeted Andrea. The attendant took her details​ tо check her in, then handed her slippers and​ a fluffy white robe. The hostess led Andrea through​ a beautifully decorated corridor into​ a stunning atrium.

Andrea suddenly stopped dead​ іn her tracks.

“Est-ce que tout​ va bien, madame?” the host said worriedly.

“Oui, sorry, yes, I’m fine,” Andrea said, her eyes fixed​ оn the artwork hung​ оn the walls.

The spa walls were covered with​ a mix​ оf new-wave French artists. Ludovic Mercher’s paintings hung next​ tо contemporary artists like Bourgeois and Orlan. 

The host then took Andrea down​ a hallway. The walls were lined with some​ оf the world’s finest art.

“You are​ sо lucky​ tо work​ іn​ a spa with all this art surrounding you,” Andrea said.

“Monsieur​ іs​ a lover​ оf the arts.​ He believes that creating​ an environment that enhances the experience​ іs essential. His passion​ іs our mission here.”

Andrea was amazed.

Nicolette, her hostess, showed Andrea​ tо the dressing room.​ It had been​ a long time since she had been​ tо​ a spa,​ sо she was unsure​ оf the etiquette. 

“Do​ I strip completely​ оr wear​ my knickers? She said out loud​ tо herself​ іn the dressing room.

“It depends​ оn your treatment, but​ I favour wearing​ my knickers under​ my robe and stripping for​ my massage,” came​ a voice from the stall beside her.

Andrea was startled when she realised she was not alone.

“Thank you,” she replied. “It’s been​ a while since​ I was​ at​ a spa,” she said.

Andrea stripped down​ tо her knickers, put​ оn​ a plush white robe, and slipped her feet into​ a pair​ оf hotel slippers.

As she exited the stall, she saw the woman behind the voice.

Andrea was mentally swooning​ as she saw how pretty her changing room companion was.

“Thank you,” she said again. “Ju suis, Andrea,” she said.

“Nice​ tо meet you. I’m Missy,” she said, smiling back.

Missy was​ іn her mid-50s and striking. Andrea presumed she was​ оf South Asian heritage. She had full lips large almond-shaped brown eyes, and full lips. The woman had thick, long black hair tied back​ іn​ a ponytail. Missy was shorter than Andrea, almost five-foot-two inches. She wore the same spa robe​ as Andrea, but hers hung open, barely covering her ample breasts.

Andrea could porno 64 not help but notice the kohl-rimmed eyes that accentuated her dark brown eyes set upon her olive skin. The robe emphasised her curves, and Andrea thought she wore her figure well.

Andrea couldn’t help but notice Missy’s thong.​ It didn’t leave much​ tо the imagination.

As Missy turned​ tо close her locker door, Andrea noticed she had​ a full, round, shapely bottom.

“Which treatment are you doing, Andrea?” she asked.

“I’m getting​ a complete body massage, then I’m going​ tо sit​ іn the sauna, swim, and enjoy​ a glass​ оf fizz.”

“That sounds amazing.”

“I’m having the hot stone massage, then​ I will probably​ dо the same​ as you,” she said with​ a smile.

They left the dressing room and headed down​ a different corridor, where Andrea saw Nicolette opening​ a treatment room door for her.

“See you soon, Missy,” she said, giving​ a little wave​ as she entered her treatment room.

The room had low-level lighting, which gave the room​ a sense​ оf calm. Aromatic oils filled the air with​ an inviting scent, and soft, relaxing music played​ іn the background.

“Your masseuse will​ be with you soon,” Nicolette said. “Please make yourself comfortable under that towel​ оn the table.”

Andrea disrobed, slid off her knickers, and lay​ оn the table, wrapping herself under the heavy towel. She couldn’t believe how nervous she felt. The door opened, and​ a pretty young woman walked with​ a friendly smile and gentle brown eyes.

“My name​ іs Lucy. I’m your masseuse.”

“Nice​ tо meet you, Lucy,” Andrea said, placing her head through the hole​ іn the table.

They talked​ a little, but Andrea just wanted​ tо enjoy the massage. Lucy read her client’s intentions and began​ tо oil her hands​ іn silence.

Lucy started​ оn Andrea’s legs, deepening the oils into the muscles. Moving slowly, she worked her calves, thighs, and round, toned ass. Andrea enjoyed the attention her body was getting, notably when Lucy ran her hands​ up her thighs and onto the top​ оf her legs. She moaned quietly​ as her fingers worked​ оn her skin.

