Slave Bitches Chapter 1

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Cameron rushes out the front door, her bag slung over her shoulder and her leather boots scraping on the rough wooden step. She spins around and yanks the door shut. Releasing the handle, she hurries down the small garden and along the wooden boardwalk that runs along the dirt road.
“I’m late, I’m late,” she chants as she cuts across the street and heads down Cervantes Street. Her skirt, the only clean one in the house, is shorter than she normally wears to work; it teases her upper thighs and she feels the warm spring air running past her legs. The brilliant red fabric is light and breezy. It complements her cream blouse and socks that stop right below her knees. The only piece of jewelry she wears is a butterfly hairpiece to hold back her curly, brown hair.
Ten minutes into her bustle, her thighs burn with her efforts to hurry up. She crosses Fairfield Drive at a diagonal and jumps up on the boardwalk on the far side. The crowds are thicker near the center of the city and she has to push her way around people to make it to work on time.
Ahead, she saw a man standing in the center of the pedestrian traffic, creating a swirl of humanity as they circle around him. He is watching everyone through dark eyes. As she draws closer, she sees he wears studded leather armor and has a sword. She grabs her handbag and feels a surge of worry. Very few people outside of the city guards wear weapons in town, more so during the middle of the work week.
She ducks her head and passes him. As she does, she hears him speak in a throaty growl. “Oh yeah, that’s the one.”
Peeking up, she sees him staring straight at her. With a squeak, she snaps her head back forward and pushes her way through the crowds. The look he gives her sickens her stomach and she wants to get as far away as possible.
She slows when she sees another man in leather armor standing at the opposite end of the block. His back is too her but doing the same thing as the first, watching the people as they pass.
Cameron comes to a stop and turns around. The man behind her has resumed his watching the crowds. Looking around, Cameron spots another watcher on the far side of the block, opposite of the first. When she sees the third, she knows there would be a fourth.
Fear fills her as she looks around frantically, trying to find some way out. Because she is walking through the upper merchant district, the stores on either side of the road are still locked and sealed shut. Bars cover the windows and metal gates along the entrances.
She spots an alley and rushes to it, shoving people out of the way. She feels foolish and terrified at the same time and the curses that follow her don’t help either. She makes it to the alley just as a man with dark brown hair steps out of it.
He is huge with muscular arms thicker than her waist. Two teeth poke out of his mouth as he focuses directly on her. His eyes looked like two orbs of ice. Like the other men she saw, he wears studded leather armor. Instead of a short sword, he has a long sword in a scabbard at his waist.
Cameron feels her ass clench at the dark, malevolent gaze he gives her. She steps back, but when she hit a pedestrian, she is shoved forward. Stumbling, her arms flail until she hits the man in the chest; it is like hitting a solid wall of stone. The studs of his leather arm dig into her face and she whimpers as she pushes away.
The man grabs her by the hair and pulls her to his chest. The studs scrape against her face as he crouches down. Wrapping one massive arm around her waist, he picks her off the ground and slings her over his shoulder.
She screams as shrilly as she can. Her attempts to wiggle free are useless against the iron tight grip holding her down. The ridge of the man’s shoulder digs into her stomach, adding pain to her terror.
The man bellows in a deep, rumbling voice. “Grab and stab!”
Light sparkles along the segment of road. The man slings her over his shoulder and she feels his shoulder digging into her gut. Terrified and confused, the world collapses around Cameron. One moment, she is staring at the stone wall and the next her stomach twists violently and she feels bile rising up in her throat. Then, they are somewhere else.
The stone wall becomes the inside of a warehouse. A hologram. Cameron throws up on the man’s back. She sobs and whines as she tries to pry herself loose. The man’s grip on her tightens and she feels his fingers digging into her side.
“Ah damn,” he mutters.
Another man laughs. “Bitch threw up you, Sirius.”
Sirius growls and turns toward him. “Shut up, Cain.” As he turns, Cameron finds herself staring at the people from the street. They are now in a large warehouse. Men with drawn swords push their way into the dazed and confused crowds. She watches as one of the armed men rushed up to a fat man and slams his sword into the man’s gut.
Cameron screams as the man collapsed to the ground, but the attacker isn’t done. He drops on the slaughtered pedestrian and sinks his teeth into the fat man’s neck. Next to him, a girl with brown hair is yanked from the downed man’s arm and pulled toward the wall by another man. She screams out and pummels him until another attacker steps in and punches her hard in the stomach. She folded in half and they drag her from the crowds and toward Sirius.
The attackers move quickly, picking out young people, male and female, and slaughtering the old. By the time the pedestrians manage to fight back, there is only a dozen left of them and they fall quickly under the onslaught of a dozen armed men.
Behind Sirius, the captured pedestrians are being dragged to a wagon. It is low to the ground but the sides of the wagons reach easily three meters above the base. A door is open and the abductors are shoving their prisoners in. Cameron can hear the thuds of them hitting the wooden floor of the wagon and the cries coming from inside.
One of the prisoners tries to escape the wagon. He punches the nearest guard, but before he can crawl out, an abductor runs him through with a spear. He falls back and there are more screams from inside. One of the men reaches in and pulls out the dying man. He bites down hard into the dead man’s neck before tossing him aside like discarded wood.
Cameron looks away, sickened. She tries to crawl away from Sirius’ grip, but Sirius just pins her tighter. She feels his shoulder digging into her gut and the discomfort mixes with her fear in a terrifying combination.
“Don’t worry, cutie, old Sirius will take care of you.”
Sirius gives her ass a slap before he turns around and heads for the wagon. Cameron sees three more wagons on their side of the warehouse and another four on the far side. All of them are filled with people, screams and terror.
In the center, there is just blood and corpses. In less than two minutes, the abductors have killed or kidnapped everyone on the street. A few remaining men head toward the wagons, stabbing everyone they pass. Cameron looks away at the violence and devastation. Her entire world has brutally changed in a matter of minutes and she doesn’t know what would happen next. It terrifies her and she feels sick to her stomach.
