The Story of Love Pt. 01

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My friends call me “Love” because I am a loving person. I didn’t do well in school — I had trouble keeping things straight in my mind and I experienced extreme panic attacks before each test. I would stare stupidly at the page, unable to even think. It was only the kindness of the schoolmaster that allowed me to pass. I wanted to have a boyfriend, but clothes never seemed to fit me properly and the boys would tease me — telling me I looked like a fat old Chinese man, not a pretty Japanese girl. Clothing never seemed to fit me properly — my dresses hung on me like sacks and I was too embarrassed to wear a bathing suit in front of others.

Having graduated secondary school, I had no idea how I would earn my living and there was no question of me going on to university. My prospects were dismal. In telling this story, I want you to know that I do not blame K_____ for any of my problems. While it is true that he led me on this path, it is I who made all of my choices and I accept that the life I created was of my own design.

My father looked kindly on me, but my mother had no use for me as I was clumsy and not adept at household chores. It was time for me to a get a job and I could hear my parents arguing.

“That is no life for her,” my father pleaded.

“She is a stupid cow who is fit for no other use in this life. I can’t have her be a burden to us. I am not willing to sacrifice my life to keep her fat and stupid.”

My mother’s words no longer hurt me — but I was angry with my father. Why did he allow my mother to rule his life? Why did he not protect me? Even as the argument was proceeding, I knew that my fate was sealed. I would enter whatever horrible vocation my mother had planned for me or I would live on the street. And it was in that moment, I realized that I was now on my own — whatever course I made in this life, I would have to rely upon myself. The thought terrified me and I wanted to cry.

“F_____, come here,” my mother commanded. “You are to report for training and work tomorrow. I will take you. All you need to know for now is that you must get a full night’s rest and you must shower and prepare yourself thoroughly.”

I dreaded what my mother had in store for me but I dare not ask her. As she spoke to me, I concentrated on remaining still and not trembling.

I did not sleep well — only falling asleep very early in the morning. As a result, it was a shock when my mother shook me awake. “You stupid cow,” she chastised me. “Wake up and prepare!” She took me by the arm and let me to the bath, seeming to turn on the water even as she removed my nightshirt. Instinctively, I covered my body. The excess fat on my stomach embarrassed me and I felt ashamed of my large pendulous breasts.

My mother took a brush and began to violently scrub my body clean, all the while talking rapidly. “You are going to have to grow up in a hurry, F,” she told me. “You are going to have to become a woman, today!” she exclaimed with urgency. I will be taking you to Miss Akemi’s and you must do whatever she tells you without fail.” My mother then began to tell me, in explicit detail, the things that men want women to do for them. I had heard some of these things at school, but I had never even kissed a boy, even though I was now 18 years of age. “This will be your only purpose in life, F,” she told me — and for a moment I almost detected a bit of sympathy, Ataşehir Escort “to please men. If you do this well, Miss Akemi will care well for you and you will have a pleasant enough life.” She dropped the brush in the tub and let the water out. “But if you fail, your life will descend into the most abject humiliations you can imagine. A woman who cannot even please a man in the normal ways is fit only for abuse.” I stared at my mother, trying not to cry, and wondering how I, a virgin, could possibly succeed at pleasing men.

“I’ve never,” I stammered, finding it difficult to get the words past my tears, “I’ve never even kissed a man. How am I going to please them?”

My mother handled me a towel to dry off and turned her back to me. “Miss Akemi will teach you. She will give you the training. If you pay attention and strive, you will succeed.”

I didn’t share my mother’s confidence. I had failed so stupidly at all of my schooling — it was unimaginable to me that I could succeed at anything.

The remaining moments were a blur — my mother fixed up my hair and applied make-up, but with a raw efficiency absent of any tenderness. I felt more miserable about myself, recognizing that I wasn’t even worthy of my own mother’s love. How could others love me?

Miss Akemi’s establishment was elegant and though I was terrified, the quality of the rooms made me feel at ease. My mother briefly greeted Miss Akemi and then quickly hugged me — I thought I might have detected a tear from the corner of her eye, but she turned quickly and left.

“You are probably nervous and scared,” Miss Akemi told me, taking my hand. “It’s very natural and I want to ensure you that you will be well cared for and you will receive excellent training. You need only be obedient and faithful to your training and I am sure you will succeed.” I nodded silently.

Another woman came into the room — she was much younger than Miss Akemi and very beautiful. “This is Reiko and she will train you. There are several areas of training. You will be trained in etiquette, dance, conversation and the art of love.” I blushed as she mentioned the last. I concentrated on breathing slowly and listening. I had to overcome the stupidity I had exhibited in school.

Reiko took my hand and led me to my room. It was sparsely decorated but elegant and simple. “You will stay here and I will train you here,” she told me, leading me to sit on a simple futon. The rest of the morning was spent in lessons, Reiko teaching me basic things, such as how to sit properly and how to greet people. She was incredibly patient with me, concentrating on the details of every small gesture. It all felt impossible — if these basic activities were so difficult, how could I master anything?

Reiko and I had a simple lunch and then we returned to my room for more lessons. She taught me a basic dance and conversational skills. As Reiko held me during the dance, I nearly cried at her touch — it felt more like affection than anything I had ever received in my life. Reiko paused the dance and smiled at me. “You are very beautiful, Love,” she told me — I had shared with her my nickname.

I blushed and fought back my tears. I protested, telling Reiko how ugly and fat I was and as I did so I felt unbearably foolish. Reiko hugged me closely. “Oh, Love,” she told me, “you will make men so happy.” She withdrew, Kadıköy Escort still holding me in her arms. She wiped away my tears with a small handkerchief. “You need to blossom and recognize your beauty.”

“Do you have confidence in me as a teacher?” Reiko asked me. I looked into her beautiful eyes and nodded yes. “I will be a very good teacher for you,” she assured me. I smiled and she smiled in return.

At dinner, Reiko was suddenly very serious. “Love, have you ever been with a man?” she asked me.

“No,” I whispered, ashamed at my innocence.

Reiko nodded and seemed to reflect in thought. After several minutes, she told me, “We will begin slowly.”

After dinner, we did not go back to my room, but we went instead to Reiko’s room. Her room was larger and more nicely appointed, but still elegant in its simplicity. “Sit in this chair,” Reiko instructed me. “Tonight, all you will do is watch.” She looked at me seriously. “But you must watch. You may find it embarrassing, but it is important that you pay close attention to what you see. It’s important that you learn from what I am going to show you.” I nodded seriously at Reiko.

Reiko then changed into a beautiful robe and applied perfume to the sides of her breasts and the nape of her neck. She left the room and minutes later returned with a man, one who I later learned was called, Orochi. Orochi entered the room and did not even acknowledge my presence.

Reiko stepped out of her robe and revealed her lean, beautiful body. She had small, teardrop shaped breasts and beautiful, smooth skin. I had a momentary impulse to reach out and touch her. But as I sat back, I was reminded of my own ugly, distorted body and felt self conscious and ashamed. Reiko undressed Orochi and led him in front of me.

“Love has never been with a man before,” Reiko explained. She took Orochi’s penis in her hand and presented it to her. This is the man’s penis. It’s not the only part of a man’s body that can feel pleasure, but it’s the most important part. If you devote yourself to a man’s penis, he will feel incredible love.” She began to slowly stroke Orochi’s penis and it began to stiffen. “Unless the man tells you differently, you must be gentle with his penis.” She began to trace her tongue up and down Orochi’s penis and he began to moan slightly. “Most men are particularly sensitive just below the head of the penis,” and she began to flick her tongue just below the underside of what she indicated was the head. Orochi leaned his head back and sighed. Stroking Orochi’s penis, she resumed her instruction. “One of the most intimate acts you can do for a man is to take his penis in your mouth and suckle it. As you suck the man’s penis, you should caress it with your tongue and lips.” She took Orochi’s penis in her mouth and began to slowly move up and down the shaft, her tongue curling around as she moved up and down. Orochi’s eyes were shut and he seemed to be feeling an intense pleasure.

She paused and Orochi seemed frozen. “When the man becomes very excited, he climaxes — semen ejects from his penis. With some young men, the climax is very powerful, while with most old men, the climax can seem like a small dribble.” I must have looked confused, because Reiko told me, “I’ll show you.”

She resumed her sucking of Orochi’s penis and gradually increased the pace of her movement, her hands gliding up Ümraniye Escort and down his shaft as she bobbed her head up and down. Orochi tapped her lightly on the head and she withdrew her mouth, continuing to stroke Orochi’s penis with her hands. Suddenly, Orochi groaned and a thick white cream flew out of his penis. Orochi’s penis unleashed six streams of the white fluid onto Reiko’s face, hair and breasts. Finally, his cock stilled, slightly reduced in size. “Once the man’s climax is completed,” Reiko instructed me, “you can still show love by taking the man’s penis in your mouth and caressing it with your tongue and lips.” Reiko took Orochi’s penis back into her mouth and gently suckled it, her face smeared with the cream from Orochi’s penis.

Orochi and Reiko left and Reiko returned several minutes later, the white cream cleaned off of her body. “Do you have questions, Love?” she asked me.

“Is it frightening to have the cream sprayed onto you?” I asked.

“No,” Reiko assured me, “though if the semen gets into your eyes, it will sting.”

“Does it hurt the man?” I asked.

“Oh, Love,” she laughed. “Have you never had an orgasm?” I shook my head no, feeling foolish. “You must understand the pleasure the man feels, by feeling that pleasure yourself. Take off your clothing and lie down on my bed.” I must have looked reluctant, because Reiko reminded me, “I am your teacher, Love, and you must follow my instruction if you want to learn.”

Nervously, I removed my clothing. I covered my breasts and vagina with my hands, but Reiko removed my hands and held them to my sides. “You are beautiful, Love,” she told me. “Some men want thin women but there are men who love large breasts — and these are the men who will love you most of all. I want you to know the pleasure you can bring them.”

She led me to the bed and caressed the side of my face and then began to kiss me. I felt myself responding to her kisses and joy leapt within me to feel the love she was showing me. As she kissed me, she began to caress my body lightly, tracing circles around my breasts and then slowly grazing my inner thigh. Her touch felt wonderful to me and I wondered if this feeling was an orgasm. “I feel wonderful,” I told Reiko. “Am I having an orgasm?” Reiko did not respond, but moved down and began to kiss my breasts. As she sucked the nipple of my breast, she placed her leg between my legs and began to rub her leg against my thigh and vagina. Just as I felt I would burst from pleasure, Reiko traced kisses down my stomach and then I felt her moist breath on my vagina. Her tongue seemed to be everywhere at once, flitting against my leg and the outside of my vagina. I could feel the top of my vagina become engorged as the speed of Reiko’s tongue increased. Involuntarily, I began to moan. Before I knew it, my entire body was shaking and I felt waves of pleasure rise up within me. I cried out and it felt like all of my shame and sadness was washed away in waves of pleasure. As the pleasure subsided, I felt embarrassed that I had cried out.

Reiko rose up from between my legs and kissed me on the lips. “That, dear Love,” she told me, “was an orgasm.” She hugged me tightly and I began to cry uncontrollably. “Don’t be sad, Love,” she told me. “I’m not sad,” I told her. “I’m so very happy. I love you, Reiko. I love you so much.” I felt like a baby.

“I love you, too,” she told me, kissing me on the cheek. “Now that is our training for today. You must get your rest.” She led me back to my room and closed my door. I suddenly felt very alone, but also very tired. My mind was racing from everything I had experienced, but I was quickly asleep.

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The Orphanage Ch. 01

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I woke up sweating and scared; it had been a bad dream. Just two weeks ago, I turned 10 and was so happy. The following week my parents had been killed in a car accident. There were no relatives, so I had been sent to an orphanage. I felt so alone and had nightmares every night. The nuns were really good. They had taken me in and treated me like a son. I would never get over the pain of my parents and wondered what life had in store for me.

I applied myself to my studies and helped out in the orphanage, trying to adjust to my new life. Years went by and at 15, I was shifted to another orphanage which was a lot bigger and had a lot of rooms. There were many nuns here and I noticed something different, the atmosphere was different. There were nuns that were very devoted but there were others that were always laughing and separated from the rest of the nuns, talking in whispers and looking at me in a hungry way when I went past. My room was next to two nuns that shared a room, Anne and Nicole. They were both young, Anne was 18 and Nicole 20. They had welcomed me when I arrived and I liked both of them, they were very pretty and caring. I learnt that both Anne and Nicole were living off the streets and had been taken in if they became nuns.

“A lot better in here than out there,” remarked Anne one day. It did seem to me that both Anne and Nicole were not nuns by heart and had only taken the position to get off the streets. But I did not mind, they were very nice to me and that is all that mattered. Anne has blonde hair with bright, blue eyes, a small thin nose and thin lips where as Nicole has large brown eyes with black hair, a longer but thin nose and fuller lips.

Time flew in this place; there was so much to do besides my studies. There was a recreational area and lots of work had to be done to keep the orphanage running. As I approached 18, I also started looking at Anne and Nicole in a whole new light. I would notice when they patted me on the back or brushed past me. I would find myself staring at them wondering what they would look like without anything on. When they would catch me looking, I would blush and look away. Every night, I would have dreams about Anne and Nicole in which I was naked with them and they were playing with me. I would wake up with wet pants and have to change out of them.

I could not sleep tonight, I was thinking about Anne, my penis had become very hard and I did not know how to satisfy myself. I got out of bed and my hand brushed against the tip of my penis, it felt good. I rubbed my hand over the tip again and I shuddered with the pleasure. I pulled off my trousers, closed my eyes and took my penis in my hand. I close my eyes and imagine that Nicole is holding my penis. I rub my thumb over the top of the tip of my penis and moan. I jerk my hand back and forth and let out a moan and hear a moan from outside the room. I freeze and looking around.

I walk over to the wall and press my ear against the wall; I hear gasps and moans from Anne and Nicole’s room. I put on my trousers and slowly open the door. Creeping to there door I find it unlocked and open it slowly and push ajar slightly, they have not noticed as light breaks into the hall from the opening. I look in and am amazed at the sight. Anne is lying naked on the bed and Nicole is lying on top, facing down, her face buried in between Anne’s leg while her legs are open and placed over Nicole’s face. I had read about the female body in biology but actually seeing it naked was a totally different feeling.

The bed was lying across the room, the bottom of the bed facing the door giving me a good view. Nicole’s ass looks so tasty from here, her anus open to view as I look at her smooth rounded bum. I look further down, Anne Kurtköy Escort is pushing her tongue deep into the vagina of Nicole, both are moaning. My penis is so hard, I slowly push down my pants and take my penis in my hand. I massage my penis watching this wonderful scene. A large amount of pre-cum comes out and I use the slick liquid as a lubricant. I bite my lower lip to stop myself moaning. Anne grasps Nicole’s buttocks and pulls her down onto her face, licking and sucking hard, moaning as Nicole’s head pushed further down between Anne’s legs.

I move my hand faster, jerking my penis, feeling myself about to cum. I cannot hold back, and the hot semen shoots out, this is my first orgasm and I control my moans with great difficulty. The hot semen runs over my fingers and onto the floor. Anne and Nicole are now writhing and moaning constantly, they must be cumming. I am still transfixed watching them cum but I must go back now otherwise will be caught. I pull my eyes away with great difficult and close the door. I open my door and enter. I had never felt anything like this, I smile and return to bed, I had discovered what an orgasm was and had seen two naked, hot girls. I fell asleep after sometime, thinking about what had happened.

