The Flowering

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Eighteen year old Ashley Chester was nervously smoothing her white shirt. So this was the biker’s spring festival? Freddy had dreamed of coming here? It was horrible! All the noise and the smell of beer and exhaust fumes!

Ashley put a strand of her short mouse-brown hair behind her ear. Freddy Mason, her longtime boyfriend, had been so excited. He had finally talked his rich father into buying him a Harley Davidson. He had been so cute, like a boy opening a long awaited Christmas present. And now he wanted to show off his newest plaything. And maybe he had wanted to show off his girlfriend too, Ashley added to herself, sobering quickly. As if there was anything to be shown off with a girl as plain as she was!

Now here she was, in this terrible clearing in the remote forest. There were about seventy men and women around a large fire. They had started consuming beer, and worse, long before the sun even started to set. Massive speakers on top of a bike were pumping out loud rock music and about twenty people were dancing to the hard rhythms. Two bikes were cruising around the dancers, and to Ashley’s shock they both had half naked girls on the back. What had she gotten herself into?

Freddy had no clue what to do either, it seemed, he just sat on his shiny new toy grinning and obviously hoping that the admirers would crowd around him. Which no one was doing. Ashley got off of the back of the Harley and took a step back before someone noticed her. She wished her brother was here with her, but he ended up having a wedding to go to, so he had had to cancel this trip — and leave her alone at the noisy biker’s festival. Ashley wished she could hide under the earth like a seedling did. She straightened her blue jeans and white shirt yet again and put her hair behind her ears in a nervous gesture. She really should be studying for the Spanish exam in two days and not here where girls went around half naked! Ashley pointedly looked away from those shameless people — and right at one of the approaching bikers.

His skin was white, but except for that, the only color she saw was black — black hair, black eyes, black moustache and black biker clothes just partly hiding his bulging muscles. Only his whiteteethed grin was a sharp contrast to all the black, shiny, even predatory, and directed at her. She gulped, and his grin widened even more. The biker suddenly turned toward Freddy, and Ashley noticed that five of his friends had followed their leader, all dressed in the same garb, down to the silver lined black wolf on the shoulder of their jackets. They had their black helmets, all embossed with the same black wolf, under their arms and turned to her boyfriend, after grinning in Ashley’s direction. Ashley felt as if they had a secret she wasn’t in on, and it made her uncomfortable. Freddy didn’t seem notice the smiles directed toward his girlfriend; he was just happy that someone was finally paying attention to him. He was oblivious to the feigned friendliness in the leader’s voice as the man finally turned toward him and shoved a clear bottle with a lightning bolt on its side into his hand.

“I’m Brett, and this is my Wolfpack.” The leader of the bikers had an oily voice that grated on Ashley’s nerves, but didn’t seem to bother Freddy. “Have a drink. You’re new, right? A hog, huh? How fast is she?”

Freddy answered the questions enthusiastically, embellishing whatever he thought he could get away with and making up answers to questions he didn’t know. Ashley sighed at having to hear him once again repeat how great the bike was and managed to only slightly roll her eyes as she listened to him bump the numbers up from what he had told her before. But Brett simply nodded and clapped Freddy’s shoulder in congratulations. He took the bottle back, drank a slug himself and then passed the bottle on — to Ashley. She took the glass bottle in surprise, wishing she had gone farther away, but she hadn’t wanted to leave the side of the only man she knew in this crowd.

Reluctantly Ashley sniffed at the bottle, which drew a laugh from the gang, and then looked toward Freddy. He frowned slightly and gave her a sign to drink, not wanting her to make the wrong impression on his newfound “friends”. Ashley sighed and took a sip, then coughed. God, what was that? It burned all the way down her throat and made her eyes water. She had had very little alcohol in her life, the last on her eighteenth birthday a few months ago, but never anything as potent as that. The gang laughed again, and Freddy’s face turned red. Embarrassed herself and not wanting her boyfriend to look like a fool Ashley took another sip, and this time she was able to avoid coughing, if barely. How had anyone managed to bottle liquid fire? What could possibly be in this killer stuff? She considered emptying the bottle on the ground, but of course didn’t. What kind of seedling would grow if watered by this?

Brett took the unlabeled jug again, clapped Ashley’s Tuzla Escort shoulder, and smiled at her. But she could barely see him through the tears in her eyes. Quickly she blinked them away and smiled back at the gang leader. Her throat felt rough, so she didn’t dare to say anything, and luckily it wasn’t necessary. Brett smiled at her once more, passed the bottle toward one of his gang, then turned back toward Freddy and resumed talking about the speed of the Harley. Freddy was happy to be the center of attention again and readily started to brag even more. Ashley took a deep breath and tried to gulp the fire in her throat away. Just as she thought she would be able to breathe freely again, she was handed the bottle once more. Apparently it had completed its round through the pack already and it was her turn again. Or was it a fresh bottle? It still had roughly the same level as when she had gotten rid of it. Ashley sighed inwardly, but feeling everyone watching her she closed her eyes and took another sip. This time she could stomach it a bit better. You can get used to anything in time, she thought, quickly getting rid of the stuff by passing it on. Even after just three sips she felt a bit lightheaded. Devilish stuff!

The talk between Freddy and the pack had turned toward a test drive of the new Harley. Of course her boyfriend had agreed to it, grinning like a happy schoolboy. Ashley loved it when Freddy was in this mood; he looked so cute when his eyes were sparkling. And she was relieved that this test drive would get her out of the clearing full of vulgar women, even if it meant being with Brett’s Wolfpack. At least six bikers were better then seventy. So she settled herself on the back of the Harley behind an excited Freddy while the gang went to fetch their own motorcycles. If they managed to make this just a quick ride, Ashley mused, she might even get home early enough to review her last three lessons for the Spanish exam.

Her thoughts were drowned out in a roar of noise when the wolves returned with their motorcycles. Ashley couldn’t hear anything until Brett turned off his foreign model and the pack followed his lead. She sighed in relief as her ears stopped ringing from the terrible noise from the engines. However, her relief suddenly turned to shock as she listened to what the leader had to say.

“You takin’ your girl behind you?” Brett asked Freddy. “Don’t you want to show us what this hog can really do? Come on, I’ll take her behind me, so you can show us what you can do. Come on girl, hop over here, we want to see him really let loose!”

Ashley was speechless, and even more so when Freddy readily agreed. What was he thinking? How could he leave her alone with this animal?

“Freddy!” she started in on him angrily, but Brett interrupted immediately.

“Don’t worry, baby, we’ll stay together, and Freddy can show us what this hog can really do. Besides, I’m a more experienced biker, so you’ll be safer with me.”

Brett smiled at Ashley and offered her the jug yet again. Ashley looked at Freddy, who still had his helmet off and looked at her apologizing with his sky-blue eyes. Ashley couldn’t believe it. She took the bottle to her lips, taking a whole mouthful this time. Then she coughed again and sighed. If it would make her boyfriend happy, she’d ride with Brett. But she’d never ever go with Freddy to a biker festival again, that was for sure!

Sighing again Ashley dismounted and climbed onto Brett’s machine. One of the gang, Jimmy, assisted her on it, but despite that she felt uncomfortable immediately. This seat was much shorter than the Harley’s, and she felt dangerously close to Brett, who had already put on his helmet, which was black as night. She opened her mouth to point out the fact that she had no helmet for herself and that he should drive carefully, but before she could say anything the roaring noise was back as the machines started. Freddy put on his pristine white helmet quickly, and followed Brett. Jimmy ran to his own bike in a hurry, already a bit behind the starting pack of black wolves. To Ashley it looked like a sea of black with a single white spot in the middle.

Soon they were all riding on the small forest path at a pace that Ashley felt was much too fast as she was bumped around on the backseat of the foreign model. She had no choice but to hold on tightly to Brett so she didn’t fall off; her arms were around his leather clad chest, her small breasts squished against his broad back. Ashley hoped fervently that Brett didn’t feel this bold touch through his thick leather jacket. No man had ever felt her breasts before, and she had been adamant about it not happening before her marriage when Freddy had tried once.

Now the pack had reached the edge of the forest and entered the highway. Immediately the bumping stopped, but the speed went up considerably, soon reaching a breakneck pace. Ashley grabbed Brett even tighter, her knuckles white Gebze Escort in her terror. She had wanted this ride to end quickly, but not because they broke the sonic barrier and got themselves killed in the process! And her without a helmet, what would her mother think?

Ashley’s eyes were wide with fear after a few miles and it took her some time before she noticed that the group was splitting. Brett and two other wolves were slowing down considerably, and consequently, the other four men, along with Freddy were leaving them behind. Finally Brett stopped at the edge of the highway. He took off his helmet and turned toward Ashley.

“You can let go of me now, baby. It’s a bit hard to breathe in your bear hug, you know,” he said, smiling at Ashley, who let him go immediately, her face flushing. Brett laughed. Two of his gang, Jimmy and Paul, who looked enough alike to be brothers, came to their leader’s side, and asked why they were stopping. Ashley got off the bike quickly and swiped the back of her hand across her forehead. Jimmy handed her the bottle again, and she took two mouthfuls – this time she barely coughed as the fire made its way down her throat. The clear liquid felt good on her unhappy stomach, nice and warm.

Brett watched Ashley drinking in silence, like a scientist watching a watered seedling in his laboratory. Finally, he addressed the girl again.

“Feeling better now, baby?” the leader of the pack asked. Before she had a chance to answer, he continued. “You’ll feel safer if you sit in front of me. Jimmy, help her,” Brett ordered. Ashley wasn’t sure what the pack leader was talking about. Was she supposed to drive this huge machine? But Brett was already mounting his bike, sitting just a bit more towards the back than before. He opened his leather jacket, and then put on his helmet again, waiting for her. Jimmy guided the speechless Ashley to the front of the foreign bike and gave her the bottle again. She gulped down another mouthful then shook her head to clear her thoughts. She was finding it increasingly difficult to think clearly.

Ashley tried to climb onto the bike between Brett and the handle bars, but was stopped by a grinning Jimmy. He indicated that she should sit with her face toward Brett, not her back. Ashley nodded absentmindedly and followed his instructions, which made the three bikers grin even more. She found herself face to face with the mustached leader of the pack, which sobered her a bit. But it was too late; he had already started his machine and taken off.

The increasing speed pressed Ashley against Brett, and now she realized that his leather jacket was open, which meant that if she leaned forward there would be nothing but their thin shirts separating her breasts from his chest. Ashley tried to scoot back on the seat and distance herself from the leader of the Wolfpack, even an inch or two would make her feel more comfortable, but he just put his hand on her bottom and pulled her closer to himself. Ashley squeaked, but the increasing speed of the bike forced her to grab Brett tightly again. She was now not only clinging to the leader of the pack, but her small breasts were touching Brett’s chest. She could feel the muscles of his chest through the thin material of his t-shirt. Even their pelvises were touching, and Brett still had his hand on Ashley’s bottom, where no man had been allowed to touch her ever before! Ashley blushed, but there was no escape from the close contact unless she wished to jump from the fast bike, which was vibrating under her spread legs. Vibrating in a strange way.

Ashley was still trying to think of a way out of her impossible situation when the bike slowed down once more. She couldn’t see much more than Brett’s chest in her current situation, but soon the bike stopped and she could finally dismount it, but not without a parting squeeze on her bottom from her crude driver. She literally jumped to the dirt at the side of the road. Luckily, Jimmy was at her side again with the mandatory bottle.

“Why did we stop?” Ashley asked the bikers after two quick mouthfuls.

“We can’t catch up to the others anymore. You held us up too much already cause you made us stop.” Brett shrugged, laying all the blame on Ashley in a casual way. Before Ashley could deny the unfair accusation, the pack leader added: “Anyway, Paul had to water the bushes.” He pointed at the nearby shrubs, were Paul was indeed busy fighting a drought. He had his pants down and Ashley got a view of his bare ass. She quickly looked away, feeling her face burn. Were all bikers so lewd? Brett laughed again.

“What? Don’t tell me you’ve never seen a man’s bare ass before?” he asked incredulously, still grinning.

Ashley blushed even more at having been caught peeking. She hadn’t seen one before, of course; she had led a very sheltered life, so far. But she had seen Freddy’s, well, other side. By mistake, of course. She had gone to visit Aydınlı Escort him and was going to stick her head into the bathroom to tell him she was there. She hadn’t been aware that he was taking a shower, so had peeked into the bathroom to see him with his head buried in a towel, but the rest of his body on display. She had of course backed out quickly, but she had already seen his most intimate part. Her girlfriends had speculated a lot about the size of this specific anatomical region, adding inches each time, so Ashley had been relieved to see that Freddy wasn’t built that big by far, his manhood hung just barely below his balls after his cold shower and didn’t seem intimidating at all. She had had fears of her wedding night before that sight, but afterwards was much more relaxed around her boyfriend, which he noted without comprehending.

Brett laughed again after Ashley’s pronounced silence, calling her back from her reverie. Then he addressed his black wolf:

“Hey, Paul, Ashley doesn’t like the sight of your hairy ass! Do something about it!”

Paul answered something unprintable and Ashley’s averted face turned an even brighter shade of red, which made Brett laugh even louder.

Brett was almost out of breath when he finally told Ashley that she wouldn’t have to look at anyone’s ass anymore. Relieved, she automatically looked in Paul’s direction, expecting to see the man fully dressed again. But the sheltered girl was in for a surprise. Brett was right that she couldn’t see Paul’s ass any longer, but not because he had his pants pulled up. Paul had simply turned around, so that now she looked at his private part, which Paul didn’t try to cover in any way! Not only was Paul naked from the waist down, but compared to Freddy, he was huge!

Ashley was mesmerized as she saw the first semi-erect penis of her life. At this point Paul joined the other bikers in laughing at Ashley’s naiveté.

“Is my cock bigger than Freddy’s?” he asked smiling, not really expecting an answer. Then he reached for it and Ashley thought he was finally going to hide his penis. However, instead of covering it up, Paul started stroking it. Ashley’s eyes widened as she watched it get even bigger!

“Do you like what you see, baby?” Brett whispered into her ear. The innocent girl blushed again, but was still unable to remove her eyes from the other biker’s manhood. Paul’s cock was erect now, pointing toward her, and still the big man stroked it. Ashley gulped as her mouth was suddenly dry. Something started to stir, deep inside of her, like a seedling does when its time is coming. Ashley felt Brett’s hands on her shoulders, heard him whispering some more, but didn’t understand anything, so just nodded reflexively. Immediately she felt hands on her breasts, gently caressing them. And her nipples reacted at once.

Ashley felt her heart dropping into her stomach. She had always been shy about how small her breasts were. She had been told they would still grow, because she was only eighteen, but she wished they would hurry it up. Even more shameful, to Ashley, was that whatever her breasts lacked in size, her nipples more than made up for! Whenever she remembered the sight of Freddy’s private parts, her nipples grew embarrassingly long. They could reach at least half an inch, if not more!

From the day she had discovered just how long her nipples could become, she had worn bras that hid them and held them flat. She had also tried to avoid any thoughts that might let them grow, but it was becoming harder and harder to do that. Freddy’s understanding of her sexual reluctance had luckily eased matters a bit over time, but now, with Paul’s cock pointed in her direction and Brett’s hands on her breasts it was impossible for Ashley to think at all. And now Jimmy was also dropping his leather pants!

As Ashley had feared, her nipples started growing and getting harder under the assault of the pack leader’s hands and by the sight of the stripping men. Ashley simply couldn’t control them any longer; on the contrary, she felt little electrical surges radiating from her still growing nipples through her entire body. A moan escaped her full lips, and she closed her eyes instinctively – only to open them wide a moment later. Her buttons were being undone! Someone was busy with her white shirt, and someone else was wrestling with her jeans!

Sobering quickly, Ashley wriggled away from the groping hands and took a step sideways, freeing herself from her attackers. She hastened to hide her aching breasts behind her hands. Luckily her assailants had only managed to open two buttons on her shirt and the one on her jeans. Shivering she wanted to yell at the men for their audacity, but words seemed to fail her. Instead Brett spoke, wearing his fake smile again.

“Hey, baby!” he said soothingly, laying his hand on Ashley’s shoulder for reassurance. “You’re a fair girl, right? A just one?”

Ashley nodded with furrowed brows, insecure about where the leader of the pack was heading. Brett kept smiling at her.

“Look, baby, you’ve seen Paul’s cock, right?”

Ashley nodded reluctantly again, the memories and foul word making her feel the heat of her returned blush.

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Special Night

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My name is Daniel Juarez and I’m twenty years old. I’ve been friends with a girl named Jennifer Reyes and we have been friends ever since childhood. It started one fateful July 19th in 1999 when Jennifer had her 18th birthday. I have been twenty years old for the last three months but I have been waiting for Jen to turn eighteen for a while. Though she wasn’t my girlfriend I always loved her for who she was and in turn I treated her like a sister but on that special night I will never forget the magic that happened between us. The night went something like this

“Hey Jen! It’s your 18th birthday so we should do something fun!” Daniel said.

