My Job as a Tester Ch. 03

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Ben finishes put up the tracks and the blinds. Then he steps out of the training room. I’m still putting the shelves together when Rosa and Carol come in.

“So little one, do you know where Ben went to?” Rosa asks.

“I’m not sure he stepped out just a moment ago.” I reply. “Did you find everything you went after?”

“And then some!” Carol says carrying a box of things. “Have you got a set of shelves ready for us to use?” she says as she walks over and sets the box down.

“I thought of a few things that need to be in here when we are doing our training.” Rosa says. “It will make it more fun little one!” she adds as she walks over and checks my diaper. “Still dry I see remember you need to be wet when Denise gets back with Carla.”

“No need to worry about that I’ve had enough coffee to wet these before she gets back!” I say.

“But she wants you to be very wet! So I think you need more coffee little one.” Rosa states as she grabs my cup and heads to the break room.

“I do believe Rosa also wants me to flood my diaper!” I say. “Just what has she got brewing in that mind of hers Carol? You two went to the warehouse together! What is she planning?”

Carol smiles, “Oh I know but I’m not telling! I’m just waiting and enjoying the anticipation.” She says.

Rosa returns to the training room with my coffee cup full and hands it to me. “Mac, Denise told me to make sure that no one changed you before she got back so I need you to remove your pants.” She says as she starts undoing my pants. “I figured this would be a good time to do some product testing. That way we could test a product and make sure no one can change your diaper!”

Carol comes over and helps remove my pants so I standing there in my diaper and plastic pants. “You know that there may be someone watching on the other side of that window!” she says as she hands Rosa the ends of some kind of restraint around my waist.

“Now pass me the crotch straps if you please Carol.” Rosa says once she cinches the strap around my waist. She hooks the straps that runs between my legs to the one on my waist. She holds up a set of three small locks. “I want you to see these because once they are in place you’ll have no choice but to wait until Denise gets back. I’ll give her the keys when she gets back!”

“If you don’t drink your coffee quick enough we have a solution for that also!” Carol says as she steps out into the hallway and returns with the stroller and sets it beside the examination table. That places the stroller directly in front of the window.

Rosa smiles as she quickly places the locks in place and snaps them shut. “Well little one now all you have to do is empty your cup in the amount of time we think is good or we’ll show you our solution.” She says with a wicked grin on her face.

“Why do I have the feeling that no matter how fast I drink my coffee it won’t be quick enough?” I ask knowing full well that they want to put me in the stroller and allow them to set me up to soak my diaper completely.

“I knew little one was smart enough to realize a no win scenario when it is shown to him. So the real question is; are you done assembling the shelves?” Rosa asks.

“I’ve got to put them in place and put the shelves in and make sure they are secure.” I reply realizing I just made a mistake by the smile on Rosa’s and Carol’s face.

Rosa looks at the window and says, “Ladies, we could use your assistance if you please.” Then she turns towards me. “Carol would you prep the stroller. Mac we can do this the easy way or the hard way! I want you to know that you are hopelessly outnumbered.”

Just then the door opens and everyone who was in the break room steps inside smiling. I hear Cindy say we should finish getting him undress and then properly dressed. “What do you mean by properly dressed?” I ask looking at Rosa.

“Denise had a little request she would like to see fulfilled and we don’t see why it shouldn’t be!” Rosa answers me then adds, “I’m sure you’ll enjoy it!”

Rachael takes my cup as the others start removing what few clothes I have left. Sarah and Debbie remove my shirt while Cindy removes my socks. Cindy tells them, “I think we should give him a pedicure before we go too far. His toenails aren’t bad but they could be better.”

Carol pulls a set of nail clippers and what appears to be a Dremel tool out of the box. “We can do that once he is secure then we’ll release him and get him dressed.” She says.

They pick me up and with a woman on each arm and leg they place me in the stroller. They hold me there while Rachael secures the straps around my body and arms. She extends the legs of the stroller and secures my legs to them. “There we shouldn’t have any problems now and he’s still dry.” She says as she pats my crotch.

