Tales of a Smut Cutter

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Public Sex

The first time I met Penny I think she insulted me. Not in the direct manner that carries with it the delight of juxtaposing yourself strictly against someone about something, but more as an off-handed and entitled slight that makes you realize that someone’s just a thoughtless and bad person. Fact of the matter is that I don’t especially remember what it was she said or what it was about but it did stick enough in my brain as an embryonic point for why I should dislike her.

Which was fine with me, and probably something I’d almost expected to occur after what little I had heard about her from others. All in all the stories about her being a spoiled little cunt who constantly touted her forthcoming success to anyone in the industry who would listen seemed right in line on that Saturday afternoon I was being pimped onto her by a buddy of mine that was her landlord.

Dan, the landlord was an alright guy, and we’d known each other for years. He managed the property where I had my studio where I’d been a model tenant for years. I lived a spartan existence there; I slept on the couch in the editing suite, showered at the gym and in return Don essentially had someone on the premises at all hours for security purposes. It worked out well until someone took exception and Don was served with a zoning fine and informed me I needed to find my own place. Of course, pairing me with Penny worked out for him; at least he’d get half the rent for the place. Knowing Dan all he was getting for Penny’s rent was laid now and again.

Working as an editor with my own studio right in the Valley made me a commodity. I was an independent which meant that most of the major smutcutter outfits wanted nothing to do with me. Usually, that is, until something went horribly wrong with their existing editor and they needed a major fuck-up fixed or a deadline was approaching and they had to have something ready in under 36 hours to send for a final pressing. And, of course, the inevitable amateur footage that would trickle in from those looking to get a start in the business and wanted a demo reel cut.

The first few weeks I ran into Penny at the apartment a total of twice. Both times I was in the middle of a late night edit and needed to take a break and grab a quick shower before a client came down in the morning. Both times she’d gotten up because she heard someone come in and both times responded with “Oh….it’s you…I guess you live here” and went back to whatever it was she was doing.

I decided to try and be friendly, or at least social, one night. I even went as far as buying something better than wine in a box and planned to kick back on the patio and attempt to be communal. I thought it might at least lessen the tension in the apartment that was, no doubt, the result of having my living situation pushed onto her. Instead I was rewarded with her coming in with a semi-well known Producer and a three-hour session of loud sex from her room.

After a span of a month or so we ran into each other during the daytime. She’d gotten her new breasts and was making the effort to roam around the apartment and make them look natural. They were huge…but looked good. I tried to make small talk and ask what Doctor had done them but she was more interested in seeing how much she could show them off. Rather than tell her how many fake tits I’d seen in my life and how little of an effect it had on me I decided to cut the conversation short and head back to work.

A few weeks later I got a call in the office. I’d been awake for a few days working on some last-minute edits that had been savagely fucked up by a “professional” that one of the major houses had recently hired. It was my job to do the unfucking-up of them and I was just about complete when the phone rang and a rush job was proposed to me. I really needed the sleep, but for the cash they were offering I was hard-pressed to turn it down.

The tapes arrived an hour later as I was burning the master to a DVD and making a pot of coffee. I set them to digitize as I went out to get something to eat. When I came back in I stuck my head in the digitizing closet to make sure everything was going okay. I did a double-take when I noticed on one of the monitors that the actress taking a load right onto her chin was Penny.

I had to stop and stare for a second. In between trying to avoid her at all costs at the apartment and being preoccupied with work I never quite put together how well-made for porn she was. Some actresses just have a knack for bringing out the inner-lust in men. They know the camera, what is sees of them, and how to make it work for them. They know their bodies well enough and the little things that we as men latch onto and just fixate upon. She somehow had this down well ahead of many others at comparable points in her career, or even further along..