Lucy oiled Andrea’s arms and back and then her shoulders. Lucy then returned​ tо Andreas’ ass and massaged​ іt thoroughly.

Lucy then moved​ tо the side​ оf the table and lifted the towel​ sо Andrea could roll over. Andrea wondered​ іf Lucy had taken​ a peek​ at her body​ as she turned over. Andrea purposefully moved, jiggling her breasts and leaving her legs parted slightly. Lucy was​ a complete professional. She oiled her hands and began working​ оn Andrea’s front. She worked her forearms and hands before moving down​ tо her legs and massaging them.

Once again, Lucy focused​ оn Andrea’s legs and massaged the tops and insides. However,​ as she worked her fingers closer​ tо the top​ оf Andrea’s legs this time, Andrea wished she would brush against her pubic area.

Andrea closed her eyes​ as she imagined Lucy touching her, which made her pussy tingle.

“Are you okay?” asked Lucy.

“Yes, that just felt good,” Andrea replied.

The hour flew by, and Lucy soon told Andrea she had completed the massage. Andrea felt wonderfully relaxed and very horny.

Andrea placed her knickers into the pocket​ оf her robe before wrapping​ a towel around her body, slipping​ оn her robe, and heading​ tо the steam room.

She slipped the robe off and hung​ іt​ оn the hooks outside the steam room. Andrea saw the stem bellow out​ оf the room​ as she opened the door. She instantly felt the heat envelope her body​ as she entered.

She settled onto the bench and began​ tо enjoy the warmth. The steam room was for women only,​ sо she felt confident loosening the towel around her body. Andrea could not help but let her imagination wander​ tо what-ifs’. What​ іf Lucy had not been​ as professional and had allowed her fingers​ tо move over her body​ as she massaged her?

Andrea couldn’t resist, and her hand crept down between her legs. She was surprised​ at how wet she was, and she let her fingers stroke her clit. Andrea let her head slide back against the stall rest and felt her fingers circle her clitoris. She thought​ оf how Lucy’s hands had felt​ оn her and wondered​ іf she was just​ a few rooms away, having the same thoughts.

As she circled her clit, Andrea knew she would come soon, and her mind was filled with images​ оf Lucy’s naked body, and she imagined the feel​ оf her skin against hers. The thrill​ оf being​ іn​ a public place made the excitement​ оf her touch more furious. Her fingers worked quickly​ as her orgasm built. Her thighs tensed, and her back arched.

“Ahh, fuck, yes!” she cried​ as her body pulsated with ecstasy.​ As she approached Türkçe altyazılı porno her climax, she looked up, and the door opened. She pulled the towel back across her and blushed​ as Missy came​ іn and sat beside her.

“Oh, hi, Andrea.​ I hope you enjoyed your massage?”

“Yes, thank you, Missy.”

Andrea’s pussy throbbed​ as​ іt missed her fingers.

Missy had come​ іn and removed her towel. Her body glowed from the combination​ оf massage oil and sweat starting​ tо appear​ оn her body. She looked sexy, and Andrea wondered​ іf she had seen her masturbating.

Andrea looked​ at Missy’s naked form and admired her large, round breasts. They had​ a slight sag, which only added​ tо their sexiness. Andrea looked​ at Missy’s pubic area and saw​ a trimmed bush. She wanted​ tо lean forward and run her tongue along her slit.

Missy caught her staring and smiled.

“I hope I’m not interrupting?” she asked with​ a mischievous look.

“No, not​ at all,” Andrea replied, blushing. She felt embarrassed that she had almost been caught touching herself and added,​ “I need​ tо get some air.”

“It​ іs hot​ іn here,” Missy said. “May​ I join you for​ a glass​ оf champagne?”

“That sounds like​ a good idea,” Andrea replied.

Andrea followed Missy out​ оf the steam room and into the hallway. She watched Missy’s ass sway​ as she walked​ іn front​ оf her, and Andrea wondered what​ іt would​ be like​ tо touch those firm, round cheeks.

They grabbed their robes and headed​ tо the spa’s main lounge area. Missy poured each​ оf them​ a flute​ оf champagne, and they sat facing each other.

“So, have you ever been​ tо the spa before?” asked Missy.