Rosa says, “We can take care of that if we have to!” she looks me over and smiles. “Okay ladies let’s give him a pedicure we’ll use clear nail polish. Make sure those nails are nice and smooth. Sarah, Maltepe Escort Debbie and Carol would you mind helping me bring some chairs in here for us to sit on. Cindy you and Rachael can use the futon to work on his nails.” They leave as Cindy and Rachael turn the stroller towards the futon and sit down.

“Your nails are better than some I’ve seen!” Cindy says. “You have no reason to worry I use to do this for a living and when I get done I think you’ll be amazed. They’ll be smooth as glass it’s just a shame we can’t use colored nail polish! I think it would be fun!”

“I agree with you.” Rachael says. “If you’ll clip them I have an emery board and I’ll smooth the edges and the corners. The tops I’ll leave to you.”

“Alright just let me get these and we’ll trade places.” Cindy replies as she starts cleaning and trimming the toenails on my foot. Within moments she slides over to start doing my other foot.

Rachael sits down and starts smoothing the edges. “When we get done they will look so good.” She says.

Rosa and the others return with the chairs and gather round watching as Cindy and Rachael are working on my toenails. “It’s time for a drink little one!” Rosa says as she places my cup of coffee to my lips. “After all we don’t want you to be thirsty now do we?”

The ladies all laugh at that. After I swallow the coffee I say, “You’re all having way too much fun and I’m almost scared of what is next in your devious little plan.” I can see all the grins and smiles on their faces.

“My little man you surely know that we would never harm you.” Sarah says. “We just want to make sure that both you and Denise enjoy your next diaper change that’s all. We’ll just call it a gift!”

“A gift, okay now I’m worried. Just what have you ladies got planned?” I ask though I know I won’t get an answer. I notice Cindy has started smooth out the tops of my toenails using the Dremel tool and Rachael is almost done working on the edges of my other foot.

“I’m almost done Cindy; his foot only has one toenail that needs you to work on. Then we can get started applying the polish to these toes!” Rachael says as she looks up into my face and smiles.

“I’m just about done on this one. I left just a few edges for you to take care of while I smooth out his toe on that foot.” Cindy replies just before she gets up and switches feet again. Then starts working on the toenail of my big toe.

A few moments later they place some cotton between my toes and begin applying the clear toenail polish. I hear Debbie say “‘Look how nice his toenails are looking; it is a shame we have to use clear polish.”

Rosa speaks up, “Remember the pedicure and polish are merely a preventative measure for what comes later.” She says as she hands a blow dryer to Rachael who is done applying the first coat to my nails. “We are going to use two coats so they last a while.”

After a couple of more drinks from my coffee cup and the second coat has dried on my nails. “It’s time to stand him up!” Carol says. “Be sure you have a good grip on him.”

They move the stroller to the center of the room and Rachael undoes my legs. As she undoes one of my arms they are quick to grab hold of it. Once all the straps are undone they stand me up with my arms held away from my body. I can’t see what Rosa is doing behind me but I hear her get something out of the box. Then I see them pass a wide piece of a lacey material around my front and I can feel them doing something behind me.

“This is the part that takes a while getting it laced up in the back. Especially when it is completely unlaced.” Rosa says. “You see now why I don’t wear one of these that often. You have to have someone around to cinch it up for you and that’s a pain in a half!”

“What is this thing?” I ask. The ladies holding me still while this thing tightens around my abdomen.

“Most people call it a cinch; I believe the correct term is ‘Corset’.” Rosa says. “Don’t worry little one it will make your midsection look wonderful!” She states as she tightens the laces in back.

Sarah looks at my midsection and grins. “You’re going to have a lovely set of lace patterns on your skin when you finally take this off!” she says. “We better make sure that the snaps are hanging correctly before we put him back into the stroller.” She adds.

I look down and I realize what they meant by the snaps. What they have put on me is a wide type of garter belt designed to hold up stockings. I start to struggle a little. To which Sarah says, “I don’t think so little man!” as she grips me a little harder.

“Relax my little sweetie you’re going to enjoy this!” Debbie quickly adds as she to grips me a little harder also.

Rosa steps in front of me when she finishes tying the laces in back. “Now little one you need to behave and let us finish getting you ready! You trust all of your mommies don’t you?” she asks as they place me back in the stroller and secure me down.

“It looks like Anadolu Yakası Escort I don’t have much choice in the matter!” I reply.