Sirius lifts her off his shoulder and tosses her into the wagon.
She hit someone’s thighs and arms and slides to the ground in a pool of vomit. Sobbing, she tries to get to her feet but she slips and hits the floor of the wagon again. Hands reach down for her and she clings on them, using the others to regain her feet. Looking around, she sees fifteen other people in the wagon with her. All of them are fairly attractive except for anadolu yakası escort the naked fear on their faces.
Sirius leans in and looks around. His ice blue eyes focus on Cameron and he chuckles. “Yeah, we got ourselves a good catch this time.”
Cameron shudders at his look. She doesn’t know if it is cruelty or lust in the man’s eyes, but it terrifies her nonetheless.
He pulls back and slams the wagon door closed. Darkness swallows up the prisoners and Cameron stands, blind and terrified. Cries and sniffing surrounds her.
“What is going to happen?” It is a boy on the far side.
“I don’t know,” said an equally terrified woman.
Outside, Cameron hears shouting. Through the cracks of the wagon, a brilliant light spears through the darkness. Cameron gasps along with the rest of the prisoners.
The wagons move and darkness encloses on them for several long hours as they leave from the city. Light eventually streams in through the cracks, but Cameron can’t see anything.
“All right,” bellows Sirius, “let’s check out our catch.”
The door slams open and Cameron is blinded by light that pours into the wagon. Hands reach out and grab her, yanking her out into the fresh air. She lets out a shriek, but a slap silences her.
“Stand there,” comes an order. She cowers but obeyed. As they pull out more of the prisoners, Cameron looks around.
They are in a yard of some sort. The ground is packed hard beneath her, but she can see human footprints everywhere. Along the outer fence are guards with crossbows and swords. They watch the prisoners as they are unloaded from four wagons. Cameron wonders what happened to the other four wagons, but doesn’t dare ask.
A guard stands in front of her. “Strip.”
“What?” she asks incredulously.
He slaps her across the face. “Silence!”
Cameron opens her mouth to ask a question and he raises his hand. Cowed, Cameron looks down where they are lining up the other prisoners. Some of them are already stripping, prompted by the armed guards threatening them. She strips with tears rolling down her cheeks.
Sirius comes down the line as she pulls off her last sock. He looks over her and rubs his crotch. Cameron swallows her revulsion and looks away. She holds one hand over her own crotch and her arm over her breasts. At his gaze, she wishes her breasts were much smaller; they swell over her arm and she can’t hide them from his leer.
When she feels the large, meaty hand grab her arm, she lets out a sob. Sirius forces her arm down and grabs her breast with his other hand. She shudders at his touch and the rough fingers that squeeze her breast. Sirius twists his grip on Cameron’s soft mound. His fingers dig into her flesh and she feels her nipple growing tight from the sensations. It hurts but the humiliation that burns in her body aches even more.
“Now, little bitch, you’re just my type.” He releases her breast and cups her chin, forcing her to look up at him. She glares at him through tear filled eyes; up close, he is almost a half meter taller than her.
Sirius gestured with his chin. “Add her to our pile.” One of the guards shoves her to the side to an area marked off by two wagons a symbol painted on the side. She quickly recognizes belonging to the Clan Marquis. There is already a prisoner standing near the wagons, the first woman Cameron saw captured.
Cameron is shoved up against the girl and ordered to stay. Three guards surround them. Cameron turns to the girl and whispers, “Hi.”
The brunette looks at her, tears rolling down her face, whispers back. “What is going on?”
“I don’t know. I’m Cameron.”
“Selena. I was just going to visit the museum for the day. Why are they doing this?”
“Silence!” orders a guard.
Cameron flinches at his command, but clamps her mouth shut. She clutches Selena, holding her tightly. She lifts her head and watches as Sirius inspects the prisoners. He has a companion, a woman with a bloody shirt. Together, they walk down the line of sobbing prisoners.
“I want her,” announces Sirius as he points to a girl, maybe early twenties with black hair. She has large breasts and tries to cover them and the thick patch of pubic hair between her legs at the same time.
“Look at the tits on her,” the woman speaks with a cultured, almost elegant voice. “She’s a cow and you know it.”
“Fine,” grumbles Sirius as he points to the next two women. “Then I get these two.”
“I ain’t got time for small tit bitches. You can have them. You need a breeder, Sirius?”
“One,” Sirius points to a skinny guy with dirty brown hair. “That guy. You can have the others.”
She grins and licks her lips. They continue to pick and choose their prisoners. Every one that Sirius picks is immediately dragged to join Cameron and Selena. The woman’s choices are dragged into a circle guarded by two men with short swords.
As they reach the last one, a girl barely sixteen, both Sirius and the woman stop. They look at her as the girl sobs pitifully. The woman scratches her nose. “Not interested, she’s too young and she won’t produce any milk for months.”
Sirius shrugs. “Why not. I’ll take her. I’m not fond of breaking in ones that young.”
As guards drag the sobbing girl toward Cameron, Sirius shakes hands with the woman. “Pleasure doing business.”
“See you soon, Sirius.”
Sirius nods and jams his hands into his pockets. The man paces back to his prisoners. “All right, guys, let’s get home. I’m hungry.”
One of the prisoners whimpers, “What is going to happen to them?”
A guard barks, “Silence.” and smacks the one who spoke.
Sirius chuckles and stops in front of Cameron. His eyes bore into her and she shivers at the look. “Be happy you aren’t staying here. The girls will spend the rest of their lives shackled to stocks, pregnant and producing milk. As soon as they run dry, she sells them off as meat to Lord Morganti. The ranks of the king’s soldiers have to be filled somehow.”
“And the guys?” comes a question followed by another slap.
Sirius chuckles. “They will spend the rest of their days fucking until their hearts explode. Then,” he gestures with a hand, “off to the meat farm.”
Selena clamps her mouth shut before any words escape.
Sirius steps in front of her. She shies away from him but he follows her when she tries to back away. Selena wilts underneath his gaze. Sirius takes a final step forward and jams his hand between her legs. Selena jerks up, almost off the ground, and then let out a shriek. She plants her hands on his wrist and strained to move his hand.
