The Price of Losing

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“Ivysaur, that’s enough come back!”

I activated my Pokéball and recalled Ivysaur. I may have been doomed, but that didn’t mean I had to let my trusted companion get mauled any further than she already had been.

The victorious Tentacruel hissed his anger at being denied his meal. His trainer just looked smug.

“Well, well, well. Not so high and mighty any more, are you?”

And with that, I lost any hope of getting out of this hair-brained bargain. It had seemed reasonable at the time. I thought I was the best. I figured that my grass-type team would let me waltz right through this gym, what with their over-reliance on water type Pokémon. The only problem was, I wasn’t allowed to even try. I was supposed to get a license and go in order. But I didn’t have the cash for that.

Andy had found me after I’d been ejected from the premise. He was a trainer there and told me that he could get me in to face the leader, legit, with a badge if I won and everything. But he wanted to make sure that I wouldn’t waste his leader’s time. So he’d proposed a little wager.

If I won, he’d give me ¥10,000 and let me face Misty.

And if he won…

Well, I didn’t have money. All I had was my body.

And for today, that’s what he’d be getting.

“Please Andy, just let me go. I’ll forget about this whole thing, never bug you again. Just… don’t hurt me!”

I backed away from him as I pleaded. I hoped he was willing to take some sort of mercy on me. I’d been overconfident, yeah. I may have made some boasts. But if I begged…

I feel down to my knees.

“I’m begging you. Please don’t do anything to me. I know I was cocky and you deserve to be able to tell everyone you took me down a peg, but can’t you just settle for that?”

Andy’s grin only grew. “I like the look of you on your knees. I could get used to it.”

Begging seemed to be a clear failure. Which left nothing but running. I jumped to my feet and made to turn. I heard Andy shout something. Before I could get three paces away, something wrapped around my ankle. I tripped and went down hard.

I took a moment to collect myself, before checking to see what had caused me to fall.

With dawning horror, I realized that it was one of Tentacruel’s eighty tentacles. I kicked and struggled against it, but it only wrapped itself more tightly around my leg. I tried to grab it and pry it off, but others quickly joined it.

Within seconds, half a dozen tentacles held me down. There was one for each of my limbs, one wrapped around my mouth, and one around my waist. I could barely wriggle. Screaming, running, even crawling, all of these were impossible.

Andy walked into view. His smirk was back in full force.

“I’m going to give you one last chance to play nicely. In a second, Tentacruel is going to let you speak. All you have to say is that the deal was fair and you’ll do whatever I ask. I’ll make it fun, we’ll both have a good time, then you’ll go on your way, no worse for wear.”

Andy paused for dramatic effect.

“Or, you can say no. In which case Tentacruel will hold you down and I’ll do whatever I want with you. I’ll have fun and you’ll go on your way considerably worse for wear. Which will it be?”

The tentacle receded from my mouth. I took a deep breath. Then I screamed “HEEEEELLLLPPPP!” as loudly as I could.

In retrospect, not one of the smarter things I’ve done. I deliberately chose an out of the way spot for the Pokémon duel. Which of course meant that there was no one to hear me scream and all I managed to do was make Andy angry.

The tentacle was back around my mouth in a second and my scream was cut off with a pained squeak.

Andy’s grin had lost all of its mirth. Now he just looked mean.

“Would you be so kind as to undress her, Tentacruel?”

I struggled against this, anadolu yakası rus escort but it was pointless. Tentacruel had far more limbs than I did. Several worked their way under my shirt and pulled it over my head. I had hoped for a second with my arms free, but tentacles grabbed them below wherever the shirt was, then moved up as the shirt was pulled off.

My mouth did get free for a split second, but I barely go the chance to scream again before it was covered again.

“Flip her over!” Andy commanded, and suddenly I was facedown in the dirt. I heard his footsteps crunching towards me, then felt his hands on my back as he undid my bra.

“Take that off her too.”

Tentacles repeated the earlier process. I was left bare chested in the ground, with only the angle hiding my tears and embarrassment.

“Stand her up for me, would you please Tentacruel?”

Tentacles roughly forced me upright, standing just in front of Andy, my breasts on display. They rose and fell quickly with my panicked breathing.

He roughly pinched my nipples, until they were elongated and hard. I couldn’t even cry out against the pain, could only sob silently as I was held helpless in the embrace of his Pokémon’s tentacles.

“If common sense won’t make you cooperate, perhaps fear will.”

Andy took in my vacant expression and laughed a sharp cruel laugh.

“Tentacruel can choose to make its tentacles into stingers. Because I’ve wanted to convince you, I haven’t had it do that yet. But perhaps it’s time for me to show you what it will feel like.”

I tried to shake my head, tried to promise that I’d stop struggling, that he could do whatever he wanted with me and I wouldn’t try and stop him, but my head was held fast.

“Tentacruel, sting one of her nipples.”

A tentacle slowly emerged from the writhing mass of all of the others on Tentacruel’s body. Unlike the others, this one was covered in sharp barbs. They expanded and contracted to the beat of something I couldn’t hear.

The tentacle slowly drew closer to my left breast. I fought as hard as I could against my bonds, tried every trick I knew to break a grip, but I was held helpless and hoarse as the barbed tentacle approached me.

The tentacle touched my left nipple and I felt fire coarse through me. The pain was different from a fall or a slash. It felt like my nipple was dissolving, being pierced and seared by hot iron all at the same time. The tentacle around my mouth muffled my frantic screams.

Minutes later, the pain receded and all the tension slowly drained from my body. I stopped screaming and I felt like a marionette with her strings cut.

Andy was grinning at me.

“I bet you’ll be a lot more cooperative now. How about you be good and take off your shorts and your panties.”

The tentacles on my loosened, although one stayed wrapped gently around my mouth and another on my left arm.

Sobbing and nodding, I slowly unbuttoned my shorts and let them fall. A quick, embarrassed step and I was out of them.

I tried to pull down my underwear, but I just couldn’t make myself do it. I felt too embarrassed, too violated. Taking them off and exposing myself to Andy would be one step too far.

Andy saw my hesitation. He gave me a frosty glare.

“I’ve given you every opportunity. But you just won’t listen. This was your last chance to have things happen on your terms, your last chance to walk away from this. But you’ve been stuck up the whole time, so I’m going to make you mine forever. Tentacruel, strip her and force her to the ground.”

I was lifted up for an awful gut-wrenching second. I felt the tentacles slither around my panties and then pull them down, exposing me to Andy. Then I was slammed down into the ground, so hard that I lost my breath and anadolu yakası sevişen escort all sense of where I was.

When I recovered, Andy was standing over me. He was naked and his cock was hard.

“I’m going to fuck you eventually. But Tentacruel deserves some reward first. Play around with both of her holes and get her ready for me, won’t you sport?”

He patted one of the tentacles affectionately.

There was a second of stillness, before the tentacles were all around me.

I tried to scream, but a tentacle still blocked my mouth. And all my struggles were pointless, covered as I was in layers of them. Tentacruel loomed over me and I felt lost in the sea of tentacles and his large red jewel. I heard a humming just outside of my hearing that set my teeth on edge.

After a few seconds, the tentacle’s activity mostly stopped, with all but three falling quiescent. One tentacle covered in suckers was slowly grabbing my unhurt nipple, pulling it to extend it, then letting it free. The nipple was rapidly hardening and the sensation felt shockingly good.

Another was slowly working its way inside of my ass. It had shrunk down to a size that didn’t make it hurt, but that didn’t stop it from giving me a sensation of fullness that I fought against but couldn’t prevent.

A third was stroking the lips of my vag.

After the second tentacle firmly lodged itself in my ass (was it expanding?), the tentacle playing with my lips became more active. It parted my folds and pushed inside of me a bit, before withdrawing. Then it found my clit and stroked it for a few seconds, drawing an involuntary gasp and a whimper.

I wanted to be terrified, but there was something comforting about all of the tentacles around me. I was held fast, but with the fullness in my ass and the pleasure on my clit (and it was real pleasure now, as the tentacles found my rhythm and I ground involuntarily against them). I tried to fight against it, but I couldn’t see the point anymore. I was just so confused and the tentacles inside of me felt so nice, filling me up and making me feel better than any boy could. I could feel an orgasm coming. A few minutes of this and I’d be gushing onto the dirt. I didn’t even care about the embarrassment.

The tentacle stroking my clit withdrew. I whimpered in complaint. I had gone from struggling to compliant and I didn’t know why, I only knew that there was a confusing, soothing hum in the air and that I wanted the tentacle to be touching me.

Tentatively the tentacle returned, but this time it was pushing its way inside of me. It pushed just an inch in at first, testing the waters and finding me soaked and inviting. It withdrew all the way out, before slowly pushing itself back in, a bit deeper.

My hips arced to meet it and I couldn’t stop them.

The tentacle pushed deeper with each stroke, until it was filling me up all the way. Then it began to expand. It was pushing against my walls, giving me every last possible shred of pleasure and I loved it. I pushed into it, I moaned freely and discovered that my mouth was free. I didn’t want to call out anymore. I didn’t want this to ever stop.

There was a delightful feeling of fullness, whenever the tentacle was buried in me. Both of my holes were stuffed and the tentacles held me tight. I couldn’t ever remember feeling this comfortable.

Even seeing Andy looming over me couldn’t ruin my feeling of contentedness. He was stroking his cock and I couldn’t help but idly wondering how it would feel inside me as well.

He crouched over me and forced it into my mouth and I didn’t complain or fight. I accepted it into my mouth and stroked it with my tongue.

I could hear him speaking, but his words meant nothing to me.

“You used supersonic anadolu yakası escort or her, didn’t you? Well done Tentacruel! I thought we’d have to torture her and break her the old fashioned way, but this will be much more fun.”

The words were so confusing better just to focus on the feeling of the tentacles, deep inside of me, or the tentacle that was now gently stroking me clit, or the interesting feeling of the cock in my mouth. There were so many fascinating things to feel and I was lost in the feeling of them.

Andy moved quicker and quicker, his cock going into my throat. I gagged a few times, but I was only dimly aware of the fact. I tried to keep up with him, tried to lick him and keep my mouth available. It felt nice to be used. It felt nice to have another hole filled.

Andy said more words, but I couldn’t understand them. They didn’t even register.

Suddenly he was withdrawing from my mouth and the tentacles were withdrawing. They must have been bad words, words that heralded the end of my pleasure.

Before I could complain or cry, Andy lying on top of me and I felt his cock slip inside of me. It wasn’t as filling as the tentacle had been, but it was harder and curved and it pushed up against my insides in a way that felt interesting and new. His lips found mine and I kissed him greedily, opening my mouth to his probing tongue.

The tentacles had released my arms and I wrapped them around Andy, pulling him close to me so that he couldn’t get away or stop. I pushed up into each of his strokes and I felt the tentacle in my ass supporting me, helping me to push up into him.

There was a pressure building inside of me that didn’t come from the tentacles. I couldn’t really remember the word for it, couldn’t remember what it meant. All I knew is that I wanted to feel it and feel it soon. I had to tell Andy so he could make it happen. The word has just on the edge of my consciousness. What was it, what was it?


“C-c-c-ome?” I managed to stammer out.

“She’s begging us to come Tentacruel. How about you help her out with one of your tentacles?”

I felt a tentacle slide between my body and Andy’s, but it didn’t separate us. Instead it latched onto my clit and began frantically flicking it. I redoubled my efforts to fuck Andy, pushing myself up into him as frantically as I could.

The pressure inside of me was building, growing to the point where I couldn’t think about anything but it. I was moaning now, moaning desperately. I could dimly hear Andy moaning too, and swearing on top of it. His words hardly registered on top of my mountain of bliss.

“Fuck she’s horny, fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m coming, I’m coming!”

I couldn’t even try to parse it because fireworks were exploding behind my eyes, no, wait, everything was exploding, all I could feel was pleasure, radiating from the tentacles and from the cock buried inside of me and twitching to a rhythm I couldn’t understand.

I couldn’t breathe; I couldn’t do anything but moan, one long continuous moan as the pleasure overtook me. I ground frantically into the cock, into the tentacles, I pulled Andy as close to me as I could. I need to hold on to him, there was too much pleasure it was too intense and I was drowning.

For an endless moment, a tiny eternity, I was completely helpless.

Slowly, the pleasure receded.

Slowly, I came back to my senses.

Andy was sitting up next to me. My hands and legs were still pinned down by Tentacruel. The fear tried to reassert itself in the pit of my stomach, but the calming buzz started again and confusion replaced the fear.

Andy smiled at me.

“You did well pet. I think I’m going to extend our deal quite considerably. I’m going to train you to be the perfect toy. And I think you’re going to like it, won’t you?”

Words were difficult, but I managed to stammer out: “will you always make me feel like this?”

“If you’re good.”

The decision was easy to make despite the fog clouding my brain.

“I want you to teach me how to be good then.”

Andy smiled at me. The tentacles began to tease my skin again. And slowly, Andy began to explain my new life to me.

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The Sales Trip II

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The Sales Trip II

It had been three lonely months since my business trip to Singapore. Mary and I chatted every day on the internet and we always talked about the time we spent in her bed, her daughter’s bed and the shower. Just thinking about the fantastic sex I had with Mary was enough to get me rock hard every time. When I thought about being with her and her 16 year old daughter Cindy I always lost control and shot my load.
After my big success in Singapore my boss, Mr. Burrows had given me a promotion and a new office. I was given another contract to negotiate in South America. I had worked on it and some other accounts for months and now I had to go close this deal. I told Mary that I would be away on business for a week and I would miss our chats. It was Wednesday and I had almost a week before I had to leave Monday morning. When Thursday came I was anxious and already to go to South America but when I got to my office that morning I found a note on my desk.

The note said: Emergency in Singapore.
Come to my office.

Jack Burrows

As soon as I saw the note I turned around and went to see Mr. Burrows. As soon as his secretary saw me she spoke into the intercom. “Sir, Tom is here”.
“Send him in” I herd Mr. Burrows reply.
The secretary didn’t say a word as she motioned toward the office door. When I got inside I could see that Mr. Burrows was just hanging up the phone.
“Tom we have some big problems in Singapore and I need you there by Monday” he said.
“Monday sir? I am leaving for South America on Monday to close the Bradford account” I replied.
“Not anymore, the Singapore contract has already been signed and the Bradford account can wait for another week. It may keep you busy doing two business trips back to back but you know about both deals and nobody can get up to speed in time”.
“Ok sir, when do I leave for Singapore” I asked?
“When you leave my office go to the finance office and pick up an airline ticket, a company credit card and some cash for the trip. When you are done there stop and get what ever paperwork you will need, then take the rest of the day off and be ready to fly out tomorrow morning” he instructed.
“Yes sir, I’ll call from Singapore when everything is taken care of”
“Great Tom. Have a good trip, and try to enjoy yourself a little this time. You looked all worn out when you came back last time” he said.
“Yes sir. Ill try to enjoy myself a little this time” I said. I was laughing inside as I thought about why I was so worn out last time. Oh yea, I will try to enjoy my self allot more.
I left Mr. Burrow’s office and went down to the finance office where I spent about 40 minutes doing all the paperwork and signed for the credit card, cash and airline ticket. I am glad that they already had everything ready for me. I don’t know how long it would have taken. After a short stop in my office to pick up the Singapore files I was on my way home. I took the rest of the day to review the files and rest up for the trip. That evening when I saw Mary on line I told her I had a surprise for her.
“What is it” she asked?
“I got the word today that I will be going back to Singapore, and I will be leaving in the morning” I told her.
“I can’t wait to see you again, and I think Cindy will be happy to see you too” she replied.
“What time will you arrive here’ she asked. I told her when I would arrive and all the information on my trip.
“Oh no” she said. “I can’t be there to pick you up. Maybe I can have a friend pick you up” she said. I told her not to worry about it. “I am a big boy and can find my way to the hotel” I told her.
We continued to chat for another hour before I signed off and went to bed. The thought of being with Mary and her 16 year old daughter Cindy again kept me awake all night. I felt like shit the next morning when the car pulled up in front of my door to take me to the airport. I think I slept most of the way to Singapore.
When I landed in Singapore I still felt like shit. I had gotten some sleep on the plane but with the jet lag and the time change my mind and body were all screwed up. After waiting for twenty minutes I finely got my last bag and headed for customs. The line was long this time so it seemed like it took forever to get through customs. When I had cleared customs I walked through the sliding doors and left the security area. I was tired and didn’t expect anyone to be there waiting for me and I didn’t see Mary. I started walking through the crowd and was surprised when I felt a tape on my shoulder. I looked up into the eyes of a beautiful young woman. I just froze there and stared into her beautiful soft brown eyes until she held up a home made sign with my name on it.
“Yes that’s me” I said. She replied but I couldn’t understand what she was saying. She put the sign down and handed me a piece of paper. I took it from her, opened it and read what was written on it.