I awoke later than usual, have a shower before going down to breakfast. The day passed in a haze, My mind wandering back to the scene from last night, my penis becoming erect and requiring attention a number of times to stop it poking out. I had masturbated three times today but am still looked forward to tonight. Maybe I can watch them again. I wondered if I could ever do more than just watch. What if they found out. I also began wondering about my penis size, was it maybe too small? This worried me. I had been circumcised when I was young, would this cause a problem? I decide to measure myself. I take my penis into my hand and make it erect, place it on a paper and draw around it. I measure my length. 10 inches, I hope that will be enough to satisfy them.

The evening comes and I go up to my room. I lie in bed and wait, listening attentively. Anne and Nicole come up after some time and then it goes quite. I walk over to the wall and listen. I hear nothing. I lie down and doze off, waking up and running over to the wall, hoping I have not missed anything. I look at the time, it is 2:00 a.m., three hours since I came up. Yes, they are moaning again and I quickly slip out of my room.

The evening is hot, and the door is already ajar, must be for a breeze to pass through. When I look in a totally different scene greets me. Nicole is lying on the bed, her legs open, Anne is leaning over her, a black belt fastened around her waist and between her buttocks, a large fake black penis hanging out which she is thrusting in and out of Nicole’s pussy. For the first time, I see Nicole’s breasts, they are large and the nipples are erect, dark and large. She has a slight tan. I observe both girls more closely, yesterday; I was too involved in my own satisfaction. Her pubic hair is black. She has nice, tanned legs below a flat tummy and is slightly heavier then Anne. Anne leans forward and takes one of the erect nipples in her mouth and sucks, Nicole moans. I cannot see Anne’s breasts but she also has nice rounded buttocks. She is very white, does not have a tan and is thinner than Nicole. Her long blonde hair is open and brushing against the top of her back. Nicole has her black hair tied behind her head in a pony-tail.

Anne lies down on top of Nicole, kissing her passionately as Nicole opens her legs wider. I have a good view of the thick black phallus pumping in and out of Nicole. The phallus shines in the light and is very wet. My desire builds and my penis is erect and very hard. Maltepe Escort I pull down my trousers and take my penis in my hand, I experiment, rubbing me penis between the palms of both hands, moving my hands like you would be rolling pastry. The pleasure from massaging my penis in this way is totally different and I begin to roll my penis between my palms faster, my pleasure increasing. I let out a moan and look up but Anne and Nicole are in such an ecstatic state, they notice nothing. Anne’s long and deep thrusts make Nicole squirm. Anne is also moaning so there must be something on the other end of the phallus pleasuring her. I cannot hold back much longer and close my eyes, I release my penis so as not to cum so quickly, keeping my eyes closed and shutting out the image. I cannot hear the moaning, okay good, I must keep concentrating and get my desire under control. What’s this, my penis suddenly feels like it has entered something very hot and wet, it feels wonderful.

My eyes pop open and I look down. Nicole is on her knees in front of me, my penis in her mouth. She sucks hard and I moan loudly. I feel her tongue flicking over the tip with my penis still buried in her mouth. I feel a hot breath on my neck as I turn my head, Anne presses up against my back, pressing her hot pussy against my buttock. She holds my mouth and kisses me, her tongue pushing into my mouth and I suck on it. Her hands move around and rub my nipples, her hips rotating as she rubs her pussy over my buttocks. My whole body feels so relaxed and tingles with pleasure. Nicole’s hands find there way over my buttocks and she grabs them, squeezing them hard. The pleasure is too much, I lose control and cum, my hips pumping in and out of Nicole’s mouth. Anne rubs her pussy harder against my buttocks and presses up harder against me. Nicole takes me out of her mouth, my cum on her lips and dripping onto the floor.

She stands up and hugs me, wiping my cum with the back of her hand. It feels wonderful, being squeezed between two hot, sexy bodies. Anne and Nicole lead me into the room and ask me to sit down.

“Glad you could join us”, says Anne. “we have always wanted a man but there are none here and men are forbidden to enter the orphanage.”

“Do not feel ashamed, we have been pleasuring each other for many years and would be in the same position as you if we weren’t together, to satisfy each other,” says Nicole.

“From tonight you shall join us, and my, I must say you have a large dick there. We have seen photos and yours is the biggest we have seen,” Anne whispers in my ear. “I can’t wait to get that monster in my pussy. I have had enough of dildos, I need the real thing.”

We all laugh. My eyes move over Anne, she has smaller breasts than Nicole, with long pink nipples. Her pussy is shaven. Anne watches me looking and opens her legs so that I can see the folds of her pussy.

“I have never had sex before and I just do no know where to start, can I just explore you first?” I ask.

“Of course,” Anne says, and stands up. I place my hands on her legs feeling her smooth thighs, moving my hand down to her knees and lower calves. I go down on my knees, take a leg in my arm and kiss and caress it, wrapping my body around it, my penis getting harder again and Anne rubs her foot against it. I release her leg and kiss down the other leg, kissing her thighs, the soft area behind the knees, her lower calves, kissing her feet, taking each toe into my mouth and sucking. I want to feel, taste and lick every part of her. Anne moans in delight as I suck the toes of her other foot. I turn her around and kiss her buttocks. Feeling her buttocks with my hands, kissing, licking and sucking on each buttock.

“Honey that Tuzla Escort feels wonderful, your making me so wet, no one has ravished me like this before,” moans Anne.

I stand up and massage her back, kissing and licking down her spine and around her shoulders. I embrace her from behind and take each breast in my hand, feeling the softness of her breasts and the hardness of her erect nipples. I cannot resist, turn her around and take one long hard nipple into my mouth, licking and sucking, then taking the alternate nipple into my mouth and sucking. I push my face between her breasts and lick her, kissing and licking all around her breasts, moving up to kiss and lick around her neck before kissing her on the mouth, pushing my tongue into her mouth. Anne is moaning and gasping for breath.

I look to the bed and find Nicole watching, a look of lust in her eyes as she plays with her pussy and pinches her nipples. I had been keeping the last part of her body as the desert, I wanted to taste and see her vagina now. I drop to my knees, and kiss the inside of her thighs, kissing around her shaven pussy. She opens her legs and I rub her pussy with my hand, it is very wet. A small drop of her juices is flowing down the inside of her leg. I remember how Anne was licking Nicole’s pussy and hesitantly, lick the outer lips, she shudders.

“Ohhhhh, hun, just lick and suck my pussy, make me cum.” Seeing her so hot makes me more confident and I push my tongue between her pussy and lick up. She tastes and smells wonderful. Nicole is now seated behind us. I look behind and she is now rubbing her pussy harder and moaning. I wanted to make Anne cum, wanted to know how it felt when a woman came. I pushed my tongue flat against her pussy, pushing my tongue deep into her.

“Yes, yes”, moaned Anne. Her hands came down and she held my head guiding me to the right spots. I am fucking her with my tongue, licking up her nectar while holding her buttocks. She pulls her pussy lips back and up and commands, “Suck the button, make me cum.”

I obey and take her clit into my mouth and suck. She starts bucking her hips, cumming hard, rubbing her pussy against my face.

“That was wonderful,” said Anne as her orgasm subsiding. “I think Nicole needs some attention now and so do you.”

My penis was so hard it was aching. Nicole has her head back and is finger fucking herself, gasping and pulling on her nipples. I stood in front of her with my erect penis dangling in front of her eyes. Nicole lays back, opens her legs and guides me into her. I slowly push into her. It is like nothing I had felt before. Instead of a soapy hand, there was this wet hot pussy that is grabbing and stroking my pussy as I entered.

“My first time”, I whispered into Nicole’s ear. “It feels so wonderful.”

“First time with a real penis for me as well,” whispered Nicole back into my ear. She lies back and I lower myself on top of her. I felt her hard nipples pressing into my chest, the insides of her thighs rubbing against my legs, her hot mouth finding mine and French kissing it. I begin thrusting in and out of her, lost in ecstasy in pleasure, having never felt anything like this before. I slowly fuck her as our moans reverberate around the room. I explore her mouth with my tongue, our tongues meeting and rubbing hard against each other. My thrusting becomes faster as we both speed along the rollercoaster to an almighty orgasm.

Nicole releases my mouth and utters a scream of pleasure as I began to cum. Her hips shoot of the bed and thrust up against me hard. Each thrust of mine meeting her thrusts. Her screams turn to begs of “Oh yes,”, “I am cummmming,”, and “Please don’t stop”.

As I cum, my head is spinning and she is writhing. I finally stop thrusting remaining in her for some time before rolling over. Anne walks over.

“If this was really your first time, than you are a natural and we are going to have many nights of ecstatic pleasure together,” she says.

… to be continued

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The Cast’s Couch

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“Brendan, just come here for a second,” Kristi tugged him into her trailer.

“What do you want to show me? Just tell me.” he gently argued. They had been dating for a few months but their relationship was far from normal.

Kristi had met Brendan when she was hired for the TV show they both worked on. He seemed immature enough even though he was 23 years old. She, on the other hand, was 21 and far more mature than he. But the interesting part about their relationship had more to do with the intimate aspect. Brendan told her straight up that he was religious and he absolutely was going to wait until he was married to have sex. Well, this blew Kristi’s mind. She had never met a guy, especially in Hollywood, who was waiting until he was married. Hell, she’d hardly met any *girls* doing that. But when he told her he was a virgin, it just made her look at him like a project. She’d try to tempt him as much as she could just to make him suffer. If he didn’t like it, he’d break up with her and that’s it. But while they were ‘dating’ she’d mess with him a little just for shits and giggles.

They were on call but most of the primary cast was on lunch for the next hour so they retreated to their trailers. Kristi had set up a special movie for Brendan, though, and she dragged him into her room nearly kicking and screaming.

“Calm down, it’s just this thing I wanted you to see.” Kristi sighed, leading him to the couch in front of the TV.

He exhaled, collapsing into the chair as she grabbed the remote and turned it on. First there was a couple talking in at a deli bar- really bad actors- then they slowly made their way to the back and the bathroom.

Brendan’s brow furrowed. “What is this?”

“Shh, this is the good part,” she grinned, just waiting for some kind of reaction from him. She knew he didn’t watch porn… she wondered if he had ever really seen any at all.

The couple on the movie locked the door to the bathroom and the man turned to the woman.

He said, “How do you want it, baby?”

“I want your big, fat cock to fuck me,” she replied, breathy.

Kristi bit her lip, trying not to laugh as the couple began to tear each others’ clothes off. Porn movies are designed to be badly acted, weren’t they?

She heard Brendan sigh and he started to push off the couch to stand when she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him back down.

“Wait, wait. Don’t you want to see what happens?” she asked, watching the flick in the corner of her eye.

“I have a pretty good idea. Kristi, I don’t watch this stuff- I didn’t know you did,” he scolded as if it were a terrible and dirty thing to do.

She ignored him and watched the woman on TV yank down the man’s pants to reveal his erect penis. Kristi had only had sex two times but she was eager to try again. Sadly, it appeared Brendan was pretty strong willed. She had gotten the movie with the intent of getting laid; it was just to set the mood and then she’d take it from there. She had hoped Brendan would start something but, again, he was staying true pretty well. She just wanted to see if he *could* get aroused. He seemed so bland when it came to sex.

Kristi felt herself begin to get a little turned on by the action on TV. The woman was moaning like a cat in heat and the man was so strong, his hands all over her now naked body.

Brendan was about to get up and leave when the TV caught his eye. He did a double take when the man turned the girl to face the sink as he fucked her from behind. They were groaning loudly and he had to clear his throat because he had been holding his breath.

Kristi glanced away from the TV and her arms were still draped around his shoulders as she looked at him. She wished he would kiss her and just manhandle her like that porn star was doing.

“Hey,” Anadolu Yakası Escort she whispered, gently turning his head to face her.

He only glanced at her for a second then stood hastily.

“I know you’re trying to get me to do something and I told you already.”

“Okay.” she murmured then her eyes unintentionally fell to the front of his pants where she saw the bulge peeking out.

He followed her eyes and covered himself with his hands, embarrassed. He quickly left the room and slammed the door shut after him, leaving her alone.

“So he’s human after all.” she muttered to herself as she turned back to the TV.

The tingle in her groin started again when she saw the woman turn and go down on the man. He held her head firmly as he shoved his prick in her panting mouth over and over again. Just the sight of the dick made her horny and she squirmed on the chair. Her hand gently drifted to the apex of her thighs and rubbed a little, trying to find her clit through her clothes.

“Kristi?” a voice called out before a knock then the door opening. It was Jason, another of her costars. He played the main hero of the show; the sensitive, quiet guy that every girl loves. In real life, Jason was kind of a rake. He wasn’t anything like his character. He was arrogant in that attractive way and he had a dirty sense of humor. Brendan was the opposite. His character was the rebellious guy who didn’t play by the rules while the real life Brendan was by the book and steadfast. She had made friends with Jason (because it was dangerous to date a guy like that) and she had started dating Brendan to ruffle his feathers.

Kristi found herself scrambling for the remote until Jason quickly appeared behind her and saw the TV.

“What are you watching?” he grinned, coming around the couch to take a seat and watch along.

“oh, I turned it on to screw around with Brendan.”

“Yeah, I saw him take off. I was wondering what was wrong.” Jason replied, eyes glued to the couple now going to the floor of the bathroom.

“Did you happen to see him covering himself like schoolboy?” Kristi smiled which Jason returned.

“No, was he messed up?”

“Eh. Not as much as I had hoped. If he had been really effected, *you* wouldn’t be here- he would.”

“What do you mean? Are you still trying to get him in bed for real?”

“I am a young, healthy woman- I should be able to have sex if I like.” she defended.

“Not with Brendan.” he said.

“Yeah, we’ll see.”

Jason snickered as they both watched the couple begin to fuck missionary style.

“God, I miss that.” he sighed.


“Just grabbing a girl, not thinking about any consequences and just fucking her on a bathroom floor.”

“You never did that.” Kristi laughed, squirming a little. The movie was still turning her on and she was glad Jason seemed unaffected. He was lightening the mood. Wasn’t he?

“Well, the bathroom part, no. But I used to screw at least three different girls a week in my hay day.”

“Bullshit.” she remarked.

“No, serious. Do you know what I learned from all that fucking?”


“Girls liked to be fucked- you know, *taken*. They don’t like the making love shit all the time. A lot of the time, they liked to be handled roughly, pressed up against a wall and just fucked.” he said, turning to face her. She watched him warily. She wanted to glance down and see if he was hard but by the look on his face she could tell he was turned on.

“Yeah?” she casually carried on the conversation, watching the TV again. Her groin was starting to pound thinking about him next to her and seeing people go at it on screen. “You like to take girls like that?”

“Do you like to be taken?” he countered.

Kristi Kartal Escort looked over at his handsome face. Many girls out there liked him and she knew he was cute but now he looked a little dangerous. His sensitive character Ben was out the window and all she could see was Jason waiting for a yes or no from her open mouth.

“Maybe.” she dismissed turning back to the TV. She couldn’t help it. She liked to play games with guys- it was just too easy.

There was silence for a moment as the couple on screen climaxed and the man pulled out spurting his cum all over the girls’ stomach.

She was actually caught off guard because she was watching the cum on screen when Jason swiftly leaned over, holding her jaw with his hand as his lips took hers. His tongue smoothly conquered her mouth and she clutched his shirt helplessly.

God, he tasted hot, she thought absently. His hands on her face were strong and they kept her in place as he penetrated her mouth and she tentatively licked back. She was slowly encircling his neck when his hand made it’s way up her rib cage under her T-shirt. It left trails of goose bumps in its wake and Kristi backed up a little to take a breath.