He chuckles and draws her closer, dragging her by her hips. Cameron has no doubt that his thick fingers are violating Selena and holding her in place. Cameron feels a spasm with sympathy in her own pussy. Selena twists her hips, trying to pull away, as tears splash down on her pert breasts. She looks at Cameron with pleading eyes and Cameron feels a stab of guilt at her helplessness.
Sirius growls into Selena’s ear, “And you, little bitch, are going to learn how to be quiet. In fact, I think I’m going to take you and your little brunette friend,” he leers over at Cameron, “and train you personally.” Cameron shudders at the tone of his voice. Sirius, fingers still jammed into Selena, speaks to the prisoners. “And, if any of you don’t listen to my orders, then I will cut your pretty little throats. Do you understand?”
Sobs and cries are his answer. Sirius pulls his fingers free of Selena and brings them to his lips. “Mmm, tasty.” He licks them clean before speaking to the guards. “Come on, get them loaded.”
Cameron and anadolu yakası gecelik escort the others are shoved into the two wagons and ordered to sit down on benches inside. When the only male tries to speak a guard punches him. As the guy recovers, the guard sits down next to him with his unsheathed sword on his lip. The threat is obvious.
She takes the hint and remains silent as the wagons heads out.
Cameron wakes up with a start. She was sleeping with her head on Selena’s shoulder. On the other side of Selena, the last girl, the young one, is curled up on the bench with her head on Selena’s lap. Yawning, Cameron sits up and looks around.
The wagon is quiet. Everyone but her is sleeping. She glances toward the back of the wagon and, to her surprise, it is clear. It would only be a matter of slipping away and running to freedom.
“I’d hate,” Cameron jumps as Sirius speaks up from the shadows in the front of the wagon, “to break those pretty feet of yours.”
“I wasn’t going to run,” she lies.
Sirius stands up from the shadows. He pads over to Cameron and squats down in front of her. Cameron’s body tenses at his presence. Even crouching in front of her, he towers over her. She feels vulnerable and helpless as he stares at her. One meaty hand rests on her thigh and she squeezes her legs together.
“You can’t stop me,” Sirius says with confidence. “If I want your pussy, I will take it.”
She squeezed her thighs together even tighter. “Why are you doing this?” whispers Cameron. Her voice cracks as she stares into the sparkling ice blue eyes.
“It’s my job. I’m going to break you, train you and then sell you off to the highest bidder.”
Cameron sobs quietly, her body shaking. “Please don’t do this,” she whispers, terrified to raise her voice. She feels her chest heaving from her breaths and knows that it only excites Sirius, but she can’t stop. She has heard of this. Men and women owning others like slaves, but no one stopped it and no one really knew what went on with those that were slaves.
Sirius drops his other hand on her knee. She looks down as he presses his thumbs on her kneecaps. His arms bulged as he pushes her knees apart. Cameron tries to stop him, but he overpowers her easily. He exposes her pussy and the thin triangle of hair above it and she can’t do anything. Fresh tears run down her cheeks. “Please… please don’t.”
His hands run up her thighs, forcing her legs further open. Her right knee presses against Selena who moans in her sleep. Knowing where his hands are going, Cameron squirms with discomfort and anticipation. His hand continues to drive up until she feels his thick fingers jamming into her pussy lips. He drags his fingers around until he catches her clit between two fingers.
She gasps at the sensation and tenses.
With a grin, Sirius drives his fingers down to the opening of her pussy and jams it deep inside. Cameron jumps and cringes as he forces his way into her dry pussy. Curling his fingers inside her behind the bone, he drags her to the edge of the bench.
Cameron doesn’t want to move, but there is no resisting his call. She feels her stomach clenching at the effort and plants one hand on the bench for balance. Sirius takes his free hand to push her knees even further apart. He leans into her, whispering in a deep, rumbling voice. “If you shut up and obey, the following months will be pleasant or at least tolerable. If you resist, then you are about to experience more pain and suffering and misery than you can imagine.”
Cameron chokes back a sob. She feels his fingers driving deeper into her, stretching her opening as he plunges his fingers in and out.
“Now, bitch, are you going to obey?”
When she doesn’t answer right away, he jams his fingers to the knuckle inside her, his thumb crushing her clit. She lets out a whimper.
“Are you going to obey?”
She nods frantically, just to stop Sirius. He withdraws his fingers and holds up his two fingers. They glisten with her juices.
“Lick them.”
Sirius frowns and he reaches out with his other. Grabbing her breast, he crushes her nipple in his hand. “I said obey, bitch. Now, lick them clean.”
Shoulders shaking, Cameron opens her mouth as he shoves his fingers into her. She tastes herself on his fingers, the tangy taste of her pussy. He pumps his fingers in and out until they are clean and glistening. She closes her eyes in humiliation and tries to get the taste of herself off her tongue.
Sirius smiles and stands up. She can see his massive cock straining at his pants. She wants to look away, but can’t imagine anything as large as his. The wagon comes to a halt. She can see torches out the back of the wagon and another yard, not unlike the one where Sirius and the woman bargained for the prisoners. She turns back to see Sirius smiling down at her.
“Listen, bitch, I tolerated you speaking just now. But as soon as you get off that wagon, if I hear you say a single word, I will beat you. Do you understand?”
Cameron whimpers but says nothing.
Sirius chuckles. “Learning already. All right, everyone off!”
Cameron helps Selena and the youngest girl off the wagon. Sirius lines them up in the yard. It is dark and cool and she feels the moisture clinging to her body. Shivering, Cameron looks around.
The large house is three floors in height and easily the size of a city block. On one side, she can see what looks like an agility course. It has ramps, loops and tunnels in a random assortment. Frowning, she looks at the other side of the yard then freezes. There are lines of small houses, dog houses, in a fenced in yard. From what she can see, there are easily a hundred of the smaller houses.
As she watches, a woman crawls out of one of the dog houses. She is on her hands and knees. Her hair is pulled into a pony tail on each side of her head. She crawls out of the dog house and sits on her ass, like a dog. To Cameron’s shock, she is naked except for knee-high boots and elbow-long gloves.
The teenage girl comes up to Cameron and whispers, “Is she naked?”
Cameron nods. “Yes, but I don’t know—”
Sirius grabs Cameron by the back of her neck. He squeezes down until Cameron’s knees buckle and she hits the ground. Leaning forward, he growl, “You really don’t know how to be quiet, do you?”