Hi Tom
This is my best friend Alice. She doesn’t speak or understand English but she knows where to take you and she will
help you get checked in to your hotel. I will be there to see you as soon as I can get done work.
See you soon

Again I looked at this beautiful young woman’s face. She had soft brown eyes, long silky black hair and a smile that made the entire world brighter. I nodded that I understood the note that she had handed me. Her smile got even brighter as she turned and started leading me to the main entrance. I gladly followed her. My eyes and my mind were fixated on her incredible body as she walked. Her long hair hung down over her shoulders to the middle of her back and the tight jeans that she wore showed the shape of her perfect little ass. I watched her long hair swing back and forth and her incredible ass wiggle with every step that she took. With every step I took my cock got harder and harder. I didn’t realize it at the time but I must have looked like some kind of pervert following this beautiful younger woman with a raging hard on that made my pants stick out like a tent. She led me through the parking lot to a small red car. In minutes we were rolling down the highway. I still couldn’t take my eyes off her and she knew it.
It wasn’t long before we pulled up in front of the hotel. A short slender man in a uniform walked out of the hotel pushing a luggage cart. Alice met him and I at the back of the car. He said something and Alice replied but again I couldn’t understand what they were saying. The man turned to me “Good day sir. We are very happy to have you staying with us. I will take your bags for you and when you are checked in I will take them to your room sir” the man said.
“Thank you sir” I replied. The man smiled again and quickly pulled my bags from the trunk, loaded them onto the cart and followed us into the hotel. After checking in at the desk the bell boy led us to my room on the third floor. Once in the room I tipped the man and Alice made a call on her cell phone. She talked for a moment and then to my surprise she handed the phone to me.
“Mary” Alice said to me with a smile.
“Hi sweetie” Mary said. “I am almost done work. I called Cindy and told her that I would be getting home late tonight. She said that she would go over to her friend’s house for a while after dinner so she will be alright. Alice told me what room you are in. I will be there in an hour, until then Alice will take care of you”. I was curious about what she meant by Alice would take care of me because she said it with a giggle.
“Ok Mary, I will see you in an hour” I said then handed the phone back to Alice. Alice listened for a few seconds then said something before she hung up.
It had been a long trip and I was dirty and sweaty so I told Alice that I was going to take a shower. She looked at me with an expression of non understanding so I pointed to the bathroom and made some showering motions. She smiled and gave me an understanding nod, then a strange little smile. After going through my suite case I pulled out a change of clothes and other things I would need to shower and clean up. Alice just sat on the chair and watched me move around until I went into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. After adjusting the water temperature I stripped down and stepped into the shower. The hot water felt so good and soothing after the long trip cooped up in the aircraft. I was riding in business class but sitting for so many hours is enough to cramp any muscles. I had finished shaving while I was in the shower and the hot water running over my tense muscles was having a good affect. Most of my body had relaxed. The only part of my body that wasn’t relaxed was my cock, it was very hard. The sight of Alice’s ass wiggling as she walked through the airport kept running through my mind and the thought of how beautiful she was kept my cock hard and throbbing. When I wasn’t using it I hung the washcloth on my cock like it was a clothes hook. The more I thought about Alice the harder it got to control myself. I wished that Mary would get there soon because she would be happy to help me with my problem. I had reached my limit and I knew that I had to do something or I would explode. I threw the washcloth in the corner of the shower and grabbed my throbbing shaft. Before I could get down to business I herd the door to the bathroom open. I froze with the fear that Alice was right there and would catch me jerking off in the shower. The shower door opened and Alice was standing there with nothing on but her red satin panties and a red lace bra. All I could do was stare at her incredible body and breathe hard. Between her and Mary they had to be the most beautiful women I had ever seen.
A sly smile spread across Alice’s face when she looked down and saw my fingers wrapped around my engorged member.
“Wa, wa, what” I stuttered. I couldn’t even talk right.
She said something but again I didn’t understand what she was saying. Seductively she thrust her chest out, reached behind her back and unfastened her bra. Before I could say anything her bra straps slid off her shoulders and the bra fell to the floor. I swallowed the giant lump that had caught in my throat and another one took its place when she bent over and slid her panties down. I watched her spread her thighs slightly to allow the crotch of her panties to pass between them. Slowly she slid the panties down her smooth shapely legs to her ankles. When she stood back up I got the full view of her beauty. Her breasts were small, firm and had perfect little brown nipples that would make your mouth water. They looked like they belonged to a teenager. My eyes continued down her hard smooth curves and over her tight fit belly to the silky tuff of black hair that covered the top of a sweet looking pussy.
“Ooooh, ma goooooodddddd” I muttered. I was completely caught up in her beauty. I just couldn’t get enough of her and was frozen there until she stepped forward and into the shower with me. She closed the shower door behind her and turned to face me. Her soft brown eyes were all I could see. My concentration was broken when Alice gently pulled my hand off my cock. She looked down at my pulsating shaft and smiled that beautiful smile again. Without a word she sank to her knees, gently wrapped her fingers around my shaft and leaned forward. Ever so softly she touched the tip of her tongue to the head of my cock. I felt a rush shoot through my body like nothing had before. Slowly her tongue began to move around in small circles and then larger circles. The soft touch of her tongue circling the head of my cock was almost too much. I could feel the pressure in my balls begin to build and I thought I would shoot my load in her face. Her tongue began to lick up and down my shaft barely touching my soft sensitive skin, it felt fantastic. Alice could feel the pressure in me start to rise but she wasn’t ready. Her grip on my cock quickly tightened to stop my load from getting away from her. She held her grip tight on my shaft while she ran her tongue up the length of my manhood to the head. Again she started doing circles around the head of my cock until she was ready. All of a sudden the head of my cock disappeared between her lips and the cheeks of her face collapsed.
“MMMMMMMMMm” I herd her moan. Her lips pushed farther down my shaft and I could feel her tongue licking the bottom of my cock all the way. Her head started to move up and down, slowly at first and then faster and faster. The hot water from the shower ran down our bodies as her head kept moving up and down my shaft. The pressure in my balls had been stopped by the grip Alice had on my cock but now I didn’t think I could take much more.
“UUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGG” I groaned. I was almost ready to scream when Alice drove her mouth down on my cock. It went deep into her mouth as she let her grip go. In a micro second the pressure in my anadolu yakası sevgili tadında escort balls found release and a massive load of cum shot uncontrollably up my shaft and into her waiting mouth. I couldn’t help myself and I began to pump my cock in and out of her mouth as load after load of hot thick cum pumped up my shaft and emptied into her mouth. I could still feel her tongue working its magic on the bottom of my cock as she swallowed as fast as she could. Lightly she gripped my cock to guide it as her head began to move to meet my thrusts. My body was out of control and began to quiver. My head was thrown back, I was groaning and my knees were getting weak but Alice kept sucking until she had swallowed the last drop. When my balls were empty and Alice knew I was done she pulled her head back and kept her lips tightly around my shaft until the head slipped out of her mouth. A thin string of cum stretched between the head of my cock and her lips. She licked her lips, swallowed once more then began to lick the tip of my cock to get the last little bit of cum that was still oozing from the head. My mind was lost in a fog of pure pleasure when she stood back up and put her arms around me.
We were locked in a warm loving embrace with the hot water running all over and down our naked bodies when my mind began to clear. My hands began to run up and down her back. Soon I found my hands cupping her hard ass cheeks. I couldn’t believe how firm and tight her ass was. My mind had finely cleared and I couldn’t wait to explore her naked body with my lips and tongue. I kissed her neck, then her upper chest, then her firm breasts and hard brown nipples. Slowly my knees bent and my tongue licked between her breasts and then started down over her hard belly. Before I got vary far she grabbed my head and gently pulled me back up to my feet. I looked at her face and she shook her head to say no. She turned around, shut the water off then led me out of the shower. We spent the next few minutes drying each other off.
When we were done drying off Alice took me by the hand and led me into the other room and stood at the side of the bed. She put her arms around me and gave me a very passionate kiss before she sat down on the edge of the bed. Her eyes moved from my hardening cock to my face and then back to my cock. A big smile crossed her face then she reached up to invite me back into her arms and onto the bed. Now it was my turn to say no. I gave her a wicked grin and shook my head no. She looked disappointed until I dropped to my knees in front of her. I bent over and kissed her right knee, then her left knee and then back to her right leg. Each time I kissed her leg I would move a little farther up and spread her legs farther apart. My lips moved up over her thighs while my hands caressed her inner thighs until I reached the soft brown fold and mound of black hair that adorned her perfect body. I took a deep breath and slowly blew my hot breath on her bare pussy, a shudder shoot through her belly. Gently my fingers parted her delicate lips and another long blast of my hot breath enveloped her pussy. Tenderly I planted a kiss between her lips, then another on her clit and even another. Her body was responding with one small quake after another and her juices were beginning to flow. I could feel her dampness on my lips and I was ready for my tongue to take over. Her pussy juice was sweet and soon it covered my entire face. My tongue danced on her hard clit for a moment before I started to explore the rest of her wet crack. My tongue circled around and teased the entrance to her womanhood before I returned my attention to her hard clit. My fingers spread her pussy lips wide apart and I opened my mouth wide to cover as much of her sweet pussy as I could. I sucked on her cunt and my tongue licked and tickled the sensitive tissue between her legs. A sudden surge of sexual pleasure rocked her body with a strong spasm. The sweet juice from her womanhood began to flow freely into my open mouth. My mouth and tongue worked in unison to devour all the female cum that I could get. Alice was not having an orgasm yet but she was on the edge. When my tongue plunged into her hot gushing hole and worked around inside of her. It was more than she could take.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH” she screamed time after time. Massive amounts of pussy juice flooded into my mouth and I eagerly slurped up as much as I could. Her legs were now wrapped around my head, her head was rocking back and forth and she was squeezing my head with both hands. It was almost painful but I wasn’t complaining as I continued to lick, suck and swallow all the pussy juice that I could in my mouth. She shook, groaned, moaned and gushed for several minutes before her grip on my head relaxed and I pulled away. Her juices covered me entire face from my forehead to my chin and some was running down my neck. I couldn’t believe how much cum she left on me and in me. Even after I stopped licking her cunt she continued to convulse in orgasm.
Her body stopped convulsing and her orgasms began to subside. I stood up, hooked my arms under her knees and lifted. Her legs and hips rolled up into position for fucking. She had recovered enough to know what I was doing and she spread her legs wide and pulled her knees to her chest to expose her womanhood and ass hole to me. I looked down and saw that her pussy was still dripping. A puddle was forming on the carpet under her hot wet ass. Alice hadn’t completely recovered from her mind blowing orgasm but her body was ready for the next step. I stepped up and rubbed my cock against her little crack. After rubbing and pushing my cock gently worked in between her soft brown folds and came to a stop at the entrance to her tight little hole. Alice let out a loud gasp as the head of my cock stretched her hole and forced its way inside of her.
“UUUUUUHHHHHHHH” she grunted when I pushed deep inside of her. Her pussy was tight and my cock filled and stretched her tight love tunnel. I could feel her pussy tighten and loosen in spasms as it adjusted to the size of my cock. I pushed my cock all the way in to my balls and just left it there to enjoy her tightness. Her pulse pounded against my cock and I enjoyed every beat. Slowly I pulled back until only the head was still inside of her, then I pushed all the way back inside until my balls slapped against her ass. She was still very wet and I picked up a steady rhythm as my cock slid in and out of her. Alice wrapped her legs around me and pulled me in every time I pushed into of her. I could hear her grunt with each stroke and when I pushed hard she would let out a soft moan. I would force myself deep inside of her, her clit got a hard pounding when our bodies slammed into each other. We were both enjoying the pounding and grinding that we were giving each other so much that we didn’t hear the door open behind me. Our fucking had gotten more intense, our minds were completely lost in a heavy fog of pleasure as our bodies slammed into each other.
Alice was still coming down from her orgasm when I started fucking her and now she was building to another. I could feel my cock start to twitch and the pressure in my balls start to build.