“Oh you do but remember all choices have consequences!” Rosa states. “Some good and others let’s just say no so good!” She smiles for a moment. “Rachael would you mind giving him some coffee and then something to help him relax.”

“Here you go Mac take a drink of your coffee for me.” Rachael says raising the cup to my lips. Then lowering it and setting it down once I had taken a drink. She opens her blouse and turns my head and places a nipple in my mouth. “There you go now just relax.” She says.

They reposition the stroller so I’m in more of a laying position. “Okay he’s calmed down some!” Sarah says. Moments later I feel them sliding a set of stockings onto my legs. Then I feel them place something over my feet that goes a ways above my ankles. “And now the shoes!” Sarah directs.

I feel the ‘shoes’ go on but they are different from ones I’ve worn before. I feel a thin strap going around my ankles and I hear the click of a small lock on each one. Then I feel them folding down what was above my ankles.

“Okay little one we are going to stand you up now so we can hook up the snaps. If you give us any problems I’ll see that you wish you hadn’t!” Rosa says. “Just nod your head if you’re going to behave.” She says.

Realizing that I really didn’t have a choice and not wanting to find out what would happen if I did ‘misbehave’ I nod my head in agreement. They start undoing the straps once again and help me stand up. Which I’m thankful for because I find out that I’m wearing a set of three inch stiletto heels along with a pair of black nylon stockings and a pair of socks with the lacey tops turned down over the straps of the heels.

Cindy says, “His seams are a little crooked but we can take care of that easily enough.” As she starts straightening them and then hooks the snaps in the back.

Debbie and Sarah hook the ones on the sides and Rosa hooks the ones in the front. “Those heels with those stockings make his legs look pretty good not to mention how they perk up his butt.” Rachael says.

“See little one how nice they feel encasing your legs.” Rosa says. “Just think we wear them all the time! Now we are going to sit you back down and place just a few of the restraints on you if you don’t cause us any problems.”

I agree and they help me take a step back so I can sit down. Then they use only a few of the restraints available to secure me to the stroller. Rachael picks up my cup and gives me another drink, then hands it to Carol to go refill it. Sarah and Debbie lightly run their hands up my stocking covered legs smiling at me as they watch my reaction. Rosa reaches up and places her hand on my crotch to check and see if I’ve wet myself yet.

“Still dry but, little one you have a very nice stiff penis right now.” Rosa says.

Carol comes back with not only my cup of coffee but a second as well and hands them to Rachael. “Let me see how he’s doing.” She says as she runs her hand up my leg and feels my erect penis through the diaper. “I think he is enjoying this more than he is admitting!” she says with a chuckle.

“You know Mac I think you enjoy being forced into situations like this by women who are all taller than you. It’s a kind of release for you.” Cindy says. “Just like it is for me when you took on the role of daddy for me!”

“She has a point there little man.” Sarah says still gently rubbing my leg. “To you these stockings are something you’ve enjoyed seeing on others and maybe even thought about trying but you didn’t because of how that would be view by society. Now that we forced you into them you can enjoy them because we did it to you!” she states. “And by the nice erection you have going on I believe you are enjoying them very much so!”

“Time for another drink of coffee Mac.” Rachael says as she places the cup to my lips so I can drink. “We want to be sure that your all nice and wet for Denise!”

“Not to mention all nice and horny also!” Carol says. “So Mac what have you got to say about what we’ve done to you? We can tell you like it but we want to hear you describe it to us.” She states to the general agreement of the others.

I blush very deeply partly from being embarrassed and partly by the fact that I can’t control my own body that is betraying me. Rosa speaks up, “Little one there is no need to be embarrassed or ashamed that you’re enjoying this. This is in many ways a turn on for us as well. Let me show you.” She says as she moves her diaper aside and lowers her crotch onto my fingers so I can feel just how wet she is. “See I’m being very honest to you now take a minute or two and talk to us little one.”

I look around and see they are all nodding their heads in agreement. I take a breath and then I say, “Okay it’s a little like when I was sitting in the break room in this stroller with the external catheter on. That İstanbul Escort was embarrassing and exciting also but in a different way!” The whole time Sarah and Debbie are lightly rubbing my legs and tracing the pattern of the lace on the tops. “This feels for a better word ‘naughty’ somehow and exciting! Partly because I’m sitting here restrained with all of you looking on and the fact that I’m wearing all this and now you’re trying to get me to wet my diaper.”

