The Holy Enema

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Father Mike had just returned from a short holiday to Italy, where he’d visited Vatican City. Such was the busy life of the Catholic priest. Now back at his home, he planned to relax for a few weeks, and spend some time with his secret lover, Jane. First however, he had a delicate problem to deal with. For the past week, he’d been suffering from terrible constipation, and hadn’t visited the toilet for five whole days.

Father Mike prided himself on his robust health; give or take the occasional stomach upset when he drank too much or ate a too-spicy curry. Whenever he went on an overseas trip however, his normally regular and daily bowel movements ground to a halt. This was embarrassing for the priest. To suffer an “accident” in church would be mortifying.

“My gut must be out of balance.” He muttered as he sat in his study, massaging his bloated belly. “Flying always does that.” He sighed. His abdomen was sore and he was starting to feel quite under the weather. He couldn’t go on like this. The idea of waste lingering in the rectum and causing a blockage was becoming an obsession–if not total paranoia.

He went to the toilet and tried to shit again, and strained for a while, but was unable to expel anything, not even a pea-sized piece of turd.

“By all the saints, the Devil is poisoning me from the inside,” Father Mike muttered. He prayed to God, begging him for help, and realised he was going to have to seek out some laxatives.

There was a knock on his door, and Jane entered.

“Hello gorgeous! Forgive me Father, for I have sinned!”

“Jane.” He smiled, and grimaced. She noticed his discomfort.

“Mike, what’s wrong?”

“Eh? Oh it’s nothing. Just a little stomach ache, that’s all. I’m fine.”

“Oh Mike. I’ve seen that look before. You’re not well. Remember a few weeks back when you overindulged and how violently sick you were? I know what you need. I can help. You’re having trouble having a poo, yes?”

“I haven’t been for five days.” He fiddled with his clerical collar.

“That’s not good. But not to worry. I’ll help you. I’ll prepare an enema for Anadolu Yakası Escort you at once. Come round to my place.”

Father Mike’s eyes widened at the mention of enema. He’d never had one before. “Oh…I was hoping for something that could be taken by mouth!”

Jane smiled. “It’s too late for that, Mike. You need to be purged of your shit. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I used to work as a nurse…besides, it could be fun, yes?”

The priest smiled. “As fun as a blumpkin?”

“We’ll see!”

At Jane’s house, Father Priest removed his trousers and underpants and lay on the bed. Not long after, he heard footsteps on the stairs. His nervousness increased when Jane entered, carrying a bowl and an enema syringe.

“You’ll feel so much better after this treatment. It yields very quick and effective results.” Jane smiled, putting some medical gloves on.

“Very well. My fate…and my bowels are in your lovely hands!”

She picked up a small bottle of oil, and began talking him through the procedure.

“First, I’m going to lubricate your arsehole, then I’m going to put the enema syringe in. If it begins to hurt at all, just tell me and I’ll stop the flow until it doesn’t hurt anymore. It’ll be best if you can take the full amount, for best results. Once you do, I’ll remove the syringe, and you have to keep your arse clenched so it stays in, then you can sit on the commode and expel it. Is that alright, Mike? Can you lie on your side for me?”

The priest nodded in response as his lover finished her explanation, he was nervous and excited.

Jane poured some oil on her index finger, and Father Mike gave a slight whimper as he was penetrated. Her finger went deeper than he expected, poking around a bit and spreading the lubricant. “Gosh, you really are blocked up.” She exclaimed. “We must get the enema in you right now.” Jane slowly removed her oiled finger and wiped it on a towel.

“Okay, I’m putting the syringe in now.” She placed the nozzle against Father Mike’s anus, and inserted it. It slid in without much difficulty. Jane Avrupa Yakası Escort had done a good job applying the oil lubricant, and it felt oddly pleasurable.

The priest gasped as the warm saline was released into him. It felt good, nothing like he expected, just a warmth and a fullness as it flowed into his bowels. Suddenly, he felt a cramp in his belly and gave a sharp gasp.

“Are you alright Mike?” Jane asked. “Deep breaths. Rub your belly.”

“Y-yes. Just a bit of pain,” he said. “Maybe things are starting to move?”

“Just a bit more.” She emptied the full contents of the syringe into him. Father Mike moaned. The enema was making him feel like he really had to shit, but he clenched his arse cheeks, holding it in as best he could, still taking deep breaths as Jane had instructed him to and massaging his belly, which was now even more distended.

“There! You’re all done! That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Jane smiled. Father Mike opened his eyes and looked at her.

“No, it wasn’t.” He said.. “Mmm, feels good having my arse filled like this.

“Okay, I’m going to remove the syringe now. Be sure to clench your arse tightly when I do, we wouldn’t want you to have a release on the bed,” said Jane.

Father Mike did as he was instructed, clenching as tightly as he could. She gently drew the nozzle out of the priest’s arsehole. “Right, get on the commode.”

Luckily, the commode was only a few feet away, and Father Mike staggered over to it and was grateful to sit down on the plastic seat. And Jane knew, that with her lover’s rectum already as packed with shit as it was, and little room in there for anything else, that moment would come sooner rather than later.

“Oh God, it’s coming,” Father Mike groaned. A wave of cramps rushed through him. His guts gurgled and churned. Several loud farts. Then it happened. A rush, like he’d never experienced before. Like everyone, he’d had diarrhoea in the past, but this something different entirely. It was as if his anus were vomiting. Gushes of the enema mixed with large, lumpy turds shot out of him İstanbul Escort and landed in the plastic commode.

Jane smiled and calmly watched him shitting. “That’s it, Mike! “Once you start plopping, you’ve expelled the Devil within.”

Father Mike sighed and moaned at his plops; the sheer relief, dropping turd after turd into the commode.

“Dear Lord, that feels so good!” There was so much inside him, it looked like he might never stop shitting. Another massive turd slid out of his throbbing hole and splashed down into the plastic pot, which was nearly filled to the brim with his creamy-brown shite.

He continued plopping away. As if that wasn’t enough, Father Mike suddenly and uncontrollably began to piss, a yellow stream shot from the tip of his cock. He let out a string of blasphemy, but Jane acted fast, grabbing a small plastic waste bin. She placed the bin at his feet to catch the arc of piss. Father Mike’s pee stream suddenly became heavier, and splashed onto the floor. Without hesitation, Jane slipped her hand round his cock and gently angled it at the bin.

“Ahhh.” The priest closed his eyes as he shat and pissed at the same time. Jane’s warm hand on his member felt divine, and the sudden rush of blood down there proved it.

After what seemed like an eternity, Father Mike’s bowel was finally empty, along with his bladder. The smell was unpleasant, but the relief – such sweet relief! He felt amazing. The cramps had gone, his belly had flattened. His shakiness had gone and he felt his strength returning. His arsehole felt a little sore, but that was to be expected.

“How do you feel now?” Jane said, her voice soft and reassuring.

“Never better! Oh Jane…I can’t thank you enough.”

She motioned for him to stand up. “I’m so pleased. Now let’s get you cleaned up.” She dipped a strip of cloth in a bowl of water. Father Mike gladly spread his arse cheeks, allowing her to wipe him clean down there. He was craving for her finger to enter him again.

She bit her lip as she noticed he was sporting a full erection.

“My work is not yet done, Mike. You still need further help. I must kneel and worship you.”

“Oh? You think I might shit again?”

“No. Your bowels and bladder are empty, but…” she knelt down before him and put her hand on his cock. “Your balls are still full.”

And with that, she grinned and lowered her head…

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