“Wait! Let me get dressed” Jennifer squealed out.

“Ok ok fine” Daniel said in a slightly annoyed voice.

Pretty soon after that they went out to have a few beers. This was the first time Jennifer had drank a beer in her whole life and after two cans was feeling a little dizzy.

“Hey Daniel can you please take me home? I don’t’ feel too good” Jen said.

“Well I guess I have to take you home” Daniel said kind of disappointed.

After that Daniel took Jen home.

After they both went into the house Jen passed out in the couch. Daniel knowing that it was ok to stay since they have been friends for so long decided to watch some TV. After a hour of TV he became bored with it and stared at the still asleep Jennifer.

“Boy she must have taken it hard she looks all tuckered out” he thought and then he started to have a perverted thought.

“Hmmmm now that I mention it I’ve never seen her in her undies since we were kids” Daniel muttered.

I wonder what kind of panties she wears. Daniel went up to the sleeping Jen and started to slowly unzip her skirt.

“Wow” he thought “They’re so cute and innocent” he muttered. She was wearing panties only a little girl would wear. She was wearing a pair of white cotton whinnie the pooh panties. After he stared at them for a minute he started to feel himself get hard Anadolu Yakası Escort since he started to think about how her pussy looked. Even with her panties on Daniel could still smell the faint scent of her vagina. Daniel moved her panties to the side and stared directly at her pussy. “Wow” he thought. It was so small and it barely had any pubic hair. She really did look innocent. Then he started to pull her panties down. First to her ankles then to her thighs and then off on the ground.

As soon as I got her panties on the ground I spread her cute legs and looked between them. It was more beautiful then I could ever imagine. Her cunt was a bright beautiful pink. The area around her slit was a little moist and she barely had any pubic hair. Her pussy was staring at me just waiting for me to get at it. It stared at me with it’s glistening love juice and I found myself being drawn closer to it. I put my face right in front of her magnificent cunt and take a sniff. It smells so good. I feel my cock starting to rise as I start sniffing her innocent yet mature pussy.

“She smells wonderful” I mutter to myself.

“I just have to have a taste”My mind says. After a few more sniffs I take my first kiss on the most private of parts. I start out by giving her pussy a sweet soft kiss on the slit. After that I noticed I get some of her juice on my lips. I lick it off and instantly I became more turned on just tasting her sweet nectar.

“God she tastes so good” Daniel says to himself. Pretty soon I stopped the kissing and started making out with her pussy. I made out with it like it was the most delicious cunt in the world. I just couldn’t get enough of her delicious juices. I looked up at her and noticed she was starting to squirm and she had a faint smile on her face. I started to get more bold and reckless in my actions and decided I should French kiss her pussy. So after having that thought I spread her vaginal lips open and put my tongue in deep and started moving it Kadıköy Escort around. It was the most delicious kiss I have ever done in my whole life but it would seem that it would be short lived because all of a sudden she woke up in a weak squirmy kind of way, looked between her legs and saw where I was and said

“Hey what are you doing?!” Jennifer said in a embarrassed blushing sort of way.

I couldn’t think of anything. I was trapped so I said the only honest thing I could say “I was tasting your pussy” I muttered with shame.

She looked at my face then with a blushed smile told me “Would you please do it again?”

I look at her in amazement and say “What? Did I just hear you right?”

She responded by saying in a more embarrassed tone of voice “Can you please make out with my pussy again?” I stare at her for a moment then I agree and go on with my work.

I go back down between her legs and start to run my tongue lightly around her crotch and then I lick up and down her inner thighs. I watch her expression turn from giddy to embarrassed to confused. I lick her thighs and she squirms in delight and confusion since her body never felt these kind of strong sensations.

She finally breaks out and says “Can you please put that tongue back on my cunt? Your making me so embarrassed and I feel so hot. I don’t’ know what to do!”

I tell her “Your such a bad girl for wanting this kind of thing” and she responds by blushing and saying nothing else.

I then proceed to put my tongue back on her slit and I start to make out with her warm sweet delicious honey pot and start to lick up her natural juices. She looks down at me embarrassed and asks me what that stuff coming out of her vagina is.

I respond to her by saying “That’s just your love juice Jennifer” and she looks at me and asks why is it coming out so fast. I proceed to tell her that it’s coming out because it means she loves being eaten in her most private of places. Jennifer looks at me in İstanbul Escort amazement at what I am doing to her. She continues looking at me with a embarrassed look that means “Why am I letting him in between my legs? I’ve known him so long it just feels kind of wrong” look. I ask her if there is anything wrong and she looks down at me and says “No”.

Pretty soon I start French kissing her pussy again and she recoils back in pleasure and lets out a soft moan. As I continue my skillful licking and kissing I look at the expressions on her face. She looks so flushed with emotion she might cream herself at any moment. I stop making out with her and start to run my tongue up and down. “Oh…..” She mutters in a embarrassed voice. I stop for a moment and she just lost control of herself she creamed her love juice all over my face and started to relax.

“Hey Jen” I say

“Yeah?” She responds

I ask her how she felt about it and that I am sorry for letting my horny emotions get to me and she says “It’s alright I…really enjoyed it. Thank you”

I look at her and ask her “Did you really enjoy it?” And she looks at me with a big sparkle in her eye and says “Yeah.” I close my eyes and start to go to sleep and she nudges me softly and then tells me…..

“Umm…. Daniel. I don’t know what to say or how I can repay you but I want to tell you that was the most wonderful and beautiful feeling I have ever felt. I can’t think of anyway to repay you for the wonderful feelings you gave me but I want you to know that I loved every moment of it”

I look at her and say “Really? Did you really enjoy it that much?” She looks at me and says “Yeah. I loved it. It was one of the most beautiful feels I ever had in my life.” She then proceeds to tell me “Ummm you know what Daniel? Ever since we were kids and you saw me in my panties and when we played doctor I was always hoping for another chance to he like that. I guess my wish came true” she smiled.

“You still remember that?!” I stammer and she smiles coyly and nods her head. “Well we better go to sleep Jen” I whisper and she nods her head in agreement. We get close together and cuddle and then eventually fall asleep.

And ever since that day me and Jennifer have started to become closer then ever.

The End

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Slightly, Once Ch. 02

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Nothing like setting up a spin move. I like these characters a lot.

A few days later, we were at the gym, playing a little one-on-one before Kim’s practice. Christmas Day had been sweet. She had given me a fountain pen, and it was wonderful. She knew that I liked to write, and in the days before PCs, beautiful writing instruments were treasured. It was a deeply personal, totally sensitive gift. I loved it. The day had been light, her folks welcoming, and they seemed to have no hint of the intense passion we had shared the night before.

But we did. Subtly, we couldn’t keep our hands off each other, even if it was just holding hands sitting on the sofa. We traded knowing smiles, and silly winks. When her parents were out of the room, we would steal little kisses. We laughed a lot. We ate a lot. We started to fall in love, I think.

“I need more of last night,” Kim would whisper every time her parents left the room. “I want to make you a habit.”

I blushed. She laughed.

Now, in the gym, she dribbled and backed into me. I was fully expecting the spin move, but wasn’t sure whether it would be to the right or left. It was neither. She just ground her butt into my crotch, bouncing the ball a little harder. Here, with basketball season in full swing, she was in top physical shape. The best butt in the universe was just that much more firm, tight, and lovely. Grinding into my groin, it couldn’t miss having a profound effect. I looked at the shapely back before me, from the long blonde ponytail, strong yet delicate shoulders, graceful arms through rolled-up sleeves, and long curves into a lovely waist, flaring out to slim hips. For my tastes, perfect. Not to mention that her butt sat atop a perfect set of long, long legs. I might have actually drooled as I took this all in.

“Umm,” she purred as she ground into me. “Am I making you hard?”

Yup. And I said as much.

“Good!” And she spun left for an easy layup.

“No fair!” I yelped.

She came up and kissed my nose. “All’s fair in love and war, big fella.” She kept the ball.

And have I mentioned lately that Kim sparkled? She glowed. She radiated a sweetness, a lightness that was so appealing. Always appearing to be happy, she had a quick smile, and a ready laugh. And, it seemed, she wanted to be my girl. I know that I couldn’t have been happier, or more honored, to be the object of her affections, even if I really didn’t understand why I had been chosen. She was everything The Girl Next Door should be, outside and, especially, inside. Plus, she was apparently learning to love sex.

Backing into me again, she resumed grinding herself into my groin. This time, I grabbed her hips and ground back, my dick finding the crack of her butt and rubbing in it. Fortunately, we were the only ones in the gym. Yup, I was hard, all right.

“No fair!” she yelled. “Foul! Illegal use of the hands!” But she kept grinding.

“Are you complaining?” I asked, hands still pulling her close, sausage Ataşehir Escort still grinding between the buns.

“Well,” she paused, grinding back. “No. But it’s very frustrating.”

“Because I’m preventing your spin move?” I asked, with a little mischief in my voice.

“Not exactly,” she replied. “It’s because there are so many layers of clothes between us.”

I thought quickly. “Come on. Boys locker room. No one will be in there with the girls’ practice up next.”

She came up and pressed against me, looking up into my eyes. “Do you dribble before you shoot, big boy?”

“You mean, basketball?” I teased.

She shook her head slightly, once. I kissed her nose. “A guy doesn’t kiss and tell. Race you!”

We ran to and through the door. I pressed her up against the lockers and kissed her deeply. She responded by hiking up her legs and wrapping them around my waist. I was holding her up. We kissed and kissed.

“I can’t wait,” she breathed. “I’ve got to have you!” She let herself down, and in a few quick moves had shed all her clothes. A few more helped me out of mine. She pulled me close and backed against the lockers, her legs once again circling my waist. “Where were we?” Reaching between us, she guided my cock to her opening and impaled herself on it, burying me to the hilt in one swift move. “Yes!” she moaned. “This is what I need.” She started to move her hips, moving my cock in and out. I put my arms under her knees to help hold her up, and could bounce her a little as she moved. I felt my cock sliding in and out. I wasn’t going to last, that was for sure.

“Kim, I need to cum!” I gasped.

“Give it to me.” She cried. “Give it to me!”

I did, slamming her against the locker and exploding. She screamed and arched, an orgasm of her own wracking her body. I held her close and filled her with sperm, each contraction of my cock elevating me to new heights.

We came down, slowly. I nuzzled her neck, nipping and kissing. She laughed a soft laugh and held my head to her. “God, I needed that!” she said.

“Me, too,” I murmured into her neck. We stayed that way for a while, her legs still wrapped around my waist.

“Dave?” Kim asked.


“Are you still hard?”

I was. Hard, and deep within her. “I guess so.”

She looked at me and licked the corner of her lips. “Want to go again?” Her eyes twinkled.

How could I possibly say no? I looked into those blue eyes and nodded. Once.

“Let me down,” she said as she unwrapped her legs. I lifted her off my member and let her down. She took me by the hand and went over to the stainless steel trainer’s table. She bent over it. “Oh! That’s COLD!” she said as she jerked up. Looking around, she scampered to get a towel. Spreading it on the table, and she bent over on top of it. I had a view of her gorgeous, long legs spread, and her pussy glistening. I think I was gaping.

She looked around, back at me. “Are you sneaking a peek Anadolu Yakası Escort at my butt?” She laughed, and I remembered the first day at registration, when I had done just that, and gotten caught.

“Um, caught me,” I said, as I had then.

“Well stop it!’ she scolded. “And do I have to mail you an invitation?”

Rising from my stupor, I moved in behind her. Six feet tall with legs that went all the way to the floor, and me even taller, I found that we fit together perfectly as I sank into her. From behind, as a new experience, was incredibly exciting. Her vagina seemed to wrap around me in a completely different way. And she was so wet from Round 1 and her orgasm that I had slipped in easily, even though she felt so tight. For a moment, I just stood there, savored the feeling of being inside her, savored feeling the front of my legs against the backs of her thighs. I caressed her sides, running my hands up and down, feeling the curves and the muscle. Then, I grabbed her hips and started thrusting, watching my cock disappear and reappear. Kim reached behind and grabbed my hands, moving against me.

“Oh! Oh! Oh!” she grunted as my cock impaled her. “Fuck me harder! Fuck me! Fuck me!” New language, for her.

I obliged by picking up my pace. I was now slamming in and out. The smacking sound of my belly against her ass filled the room. I grunted with the exertion, but kept slamming. It was exciting to watch my penis disappear and reappear. Her butt was so firm there was just the slightest jiggle. Disappear, reappear. Impale, expale. Expale?

She arched off the table, her mouth in an “O”, and silently released a pent-up orgasm. Freezing and pushing back against me. I paused to let her experience it, relishing the feeling of my cock inside her, feeling her pussy contract and stimulate me. She quivered, moaning softly. She came down from the high, and lay down on the table. She sighed a deep sigh.

“More,” she said simply.

I started thrusting slowly. Moving in long strokes in and out of her. Watching myself disappear. A thought occurred. I pulled out.

“What are you doing?” she wailed.

Not one to disappoint, I dropped to my knees and buried my face.

“OH MY GOD! THAT’S INCREDIBLE!” she screamed.

I licked and sucked and nibbled. I fucked her with my tongue and tickled her clit. The moans and gasps and sighs told me I was having an effect. Her little movements against my mouth were becoming more urgent. I could feel that she was building to another explosion. I caressed her thighs with my hands. I reached to the front of her thighs to pull her into my face. I ate her with fervor. I fucked her with my mouth. She taste so good, so sweet. Everything about her was sweet. All I wanted to do was please her. Drive her crazy.

Sure enough, she arched off the table again and pressed her pussy to my mouth. I responded by plunging my tongue as deeply into her as I could.

“David! David!” she cried. “The things Kadıköy Escort you do to me! I love it! I love it!” She pressed against me. My face was buried. We stayed that way for a minute while she descended from her climax. I nuzzled her pussy gently.

I stood up. “My turn,” I said, as I sank home once again.

Kim splayed onto the table. “Yes! Fuck me more!’

I gave her long strokes. This time, she lay still, just taking it. Wet smacking sounds as I pummeled her with an iron-hard penis. She was passive, but grunting and moaning. I fucked her harder. I could feel that the end was near. I stopped, deep inside.

“What are you doing?” she cried. “Why did you stop?”

“Because I want to finish slowly,” I panted. “I want you to feel me slowly do it to you. No more fucking. This is different.” I grabbed her hips, and started a rhythm of slow, loving movements.

“Slowly, now, beautiful lady,” I said softly now. “Slowly.”

“Oh Dave, I love you!” she said, as she moved against me. Her arms splayed out in front of her as she was spread-eagled on the table, hair splayed out. Her back was beautiful, her ass so fine, her pussy so sweet.

Her words took me by surprise. “What?” I stopped.

“I love you, you big oaf,” she said. “I love you with all my heart. Now, please, finish what you started!”

Bewildered (still a common state of mind for me), I resumed my slow lovemaking. And it really was lovemaking now. I could admit to myself that I had fallen in love with this wonderful girl, and wanted to give her all of my love. While there was no way I could overcome my shyness to say the words, I could try to express it with my body. I felt the intensity notch up, and I slowed even more. It was unbearable.

“Kim, here I cum!” I moaned, exploding.

“Oh, GOD! I feel it! I feel your cum. It’s so warm! I feel you pulsing. The head feels HUGE! Oh yes, Dave! Give it to me!”

I did. Every last drop. We stayed connected at the groin as we came down. My weenie finally flagged, exhausted.

We used towels to clean ourselves up, and put on our clothes. It would be hard enough to explain what we were doing were we to be caught with clothes on. Dressed, we hugged and kissed.

“You can’t say it, can you?” Kim asked, holding my chin in her hands.

“Say what?” I asked, suspecting what she would say.

“You sweet man!” she exclaimed. “I say that I love you with all my heart, and you can’t say those words back!” She laughed.

“Please don’t laugh at me,” I said, embarrassed.

“No, my love, not at all,” she said gently, lovingly. “You told me all I need to hear with your body; with the sweetness that you made love. Yeah, we fucked for a while, and believe me, it wasn’t the last time we’ll do that. But when you slowed down and made love to me, that was something else again. I couldn’t believe the intensity I felt coming from you. The tenderness. You do love me, don’t you?” Her eyes looked into mine, deeply, brightly.

I looked back, totally smitten, totally in love, and nodded, slightly, once.

“Oh, God,” Kim moaned. “I’m tired. How am I supposed to play basketball?”

That was a lot of fun to write. I’m deeply in love with a figment of my own imagination. Oh well. So be it.

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She Shoots, He Scores

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I woke up on the morning of my 18th birthday in October 1996 expecting the boring day my birthday usually turned out to be. It was in the midst of my senior year of high school and I was still a rather shy boy of 5’8″ tall and about 140 lbs…not a string bean but still pretty thin. I did have a rather nice member (if I do say so for myself) that was about 6 inches long and average girth. I think it may have looked bigger that it actually was, if only because I was so small, regularly one of the shortest boys in my class. I always thought the best part was the slight upcurve of the shaft that I hoped would hit all the right spots. I hoped because to that point in my life, I had never had a real girlfriend. I had gone on dates periodically, but never had a serious relationship or got much beyond simple kissing. If it isn’t obvious by now, I was a virgin.