He bears down on her, forcing her head into the ground. Sirius holds her down as he speaks to the others. “Now, time for your first lessons. You are not people. You are dogs, bitches. Even you,” he points to the guy, “are a bitch. And bitches don’t speak. They don’t talk, say words, or do anything besides bark, whine and whimper. Do you understand?”
Cameron hears a few say yes but most of them are silent.
Sirius shakes his head and gestures to the ones who talked. Guards rush up and grab them. Like Cameron, they are forced down to the ground as the armed men shoved their heads down.
A pair of naked women crawls up on their hands and knees. Like the woman she saw in the kennel area, they are completely naked. Up close, Cameron can see that their hands and feet are different. The one girl has no fingers, just the palms ending with five tiny stubs. Her feet are the same, the toes completely removed and leaving her to balance. Looking at the mutilated hands, Cameron feels dread filling her. But, the girl is acting cheerful, her large breasts bouncing as she prances over to Sirius.
Sirius digs his hand into the girl’s bag, and then pulls out a collar. “Thank you.”
The dog girl barks once and wags her ass like a dog. anadolu yakası sınırsız escort She has a tail that matches her brown hair. At first, Cameron thinks it is attached, but the tail moves naturally and she can see where it comes out from the dog girl’s tailbone. She bounces toward the nearest guard with her bag held high in her mouth.
Sirius grabs Cameron by the hair and pulls her up. Cameron’s back arches to relieve the pressure, thrusting her breasts forward as he pulls her from the ground. With his other hand, he wraps the collar around her neck. As soon as the ends met, there is a scraping noise and the collar grows snug around her throat. Unexpectedly, he releases her hair and she falls down. The ground smacks her face before she can stop her fall. “Ow—”
Cameron’s world explodes into pain as electricity courses through her body. She screams out and spasms as her skin crawls with power. As soon as it starts, it stops. Panting heavily, she looks up to see everyone staring at her. “What?”
The collar gives off a cracking noise and her body is wracked with electricity again. She feels it driving through her, tightening all her muscles until they scream out in agony. She tries to breath, tries to move but the collar twists her into a tight, shaking ball.
When it fades, Cameron remains on the ground, sobbing from the pain.
Sirius leans over her, his breath hot. “I told you to be quiet, bitch. And now, you are going to demonstrate the second lesson too.” He leans up. “Collars on?”
“Yes, sir!” come the guards.
“Anyone wanting to talk?” asks Sirius.
Cameron pants as she looks around the yard. The naked prisoners, bitches, are shaking in fear. Two of them have thighs that glisten when they had peed in fear. Four are still on the ground, one of them with her ass in the air as she sobs into the ground. The others stand here, shaking and terrified.
“Good,” says Sirius. “Now, lesson two is a bit easier. But I think some of you,” he smacks Cameron on the back of her head, “are too stupid to learn the first time.” Cameron whimpers, tensing for the electrical discharge but it never comes. “You are bitches and bitches obey commands. The first command is present. When I tell you to present, you get on your knees and spread your legs. Put your head down to the ground. Do you understand? Oh, wait,” he chuckles, “you can’t answer, can you? When I ask you a question, you bark once.”
He leans over Cameron and grabs her collar, hauling her up. She chokes as the collar tightens around her throat. Her fingers claw at the collar but she can’t find purchase.
“Bark, bitch.” Choking, Cameron tries to bark. She gasps and chokes, trying to bark like a dog but she is unable to get wind to her lungs. He relaxes his grip slightly as she forces a strangled bark out. “Good,” he whispers. “When I say your name, you bark. Do you understand?”
Cameron barks once through the tears, her body trembling.
“Maybe you can be taught.” Sirius turns to the others. “Bark.”
A chorus of barks rises up among the tears and cries. Cameron sees that the two other girls, the two from the house, also bark once as they sit on their asses. The only difference is they are smiling as they bark.
Sirius tightens his grip on the collar. “Now, Cameron, present.”
Cameron knows what to do. She shakes on the ground as she lifts her ass and spreads her legs. Her breasts rub against the hard packed ground as she sobs.
Sirius’ hands grab her knees and force them apart. “Further apart. I want to see that pussy and asshole of yours. If your lips are touching, you aren’t spread enough. If your nipples aren’t on the ground, you aren’t low enough. Do you understand?”
Face in the ground, Cameron barks once and feels humiliation burn bright.
“Good girl,” he pats her on the head. “And now you get a reward.”
Cameron doesn’t know what he is talking about until she hears the sound of a buckle being undone. She is going to be raped, right in front of everyone. She tries to push up, but Sirius slaps her ass powerfully. Her entire body shakes from the impact.
“If you get up, this won’t be a reward, it will be a punishment.”
Cameron stops moving, except for the trembling that shakes her body. She holds her breath as she hears Sirius lower his pants. His fingers dive into her pussy, forcing the lips apart. They are still slick, much to her humiliation and his fingertips reach deep into her pussy.
When she feels his cock press against her pussy lips, she wonders how she could ever have sex with him. It is larger than her fist and it is pressed against her hole. It will never fit and she squeezes her eyes tightly in preparation for the pain of being violated. His cock is slick and hot, oozing precum. He slides his cockhead up and down her slit, soaking it in his juices. He leans into her and the pressure at her opening increases. She desperately tries to bear down, to prevent him from entering, but more of his weight leans into her and she feels her muscles being forced apart.
“Come on, this is your reward.”
It doesn’t feel like a reward as he forces his cock into her. It stretches her open, more than she thought possible. Her flesh strains to contain him as the thick cock drives into her.
She is almost dry, but he isn’t. She can feel precum oozing out of his tip and it lubricates his shaft as he forces it in. He withdraws a centimeter and drives it in. Pumping in and out with sharp, powerful strokes, she lets out a wail and stretches out, clawing at the ground to escape his shaft.
Sirius’ hands grab her hips and he pulls her back. She feels flesh tearing and screams out in agony. “No!”
Even as she says it, she knows she will be punished. The collar explodes into pain and she feels the electricity crash into her. Her body shakes in seizure and she feels Sirius ram his cock entirely into her pussy, burying the far too large cock into her pussy.