“UH, UH, UH, UH” Alice continued with each stroke. Each time her grunts got deeper and louder, she was getting ready for another blow out orgasm.
“UUUUUUUUHHHHHGGGGGGGGG” I groaned as I fought to hold back the load of cum that was building. I was starring down at Alice’s beautiful face, her eyes were tightly shut and she was biting her lip. All of a sudden her eyes and mouth popped open and she let out a low scream. I could feel her pussy tighten and the feeling of warm liquid wash over my cock and down my balls.
I couldn’t take any more and the pressure in my balls rushed up my shaft. I pushed hard and deep as I threw my head up and released my load into Alice’s womb. At first I didn’t notice Mary standing there but when my eyes opened and my mind began to clear I saw my beautiful sexy Mary standing there holding a video camera. She was moving around to get our action from different angles and she must have gotten some great video because she was holding the camera with one hand and the other hand was inside the front of her skirt.
The sight of someone standing there with a camera and the fact that we didn’t notice her was very sobering. Alice looked up at Mary and then at me, she winked at me and then nodded. I pulled my cock out of Alice’s pussy and stood up. A mixture of Alice’s pussy juice and my cum was running down my shaft, over my balls and down my leg. Alice cupped her hand over her cunt, stood up and said something to Mary while she ran into the bathroom. Our juices were combined and running through her fingers, some ran down her legs but most of it just dripped off her fingers and onto the carpet. I looked at Mary and watched her follow Alice with the camera. The sight of Alice’s naked body, wiggling ass and the trail she left on the floor was really something to see. My cock was still a little hard and I felt uneasy when I saw Mary turn the camera on me and hit the zoom button.
Mary followed me into the bathroom and watched and videoed as Alice and I took another shower. When we were done cleaning up I was tired and weak.
“Is it my turn now” Mary asked?
“Let’s go get some dinner first and then we can come back to the hotel for the night. What about Cindy” I asked?
“Don’t worry about Cindy. I didn’t tell her that you were here, you can surprise her later. Tonight you are mine” Mary said.
Alice and Mary talked for a moment them Mary turned to me.
“Alice said that was great and wanted to know when you and her can get together again” Mary asked?
“It’s been a long trip and the sex was fantastic but I am tired. After dinner the three of us can come back here and spend the night together. I don’t promise anything but I think you two can get a rise out of me. Besides we have an entire week for fun and games” I replied.
Mary, Alice and I all got into Alice’s car. Alice got into the drivers seat and Mary guided me to the back seat. We were barely away from the curb when I felt Mary’s hand fumbling with my zipper. By the time we got to the corner she had her hand inside my pants and her fingers around my soft meat. Mary pulled my cock out and played with it all the way to the restaurant. Several times she bent over kissed my cock, took it into her hot mouth and played with it with her tongue. My cock was still soft but that didn’t stop Mary. She took my entire soft cock into her mouth and sucked it. My cock was curled up in her mouth like a snake. With her licking and sucking it didn’t take long before it was hard again and Mary enjoyed every inch. I even felt my cock slip past the back of her mouth and into her throat several times. When we got to the restaurant Mary was on one side and Alice on the other when we walked in. I was a very lucky man to have two such beautiful women with me and everyone knew it. I could tell how envious the other men were by the way they looked at us when we walked in the door. Alice talked to the waitress and she led us to a quiet little corner booth. The waitress gave me a sexy grin when she brought our meals. She must have thought that I was something special to have two such beautiful women with me.
During dinner Mary and I planned how we would surprise Cindy Monday afternoon. I knew that I would have business meetings all morning but I would make an excuse and take the afternoon off. Marry, Alice and I would meet for lunch, then Mary would take me to her apartment and let me in to wait for Cindy. When dinner was over we had all the details worked out and we got back into Alice’s car for the trip back to the hotel.
When we got back to my hotel room I opened the door, Mary was the first one in the room followed by Alice. The door wasn’t even closed when I saw Mary’s skirt drop to the floor around her ankles. I was surprised to see that Alice had been the one who unfastened Mary’s skirt and let it drop. Alice was standing behind Mary and pulling Mary’s blouse up. Mary cooperated with Alice and raised her arms over her head so Alice could easily pull the blouse up over her head. Alice picked up the skirt and placed the blue skirt and matching blouse on a near by chair. I knew that Mary was horny and ready for a hard cock, a good fucking and anything else I wanted to do to her. I could see a wet spot growing in the crotch of her purple lace panties. Mary wasn’t wearing a bra and her nipples were hard, dark brown and standing out like bullets. I think I herd someone pass by in the hall behind me and they must have gotten a great show of Mary’s sexy little body. Mary wasn’t as tall as Alice and she was a little older but her body was as young and hard looking as a woman half her age. I was a very lucky man to have two such hot, sexy and beautiful women with me in my room. I had sucked, licked and fucked one and now the other was waiting for her turn.
I was struck in awe and still holding the door wide open when Mary walked up anadolu yakası oral yapan escort to me and pushed the door out of my hand and closed. She smiled as she gently pushed me back against the wall. Without a word she dropped to her knees, pushed my feet apart and unzipped my pants. Once my zipper was down Mary reached inside my pants and around my underwear to grab my cock. It was only half hard when she pulled my cock out and wrapped her lips around it. I could feel her suck hard and the head of my cock hit the back of her mouth. Her head came up and back down 3 or 4 times before I felt my cock go farther into her mouth and start down her throat. Mary choked when my cock sprang to full hardness in her throat and she pulled back quickly.
“MMMMMM” she moaned and her lips smacked when the head of my cock slipped out of her mouth. Alice was near by capturing all the action with the video camera. I was leaning against the wall beside the door and my head was laid back against the wall. I was enjoying every lick and suck that Mary was giving me. All of a sudden we herd a knock at the door. We were startled and Mary jumped to her feet. There I was with my cock sticking out of my pants and standing straight up with Mary’s saliva running down my shaft. Mary turned to face the door, then said something I didn’t understand. Then a male voice came from the other side of the door.
Mary looked at me with a relieved look. “Its just the champagne that I ordered” she said with a giggle. She quickly turned and said something to Alice, then pulled me around the corner into the bathroom. Mary only had her panties on and my cock was still sticking out when Alice walked by. I herd the door open and a short conversation between the man in the hall and Alice. Then I saw a small cart with a bucket of ice, a bottle of champagne and some tall wine glasses roll by just before I herd the door close. Mary peaked around the corner then motioned for me to follow her. We went back into the room where Alice had taken the cart and champagne. Mary handed me the bottle while Alice set out a glass for each of us. I opened the champagne and poured some into each glass. We all lifted our glasses and Alice said something. Mary translated and told me that Alice had toasted to our health and a night of fun. We each emptied our glasses and placed them back on the table.
“I have an idea for you Tom” Mary said. She said something to Alice and Alice placed the camera on a nearby table. They led me over near the bed and together they stripped me completely naked. All my clothes were lying on the floor and my cock was hard, I couldn’t stop watching Mary walking around in nothing but her sexy little panties. Mary and Alice stepped back, Alice began to take her clothes off and Mary slipped out of her panties and held them up to my face. The sweet scent of her womanhood filled my nostrils. The large wet spot in the crotch of her panties was only a two or three inches from my nose. When she dropped the panties I saw that Alice had moved up beside Mary. They were both completely naked and I couldn’t get over their beauty.
Mary was about ten years older than Alice and she was a little shorter but she looked excellent. Mary was in great shape with her hard brown nipples standing out from the end of her small firm turned up breasts. Her slender little hips and shapely body made Mary and Alice look almost like sisters. I had been with Mary before and I knew that she had a beautiful body, a sweet face and smile and an even more beautiful personality. Her hair was short and framed in her face and beautiful brown eyes perfectly.
Mary and Alice pushed me down onto the bed and then onto my back. Alice picked up the camera and walked around naked taking video of Mary and I. Mary kneeled in front of me, spread my knees and moved in closer. I was ready for Mary to go down on my shaft but I was surprised when she turned around picked up her wine glass and took a mouth full of champagne. She quickly turned back around and carefully pushed my cock between her tightly closed lips and in to her champagne filled mouth. I had never felt anything like it before, the champagne was still cold in her mouth and the bubbles tickled the head of my cock. She kept her lips closed tightly around my shaft while she moved her head up and down. The champagne quickly warmed and lost its bubbles in her hot mouth. She swallowed deeply, pulled back and took another drink of champagne. With her lips tightly closed she gave me a wink and her mouth went back to work on my cock. It was an incredible feeling that I wanted to share with Mary so when she swallowed again I sat up put my arms around her and pulled her onto the bed with me.
“He, He, He, He” she giggled when I got off the bed and spread her legs.
“Your turn now sexy” I said then I took a drink of champagne and plowed my mouth between her soft wet pussy lips. When my lips were pressed against her tender pussy I carefully opened my mouth wide to let the champagne mix with her sweet juice and envelope most private parts. The champagne washed over her hard clit and the bubbles attacked it without mercy. While the bubbles attacked her clit my tongue licked up and down her pussy. The champagne took on an entirely new flavor as it mixed with the juices in her pussy. I closed my mouth and swallowed the sweet mixture in my mouth. I started to sit up but Mary grabbed my head and pulled it hard into her cunt once more. When she released my head I sat up and took another mouth full of champagne. This time I spread her legs wider and rolled her hips up to allow better access to her hot pussy. Again I pushed my mouth in between her pussy lips but this time I moved down to her tunnel of love. I pushed my tongue into her tight opening and explored the threshold while the cold and bubbles from the champagne washed over the surrounding flesh. Instantly a spasm shot through her body like a bolt of lightening. Mary wrapped her legs around my head and her hands pulled my face harder into her cunt. My tongue continued to lick and the champagne swirled around it and washed over the tender flesh of her womanhood. Mary was holding my head tight against her cunt and I could feel her hips bouncing up and down on the bed as she tried to push her pussy harder against my face. I was having a hard time breathing but Mary had a firm grip on my head and wouldn’t let go. All of a sudden her bouncing stopped and her body got ridged. I could feel a flood of warm pussy juice enter my mouth and mix with the champagne. Mary’s orgasm had been so strong that her juices overpowered the taste of the champagne. I swallowed the mixture and it was quickly replace by the juices from another orgasm. I continued to lick, suck and swallow until Mary released my head. We were both out of breath but we weren’t done yet.
I looked around and saw Alice was licking her lips and rubbing her pussy. The camera was on a shelf and in position to take in all the action. Mary’s legs were hanging limply over the side of the bed and her feet were on the floor. Pussy juice was still oozing from her crack when I rolled her over and picked her hips up. I pushed her knees into the bed so her legs wouldn’t bend and I pushed her feet wide apart. Alice knew what I was going to do and reached down grabbed my shaft and aimed it at Mary’s wet hole. I leaned forward and pushed my stiff shaft against Mary’s slippery hole, I pushed all the way in and I herd Mary let out a loud gasp. Alice leaned over and gave me a passionate kiss then she reached between my legs and cupped my balls. She carefully massaged my balls while my cock rammed into Mary’s tight cunt. Sometimes I couldn’t feel Alice’s hand but I knew it was still down there. I think she was rubbing Mary’s pussy and working her clit while I was fucking her. Between the attention that Mary was getting from Alice and I it didn’t take long before Mary was moaning and groaning loudly. Even with her face buried in the pillow Mary’s moaning was loud. I was enjoying Mary’s tight twat gripping my cock and I could feel the pressure in my balls start to build. After all the fucking and sucking from Alice before I didn’t know where the pressure was coming from but it was building fast. Mary was building fast to another orgasm and I could feel her pussy tighten around my shaft. Then she did something that I didn’t expect, she reached back a spread her ass cheeks. My cock was covered with her slippery cum and her dark brown asshole looked so inviting. I pounded Mary’s cunt a few more times, then on a back stroke I pulled all the way out and pushed hard against her asshole. Her asshole was allot tighter than her cunt but after pushing my way through the entrance my shaft easily slid up her ass.
“EEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOWWWWWW” she screamed into the pillow as the muscles in her asshole yielded and then clinched tightly around my shaft after it forced its way in. She grabbed the pillow and forced her head deeper into it and screamed again. I herd her moans, groans and soft whimpering turn into a pant and then an orgasm blowing scream. I couldn’t take any more and I pushed hard, my balls slapped against Mary’s pussy. Alice’s finger had replaced my cock inside of Mary’s pussy and it was buried deep inside her. The rest of Alice’s fingers were holding my balls against Mary’s cunt.
“AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGGG, Oh, Oh, Oh” I groaned and panted with every stroke. My cum shot out and deep into Mary’s bowels at the same time Mary was pumping her pussy juice all over Alice’s hand. When we were done I pulled out of Mary’s ass and just collapsed on the floor behind her. Mary’s feet slid back and her knees buckled, her body slipped to the floor beside me. She sat down but jumped back up because her asshole was sore from being freshly invaded.
The three of us drank the rest of the champagne and then we raided the mini bar. We got cleaned up again and got back into bed. Between the jet lag, the booze and all the sex I was completely wiped out and don’t remember the rest of the night. All I know is that I woke up the next morning with Alice on one side of me and Mary on the other side. We were all completely naked, covered in cum and pussy juice and we were on the floor. My entire body was sore, even my asshole was sore which makes me wonder what they did to me after I passed out. I really can’t remember and I am not sure that I want to.
I carefully got up and tried not to wake Mary and Alice. They groaned and rolled over but didn’t wake up. Quietly I went into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. There were towels all over the bathroom but I couldn’t find any that were clean. I went back to the bedroom and quietly called for some extra towels. The man that answered the phone sounded surprised when I asked for more towels. Apparently I had called two times during the night for more towels. Jokingly I said that I was a very clean person. He laughed and asked if I needed enough towels for the two ladies in the room with me.
“Are they still sleeping naked on the floor sir’ he asked? “If they are I will try to be quiet” he said.
“Yes they will need towels and yes they are still sleeping” I replied.
“Alright sir, I will be right there” he said.
About three minutes later I herd a soft knock at the door. I told the man thank you as he handed me the towels. Then he winked and said “If you don’t mind me saying sir, I think the shorter lady has a nicer ass, but they are both very hot”.
“Thanks, I agree, they are both hot” I replied quietly as I closed the door. I went back to the bathroom and I had to smile when I passed those two naked women on the floor. I went in and took another shower, shaved and brushed my teeth. I was still naked when I came out of the bathroom. Alice and Mary were still completely naked and just waking up. They got up and went into the bathroom together. This time I held the camera and watched as they stepped into the shower. Mary and Alice washed each others body. It was exciting to watch them rub their hands all over each others body. My cock was limp and sore and I was exhausted but I was still feeling the excitement. When they were done cleaning up and were dressed we went out for breakfast. It was Sunday morning so we took our time, relaxed and had a big breakfast. We all needed some extra energy. When we got back to the hotel we stopped in the lobby for a moment, Alice said something to Mary then turned to me and gave me a big kiss. Then she gave me a little wave, a wink and a smile before she turned around and went out the door. Again my eyes were fixated on her ass and that wiggle. I almost didn’t hear Mary translate Alice’s good bye and I can’t wait to see you again message.
Mary and I went back to my room. The maids were still cleaning when we got there. One of the maids spoke to Mary, Mary blushed, then she said that we should come back in a half hour. The Maid couldn’t believe the mess we had made and it would take some time to clean all the spots out of the carpet. I smiled and we went back down to the lobby.
“You look exhausted” Mary told me.
“Ya. With the anadolu yakası escort jet lag and all the, Ah, Ah, action last night I am wiped out” I explained.
“Ok Tom. When you get back into the room I will leave and let you get some rest. You need it” she said.
“Ok Mary. Thanks”
We talked for another half hour and made plans to get together for lunch the next day with Alice. When we went back to the room the Maids had finished cleaning so we went in. Mary walked to the desk by the window.
“oops, I forgot something” she said.
I looked on the desk and there was Mary’s panties neatly folded with a big cum stain on them. Mary picked them up, folded them in half and placed them in her purse.
“I will take care of them at home. Now I will let you get some rest” Mary said. Then she gave me a long kiss and left.
I spent the rest of the day going over the files, paper work and notes from my last business trip here. I rested and nursed my hangover while I got ready for my meetings.
The next morning I was feeling much better. I still hadn’t adjusted to the time difference but I felt good. I went to the business meeting and explained that I was still tired from jet lag and I would not be back after lunch. They said they understood and we could continue the next morning. We all sat down for the meeting and at 12:30 we broke for lunch. I left to meet Mary and Alice at the same restaurant by the river that we went to the first time. When I got there Mary and Alice were already waiting for me.
“Hi Tom. Have a seat” Mary said as soon as she saw me. “You look tired” Mary said.
“I am fine, it’s just the time difference” I replied with a smile.
Mary looked at me. “Are you ready for Cindy” she asked? “I hope you have some energy left to give her a good fucking” Mary giggled. Cindy is Mary’s sixteen year old daughter. I couldn’t believe that Mary was talking like that about her own daughter.
“I still feel a little uncomfortable having sex with a girl so young” I told Mary.
Mary told me that it was alright, it was something that both Cindy and Mary wanted. Mary also told me that in Singapore it was legal for a girl of sixteen to have sex with whoever she wanted.
“It may be legal here but I still think that she is very young” I replied.
Mary and I talked and planned while we ate lunch. Mary didn’t tell Cindy that I was back. She just wanted me to surprise her when she came home from school. Mary had to go back to work so we ate quickly and then Mary took me to her apartment and let me in. I took my shoes off at the door before I went in. Mary took them and put them in the back of a closet where Cindy wouldn’t see them. Before she left to go back to work Mary took out a video camera and showed me how to use it. She wanted me to take video of me fucking Cindy. I still felt a little uncomfortable about having sex with a girl so young but Mary wanted me to, and Cindy wasn’t resisting the last time.
Mary went back to work and locked the door behind her. I went in and lay down on Mary’s bed. In about ten minutes I was lightly sleeping. I almost didn’t hear the front door open when Cindy came home. I herd Cindy coming down the hall and I just barely got behind Mary’s bedroom door when Cindy walked past. Like Mary told me Cindy went straight into her room, took off her clothes and went into the bathroom for a shower. When I herd the shower running I went into Cindy’s room and set the video camera on the dresser facing the bed. I made sure it was set up and running, then I took my clothes off and got into Cindy’s bed. About fifteen more minutes passed before I herd the shower stop, and five or six more minutes before the bathroom door opened. I watched Cindy walk into the room, she was completely naked. She was as cute and sexy as I had remembered. Her sweet young face, small teenaged breasts with tiny brown nipples and a thin patch of hair above the tightly closed crack between her legs made me very excited and also reminded me just how young she really was.
“Uncle Tom” Cindy yelled excitedly!
“Uncle Tom” I asked?
“Yes, that’s what mom told me to call you if I ever talk to anyone about you” she replied.
Cindy ran over to the bed and pulled back the blanket.
“Oh wow, it’s bigger than I remember” she said.
“What do you want me to do” she asked?
“Why don’t you get into bed and we can go from there” I replied.
Without a word Cindy jumped into bed with me, cuddled up to me and kissed me. For someone that young and inexperienced the kiss was very passionate. She gave me a long kiss while her hand slid down over my belly and searched for my manhood. When she found my cock she wrapped her fingers around it and slowly stroked it up and down.
“Do you want me to suck it” she asked?
“That’s up to you, do you want to” I asked?
“Oh yes, mom told me that it was very good” she said.
“Go ahead and do what ever you want” I told her
With out another word her head moved down and I felt her tongue touch the head of my cock like she was tasting it. “MMM MMM” she moaned and then she began to lick my shaft. She didn’t spend much time licking my cock before I felt her hot mouth and lips close around the head. Her fingers were gripping the base of my shaft, her head was moving up and down and she was sucking hard, it felt great. I twisted my body around and pulled her legs toward me until I was under her and her teenaged twat was hanging over my face. The blanket was pulled all the way back and I knew that the video camera was capturing all the action when I pulled her legs apart and her young pussy open for my tongue and the video. I gave her the best licking I could and soon she was grinding her small pussy against my face. I made sure to spread her pussy and her ass cheeks for the camera. Her young pussy juice was sweet and flowed easily with just a little licking. With her sexual inexperience it didn’t take long before her body exploded with an orgasm. She stopped sucking my cock and drove her pussy down hard on my face. Her legs clamped tightly around my head and she rocked her hips back and forth grinding her pussy on my nose and chin. I couldn’t hardly breathe but I wasn’t fighting it either. I stopped licking and soon her rocking and orgasm stopped. She was breathing hard when she dropped down and laid flat on top of me. When her breathing clamed down and she had recovered from her orgasm she rolled over and spread her legs wide.
“Will you fuck me now” she asked?
I bent over and kissed her, then I adjusted her position so the camera would get a good view up between her smooth young legs so it would capture the view of my cock spreading her young pussy lips and pushing deep inside of her. Cindy groaned when the head of my cock pushed past the boundary of tight muscles and slipped inside her very tight young hole. Slowly and inch by inch I went deeper inside of her until I was as deep as I could go. I knew that she wasn’t a virgin anymore but her pussy was as tight as one. I could feel her pussy muscles tighten and loosen in spasms, and it felt like her pulse was pounding all around my cock. I just left it deep inside of her for a moment so her body could adjust to the invasion. When I felt her start to relax I slowly pulled out to the edge and then back in. Her body adjusted more quickly this time so I picked up a slow steady rhythm, in and out, then in and out again. I had forgotten about the camera and I was just enjoying this fantastic young lady’s sexy tight body. Her legs wrapped around the back of my legs and she kept trying to pull me deeper and harder in to her. When I remembered the camera I raised up and rolled her hips up to expose her cock filled cunt to the camera. What a view it must have had, I couldn’t wait to see the video myself. Cindy’s body was so hard and tight that I could already feel the pressure start to build in my balls. I knew that I wouldn’t last much longer in this position so I put my arms around Cindy, pulled her naked body close and rolled over so she was on top. I think it surprised her but in 2 or 3 seconds she knew what to do and she began to ride up and down my hard shaft. Harder and harder she dropped and ground her pussy into me trying to take my cock deeper inside of her. Again I thought about the camera and I pulled her down on top of me. Her small breasts and tiny hard nipples pressed against my chest as she laid there and her body slid up and down my body. With both hands I reached around and grabbed each of her ass cheeks and spread them apart while I pulled and pushed her up and down my shaft. With her ass, her lags and her pussy spread wide open my cock was clearly visible as it slid in and out of her tight pussy. I didn’t know how she would react but I took a chance and reached farther around and pushed the tip of my middle finger into her asshole. We were locked in another kiss but she let out a squeal and her muscles tightened around my finger in an effort to keep it out. She wiggled her ass but it was too late, my finger was already inside her asshole and I didn’t want to take it out. Her body was small enough so I had no trouble reaching her ass. When she finely accepted my finger in her ass and relaxed I pushed it in deeper. She went wild and the intensity of her passion doubled. She was kissing, rubbing, and sliding up and down my body like a wild woman. For someone so young and with so little experience she turned into a wild woman in seconds. She sat back up and bounced up and down on my shaft harder and faster. It felt unbelievable. My mind was lost in what was happening and all of a sudden I realized that it was too late for any control. Cindy’s pussy was so tight around my cock that it felt like she was gripping and milking me.
“AAAAAAGGGGGGGGGODDDDDDDDD” I groaned and uncontrollably I shot my load. She was still bouncing up and down and her pussy kept pumping me for every drop. I don’t know if she realized that I had shot my load but she just kept going. Suddenly she stopped bouncing and her body dropped down hard. Her pussy got tighter and she began to shake. I felt the hot juice from her cunt spread over my shaft, she wiggled and ground her pussy into my groin. I pulled her down on top of me so the camera would capture our fluids oozing out around my cock as I reached down and spread her ass cheeks again. Her hot love juice was running out and all over my balls even though her hot pussy was still clamped tightly around my shaft. Her arms were locked tightly around me and her lips were pressed tightly to mine while her tongue pushed its way into my mouth. The camera had captured enough for now so I let go of her ass and wrapped my arms around her and held her tight.
We laid there in each others arms and with my cock still inside of her for a long time after her body stopped quivering. Neither of us realized it but we both fell asleep like that. The next thing I knew I herd someone talking. We had slept for hours and Mary had come home from work and walked in to find us sleeping. Cindy had rolled off of me and my cock was exposed and limp but Mary was sure that we had a good time together. There was half dried cum and pussy juice all over both of us and the bed, it was a mess.
“I hope you saved some for me” Mary said, “but first we have to change the sheets”.
Cindy woke up and saw her mother standing beside the bed. Quickly Cindy grabbed the blanket and pulled it over us to hide herself.
“Don’t worry sweetie, just go get cleaned up and then I will help you make the bed” Mary told her. Cindy pulled the blanket back and led me into the bathroom. Her sexy young body was incredible and I enjoyed helping her in the shower, and then I enjoyed her washing me in the shower. Her breasts were very firm, her nipples were hard and after cleaning her out I couldn’t resist fingering and licking her pussy again.
When we were done in the shower we walked naked back to Cindy’s room. Mary was standing there waiting for us and I noticed the camera was gone. Mary and I never told Cindy about the camera.
During the rest of the week I fucked Cindy, her mother Mary and Alice several more times, the camera was always with us and on. Some times it was Cindy and Mary or Mary and Alice. I made one request and they all agreed, I wanted some pictures of all of them together in the nude. What a turn on that was to see them all naked together, Mary in her 30s, Alice in her 20s and Cindy in her teens. By the end of the week I was exhausted and it had nothing to do with business. Mary, Alice and Cindy all took me to the airport. Before I went through security Mary handed me a CD.
“Movies we made so you don’t forget us” Mary whispered in my ear. I was exhausted, my cock was limp and warn down to a nub. I had fucked three incredible women time after time, one was a teenager and one was her mother. Ya, like I would ever forget these women and this week. We all kissed and groped each other one last time, then we parted and I went through security. I slept all the way back to the states.
When I got back to the office I actually hoped that I would not have another business trip like that in South America. It would take me weeks to recover. My boss commented that I looked even worse than I did after my last business trip to Singapore. He said when I got back from South America I needed to take two weeks off, I needed it.
The next time I chatted with Mary on the internet she told me that she may be coming to see me on a business trip.

