The Stories I Witness – Jonathan Ch. 01

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I’m one of the many children of the Dale family, who own the Dale farm – well obviously. I’ve got six siblings, but that doesn’t really matter. We’ve all grown up and moved out, some of us come help during the harvest season, but the house is far from the crowded place I grew up in.

This year, after breaking up with my third long time-ish girlfriend, at 28 years old, I decided to stay home after our harvest and work for our neighbour and life-long best mate Marks farm for his picking season. You know, just to regain perspective in life and mostly to stay away from everyone who was in a happy relationship and ‘so sorry for me’.

Mark and I had grown up completely inseparable, he was just a few months older than me and it always rather felt that he was more of my twin than my actual twin Johanna. I really missed him when I moved to the city and he stayed back, but we did meet up every possible chance we had.

My familys farm, like every farm in the area, mostly relied on travelers for workforce, as the modern Australians don’t consider crop picking a desirable job. That only meant a good variety of people passing through our lives and, currently my favourite, a line of single young girls looking for their Australian lover story to write friends home about. But that was really like scratching a mozzie bite – just making it itch more.

Mark had put me on a Swedish girls team, Katarina or Kate was her name and she’d been there the last year as well – having lived together with Mark just like this time. I had met her a two or three times briefly when I was visiting Mark last year, but in short she didn’t give a single damn of my existence and didn’t even try to be polite about it. But mostly she was almost always out somewhere, doing something.

Even though I first thought Mark finally had found himself a woman, then he wasn’t hesitant at all to tell me that that was absolutely not the question with them. That she was just an easy person to live with and he appreciated some company, plus apparently she was an amazing cook.

Few locals had nudged me, whispering I got lucky being placed to work with her. As it turned out I had – the other teams lead by an Australian and a German were apparently no fun to work in. Kate on the other hand was fun and cheerful, playing music on her speaker (it was 2008, portable speakers were a rarity) and joking around all day.

As she said on the first day, she doesn’t give a single fuck what and how we do, as long as we reach the daily norm. And she didn’t. Some folks who picked fast, took way longer breaks than they should have, some folks were like tied to each other chatting the day away and we still exceeded norms. And her attitude…

I think the best thing I have ever seen in my life was on the day a girl from a backpacker hostel was supposed to start work with us. “The little whore”, as Kate called her, showed up in a singlet and shorts, shorts so short that you could see her butt cheeks, and no hat, saying she wanted to tan. Kates face was amazing, she looked at her like she was an alien. She told her that for her tester day, so to say, she doesn’t have to do anything, she can just hang around the quad all day and if she feels ok after that day, she’s hired.

The girl was so happy, ecstatic even. After three hours under the harsh sun the girl was lobster red and had gotten a sunstroke. Kate took her back to the shed and coming back she vented for hours on the topic what’s wrong with this whore generations of girls. No manners, no self esteem, no respect for themselves or others and so on. She really hated them from deep down her heart.

Kate on the other hand, minus her cheerful personality, was the most hard working and serious woman I have met. I hadn’t thought much of her when I first met her, only that she had a stunning smile and a blunt attitude, but damn…

Everything about her was what I had considered ‘not my type’. I had thought of her as a fairly Kadıköy travesti large girl with short hair, who stood like a security guard, and her voice like she’d be in the military.

Over some time I learned that her passion was hospitality, she had learned psychology on some level and that she used to be a boxer – well that explained her body. It was like she’d been the exact opposite from my secretary, hairdresser and administrator ex-girlfriends.

She gained my interest by just being… so different. She said once, be as you want people to be to you. Be a great worker for your boss, be a good friend to your friends and never forget what it’s like to work ‘lesser jobs’.

She’d bring towels soaked in ice water to us in the paddock (for non-Australians, it’s bloody 40 degrees out here), sneak a beer to everyone on fridays an hour before finishing and well like said, she really didn’t care what we did as long as the job was done.

For my disappointment, she was impossible to approach or maybe I just didn’t know how to. Even though she lived with Mark, she was never around when I went over. And she made the team go out every friday to build better relationships, but there she was always as a team leader, never as an individual. And the team leaders would always finish after the crew.

Lunch time felt like the only time I could get to her, but it always felt like I’m talking to my supervisor, not the person herself. I even once tried to ask her to a barbecue, to what she simply replied that she’s too vegetarian for that. After that I felt like I’d been squashed like a bug.