My two older sisters, twins, were in college, one in Indiana and the other still living at home, but she had her own life, coming and going as she pleased. My parents were going to a business dinner for my Dad’s job, so they wouldn’t be home until later in the evening. Knowing we were planning to celebrate my birthday on Sunday afternoon, I assumed nothing was going to happen when I left for school that morning. Boy, did I turn out to be wrong.

When school let out that afternoon, I spent a good amount of time trying to figure out what to do with my evening. I did not want to do anything too crazy because I was leaving early the next morning to hike Old Rag Mountain in Virginia with some of my friends. Unfortunately, on that night all my friends were working. I would normally have been working as well, but since it was my birthday, my boss had given me the day off.

On a normal off day, I wandered over to the local college the field hockey team. I grew up in the Midwest playing ice hockey and, at that time in Central Maryland, field hockey was the only way to get my hockey fix. Although not quite the same as on ice, I really did get into field hockey. I was often surprised at how physical games became. Of course, It didn’t hurt that the sexiest, most mysterious girl I knew started as a freshman on the team, playing defense. Molly was a tiny little thing about 5’4″ tall, with what I assumed was a perfectly proportioned, lean body. She always wore baggy clothes, so no one really knew what her body was like. Even so, whenever I had the chance, I made it a point to watch them play, primarily so that I could see
9 running up and down the field wearing a uniform that was borderline Catholic schoolgirl…the knee high socks and short skirt accentuating her toned, athletically muscular legs that I often dreamt about being wrapped around my waist. Unfortunately, the team was playing an away game and I wouldn’t have time to get there before the game was already over.

Molly and I had known each other since my freshman year, during which she dated one of my friends. Even though they had long since broken up and she graduated the year before, we still hung out in the same circle. Fortunately for me, my friend Ethan had a twin sister, Sara, who just happened to be best friends with Molly. As a result, I got to watch the girl of my dreams grow up and become sexier and better looking with each passing year. Unfortunately for me, seeing her become so alluring also made me realize Molly was so far out of my league, I couldn’t see her league with a pair of binoculars. My league was more like Jamie, a decently attractive sophomore who sometimes hung out with our group. I heard through the grapevine that Jamie had a crush on me and assumed I would end up with someone like her even though I didn’t think she was all that special.

After sitting in the school parking lot for way too long, I realized there was nothing to keep myself occupied in the shithole little town I grew up in and decided to go home. I thought I was probably going end up at home anyway, listening to music in my room and generally doing as little as possible, especially with my plans the next day. About 2 hours later, everything I thought about my 18th birthday changed with the sound of the doorbell.

I walked downstairs to answer the door and immediately thought I was dreaming. Standing on my front porch, still in her uniform, was the one girl I never thought would be standing there be herself…Molly! The butterflies were instantaneous. Seeing her bare legs in that sexy skirt and her shirt clinging to her body like saran wrap made me trip over my tongue. After what felt like an eternity, but was probably only a few seconds where I felt frozen in place, I was able to acknowledge the vision of perfection standing in front of me.

“Molly! Wh-wh-what are you doing here?” I stammered, knowing I sounded like a complete idiot.

“Well, I know it’s your birthday, so I wanted to stop by to say, well, Happy Birthday,” she said with a smirk that even I could tell meant she wanted to say a whole lot more.

“Thank you, you just made my day. It’s been uneventful until you go here. Wanna come in for awhile? I’m not really Bostancı Escort doing anything special.”

“I thought you’d never ask,” she replied brushing past me. As she walked by, the scent of her sweaty body filled my nostrils like a sea breeze, salty and sweet at the same time. I also thought I heard her mutter something under her breath as she passed me, but I must have been hearing things. There was no way she had actually just said, if this just made your day, you have no idea what you’re in for.

Turning to face me, Molly asked if there was anyone else home. When I replied that there wouldn’t be anyone else here for a couple more hours, a little sparkle lit up her eyes. With a cheshire cat grin forming on her face, she said, “why don’t you show me your room?”

Not sure exactly what was happening, but certainly not willing to risk saying anything, knowing I would blow this, I nervously took her hand. I let her lead the way up the steps, though, so I could stare at her tight, sexy ass as we went up. I noticed a flash of cheek and wondered if she had anything on under that skirt, causing an involuntary shudder of ecstasy to pass through my entire body. At the top of the steps, Molly asked me which room was mine. I told her it was the room immediately on the right, into which she pulled me, shutting the door and locking it behind her.

I turned around and saw her standing there and noticed her eyes wandering around my room, seeming to take it all in. I was a bit embarrassed because my room didn’t really have a lot in it. Covering the walls were some of the hockey jerseys I had worn through the years, mixed with an assortment of posters for some of my favorite bands. I had always listened to a little bit of everything, but focused on heavy metal and grunge. As you came in the door, there was a dresser immediately on the wall to the right, on which was my small stereo. A CD rack filled with hundreds of CDs was just past that and then there was an alcove on the right side. If it was my room now, I would have turned the alcove into a reading area, but at the time it housed my desk and computer. Above the desk were a set of shelves with my printer and my collection of goalie masks I had collected over the years, both from playing and going to games as I grew up. Adjacent to the door, immediately on the left, was a closet that took up the entire wall. Most of the space in the closet was taken up by old or broken hockey sticks, goalie pads and my hiking/camping gear. My bed sat alone against the wall on the left with a small bedside stand and lamp next to it. That was about it.

After taking in my room, Molly took a deep breath, almost like she was preparing to say the hardest thing ever. She told me she heard some rumors and wanted to find out if they were true. Totally puzzled, I responded with a questioning, “Oooo-kaaaaay?”

Once again Molly’s eyes roamed around the room, seemingly lost deep in thought and my embarrassment over my empty room grew even more. I had never been a person who wanted a lot of stuff, and I am still that way. I was content with my CDs and the old gear from my hockey playing days. I spent more time in the outdoors to make a fancy room worth the hassle. As a teenager, though, a lot of your social standing depended on things, who had what and how much. I had my own car, but even that was nothing special, a late model station wagon from the mid-80s that did nothing but get me from point A to point B and burned a lot of gas doing so.

“Why don’t we sit on the bed,” Molly said, sitting next to me and allowing her muscular leg to brush mine. I could feel the warmth of her body through my jeans and could not stop the gasp from escaping my mouth. She reached over, took my hand, held it in both of hers, then looked deeply into my eyes.

I instantly felt like I was drowning in the deepest ocean and all thought went out the window as I got lost in her eyes. They were mostly light brown, but I noticed speckles of green, highlights of hazel and, if the light caught them right, a touch of blue. Molly could have asked me if I had ever killed someone and I would have confessed to doing it. Her hold on me was so strong that I probably would have asked if she wanted me to kill someone for her.

“So, I was hanging out at Sara’s a couple weeks ago, with her and Jamie. Sara was all excited with what she said was the biggest secret ever. We knew we had to get it out of her, but for some reason she was holding back, almost like she didn’t want to hurt someone. Finally she spilled the beans.

“Sara said that she overheard you and Ethan talking after a football game and she heard you say you were head over heels for someone who just happened to be in the room with us. We all knew that Jamie had a crush on you, I knew you knew Jamie had a crush on you, so I assumed Sara was talking about her.

“Without saying any names, Sara explained I had said this girl ‘was the cutest girl I’d ever seen. Her body was always hidden under baggy clothes, but I just knew it had to be spectacular. Ümraniye Escort She seemed so free-spirited and fun-loving…like she’d be up to doing anything.’ Once she said baggy clothes, I knew you had been talking about me. Jamie must have realized this too because started to cry like someone just told her her puppy had died. The idea you thought that much about me shocked me at first. I mean, I’m nothing special, why would you be thinking about me? At the same time I secretly loved the fact that Jamie just had her heart broken. I never really understood why she hung out with us in the first place, unless she did it just to be close to you.

“Anyway, I started to think back on things and everything started to fit into place. I had seen you in the stands at a few of my games and wondered why you came to watch community college field hockey. I mean there are a lot of other sports I would have assumed you’d want to watch instead. I really didn’t think anything of it, though. You were a senior, you could do what you wanted without anyone calling you out on it. I figured you were there for a reason… I just didn’t realize it had been to watch me. After thinking things through, it didn’t take long for me to make a plan to talk to you about all this. After all, you’ve never shown me there was anything else between us but friendship.”

Molly looked into my eyes again, caressed my cheek with her hand and asked me if it was true, that I thought she was beautiful and had a crush on her. I was caught, there was nothing I else I could say but yes, it was all true.

I continued, “I thought there was no way a cute little thing like you couldn’t have a tight little body under all those clothes. I always dreamed I would have a chance to find out.”

Molly just smiled, let go of my hands and lifted her arms. “Good. Go ahead and take this sweaty shirt off, then you can see just how tight and sexy my little body is.”

My hands were trembling with anticipation and my mind was telling me there was no way this was actually happening. I lifted her shirt over her head, revealing her flat belly, the beginnings of those sexy hourglass curves forming on her sides, and 2 perfectly shaped, perky breasts held by a navy blue sports bra.

“What do you think?”

I was literally left speechless and felt like I was staring too long.

Molly caressed my cheek again. “Have you ever slept with anyone?”

Ashamed I looked down into my lap and softly said no. She lifted my chin to make me look into her eyes and asked, “how long until anyone else gets home?”

“Probably a couple hours. My parents are out at a business dinner and who knows what my sister’s up to. It’s Friday though, so I’d be surprised to see her before tomorrow sometime.”

“That’s perfect. What you don’t know is that I’ve had a thing for you this whole time, but never did anything about it either. I mean, no one ever knows how a guy is gonna feel being with an older girl…even though it’s only four months. So, this was my plan. I was hoping to come over when no one was home and I lucked out. I want to be your first. I’m on the pill so we don’t need to worry about being careful and you can do whatever you want to me. I decided i was gonna give you me as your birthday present”

To emphasize her point, Molly pulled me to her and gave me a deep, soul enveloping kiss…the kind of kiss that leaves you breathless and never want to end. It felt like I was hit by a hammer and that a barricaded portion of my brain was blasted open. A low growl came up from my throat and when she pulled away and I caught a little bit of fear in her eyes.

I stood up, took her by the hands and pulled her up as well, enveloping Molly in my arms. I pulled her tight against me, kissing her with a passion I didn’t know was in me and pressed my hardening cock against her…causing a little gasp to escape her lips. Breaking the kiss, I reached down and pulled the light blue comforter off the bed, unknowingly pulling the grey cotton topsheet along with it. I reached to pull Molly back to me, but she beat me to it, grabbing the bottom of my black Hard Rock Cafe t-shirt and pulling it off me faster than I thought was possible.

She peeled off her sports bra, revealing the two perkiest, firmest, perfectly sized breasts I had ever seen. Capping the peaks of what appeared to be b-cups were nipples like small pencil erasers just starting to harden and surrounded by a light pink areola about the size of a quarter. My jaw dropped in awe of how sexy she looked standing in front of me clad only in the plaid skirt and knee high socks from her game.

A touch of her scent filled my nose and I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and sighed deeply. If someone asked me to describe her aroma, I’d never be able to, not in a million words. All I can say, is her scent hit my senses like I had run through a brick wall and sent a rush of pleasure throughout my entire body.

Knowing it was my first time, and not wanting things to end too soon, Molly told me to lie down Ataşehir Escort on the bed. I threw one of the pillows onto the floor and laid on my back. She undid my belt, unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them off of me, leaving me wearing just a pair of boxers. When she reached up to grab the waistband and pulled them off me, I could feeling my entire trembling from a combination of shyness and anticipation.

When my penis sprang free, Molly gasped, grasped it with her little hand and whispered, “it’s beautiful”.

I heard her and said, “I don’t know if it is, but you are.”

I knew it was a lame attempt at sounding smooth, but it was all I had at the time. Fortunately, Molly smiled, pulled my boxers the rest of the way off without letting go of my throbbing dick, slowly pumping her hand up and down the hard shaft. When she again looked back, she must have noticed the drops of fluid leaking out the top, because she touched the tip of my cock and tentatively brought her finger to her mouth to taste me. I heard a “Mmmm” come from her mouth.

“A little salty, a little sweet. Just how I imagined you’d taste.”

She grasped me again and lowered her mouth to the tip of my member, her tongue peeking out from between her lips for another taste, before engulfing my entire shaft with her lips. I felt my cock go from chilly to a warmth I’d never felt before. The sensation was overwhelming, especially combined with her tongue caressing the shaft, the head, and that soft spot just below the head that is always so sensitive, somehow all at the same time. The feelings of pleasure rocketed through body stronger and faster I’d ever felt, with tingles starting simultaneously at my toes, fingertips and head. The tingles converged on my groin and even though it had only been a minute I knew I was going to explode…and it was gonna be a lot.

I got out a “I’m gonna…” and it was too much. The cum rocketed out of my hose catching Molly by surprise. The first shot hit the back of her throat making her cough, cum dripping out of her mouth onto my groin, the second blast hitting her lips before she could recover. By the time the third blast came, my head was back between her lips and she swallowed every last drop remaining.

Molly licked her lips to get the rest of what still remained from the second blast and said, “now that’s out of the way we can enjoy ourselves”.

After a few minutes to allow the tingles to pass and my heart to start beating again, I pulled her up to kiss her. On the way, I felt her drag her dripping pussy along my shin. Molly later told me that she needed some pressure on her clit to ease some of the growing, aching desire. In any case, that’s when I knew, I hadn’t been dreaming on the way up the stairs, Molly really had nothing on under her skirt! I gasped at the feeling of her wetness on my skin and she whispered, “I took them off in the car. I didn’t want anything to get in your way”

I finally had a chance to run my hands all over Molly’s body and I was not going to waste it. I rolled her on top of me, kissed her deeply and ran my hands up and down her back, grabbing her amazingly tight, muscular ass and pulling her tight against my rehardening penis…drawing another gasp and sigh from her mouth. The feel of her skin was like satin running across my fingertips.

I rolled her onto her back kissed my way down to her neck. Inexperienced as I was, I could still sense spots that brought out a moan, a gasp or a quick intake of breath. I kissed and nibbled right where the neck meets the shoulder and worked my way back up to her ear…when I reached the soft spot just below the ear, where the jaw meets the neck, she grabbed my head to hold it there. The sexiest moan I’d ever heard came out of her mouth, followed by “Ooohhhhh James.” Hearing my name said so sexily sent a shiver of pleasure through my entire body. I moved my way down her neck to those perfect breasts.

I could taste the saltiness of the sweat that had dried on her body, coupled with her scent, and wished I had 8 arms and five mouths, I wanted to be everywhere at once. Molly lifted up my head and said “there’s plenty of time. I’m here for you to enjoy my body…all of my body. You can take my skirt off, too. There’s no reason to not see it all.”

“I want to leave it on. It feels like you’re really a naughty schoolgirl.”

“Well, aren’t I?”

“That’s true, we can take your skirt off next time.”

“You think there’s gonna be a next time?”

“I sure hope so!”

“If I have anything to do with it, next time might be later tonight,” Molly said, responding with another deep, soulful, breathtaking kiss that seemed to last for an eternity but was over way too soon.

Our hands were roaming over each other’s bodies…Molly running her hands through the hair that was just starting to form on my chest and I was caressing her breasts, her sides, her ass, anywhere I could reach…all while my hard shaft was pressing against that sweet, juicy peach through her skirt. I worked my way back down her neck and started to lick and nibble on her excited nipples. I started nibbling gently, but thought I bit down a little too hard. Fortunately, I heard a gasp and a deep moan telling me she liked it, so I nibbled a little harder and worked my hand down her legs and up under her skirt.

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Sensations of the Beginning

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The day had finally come, our wedding night. I had dreamed of this day longer than I could remember, and finally it was here. It was perfect – I had the perfect dress, the perfect people, the perfect decorations, and, best of all, the perfect man to marry. The day was wonderful, and I will never forget it. However, like every other, the day came and went, and the only things left now are the memories, bills, and the most beautiful pictures I would ever see filled up in dozens of albums. Strangest thing was that my wedding night wasn’t the classical lose-your-virginity-to-the-one-you-love kind of thing. The night also came and went, with my husband and I just sleeping in each other’s arms. I wasn’t ready yet, and that was alright with him – he understood me so well. I really loved him for that.

A month, two, three passed by and Jason and I were still just as happy as we could be. Our marriage was anything but perfect so far, however, with arguments left and right, but god the love we shared afterwards. The more time went on, the less arguments we had, and the more our love seemed to blossom. Surprisingly, just four months after our wedding night, I felt like I was ready to move forward with Jason, and take our relationship up a step.