In the sequence she was doing a reverse-cowgirl anal. Her thighs were angled perfectly to just show the barely sinewy muscle-tone of her legs and hips. Kartal escort Her abs remained tight without looking too muscular and there wasn’t a single roll of extra flesh when she leaned forward. Not a single tan-line on her body not a single peice of hair below her neck, yet somehow the light tan contrast worked with her auburn-streaked hair and blue eyes. Generally blondes rule in the valley, but somehow the contrast was enough to make her the ruling majority but also be the underdog. She spun and dropped to her knees. Her tiny hand pulled at a cock she could barely get it around as she rubbed the organ against her glazed cheek. The sheen of her light sweat and matted hair worked perfectly; she looked hard at work but enjoying every minute of it. And right in the middle of it all were her perfect fake breasts looking all but ignored by the two significantly-hung males currently mauling her.

She took anal like a champ and when her second compatriot finally popped deep inside her she rose to her feet and bent almost totally in half as semen slowly dripped out of her hairless asshole and down her leg. With her head laying almost to her knee she reached around and ran her finger up the line of descending fluid and brought it to her waiting lips. She had the accuracy down enough to make it seamless; no fumbling or using the palm of her hand; she knew where it was and that a single demure finger would be enough for her to grab it to get the job done.

For the first time in a long time I was totally erect and rubbing myself. Seconds later after the slate dropped her true colors emerged as she screamed at someone for a towel and her water. I had to laugh; she had the fantasy down cold. She could do well in this town.

The edit went on longer than I thought. A multi-day project I had scheduled got bumped and I had to knock a bill off of it. Amateurs are pushovers for a lower price when they make their demo-reels. Sometime in the early morning I’d finished up. The Director had assembled a decent set of notes and I was thankful to be done with all three scenes by 8 AM and gone back and done alternate angles for them ahead of schedule. By 11 the whole thing was in the bag.

My body was headed for the couch when the courier arrived. I sent him off and decided since I had a few days of down time to head home and see what my bed looked like.

When I came in the door Penny was just getting up. As had been her uniform since the new boobs all she typically wore was a G-string. This morning it was also complimented with a slightly disheveled look. I noted that this disheveled look was a little more organic than her freshly-fucked look I had just edited from 4 different angles. As I made myself some eggs she put together some coffee. The silence in the hosue was deafening. Apparently early morning is the one time of day she doesn’t say a word and then proceeds to spend the rest of the day making up for it.

There was no way I could just let it hang there. As she sat at the edge of the counter with her breasts barely touching the cold marble I broke the silence.

“I edited something you were in last night.”

She slurped her coffee.

“How’d I look?” she asked.

“Decent….” I replied.

More silence.

“Actually, you looked really good. I’m not sure who you did the scene for but you managed to work the camera exceptionally well and have a great knowledge of your body and how it looks in different positions.”

I flipped my eggs. A small glimmer of her vanity shone through.

“Well, it is my body after all….”

I smiled. Even before coffee her arrogance couldn’t be repressed.

“My ass hurt for days after that” she said with a little smile behind the coffee mug.

“I’d say you’d have been in the industry too long if it did’t” I replied.

She hid her smile again.

“The swelling finally went down yesterday. But I think it’s still a little red.”

The comment hung in the air until I finally bit.

“If you want me to look at it…”

It was quiet for a second, almost as if she was in the process of making the decision.

“…it’s not like I don’t see naked asses every day at work.”

She closed her eyes and breathed in deep as she slid off of the barstool. Her breasts bounced in the unnatural way that fake ones do as she came around the corner and stood in front of me. She spun around and wiggled her G-string down to her knees and off of her ankle as she bent over in front of me. Her forehead was against her knees when she coughed lightly and shook me out of my visual disbelief.

I looked down at her gorgeous ass and it ocurred to me, for the first time, in person mind you, how amazingly great her body was. Her proportions were perfect, skin tone consistent and I could tell she had worked out in a manner so that it didn’t give away how concerned about her body that she was. I’d spent so many years looking at women that won the genetic lottery and were willing to starve Kurtköy Escort themselves and work out to excess to attain and maintain a certain figure. And she managed to have all of it without the little areas of imperfection which comes from trying too hard.