She screams out in agony and her eyes blur from the pain. His cock is a log inside her, tearing her open, but he doesn’t give her respite. Powerful hands grip her hips as he drives his cock deeper into her, ripping her open as she suffers through the last of the electrical shock. His cock is too thick, too long and too hard. It slams against the back of her pussy with hard, brutal strokes.
Sirius doesn’t stop or even slow. With every stroke, she feels his balls smack against her thighs. Every ridge of his immense shaft burns in her memory as he rapes her. He continues to drive into her, inhumanly hard and fast. She shakes with every stroke, her breasts scrape the ground. Even with the agony that fills her, she feels a hint of pleasure filling her and feels shamed by it.
Sirius releases her hips and grabs her collar with one hand. Cameron is forced back as he pulls. The tightness around her throat chokes her and she feels him grow even harder with her suffering. His cock swells with every stroke and the pounding drives her off her knees and on the balls of her feet.
With a bellow, he punches his cock into her pussy and lets go. Cum floods her insides, filling her until it pours out around the junction of their bodies. He continues to drive in slow, shuddering strokes until his cock stops spasming inside her body.
Releasing her, Sirius lets her slump to the ground. He pulls out of her pussy.
Cameron feels relief as he exits her, but her body feels strangely empty. Cum pours of her gaping pussy and puddles underneath her.
Sirius stands up. “All right, I’m taking Cameron, Selena and the young girl with me. The rest of you take three bitches to your room. I expect to see some trained bitches tomorrow at dinner, do you understand?”
“Yes, sir!”
“And, little bitches, I expect you to know how to shut up and present. Do you understand?”
On the ground, shuddering in revulsion of her rape, Cameron barks once. Then closes her eyes as the tears splash down.