It was the evening of December 17; very chilly and drizzling outside. I had to work late, as usual, and when I had gotten home I found Jason waiting on the doorstep for me. I smiled, he always waited there for me. I drove up and turned out my lights, stepped out of my car and ran to the doorstep – it was raining harder now. I ran into his arms and we embraced each other in a huge hug. I always loved saying hello to Jason; every hello was as special as the first one we had shared, all those years ago. We were so meant for each other. I kissed him lightly and suggested we go inside: he was soaking wet and he needed to get dried off before he got a cold.

We stepped inside to a warm, welcoming dwelling. He had lighten a fire and we heard the gentle crackle of flames as we walked into the living room, closing out the cold behind us. I went into our bedroom and retrieved some warm clothes for Jason and he changed in front of the fireplace. I brought a towel to him and took his wet clothes to the laundry room and stuck them in the dryer. When I returned he was sitting on the floor, cross-legged with the towel hanging over his left shoulder. He was leaning back onto his hands and had his eyes closed, listening to the rain pound against our roof.

I quietly walked into the room and picked up the towel off of his shoulder. He did not move as I started to gently massage the towel into his wet hair, drying it. I loved him so much, each moment was better than the ones before. In the back of my mind I wondered what it would be like to make love to Jason, but I smiled as soon as I realised I already knew the answer. He leaned his head into my hands as I massaged a little firmer: I was relaxing him, and that was good. I had hoped that tonight would be the night. Finally I brought the towel down onto my lap and settled myself beside him, leaning my head against his shoulder and he leaned his head against mine.

“I love you, April” I heard him barely whisper.

“I love you, too,” I replied, just as soft.

I was getting drowsy, it was nearing 1 AM now and the soft pitter-patter of the rain outside was hypnotizing me. I slowly laid myself down onto the floor and I felt Jason lean down next to me, lying on his side to look at me as I closed my eyes, a small smile across my face. I felt one of his hands touch my cheek and he leaned down to kiss my soft lips. I kissed him back tenderly. He leaned up and back and then situated himself on my chest, his head between my breasts, as he fell into a gentle sleep. I felt his breathing almost in rhythm with mine and I thought to myself, ‘Well, if it doesn’t happen tonight, we have the rest of our lives. It doesn’t matter – the only thing that matters is that I’m here with the one I love, and he’s here with me’ just as I was falling asleep.

I woke up a short time later, and noticed that it was only around 1.30 in the morning. Jason was still dozing on my chest, his left hand around my waist, and his right hand leaning against my left cheek. I felt horrible to wake him, but I knew that we needed to turn the fire off and head to bed, it wasn’t safe to leave it going all night.

“Darling, wake up,” I whispered to him as I brought my hand up and ran my fingers through his hair. He slowly stirred and woke himself up.

“What’s the matter?” he asked me.

“Nothing honey, we just need to get to bed, we don’t need to leave the fire on all night.”

“Alright, you put out the fire and I’ll go get the bed ready for us,” he said back to me. I nodded and he gave me a kiss on my cheek. He got up and grabbed the towel on his way up, before he walked out of the room and into our bedroom. I put out the fire and walked through the darkness into our bedroom. Kartal Escort Jason was nowhere to be seen, but when I saw the light to the bathroom on, I figured he was just getting himself ready for bed. I walked over to the bed and instantly fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow. I felt Jason stirring me awake what must have been not five minutes later.

“Wake up, sweetie, time for a bath,” he said, his voice so soothing. I was only half awake and didn’t really comprehend what he was saying, so he picked me up off of the bed and carried me into the bathroom. I curled myself up in his arms, my hands around his neck. He set me down onto the bathroom floor; it was warm. The whole bathroom was steaming, and I smelled the wonderful scent of lavender. The aroma instantly made me relaxed and calm.

“Why are we taking a bath baby?” I asked Jason.

“Because we can, and because I love you,” he replied. There was something different about his voice this time in the way he said ‘I love you’, but I didn’t really think about it. I felt him lift his hands up to my work-shirt (I still hadn’t changed) and gently begin to pull it off of me. I closed my eyes as I enjoyed the sensation of his touch; so gentle, so soft. His hands caressed my bare belly as I felt him pull my shirt up. I slowly lifted my arms and he gently rose it up off of my body and let my shirt fall to the floor. He wrapped his hands around my wrists, gently, and ran his hands up my arms, up to my shoulders and neck. He curled his hands together at my neck and pulled me in close to him so that we could kiss again. He always treated me like royalty – as if my body was some kind of precious, rare flower, and one harsh touch would destroy me forever. But, of course, I didn’t mind.

I brought my own hands up behind my back and Jason turned to light two cinnamon candles as I unclasped my bra and it fell to the floor. The temperature change caused my nipples to get slightly hard, and I knew Jason noticed when he turned to face me again. His gaze slowly lowered itself down to my chest, and I closed my eyes, feeling his gaze burning into my skin. I loved it when he looked at me. His hands rose up to meet his gaze in the middle: they both landed on my breasts at the same time. I felt his first fingers of both hands gently touch the top of my chest and run down my breasts, finally stopping to land on my hard nipples. I shuddered as I felt him bring his thumbs up to join his fingers and give them both a gentle squeeze before he dropped his hands down to my pants.

He unzipped my zipper as I undid my button and slowly pulled my pants off. I saw him remove his clothing and he offered his hand to me, telling me I could step into the hot water first. I lifted one foot up and slowly eased it into the boiling hot water. We had an enormous tub, one where we could both fit in the most comfort one could imagine. I settled myself down into the soft bubbles and Jason followed suit. Soon we were both lost in the warm water and were both leaning back on opposite walls, enjoying the sensations of the bubbles popping on our bodies.

It was hard to stay awake, with the rain still pouring down outside and the amazing aromas of the room invading my nostrils, giving even my nose a sense of peace. I felt the water slightly ripple and I opened my eyes to see Jason moving over towards me. I smiled and he settled beside me. I felt his warm, naked body against mine and it not only soothed me, but turned me on as well. He put his arm around me and I settled onto his shoulder again. I smiled again as I felt his free hand move over to gently caress my cheek. I leaned my head over so that my lips could brush against his hand in a sweet, little kiss. I noticed that he did not remove his hand away from in front of my mouth, so I kissed him again. Still he did not remove his hand, but instead moved it around so that his first finger was touching my lips. He did this often, so I was not thinking anything sexual of it. He said he loved the touch of my lips, and always just liked to touch them with his fingertips.

He moved his fingertips from left to right on my bottom lip, and back again, only very lightly touching me. I brought my lips together to give him another gentle little kiss. I felt Jason’s hand leave my mouth and go back down into the water. I closed my eyes again and once again leaned myself against his shoulder, safe in his arms. His hand curled around my neck, confirming my thoughts of safety. He rubbed his head against mine and I did the same back, our silent “I love you’s” heard only between us. His head leaned up off of mine and I leaned mine up as well. I leaned my head against his hand that was around my neck as I felt his mouth around my earlobe. His teeth gently gripped my skin and tugged it slightly. His mouth let my ear go and he rubbed his nose on my neck underneath my ear. I couldn’t help but slightly moan.

I noticed that the water was getting slightly cold, so Yakacık Escort I suggested that we finish cleaning up with a nice hot shower, and Jason agreed. I let him step out first and I drained the water as I stood up myself. Bubbles were still clinging to our bodies, popping softly in the silence. I stepped out of the tub, reaching out to kiss Jason gently, softly. His hands wrapped around my neck as my arms wrapped around his. Our lips seemed to fit perfectly together, like a puzzle we had been trying to assemble our whole lives, and we had finally found the missing pieces within each other. Finally the water drained, and the wet bubbles had dripped from our bodies onto the towel underneath our feet. I reached over to start the water for us in the shower across the room as Jason stepped over to our cabinet and pulled out our two different shower gels. A Sweet Pea scent for me and some classic Old Spice for him – the perfect combination for a night such as this.

The water was steaming, and I let myself step in first, feeling the warm jets of water splashing onto my bare back. Jason stepped in after me, setting down the bottles of shower gel on the shelf inside the shower. We were facing each other as I looked into his warm brown eyes, and he stared back into mine. He reached up and traced his finger down from the top of my jawbone just underneath my earlobe all the way to the tip of my chin, smiling as he felt my warm skin under his fingertip. I smiled back and reached beside us to grab his shower gel. I poured about a quarter-sized puddle onto my right hand and closed the bottle, setting it back on the shelf. I always loved to wash his body with my bare hands, it made it so much more sensual.

I rubbed my hands together, getting a nice lather going, before I placed my hands onto his shoulders. I leaned forward so I could take in that wonderful, amazing smell of his soap before I started to massage the soap into his soft skin. I rubbed his shoulders, his neck, and his chest, the aroma now driving me insane – it smelled, he smelled, so good and it was just welcoming me onto his body. I got a little more gel onto my hand and pulled him in close to me. I placed my hands up and over his shoulders, so that I could massage his shoulder blades, and scrub the lather into his warm back. I pressed my fingertips firmly into his back and he closed his eyes, once again becoming so relaxed. Finally, I pulled my hands back up and got some of his shampoo into my palms. I scrubbed the shampoo into his hair, very gently rubbing his scalp underneath my hands. He was all lathered up, soap dripping off of his body. We switched places, so he could stand into the water and let the water wash him clean.

When he was all clean of soap and shampoo, he turned his attention back to me. I had tried to refrain from making this too sexual, I really didn’t want to give Jason the green light just yet, but I didn’t want to give him a flat-out red light. I really wanted to make love to him, but more than anything, I wanted to savour every moment and remember everything. And I think Jason already knew that was my plan. It turned out that I was a little more tense than I thought. He reached over to get my body wash and put some on his palms. He looked down into my eyes as he rubbed his hands together. I felt the heat from his body intertwine with my own when his hands lowered down to caress my neck. I knew that the heat that I was feeling was not the steam, nor the water.

His hands pressed into my neck, curling around it, as he brought his face down to meet mine. Just as I closed my eyes to lean in for a kiss, he pulled himself away. Now I knew his game. He finished rubbing my neck and move down to firmly grind his thumbs into my collar bone. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensations of his wonderful touch – I just wanted to let his hands explore my body, and do that they did. His palms rubbed my skin everywhere from my shoulders to my belly. Finally, I was completely lathered up in the front (he had paid little attention to my breasts, which gave me another sign telling me that he knew my plan already) and my back was getting cold. My hair was also begging to be scrubbed my his gentle hands.

“Turn around, sweetie,” he quietly asked me, looking down into my eyes. I smiled and turned myself around, flinging my hair slightly so that it was all behind my shoulders. I felt his hands on my back, rubbing more shower gel into my cold skin, soothing me even more. I took in the wonderful mixture of the two aromas between us. I was about six inches or so from my nose touching the shower wall, and very close to Jason behind me. His hands rubbed all over my back, his body blocking the water from hitting my own. I felt his hands drop from my back and I knew he was about to lather up my hair, my favourite part of our showers together. Sure enough, he lifted his hands up to my scalp and gently massaged his fingers into my hair, almost tangling it. I felt Jason Kadıköy Escort keep getting closer and closer to me, almost forcing me into the wall in front of me. Before I knew it, he was so close to me that I knew he was doing it on purpose.

“Lean against the wall there, honey,” he said to me, a slight difference in his tone. Before I could really react, he had pushed himself hard enough against me that I was now pressing firmly into the cold shower wall. It wasn’t a bad feeling, but my breasts were pressed into the chilly tile, and my hips were pushing against the wall as well. I felt his warm body against mine, and I felt his hands wrap around my wrists. He brought my hands up to the wall, even with my head, and placed my palms onto the wall before letting go. I closed my eyes as I felt his hips press against my ass gently – I moaned inside. His hands brought themselves up to my hips, and then moved slowly, ever so slowly, up the side of my body, his fingertips finally brushing against the sides of my breasts.

As soon as it all started, it stopped. He leaned back and allowed me to have my space again. While somewhat disappointed, the water was getting cold now, and I needed to rinse off so we could get out of the shower before we froze to death. I washed off quickly and Jason stepped out first, retrieving some towels for us. He went ahead and walked into our bedroom, with four towels in his hands. I finished up in the shower, and I let my hair drip for a few seconds before I stepped out into the steam-filled room, now getting chilly with the door open. I stepped out of the room, finding no towels left, and I scrambled to get behind Jason, needing some warmth against my shivering body. I went up behind him and hugged my arms around his neck, pushing my body against his, seeking some kind of warmth for myself. I felt his smile as I let him go, my body finally getting used to the temperature of the room. When I stepped away from him, I noticed that he had put two of the towels onto the bed, where we usually slept; the other two on the dresser on my side of the bed.

“Lie down baby,” he said, smiling slightly at me, pointing to the towel he had laid out on my side of the bed. I settled myself down on top of the towel, my body covered in chill bumps, my nipples hard and erect. I looked over at him and I watched him as he got another one of the towels from my dresser. He got a large beach-towel and laid it over my body, covering me from below my shoulders almost all the way to my ankles. My arms were underneath the towel as well, lying by my side. As soon as Jason straightened out all of the wrinkles, he lowered his hands down to my shoulders, where the towel just started. He placed his right hand on my left shoulder, and his left hand on my right shoulder. He slightly pressed down on the towel, then curled his fingers up, grabbing handfuls of my skin along with the towel. The feeling was surprisingly erotic and I didn’t even know why. He had never done that before, though, so I just figured it was because it was a new sensation to me.

He repeated this over and over, going down my body. He only did it one more time, however, before he skipped over my breasts and moved down below them. He pushed his hands into my tummy and curled his fingers in slightly. It was like he was giving me a slow massage, and it felt amazing. When he finally moved down to my thighs, he curled his fingers in a way that they went between my legs slightly. I let out a soft moan – now I was sure this was his idea of foreplay for tonight, and it was turning me on; taking over my body. He continued going down my legs, until he was sure he had grabbed every inch of the top of my body except my breasts. He started to move his way back up my body, but I reached one of my arms out and grabbed his wrist. I pulled him in to me while I sat up, the towel dropping and gathering together on my lap. He stared into my eyes and leaned down to follow the trail I was pulling him into.

I closed my eyes as our lips touched. We shared only a few seconds of a sweet kiss before he pulled away. He held my right shoulder with his left hand while his gaze and his other hand lowered down to the towel in my lap. He picked up the towel and tossed it on the floor beside him. His gaze returned to my eyes while his left hand gently pushed my shoulder back; he was telling me to lie down for him. Time seemed to have almost stopped, everything was moving so slow. It seemed like he was just slowly inching me to lie down, that some force was pushing back against me, refusing to let me lie down, yet inviting me at the same time. When I was finally lying down completely, my wet hair against the pillow, Jason leaned down to kiss me on my cheek. I tried to grab the back of his head, and to silently tell him to continue to kiss me, but he moved his head up. His left hand was still on my shoulder, and now his head was hovering over my chest, my nipples still just as erect as before. He licked his lips and took in a deep breath. I closed my eyes and lifted my chest up to him, begging him to grasp my nipple with his mouth, but instead of feeling his warm tongue on my nipple, I felt air. He blew onto my nipple slowly, and it sent chills down my body.

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Savannah Goes All The Way

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Big Tits

January 17, 1994

One way or the other, it had to end, this enduring torture of the flesh. It seemed as if she had spent the greater part of the last eight years trying to lose her virginity. (Okay, she had, but that’s the whole point of these stories, eh?) For the last two weeks she’d gone to every singles bar, sex club, and strip joint she could find and still could not find a willing accomplice to help her with her ‘problem’. Every last man she’d approached had either been taken, gay, or wanted no part of deflowering her. Why, just last night she’d met this really cute guy, Dane, but he’d literally run in the other direction when she’d propositioned him. It was like the word “VIRGIN” was tattooed on her forehead or something.

But she had a plan now. All she needed now……was a nerd. A dyed-in-the-wool nerd. The kind that was desperate to get laid. A Virgin even. She figured it would be uncomfortable the first time since the guy probably wouldn’t know what he was doing, but well worth it in the long run. And the best place to find a nerd was at the university. So, here she was, strolling through Harvard University on a brisk, April afternoon. She was wearing a green wool mini-skirt, just barely covering her tight ass, with white stockings, a white sweater which revealed a lot of cleavage, knee-high black leather boots, a small leather jacket, and sucking on a cherry lollipop.

She approached a group of studious (nerdy) looking men on the steps of the campus library. Zeroing in on the best looking one, a tall lanky guy with brown hair but wearing those hideous glasses that nerds always wore, she walked straight up to him and said ‘Hello, sexy’. Reaching up with one hand she pulled his head down towards her and proceeded to kiss him. At least, she tried to kiss him. But he went first stiff with shock, (his body, not his dick), then shoved her away.

“Uh, Miss, do I know you?” he asked in a wobbly voice.

Savannah replied, “No, but you will” and winked. “Why don’t I buy you a coffee and discuss whatever it is you’d like to talk about?” She tried to make her voice as soft and sultry as she possibly could, and licked her lips.

“Uh, sure, sure..That would be…..uh, great”. Grabbing his arm she hustled him through campus to a little coffee shop. Sitting across from him, she smiled again, and started to rub his hand over and over with her own.