Another light cough and my gaze started to fix on her anus. I glanced over it and ascertained the redness wasn’t that prominent.

“Oh come on…really look at it.”

By the tone of her voice I knew she was playing it up.

Unfortunately I was too tired to walk away and was remembering too much from her performance to say no.

I placed my hand on either side of her ass and held her cheeks apart. Her anus was shaved totally clean; not even a single hint of hair was on or around it. Additionally although it looked like it had some minor stretching lately, by no means did it look work out or abused though. It was still tight and puckered and had a pinkness to it that can only come with being young and relatively unspoiled.

“Seriously…look at it…” she said.

I closed my eyes and knelt down. My face was inches from it as she gently flexed her sphincter muscles and made it wink at me. I started to laugh a bit when I realized that she was leaning back into me. I slowly felt my hands coming towards where my head was. By the time the two intersected I heard her hiss at me.

“Lick it.”

I laid my face against her soft cheeks and gently pushed my tongue out and ran it over the tiny nub.

“Come on…really lick it.”

Once again my tongue extended out and repeated the back and forth motion as I heard her gently hiss in approval. Seconds later my lips pushed forward and I engulfed the area with a ferocity.

“That’s it baby….”

After a few seconds she slowly let her bare feet slide sideways across the linoleum and come to rest against either side of the narrow kitchen alleyway. She dropped her hands to the floor and slowly pushed her torso back exposing her bare pussy to me.

“Come on….suck me” she hissed.

With her perfect ass right in front of me I leaned forward and dove in. Her pussy smelled pungent but still sexy, the way it does for every woman first thing in the morning. She may very well have smelled like she’d had sex already but I no longer cared as I dove in and tried to pin her clit between my tongue and top teeth.

She moaned again as I varied my technique and ran the tip of my tongue down her folds. After a few more licks I could gently feel where her clit was hiding. With it between my lips I sucked and nibbled with an intensity. I used my hands to push her forward more so I could have better access to her. Finally it had emerged enough for me to be able to vary techniques and she was moaning along with my movements.

My knees were geting tired and I had a suspicion that this might take awhile so I gently slid my legs underneath her and wrapped my arms around her hips to keep me upright. Her hands found my shins and ankles and used them to further present herself to me.

When she finally came I could feel my saliva and her juices all over my chin as well as see our mixture gloss over her perfect pussy. She was much quieter than her performance that I’d seen earlier that morning, but I think she came much harder.

She pushed her legs back and collapsed on top of me. I was exhausted before I had walked in the door. Now I had the overwhelming need to cum before I went to sleep or my head was going to explode. As Pennys breathing started to return to normal I could feel my eyelids getting heavy. It looked like sleep was going to win out if I didn’t do something soon.

Penny got up and helped me to my feet. I leaned against the counter briefly as I got my balance and she started undressing me. She put my arm over her shoudler and we made our way down the hallway, bouncing off of the walls a few times, and into my bedroom.

By the time I hit the bed it was taking all of the effort I had to keep my eyes open. I sensed Penny as she laid down next to me and felt her lips upon mine. She was more gentle and calming than anything. I half suspect she was checking to see if I was still awake! A few seconds later I felt her slide against me and her legs wedge between mine. Lying prone on my side I managed to muster a tired smile as I felt her mouth engulf my member. I moaned a bit and let my head drop back as I felt my cock gently bump into the back of her throat and then slowly make its way down into it. When I felt her forehead flush against my stomach I knew this was something I had to see.

In porn, deep-throating is a bit of a lost art. Unfortunately the starlets that can do it seem to always get paired with directors that have no concept of how to shoot it or the dramatic subtleties that can be had from it. As I looked down at Penny all I was able to see was the top of her head, eyes towards mine as she extended a free hand and ran it over my chest. Slowly she moved her head back and I watched a Maltepe Escort third of my cock emerge slowly. She stopped for a second and gently reversed the motion. I could feel her throat become tense around my member while her tongue gently and rhythmically worked the underside.

