Taking Chances Ch. 02

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Big Tits

We were way out in the country. I knew that from things he’d casually told me. But I also knew it was hobby farm, gentrified country, five acre lots pigeon holed for the upper middle class and above, who wanted to raise their babies away from the mean city streets. I knew most of the trees on the hundred or so acres had been cut down so the new owners could play landed country folk and landscape their lots to suit their desire so…and there we were! It was the only other house, and obviously unfinished, that I saw when I took a slightly giddy inspiring 360 degree whirling look about. And only about a two acre walk away from me…nothing for a country chick tomboy like me.

One acre into that walk I had to admit, the sandals probably hadn’t been the best choice in footwear. I was developing several definite blisters. Yes I was an athletic tomboy, in great shape, but a two acre walk in the wrong shoes, blisters are just gonna happen! And I didn’t even have the option to take the damn sandals off! Gavin had just started this project. Eventually he’d have a huge crew under him, putting up a dozen houses at once, but first he had to finish the second house. So the two acres I had to walk to get to that second house he was working on were just roughly plowed under, and had erupted in a growth of nettles and prickly vegetation.

I took that last acre walk slow, and kept the threatened blisters down to almost shows.

The house looked really nice, even as rough as it was. It was basically just the shell still; no shingles, no siding, but I could see it eventually easily being worth the three to four hundred thousand each house was slated to net. This was luxury housing, and it came with enough property to make each and every new owner feel that olden days King of your castle smugness. Owning land will probably never lose its value.

There was a battered old picnic table plunked down just in front of where the driveway for the house would eventually be poured, and I hopped up on top of it; wriggling back far enough to bring my legs up and pull my sandals off so I could sit Indian style and regroup for a minute or two. I was hot and sweaty and my damn feet hurt! Maybe I should have just waited for Gavin to get back to the finished display house because fuck knows my arousal had kinda wilted during the walk and at the moment I was flat out just hot, sore, and cranky as an Irish Banshee!

I’d been smart enough to bring a bottle of water with me for the walk-and Gavin knew me so well that half a dozen had been nestled, three quarters full, in the freezer half of his fridge. I love water. It’s what I mostly drink. I’ll buy a twelve pack of diet coke, and it lasts me sometimes a month. But cold, cold water is my favorite drink. It’s cheap, when it comes from the tap, and good for the body.

So I sat there, on the picnic table, which happily was being shaded by the garage, and drank down half that icy, refreshing bottle of water. And I thought about Gavin. At first just thinking how nice…and typical of him it was, that he’d remember that my favorite drink is chilled water.

But my thoughts didn’t stay innocent for long.

I love the fact that he knows me, understands Pendik escort me. There’s really only two things that I totally can’t stomach. The first is being bored. And the second is stupid people. I’m honestly not an intelligentsia snob-I have almost no street smarts, and I struggle with math and science and technology. But anything that involves reading or words-that’s MY world. I taught myself to both read and write when I was five. Don’t ask me how, I was FIVE, I don’t remember. I wanted to read my mom’s Nancy Drew books, and she was too busy to read to me, so I learned what I needed on my own.

I’ve spent my life being told to “speak English” by people who don’t read or write much, if at all, and see no value, get no rush from reading a 500 year old antique book and finding a wonderful new word. That got old when I was about ten.

He speaks my language, and to me, nothing is more erotic then the cerebral.

To be with someone I can’t hide from, that I can’t manipulate-even if it’s in an “innocent” and non malicious way-is very rare for me. I can’t paint a pretty picture and put my best foot forward with him. And in a way that’s terrifying to me. He sees ME, the real me, not the pretty china doll hiding behind whatever version of the mask I put on that I think people want to see, to give them what they want, to make them like me.

So yep, that’s terrifying as bloody hell to me.

But there’s that other thing. He knows I’m not perfect; he knows I have a temper that can erupt in ugly ways-rarely, but yeah, it can. He knows I hold grudges and that I get my feelings hurt easily. And he always knows when he’s hurt my feelings-unlike most people I know-and he won’t let me get away with my tendency to go quiet and pull away, shoving my emotion down and withdrawing.

He knows that I whine when I’m sick and that I can be a real bitch over silly little stupid shit. And he still likes me. Even when I’m not playing pretty, perfect little good girl.

“Hey sexy, what you doing sitting out here?”


And he’s standing framed in the open front door of the house smiling at me and oh wow, just…all the little gods above and below what the sight of this man does to me!

He’s half naked-that man has a definite aversion to clothing, gotta fricking LOVE IT! And I giggle a little at the sight of the heavy duty, steel toed working boots paired with nothing but a pair of faded, skin kissing raggedy cut off denim shorts. I think a little dizzily that he’s prolly NOT wearing the official and/or expected “uniform” of a construction worker but of course he’s the only one on the site, and he’s not really big with following orders from above.

He’s sweating…I can see little rivers of water running down his shoulders and chest, and once again it hits me; that desire to run my tongue over the deltas and planes of that toned upper body. I wanna lick him up and up, with my tongue drawn flat and slowly dragging; collecting his salty moisture to let it mix with my saliva, and slide down my throat with every convulsive swallow. I wanna do it until the only wet on that beautiful upper body is the moisture from my tongue’s licking.

And then…only Kurtköy Escort then…I want to drop to my knees and lick, starting right above the last button, the top button, the one that he hasn’t bothered to button, and lick a tight line, feeling the roughness of denim on the sensitive edge of my tongue, up to that right hand dent. And then start again, at that button, and do the same, up to that left hip dent.

I want, I want, oh please I want…

“I’m almost done for the night. You’re looking really flushed K…why don’t you come inside and sit in front of the fan while I finish up.”

His soft, throaty words, so innocent and just…nice, thoughtful man…tear me out of the wickedly dirty porno zipping through my mind and my head snaps up to meet his eyes.

Shit! My throat is so tight I can’t speak. I try twice, then give up and take a fast double swallow of my no longer so cold water before bothering to try a third time. When I look up at him again, my throat threatens to close again at the look in his eyes.

His smile is so innocent and concerned, but his eyes, my gods his eyes!

And I realize in an instant…damn bastard knows EXACTLY what he’s doing to me! Because those eyes are not innocent. They are on fire with lust and need and a fiercely animal hunger. And I KNOW he’s not calm and relaxed. He wants to lunge and knock me flat on my back, rip my dress off and slam his hard flesh as deep inside of me as he can get it.

He blinks, and the look is gone, but I know, and suddenly I can breathe and speak again because for me, in regards to ONE thing, nothing has changed. I am gonna get my fantasy first! After that, I don’t care what he does to me. I know I’ll love it all and even if it hurts…I kinda like a little being hurt.

And so I manage to smile at him, holding up and casually waving my pack of cigarettes, telling him that I’ll be in soon, just want to have a last smoke and of course I need to get my sandals back on and for an instant his eyes are…spelling out that this is a crossroads. I see it. And I know and understand and I wait, not being able to breathe yet again. How many times does this make?

Then he laughs, lazy and easy, and grins at me. “OK sweetheart, see you in a bit.” And turns and disappears back inside the house.

Whoosh and oh golly gee! I let my body collapse and melt backwards, letting both water bottle and cigarettes drop as I lay myself supine, giggling up at the blazing bright blue sky, my bare feet kicking upwards, feeling the bite of the aged wood of the picnic table nibble into the backs of my knees.

I won this one! Badddddd kitty! But I’m not, really honestly I’m not a bad kitty, not a bad girl. I just want THIS one little thing. And I’ve waited so long, listened to him talk so much about HER, and tried to be supportive and helpful. I’ve dreamed about doing this to him for so long. I just want this. And then I’ll be that…anything he wants me to be. Because that’s what I really want, being a special Ones everything.

I roll lithely over onto my belly, head hanging blood rushing down, and flail about trying to grab my water bottle up off the ground. Luckily my cigarettes Maltepe Escort landed right next to my sandals on the bench of the picnic table. I snag the water bottle and Ally OOP myself back into a proper sitting position. I can barely stay still long enough to smoke half the cigarette before I’m wrestling my sandals back on, tossing down the last of the now barely cool water and wresting myself off and free of the battered picnic table.

GIMME GIMME oh please…..

I slink in through the open door of the garage, into the house, peeking around corners and being as quiet as a hormone crazed secret agent-huh, wonder how quiet that would be? Must be somewhat quiet, because when I peek through that last door and finally see him, it doesn’t look as if he knows I’m there.

He’s sitting sprawled out on a metal folding chair in the roughly delineated bare bones of what I take to be the house’s future dining room; his head back and a bottle of water resting, dripping condensation, against his taut belly.

I must have made a sound, because his eyes open and he smiles at me, so lazily seductive that my pussy pulses and clenches in hot,throbbing lust.

“I know what you want.” He purrs. “It’s gonna tear hell out of your knees baby. It’s gonna hurt you bad.”

I whimper helplessly, slipping further into the room. I KNOW it’s gonna hurt me. I’ve always known that getting my fantasy would hurt me but I still want it. I need it.

“I don’t care.” I whisper, eyes pleading, begging.

‘Then it’s lucky for you that I do. Because I know what you want. You want to lay me down flat and devour me, and it seems to me…” He got up from the chair, and walked away from me through a doorway. “That my idea is better. Now come here!”

And I obeyed, following him through the doorway into the room he’d entered to find him laying on a bare mattress laid out on the floor, already naked, his cock rock hard and pointing straight up.

“I don’t want splinters in my ass.” He growled, his eyes pinning me where I stood. “And you forget how much I know you. I’m allowing you your fantasy, because you’ve made it mine. You will do all those things you’ve told me you want to do to me, for MY pleasure. And after I explode down your throat, you’ll suck me hard again and I’ll flip you onto your belly and fuck that tight, teasing pussy raw!”

I almost dropped to the floor over what he said; it weakened my knees so badly.

Because he’s different. He’s not a Dom. That’s really not his thing. He’s not into D/s or BDSM in the “normal” way. But he is a dominant, alpha male. And I get that, because I write about D/s and BDSM, and I also write about “Others.” I like Vampires and the Fey…but I really like Were beasties; canine and feline.

The two words, alpha and dominant, can be capitalized or lower case. And both versions are ‘licious.

He’s not a Dominant. But he is dominant. And likewise, he’s too solitary to be THE Alpha. But he is an alpha male and believe you me I’ve no doubts about that!

And kitty only “won” because he wants me to do, what I want to do.

The though almost makes me cum, standing right there, beneath the bare bones of a barely half way finished luxury house.

“I’m waiting.” He snarl/purrs at me. And I realize…that I’M tired of waiting. And now-I can have what I want. And he’s aching, throbbing, rock dicked wanting it!

Mreowwww…kitty’s gonna be so good, at being, such a bad, bad girl!

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Susan’s Fortuitous Mistake

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Susan’s Fortuitous Mistake

She thought it was her roommate at her door

I was fairly new to the workforce. I lucked out and got a good job with a high-tech firm. It was a casual place, but we were the New York branch, and things are a little more formal in NY. It’s not Silicon Valley. I always try to fit in, and so I wore a nice blouse, a skirt the correct length, and hose, and low heels, each and every day. I’d change to casual clothes the moment I got home.

I’m single. Kind of between boyfriends, I guess, and I’m not sure why. I think I’m attractive enough. I have a nice face, clear skin, and healthy hair. I have a good figure. My only defect is that I think my boobs are a little too big. They’re still pert at my young age (I’m twenty-four), but that’s not going to last. Just so you know. I’d kind of like to be in a relationship, but so far, the right man has simply not come-a-calling.