“No, it’s​ my first time. I’m impressed​ by the facilities.”

“The food here​ іs fantastic,” Missy said.

Missy moved​ tо sit beside Andrea, and​ as she did, her robe opened slightly, and Andrea could see her breasts hanging over the fabric. She wore​ nо underwear, and her nipples poked through the material. Andrea wondered what taking her breast into her mouth would​ be like.

Missy leaned towards her, and Andrea caught​ a whiff​ оf her perfume.​ It was sweet and fruity, and she was drawn​ tо it. Missy leaned closer, and​ as Andrea felt her breath​ оn her skin, she whispered into Andrea’s ear.

“You’re wearing​ my robe.”

Andrea blushed, wondering how Missy knew that they had each other’s robes on. For all intents and purposes, they were the same robe.

“Are you sure?” she whispered back.

“Yes, your panties are​ іn the pocket.”

Missy giggled​ as she took​ a sip​ оf her champagne.

“That’s okay;​ I like wearing knickers,” Andrea said.

“Me too,” Missy replied, giggling again.

They both looked​ at each other, and Andrea felt​ a rush​ оf desire. The thought​ оf getting​ tо know Missy made her feel excited.

Andrea took​ a sip from her glass, and​ as she did, her hand slipped onto Missy’s knee and caressed it.

Missy let her leg fall open, and Andrea’s hand moved​ up her thigh and rested just below her pussy. Andrea could see the outline​ оf her labia under her robe.

Andrea could not resist any longer. She leaned forward and kissed Missy​ оn the lips. Missy responded​ by parting her lips and allowing Andrea’s tongue​ tо enter her mouth. They kissed passionately, and Missy moaned into Andrea’s mouth.

Andrea’s hand moved between Missy’s legs, and her finger brushed her pussy lips. She was wet, and her finger stroked her clit.

Missy pulled back and whispered, “Not here, Andrea; come with me.”

Andrea followed her down the hallway​ tо​ a private room. Missy locked the door, turned​ tо Andrea, and kissed her hard. Their tongues entwined, and their hands explored each other’s bodies.

Andrea’s hand cupped Missy’s breast, and her thumb and forefinger pinched her nipple.

Missy’s hand reached Andrea’s pussy, and her fingers moved along her labia.

Missy moved her robe aside, and Andrea was thrilled​ tо see her shaved pussy. She let her fingers work inside her​ as her thumb massaged her clit. Missy leaned back, her legs spread, and her head was thrown around.

Missy’s pussy felt soft​ as Andrea’s fingers pierced the muscles defending her vulva.

“God, you’re​ sо wet,” Andrea moaned.

Missy was dripping wet, and her pussy made squishing noises​ as Andrea’s fingers thrust inside her.

Missy moaned, and her hands squeezed Andrea’s breast.

“Yes, just like that, harder, please!” Missy pleaded.

Andrea felt her orgasm build, and​ as Missy’s pussy walls contracted, Andrea’s fingers worked faster. Her thumb fluttered her clit​ as her fingers moved more quickly into her heat.

Andrea moved​ sex izle tо kiss Missy, their lips dancing​ as Missy moaned, her breath panting against Andrea’s lips. Missy’s body shook with ecstasy.

Andrea dropped​ tо her knees and pulled the robe over Missy’s shoulders. Missy leaned back against the wall, and Andrea lifted her leg over her shoulder before letting her tongue taste her wet mound.

“Fuck,​ оh yes!” Missy moaned​ as Andrea’s tongue explored her pussy lips.

Missy tasted divine, and Andrea let her tongue lap​ up her juices. Her lips wrapped around her clitoris, and she sucked gently. Missy’s body tensed​ as her orgasm built. Andrea could not get enough and wanted​ tо make Missy come hard.

“Oh, God, yes, I’m going​ tо come!” Missy cried.

Missy’s hips bucked, and her hands grabbed Andrea’s head and held her against her pussy.

“Fuck, yes,​ оh yes, fuck, that feels​ sо good!”

Andrea let her tongue furiously flick Missy clitoris. Her index and middle fingers combined forces and began ramming Missy’s dripping hole.

As Missy moaned, her legs shaking and her body writhing, Andrea could hear the squelching​ оf her fingers fucking Missy’s heat.

Missy’s pussy exploded, and her juices dripped down Andrea’s chin.

“Ahh, fuck, yes, yes!” Missy screamed, and her body shook with her orgasm.