But that’s another story.

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The Nerd – Part 3

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Chapter 1

We fell asleep holding each other lip to lip. We woke up in exactly the same position, except that Morgan was gently licking my lips, her leg over my hip. “Good morning, sleepyhead,” she said softly. I opened my eyes, slid my free arm up from her waist to her neck, gently pulling her even closer. We started our day with a warm tender kiss—one that lasted almost five minutes. I pulled back, stroking her face. She may have looked like a little kid but she was all woman, and she was all mine.

“Can I ask you a question? I’m thrilled you changed your mind—but why? What happened between yesterday morning and last night?”

One thing about Morgan—she was very direct. She leaned her head up on her left hand and caressed my face with her right. Then she looked me square in the eyes and answered. “I had to go home yesterday to change my clothes. My mom was there. She asked me why I stayed the night—our first night. I tried to tell her all about you—how we met, how we went to your place, and, yes, how we made love. Mostly, I told her how you treated me. You’re the first man who treated me like a real woman. That’s when I realized—I wanted YOU! All the other guys I went out with, well, they’d fuck me, sure, but when they were done they’d tell everyone it was like fucking a little kid. How embarrassed they were; how funny it was. One guy even said it was pathetic. Can you imagine how I felt? I’m 22 years old and I’ve never had any hope of a real relationship until now. I just can’t afford to let you get away. I’ll do anything to hold on to you—anything.”

“Anything?” I asked with a smirk as I slowly slid a finger first into her surprisingly wet pussy and then into her tight ass. Morgan spread her legs further to encourage me and gave me a low guttural moan to express her approval. “Yes… anything; I know you want to fuck my ass. I’m kind of scared. I’ve heard it can hurt like hell, but I trust you so I’m going to let you do it. No…that’s not quite right…I want you to do it—very much. It felt so wonderful, so exciting last night. If that’s what your fingers feel like I can’t begin to guess what your wonderful cock is going to feel like. I want you to do it and I want it now.”


“Why not? We’re in bed, we’re naked, and we’re definitely in the mood. Get some lube and let’s go!”

I sat up and moved to the night table. Opening the door I removed a small box with all my condoms, sex toys, and lube. I found some gel lube in a corner and turned back to my lover. “We’re going to take it slow—really, really slow. In fact we may not even get very far this morning, but I promise you we will definitely do it. I want to do it right so you’ll want to do it again, and again, and again.” She smiled and then laughed. Kneeling on the bed she threw both arms around my neck and pressed her naked body against mine. Her skin was warm and smooth in contrast to mine. Her tongue sought and found mine as our passion rose to unbelievable heights. She took the lube, put a generous dollop on her finger, and applied it directly to her asshole. She worked it in with her finger, sighing with pleasure as she did. She removed her finger and rubbed the remaining gel all around my forefinger. Then she turned around, and, kneeling, leaned forward onto her elbow pulling my hand toward her eager rosebud. I probed gently, working my finger all around before slowly pushing it in. The lube made it easy. Soon I was able to move all the way in and back out rapidly. I picked up the pace and as I did Morgan rotated her hips both to further encourage me and to increase her pleasure. Now I lubed my middle finger and, withdrawing from her butt, placed both tips together before again pushing back in. There was some resistance now but her anus was adjusting to the presence of my fingers. Patiently I slid even more into her ass until my fingers were about halfway into her. I started to slide them in and out little by little, figuring this was the best way to expand and adjust her muscles to accommodate the girth of my cock. I rotated my fingers to simulate something cylindrical in her butt. She surprised me with how easily her ass was able to accommodate my digits. “I think I’m ready,” she said, turning and smiling. “This feels really great and it’s not hurting me at all.”

“OK, I’ll give it a try, but I want you to promise you’ll tell me if it hurts.”

“I will, I promise.”

I opened the lube and spread it generously over my pulsing erection. Placing it at the entrance to her hole, I placed my hands on her hips and applied a little pressure. Her anus spread in response. The gel worked its magic and I slid gently into her. I checked her face for signs of pain. “OK?” I asked.

“Yes, I can feel some pressure on my butt. It’s kinda like having a really big bowel movement—only a hell of a lot more fun.” I kept up the pressure and suddenly heard an audible “POP,” indicating the head had passed her sphincter. “That’s the hard part,” I said, “I’m in.” Suddenly, she lunged back, forcing my cock straight into her bowel. When her ass reached my abdomen she turned again. “I’m OK…no… much better than OK. I’m feeling incredible. My ass is all tingly and anadolu yakası kendi evinde görüşen escort it’s spreading all over me. Fuck me now…please! You know I love it hard.”

I pulled out, but not all the way, before plunging back in. I fucked her faster and faster—harder and harder. I used my hands on her hips as leverage just as I would have were I fucking her doggie style. I noticed that Morgan’s breathing was ragged and heavy. All she could say was “oooohhhh…oooohhh…oooohhh.” I saw her reach down to tickle her clit. She rubbed herself hard just as I was responding to the tightness and heat in her ass. As I felt my balls churn, signaling the onset of my orgasm, Morgan shook and spasmed, screaming, “UNGGHH,” over and over and over. She collapsed onto the bed just as I shot four streams of hot white semen into her bowel. I fell on top of her, my cock still firmly entrenched. I moved behind her and took her into my arms, pulling her to me.

“That was incredible.” We both started laughing. We had made the exact same comment at exactly the same instant. I attempted to remove my cock but she stopped me. “I like it right where it is. Leave it in…please!” I bent around her to kiss her again.

Eventually, of course, my cock shrunk so much it just popped out of her. Now I spun her around to hold her close in a super hug. “That was really wonderful, but not as wonderful as you. You amaze me. You may be small but you’re more woman than anyone I’ve ever met.” Now, unfortunately, we have to get up and….”

Before I could finish Marti my computer interrupted. “Good morning, sir. Good morning, Morgan. I didn’t want to interrupt. You were obviously having so much fun. I heard more “ungghh’s” and “oooohhh’s” than ever before. Sex must be addictive. You do it all the time.”

We howled. I almost hurt myself I laughed so hard. Only a computer, capable of processing millions of data bits each second but incapable of human feelings could come up with a statement like that. I had an idea. Hmmm…I wonder. “I was about to say we need to do a lot today. Like your clothes and stuff. And you really need a new ride. No woman of mine is going to be seen in a piece of shit like that thing you’re driving. So let’s go.”