My salary was good enough to rent a studio or a tiny one bedroom in Manhattan, but with a roommate I could live in an upscale building, with doormen (always a plus in a big city, especially if you’re female), a built-in laundry room, a built-in gym, and nice views of the city from the ninth floor (where our apartment was), out of seventeen floors.

I chose my roommate with care, because I knew from some experiences in college how important it is to have a compatible roommate. Jenny was a doll, responsible, and considerate, and we lived together harmoniously, with nary a problem. That is, however, until Jenny met the man of her dreams.

Jenny and I each had our own bedrooms, no problem, and the soundproofing was good, so even if Jenny was noisy in bed, I wouldn’t know. She probably wasn’t, though. Most women aren’t, would be my guess. I know at the rare times I am lucky enough to have sex, I make around the same amount of noise as a church mouse having sex.

Jenny’s boyfriend Brad began to be a more frequent guest. It happened gradually, and the frequency of his visits kind of snuck up on me. It was a bit of an inconvenience, because when I get home from work I like to take off my clothes, including my bra, and just hang out in a T shirt dress. I have this thing, however, about always looking nice in the presence of men, so if Brad were there, I couldn’t fully relax.

As I said, his presence snuck up on me, and soon he was around so often, I began to let my guard down. After all, he left me alone; he was there exclusively for Jenny, and that was clear. He was good looking enough, but he was not my type. I’m fairly sure I was not his type, either. Jenny and I are very different. Jenny is relaxed around men, and relaxed about sex, and I am neither.

One nice aspect, however, was that once Brad and Jenny retired to Jenny’s room for sex and then sleep, they were never heard from again until morning. That meant if I wanted a “midnight snack,” I could go to the kitchen to collect it, and even eat it in the living room, and not worry about being disturbed. I often did this in a short T shirt with no underwear, since I felt, basically, that I was alone at those times, and I was.

It got to the point where I simply acted as if Brad were not there, and began wearing a T shirt dress and no bra. I even wore my V necked T shirt dress, in which I showed a lot of cleavage, in all innocence. I just wasn’t thinking about Brad. Luckily, it made Bostancı Escort no difference; Brad ignored me, and I ignored him.

One day, though, Brad dropped by with a friend. There I was, looking sexy, and not even really aware that I was looking sexy. Brad’s friend Greg noticed, however. Boy, did he notice! He couldn’t take his eyes off of me. I got rattled and retreated to my room, closing the door to my room. I felt like an idiot, plus I was annoyed by my own behavior. When it got late, Brad and Jenny went to Jenny’s room, and we all know what the two of them had planned. Greg was supposed to leave.

Greg did not leave right away, however. Instead he helped himself to the bottle of Jenny’s Scotch whisky she had bought for Brad (Jenny doesn’t drink hard liquor), pouring himself a glass, and settling into our one overstuffed armchair. He drank his whisky, read some of the novel he had brought with him, and — I guess — he fell asleep.

Enter yours truly, also known as Susan, dressed in a much too short T shirt and nothing else. Greg was silent, and I neither saw nor heard him. I walked straight to the fridge. Greg had turned out the lights earlier as he drifted off to sleep in the armchair, so I didn’t even see him. I bent over the fridge to find what I wanted, and I imagine I flashed my pussy and my ass to Greg as I did so, but I don’t really know if I did, or not. The light in the fridge would have lit me up. I returned to my room not even realizing what I might have (or might not have) done.

Back in my room, I still didn’t know Greg had not left. I decided to take a bath. Baths often helped to get me sleepy, and for some reason I was buzzed. I realized it might happen that my fingers would entertain my imagination in the bath, and I was fine with that. I could use Greg’s face as the face of my fantasy lover. He had a nice face. I stripped naked and collected all my shampoos, conditioners, bath gel, and creams that I kept in my little chrome self-care basket. I stripped naked, and approached my bedroom door. I was up for this!

Just as I was about to open it, there was a soft knock at my door. It was exactly the knock Jenny gives, when she’s worried I may be already asleep. She does that from time to time, to borrow an Ambien, or a Xanax, or some Tylenol, depending on her needs. I was of course nude, but Jenny had seen me nude many times before, and I’m always glad to help Jenny. She’s a sweetheart. So, I opened my door without clothes, but with a smile.

Greg doesn’t look like Jenny; not even a tiny bit! “I just wanted to say goodnight and thanks for….” Greg said, before he froze as I stood there before him, naked as the day I was born. Of course, when I was born I didn’t have boobs, nor a bush, nor was I wearing perfume, and surely, I wasn’t blushing. Newborns don’t really have a sense of shame, but I do, and I surely did just then!

I stood there, like a deer in the headlights. There was a difference, however: I seriously doubt Greg had ever before grabbed a deer and kissed it. He did that with me, however, and who knows why (don’t ask me!), but standing there in my nudity, I simply kissed him back. Greg’s hands went to my ass and fondled it, and as if I were on automatic romance pilot my arms went up and around his neck.

We continued kissing like that, and I was getting aroused. Greg somehow Erenköy Escort dropped his pants as we were kissing, and his hard cock was pushing against my flat tummy. I kind of backed up a bit to put some distance between his cock and my tummy, but Greg and his long, hard, cock, followed. I backed up until the backs of my knees reached my nice, comfy, double bed, with its Tempur-Pedic mattress topper, and Greg pushed, and I fell backwards onto my bed.

Greg fell on top of me, his cock on my thigh, and he kept kissing me, with his hands all over my boobs. I think I was still in shock, but anyway, it had been eons since I had had any sex, and my body lubricated to the occasion. Greg’s fingers rapidly learned just how I wet I actually was, when they left my boobs to go below my Mason-Dixon line.

Anytime before in my life, when a man had got me naked, he knew, and I knew, that we were going to have sex. This was different, because Greg did not “get me naked;” he simply lucked out and there I was, all naked, and for reasons I did not understand, quite responsive to his romantic overtures.

“Greg, we can’t…” I began to say, and then his finger found my clit and I couldn’t continue. “I mean, it’s not a good …” and this time a finger on his other hand must have found my g-spot, because I went nuts! I began writhing around in ecstasy. I pushed his body away from me, since language was just not doing the job.

“You wanted to say something?” Greg asked, once his fingers were out of, and away from, my erogenous zones.

All the reasons sex was a bad idea just then, primarily being I had only met Greg that evening and we hadn’t even dated and — bottom line — this was ridiculous, flashed through my head. This was a bad idea, a very bad idea.

I decided to be a bad girl, for once in my life. How better to be a bad girl, than to go with a bad idea?

“Yes. Carry on,” I said.

Greg was all over me in a heartbeat. He was kissing me, and playing with me, and then suddenly — without warning — it washed over me. Oh, my word, did it feel good! To have a climax given to me by a man, after such a long time, was just wonderful. It was so much more powerful than the tiny climaxes I managed to eke out of my body on my own.

Greg spread my legs wide apart. My legs were much wider apart than they needed to be, but I guess it was Greg’s way of letting me know what the next item on the agenda was. I just smiled and blew him a kiss and he plunged on in.

It was lovely. Greg was both gentle but powerful. For me, anyway, it’s the perfect combination. God, I hoped Greg was a nice guy, a guy I might even like, because my-oh-my was he a good fuck! With his cock alone, and the occasional kiss while we fucked, along with the occasional nipple tweak, he drove me to a delightful climax. Shortly later he slammed his cock balls deep inside me, holding it there, and I felt it squirting inside me, over and over. He unloaded a hell of a lot of spunk inside me.

“Have you been saving up your stuff for me?” I teased, as his cock slowly deflated. It was still inside me, as his hard, muscular, warm, and delicious body lay on top of me.

“It’s been a while since I’ve had the extreme pleasure of sex with a beautiful woman,” Greg said.

“I thought you just fucked me?” I teased again.

“My mistake,” he rejoined.

“You know, Göztepe Escort Greg, once is not enough,” I said.

“I agree. Let my balls rest a bit, and re-charge, and then I’ve love to make love to you again,” he said.

“Hmm,” I said.

“May I take you to dinner, say, this weekend, Jenny?” Greg asked.

“I’m Susan. Usually I like a man to get my name right when we’ve reached the sex stage, but I’ll forgive you this one and only time,” I said.

Greg was embarrassed. He apologized over and over again. I smiled.

“Also, usually the man takes me to dinner first, perhaps three times, before we fall into bed together. I’m afraid you’ve got the order of things wrong. It’s not fuck first, then flirt. It’s flirt first, then fuck, you know?” I teased some more.

“Well, I’m glad this happened,” Greg said.

“I am, too. Oh! I think you’re ready for it to happen again!” and I took Greg’s cock into my mouth. I had a nice suck, tasting his cum and my juices on his cock. I lovingly caressed it with my tongue and my warm, moist mouth, until it soon developed into a close imitation of a lovely rock formation, like the ones in Carefree, Arizona. Then I lay back, spread my legs, and let Greg and his talented manhood drive me to yet another climax.

When it was all over, and Greg was getting dressed, he said, “Friday night, then?”

“Answer my quiz first?” I asked.

“Okay?” Greg said, a bit puzzled.

“What’s my name? And Jenny is the wrong answer,” I said.

Greg smiled. “Will you go to dinner with me Friday night, Susan?”

“Yes,” I said.

“Pick you up at 7?” he asked.

“Sure. Oh, and Greg — bring some condoms, please. I’m not on birth control,” I said, and I enjoyed watching the color drain from his face.

“Kiss goodnight?” he asked, once he had recovered from the shock that he had been shooting his stuff into my unprotected womb.

I was surprised. Most men I’d been with were unable to get it up a third time! Boy, I hoped it worked out with Greg, because I knew already: We’re super compatible sexually! Greg ended up staying for breakfast, and I had to sneak into the bathroom for an early morning bath, right after my two very early morning fucks, just beating Jenny there. Neither one of us girls wanted to stink of sex at breakfast, you know?

Brad and Jenny were surprised to see Greg at breakfast, and the looks on their faces were priceless! Brad seemed to look at me in a new way. Suddenly he realized I was a sexual being. He seemed interested. Things were going to get complicated.

I’d have to be more careful in how I dressed in the future. The future being tomorrow, because I was wearing my super sexy nightgown at breakfast. I wanted to keep Greg interested, you know?

After that now infamous breakfast, however, I was indeed much more careful how I dressed. It made little to no difference, however; the damage had been done. Brad can be very determined at times. It turns out that Greg knew that, too. Things truly did get complicated!

“Jenny, we need to talk,” I said a few weeks later.

“It is about Brad and Greg?” she asked.

“Yes, of course,” I said.

“Good,” Jenny replied.

We worked it out.

I’m bringing Greg to the company picnic. I want to show him off. He’s actually quite a hunk! I suspect my colleagues will be surprised to learn I’m actually sexually active. Now I’m even on the pill. It’s a lot more fun, that way; no worries, you know? I’ll keep a close eye on my colleague Delilah when I bring Greg to the picnic. Her parents knew what they were doing when they gave her that name!

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His powerful voice resonated in her ears. He coaxed her, “Come on baby girl, suck my cock. You know you want to, you know it is what you need.”

The room around them was sparsely decorated and dominated by a large wrought iron bed with a thick burgundy duvet. He stood naked before her, a soft black towel at his feet. His body still glistened from his shower. The rivulets of water still running from his raven hair over his broad chest down his stomach to the nest of hair around his rapidly hardening cock. He reached to stroke her hair, his azure eyes meeting hers, a lighter shade of the same color. She was kneeling before him her ass resting on her heels, a soft pleading look in her eyes. His hands tangled in her cherry tresses pulling her mouth closer to him. She tried to pull her head back with a gentle whimper and his grip tightened for a moment then released her.