There is a creek just between Marks and our property. I hadn’t been there since I was a teen, but on one extraordinary hot saturday, when stepping out of the shower after some work around the house and drying myself – I couldn’t tell if I was horrible at drying myself or was already covered in a new layer of sweat and decided to head for a cooling dip.

I drove my ute to the far end of our property and saw one of Marks quads on the other side. Walking to the waterline, I realised it’s not Mark, who was having his afternoon dip, but Kate.

She was in the water all nude. My dick was hard even before my brain had made the conclusion that she was nude. Damn. That was something I’d only expect to happen in porn and definitely not in my own backyard.

Spotting me she covered her breasts saying “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting any company. No one ever comes here.” But she didn’t look a tiny bit diasturbed nor uncomfortable, even had a smile on her face. Yes, it definitely started to look like porn.

“No need to apologise, no one ever does come here.” I noted, trying to smoothen our fortunate encounter. She looked amazing in the clear water. She was much more fit than I had thought, being well built and curvy.

“How about you try and pretend I’m not naked and I’ll pretend you don’t have your dick climbing out of your pants.” she smirked scanning over my body.

Shit, I had been so focused on her, that I hadn’t even tried to hide my boner. I felt my face burn and muttered “Sorry about that.”

“No need to apologise.” she said, swimming to a rock in the middle of the creek and climbing to sit on it. She looked absolutely stunning – water running down her body, her breasts perky and that smile… I had underestimated her sexyness by a longshot. “Come on give me a show too, strip and get in.” she laughed.

I realised I’d been standing there like an idiot staring at her and furthermore, did she just ask me to strip-strip? As I was already in my swimmies. She laughed harder seeing my confusion and encouraged me “Yes, come on, even out the playground.”

Well, the situation couldn’t get any more embarrassing anyway and really hoped things really were going in my desired direction, so without further ado, I pulled down my pants and she didn’t even try to hide the fact that she was staring at my Kurtköy travesti hard dick, making me feel way too exposed.

I quickly jumped in the water trying to hide my discomfort. Surfacing, I looked at her, her pussy was exactly in my line of sight. She grinned as she flipped to her belly facing me, leaning on her elbows, hands under her chin, with her breasts hanging oh so beautifully, she asked “So how did you get here? It’s all private properties around.”

“Yeah, that one is my familys.” I said pointing my head to that side.

“Ah, I see, a Dale, I guess you’ve never been around when we’ve been there.” Whoa, she’d been to my house?

“You come here often?” I ask realising this is the first time I was actually talking to her.

“Almost every day.” She said, leaving me surprised, for all that time, all I had to do was to come for a dip.

“So, how’s living with Mark? I mean living with a single man and all.” I wondered as she’s the only girl I’ve ever seen around him. He had inherited the farm from his parents after they died too early and is running it alone now. I’d often wondered if that’s the reason he hasn’t dated much.

“Worried about my sex life are we?” she giggled, teasing me.

Damn, she loved to get straight to it, how to wiggle out of that one? “More about his.” I tried to steer the conversation away and in an attempt to look less intimidated, I swam to the rock and faced her.

She looked at me with a charming look and stroked my chin with her fingers, murmuring softly “Well, he really should get out there. I mean we sometimes help each other out, but that’s really not that.” she said so innocently that it was mesmerizing and slided back in the water as I concluded that this was just like porn in my head again.

“My turn to probe you, what’s your biggest turn on?” she asked me. Was this really happening?

“Uhm, currently it seems that a naked woman swimming in a creek” I joked looking down at my dick. She giggled out loud and I used the opportunity to ask “Yours?”

She looked at me with lusty eyes shaking her head “There’s quite a list, but most recent one would be – men fucking men.” she said so casually that just the tone stunned me, not to even talk about what she had said. “But in general, seeing people orgasm without holding back – not worried about reactions or whatever.” she added as she casually browsed my body.

I floated there in silence trying to recap the situation. I was in a creek, naked, with a woman I’ve tried to approach for a while, who was naked, and we were talking about sex, it seemed surreal.

“You ever had sex with a man?” she asked me.

“No, no I haven’t.” I answered, sounding more surprised than intended.

“Would you? I mean like just to try it out, or are you just completely against it?”

“Ummm, I’m not really attracted to men and haven’t really pondered on that matter.” Plus like, why? Why would I?

“Hmm, think about it, will you? Anyways, your turn.”