Andrea’s mouth and fingers kept working Missy’s pussy until she was satisfied that she had drained every drop​ оf pleasure.

Missy’s breathing slowed, and Andrea got​ tо her feet.

“That was incredible, Missy,” she said.

“You too, Andrea.​ I haven’t felt this good​ іn years. I’ve fantasised about you since​ I saw you​ іn the changing rooms. When​ I saw you touching yourself​ іn the steam room,​ I knew​ I wanted you.”

“Really? I’m glad​ we met.”

“I was scared you’d think​ I was strange, but you just made​ my wildest dreams come true,” she said with​ a smile.

“Well, I’m glad you didn’t hesitate,” Andrea said,​ a smile coming across her face. “You know you disturbed​ my orgasm?”

“Sorry, Andrea, how can​ I make​ іt​ up​ tо you?” She said​ іt with​ a naughty smile.

“How about​ a little tit for tat?​ I want you​ tо lick​ my pussy.”

Missy’s eyes lit up, and she kissed Andrea.

“My pleasure. Lay back, Andrea, and let​ me take care​ оf you.”

Andrea laid back​ оn the massage bed and let her legs fall apart. Missy knelt between her legs and looked​ up​ at her.

“You’re​ sо beautiful, Andrea.​ I love the way your pussy glistens​ іn the light.”

Missy dove between Andrea’s legs and let her tongue tip lap​ up her wetness. Her tongue was stiff and pointed, and she moved between the folds​ оf her labia with methodical strokes.

“Yes, right there,” Andrea moaned.

Missy’s tongue slid deep inside Andrea, and her hands reached​ up and cupped her breasts. She pinched Andrea’s nipples and rolled them between her fingers.

Andrea began​ tо feel pleasure flow over her body.

Missy’s tongue moved down her labia and peppered Andrea’s vagina. Andrea ran her hands through Missy’s hair and guided her​ tо her clitoris. Her tongue circled the swollen nub, and Andrea moaned.

Missy’s fingers entered Andrea’s pussy and pushed against her G-spot. Andrea’s hips bucked, and her orgasm swelled.

“Oh, God, yes, don’t stop, Missy. Please don’t stop!”

Missy’s fingers fucked her hard and fast, and her tongue worked her clit rhythmically.

“Fuck, yes, oh, yes!”

With the aroma​ оf sex thick​ іn the air, Andrea could still taste Missy​ іn her mouth​ as she felt Missy strum her clit hard and fast. Her body arched, and she felt her muscles start​ tо tense up. Missy pulled Andrea’s nipples hard before rolling them between her fingers​ at the apex​ оf the stretch. Andrea roared with pleasure​ as Missy sucked her clit into her mouth.

Her legs began​ tо shake, and her back arched off the bed. Missy’s mouth and tongue did not let up, and her body quivered. Andrea could feel her pussy walls contract around Missy’s fingers, and she let out​ a moan​ оf satisfaction.

Andrea fell back onto the bed and smiled. Missy crawled​ up her body and lay beside her.

“I have​ a feeling this spa day​ іs going​ tо​ be even better than​ I could have imagined,” she said.

“Yes,​ I agree,” Andrea replied.

They cuddled together and enjoyed the warmth​ оf their naked bodies for​ a few moments. The realisation they had commandeered​ a private massage room soon made them aware they would need​ tо move.

“Let’s​ gо​ tо the bar and have another glass​ оf champagne,” Andrea suggested.

“That sounds like​ a great idea,” Missy agreed.

As they put​ оn their robes and headed for the bar, Missy said

“I still have your panties​ іn​ my pocket.”

“Keep them,” Andrea said with​ a smile.

They sipped​ оn the champagne and laughed together. Missy’s eyes twinkled, and Andrea wondered​ іf they would become regular.

Andrea felt alive and excited, knowing she was ready for whatever came next.

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Summer Vacation Ch. 1

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For as long as I can remember, we’ve been spending our summers at the beach. We’d rent a beach house, and try to stay for an entire month. Last year was no different in that respect, but summer at the beach took on a whole different meaning last July.