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Hard Landing Ch. 01

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*** This series was awarded Best Lesbian Story, as well as Most Literary/Genre Transcending Story in the 2019 Reader’s Choice Awards. Thank you to all who voted. ***

This is a slow building romance story. There is no sex in the first few chapters, so feel free to move on if you are looking for something different. I promise, you won’t hurt my feelings.

Also, should it interest you, there is a link to a Spotify playlist for the songs referenced in this story that can be found on my author page under the contact tab. Please enjoy and leave a comment if you care to, or follow my playlist on Spotify.

~~ Arlington, Virginia ~~


“I still can’t believe you talked them into letting me come, this is going to be so much fun!” I said to Sara. I was having a hard time not skipping with excitement as we came up out of the Metro.

Sara Johns had been my best friend since we had been randomly assigned to be dorm-mates our freshmen year at George Mason. After graduation we’d both found jobs in the Washington D.C. area. Sara was living in Northern Virginia, while I had a tiny condo in the Adams Morgan neighborhood in D.C.

“It wasn’t hard. Steve’s actually pretty excited about it,” she said. “You’ve been coming to the shows for a while and I think everybody will be happy to have an extra pair of hands to help out. Plus, you did the new website for him. He’s happy people can actually, you know, buy stuff from it now.”

I gave a scornful sniff. “Whoever did the first version had no idea what they were doing.”

She looked over at me. “That was Steve.”

“Oh, well, I won’t give my opinion on the quality of the previous code to Steve then.”

“Good idea!” she laughed.

The Rotors were a local cover band that had been playing around Northern Virginia a couple of times a month for almost a decade. I’d started going to shows when Sara and Steve Collins, their band’s lead singer-slash-guitar player, had started dating a year ago. Everyone in the band had day jobs but they played for fun and some extra cash. Each summer, the members would take two weeks off and go on a tour together down the east coast, booking as many shows as possible in beach communities from New Jersey to the Outer Banks.

The first Rotors show I attended, I went to provide moral support for Sara who had just started dating Steve, but I had quickly become a regular. The Rotors’ playlists were totally my jam, mostly 90’s, and aughts music, with a little 80’s thrown in. Pop and alt-rock songs that were made for jumping up and down, dancing and working off the stress of the work week.

I was going to tag along with them on their beach tour this summer, helping Sara run their merchandise booth during the shows. I was looking forward to actually having some time to get to know the band members away from the stage. Tonight, was the traditional summer tour kick-off show in the bar they called their home base.

“Not that I don’t appreciate getting a free trip out of this, but I really hope we’re not stuck at the merch table all show, every show. I’m looking forward to dancing on the beach. That and I definitely plan on picking up a someone or two,” I said.

“First of all, I don’t think we’ll be stuck at the table all or even most of the time,” Sara said. “They have enough regular fans on the beach tour to get some volunteers in each town. We’re just there to keep an eye on the volunteers to make sure they don’t dance away from the table and leave the cash box sitting alone.”

“Den mother to the flaky band groupies, check.”

Sara stopped walking for a moment and I paused with her. “But, Jill, I don’t think you should go hog wild on this trip,” she continued, “I know you keep saying you’re ‘over’ Laura, but she really did a number on you. And you’re not a one-night-stand kind of girl.”

I started walking again. Laura, my most recent flame had left me for an ex-girlfriend of hers four months ago. She had announced the change in our relationship status to me when we were out at our local lesbian bar with a group of friends.

Sara had been there for the emotional wreckage the next few months. I had withdrawn from our friends and holed up in my condo. Since I worked almost entirely remotely doing web site design, this had meant more isolation that had been healthy for me. I had gotten on a first name basis with all the Door Dash delivery people in my neighborhood. I felt I was ready to be over it, though. I was definitely done being anti-social.

“Thanks Sara. It means a lot to me know you’re thinking about me like that, but I’m ready to move on. I am not looking for a relationship right now after that last mess, so maybe I’ll just be a one-night-stand-kind of girl for a couple of weeks…well, maybe not an all-night-stand, but I sure as hell plan to find someone for snogging. Maybe I’ll go with a Rory this time instead of a Rose.”

“How many times do I have to tell you, you aren’t British, you dork! travesti porno I don’t care how many Doctor Who seasons you’ve binged.” Sara grinned at me. “You know, whenever I’m single I am jealous of how you can jump back and forth between men and women. Doubles your dating pool.”

I laughed. Sara was the first person I came out as bisexual to in college, and it had been such a nothing-burger for her it had made me think I should have come out years sooner. She was also there for me after I had told my parents later that year and introduced one of my first girlfriends to them. That had not been a nothing-burger. It had been the biggest-burger.

We turned the corner to find a line of a couple of hundred people waiting to get into the bar. “Wow!” I said, “What’s going on? How are we going to get in?”

Sara grabbed my hand in excitement “Oh, I didn’t tell you! Joe in town and is going on the beach tour! Word got out and every local fan is going to be here for the kick off show! Don’t worry, Steve put us on the list, so we should be able to get in the side door.” She pulled me past the line and the main entrance towards a side door where security let us in. Dating one of the band members has its benefits it seemed.

“Who’s Joe?” I yelled over the noise of the crowd.

“Joe was their lead guitarist when they started the band back in college,” she yelled back. “We’re really in for a treat. I’ve only seen Joe play once, but their energy level is through the roof when he’s playing! We’re going to dance our asses off tonight!”

I looked down at my sandals and said “Good thing I didn’t wear heels then,” I joked. I rarely wore heels, I was too tall already. I was wearing one of my favorite dancing outfits, a simple yellow sleeveless dress that had just enough swirl to show a little thigh when I danced and flat, black leather sandals strapped around my ankles. I was not the best dancer. I mainly just enjoyed jumping up and down and singing along with the band, but it was definitely a more fun workout than my usual swimming laps.

We got through the bar into the outdoor concert space. Red and yellow lights lit up the stage, illuminating Larry’s drum kit and the two mic stands for Steve and Suzanne. The Rotor’s logo was painted on the bass drum skin, a red three bladed propeller with black motion lines forming a circle around it. There was a new spot with an empty guitar stand and a bunch of effects pedals laid out off to the right side of the stage, but no microphone.