He looked sternly at her. He could read her like an open book. Her breasts shivered under her over sized flannel shirt, unbuttoned just enough to show the subtle tremors he was evoking in her. He patted her cheek drawing a finger lightly across her lips. “ A little shy tonight, baby girl?” he asked, then chuckled. Şerifali Escort He moved his hand to his cock and began to stroke it. “Do you see what you do to me?” he asked and she nodded then turned her eyes downward. His right hand still around his engorged cock his left went to her chin to pull her eyes back up to his. “Look at me while I am stroking it, don’t look away again” he instructed firmly. “I want you to see me. See how hard you make me? You may be resisting now, but I know you want it, need it, crave it.”

The first drops of precum become visible and she drew her tongue across her lips. He smiled at that simple action, knowing she was breaking. His grip tightened and the muscles in his well-developed forearm and wrist became more prominent. His teeth pulled in his lower lip chewing on it lightly. Her lips, naturally ruby, were calling to him.

Each movement she made was a signal to him, the way she shifted her thighs, spreading them slightly as if inviting him in. The way she moved her hands from her sides to rest them on her knees. It brought her just a few inches closer to the glistening head. His voice softened more to almost a whisper. Üsküdar Escort “You like that don’t you, baby girl? You like to see my hard cock as I stroke it.” He pushed his hips forward teasing her with each stroke. “God baby, suck it, please, I know you need it. You need to feel it throb in that hot little mouth of yours.”

His rhythm quickened, she began panting softly. He teased her lightly with it just a breath away from her mouth, her eyes pleading with him, he began to trace her full lips with it. Drawing a line of shimmering precum on her mouth. Her lips were firm as he tried to slide it in, resisting him. “Come on baby, just a little suck, just let me slide it in for a minute.” he said his voice charming her. Weakening her. Her lips parted a tiny bit allowing him to feel the moist heat of her breath. “Mmm, that’s it. Be a good girl, let me fuck your mouth.” Her mouth opened a little more, letting just the tip of his cock in. He moved his hand from the shaft and put both on the back of her head pushing her mouth onto him.

She moaned softly, giving away how badly she wanted it. He started slowly rotating his hips, grinding himself into her mouth. With each Ümraniye Escort slight movement her mouth opened more to him. “Yes baby that’s how you do it“, she began rolling her tongue on the head, feasting on his precum. Her eyes locked onto his the whole time. She looked so damn innocent were it not for the cock on her tongue. He was speaking softly to her now, like a child. “That’s it darling, suck on the head. Take it in further now. Oh yes baby, take it all the way in. Make me cum with your mouth baby.” She was now lost. Any resistance was gone and she began pulling him into her mouth. Sucking, licking, moaning. His hands push her to take it all in. She became frantic, stroking him with her tongue. She was like a starved child. His moans were getting louder as he fueled her fire “Oh fuck yes baby girl you suck me so good. God you make we want to cum so hard. I love fucking that sweet little mouth of yours.”

She could feel him tensing, each muscle, nerve, cell electrified. She pulled him to her taking him all the way into her throat just as he began to cum, she milked him with her lips drawing out spurt after spurt of his hot cum. He moaned wildly. His body shaking as he thrust into her mouth. She swallowed each drop as fast as she could. As the waves of his orgasm subsided he slipped his cock out of her mouth. He stroked her hair and said “I love you baby girl.” and she smiled a drizzle of cum peeking out of her lip.

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Sweet Agony

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He undressed her slowly, admiring every inch of her, and loving this woman whose desire matched his own. Picking her up in his arms, and kissing her deeply, he walked to the bed and gently lay her down.

She reached with arms outstretched, inviting him.

With heart beating faster, he lowered himself on the bed and hovered over her. She looked into his eyes with so much love, it almost made him weep. “This night will be for you my darling,” he said.

He kissed her, a slow lingering kiss, his tongue feathering her lips, and savoring the taste of her, then covered her mouth with his. She opened her mouth and he accepted her invitation. He explored, pleased by her eagerness, and their tongues mated in a ritual dance.

While holding her close, softly caressing her bare skin with his hands, she sighed, and his loins stirred. “I love you”, he whispered. He withdrew from her mouth and gently kissed her eyelids, then her swollen lips, teasing them.

They held each other close, she delighting in the feel of his muscular arms, and he the softness of her exquisite body. He lowered his head, and agonizingly – slowly- put butterfly kisses on her neck, first one side, then the other.

She threw her head back, giving him access to…. wherever he wanted to go.

He could feel her melting in his arms and it spurred him on to conquering her completely.

Continuing down her body with soft kisses, his hands gently kneading her breasts, she moaned, and arched upward inviting him to suckle. Knowing what she wanted, but determined to prolong her pleasure, he kissed her nipple, then gently blew on it. She shivered with the sensation while he gave the other breast the same attention. Suddenly, he took the nipple into his mouth and suckled, slowly at first, then increasing in strength, until she thought she would die with the wonder of it.

She was on fire now.

He moved to the other breast and suckled there, while rolling between his fingers, the nipple of the breast he had just left. Bostancı Escort He nibbled with his teeth and drew on it, until it was hard and throbbing and standing straight out, then lifting his mouth, blew on it.

The heat from his mouth, and the coolness of the air hitting it when he blew, was driving her mad. She quivered, and moaned, and in response, he grew harder. “Please”, she cried out, “Please”.

He kissed and teased one hard nub before drawing it into his mouth, and feasting with abandon.

She sighed in ecstasy,

He drew in a breath, and willed himself to continue her pleasure, while postponing his own. He suckled one breast and then the other, until she whimpered, and began thrusting her hips upward. Drawing hard, he pulled each nipple to it’s full length.

She gasped and her heart was pounding. Never had she felt such exquisite sensations.

His moved his hand to her womanhood, and felt the wetness. He kissed her stomach and moved down, down her body a little at a time, kissing and tasting her silky skin along the way, until his lips touched her pubic hair.

She gasped and he smiled.

She had never felt so turned on in her life! He was her master, and she his slave, to do to her, and with her, whatever he pleased.

She was squirming now, and opened her legs wide, begging him to enter her. He did not. He looked up at her, and she was laying with arms above her head, in total trust and surrender. Love for her surged through him like wildfire. He kissed the inside of her thighs, then opened her portals with his hands, and found her rosebud with his tongue. His tongue darted up and down, and back and forth, until her clit was hard, then stopped, only to continue on, time after time.

She thought she would lose her mind.

Her hips were lifting in rhythm to his ministering and he thought he’d explode. His cock had never felt so hard. No, he told himself, not yet. Not until she was on the edge. He could barely contain himself now, but Erenköy Escort wanted to give her what she had never experienced before, and was determined to postpone his release.

His lips surrounded her clit, and held it there, motionless, knowing it was driving her insane, and reveling in it. After long moments he began to suck….slowly.

She had never felt anything so soft in her entire life! His tongue holding her, felt like velvet, and she gloried in it. She couldn’t lay still.

He took her love bud into his mouth and devoured it. Reaching upward he caressed each breast and rolled the erect nipples between his fingers.

She drew in a ragged breath and yelled out with longing.

Still he persisted, sucking harder.

She lost all reason. She was bucking, whimpering with each ragged breath, running her fingers through his hair- pulling it, begging him to fill her.

He lifted her hips, and impaled her to the womb, with one long…..slow….. movement. His rock hard cock was long and thick . It stretched her beyond reasoning and filled her completely. He began thrusting , slowly at first, and then faster and faster, pounding her until he thought he would surely die if she didn’t reach her climax soon.

Her toes were curling. She was gasping for breath and rolling her head from side to side. Her finger nails where digging into his back. Suddenly she cried out. With stiffened legs, her body convulsed time after time, with her pleasure.

He held her close, softly kissing her, until her body relaxed.

“I love you,” she said Suddenly, her inner muscles grasped his cock, and pulled him deeper and deeper into her hot wet pussy. She used her muscles like a heart beat, clamping around his cock, wave after wave, sucking him like a strong, smooth mouth.

He withdrew his cock, and used his hands to pull her hips off of the bed, as he took a kneeling position. Grabbing her ankles, he lifted her legs high and spread them wide.

Looking at each other, Göztepe Escort their eyes never wavering, he teased her pussy lips with his cock. Using the tip he rubbed her still throbbing clit.

She felt the head of his cock enter her. Still looking into each other’s eyes, he hesitated.

She was trying desperately to take more of him inside of her, but he held her legs wide, having complete control. Her eyes were closed and her hands were, first pulling her hair, then clutching the pillow her head lay on. Her mouth was open, moaning and whimpering.

Still he held his position.

“Oh god. Please,” she screamed. “Please, give it all to me. I’m so hot…so hot… please!”

“Open your eyes and look at me, then I’ll give it to you.”

She opened her eyes and looked at him.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes, yes, yes!

He gave her what she wanted and thrust his cock into. Hard!

It took her breath away!

He began pumping. Faster…..harder. So hard, his cock was pounding her cervix. Her ample breasts were bouncing up and down and side to side. Nipples hard. So lovely, he thought, and so tight He fucked her like a mad man!

She screamed, “I’m cuming! I’m cuming! Oh god, oh god!”

He could feel her muscles contract with each wave of her orgasm, milking him. Suddenly, he felt his own explosion rising. One last thrust and he emptied his hot cum into her. Heaven had opened to him and he thought he would never come back to earth. He didn’t want to come back to earth. With each spasm, he buried himself in her sweetness.

She was crying. Her tears wetting his shoulder as he collapsed on top of her. They lay there for an eternity, holding each other, their breathing slowly returning to normal. He thought he would never be normal again.

Never before had he experienced what had just happened. His mind had lost all rationale and he had been reduced to animal instinct. Pure lust in it’s most wonderful form.

She was kissing his skin, and rubbing her hands over his back, and her tears were still flowing. He gently lifted himself, and lay down next to her. Pulling her into his arms, he kissed the tears away, not knowing if they were hers tears or his, and not caring.

He said, “I love you” and they slept.

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Summer Boy Ch. 01

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“Out Adam!” Lynn pointed her finger sternly to the other side of the reception desk.

Adam sat on the top of the desk belonging to Cassie, a young, very buxom, brunette receptionist. The girl didn’t seem to mind much judging by her wide, sparkling grin. He offered an innocent glance towards his supervisor.

“Now!” Lynn insisted, “Stop hanging around reception like some bored monkey, already. You’re on morning pool duty in 5 minutes!”

Adam slipped off the desk and snapped to attention on his feet. Flashing perfect rows of smiling white teeth he said, “Mais oui, mon capitan!”

Cassie giggled and he finally pulled himself away. The lanky, sharp-faced young man with the scrunched-teased sandy hair casually made his way past Lynn as she stood by the reception desk’s gate.

He stopped and smiled downward towards the shorter woman. “I’ve got the trunks on underneath my shorts,” he remarked through a playful, angled curl on his lips. He always liked to sweeten his words with his curling French accent when he was like this. “I’m good to go, Lynn.”

Lynn put her hand on her chest and chided, “Well, that really puts me at ease. Thank you, Adam. Now, do me a favour and get your butt to the pool.”

The young man arched his sharp brow and chuckled, “Seeya, Cass!” He winked at Lynn and scooted down the corridor towards the pool.