“Well we wanted to give you a set of breasts but the falsies we have here aren’t very realistic!” Carol states. “If you had given us anymore problems we had a skirt, a wig and a few other items at our disposal we could have used. It’s a shame really I know I’m not the only one who would have enjoyed seeing that!”

Rachael again places the cup to my lips for me to drink. “You still have a lot of coffee to go yet before Denise gets back.” She says as I take a drink. When I swallow it she has me take another, “We’ll get you good and wet in plenty of time.” She adds.

“My little sweetie I’ve known several people who were cross dressers of both sexes!” Debbie states. “You could even go so far as to say that Carla our newest coworker, is a cross dresser! Granted she did it to find a good paying job but technically she was dressing as a guy! I’ll even bet that if you asked her she would say that there were times she enjoyed it!”

“So daddy, have you ever dressed up as a young lady or a woman before?” Cindy says with a little girl grin on her face.

“Once a long time ago when I was in elementary school I dressed as ‘Martha Washington’ for the class Halloween party. My mother made a period dress for me to wear and she got a wig done in the style of the time. Other than that no I haven’t! I had chances to when I was younger, girlfriends would suggest it for Halloween or costume parties but I never did it.” I answer.

“So little one was Martha Washington. Tell me do you remember what the dress looked like and be specific I want to know all the details because I want to be able to see just how cute you were in my mind!” Rosa says as Rachael takes a seat behind me and Cindy has me finish the one cup of coffee.

“Well it was a very long time ago Rosa I’m not sure I can remember the details.” I say.

“Little man I just know you can remember for us! We all want to be able to see it.” Sarah says as she rubs my leg and continues to trace the lace pattern at the top of the stocking.

“Instead of trying to describe the whole outfit, let’s focus on one part and go from there.” Rosa says. “Now little one let’s start with the sleeve. What length was it?”

“It came to the middle of my forearm and had lace on the end of it. It was a light blue color and the lace was white.” I say. “It ended on the other end at just beyond the shoulder. The neckline was kind of square shaped and a little low in front.”

Cindy places the edge of her hand on my chest, “How low was it? Was it here?” she asked with her hand about two inches below my neck. I tell her it was above three quarters of the way down my chest muscles. “So about here?” she asks as she lowers her hand a little further. I tell her yes.

“The front piece was a darker blue that went from there to the waist with lace around the edges and the top was tight fitting like the younger ladies wore during that time. As for the skirt it had lace around the bottom and matched the sleeves. It also had a choker of the same color.” I said.

“Was the skirt straight or was it I’ll say fluffy for lack of a better word.” Rosa asks and I tell her that I wore a petticoat under it so it would look fluffy as she called it. “You did good little one I can see it now! You must have looked so cute in that dress! I bet you kept it for a long time after that didn’t you?”

“Yes I did. I kept it in my closet but I never wore it again!” I said. “And before you ask I enjoyed wearing it but I didn’t know why back then. I don’t think I would wear it again even if it did fit, I think I’d prefer something a little more modern. Either way I’m just a bit too hairy in the chest for that now a days!”

“You definitely are that little one.” Rosa says as she runs her finger over the corset and onto my chest. “Well shaving would be out with your chest! You have a natural cleavage thing going on and waxing hurts like hell believe me I know. There may be a way that we could give you that look so you could pass for a woman. I think you might like that!”

Cindy starts to give me another drink of coffee, “My bladder is as full as it can get! I promise you that I have to pee but it is really hard to do with this erection I have.” I say as Cindy puts down the cup.

Debbie and Sarah start rubbing my crotch near my bottom. “Come on we know you can pee for us you did it in the break room. All you have to do is relax that muscle that is holding it in there. Come on you can do it!”

I manage to relax just enough for it to start flowing. “There you go let it all out sweetie.” Debbie says to me. “I can feel you peeing; it’s all nice and warm.” Then suddenly when she says that I really start going and I can’t stop.

“That’s it little man fill your diaper and make it all warm for mommy.” Sarah says as she lightly rubs the inside of my leg.

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