The Inheritance Ch. 01

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1.01 Susan Inherits a Beach House:

1.02 Susan visits the Beach House:

1.03 Susan moves into the Beach House:

1.04 Susan meets the Entities:

1.05 Susan and the Jacuzzi:


1.01 Susan Inherits a Beach House:

Susan sat at a large conference table for the reading of her parents will. Her parents had gone over their will several times Susan and she sat there as the lawyer read the will. The last item came as a shock to Susan. It was an old, beach front house, that was on the ocean front at Cape Hatteras.

The lawyer finished and then talked to Susan about the house.

“The house was built in the 1950’s and no one has lived in it since 1972. It is boarded up and will take time and money to make it livable.”

Susan asked why no one was living in it.

All the lawyer could tell her was of the rumors and myths of strange things happening to the people that had rented it. He did tell Susan that her parents did go the house frequently, on weekends, but didn’t know why. Susan decided it was time to visit the house and would decide if she wanted to keep it or sell the property.

1.02 Susan Visits the Beach House:

She checked into a beach hotel and the following morning drove to house. It was what she expected, a large multi-room house surrounded by years of landscaping neglect. The lawyer had asked the property manager to remove the boards on the doors and windows. Susan would decide if and when to have the utilities reconnected.

It was like walking into a doorway to the past. All the furniture was covered with sheets, all the carpets were turned over to preserve the pattern and styles. Susan was pleasantly surprised to see that whoever did this also did the same to the sitting rooms and bedrooms on each of the upper two levels.

She spent the better part of the morning touring each and every room and after considerable thought, decided to renovate it, either to move in or rent it. She contacted the property manager and arranged for the house and property to be ‘fixed up’ and renovated. It would take most of the summer before all the work was completed.

The room she was most intrigued with, was the large room in the basement. It was the only room in the house that was modern, cleaned and up to date. At first glance it seemed like a normal family room with a sectional, chairs and recliners.

Susan saw a large ‘sealed’ envelope on the coffee table with her name on it. She opened it and her eyes flew open when she read what the family room was really all about. The papers described in detail, what all the devices were and how to use them. They ranged from customized Sybians to male milking machines, to sexual harnesses. Mattresses with support rails and beds could be raised up from the floor. Everything was controlled by a hand held remote or a laptop computer.

A shaken Susan couldn’t believe her parents were into this kind of thing. But then again, her parents didn’t know that she was a bisexual. They never put two and two together when Susan dated both men and women. If they had Susan might have found out about this room earlier.

She decided to keep the door to the basement locked, at least for a while.

1.03 Susan moves into the Beach House:

Susan made several trips to the house and was happy with the way it began to look. Finally the day arrived when she could move in. The water and plumbing were working but the electrical and internet phone wouldn’t be connected until the following morning. The contractor had installed a generator for the water heater and air conditioning, but nothing else.

She smiled as she wandered throughout the large house. It was truly beautiful and couldn’t understand why no one wanted to live in it for so many years. The older residents and neighbors told her about the strange occurrences back in the 50’s thru 70’s but she brushed it off.

She brought a large supply of candles and her laptop computer with a spare battery. She would get some office work done during the afternoon and evening.

She picked out one of the sitting/bedrooms and setup her computer on the desk and put her cell phone beside it. Around 6:30pm, she ordered her favorite Chinese food and sat in the bedroom eating and enjoying her meal amidst the glow of all the candles.

When she finished she lit four candles in the bathroom and relaxed with a soothing shower. When finished, she undressed and scrutinized her nakedness in the mirror. Susan had kept her body in shape by working out at the local gym and on the jogging paths. Her body was curvaceous with full, firm, 36C breasts. She looked at her thighs and saw her ‘perfect’ hairless labia and thick clitoral hood. She had a body that most women would kill for. She put on a silky robe over her nakedness and returned to her computer.

1.04 Susan meets the Entities:

Soon Susan was completely absorbed in work.

Susan sensed that someone or something was near her. She turned, sharply rising from her İstanbul Escort chair and stood there looking around, but there was no one there. A few moments went by and she sensed it again, this time it was behind and almost touching her.

A shiver ran through her as a gentle caress ran down over her shoulders and beneath her arms, she felt a gentle cupping of her breasts and then a light tweaking of her nipples through the thin material of her robe. An apprehensive feeling filled her mind and she quickly stood up and walked to the middle of the room, her eyes darting nervously about her. Once again Susan felt the soft touches slowly exploring her body through the silky fabric of her robe. She felt her right breast being massaged and then a soft pressure pushed between her thighs and onto her labia. Something touched the sensitive hood of her clitoris with gentle a gentle swirling motion.

Susan trembled and shook as wild thoughts filled her mind. She gasped when she looked down at her body and saw the strange movements of her robe as her breasts and inner thighs were being fondled and explored. She stood there unable to move as the unseen ‘hands’ roamed freely across her body. Both breasts and nipples were now being attended to and she felt delicate touches probing the soft folds of her labia.

Despite Susan’s fears, her body was slowly succumbing to the exquisite touches and caresses of the ‘hands’, ‘fingers’, ‘mouths’ and ‘lips’ that were relentlessly adorning her body through the silky fabric that covered her nakedness. She made an attempt to move to the door way but the unseen pressures on body held her firmly. Somewhere, deep in her mind, Susan rationalized that if she was in physical harm’s way, it would have happened by now.

“Nooooo .. Leave me alone .. stop it ..”

Suddenly she felt the fabric being pushed onto her clitoral hood with exquisite swirls and massages. Her hips jerked and a reluctant moan escaped her mouth as her clitoris slowly extended itself.

“Ohhhhhh .. Noooooooo ..”

Susan’s body was now betraying her mind. Her rising arousal slowly pushed her fears into the background and a wonderful flushed feeling washed across her loins as the silky fabric brushed across her rigid clitoris, pushed against the folds of her labia and swirled the stiffening nipples in delicious circles.

“Ahh .. Ahh .. Ahh ..”

She felt soft ‘lips’ touch her lips and tried to turn her head but ‘hands’ held her face. She felt a warm moist ‘tongue’ touching her lips and then slipping back and forth between them. The ‘tongue’ slowly moved inward and Susan took a deep breath when she felt her tongue being touched. As her tongue was explored, she felt the pressure of the soft fabric being pushed onto her swelling labia and a reluctant moan filtered into the unseen ‘mouth’.

“mmm .. mmm .. mmm ..”

Susan unconsciously began pressing her tongue against the presence’s ‘tongue’ and a flood of new sensations saturated her mind as the two tongues danced and played with each other. Her response was hesitant at first, but soon the kiss became deeper with a rising sense of passion.


The kisses on her neck and face continued along with the massages on her breasts, nipples and on the swelling folds of her labia and clitoris. The robes soft fabric was adding to the stirring arousal of her body.

As the passionate kiss continued and Susan was barely aware that the sash to her robe was being loosened. The robe’s soft folds parted and ‘hands’ pushed the robe to her sides. Susan broke the kiss and gasped as her firm breasts and erect nipples sprung into the air and her rigid clitoris stood out like a pink beacon at the top of her labia. The last remnants of her resistance were gone and she now embraced her unseen Lovers.

Her breath was coming in quick pants and a long, soft sigh was heard as her robe was pushed from her shoulders. Her aroused nakedness was highlighted by the soft glow of the candle lit room. The ‘mouths’ and ‘hands’ now reacquired her body, having more of the soft, trembling, bare skin to massage and suckle on. A soft ‘finger’ pressed onto her hard clitoris with an ecstatic twirling motion and Susan gasped loudly as her hips bucked forward at the incredible contact.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..”

The ‘mouth’ and ‘lips’ slipped from her face and suckled their way down toward her right breast. A massaging ‘hand’ seemed to hold it as an offering for the advancing ‘mouth’. She gasped as a wonderful warmth bathed her erect nipple and then a warm, moist .mouth’ descended onto the excited nipple with a delicious sucking and suckling action. She felt her left breast being gently lifted and a different ‘mouth’ slipped over the tingling nipple. Ripples of pleasure flowed across her chest and flowed downward, merging with those that were emanating from her clitoris. At the same time she felt the ‘hands’ on her inner thighs move inward and form themselves around Anadolu Yakası Escort the swelling folds of her labia. A ‘thumb’ pressed and swirled her excited clitoris in ecstatic circles. She instinctively spread her legs and her hips bucked upward as jolts of joy shot throughout her body.

“Ohhhhhhh .. Goddddddd ..”

Susan’s wide open eyes still saw nothing in front of her or around her. Her mind and body no longer cared about the ‘whys’ or ‘hows’, only what ‘they’ were doing to her aroused body. She felt pressure against her legs and back, it was almost like a soft, thick layer of warm air. Her body was slowly moved from a standing position to a prone position. The persistent attention on her body never faltered or stopped and a sense of excitement gripped her when she felt her legs being bent at the knees and spread apart. Her arms were repositioned so they were held level with her shoulders.

Susan visualized the erotic position she was in and her breath came in quick pants and gasps. While the ‘hands’ and ‘mouths’ adorned her body, a third suckling mouth gently slipped onto her abdomen and worked its way downward. The ‘fingers’ of the ‘hand’ that was molded to her labia slipped between the folds, pushing them further apart and began to deliciously explore her wet pink furrow. The suckling ‘mouth’ was now approaching the junction of her thighs. A deep intake of breath and a longer moan was heard as the ‘mouth’ left her abdomen and a long, warm ‘tongue’ curled around her straining clitoris. The contact was electric and Susan’s hips arched as jolts of joy flooded her sex. The ‘tongue’ was joined by ‘lips’ and both began to suck on her organ of joy.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..”

The exploring ‘fingers’ began to tease and tantalize her clasping inner lips and her hips began pushing her excited womanhood against her unseen Lovers. Slowly two ‘fingers’ pushed into her eager passage with an exquisite twisting and turning motion. She gasped as jolts of intense pleasure flooded her vagina, merging with those from her throbbing clitoris and bullet-like nipples. Her clenching vaginal muscles were trying to draw the twisting ‘fingers’ deeper into its enflamed sheath.

The stroking ‘finger’ tips began circling her excited vaginal walls as if they were searching for something. She suddenly arched up from the ‘blanket of air’, her hips ground her enflamed sex in wild circles and she squealed in joy. Her Lovers had found her ‘G’ spot and began an ecstatic massaging of the sensitive tissues. All the unseen forces came together now and intensified their actions on her body, from breasts and nipples to her rigid clitoris to her spasming vagina. They suckled, they massaged, they stroked, they teased and they caressed. She thrust her breasts and engorged nipples into the devouring ‘mouths’ and ground her enflamed sex into the sucking ‘lips’ and thrusting ‘fingers’. Susan was catapulted into a sexual frenzy and she arched up, wailing, as first orgasm was unleashed.


Susan lay on the ‘blanket of air’, her body shook and trembled with the power of her orgasm, cooing and moaning as deep aftershocks rippled across her body.

“Ohhhhh .. Thank you ..”

She felt all the unseen ‘mouths’, ‘lip’s, ‘hands’ and ‘fingers slowly leave her body and she whimpered with disappointment. It was then that she felt two large ‘hands’ come to rest on her bent knees. They startled her for a moment and then she smiled as the large ‘hands’ drifted down her thighs toward center of her sexual being. The ‘hands’ moved with deliberate slowness and Susan kept shifting her thighs in an effort to speed them toward their destination. A grateful gasp was heard when she felt her swollen folds being molded between the ‘hands’. She felt a thick ‘finger’ slipping between her folds, pushing them apart, and instinctively began sawing her wet, pink furrow up and down onto the exploring ‘finger’.

The tip of the long, thick appendage nestled into her clasping inner lips with exciting caresses and teasing probes. Her eager vaginal entrance screamed for more and the ‘finger’ didn’t disappoint her. It slowly slipped into her clenching passage with ecstatic twists and turns. A second thick ‘finger’ joined the first and both began ecstatic strokes into and out of her spasming vagina. Susan couldn’t believe the fullness that was exploring her womanhood. It was almost like an erection.

‘Yes .. Yes .. I love it .. I want it .. Oh God yes ..’

She had just had an incredible orgasm and this .. this new Lover, was pushing her toward another one with only its ‘fingers’. Susan felt movement between her thighs and then she felt a warm, moist breath of air bathing her engorged clitoris. Despite the spasms of intense pleasure within her seething vaginal passage, she held her breath as her new Lover lowered its ‘mouth’ and suckled its way over her rigid organ of joy. While the ‘fingers’ plundered her vagina, the ‘lips’ and ‘mouth’ Kartal Escort began an ecstatic ‘deep throating’ of her rigid clitoris and her loins exploded with joy as her second orgasm exploded throughout her body.


She slumped down onto the ‘blanket of air’ gasping and panting as she came down from her orgasmic high. Her vaginal muscles continued to clenched tightly around the long, thick ‘fingers’ as intense aftershocks racked her body.

“Ohh .. Ohh .. Ohh ..”

Her Lover let her rest for a few moments and then she sensed that presence leaning over her body between her wide spread thighs .. and then she felt it.

It felt incredibly long and incredibly thick and it pulsed and throbbed as it lay over her abdomen. She could feel a warm wetness pooling onto her abdomen from the ‘head’ of its massive, unseen ‘erection’. Her mind said it was two big, but her body vaulted up the arousal ladder, screaming,

‘YES .. YES .. YES ..’

She sensed the face of the presence as it neared her face. She closed her eyes, parted her lips and waited. Its ‘lips’ touched her lips and then its ‘tongue’ slowly slipped into mouth. Susan moaned into its ‘mouth’ as she aggressively returned the kiss, it was deep and full of passion.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ..”

While they kissed her Lover settled further onto her body. It shifted its mid section and its heavy ‘testicles’ came to rest on her engorged organ of joy. She pushed her sex upward, sinking it between the soft, heavy balls with an ecstatic swirling motion and a deep guttural moan was heard from mouth.


They broke the kiss and Susan lay there gasping and panting as the silky heaviness massaged her excited clitoris. The presence began planting wet suckling kisses over her face and neck. The kisses trekked downward to her neck and shoulders and then toward her chest. As its ‘head’ moved downward, so did its body, and she squealed again as the throbbing hardness slipped over straining clitoris. The suckling ‘mouth’ reached her right breast, moving over the firm mound and descended onto the bullet-like nipple. Its ‘lips’ and ‘tongue’ swirled around the rubbery tip and Susan moaned her gratitude.

The presence shifted its mid-section again and Susan’s eyes shot opened as its massive ‘gland’ slipped between the swollen folds of her labia, pushing them far apart. The suckling ‘mouth’ began an wonderful journey over to her left breast and nipple, bestowing equal time to both. While its mouth adorned one, its hands massaged and kneaded the other. Susan gasped and moaned, pushing the breast and nipple into her Lover’s mouth. Back and forth, back and forth, no one had ever given her breasts so much attention or pleasure.

Her Lover now shifted downward between her spread thighs. Its ‘hands’ gently wrapped around each thigh as its ‘head’ came nearer and nearer to her open sex. Again Susan held her breath as a wonderful moist breath of air bathed her hyper- excited clitoris. The suckling ‘mouth’ slowly descended onto it and she squealed as her rigid organ slipped into the loving ‘mouth’.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..”

Her hips bucked and jerked in joy and the grasping ‘hands’ on her thighs prevented the ecstatic contact from being broken. The ‘mouth’ slowly loosened its suckling grip and moved downward onto the twitching folds of her labia. Susan cooed and gurgled as the large ‘lips’ and thick ‘tongue’ pushed into the wet furrow and began to suck and kiss its way toward the excited portal of her womanhood.

“Oh God .. I Love it ..”

The thick tip of the ‘tongue’ began an ecstatic tracing of her clasping inner lips and jolts of pure pleasure flooded her dazed and aroused mind. She spread her thighs as wide as she could to give her Lover complete and open access to her seething sex. Its long ‘tongue’ slithered inward and she almost fainted from the incredible sensations as it twisted its way inward, like a thick snake. Like its ‘finger’, the curled tip circled her clenching walls and quickly nestled onto her exploding ‘G’ spot. Explosions of joy rumbled across her loins like a series of freight trains.

The unseen forces released the hold on her arms and Susan’s hands shot downward and grasped the unseen ‘head’, pulling it deeper into her enflamed sex. The long, curling ‘tongue’ pushed deeper into her vagina, sucking up her oozing vaginal nectar as though it was a straw. It withdrew and slipped back in, again and again. Susan’s hips were bucking and thrashing, her clenching vaginal muscles desperately trying to draw the wonderful appendage deeper and deeper into her spasming vaginal sheath.

With each inward and outward sweep, the swirling tip massaged and caressed her excited sweet spot throwing her into a sexual frenzy. Susan’s body arched upward and froze and she screamed as her third orgasm rolled throughout her body.


It took several seconds for the ecstatic convulsions to subside into delicious aftershocks. Her hands adorned the loving ‘head’ that was still latched onto her spasming sex and she moaned with disappointment as the wonderful ‘tongue’ slipped out of her clasping entrance.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..”