Jason took the opportunity to swiftly lift her shirt up and away, tossing it aside as his mouth lowered to the exposed part of her breast. He squeezed at her firm mound with one hand, his other working on the hook in the back as Kristi’s hands ran through his hair.

His tongue was like a hot whiplash making the throb in her groin pound harder. Just as the clip on her bra gave way, she tugged at the back of his shirt, pulling it up over his head. They removed the others’ last shred of clothing from the waist up at the same moment and she immediately appreciated his shaped chest with her small hands.

Kristi had always admired Jason’s abs and chest- he really did work on them. He had nice, broad shoulders that flexed now as he urged her to lay back on the couch which she did with welcome. His mouth was on her nipple licking and sucking as he worked on her jeans at the same time. Kristi’s back arched, begging for more attention to her breasts with a breathy moan.

Her pants slipped away and he quickly stood, stepping out of his as well. She watched his muscled thighs in their boxers and sighed, thankful for just a moment that he was so hot.

Jason shot her a quick smile as she gazed at him in nothing but his underwear and he definitely wanted to return the stare. There she was, propped up on her elbows to better see him, only in some little white bikini panties, her chest bare and beautiful. He quickly decided looking time was over.

He kissed her again, deeply and climbed back on top as she spread her legs, welcoming his heavy weight between. She was so soft everywhere his hands roamed; her curvy thighs, her smooth arms, her lush breasts; he couldn’t wait to feel what she felt like from the inside.

Kristi could hear the moaning of the television in the background as she kissed him, clutching the back of his head to keep him there. It was even hotter with the sounds encouraging crazy fucking. She felt her underwear roll down her legs and his hand hastily fighting with his boxer briefs.

An urge came over her when she realized how quick this might be over. She didn’t want him to leave- he felt so good in her arms; so strong and powerful. Kristi pushed at one of his shoulders and he looked down in confusion. She smiled slyly and pushed him to roll over so she straddled his still-clothed hips.

She looked down at him and marveled again at his terrific chest. Kristi scooted up until the bulge in his briefs hit her just at the right spot and she gently rubbed against him. Jason took a quick intake of breath at the pressure but she kept swirling, feeling the point at Maltepe Escort her core being quenched. His hands at her hips sort of clutched them, making her stop, so she slid down all the way until her face was at his abdomen.

Jason watched her closely and he smiled a little, amazed that he was even doing this with his co-star who before now had just been an acquaintance.

Kristi gently pulled his boxer briefs down and his dick sprang free as she got rid of the clothing. She moved closer, examining it, her hand wrapping around the silky smooth base. She had never really looked at one before- she’d slept with two guys but it was all so missionary and in the dark.

Now, with Jason obediently in her hand, she gently kissed at the tip of the firm shaft. Her mouth enveloped him and Jason’s hands clutched at the couch as his eyes drifted shut and he groaned. Lower and lower she went until he hit the back of her throat. She wasn’t ready for that, she realized. Instead, she began to lick up and down the meat, sucking at the parts she could get her mouth around.

He had inadvertently started pumping, trying to reach warm sanctuary but finding nothing. Soon it wasn’t enough and his hand tangled through her hair bringing her face up.

“Come here.” He murmured, his breath coming in short pants.

Kristi padded over until she was straddling him again and he grabbed her head with one hand, taking her mouth then using his other to push her hips down to meet his eager dick. When she met his, he couldn’t exactly find the perfect spot and his frustration broke in about five seconds.

Jason quickly rolled her over until he was on top of her and her legs wrapped around his thighs, trusting he would lead her. He propped himself up a little so he was in a good position and he held her in place when he pressed forward.

Kristi cried out at the pain of stretching; the other two she had been with were apparently small (or Jason was just large) because it hurt like a motherfucker.

He steadily shoved in, unable to wait any longer as he muttered, “Take it all; take all my cock.”

She was moaning by the time he finished getting the entire length of him inside; she swore she could feel him in her stomach.

“God, you’re so fucking tight.” He groaned, the sweat on his brow coming simply from restraining himself now that he was inside.

Kristi moved her hips a little and it was incredible. She moaned again, encouraging him and he quickly started his deep thrusts. Each penetration felt like a stab from his massive cock, his balls smacking against her ass, but she took them with pleasure and pain.

She was crying out loudly and he didn’t care if everyone on the goddamn set heard them or saw the entire trailer rocking. He wouldn’t stop fucking her if a bomb went off.

Every time he pulled out, she clung to him and it kept building and building. His sac was so tight it was ready to explode and by the way her thighs wrapped around his indicated, he could tell she was ready too.

Kristi felt it coming and she cried, begged, for more: “Fuck me harder! Oh GOD, FASTER! OH Jesus, you’re so fucking huge!! Please! HARDER, Jason!!”

He pounded into her like an animal, the wet sounds of their bodies slapping together accompanying their grunts and moans.

Suddenly he thrust against her in that perfect spot and everything exploded. She screamed and every nerve she had, down to her toes, came alive as she clutched at him desperately.

When Jason felt her inner muscles grab him so tightly, his dick erupted without warning causing him to cry out as he spilled his seed deep inside. He thrust a few more times through the aftershocks then rolled to the back of the couch so he wouldn’t crush her when he lay, exhausted.

Kristi was panting, watching the ceiling above. She glanced over the other way and saw the television still going. She snickered a little when she looked at the video box on the coffee table thinking of her original plan of getting laid and Jason glanced at her as she said,

“Well, I’d say the movie worked.”

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The Romantic Rollercoaster

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It was a brisk October day. Emily strolled to work. She spent her Saturdays working checkout at the grocery store to make some spending money. She wore a light silk scarf over her uniform, which gave her an air of elegance and sophistication beyond her age.

She arrived in good time and sat at her checkout. Her manager, Damien, asked for a word before she began. She came into his office. A striking young man was filling out a new starter form.

“Emily, this is James,” said Damien. James looked up and smiled at Emily. She reflexively smiled back. He was very good looking, with a thick head of deep brown hair, a solid square jaw, and high cheekbones so sharp you could cut yourself on them. His most striking feature were his dazzling steel-blue eyes, which glistened under the lights.

“I’d like you to show James how to use the checkouts,” Damien said. “He’ll be shadowing you today, if that’s OK.”

“Oh, no problem,” said Emily. She always enjoyed making new friends, and tried to be as helpful as possible.

It was quite a slow morning, so Emily and James had a few chances to talk between customers. After Emily had shown him how to weigh a carrot, James explained that he’d just moved to town for college.

“You must be a sophomore, I guess?” he said.

“Oh, no,” said Emily. “I’m actually a high school senior.”

“You’re kidding?” said James. Emily smiled gently. “Wow, I’d never have guessed.”

“I get that quite a lot. I was born at the start of September, so I look older than people expect.”

“Oh, I know all about that – I was born at the end of July, so people are always telling me how young I look,” said James. Now it was Emily’s turn to be surprised. James was so manly and mature that it was hard to believe he was only a few weeks older than her. Most boys her age were reckless and brash, which was a poor combination on the tills, but James was patient and self-assured, and seemed to genuinely enjoy helping every doodling old lady struggling to find the exact change. Emily would have pegged him as a fellow September baby, and probably as someone who had taken a couple of years out before college.

James and Emily walked to the bus stop together when they clocked off.

“Thanks for your help today,” James said to Emily.

“No problem!” said Emily, smiling. “It was really nice to have someone lending me a hand.”

“I’m glad,” said James.

There Anadolu Yakası Escort was a tantalising moment of silence.

“So,” said James. “Are you seeing anyone?”

“Oh, no,” said Emily. “Boys have never been interested in me.”

“I’m surprised you don’t have boys queuing up around the block,” James said. “You’re really cute.”

Emily blushed. It was very flattering to have James pay attention to her. “What about you, James? Is there anyone special in your life?”

“Well, there’s this one girl I’d like to ask out.”

“I think you should go for it.”

“Do you want to go for a picnic tomorrow?”

Emily was a very happy person most of the time, but now happiness overtook her whole body. “Yes, I’d love to.”


Emily was back to school on Monday after the best weekend of her life. Her date with James had been brilliant. It had been an unseasonably balmy day. After a delightful hour lying in the shade and eating together, she and James had gone for lemonade and ice cream and had talked about their hopes and fears. Afterwards, James walked her home, and she’d had her first kiss.

After first period, her phone buzzed. She saw that she had a text from James.

“I found some really nice sourdough at the market, do you want to pop over at lunch?” James’s student dormitory was just across the road from Emily’s school.

“I’d love to!” Emily replied.

“Emily!” said Miss Hawes, who was on hallway duty. “No phones in school! I’ll be taking that.” Emily handed her phone over without protest. She wouldn’t normally have brought it in, but she didn’t want to miss a message from James. “You can spend your lunch time in detention.”

Emily was a model student and had never received detention before. She was determined not to serve this one, either. She would go and see James and hope Miss Hawes forgot about detention.

So lunch time came, and Emily sneaked out. This was her third rule break – using her phone, skipping detention, and sneaking out during the school day. She crossed the quiet road and went into James’ dormitory. She knew he was in flat 301, so she climbed the stairs to the third floor. His room was right in front of the staircase. She knocked, excited to see James again.

James opened the door, a plate of sourdough in his hand. “Hey gorgeous!” he said, beaming. “Come in!”

Emily practically skipped into James’ room. It was much nicer than she’d imagined. She had been expecting either a big mess, or a room full of cheap mass-produced plastic furniture, but it was much nicer. Everything was made of heavyset wood, and rather than band posters, the walls were covered with art. This must have been an old dorm.

“This is so lovely,” Emily said, flopping onto the soft mattress of James’ double-poster Queen-sized bed. “You’re so lucky.”

“I guess,” said James, humbly. “I got a full ride, so I thought I may as well ask for a private room.” He held out the sourdough, which was covered in melted butter. “Would you like some?”

“Oh, yes.” said Emily. She lay back and stretched her arms out, then glanced up at James, her legs apart.

“Do you have a condom?”


An hour later, Emily left James’ building, having promised to come back straight after school. She thought she’d timed her return so she would slip in just as her next lesson was started. As she snuck through the door, she was struck by the silence. All the corridors were empty. She must be late. Without her phone, she had been relying on the clock in James’ apartment, which must have been slow.

Emily hurried to her next classroom, hoping she arrived quickly enough to avoid getting another detention. She opened the door of the science lab, only to find that was empty too. They must have switched rooms!

Worried, Emily headed to reception, hoping she could find out where her class was. She was sure she would be in trouble now, but it was worth it. Nothing in her life had compared to the last hour. James pulling off his t-shirt to reveal a tight, cut body. James climbing over her, pressing down, his breath on her face, his deep blue eyes staring back at hers. James behind her now, driving deep into her, and bringing his hand down onto her bubble butt; she could still feel where he’d hit her, sending pleasure and pain shooting through her body. She’d do it again with no regrets.

As Emily approached reception, the headmistress entered the school along with a couple of teachers in safety jackets and two cops. They stopped dead when they saw Emily.

“That’s her,” said the headmistress. “I’m sorry for wasting your time, officers. Just where have you been, young lady?”

“I… I nipped out to get something to eat,” said Emily. It wasn’t entirely untrue.

“During the school day? And during your detention, no less? We had a fire drill and nobody could find you. Miss Hawes said she’d sent you to detention, but when you weren’t there we assumed you’d been kidnapped – a pretty young thing like you…”

“If there had been a real fire, you’d be under arrest for endangering the lives of firefighters. As it is, you’ve wasted police time.” said one of the cops. Trembling, Emily held out her hands, expecting to be cuffed. “However, I trust your school will come up with a suitable punishment.”

“Indeed,” said the headmistress. “As it so happened, Emily helped write our disciplinary policy last year. Young lady, you’ve disrupted the school day for everyone. As punishment for skipping detention you will serve double detention for the rest of the week. For leaving the school grounds without permission and causing this panic, you will do community service after school all next week. If you skip another detention then you will not get your phone back, and it will be triple detention every day until you graduate. Have I made myself clear?”

“Yes, miss,” said Emily, dejected. After working so hard for the past three years, her reputation had gone up in smoke.


At the end of the day, Emily headed to the detention room for the first time. Today, Emily was the only person in detention. She left her bag at the front of the room and sat behind a front-row desk, staring forward with her arms crossed. The clock ticked slowly. Emily had five hours’ detention every day this week, and those seconds were going to feel even longer as Emily looked forward to being with James again. To pass the time, she fantasised about every little bit of his body, his primal musk, the taste of a strawberry-flavoured condom in her mouth, the way he moaned as he thrust into her, the feeling of him driving into the deepest parts of her vagina as he stroked her belly. Seconds which originally crawled now flew by. In no time at all, it was eight. Emily grabbed her bag, said goodbye to the security guards by the front door, and danced over the road to see James, full of desire.

He was very sympathetic when Emily recounted how horrified and embarrassed she’d been when she realised that she’d missed a fire drill. The panic of thinking she was going to be arrested had been replaced by dread when she realised just how hard her punishment was going to be, and how much she’d let everyone down. By way of comfort, he started nibbling on her ear lobe. Emily kissed his shoulder. He kissed her neck, then lifted off her shirt…

Yes, this was worth it.

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Surreptitious Love Ch. 26

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It was the middle of October now, and Nguyet was going to give birth around Halloween. I was sometimes still tempted to visit her, but she was already back at her parents’ house, and I didn’t necessarily want to bump into her mother. And, obviously, it would be better to wait until the ordeals of being pregnant and giving birth were over. Tuyet was in Hue, studying pharmacy now and, as far as I knew, sticking to her books. Nguyet and Tuyet wrote each other almost every day now and seemed madly in love.

At our school, there were often new female assistants, who, after finishing their university degree, needed to get some work experience, before they would be appointed to teachers’ positions around the province. The language training here at our local university was rather modest, so working at our English Center boosted their skills. The university was only modestly equipped: I knew some of the staff and the equipment they used. Cassette tapes were still around.

Those young women who came to work for us were all unmarried. When they started here at our school, they usually knew the other assistants from back in college and reconnected with them, sharing houses and spending their free-time together. They all made barely enough money, but they knew that things were getting better from now on. Trinh and Quynh, with whom Nguyet and I had a foursome once, had started the same way. Trinh was engaged now, while Quynh had moved 40 miles west to the mountains and was working at a primary school.

Our assistants mostly helped inexperienced teachers with the younger students, from kindergarten to second grade. Those young ladies translated and made sure that the students were doing their work. My students were older, though, so that I never had assistants in my classroom. They only brought the attendance sheets and class notebooks. Sometimes, I chatted with them during breaks or in the reception area. Or during company parties.

Our young assistants were all pretty. At 21 or 22, they were sufficiently grown and approaching their prime. Their skin was smooth, their hair dark and long, and most of them had a winning smile and charming manners. Sometimes, they flirted a little: just last month the prettiest one had pressed her small bosom against my arm while we were looking at some paper together. It really seemed that she wanted me to take my time reading. Unfortunately, that particular young beauty got a position as an elementary school teacher somewhere in our province and, thus, is gone.

I don’t recall exactly how Ngan and I got closer. She must have been in charge of the upper floor for a while, as I saw her outside my classroom a lot up to until six weeks ago or so. We had chatted here and there during break, and I discovered that she laughed a lot. Unlike most assistants, who were a little too mousey and puritanical, Ngan also drank beer, which made her a good companion during company parties. Not that she got wasted, but with her, one could get down and have a ball.

