Sin and Virtue Ch. 03

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All characters in this story are over the age of 18.

The Rectory is an odd building, or so Lily considers upon approach. It looks rather like a white barn only with harsh black accents and a wrap-around porch, and it’s large with too many rooms and too few windows. In fact, when juxtaposed with the elegant towers and stained-glass of the church behind her, the Rectory is a bumpkin. Something about that strikes Lily as downright sinister, especially in the failing light of a summer sun.

She steps up onto the porch, her flats clomping in the most unladylike fashion, a foiled blueberry pie uncomfortably warm in her hand. It had taken Lily longer to get dressed than it had to bake the pie. There was no way her mother was letting her out of the house in her revealing yellow sundress, but she knew it had to be some kind of dress, preferably that would show off something a good Catholic girl shouldn’t. Lily is by no means an expert in seduction, but given Father Adam’s reaction this afternoon, Lily’s extra curvy parts are the kind of parts he’ll want to see.

It was almost a botch. Might still be, but Lily has a strange confidence about her decision. Originally, she was thinking school girl outfit. But Father Adam doesn’t seem the type to be drawn to immaturity or the underaged. He’s European after all. So Lily decided on her most tasteful Easter dress. From her sophomore year of high school. No, no, she didn’t actually leave the house that way! Mother would have thought Lily had gone temporarily stupid. But it was easy enough to tuck the smaller dress in the tote bag next to Estyln’s gift, the crimson phallus.

Thinking back on it now, Lily considers that the decision really came to her while she was holding that huge, glossy dildo. There on her bed, in only her pink panties, staring at her unyielding closet while the scent of baking blueberries and butter crust wafted through the house, she rubbed the head of the oddly warm dildo in her lap. If a genie had popped out, she wasn’t sure if she’d be terrified or excited. It was huge, of course. It would tear her virgin pussy apart, but that wasn’t stressing her out as much as it had that morning. And there was a part of her that really – REALLY – wanted to try getting it to fit into her asshole. Amazing how only this morning it had been difficult for her to say the word penis. And now, she has no problem thinking of anal sex. She had moved the phallus somewhat absently along the molded cleft of her panties, her arousal soaking through. And that’s when she saw her old Easter dress hidden behind her graduation gown. Of course, then she had to figure out where she was going to make the switch from her safe dress to the other.

A few years ago, one of the janitorial staff at the church showed her a spare key to the utility shed, in case she ever found herself needing something. He had been chatty, that one, terribly interested in her schedule of all things. Lily only recently realized that he was friendlier than he should have been to a fifteen-year-old girl. Though that man had been let go for some reason, the key was still where he’d shown her. Lily had only mild stress about getting grease or dirt on her clothes as she removed her taupe spinster dress and changed into the tighter white one. And there was no mirror… But she could tell from the fit, the fabric crushing her waist, the air circling her legs, and her breasts threatening to fall out, that she was dressed exactly as she needed to be.

Now, Lily stands in front of the wide oak door. She called ahead. Father Adam is expecting her. A sticky summer breeze disturbs the fabric at mid-thigh, and she’s suddenly rethinking her decision to leave her panties in the shed.

“Fuck,” says a voice that sends a thrill down Lily’s back. “Maybe you can let me suck on those titties later.”

When Lily turns her head, Estlyn is leaning against the porch railing, arms crossed over her Ramones tee shirt, tight against her small, bra-free tits. “What are you doing here?” says Lily.

“My Master wants to make sure everything is going to plan,” says the blonde. Her black boots climb almost to her knees, and her black shorts might as well be panties. Black ribbons and silver bracelets climb her forearms. Black lipstick coats her lips. “I understand you’ve been very… active since this morning.” Estlyn pushes off the rail and walks forward, one booted foot in front of the other making her bony hips sway. “You remember this morning, don’t you? When we climaxed together after I drank your piss?”

“Shhhh!” says Lily, nearly dropping the pie. “Get out of here!”

“Do you have the dildo I gave you?”

“Gosh!” whisper-shouts Lily. “Yes, already!”

Estlyn lifts a brow. “Someone is high strung.”

“Well, I’m about to seduce a priest, so… maybe that’s normal to you, but I think I’m entitled to a minor freakout.”

“Don’t let Father Adam fuck you until that dildo fucks you first. Got it?”

“I read the instructions,” says Lily.

“How are you going to do Bycasino it then?”

“I’m going to excuse myself to use the bathroom, and…”

“No,” says Estlyn. “You obviously did NOT read the instructions. He has to use it on you.”