Lynn sighed, exasperated. She steeled her dark brown eyes towards the young receptionist. Cassie was already cringing. The supervisor had been on a warpath for the last few weeks and the perky girl with the round cheeks –round everything– had caught a lot of her flak.

“You know that no one’s supposed to hang around back here behind the desk,” Lynn said in a low, slowly seething voice.

Cassie chewed her lower lip and nodded, sinking into her chair.

“So what was that?”

Cassie’s big doe-eyes pinched as she cowered helplessly. “Um…He just stopped by when you…uh…he was just here for a second,” she offered, noticeably flustered.

“Adam isn’t supposed to be…,” Lynn caught herself, realizing the harsh tone in her voice. The girl in front of her looked like a rabbit that was preparing to be flayed alive. Calmed slightly, she started again, “Cassie, no one except you should be working behind this desk, alright?”

Cassie nodded again. The phone rang and she quickly, earnestly, answered, “Hello, Valleyview Recreation and Aquatic Centre. Cassie, speaking. May I help you?”

The receptionist smiled anxiously towards the supervisor and then turned away as she talked on the phone.

Lynn sighed as she walked away. “I ‘ave got deh trunks on underneat’ mah shorts,” she fumed derisively, feigning a brutal French accent. Smirking to herself, she added, “God knows what else he’s packing underneath his shorts.”

She stumbled for a moment, tripped up by the double entendre of her flippant thoughts. Lord, she was tired, just so tired.

Summer at the recreation centre was not her favourite time of year. She wanted to be outside not stuck working in the center all day. It was constantly busy and the patrons were more demanding as if their lives would end if they couldn’t have access to the squash court. To fill the increased demand and hours, the centre offered more shifts to the part-time junior staff, which in turn meant more antics from Adam.

This summer in particular was not going well at all for the staff supervisor. In fact, it started off as a disaster and steadily rolled down the hill from there. Lynn had pinned so many of her seasonal plans on her budding relationship with Dominic. A new boyfriend in the spring had quickened her step and made the already fun and energetic woman just that much more of a pleasure to work with. She always had a smile on her softly curved, fair-skinned face and a natural lightness in her voice. Able to deflect any stress or adversity with a simple laugh and a focused mind, everyone found her to be easily approachable.

So it was a jarring contrast when her mood suddenly took a turn just before the summer peak-period started. She was agitated and aggravated. Every word she spoke had an edge to it. Now a month into the season and everyone knew to take a wide berth when she was around, everyone except Adam. The young man seemed to relish standing on the tracks waiting for Lynn to railroad him. It was either a death-wish or a fetish.

With all her other headaches, the last thing she wanted to deal with was the young Cassanova…or at least he fancied himself that…and most of the girls his age seemed to believe that…along with some of the older women on staff. Lynn shook her head and scolded herself. This wasn’t just about Adam. He was a symptom of her lousy summer, not the reason for it.

Apart from supervising his work, he was of no concern in her life.


“You’re in charge of the pool staff,” Lynn groaned, “Can’t you do something about them?”

Olivia tapped something into her keyboard then swiveled in her chair as the two staff supervisors sat at Şerifali Escort their desks alone in the centre’s office. “You mean Adam?” she asked.

Annoyed, Lynn sniffed, “No…not just Adam. I said them.”

Her friend and co-worker smiled and folded her arms. “Alright. Who else, then?”

Lynn was hunched over her desk. She scribbled some gibberish onto her schedules and then tossed her pencil down. Leaning back in her seat, she dragged her hands down her face. “Okay! Adam!” she moaned, “He’s getting on my nerves!”

Olivia chuckled.

“He’s always hanging around doing nothing but flirting with any young thing with breasts and a tweety-pie giggle. He moves like he’s going for a stroll on a beach. He smells of smoke. Those stupid baggy cargo shorts of his…I swear it could be below freezing outside and I’d still be forced to look at his hairy white legs,” Lynn bemoaned barely stopping for a breath.

Olivia continued to laugh. “You forgot about his hair.”

“He must run a vacuum cleaner through it in the morning! Oh! Oh! And that crazy way he arches his eyebrow. What the hell?”

“It’s like it’s going to detach and fly off into space,” Olivia fed her friend’s annoyance, “And all those men’s magazines he reads?”

Lynn closed her eyes and shook her head. “No wonder he’s over-sexed. Worse, he’s misguided reading that garbage. I mean how many times can they rewrite the same article about how to pick up and seduce women?”

Swiveling side-to-side in her chair, Olivia looked upwards and sighed, “Ah, it does seem to be working for him, though.”

“Pfft!” Lynn fluttered her lips dismissively, “Only with immature school girls who are just as over-sexed as he is.”

“It must be that passionate French blood of his.” Pouting her lip for a second as she thought, Olivia finally said, “He is really cute though.”

Lynn said nothing. She just picked up her pencil and tapped the eraser end on the desk.

“I mean, he has the looks,” Olivia mused, “Tall, blue eyes, spiky light brown hair, V-shaped build…even the little bit of scruff on his face suits him. He doesn’t look nearly his age.”

“He looks like an escapee from a Disney Channel show,” Lynn muttered.

“Well, if you ask me…”

Lynn raised her finger aside and interjected, “I’m not asking you…”

“Quiet…if you ask me, that’s not necessarily a bad way to be described. He’s got Disney looks, naughty boy attitude, Euro-stlye charm, and he’s also surprisingly bright. That’s a pretty intriguing combination don’t you think?”

“Uh-huh. It just means he’s still a boy who’s growing up and doesn’t know what he wants to be.”

“No, not a boy any longer,” Olivia corrected with a coy grin, “And he’s at his sexual peak.”

“Ugh,” Lynn replied and repeated, “He still has a lot of growing up to do.”

“Well, a man your age didn’t get you really far with Dominic, did it?” her friend chided, “Adam’s harmless. He’s playful, likes to have fun. Kind of like you…when you’re not so –I’m sorry– bitchy.”

“Olivia,” Lynn sighed, “I run into Adam everyday. He’s cute, I’ll give you that. Sort of like High School Musical guy’s evil twin Francophone brother. I’ll admit it, it actually makes me laugh on the inside when he does that goofy leer of his. And there’s something about him that prevents me from just wanting to kill him when he acts like an idiot.”

“He’s actually a pretty smart kid,” Olivia interjected, “And disarmingly charming sometimes.”

“I won’t deny that. Sometimes he’s quite fun to hang out with and to even talk to,” Lynn continued, “But then he just undercuts himself by overdoing it. All I see is his over-confident grin and over-stimulated, hormonally excited swagger. Other than what he can pass off as seduction or romance or sex positions from what he’s learned from magazines or tv or the internet, what can he possibly offer to a girl over the age of 16? I just wish he would grow up. He could be so much better than that.”

Olivia leaned back in her chair, folded her arms and smirked at her. Lynn didn’t like that look. “What?” she asked suspiciously.

Olivia shook her head and said, “Lynn, it sounds to me like you’ve actually thought a lot about this guy.”

“He’s not a guy…he’s a kid,” Lynn retorted, “Why would I be concerned with him?”

“You know, I can see that you two do seem to get along really well a lot of the time.”

“I figured I’d mix it up with the times I’m usually chewing him out,” Lynn smirked.

Olivia continued, “You have lunch with him, talk with him…”

“It’s more like scolding him.”

“It sounds a bit like that familiar story of the woman thinking she can turn the rebellious, wild-man into a teddy bear,” Olivia said.

“Wow. You’re positively delusional,” Lynn scoffed.

Her co-worker eyed her even more so now. “I also would say that we’re not talking about a meaningful relationship thing with Adam. I know I’m not.”

Now it was Lynn’s turn to eye Olivia. “Yes, I’ve been aching to try out this whole cougar-revolution Ümraniye Escort going on,” Lynn droned sarcastically. She quickly reversed course and snapped, “Oh my God, you’ve got to be kidding me! I can’t believe you would think…!”

“Oh come on! You need to update your dictionary. We’re sure as hell not old enough to be cougars –though personally, I would count as a MILF, if I do say so myself- and we’re not doing anything bad, anyway,” Olivia went on as Lynn rolled her eyes, “It’s just fantasizing. The guy is cute and hot. It’s just fun to imagine. Nothing wrong with that. My mother still does it and she’s 60. She would be a cougar. You and I just hit 30. We’re within acceptable range.”

“Acceptable range for what? Here’s an update: You’re supposed to be a married woman with a child,” Lynn looked down and shook her head, not believing what she was hearing. “You’re insane.”

A naughty thought entered Olivia’s head. She leaned forward, the intent of twisting Lynn’s screws even tighter smeared all over her grinning face. She said, “But you’re not married, are you? And I think it’s pretty obvious that young Adam has been entertaining his own ‘hormonally excited’ fantasies of a certain unattached, pretty supervisor.”

Lynn’s eyes widened in shock along with her mouth. She looked up at Olivia, her mouth still gaping open but nothing escaping it except for a meager squeak.

“Oh don’t give me that look,” Olivia waved at her, “A handsome young guy thinking of you like that…kind of flattering, isn’t it?”

Lynn’s eyes drifted as she thought.

Olivia arched her brow and pointed at her. “Ah-hah!” she exclaimed, “I got you thinking, didn’t I?”

“This is totally inappropriate,” Lynn said, shaking her head disapprovingly towards her colleague.

“Yes,” Olivia nodded, “Isn’t it fun?”

Lynn squinted at her and shook her head disapprovingly, “All this time, I had no idea I was working with such a perverted woman,” she joked, “Wait until your daughter is old enough to understand how depraved her mother is!”

“Besides, nothing is actually going to happen anyway, is it now?” Olivia smiled and shrugged, unapologetic, and turned back to her computer, leaving Lynn to slowly untwist her incredulous smirk.

She breathed deeply and returned to her schedules on her desk. Out of the myriad of names scattered on the timetable, she suddenly, surprisingly, realized that her eyes were only pulling out one.

She squeezed her eyes shut and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Oh for God’s sake,” she muttered.

“Hmm?” Olivia looked up from her desk.

“Nothing,” Lynn breathed without turning around.

She redoubled her efforts to get her work done, rubbing her forehead as she tried to make sense of the schedules. She really was just now getting over her break-up with Dominic. Her mind was just clearing, the pain in her heart just easing. For the past little while she had been neglecting her work and had indeed probably been a bit bitchy around the rec centre. Now she could finally get some work done and move on with her life. Besides, Lynn had little interest in fantasizing about a jailbait teenager…

“Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!” a chorus of voices broke out in song in the adjoining staff lounge, interrupting Lynn’s consternation.

“Happy Birthday dear, Aaa-dammm!”

“Oh, shit. You’re kidding,” Lynn thought, her eyes widening as her shoulders tensed.

“Happy birthday to you-oou!”

As the sound of clapping ensued, Lynn got up and walked to the doorway. When she looked, she saw a gathering of staff in the lounge, everyone circling a not surprisingly proud looking Adam. They feted him with hugs, handshakes, a couple of small gifts and ice cream cake, the candles shaped in the numbers ‘2’ and ‘0’ adorning the top of it.

Adam raised his hands and bowed his head jokingly as he accepted their cheer and declared, “Thank you! Merci! Hey, please start referring to me as Monsieur Dupuis, if you don’t mind. I’m not a kid anymore, you know! Au Revoir mon teens!”

The group laughed.

“Finally!” Cassie mocked, “I hate drinking alone! Worse, I hate drinking with younger men.”

“Among other things,” he added.