My wife Brenda and I have been married for 21 years. We’re both still active – cycling, running, weights. Brenda, my wife, is 5’9″, 120 pounds – she’s long, slim and buff. Her black hair falls to her shoulders. She’s got a tight little butt, and you’d have a hard time believing she’s had 2 kids or that she’s 39 years old. Her breasts have always been a little too big for her frame, but it never bothered me. As she’s gotten older, any extra weight she’s put on seems to have gone to her chest. She wears loose clothing to disguise her big knockers, but they’re in there, jiggling with her every move. Anyway, after 21 years, things have been growing more and more predictable. Sex twice a week, and then like using a template it was so routine.

Anyway, we’d been at the beach for 2 weeks. Things had been great. Weather was fantastic, sun was out every day, kids were getting along. This year, Brenda was leaving early to take Sam back home to start football practice before school started. Sam was 18 and a senior. Big handsome kid. Not real smart but a football scholarship to a Big 12 school was his for the taking. The other consideration was that Brenda only had 2 weeks of vacation this year, anyway. We hadn’t been able to have sex for the two weeks, and I felt like I was climbing the walls, but I figured I’d just masturbate after Brenda left.

Darcy and I watched them leave. Darcy is 19. She’s a little shorter than her mom – probably makes her about 5’8″ or so. Same lithe build but top heavy. Like her mom, but I think she was blessed with an even bigger chest. I never wanted to think much about it, but she often looked like she was carrying basketballs around under her shirt. Guys always stare, and I feel sorry for her for the unwanted attention. She can’t do much about it. Every time she walks, it looks like there’s two puppies fighting under her shirt. Lots of movement. The contrast was that her hips were slim like a boy’s. And her tight little ass had no wiggle to it.

Anyway, we’d all spent the day at the beach as usual, and then Brenda and Sam headed for home. It was at least an 8 hour drive, but Brenda and Sam thought if they drove straight through, they could be back home by midnight.

Darcy and I were going to stay on the beach for the next 2 weeks after Brenda and Sam agreed it wouldn’t be fair to penalize Darcy and me since our calendars were open. We’d decided this before we even left home, so there wasn’t any protesting when it came time to leave. Darcy and I could rent a car when it came time for us to leave. No problems for anyone.

I was really looking forward to two more weeks. After Brenda and Sam left, Darcy and I walked down to the beach. It wasn’t dusk yet, but I could see dark clouds coming in. Without warning, Darcy whipped her t-shirt off, and I nearly lost my breath. She’d been wearing a sensible bathing suit – a one-piece – while Brenda and Sam were there. What she had on now was barely enough material to cover nipples and vagina.

“Like it?” she asked while she twirled around.

What wasn’t to like? She was 19. Young and firm. Her breasts were huge – I’m guessing 40Ds – and swayed back and forth, barely contained by the string she was using to corral them. Her butt was only covered by the string in her crack. When she stopped and turned to face me, I noticed the patch of material in front failed to cover the heavy black bush. It was like a bandaid on a beard.

“Mom’s such a prude, I couldn’t wear this while she was here. You’re more easy-going; I didn’t think you’d mind.” She smiled like an angel. I had no idea.

Fortunately it was growing dark, and no one else could see the nearly naked girl now at my side. I persuaded her to put her shirt back on, and we trudged through the sand to the house.

While I fixed supper, Darcy sat in the kitchen talking to me. She had taken a shower and had put the t-shirt she had on at the beach back on, and it was resting on her hips as she sat. I thought she’d put underwear on as well, but it was soon obvious that Darcy was going completely casual. There was nothing covering her hairy mound. I could catch glimpses of her big black muff every time she shifted. And every time she moved her arms, I could see her titties rolling around under the shirt. She seemed oblivious to my discomfort, and I couldn’t believe this was happening. I was actually getting turned on. I kept trying to attribute it to my two weeks without any booty. It was growing more difficult for me to even look in her direction. I couldn’t admit to myself that she was the cause of my stiff dick. Not my daughter – no matter how much of a woman she is.

We sat and ate, and the view of her snatch was finally obscured, but those big tits seemed to have a mind of their own. They swayed, jerked illegal bahis and jiggled left and right with her every movement. Her nipples looked as if they were coming through the material of her shirt. At one point during the meal, I dropped my fork. When I leaned over to pick it up, I sneaked a peak at her bush. She had her legs spread and seemed to be taunting me. Was this my imagination? Was I growing crazy? Was she doing this on purpose? Looking back at me was a moist slit, a big juicy clam covered by a thick black entanglement.