“You’re getting me a new car? Awesome!” She jumped off the bed into my arms, threw her arms around my neck, and rammed her tongue down my throat. I walked to the kitchen with her in my arms, placing her carefully in the chair before getting our coffee. I made French toast and heated some real maple syrup along with some sausage patties. We sat close to each other-real close. Actually she sat in my lap. We had a ball feeding and feeling each other. I dipped my finger into her pussy and made her beg me to let her lick it; it turned out she just loved her own taste. I know I did.

After breakfast we showered taking extra care to clean her ass of all the dried gel. Midway through, she grabbed the soap and scrubbed her anus before applying it all over my dick. Her motions made me real hard real fast. I was surprised when she spun around and grabbed her ankles. She looked up. “Don’t you recognize an invitation when you see one? I want you back in my ass again.” I figured she was still pretty well spread when I placed my cock against her asshole. Soap is really slippery so I lined up, grasped her waist, and applied some pressure. “Push harder,” I heard her say, “Harder. I want you in there. I love the way it feels.” I grabbed her hips even tighter and PULLED, forcing my way into her. Again, there was a “pop.” Now I started thrusting into her, slowly at first, but increasing with every attempt. I reached down and pushed two fingers into her delicious cunt; I teased her clit with my thumb. When she started to respond in earnest, I let go of her hip and reached around to massage her pert nipples. Nobody could resist this assault. Soon she started to shimmy and shake. Her hand found her pussy; she inserted a finger, mixing it with mine, before removing it and thrusting it into her mouth, savoring every single drop. There was a sudden “OOOOOOHHHHHH FUCK!” as she started to straighten. I lifted her, suspending her ass on my rock hard erection. I rammed her up and down as I fingered her clit harder and harder until she tensed—and then released, her orgasm overwhelming her. I held her close to me, her head on my shoulder as I slowly removed my cock with another loud pop.

“Ryan, that was so fucking amazing. What an orgasm I just had. It was like all the times I’ve cum in the past three years rolled into one. I have never felt like that before and I can’t wait to feel like that again. I only have one regret.”

“What?” I exclaimed. “What was wrong?”

“No, nothing was wrong. My regret was that I waited until I was 22 to have anal. I should have done it years ago.”

“Well, I’m glad you waited. I’m glad I was part of it.”

We finished our shower, dried each other, and dressed. “What’s first?” I asked. “Pick up your stuff or go car shopping?” I knew what she’d say. What woman can resist shopping? Besides I was a little nervous anadolu yakası eve gelen escort about meeting her family.

Of course, she wanted a convertible so after shopping around for a while we settled on a Mustang, red with a V6. I refused to get her a V8 because I didn’t want her racing or dealing with more power than she could handle. We would take delivery in two days so I had plenty of time to get to the bank for a withdrawal. Now, the hard part—facing her mother; Morgan hadn’t said anything about her family except that she lived with her mother and younger sister. They seemed to have a good relationship so maybe things would be OK.
She directed me to a residential area just outside the resort area where we had first met. This area of the country has a lot of manufactured housing, the politically correct description of what we used to call mobile homes, even though none of them are technically mobile, being attached to a foundation or on concrete blocks. Hers was a slightly run down single home, as opposed to a double-wide. Sure enough, Mom was home and was justifiably cool to me even though I made every effort to be polite and courteous. I could understand her concerns. I’m 40, Morgan is 22 and we’ve only known each other for two days before she decided she should move in with me. I’d probably be reserved under those circumstances, too. I think one of Mom’s concerns was the loss of Morgan’s income, but she’d find that was nothing to worry about. I made more in a day than she made in a year so I could afford to be generous.

We gathered up all of Morgan’s possessions, which wasn’t all that much. We easily fit all her clothes, DVD’s, cosmetics, and other assorted girly stuff into the Porsche with plenty of room to spare. There were some tears when we prepared to leave so I just excused myself and waited outside while Morgan said her good-byes. It obviously wasn’t going to be forever; I only lived about 30 miles away. The time alone gave me the opportunity to think about my idea—the computerization of the female orgasm. I was sure that I could count on Morgan’s help. She’d make a perfect subject. I had on-line access to the libraries at MIT, Harvard, and the University of Chicago. I figured that if I could isolate those areas of the brain most affected during orgasm, feed the data into the computer and then reproduce the digitized data. This led to another idea, one that could make billions—what if the reproduced data could be reintroduced into a woman? Would it trigger an orgasm? If I could do this it could be the sexual breakthrough of the ages.
But, of course, the operative word was “if.”

There was a tear in her eye when Morgan appeared at the door. She hid it from me, but not too well. I held her, kissing her cheek while I started the car. I pulled away; we were ready to start our new life together.
I explained my idea to Morgan on the way home. She was enthusiastic to help so I had to explain that it could take many months, even years before I could figure out a way to access the data and more to figure out what to do with it. Even then it might be a total failure. Once home I sat at my PC, really a high speed server, to begin my research. I stayed with it until it was time to prepare dinner. Morgan had been busy putting her stuff away and finding her way all around the house which had five bedrooms, including the one I used for my office and three full bathrooms. I had a maid come in twice a week to clean; I had to. I’m lousy at cleaning anything, let alone a nine room house. After dinner I went back to work until about nine. I found Morgan lying in bed watching the 44-inch flat screen. “I’ll be right back; I need a shower.” I returned about fifteen minutes later dressed as usual for bed in a tee-shirt and gym shorts. Morgan was naked. “What are you wearing?” she asked.

“Uh, my pajamas?”

“I’m wearing my pajamas,” she replied pointing to her naked body. She turned, spread her legs apart and put her hands on her hips feigning anger.

“You know, I don’t think I’ll really need these any more,” so I dropped the shorts and ripped the shirt over my head. I left both in a pile on the floor.

Taking my hand she led me to the bed. Once curled up together she hugged me. “You were really nice to my mom, even though she was kind of bitchy. Too bad Sara wasn’t there.”

“Sara?” I queried.

“Yeah, my sister Sara; she’s 16 and she looks a lot like me, only a little smaller if you can believe it. She has even more trouble with guys than I did.” She reached over my shoulder and turned off the light. We watched the TV for a while, our bodies entwined until we both fell asleep. We woke the following morning. The TV was off. I tried to sneak out of the bed and was almost halfway there when an arm snuck out and grabbed me. “Not so fast, mister; you have some work to do here first.” I thought I could easily get used to this.

Chapter 2

Over a period of several weeks I developed a picture of how to proceed, the picture becoming brighter and clearer almost every day. Finally, I had a plan—but would it work? Morgan was extremely supportive during anadolu yakası escort this time even though I ignored her for long periods. One day I was lost in thought when I noticed some activity between my legs. I looked down to find Morgan naked again, working my zipper. “You’re working too hard. You need some relaxation, besides I haven’t had you in my ass in days.” She was right-I had neglected her. I stood, pulling her up to kiss her while slipping my hands down to cup her firm ass. “Umm, I need more of this,” I said between her hot kisses. I pulled her ass toward me, rubbing her crotch into my thigh. Her hands continued their activity, working my belt, pants, and boxers free of my body. I stepped out of them as my cock sprung to life. I’d neglected its needs as much as I’d neglected Morgan’s. It throbbed and ached with desire. Morgan moved me to a chair, then knelt before me to lick and suck my cock. She cupped my balls, rubbing them to increase my need. She started to take me into her mouth. Over our weeks together she’d learned to deep throat me and now her lips were pressed against my pubic hair. How she could do this without gagging or choking was a mystery; it felt fantastic. I had to stop her, though or I’d cum much too soon. I pulled her off so we could change places. I sat her on the arm of the chair so her sweet pussy would be almost at the same height as my mouth. I leaned her back as I moved in. Starting at her ass I licked up, covering her entire bald slit with my tongue until I reached her covered clit. I used my fingers to stimulate it, forcing it to grow in yearning. I rubbed gently as I pushed my tongue into her. She responded by wrapping her legs tightly around my head and pushing her mound against my face. She was becoming wet; she soaked my face, the aroma was intoxicating. Now it was her turn to pull away. She smiled at me as she handed me a tube of lube. I had no idea where she had kept it during our lovemaking. I rubbed a generous amount into her ass before sliding my fingers in. We’d had anal often, especially during her period when she was really horny, but found vaginal sex unappealing. Her anus was well accustomed to both my fingers and my cock, so going slow wasn’t as important as it had been early on. Soon she was ready. I lifted her legs onto my shoulders, and standing, brought her butt in line with my cock. I pushed gently. She had plenty of lube in her ass already so I easily entered her forbidden hole. The now familiar “pop” signaled my entry. I stroked deep into her, running up against her internal sphincter. She moved up to meet my thrusts. We humped avidly increasing our tempo in proportion to our passion. Morgan began to rub her clit, slowly at first, then more speedily with the increase in our tempo. Her eyes rolled back, her breathing became more rapid and shallow. She was almost ready. Her anal orgasms had increased in intensity as her familiarity grew. I could see she was in for a whale of one now. I wasn’t far behind her. The tightness of her ass, her heat, and the historically forbidden nature of the act were driving me well over the edge. I wanted to, but I couldn’t hold back. It felt like an avalanche of cum was erupting through that tiny hole and just as I did Morgan’s eyes glassed over and her body tensed before exploding in a violent release. We were both spent—totally. I couldn’t move so I fell to the floor pulling Morgan down with me, my cock still wedged into her butt. She reached for me as she fell. “I love you” was all I heard before she passed out.

My work progressed to the stage of data collection. I had fashioned a helmet lined with sensors designed to pick up electric pulses from Morgan’s brain during sex and orgasm. I hadn’t yet computed what to do with the data, but that would come soon enough. Morgan laughed when she saw the helmet, but when I kissed her long and hard her resistance disappeared. It was like making love to a robot. She couldn’t move much because of the wires so I played the more active role. The sensors lit up wildly as she reached a mild orgasm. I could hear the hard drives recording all the activity. I still needed to compare the results against the control I would take later in the day. It took a while and lots and lots of fucking leading to many orgasms, but I finally felt I had the integral data. When I played it into Marti her monitor lit like a psychedelic display from the ‘70’s. “Congratulations, Marti. You just had your first orgasm.”

“I found it most stimulating, sir, unlike anything I have experienced before. It was extremely enjoyable. No wonder you and Morgan are so interested in sex.”

I reassembled the neurological impulses, ready to restore them to Morgan. The test was to see if she could become stimulated while the impulses were fed back to her through the helmet. I had her sit calmly in a chair. Her breathing was slow and regular. The room was dark and quiet. I turned on the computer, the helmet lit up as the pulses were transmitted. And…nothing! It was as I had feared. The orgasmic process was much more complicated. In addition to the neural responses there were probably countless hormonal changes, all of which had to be perfectly coordinated. No computer could compete with the complexities of the human brain.

I was a bit discouraged until Morgan sat in my lap. She looked ridiculous in the helmet. “Just as well,” she said seriously. “It’s a lot more fun the real way.” She rose, dropped the helmet into the trash, and led me to the bedroom. On reflection she was probably right. It was more fun this way.

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The Insect

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


The Insect
Let me tell you about myself I’m a guy 6’2” tall about 170 lbs. green eyes short brown hair with an average build.

It was a cool summer night, and I went out side to smoke my last cigarette before go to bed. It was nice out as I sat on the porch listening to the chirp of the crickets. When I heard something behind me, and as I turned around I saw what looked like a two foot long cockroach. Before I could react an appendage like a needle struck me in the neck. Quickly I found myself unable to move as a warm feeling spread all over my body. I was still aware of what was happening I just couldn’t move. Then a second needle like appendage shot out into my abdomen. I could feel a liquid begin to fill my abdomen as my belly began to swell just ever so slightly.

Then I heard a voice in my head telling me to get rid of the cigarette, that I would not be wanting them anymore. I felt compelled to obey like it was the right thing to do. Then I was told to get up and go inside, as I was told this the insect crawled up on me, and I did as I was told. As I stood up I began to sweat profusely and my clothes dissolved right then and there. When I entered the house, I was instructed to go to my room and lay on my bed. After lying down, I looked down at my now naked body to see what changes were taking place.

As I looked down my body, I notice I was growing breasts, and that my cock had moved down further between my legs. At this point the insect removed the needle from my stomach and once again another rush of warmth ran over my body. This is when I realized I really had not felt any pain except for a brief stinging sensation for only a second when it initially stung me in the neck. Now it removed the original stinger and crawled down in between my legs. Next it used its stingers to inject its seed in to my balls and they began to swell, and they didn’t stop until they were the size of a couple of small water melons. My scrotum was stretched so thin I could see through it like paper.

What it did next even in my relaxed state frightened me; it bit in to my anadolu yakası escort pelvis area and began to burrow, or at least that’s what I thought it was doing, although it was really using its appendage to make me a vaginal tract to meet up with the womb it had given me earlier, which I had not realized, until it informed me of what it was doing as if it could sense my concerns. At this point I relaxed and it just continued working, and I fell asleep no doubt it probably injected me with something to make me sleep.

When I woke up, I felt as if I were lying in a pile of silk. When I turned my head to look my hair had grown very long, so long that it hung off the sides of the bed. My breasts had grown as well and were now a nice DD cup. The insect could not be seen; but other than my head I really could not move, when all of a sudden I felt it move inside of me. It was implanting it’s eggs in my new womb.

Finally, after what must have been many hours, I felt a slight pain and a compulsion to push. After about five minutes of pushing to help it out, it crawled out of my new pussy. After I laid there for a few more minutes I felt the incredible urge to fuck my self. So I spit on my hand and reached for my cock, and that’s when I realized that it was nearly two inches thick and all most eighteen inches long, and it was not fully erect yet. I lubricated my massive cock head and began to rub it up and down the slit of my pussy. First very slowly up and down, up and down, then I gently began to insert just the head of my cock into my honey hole. Slowly at first in and out with just the head back and forth, then I got the urge to want more to go deeper and I began pushing my cock in inch by inch until nearly sixteen inches were stuffed inside me. All the way past my cervix a knot began to form in my cock. With each thrust the knot got larger until it had made a seal so tight that nothing could escape my womb. After just a couple more strokes at the base since the knot had made movement impossible, I began to cum. OHhhhhhhhhhh!!!! was all I could get out of anadolu yakası gecelik escort my lips.

At this point the insect who had been observing the past fifteen minutes began spraying a slimy liquid on to my stomach so that my skin could stretch to accommodate the near two gallons of cum bubbling out of my balls. Soon after about thirty squirts of cum, my balls had shrunk to about half their size the pressure in my belly began to hurt. Right on cue the insect injected me in the neck one more time and the pain quit immediately.

Finally, when all of the cum was in my uterus and my belly had stretched sufficiently that the pressure had subsided, did the knot in my cock shrink. Slowly I pulled my massive dick out of my overly stretched pussy. Not one drop of cum escaped my womb. Then I felt the over whelming urge to pee. So as I started to stand up the insect removed the stinger from my neck; and I made my way to the bathroom. For the first time, I really felt the weight of my breasts, and notice the true length of my hair which dragged the floor like the train of a wedding gown. I also felt the weight of my babies and my balls which had already began to fill back up with cum. After sitting down to pee and arrange my cock so it wasn’t in the water of the toilet. I began to urinate from both my cock and new pee hole in my pussy.