“I love brainy men”, she cooed. “I get all, hmmm, hot and bothered listening to intelligent men……hot and wet.”

“Ahem, well….that’s great……uh really, but, to be honest, I only carry a C average.” Groaning inwardly to herself, Savannah pressed on.

“Well, that’s okay, I just think you’re soooooo cute, and , forgive me for being so forward, but……I would really like to just fuck your brains out.” And she smiled again.


A dreadful silence ensued. Glancing at her watch Savannah tried once again. “So, tell me, what’s your name?”

“Uhm, my name is Brent. Uh, what’s yours?” he asked, ogling her cleavage.

“Savannah” she replied. “So what do you say………would you like to fuck me?”

“Yeah” he croaked. “Yeah that sounds good.” More silence. “Well, uh, where Anadolu Yakası Escort do you want to, uh, that is to say, do you have a place where we can… it?”

Savannah groaned again inwardly and just smiled.

………Back at her apartment.

Filled with delicious anticipation, Savannah led Brent to her bedroom. She had prepared ahead of time, hoping for the best. The room was dimly lit, soft music from her favorite jazz station played on her radio, the bed covers beautifully rumpled. Just perfect! She turned to Brent, who was hesitating at the bedroom door, and smiled sweetly to him. “Come on, baby,” she whispered, and held out her hand in invitation.

Slowly he came to her, grabbed her hand, and unexpectedly leaned down and reverently kissed her hand. Savannah sighed at the charming gesture. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad. What he lacked for in physique he more than made up for in manners. Softly and slowly he took off her jacket and carefully placed it on a nearby chair. Then, kneeling down, he unzipped her boots, and took them off. He ran his soft hands up her calf, her thighs, and massaged her ass cheeks through her stockings. Hooking thumb and finger under the edge he slowly peeled them away as well.

Underneath Savannah wore no panties, and Brent moaned at the pretty picture. Quickly he liberated her of her skirt. He guided her backward to the bed, sitting her down on top of the covers. Savannah hurriedly removed her sweater and bra, tossing them towards the chair. And there she sat, completely revealed to her would-be lover, her nipples peaked, muscles strained, and she could feel her juices begin to flow. “Now you take off your clothes”, she urged.

“Not yet”, he replied. “There’s plenty of time. First, let me play with you.” And he smiled.

“Okay”, she agreed happily. She scooted back so her head rested on the pillow. Her legs softly scissored against each other, and her hips rolled uncontrollably. He came around the foot of the bed and sat down on the edge next to her. He took off his glasses, and it was then she noticed his incredible green eyes. He placed a hand on her right breast and let it rest there, while his other cupped the back of her head. He leaned down and kissed her softly. Savannah was stunned.

She believed that nerds knew nothing about sex and yet this guy was getting her motor going with a simple kiss. Then she chided herself for being silly. This was what she wanted, wasn’t it? She decided to follow his lead.

Brent stretched out on the bed, very close against her side, and Savannah noticed how warm and hard he was. Eagerly she moved towards him. He stopped her movement with his hand on her hip, and thrust her legs wide. Her pussy lips stretched open eagerly at his soft touch. His strokes grew faster and firmer upon her swollen clit. Savannah gasped as her climax overcame her, moaning loudly into his mouth. Brent moved away and Savannah whimpered. “It’s okay”, he said. “I’m not going anywhere; I just want to take my clothes off now”. And he smiled.

Quickly Brent shed his tennis shoes, coat, and shirt. Savannah looked at his pale chest, momentarily brought out of the haze by his seemingly…..bland Pendik Escort appearance. But then she gazed back into his eyes and all was well once again. He then removed his socks and Savannah was relieved that no strong odor came from his feet. He came back to her on the bed, pulling her tight against him. “What about your jeans?” she asked. “Take them off, baby”.

“Not yet”, he said. “In a little while.” He began to suckle her breasts, moving back and forth between her two peaks, pulling stronger each time. Her flesh tingled and tightened with arousal. She panted, she moaned, she sighed, she groaned, she screamed. Another climax. His finger thrust into her pussy, fucking her little cunt strongly, then gently……driving her mad.

He moved down and she felt his tongue rasp her clit, and his teeth nip it. He sucked it, licked it, rubbed it, until Savannah felt yet another orgasm overcome her. But still, it wasn’t enough. She wanted, no, she needed to feel his cock buried deep in her cunt. Nothing less was acceptable.

“Now,” she begged. “Fuck me now!”

“I’m not prepared,” he said. “Do you have a condom”?

“In the drawer” she panted.

Brent fumbled around until he found the packet. He ripped it open. He stood up and turned his back to her, and prepared himself. He almost came right then and there he was so hot. Maybe it would be okay, he thought. Maybe this time, it would be okay.

He turned back hesitantly, and sighed in relief when he saw Savannah’s eyes were closed tightly. Her beautiful body writhed upon the bed. He could smell her pussy juices soaking the sheets, so strong was her arousal. He lay down next to her carefully, being sure not to bump her. She opened her eyes and stared into his, and smiled.

“You make me feel sooooo good,” she told him. Her hand reached down to grab his cock, ready to guide him to her. Again, his hand stopped her.

“No,” he said sharply. “I mean,” he said when he saw the hurt in her eyes, “not yet, I couldn’t handle it if you touched me just now.” She smiled again and so did he. “Now, close your eyes and feel me”, he said, and she complied.

Brent came over her, spread her legs wide. His fingers worked on her some more, making her even more wet, more hot. She moaned and restlessly tossed her head on the pillow. Slowly, carefully, he pushed forward until the tip of him rested against her eager cunt. It was then that she looked down at him, and gasped at what she saw. It was unbelievable. It was astounding. It was enormous!

“Please, please, please, don’t make me stop”, he begged. “I’ll be careful, I will, truly….just…..don’t make me stop NOW.”

Savannah lay there stunned as the reality of the situation set in. That nerdy looking, gangly, pallid guy she had picked from that group to take her virginity, was hung like a……like a……..well the words escaped her. He was just sooooooooo huge. How could it possibly fit? How could it ever work?

“Stop,” she repeated. “No, I don’t want you to stop, but, my goodness, Brent!”

“It’ okay,” he said. “I know it looks impossible but I assure you, it will work. We just have to be, careful, and uh, take Kurtköy Escort it slow. And we’ll use lots of KY, too. You do have some KY don’t you?”

“Uh, sure, yeah, bottom drawer.” Brent leaned over the inert Savannah and pulled open the bottom drawer of her nightstand. He rifled throught the miscellaneous vibrators, butt plugs, titty clamps, leather whips, and rubber? undies, until he found a tube of KY. With shaking hands he squirted some into his hands and applied it to his protected cock, and then got some more to put on Savannah.

He warmed it in his hands first, and then softly rubbed it on her and in her. Loud, slurpy sounds echoed through the bedroom, but Savannah was beginning to come back to life. Brent had four fingers stuffed tightly into her pussy, thrusting strongly and deeply. Her hips lifted off the bed, and Savannah could feel her own juices begin to flow once again.

They kissed, and Savannah sucked on his tongue, pulling it deep into her mouth. He moaned his pleasure, and she felt his huge dick lying acroos her thigh. Slowly she opened her legs again, and thrust her waiting pussy at him. Grabbing his dick in one hand, he slowly guided it to her pussy opening, and thrust, gently at first. He didn’t want to hurt or scare her. Savannah could feel her pussy widening which each thrust.

She peered down and was amazed to see that only the bare tip was buried so far, and already she felt almost full of him. He pulled her legs up so that they were wrapped around his waist, and then held her hips firmly in his hands.

“Hold tight,” he urged, and forged forcefully through her hymen. Savannah screamed at the pain.

“Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop,” she demanded.

Brent was beyond hearing her pleas, as he lay there, fully embedded in that wonderful, tight, little pussy. His eyes rolled back into his head, and he moaned. Under him Savannah wiggled, trying to get away, but she was pinned to the mattress like a fly to the wall, and her movements only increased his pleasure.

“Just wait a second, baby,” he panted. “Lie still, and the pain will pass.” Savannah stilled, still very tense, and thought that maybe Brent had a few screws loose. She couldn’t imgaine anything more excruciating. How did her friend survive her nightly encounters with her boyfriend Dillon?

The minutes ticked away and slowly she began to relax. Hesitantly he started moving on her and in her, small thrusts only. Her flesh stretched further, until it was almost comfortable. Savannah began lifting her hips in time with his, and her body, surprisingly, started to tingle once again. He breathed heavily into her ear, his mounting excitement obvious. She clenched around him, her excitement beginning to overtake her.

“Yessssssss,” she hissed. “Soooooooo good baby, faster…..pleaaaaseeeeee.”

He complied readily, his hips pistoning furiously, burying his cock even more deeply. “Fuck yeah,” he exclaimed. Lights burst behind her eyes as her orgasm rolled through her in great waves.

“I’m cummingggggg,” she moaned.

“Yeah, yeah, cum baby, so good.” Savannah pulled him more tightly against her, wanting to get as close as she could. His body jerked over her, his “Oh damn” echoing off the walls. It went on and on, until at last, he fell forward on top of her.

“How…..uh…….how are you, baby?” he finally panted out.

“Let’s do it again”, she said. And smiled.

Somebody hand me a towel, please. Thank you.

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Rosa was a young Filipina girl only 18 years old and still a virgin. This wasn’t because she wasn’t interested in sex; instead it was because all of the boys her age seemed to be just too timid and unsure of themselves. Rosa wanted her virginity to be taken by an older, more experienced man, one with the confidence to just take what he wanted from her.

Rosa’s parents had arrived from the Philippines right before she was born and they were very conservative. They attempted to push this onto their daughter but only outwardly did they succeed. Inside herself Rosa was not the conservative little girl her parents wanted her to be.

When she started high school Rosa soon met Charlotte and from then on the two were inseparable. Charlotte was blonde with very fair skin but very similar in size and height to Rosa. The similarity in size and shape of the two, their different coloration, and the fact they were together almost every possible moment caused them to soon be called the “salt and pepper twins” by their schoolmates. While the two girls each had several other female friends none of the others were as close as they were to each other.

A month into the school year Charlotte invited Rosa to sleep over at her home and this was the first time Rosa had ever done this. She worried a little about asking her parent’s for permission but she really liked the idea of spending the night with her friend so she gathered her courage and asked her parents. Rosa’s parent’s deferred their decision until they called Charlotte’s parent’s but whatever was said during that conversation must have agreed with her parent’s because Rosa was allowed to go spend the night with her friend. Rosa was overjoyed.

The visit to Charlotte’s home was a big hit with Rosa right from the very first. Charlotte immediately pulled Rosa up to her room and locked the door. For Rosa a lock on the bedroom door wasn’t something she was permitted but Charlotte had access to more privacy. When the lock clicked on the door to Charlotte’s room Rosa’s face broke into a wide smile. The Filipina girl immediately realized that when she was with her friend she could release her true self without having to fear suppression by her conservative parent’s.

As soon as the door to her friend’s room locked Rosa took immediate advantage of her new found freedom and started removing her clothes. Charlotte looked at Rosa for a moment, then smiled and began to remove her own clothes. From then on whenever the two girls were alone together they always took off their clothes and went naked. Rosa hated wearing clothes and she reveled in the feeling of freedom nudity gave her.

When both girls were nude together the nickname “salt and pepper twins” was even more apt. The two were the same height and had a similar body build, but the color of their skin, hair and eyes were almost exact opposites. Somehow this made looking at the two of them together an even more pleasant thing to do that looking at each one individually.

For the four years they were in high school together Rosa and Charlotte were virtually inseparable when they were at school and the two girls spent every possible moment together when school was not in session. Everyone soon grew used to seeing the two girls together and Rosa’s parents were put at ease by the seeming disinterest both girls seemed to have toward the opposite sex. Whenever she visited Rosa’s home Charlotte was always on her best behavior and exhibited none of the relaxed uninhibited behavior she normally carried on with in her own home. Rosa found the quiet seeds of rebellion growing in her heart as she continued to experience the contrasts between her own and her friend’s lifestyles. Rosa vowed she would escape from her parent’s strict lifestyle as soon as she was eighteen and legally independent.

Highly intelligent and exhibiting an unusual wisdom for a girl her age Rosa realized that in order to become independent she would also have to be financially independent, able to afford her own place to live, no matter how humble it might be. When she was sixteen Rosa found herself a part time job in a clothing store. Rosa was careful to keep her grades in school steady after she started working which allayed any concerns her parents might have had about her job. Telling her parent’s she was saving her money for college, a half truth, Rosa quietly salted away the funds she would need when the time came to declare her independence.

Rosa’s mother ensured the clothes her daughter wore concealed most of the young girl’s burgeoning beauty. In addition Rosa’s mother regaled her daughter with exaggerated tales of how exposing her body would incite men to attack and rape her. Unknown to the mother however, the tales of rapacious male lust she told her daughter were actually having the opposite effect to what she was intending. In reality Rosa found the tales of rape and sexual assault upon exposed beauty very exciting, though she wisely completely hid this from her mother. Without realizing it Rosa’s mother had Ataşehir Escort found the subject best suited to exciting her daughter’s budding sexuality.

Rosa’s mother admonished her about keeping her body covered very frequently and every time there was an accompanying tale of how failure to do so would draw violently lustful attention from males. Except, of course, it was exactly the type of sexual attention that excited Rosa the most, though she had so far avoided actually experiencing it in reality. But her mother’s frequent tales were beginning to influence what Rosa wanted for her life after she gained her independence from her parents. Soon Rosa’s sexual fantasies were filled with images of her appearing nude in front of an attractive male, who then proceeded to have his way with her in any way he wanted. While keeping these thoughts carefully concealed from her mother Rosa soon decided it was something she actually wanted to experience as soon as possible after she became independent.

Rosa did however tell her friend Charlotte about her fantasies which excited her friend almost as much as it did herself. Soon during the many sleepovers Rosa had at Charlotte’s house the two girls would role-play Rosa’s fantasies, with Rosa always playing the role of the helpless victim. During these sessions Rosa allowed her friend to do anything she wanted to do to her, except break her hymen. This Rosa wanted to save for her future real male partner once she was free from her parents. The idea of being forced to helplessly accept a male penis into her virgin pussy excited the young Filipina girl no end. This horny excitement was only partially satisfied by the sexual relationship she now participated in fully with her friend Charlotte.

During the latter part of her senior year in high school Rosa began to make pans in earnest for her escape from her parent’s repressive control. Upon graduating from high school Rosa planned to begin working full time at the clothing store while going to school part time at a local university. Assuming she would be able to find some sort of inexpensive housing this plan would allow Rosa to live completely independent of her strict parents, able to ride out any disapproval they might have of her choices in life.

After graduating from high school Rosa began working full time at the clothing store and preparing for her rapidly approaching eighteenth birthday. As the day of her independence approached Rosa began searching for a place where she could afford to live as well as something offering potential to satisfy her pent up sexual needs. After looking at the options available Rosa settled upon finding herself a room in a house with a male roommate. This seemed to be an environment which would allow Rosa to incite the sexual attacks she craved, especially if she would find an attractive and interesting roommate.

Rosa was careful to only work on her search for a new home during those times she was visiting Charlotte, leaving her parents none the wiser about her plans. Charlotte soon expressed an interest in joining her friend in her new home once she found it and Rosa immediately accepted this idea. Rosa promised Charlotte that as soon as she moved to her new place and received her initial experience Charlotte could move in with her. As her birthday approached Rosa increased her efforts to find the right place to live.


I bought the house as soon as the sale of my business to a larger competitor closed. I made enough from the sale to live comfortably for the rest of my life just from the interest and I wanted a house appropriate to my new circumstances. The place set me back three and a half million and had seven bedrooms on two floors. It was only after I moved in that I realized that perhaps the house was bigger than I really needed since I was the only one living in it.

Cleaning and gardening were soon solved by hiring people to come in weekly to clean the house and do all of the yard work. But living in that big house all by myself quickly became a lonely experience and I soon decided to take on a room mate to help liven things up at home. With several community colleges and a university in town it shouldn’t be hard to find a pretty student girl who needed a place to live. I didn’t need the money but it was too quiet in the house and if the first tenant worked out perhaps I would eventually bring in several more.

I put an ad in the newspaper and soon I started getting calls about the room. Those who were still interested after my initial phone interview I invited to come to the house and look over the room I had set aside for them. My own room was on the second floor which I had made pretty much into my own apartment but I did use the kitchen on the first floor to prepare my meals. Since the room I was offering was on the first floor I would have all the privacy I might need.

The first few girls who came to look over the room were impressed with the house and the room but I wasn’t impressed with them. Fortunately Kadıköy Escort since I was renting a room in my own home I had a lot of discretion in who I rented to so I wasn’t going to rent the room to someone I didn’t want. Finally after a week someone showed up who seemed to be a much better prospect for the kind of roommate I wanted.