Ngan was relatively tall, perhaps five-five or even five-six, and she often wore her hair like a woman from the 19th century: as a relatively loose bundle at the back of her head. Once or twice I actually had seen her wearing her hair in a large-meshed white net. Normally, however, she just pinned her hair back to her head under her ponytail, I guessed. But I had never seen another Vietnamese woman with such a hairdo.

Just like me, she had Wednesdays off, but then she drove up to her parents’ house, about 12 miles north. Once, she had posted on Facebook that she had been bored, as she couldn’t go anywhere in the rainstorm that was pounding the area, and we had struck up a long conversation, during which she told me everything about herself and her family.

She lived in an old, modest kind of rental property, which existed all over town. With their long rows of wooden doors and shutters, they reminded me of stables. Students and poor families rented rooms in those buildings for about 25 bucks a month. Judged by western standards, those places were certainly sparse, but I had always imaged them as cozy if one did a little work to the room. Even some foreign teachers here at our school liked them, as they ensured independence and were, obviously, dirt-cheap.

Ngan had an interesting body. Looking at her from the front or the back, she almost seemed boyish, as she was fairly slim and almost bony. Neither her hips nor her shoulders were much wider than her torso. But if you saw her from the side, her butt and her breasts were protruding noticeably. Her butt was actually quite round and perfectly shaped, if seen from the side, and one could say the same about her medium-sized breasts. The only thing was: it all sat about two inches too low on her body. It was like gravity affected her more than other people. Apart from sitting curiously low on her body, her butt cheeks also had an interesting shape: they were barely five inches wide, each, but about ten inches long.

All Ataşehir Escort assistants at our school wore burgundy-red polo-shirts. Ngan always combined them with something black: she had short, tight, knee-length skirts and several pairs of tight bell-bottoms. Any of those garments emphasized her butt, which I had been tempted to touch for weeks now. When she walked, she often moved her lower arms like windshield-wipers in front of her body, while she was looking at the ground, thinking or humming, and sometimes she held her middle fingers like she wanted to snap to some music any moment. I found both of these idiosyncrasies endearing. The best things about her, though, were her sense of humor and the fact that she wasn’t shy but somewhat adventurous.

When I stepped into the lobby of our school these days and she was there together with other assistants, she didn’t look at me or acknowledged my presence, which was the Vietnamese way of letting me know that she didn’t want the others to know that we knew each other quite well. She really seemed to like me but, of course, she knew she wasn’t supposed to flirt at work. And definitely not with married men. Naturally, she did it nonetheless when no one was looking. She had also come to my classroom to ask or bring something that could easily have waited.

During our long Facebook chat two weeks ago, Ngan had told me that she didn’t have a boyfriend right now. Neither did she want one. Her motto, she said, was ‘No boyfriend, no problem.’ She and her first boyfriend had broken up about a year ago, but I didn’t know why. I wasn’t going to ask either, unless we reached a point where she might want me to.

The time I had spent with Nguyet during the last two years was now at my disposal, as she was unavailable due to her pregnancy. I hadn’t heard from Thuy, but our rumpus at that model home where she worked at had been so exhausting that I thought we still needed a break. When Ngan asked to go for coffee and lunch one Tuesday morning, I couldn’t refuse. We had talked about one restaurant I liked but she had never been to at several occasions, and that’s where I thought we’d be heading.

As she didn’t want to go to some fancy new coffee house that was frequented by young people of her generation, I picked the old secluded café again, where Nguyet and I had so gloriously started our affair. I had thought about it for a while, but I couldn’t come up with a better place, as it was in an alley and hardly anyone drove ever past it. And those who did couldn’t see the patrons from the street. And as that café was so large, the waitresses were at least 15 yards away, too. I didn’t want to waste time looking for another place, as it was truly ideal for what we had in mind.

Well, of course, I couldn’t be certain what Ngan wanted, but just like every healthy human being she must have longed for tenderness—and also sex. That I was so much older hadn’t bothered her so far. Once, in one of our online chats, I had suggested that she start an affair if she didn’t want a boyfriend, as she kept insisting. She had ignored what I had said; perhaps because she hadn’t understood what I was getting at. And affairs or casual sex didn’t seem to be options for young Vietnamese middle-class women, such as Ngan. But perhaps she knew perfectly well what I had meant, and we were now starting up that path.

At the café, I sat down roughly were I had positioned myself when I had met Nguyet two years earlier. I took it as a good omen and again, sitting there, we could almost do whatever we wanted, as not even the wait staff was close enough to see us well. Ngan rolled in ten minutes after me. She was wearing a knee-long dress that looked like it was made of newspaper. The writing was blue, however, and the light dress, curiously, had long sleeves. Just as Nguyet and Tuyet, Ngan looked timelessly beautiful in her dress. She was wearing sunglasses, too, which she now parked up in her hair.

As it was the middle of October, the rainy season had already started, but that didn’t mean that it was raining every day. Today, the weather was friendly-grey and windy, but still warm. When Ngan sat down, a scud blew up her skirt, but she caught it in time and laughed. Her long, straight legs looked marvelous, even though her calves were rather skinny. I couldn’t have asked for a better start. A glimpse of her panties would have been nice, though. Well, that seemed only a matter of time.

Ngan hadn’t specified what the actual occasion was for us meeting for coffee and lunch. Two people being fond of each other was reason enough for me. I also liked that she didn’t use an excuse, such as ‘practicing English’. And if she was truly ready to embrace me naked, she couldn’t have said so, of course. I liked that little sensual tension and wasn’t mindlessly horny or completely fixated on sex. We’d see how the next couple of hours would develop.

Ngan looked graceful in her dress. She seemed pretty relaxed the way she was sitting across from me, and ordered tea with Anadolu Yakası Escort milk, which was the newest fad here in Vietnam. Every week, there another milk-tea bar opened, and all local girls would have given their left arm for a glass of cold tea with milk in it. She smiled when I lit my cigarette.

I pointed at her sunglasses up on her head and said: “Well, are those prescriptions glasses? Did you go to the optician, like I asked you to?”

She had told me she was short-sighted but—I suspected—too vain to get glasses.

“No, that’s just an old pair of sunglasses. During the day I see enough,” she insisted.

“Yeah, but six days a week you work ’til 9 in the evening, so I know you have to drive at night,” I reminded her. “I’ll come with you if you want. We’ll go together and get you glasses, “I suggested.

“I don’t want glasses, teacher Ben. It’s strange to look through a frame all the time,” she dodged the ball.

“You’ll get used to that. Do you know what’s even stranger: Having an accident because you can’t see shit,” I said impatiently. “And, just call me Ben, will ya?” I added.

“Ok. I’ll be alright,” she insisted, laughing. “And I don’t look good with glasses,” she added flirtingly, as probably the real reason why she was shying away from the optician.

“Until ten minutes ago, you were wearing sunglasses, which didn’t seem to be a problem,” I reminded her again, knowing it was probably useless.

“Yeah, but that’s when I’m driving, because of the wind. And my sunglasses look cool up on my head but not on my face.”

“You know that you’re beautiful. Glasses wouldn’t change that,” I insisted.

“Really? I don’t believe that,” she laughed again, bending forward, bevor her upper body snapped back.

I had already told her at work that she was beautiful, but one couldn’t tell a young woman often enough. Today, she had her hair open, and she looked really cute with her bangs. I looked at her legs again, as she slipped out of her shoes. Her dress covered about half of her thighs, and her skin had a pretty yellowish tinge.

Now, I was looking at her dress, trying to figure out the language of the words that were printed on the dress. It just looked like some made-up words, though; I didn’t recognize a pattern. I asked her, but she didn’t know either. All words were in Latin characters, at least, but then I saw one on her belt that we both knew.

“Look! There’s ‘Tam’,” I said, pointing at her dress.

She looked down on herself and giggled.

“Well, that can mean a lot of things: ‘eight’ or ‘bathe’.”

“Or ‚toothpick’,” I laughed.

“True. ‘Eight toothpicks bathe’,” she put the words together.

All three words had the same basic sounds, but the diacritics above the vowel were different. I liked her sense of humor. I had often put silly sentences together like the one she just said. Now, we talked a little bit about her university studies, and she told me that she actually had two degrees, one in translating and one in teaching. Her English was actually pretty good. She had me tell her how I had learned Vietnamese from my wife. And then we looked again at her dress to see if there were more words we would recognize, which gave me an opportunity to size up her bosom.

The wind was blowing through her hair, and she reached up to adjust her glasses. I still didn’t know why she had them up there but she looked good, true. We rummaged through our vocabulary, looking for more examples of words that are spelled the same, apart from the diacritics, but meant totally different things.

“‘Nam’ is another example,” I said.

“Yeah, that means ‘man’ or ‘masculine’.”

“But also ‘south’,” I added.

“And ‘five’,” was her answer.

“‘Mushroom’, too,” I knew.

“But also ‘year'” she replied promptly, before she burst out laughing. She was cracking up, perhaps because she had never realized how similar all those different words sounded. She also seemed relieved that we were having a good time, that there was no awkwardness, and perhaps that she could hold an amusing conversation in English effortlessly. I liked the way she laughed: she first bent forward and let her torso rest on her thighs, and then she let herself snap backward, lifting up her legs. Her teeth were perfect, too.

“‘Sua’,” was my next example when she had calmed down a bit.

“‘Milk’, of course,” Ngan said.

“Yes, but also ‘bark’,” I reminded her. “You know; the sound a dog makes.”

“And then when your motorcycle isn’t working … what’s the verb, again?” she asked.


As the waitress was looking in our direction, we ordered another round and continued. Ngan put her naked foot on the crossbar under the table and let her dress fall back into her lap, perhaps because everything was so wonderfully relaxed. I could examine her whole thighs now and felt my dick getting ready to pump itself up.

“But the funniest thing is ‘ma’, isn’t it?” I asked after the waitress had Kartal Escort put our drinks on the table.

“‘Mother’,” Ngan said first.

“Sure. But also ‘cheek’.”

She cracked up again and threw her upper body backwards. I immediately thought of her butt cheeks and realized how hot her thigh looked. I thought of touching it; I would have gotten away with, I was sure. I mean, that’s why we had met today, hadn’t we?

“But ‘ma’ also means ‘cemetery’ or ‘grave’,” Ngan reminded me now. “And ‘ghost’,” she added quickly.

“But also when you cover something with gold or silver … ‘platinize’, I guess would be the word.”

“Ha. Yeah, that’s true. I never realized that. And here’s another: ‘whatever’ or ‚anyway’.”

While she was having another good laugh now, a gust blew into her hair. Her glasses were about to fall, and so she reached up on her head with both hands. She leaned backward a bit, but while her skirt was undefended, another powerful gust blew it up and exposed her lap in its full glory. My eyes traveled up her legs, focused briefly on the smooth flesh below her bellybutton, and then stopped at her dark, slim triangle, which was showing nicely through her underwear.

She was wearing light, lacy, see-through panties, which she must have picked on purpose this morning, I immediately thought. Just like her butt cheeks, her furry triangle was longish and slim, but as her panties were even slimmer, there were some curls sticking out of them left and right. Desire washed all over me like an avalanche.

The black triangle in the center of this beautiful young women, half covered and half framed by her light panties offered a breathtaking contrast to her light legs and dress. My pulse climbed to 180 immediately, my mouth got dry, and the mood at the table tipped unstoppably. I couldn’t turn my gaze away from her stunning body. I was absolutely mesmerized by this graceful creature and couldn’t think straight anymore.

Yet I didn’t have the impression that she was embarrassed at all. She seemed to think that what the wind had done was more like a stroke of genius. ‘Serendipity’ wasn’t quite the word but it was something like that. She, of course, didn’t know what I would think of it. She had covered herself after about a second-and-a-half, but I was still dumbfounded by the sheer sight of her black bush between her yellowish legs, under her lovely dress. I knew that we couldn’t sit here for much longer. We also had to postpone lunch.

Ngan had blushed a little and was quiet now. At first, I wanted to ask her to lift up her skirt again for a few seconds, so that I could enjoy the sight one more time. I dismissed the idea, however, partially because I didn’t want to superimpose anything onto this memory. It would also have meant to pour a catalyst into an ongoing reaction, which was completely superfluous. I also wanted to spare her any embarrassment.

My dick had grown in my pants almost instantly, for the first time in twenty-five years. She had seen it, I was sure. Now, she seemed stunned by the sight, and I was torn between saying something about it or just letting it go. Should I ask her to lift up her dress once more? No, instead, I twitched my stiff dick a few times inside my pants and watched her mesmerized gaze.

“And then ‘ma’ also means ‘horse’, doesn’t it?” I asked lamely, knowing that our fun conversation about the quirks of the Vietnamese language was over.

“True,” she only said quietly and nodded.

After she had finished her tea, she played with the remaining ice cubes at the bottom of her glass, and we both knew that there was no point in staying here at the café.

“Ngan, let’s saddle our horses?” I suggested, pointing over to the parking lot with my chin.

“Ok. We can eat at my house,” she suggested. “I have noodles and meat.”

The ‘I have meat’ was nicely ambiguous, of course. Anyway, I was glad that she had offered we go to her place. Driving around town looking for a place to eat would have killed the tension and our sexual energy would have dissipated. The wind had lifted us up to another plain, another level. The eight weeks we had talked to and known each other had just culminated.

I was driving behind her on the main road in our town, going south. I tried to imagine how she must have felt at the moment. Were we even going to have sex? What made me so certain? Well, there was the fact that she had asked me out. And she had chosen that particular pair of panties. Sure, she didn’t wear lacy underwear every day, did she? And she had invited me to come to her place now. Did she have condoms at her house, though? I doubted it. But then, I needed to ask when she had had her period.

We stopped at a traffic light, and she looked at me, laughing: “Eight toothpicks bathe,” she giggled and grinned before she started to drive again when the lights turned green.

I had never had introduced a young colleague, who I didn’t know well, to sensual pleasures, but it seemed inevitable today. Nguyet and I had known each other for years before she gave in. She had known what I wanted, and after months of mental and emotional struggle, had relented. Ngan mostly seemed curious, and I didn’t know if she knew exactly what she wanted. But that was what made this adventure so precious.

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The Meeting

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I slide the keycard into the slot, the light blinks green. Pushing the door open I am engulfed in darkness with only the nighttime city lights beyond shining through the 11th floor window creating a silhouette of a woman sitting in a chair. The door latches behind me eliminating the hall light making the room even darker. Just standing there letting my imagination run wild, trying to think of what to say, the figure stands up revealing a gorgeous figure draped in what appears to be some sort of sheer material. The figure begins to walk towards me; my heart begins to pound, instantly thinking back to the countless chat conversation we had. The way we got to know each other from the silly things of the type of music we like the honest revelations of our innermost desires, and how we surprisingly had similar fantasies.

As the figure reaches me a wafting of jasmine washes over me, my heart skips a beat and then begins to pound even harder literally making it audibly noticeable. She is now standing in front of me, but we never touch. In the darkness I can feel her eyes piercing mine, I can feel the warmth of her lips near mine, the desire to reach out and grab her becomes intense, but we don’t. We continue to experience the presence of each other, experiencing what it’s like to be near each other after such a long time of knowing each other through written word.

After what feel like hours but may have only been minutes I feel her lips moving closer. My heart is beating so hard it becomes difficult to control my breathing, Bostancı Escort but I lean in ever so slowly as well, until our lips barely touch. That minute impact immediately told us that every thought we previously shared, every fantasy that told us we were a complete match, was immediately confirmed.