“Umm…Have you ever been with a woman?” I asked hesitantly, trying not to sound like any other man with lesbian fantasies.

She laughed loud and hard “Oh you blue eyed boy. Ok, ok, fair enough, I keep on forgetting that you don’t know me. So, I’m bisexual, I like having all sorts of sex, male couples being the latest hobby and only thing I hate is this whore generation of girls. They’ve really made respectful sex a rarity.”

I laughed at the last statement, which somewhat sadly described my recent endovedours and swam to the rock, leaning my hands and head on it and decided to try my luck. “Any chance you’d be attracted to me?”

She swam to the other side of the rock, leaning her hands and head opposite me, less than a metre between us. “Oh, I’m attracted to you” she said in a way as if it would have been completely obvious. She looked me deep in the eye, making me quite a bit uncomfortable, and caressed my jaw asking “What about it?”

Oh Pendik travesti fuck, this WAS happening. Uh damn, I looked away not knowing how to answer that one, all the possible answers seemed wrong. “Uhm, I find you interesting and well… wanted to know, if you’d be interested in me as well.”

“Yes, we’ve established that and I asked what about it?” she asked, trailing her fingers over my forearms, making my eyes follow her moves.

“Well, I-I don’t know, try-try it out?” I stammered uncomfortably, making her laugh hard.

“You’re so cute… I am moving away after the season – alone.”

“I see…” Was that a no? Well it really wasn’t a no, was it?

Swimming over to my side, she murmured “If that’s fine by you-” and slid her hands on my chest from behind, making my body tingle “-then I’m more than happy to try it out – as you say.” she cooed, moving her hands down my body, onto my hip joints, making me crave for her. Oh fuck, that woman knew how to touch a man…

“Well, is it?” she prompted.

“Yeah… yeah it is.” I stammered noticing myself almost panting. Jesus, the last month without sex must have done a number on me.

She slid her right hand on my hard dick clutching it “You’re so cute when your dick doesn’t let you think” she whispered in my ear and kissed my neck and began to stroke my dick. Ahh fuck… Kate is fucking jerking me off in the creek.

She caressed my balls with the other hand and to my surprise I was already moaning under her skillful touch. Hell, honestly no one had really jerked me off before besides myself.

She talked as she stroked me “All I ask from you is respectful behaviour… keep this out of work… and to just consider fucking Mark with me.” Wait what? Her english usually didn’t hint that she wouldn’t be that good in grammar, but surely she didn’t mean it like that. I imagine that I must have looked quite bewildered as she next said “Just consider it.”

She kissed my neck again, making me whimper as she skillfully massaged my balls, stroking and twisting my dick, I already felt getting close.

Fuck, she really was like porn next to all of my previous sexual encounters that would have even made a christian proud I assume – minus the variety of partners though.

“Good boy, now come for me” she murmured, stroking me harder and I began to pant. She turned my face towards her and kissed me so passionately, like she’d lusted for me as long as I had for her – the kiss sending an electric current through me, making me moan in her mouth.

“Come” she ordered between the kisses and I almost immediately complied, finding support from the rock to stand. I groaned loud tossing my head back, savouring that amazing tingle spreading over my body and spurt my semen underwater.

She untangled herself from me and swam back to the other side of the rock.

Regaining my posture and recapping the unbelievable situation, I looked at her – her chin rested on her palms, smiling sweet “Holding back on me, are we?” she poked at me.

“Sorry, I…” I muttered not even knowing what to say. Fuck, had she just jerked me off? In a creek?

“Shh, is your house always full of people?”

“My folks are always home, but we live at different ends of the house.”

“If you’re willing to risk it, I’m quite loud in bed. Very loud, if you’re any good.” she smirked, “But I guess Mark wouldn’t mind me having company either.” she added in.

Hmm… rather not have sex with her in Marks house, I think… “Uhm, want to come over tonight?” I asked, wondering how our new found dynamic should work.



“Your folks better be sleeping.”

“They will be.”

“Got rum?”

“Rum? Yeah.”

“Perfect, tonight boy.” She said pushing away from the rock, sliding to her end of the creek.

“Tonight.” I confirmed watching her get out of the water, damn she looked hot, she dried herself and pulled a dress on. She smiled back at me, sitting sideways on the quad and drove off.

Oh fuck… that was some day. I stood still there for a while. No woman had actually finished a handjob on me and she did it in a breeze. Kate jerked me off and she was coming over. Oh fuck, that was some day.

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