We’d made it inside just in time. The band was climbing the steps up onto the stage and I groaned. It was going to be a pain to make our way up near the front through this crowd. Steve and Suzanne stepped up to their microphones, Steve with his black Les Paul at the ready, Suzanne behind him with her red sunburst Fender bass, while Larry jumped behind his drum kit. Another shorter guitarist, Joe I presumed, had walked out behind Steve with a black Fender Telecaster slung over his shoulder.

“Evening, Arlington!” Steve yelled into his microphone, “Ready for Friday night?” he asked to a cheering crowd. “Alright, let’s go!” He turned and nodded to Larry, who started pounding out an intro on his drums, then Joe launched into the opening licks of Santana’s Smooth and the crowd reacted, cheering and dancing, while Sara and I continued to work our way through the crowd towards the stage.

“Man, it’s a hot one, like seven inches from the mid-day sun,” Steve sang into the mic.

“Whoa!” I yelled. Jill grinned at me.

“I told you!” she stopped to yell in my ear, and then kept moving through the crowd towards the stage. The Rotors were a great cover band, and Steve was a great singer and really good rhythm guitarist, but he rarely attempted serious solos. I had never heard them do a Santana song. Probably because Steve wouldn’t do a song if he couldn’t do it justice, and Santana was all about the guitar. Joe was doing just fine though. No one would mistake Joe for Carlos, but he had his own spin on the licks, weaving them around Steve and Suzanne’s vocals.

You got the kind of lovin’ that can be so smooth,

Give me your heart; make it real or else forget about it!

Joe jumped into another solo. And then, as we moved around a cluster of taller guys who had been shielding my view of the stage I noticed something else. I had been mishearing Jill over the crowd. She hadn’t been saying “Joe” and “he.” It was “Jo” and “she.”

“Whoa,” I breathed again. She was maybe a little under five and a half feet tall, wearing jeans faded almost to white with a hole over the right knee and had on a pair of pink Chuck Taylor high tops, one of which was at the ready on her effects pedals. She had on a dark, tight sleeveless t-shirt and a plain white baseball cap pulled down over her eyes with the Rotor’s logo about the size of a silver dollar on the upper left corner of it. I had the same hat. In fact, it was in my bag back at Sara and Steve’s house.

The stage alt yazılı porno lights threw shadows from the bill of her cap over her eyes, but I already felt drawn to this woman. She was a maybe a year or two older than me, thirty or so I guessed. She was built solidly, like a competitive swimmer or a cross-fit junkie. Her bare arms were muscled and she had broad shoulders and her hair was cut short on the sides and back. With the hat on, she could have a crew cut for all I could tell.

She was totally into the music, body moving with the beat, feet and fingers working in coordination on her pedals and the neck of her guitar. Unlike the rest of the band, she rarely seemed to look out at the audience, focusing instead on her instrument hanging around her on a simple black leather strap.

She occasionally looked over at Steve and Suzanne or back at Larry to pick up or give the non-verbal cues that only musicians totally familiar with each other seem to send and receive. She leaned back for emphasis during one big guitar riff, and that’s when I finally noticed her t-shirt. The design was unmistakable. Dark red on the top half, dark blue on the bottom, with double gold stripes separating the two halves and meeting at a gold eight-pointed star in the middle of her chest.

Holy… she’s got a body like that, she plays guitar like this and wearing a Captain Marvel shirt. A nerd wrapped up in that package? I thought to myself. It got even better from there. After the last riff to wrap up Smooth, Jo’s pick hand fell away from her guitar and I saw a PRIDE flag sticker on her Telecaster that had been hidden under her forearm while she had been playing and I literally gasped. I was going to be in close proximity to her for the next two weeks. I took a deep breath. I needed to get a hold of myself, I could not be the newbie tag-along, drooling over this woman who has a history going back maybe 10 years or more with the rest of the band. It seemed like that would be just the shittiest thing I could do with this group I wanted to make my friends.

Jo looked over and yelled something over the applause from the crowd to Larry, who nodded, then started a new riff on his drums. Jo jumped in on Larry’s beat with the opening chords for the Spin Doctor’s Two Princes.

I leaned over and spoke into Sara’s ear “What’s the deal? Jo calls the shots when she’s here?”

She was grinning and shaking her whole body. “That’s how it is when she plays with them,” she yelled back, “she won’t let them write out a set list ahead of the show. She just reads the crowd’s mood, calls out the next song and they have to be ready to jump in! If a song starts off with guitar sometimes she doesn’t even give them a head’s up, she just starts playing. Steve says it’s the reason they have so much more energy when she’s on stage, she keeps them on their toes. They have a couple hundred songs they can all play together.”

As the band rolled into song after song, I found myself bouncing back and forth in front of Jo, mirroring her movements as she swayed with the rhythm. I noticed that while she didn’t have a mic in front of her, I could see her mouthing the words of every song to herself as she played.

Towards the end of their first set she called out to Larry and Suzanne and they went into I’m Only Happy When It Rains, by Garbage. Suzanna took over the vocals from Steve, her long brown braid swinging back and forth behind her back as she thumped her bass, her voice doing a credible take on Shirley Manson. Watching Jo hammer away at the chords while singing the words to herself, I saw what I thought might be a shadow of pain on her face. Like maybe the words were hitting close to home for her.

You know I love it when the news is bad.

Why it feels so good to feel so sad?

I’m only happy when it rains.

Pour your misery down, pour your misery down on me…

I frowned and slowed down. They’d be taking a break soon. I leaned over to Sara and yelled, “Do you know what Jo likes to drink? She looks like she could use something cold!” It was a hot evening and everyone was sweating, but Jo’s arms and face were gleaming with perspiration in the stage lights.