The girl who arrived to look over the house and room was named Rosa Mendoza and was one of the prettiest girls I’d seen in a while. Her friend Charlotte drove her to the house and looked the room over with her. Both girls were very enthusiastic about the house and Rosa quickly informed me she wanted to take the room. Since she seemed to be exactly the kind of roommate I was looking for I quickly agreed. I collected the first month’s rent from Rosa and she left after telling me she would be back to move in the next day.


The search for a place to live took Rosa several months and her eighteenth birthday came and went without any luck in finding the kind of living environment she wanted. It seems that every place she looked at either seemed like a place where nothing would happen, or inhabited by creepy people who made her uncomfortable and made her feel like they would hurt her in ways she didn’t want. Finally almost a month after her eighteenth birthday Rosa went to look over another potential place to live, getting her friend Charlotte to drive her there since Rosa did not have her own car yet.

It did not take Rosa long to discover this place was different from any of the ones she had seen before. The house was located in an upscale neighborhood close with a grocery store and bus stops close by. The house was large, well maintained, and tastefully furnished, yet the rent the owner was asking for the room was surprisingly low, easily fitting into what Rosa could afford with her salary from the clothing store. The owner of the home, Dave, while in his early 50’s, was obviously wealthy and very polite. When Rosa thought about what might happen if she moved in to his home she felt a tingle of excitement.

The more she saw of the house and its owner the more excited Rosa became. Charlotte was equally as excited about the place and soon told Rosa her opinion the house that the house seemed to be perfect for her. With this advice Rosa made up her mind she wanted to live in this house and she told the owner she really wanted to live there. Rosa was overjoyed when she learned she could move in as soon as she wanted to. She paid the first month’s rent, received a key to the front door, and left, promising to return the next day with her things.


The next day Rosa arrived with everything she owned in the back of Charlotte’s car. The two girls spent the next half an hour unloading the car and moving everything into Rosa’s room. Charlotte left soon after the car was unloaded, she needed to go to work, and this left Rosa alone in her new room. Rosa spent some time putting things away, making her new bed, and getting used to the feeling of actually being free in her own place. The feeling of freedom she felt was exhilarating.

Once she had everything put away and arranged the way she wanted Rosa decided to take the first step in taking advantage of her new freedom. With a thrill of excitement Rosa stripped off her clothes and put them away. Nude she lay down on her bed to relax and think about what she wanted to do next. Rosa wanted to make her long suppressed desires and fantasies happen but faced with the reality of actually doing it she hesitated. Rosa was excited but at the same time a little fearful of the unknown.

As she lay there on her new bed Rosa’s sexual arousal started to swell and her increasing horniness pumped up the Filipina girl’s courage. Rosa began to imagine the feeling of getting up and walking around the house nude, her body completely exposed to Dave’s eyes. Rosa’s pussy grew warm and wet and her nipples hardened as she imagined how the sight of her nude body would cause Dave to lose control and take her. This idea excited Rosa so much that she was impelled to get up off of her bed and walk to the door to her room.

If Dave had been anywhere near to the entrance of her room Rosa might not have found the courage to come out but when she looked out into the hallway she found it deserted. Dave was currently on the second floor, this left the way clear for Rosa to gather enough courage to venture out of her room naked. Emboldened Rosa left her room to explore the house and enjoy the feeling of exposure she felt.

The house was quiet and seemed deserted except for Rosa as she slowly explored the first floor. She felt a mixture of fear and excitement as she wandered around the house, still nude. She walked hesitantly at first but with growing confidence as the first floor of the house remained deserted. Rosa knew that Dave was home but with the large size of the house and the two floors the two who lived there could easily have the feeling they were each alone in the house. For Bostancı Escort Rosa this helped her to muster the courage needed to do what she wanted to do.

Rosa walked down the hall and checked out each of the other three bedrooms on the first floor. Each bedroom contained a queen size bed and other basic furnishings but was otherwise obviously uninhabited. She found a utility room containing an expensive washer and dryer as well as a large chest freezer. The kitchen was large and well appointed, and there was both a small breakfast nook and a much larger dining area. A large, plush, well furnished living room rounded out the interior of the first floor.

Looking out into the back yard Rosa could see a large patio, pool, and a well tended garden area beyond the pool. The entire back yard was surrounded by a tall wooden fence that made it into a private area, Rosa immediately saw that she would be able to swim and sunbathe nude if she wanted to. This idea excited the Filipina girl even more but she quickly decided to leave going outside nude for another time.

Rosa went into the living room, sat down on the couch, and picked up the remote control for the large screen TV that dominated one side of the room. Rosa spent a few minutes idly going through the available channels; it seemed that Dave subscribed to every available cable channel including several adult channels. Rosa soon tired of the TV and she shut it off. She slid down on the couch until she was lying on it and her excited pussy was now in control of Rosa and she slid one leg down to the floor, exposing her sex completely to whoever might enter the living room. The Filipina girl just lay there and enjoyed the feeling of being able to do this for the very first time.


I’d had some work to do that morning in my upstairs office which kept me there until the early afternoon. I had heard Rosa arrive during that time and from the sound of things she and her friend were moving her stuff into her new room. Feeling curious about my new roommate I checked on them from time to time from my office window whenever I heard the door open down below. After about an hour I noticed that Rosa’s friend Charlotte got into her car and left by herself, leaving Rosa behind.

After working for a couple more hours I was able to finish it for the day. I shut down my computer, stretched, and went downstairs to the living room. When I walked into the room the sight that awaited me there caused me to stop dead in the doorway. Just as I had hoped Rosa had come out of her room but what I wasn’t expecting was what she was wearing. Rosa wasn’t wearing anything at all; the girl was lying on the couch, completely nude.

The Filipina girl was lying on the couch with her feet toward me and her legs spread wide, one foot even down on the floor. This gave me a clear view of Rosa’s shaved pussy and she had one hand down teasing it idly while her other hand cupped her own left breast. The girl HAD to know that she could be discovered in such a state at any moment and after thinking for a moment I realized that was exactly what Rosa wanted. But I had to stop and think for a minute about how I wanted to handle this situation. I decided to just act as if there was nothing special about what Rosa was doing, act naturally as if the girl was completely dressed, even though she was completely naked.

I walked into the room and sat down in my favorite chair which just happened to be at the end of the couch toward which Rosa’s feet were closest. As I entered the room I noticed Rosa’s eyes go wide as she noticed me and for a split instant her hands moved to cover herself and then relaxed, leaving her still completely exposed to my eyes. This confirmed that Rosa did indeed want me to see her like she was now, nude and completely exposed.

“So how do you like the house so far?” I asked Rosa once I had settled in my chair.

“I love it!” the girl replied with unfeigned enthusiasm. “I feel so free here!”

“I can see that,” I said with a smile, making a reference to her nudity.

“You don’t mind, do you Dave?” the girl asked with just a hint of anxiety in her voice.

“I don’t mind at all, Rosa. Why should I?”

“You really don’t mind if I am like this?” Rosa asked.

“No. You can do whatever you want; it’s your home now as much as mine.”

“Thank you, Dave!” Rosa said, her body relaxing a bit and after a moment I noticed her spreading her legs even wider, showing her pussy off to me even more.

Since I am a normal male there was no way I was going to object to Rosa’s display, as long as it was what she really wanted. Before renting the room to her I had checked the birth date on her driver’s license and she was old enough to decide what she wanted to do with her body. I was just going to enjoy the show and see what the girl did next.

Rosa’s hand grew bolder and she was openly masturbating and definitely getting off of doing it in front of me. I could see her face and chest were becoming flushed and her nipples seemed to be tightly erect. Rosa’s hand on her clit moved faster and then suddenly her hips lifted and her breath caught as she came. Then Rosa relaxed and her hips fell back down on the couch and she lay quietly for a couple of minutes recovering from her orgasm.

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I had been in a small accident. Totally not my fault. I was t-boned by a drunk coming through a red light. Him coming through the red light, not me. I had a mild concussion and some general wear and tear, including some facial lacerations. I was in hospital for a couple of days and then told to take at least a week off work to recuperate.

I had some holidays due so I added them to my sick leave and went bush for a few weeks. Up into the mountains, really, but that counts. I was lucky as it was off-peak season and I was given a contact of a guy who had a small cabin who was willing to let me have it cheap. A friend of a friend sort of deal.

For the first week I took it real easy. You couldn’t blame me as I looked remarkably similar to someone who’d just gone a few rounds with a heavyweight boxer, losing each and every round. By the end of the first week I was feeling a lot better. Looking a lot better, too, although that wasn’t saying much.

By the end of the second week I was back in quite good condition. Hiking through the mountains does that. You either get in shape or die. After thinking for a few days that the die option wasn’t going to be all that bad I slowly recovered and got in shape.

Mid way through the third week I received some unexpected visitors. There was a storm. I don’t mean that we had some wind and rain. I mean a real storm. Thunder and lightning and teeming rain, liberally laced with hailstones, all being carried along on a howling wind. I quite enjoyed a nice storm as long as I’m nice and snug inside. However, my visitors arrived.

The storm was just getting started when the door to the cabin banged open and four young ladies came barging in. I’d been sitting back relaxing without any lights and they assumed that there was no-one home. They got a hell of a shock when I switched on the light and stood there scowling at them.

I guess I could understand the fact that they were slightly concerned. They were stranded up a mountain in a raging storm and the place where they took shelter contained what probably looked like an unshaven thug with a rather battered face. I wasn’t the poster child for hospitality.

I stood and looked at them and they stood and looked at me. I was at home and they were uninvited visitors so I didn’t feel constrained to start the ball rolling. I waited for them to speak while I looked them over.

One of the young ladies was a little older than the others. I’d have put her in her early to mid-twenties, whereas the other three were around the eighteen/nineteen mark. They were all fair of face but I couldn’t judge their figures through their clothing, them being somewhat bundled up. I had three brunettes and a blonde on my hands.

“Ah, I’m Mrs Simpson,” said the oldest of the women. “Um, I’m a teacher and I was taking the girls on a hike when the storm blew up out of nowhere. We saw the cabin and ran to it to get some shelter.”

“Marge?” I asked.

“Adele, actually,” she said, giving me an annoyed look. Her students on the other hand giggled.

“You really need to get your name changed,” muttered someone and Adele switched her annoyed look to her students.

She introduced me to the students but damned if I can remember their names, apart from the blonde. She was Brenda. She was also quite happy and smiling, not nearly as nervous as the other three.

“I’m Ron,” I told them. “Make yourselves at home, such as it is. I think you’re going to be stuck here for the night. The forecast said the storm would probably last until tomorrow. Not to rub it in, but when you go hiking in the mountains it is a good idea to check the forecast.”

“I did,” said an indignant Adele. “The forecast was cloudy. No mention of a storm.”

“Depends on what side of the mountain you’re on,” I pointed out. “The other side is probably cloudy with no storm. This side we’ve got this storm and it seems sort of hung up on the mountain.”

Adele ignored me, whipping out her phone and then frowning at it. She appealed for the other girls to check their phones to see if they had a signal. Why bother? If one phone has no signal why would any of the others?

At that point there was a flash outside followed almost immediately by the rumble of thunder.

“I’d forget the phones, if I were you,” I told them. “Even if you got a signal you wouldn’t get any reception in the middle of a thunderstorm. You’ll have to wait until it clears. Were you going hiking overnight?”

Adele nodded and I shrugged.

“So no worries, then. People will assume you’re tucked away safe and sound as you planned this trip. Badly, but you planned it, and you are safe and sound.”

I left the girls to do whatever they wanted to do. Mainly argue amongst themselves it seemed. After five minutes I was starting to get a bit narked with the whole lot of them. They were just sitting around whining.

I stood up and they all flinched away from me. Except Blondie. Şerifali Escort Brenda just cocked her head slightly and regarded me with a small smile.

“Instead of sitting around moaning why don’t you do something about getting a meal together? There’s food in the fridge and the stove works. I assume that one of you must know how to cook.”

“Why do we have to cook?” one of them complained.

“Because I’m not cooking. You want to be fed, start with the domestic work and cook something. While you’re at it you might as well work out where you’re putting your sleeping-bags.”

“We can use the bed,” Adele quickly pointed out. “It’ll be crowded but we won’t mind.”

“Neither will I,” I agreed. “It’s been a while since I’ve had company in that bed.”

There was a shattering silence. One of the girls finally broke it.

“B-but you can’t sleep with us,” she protested.

“Where do you propose I sleep?” I asked affably. “I don’t have a sleeping-bag and I doubt that any of your bags would be suitable.”

Geez. From the looks they were giving me you’d think I was offering to rape them all night long. They were totally shocked. I raised an eyebrow.

“I assume that your sleeping-bags are now looking somewhat the better option? May I suggest that you put them together over against the far wall? Adele, I’ll leave it to you to organise the meal. Either do it yourself or direct the girls to do it.”

There were no more arguments but boy, the way those girls reacted to my presence. Every time one of them had to come near me or if I dared to go anywhere near one of them they would cringe away from me. I mean, really! I might look like a battered brute but what had I done or said that might make them think I had evil intentions towards them?

Adele managed to scrounge up a decent meal for us but she also just about cleared out my food supply. It was a good thing I was going home shortly. We had dinner with the girls doing their best to keep out of my reach.

Later on, with the girls still cringing and me still fuming at their behaviour I suggested that they all go to bed.

“You might as well all retire now. There’s nothing else to do and the storm is still going strong. I can’t guarantee how much longer the power will last.”

The looks on their faces I might as well have made an indecent suggestion. The two brunette students gave Adele appealing looks. Adele looked nervous herself. Brenda looked amused.

“Ah, I don’t suppose you’d care to step outside while the girls get ready for bed?” suggested Adele.

“You have got to be kidding,” I replied. Was she nuts? Couldn’t she hear that storm out there? “And what do you mean, get ready? If they do anything more than take of their shoes then they’re stupid.”

“We can’t sleep in our clothes,” one of the nameless girls cried.

“No? Learn. If we lose power we also lose heat and you’ll find yourself getting awfully cold if you’re just wearing your undies. Still, it’s your choice. Feel free to strip off. I can guarantee that I won’t object.”

The girls were all giving me nasty looks but what was I supposed to do? Adele indicated that she’d like a private word with me.

“Listen, Ron, the girls are worried about you. You’re a very big man and they’re just a little nervous about sleeping in the same room as you. They don’t feel that they can trust you.”

“Really,” I said dryly. “And just what do you suggest I do about it? There’s no way in hell I’m leaving the cabin just to give them peace of mind. You can see what the weather is like.”

“I know, but your comments aren’t helping.”

“What, telling them not to be idiots and to go to sleep in their clothes? It seems an eminently sensible idea to me. Just tell them to do it. What are they afraid of?”

“Um, to be honest you look like, ah, that is, um. . .” Her voice trailed off as she tried to tell me what I looked like. I already knew.

“I look like a loser whose had the crap beaten out of him and they’re afraid I’ll take it out on them? They’re afraid I’ll line you all up, one, two, three, four, bare your bums and have my wicked way with you all, one after the other? Mmm?”

Adele was blushing but silently agreeing that yes, that was what they were afraid of.

“For god’s sake, my current battered appearance is the result of a car accident, and no, I wasn’t running from the police at the time. My car got hit by a drunk driver who didn’t suffer a scratch, blast him. As for lining you all up and raping you, superman I am not. By the time I’d raped one it would be hours before I could move on to number two. Raping all four of you is just not on.”

I turned to the girls and called out.

“OK, girls. Adele and I have come to an agreement. One, you’ll go to bed, or in your case, sleeping-bags, fully dressed, except for your shoes. This is because if the power goes it will get very cold overnight and you need to stay warm.”

“Now, Göztepe Escort as far as lining you all up and raping you one after the other I’ve agreed not to do that. Adele had explained that you’re all blushing virgins and wouldn’t know what to do with a cock if you tripped over one. I’ve made a suggestion to which she has agreed. To further your education and relief me of any excessive horniness I’ll give Adele a good fuck while you watch. You can consider this part of your sex education.”

The look on Adele’s face was a joy to behold.

“You don’t seriously think I’m going to let you fuck me in front of my students, do you?” she hissed at me.

“Yes, I do,” I replied smugly. “If it’s a choice of them seeing you fucked and letting them relax and get a good night’s sleep or seeing you get raped and them panicking and possibly running out into the storm, you’ll opt for the fucking. Don’t worry. I’ll treat you properly and we can give the girls a practical education at the same time.”

I steered Adele towards the kitchen table, hand pressed against her back ensuring she bent forward over it. She was yea close to panicking, only keeping her head together because she didn’t want to panic the girls. From the look on their faces they were in a similar state. Well, two of them were. Brenda had a look of interested suspicion. Brenda, I decided, was quite intelligent, a fact disguised by her lovely face.

Turning my attention back to Adele I took hold of her trousers. As far as I could see they had an elasticised waistband. Good for easy dressing when out camping. I gave them a firm tug and they sailed right down to knee level, exposing quite a nice bottom now clad in a pair of white cotton panties. I rubbed my hand lightly over Adele’s bottom, hearing her whimper softly.