“Wait, I thought…”

“I’m telling you,” says Estlyn, “Father Adam has to take your virginity with my Master’s cock. Do you understand? Giving up control is more than a symbolic gesture; you’re pledging to give up your body. It’s all part of the transaction. Do you understand?”

“I’m doing what?” says Lily, taking a step back.

“Do you want that priest’s cock inside you, or not? That’s not free, sweetheart. Just follow the instructions I wrote for you, and there won’t be any unforeseen consequences.” Estlyn turns and walks down the steps.

“What consequences?” says Lily. “What are you talking about?”

“Don’t fuck this up,” says Estlyn, her boots crunching on the gravel walk. “Trust me on this.” And she’s off through the parking lot.

Lily hears activity behind her, and she turns to see someone through the door glass slipping the bolt free. The door opens. “Oh,” says the mousey woman, a saccharine smile on her lips. “You must be Lily. Father Adam said you’d be coming. You’re early.”

Throwing one more glance over her shoulder, Lily can’t see Estlyn any longer. The blonde has basically disappeared. Lily returns her attention to the mousey hostess and allows a smile to reach her face. “Yes, I’m sorry. I’m so often worried about being late. Anyway, I’m here to -“

“I know why you’re here.” Not bothering to hide her scowl, the older woman gives the younger a once and twice over, and Lily is suddenly wondering if jeans wouldn’t have worked just as well as the dress. “That’s quite an outfit.”

“Uh, yeah,” says Lily, her face burning hot. “It’s, um, laundry day.”

“He should be back from Mass any time now,” says the woman, backing through the door to make only the smallest opening. “Come in. I’ll take you to the study.”

Lily passes by the woman, her breasts scraping the doorframe. “Oh, thank you, but I know where it is Mrs…”

“Miss McMillan,” says the woman. “I’ll take you. Things go walking off when guests are left unsupervised.”

Lily looks around the wide, stark foyer. A crucifix hangs on the wall above a plain wooden side table sporting an old rotary-dial phone. Not one other element of decor presents itself. Smiling, Lily says, “Is that where all of your stuff has gone?”

The woman just stares at her.

Lily shifts her feet, clears her throat. The air in the corridor is completely stagnant and startlingly hot. Finally, Lily says, “I brought a pie.”

The woman takes it out of Lily’s hands, saying, “Fathers Gregory and Adam fast every Sunday night. But I’ll see this to the kitchen after you’re sorted. Perhaps it will make a serviceable breakfast.” She places it on the table next to the phone. “Follow me.” And passing through the waning sunlight that pours through the single window, the two women walk in silence through the otherwise dimly lit Rectory corridors.

The smallest elements in the spartan domicile demand Lily’s attention. They pass a receiving parlor in which two sofas, upholstered of the scratchiest-looking material, face each other at an oddly broad distance. Over an empty fireplace, a wind-up alarm clock ticks like hammer’s striking iron. Up the carpeted stairs they travel, and they pass a shrieking radiator. No wonder it’s so hot in this place.

“I knew your mother,” says the woman eventually.


“She thinks rather highly of herself. I hope you don’t take after her.”

“You know,” Lily says, her brows knitting, “I’ve been a member of this church my whole life. I don’t recall every seeing you before.”

“I maintain the Rectory,” says the woman sharply. “My place is here.”

“I’ve been in here a lot, too…”

“I’ve been quite ill, and I’ll thank you not to pry.”

Lily’s first instinct is to apologize, but she holds her tongue.

She’s left sitting in an uncomfortable wooden chair along the perimeter of the study, the door closed on her. The mixture of brass desk lamp and purple twilight through a high window creates jagged shadows across the room. At least there are things to look at in here, but Lily is not interested in looking at anything. She feels like she’s going to be ill.

What was that Estlyn was saying about Lily giving away her body? The very idea is itchy. Lily thinks back on this past year of college, and high school before that. Even when she was in charge of things, she always felt like she was in the backseat. She’d organize fundraisers, but she’d do them her mother’s way. She’d coordinate the youth bible study groups, but Father Gregory was adamant about every last detail. Even her roommate at UT insisted on the bottom bunk, the best part of the bathroom counter for her mountains of cosmetics, and set all the rules for visitors and sleep. Examples abound, and frankly, Lily is Bycasino giriş sick of being a passenger in her own life.

