A Fairy’s Tail – Origins Ch. 01

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Author’s note: All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

These chapters are an exploration of the backstory of our favorite fairy Fiellen and may not contain as much explicit sex as you have come to expect from A Fairy’s Tail in some chapters.


It was nothing more than two worn down wheel ruts where folks in days past wheeled their carts and barrows down to the river, which lay only about four hundred feet down a slight, grassy hill that sported tufts of brightly colored wildflowers as the summer days grew longer and the heat coaxed them from their hiding places down deep in the cool shadows.

This was the trail I took down to the small waterway that was called the Katydid river by the local townspeople, which ran past our several hundred year old farm house. In the past, before we had a well and indoor plumbing, the river and the path supplied the families that lived in our home with the water that they needed to live and grow crops and livestock.

For me, the river inspired the lust for lazy days building boats from twigs and leaves that lay all about the sandy shore, dropped from ancient Basswoods that towered over my young form. If I was allowed, I would have spent every day and afternoon there, playing until night fell and the stars began to twinkle, but mother demanded that I do the farmstead chores at night, and father would wup me if I didn’t do them, so I was never able to spend my days as leisurely as I would have wanted to.

Now, as an adult man of twenty five years of age, slaving away at the factory every morning to night, coated in machine oil and exhaust grime, I laugh at those silly yearnings of my past, knowing how lucky I was before adulthood grabbed me by the seat of my pants and taught me a lesson about what it meant to be a man.

But back then there was one day, one day as aboy when I thought that life might hold even more than I thought it could. More than just the suffering and toil that I experienced every day now as a man.

That was the day that I met her.


I was down by the river once again, in my customary tan shorts and a dirty white button down t-shirt that I had worn all week, bare feet scrunching in the sand as I lazily drew my big toe down from the river, making miniature rivers that came close to my lumpen attempt at a sand castle.

My intent was to make a moat that would guard my castle, but then the fleeting idea of having the river destroy it came into my mind and I couldn’t shake such an appealing scenario.

“And soon the mighty river flooded its banks and grew closer to the king and ardeşen escort queen’s abode as they slept, tragically drowning the townspeople as they woke to do their morning chores…” I muttered under my breath a storyline of woe and dismay that gave me a thrill and caused the hair on the back of my neck to stand up in anticipation.

“What are you doing?”

The crystal clear feminine voice crackled in the air like the flash of a lightning bug. It lilted like a song bird and hung in the air like a cloud made of spun sugar.

Startled, I dropped the stick I was using as my cane and looked up, sputtering.

“Who, who, who goes there?!”

She seemed huge, but she was only as tall as my father, if not a bit higher.

My eyes widened into two tea saucers as I stared and took at this alien life form that crouched directly in front of me, eyeing my mangled sand castle that now was melting in a pool of river water.

Her skin had a greenish hue, and as a young boy I couldn’t help but take took note of her ample cleavage and motherly hips. She was dressed haphazardly in what seemed to be scraps of woven grasses and leaves, which just covered her secret parts.

I gulped, a droplet of sweat forming on my temple.

I noticed tattoos, which I had only seen on sailors on the docks before, spiraling down her legs and arms. She looked at me and her wild mane of red hair framed a face punctuated by bright blue eyes and pouting lips. She grimaced and I noticed that her incisors were like a wolf’s fangs.

I blinked. If possible, my eyes grew even larger.

“What is this, that you are doing?” She hissed, and than grinned at me, licking her tongue lasciviously around her full lips.

“Ah, ah, um, um, playing. Playing castle. Playing this castle, making a river to get the castle, you see, that’s where the king and queen lives and they are going to be flooded by the…”

“What are all these words together meaning?!” She shrieked with laughter and spun on her toes in the sand. My eyes fell hungrily upon her ample curves and heavy rump as they jiggled and moved to some primal rhythm that began to pull me along into the beat.

I gasped, trying to catch my thoughts and present them to her in some way that would make her stay there with me, forever.

“I’m just playing you see, would you like to play with me?” I nodded dumbly and gestured at the sandy mess in front of my toes, as if this would somehow entice her.

She stopped twirling and frowned at me.

“You are a human boy, yes? You have two humans that are your parents, and they tend to the goats that I talk to arnavutköy escort in the pasture, yes?”

“Yes, yes. That is me, I am me, and that is them, my parents. My name is Devon.”