In one motion my body lunges into hers, my hands reach behind her lifting her into the air and pulling her into me so that she wraps her legs around my waist. Her hands, her fingers run through my hair as our kiss quickly turns into a deep passionate kiss. My body turns and steps to the wall, gently slamming her into the wall. The soft thud becomes a turn on for us both. Putting her feet back on the ground, she is now pinned between my body and the wall.

Her hands roam my body looking for every button, every zipper, my belt, undoing it all in one motion pulling my clothes to the floor, leaving only my black boxer briefs on. My hands in a similar fashion explore her body as to undress her, only finding the belt for her sheer robe like cover and the straps running over her hips holding her thong on. Pulling the belt the sheer robe falls to the floor.

Our kisses continue in a soft deep manner, learning all about each other in ever kiss. My kiss moves from her lips, down her neck, between her breasts. Her hands rise back to my hair, running her fingers from the base to the top then gripping my hair tight almost to the point where she is pulling my hair. With minimal pressure I can feel her Anadolu Yakası Escort pushing my head further down her body. My body continues down forcing me to my knees. I begin to kneel on my right knee, lifting my left knee up so my left foot is on the ground.

My hands run over her feet, and then my nails run up her leg from her ankles, up her thighs under my fingers slide under the thin strip over her hip for her panties. My face is gently forced into her satin covered pussy, feeling her wetness through her panties, smelling that incredibly intoxicating smell of a woman, instantly making more erect than I have ever been. With my fingers gripped on the straps of her thong, I begin to slide them down her legs. With her panties off, I lift her left foot and place it on my right knee instantly exposing her warm clit to the cool air brushing across her clit. As her foot is placed on my knee I feel the point of her high heels dig slightly into my knee, adding to the whole erotic experience.

With her clit exposed to the cool air, my tongue begins to slide between her wet warm lips, letting them part for me to gently nibble and suck on her clit. After several minutes of enjoying her warm pussy in my mouth, how she tastes, how she smells, I begin to feel her knees getting weak. Knowing she is about to cum, I slide my body back up so I am standing in front of her. She begins to lick my lips, tasting herself on me, making our kisses become even more passionate. I pick her up once again and walk to Pendik Escort the bed, throwing her on the mattress so her body bounces a little with the force of the landing.

I begin to crawl over her body, her legs spread wide, pussy already getting swollen from before, she reaches down to meet my cock as it slide closer. Without hesitation she guides the tip of my cock between her lips and it slides deep into her. With my body now positioned over hers, I pull her hands above her head, pinning them down; I begin to kiss her again, just letting my cock keep deep in her.

In almost perfect rhythm, we both begin to barely move our hips, making my cock slide in and out of her. Between our kisses I can feel her soft moans sliding out of her mouth. She then rolls us over so that she is now riding me, grinding herself deep into me. With her hand reaching back onto my thighs and her back arched in becomes pure bliss bringing me and her to an intense climax all at once.

I begin to cum, filling her pussy with my cum; so much it begins to ooze out around my cock. Bringing her hands back in front of her, she crawls further up my body, straddling over my face. Her knees pinning my face and pussy mere inches above my face, she begins to squeeze, squeezing her pussy letting all my cum drip from her pussy to my lips. Then lowering her pussy onto my mouth I lick her clit once again, tasting her pussy and my cum, mixing all in my mouth.

It becomes such an incredible erotic experience she cums again. There are now her juices and my cum dipping down my chin, down my neck.

Falling down, her body is lifelessly covering mine, the hot, sticky, warm bodies become intertwined in an amazingly comfortable ball allowing us to fall asleep, both thinking what the next day will have in store for us…

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The Apprentices Ch. 01

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Daphne tried to settle the butterflies in her stomach, as well as the ever-more-frequent twinges of… something… down below. She sat in her seat in a deluxe car on a train headed to Neopolis, dressed properly in an ankle-length skirt and full-sleeve blouse, over which she wore a satin vest.

As the countryside sped by, she tried to remain calm. Her twinges were in that place that she should never think of, never touch, except to clean and take care of her monthlies. It felt sweaty again, except not with sweat. Something… slippery in this secret place of hers.

Daphne had reached the age of eighteen without ever being told the truths of family life. She didn’t know what those secret areas of hers were for. At the age of eleven, she and the other girls had been separated from the boys, and she had never seen one grow up. She had no clue what a naked man looked like, or even that a man was substantially different under his clothes.

She had, in fact, never even seen a man.

What she did know is that she had been selected. Selected by a “master” to participate in an “apprenticeship,” and that soon she would understand all those things that had been happening in her body, in the secret places, for all those years.


In another car on the same train sat a young man named Nathan, also eighteen years old. He had only just woken up – for some reason in the past few years he had started staying awake late and sleeping late – and was getting undressed for a shower. His car was private as well, yet he still had been instructed to avoid nudity as much as possible. As always, he was to keep his private areas covered. He was never told they were bad, simply that he should not let them be exposed to the light, and should never touch them except to wash them and to urinate.

This was part of his upbringing, mind you. Those parts weren’t evil, just not to be touched. He was told that it was unhealthy to do so until he reached a certain age.

Nathan could feel the familiar dried leftovers of last nights dreams on the inside of his sweatpants. He pushed them down his legs allowing his stiff rod to spring out, pointing slightly upward. He didn’t even know what it was called, let alone what it was for. All he knew was he was not supposed to touch it, despite the raw, searing desire that emanated from the tip into the rest of his loins, that urged him to do so.

He instinctively wrapped his hand around it, unable to resist his body’s most basic drive. The shaft was hard as steel, but the soft skin was like a layer of silk that slid freely along it. The tip was soft and spongy, and when he touched the clear drop of fluid at the end and rubbed it in, radiant beautiful heat started to spread throughout his body.

He jerked his hand away. Nathan had been at this point before, and knew only one thing he could do to calm down before… what, exactly?… happened to him.

Fifteen minutes later, Nathan was done with his ice cold shower and getting dressed to arrive, disembark, and meet his new “mistress.”


Daphne thought it strange that the “waiting room” was a bedroom.

Afternoon was turning into evening, and a woman named Emily brought in dinner for them both. It was the best food Daphne had ever tasted.

“You are pretty,” Emily observed of her. She looked to be maybe thirty-five years old. “Your master-to-be has good taste.”

Daphne could only blush.

“Now, you should know, even though the apprenticeship is for seven years, you have one month to ask out, without so much as a mark on your record. I think you’ll know pretty early on if it’s not for you, but it’s pretty rare for one of our apprentices to back out.”

Emily had dramatic eye makeup, and Daphne found her hair gorgeous. Her jealousy was unfounded, since she herself had been trained to make herself up to be stunning without even thinking about it. Her red hair, green eyes, and porcelain skin would make any man melt. She wore iridescent green eye shadow: subtle, yet dramatic.

“Also, remember that you have a right to refuse anything that…”

“Refuse what?” Daphne asked.

“You’ll find out later on, but I seriously doubt it will be an issue tonight. The person you’re about to… meet… is one of us. Still, you should know about these for future reference.”

Emily showed Daphne several strategically-placed small red buttons around the bedroom. “Any of these buttons will call several attendants into the room. Just tap-tap-tap. Three times. Once again, this won’t be necessary tonight, as I’ve known your new master for years and I can vouch for him.”

As she was leaving, Emily added, “Your whole world is about to… but I’ve said too much already. This will be a special night, I promise.”


Nathan sat down with Rick in the dining nook of his “waiting room,” chowing down on a steak and potato dinner.

Rick looked at his watch. “Your appointment will be here in a few minutes. I better scram. Look, uh, do yourself Maltepe Escort a favor and brush your teeth when you’re done eating. And did you shower?”

Nathan nodded.

“Good man. Listen, I would absolutely kill to be where you are, right now.” Nathan swallowed his steak with a loud gulp. Rick continued, “I wish I could relive my First Night over and over, but we only get to have it once, so… make it count! This is what we live for.”

As soon as Rick left, Nathan quickly finished his dinner, washed it down, and brushed his teeth as instructed. For whatever reason, he felt the need to neaten his curly, dark blond hair and make sure his still-sparse beard was smooth shaven. His slim, athletic form was dressed neatly in a silk suit with a stylish necktie. His stomach was flipping, the anticipation causing a bead of sweat to run down his cheek, and his heart to jackhammer in his chest.

There was a knock at the door. Nathan opened it, took one look at his guest, and the oxygen left his lungs.


Daphne opened her door, and there was a person unlike any she had ever met. Tall, powerful, broad-shouldered, with large hands. Everything about him exuded strength. Even his jaw was somehow strong, emphasized by the divot in his chin.

This was a man. It had to be a man.

In reality, Gordon was only five-foot-eleven, two hundred pounds. But to Daphne, he was a superhuman, someone who could catch her if she fell and carry her to safety. His coal black eyes with their expressive brows could seek out and spot anyone who might seek to do her harm. He reached out his large, rough hand, and in a voice like molten chocolate pouring from a golden chalice, introduced himself.

THIS is what boys turn into? How could she have known?

Daphne reached out her hand and Gordon gently took it and kissed it, and it was like the touch of his lips caressed her entire body.

“Are you going to be ok?” Gordon asked.

“Why would you say tha…” Daphne swooned mid-sentence, but Gordon quickly caught her and steadied her. “How about we sit down over here for a moment,” he said, walking her over to the loveseat with one arm around her back.

They sat down, and Daphne waited for her vision to fade back into focus. “That was really stupid. You must think I’m a scared little girl.”

“Not at all,” Gordon replied in his chocolate voice, and she admired his thick head of short-cut hair. He looked to be in his early thirties, though she could only really guess. He was beautiful, but in a completely different way from how women are beautiful.

“Sometimes the most rewarding things in our lives can at first be the most terrifying,” he said as he reached his hand up to stroke the red locks falling around Daphne’s face. She leaned into his hand and sighed. “And fear and pleasure are closer together than you may think.” Gordon drew her face towards his and kissed her.

Daphne’s body tensed and then relaxed, and then tensed again, and her eyes flew open and she sucked in a breath of air, and then she closed her eyes tight and slammed her lips into his, and her tongue invaded his mouth, and then she broke the kiss and gasped and stood up suddenly.


“Monica,” the thirty-ish brunette with the snow white skin said. “I know you must have a name too, but we don’t have to complete our introductions right away.”

Nathan stood there, totally mute. His eyes couldn’t get enough of what he saw before him. It was as if a master artist, the greatest sculptor who ever lived, created a mythical creature who was like a man, but had everything a man lacked. The perfection of man, the ultimate in form.

There must be a God, and He must be good, wise, and kind.

“I can keep standing in the hallway, but…” she leaned in close to his ear and whispered, “I’m a lot more fun behind closed doors.”

Nathan mutely welcomed in Monica, dressed in a strapless black evening gown and black high-heeled shoes, which she quickly kicked off. He coughed, and his voice cracked when he said, “I’m Nathan.” He stuck his hand out as if to shake hands.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, surely,” she replied. She took his hand, gracefully placed it on her chest, and took a small step towards him.

Nathan saw that his hand was just above the gap between the two exquisite mounds on her chest. He wanted that hand lower. The dress accentuated all sorts of curves that men simply don’t have. From the chest to the waist, from the waist to the hip. In back, it hugged a perfect heart-shaped ass. Monica was perfect in places Nathan had never known a person could be perfect.

She drew Nathan into a kiss, and his world was enveloped by her. Sensing his need, Monica guided his hands further down her body, over her breasts. He squeezed them, the first breasts he had had contact with since he was a nursling. Then she guided his hands to her ass, and finally her crotch. Nathan could feel a heat coming from that area, and noted that she didn’t Cevizli Escort have that thing that he had, though for some reason he knew to expect this.

Monica turned her back to him. “Could you do me a favor and unzip my dress for me? I can’t quite reach back there.”

Nathan started to lower the zipper. “Will your dress be able to stay on with the zipper all the way down? Maybe I should leave it partway zipped.”

She laughed musically, a sound unlike any he had heard before. “I’m really warm, so if the dress doesn’t stay on, that might just be for the best.” Monica guided Nathan’s hands around her waist. “Though it would be less likely to fall off if you put your arms around me like this.”

Her dark-brown hair ticked his nose, and it smelled better than any flower he and his friends had cultivated in botany class. She looked up at him and smiled, shrugging her shoulders and letting the dress fall over his arms.

“Oops. I guess this is only going to work somewhat.”

Nathan felt a pang of terror has the hard lump in his pants made contact with Monica’s back. Rather than be upset, she rocked her hips back and forth to revel in the feeling. He gasped, and his head swam.

Monica turned around in her arms and ground her crotch and abdomen into him. Nathan instinctively moved his hands to cup her ass, causing the dress to slip further. He moved his arms again so that one was around her back, one at the back of her head, and drew her into a kiss. The dress furthered its descent until it was held it place by nothing more than the contact between their lower bodies.

“Sorry,” Nathan apologized. “I’m not doing a very good job of keeping…”

Monica put a finger up to his lips, quieting him. “I think you’re doing a very good job.” She stepped away from him and let the dress fall to the floor.

He stepped back and took in every square inch of her body, now fully nude. The full breasts, thin waist, slim but gracefully round belly, the shoulders, the legs, the arms. And then he did what came naturally: stepped back toward her and began kissing and feeling her from head to toe.

Monica led Nathan to the bed, where she lay on her back and allowed the inexperienced young man to straddle her and do whatever he wanted. She hardly minded; he was kissing up and down her torso, while one hand played with her breasts and the other, tentatively, explored her crotch. He placed one finger at her wet and waiting slit and looked at her in question. She nodded enthusiastically, and he pushed his finger in, finding it slick, velvety, and warm.

She looked at his eyes, and at the throbbing tent in his suit pants. “You’re never going to make it there, are you?” she asked, more to herself, and before Nathan knew what was going on, Monica was reaching up, undoing his fly and pulling out his iron-hard rod.

“This is your cock,” she said firmly. “It exists to please a lady.” Nathan nodded, two fingers now inside Monica’s warm, wet place. “And as I’m sure you’re well aware, it also does this.”

Monica gave Nathan’s cock a few quick tugs and he felt his whole body convulse. Everything in his loins went tight, and pleasure racked his body. Then it loosened only for a moment, and tightened again, with a thud-thud-thud-thud all through his nether regions. Before he could wrap his mind around the sensation, he felt a surge up his “cock,” and milky-white fluid started to shoot out of him. Monica looked like she was expecting this, but clearly she was doing a bad job of aiming, with some landing on her face, and some on her breasts and stomach.

Each spurt from his cock was like a whole new universe of pleasure. But it was a pleasure that was forced upon him. He didn’t know what it was, or how to stop it, and he was defiling this beautiful creature who came to his room.

Opening his eyes, Nathan saw a smile of contentment on Monica’s face. Or was it a smile of mocking? He suddenly became acutely aware of his exposure (despite Monica’s full, semen-covered nudity) and his embarrassing mess. In a panic, he jumped off the bed, backed into one corner of the room, and slid to the floor.


Daphne held fast to one of the bedposts, trying to steady her breathing. Fear and desire mingled in her mind, and when she looked up at Gordon, standing over her, she wasn’t sure if she should fall into his arms or bolt past him and out of the room.

“I can help you relax,” he told her, placing one of those large, rough hands on her arm. “Would you like that?”

Daphne gave him a small, tentative nod, and Gordon put one hand on each of her shoulders, gently rotating her so she was standing with her back to him, still holding onto the bedpost for support. He started lightly massaging her upper back, and she immediately felt some of the anxiety leave her body. His grip got a little stronger, moving up her neck, and then down the tops of her arms and further down her back. It felt so, so good to be touched this way. She could feel his Atalar Escort strength pouring into her. It was as if he existed for her, and her alone.