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The Holiday Trip

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Adult Funbags

I was invited to this girl’s family cabin for the Christmas holiday since I was not from the country and had no family around; her parents agreed to put me up for the weekend. Now this was a very nice cabin; it was a five bedroom, two bathrooms, and a two floor complex with red oak bark covering the outside and insulated walls on the inside. The girl’s mother made the cabin smell of roasted apples with cinnamon pie fresh out of the oven. Her father had made a homely set up by the fire place, with the cliché two chairs and round mat in the middle. There was a radio and small television in the other room. I had never seen such a more welcoming place before, it was like magic. Now, the girl that invited me was from my campus, I was studying abroad and she took an interest to me. We started seeing each other more and more frequently as the days went on, and I was pretty sure she wanted to have a more intense relationship. I was uncertain about going with her with her family but like I said earlier, I had nowhere to go. So I drove with her the distance to her sister’s place; we then flew out to their parent’s cabin.

When I got out of the taxi the father approached me, he put his large hands out in the air and I shook it. “So you’re the one we have heard so little about. My name is-” he went on with a generic introduction about his wife and his son. I met everyone and we went inside, I expected either the brother or the father to grill me for the weekend but after they introduced themselves, the girl’s brother and father were chill; at least they didn’t say much. Surprisingly I got a lot of backlash from the mother and sister.

“So what do you do?” the mother asked. I would reply with an answer and she always came back with another question like, “why do you say that?” or “do you think that is best.” I was feeling uncomfortable talking to her about all of my back-story. The sister was worse, because she tried to seem like she was generally interested in what I had to say but kept going back to the same theme.

“So….how long have you known my sister,” she would start.

“Just for a few months now, I’m studying abroad,” I would answer. It was a constant back and forth battle between the mother, sister, and I. The girl, my friend, didn’t even help, she was laughing with her brother and she was garrulous around her father. The family dynamics switched when it was time to make dinner. That was my place to shine, my family had three chefs on my father’s side and they would never stop talking about food this and food that; I picked up so many skills along the way I probably could have started my own restaurant. I insisted on making something for the family in compensation for allowing me to accompany them; the mother and father were excited, the brother seemed reluctant and the sister and my friend were off frolicking upstairs (I suspected the girl talk).

The family had a great variety of meats, vegetables and fruit all stocked in their tidy places with labels on the cabinets and drawers. I had marinated and roasted a glazed turkey with paprika and thyme and my own concoction of cinnamon next to the stuffing was the honey dipped worstenbroodje hors d’oeuvres. I made a platter of spiced apples and fresh grape juice. I placed the gravy in a bowl of bread and made almond green beans. When the family saw the food I saw their eyes glistening like the turkey they were going to devour. We talked about Christmas traditions at the table and how my culture celebrated differently from their country.

It was a little past midnight. The father set the fire for the night to slowly die out while everyone got ready for bed.

“This will be your room,” the mother pointed towards a guest room on the first floor, with a queen bed and extra blankets. I pointed that way, she said, “my husband and I have the room above you, everyone else will have their own rooms.” I felt that she was warning me off of any foolish ideas I might have had about her daughter that night. I thanked her and headed to my room. I could hear the others walking about upstairs. The brother’s room was right by the stairs, next was the sister, my friend, and then her parents.

When I went to my room I noticed it had double doors, one led to the kitchen with the fire place the other led to the dinner table first then to the bathroom then past the kitchen to the fireplace where the bottom of the stairs started. This made me uneasy at first since I had always had a fear of the night or someone coming into my room and taking my life; therefore, I always sleep where I can see the door and wake up if I hear someone coming. It was going to be a long weekend I thought. I slipped my shoes off, dropped my pants, went under the covers and dozed off.

There was a noise. I could hear a creek at my door. My heart began to race; I had to remember where I was and what I was doing. I called out, “hello?” I lifted my head to see if anyone was there; “who is it?” I asked. “What Ümraniye Escort do you want, hello?” The door opened up some more. I didn’t like that I couldn’t get a response from anyone so I sat up on my bed. I wouldn’t have be able to see anything if it wasn’t for the kitchen light illuminating through the bottom of the left door. I raised my voice this time demanding I know who it was.

“Be quiet,” I heard. “Do you want me to get in trouble?” It was my friend, she popped her head out after creaking the door open some more. I asked her what she was doing in my room and she smiled at me. “I know you didn’t think I invited you all the way here just to be friends. I know you are dumb, I didn’t know you were stupid.” she walked slowly to the foot of my bed.

“I’m sorry? You know where I come from people don’t sneak in other people’s rooms in the night without telling the person,” I scowled.

“Fine,” she said turning towards the door slowly, “if you want me to go I’ll go.” She started walking forward.

I shook my head at her, “no wait, I didn’t mean that you just freaked me out is all.” She swayed her head to the side like a puppy and pursed her lips in the air.

“You poor baby,” she said. “Did I scare you,” her voice was in the baby whining voice parent do for their new born kid. I couldn’t help but to laugh, there she was mocking me in her parents’ cabin and all I could think of was her in her pink tank top and black spandex with her hair down. She came closer to my bed, next to me. She whispered in my ear, “Do you want me to make you feel better?” But, before I could answer she started sucking slowly on my ear. She nibbled with her teeth and licked with the tip of her tongue ever so slightly teasing my skin. I slid my hands through her hair and wrapped around her ear. I could feel her arms hug around my head as she continued to explore my ear and neck with her soft lips and tongue.

I wrapped my hands around her back and slowly anchored towards my bed, she followed me. It was then that our mouths met. She drew me in with desire; I could feel her hands tighten in my hair, I felt her hips press against my body, her arms pushing me towards her. She let out the slightest moaning from the kissing, as our lips moved as one. “Oh, God,” she said. “I’ve wanted you so bad,” she said in between inhaling for air and pushing back on my lips. I told her I wanted her too. She was so beautiful, I rubbed my hands on her legs up to her spandex which hugged her body so smoothly I could feel her soft skin on my finger; I felt the way she moved her hips into my touch begging me to squeeze. I began to move my hand toward her inner thigh; that is when she suddenly stopped.

I was out of breath. “What is it?” She paused over me the way a deer is in a headlight on the dark road. She cocked her head to the side and then without warning got up. “Wait, where are you going?” I asked.

“Shh…” she moved closer to the door from whence she came. I was so confused until I heard the creaks. Someone was coming downstairs. I heard the footsteps moving getting closer. I was wondering who it was, I didn’t want anyone, especially myself, to get in trouble. She made one more motion then closed the door, turned toward me and said, “Till next time,” she blew me a kiss and walked out the opposite door. She must have done it before because as soon as she left the door she first came through opened up. It was her father staring at me.

I thought my life was over; he would kill me because he knew what I did to his daughter. In my mind I was screaming at my cock to die down, I bunched up the covers just because I was so paranoid. He smiled and said, “Hope I didn’t wake you son. I have trouble sleeping sometimes. I’m gonna go for a walk around the lake, so if you hear the door or my wife ask, that’s where I went.” I nodded in compliance and laid back down on the bed. As the door to the cabin house closed my heart went back down and coincidently so did the rest of me.

My heart was still throbbing so I went over to get a glass of milk and some cookies. I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and pulled out a carton of milk. I was looking for the glasses when I heard a sound, I turned around and jumped. It was the mother. She was squinting at me then smiled, “oh it’s just you; I forgot you were here.” She asked me if I knew where her husband went; I said he went around the lake. She sighed, “He’s always getting up at night, walking around. It’s sad that he does, messes with his biology a bit.” She walked to the cabinet I couldn’t find and handed me a glass. “He gets tired a lot, and tries to make up for it during the afternoon. I don’t know how it got this bad.” she wandered around the cutting table about her chest high.

That is when I noticed her lace bra underneath her silk robe. Her breast looked soft and smooth and she was larger than I remembered during the day. “Do you guys have insomnia?” İstanbul Escort I asked.

She nodded. “Him more than me, I just get restless sometimes, I think it’s more about stress for me,” she grabbed herself a glass and started pouring some of my grape juice. “This really is great juice you know. So what about you, why are you up?”

It took me all from smiling; “I just wanted the milk, and thank you.” she walked closer to me. She asked where I learned how to cook. “My family is really big on that…” she wanted to know about me. As I answered her questions I notice her leaning towards me more, and more. I could almost reach out my finger and graze her nipples through those thin layers of clothing.

She was really close now as I was talking about going into medicine instead of restaurants. “You know,” she started, “I was once studying to be a great chef; world class, that is where I met my first love.” She started telling me her story of how she met this guy and how they had so much fun together, eating, cooking, and using food to spice up their sex. My heart was speeding up again, as she divulged the details of her sexual adventures. “He wasn’t the biggest, but he had the sweetest cock ever.”

I had almost spit out the milk I was sipping on, “excuse me?” It wasn’t the fact that it was sex; I was just surprised at the source of the conversation.

“What? Cock? You don’t like the word cock? Or is it me saying that?” her voice was elevated but it seemed more playful and joking, the same mockery I heard earlier that night.

“It’s not that Mrs…” she stopped my sentence by putting her finger on my lips.

“I hate being called that, makes me seem older than I wish to realize. Like I was trying to tell you, I like cock boy, and since yours is the only one I can get my hands onto right now,” she let her robe slide more open, and she reached her hands in my boxers and started stroking my cock. I wanted to pull back but she had me in a grip, and it felt amazing. Her hands were soft, and clearly tended to everyday with some oil or lotion, and they were strong making me grow faster by the stroke. She looked into my eyes, “I figure we have about twenty minutes before my husband returns. I want your cock, and I want it now” she demanded. My mind told me to refuse but my body went with her.

She moved her hand around my skin, tugging and pulling around the head. I saw her hand wrap open and closed. It was intoxicating; I couldn’t hold my drink up and put it on the cutting table. She smiled and said good idea, and put her glass by my member. She then kneeled down toward my groin; she poured the grape juice slowly on the head of my cock and let it drip into her mouth. I was moaning. I never felt that sensation. I could feel the wetness of the drink slide around my skin, wrap around my head and feed her mouth with her tongue centimeters away from my dick. She then slowly wrapped her lips around my hot member. She was licking off all the juice, moving her head back and forth. She let the saliva drip from her mouth and slide on my skin into her and hands which she used to jerk and twist every time she sucked up.

I wanted to push my slobbery cock further in her mouth. She must have sensed it so because she wrapped one hand around my waist and stuck her tongue out. She then moved her whole mouth down my cock, I could hear her slightly gagging but she held it there. She reached my balls and played with them with the tip of her tongue while she deep throated me. I couldn’t believe this was happening. It was amazing, it was beautiful. There she was worshipping my cock, sliding her tongue on it, licking the top of the head around the rim, as she poured more juice. I was ready to burst.

“What was that?” she got up quickly, closed her robe and poured the rest of the juice in the sink.

Me being hard and close to coming said, “What are you talking about?”

“Shut up,” she said. “Go back to your room, and take your milk”. I was appalled at her tone, like I was nothing. I started to protest but she pointed to the room, “Go”. She sounded stern but her eyes were pleading me. So I rushed to my room carrying my glass of milk. As soon as I closed my door, I heard keys in the front door, and then the door opened. I realized the father must have come back earlier than she anticipated. I thought for sure he was going to yell at her but she started the attack, “Where were you,” I heard her say through the door. He explained where he was and that he told me since I was up. She scolded him and said she was worried but somehow reassured him that she didn’t see me. It sounded like he was fishing for her to reveal something but she played it cool. I could hear the footsteps going off upstairs. I walked off to bed and fell asleep, thinking of her black lace and soft lips.

It was the next day, my last day, and I was tired. Everyone had woken up for breakfast, which I made, and they did their usual holiday Anadolu Yakası Escort routines. The parents went to their favorite bar to talk to old friends. The brother went to his friends house close by, and that left me with my friend and her sister. We decided to go ice skating at the local rink. There were a lot of people there and I got to be alone with my friend but my mind was on what had happened last night.

“So did you sleep well?”

“What?” I looked at my friend.

“Did you sleep well?” She asked.

I smiled to her thinking about her mom, “as a matter in fact I did.” She smiled back at me. Her eyes revealed she was thinking about last night with me and her. I then felt the guild creeping inside.

“Really,” her sister came up from behind us, “Cause you both look like crap” she skated in front of us. I asked my friend why she would say that and she shrugged. She said she didn’t tell her anything but I was skeptical.

“What if she knows? What if she tells someone?” I was thinking about the father and if he found out that I was up with his wife and messing around with his daughter he might have my head for a trophy. My friend just held out her hand and reassured me that everything was alright.

The time was getting dark and only a select few couples were at the rink. My friend’s sister said she was getting tired and we should go home, but my friend protested. “If you want to you can take the car back and we can just walk” she told her sister. I was reluctant to walk since we were skating all day but I could see scheming in her eyes. The sister protested as well, she told us she would just take a nap in the car. When she left my friend looked back at me, “wanna have some fun?” Before I could answer she pulled me towards the rink gate, there was a little path for skating that people could take. “Let’s go down here out of site,” she suggested. I didn’t argue.

We skated down the path and got to the point where it curves for the skater to start the round trip back. She stopped us, looked around, and then jumped off the path into the snow. I called after her, she only had her skates on and it was not meant to be walked on in the snow. I went after her. As I was high kneeing through the snow before I heard a whisper, I looked over my shoulder and there she was to the side of the tree with her coat off. She was wearing a tight Christmas long sleeve and those tight yoga pants that hug her body and legs. “What do you plan on doing out here?” I asked her.

She smiled and put her thumb in the rim of her pants. “Why don’t you come over here and finish what you started”. I couldn’t believe she wanted us to start something here. Anybody could have walked up. But I was compelled. I was drawn in to her aura. I moved closer determined. I kissed her, and she kissed me back. She melted to my tongue and pulled me in closer, using the tree for leverage. I felt her guide my fingers to the top of her pants, I slid them down. She wasn’t wearing any underwear; I could feel her soft wet clit on my finger tips, then her pussy lips quivering to my touch. She was gasping, “Put them in, please. Put them in now,” she said. I eased my fingers into her pussy. I could feel her walls tighten up on my fingers, one after the other. She smelled sweet and luscious, moaning in the snow, exhaling every time I pushed inward.

She started playing with me rubbing and sliding across my pants. I was getting hard. She unzipped my pants and started massaging my cock, rubbing my balls, and sucking on my tongue. I raised one hand under her bra and caressed her nipple; her blue eyes looked into mine with excitement. Suddenly I heard a twig snap. I thought this was my worst luck, but I learned from last night. I quickly pulled away, fixed my pants, and removed my hand. She did the same fixing herself, and moving back to the path. I was looking and waiting for her sister to come out, but she never did. Once we got back to the path I heard the twig snap again, I looked back and saw it was just a rabbit. I sighed. We headed back towards the car.

It was a normal afternoon after the ice rink. I was starting to feel sexually frustrated and was actually relieved when the father had finished cooking dinner just before we came back. I avoided the mother’s eyes at the table, as she talked about their day. I also stopped several advances of my friend trying to rub my groin with her foot. It was getting late again and everyone followed their routines of getting ready for bed. I made sure I had my shorts on this time that gave me a little privacy if I as to be excited that night.

I was sleeping, at least attempting to, when I heard my door creek again. I smiled but I kept laying there pretending to be asleep. I heard footsteps walking toward the bed. I smiled at the thought of what my friend was going to do to me tonight. I felt her lay down in my bed behind me wrapping her arms around me, she was warm and snug around my body. I kept my eyes close waiting to see how she wanted to play. I felt her hands go between my pants and she started to stoke me ever so gently, softer than when we were outside. She licked my ears again; it was wetter and softer this time. I then heard her whisper in my ear, “are you awake?”

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The Helpful Photographer

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Hi, I’m Dean. I’m just a generally average guy, 25 years old, living in Los Angeles. I run a photography company – Helpful Photography Co. – that provides your regular photography services to people. Or, that’s how it started out, anyway.

I started the business about three years ago, and it’s been growing ever since. It started out quite innocent. I would post ads on websites like Craigslist, and people would pay me for photo shoots. In the beginning, family and wedding photos were most common. Then, one faithful day, everything changed.

I was on my way to take my first prom photos. A girl’s parents had reached out to me and asked me to shoot their daughter, who had recently turned 18, in her prom dress. I arrived at their house, and the girl greeted me at the door.

“Dean?” she asked. I nodded in response. “Hi! I’m Ashley.”

As I reached the doorway, she shook my hand.

“Pleasure to meet you,” I greeted her.

“Likewise,” she responded with a smile. “Let’s get started, shall we?”

Ashley stepped inside the house, and I followed. Although I didn’t really want to admit it to myself then, she was really hot. A typical sports girl, she had her long, blonde hair tied in a pony tail. She was wearing tight, blue jeans and a white tank top. Her ass was gorgeous! I couldn’t help but stare as she walked in front of me.