Sara looked at me. “Corona with two limes is her go-to when she’s playing. You’re not getting any ideas are you J?”

“No! No, I’m just thirsty myself, and she’s the only one I don’t know. I want to make a good impression before we’re on the bus for two weeks.”

Sara eyed me a moment longer than nodded. “Why don’t you get a bucket? You’ll make everyone happy with that. Bring them to the side stage at the break and we’ll get you introduced.”

“Okay!” I hurried off to the bar. I managed to beat the rush and made my way back to the stage with a bucket of Corona bottles, limes sticking out of the necks plus a plastic cup full of extra lime slices sitting in the ice. Steve was crooning Mr. Jones by Counting Crows as I made my way back through the crowd.

I met Sara at üvey baba porno the side of the stage just as Steve announced they’d be taking a twenty-minute break. The house system started playing background music as the band filed off to the left and the crowd started moving towards the two bars on either side in the back of the outdoor space. I set the bucket down on the corner of the stage.

“You guys! Great set, my feet are going to be sore tomorrow!” I high-fived Suzanne as she came down the stairs. Suzanne was about my height and curvy with dark skin. She’d been Suzanne Alvarez until she and Larry had finally concluded an epic, years-long dance of on-again-off-again and had married recently.

Steve fist-bumped me and then leaned over to kiss Sara “Hey babe! You ready to hit the road?” Steve was an inch less than six feet and tanned, with sun bleached blonde hair.

“Totally,” Sara said, “Both our bags are packed and ready to go at our place. Jill brought her bag over before we headed to the Metro. I figure everyone will want to shower after the show.”

Larry jumped down from the stage, skipping the steps altogether, landed cat-like next to me and playfully bopped the top of my head with his fist. Larry Lawrence was black, and towered over everyone else. He was at least 6’4″, skinny as all get-out, with a shaved head. The first time we’d been introduced, I’d gaped at him and said “Larry Lawrence? Really, your real name is Lawrence Lawrence?” to which he answered with great humor and fake solemn dignity, “My parents are big believers in character building.”

“S’up Jill?” he asked. “You ready to carry all my drums for me?”

“Only the little ones,” I replied with a laugh.

Jo came down the steps. Steve turned and fist-bumped her, then turned to me “Jill, this is my sister Jo Collins. I know you guys haven’t met. Jo, this is Jill Doran. She’s going to be helping Sara as our merch monkeys and assistant roadies on the trip.”

The family resemblance was obvious. They both had the same eyes, tanned skin, rounded faces and the same crooked grins. There was no better way to describe her except ‘apple cheeked’. She was irresistibly cute just like her brother. I was easily four or five inches taller than she was. Jo looked me up at me then held out her hand “Nice to meet you Doran. Cool hair.” I blushed as we shook hands.

“Jill is famous for having the craziest hair in any crowd,” Sara laughed. My straight hair was down to about the middle of my back and was currently a shocking electric blue, fading the last six inches into platinum blonde at the tips.

“Thanks. My sister is a wizard stylist with dye jobs and does it for me. I got it done fresh this week for the trip,” I said.

“With that hair you should be up on stage, you look like a rock star,” Jo said.

I was glad we were in the shadows off the wings of the stage, since I was sure my face was now bright red. Since I was wearing just a simple dress and sandals, I guessed I really owed my sister for the assist.

“Um, thanks,” I said, “Here, you look like you could use this.” I handed her a bottle from the bucket of beers. She nodded her thanks, grabbed an extra lime, pushed it down into the neck then pressed her thumb over the opening and turned the bottle upside down, floating the limes up into her beer. “Nice trick,” I said as she grinned. She had deep dimples when she smiled. Wow. She turned the bottle back over and with a well-practiced move, slowly let the gas escape from the neck with her thumb so she didn’t get sprayed with foam.

Steve kissed Sara again then said, “I’m going to go pow-wow with Jack about the lights. Back in a minute.” Jack Vance was the Rotor’s sound and light guy and only regular roadie. Sara grabbed Steve’s hand and followed him towards the back of the crowd. Suzanne and Larry excused themselves and went backstage. They had been married for a little over four months and still snuck off to make out when the opportunity presented itself. It was cute. Sara had been Steve’s plus-one to the wedding and I had been pretty jealous of her for that. I had heard it had been quite the party.

“I like your shirt,” I said to Jo, pointing at the star on her chest. “Wonder Woman?”

She had opened her mouth to respond, then froze in place at my last remark, a pained expression on her face as her eyes focused somewhere a couple hundred feet in the distance.

“I’m just messing with you,” I grinned. “Diana Prince would frown very severely at me for that joke. Carol Corps for life.”

She snapped her mouth shut into her lopsided grin and her eyes tracked back to my face re-evaluating me. “Oh, I think you and I are going to have fun on this trip.”

I laughed. “I hope so! Too bad we’re headed out after the show tonight, I could have gotten my sister to give you the rock star treatment too.” I flicked a lock of my hair off my shoulder.

She pulled her hat off and the top part of her head was covered with a mop of delicious, blonde hair that would probably have fallen over one side of her face if it hadn’t been plastered with sweat. She ran her hand through it and slicked it back smooth. “Thanks. I’ve wanted to do a Megan Rapinoe since the world cup, but I only have three weeks until I go back to work. Not long enough to grow it out and I don’t want to dye it twice.”

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