Gordon casually slipped Daphne’s vest from her arms and lay it on the love seat. She gave a sigh and her body relaxed just a little bit more. There was now less material between her skin and his expert hands, and this only heightened the new desire that was spreading throughout her body. Her blouse was slightly sheer – she knew Gordon could see the rough outline of her bra – and while this should have been embarrassing, it somehow wasn’t.

After some time being massaged and feeling her body grow steadily warmer, Daphne felt Gordon’s hands move around her waist, drawing her close. It felt almost like a possessive gesture, but in a good way. Not possession. Closeness. Intimacy, she knew the word was. He placed kisses up her neck, finally sucking on her earlobe. Her warmth intensified and concentrated itself on her secret place. She noticed for the first time that it was wet. Very, very wet. All she had to do was move her legs slightly and she could tell. She wasn’t supposed to touch herself there, yet suddenly, more strongly than ever before, she felt a deep need to touch herself. Or to be touched… oh! What a thought! Where did this notion come from?

Gordon’s hands moved over her blouse to her covered breasts, and that blissful intimacy intensified, but this was not what she wanted right now. This was not what she needed. Daphne grabbed one of his hands and guided it down her body to the waistline of her skirt. Gordon seemed startled and gasped at this, as if he wasn’t expecting it. Was what she was doing wrong? Is this not the right thing to do with a man? Her mind said “I don’t know,” but her body said “I don’t care.”

It appeared this was either a right thing, or Gordon didn’t mind, because he slipped his hand inside her skirt, and then inside her panties, his large fingers combing their way through her curly hair to her wet place. Daphne grabbed his hand from outside her clothes and pressed it into her mound, encouraging it lower. One of his fingers slid against her slit, and she let out an involuntary moan as her knees weakened. Gordon had to support her with his other arm to keep her from sliding down his body onto the floor.

He stroked her outer lips with two of his fingers, while one slid up and down the entrance to the wet place. Up and down, and he would stop at the top and rub something there while his other fingers also rubbed all around, and…

This was weird. This was new. Pleasure beyond words! What was this? Was this right? Should it be like this? Gasps of air. Breathe. Does Gordon know this should happen? Can’t think. Oh! OOOOH!

Her body was going to do something, but she wasn’t sure what. Some instinct told her she didn’t want it to happen yet, like she was saving money in the bank and she didn’t want to spend any until she could buy something really big.

She grabbed Gordon’s hand and held it tight, signalling him to stop his actions. He withdrew his hand, and as he did so, Daphne’s backside rotated against him, and… she felt it. Something very hard in his pants, like he was carrying something in his pocket. She turned him around to face her, and he made a show of licking off his fingers. This made her blush and feel special all at once.

Daphne wanted answers, though, and she was going to get them. She quickly unbuttoned and unzipped Gordon’s pants, and yanked them down along with his drawers. Erupting from between his shirttails was a rod of flesh, about six inches long, with a mushroom shaped head at the top. It was the strangest thing she had ever seen.

She gasped, and the surprise of seeing this thing sent her scrambling backwards to the other side of the bed. She stood against the wall, and stared at it. Her fear, as well as her desire, rose to new heights.


“What the hell was that?” Nathan asked as he pulled his knees to his chest in shame.

Monica rose from the bed, her milky white skin covered in globs of pearly-white goo, from her chin down to the neat patch of fuzz above her slit. One clung precariously from one of her pointy red nipples. She was breathing hard, her skin was flush. Nathan assumed she was as embarrassed as he was.

She looked at him carefully. “You really don’t know what that was? You’ve never…? I mean, I know you’re all told not to, but usually nature wins the battle…”

He stared at her without comprehension.

“Nathan, that was an orgasm. You came.” She looked down at herself. “A lot.”

“Is that good?” he asked.

“How do you feel?”

“I’m totally freaking out right now,” he replied.

“No, that’s what your thoughts are doing. I asked you how you felt,” Monica clarified.

Nathan closed his eyes and observed the serene euphoria that had enveloped him. “I feel a peace unlike anything I’ve ever had in my life.”

“You feel the way you do because your body just did exactly what it’s supposed to do, and it’s rewarding you handsomely.”

Monica got up to wipe herself off in the bath. Nathan saw her backside, the swell of her hips and her smooth, beautiful ass, and his rod – his cock – twitched and started getting hard again.

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Styxxx Studios

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Big Tits

Lauren Peters is nineteen. During the day she lets her long, brown hair hang straight down, but she sleeps with it in a ponytail. She always paints her left hand’s fingernails with nail polish that is one shade darker than her right, and she had her first kiss at age six.

I was her first kiss. I used to wonder if she even remembered. She never seemed to know I was alive after she moved to another neighborhood. Every once in a while I would see her at school, with some quarterback’s tongue jammed down her throat, but that was the extent of our relations.

When I found out she was moving back into her old house, the one next door, I could barely contain my excitement. I thought Lauren might notice me when we became neighbors again. I was wrong. The only good thing that came out of the move was my being able to watch her in her pool. Now, before you start thinking I’m a stalker, I’m really not. If your room faced someone’s pool, wouldn’t you stop to appreciate that person’s perfect body for a moment?

Before I go on with my story, though, let me give you some information on our present statuses. We are both high school graduates, and neither of us plan to go to college. I am staying with my parents for the rest of the summer, just until I can get enough money to buy an apartment of my own. Lauren, however, bought her old home next door and lives there alone. I am currently single, as always, and Lauren is currently attached, as always.

Now then, back to the matters at hand. Lauren Peters is currently swimming in her pool, wearing the smallest bikini I have ever seen. Her breasts are wonderfully formed, and it could me my imagination, but I think I can see a small portion of her nipples. I sit at my desk, enjoying the sight (which is obvious by the bulge in my jeans), and boot up my computer. I click through a few folders, then smile as my stash of porn greets me. I click on a folder entitled ‘Fucking’ and start one of the videos, cranking up the volume. My parents are out of the house, so I undo the snap on my jeans and zip down the zipper, fiddle with my boxers, and pull out my quickly hardening cock. I beat to the moans and heavy Anadolu Yakası Escort breathing of a petite blonde screwing a disembodied black dick, savoring the moment.


At some point I dozed off, but, unbeknownst to me, the damage was already done. A few moments ago I woke to the sound of the doorbell. I am now racing down the hall, zipping myself up and cursing loudly. At the door is a tall man wearing sunglasses. He whips them off and slaps me on the back.

“Are you selling something?” I ask, ready to slam the door in the man’s face.

A smile stretches across his face, “In a way, my boy! I couldn’t help but notice-” I close the door. He knocks loudly on the metal door, denting it. “Fuck!” I hear him shout, and within moments he is inside, throwing a few hundred dollars at me to pay for the damage.

“Sir, I really don’t think it’s a problem. I don’t need your money,” I casually slip the hundred-dollar bills into his shirt pocket.

“Now then,” he starts, stepping back outside, “my name is Gerald Styx, of Styxxx Studios. You may have heard of me?” I shake my head, but it does ring a bell somewhere. He looks slightly saddened by this. “Anyway, I was on a movie shoot next door, and one of my actors broke his leg. A terrible tragedy, really, since the part is quite… athletic. I was almost about to lose hope when I saw you in the window there!”

I gasp. “Y-you, you saw me?!”

“Yes, my boy, and I liked what I saw. You see, Styxxx Studios is an adult entertainment company. I would like to ask you to fill in for the actor with the broken leg.”

I just stand there, staring at him for a while. I don’t know what to say. “Well, I mean, I’ve never, you knowed before. I don’t think that, you see, I just…”

“Oh, you’re a virgin! Then this will be twice as fun! Come on, at least let me show you around the set.” Gerald Styx flashes a grin at me so bright that I think it is about to blind me. I nod stupidly, and he leads me, to my surprise, to Lauren’s house.


The scene is set, the cameras are in place, and Lauren is in the pool. Oh, and I was right about the nipples. Bostancı Escort She is wearing a blonde wig, and eye-color-changing contacts. She looks like a completely different person, and, to be frank, it arouses me. I recognize the man who broke his leg as the man I had seen in a porno the month before.

The cameras begin rolling, and Lauren begins to float on her back and push her tits together with one hand, the other moving down to her slit. I watch open-mouthed as she removes her thong and begins fingering her shaved pussy. She moans with pleasure, and a few of the camera men begin jacking themselves off. This seems to excite Lauren, and she keeps pleasing herself until the cameras go off. She remains floating, the camera guys put themselves up, and Gerald Styx walks over to me again. “God, I love my job,” he says. “And you can too. The next scene requires a man, and it’s either you or production halts completely. What do you say?”

It starts to hit me that I could be having sex with Lauren in a few moments. I nod vigorously, and Gerald explains to me what I need to do in the following scene. He winks at me and smiles, knowing the great pleasure I am about to receive. He then whispers something to Lauren, who hadn’t seen me in the area. She winks at me as well. I think I’ve gone to heaven.

Gerald instructs me to remove my clothes- all of them- and stand on the outside of the pool. That’s all he says about the scene, leaving me to be surprised by the various things we’re supposed to do. I do as I am told, and Lauren seems to like what she sees. I am fairly tall, very well built, and have long, curly black hairs on my chest, legs, and of course, cock. I have always worked out, mostly because I wanted Lauren, or someone like her, to see me in a different light.

My dick hangs half-limp, waiting for what is sure to come. The cameras go on, and I swallow. Lauren swims over to me, stands ont he floor of the pool, and begins licking my balls. her tongue flicks over my dick’s head, then travels down my shaft. I am now fully erect, all of my ten inches at attention, and she takes me completely in her mouth. A shiver racks Ümraniye Escort through my body, and one of the cameramen mouths ‘talk dirty’ to me.

“You like that, bitch?” she makes an approving noise, then continues sucking me. She now has a steady beat going, taking me in and out, in and out, faster and faster. I throw my head back in pleasure, then put my hand on her head as I had seen others do in XXX movies. “You’re a good little cocksucker, you know that? You’re a damn fine little cocksucker.”

Lauren then stops, climbs out of the pool, and drops her top. her tits bounce free, and I grab them instinctively. I play with her nipples, then begin to suck on them. I play with her other breast with my hand, then guide her onto the ground. She lays there, a mischevious look in her eyes, and I know this is it. I slowly ease myself down to her, lying down on the grass, then grab her ass and push my throbbing dick into her pussy. Her eyes open wide, and I can tell she has never had a cock this large. She starts moaning and writhing, and I slide in and out of her, quickly. She starts to get into the fuck, running her hands through my chest hair and licking my nipples. “Oh yes! Take me, take me!” she screams, her tits bouncing against my chest. She gets to her climax and screams ‘YES’ at the top of her lungs, and soon I am reaching mine as well. I grab a fist of her hair in my hand as I roar in beastial pleasure, unloading wave after wave of cum into her hot slit. I relax, ease out of her, and breathe.

“Cut! That was wonderful! Amazing! Showstopping! You’re hired, kid!” Gerald Styx yells, his arms in the air. A man walks in and cleans the cum off of Lauren’s pussy, and it is now my turn to wink at her. “So, my boy, what do you want your stage name to be?”


I later found out that the woman I was screwing was not Lauren, but in fact her sister. I didn’t much care, as long as she wasn’t underage (which she wasn’t). Work on the next film starts soon, and I finally got enough cash to get my own apartment. My parents are probably wondering how, but they’ll never know. So keep all of this a secret for the time being, all right? Even though I’m twenty now, my parents seem to think I’m still their baby. Who knows, though, maybe some day they’ll find out.

At the moment, I’m enjoying life at my place, with a DVD case resting on the mantle, my picture emblazoned on the front along with Lauren’s sister’s.

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The Humiliation of Big-Tit Darcy

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There is this girl named Darcy Clark who goes to our high school. She’s an 18-years-old, freckled faced, braces having, glasses wearing pig. She wasn’t one of the most attractive girls in school but not stone cold ugly like most. She looked like she has never stepped into a tanning booth and skinny from what everyone could tell. She always wore overalls and heavy sweaters, even in the summer time. She looked to be big-breasted but it was hard to tell with all the thick clothing she wore. She always wore her dark-brown hair the sameway; In pigtails.

I’m Marcie Walsh. Head cheerleader for the seniors at the high school. I’m also 18 and I’m dating one of the hottest jocks in school. Derek James. Now the reason why I’m telling you about Darcy is that, she has a crush on my boyfriend. She has never told him but the whole school knows it from the way she looks at him with lust in her eyes.

Derek doesn’t have any feels about her whatsoever. In fact, he talked shit about her all the time even in her face but she puts up with it. Darcy has gone so far to even tutor Derek with his Math homework. Derek has been failing Math and needs to keep at least a C average if he wants to play football for the rest of the season or even graduate. He had no choice but to have Darcy, who also happens to be one of the smartest girls in school, tutor his dumbass.

A week has gone by and Derek’s attitude towards Darcy has changed. He seemed nicer to her then usually. Everytime she passed him in the hallway, Derek would say hi and walk her to her class. Of course being his girlfriend, I would be jealous of this. I have Derek and our future planned out and this dirty dork wants to come inbetween us. Instead of beating the girl up because I know I can take her, the other cheerleaders and I hatched a plan to humiliate her in front of Derek and the whole girl.

I spoke to Darcy one day after school. I asked her if she wanted to hang out with the girls and I. Darcy at first expected some kind of hidden camera show happening. But after a while, I gained her trust and even invited her to a slumber party over the weekend. Darcy gladly accepted and skipped home with the good news probably to her trailer park family.

Meanwhile, the girls and I were all set with our trap and even enlistened one of Derek’s big buddies to help us out. This name was Tony. He was black and huge all over. So I probably thought he must have an enormous cock and that’s just what we needed for our plan to work.

The weekend came and the girls arrived at me house before Darcy. We made some last minute touches on our plans before Darcy arrived.

Darcy came into my house with a huge smile. Still wearing that large overalls and sweater, Darcy had a Power Puff Girl gymbag, probably with all her sleeping stuff in it. Once my parents left for the weekend, everything was ready and going according to plan.

“This is fun…Isn’t it Darcy?” my friend Lisa said to Darcy while painting her toenails.

“Sure is. One of the first sleepovers I’ve ever been too,” Darcy replied.

Darcy didn’t paint her toenails like the rest of us did. She kept her wooly white socks on. Her feet were also pretty big for a girl.

“Why don’t we all change and really have some fun afterwards,” I suggested.

“Okay!” all the girls including Darcy said at the sametime.

The girls and I are used to changing and seeing eachother naked. Darcy decided to get changed in the bathroom.

We all waited patiently for Darcy to emerge from the bathroom and when she finally did, our eyes and jaws nearly dropped to the floor. Darcy came out of the bathroom without her pigtails and emerged with two huge breasts jutting from her baby blue Mickey Mouse long shirt. The shirt was supposed to be long but only came up to her thighs and showed off her wide panty-covered ass.

She had no bra on because her tits hung naturally down her chest and sloped out into footballs. Her nipples must have been hard because they poked right through the shirt. As she walked over to us still in her wooly tube socks, her mammoth knockers bobbed and jiggled like two bowls of jello. The girls and I nearly wetted ourselves. We have never seen tits that size before on an 18-year-old. Plus, her tits being real made it more mind-boggling.

“JESUS CHRIST DARCY!” gasped my friend Mandy. “You’re tits are fucking enormous!”

“Yep! They are. That’s why I wear sweaters and overalls to at least protect some of my chest from showing too much,” Darcy answered.

“What size are those,” I immediately had to asked.