“Alright. Make yourself comfortable, I’m just gonna get myself ready. Be right back!”

She walked up the stairs, and I was left in the living room. I sat down in the leather sofa that was standing in front of the TV. Ashley took her time. After a good thirty minutes, I could hear steps coming from the stairs. I turned around to see Ashley – even hotter than before.

She was now wearing a silver dress coated in crystals. It was transparent around her midriff, showing just enough skin to still be considered formal. Her dress was very tight, with beige transparent tulle going down to the floor. She had done her makeup as well – the previously simple look had transformed into a more glamorous one. I felt my boner growing.

“I’m thinking we’ll start outside,” she suggested. “How does that sound?”

“Sounds great. Do you know any nice scenery around here?”

“The view from my balcony is pretty great,” she said. “Follow me.”

She started walking back up the stairs. I grabbed my equipment bag and followed. As we were making our way up, I realized I had been contacted by her parents, but they didn’t seem to be here.

“Aren’t your parents home?” I asked.

“Nope, they’re gone for the weekend. Just me here,” she responded with a laugh.

Ashley led the way to the balcony, which was attached to what I assumed was her bedroom. There was a makeup table in the corner which seemed to get some frequent use. She opened the balcony door and leaned her back against the railing.

“This is it,” she said.

The view was actually stunning. Her parents must have had some money, since their back yard was huge. It was the size of a small forest!

“What a view,” Ataşehir Escort I told her. “Hang on a moment while I get my camera ready.”

I opened the back and took my DSLR out. As I bent down, I tried to get a glimpse of Ashley’s legs. Man, did they look hot! I adjusted the camera’s focus and was ready to go.

“Do you have any specific poses in mind, Ashley?” I asked.

“Absolutely,” she responded.

“Perfect. Just do your thing and I’ll make sure to get some good shots.”

Before I knew it, she was trying every pose imaginable. This was when things started to confuse me. Ashley started lifting a leg at a time, which flashed her panties to the camera. Then, she stuck a hand under her dress and pulled the top of it down, exposing her black lace bra.

“Do you like this, Dean?” she said, while squeezing her tits through the bra. They were average-sized, about a 32B if he were to guess.

“Umm… Yeah,” I tried to respond. I couldn’t get a proper word out of my mouth, but she seemed to take the tent in my pants as confirmation.

“Come on, let’s go inside,” Ashley said. She took my hand and led me back inside. Well inside, she pushed me down on her bed.

“Dean, I need to tell you a couple of things,” she spoke, while walking around in circles. “One, I’ve already taken my prom pics. Two, I want you to keep taking photos of me. I’ve always wanted to take some sexy pics for my boyfriend, so here’s what we’re gonna do.”

Nothing could have prepared me for what she said next:

“We’re gonna fuck, and you’re gonna keep taking photos.”

Ashley didn’t wait for a response before climbing on top of me. She sat down on my boner, and bent down towards my face.

“Sound good?”

Again, she didn’t wait for a response. And I frankly didn’t mind. I wrapped my arms around her and we started making out. She reached behind her back, and unzipped her dress. I broke the kiss to let her take it off.

“Thanks, baby,” Ashley said and gave me a kiss. She stood up and removed her dress.

Under it, she was wearing a matching set of black lace underwear: a thong, and what seemed to be a push-up bra. Either that, or her tits were fake. I was about to find out, as she pulled her bra straps down from her shoulders.

“Come here, Dean.”

I did as she said, and walked over to her. She guided my hands behind her back, to her bra. I unclipped it and she let it fall to the floor. Turns out, Ashley had had a boob job. Her tits had an incredibly round shape.

“Go get that camera,” she reminded me.

I took some pictures of her as she squeezed her tits together. Deciding it was my turn to squeeze, I put down the camera. I picked her up by her ass and lifted her over to the bed. She laid down, and stretched her back out. I started playing with her tits. As I squeezed and slapped them, she moved one hand down to her pussy and started rubbing around it.

“We’ve gotta be quick, baby,” she suddenly interrupted. “My boyfriend’s gonna be here in an hour, and I’ve gotta be cleaned Kadıköy Escort up by then. Get your dick out.”

I obliged. We both stood up, and I took my pants off. My dick was no exception to my averageness, standing about six inches long. Ashley didn’t seem to mind, and kneeled down in front of me. She didn’t waste any time, and put it in her mouth right away.

I wasn’t prepared for the sudden sting of pleasure, and almost lost my balance. I was used to girls doing a bit more teasing. Ashley seemed to know what she was doing, though, and used her teeth to make it feel even better. She kept one hand inside her panties and the other one playing with my balls.

Before I knew it, she started deepthroating. I hurried to get the camera. Ashley looked up towards me and into the camera, as I shot some pictures of her devouring my cock. I could feel myself nearing orgasm, but fortunately I could usually cum twice in a row without any rest inbetween.

“Ashley, I’m gonna cum,” I managed to stutter.

She didn’t say a word, but instead took my dick out of her mouth. She stuck her tongue out and aimed my cock down her throat. I made sure to take some pictures of this, as well. Nothing happened, and Ashley started jerking me off. This did the trick.

I shot a big load of cum into her mouth, as she kept jerking me off. Some drops missed and ended up on her face. Ashley greedily licked all of it up, and then opened her mouth. She showed her tongue to the camera before swallowing it.

“Fuck, you’re still hard,” she panted. “We’re gonna need to bring out the big guns, I reckon.”

She got up and pulled her panties down. I couldn’t contain myself, and pushed her down onto the bed. Ashley laid on her back and put her legs together up into the air. She let her hands dig in to her ass cheeks, giving them a plushy appearance.

“Come on then,” she teased me.

Remembering that I was actually being paid to do this, I immediately slipped my cock inside her wet pussy. Ashley moaned. I pulled out a couple of times, before going back in again. The teasing seemed to drive her crazy, and she started biting her lip. I started increasing the intensity; pulling out before shoving my dick as far in as I could. Ashley almost screamed every time, but kept a smile on her face. She didn’t seem to mind, and I instead reached for the camera to take some pictures.

Ashley put an arm around her tits, pushing them further up her chest. I started upping the tempo of my thrusts, which in turn increased the volume of Ashley’s moans. I remembered that we had to get this over with as quickly as possible and pulled out.

“Hey!” Ashley complained.

“I need a better view of your ass,” I said and pointed to the camera.

Ashley smirked. It looked like she had an idea.

“Alright, baby.”

She turned around to her stomach, and scooted further up the bed.

“How about this?” she asked, while sticking her ass out.

“Absolutely perfect.”

I put my knees on each side of her, and shoved my Bostancı Escort cock back inside. Ashley arched her back up. I took the opportunity to play with her tits. They were incredibly firm, and I could only imagine why a high school senior would get implants. Her boobs must’ve been microscopic before! Her moans started turning to heavy breathing, and could see her getting tense. A sure sign of a looming orgasm.

Ashley’s things started shaking, which made her big ass wiggle. The angle was stunning and I took a few more pictures. I felt her pussy squeeze my dick, and I started fucking her even harder than before. I was about to cum again, but decided to hold it in until Ashley could take it on her face. I pulled out as soon as her pussy had calmed down.

“Get down here, Ashley,” I said.

Still slightly shaken from her orgasm, Ashley managed to hurry down in front of my cock as i started shooting. I aimed at her face, but let a couple of shots land on her perfect tits as well. She let the jizz in her mouth drop down across her chin and on to her tits. The total amount was quite substantial, and Ashley seemed impressed.

“Holy shit, what a load,” she remarked while catching her breath. I was busy taking pictures as she started licking my cock clean. When she had finished, she took a step back.

“Alright, get some shots of me by myself.”

I kneeled down in front of her, and she started squeezing her tits together. She struck a couple of different poses, almost getting me hard again. But I knew there wouldn’t be time for another round and decided to keep that to myself.

Ashley seemed to feel like she was finished, and started scooping my cum into her mouth.

“Thanks, Dean,” she said. “There’s fifty dollars on the living room table downstairs, help yourself. I’ve gotta clean myself up.”

“I think I should be the one thanking you, Ashley,” i joked.

I put my clothes on again, took the payment and left the house. On my drive home, I realized how I could develop my business idea. There must be tons of people like Ashley, who want to take nude pictures but are simply too afraid to ask. There are of course nude photographers, but they tend to cost a lot more than a young guy just trying to make a living.

When I returned to the office, I sent the pictures to Ashley. I’ve got to admit, I would mind fucking her again. After that, I decided to update my website. I tried to be a bit vague in what I really offered: “Are you looking to take your photo collection in a new direction? If so, Helpful Photography, Co. has the photographers for you!”

Well, it seems the word gets around pretty fast. Ashley had apparently recommended me to some of her friends, who wanted the same experience as she had. I was happy to do it, since they even paid me. As of today, I have pretty much fucked my way through the entire city’s cheerleading teams.

One of these girls knew somebody who was some kind of a celebrity. She wanted the regular service as the other girls, but I had never even heard her name. I declined and instead sent my information – as vague as possible – to celebrities I actually knew of. I reached out to some of the most popular YouTube channels, as well as the hottest actresses in my favorite TV-shows.

Now, all I can do is hope for an answer.

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The Gypsy Chronicles Ch. 08

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This is one that may not appeal to some. It involves me having sex with Gypsy while she is drugged, with her consent I should add, but drugged nonetheless.

“Wow, that’s a little sick, isn’t it? Isn’t that rape? I mean it’s a bit strange you have to admit.”

Gypsy was trying to get her head around another of my fantasies. She enjoyed talking about them as she knew how turned on I got. She was after all the person I imagined in all of them. She knew this and played the part until I would be all consumed with lust. Sometimes we acted on that lust, other times she would back away just leaving me horny and frustrated.

“No not at all, it’s not about screwing someone without their consent, I suppose for some it might but not for me. I just love the thought of someone giving me the permission to have them when they were asleep, high or passed out drunk. It’s the thrill of the forbidden; it’s a fantasy within a fantasy. I’m there and can pretend anything I want. It’s a fantasy, it won’t happen. It’s not like anyone just comes out and says, “Hey next time I’m passed out just fuck me,” I said.

“O.K. I’m not sure I understand the attraction, but what the hell, like you say; it’s a fantasy, so it’s nothing different to watching something on TV or having a dream I guess,” she said.

A few days had passed since our conversation when after dinner at my place one night she said, “Did I tell you about Margo’s insomnia?”

“No I said,” knowing Margo had been complaining a few days back about not being able to sleep. Divorce, redundancy and three kids can do that to you though.”

“Well the doctor prescribed some meds for her but she’s been too scared to take them, I think she’s worried about becoming dependant or something,” said Gypsy as she helped pack away some dishes.

Although I was not exactly close to Margo I had sympathy for her situation and told Gypsy, “she needs to do something, the lady is a mess at the moment and a good 12 hour sleep would work wonders. A sleeping pill or two won’t be the end of the world if you ask me. Anyway it’s not like the old days, drugs now are far more efficient and less addictive that they used to be.”

“That’s what I thought” Gypsy said “but then she showed me what she was given.”

“What did the doc give her then?”


“Roofies” I said alarmed, “the date rape drug? Isn’t it banned?”

“Apparently it’s a recognised drug for insomnia,” Gypsy said, “Margo was worried about its reputation and asked if she could come around to sleep at mine the first time she takes it. I didn’t mind so she coming over tomorrow.”

“That’s cool” I said, “better to be safe than sorry.”

“Well there is one other thing,” Gypsy said with a tone that made me turn around and look at her. “I told her I’d try one so that I could watch her better, knowing the effects.”

“So who’s going to watch you? I said with more than a little concern.

“You are, silly. We can kill two birds with Maltepe Escort one stone. I’ll help Margo out and you can live your fantasy. I’ve done some reading and apparently I’ll be anything from a bit floppy and cooperative to out cold on Margo’s dosage. We’re the same size so the dose would be the same.”

“Are you sure.” I was a little concerned but even more amazed that Gypsy would consider this one.

“Of course, I trust you, it might be fun for me or it may just be a good night’s sleep, either way I win and you get to live the dream,” she said with a saucy smile.

With that, she reached in to her pocket, pulled out a little wad of tissue and unfolded it, removed a little round white pill and swallowed it.

“We’re obligated now” she said. Pouring a glass of wine and heading to the bedroom with a come hither smile.

I went around the house, locked up, switched off the lights and followed her to the bedroom in time to see her lay on top of the bed in a very sexy bra and panty set.

“I thought it would be easier this way, or do you want to remove my clothes while I’m asleep.”

I took a glance around and went to my laundry bag. A week before, Gypsy had spilt red wine all over a white summer dress that I liked, I had been trying, but failing, to get the stains out. The dress was not going to be wearable again I feared. But I could let it go out in a blaze of glory.

Throwing it to Gypsy I said, “Put this on.”

The dress on, she lay back against the pillows and took a sip while I sat in a chair watching her. She asked what I was going to do with her, to which I had no answer, this was all a bit of a surprise. I did say that I would think of something though.

“I feel quite sexy,” she said with a slightly drunk giggle. It must have been starting to take effect as she had not drunk that much.

After a further 10 minutes or so Gypsy was a little slack jawed, almost incoherent and sleepy eyed, as if drunker than she had ever been before.

I went over to the bed and put my finger up her nose. Something that would typically get me a slap and a curse. Instead all I got was a mumble and the slightest shake of her head. I tried talking to her but only got a load more mumbling. She was not out cold, but she was incapable of anything.

Grabbing some pillows, I rolled her over and positioned her so that the pillows under her belly presented me with undisturbed access to that gorgeous ass and peach of a pussy that she knows how to use so well. Ahhhh, tonight it was mine to use.

Talking to her every minute or so to ensure she was still mumbling, I raised the hem of her dress up her legs as if being furtive and sneaky, getting away with something bad. With it up and over her ass. I grabbed her two firm globes in my hands and gave them a delightful squeeze and removed her panties.

Tracing my finger from the base of her spine to her pussy, I was rewarded with the slippery feeling of her lips. İstanbul Escort I was happy she was well lubricated, I didn’t want to hurt her. But first burying my face between her ass cheeks I kissed and enjoyed that rear end in a way I had never done before.

After getting undressed I thought I would have a little taster of what I would inevitably finish off with later. Climbing up behind her I firmly grabbed her just above the hips and thrust my dick in to her. Mumbles and a groan or two were all I heard as I thrust away into my plaything for the night. Warm, wet, tight and fragrant, I just love that pussy.

Stopping just before I came took a lot of will power, but I wanted to build the load up. Getting off of her and the bed I went to get my camera. I was not likely to get an opportunity like this again, so I wanted to capture it for posterity.

Pictures of her on her belly with her legs parted, close-ups of her pussy and ass, a pick of her with her drunken face gazing at the camera. I took maybe fifty or so, some with her posed, some wide shots and so on.

With her on her belly and her head turned to me at the side of the bed I pulled her across listening to her mumbles and placed my dick in her mouth. This was a totally different sensation. Gypsy’s oral techniques are the stuff that legends are made of. However right now with her tongue barely moving there was something deeply filthy and erotic about the way I was violating her. More and more pictures were taken. Taking it easy so I did not choke her I slid in and out of her until she gave a slight cough as I touch the back of her throat.

After turning her around on the bed I went off for some scissors and upon returning slowly cut her dress off. I stopped every now and then to photograph the progress until the dress was cut in half up her front, the two sides open and her arms outstretched, struggling a little I took her bra off and posed her. She looked like an angel, albeit one with her pussy and tits on display.

Pulling her to the side of the bed once again I plunged my face in to her musky deliciousness. She had remained wet throughout everything so far and tasted spectacular. I was drinking ambrosia as I licked nibbled chewed and caressed her.

Her head lolling around, I repositioned her and once again sunk my dick in. A damned fine fucking was what I had in mind. While I am used to a little more in the way of participation, to say I was having fun would be a massive understatement.

The desire to come was immense and this time I did not deny myself the pleasure. Pulling out I came, all over her belly and tits with some even landing on her chin. The contrast of my come on her mocha skin looked awesome and required several more photographs from all angles.

I cleaned her up, removed the cut dress, placed her in a comfortable position and went to shower, wondering what I would do in round two.

After my shower round two took the same Anadolu Yakası Escort form as round one. But with more force and vigour. I had come once already and was lasting out well while my fun continued.

This time around I allowed myself to come deep inside Gypsy and once finished took some stunning close-ups of our combined juices leaking out, trickling down towards her ass.

Towards the end I was exhausted. Gypsy was all but asleep but seemed none the worse for wear.

Once again I cleaned her up but this time repositioned her for sleep on her side with me spooning her from behind, with the lights off we slept until sometime after dawn when I felt a stirring. I had overslept a little as I wanted one more turn before Gypsy came too. Although fulfilled I was a little selfishly disappointed.