When I returned to bed, and lay down I began to feel hungry and my cock almost immediately began to get hard. So I took that as a sign as what I should eat I quickly began bobbing up and down on my cock and it wasn’t long before I started cumming in my mouth.

I swallowed half a gallon before I stopped cumming; but I was still kind of hungry so I began sucking on my left breast. The milk that came out was thick and very rich. I sucked for nearly eight minutes before my left breast was empty, all the while I had unconsciously been masturbating my clitoris. Another eight minutes later found my right breast empty and on the verge of a monster orgasm. My orgasm was so hard I passed anadolu yakası sınırsız escort out.

When I woke up I notice my belly was enormous the size of a woman nine months pregnant with triplets. Then I realized that I had not seen the insect since I had gone to pee, which made me have to go to the bathroom again. After having a difficult time peeing; because my balls had swollen back to the larger size they had before, so I ended up sitting on the toilet backwards just to get that little job done. Then I returned to bed and started feeding again. This time; only from my breasts since I could no longer reach my cock with my mouth over my enormous belly. Once again I passed out or fell asleep.

This process continued for the next two days, and I had gotten so big I could no longer get out of bed. Just when I began to think I would lay here till I would explode, I felt a pain like I had to push again. So I pushed and pushed hard. It felt like a dam burst; because when my babies began coming out, all five hundred thousand of them, their feet felt like fluid running out my vagina.

About that time the insect showed up again. It quickly injected me in the ass with something and my asshole began winking open and shut. Soon it was staying open more than it would shut and I thought to my self that I would shit all over the bed; but before that could happen my babies started crawling inside me through the asshole. In the meantime the swarm of the rest of my babies had entirely engulfed my body in an effort to stay warm.

Slowly they entered my intestines until they were virtually all inside me again. When I felt like a whole bunch of them were going to come out my throat. Was, I surprised when only one, two and half inches thick and seven inches long, crawled out of my mouth.

Then another and another and another until all of them had made their trip through me, growing forty times their original size. During this time while they were coming out one by one the original insect had led them off single file back to the hole in the ground out of which it had came.

After seeing them all leave and strangely sorry to see them gone, I returned to the bedroom to do this all over again but little did I know I had used up all of the insects seed on my first pregnancy. Now I was just full of human sperm and eggs.

But that’s another story!!!!

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Like a hot wind on a hot summer day, Helen went blasting into the loft where Bill, Roy, Pete and Nick sat wearing as little as possible to beat the heat.
She too isn’t wearing much, a partial see thru blouse tied up under her large breasts and a pair of cut short jeans. She stood in their midst.
As they watched her, she began a little dance as she unhooked the top of her shorts, slide down the zipper and slowly pushed her shorts down with a frolicsome smile.
She turned slowly so that everyone could get a good view of her untanned pale outline of the thong she wears when sunbathing.
Naked she wiggled her ass and jiggled her tits, a few seductive moves of her hips and the temperature of the room rose still a few degrees.
She glides from one in whose face she had been wiggling her ass and to another who got a real close up of her pus as she did a half squat in front of him.
Soon she was down on her knees with the men swarmed around her with their pants down and their half hard wads sticking out of their undies. One wad made it to her mouth.
She sucked on it for a short while then went on to another, a hand slides between her slightly parted thighs
That she quickly open to give easy access to her cunt.
She became aware of the first cock she had been sucking playing with her ear, to her surprise it excited her to feel the smooth moist head sliding over and in her ear,
In her excitement, she sucked harder on the wad in her mouth, pressed her pus down hard on the hand between her thighs fondling her moist pus.
She soon turned, took the wad that had been taunting her ears in her mouth, to give it a rewarding suck while the one she had been sucking teases her neck.
She took the entire head in her anadolu yakası escort mouth. She began to move her head back and forth, her hand pump at the large shaft and the hand at her cunt stimulate her clit.
Cheered on by the others, Helen went at the wad fucking her mouth full force, big strong hands held her head in place as he rammed her mouth.
Deep into her mouth, as deep as he could go, he rammed in and out, at the same time a long finger slid up her wet cunt and began to fuck her.
Again a switch was made as another moved in to enjoy her hot mouth on his cock, this one was huge she really had to open her mouth just to get the head in, but took it she did and began to beat it with her tongue as two fingers were fucking her cunt and hands were fondling her tits.
Slowly her mouth was being fuck by the immense wad that crept deep into her mouth, mere seconds later she felt it harden, it began to throb and she felt it spat out its hot thick fluid into her mouth, it came out in small squirts that she was able to swallow. So swallowed she did.
From the floor to the sofa. Someone moved in to get sucked by her, the one that had been playing with her cunt continued, still another moved in behind her.
As she sucked on the slender rod and fondled his big balls through his pants, she felt the weight of a hard cock settle in the crevice of her ass, it slides back and forth for a few thrilling strokes before it slides down so that its next inward stroke sends the large head tantalizingly into her slippery cunt.
A muffled whine escaped her full mouth as the stiff rod glide ever so dreamily into her body. She felt as if she was in a dream.
With hands roaming over her body, a stiff cock fucking her anadolu yakası anal yapan escort mouth, another fucking her cunt and her hand pumping another, she was in paradise.
Rapidly the stiff hard pricks slide in and out of her wet hot mouth and equally wet hot pus, she delighted herself with the wondrous sensations that fills her body. Whining the best she could with her mouth full of the prick, she vocalized how fantastic she was feeling in the heat of her passion.
Hearing her moan so sweetly only excite the men more and entice Nick to give her more. Deep into her he pushed as he gyrates. She cried out.
The still gyrating he slowly pulls out until the head was at the mouth of her cunt. Then it rammed up into her as hard, as fast and as deep he could.
As fast as he could with short quick stabs, he fucks her. She lost control, she couldn’t hold back anymore, like a whirl wind her orgasm had her head spinning.
Feeling her hot juices Nick too, lost it. He cried out as he began to flood her hole with his juice and that heightens her orgasm.
Slowly he eased his flaccid cock out of her, instantly Bill was in his place, she moaned when she felt his huge shaft slide into her cum fill pussy,
But it was only to make it wet and slippery, for he reared back and let it slip out, she felt it at the mouth of her ass, felt it push in, felt it stretch her.
It slides in easily enough but not without the dull pain as her ass stretch to take it, stretch as only he could stretch her.
Steadily his huge shaft slides into her tight aching hole, and she dug her fingers into the sofa, clenching her teeth tight. Slowly she felt him pulled out of her.
anadolu yakası otele gelen escort He laid back on the sofa, she squat over him, he held his cock erect and she lowed herself down on it, in bliss she sighs as it eased into her cunt.
The others swarmed around, she took a prick in her hand and one in her mouth as Bill was thrusting in and out of her, another as feeling her off.
In a short while she made a switch between the cock she had been sucking and the one she had been pumping, Bill continued to thrust up and down under her.
Helen was in heaven as the four men gave her all of their attention in their own special way, she was basking in delight in the attention they gave her.
Drawing pleasure from the stiff hard rod in her hand. Being blissful over the hunk of meat in her mouth. Being ecstatic by the piston in her shaft.
She was lifted still to a higher level of ecstasy when they turned her around and a stiff rod eased delightfully into her ass, no pain just sheer pleasures.
Undescribable was the enjoyment of having to stiff rock hard cocks moving in her body at the same time, sliding deep up her tubes.
Then they switched rhythm, one slid in as the other slide out, they moved against each other, is it any wonder she was in a storm of sensations.
A storm that lift her to the very heights of her pleasures. A storm that had her squirming madly between them as she came and they flood her with their juice. Weak, well satisfied, full of cum that leaked from her ass and cunt she slithers down to the floor with her head back on the sofa as Nick stood in front of her pumping his rod.
Eagerly she waits for his hot precious nectar to flow into her open mouth. When he did cum his flow was slow, it shot in her mouth and she drank it down, he filled her mouth for a second time and that too, she swallowed.
Now she was truly full and satisfied, she licked at what little had missed her mouth…………
She dressed and like a cool summer breeze a very contented Helen glides out of the loft.

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The Geman Sheperds

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I was at my uncle’s house waiting for the girlfriend to get home so we can fuck. My uncle was at work and I was at home alone and I was playing video games butt ass naked. I was all alone with the dogs in my uncle’s house waiting for the girlfriend to get home so I could fuck her. Instead I get a doggy dick in my ass and a doggy ass to fuck it really sucked that day until the girlfriend got there.

We start out with me playing madden at my uncle’s house naked. Then I heard the dogs Bosco and Roxie scratching at the door they wanted in so I let them in. They were playing around and kept distracting me so I had to keep them separated and then Roxie was chasing Bosco around the house. Finally I got pissed and I went to go play with them so they would stop.

I was playing tug-of-war with them and I kept winning then sometimes I just watched them. Then I went in the kitchen and got lunch and a DP. I turned off the game and watched a movie while I was doing that I was dropping food and they kept picking it up and eating it then some steak juices fell on my dick and Roxie jumped up and started licking it off. I was surprised at 1st then it felt great so I went in the kitchen and go some ketchup(Roxie loves ketchup) I squirted it all over my dick and she was licking anadolu yakası rus escort it all up then I realized where’s Bosco??? I pushed off Roxie and I went searching for him I found him in my uncle’s and his girlfriend’s room and he was sniffing her old thongs. I went over graped some of them and felt of them and started thing of her I felt like fucking her right then. Then I got Bosco out of their room and took him in the living room. I went and sat on the floor with the ketchup and poured more on my dick and Roxie was licking it up again. The Bosco came over and licking in my mouth when my mouth was opened and then I guess he started making out with me.

Then I saw something underneath him it was his dick. I pushed him back told him to sit he did and I told him to stay. I went and got more ketchup and put it on my dick and held Roxie back so Bosco can start licking he didn’t I wondered why. So I said forget it let Roxie go and she went at it then she started nippling on my head which hurt a little but it felt good. Then I crawled over to get 1 of Roxie’s toys then I felt a cold nose and then a tongue in my ass it felt so good then I thought it was Roxie but then I say her in front of me then a scene went trough my mind but before anadolu yakası sevişen escort I was able to finish it happened Bosco mounted me and started thrusting he missed the 1st few time but then he hit the spot and I yelped which signeled to him he was in then he started thrusting as hard as he could and it hurt at 1st but finally I was getting used to it. Then Roxie came over I maneuvered Bosco so she could lick me but she had a different idea and she got 2″ away stuck her ass up and backed up(I couldn’t stop because Bosco pinned me down and I had no strength to stop her)

Then I penetrated her and with Bosco’s movement was so great he was moving me so I was fucking a bitch without anyway to stop it. It felt good thought but then Bosco’s buldge was growing and it was expanding my ass. Then he locked in and he switched to a faster shorter thrusts and it hurt more each time because he was still growing. Then he finally started cumming and he was locked onto me for 30 minutes to an hour. I was hoping my uncle or his girlfriend didn’t show up. I thought to myself while I’m here I should get some pleasure since we were in the living room there was pictures of the girlfriend everywhere so I reached out to anadolu yakası escort the table graped one and put it on Roxie’s head and started fucking Roxie while looking at her picture about 10 minutes of doing that I had cummed. Then I took the picture off of Roxie’s head and sat it on the table pulled Roxie off of me 20 minutes later Bosco got off of me.

Then I told them to follow me they did and we went into the shower and I washed all the cum off of my ass and dick, Roxie’s ass, and Bosco’s dick then we got out let them outside I got dressed and 5 minutes later the girlfriend got home and she asked “did u have fun today?”
I said no not at all avouisly lying. Then I asked her “how was your day?” she said ok but I had a huge headache all day. I said ?I can fix that” we got in a hot spa bubble bath her laying lower than me I gave her a neck and all over body massage. I asked after that “how was that she said exhilarating. She asked “did the dogs behave? were they mean or what?” I said they were little angles(even though I meant dirty little angles)

I haven’t had sex with those dogs since that was a 1 time deal right there never again I’m sticking with humans from now on and also it was sort of sick fucking a female dog it felt really nasty. So there won’t be another dog sex story from me. So don’t worry about that but there will be more about me and the girlfriend and my uncle don’t you worry about that. So I’ll get writing on a new “My uncle’s girlfriend” series or stories so yea, So comment this story or rate this story ok talk or write stories to you guy later bye bye, talk to you late, see you later.

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The Day I BeCAME a Man- vol. 3

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Big Dicks

Hi, my name is Chris Tucker (No relation to the world famous actor). You can just call me Chuck. It was a December morning in the year of 1994. I think we all remember 1994.

My mom walked into the room. “Get off your goddamn tamigatchi you faggot!” she screamed while wearing only her robe. Her pussy was completely exposed, for no reason. This was my first boner.

“And get your ass down here for some bacon and eggs!” she said nonchalantly. My mother was always rough with me, but I would never mind. My father usually beat me, so I prefered the screaming. But what my mother didnt know, is that my hand was slowly creeping onto my completely soft penis. I never had masturbated before. I always thought it was the devil, but my friend Timmy said that it was the fucking beezneez. I figured it was about time to try.

Being 14 was strange. Everything you saw, you wanted to put your penis into. I looked into my dogs eyes, and immediately came. This was my first time ever! It felt like shit. I went downstairs and took one look at that bacon and immediately got a rock hard boner.

“IT LOOKS LIKE A DICK!” I shouted out loud. I couldnt believe it. “Shut the fuck up and eat your goddamn dick bacon!” my dad shouted, quite hilariously. My dads name was John. John Webb. I hated him so much. I left the house without even touching my penis again, anadolu yakası sevgili tadında escort or the bacon for that matter.

I hopped on the school bus and the moment I got on, the bus driver pantsed me and my soft penis fell right out. Everyone saw my soft penis meat, but nobody laughed. Everyone just stared with glazed eyes. I realized they were all smoking marijuana cigarettes. Pants still down, I sat next to my best friend Tamera. She was a beautiful young girl, black as midnight, with eyes. You know, the type of nigga you bring home to your momma. I told her about my dog and the bacon dicks. She was enthralled. She told me a sweet new technique. She said you can stick your entire finger down your peehole. “No fucking way, Ive already tried!” I shouted. She stuck her whole finger down my peehole just to prove me wrong. Then she stuck her other finger up my butthole and the two fingers touched. I screamed with pleasure, and then the bus driver killed herself by auto erotic asphyxiation. But luckily we were already at school. I hopped off the bus, looking like an eager mcbeaver cause I couldnt wait for PE.

I loved PE for only one reason. I love jogging. Anyways, I got to PE and started my jog around the track, completely forgetting that my still soft penis anadolu yakası oral yapan escort was just jiggling around. All of a sudden, a bird landed on it. It was fucking beautiful. She was a black raven with the darkest eyes Ive ever seen. I ripped its head off ozzy style, and immediately started fucking the hole. I was becoming a man goddamnit, and this was a great start.

After that experience, I screamed out,”FUCK THIS PLACE!” like a badass motherfucker. I was wearing a white fedora and fucking rayban sunglasses. I was looking swag as fuck. This real hot bitch heard me and ran over, her overweight stomach bouncing around like fucking santa clause on LSD. I immediately got my katana out and sliced the fuck out of that bitch, all samurai style. Out of nowhere, a helicopter came down through the ceiling and president Bill “Fucking” Clinton hopped out with saxaphone in hand. He played the fuck out of that saxaphone for at least 3 hours before anybody gave a shit.