Then I hauled back and gave her a bloody good spank, my hand landing hard and hot on her bottom. She screamed, the two brunettes screamed, and Brenda nodded thoughtfully.

“Now if you’ve all quite finished mucking around,” I roared at them, “might I suggest that you all get yourselves to bed? The power won’t last forever, especially in this storm, and it’s going to be a long cold night. The light’s being turned off in five minutes and I expect you all to be in your sleeping-bags by then.”

The three young ladies made haste to get into their sleeping-bags, the nonsense about them sleeping in their clothes forgotten. Adele was standing up, clutching at her bottom, and going, “What? What? What?”

“What I said applies to you, too, woman. The lot of you should just grow up and start acting like the adults you are. You’ve been acting like a maiden aunt locked away with an admitted rapist. Start treating people by the way they act, not the way they look.”

Adele retreated, red-faced, suddenly in a hurry to reach her own sleeping-bag. I waited until she was in it before turning off the light and retiring myself.

I woke early. The storm was gone and dawn was breaking. Knowing how women are in the morning I hastened to use the bathroom before anyone else woke up and stole it. Clothes changed and feeling refreshed I wandered around the cabin. I wasn’t going to make breakfast yet, preferring the girls sleep a little longer. Brenda, I noticed, was awake and looking at me with sleepy eyes.

I crossed over and looked down at her, considering her and her behaviour. She just lay there looking back up at me with a small smile twitching on her lips. I pointed to her and then jerked my thumb towards the door. Turning, I wandered outside.

I’d been enjoying the dawn for about ten minutes when Brenda came outside. Amazingly fast time for a young lady first thing in the morning. She strolled over to where I was leaning back against a tree, enjoying the scenery.

“You wanted me?” she asked.

“Still do,” I said calmly. I looked her over and nodded. “Yes, indeed, I still do.”

She blushed and said nothing but she certainly caught the innuendo. I looked at her some more. She was certainly well worth looking at. She was wearing trousers similar to those Adele had been wearing. Now that I thought about it all the girls were dressed similarly. Common sense, I guess, being dressed for a hike and all.

“Take off your trousers,” I told her, making no move to help her do so.

She looked at me and I was damned if I could tell what she was thinking. Balls of steel on this one, was my thought.

She made up her mind and pushed her trousers down, sending her panties along with them. She kept looking at me while she did so, even while she was lifting each leg to take them right off. Then she was standing there, nude from the waist down, bar her socks. She hadn’t, I now noticed, bothered to put her shoes on before coming outside.

She also hadn’t bother about asking any silly questions. She knew what I was going to do and she was agreeing. I reached down and started massaging her, Ümraniye Escort first her mons, then sliding between her legs and rubbing her mound. The only reaction seemed to be that she started breathing a bit harder.

I changed directions and slid my hands up, over her tummy and under her top. It was my intention to push her bra up off her breasts, giving me additional toys to play with. I was slightly surprised to find my hands slipping under her unfastened bra and onto her breasts. (Not so surprised that I let go her breasts.) I raised an eyebrow in query.

She knew what I was asking and simply shrugged.

“Have you ever tried to sleep with a bra on?” she challenged.

I had to admit that I had not.

“Yeah, well you have to undo them or you won’t get much sleep. I just haven’t had a chance this morning to do it up again.”

Who am I to doubt her explanation? I accepted it as offered and continued stroking her breasts. Fun while it lasted, but the really interesting action was going to take place downstairs.

I unzipped and dragged out my erection, finally letting it see the light of day. Brenda looked down, saw my erection, blushed, and pointedly looked elsewhere. I moved a little closer and now my cock was pressing lightly against her tummy. Her blush got a little deeper but she made no attempt to back away.

I reached down and made a suitable adjustment. Her eyes opened a little wider as she felt me seeking an entrance. She looked a little nervous but that was all. Definitely not scared. Oddly enough, despite her willingness, I had this feeling that she was still a virgin, so I took it slowly.

I eased into her, finding my suspicions correct and changing that status. She winced slightly at her change of circumstances but after that she seemed to be concentrating on feeling me entering her. She was hot and wet and tight, and the operative word was tight. It was fortunate that I was hard enough that I could have used my erection to crack rocks. I continued slowly pushing home. It wasn’t as though I had much choice where speed was concerned. She was so tight that all I could do was lean into her, her passage seeming to begrudge the fact that it had to yield to my metal, reluctantly giving way and then closing tightly around me.

Finally I was fully in place. My hands had crept back up and found her breasts and I was right to go. From the look of anticipation, so was Brenda.

We rocked together gently, my cock just easing its way in and out, with Brenda moving dreamily against me. She let out a single long, “Oh,” sound, pleasurable delight echoing in it. Then she fell silent, eyes closed, just rocking in place with me.

Quite frankly, she felt fantastic. I saw no necessity to get a move on and start energetically fucking her. This gentle susurration of our bodies was all that we needed, telling us what we wanted to know. It was rather strange really, just standing there, moving gently in and out while she moved with me, pleasure flowing through us.

Damned if I know how long we stood there. Time just lost meaning, our bodies in command. At some stage I idly noticed that she was approaching a climax. Normally this would be my cue to hop to it and apply myself, ensuring that she reached the desired end result. This time I ignored it, just continuing the way I’d been going.

Her climax came, sneaking quietly up on her and then jumping her, crashing through her. She gasped and clutched hold of me tightly. Her passage did the same thing where my cock was concerned, clamping down on me and forcing me into my own climax. We stayed like that for another minute or so, just holding each other and breathing heavily.

Finally we separated and she stood back and looked at me.

“That was, that was, well. . .” She shrugged helplessly, not knowing what to say. That was fair enough. I had no idea of what to say either.

She suddenly smiled, bent down and grabbed her clothes and pulled them on. Then she flitted back to the cabin and was gone. I tidied my own clothes and continued to enjoy the early morning.

When I finally went back in all the girls were up and their sleeping-bags rolled up. Adele was just putting breakfast in the table. She’d finished using the rest of my supplies from the look of it. Didn’t those girls bring any supplies with them? The girls were a lot friendlier than they had been the night before. Dawn and no storm apparently made a big difference. Adele was still mad at me, apparently resenting that slap on the bottom. Served her right in my book.

After breakfast the ladies departed. Before they left Adele produced a map and asked if I could point out exactly where they were. I could and did, giving them directions to get to the point they were supposed to be at. Then they filed out and were gone.

I looked at my devastated supplies, decided it wasn’t worth replenishing them, tidied the cabin and departed myself, heading back home.

I was fit and well again. I was also without a car but I had a few days holiday left. I would put the time to good use finding a decent vehicle, paid for by courtesy of the insurance company. I wondered if I’d ever meet Brenda again. I could stand seeing her again quite easily.

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Preparing Melissa

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Melissa was 18, approaching the end of high school. For the next four or five years she would be away at University – with a much larger selection of boys to tempt her and, presumably, excite her still-developing female juices.

Melisa loved sport and was superbly fit. And she had been gifted with the body of a goddess – a nicely rounded face, wide sparkling eyes, wonderfully delicate lips…and incredible breasts.

Oh, those boobs!

It is impossible describe them with justice, but it’s as if the top two-thirds of a couple of plump oranges had been artistically moulded to her attractive chest, providing a small overhang most of the way around that would inevitably invite any lucky lad to start by circling this crease with his fingers…before then cupping and squeezing her firm, fresh flesh… before then seeing her immaculately-placed nipples stand rigidly to attention when he took each in his mouth and flicked it gently with his tongue.

Her boobs are so alluring that my husband John had once joked that if we ever needed to do some charity fundraising, all we required was for Melissa to sit in a tent at the fairground, charge $10 for a look, $20 for a caress and $50 for a lick or a suck…and we’d have a queue a mile long eager to contribute to our cause, each parting with the maximum donation we were seeking. That may be crude, but is undoubtedly true.

I felt a tinge of maternal envy. Mel’s fabulous boobs were at the absolute peak of their development. They were so enticing…and yet she had not started sharing them with that succession of boys who would finger them, cup them, squeeze them, lick them, suck them – tragically all of them without knowing how Melissa’s firm breasts really ached to be handled.

I’m sure Melissa knew how unusually endowed she was…and had already decided that only a few carefully selected men would ever be pleasured by experiencing their full delights. And I’m she knew how to gently rub and squeeze those beautiful orbs…as she would have known how to pamper that area which lay hidden away between her legs. She wasn’t naive!

If there was one word to describe Mel at this time, it could only be ‘nubile’ – complete with its full range of sexual connotations.

‘Nubile’: sexually mature and old enough for marriage; ‘Nubile’: sexually developed and attractive; ‘Nubile’: a girl who has reached sexual maturity and has blossomed into a woman; ‘Nubile’: hot, sexy; ‘Nubile’: a nymphet, a fawnlet; ‘Nubile’: ripe for the taking.

Mel and I had always enjoyed an open relationship. And I always liked to plan in advance, so we’d talked about sex and the arrival of her puberty before it occurred. So when that first trickle of blood wept down her inside passage, seeking out sunlight, she was already well-versed in how to use a tampon, pads and panty liners. Not that that excused her from the incredibly ‘messy experience,’ as she described it, as she transitioned from young girl to young woman.

I doubted that she had yet lost her virginity. She was not an initiator in her group of friends. And that group was not one that would feel compelled to become sexually active at a very young age. Which was one enormous relief for her Mum!

But it was very likely that Mel would become sexually active in the not-too-distant future.

And, secretly, I hoped she would experience some totally-explosive intimate encounters in her room with an array of sizes and widths thrusting deeply and repeatedly into her darkness – something that would undoubtedly be much more satisfying for her than any synthetic drug could ever be.

Oh, the benefits of being young, attractive and unattached!

I fanaticised that she might bring one or two of her boys home for me to ‘look after.’

John was away on a golfing weekend with some mates that day when Mel came down to breakfast. And she seemed to be in no particular hurry to do anything.

She was, perhaps, appropriately attired – just a pair of satin boxer shorts and a floppy old tee that may have been comfortable…but did little to disguise her very best assets. It’s good that John’s mates were not there – they would have been leaving with distinct bulges in the front of their pants, and having a friendly argument about how many cumes she exhibited. That’s cumes as in ‘she has three cume breasts.’ Cumes, I had been previously been informed, are a precise, internationally-recognised measure of a cubic mouthful!

But now was not the appropriate time for her mother to suggest that Melissa might dress a little more modestly.

It was an ideal opportunity to have that mother and daughter chat, I concluded.

‘Well, it won’t be long before you’ve finished school and are off to university for a few years,’ I started. ‘And I guess the time will soon come when you’ll become a sexually mature lady.’

She looked at me quizzically, so I quickly continued.

‘You know I’ve always liked to prepare for things well in advance, and so it’s probably time we had a chat about that very first occasion when things will happen for you.’

‘Aw, Bostancı Escort Mum,’ was the response. ‘I know some guy will be poking his penis up my vagina, there’ll probably be some bleeding, and it’s likely to hurt a lot. So what is there to talk about?’

Mel had unwittingly given me just the invitation I’d hoped for, so I could open up the conversation.

‘You probably won’t bleed, darling, and it certainly doesn’t need to be a painful experience. In fact, if you are properly prepared it should be an unforgettably enjoyable occasion for you,’ I said.

‘And how’s that?’ she asked.

‘Bleeding is usually the result of having an intact hymen, or the boy is being excessively rough, or it’s because you are simply not wet enough down there. Now because you are using tampons and you are so physically active and fit, it’s likely your hymen disappeared long, long ago.’

‘I hope so,’ she said.

‘If it’s worrying you, you can always get something like a zucchini and push it right in and out of your love tunnel a few times between now and whenever you have your first experience, and that will open things up nicely for you,’ I suggested.

‘But if you do decide to get acquainted with Mr Zucchini, make sure you start by fingering yourself well to ensure all your natural feminine juices are flowing, or rub a few drops of olive oil around the entrance area in your vagina to provide some extra lubrication.’

‘We usually have zucchini in the crisper of the fridge and you’re welcome to use one of those anytime, should you wish,’ I added cheekily.

‘Gee, thanks. Now what else should I know?’ she responded a little testily.

‘Well, at least two things. Firstly I suggest you make sure you are on the Pill before you start having sex.’

‘Really? I thought you would think that would simply encourage me to become more promiscuous,’ she said, as it became clear to me that Mel was becoming slightly more relaxed.

‘No, no, no! If you want to be promiscuous, you’ll be promiscuous, Pill or no Pill,’ I responded. ‘But it would be an absolute disaster for you if you were to get pregnant, and the Pill provides you with the very best protection.’

‘I’m sure you’ll agree that when you’re about to accept an engorged penis into your vagina for the first time, the last thing you’ll want to be worrying about is the possibility of becoming pregnant…and I’m sure neither you nor your man will want to be fiddling around trying to work out how to roll a condom down his erection at that time.’

‘And, besides, the Pill will give you complete control over the timing of your periods, which I can assure you will provide you with an enhanced social life.’

‘I suspect you are right Mum,’ she conceded.

‘I’ll tell you what,’ I continued. ‘Your father and I will pay for the Pill and for the costs of visits to the doctor to get the prescriptions while you are at uni. And, if you like, I’ll accompany you to an appointment with Dr O’Connor. I’ll stay in the waiting room while he sees you…but by then he’ll have worked out that I’m happy for you to be making this move.’

‘And remember, you don’t need to start taking the Pill immediately. Just having a supply available when you figure the time is about right for you to become sexually active will make things so much easier for you.’

‘That sounds great Mum. Now what was that other suggestion you had?’

‘Well you probably know you must ensure you are very wet before any man starts pushing his penis into your vagina. And a good way to do this is to get him to lick and suck your clitoris and vagina.’


‘But you’ll find most men are more than happy to do so. However, they don’t want to also get a mouthful of pubic hair. So I suggest you trim your pubes a few days before the action starts, perhaps by giving yourself a Brazilian landing strip or, if you really want to be remembered, trim pussy into a romantic heart shape.’

‘Or, better still,’ I thought. ‘Shave it all off, and let the boys imagine they have achieved every man’s dream – having it off with an attractive barely-pubescent baldie.’ I kept that thought to myself.

‘Don’t tell your dad, but his electric shaver has a trimmer tool attached to it which will give you neat, straight lines with whichever option you might choose.’

‘And while I’m giving you advice, your Dad has always known that I’ve thought it’s OK to kiss in the car, but when we bonk it’s in bed. I’ve found this to be a good rule – even if that bed is occasionally to be found in the pool, in the shower or on the lounge room floor! And, frankly, if it’s not convenient to do it at your home or the man’s home, then there is always a hotel, which is a great excuse for a night in town or an exciting weekend away.’

As Melissa left the kitchen, I knew that the area surrounding her virgin slit was about to see a little more soap in the shower than was normal…as, no doubt, would those attractive young mammaries.

* * * * *

A few weeks later we visited the doctor. Melissa emerged Anadolu Yakası Escort with her first prescription for the Pill.

On the way home we visited the local pharmacist and swapped it for the real thing.

I reminded Mel that this tiny package would keep for months, or even years – there was absolutely no hurry to start swallowing the Pill…at least until she felt the time was approaching for her to wave farewell to her virginity.

* * * * *

Very soon after I noticed we had one less zucchini in the crisper.

I had the feeling this was the luckiest zucchini in the world – unknowingly disappointing hundreds of young guys, each with a dream of being the very first to penetrate the damp depths that lay atop of Mel’s athletic thighs.

And if those guys had only known that Melissa had just taken this one additional step towards making herself available!

If they had, there would have been quite a few young men whose boxer shorts would have been dampened as they imagined – sorry, dreamed – their throbbing cock might soon be thrusting down the same love tunnel, shooting an enormous load of cum into her dark feminine recesses that, forever, would be way beyond the reach of their probing fingers.

But at least I now knew that Melissa had accepted some of the advice I had offered… and could only wonder how soon John’s electric razor would be borrowed to clear the bush from around the entrance to the virgin’s love-tunnel.

* * * * *

A few weeks after we’d had our Sunday talk, Mel admitted to me that she had told some of her girlfriends at school about our conversation.

And one of her friends from a Fundamentalist family, Kirsty, had then asked whether I might be prepared to share the same advice with her.

She had confessed to Mel that she really knew little more about sex than the basics she had learned at school during health education classes. It seemed her mother was reluctant to talk about the subject, in the belief that doing so would simply provide Kirsty with unwarranted temptation.

I was initially reluctant to take on a sex education role that traditionally belonged to Kirsty’s mum. But I thought about it overnight.

‘Please tell Kirsty I’m happy to meet with her privately, one-to-one. Sooner or later she will need to be fully informed about these things that are a natural part of life, and if she is willing to learn about them now, then that’s great. But what I will not be doing is suggesting she necessarily change anything immediately – I’ll just be giving her some valuable knowledge that she can store away to perhaps use at a future time.’

‘Suggest to her that she ring me right after school one day and we’ll agree on a time to meet.’

The next day the phone rang. ‘Mrs J., it’s Kirsty and I’m wondering if I could come around to see you and perhaps have a bit of a talk about the birds and the bees.’