I tugged her over on to her back and realised that even though she was coming too, it was not a fast process. So making hay while the sun shined, I was again feasted on her peach. Unlike the night before however there was more feedback this time, with her squirming around a little and groaning as I lapped at her flowing juices.

I was surprised to feel her approaching climax as Gypsy was still pretty much zonked out, but orgasm she did, not one of raging, bucking and screaming, but far more subtle encouraging a last fresh flow of more juices from her.

Cleaning her up delicately with a couple of wipes and helping her get comfortable she fell back to sleep and I got up, showered, pottered around, watched a bit of TV and read while she slept it off. I returned to her every fifteen minutes or so, just checking on her but having a grope here and there as the desire took me.

Around eleven I heard a stirring, the toilet flushing and her coming in to the sitting room.

“Morning,” I said cautiously appraising her.

“Morning,” she said, pushing her hands through her hair giving it a shake and sleepily recovering from what appeared to be a hangover.

Coming over to sit with me she asked “so what did we do last night?”

“Well, you didn’t do much of anything, but I had a party of note! Here” I said passing her my laptop so she could flick through the photos.

“OH NO! You filthy fucker” she said in mock and amused horror. “What did you do to me?”

“Everything I wanted my sweet, everything I wanted.”

I made breakfast while she had a shower. It was the least I could do. After eating, the cobwebs were knocked off of Gypsy, the hangover gone and she said she actually felt quite good as she went through the photos again.

While she was reviewing the photos her phone rang. With only one side of the conversation available I heard;

“Oh hi Margo, How ya doing?…

“Yeah I did, it totally zonked me out, I barely remember going to bed. It feels like a hangover when you get up but it clears quickly.”…

“Of course you can, what about you come around to my place early evening, I’ll cook and you can get an early night. You’ll sleep like a baby…”

“O.K. Bye, See you later.”

Putting the phone down Gypsy saw me looking at her.

“Don’t even think about it!” she said with a smile on her face.

Mona wasn’t Gypsy but she was still a doll. Well a guy can dream can’t he?

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The Good Girl

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They had been getting steadily friskier all the way home from the bar. By the time they got in the elevator, he could already smell the faintest whiff of her arousal. As soon as the automatic doors began closing from opposite sides, she turned to him and he bent his mouth to hers for a long passionate kiss, and to hell with the CCTV camera spying on them. It was a short ride, but the elevator opened to find them lost in each other’s embrace. He stuck a foot in between the doors right before they closed again, and the doors begrudgingly slid opened once more. As she fumbled with the house keys to let them in, he continued to kiss her neck insistently. “Hang on one second, mister!” she giggled.

As soon as they were inside he turned her around to face him and scooped her up in one smooth motion; one hand easily supporting her cute little ass, leaving the other free to roam all over her back. Her designer bag fell to the floor, neglected, as she wrapped her legs around his waist, put her arms around his neck and met his fervent kiss with equal passion. With his last bit of presence of mind he pushed the door shut with a foot, and then he carried her like that to the bedroom without her tongue ever leaving his mouth.

No words were necessary between the lovers. As he gently lowered her to her feet in the bedroom, his fingers held on to the hem of her slinky little dress, pulling it over her head and off her eagerly outstretched hands. She sat down on the bed in front of him, urgently working the buckle of his belt. She unbuttoned his denims and went to unzip him when she discovered there was no zipper; it was buttons all the way down. She shot him the most annoyed look, which set him laughing in amusement. Soon she was laughing with him as he haphazardly yanked his clothes off and joined her in bed. Her impatience had given him an idea; the poor girl didn’t know it yet, but she was really in for it tonight.

In seconds they had peeled off every shred of fabric from each other’s bodies. He kissed her as his hands wrapped her up protectively in a heady mix of love and lust. He puller her into him as his kisses moved from her mouth to her ear and slowly down to her neck. He loved hearing her gasp and moan so close to his ear as his tongue worked its magic. Once he made it all the way down to her collarbone, he pushed her roughly on her back and pinned both her wrists above her head with his left hand. She remained there submissively; only her gently undulating hips signaling her impatience. She watched him as he drank in the sight of her naked body without bothering to hide the insolence.

“Fuck babe, you’re so fucking beautiful!” She could see in his eyes that he meant it. Flattered but also a little shy, she smiled coyly and turned away from his gaze.

Still holding her in place, he reached with his other hand and began to drag his fingernails down slowly from her wrist. By the time he got to the soft inside of her elbow, she was beginning to arch her back in anticipation. As he moved further down and slowly grazed her armpit, she couldn’t help but twitch under him and let out a loud moan. “It’s not fair. You know all my spots,” she said. “You have too much power.” He smirked as he suddenly dragged his nails lower and over the side of her left breast, purposely missing the sensitive areola by a millimeter. She moaned louder and her hips came off the mattress only to grind against thin air. He laughed, audibly Kartal Escort amused.

“I shall have my vengeance!” she snarled at him.

“Not tonight hon,” he chuckled as his hand caressed her tummy, moving down to her thigh and then back up the other leg. He gave her another long kiss as his hand moved over her bare flesh, pulling her into a lover’s embrace as he finally let go of her pinned hands. She melted into his chest and instinctively began to gently grind into him. Light as a feather he brushed a fingertip on her sensitive nipple, unexpectedly giving her what she had been craving so badly. Her eyes flew open and her whole body jerked as she moaned in shameless pleasure, “Oh baby! Yes! Again please.” Less is more sometimes, he knew.

“I love hearing you moan, hon. You have no idea what it does to me,” he said.

“I just can’t help myself,” she whispered. “Look, you’ve barely touched me and I’m already dripping wet”. She took his hand gently and placed it between her legs to make her point. She was not exaggerating. He brought his hand up to his nose and inhaled deeply. Then without taking his eyes off hers, he licked the finger clean and savored every drop. “I want to taste you so bad, babe,” he said. “You’re going to be my dessert tonight.”

She tried reaching down for him, but he gently brushed her hand away. “My turn first!” he smiled.

With that he began kissing his way down her lithe dancer’s body. This time, as he moved down from the neck he didn’t avoid her breasts. She moaned loudly as he finally gave her aching nipples the attention they needed, “shhh… the neighbors will hear you!”

“I hope they do!” she snapped, pushing his head back to her bosom. He went down like an obedient puppy and didn’t come up for air until her moans had reached a crescendo and tapered off. Down his tongue and fingers traveled to her sexy tummy, paying special attention to her belly button, then lower to her sides and to the outside of her toned thigh. All the while she writhed and moaned her pleasure and her mounting frustration.

Finally, he sat up on the bed and moved to her feet. She immediately opened up her legs for him, inviting him, practically begging him. He was looking at her with such intensity they were both consumed by it for a moment. He knelt by her legs, picked up a foot and brought it to his mouth. Her fists closed tight around the sheet in anticipation of what she knew was coming. “Dammit,” she thought to herself. “He really does know every single goddamn spot.”

As his tongue swallowed up one toe after another, swirling around, sucking, kissing, teasing the sensitive skin between her toes, she went wild with pleasure. He knew all the spots, but he also knew how to keep her guessing. All she could do was close her eyes and ride the roller-coaster he was taking her on. After what seemed like an eternity he moved up from her toes, leaving a trail of kisses on both ankles, calves and the delicate insides of her knees.

By the time he reached her inner thighs, he could see her arousal dripping freely all over the sheets. Her hips would thrust involuntarily every time his tongue met skin. The sight triggered such a wanton lust in him that he almost forgot his devilish plan for her and gave in to her pleading overtures. Somehow, he got a hold of himself at the last moment. He was going to make sure she remembered this night for as long as she lived.

Finally Pendik Escort he arrived at the crease of her thigh and licked it all the way from the bottom to her pubic mound. She thrust up again and tried to get his mouth to line up where she desperately wanted it. He deftly avoided her effort and licked her on the other thigh. “Please love, please!,” she whimpered. “No more teasing! I need you right now.”

What man can say no to a beautiful girl begging him to eat her out? He slowly opened her up with his fingers, found a comfortable spot between her legs and gave her a long slow lick all the way up her sex, spending a couple of extra seconds gently teasing her clit. The guttural moan that escaped her lips told him she was ready. “God damn, baby I don’t know what you’re doing to me, but please don’t stop!” Slowly he licked her again, deflecting her frequent attempts to grind against his mouth. He would give her what she wanted, but on his terms. On the next pass he changed the pattern his tongue made as he went up, driving her crazy. Just as her moan faded out, he called out to her.


“What?” she looked at him in a daze.

“You’re not allowed to come without my permission,” he said, his eyes locked on hers.

“What?! But I’m so, so close! Please just let me.”

“You don’t come until I ask you to. Is that clear?” he ordered, ignoring her plea. She realized this was not a negotiation.

“Yeah,” she said meekly.

“Yeah what? I want to hear you say it.”

“No coming until you say so.”

“Good girl,” he flashed her a smile before diving back into his dessert. The thought that she might disobey didn’t even cross his mind, nor hers. He went right back to licking her agonizingly slowly, and she responded with another long moan. “Do you have any idea how much I love the way you taste?” he asked between licks. “I can never get enough of you!”

One by one he started pulling all the tricks out of the hat. Just when she had settled into the relaxed rhythm of his tongue, he teased up her hood and gave her clit a few quick little flicks. Instantly her moans got louder and her body rose up to meet his tongue. “Fuck yes baby, just like that please!” she begged. He obliged. Within seconds her legs were quivering and she was writhing around like a woman possessed.

“Don’t you dare come!” he ordered her.

“Then stop! Stop now!” she moaned in utter despair. As his tongue moved away from her clit, she looked at him with big, puppy dog eyes. “Please! Please let me come. I’ll do anything!”

“Not a chance,” he said as he gently began his ministrations again. This time she felt a finger sliding inside her as his tongue began working its magic. She gripped the sheets tight once again and surrendered to the pleasure and the inevitable frustration. She was no match for the combination of finger and tongue, and before long she was quivering again. So close! He was in no rush, but his relaxed rhythm was all it took. She could feel her climax building gradually from somewhere deep within her. She let it build and build until the very last second before she was about to lose all control.

“Stop!” she shrieked, and he immediately withdrew. “Attagirl,” he encouraged.

“But I wanna come so bad! Please? Pretty please? You want me to beg, because I will.”

“You already are,” he informed her. “But the answer is still no.”

He let her rest Göztepe Escort for a half minute, climbing up to giver her a long kiss. Her tongue darted into his mouth, communicating the desperation she was feeling elsewhere in her body. He felt sorry for her, but not sorry enough to end the torture yet.

Down he went once again, this time focusing his attention solely on the clit. It was time to bring out the big guns. Very lovingly he moved her hood up and closed his entire mouth around her clit, careful to not graze her with his teeth. Gently sucking it in, he began licking it in just the way he knew would drive her utterly insane.

“Fucking bastard!” she screamed at him as the pleasure took hold of her. “O my god! Yes baby!’ she screamed so loudly that he was sure it had woken the neighbors. “Yes, yes, please don’t stop, baby please?!”.

“No coming!” he warned in a muffled voice without stopping what he was doing. She had pulled the sheets right out from under the mattress, and her tiny body was moving all over the bed in spasms of pleasure. He drank every drop of her wetness as she turned into an incoherent puddle of joy. He knew her body inside and out. He could tell from the intensity of the quivers that she was seconds away from a massive finale, but he didn’t slow down.

“Baby! Baby! Baby!” she screamed in despair as she pushed his head roughly away from her.

“Stop, or I WILL come,” she whimpered, her desperation slowly giving way to resignation.

“Aww, you’re such a good girl,” he reached up and gave her a kiss on her forehead. “That’s for following orders.”

“Keep your kiss and gimme what I want!” she shot back.


With scant warning he dove back in and focused entirely on her clit once more. When he added a finger to the mix, she thought she was going to pass out from the overwhelming sensations. Her entire universe was reduced to the point under his tongue, as the rest of her turned into a babbling, rambling mess. From somewhere deep within her she heard a voice come out.

“Stop! So close! Stop!”

But he didn’t stop. Panic gripped her because she was on the verge of losing herself and disobeying his sacred order.

“Babe stop or I’m gonna come!” she pleaded.

“Go ahead” he mumbled from between her legs.

“Really?” she couldn’t believe it.

“Yeah honey, come for me! Gimme everything you’ve got.”

As soon as his tongue touched her clit, she surrendered to the force of nature that was washing over her like a tsunami. “Babyyyyyy!” she screamed as the first wave consumed her. Nothing existed in the universe save for her pleasure and his tongue. The moan continued as her body thrashed all around the bed. He stayed with her all through it all as they rode out the orgasm together. Even before the first one ended, she was overcome with a second, bigger wave that all but obliterated her consciousness. Spasm after heavenly spasm contorted her body into obscenely gorgeous poses. It was easily one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen and heard.

He knew exactly when to gradually slow down and bring her gently back to earth without breaking the blissful spell. Slower and slower he went until he was gently resting his tongue amid her delicate folds, not moving at all. He felt her body shudder a couple of times and then begin to relax as the spasms finally ceased and she passed in and out of consciousness.

Then she curled up into an exhausted little ball. He spooned her from behind, wrapping her up tightly in his strong arms. Pulling the disheveled sheet over their naked bodies, he nuzzled her neck and whispered sweet nothings into her ear as she fell into a deep, contented slumber.

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Study Buddies – Charlie and Suzie

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I have written a trilogy. Each story is perfectly readable and understandable on its own, but if you want to read them in order, start with Charlie then Gary and end with Mark. It will give you a bit more context and continuity.

I was sitting in the back row of class, idly doodling while Dr Green – off subject due to a carefully crafted question from Charlie- regaled us with a story about the ash from his cigar blowing into the back of his station wagon, setting a number of paper bags containing dried plant samples on fire as he blithely drove across one of the Dakotas. The wind from the open windows fanned the flames, well you know where this is going. We all did. It was a great way to spend the last 15 minutes of class. It was a typical day in Plant Identification class. Dr Green was easily distracted.

I have a degree in agriculture. During college I had several classes where I was one of maybe two or three women. The rest of the class was filled with cowboys as far as the eye could see. What’s not to like?

“You wanna study tonight, Miss Smarty Pants?” Charlie leaned over to whisper to me. The plant id midterm was looming in two days.

“What time?”

“Let me see when the guys can get together, probably about 7. That work for you?”

“Sure, just let me know.”

The guys Charlie was referring to were all in the back row with us. Our study group was an interesting combination. Three cowboys, a Hawaiian and me. It sounds like a joke: “Three cowboys and a Hawaiian walked into a bar. The bartender asked, ‘what’ll you have?’ The cowboys each ordered a draft beer. The Hawaiian said, ‘I’ll have an okolehao.’ The bartender just looked at him so he ordered a draft beer too.”

Charlie came from a team roping dynasty. If you follow roping at all you have certainly heard of his brother. Charlie was not particularly tall, but bowlegged and had a perpetual twinkle in his eye. He was a few years older than us, but that didn’t affect his judgement in any way. He was the ringleader and we willingly followed him because where Charlie went, fun was sure to follow. Charlie was a playboy- but he had a certain charm that made women find it impossible to say no to. I was pretty sure Charlie knew my name, but I had never heard him use it.

The twins, Matt and Mark were tall, quiet and studious. I never could figure out what they saw in Charlie, except that he had an infectious personality and he got them to go out from time to time. They were identical, with similar taste in clothing. Their wardrobes consisted entirely of t-shirts, Wranglers and a King Ropes hat to match each shirt. The only way I could tell them apart was that if I tried to visit with one of them Mark would visit back. Matt was too bashful to say much. Mark was a gentleman, polite to a fault but he also had a playful side. There was something about him I just couldn’t put my finger on. I was convinced he had a secret hiding somewhere. Matt was dating someone from back home and he had plans to get married to her.

Throughout the college of Agriculture, Gary was largely considered an exchange student from Hawaii. Most of the guys I went to college with probably knew Hawaii was part of the US, but nobody could figure out why Gary had chosen a college with a 75 day growing season to study plants. I thought of him more as a refugee from the botany department. He didn’t fit in there at all, and we just adopted him in our department. He was good company and exceled at identifying obscure plants. Gary was pretty laid back and game to try anything new.

These four guys were my friends. Don’t get me wrong, we flirted like only people who know each other very well can, but mostly we operated as a team of five friends.

Several of my classes through the years involved identifying plant samples. The herbarium held thousands of specimens. The best way to study for a test was to go over several examples of each plant, looking for the tiny parts on each sample that made its species distinctive.

There was a student lounge with a large table in our department. Between classes you could usually rustle up a game of cribbage or ten-point pitch to go with the bad coffee. The air was heavy with BS, lies and laughter. In the evenings it was usually empty and a great place to spread out and study.

Charlie showed up with a paper bag that had a distinctive clink as he walked into the lounge. Beer bottles. This was going to be more fun than our usual study sessions!

“You want to keep that cold?”

“Uh, yeah, what do ya got in mind?”

“This way,” I beckoned and he followed me down the hall to Dr Varney’s office. I slid the key into the door and paused for effect.