She isn’t here tonight because some supernatural bullshit artist handed over the magical crimson cock of confidence. She’s here because she decided to fuck Father Adam, and that’s exactly what she’s going to do. And why is it so fucking hot in here?

Looking up at the window, Lily can see the latch. With the sun down, she might actually be able to get a breeze going. She drops the tote next to the desk and grabs a chair which she then carries over to the bookshelf beneath the widow. Up she climbs and reaches for the latch. It’s a little high. She lifts her leg just a bit and places her foot upon one of the bookshelves. Seems like it will hold.

Up, up, a little higher. She hooks the latch with her pinky, and the window drops open.

“It IS hot in here.”

The voice is sudden, deep, loud, and Lily twists… and slips.

And lands in Father Adam’s arms.

“Hello there,” he says, his trace Italian accent more pronounced through his grin. Dark curls roll over his forehead, and he smells of incense with a hint of wine. One of his large hands supports Lily’s back. The other hand grips one of Lily’s naked bum cheeks. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”

Lily practically jumps out of his arms, her erratic maneuver nearly costing her her footing. But when she’s stable, all she can do is chuckle and say, “Sorry.”

“Not at all,” he says. “I’m so glad you’ve come to visit me tonight. I’ve been thinking about this afternoon.” Yeah… this afternoon when Lily peeped on him masturbating in her downstairs bathroom, and then got herself off watching. “Have you decided to come with me?”

Lily clears her throat. If the priest has noticed that she’s not wearing panties, he’s giving no such indication. “I think… I need to discuss a few things with you. And I…” She tilts her head. “Do you need to change? It is really hot in here.” Sure enough, Father Adam is still wearing his cream-colored vestments from Mass.

“Uh,” he says, his eyes narrowing beneath his long, dark lashes. “I would but, I don’t like to wear anything beneath them.”

Lily’s eyes widen, and she feels something stirring inside her vagina. In those mere seconds, she can already feel something slick when she shifts her legs.

Father Adam chuckles. “The garb of the priesthood can be so constraining, at times even distracting. I feel closer to God when I don’t have to think about my clothes.” He winks at her. “Perhaps we have that in common?”

Lily tugs down on her skirt and laughs nervously, “Well, do you need to go… change or something?”

“What if I change in here?” he says. “Would you mind?”

Is this going well? It seems like it’s going well. Lily tries to get her heart under control. Something wet is oozing down the inside of her thigh. “Father Adam,” she says.

“Adam is fine.”

“Adam,” she says. Be brave, Lily! You don’t need witchcraft for that. “Why do you think I’m here tonight?”

“I assume we’re going to talk about Rome,” he says, coyly.

“Sure,” she says. “Rome.” She takes a step forward. “You know, I have a few concerns. I’m not very traveled, as you’ve said, and I think I need a little more… experience in the ways of the world.”

Adam steps closer. Lily can see the evening whiskers emerging from his cut jawline. “And how much experience do you have, exactly?”

“None.” Lily slips her sandaled foot close, and she can feel his holy vestments sweeping over the skin near her ankle.

“At all?” says Adam. For the first time this evening, his expression seems less serene.

“Well,” says Lily, thinking back to her first orgasm this morning, “there was this one girl. Do you think God would forgive me for that?”

“God will forgive anything if you ask Him.”

Lily’s pulse is pounding in her ears, but her voice doesn’t waiver. “Even for impure thoughts about a man of the cloth?” She moves so that her heavy breasts swell against him, and she finds the firm press of an erection against her soft tummy.

“Especially for impure thoughts.”

“What about for fucking a priest?”

Father Adam is kissing her, his lips pliant and moving against Lily’s. His tongue pressed into her mouth, and Lily reciprocates. One of his hands is already squeezing and hoisting her right breast through her dress, while the other is lifting the hem. Lily’s hands run through his hair, those glorious curls not unlike her own that she’s been dreaming of touching since he arrived in her little town. Gosh, he tastes so good!

Their kissing becomes urgent, and Lily can feel herself sweating in the heat. In her armpits, beneath her tits, in the crack of her ass, but she doesn’t care. Because Adam is lifting his robes to reveal his thick, veined cock. Breaking from their kiss, Lily looks down to see his manhood approach the darkness of her full bush. Her pussy throbs as his pre-cum strings into her pubic hair.

“I Bycasino deneme bonusu love a natural woman,” he says, his hand combing through her pubic hair, petting her mound and nearing her thickening clit. “I don’t understand these men that want their lovers to look like little girls.”