‘Sure Kirsty,’ I replied. ‘Would Thursday straight after school suit you? Mel will be at hockey practice until six, and that will give us tons of time to have a private chat.’

‘That would be great.’

You won’t be having a period then?’


‘Then I’ll see you just as soon as you can get here after school. And, by the way, pack a spare pair of knickers – you might feel you need to change into them before you head off home.’

Thursday arrived sooner than I’d anticipated, but at least I had time to think about how to best have an intimate talk to someone else’s daughter – about a subject that her mum obviously felt was taboo.

I started by explaining that I was a little apprehensive about educating someone else’s baby and suggested to Kirsty that we keep the details of our conversation to ourselves. The last thing I wanted was for her mum to be mad at Kirsty, or at me and Mel!

‘Let’s start by you telling me what you know,’ I suggested.

‘That’s not much. In fact not much more than we’ve been taught in health lessons at school.’

‘And boys, how far have you allowed them to go?’

‘What do you mean by that?’

‘Well, have you been kissed by a boy, or allowed boys to play with your tits, or play in the area between your legs?’

‘Oh, shit no! I’ve been kissed, but that’s all. I’ve too-often been told by mum and dad to keep my body strictly to myself, because it’s already bad enough that my body might be giving some lads lustful thoughts.’

‘So you really just know how to make babies, and you know how to avoid making babies. Do you know the ways and places around your body that lead to greatest pleasure, and do you have any ideas about how a man should best excite you sexually?’

‘No, not really.’

‘O.K., well that’s a good place for us to start. And there would be nothing better than for you to experience each of these places for yourself, so – if you are willing – I suggest we now go down our guests’ room where I’ll get you to undress completely and then I’ll show you some of the places you probably never knew existed.’

I could see she was a bit Ataşehir Escort hesitant, so I led the way down the hall. Once in the room I stripped the doona off the bed and laid out a towel.

‘Of all boys around your age, who do you find most attractive?’ I enquired as she undressed.

‘Oh, Luke,’ she replied. ‘But why do you ask?’

‘Well, I’m going to run my hands over different parts of your body and, as I do so, I’m going to suggest you close your eyes and just imagine that it’s Luke who is caressing you.’

I didn’t remind her that Luke was my nephew and Melissa’s cousin. He lived just a few blocks away, so I made a mental note that if ever…

‘Just sit up on the bed with your back to me, and close those eyes,’ I asked before I started by stroking the top of her head, then moving my fingers gently from the back of her ears, around the sides of her neck, and down to the base of her neck.

And then I rubbed her sensuously, gently, up and down her sides.

‘How are we going?’ I enquired. ‘Does that feel alright so far?’

‘It’s great,’ she responded.

‘Well now I’ll get you to lie down, with your tummy on the towel.’

I gave her rounded buttocks a bit of a massage and then moved them gently apart, allowing me to lightly run a finger from just above her hole up to and around the small of her back, before travelling back down ’til it almost fell in her hole. I repeated this a number of times before again enquiring whether she was comfortable.

‘I was a bit worried for a while that your fingers might move a little further south, and was relieved they didn’t,’ she replied.

‘We won’t go there today,’ I assured her. ‘But many women find the entrance to their butt hole and the area just inside can be particularly pleasurable, and most men are only too happy to play with this area and push their engorged penises inside. But it’s best you explore all that for yourself another day.’

‘Now roll over, close your eyes again and I’ll have Luke work on your front.’

Again I started by rubbing her sides. Then I slowly traced a line with my finger from her neck down to her belly-button and ever-so-slowly down to where her pubes started covering her skin. I could feel her muscles involuntarily tighten just so slightly, so I repeated this numerous times.

‘And how is Luke doing?’ I asked.

‘Just fine,’ she replied.

‘Well now we’ll give your breasts and nipples a bit of rub and, if you are happy, you’ll then feel Luke giving your nipples the tiniest of licks.’

There was no objection…and a faint smile soon spread slowly across her face.

‘So now it’s down to your really feminine area,’ I said, placing a finger gently on her clit.

‘You’re a lucky girl,’ I continued. ‘You have an exceptionally well-endowed clit…one that’s a lot bigger than mine…and one that men will have no trouble stimulating,’ I told her as my finger brushed up and down, up and down, up and down the side of her jewel…and then traced a light circle right around the entrance to her love tunnel.

She was obviously well-lubricated by now.

‘Can Luke give you a kiss down there too?’ I asked.

‘Why not,’ she replied, and her smile widened.

She must soon have felt a significantly wetter after ‘he’ had obliged.

‘There is just one other area I’d like to point out to you now, and that’s where a girl’s G-spot is located. This is a real point for pleasure and it’s just inside your vagina, so I’m hoping you’ll allow me to put a finger in there.’

‘I suppose that will be OK,’ she replied.

So in went the finger…and then slowly, very slowly I bent it upwards searching for the corrugations on her vaginal wall.

‘Can you feel that,’ I asked as I gently flicked an area to the left, then an area to the right. ‘The ridges on this side, and on this side, and the area in between are particularly sensitive and usually love to be fingered whilst your clit is being rubbed or is receiving a really good suck.’

‘Ahh. Wow,’ she exclaimed. ‘I’m so pleased you showed me that spot. I’d never have found it myself.’

I gave her ridges on each side one final flick, then slowly withdrew my finger before she had any chance of climaxing. I certainly didn’t see it as my role to build her to orgasm – perhaps the very first orgasm she had ever experienced.

‘So when you feel you’re ready for it, you can play around this area yourself…or have a man do it with you…and work up a feeling that you’ll discover is enormously pleasurable.’

‘You know I’m not a Churchgoer and I have a different view of some things, but I can’t help feeling that if I did believe in God, He’d be pleased to see me trying to extract maximum pleasure from the places on my body where He created those pleasure zones.’

‘I’d think He was a strange old man if He blessed me with areas that excited me, but then frowned every time I touched them – which seems to be what many of the established Churches are suggesting will happen any time I play with myself,’ I added.

‘I’d never thought of it that way,’ Kirsty replied.

‘So it’s my view, which I’ve also expressed to Mel, is that we females should feel completely comfortable with our bodies and should fully enjoy them whenever we want, and from whenever time we feel we are truly ready to start to do so.’

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A Year Of First Times Ch. 05

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As summer ended and the season shifted to a cool fall, Torrie and I continued going parking on a regular basis. Cool fall evenings turned into cold evenings but we always managed to keep each other warm when we were alone.

December 5th was a sunny, cool day that turned cold immediately after sunset. By the time I arrived at Torrie’ parent’s house for our regular Friday date, the evening was very cold. When we left 30 minutes later, it had turned even colder. It was too cold to spend the evening parked but that’s what we decided to do. We didn’t care to ride around, see friends, go to a movie or get something to eat. We wanted to be alone. Since we had no where else to go, we could only be alone in a car parked in a secluded area.

Leaving Torrie’ we didn’t drive to ‘our parking place.’ Instead we drove to an unpaved road in the back of the housing area where she lived. We had parked there several other evenings in previous months so we knew we wouldn’t be disturbed. At least we hoped we wouldn’t be disturbed because over the last few months our physical intimacy had gone to places it probably shouldn’t have.

We had both been naked almost nightly on our dates. We had kissed and touched in just about every possible way. We had enjoyed oral sex. We had been sexually intimate in every way without having intercourse. There was no reason to think that night would be different and we certainly didn’t want anyone to catch us in an embarrassing situation.

Of course, there had been a couple of times when we almost got caught with our ‘pants down.’ There was the night when Torrie sucked my dick for the first time and a car pulled into the driveway of the deserted farmhouse. (See Part 4)

Then later in the same yard, I was lying across the back seat and Torrie was sitting beside me. We were both completely naked. Suddenly a car pulled directly in front of our car and stopped. Its headlights illuminated the interior of our car like it was daylight. There was nothing we could do except wait to see what happened. After a few moments, the car backed up and left. Maybe that was a final sign for us to not park there any more.

One other time when we were going parking at ‘our parking spot,’ we noticed a fire deep in the woods. Instead of taking a chance, we parked in a cul-de-sacs where there were partially built houses. After about an hour we were shocked when a fire truck came out of the woods and slowly drove past our car. One of the firemen on the back of the truck shinned a bright spotlight into our car. We weren’t naked but I’m fairly certain the firemen got a good look at Torrie’ breasts before she could cover up. I know they enjoyed what they saw because there was a lot of hoops and hollers.

I almost forgot about the night when Torrie and I drove to a nearby lake. When we arrived we parked on a deserted road to change clothes. Torrie changed clothes in the car. I stood outside and changed. Then we drove to the arcade. After parking we walked down the shoreline until we found a deserted dock to sit on. Walking to the end, we sat down. Over Torrie’ objections, I unfastened her top. The more I tried to interest her in an ‘early evening fuck,’ the more she protested. Finally, I gave up and refastened her top. Just then, the dock owner walked up and told Anadolu Yakası Escort us to leave. Even with my bulging erection, we left to find a place to sit, swim and ‘hopefully’ fuck. We had learned to be careful.

So on that cold December night, we drove to where the road dead-ended. I turned the car around being careful not to get stuck in the loose sand. Turning the headlights off, I left only the parking and dash lights on. Then I moved the front seat as far back from the dash as possible. The night so cold I had to leave the engine running and the heater blowing on high so it wouldn’t get too cold in the car.

My grandfather has died a few months earlier and as we parked I was reminded of why I was so glad my parents had decided not to sell his car. It was a ‘tank’ with a big front seat that was just right to ‘mess around’ in. The seat was so much bigger than the back seat of my car that many times I drove the ‘tank’ so Torrie and I would have the comfort of a large area to fuck and suck in.

Torrie was already sitting close when I put my arm around her. Pulling her closer, I kissed her lips lightly. That light kiss led to a lingering kiss, which led to a more passionate kiss. Soon our tongues were involved in a slow erotic dance they knew well. As our tongues danced, I slipped my hand under Torrie’ skirt and began rubbing her legs, pussy and ass. As our passion grew, I reached under her sweater so I could touch her firm breasts. Her hard nipples strained against the material of her bra.

It wasn’t long before I took Torrie’ sweater off and tossed it on the back seat. Next our shoes came off. Then Torrie unbuttoned my shirt exposing my chest. As we began freely exploring each other’s body, I took her skirt was off and tossed it in the back with the sweater leaving her sitting there in just her bra and panties. As always I was having trouble unfastening her bra when Torrie sat back in order to help me. Letting the straps slip off her shoulders and unfastening the hooks, my eyes were able to feast on her beautiful breasts. After tossing the bra on the back seat, she helped me take off my shirt.

Then she put my shirt in the back with her clothes before unfastening my belt and unzipping my slacks. Torrie put her hand in my pants and began rubbing my growing dick as I alternated kissing and sucking on her breasts and nipples. While she continued rubbing my dick through my briefs, I had Torrie to raise up so I remove her panties.

“Now take your pants off.” Torrie said as soon as she was completely naked. At that moment I wasn’t going to argue with her so I quickly pushed my slacks and briefs down below my knees. As I struggled to get them completely off, Torrie wrapped her fingers around my exposed dick and began to slowly jack me off. This made it very difficult for me to get the rest of my clothes off but I managed. Soon we were both naked.

We didn’t have to explore each other too long before we ended up in what was one of my favorite positions. Torrie was lying across the seat with her head toward the driver’s side and I was lying beside her with my head toward the passenger side of the car. ‘69’ was not only a great year; it was a great position to be in.

Torrie lay there with her legs spread giving me complete Kadıköy Escort access to enjoy her pussy. As I buried my tongue deep between her pussy lips, I could feel Torrie lick up the length of my dick and across the tip several times before her lips encircled the head. Expertly she sucked me into her warm mouth. The taste and smell of Torrie’ pussy was intoxicating as I licked and tongue fucked her but unfortunately all of this pleasure would be over sooner than I wanted. It wasn’t long before a familiar feeling began to build in my balls. As she continued sucking my dick the feeling became stronger and stronger.

I knew it wouldn’t be long before I would shoot globs of cum into her mouth. I tried to concentrate on tongue fucking her pussy but I couldn’t hold back and began to cum. She didn’t stop. She continued sucking as I shot off. Just like every other evening, she swallowed every drop before my semi-erect dick slipped from between her lips. I continued licking her pussy until she gently pushed me away and put her legs together.

While I turned around, Torrie moved on the seat until her head and shoulders were directly behind the steering wheel. I moved over of her, kissing her deeply. I could taste my own cum and I’m sure she could taste her pussy juices as our tongues returned to their private dance. I began kissing down Torrie’ neck toward her shoulders and breasts. It didn’t take long for the kissing, touching and rubbing of our naked bodies together to cause my semi-erect dick to grow hard again. With my dick brushing against her leg, I kissed, sucked and licked down her body until I was kneeling over her legs.

Suddenly, she surprised me when she shifted positions. She spread her legs leaving me kneeling between them. I don’t know what she expected. She probably expected me to eat her pussy again. Instead I moved my body close between her legs. It felt completely natural for us to continue kissing and to rub our pubic areas together. I could feel her legs holding me tight as our bodies pressed together.

That’s when it happened. With no planning or forethought, I put my hand between us. Taking my dick in hand, I slowly rubbed the head up and down between Torrie’ wet pussy lips before stopping with the head resting against the opening to her ‘almost’ virgin pussy. Putting a slight amount of pressure on the opening, I moved my hand away and took a deep breath. I waited to see what her reaction would be. When she didn’t move away, I knew the time had come.

As I pressed forward, she raised her hips to meet me. With one gentle push, I was all the way in her pussy for the first time. Slowly, I began to push in and out. The feeling was incredible. Torrie’ pussy seemed to welcome my dick each time I pushed into her. Soon I was about to cum again.

Since we had never fucked before and hadn’t needed birth control before that moment, I had to decide what to do. Should I pull out and cum all over Torrie and the seat? Or should I continue to fuck her and cum inside her? For the second time that evening I did what came natural. I soon pushed as far into her as I could and shot-off deep inside her pussy. This time my dick didn’t stay semi-erect and soon shrank enough to slip out of her pussy. Because of our position behind the steering Ataşehir Escort wheel, it was a struggle for me to move off of Torrie but I made it and sat at her feet against the passenger door.

Torrie didn’t move. As she lay there with her legs apart, I reached over and began to lightly touch her soft blond pubic hair and the flesh of her lower belly. At first my eyes were fixed on her breasts, they seemed to swell with each breath she took. Then my eyes focused, in the dim light, on her pussy. Her pussy was obviously wet.

In dimness, I could see cum trickling out of her. It was moving down between her ass cheeks and onto the cloth seat. A small wet spot was beginning to grow larger and larger as I sat there watching. I knew I would have to explain the stain to my parents but I really didn’t care. I would just tell them a half-truth. I would say that something was spilled on the seat. I just wouldn’t tell them it was cum spilling out of Torrie’ pussy.

Torrie lay there brushing her fingertips over my hand and arm until she started getting cold. Realizing how late it was, we began to dress so I could take her home. We had just finished dressing when we saw car lights approaching.

Quickly we changed places. Before the car got to where we were parked I drove off. We never knew who was in the other car and really didn’t care. We were just glad they didn’t show up 30 minutes sooner while we were enjoying the pleasures of the evening.

It only took a couple of minutes for us to get to Torrie’ house. After walking her to the door and kissing her goodnight, I went home to bed by myself although I would have certainly preferred to stay with her.

From then every time we went out we ended up touching, sucking or fucking like a couple of teenagers in heat. Of course, that’s what we were. We were two teenagers in love, who had learned to enjoy each other sexually. At Christmas, we became engaged with the understanding we would wait at least a year before we got married. We were only kidding ourselves because we were married two months later.

Over the years, I had a close encounter with my sister-in-law and a couple of touchy-feely relationships with close ‘lady friends.’ I’ve even had two ‘love affairs’ with very special women that lasted for several months each time.

By her own admission, Torrie has been less than faithful. She too has enjoyed touchy-feely encounters with ‘friends’ that included touching, kissing and ‘given the situation’ (Her description.) giving and receiving oral sex. Although I’m really not sure how many, Torrie told me she has had ‘more than one,’ what I’ll call, ‘one time fucks.’ She even admitted playing touchy-feely-kissie with another woman on at least one occasion. Still, she denies having any satisfying or long lasting relationships. I wonder if that’s true.

The years have been good to us. We’ve been married 33 years and we have definitely had ups and downs in our marriage. I’m glad we’ve always been able to work through anything that came up and I look forward to spending many more years married to the young girl I grew up with.

Maybe I’ll write about some of our other memorable sexual experiences in the future. No maybe about it, I am going to write about them and I’ll simply title them ‘Life with Torrie – Part?’ Don’t forget everything I write will be the memories of a horny teenage boy that grew-up to be a horny old man. I hope you’ll read and enjoy them as much as I will when I remember and write about them. You can read about ‘Life with Torrie’ in ‘Loving Wives’ stories.

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