“You have the key to Varney’s office? What, are you sleeping with him?”

“Ick, no! I work for him. I am doing some data analysis on one of his field studies. He gave me his key so I could get his research data when I need it without having to hunt him down for the key all the time.”

“By the way, I am not buying that story, Göztepe Escort but he has a fridge under his desk, and that is what’s important here.” We carefully stepped through the piles of papers and theses on the floor to the desk. I sat on the floor and opened the fridge to find three cans of Slimfast.

“Ho ho! Varney needs that for sure,” Charlie chuckled.

I set the cans carefully on the floor by the chair and Charlie handed me beer after beer until the fridge was full.

“You are a smart one, Cupcake.”

“Okay, study time.”

By the time we made it back to the lounge the twins and Gary were looking over plant samples. We spent an hour poring over dried plants glued to paper and discussing the distinct characteristics of each species.

Charlie seemed a little friendlier than usual that night, he would place a casual hand on my hip or shoulder in close to me as we looked over a specimen. With all the accidental brushing and bumping, I was feeling kind of hot towards Charlie, a feeling I had not really had before. Charlie’s verbal flirting had turned physical.

“Break time!” Charlie announced. “Follow Girly-girl there,” he indicated me with a grand gesture. I led the way to Varney’s office and unlocked it. The room was long and narrow with a wall of windows across the far end overlooking the college of Education. One side wall held Varney’s desk, the edge against the window and a bookcase. The wall behind the desk was file cabinets. He had two chairs that were not covered in papers; his desk chair and a stool. I crawled under the desk and grabbed five beers. Charlie opened them and passed them out. I perched carefully on the desk, which was covered with several data sets and what appeared to be someone’s thesis awaiting a final review by Varney. Charlie took the office chair, the twins leaned against the file cabinets and Gary took the stool.

“Okole maluna,” Gary said raising his beer towards the rest of us before taking the first swig.

That was the Hawaiian coming out in Gary. We assumed it meant “cheers.” We tipped our beers to him.

“You reckon we are supposed to be drinking in here?”

“I am pretty sure we aren’t.”

“Then I don’t feel guilty about not sharing with anyone else.”

The beer went down easily and the conversation turned to whether or not Varney had some kind of grade book stashed in the mess. (This was the early 1990s). We searched half-heartedly for several minutes then when our beers were gone, we made our way back to the lounge. Charlie took this opportunity to grab a handful of my ass as he followed me down the hall. I let out a little squeak of surprise which I tried to disguise as a cough.

A handful of other students were also reviewing the plants, so we focused on the plants we were having problems with.

Normally friendly Charlie became quite a bit more friendly than usual. If his hand wasn’t on my knee under the table, he was running his fingers along the inseam of my jeans. Once he leaned over from behind me and managed a quick cup of my right breast. When I leaned over a specimen he would run his fingers across my lower back. He had no idea, but this is a huge turn on for me, by the end of our study session, my pussy was sopping wet and my nerves were on high alert.

After a heated five-way discussion about the differences between cedar and juniper we decided we had enough studying for one night.

We still had seven beers left so we made a bee-line back to Varney’s office again, settling into our usual places.

“Whatcha doin’ this week?” Mark asked Gary.

“I’m in a pool league down at the bar. I don’t know what’s going on with my partner, though. It is a mixed league and she has a new boyfriend. I might be looking for a new partner before too long.”

“She’s getting ready to leave you, huh?”

“Nah. We just play pool together.”

“Uh huh,” Charlie said skeptically. “So, anybody going on that extra credit field trip for Bucks and Ducks?” This is what we called our wildlife class. It was a requirement for our major, but Gary, as a botanist, wasn’t in the class with four of us.

“I need the extra credit, but I don’t have a tent,” I offered.

Mark and Matt shared a glance. Mark spoke, “You can share ours Suze. We even have an extra sleeping bag.”

“Oh, ho! Make sure they bring it.” Charlie added for my benefit.

The twins blushed identically, “We aren’t you, Charlie,” Mark replied.

“Are you going then, Charlie?” Matt asked.

“I have a ropin’ at that new indoor arena. My brother’s bringing my good horse.”

The more I thought about it the more I decided I needed the credit. “I really should go. She didn’t like my last paper, but I need to check my work schedule first.”

“Let us know. We have plenty of room in our tent, and the weather isn’t supposed to be too bad.”

Matt glanced at his watch then glanced again. “It’s getting pretty late, isn’t it?”

The twins tipped their beers back with identical gestures İstanbul Escort then returned the bottles to Charlie’s bag so he could take the evidence home.

“Can I catch a ride with you guys?” Gary asked, handing Charlie his empty bottle.

“Yep, but you get the middle. I’m getting tired of sitting next to Matt.”

“Alright then. See you guys tomorrow.”

“Okay, good night then.”

The Hawaiian followed the two cowboys out the door.

Charlie stepped over to close the door, “I thought they’d never leave. Let’s finish off those last two beers.” He grabbed the beers and replaced the Slim Fast back in the fridge. He then scooted the desk chair closer to me. By settling between my legs he kind of forced me to spread them. He casually set his beer down on the desk, resting his arm on my thigh. This position put him just under eye-level with my boobs.

I took two long drags from my beer to put off what I was pretty sure was coming next.

“You’re pretty smart, for a girl, know that?” Charlie idly ran his fingertips along the inseam of my jeans.

“I always thought you were smarter than the average cowboy, but now I am beginning to wonder.”

“Watch it,” Charlie warned with a smile. He idly fiddled with the bottom button on my shirt. “Whatta ya say you lose the shirt, Hot Stuff?”

I glanced over my right shoulder out the window at the building across the way. Several rooms had lights, but I couldn’t see anyone. “I am thinking not.”

“I wanna see if you are as smokin’ hot under those clothes as I think you are.”

“You are going to have to take my word for that Buckaroo, but I am.” I took another pull on my beer. It was nearly gone, and I was starting to feel more than a little horny.

Charlie’s fingers were working their way up the thigh of my inseam, into territory that was not what you might call public access. All of a sudden, Charlie stood up and kissed me. It took me by surprise and I found myself returning the kiss, enjoying the feel of his mustache, and the riskiness of making out in my professor’s office. He clearly had a lot of practice at this and his kisses set off fireworks behind my closed eyes

I put my arms around Charlie’s neck. Charlie slid his hands to my waist, under my shirt and began working his way up my sides. Every touch of his fingers left a trail of tingles on my skin. I squirmed, holding in a giggle as he tickled my ribcage. He bit my bottom lip with enough force to cause me to jump a little in surprise. Next thing I knew, the sneaky bastard used the opportunity to work his fingers under my bra and shove it over my breasts. I shivered and gasped a little as he rubbed my nipples with his thumbs. My entire body was pulsing with sexual electricity.

I gave up all pretense of not wanting him. I leaned back on my arms and arched my back, pushing my modest breasts into his hands. Charlie responded by thumbing my nipples into hard nubs, pressing them into my breast then releasing them and giving them a quick pinch before cupping my tits and enjoying their gentle weight in his hands.

The fact that I had to pee heightened my sense of urgency and I found myself grinding my hips into Charlie’s. He released my tits and began unbuttoning my shirt from the top. When he got a good visual on my bra, he unhooked the snap that was now located between my nipples and continued his unbuttoning to the bottom of my shirt. I shrugged out of both and sat topless on my advisor’s desk, in front of a wall of windows. I felt naughty, and oh-so-turned on.

“Damn, woman,” Charlie said in appreciation. I was sporting a perky B cup in those days. Charlie kissed his way down my neck, stopping to nibble on my collar bone. He slid his hands under my breasts, cupping them in his work-worn hands. Charlie set upon my breasts with his hungry mouth as I tilted my head back, arching my spine in sheer enjoyment. He first pulled at my left nipple with his lips, then he nipped and pulled with his teeth. I jerked my head up to glare at him but his twinkling gaze melted any ire I had. This triggered the mysterious connection between my nipples and my clit. Electricity shot back and forth between the two. With a sharp nip, Charlie moved to my right nipple and repeated his routine. My pussy throbbed with longing.

When I didn’t protest the nibbles he got rougher yet and actually bit me. I responded with a gasp of pleasure. “Charlie, maybe we should go to your place…”

“Naw, my roommate is too nosey. It’s after 10. Nobody’s around now. This’ll be fun, I doubt Varney’s baptized his office and somebody has to do it.” (We later learned that Varney was screwing one of his grad students and had very likely baptized his office before we did. Suddenly the Slim Fast make a lot more sense.)

After a slobbery kiss on each nipple Charlie wrapped his arms around me and moved back to my mouth. My nipples were cold and wet, causing them to pull together into hard little nibs and rub on Charlie’s shirt. Charlie covered my face Anadolu Yakası Escort with kisses, paying special attention to my jaw bone and eventually moving down to my neck again. Charlie held my hips and dry humped me a few times while sticking his nose into my neck, breathing my scent.

I clung to him for a moment, enjoying the sensations of my skin on his shirt and the pressure in his jeans pushing against me, then I placed my hands on Charlie’s chest and moved him back. I hopped down from the desk and fell to my knees in front of him. He got the hint right away and unbuckled his jeans, letting them drop to the floor. I pulled his boxers down to reveal a very nice sized dick. Charlie sat in Varney’s chair, and I leaned forward to take him into my mouth.

I was relatively new at giving blowjobs, but I was eager to try my skills on my friend’s dick. Looking up at him from under my hair, I tentatively took his dick in my hand and gave his head a timid little lick. Finding the precum to have a tangy taste, I licked again then gave the tip a little kiss. Charlie nodded. I opened my mouth and moved it down just a bit and took his head between my lips. I pushed down and took a bit more of his shaft in my mouth.

Charlie pushed his fingers into my hair and held my head gently. I opened my mouth further and got a bit more into my mouth. I knew there was no way I could get it all in, so I began stroking with my hand at the base of his shaft while bobbing up and down on his dick. Charlie helped me by moving my head at the speed he wanted. I tightened my mouth around him while using my tongue to keep him nice and wet. I got a good rhythm going and just when I was enjoying myself more than ever, Charlie pushed my face away. His dick bounced off my cheek and stood at attention while Charlie pulled me up from the floor and fumbled for the waistband of my jeans.

With a tug he got the button open and slid the zipper down revealing my white cotton panties. If I had any idea Charlie would be seeing them I would have chosen something more exciting. He didn’t seem to mind. He put his thumbs in my waistband and slid his hands down my hips, catching those whitie tighties on the way to the floor with my jeans. I kicked off my boots and I was standing there in my advisor’s office, naked and suddenly quite nervous.

While he was bent over I had grabbed the bottom of his shirt, and when he stood up, I slipped his shirt off, revealing the upper body of a roper, with strong biceps and ropy forearms. His stomach was that of a roper as well, a little on the paunchy side.

With a hand between my shoulder blades, Charlie pushed me face-first up against the window at the end of the room. He entered me from behind with no warning. I was surprised, not having been taken from behind like this. I braced myself against the window with my hands, facing into the night as Charlie began slamming into me with nearly violent thrusts. I clung to the cold glass as Charlie found his rhythm pushing into me with a fervor that took me by surprise. He was not a tender lover, but his urgency was contagious.

My nipples hardened to pebbles against the cool glass. Charlie continued shoving into me from behind, pushing me forward and flattening my breasts against the window. Only the thigh high radiator kept my pussy from being mashed into the window as well. In self-defense, I began to push my backside to match Charlie’s determined thrusting. Turns out this was a great idea, as it created a satisfying smacking sound every time Charlie’s dick found its way to my depths.

After several minutes of rough thrusting, Charlie braced himself against the glass with one hand and shifted to a steady rhythmic thrusting. He slid his other hand down my side and across my hip to my pussy. Parting my lips with his fingers, he stroked the edges of my pussy gently, teasingly close to my clit but always just out of reach. After a bit he began flicking my clit with a fingertip every other pass. This was driving me crazy. I squirmed in the hopes that his fingers would concentrate on my clit so I could have some release. He was adamant about teasing me, going so far as to spread his fingers, so they were further from my clit.

“Charlie,” I begged, “please let me cum!”

“You’re so much fun when you beg, Hot Stuff!”

“Please, please, please!”

I squirmed more and began moaning loud enough that I think Charlie was worried a janitor would come to see what was going on. Finally, he pushed his fingers together, flicking and rubbing my clit until I came with a groan.

“I wanna see your face when I cum in you,” Charlie said hoarsely in my ear as I came down from my orgasm. He withdrew and had me sit on the desk again. I scooted to the edge of the desk and moved my legs so my ankles were behind Charlie’s head. I laid back on the desk and watched Charlie slip his dick back into me. This position does magical things for me, and it seemed to work for Charlie too.

Charlie pushed into me, completely unprotected and unapologetically. He held my eyes with a fierce gaze, not allowing me a chance to look away for a moment. He came with a big thrust which left him collapsed on top of me. Charlie caught his breath as his cum dripped out of my pussy on someone’s life work.

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The Getaway

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Chair Sex

It wasn’t about the money, though that’s a big factor in why I reverted to a life of crime after being out of jail for less than a year. The money was a side issue, a bonus. It was more respect than money, and it was more about power than respect, but most of all it was about fear, or to be accurate inspiring that fear in others. Fear of what I was capable of, fear of what I could do to another human being, fear of what I was about to do when I held a knife to your balls or a gun in your mouth. That’s what it’s all about.

Once a bully, always a bully.

To feel another man, especially one that’s even bigger than you, shaking in his boots as the piss runs down his legs, the stench of fear coming right out of his guts and hitting you in the face as he breathes what he fears might be his final breath through a mouth that refuses to close, the pleading for mercy, the tears welling up in his eyes, the quivering of the lips, the chattering of his teeth, and if you listen very closely you can even hear his heart hammering against his rib cage as he senses his end nearing. The pupils dilate as the eyes go wide and tiny beads of foul smelling sweat ooze from every pore. It’s all about terror. Being on the receiving end of terror is the ultimate rush, and I mean that in more ways than one, but being the one dealing out the terror is even better. It’s so powerful it’s nearly sexual. Addictive. The fact that I needed to buy my way into a big job down the coast in San Diego was relatively incidental. I had most of it together – I just needed some survival money while the heist was being planned and finalised. As the liquor store I was knocking off probably had CCTV – they all do these days – and as I was an ex-con it was only a matter of time before the cops got my face off the tapes and came looking for me, but I wouldn’t have to worry about that until morning. By then I’d be long gone. San Diego beckoned, and a serious job with some pals from prison. It was time to quit L.A.

I was smack bang in the middle of one of those delicious fear moments, too. The shotgun in my face wavered almost uncontrollably, the shaking of the shopkeeper on the stock end of the pump-action amplifying the fear that he was feeling from being on the receiving end of the .38 that I held rock steady and pointed between his eyes. I felt a wry grin spread across my unshaved visage as I pulled back the cocking lever, watching the shopkeeper flinch at the ratcheting click.

“Ain’t afraid to die over a few bucks, mister. And I ain’t afraid to kill for a few bucks, either.” I drawled. “How about you?”

There was no answer. There seldom is. Fear often paralyses. These hot shots are so full of themselves at the beginning, have probably rehearsed what they would do in a hold up – reach for the gun, cock it in one smooth motion, and they usually have a little tough guy speech all ready for delivery in a shaky high pitched voice that didn’t quite sound that way when they were practicing. The words usually dry up when I roll my eyes, put my knife down on the counter, and draw my gun. That’s when the fear hits ’em hard.

“I’m watching the corners of your eye, mister, ’cause that’s the tell. That’s when I know you’re going to pull the trigger. It’s why I carry a thirty-eight. The trigger pressure on this is so light that when I see your eyes crinkle in anticipation of the noise and recoil I’ll pull my trigger automatically, and my bullet will be turning your brains to jello before you’ve put enough pressure on your trigger to make that old shotgun go off. You might get lucky and blow my head off when your fist clenches in a death spasm, but you’ll be just as dead as me. Think about it. Are you worth a hundred bucks?” I sneered. “Point the gun at the ceiling, empty the till, we all go home to the kids tonight. Tomorrow’s a brand new day.”

The shopkeeper hesitated, then did as I had suggested. I took the shotgun off him, unloaded it, and lay it back on the counter, throwing the shells to the back of the store. His shaking hands handed me a bundle of notes which I stuffed into my pocket, then I lowered the .38 and picked up my knife. “That was cool, man. Wise choice.” I backed away toward the door, gave the guy a wink, and said; “Be seeing you.”

I laughed as I walked to the car that I had just boosted, then got in and checked the mirror before pulling off. That’s when the rear window exploded, pelting the headrest behind me and the back of my seat with shattered glass. The stupid motherfucker had reloaded. He probably hadn’t the time to jack in more than a round or two, so I put my foot down and barged my way into the traffic, laughing more nervously this time as I drew the revolver out of my coat and let off three wild, unaimed shots over my shoulder, the big window behind the shopkeeper exploding into fragments. That should make him piss himself, I smiled.