The two observing supervisors waited for it. There it was: his arched eyebrow. Olivia snickered.

Cassie punched Adam playfully, but sharply, in the arm.

Now it was Lynn’s turn to roll her eyes. She continued to watch him derisively from the doorway as he sliced and served his birthday cake.

“It’s Adam’s birthday,” Olivia said to her from behind with a soft nudge to her back.

“Uh, yeah. So I gathered.”

“Did you get him a gift?”

“Very funny. Maybe I should get him some pants!” Lynn replied with a shake of her chin. She turned around to Olivia and added, “Can you believe he’s 20 now?”

“Yes, they grow up right before our eyes,” Olivia mocked, “Out of those awkward teen years and now a full-fledged man. He’s officially legal tender.”

Lynn glared at her, Üsküdar Escort amazed by how low Olivia could stoop. She smirked and said, “Legal? Maybe. Tender? I don’t think so! Adam’s about as tender as my old running shoes!”

Olivia started to chuckle but suddenly stopped herself. Lynn didn’t notice.

“It’s like counting rings on a tree,” Lynn went on excitedly, “He’s about as old as the number of girls he’s gone through!”

Lynn blinked and frowned as she looked at Olivia. He co-worker’s face was frozen in a state of guilty bemusement. Lynn finally realized she was actually looking over her shoulder, behind her.

“What…?” Lynn said as she turned, “Oh…uh, Adam.”

The young man stood over her holding two saucers with cake. With a slight, crooked grin, he held out a slice to Olivia.

“Thanks Adam,” Olivia chirped, “And Happy Birthday!”

“Merci,” he nodded curtly. Then he turned to Lynn and offered her the other slice.

Lynn met the gaze of his ocean blue eyes and quickly tilted her face down to look at the cake in his hands. She knew she was blushing but she couldn’t let him see.

“Uh, thanks,” she said, taking the dish. Adam turned and started to head back to the table. Lynn looked up and said, “Oh, happy birthday.”

Adam turned to her and nodded. He was about to rejoin the group when he paused and smiled. He showed off his trademark arched eyebrow and said, “By the way, the legal age of consent in this country is 16.”

Both women tilted their heads, brows raised, as if they had spied a squirrel in a tree singing a tune.

“But it’s the thought that counts,” he said, his eyes narrowed on Lynn.

Olivia hadn’t noticed it –it wasn’t directed at her, after all– but Lynn saw a sharpness in his smile. It was completely different from the harmless little flirtatious winks and playful grins he had thrown her before. There was a stiff, assured line on his lips. She wasn’t sure what to make of it but, unexpectedly, it made her heart skip and she was sure that her cheeks were glowing an even deeper pink.

Adam quietly turned and went back to the group in the lounge.

They both watched him. Olivia smirked, “Well, that was embarrassing.” She stuffed a bit of cake in her mouth and stood beside Lynn. “Don’t worry,” she said, poking the flushed woman in the cheek, “He probably thinks you’re cute when you blush like that.”

Deflated, Lynn groaned softly and walked back into the office. She flipped the slice of cake into the garbage bin.


Three summers ago, the new junior staff of the Valleyview recreational centre were toured around the complex before the building opened for the season. Adam was with a group of three other trainees, all around 16 or 17-years old. They all had the same look about them, trying to appear all cool and detached as teenagers could be but actually nervous and anxious as hell.

Adam looked out the windows as they passed through the hallways. He had a loping gait to his walk. He was excited. His hands, stuffed in the pockets of his shorts, were clenched. It was his first paying job, he loved sports, and, since he was attending an all-boys Catholic school during the rest of the year, he finally got to spend the day with girls his age. It was going to be a great gig working at a rec centre.

“Adam,” his supervisor, Olivia, called to him, “You’re falling behind just a bit. Gotta keep up! Chop! Chop!”

“Sorry!” He smiled and nodded. He jogged over, his hands still in his pockets. The only new female trainee in their group looked at him and grinned. He winked at the frizzy blonde girl.

They continued their tour and came across the second group of new trainees. The small group of three was led by another staff supervisor. Adam tilted his head as he looked at her. Like Olivia, she was also Asian. She may have been a bit younger, fresher looking, but he couldn’t guess her age. Anyone over 21 was old anyway. Other than age, though, the two supervisors were quite similar in appearance. They were the same height and slender body shape. Both had almond-shaped, dark eyes that were gently pinched at the outer ends. Olivia was more tanned and had some freckles but they both sported shoulder-length black hair with reddish highlights.

Adam smirked. He was aware of how observant he had become of women, lately.

“Hello, Lynn,” Olivia greeted her fellow supervisor.

“Hey,” Lynn waved back. “Breaking in the new recruits? Sufficiently putting the fear of God into them?”

“No, just the fear of us,” Olivia replied with a grin.

“Oh yes, that’s good. Very good,” Lynn narrowed her eyes, pointed at the other woman, and nodded. She scanned over all the trainees, “Fear the Valleyview Centre dragon ladies, people. Fear us!”

There was a hesitant chuckle amongst the teens. Despite her mock threats, Lynn had a sweet, playful voice, Adam noted.

“They’re so cute when they’re terrified,” Lynn giggled. It was a surprisingly warm and gentle laugh. Her arms folded, she continued to look at Olivia’s group and her eyes stopped on him. He felt a little restless and shuffled a bit on his feet.

“Nice shorts,” Lynn said to him, looking down and nodding with her lips pursed. “Looks like you’re ready to retire on a beach in Florida.”

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Sunita Has Him, Then Me

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It was a bad idea – I knew from the word go. But there was no other way to be near Sunita. When she asked me to stay over that weekend, I was torn between the idea of being near her and the discomfort of being at home on a Saturday night – the night Karan looks for her. Hell, I also know that I get aroused as mad being near Sunita and how would I manage to stay within bounds? I had stayed at her place once when Karan was traveling and was extremely familiar with the layout of the house – would Karan find that strange?

There were other friends that dropped in that Saturday night for an evening together and there was music, drinks and all the usual bonhomie that goes with a night of friends together. I didn’t know any of them – except my Sunita and Karan – her Karan. I helped around the house with drinks and snacks and stuff, and on more than one occasion we passed so close to each other I could smell her perfume. More than once she looked me in the eye and her face was flushed red.

As the evening came to a close most of the people left, and I lingered on, hoping Karan would go to bed before Sunita and me. It began to get awkward as Karan clearly had plans for himself with Sunita – moving close to her, smooching her, and caressing her as she went past when he thought no one was looking. But I was looking – I spent the entire evening looking at her from different angles: laughing, smiling, joking, flirting, serving: she looked as beautiful as she ever did.

And I saw Karan building up towards her and knew that my retiring to my room was inevitable. I went and lay down not quite able to sleep. Soon I heard some noises, of Sunita and Karan. I opened the door slightly. Both of them were downstairs in the kitchen.

“Hey, let go of me!” Sunita squealed. “I am not done with the kitchen.”

“Naaaaaaaaaw,” he drawled and pressed himself against her back pinning her to the counter in the kitchen. She could feel his surging, if small, cock pressing into her.

“Karan,” she hissed, “What are you doing?” I saw his hands disappear to the front of her. A loud moan from her, “Mmmmmmmmmm!” Obviously he was kneading her tits.

She pushed him away, her face red. She knew I was there upstairs; and we had talked of this night. We had thought he would be too drunk and sleep off; or that she would manage that. But she never held any assurances to me that she would come to me or my room after that. She was clear. That would hardly be the right thing for a married demure woman, who cared for her husband to do. The only thing she sought to tell me is that I would not have to live with the thought that she was being fucked by him, or fucking him, when I was there in that house.

I watched as she went to the fridge to put away some dishes. He followed her and caught her there too. She turned around and he rubbed himself against her. She pushed him away and they stumbled and that brought Sunita near the dining table. He pushed her back and her ass was propped on that dining table. He kissed her neck and her chin.

“Oohhh, Ssssuuuu… Karan!” she murmured. His lips trailed down her throat and nuzzled her breasts. Her hands went to his head and she tried to pull him up – so he shouldn’t go down on her. Not where only her Shyam was allowed to take her.

“Karan, not here! The maids, the kids, not here….!” She whispered as she pushed him away. Her sentence was punctuated with groans and grunts as she felt his lips drive her wild. She ran to the stairs and he ran behind her. She was four steps ahead so her ass was at his face level. He reached out and bit at her ass.

“Aaaaaaaah…Karan!” she shuddered. Her knees became weak. She sank to the stairs and he was on top of her…. Grinding himself into her. Her hands went around his shoulders holding him….. Bostancı Escort and he rammed hard.

“KARAN!” Sunita hissed. “What are you doing?”

The thrusting rammed his cock against her pussy through clothes and all. She got up and stumbled to the top of the stairs. He grabbed her by the wrists and kissed his way up her hand. To her shoulder. Down her chest. And I saw his lips nip at the tip of her breast. I was burning with jealousy and with arousal.

Karan was too aroused to go as far as their own bedroom and he pushed her to the small ante room next to my guestroom. He ripped open her shirt top, a loud rip shearing the stillness of the night air. His hands opened the button of her trousers and he peeled it down.

“Wait!” Sunita pleaded, the lust in her voice apparent.

“For what? There are no maids and here and the kids are asleep in their room,” Karan countered.

He threw her back on the bed. Her shirt was open. She was in her panties. Heaving. Excitement writ large on her face. Never before had Karan been this forceful in his assault on her. He pulled down her panties and threw it, and it came and fell so near where I was standing. I crept out of the room to a place from where I could see more.

She took off her shirt and her bra. The manner in which she did this was familiar to me. The body language indicated she was ready now to get fucked. That was how it was when she was with me too: there would be a point at which she would take of her rings and trinkets – a clear signal to me that I could change gears.

Karan too changed gears. He tongued her all over her body. Breasts. Shoulder. “Oh Karan!” she gasped. Her stomach. “mmmmmmmmm, aaaaaaaaahh.”

He moved lower. She gasped and sat up and pulled his head to her.

“No not there, Karan,” she thought to herself. “That place belongs to my Shyam.”

He spread her legs roughly.

“Karan, careful,” she said, while her hands came around and clutched at his ass as she got excited and started to want his cock. But he was in an animal mood. He held her legs apart, one in each hand. Then slid his hands down to the inside of her thighs and fell on her. His cock bludgeoned into her. “Aaaaaaaaaaah! Karannnnnnn, slowly sweetheart,” she pleaded to no avail.

“No!” he screamed. And then thrust ever harder into her pussy. Her hand came up behind his neck trying to pull him close so he couldn’t thrust that hard. He pushed her away and held her hips, holding her up so her so pussy was a target. “HAAAAAA” he screamed as he pounded into her. In and out. In and out. His ass tightened. Her hands clutched at his ass and kneaded them. He hammered into her. He was out of breath. He couldn’t go on. His chest was bursting.

She knew he couldn’t last longer, nor did he have that kind of stamina. He was no Shyam. Shyam was different. Never this violent. And completely untiring. Her leg was spread right now at an impossible angle. With Shyam? He would have sensed her hip was paining. Karan’s cock was not so thick as Shyam’s. And yet it was pleasuring her with a tinge of pain. With Shyam? No matter how hard he fucked her pussy was always wetter and wider, and could have never felt even a remote twinge of pain, unless it was a pleasurable pain.

She had to do something. She reached between them. Karan was still holding himself away from Sunita so that he could continue his animal thrusting. That gave Sunita enough space to reach between and ring his cock with her fingers. As he thrust next, his skin was pulled back and the cockhead swelled up. She twitched her cunt and twisted her hips a bit and he started to shudder. He pulled out – withdrawal was how they managed birth control. His cum spilled onto her belly, her thighs.