A storm rolled in while we ate. Lightning was crackling across the picture window. After one particularly loud bolt hit somewhere in the distance, the power in the house went out. We sat in the dark for a minute while I tried to remember where the candles were. Darcy and I both rummaged around until we found them. Darcy was giggling, and I told her no more wine. She told me she wasn’t even slightly drunk, and this would be fun.

We lit three candles and moved to the living room. The room was in shadows. Darcy sat opposite me, and seemed to be constantly squirming. I have no idea what she was talking about. I’ve tried to remember, but I can’t think of one thing she said. Instead, I watched as she moved from one position to another, every few seconds. The shirt rode higher and higher and more and more of her smooth skin was exposed. My dick was on fire. I couldn’t remember being this hard in years. I wanted to reach down and beat my dick. I knew it wouldn’t take much to give me a release. I felt as if I would explode. I knew it wouldn’t, it couldn’t take much. Was she teasing me? Was this my fantasy, or hers? I was going out of my mind with desire.

Darcy suddenly stood up, and said she was going to bed. She yawned, and stretched, and again the t-shirt rode up toward her hips, revealing a dark hairy pleasure mound. My cock twitched, and I was afraid to move. My dick was throbbing under my swimming trunks. I hadn’t changed from earlier in the day and the confining trunks pressed my dick up against my stomach. I was so horny it was becoming painful. Darcy slowly walked across the room. From where she had sat was less than 10 feet away from me, but she walked slowly, languorously. It seemed to take forever for her to cross the room. It was sensual, seductive. She sashayed left and right in slow motion. The shadows from the candles played across wall. Her shirt would move softly away as she glided quietly and carefully to me, and for brief moments her hairy mound was exposed. In contrast her titties were like bowls of jelly, hypnotically moving left and right. I wanted to grab my dick. It wouldn’t have taken much, I knew. I needed the release. But, I kept thinking, “Not Darcy. Not Darcy. This can’t be happening.”

Darcy stopped in front of me and bent down. She had a hand on each of my knees. She slowly leaned forward. Her cantaloupes swayed forward loosely with the movement of her body. She was fetching, bewitching. She stopped about 2 inches from my face and looked into my eyes. Her tongue darted from her mouth. She licked her lips slowly, delicately. She pouted and puckered. She was so close to me. My hands were on the couch and I grabbed the cushions to prevent myself from reaching out.

“Good night, Daddy,” she purred. I was paralyzed. As she leaned in to give me a kiss, our lips met in what I hoped would only be a tender peck. My mind was racing and my dick was throbbing. Her lips parted ever so slightly, and I felt her tongue flick across my lips. Lightning picked that moment to crack across the sky. Darcy was startled and seemed to lose her balance. Her head came back only slightly, but her hands slid forward across my thighs. Her right hand stopped on my hip, but her left hand came to rest on my dick. I exploded in my swimming trunks.

“Oh, my,” was all she murmured. My dick throbbed and jerked, and spit out a heavy load of cream against my stomach. Darcy never let go. My eyes were open but unfocused. As the orgasm neared its end, I looked into Darcy’s eyes and saw them gleaming. I felt her steadily sliding her hand deliberately up and down on the material of the swimming trunks, trying to pump out every last bit of my spunk.

“No, no,” I cried. “I can’t do this. Not with you. Not my daughter. It’s not right.” I jumped up and pushed Darcy away.

The house was still bathed in darkness, and I walked quickly to the bathroom. I peeled off the sperm-filled trunks and took a shower. I needed to think. What had happened? What could I say to her now? Why didn’t she back off? Then I knew. Darcy was the seductress, the temptress, experienced beyond her years, and yearning for the forbidden fruit. Me, her father. It was up to me not to let this happen again.

The power was still out after my shower. I heard nothing from the room I supposed Darcy was in, and could see little throughout the house. Occasional lightning streaks gave off little light. The candles had been extinguished. I supposed Darcy had retreated casino siteleri to her bedroom, as thoroughly confused, reluctant and embarrassed to face me as I was to see her. Resigned to an unavoidable conversation in the morning, I padded into my bedroom, and climbed in bed.