Now my next problem was to ditch the damn car. Driving a car with a smashed rear window and a back end peppered with shotgun pellet holes was just asking for police intervention. Two blocks away I cruised up to a stop light that had just turned red. Ahead of me was a three, Anadolu Yakası Escort maybe four year old Mercedes with the top down. This was perfect. Because of the carjacking issues in Los Angeles most sedans drove with the doors locked, but obviously open topped cars had a major weakness in the security stakes. I hopped out of my Dodge, jumped up onto the trunk of the Merc, and grabbed a handful of the brunette in the passenger seats long hair and put the cold barrel of my gun in the back of her neck. “Get the fuck out of the car, driver.” I said as the shocked man in the drivers’ seat considered making a move to defend his woman. “Don’t even think about it or the slut dies.”

Now the fear kicked in. Not just fear for himself, but fear for his wife, girlfriend, whatthefuckever. ” Out!” I snarled, cocking the hammer, pulling harder on the woman’s hair while her fingernails tried to force my hand to release her by digging her nails into the backs of my fingers. He complied. I jumped into the drivers’ seat and tore across the junction when the lights turned green, then I stopped by the kerb on the other side of the intersection and told the bitch to get out. She didn’t need any convincing. I pulled off again in a squeal of tyres as the full power of the big German engine kicked me in the back. This was a nice car. In about two minutes the owner would be on the phone babbling to the cops that his pride and joy had been stolen by a maniac with a gun and the patrol cars would then be on the lookout for me. While convertible Mercedes SL’s were two a penny in LA, it wouldn’t be long before they were on my tail but that wasn’t really a problem as I was only ten minutes from Suzie’s place. I rifled through the glovebox as I drove with one hand, finding nothing useful except an ID badge for some IT company out in the Valley that didn’t ring any bells with me, but the jacket slung on the back seat of the car yielded a wallet with three hundred bucks and a brace of credit cards. I threw the cards out of the car one at a time as I drove. Maybe some kids could have some fun with them. I wasn’t risking using those. They were too easy to trace these days. I stuffed the three hundred bucks in my pockets and then threw the wallet out into the street. A minute later I was in the parking lot at Suzie’s, and I left the car in a space near the street with the keys in. With a bit of luck it would be gone by the time I was done with Suzie.

I rolled up to the doors and pushed the intercom button for her apartment. After a while I got a hello from her flatmate. “Hiya Jenny. Is Suzie there?”

“No, she’s at work. Should be back about two.” Came the tinny reply.

“Can you let me in, I just need to collect some things.”

There was a hesitation, then an electric buzz as the magnetic lock released. I pushed my way through the heavily sprung door with my shoulder and bounded up the stairs to the third floor, where I found Jenny waiting at the door to the apartment.

Jenny hated me. I was pretty sure of that. Didn’t think I was good enough for Suzie by a big, big margin. She was right, of course, but all Suzie and I wanted from each other was rough sex with no strings attached. The only reason I was here was to pick up some China white I’d stashed here in case the cops raided my place. This was just a safe place to hide my stuff and dip my wick. Jenny didn’t fear me. She just despised me. I liked that, too. She was short, raven haired, kinda Asian looking with a slight, slender body. Not like Suzie at all. Suzie was a 6ft tall dancer at an all night bar on Pico – all tits and ass and legs that went on forever. Eye candy. Jenny was kinda bookish, some might say plain, and in the month I’d been knocking Suzie off I’d never seen another guy in the apartment. I had no idea what she did for work, but every time I looked at her my mind screamed ‘librarian.’

“Won’t be long.” I smiled at her as I edged past her and into the apartment. “Just gotta pick up my stuff and I’ll be gone for good.”

“You’re leaving?” Jenny asked, maybe a hint of relief in her voice, maybe something else, certainly a lot of surprise.

“Just for a while, but I reckon Suzie’ll have moved on by the time I get back – you know what she’s like – so yeah, I’m outta here. Bet you’ll be happy about that.”

“Well…” She began, about to launch into a false denial.

I held up my hand. “Save it. I’ve seen the way you look at me when I’m over here. I ain’t good enough for Suzie. You know it, I know it, she knows it. Sometimes you just cain’t help the chemistry though, ya know?” I threw over my shoulder as I went into Suzie’s bedroom and grabbed my half kilo of uncut cocaine from the bottom of the wardrobe and the spare key for her Camaro from the bedside cabinet. I wondered how much of Jenny’s dislike of me was down to the excessive bedroom noise that Suzie and I made when I stayed over. I have to admit knowing that Jenny was just a few feet away while I shagged the shit out of her flatmate was a bit of a turn on and made me noisier than normal, which then made Suzie that little bit louder, too. Sometimes I imagined Jenny face down Bostancı Escort on her belly in bed with a pillow stuffed over her ears while I slammed Suzie’s headboard against the wall for half an hour or more while we talked dirty and insulted each other, making my voice loud enough to carry through the thin partition. Sometimes I imagined Jenny with her legs spread and her fingers stabbing deep inside herself while she listened to us screwing, and that helped bring on my own orgasm after Suzie had her two or three climaxes.

I stripped down to my shorts while I was in Suzie’s room, then sauntered past Jenny as I made my way to the bathroom. “Just gonna take a quick shower and then I’m outta here.”

When I came out of the shower still dripping and wearing just a towel around my waist I found Jenny on the sofa watching tv. I dropped my clothes on the floor and padded softly across to her and knelt behind the sofa, then I whispered in her ear. “Whatcha watching?” She jumped about six inches off the sofa. Fear. I grinned, just managing to suppress a snigger.

“Jesus, you scared the shit outta me.” She exclaimed, then settled back into watching whatever it was that she was watching. From my position I could see her cleavage down her top. It wasn’t a lot, but it was enough that It was making me harden beneath the towel. I brushed her black hair away from her ear and whispered “Sorry”, then I put my hands on her shoulders.

“What you doing?” She asked in alarm as I began to gently knead her shoulders, stroking her neck.

“You seem kinda tense.”

“I’m fine.” She countered. Though I noted that she didn’t make a move to jump out of the sofa like she normally would. I continued to massage her gently, eventually moving my hands down from her shoulders but stopping a few inches short of her small breasts. Now I could sense her getting a little perturbed and uncomfortable as with each stroke I moved a little closer to the neck line of her red top, so I kissed her ear lobe softly.

“Stop it.” She commanded, but I could see her nipples beginning to harden through her blouse and that was all the invitation that I needed. “This is the last time you’ll ever see me, and Suzie will never know. I want you, Jenny. I’ve wanted you so bad since I first laid eyes on you.” I lied. ” Every time I’m making love to Suzie my eyes are closed and I’m imagining it’s you underneath me with your legs wrapped around my back.” I continued to lie, the tips of my thumbs gently brushing over her nipples as my mouth nuzzled her neck. She moved her head to the side to give me more space to work and I slid my hand inside her top, gently caressing her breasts through her bra.

“Cut it out.” She said, though this time relatively softly without anywhere near the insistence of her earlier protests. I gently pinched both her small teats at the same time, moving my lips from her neck to her chin. Her head moved again, but this time it wasn’t moving away from me. I shifted, and pressed my lips hard against hers, one hand abandoning her breasts and moving straight down between her thighs. She moaned into my mouth as I pressed my hand firmly down upon her mound and slid my tongue between her lips, searching for her own tongue, finding it and pushing it back. I began to stroke her sex through her jeans and her tongue almost instantly responded to mine, then when I popped the button and moved my hand to her zipper her tongue began to push mine out of her mouth and her hands went around my neck.

I stood up, leaving her slumped there for a moment, and came around the sofa to stand between her and the television, my hardness obscenely making the towel stand out away from my body. She sat there, eyes wide and watching me, her jeans open at the zipper and showing a little triangle of rumpled purple satin panty. Jennies breasts and the growing buds thrust lewdly against the flimsy fabric of her red top, her lips were wet with our salivas and her neck showed a livid pink blotch where I had kissed her just a little too hard. She swallowed. This time it wasn’t fear, though, and I reached down and yanked her up into a standing position and she pressed herself against me. She only came up to my neck and before she knew what was going on I had her red top up over her face and her purple bra exposed. My hands pressed against her little orbs, fingers grasping the underwire and easing them up effortlessly over the top of them the way you can only do with women that have small ones. With my right hand I fondled her right breast, while my left hand whipped her top completely off and threw it across the room and then I grabbed a handful of her thick hair and pulled her head back, making her moan loudly. My mouth descended upon hers and her tongue thrust hungrily between my lips this time. My fingers pinched and tweaked her hard nipple while we kissed, then when I tired of that and my jaw began to ache I pulled a little harder on her hair, drawing her away from my mouth, and then I pushed her down until she was on her knees before me.

I threw the towel off my hips and stood naked before her, my member upright, hard, solid, fully erect Erenköy Escort as I guided her head towards it with my hand. She seemed reluctant, so I wrapped my other hand around my thick shaft and began rubbing my swollen bulbous glans over her face, pushing my hips forward insistently while she hesitated further. I gripped her hair tighter, and her mouth opened in pain, and I eased the tip in between her parted lips.

“Oh,” I groaned. “That’s it Jenny. Suck my cock you little beauty.” I let go of her hair after two or three small strokes and my dick immediately popped back out of her mouth, then I closed my eyes and waited for her to come around to my way of thinking. My penis waved in the air for several seconds before I felt first her hand close around it and then the warm delicious wetness of her tongue exploring the full length of the shaft from my hanging scrotum to the very tip of my glans. She swirled her tongue around the slit in the tip of my penis before engulfing the purple knob in her mouth once again. Now I had her. Now I could do whatever I wanted with her because she was making the moves of her own accord without me having to push the situation along. I put both hands on the back of her head, coaxing her to take me deeper inside her mouth, pushing more of my length past her lips with each stroke. I opened my eyes and watched as inch after inch disappeared inside her before re-emerging shining and slick, wet from her saliva. It was a beautiful sight, and beyond her closed eyes and sundered mouth, to either side of my shaft as I looked down, I could see her little pointy breasts and the still hard cherries moving in time with her head as it bobbed up and down my meat.

“Mmmmm,” I sighed. “That feels so fucking good. I can’t wait to feel your tight pussy wrapped around it. Mmmmm, suck harder, baby.” Now she began to work at it, getting fully into the mood, and I released her head and reached down to pinch her nips. She gasped and I popped out of her mouth. Her hand closed around my cock instantly and she started stroking it, wanking it with a firm two handed grip, then she adjusted her position on the carpet and took it down her throat again. I glanced at the clock on the wall – it had just gone a quarter after one in the morning – and realised that if this was going to work I had to slow things down a little. I bent and reached behind her back, unclasping the purple bra as her teeth raked up and down my shaft, and let it fall to the floor between her thighs. I pushed forward with my hips, forcing myself all the way inside her mouth until she was gagging on it, then I kept pushing and she overbalanced and fell backward onto the sofa, her mouth and hands losing contact with my dick as she choked with the pressure on the back of her throat and used her hands to break the fall. I got down on the floor and knelt between her legs, grabbing hold of her jeans, tugging them impatiently down her hips, her purple knickers coming halfway down her legs with them because they were so tight and I got a glimpse of her fur lined pussy before she closed her legs in feigned embarrassment.

“Don’t be shy.” I murmured as her jeans skidded across the carpet and I brutally tugged her knickers down past her ankles. Then I put my fingers on her heels and spread her legs wide. She groaned as her pussy lips split open, forming a dark, wet little oval as I moved my hands up the insides of her legs, still spreading them wider and backward, pushing her knees up to each side of her chest, and blew gently upon the lewdly exposed hole. “You want me to stick my tongue in your honey pot?” I asked as her half glazed eyes looked down on me as I moved my face in closer to the hole, still blowing softly over her pulsing pussy lips.

“Yessss.” She sighed as my fingers moved in on her gash, smoothing the wispy thatch of pubic hair away from the crinkled flesh.

“Say please.” I smiled as my finger tenderly slid up and down her blood engorged labia, feeling her shudder as I played with the flaps in a lazy circular motion around the periphery of her pussy.

“Please.” She murmured.

“Please what?” I asked, my finger now just inside the opening and it’s tip touching her clit with the lightest of contact.

“Ohhhh…” She moaned, her hands now squeezing her own tits together as she arched her back, eyes closed, impatiently pushing her groin at me. “Eat me out. Please.”

“Whatever you say, little lady.” I replied and dipped my face between her legs. She groaned as my tongue slid along her slit from the crack of her ass to the top of the clit, then my fingers stabbed roughly inside her and I pulled them apart, splitting her wide open. My tongue slipped inside her gaping hole as I spread her flaps, worming it’s way deep until my chin was pressed hard against the crack of her ass and inadvertently spreading that open, too. Her hands slapped down on the back of my head, and I began to suck and slurp on her already soaked vagina, her wetness flooding into my mouth as she gasped with the pleasure that I was giving her. I pushed one hand under her and lifted her butt off the sofa, pulling her even harder against my face, then I jabbed my thumb straight into her tight ass-hole. She yelped at the intrusion, but continued bucking her hips against my face, that same bucking movement also forcing my thick thumb deeper into her bottom until it had disappeared completely inside her.

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The Future?

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Ok this is my first attempt at writing and would gladly appreciate any feedback. The characters are all over 18..


A figure in shadow standing above me with a sad look in their eye.

The scent of flowers and strawberries was the first thing I ever noticed of her. The woman I LOVE, Zoey. She was gorgeous 5 foot 6 inches tall reddish blonde hair eyes that look at you and you would melt into them, an athletic body with 34 b sized breast and the tightest little arse that you would ever kiss. We walked on a sandy beach by the lake holding hands, I feeling totally contented and glad to finally find her. We stop and I hold here in my arms kissing her forehead, her nose her eyes and holding above her luscious lips and whisper I love you.

Rain is falling on the figure and I start to see another figure beside it.

As I hold our embrace I look into her eyes and see happiness and a hint of sadness in the background, I see the sadness disappear as I kiss her, we gently glide ourselves down kneeling into the sand, caressing the smooth skin of her neck and down her shoulder she shivers for anticipation. We recline back further onto the sand and glide my hand on her back and slowly bring a strap down off her shoulder on her dress. Her hand gently touches my check and she smiles and I see a tear roll down her check. Maltepe Escort A wave crashes.

The shadow slow starts to clear for the lower half of the figures.

I start kissing the nape of her neck and glide the other strap down of her dress. Savoring the scent of her kissing ever inch I can get too. Gliding the fine silk of her dress down her body comparing her skin to the dress and thinking if the dress evened her. Feeling her hand slowly start to tug at my shirt untuck it from m slacks. The dress is just below her sensual breasts encased in a white ivory silk demi bra. I work my kisses lower to her right breast circling and purposefully avoiding her delicate rosy nipple, which are starting to become hard as pink pearls. Finally licking and blowing cool breath on them and take it into my mouth, a gasp escapes her lips. She has bunched my shirt under my arms awaiting a time to pull it over my heads and shoulders. Caressing the left breast I fell her skin start to shiver again. As I switch to give the left breast the same treatment my shirt comes over my head. And I feel her push me onto my back.

The shadow now reveals the lower half of a dress and a set of gray slacks.

Feeling her lips on my earlobe and neck is like tiny sparks traveling all over my body, she is doing the same as I did to her, working Ümraniye Escort her way down to my nipples am caressing her skin longing to put my lips back onto it. She flicks my nipple and this get y muscle to start putting more blood to it. I caress her back and reach the clasp that hold her bra closed I undo the clasp and reach forward and message those lovely caring breasts. I lean back up and take them back into my mouth and lower the dress even further. Gliding my hand down to her arse, firmly grab it and hear a squeal of delight. Working further down to her naval. I kiss and swirl my tongue in and out of it, a mewing sound is heard as hands reach for my belt buckle. Continuing the progression of kisses and lowering of her dress and feeling her hands going for the buttons of my slacks. Pop the button goes flying.

The shadow revealing more of the dress and a jacket.

Her dress at the apex of her back and arse I grab it again messaging it as the zipper lowers on my slacks. I slide the dress past her arse and feeling her sensuous skin get goose bumps there. My pants are being tugged over my hips and down my legs her hands send shivers down my spine, wanting further contact with her. I raise her up and gaze into her eyes the sparkle just making me happier as the dress cascades down her toned legs to her İstanbul Escort dainty ankles. I see the hint of a tear again as she helps me up to lower my slacks down and off me.

The faces still covered in shadow.

As I guide her down onto the sand I caress her bum and legs easing them open as her scent surrounds me and lifts me to euphoria. Kissing down her abdomen and pressing my cheek on her thigh. As I stop and gaze at her smooth kitty I see creation of the universe for a brief second. Not wanting to wait any longer I kiss her around her lips seeing them open as a butterfly would her wings, the taste of her flowing juices remind me of a sweet wine that swirl and savor the taste. Flicking her clitoris with my tongue and a primal groan is release from her lips, and a shudder is felt.