She pulled him close to give him Kadıköy Escort the comfort of cumming by hugging; by trapping his cock between them, pressed on her belly. It twitched and throbbed. Spilling and smearing onto their tummies.

She held him close, allowing him to finish cumming. She was looking at the ceiling thinking of how Shyam never failed to give her the satisfaction of the fullness of his cock in her womb and the warm gush. That is when she noticed me – looking over his shoulder and seeing me watching them.

Her face went red. She stiffened. Her modesty as a married woman was compromised. And o god, how could she have let Shyam see her like this. I looked at her lying there. Legs spread wide. Karan prone over her. Her one hand around his shoulder. The other cupping his ass. Her heel over his calf. She pushed him away. He rolled over, asleep as he landed. Tired out exhausted. He had exerted himself, and was spent…. But was she taken anywhere………..?

She gathered her clothes and covered her body with her hands in front. She crept out, shy and embarrassed. Trying to slip away to her room to wash up and change. But she was to pass too close to me to go that way. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into my room.

“Shyam, what are you doing?” she hissed. “Karan is there right next door.”

“And I am here,” I replied. Determined to feel her breasts and heartbeat against my chest before the slut in her went back into that shell which hid the real her from me.

Her clothes dropped to the floor and I pushed her to the wall. She could feel my cock prod her belly through my pajamas as I leaned into her. I kissed her neck. Nibbling her earlobes. And my palm flattened against her tummy. I felt the half dry smear of his seed on her tummy and my palm inched down to her pussy. My palm covered her pussy and my fingers played with the strip of sensitive skin between the pussy and her anus. I felt the wetness. And I felt something else……

The throb of her cunt.

“Shyaaaaaaaaaaam! I have wanted you all evening,” she lied. It may be true of this moment, but I could not put away in my mind the images of her fucking Karan with a lust that was undeniable.

Right now, her hand rubbed my cock and the pajama was wet in a jiffy. My hand went under her and cupped her ass. I lifted her one leg and brought it around my hip. That gave her the support of the wall and her other leg was on the floor. My hand holding her ass fully in my large hands, I lifted her up. Her tummy caressed my cock pressing it backward. Up came her pussy the wetness of cock and cunt smearing each other. I lifted her higher giving place to my cockhead to nose her open. And then she adjusted her hips a bit so the cunt capped over the cockhead. She thrust down.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh Sunitaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” I shuddered helplessly.

“Shyyyyyyyyyam. It feels great to be taken by you darling!” she screamed, her hand on the back of my head. We thrust a few times. And then we let go and slid to the floor right there.

We used my pajama to soak up the soppy juices in her pussy. Then she got on top of me. I held her breasts in my hand. She let her weight down on me and let my hands hold her up. My thumbs toggled her nipples. I pinched her nipples.

“Aaagh! Hnnnnh! Oooo! Shyam. My nipp –ah- nipples – uh nipples …they aaaaaahhh want yo… your….. fingers,” she wailed.

I looked up and saw her lust crazed face. Her body propped up by my grip on her tits. Her ass moved up and down. “Oh! Aaawwwh, yaaaaaaah! Fuck me. Take me. Fill me….,” Sunita begged.

Her breasts are a full handful. A very full handful, but no more. And the harder I held them, the more her pussy seemed to twitch. She thrust down. I lay back and took the hump with Göztepe Escort a long, “Yesssssssssssssssssss!”

When she pulled herself up, I fucked upward. “Haaannnnnnnnhhh!” she went. And with that thick rod thrust up into her, she lost control of her neck muscles and her head shuddered and flailed. Then it was her turn to fuck down.

‘Ooohhhh, Sunitaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” I cried out as I felt the loss of control.

“Yes baby, cum! Cum! Cum!” she looked down into my eyes. Sensing that for once her Shyam was going to lose control she brought her legs together and a look of determination came on her face. She fucked as if she was the man. I was beside myself.

“No Sunita, I ….ahhh.. don’t……… no ……….want……..no, no, no, no, no, no!” and with every ‘no’ I squirted into her. Blasts of cum splashing into her.

She smiled and with her eyes laughing, said, “Yes, darling!” The contrast in her efforts with Karan and me flashed through my mind. She needed Karan to finish. She wanted her Shyam to flood her and take her and fill her.

Her moans and thrusting and jerking were certainly louder and more intense. She leaned back and fondled my balls and thighs as she continued to fuck the now depleting cock. “Ah! Yes, baby! Do me! Take me! Dry me! Yes Sunita! Don’t stop….!” I laughed. “Don- ah… don’t don’t don’t stoppppppppppppppp!”

My hands let go of the tight grip and started to caress her breasts, heaving softly. Tenderly. Every time my fingers caressed her nipples with a feather touch, she shuddered, “ufffffff. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!”. A rumbling shudder. Which spasmed on my cock. I twitched. The tender caress went out of control and I quickly squeezed hard before going back to a gentler caress. Holding her while she was still sitting upright. Hands on her hips. Roaming her back. Nails tracing lines on her body making her shudder everywhere.

Till I had slipped out of her. She lifted her leg to get off me. I savored that view, of the pretty and conformist housewife getting off her stud lover with her legs spread wide. Her body on her haunches splayed open. Dripping. Then I realized I hadn’t given her the big one which she had stopped Karan from going for.

I held her hips and encouraged her to move over my face but she wouldn’t. We struggled a bit. She reached for my pajama and and cleaned herself as best as she could. She got off me. Her ass was near me. I reached out and bit her. She gasped. I pushed her onto the floor and she was soon sitting near me. Both of us a sprawl of limbs and clothes on the floor. While her husband snored gently in the smaller ante-room type bedroom a few feet away.

I gently made her lie back on the mangled heap of clothes. I slid two fingers into what was right then a yawning chasm of a cunt. I couldn’t feel anything in there gripping any of me. I went for her clit. It was swollen and on display. My tongue found its target. I thrummed the clit with a simple focus of getting her there.

She thrashed. Deep groans from well within her throat, “Awwwwwwwwwwwhhhh! Shyam. Aaaaaaaah. Shyam. Shyam. Shyam .Shyam……. yes my Shyam……..!”

A rivulet started to flow on the floor as she bucked her hips, fucking my face. Her stomach muscles were standing up – her flaccid tummy was tented. I felt her womb swell. The flesh inside her expanded and, incredibly, pushed out my fingers.

She curled up. I tried to touch her. She couldn’t take even a finger touch. On her thigh. On her ass. On her tummy. Anywhere. She shivered. She looked at me. A shy smile. A shaking of the head. As if to say, “How are you able to make me such a slut, when just a while ago, one person was just able to make me just a bit wet?”

She went to the door and listened. Silence. She looked towards the ante-room. He was there on his back. His cock totally receded. Otherwise exactly as she had left him. She couldn’t leave him there – that room had no doors. She wore her panties. Her bra. Her trousers. Her shirt. And she went to lead him to their bedroom………

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Syd’s Halloween Soirée Ch. 1

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Chapter 1

I paused just outside Syd’s, my hand rested on the heavy brass handle, from the other side of the door I could hear the party goers mingling, laughter spilled out from inside the wall. Relieved to have left my usual lieutenant crisp blues behind for the night along with the strains of the job, I made one last attempt to adjusting my mask, pulling my cloak tighter across my body and entered the bar.

Standing in the dim entrance I took my time, my eyes carefully taking in the room. In the midst of the bar a group of people gathered, smiling faces, high spirited voices calling out to one another. Immediately recognizing a few of my friends….Halloween masquerade party or not…some people’s presence couldn’t be concealed. I spotted my partner Gage Logan, he was talking to a little brunette dressed as a kitty-kat, she rubbed herself against him I imagining her purring. I smirked at him before rolling my eyes, with his All American good looks… he stood 6- feet tall, his shoulders spanned the width of a small brick house, his dark blonde hair curled into angelic tendrils, women melted into his piercing emerald eyes, his firm jaw, full lips….all made a day in the field hard to swallow when he was around, constantly brining attention to his pretty boy face. The little kitty-kat reached her delicate hands to his face pushed his mask over his head, a ripple of laughter exploded from her little frame, she clapped her hands together, obviously enjoying this game. Gage turned briefly in my direction, as he was off duty tonight, his face held a relaxed smile but his eyes were on full alert once he saw me standing there, shaking my head I made myself exercise my facial features into what I hoped resembled a smile. And with slight nod of his head undetected by any others, he winked at me before raining his full attention on his waiting lady.

I slid the hood of my cape down over my shoulders, long loose curls sprung free. Slowly I untied the silk string that gathered my cloak together. Underneath I wore a black-tie tuxedo corset that cinched at my waist, the boning cutting into my hourglass shape. Draping my cloak over one arm I made my way to the bar. Teetering slightly in my heels I glanced down at my feet grimacing…perhaps my usual detective boots would have been more appropriate. I gathered my composure ordered a glass of merlot and leaned back into the bar. I watched as friends and strangers snaked their way around the room…singles coupling up briefly to try to identify one another before parting again to unveil more of the nights mystery. A pair of covetous blondes positioned them selves on either side of me. I glanced from my left and then to my right. Smiling at my friends as they looked on at me speechless…they had no idea who I was! Rapping the tip of my tongue against my upper lip I smiled a slow seductive smile, a husky laugh eased its way past my lips, “Ladies,” I whispered with a gentle nod of my head, low voices tangled in my wake.

Spotting an empty chair in the corner of the room quickly I mapped out my plan visually…the least amount of walking tonight the better I would be off. Maybe if I sit down for a bit, have glass of wine, switching modes would be a little smoother transition. Carefully walking around the large galvanized tubs that were filled with the most unusual trick or treats, I was almost safely to my seat when a voice from behind willed my attention. “I’d know that walk anywhere Lieutenant.” I stopped dead in my tracks as tiny shivers ran up my spine The voice was rich, smooth, and very sure of its self. Slowly I turned on Bostancı Escort my heel, every ounce of air constricted in my chest. The man before me was dressed in a phantom costume He leaned in closer to me allowing me a faint glimpse of his scent. His mask covered three-fourths of his face. A knowing smile played on his perfectly etched lips. From behind his mask his eyes teased, oh, those eyes, a shade that could only have risen from a fusion of the ocean. I stood before him entranced for a moment, the digi-gods above must have been in a specially good mood the day they made this one. His short dark hair picked up flecks of light from the gothic styled candle holders placed around the room.

“Lieutenant, “he whispered in my ear, standing dangerously close to me now, “don’t tell me you don’t recognize me?” A hint of laughter played behind his words. The word lieutenant snapped me out of his hypnotic trance, I stood up as tall as my petite 5’4 frame would take me, still he towered over me, I smiled, but my eyes said watch it buddy. “No, I don’t think I do”.

His face softened instantly, detecting the shift in my attitude, a reassuring gloved hand cautiously rested on my bare shoulder. “Mmm…it’s okay La Fay, it’s—-” just then a couple of party goers bumped roughly into the two of us. Quickly his hands wrapped around my waist, steadying me. The small crowd moved closer, gathering around, trapping us in between them. Shifting my eyes to a couple across from me, the woman’s face lit up as she winked at me, a smile formed on my lips as I mouth a hello to a regular at Syd’s. I listened to the phantoms voice as he joked with the new arrivals. His voice had a comforting and soothing caliber. I squint my eyes, I know this voice, I’ve heard time and time again. My eyes fogged briefly in my confusion. I entered Syd’s moments ago sharp as at tack and now I couldn’t remember my own badge number if I had to. With one hand still firmly around my waist the Phantom’s fingers traced along the boning of my corset that was now beginning to cut into my skin. An involuntary moan escaped me. The Phantom looked down at me and with a hearty laugh pulled me away from the crowd and out onto the terrace.