“I’m not little,” Lily says, suddenly conscious of her substantial hips and thick tummy emerging from her dress.

“And thank God for that,” says Adam. He kisses her once more, his mouth petaling upon Lily’s, and his fingers teasing open her outer pussy lips. Lily spreads her legs as they kiss and feels around around for his cock.

It’s bigger than she thought, that or her hands are smaller than she’s ever realized. It’s also incredibly soft despite its firmness, and she’s overcome with a need for it to fill her up.

Lily inhales sharply as his fingers slip into her flowing juices. He drags her juices along her valley, up to her sensitive clit, and he begins to swirl. Electricity fires through Lily’s pussy, and her breathing accelerates. Suddenly delicate, Adam lowers his hand, gently separates her inner labia, and he feels around the opening of her vagina.

“I see,” he says. “Will you feel comfortable allowing a man of God to make you a woman?”

“Actually,” says Lily, backing up, “I have a… something I want to do.” Lily presses Adam’s hands down and away. She holds up a finger and walks over to the tote. Reaching inside, she extracts the crimson phallus. In the light and shadow created by the desk lamp, it almost looks as though the dildo is covered in blood. But it feels soft, just like Adam’s penis, and Lily must be imagining that it’s throbbing. “I got this from a friend. I was hoping I could use this on myself while I… suck on your dick.”

Adam’s mouth is open as he studies the dildo. “Are you sure you want that inside you? I don’t think that’s meant for a woman’s first time.”

“What do you mean?”

“It could be painful. Perhaps you should open up first. And I’m very good at making a woman feel comfortable her first time.”

Lily shrugs. This is something she should have done a long time ago. And fuck Estlyn for thinking anyone was taking Lily’s virginity but Lily. As long as Lily is in control, she can handle anything. “Do you want me to suck you off or not?”

Pulling the robes rapidly overhead, Adam is suddenly the form that Lily remembers from that day in the corridor. His abs ripple, and his chest swells. And his beautiful eyes see only Lily. “You’re in charge, darling,” he says. “How do you want me?”

Lily’s heart pounds, and she tries to keep the flutter from her voice. She steps forward and drops to her knees. Looking at the cock throbbing in front of her, veined and hard and a bead of arousal glistening on the tip, she inhales deeply. Exhales. As much as she wants to taste his pre-cum first, she knows she needs it somewhere else. Globbing off his arousal, Lily deposits the slick fluid on the head of the dildo, which now appears almost entirely black but for a glossy ribbon of red where the shadows break. It’s warm, like a living thing, and Lily swears it’s moving as she strokes its length. Not much wider than Adam’s, but still…

She has to stop thinking about it. Don’t think. Just do. Just feel. Just be.

Her mouth takes in the priest’s purple head, and her tongue sweeps along the soft underside. A small groan of pleasure sounds in Adam’s throat, and Lily’s pussy oozes in sympathy. She probably didn’t even need that pre-cum on the dildo – her vagina is practically salivating. Holding Adam’s cock static in her mouth, knowing that she has the ability to bite down at any moment, she moves the dildo into position.

Its velvety softness dances across her clit, and her arousal is complete. If she massages her nub for even a few seconds, she’s going to cum. Her labia are opened wide, and her vagina is hungry. The head of the crimson phallus pushes against her cavity gently, and she can feel her body stretching. With a soft pumping action, Lily moves the cock to spread her opening until it pinches, then she relaxes. Again and again. Above, Adam is patiently playing with her curls, fingertips massaging her scalp, his erection just as hard as when Lily first admitted it to her mouth.

Now or never. She pushes hard.

She expects the pain to go away, but it doesn’t. It burns. The volume fills her insides, pressing against the bottom of her vagina, against the ridges of her g-spot, through to her bladder. She can feel the pressure on her bladder and yearns to pee. If she cums right now, with this thing inside her, she’s going spurt everywhere. She needs a break. So she leaves it hanging out of her twat and she begins to move her tongue around Adam’s penis.

“Yes, my darling,” he says. “Yes, that is perfect. Oh. Oh. Oh. Have you really never been with a man before? Oh, lover. Oh my talented, sweet girl. Lick my manhood like that, yes, deeper. Oh!”

Lily can feel her vagina leaking around the dildo as her tongue follows the veins of the priest’s cock in her mouth. Its firm softness, the sweetness of the fluid she sweeps from his little hole. Lily bobs her head, and Father Adam moans deep in his throat, that low voice sensuous in Lily’s ears. And suddenly, she wants to cum. She has to.

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