A ray of pure light start to shine down.

Feeling her hands on my chest and a slight weight on my stomach as shiver run down my spine to my muscle, which is standing proud. Her smooth moist walls surround me. We pause our movement. Our lips find each other and pressure builds tongues entwine and pleasure increases. Movements mimic the waves as they crash. They roll in faster and faster, finally ending in a large wave covering both of us as we reach our climaxes.

The light reveals Zoey and a young man, my perspective shift and I see my name written in stone with a date underneath and LOVE & Father above.

I gasp as I sit up covered in sweat, feeling remorse for a mistake in the past for losing her to my own ignorant mind.

Future work may come depending on feedback.

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The Fool

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Authors Note: This story is for the April Fool’s day contest, 2017. I hope you enjoy. Thank you to Paul, who volunteered to proofread for me. This will be the first of a series along this theme so I hope you enjoy and follow the story line in the future. ~ellie


The Fool : Prologue: April 25th, 2011.

Sinclair Mansvelt straightened his tie and walked toward the private dining room of the large plantation-style resort. The two large men at its entrance glanced down at his tie and stood back to allow him entry. He took in the other men in the room, some he knew well, others he knew as much as he needed to. Old enmities ran deep within this group of men and he tended to avoid gatherings like this with his associates.

He accepted the drink he was offered and a seat at the large round table. Neither one of the first, nor last to arrive, he could see three vacant chairs around the table as he studied the men who had also answered the summons from one of their elder members.

“Hey, you’ve been busy lately,” Freddy slid into the chair beside him.

“I have?” Sinclair’s lip quirked up in a smile, neither confirming nor denying his involvement in some highly publicised thefts.

“Honour Among Thieves,” William Roberts, the host of this dinner, raised his glass and toasted the men around the table known from that simple toast as the Hats. The men echoed his words and raised their glasses in return. He waited for a second longer before throwing, what looked like, a large playing card on the table, face up for them all to see.

“What’s this for?” John asked, leaning forward to pick up the card. “The fool?” he asked, identifying the card as part of the tarot deck.

“I wondered who she got this year,” Edward chuckled.

“This year?” John still held the card looking at Edward.

“It was me last year, Henry the year before,” Edward explained.

“Someone is targeting us and leaving a calling card each year on the first of April,” William explained. “The card is never left at any other heists at any other time. They seem to have good knowledge of us, who to target and taking a family heirloom that identifies our ancestry and membership of this association.”

They each had their secrets. Items trafficked on the black market by less than reputable dealers, and even less reputable thieves, who often didn’t know what they had at the time had contributed to the individual wealth of the nine men in this room. They didn’t do what they did because they needed to, as their forefathers had, they did it for the thrill; the fact that their customers would pay extravagantly to complete their collections was an added benefit to outweigh the risks of their chosen profession.

The older men were largely inactive, letting their chosen son begin to take over the family business. Most had legitimate businesses and money tied up in low-risk stock market deals that kept them from the eyes of those who would seek to accuse them of theft. Less than half were truly active as operatives, willing to steal, for a price, other people’s family heirlooms that the owners refused to part with.

“I guess that gives us a year to find the April Fool before they find another one of us,” John said. “What do we know so far?”

“Fuck all,” Henry said. “It took me a few days to realise the Blackbeard’s cutlass was missing. We were away visiting family.”

“Whoever it is knows us well enough to avoid our security measures and disable any camera’s we might have, no prints, no signature, aside of the card, no clues,” Edward added. “The fool took the eighteenth-century engraving of Charles Vane.”

“What about you, William?” John asked.

“The diamond cross!” William spat. “The cards make it obvious that we are being deliberately targeted by someone who knows what it is we value most. Individually we have enemies, amongst ourselves, we have some enmity, but I don’t believe any of you would break the code. Still, this is a serious matter, and we all need to bend our will to it, because anyone of you could be next.”


Chapter 1 — An introduction, please.

April 1st, 2016.

Carrie pulled up outside the mansion and smiled at the young valet who politely took her keys. Her car was not new enough to warrant enthusiasm from the young man, but was not so old it would stand out amongst the expensive cars lining the driveway behind her. She’d put a lot of preparation into tonight, ten months’ worth, to be exact, and she had timed her arrival perfectly to allow her to blend with the crowd that were attending this event.

She knew all of the Hats would be in attendance and on alert, and she spotted the first of them as she walked into the grand reception room. Each year this got a little harder as the successful heists on the Hats mounted. If she pulled this one off, it would be the eighth of the nine she had promised her mother.

“Show them,” Robyn had whispered. “Show them that their boy’s club can be bested by a woman and I will fight this disease to see you win their respect.” Anadolu Yakası Escort Carrie took a drink from the tray offered to her and turned toward the large French doors leading out onto the patio as memories of her mother washed over her. She had been true to her word and fought bravely, going into remission three times before finally succumbing to the cancer that seemed to eat away her flesh from the inside out. Each birthday that her mother had lived to see; Carrie had brought her a gift, stolen from one of the Hats.

“Head in the game there, Ward,” the voice of her partner in crime said softly into her ear, and she immediately resumed scanning the crowd rather than looking off into the exquisite grounds of this mansion.

Carrie found the man she was looking for and considered him. He had a reputation, two, actually, and she guessed they were both well deserved. She’d started with the less gifted of his associates and left facing the daunting task of taking a prize from him until last.

More guests arrived, and, finally, the vast library of Miles Rackham was opened to his guests. She’d paused and gone back to retrace her steps three times before she was sure she was in Sinclair’s line of sight before slipping through the door artfully hidden behind an antique pennant tapestry. Miles was a big believer in servants being neither seen nor heard and had specially built corridors and pathways in his home for them to travel on during their duties.

She had used these corridors several times before today when delivering artworks with her boss, Mr. Chen, who was the curator of Miles Rackham’s vast collection of antiquities. At any time she could have taken any number of things from the large collection loaned to the museum and overseen by Chen, but she needed a very particular prize. It had been chosen almost a decade ago by her mother, and nothing else would satisfy her.

Miles Rackham had the curious belief that if he hid the things he treasured most in plain sight they would be overlooked by would-be thieves. Possibly, if he wasn’t such a bore, that would work, and she guessed it did, for the most part, but when asked about an object he would ramble on about its detail and importance in his collection.

She hurried through the corridor to a junction, and then turned and went up the stairs. Near the top step, she purposefully put her foot down heavily and hissed, “Shit!” If her next target had followed her, as she hoped, he would hear the curse and follow in the right direction to find her. She moved quickly from that point, snaking through the hallway to Miles Rackham’s private study. Pulling the ornate clip from her hair so that it cascaded down her back and over her shoulders, she went to the balcony and opened the door, using her forearms on the lever handles. The quiet voice in her ear began to count, “Five, four, three, two, one.”

She looked up as the disembodied voice counted and reached for the descending black bag, unhooking it; she took the gloves and put them on. She attached a grappling hook to the balustrade, letting the rope curl down over the ledge before taking out the weighted water pistol and exchanged it with the Queen Anne Flintlock Pistol, leaving her calling card, and went back to the balcony, hooking the bag back onto the line. She removed the gloves and ear piece, then placed them in the bag before turning back into the study.

“Ninety seconds, time to move, good luck,” the voice held a happy tone as the drone lifted back into the cloudy black sky. Carrie moved quickly, leaving the balcony doors open and slipped through the door to the master suite and, listening carefully for footfalls that never came, she moved cautiously through to yet another corridor to the upstairs guest bathroom.

Counting to five, Carrie flushed the cistern, redid her hair and washed her hands before opening the door into the main hallway and coming face to face with Sinclair Mansvelt.


It was a flash of golden honey coloured skin and midnight blue silk that caught his eye as Sinclair stood enduring yet another dull conversation. He excused himself as soon as there was a break in the conversation and followed the flash of silk through the hidden door, finding himself in the servant’s corridors.

When he’d reached the juncture where the corridor split, he heard a soft hiss from above him and moved cautiously to the stairs leading up to the private rooms. ‘Could the April Fool be a woman?’ He asked himself. Over the last five years since realising they were targeted, speculation had been rife, and two of the men had consistently claimed they had been robbed by a beautiful woman.

Sinclair didn’t doubt that it was possible, but there were so few women in their business, at least few who had the skill and knowledge to pull off such daring heists each year. The hiss that he’d heard made him think otherwise, but, intrigued, he followed the sound, listening carefully for any noise that might give away the woman’s whereabouts.

There was running water, Pendik Escort and he cocked his head, frowning as he moved slowly into the corridor. The door to his left opened, and there stood a beautiful woman in a midnight blue silk dress. Her eyes widened with her sharp intake of breath at seeing him standing there. The curse word on her lips came out as an elongated hiss, just as he has heard in the corridor.

“Shit!” Carrie hissed, looking guilty, and stood immobile as his eyes travelled over her.

“What are you doing up here?” Sinclair asked.

“I would have thought that was pretty obvious,” she glanced behind her. “I trust you don’t want details.”

“Why come upstairs?” he rephrased his question. “Surely the downstairs amenities are located easily enough.”

“I thought the door in the library led to a powder room, so I slipped in and found myself in the passageway for servants. I assumed there was another way out, so I followed it and decided to use the upstairs facilities before getting totally lost and humiliating myself in front of all these people.”

“I see,” he said thoughtfully. There was no way she could have stolen anything and hidden it beneath that dress; it hid nothing from the imagination, every single curve of her gorgeous body was on display to the voyeur. “Let me show you the way back to the party,” he offered, taking a step back from the doorway and sweeping his arm in the direction he had come down the corridor. “I’m Sinclair Mansvelt, and you are?”

“Carrie. Carrie Ward,” she smiled and stepped out of the doorway. She had studied this man for years, more so in the last year as she prepared for this moment, but she was still thrown by his proximity and the way his eyes seemed to glide over her in a hungry way. His reputation as a ladies man was well deserved, she admitted, as they walked slowly together back down the wide staircase past the large security guards stationed at the bottom, who shot them a look of surprise which was waved off by Sinclair.

Carrie breathed a sigh of relief; she moved a little faster, eager to blend into the crowd again now that she had made her way back to the party with an escort of one of the Hats who would vouch for her whereabouts and her reason for being upstairs. She felt his eyes on her and smiled, knowing her choice of dress had been perfect to entice the man she needed to get close to finish what she and her mother had begun together.

Allowing her to take a few steps ahead of him, Sinclair watched the sway of her hips carefully. If she was a thief, there was no way she could have hidden anything beneath that dress. The material clung to her thighs as she walked, even if something small had been taped between them it would have been noticed by anyone with the reason to look at her legs, and he guessed that was every red-blooded man in the room. She wore no bra, and the fall of the material over her breasts was such that, once again, he knew nothing could be hidden there. As if sensing him studying her intently, she turned her head, looking over her shoulder at him and gave a coy smile. A stray curl rested against the side of her neck, and his fingers itched to reach out and brush it away.

Sinclair had known more than his share of women in his life, but this one held an aura he couldn’t quite put his finger on, and it both disturbed him and excited him. He stayed with her as she walked toward the newest acquisition to Miles’s library. An extremely rare copy of the children’s magazine Young Folks from the year 1881 was displayed under glass, open at an illustrated story called The Sea Cook.

Carrie knew all about the acquisition, her boss, Jun Chen, was a bibliophile, and had almost lost his mind when he found out Miles had acquired such a rare piece. Feeling Sinclair’s eyes following her every move, she posed provocatively for a few minutes as she read the plate attached to the glass case, feeling his eyes continue to study her.

“The Sea Cook was originally serialised in the children’s magazine Young Folks over a period of several months from 1881-82. It was taken from this serialisation and turned into the adventure novel: The story of Treasure Island is by Robert Louis Stevenson, later that year.

Treasure Island is the classic pirate tale known for its superb atmosphere, character and action. The influence of Treasure Island on popular perception of pirates is vast, including treasure maps with an “X”, schooners, the Black Spot, tropical islands, and one-legged seamen with parrots on their shoulders.”

Sinclair continued to watch Carrie carefully and stay close to her as she moved away from the case and chatted amongst the guests. Each time she moved on, he wasn’t far behind, and they found themselves pulled into the same conversations. She wore no perfume; he assumed so she would leave no lingering scent in the first-floor rooms she had been in, it was too easy to have a scent assigned to one person in particular. Once again, he considered how she had managed to steal something and conceal it beneath Kurtköy Escort that dress.

“Carrington!” Jun Chen said, catching sight of her. “Excuse us, please,” he turned to the small group of people she had been with and took her by the arm, leading her away. “I’ve spotted a few pieces Miles forgot to send for the exhibit!”

“I’m sure he has a good reason for not loaning them to the collection. This is his home, not a museum, Mr. Chen. Perhaps he finds these things too precious to leave in the hands of strangers,” Carrie said softly, despite her boss’s overly loud tone.

“We are not strangers, we are the members of the State Museum and work for him directly, such is the size of his collection,” Jun looked crestfallen at her words. He believed all antiquities of value should be in the hands of museums and not held privately, and it irked him to see so many beautiful pieces on display in this home.

“Why don’t we talk to him tomorrow at the museum and ask him if we can take inventory here before rushing ahead and possibly offending him. I would hate to have him remove his collection or us from the museum because of our faux pas. You know how boorish he can be,” Carrie said reasonably. “You can’t want to risk that because of a few beautiful pieces,” she said, her voice calm and unemotional. She knew very well that if Miles had wanted them displayed he would have sent them to the museum already and replaced them in his home with any number of other equally beautiful artefacts.

Jun’s excitement over his discoveries waned as he nodded, admitting that she right. Miles Rackham was a difficult man, at the best of times. This was not the time or place to demand he give more of his personal belongings to the museum. “I think I will go home, it’s getting late, I can talk to Miles tomorrow,” he finally said, as if it was his idea.

“Me too,” Carrie smiled. “You’re right, it’s getting late, and I was just here to be courteous.” There were a number of other very real reasons she was here, but she had accomplished what she needed and was keen to put some distance between herself and the walking testosterone of Sinclair Mansvelt before she did something she would regret. Timing was everything in this plan, and she had to remember that the final goal was in sight.

Sinclair had watched the exchange between Chen and Carrie carefully. The animated little man had become subdued as she talked briefly with him. He felt a twinge of disappointment as they turned to leave together. He recognised Jun from the museum Miles used as a personal storage locker, and wondered what Carrie’s role was there.

He followed from a distance, noting the make and model of the car she drove, as well as the flash of golden honey coloured skin when her dress rode up as she got into the car exposing her legs. He was pleased that she and Chen had left in separate cars and went back into the party to take up his task of additional security tonight.


Carrie sped through the streets as a light rain began to fall. She always felt so energised after a successful heist. The phone came to life, interrupting the heavy music pumping through the speakers, and she tapped the button on the steering wheel to answer it.

“Hey, everything get back there safely?” She answered, knowing only one person would be calling her at that moment.

“Yeah,” The voice of her adoptive brother, Jordan, hummed through the speakers. “You on your way home?”

“Not just yet, I thought I might take midnight blue for a spin through Diego’s and let it work its magic,” she said grinning and feeling exhilarated by the success of the evening. She’d stolen her prize and managed to intrigue Sinclair Mansvelt, her two objectives accomplished. Now she had to convince him that, while she had the skill and knowledge, she wasn’t The April Fool.

“Be careful, it took me two days to find you last time you went to Diego’s after a heist,” Jordan warned her. “You can’t afford to disappear just now, not when the ball has started rolling on the final phase of this vendetta.”

“Ah, but what a fun two days!” she laughed loudly. “Fine, point taken. I’ll go see if Jerome is at Fat Louie’s, better?” She swung the car changing direction and angering the drivers around her as she weaved in and out of the slower moving traffic.

“It would be better if you slowed down,” Jordan admonished watching her tracker on the screen before him. “Just keep your phone with you, okay?”

“Yeah, yeah,” she smiled. “Why don’t you call that well-endowed boyfriend of yours and blow off some steam yourself?”

“Way ahead of you. See you in the morning. Be careful,” Jordan warned for a last time before hanging up.

Carrie sped through the wet streets. She knew Jerome would be at the gym, several of his clients were corporate high flyers who worked late and worked out even later to destress from the pressures of the cut throat careers they had chosen. She looked at the time on the dash and smiled. The gym junkies would mostly be gone at this time of night, but there would be a few there to distract with her entrance. Of course, walking into Diablo’s bar would have been a bigger and better high, but Jordan was right, she had little control when it came to that man, Jerome was a much safer, if more punishing choice.

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The First Knock is the Hardest Ch. 02

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This is the second in a series of stories following Ed and his adventures as a door-to-door salesman. You don’t need to have read chapter one but you might as well!

I hope you enjoy them and please do leave me feedback – it’s always welcome. All rights reserved, (c) Northern_One, 2013.