Penny bottomed out on me again and became still. I could hear her breathing through her nose as she locked her lips flush against my pubic area. Her tongue kept flicking the underside of my shaft as she built-up the pressure in the vacuum she’d created with her lips. It was like my entire cock was being squeezed equally from all directions. Her fingers gently wrapped around my scrotum and I knew I wouldn’t take long. Gently her tongue reached deeper towards the base of my cock and stroked with an almost eerie calmness. She knew she was looking for some particular spot and would know it when she found it, which she did, quite quickly I might add.

I wrapped my fingers in her hair and came. Hard. She had locked on to me and her only movements were the result of my own spasms from coming. I could barely hear her swallow my load but could gently feel the pressure on the head of my cock as it sat lodged in her throat. I let out a deep sigh as I let myself slowly drift off to sleep. I sensed her body against mine again and felt the warmth of the comforter being pulled over my body with her spooning next to me.

I felt exhausted, physically, mentally and sexually. But with a warm body next to me somehow it was a comforting sensation, something I hadn’t felt in a long long time.

When I woke hours later she was still next to me. When my eyes opened and I realized who it was next to me I kind of flinched.

“I was wondering when you were going to wake up” she said as she extended her arm above her head and stretched.

I could feel my semi-erect cock propped against her ass as she let out a yawn. She reached her free hand behind my head and craned her head around to plant a kiss I never would of expected on my lips.

Still in a state of shock it took me a second to kiss back.

“What’s the matter…did not all of it get down my throat?”

She smiled and let the comment hang in the air like she was waiting for me to remember and acknowledge what had happened.

I smiled a bit and she kissed me again.

“I’ll go make us coffee.”

As she got out of bed I admired her figure. She stretched and I watched the arch in the small of her back and spine as it led to her perfectly shaped ass. She looked back and smiled at me as she walked out of the room, not even taking the split-second to think about whether she needed to put anything on.

I laid back on the bed and fell back to sleep within seconds.

What seemed like a moment later she was back in bed next to me. She placed an oversized mug on my chest and my hand met hers as I reached for it. She leaned back around and grabbed the other cup off of the night stand. I watched her body as she made the maneuver and stared entranced at her feminine curves

She propped herself up on an elbow and put her mug next to mine.

We sat there quiet for the longest time sipping coffee before one of us talked.

“This is awkward..” was all I could come up with to break the silence that was punctuated by slurps of coffee.

“How’s that?” she said.

“I thought you hated me” was all I could come up with.

“I did…..well, I stll do.” she said.

I smiled and nodded.

“How’s that work?”

“Well, you were kind of forced on me. It’s been a long time that I’ve had situation I didn’t like or couldn’t control put on me like that. I’m not someone who is comfortable being in a situation where I’m seen as being helped out.”

She let the last sentence sit in the air for a second.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve had to rely on anyone for anything. When I first discovered I could get by on my own at age 19 I vowed I would never go back to needing anyones assistance, which was fine back in Indiana but now that I’m not such a big fish in a little pond I’ve felt a little vulnerable.”


“I was wondering if you were going to pick up on that.”

There was silence for a minute as we both slurped coffee.

“Well, don’t let me stop you.”

She sighed.

“Okay, I started stripping at 19 as a dare with a few girlfriends one night when we lived in a house a few towns away from where I grew up. When I realized how much money I could make it became my full-time job. Soon both of my friends were doing it as well. One of them realized she could make a little more on the side bringing home clients now and again. Before too long the place was an all-out brothel and I packed up and left.”

“You were disgusted at them for having sex for money so you came out here to do porn?”

“No…I was disgusted at them for allowing themselves to do it for chump change.”

It was quiet for a second. If you’d only known Penny for a few minutes such a conclusion would of made total sense.

“But you just blew me for free.”

She smiled at me.

“Actually, I believe you made me look like a million bucks. For that I blew you.”

I nodded.

“You looked fantastic.” I said with a smile and a little laugh.

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