I arrived at home to see the best thing I may have ever witnessed. My mom was eating my father, and luckily my cousin was over. I ripped his pants off and ate the shit out of that asshole, before showing him a certain technique Id learned from Tamera. If only that fine ass young man was still around. Fucking polio anadolu yakası escort got to him before my dick could. anyways, I called Tamera over. She transported that black ass to my front porch before you could even say FUCK BILL O’REILEY! When she came over, we watched Full House for about three hours, all the while dreaming about cool ranch doritos. I’m not gonna lie, I got a hard on everytime I saw Bob Saget, and I dont think any man could disagree. I turned to Tamera and looked and those hard ass nipples. For some reason that I forget, they were completely exposed, and I began crying. She cried too. Both her parents died.

I slowly stuck my dick in that nostril. To my dismay, she sneezed and my dick got even harder. The snot really went up my urethra, and it got a tad bit narrow. She wanted to blow me, but first I stuck my lips around her poop crusted asshole. She diarrhead right into my mouth, and I swallowed it like a man. It brought me more joy than anyone can ever imagine. I cried again, but then again, I had never stopped crying. Then my father walked in. “What the fuck is a goddamn nigger doing in my fucking abode! Let me fuck my son, you asshole. And if this is wrong, Jesus strike me down!” he shouted.

He shot Tamera, then went to work on my young butt. My mom walked in, laughing while she did so, and put the knife to my mouth. “Why so serious?” she asked. “Lets put a smile on that face!”.

for this part of the story, if you are under 18, please do not continue.

I smacked my mother’s bare butt so hard that she died immediately. Then I ran outside, to the great outdoors, and began living there. My dog came to me. I came on him. That, my friends, is the day I beCAME a man.

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The Duct Tape Body Cast

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Fbailey story number 689

The Duct Tape Body Cast

I spotted a very attractive woman walking down the street so I followed her. She looked like a million dollars. Her long red hair was flowing down her back almost to her waist, her white blouse let my see her red bra underneath, and her black leather skirt was quite short. She was wearing red shoes with heels so tall that it looked like she was walking on her tiptoes.

I became memorized as I watched her ass twitch. She placed one foot directly in front of the other as she walked. That gave her hips a certain rhythm, thereby twitching her ass nicely.

I followed her about a block and a half when she turned. As I got to the alley I saw two men holding onto her and trying to stuff her into a van. I ran to help her but that only got me thrown into the van too. Duct tape was placed over our mouths and it also bound our hands and feet. A thousand and one uses for duct tape.

The ride was long. Even though we were both on the floor of a utility van with no back windows I knew we were headed out of town. We were tossed from side to side as they turned corners and heard that familiar sound of the triple railroad tracks at the edge of town. A few more turns and I heard the gravel road. Then we came to a stop and the two men got out.

It seemed like an hour before the two men came back and carried her away. I think it was to intimidate her but they shoved a long pole between her legs and slipped it up between her hands. Then just like you see in those old African movies about cannibals, they carried her away on their shoulders.

It felt like another hour before they came to get me. I just got the fireman’s carry over some fat guy’s shoulder. He really needed a shower.

I was stood up in the middle of a room. Before me was that very attractive woman. She was totally naked and her ass was red as if she had been spanked. My feet were released and then my hands were. I was told to undress, which I did.

Then the man in charge said, “Suck it bitch.”

The very attractive woman knelt down and started sucking on my cock until it was good and hard and pretty wet too.

Then she bent over and I was ordered to put my cock in her ass. I was so scared that I went soft. She had to suck me hard a second time and then help me get it into her asshole. I never thought that would be my first contact with a girl, a real woman at that.

With my cock embedded in her rectum we were mummified with two rolls anadolu yakası kendi evinde görüşen escort of duct tape. Several strips were forced between our legs from her belly to my ass. I figured that was to keep us from coming apart. Essentially we were bound from our feet to our shoulders and lying on the floor.

Just before the men left one ripped the duct tape off from our mouths. Jokingly he said, “Scream all you want. Nobody can hear you anyway.” Then he was gone.

The very attractive woman on the end of my cock said, “Hello, my name is Margo. Is that your cock in my ass or you just glad to see me?”

I asked, “What’s going on?”

Margo said, “It’s a long story.”

I laughed and said, “I’ve got the time. I’m not going anywhere, unless you are that is.”

So she told me in great detail about her gambling addiction. Her father is rich but he shut her off two years ago and got her into rehab. She joined Gambler’s Anonymous but it didn’t help. Some how she managed to get two hundred thousand dollars in the hole with the local mobsters. I didn’t even know that we had mobsters in town.

She continued to tell me about them harassing her for the money and her not paying them. Even her father wouldn’t help her out. They threatened to put her in a whorehouse until her debt was paid. Then they decided to kidnap her and ransom her back to her father for two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

When I came along to help her they decided to punish her. That was how my cock wound up in her ass.

I found out that Margo was thirty-seven years old. I told her that I was fifteen. She laughed and said that she lost her virginity when she was fifteen. I told her that I just had. She laughed and said that it didn’t count unless I put it in her pussy. Then she said, “When we get out of this mess I’ll let you fuck me properly. I thanked her.

We made small talk until it got dark. I was covered in sweat and so was she. I fell asleep.

In the middle of the night Margo said, “I’ve got to pee. I hope you don’t mind but I can’t hold it any longer.”

I said, “I’ve got to go too but…”

Margo laughed and said, “Just do it. Don’t worry about it, just do it.”

I felt her warm piss start to heat up my hip and upper leg. So I let go and gave Margo a piss enema.

She said, “Oh, I like that. I’ve never had anyone pee in me before. After this I’d like you to pee in my anadolu yakası eve gelen escort pussy.”

We slept for a few hours but woke up hungry. No one came when we called. The day went by slowly but we learned a lot about one another. Night fell and it became day again before anyone returned.

Margo’s father opened the door to the cabin and called out. Margo answered him and he came over to us.

He said, “Well, well, well, I finally have you where I want you.” Then he put a piece of duct tape over her mouth.

He sat on a chair and told me all about his daughter, the little rich bitch. She had been given everything that she had ever wanted or desired. He told me about her problems in high school and in college. Then he told me all about her gambling problem. She had gone from bad to worse to ridiculous. She never won, she just always lost. Then to get her back it had cost him a half a million dollars.

Then he said that he only paid them the ransom because of me. He felt sorry for my parents. They had called in a missing person report on me and he was the only one that knew why. The bad guys told him where to find us and told him to look in a big box on the porch. In it he found our clothes, a pair of scissors, and a bottle of baby oil. There was soap, wash clothes, bottled water, and towels too.

Then he started to cut me free as carefully as he could. He would pull at the duct tape stuck to my skin and then use the baby oil to help loosen it some more. After an hour and using up all of the baby oil he told me that he was going to get more baby oil.

When he came back he just placed three big bottles of baby oil on a table and said, “You can finish yourself and then take care of Margo. Then you two need to clean up, you really smell bad. Just walk to the end of this road and turn right to head for town. You shouldn’t have any trouble getting help.”

He said, “Just remember, you can’t tell anyone the truth. If I were you too, I’d say that two big guys with thick beards, and thick accents kidnapped you, abused Margo, and left you tied up in a duct tape body cast. Oh, you better say that they left one of your hands free but it took a long time to get the rest of your body free.”

I got us free, we washed up, and we were about to get dressed when Margo asked, “Would you like to loose your virginity before we go back? Maybe you can pee in my pussy too. Is that everything that I promised you?”

I anadolu yakası escort replied, “I would like to make love to you but could we wait a week and then do it?”

Margo smiled and said, “Okay! Whatever you want.”

As we walked toward town we discussed the future. It seems that Margo had put my life in danger and that really bothered her. She promised to stop gambling and she promised to spend sometime with me.

She even asked, “How would you like an older girlfriend? I could go to your school dances and we could have sex, all of the time. What do you think your parents would think?”

I then informed her that my parents would probably understand, that my father is forty years old and that my mother just retired at sixty-five.

Someone stopped us on the highway and called the police. They arrived and sent us to the hospital. From there I was taken home by my parents.

A few days later we were invited to Margo’s for dinner. It was her parent’s house and their staff prepared a great dinner for us all. After dinner Margo told my parents the truth about what had happened to us, including my cock in her ass. She told them about her promise to let me loose my virginity and about wanting to become my girlfriend.

As I expected, they understood the age difference and gave us their permission. Margo took me up her bedroom. We got naked and looked at how well the others body had recovered from the duct tape. My hands had cupped her breasts for the entire time so they looked magnificent. I liked looking at her breasts. Her pussy was completely shaved and she explained that it was best after the tape had been removed. The hair on her head had not been harmed.

My cock entered her and we just moved in slow short strokes just like I had in her ass that first day. I had cum in her rectum three times. I used short slow strokes so that she wouldn’t notice. She had known of course. She had just decided that it didn’t matter, however my extreme gentleness had helped to cause her to fall in love with me. We made love for a while and then I came in her. It felt good to me and she seemed to enjoy it too.

When we went downstairs my mother asked me if I was okay. Yes, I was more than okay.

Her father asked her if she was done gambling.

Margo replied, “Not yet! We are getting married after he graduates from high school. Now I’m gambling as to weather I’m pregnant at our wedding or if we have our own built in flower girl or ring bearer.”

My mother giggled and said, “She’s not on the pill anymore. This could be interesting.”

Her father asked me, “What odds are you giving?”

I smiled and said, “I bet she gets pregnant every year. We can have a flower girl, a ring bearer, and she can be pregnant.”

My father said, “A trifecta! Now that’s gambling.”

The End
The Duct Tape Body Cast

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Story of Creation Chapter 2

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*Authors Note* Ok this is the second installment, also since i forgot to addd it into the first chapter, i will be adding it to the second one for all those who are willing to follow my work.

This is my artwork so far on Cidius and his realm of things, also pics of Cidius’s semi naked “Wives” if you will, so please, Enjoy! *Authors Note*

Chapter 2 part 1 – The Sound of Music

It had been mid day before Cidius again stirred to wake, having in that morning filled Lilith four more times with his love making. Now however he was wide awake and restless, sitting up and running his slender fingers threw his twisted, messed up hair. Next to him arose his sleeping companion, Minerva, the only one that remained to look after him, keep an eye on him, make sure he did not run away possibly. Cidius only finding his feet as while she was outstretched and stretching her form on her two feet, her howitzer sized tits bouncing with the effort before she leaned down and pressed her charge into her tits, and then to kiss him, sliding her tongue into his mouth rather suddenly as she gave him the most sensual of morning kisses. Pulling back to stare down and smile, speaking in a soft tone “Good morning.” Before guiding him to the entrance of the cave once more.

Unlike the early morning the entrance of the cave had taken on a whole new look, a fire pit with a rather large… something, roasting over it. Much of the foliage and trees had been cleared away and was being cut to precision size for an unknown purpose, Kagura and Lilith both working diligently to clear the land. Sophitia was tending to the roast, and under it a frying pan filled with the guts of the thing, all the edible parts frying in its own juices. Gethwen had taken to a more morbid thing as she decorated the entrance of the cave with all manner of found or foraged… bones. Tying them to the face of the cave, making sick chimes of them. Cidius had long decided to stay away from her if possible, the way she moved, the way she just looked at him screamed dementia in her eyes, made all the more prominent by her muttering to her self and occasional sudden laughter. Althea, the shy giant of the six gathered flowers… for the sake of it it seemed as she only did so for the doing of it.

It took only seconds for Minerva to speak up as they exited the cave, “He is awake sisters.” She said with such happy glee in her voice. The other five gathering around, abandoning their respective work… and play, to greet their honored guest with “Good mornings.” and deep wet kisses of the intimate nature. The last to do so was Sophitia as she did rip from the roast beast its leg and on a large wooden palate offer it to Cidius for his breakfast. All then but Minerva did leave him once again to go back to their respective duties… and play. As Cidius observed them, and then to the meal before him, he did not know what it was, what kind of animal, and if he were wise he would have asked, declined such a thing, but his hunger was great, not having eaten for a day and a half. So without reservation he dug into it, bite into the deliciously cooked flesh with ravenous hunger. The portion he was given was the size of two well rounded watermelons stacked side by side, he imagined he would not eat so much, but to his surprise he had, downed all of it, his stomach slightly distended from the task. He could do nothing now but sit back and burp, the back of his head finding the warm breasts f Minerva who had now placed firm hands along his cock to excite him, massaging and anadolu yakası kendi evinde görüşen escort stroking his shaft and nutsack to his bloated delight. It wouldn’t be long before expert hands became drenched in torrents of white goo, Cidius writhing in pleasure while Minerva giggled and licked clean her white covered hands.

When it was said and done, and Cidius could think past the thought destroying pleasure, he ha noticed the beast all but being eaten by hungry sisters. Only minutes before the once strange and possibly proud beast was nothing but bones. When they had eaten their fill they then did move to him, but not for pleasure, still comforting as the draped themselves around and over him, cuddles and stroked his skin. Minerva, Gethwen and Althea all starting to hum in unison a very melodic and enchanting tune, their voices all in tune to sing for him a lovely tune. The others however did not but instead did speak to him, Lilith spoke first “Did you eat well?” she asks, Cidius giving a satisfied yes and a nod. Kagura chiming in, “I was the one who caught it my beloved.” She would say looking for praise, kissing along his leg. Sophitia speaking up with determined expression, “That is all fine and well, but should we not explain to him why he is here, what he is now?.” Both Kagura and Lilith giving in to nod to their sisters words. “Good, then I shall explain.” She would say grabbing Cidius from his comfortable position and place him into her own, less endowed chest, stealing the pleasure from her sisters as she blushed proudly unregretful. Clearing her throat she began to proudly lecture “You see young Cidius, you are no longer yourself, no longer what you used to be, which is obvious yes but with reason. You are the son of Oblivion!” she would say sliding her many hands around his body and to his back, there she did expose his back from his hair and showed all his spine. Along it were eight vertical bone masses, holes into his back that lead into him. “You don’t expect to me believe that.” He would say with raised eyebrow, looking to the shortest of his companions. Sophitia not skipping a beat “Oblivion plucked you from your gods hands, stole you from the cosmos and placed you here. Fought for you as she did cast away your god and many others to secure he prize… you.” She would say giving a gentle peck upon his forehead, her hands sliding along his back massaging the area along the boney protrusions, giving Cidius a most relaxing feeling, better then any massage he has ever gotten before. “So madly in love with you was she that she batteled the very gods to have you, and from her pure love gave form to us.” She said meaning her sisters and herself. “We who you will come to call mothers, come to call lovers, and wives.” She would say moving in to nuzzle her nose to his, but torn away as Cidius indeed was listening. “What do you mean mothers and wives, you did not give birth to me, and what makes you think I will marry any of you?” he would say in protest before being pulled down into a loving embrace but Kagura, given the deepest of kisses and Sophitia continued, both with her words and her massage “We know this is such a sudden thing, we realize the weight of this truth. But know that it is true, and we, your mothers, your wives will never harm you, very deny you, and never abandon you.” She would say caressing the flesh around his spine. The song still filling his ears as he continued to make out with the chocolate skinned goddess. “If you need further truth to this, anadolu yakası eve gelen escort look no further, look up and see Oblivion watching over you, my beloved.” Sophitia spoke. Cidius only taking her words for religious dogma as that is what it sounded like, the rantings of demented religious nut job. Yet still his eyes did climb high and then widen, as staring down upon him a great and wide eye, past the sky, past the moons, an eye. It was huge, indescribably in its size, and its horror. Cidius could do nothing but shake and tremble in its sight, panicking, he was in shock and found it hard to breath. Ever so close to blacking out from the terror of it all, or so he was about to, the familiar tune in his ears and the loving attentions of the vixens around him served to calm. “Its okay.” They cooed, “Shhhh” they softly spoke into his ears, His eyes soon torn away from the eye in the sky as Lilith’s face did replace its gaze. Caressed his cheek and put her forehead to his as she again cooed to him in her softest and kindest of voices “Mommy’s here baby, its okay, its okay baby.” She spoke to calm and ease his nerves. As it did seem to work, her words, her warm embrace, she held him close and did not let his eyes wander. Laid him down upon her body as the others did follow and blanket him, calm him with their presence. Oblivion’s eye had gone but the terror remained still, perhaps it was too soon to expose such a thing, but then when would have been best? But it was done, all that was left was for him to accept it, in the meantime he had the care and soft reassurances of six vixens to ease his mind and sing into his ear as their song would not stop for the rest of the day and on into the night.