The Canadian had an apartment only a block away from where the street of backpackers’ bars thumped with heavy bass and thronged with people. The bars had a liberated, hedonistic atmosphere where people abandoned mundane reality and cut loose, even if they were only free for a few days or weeks, and something of that heady air filled the dimly lit apartment where Ed, the Canadian and the dancer from the bar lounged, already pretty drunk and now mildly drugged. They had met in one of the bars a couple of hours earlier and were back at the Canadian’s place to sample his new toy, a huge pyramidal electronic vapouriser that, when combined with his latest batch of grass had the effect of making them particularly high. It was only a couple of days since the Canadian had acquired the girl’s number but from what Ed could see they were getting on pretty well already.

“So how d’ya get on at work?” the Canadian asked with a wink. He was propped up against the head of the bed, a beer can in one hand, the other draped around the shoulders of the petite brunette who lay against him. He was a good looking guy, the Canadian, not that Ed was attracted to men, but he could see what girls saw in him. Although Ed wasn’t exactly an eight stone weakling the Canadian had the kind of broad, rugged physique that Ed always wished he’d been blessed with; a scruffy beard and mop of curly blond hair added to the general air of masculinity that the Canadian exuded.

“What do you do Ed?” the girl, whose name Ed had taken the time to ask, only to forget it immediately lay against the Canadian, her head on his chest. As fine a specimen as the Canadian was, the girl Ed had last seen wearing only stripper shoes and gold hotpants was altogether more up his street. She was Hungarian – he knew that much – and had extraordinarily high cheekbones that accentuated her almost mesmeric, grey-blue eyes even further. Her dark hair was scraped back from her face in a tight ponytail giving her a slightly stern look that, along with her full, pouting lips, and those narrow, feline, steely eyes reminded Ed of an Eastern European villainess from a Bond film although the cumulative effects of drink, drugs, heat and her striking appearance were making any suave, Bond-like witticisms most unlikely, on Ed’s part at least.

“Basically I’m a door-to-door, salesman,” Ed told her from the armchair in which he was slumped, his legs outstretched on the bed. He took a slurp from his can and crossed his ankles. “It’s a pretty shitty job to be honest but I need to make money somehow.”

The girl nodded, grinning broadly. “I know what you mean,” she responded in accented yet flawless English that would put many native speakers to shame. “I’ve got a master’s from Oxford and here I am, flaunting my tits to drunken yobs,” she laughed.

This made the Canadian snort. “You’re shitting me?” he yelled. “You went to Oxford?”

The girl looked at him and pouted, extricating herself from his arm and sliding across the bed towards the vapourising machine. “I’m a girl of many talents,” she said. As she spoke she looked at Ed and winked. Her glossy black leggings made a noise like static electricity crackling on the Canadian’s cheap bed clothes.

“I’m sure you are baby, I’m sure you are,” drawled the Canadian, admiring her sculpted arse, perfectly presented as she leaned across the table to fill the machine. Ed and the Canadian absently appreciated the beauty before them, watching her fill the Magic Mountain with another batch of greenery. The conversation lulled for a moment as the men admired the girl and the girl went to work on the machine.

A change of tracks on the sound system snapped the Canadian out of his trance and he gently kicked Ed’s feet, nudging him back to reality. “So,” he encouraged, a look of genuine eagerness on his face. “Any luck out there?”

Ed smiled coolly. He’d been waiting for the Canadian to ask and secretly was desperate to tell all and boast about his conquest of Charlene but he didn’t want to look like a boorish womaniser in front of this remarkable female. Okay, he might have seen her on a podium, oiled and topless a night or two ago but, as she said, everyone has to make a living somehow. “A gentlemen doesn’t tell,” he said smoothly, ostentatiously checking his fingernails for any dirt.

“Bull shit!” the Canadian exploded. “Fuck gentlemen; a dude shares the wealth!” he boomed, his eyes dancing with excitement. “You did, didn’t you? You nailed a MILF!”

“What’s this?” asked the girl, an equally mischievous glint in her eye as she turned to Ed. “Have you been seducing desperate housewives?”

“Ha ha, no,” Ed instinctively said, suddenly feeling very much on the spot. “Well, yeah, kind of,” he said quietly. İstanbul Escort He found himself having to stifle a childishly excited laugh.

“You little ripper!” the Canadian yelled in a vaguely Australian accent. “I told you, you’ve just gotta be on the ball! What was she like? Was she a hound? I bet she was!”

The girl blew out the non-existent smoke and frowned gently at the machine. It had taken Ed a while to become used to not having the feel of hot smoke on his throat. It was almost as if feeling that burn was a necessary part of getting stoned but, after a few minutes, the effects of the machine were impressive. She settled herself back on the bed, beside the Canadian, pulling his arm around her bare shoulders once more.

“I bet she was a babe. Ed’s hot. He wouldn’t fuck a hound, would you Ed?” The girl was looking right at Ed as she spoke, her lips pouting as she looked him up and down.

“So was she a hottie then?” the Canadian asked.

Ed was feeling very much on the spot now and regretted the last hit he’d taken from the Magic Mountain. He shuffled uncomfortably, taking his feet off the bed and placing them on the floor, subconsciously trying to make himself less open, less a part of the cosy little trio.

“Leave him alone, you” the girl said gently. “Like Ed said, he’s a gentleman and a gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell.” She winked at Ed, her mouth in a seductive pout. She made herself more comfortable on the bed and took a sip of beer from the Canadian’s can. She looked at Ed again. “Although if you did want to tell I’d love to hear,” she said quietly, her eyes locked on Ed’s.

Ed looked away, unable to stand her intense gaze. He waited a second to compose himself and to try to unscramble his thoughts. It felt seriously weird to tell people whose names he couldn’t even hold in his head about his sexual conquests but then again, the girl was a topless dancer and the Canadian was the one who ultimately he had to thank for his little escapade with Charlene so he wasn’t exactly going to be shocking anyone. He looked back at the girl who was still looking at him, smiling subtly, encouraging him. He took a swig of beer. “She was pretty hot,” he muttered.

“I’m sure she was,” the girl said. She shuffled closer to the Canadian and patted the bed beside her. “Come here and tell us about it.”

Ed glanced at the Canadian who had raised an eyebrow. Ed was pleased to see even the burly alpha male was slightly taken aback by the girl’s suggestion but, with the words of advice he’d been given the other night about looking out for opportunities at the front of his thoughts, he climbed out of the armchair and onto the bed, taking up his position next to the girl.

“Now then,” she said, her elegant manicured hand resting on his thigh. “Tell us your story. We want details.”

The little apartment, already pretty hot, was rapidly becoming stifling. The three of them sat on the bed, their backs against the headboard, their legs stretched out. On one side of the bed the Canadian was wearing a faded blue t shirt and khaki cargo shorts. On the other was Ed, dressed in a loose white shirt and shabby, frayed jeans. Neither wore shoes, flip flops being their footwear of choice. Neither had shaved for a few days and both had fairly unruly, messy hairstyles. In between the scruffy blokes the girl was a well-scrubbed and fragrant beauty. She was subtly made up, not as obviously so as she had been the other night when the boys had ogled her as she twisted and gyrated atop the podium, but the make-up she did wear highlighted her exquisite cheekbones and eyes, accentuating her almost feline appearance. Her full lips shimmered in the dim light. They were pale, a kind of pastel-pink that complemented her skin and eye colour. Along with her glossy leggings she wore a tight, silvery boob tube-type top and black, strappy stiletto heels. It would have been hard to find a better illustration of the way many men and women approach dress and grooming.

It wasn’t a big bed and Ed was pressed tight against the girl. Along with the effects of the drink and drugs, the hypnotic beat of the music and the close heat here was a definite tension in the air. Ed, encouraged by the girl’s seductive voice and general air of exotic sexiness was finding it a little hard to concentrate on keeping his story coherent. Both the Canadian and the girl encouraged him, asking him to recount his time with Charlene slowly, to not miss anything out. Ed wasn’t quite sure where this was leading but something told him it was likely to be an enjoyable journey.

The girl’s hand was still on Ed’s thigh, her other on that of the Canadian. Ed, finding his inhibitions tempered by the intake of the evening and the unusual circumstances, was beginning to enjoy his role as storyteller. Every so often one of his audience would ask a question or make an encouraging remark, fuelling Ed’s enthusiasm, urging him on. He hadn’t even begun to talk about the actual sex yet, it seemed as though the thrill of Anadolu Yakası Escort the build-up, the setting of the scene; the little details were what were truly exciting.

“So do you think she liked the look of you the first time you called and planned it?” the girl asked. Ed couldn’t be sure if she was consciously rubbing his inner thigh now but the feel of her hand running up and down his thigh through his thin jeans was certainly having an effect on him.

“I don’t know,” Ed replied, looking across at the pair of them. The girl was smiling faintly, her lips moistened, her white teeth just visible. The Canadian was grinning like the village idiot. He was obviously loving hearing how his words of wisdom had been put to good use. “I mean, I didn’t remember her but then she was naked under that leisure suit, so maybe.”

“I bet she did. I bet she planned it all,” the girl said to Ed, her hand working its way higher, making Ed catch his breath.

“I told you, man,” the Canadian chuckled. “Bored suburban chicks. They’re the best.”

The girl gave him a look and slapped his thigh sharply, making him yelp. “Sorry babe. You know what I mean, though,” he said sheepishly.

“Come on, Ed,” she encouraged. “My god, I bet you were excited!” As if to reinforce her point she dragged her fingers over Ed’s crotch, causing Ed’s rapidly hardening cock to lurch. Her eyes were won his, a knowing look there, behind the faintly mysterious blue-grey of her irises. He looked at the Canadian; her hand was on his crotch, too. He gave Ed a slightly wary look, his eyes wide, brows raised.

Ed continued, relaying how he’d decided to go for broke and strip in front of Charlene and found himself rubbing his cock in front of a stranger in her kitchen. At this point the girl murmured something quietly to herself and rubbed her palm firmly and deliberately over the sensitive tip of Ed’s now fully erect cock. Ed began working through various possibilities of how the current scenario might develop. The girl was clearly in charge, her hands slowly stimulating both men but Ed couldn’t help wonder where things were heading. Years before, he and a friend had almost had a threesome with a girl but had chickened out citing having no desire to see one another’s veiny stalks; but that was as a teenager. Ed was quite happy to see where this was going.

“So did she get them out for you then?” the Canadian asked.

Ed snorted at the directness of his acquaintance, so much for building an erotic atmosphere, he thought. “Yeah, once I was in the buff she got them out,” Ed laughed.

“What were they like?” he asked eagerly. “Were they like these little beauties?” he leaned over to the girl and pulled down her tight top. Both of her pert breasts bobbed into view. The girl didn’t bat an eyelid.

Ed took a good look as she continued to rub his cock. “Probably a bit bigger, I guess. Not tanned though.” He paused to appraise her tits some more. Yes, he’d seen them in the bar but there they were something to ogle, something for drunk blokes to wank off over back at their hostel. Here, in the charged heat of the Canadian’s apartment, they were – she was – real, a part of a beautiful, apparently sexually available woman who was currently rubbing his and his friend’s cocks. Driven by the growing tingling in his groin he reached to feel her left breast. She raised an eyebrow and smiled. The girl’s tits were smaller than Charlene’s but firmer. Ed didn’t think he’d felt such firm boobs since he was a randy teenager, persuading reluctant girlfriends to let him cop a feel. Her tits filled the cup of his hand perfectly, a dark, slightly upturned nipple pressing hard against his palm. As he rubbed the European beauty pouted, her thumb and index finger closing around his now almost painfully-throbbing erection.

“So, Ed,” she breathed. “What happened next?”

Ed continued to rub her tits and picked up his story. He had past the point of verbal foreplay now and was describing his licking her out and building up to their hard, intense fuck on her dining table. Neither the girl nor the Canadian asked anything now; there was a palpable air of concentration to accompany the sexual tension. Ed, now with no embarrassment whatsoever, his memories fuelling the imaginations of his listeners, was describing the sensation of sliding deep inside Charlene’s tight cunt. As he did, the girl, with impressive ambidexterity, unbuttoned the flies of the men either side of her, finally freeing their aching cocks and began to stroke. The feel of her hand tight around his aching hard on caused to Ed to gasp. He looked across at The Canadian who again, just for a second, looked a little unsure and looked away. What was happening had obviously taken the Canadian by surprise too but the girl either ignored his discomfort or didn’t care and instead looked at Ed and pouted, her breasts beginning to jiggle as she pumped her arms up and down in unison.

“Keep going,” she told him. She looked at Ed’s cock in her left hand Üsküdar Escort then, raising a perfectly plucked eyebrow, back at him. “Charlene’s a lucky girl.”

Ed grinned at the compliment then groaned as the girl’s French-manicured nails dragged up the length of his cock and onto the wet, sticky head. He pinched her left nipple, making her squeak, then resumed his tale.

A few moments later, as he was building, literally, to the climax of his story, the girl moved out from between the boys and, crawling down the bed, her little shiny black bottom wiggling enticingly as she moved, turned to face them. She knelt, her top below her breasts, her hard nipples pointing upwards, and gazed admiringly at the scene in front of her, and the excitement she was causing. “Take them off,” she instructed, looking at the undone jeans and shorts Ed and the Canadian still wore. “And your tops.”

Ed, now so far beyond caring whose cock he saw, was naked in an instant. He was quite happy with not knowing the destination, just happy to enjoy the ride. The Canadian, now rather less sure of himself hesitated briefly, then followed but kept his gaze firmly fixed on the girl. “Good boys,” she said huskily, eyeing the two bobbing, glistening penises in front of her. Her tongue slid along her full lips, moistening them again, and she rubbed her tits, pinching both nipples. She came closer, kneeling between Ed and his friend, and took hold once more. She looked at Ed, the muscles of her slender arms visibly tensing as she worked her hands up and down. “How does it end, Ed?” she asked. “I want to know.”

Ed was finding it increasingly hard to concentrate on his narrative, a task made all the more difficult when the girl, her eyes on his, lowered her head, and took him into her mouth. He moaned as her wet, hot mouth engulfed his cock, her tongue slithering and slipping across the tip, her full, pouting lips almost pornographic as they formed a tight seal. She sucked hard, sensual, cat-like eyes still on Ed’s, her head bobbing up and down, lacquered ponytail flapping from one side to another. After all too short a time she released him with a slurping, sucking sound and, after demanding the finale of the story, turned her attention to the Canadian. As her mouth closed around his cock, her hand found its way back to Ed’s cock, wanking him hard.

She alternated like this, her hand wrapped tight around one cock whilst sucking the other as Ed described how he had fucked Charlene. Each time she swapped she’d smile, almost demurely, at her man before resuming her efforts.

Maybe Ed was slowed by having to tell his story or maybe it was simply staying power but on perhaps her fourth visitation to the Canadian’s pole he cried out as he suddenly came. Her hand didn’t let up on Ed’s cock for a second as the Canadian thrust his hips upwards in time with his ejaculations, her lips tight around the head, the shaft below glistening with her saliva. She waited patiently until the Canadian’s writhing and grunting died away then, without making a show of it, swallowed, released his still twitching tool, wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and turned her attention back to Ed. How times change, he thought to himself. From turning down a threesome because he didn’t want to see his mate’s dick to being sucked off by a girl who had just swallowed another dude’s load. That had to count as progress. Perhaps not for the Canadian, though, who didn’t know where to look.

Kneeling, her delectable little bum pointing skyward and just visible in the apartment’s mirror, the girl settled herself between Ed’s knees, her hands rubbing up his inner thighs, between his legs, dragging a fingernail across his arsehole, then upwards, onto his balls and cock. She rubbed his slit with a fingertip, massaging the sticky emissions and her own saliva all around his big, purple helmet with a greedy look on her face. She looked up at him again. “Story please,” she said, then slid her wonderful lips down his rod, taking as much of Ed’s long, thick cock as she could. Ed groaned quietly and endeavoured to finish.

His story was nearly complete and so was he. As she sped up, her tongue writhing across him as she sucked, her hands working on his shaft and squeezing his balls, Ed relayed Charlene coming, then his own orgasm, shooting his load over her body. As he did the girl pressed a digit against his arse, working him towards ecstasy. Her head bobbed, her mouth so wet and hot, her eyes never leaving his until finally, the moment came and he erupted, shooting jet after jet into her mouth. He grunted with each spurt, the slow build-up to his orgasm making it all the more intense. The girl swallowed as she went and didn’t stop until she’d sucked every drop from him, her eyes smiling wickedly as she did. Finally, reluctantly, she set his now softening cock free and sat up on her knees, a huge, satisfied grin on her sultry face.

“Mmm, that was nice,” she said, eyeing the drained boys. “I don’t do that for just anyone, you know.” She looked at Ed. “I loved your story. You made me feel very naughty.” She paused for a second, taking in the view, her hand idly playing with her right breast before she pulled up her top, and playfully slapped the boys’ legs. “Right, you two. Get dressed. We’re going out.”

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