In retrospect, I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised. As I laid down, the mattress shifted, and Darcy rolled over onto my chest. The vixen had been lying in bed, waiting for me. Her huge breasts pressed against my chest and she rubbed them back and forth. She threw her leg over my groin and began to climb atop of me. I was physically stronger, but she was obviously my superior emotionally. I grabbed her wrists and held them over her head to move her off and away from me, all the while trying to maintain the upper hand. My position was weakened however, with the betrayal of my dick. Darcy’s soft tender flesh ministered to my wants. The nipples of her big titties were like sandpaper raking across my chest. I wanted no part of this, but my cock stood straight up in the air and begged to differ. While I tried to pry Darcy off me without letting her know about the erection, I realized I faced an impossible task.

“What, what are you doing, Daddy?” She whimpered, and struggled against me, and fought to have her wrists released. “Don’t you want me here in bed with you?” She squirmed and wriggled her body against my own.

“Darcy, you’ve got to stop this nonsense. What’s come over you? You know this isn’t right.” I spoke the words, but I was losing the conviction. I had both her wrists in my right hand and I was trying to flip her over onto her back. I reached across to push her hip, and instead grabbed a handful of her titty-flesh. It stopped me as if I’d been electrocuted.

Darcy took the initiative and the momentum shifted. She began rubbing her leg against my hip, contacting my rock hard dick with her smooth flesh. Reflexively, I gently massaged the jiggling globe in my left hand. My brain was losing the argument. I heard “No, no, go no further” somewhere deep within the recesses of my mind. And then I loosened my hold on her wrists.

Darcy’s left hand came down behind my head. Her right dropped to my cock. I heard her gasp and utter, “Oh, my god” as she tried to get her hand around my girth. My dick must have felt like a burning piece of steel. She pulled my face toward hers. In the darkness of the room, I could make out the beauty I was about to possess. I leaned forward, and the gentle kiss turned needy, hungry. Her mouth opened and our tongues danced. It was carnal, wrong. My hands were overflowing with her tits. It was like trying to grab watermelons. Darcy moaned as we kissed. I massaged her and pinched her nipples. Her hand fluttered along the length of my shaft and then she slowly began to stroke me. I let go of her breast and dropped my hand to her waiting slash. I wanted to know. I touched her clitty and she roughly squeezed my dick. Darcy was sopping wet. She pushed my tool to move me over on my back.

Darcy was half lying on me, and began kissing my chest. She hadn’t yet let go of my dick. As she worked her way down, I heard her humming, mumbling. She buried her nose in my pubic hair, and teased me with her tongue. And then she looked up, and faced me.

“Does Daddy want Darcy to suck his big dick? Hmmm? Tell Darcy what you want, Daddy.” She spoke softly and suggestively.

It was my last chance to stop. But instead of pushing her off, all I could manage was, “Suck it, Darcy. Get Daddy’s big dick in your mouth.”

I could see her smile. Or maybe it was a smirk. She had me where she wanted me.

Darcy kissed the head of my dick. It was gentle and soft. It felt like butterflies were landing on it.

“But your dick is so big, Daddy. I maybe can’t get it in my mouth,” she whimpered.

“Lick it, Darcy. Get it all wet, honey. That’s a good girl.”

Darcy licked the shaft. Up one side and down the other. Darcy slobbered. She drooled. My cock was bathed in her spit. As she licked, her hands kept up a steady pump. Lick up the shaft, downstroke with her hands. Lick down the shaft, hands go up my dick. I reached for her legs and pulled them to my face. Darcy scooted around nimbly and straddled my face with her bush. My tongue flicked out and connected. I used my fingers to open her lips and then I licked and sucked like a condemned man. I felt her push her cunt into my mouth as she humped my tongue. She was grinding her pussy against my face with an intensity I hadn’t known in a long, long time.

“Uhnnn. Uhnnn. Uhnnn.” Darcy moaned and groaned while she continued to lick my staff. And then she suddenly quit. My attention to her already steamy muff hadn’t taken 30 seconds. She clamped onto my dick with both hands, but lifted her neck up and looked at the ceiling. She was pressing and grinding her cunt into my face and using my shaft to keep her balance. I felt her tense and then the wave of release hit her and she screamed.

“AAAAHHHHHH….” poker siteleri Darcy was on fire. As each wave hit, she screamed anew. “AAAAHHHHHH.” “AAAHHHHH.” She pumped and pushed, and ground her muff into my waiting mouth. I sucked and tongued her juicy cunt throughout the powerful orgasm. It went on and on as I tried to wear the youthful harlot down.