The crisp night air cut threw me like a knife. He took my cloak from my hands, replaced it around my shoulders and slid a free hand inside back along the boning of my corset. I winced as his fingers ran over the tiny hooks that held the torture trap together. One finger slid down the center of my back, dipping in, touching the bare skin that was marred by the small claws. Forgetting myself I closed my eyes and leaned into his able-bodied hands. He pulled me to him, my eyes focusing on his chest, he reached under my cape again, bracing my self, I held my breath ready to lift my right arm under his chin in protest when I felt him gently unfasten the first hook on the back of my corset. “Breathe La Fay, just breathe,” he whispered in my ear, I exhaled slowly, my body begging to relax, I placed my hands on the outside of his arms. The warmth of his breath on my neck enfolded over mine. Music from the party began to play inside, wavering out onto the terrace. The Phantom began to hum as he worked away loosening the claws. “There, ” he whispered, with a soft touch he ran his hands over the angered skin. Pulling my even closer, his body swaying to the music he chuckled lightly in my ear, “What were you thinking Lieutenant?”

“It’s a Halloween party, ” I raised my head to look up at him, searching what little of his face I could see, I know this face.

“And quite a costume you have Kadıköy Escort on there La Fay,” a gloved hand reached up, one finger curved down my jaw twirled down my neck stopping just above the rise of my corset where my breasts poked out, a little to eagerly for my liking. I fought the urge to hoist up my top in the jumping up and down manner of a 5 year old uncomfortable in her party dress. “Well it appears that you know who I am ….but just who are you?” I asked.

The Phantoms poetic lips curved into a beautiful smile, he lowered his face just inches from mine, his breath, my breath mixing in the crisp air. “You don’t…” he began to say when he bent down to nip at my bottom lip, he pulled away his eyes never leaving mine “…have the slightest…” he flicked his tongue playfully at my top lip, “…idea who I …” cradling my head in his hands he pulled me into him, tracing his tongue along my teeth, leisurely tasting me, his lips drawing deeply from mine “…who I am Lieutenant?” Overcome with the need to surrender, to give up my tough exterior if only for the night…if only just for this moment…to let someone else be in control, not just anyone, but him. His gloved hand carved its way over my corset in zigzag patterns up my rib cage cupping one full breast in his hand, his thumb teasing one nipple. Gripping his cape I pulled him down to me, my mouth inches from his when a beeper sounded off breaking apart our spell. The Phantom stepped away briefly pulling a small back pager from his waist band, his lips forming a tight line. “Come inside for a moment.” We walked back into the room , the party was in full swing, most of the party goers masked have been discarded, I watched as he walked behind the bar into the back room to use the phone.

A waiter slithered past me, my arm shot out like a bullet, grabbing a glass of champagne from the passing tray. A couple walked towards me, the ebony haired beauty’s hands entwined with a distinguishing older gentleman’s. “Lieutenant La Fay, ” a sweet seductive southern accent poured out of her perfectly painted lips, “Your looking absolutely sinful tonight dear.” She leaned over her lips brushing against my cheek.

“Well hell,” I muttered sliding my mask over my head and though my hair. Just then the pair of bodacious blondes entered our circle, “Lieutenant!” They gasped wrapping there arms around me in hug that lasted longer then I liked at the moment. My head swarmed as I listened to their voices melting together chattering all at once. Out of the corner of my eye I watched the Phantom make his way across the room, his steps taken with tenacity, stopping abruptly before my partner Gage, they spoke for a moment and then he hurried through the front door.

“Excuse, ” I set my glass down, pushing pass the crowd to Gage.

“Gage, ” I began above the noise, “Gage Logan…Hey Ace…DETECTIVE!” My partner whirled around to face me.

“What did he just say to you?” I asked my eyes searching his face.

“Who?” I could see the confusion clouding his brain.

“The PHANTOM, ” Shaking my head, uttering those silly words to my partner, my aid, my detective.

“Oh…he said to tell you he was sorry he has to leave.”

Reaching up I grasped the collar of his shirt, pulling his pretty little face level with mine, “Who was he Logan?” Forcing my words my breath coming up short.

“Hey…easy girl…I don’t know who he was…I assumed you did considering you have spent a better part of the evening out there on that terrace with him.” His eyes twinkled mischievously at his own remark.

Shaking Göztepe Escort my head I released him from my death grip, and walked across the room, out the door and into my private car. Starting the engine at once I tossed my mask on the passenger seat of my car, turning the car in the direction of home with only one thought in mind…sleep.

Gage and I entered Syd’s the next afternoon for lunch. Sliding the shades down my face, slim fitting black pants hugged my hips as I walked across the room, my holster molded over a black cashmere turtleneck, soft worn leather jacket over one shoulder, scarred black leather boots kissing the wood floors, my badge hung just off my right hip. I smiled inwardly, I watched behind the bar, he had poured my ice tea, popped in one of those pink-girly-bendy-straws I loved so much, had waiting for me even before I made it to the stool. Gage and the bartender shook hands, he pour coffee for my detective placing it in front of him.

I slid my jacket off and was placing it over the back of the bar stool when an a black & white photograph behind the bar caught my eye. I leaned in closer, my heart catching in my chest, it was the Phantom. I glanced over at the bartender searching his eyes…his lips…looking back at the framed picture. The resemblance set alarms off in my head.

” I hear I missed a great party last night, ” wiping down his bar, he passed a menu to Gage, he watched as I came behind the bar to take a closer look at the Phantom’s picture.

“You- you weren’t here last night?” I asked in a whisper

“No…I was called in at the last minute to my other job, I hear…”

I cut him off abruptly, “Who is this? Who is this in this picture?” My finger nail tapped on the stained glass covering the photograph. Even through the aging photograph I could see it was him, his eyes talking to me, the same dark hair, the sensual poetic mouth that smiled to me the night before. The same lips that feed from mine.

He laughed a gentle laugh, his eyes bore into mine, “That, is old Syd. The original owner. He opened this place himself back in…. 1902… yeah, this place was his life, he spent day and night here, he built an apartment upstairs, a small office…it was inside him.” He tapped on his chest, “it was his life.”

Was it my imagination or did he just wink at me?

I cocked my head to the side, long silky hair fell past my shoulder shielding one of my wide opened eyes. 1902…

He continued on, “But of course, you know what that is like Lieutenant.” His voice just low enough for me to hear. Images exploded in my mind, my body reacting to his voice.

I glanced over at my partner, he had engaged himself deep in conversation with the perky waitress. Shaking my head in disbelief at Gage’s relentlessness in woman.

He leaned closer, standing behind me as both of us looked at the picture of Syd hanging on the wall. “You know what that is like Lieutenant…to be consumed by something….to feel something so strong…an indescribable desire to have something…someone…you can’t explain it.”

I stood starring at the photograph, afraid to move, Gage hollered out his order to the bartender.

“You understand don’t you La Fay?” he whispered as his hand gently pressed against the still aching skin on my back. With one touch my skin was sent a flame.

Grabbing my jacket, I willed my legs to move, commanding them each step as they took me outside of Syd’s, my body crashed against the side of my unmarked vehicle, bending at the waist, covering my face with my hands I forced the air into my lungs, deeper and deeper, hands shaking as I raised up, my lips starting to quiver. Swinging the door open I swore to myself as I slid behind the wheel into my car, turning the engine on as my partner ran out of Syd’s yelling after me, “La Fay, where are you going?”

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Surprise Awakening

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You awaken. The bed shifts. You smell him. He’s come early. You’ll be glad when he’s off the night shift. You close your eyes and smile to yourself. You can feel the light sheet as it is pulled from your body, the cool air rushing to replace it. The bed shifts more, he moves up. You feel warm moist air on your neck. His face is there, small kisses rain down upon you. His lips pull the flesh of your neck into his mouth and he gently sucks, so as not to leave a mark. Your flesh tingles and your nipples harden. The wiry hair of his beard and moustache tickle your neck. You chuckle. He places something over your face…a blindfold, secured by elastic behind the ears. Not that it’s necessary in this darkened room.

“No peeking” he whispers. You smile your agreement. The straps of your satin night are slid from your shoulders. Sweet kisses attend them, making you shudder. The straps are pulled lower on your arms, eventually forcing you to pull your arms from them. Your breasts are now exposed, the cool night air raising goose bumps on you.

You reach up to touch them, to pleasure Bostancı Escort yourself. His hands stop you, holding them against your firm stomach. His lips kiss your soft breasts, tickling, circling the nipples. They want attention, and are aching to be pinched and sucked. His warm breath circles them, leaving trails of kisses, teasing you. Finally, he pulls your nipple into his mouth. He sucks, nursing at your breast like a baby, trying to pull milk from you. There is none to give, you aren’t lactating. It feels good, shooting tendrils of pleasure throughout your body. His teeth sink into your nipple. You cry out. You love that. Just enough. He begins kissing his way down, starting between your breasts. He teases. Those spots that elicit moans and gasps from you, he lingers on, but just for a second, before he moves to the next spot.

His hands touch the outside of your knees and slide under your thighs, such a loving sensuous touch! You raise yourself up for him and he pulls your lacy thong down and off each dainty foot. Slowly, almost reverently, he lifts the Kadıköy Escort hem of your nighty and lays it on your stomach, exposing your shaved kitty. He bends and licks your smooth mound. God! That’s such a tease! He breaths on and lightly licks the slight curvature where your thighs meet your pelvic bone, just to either side of your mound. You arch your back, it is almost unbearable…he slowly slides down licking at you maddeningly and attends to the soft skin to either side of your wet pussy. You know he’s doing it on purpose, teasing you to the brink of orgasm.

He grabs you under your knees and pushes them back and drops even lower. His tongue circles your asshole, leaving it moist. Aahhh, that feels good. He’s never done that before, but who cares? it’s fucking good. His firm hands squeeze your ass cheeks as he does this and his thumbs pry open your cheeks exposing the wrinkled ring of flesh to even more attention…his tongue actually begins trying to work it’s way in…it doesn’t get far, you really aren’t interested, but the surface stimulation is driving Göztepe Escort you insane.

He leaves your ass, and returns to your pussy. His tongue extends and penetrates you like a small penis. As with your ass, his hands pull you open. Your juices are flowing freely and you cen feel the wetness in his facial hair grazing your skin as his mouth works you.

Suddenly, your clit is in his mouth. He’s biting, gently. It’s too much, pleasure becomes pain, you cry out. He stops, the biting becomes sucking as he again nurses at you…this time he seems to be trying to pull milk from your clit. He sucks. Harder and harder. you can feel his hard-on bumping your leg. You can’t wait to feel it…just. as. soon. as. you.


Your back leaves the bed as the orgasm explodes through you. You gasp for air, barely able to make a noise…your juices flow out of you and trickle down your ass to soak into the bed. Gradually, your breathing and heartbeat slow. You smile and reach out.

“Wait here” he whispers.