Chapter 2 part 2 – Kagura the Rapist, Gets Raped

It had been a week now since the incident with the giant eye, things have since, in relativity, been much calmer. Not that Cidius had become used to his life, not that he believed anything that was told to him regarding why he was there. It all seemed so grand and spectacular, and yet for it to happen to him, it all seemed so unreal. So in lack of a better explanation, he resolved to call this reincarnation in spite of all that he had seen. And when able he was intent on sleeping away the life he had hoped was a dream, but alas every time he did awake he was still, to his dismay, in this world. And this morning would have been no different if not for the weight on his pelvis, the feel of jostling and grinding shaking him awake. Opening his groggy eyes to see Kagura atop his hips, back turned to him as she fucked his sleeping body, his cock slide balls deep into her shapely round black ass. Cidius groaning fro the feel of it as he had his senses back, this had happened a few times before, Kagura taking advantage of his sleeping body to sedate her needs. Cidius being awoken in the middle of the night to find her pole dancing stop of him to her own pleasure. At his breaking point he had decided enough was enough, pushing her off of him with violent arms and an noisy anal pop. She did nothing but fall forward and yelp from the surprise. Turning with a grin she was found out and honestly did her best not to wake him. Still he was not amused, Cidius frowning, standing, swiftly giving her a flat footed kick in the butt, making her fall upon her chest once again. “Every night you do this! Why cant you just do it when im awake like everyone else?” yes, this constant sexual activity, he had gotten used to it.

Kagura laughing sheepishly “You anadolu yakası escort just look so cute laying there sleeping I just could help myself… heehee… hee.” She would say tryng to crawl away, instead having her arms grabbed from behind her.

“Oh?” Cidius spoke “So its ok for you to rape me is that it?”

“N-no of coure not! Its just that-“ cut off before she could finish

“So then its okay for me to rape you too right?” Cidius said before smileing deviously, and with one violent trust planted his near foot long cock into her ass. Then with no time for it to settle started to fuck her, rape her. Havieng her arms taken by his, she was at his mercy.

“OH! OH GOD!” she cried before the pounding began, “Pap, pap, pap” was all that could be heard as he pounded her relentlessly. Kagura’s large black ass bouncing and swaying with each violent trust, all she could do was grunt and gasp from it all. “UNH! UNH! UNH!” Gasped, stammering in her breath “P-PLASE! MY A-A-ASS!” obviously not used to such violent sex.

But Cidius was a kind rapist, unlike Kagura he thought. Pulling his cock fro her rear as her anal ring was bright red from the assault. “Ohhh~… thank you, thank y-“ Her words cut short as a cock was placed inside it. Cidius forcibly making her swallow down his cock into her throat as her did her best to pull away while gagging. However his hands kept her from moving, one hand behind her head grabbing a ball of white beautiful hair, the other at her lower jaw, Cidius was face fucking her. As all that could be heard was her gagging, coughing, the sound of sick noises coming from her throat.

“Oh yeah!” Cidius would say with a look of great delight on his face. His balls slapping against her lower chin as his hairless pelvis smacks against her face. Removing his hands he instead grabs along her antlers for better leverage and pounds away from there. It wasn’t long before he felt that familiar feeling of his balls welling up to cum. However he was long from finished, instead slowing down and stopping, letting the feeling fade away, only to continue again. Grinding his hips into her face as she was not given a breather, he knew full well that she was practiced in breathing threw her nose, so he took advantage of this fact. Grinding his cock into her throat she gagged and threatened to poke, only to be slapped across the face from a viciously horny Cidius. “Don’t you dare poke on me you slut.” Kagura with watery eyes nodding in obedience. This went on for an hour or so, Cidius occasionally stopping to ease the orgasm back into his body, slapping her every of often just for the fun of it. Still, all good feeling things must come to an end as filling her cums, planting his cock deep into her face with reckless abandon, filling her stomach with his hot spunk. So finished he lays atop of her, her face still planted firmly upon his member as she wasn’t allowed to leave yet. And then to add injury to insult Cidius gives off a deep sigh of relief as he then pisses down her throat, filling her with both his hot jiz and piss, giving sporadic humps as he does so. Finally relieved in all manners of speaking he pulls his cock from her mouth as she starts to couch and gag heavily, Cidius falling backward into the furry mattress with not a care in the world. Ready to slip into a warm happy sleep Cidius closed his eyes, only to open them again as climbing on top of him was Kagura, sniffing and swallowing continuously to ease throat and nose. Pressing her large tits into his face she pulled him into her and laid them both sideways as she stroke at the back of his head, put his lips to her tit and begged hm on to suck, drink the milk from her. “My precious baby…” she would say, reaching down and taking cock in hand, placing it at the entrance of her cunt, sliding herself down it to her leisure. Rape momma’s pussy too?” she begged and cooed. Cidius could only sigh and think of all the sleep he wasn’t going to get from now on.

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The Boy next door -2

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Ass Fuck

I woke up an hour later and sat up. Pain radiated through my body. I looked around totally forgetting where i was. Til i uncovered myself to climb out of the bed only to notice i was naked. Oh yea thats right. Blake and I had a fucking session. Wow. I jever knew this day would cone. Neither did i know he was gay. Or is he Bi. I have no clue.

I climbed out of hed and walked downstairs and noticed Blake was sleeping on the couch. Hmm should i surprise him with me sucking him off? Maybe not, cause what if it got him mad? I walked around picking up my clothes and pulled them on. I moved and sat down on what little space was left on the couch. I turned the tv on with the remote that was on the coffie table next to the couch. I turned on Crminal Minds. Wasnt a bad show actually. My favorite character is Morgan. Hes hot as fuck. As i watched i glanced over to Blake’s sleeping form every now and then. Damn he was fucking sexy.

As i looked back to the tv i heard a faint noise come from him. Was he dreaming about something? Maybe. But how could i know? He groaned softly and i watched his hand wrap around his cock and lightly jerk himself off. I will admit i woke up with cum on me before. I stood up so i would get hard and walked upstairs, back into his room and layed back down. His room was so nice and warm. I nuzzled the pillows and sighed softly. I groaned and my cock became hard just from thinking about what i saw. I sat up. I had to resist the urge. I didnt want to jack off right now. I wasnt in the mood. My cock started hurting and i hissed in pain.

“No please…” i whispered and stood up and opened up the window. Maybe some fresh air will help take my mind off things. I sat there, looking outside. This was a lovly neighbourhood. All of the kids were nice here. Except for my older brother Gabe. What a douche. But i think every younger sibling thinks that way about there siblings, right? As i sat there, i thought about my life. My family isnt rich nor poor. We have enough money to keep a roof over our heads, and have food. My step father works and he takes care of the bills and mum cooks. I always thought the ladies did everyrhing. But i guess not.

Soon my cock softend up and i sighed in relief and moved back over to the bed. I mean i could of jacked off with maybe one of Blake’s shirts but that would of been weird if he walked in on me. Plus i never done that beforwle, so it would be embarresing. I laid there on my back, looking up at the celilng. Well i liked it over here. It was peaceful and quiet. Finally. At home it was full of me and Gabe fighting all the times. anadolu yakası rus escort I mean thats what brothers do. At least its words, and not fists.

I looked around tue room. Blake had a nice organized room. Posters of bands were up everywhere. His bed i knew could possibly fit two. His floor was covered with black carpeting. He had a desk with a computer in the corner of the room.

“Ooh a laptop.” i mumbled and stood up and walked over to the desk and sat down. I opened up the laptop. Strange, it didnt need a password. I clicked on the internet thing and ir brought up a web page of porn and my cock hardend imeadietly.

“Fuck…” i whispered and wanted to shut the computer but look at all this porn. Ladies getting fucked. Men giving other men head. Damn. Such a turn on. I typed in “Gay porn”. Cause why not. I hit the enter button amd couple thousand results came up. I clicked on one and began to watch it. It was so arousing.

The taller male was kissing the other. But at the bottom of tye screen it showed their names. Sean, and Adam. Hmm okay. But which one was which. I snickered softly as i continued to watch. The taller one had his clothes off and told the other to get on his knees and suck it.

I will admit i love when others are demanding. Its hot. The younger male got down on his knees and took his lovers cock in his mouth and bobbed his head and sucked. I groaned and undid my jeans and took my hard cock out. I began to strok myself softly. I rubbed that spot near the head which sent great pleasure through my body, causing me to moan out a bit loudly. I bit my lip as i keot watching the other give head. I softly thrusted into my hand and moaned. My free hand fondling my balls and i groaned tilting my head back. Listening to the porn.

The older one told tye younder on to go to the bed and bend over. I squirmed where i sat and then heard the fimilar sound of a grunt and hissed as i began stroking myself faster. Listening to the girlish moans coming from the laptop.

I kept thrusting my cock in my hand. It felt so good. I didnt wanna stop. I stood up and leaned against the wall jerking off. Only thing heard was the loud moans coming from the male in the porn video and my heavy breathing. I kept stroking faster and faster. My hips pounding against my hand. My balls were swinging and i tilted my head back moaning.

“Fuck yes.” i hissed out and got the sudden urge to cum, but i tried holding it in til the video was over. I kept pounding in my hand as my hand gripped my cock roughly, squeezing anadolu yakası sevişen escort it. Causing me to squeak. My eyes were closed, foucsed on the task and tye porn. My cock throbbed and i shook my head.

“No…not yet.” i whispered and walked over to the bed, bending over and took my free hand and pushed a finger inside my ass. I.groaned out loudly and kept stroking my cock. I bit the blanket on the bed. I could feel it coming. The sudden rush boiling up. Then a loud groan left me and i shot my load everywhere. On the edge of the bed, on the floor, in my hand, some leaking down my thighs. I relaxed against the bed and sighed in relief.

I didnt move for awhile as i closed my eyes. I had fallen back to sleep.

When i woke up i heard someone groaning, and grunting and the bed was shaking. The fuck was going on. When i moved i was shoved back down. Then i felt it. A cock inside my ass. “Blake, what are you doing?” i asked tiredly.

He froze mid thrust and took in a heavy breath. “I’m sorry. You were laying at the edge of the hed with you hand wrapped around your cock, sleeping. I couldnt help it. I had to fuck you.” he whispered then thrusted again, roughly

i hissed out and rested against the bed. My ass was getting pounded, causing the bed to smack against the wall. Fuck this was intense already. He pulled my hips up so my ass was in the air. Sliding back into me. He took my sensitive cock into his hand and began pumping my shaft. I shuddered and slightly moved my hips to fuck his had while he fucked my ass.

“Oh my god. Yes Blake. Fuck my ass.” i groaned out loudly and he smacked my ass with his free hand. I groaned and bit my lip. Oh my god. Tue sensation was so awesome. But something ringed. Was that my phone? Uh-oh.

“Blake please, stop. I need to answer that.” i groaned trying to move away. He shoved me back down, holding my neck. Then i felt him let go and then he grabbed my phone, handing it to me. Fuck it was my mum.

I answered it. “Hello mum.” i tried sounding normal but bit my lip as the pounding got rougher.

“Hey Jake. Gabe is on his way over. He wants to soend time with ya before he goes to college.” i could tell she was smiling.

“oh okay mum…tell him the door is unlocked.” my breathing got heavy and the room was filled with smacking sounds. I grianed as quietly as possible.

“Jake whats going on? Is everything okay?” she sounded worried.

“Yes i’m okay. Everything is fine. Dont worry.” i said casually. Blake anadolu yakası escort leaned down and kissed the back of my neck. Pounding my ass harder.

I took the phone from my mouth and moaned out loudly “Oh fucking hell Blake! HARDER!” i growled out in pleausre. A bit to loud for my liking and mum must of heard. I pulled the phone back to my ear.

“Jake, are you…?” she questioned and i moaned louder as Blake pounded my ass. I winced and he smirked.

“i ripped you baby.” he said seductively and he stood us up, shoving me against a wall. Still in my ass. My hips pounded against the wall.

“Jake?” Damn forgot she was still on the other end.

“Yes mum. Im being fucked. Fucked so hard im bleeding.” i whined and she gasped on the other end

“Oh god, i’m so sorry.” she whispered and then the line went dead. I let my phone drop to the floor and pressed my body, flat upagainst the wall.

“Hurry, Gabe will be over any minuet.” i whined and Blake kept pounding my ass. Smaking sounds echoed around the room. I thrusted back against him. Moaning out loudly. He smirked and pulled out only to shove back in.

“Dont worry, im close.” Blake whispered. He sure was dominating. He thrused harder and faster. I winced amd he smirked pulling out, shoving me to my knees and i opened my mouth and he jacked off, cumming on my face, and some in my mouth. I swallowed his cum and he pulled out. I collasped onto the floor. Breathing heavily and in pain.

Blake smirked and kneeled down wipping the cum off my face. “You okay? Did i hurt you?” he asked. I could only mewl in response. Soon the door bell rang and Blake stood up.

“I bet thats your brother. Clean up, get dressed and come on down.” he whispered softly before standing up and pulling on his boxers and left the room.

I laid there. Pain radiating through my body. I weakly sat up and crawled over, grabbing my shirt and wipping the rest of the cum away. Then stood up and pulled on my boxer brifes and jeans. My ass was fucking sore.

I slowly walked down hearing laughter which made me smile. I made it into the living room and saw Gabe and walked over and hugged him. “Hey Gabe.” i smiled faintly.

“Hey lil bro. How are you?” Gabe asked and i sat down in his lap. He smiled

“I’m fine.” i whispered. I could stand for long. My legs were still weak. Gabe hugged me close. Causing me to slughtly wince.

He pulled back with a concered look. “Its nothing. I just fell asleep on the floor.” i lied and he seemed to buy it.

“Well anyways lil bro. I have to get goin. Starting college. Love ya.” he whispered and moved me aside and stood up. I had tears in my eyes and whined.

“But its summer Gabe.” i whined and he smiled softly.

“I know it is. But i’ll he coming back home.” he assured me before leaving.

I broke down in sobs as Blake hugged me close. I nuzzled against him. Suddenly feeling happy

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