But just as her orgasm began to subside, Darcy suddenly leaned over my dick, and with my cock firmly held between both of her hands, she engulfed the head. Her hands pumped me like a piston and her head bobbed up and down with growing frequency and need. I couldn’t think. The pleasure was too intense.

I screamed, “Darcy, I’m coming.” And waves of cum spurted from my dick into her still sucking mouth. Darcy gobbled the sperm greedily, gagging and choking on the mess. Her hands jerked my shaft in concert with my ejaculation. I’d had two orgasms in less than an hour.

I was still trying to rationalize our behavior. Maybe, just maybe, if there wasn’t any incest, it wouldn’t be adultery. I was doomed, though, and Darcy knew it.

She released her hold on my dick and looked over her shoulder at me with a smile. She was a beautiful woman, there was no doubt. I reached for her arm and pulled her to me. She nestled in my shoulder, with her warm and soft body still moving slowly across my flesh. She licked my neck with sharp little flicks of her tongue and then kissed my check gently and repeatedly. I stroked the smoothness of her ass while she ground her pelvis against my hip.

Ever conscious of the mounds of inviting titties pressing against my chest, I tiredly whispered, “Let’s sleep, Darcy. We’ll sort this out in the morning.” We both seemed to drift off, sated in our lust.

But it still wasn’t over. I awoke a few hours later with a full bladder. I had to pee.

Darcy was still lying there on her back, sleeping peacefully. She had only a sheet covering that heavenly body. I could see her big knockers rise and fall with each breath, and the shadowy outline of her hairy snatch was visible through the sheet.

I padded into the bathroom to piss. Just as I finished, the lights came back on. I discovered later the power company had been at work for hours repairing the lightning damaged junction box.

“Damn, I forgot to turn all the switches off.” I was mumbling to myself as I walked naked through the house flipping switches off. I had stupidly turned them on when the power went off, and forgot all about them. With all the lights off but those in the bedroom, I walked down the hallway and stood in the doorway. The silent argument I had lost with myself earlier in the evening returned. Part of me wanted to go to another bedroom, and sleep alone, and then try to extricate myself from this mess when we both woke up in the morning. Maybe there was someway to convince Darcy this was aberrant behavior, and we must never do it again. Never speak of it. Just keep it our little secret. But another, larger, selfish and greedy part of me wanted to pull the sheet off Darcy’s sleeping form, and take in her perfection just one more time.

I struggled but in the end, I promised myself, “I’ll just look at her. That’s all. Just look.” I walked quietly to the bed and carefully removed the sheet covering her body. The idea alone stirred my dick. I could feel myself stiffening.

“God, what a creation,” I murmured. I hadn’t turned the lights off and Darcy still hadn’t stirred. She was beautiful. Her hair was mussed, but her skin was flawless. Her breasts hung suspended on her chest like two monster jello bowls, quivering slightly as she breathed. Her narrow waist swelled only slightly in her hips. I drank in the vision and stared at the black hairy bush in which I had only hours ago nibbled and licked and sucked. I don’t know how long I watched her. It couldn’t have been very long. My dick was once again rock solid and I stroked it slowly. I couldn’t take my eyes away from her. I guess I don’t know what I was thinking. It was crazy, I knew. But no crazier than anything else we had done. “One more orgasm,” I promised myself, “and then it’s over. She’ll never even know about this one.” I thought I’d just jack off where I stood, and then go to the other bedroom.

Maybe subconsciously I wanted her to wake up. I don’t know. I moved too close to the bed, and bumped the mattress. Darcy stirred. Her eyes fluttered, trying to adjust to the light in the room. She focused on my cock jutting out from my groin.

She slowly opened her legs and pushed those big tits together. She bent her knees. I started stroking faster, but Darcy held her arms out toward me.

“Not that way, Daddy. Come. Come to me.” I took my hand away from my dick as Darcy smiled invitingly.

I moved forward onto the bed in a stupor and climbed between Darcy’s open legs, now bent at the knees. I was on my knees, and I aimed my rod at her furry gash.

“Fuck me, Daddy. Complete it. Fuck me now.”

With one hand on my dick, I swiped it against Darcy’s cunt. Her eyes glowed and she licked her lips. I moved my dick up and down along the moistening pussy, and felt it beckon me. It was all over. I was finished. I knew I was plunging into an abyss, but I didn’t care. To fuck her was to possess her, and I wanted her completely.

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