“36F.” Darcy replied.

“Holy mother of pearl!” I gasped. “I bet all your boyfriends must have been thrilled watching you bounce up and down on them.”

“Actually…I wouldn’t know. The furthest I’ve gotten with a boy was giving him head but he wanted to go all the way and I wasn’t ready yet,” Darcy answered.

“God! Then your going to make one lucky guy proud one day,” I said.

“Yeah! I am. I hope he loves these just as much as I do. It’s Pendik Escort hard to find a guy who loves tits the size of mines,” Darcy joked.

“If I was a guy, I would be all over those,” commented my other friend Trish.

Trish, Lisa, Mandy, and I were still gasped at the sight if Darcy’s huge tits. And they won’t even bare. Just her tits alone jiggling under her loosely shirt would make a guy and lesbian chick cum. And probably even a group of straight girls like my friends and I. Trish almost came as soon as Darcy’s mountain peaks, peeked pass the bathroom door.

“Lets have a drink!” I announced.

I handed each girl a beer including Darcy who looked at me funny.

“What?” I asked her.

“Beer? I don’t really drink alcohol,” Darcy said.

“It’s non-alcoholic beer Darcy,” I said lying to her.

“Oh,” Darcy said a bit confused.

“Bottoms up,” I said as I took the first gulp of beer.

The other girls followed and Darcy was last. She actually drinks the entire can with one swallow. Right then and there I knew Darcy had to be a pro at sucking cock and swallowing. Tony was just going to love her. And speaking of Tony, he should be arriving at my house any minute now.

The doorbell rings and I head downstairs to answer the door. Instead of Tony being at the door, it was my stupid boyfriend Derek. He had the pizza the girls and I order from Little Caesar. Tony worked at Little Caesar and said he would be making his last stop at our house.

“Derek! What are you doing here?” I asked surprised.

“Tony told me to tell you that he couldn’t make it because he’s on extra shifts tonight. So he had me deliver the pizza for him and it’s on the house since he couldn’t make it to your big party. Speaking of big party, where’s all the guest and how come you didn’t tell me about this party?”

“Well I…,” as I trailed on, my girls and Darcy standing on the top of the stairs cut me off.

“Hi Derek!” all the girls shouted except Darcy, who became a little bit shy since her crush Derek was here.

“Hi girls. Hi Darcy. DARCY!” Derek said in surprise. “Since when did you girls hang out with Darcy?

“Since…since….since yesterday. She helped me with my English report and so repays her, I invited her to the cheerleading slumber party,” I said lying.

I told Derek that with my head down and as I looked up at his face, he was memorized by something. He became a complete Zombie. I turned around to see what he was looking at and figured it was Darcy. I guess this was Derek’s first time knowing that Darcy had behemoth hooters.

Darcy stared back down at Derek. With every breathing she did, her massive balloons jiggled and wobbled. Suddenly, I felt something poking it and it was Derek’s cock. Derek was extremely hard as his penis made a huge 10-inch dent in his jeans.

Suddenly I realized that, my plan could still work. I would just have to make the sacrifice in using my boyfriend.

“Why won’t you come in Derek?” I said, but Derek had already been inside the house and just drooling over Darcy’s titanic rack.

I helped Derek take off his jacket and held onto his hand, leading him upstairs to my bedroom, where we have fucked millions of times. But tonight, I had to watch him fuck another girl on the exact same bed.

Derek got to see Darcy more clearly, from her pillow tits to her thick thighs, long legs, and her feet, still covered by the wooly tube socks. Darcy’s eyes were glued to Derek’s big dick poking through his jeans.

I knew that, probably getting her to fuck Tony would have been hard. So I tried to get her drunk. But since Derek is he and she seemed to be really into him, I figured it wouldn’t be that hard to talk her into fucking my boyfriend.

I walked over to Darcy and began whispering in her ear.

“Isn’t Derek looking so fucking hot tonight?”

“Yes,” Darcy moaned a little bit.

“I’ve seen the way he has been looking at you since you’ve been tutoring him. I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at him since you first arrived to our school. And believe you me, Derek is awesome in bed. His dick looks big now, but wait until you see it raw. It’s massive and I’m sure the head of his big cock would poke up right between those massive titties of yours in an intense titfuck. Wouldn’t you like to have his prick between your huge tits? In your hot mouth? In that warm wet pussy?” I continued to tease and manipulate Darcy.

“Oh girls! Do the honors and remove Derek’s clothes,” I instructed.

Mandy, Lisa, and Trish when right to work and removed everything off of Derek, including his shoes, socks, and boxers. His bare, massive horse cock hung half way down his thighs. Even the girls became bug eyed and couldn’t believe this white boy had a black man’s dick.

Hell, everytime he plunged me with that thing, I could barely walk, let alone stand. And it still hurts everytime.

“Why don‘t you girls give it a little stroke?” I suggested.

Each girl had a hand wrapped Kurtköy Escort around his cock. They could barely grip onto it because it was very thick. I even have hard time with two hands because my hands are very small.

The girls began stroking my boyfriend’s longhorn. The swollen head of his cock ballooned out everytime the girls stroked up.

“Hmmm! Look at that Darcy…It’s begging for your hot lips to be wrapped around it and those tender nipples to be rubbed against it,” I whispered sexually in Darcy’s ear.

I stood behind Darcy and roamed my hands up her body. I started at her long feet, then her ankles, up her legs, her thighs and I stayed on the outside of her shirt and touched her tummy. I barely got passed her stomach and felt this meaty balloons jiggling on the back of my hands. I took a swallow and traced over her breasts with my hands. As soon as I got to her shoulders, I moved my hands back down to her breasts and pinched her center nipples between thumb and forefinger. Her nipples were huge and I rubbed on them. I stretched her nipples outwards and jiggled the mass of titties hidden away under her shirt.

Derek lost all facial expressions and his cockhead turned dark purple. He overloaded his cock and with one thrust up, Trish, Mandy, and Lisa spouted massive thick layers of jizz from Derek’s prick onto Darcy’s Mickey Mouse shirt. Even the back of my hand got sprayed as I wobbled Darcy’s F cups wildly. The rest of Derek’s cum spurted onto the floor as he unloaded several large loads.

The girls finished jerking his cock and released it from their hands. The girls had sticky fingers and palms from Derek’s erupting prick. They licked their fingers clean and tasted his cream. I tasted it myself for the hundred time or so. I even fed some to Darcy whom had the same Zombie look in her eyes that Derek did. I had to force some cum down her throat since she wasn’t responding and her eyes stayed glued to Derek’s still big, limped cock which flopped against his thighs seconds after the girls released it.

I couldn’t get enough of Darcy’s oversized melons. After the cum was cleaned from my hands, I mauled and squeezed her pillowy titties like bread dough. She had some soft tits and they felt good in my hands. Even though her mass of covered-tits overflowed my hands, I roamed my hands over every inch. If they felt this good under a shirt, I can only imagine how good they will feel once released.

I worked Darcy’s huge fluff bags so much, that I worked myself into an orgasm. I felt Darcy trembling too as I slapped her tits together and bounced them on her chest. I looked between Darcy’s legs and saw her thighs glistening with cum.

“I think we’re ready to begin girls,” I said as I finally released my hands from under Darcy’s tits.

The girls and I all looked at Derek’s cock as it stood up once again. This time, Darcy herself was going to make Derek cum in buckets.

“That was some hot stuff,” said Derek as he finally broken out of his state of bewilderment.

Derek looked down and saw his cock was rock hard again and looks over at Darcy. He saw the huge stain of cum on her shirt. It was plastered right between her monstrous melons and on the face of Mickey Mouse.

“Go ahead Darcy. Don’t be shy,” I whispered in her ear.

Darcy slowly walked over to Derek. She stood a few inches back due to her oversized titties between the two. Derek had his eyes locked in on the twin peaks as they bobbed and jiggled with Darcy’s breathing.

Darcy got to her knees and faced Derek’s huge cock head on. Derek’s cock still had the smell of cum on it. Darcy gripped the thick shaft of Derek’s throbbing prick and stroked it up and down. The head of his cock started getting fatter and turned purple. Darcy wrapped her lips around the throbbing cockhead and savored the cum that soaked into it’s skin.

“Ugh!” Derek groaned as this semi-ugly chick sucked the head of his dick.

Her huge 36F cups were still clothed and squished against Derek’s legs. He felt Darcy’s massive nipples poking into his skin. Derek put his hands on Darcy’s shoulders as she slowly engulfed more of Derek’s cock between her lips.

“Hmmm! That’s it Darcy… Suck that cock!” I egged her on.

Mandy pulled out a video camera and started filming. Lisa, Trish, and I watched the action from the bed.

Darcy’s head began moving up and down between Derek’s legs. Her mouth lubed up and down Derek’s cock. Derek about lost it as he tilled his head back and closes his eyes. He felt the cold hard steel of Darcy’s braces against his shaft.

“Ughh! Hmmm!” moaned Derek. “Oh god Darcy! I had no idea.”

Derek seemed just as surprised as the rest of us about Darcy’s huge tits and sexual appetite.

Darcy moved her mouth faster down Derek’s cock. She nearly swallowed his entire juicy shaft to the base. Darcy’s large ass rested on the heels of her sock-covered feet and her arms cradled her mammoth jiggling knockers as she sucked Derek’s cock with intensity. Ümraniye Escort I’ve never sucked Derek’s cock with so much saliva falling out of my mouth. Darcy had saliva around her lips, dripping down her chin and staining her shirt.

“Oh god! Oh fuck lord! Ughhh!” Derek moaned and groaned.

Darcy’s cheeks were puffing in and out as Derek’s cockhead rubbed up against them. Darcy gripped Derek’s ass and completely swallowed his monster whole. Her face was buried in Derek’s bold crotch. His cum-filled heavy balls swayed against her wet chin.

After several minutes of deep-throating Derek, Darcy pulled his slobbery cock from her mouth and began licking her own saliva off it. Her tongue traveled from the head of his cock to the full base. She even kissed and licked around his crotch. She grabbed Derek’s balls in her hands and began squeezing them. She popped one testicle into her mouth while fondling the other. She then sucked the other one into her mouth and fondled the previous one. Her mouth then formed a vacuum and just sucked up both of his balls. She nearly sucked his balls right out of their sack.

Darcy sucked Derek’s balls for several minutes. Derek had pre-cum oozing all over Darcy’s forehead.

“That blowjob was nice but let Derek fuck those big ass titties,” Lisa suggested.

Mandy zoomed in close as Darcy stood up. Darcy grabbed the bottom of her cum-stained Mickey Mouse shirt and stretched it outwards and then over her head. Out trembled the biggest set of tits anyone in his room has ever seen. They were close to being the size of pumpkins.

Darcy’s breasts started low on her chest. The tops gently sloped out and then swelled outwards, toppled by light-pink puffy areolas, the size of a half cut plum and chewable dark-pink nipples in the center of them. The massive round bottoms of her breasts were wide across her ribcages and slowly emerged back with her body.

Her immense breasts firmly shivered after their trembling release.

“God damn! Look at those beauties,” Lisa commented. ‘I’ve never seen tits that big. Fuck the word big! Tits that HUGE!”

“Those things are colossal giants!” Trish added.

Just like the rest of us, Derek was stunned by Darcy’s amazing boobs and didn’t waste another second in diving right in.

Derek buried his head right between the massive pale jigglers. He kissed, licked, and sucked the sides of her breasts within her cleavage. He used his large hands to cup the bottoms of her tits as best as possible. He firmly squeezed her monstrous peaks as rubbing his head between them. Derek’s entire head was swallowed up by Darcy’s pasty cleavage.

Darcy moaned with delight and pleasure from her very first bare tit fondling.

Derek moved his hands all over her jugs. Every spot he squeezed left a red handprint on it. Derek finally pulled his head from Darcy’s cleavage and began exploring each mountainous pillow with his tongue. He lapped from tops to bottoms. He made sure to suck on every part of her vast jugs before targeting her sensitive nipples.

Derek wrapped his lips around a large nipple and sucked her puffy areola into his mouth a well. Darcy clawed Derek’s back as the sucking was driving her crazy. Her body trembled with pleasure and caused her giant orbs to bounce. Derek’s face was smashed into a breast while the free breast bounced on his shoulder.

Derek spends 20 minutes dissecting Darcy’s massive floppers with his tongue, lips, teeth, and hands.

Mandy zoomed the camera in on Darcy’s breasts. They were red and covered with hickies and saliva.

“Oh my! I’ve never seen anyone suck tits like that. Those things look like they’ve been through hell and back,” said Mandy.

I couldn’t help but finger my wet pussy. I noticed Trish and Lisa was doing the sametime. Trish even came while Derek sucked on Darcy’s tits.

Darcy got back to her knees. Derek leveled his cock at her soaked breasts and rubbed his throbbing cockhead against both chewed up nipples. He then placed his cock into her drenched cleavage and grabbed her breasts by the slippery sides and began thrusting his prick between them.

Darcy’s immense breasts looked like bowls of jello jiggling during an earthquake. Derek really thrusted hard and faster between the vast canyons of Darcy’s breasts. The room was filled with the sounds of his hard cock sliding between Darcy’s slippery melons.

Sweat dripped down Derek and Darcy’s faces as the intense titfucking really made some heat. Darcy’s replaced Derek’s hands. Derek held onto Darcy’s shoulders as he pounded her fat juicy tits hard. Derek has never pounded my tits with that much intensity before. I’m not small chested. I happen to be a large D cup.

Derek withdrew his cock from Darcy’s tits and positioned Darcy on her back. He climbed onto her stomach and slapped his cock across her spread tits. They spread across Darcy’s chest massively. Derek poked and probed his big cock all around her tits.

Darcy re-gathers her giant bosoms and wrapped them around Derek’s cock. Derek moved his cock up and down her cleavage. His cockhead barely sprung from her cleavage. Darcy even started bouncing her enormous titties up and down his shaft. His thighs glistered in sweat and felt her colossal round jugs bounce off them.

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The Devil in Hannah Prynne

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This story is an entry in the Summer Lovin 2019 contest. Please vote. Thanks and enjoy!

No one has to tell me how badly I fucked up. On the second night home of my summer vacation from university, I go to a house party with my best friend in high school, Darby, get wasted, and throw up on my front yard where my mom finds me curled up asleep at 6:30 in the morning. Though I’m a nineteen year old woman, my parents pulled the, “Your mother and I are so disappointed in you, Hannah” and “you live in our house, you’ll abide by our rules.” So here I am, sitting on this hard-ass pew in New Hope Fellowship Church, paying for my partying ways.

For the past four Sundays, I’ve collected my grandmother from her house outside of our Podunk little town of Dillon Spurs, Texas at 9 am to take her to church services at this 90 year old white clapboard country church off Rural Route 22 in the middle of green rolling hills. I’m to do so until I return to college to start my sophomore year at the University of Texas in Austin. Dressed in a prim floral dress, my straight caramel colored hair parted down the middle and drawn back into a low ponytail, I count the minutes until I’m free from these boring sermons. My vibrating phone got my attention. Easing it from my purse and keeping low on my lap beneath the church flyer, I retrieved the text message. Derek Tennison! The guy who took my virginity.

Heard u were in town

N church TTYL

His response: three laughing crying emojis in a row.

A sinewy liver-spotted hand slapped mine. I looked up to see my grandmother’s priggish face glaring at me. I slipped the phone back into my purse and looked up to gaze at Pastor John lecturing from the pulpit. He’s a good minister; not a loud, Bible thumping hell and brimstone preacher full of fury. His sermons are of tolerance and kindness and the hope of self-betterment for his flock and the community.