The otherworldy creature that seemed like a woman but surely was not raised her eyes in bemusement at me.

(I am Fiellen. I am what you call a fairy. We don’t call ourselves anything, though.)

Her mind was inside my head.

“Your mind is inside my head!” I yelled in fright and stumbled backwards, falling heavily onto the wet sand.

(It is so much easier than all of these mouth noises! Do you humans always make noises out of your mouthholes to communicate? How tiring!)

I couldn’t help agreeing with her in my heart, but talking directly mind to mind seemed somehow wrong. Jonathon Wright, the priest who lived just down the road, would surely would find it to be the Devil’s work!

Fear filled my heart.

“Are you a demon then!”

(No, silly, I am a fairy. What is a demon?) Fiellen smiled sweetly. Her chest heaved and something deep in me was beginning to stir. I felt the devils handiwork in my nether regions and my heart began to beat fast, too fast for comfort.

“You are one, I think! I cast you out, I cast you out! Foul creature!”

Panic filled me and I scrambled to my feet, somehow getting sand in my mouth as I ran up the shore toward the cart tracks that led back to the safety and security of my family’s home.

I felt the unfamiliar and most definitely unholy feeling of desire leave my body as I pumped my small legs as hard as I could.

I looked back to see if the creature was chasing me, and saw her turn gracefully and kneel down to my ruined sand creation, her smooth ripe buttocks presented to me in full display and the heat rushed through me once again and I yelped and pressed on, determined to not let Satan take a hold of me as he had before.


When I arrived back at my home, hours earlier than normal, with a red face and beating heart, my mother was taken aback.

“Are ye alright Devon? What’s gotten a hold of ye?”

As my pulse slowed and memories of the sultry fairy creature dulled I began to calm myself.

“Oh nothing mother! I am fine. I just wanted to hurry home to help you with the chores as a good boy does!” I nodded and gulped.

She frowned at me but shrugged her shoulders.

“Well, if ye must, ye must, even though it’s hours to the choretimes. Go on then, fetch me some vegetables from the garden to make your favorite dinner, cabbage soup!”

I hated cabbage soup but I always made such a great show of artuklu escort appreciation to my mother when she made it so that she did not know how much I loathed it. My deceit had backfired, as do all things of the Devil.

“Yes mother, right away!”


I didn’t go back to the river shore for days, avoiding that scene of temptation until I knew that I was filled with the Spirit of the Lord once again. I helped my mother with many many things about the homestead that she needed help with, and she was pleasantly surprised and remarked many a time about how God had put a spring in her boy’s step once again, and how she would praise His holy name for such a blessing.

I was pleased that I was becoming a good boy in her eyes, but I also knew, deep down, that every single night I could not help myself and thought feverishly of the fairy woman, Fiellen, and many strange and terrifying things were beginning to stir deep down within me. I could not help myself, not even with endless prayer after endless prayer.

It was almost as if the prayers were meaningless and God wasn’t listening.

“God, help me to not think of that devilish creature every single night, and keep my hands away from my private parts, for I do not want to become blind. Jonathon says that hair will grown on my palms and blindness will strike my eyes if give in to the temptation of touching myself! I do not want to be a blind dog, Lord. Please help.”

But he did not send any help, and I was helpless to replay every jiggle and gesture and look of that nubile creature night after night until only complete exhaustion let me sleep.


Finishing my shift with a sigh of exhaustion, I put my heavy tools back in their spots on the workbench and signed off with the foreman.

The tall balding man with bulging biceps and piercing eyes frowned at me.

“You need some sleep Devon, you look halfway to hell, there boy. You have a day off, son, take it to rest up and get your druthers about ya.” He patted me on the shoulder with his meaty paw and I shrugged and nodded.

“Will do, sir, will do.”

Little did he or any one of my friends, or even my dearly departed parents know that not once since I had met Fiellen, not one night could I strike her from my memory. Each and every night had been the same, from that fateful day to now.

I did have a bit more hair on my body, but not on my palms thankfully, nor was I blind. But I had never been with a woman in the flesh, and I had never even desired a woman half as much as I desired Fiellen, to this day.

I was blessed or cursed, I did not know which.

I sighed and hung my head, making my way back through the bustling village roads, hearing roosters crowing and pigs grunting in the backstreets as I made my way back to the farmhouse where I had lived all of my years, only now alone.

Little did I know that was soon going to change.

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