Pastor John closed his binder and said, “And now a word from our young adults’ minister. Bryson.”

He stepped down from the pulpit to allow Bryson to step up. Bryson Gerlich. In school, he made it perfectly clear that he was intending to remain ‘pure’, a virgin until marriage. Shame. He has boy band good looks. Conservative styled chestnut hair, blue eyes, his lithe body is always dressed in perfectly ironed clothes. He is a hottie.

“Good morning, all,” he said with a sweet slow and measured Texas twang. “I want to let all of the young people know that your body is a temple and God wants you to treat it as such. It is the greatest gift not to be given lightly. Show reverence to it, save it for that one special true love. Don’t disgrace it with tight shirts and booty shirts.”

Like some others kids, I snickered, drawing my grandmother’s disapproving eye once more. My smile quickly dropped from my face and I looked down at my lap, trying hard to suppress the laughter bubbling inside.

He continued on about reverence and virginity and finished with, “So, live your life for God. He loves you. Thank you and have a blessed day.”

He stepped down allowing Pastor John to return.

“Thank you, Bryson. And remember, Bryson is always available for the young people to talk to on any subject and don’t forget to attend the young adult meetings on Thursday nights at 7 pm in the Elders’ Room. Blessings to you all and remember, do something nice for someone this week. But for the grace of God go you. Amen.”


The organist started playing and I stood with the congregation to sing the last hymn of the morning services. Afterwards, we filed from the old country church, shaking the pastor’s hand as we left.

My grandmother smiled at Pastor John and said, “As always, I found your sermon inspirational.”

“I’m glad.” He turned to me and said, “It’s nice to see you, Hannah. You really should come to Bryson’s Thursday night session. It’s not just Bible study but a chance to really talk about the issues and temptations you young people face every day.”

“I’ll think about it.”

I can think of about a hundred other things I’d rather do.

I opened the passenger door of my mother’s Cadillac for my grandmother, closing it after she was seated, then climbed into the driver’s side to start the engine and drive off. Down the two lane country road we travelled, passing under heavy tree boughs and cow dotted pastures behind barb wire fences, to my grandmother’s farm. Five miles later, I turned onto the familiar red clay road leading to my grandmother’s house. Once she was on the porch, she waved at me before letting herself into her house. In the distance, I could see my grandfather on his tractor coming in from dropping off hay for cattle somewhere on the back acres. I stepped out the car to wave at him. He waved back, happy that I was home to relieve him of the duty of escorting his wife to church. It was only 11:30 and the day was already unbearably hot. I returned to the air conditioned car and pulled out my phone to text Derek.

He texted I wanna see u. meet me at the lake house

See you in an hour


I started the car and Kurtköy Escort drove off heading straight for Dillon Spurs’ only mall. Once there, I bought a pair of denim cut-off shorts and a white tank top. Stepping into a bathroom, I stripped off my dress, slipped into my country vixen clothes before releasing my hair from its hair clip. I flipped my head down and up several times until my hair fluffed over my shoulders. I applied more make-up on my eyes to bring out their slate color and applied soft pink gloss to my lips. When I finished, I stood before the mirror. Long tanned legs, short shorts, perky boobs, pink lips and tossed hair. I smiled and said, “Country girl realness is back.”

With my dress bundled in the shopping bag, I left the mall, calling my mom as I walked down an aisle of the busy parking lot.

“Mom, hi. I’m going to meet Kimber at the mall,” I said, referencing my high school friend that she likes. “We’re going to hang out, get a smoothie, you know, catch up and all. I’ll be home before dinner.”

“Okay, honey. Have fun.”

Out of the parking lot I drove, heading back to the countryside. After a fifteen minute drive down a country lane, I stopped at the gate blocking the road down to the Tennison’s lake property and got out to push open the unlocked cattle gate. Driving in, I closed it again before driving down the gravel road to Derek’s family’s place, a mobile home set beside a lake on ten acres of land. I parked beside Derek’s Jeep and got out of the car. I could see him sitting on their dock drinking a beer. Dressed in khaki board shorts and a tight navy blue t-shirt, he’s a big, corn fed dude with crewcut hair, steely grey eyes and lopsided smirk. Muscular from years of restocking feed at his father’s hardware and feed store, he was a linebacker on our high school’s football team. God, I remember how wide my legs had to stretch to accommodate his beefy body on mine when we had sex on a baseball diamond after a high school graduation party.

“Hey, Bubba,” I called out, easing my way down the dirt path leading to the dock.

He glanced back at me and smiled.

“Hey, slim,” he replied as I took a seat beside him to look out over the murky green lake.

“Want a beer?” he asked.


He popped a can from the six pack and handed me the chilled can. I took it and popped it open to drink. It felt good to be out here in the quiet country. The droning buzz of cicadas and water slapping against the dock’s pilings broke the silence of the humid air.

“How’ve you been?” he asked. “How’s city life treating you?”

“Good. I love Austin. The nightlife is incredible. I thought you joined the Marines.”

“Next year. Dad needed help. He had back surgery so I’m working at the store fulltime.”

“Tough break.”

“Yeah. I’m taking a few classes at Kilgore in the fall.”

I nodded before sipping my beer. A dragonfly hovered a few feet in front of me before zipping off.

I said, “Guess who I saw today? Bryson.”


“Yeah, in church.”

“When did you become a church girl?”

“Since I came home blasted one night and passed out on the lawn. My parents said it was either take grandma to church every Sunday or they were cutting off my money for school. I mean my scholarships, grants, and student loan covers tuition and books, but the bank of mommy and daddy covers everything else. I need my beer and weed money.”

He chuckled before sipping his beer.

I continued. “So, Bryson says my body is a temple. I think of it more as an amusement park.”

Derek laughed before crushing the empty beer can and dropping it on the dock. He stood and took my hand to haul me up. With that cockeyed smirk on his face, he pulled me close to his body.

He murmured, “I wanna go to Hannah-land.”

I giggled. “You do?”

“Yeah,” he said, grinding his hardening dick into me. “I want to ride the rides in your amusement park.”

He kissed my lips followed by another and another. I hadn’t had sex since a random drunken hook-up after a football game last October. I had concentrated on my grades in the spring semester to make up for the B’s and C’s I got in fall due to my partying. I was ready for a fucking.

Derek parted from me. Picking up the cans of beer by a plastic ring and taking my hand in his other, he led me off the deck and up the path to the mobile home. He opened the door. We entered the stifling warm house. It was clean and tidy, decorated with old colonial style furniture from generations of his family. He turned on a ceiling fan before setting down the beer. He turned and took me into his arms again and kissed me. I draped my arms over his hulking shoulders, parting my lips and mouth for our tongues to cuddle and twist against each other. When we were both hot and bothered, we parted to strip off our clothes. His dick hung heavy between those meaty thighs. We bypassed the couch as he pulled me down upon the old worn carpet where we continued to make out. Without warning, and with little effort, Derek flipped me over.

“Hey,” I said Pendik Escort as he grabbed my wrists, pinned them at the small of my back and tied them together with an extension cord.

I said nothing as he tied a knot so tight that there was no way for me to wriggle free. I’d heard from my friend Alicia that he liked to do this during sex. When I was trussed up like a hogtied calf, he roughly parted my thighs. His stout fingers dug below my butt cheeks until he found my warm moist hole. He shoved in two fingers inside me. Then he curled them. The feeling was intense as he rubbed a secret G spot most guys know nothing about.

“Ohhhhh,” I cried as he jiggled them inside me.

“Yeah, girl, you like that, don’t you?”

He withdrew his fingers before placing his large hands on my back to steady himself. For minutes,he prodded my crack with his stiff dick until he found the entrance to my wet pussy. I moaned as he entered me. Its girth stretched my pussy walls as it inched ever further with each thrust. Then he began to fuck me hard.

My cheek scraped across the worn braided coil rug. The breath was knocked from me with audible ‘oomphs’ as he pressed the air from my lungs. My wrists strained against their bindings.

I had never been tied up and fucked like this before. Bondage turned me on. I wanted him to go as deep as his cock could go so I pooched my butt upwards to take him as far as he could go. He grunted, slapping his meaty pelvis against my butt cheeks causing my whole body to jiggle. I felt like I was being violated with a large cucumber.

“Ohhhhhh!” I groaned as his dick pushed into my tight pussy over and over again.

His heavy grunts hovered in the warm stale air. He laid on top of me, crushing me with his weight before his fingers burrowed beneath me to find my now slippery clit and I moaned in complete pleasure as he fingered it. His cock was as deep in me as it would go. For some weird reason, Bryson’s face popped into my head. He would think of me as wicked, screwing on a Sunday afternoon. The muscles in my loins began to quiver. My thighs clenched together. I heaved out breathy cry. My eyes squeezed shut as an orgasm rippled through my loins. Derek removed his fingers from my pulsing clit before fucking me fast until one last brutish thrust.

“Uuuh ohhhh!” he loudly groaned as he came and I felt the warm jizz seep between my pressed thighs.

After minutes of him heaving on top of me, his groin smothering my butt, he fell off me, rolling onto his back to lie beside me.

I flipped over onto my back breathing hard to catch my breath as the ceiling fan spun above me. Dribbling warm cum moistened my inner thighs.

Once he had cooled down, Derek sat up and asked, “Want a beer?”

“No thanks. I’ve got to get going.”

Derek hoisted his naked beefy body from the floor and grabbed a beer from the six pack. He opened it before sitting on the couch and swigged from the can before glancing down at me still bound and prone on the floor.



“Please untie me.”

He swigged from the beer once more, wiping sweat from his brow. He looked at me and said, “You know what? I should keep you here as my sex slave. Fuck you in the ass.”

Panic crept into my mind. What if he tortures me and dumps my body in the lake?!

“Derek! This isn’t funny,” I said, rolling as I struggled to free myself from the restraints which only made them tighter.

He chuckled and, after shoveling his foot beneath me, he easily flipped me back over on my stomach and slapped my ass before placing his foot on my back to pin me down. He chuckled again before sipping more beer. I struggled as though my life depended on it.

I screamed, “Let me go! Let me go!!!”

“Okay, okay,” he said getting up to untie me. “I was only fucking with you.”

Once I was free, I sat up, reached for my shorts and slipped them on before standing to put on my bra and shirt. Sliding on my shoes, I turned to see Derek, still naked, guzzling beer on the couch.

“See you around,” he said.

“Yeah. See ya.”

That was too scary. We’ll never fuck again. Never. On the way home, I stopped at the gas station and changed into my church dress. True to my word, I was back in my suburban house at 4:45. I grabbed a Coke from the fridge and went out to the back deck to see my dad bar-b-quing at the grill. I kissed his cheek and hung out to talk with him before returning inside to help my mom. She had me take the dishes, napkins and cutlery to the patio table before letting me go to my room. I passed the family room where my little brother, Tanner was gaming on the flatscreen while my younger sister, Emily was preoccupied with her tablet. I walked down the hall to my room flopped onto my bed.

My mind went to Bryson. So hot but so pure. I wanted him. I wanted to teach him about women and what pleases us. I want to take his virginity. I bet I could. The thought turned me on.

When the sun began to set, I sat down at the back porch table for dinner with my mom, dad, Emily and Tanner. In the light Mutlukent Escort of a beautiful sunset, we passed dishes of mashed potatoes, salad, corn on the cob and plowed into the plates of bar-b-qued chicken and burgers.

After swallowing a bite of my cheeseburger, I looked up and said, “I’m thinking about going to Bible studies on Thursday nights.”

My parents slowed their chewing as they stared at me. They were both brought up going to church but their devotion had waned in the years. Not through lack of faith; they just preferred spending their down time lounging or getting ready for the work week now that my sister and brother were old enough to drive themselves to sports’ meets.

I added, “They have youth sessions and I’ll see some old friends from high school, eat some ice cream, you know, hang out with a good crowd of friends.”

“If you want,” mom answered. “But I’m checking up to make sure you go.”


As we continued to eat, partaking in our usual family banter, I worked on a scheme to seduce Bryson Gerlich.

On the next Thursday eve, I prepared for my first church youth meeting. My hair was brushed back into a high ponytail where well-placed tendrils framed my face. Dressed in a sleeveless pink blouse tucked into a white mid-length cotton skirt and pink canvas flats, I was the picture of Christian modesty. Though I had on make-up, I looked fresh faced with pale matte pink lips and a light dusting of powder on my face. I dug in my nightstand to find the white leather bound Bible my grandmother gave me which was shamelessly tucked beside my vibrator. I shoved it (my Bible) in my purse, took a last look in the mirror and set out to church to play out my sinful plan.

There were five other people in the room; all girls. Obviously, I wasn’t the only one who found Bryson attractive. The difference is that they want to marry him. I just wanted to lead him into a world of sin and pleasure.

The topic was a woman’s role in this world. The topic alone rankled my feminist soul but I listened to the others state that a woman’s role is to have babies, submit to men, and serve God’s will. It took all of my self-control to sit demurely and not shout out, “Are you fucking kidding me?”

Bryson turned to me and said, “You’ve been quiet, Hannah. What do you think? What’s a woman’s role in this world?”

“Well, for the first time in recorded history, we’re the first generation of women who truly have the choice to be and do what they want. Have a career, an education, get married or not, have children or not.”

The other girls looked at me as though I was an abomination.

“All I’m saying is that my mom raised me to be an independent woman and I believe that a woman’s role should be to be respectful of family, follow her passion, and whatever she does, be it mom or working woman, to do her best.”

To my surprise, Bryson said, “I agree. Motherhood is natural and noble but it’s not right for every woman. Women are free to be what they want to be. A man should support the woman and the woman support her man. They can find solace in each other. With mutual respect, trust and love, a woman will find her rightful role in this world.”

He followed his comments with some supporting scripture which I was surprised to hear. It was eight thirty when the meeting broke. The other girls and I helped Bryson put away the folding chairs and tidy up before sauntering to our cars in the parking lot. Bryson walked me to my car.

He asked, “So, what do you think about our little group?”

“Everyone was real nice. It’s nice to have support. The world can be so confusing,” I said with a sweet Southern lit.

“I’m glad you came. Will you be here next week?”

“Yeah, definitely,” I said with fake enthusiasm.

He took my hands. With his silly grin on his face, he looked like he was debating whether to kiss me or not.

“Well, thanks for joining us. See you Sunday,” he said, letting go of my hands.

“See you Sunday.”

The next Thursday morning, my sister and I went to the mall. When she was busy looking at t-shirts, I went to the jewelry counter and bought a gold plated cross pendant and chain for $24.99. That evening, I wore it to the youth meeting and when no one was looking, I took it off and dropped it beside my chair. The next day, I called Bryson.

“Did anyone find a cross pendant last night? I’ve lost mine.”

“Yes, the janitor turned one in. Want me to put it aside for you to pick up on Sunday?”

“No. If I’m not wearing it on Sunday, my grandmother will kill me. It’s been passed down in my family for years. Could you be a sweetheart and drop it off at my house? I live on Copper Creek Drive. Please?”

“Okay, I was heading out that way.”

I gave him the address, hung up and smiled. God, this was so easy. My parents were at still at work when Bryson arrived at my house. I was sunbathing in a tiny blue bikini out by the pool. My body was dewy with perspiration and I smelled of coconut oil. When the doorbell rang, I ran to the door as our family dog barked. I pulled Sampson back as I opened the door. Bryson’s eyes widened at the sight of me smiling at him dressed in twelve inches of fabric that covered my naughty bits. His eyes went up my legs to my tits until they finally settled upon my eyes. He actually began to blush.

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