You lie there, blindfold on, nighty bunched around your waist. Somewhere in the house, you hear a door close. What’s he doing? Footsteps approach…

“Sweetheart, I’m home!” You pull the blindfold off. There he stands, fully dressed, a look of shock upon his face. You look past him to the open window…

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Summer Island

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Chapter one

Nick pounded Alice over the small bathroom sink as he held her waist. It was spontaneous. It was furious. They would both be traveling. They would be apart. He liked her well enough. He kept the rhythm with each pump and each slap of his pelvis agains her ass. Pulling her into him.

It was sweaty summer sex and it was the last time he would see Alice. She liked him more than he. She would miss him. But then she would move on. She was looking for something more. They struggled to keep their clothes halfway up. Alice with her yellow sleeveless top and khaki shorts. She wore no bra and the nipples of her small tits poked through the shirt. He reached for them now under her shirt and pulled them. She moaned and threw her hair to the side. This was a quickie before they set off for different summer assignments in different parts of the world.

Alice was thin but her hips flared out. She used to say she had saddle bags like her mother. Nicolaus like it. The wide hips and the extra encouragement at the sides of her thighs. He grabbed it and pulled. As he pumped her hard. The last time. There would be no time for a night together lying in bed. Schedules being what they are. This was it. For in the evening they had planes leaving. Different directions. Different intersections. Different lives.

He took hold of her short, blonde wavy hair and balled his hand into a fist. He yanked it back. Thrusting. Pounding. He pulled out and pulled her to him as he shot up into the center of her back. The release spreading and smearing all over her back and his belly as they pressed bodies together.

Someone knocked at the door. They had to use the bathroom. Nicolaus and Alice raced to clean up and return to the get-together.


Alice caressed his cheek for the last time. “I”ll miss you, Nicolaus.”

“I’ll miss you too,”

Tears fell in her eyes. And he felt it too. But he wanted to make a show of strength. He had never thought of marriage or children with her. But that’s what she wanted. And though he didn’t see a future he enjoyed her company and liked her. But he didn’t want marriage. He watched her walk to the gate and disappear. He shouldn’t have watched her. He should have turned and not looked back. He was superstitious. It reminded him of the Greek myth of Orpheus in Hades. And how Eurydice was pulled back down to Hades forever. Because he looked back to see if she was still behind him.


Nick could see the island from the small plane. The island was also inhabited by a billionaire. An older gentleman from Greece. A summer assignment to teach on a small island.


Nick had begun his summer assignment. He did not realize that the loneliness would get to him. There, on the rocks on the shore he watched the waves crashing in. He hadn’t heard from her and he didn’t want to contact her. Perhaps it was better this way. He looked around. There was no one. He was so horny. It had been a month and he had denied himself the pleasure. He opened his shorts and began to stroke himself. He came quickly. His foam merged with the sea foam below.


Nick had taken to long walks in the countryside. The hills provided a beautiful view. There was little chance of getting lost. The island was too small. He came to an open field. He noted a manse above up the hill. There were tall cypress trees to either side. There was a terrace on the second level and on the ground level.

He saw two figures on the upper terrace. One sitting at a small white table. And a formally dressed server. The figure stood up and approached the balcony. He waved Nick to come.

Nick made his way up the hill. He was greeted by a servant impeccably dressed. The servant showed him the way to the upstairs terrace. He took a seat before the circular table with pristine white tablecloth. The servant poured coffee from a deco, silver carafe.

His host arrived and introduced himself. Nick stood up to shake his hand. His host bid him sit and continued the conversation. Nick noted the gleam in his eye.

“No doubt you have heard of me but I don’t want it to make you uncomfortable.”

He was the billionaire. A businessman. A recluse. An eccentric.

“Let us forego the formalities. You can call me Konchis,” he said. With the second syllable rhyming with ease. “How are you finding the island?”

“It’s beautiful.”

“Indeed it is, but perhaps you find the pace a bit too slow. The island has its own rhythms.”

“I have to admit it takes some adjustment but I am glad Şerifali Escort for the opportunity.”

“And how is teaching?”

“I enjoy it very much.”

“Good, then let us eat. Today, we will sample some Greek delicacies.”

Plate after plate was brought out. Olives. Cheese. Cucumber salad with tomatoes, olive oil, onions, salt and pepper. More cheese. Desserts and coffee.

Konchis motioned to the clearing below where Nick had been. There was now a circle of tall torches. The circle was some several meters in diameter. A satyr with a laurel wreath upon his head appeared playing a flute and dancing. He entered the circle and danced about for some time.

A nymph appeared. And they began to dance. The satyr danced around the nymph. Other than a laurel wreath upon her head she wore no clothes. Only her long blonde hair that fell to her waist and covered her breasts. They danced until the sun set completely behind the ocean. Servants lit torches around the estate.

Konchis laughed. “When you have the resources you don’t need virtual reality. I must retire Mr. Nicolaus. Feel free to stay as long as you like.” He rose and curtly withdrew himself from the terrace.


Nick lay in bed with the windows open. Nick no longer was thinking about Alice. He could not get the image of the white-skinned beauty that was the nymph out of his head. With her white thighs and curvaceous hips. Wide blue eyes and pert breasts. Was she an actress on the island? He grabbed some olive oil from the kitchen and massaged it all over his cock and balls. He began to stroke himself as he imagined taking the girl in a grotto. He came on his belly and left it there. He lulled into a sweet slumber.

Chapter two

After a day of teaching Nick found himself curious about Konchis and the impromptu show. Was he trying to prove something? Nick wanted to venture there again. But he didn’t want to seem intrusive. He had walked back to his apartment from the small building where he taught the class. There were a few passerby but no one of note. Villagers going about their daily business. He was standing outside his small apartment stairs when a limousine arrived.

The driver pulled alongside him and stopped. Then she opened the door and stood with one foot in the automobile and one foot upon the cobblestone street. She was dressed like a chauffeur with a cap and breeches. Nick took note of her high, black boots and breeches. She was tall. Over six feet.

The setting sun alit her wavy blonde hair that fell upon her shoulder. She smiled and called out. Her white shirt was thin and she looked like a pinup girl from the fifties with the torpedo type breasts. Her white shirt was thin—almost see thru.

“I’ve been instructed to come collect you.”

Nick paused a bit. He was surprised by the visit but he was also dumbfounded by the beauty of the chauffeur. He was nervous and uncomfortable. “Me. Yeah. Sure. Okay.”

“Yes, you.” She walked around the car and opened the door for him.

Nick didn’t say much during the short trip. He didn’t know what to say. Then it struck him. He wanted to inquire about the actress that played the nymph.

“Uh. Excuse me.” He cleared his throat. The privacy window slid down.


“Do you know if Mr. Konchis hires the actresses for the shows.” He asked.

“I don’t know. You’ll have to ask him.”

“OK.” Nick turned his attention to other things. He took note of the buildings outside. This did not look like the way to the estate. Narrow streets were surrounded by open countryside. F

It was farm land mostly, consisting of rolling hills. They came to a one story warehouse with broken windows. She stopped the limo and came around to his door. She opened it.

“I’m a little confused. This isn’t his country home.”

She made a sweeping gesture which her gloved hand. “He’s got something interesting planned for you,” she said.

She ushered him to the door and drove away. Nick stood at the large, rusted steel door. It squealed as it swung open. A single chair stood in the middle of the abandoned space. Darkness came and Nick was grabbed under the arms and ushered to the chair. He seemed to have passed out. Did he or didn’t he black out. How much time had passed?

He was now bound and gagged and tied to the chair. Naked. Moonlight shone through some of the windows. It came through broken window panels and those that weren’t painted black. He tried to move. He tried to call out. It was futile.

A light came on and a Üsküdar Escort tall woman appeared before him. She looked every bit like a Nazi officer from World War II. She too was tall and beautiful. Her leather coat was unzipped to reveal her cleavage. He waist was thin with a thick black belt clenched tight over her hips. Her legs were long. She had a riding crop in her hand and she slapped it in her palm as she circle him.

“I want to know why you are here. And I want to know what you know.” She untied the gag in his mouth.

“What. I’m not… I’m not a spy. I think there’s been some mistake.”

She slapped the crop hard against her thigh as she stomped with her high heeled boot.

“I didn’t say you were a spy. I said I want to know what you know.” She paused for a moment and looked him over. “I do not have time for your games, little fly,” she barked back at him. She leaned in over him with her cleavage in his face. He could smell her. And though he was in a panic he could swear he saw the edge of her areole nearly peaking out of the black leather.

“I swear. I am not a spy. You can ask all you want but it isn’t going to change anything.”

She stoped circling him and stood before him. “Very well,” she said. She yelled out something in another language and two woman came. One was a brunette with short hair in a latex catsuit. Beautiful. Fit. The other was a redhead dressing like a nurse but with a very short skirt. Her cleavage was also nearly busting out and her red, wavy locks cascaded around her neck and over her shoulders. Her short, white skirt barely covered her vitals at the front and the crease of her buttocks could showed just under the hemline of the skirt.

She wheeled out a metal shelf of supplies and stood before him. She bent over several times to reach the lower shelves and gather supplies. He could see her leg muscles tighten and her calves flex as she bent over. And her lips with no hair.

Nick felt a strange mix of arousal and fear.

“Wait, wait,” he screamed as they placed the gag back in his mouth. The redhead was carrying a syringe and she injected him. The brunette and redhead disappeared. He heard the clicking of their heels grow faint and then a large door slammed.

The blonde took his head in her hands. She rose up and disappeared behind him. A large switch, probably a breaker, made a resounding click and then there was darkness.

Nick could feel hair and soft flesh against him. Her smell was sweet. Floral. The gag came off again. Hard nipples entered his mouth. He was erect. It was the injection they gave him. Something in it gave him a rock hard erection. She opened his legs and caressed his balls and shaft. Something about the fear and the chemicals in his body. He thought he might come at her slightest touch. He felt her lips around his member for a few moments and then she took her place on top of him. She put her nipples into his mouth. One then the other. Alternating breasts into his mouth as she rode him slow.

The last thing he remembered was coming inside her and then falling asleep.

Nick woke up in his apartment. The sun was rising. He heard a rooster from a nearby farm cock a doodle do.

Chapter three

Nick carried on as he did every day he taught. But burning inside him was the question. What the hell was going on? And who did this guy think he was? He admitted to himself that he liked it. There was anticipation and fear. What would happen next? What was this guy after? And who were those women.

Nick was determined that he would go to the manor and find out what was going on. Was this some kind of joke? He would get to the bottom of it. And he would find that girl that played the forest nymph with the pale skin and blonde hair.

Nick returned to the apartment to freshen up and change. But he did not delay. He was in a hurry. Dropping things and bumping into things. Finally, he grabbed his keys after he had already forgotten them. He was heading for the door.

A knock came at the door. Nick rushed over. He did’t have time for interruptions. Whatever the matter it would have to wait. And there stood the pale-skinned girl with the long blonde hair. But her hair was up under her beret. She wore a short plaid skirt with a black turtleneck and a wool, plaid jacket. She also had stockings and patent leather shoes with one big buckle.

She smiled a nervous smile, hunched and lifted her shoulders. “I heard you were looking for me.”

“Ah… Would you like to come in?”


He Ümraniye Escort held the door open for her. He motioned with his arm. “Sit, please.” She sat in the middle of the small sofa and put her small, black, patent leather purse on her lap. She smiled. “I like your place.”

“Thanks. Ah, water, coffee, tea.”

“Tea sounds great. Black. Lots of cream. Lots of sugar.”

“OK. Coming right up.”

He served the tea and sat at the nearby armchair. “I’m so curious. How did you find me? How did you know I wanted—”

“You wanted to meet me. Well, when you associate with a a billionaire you have access to certain things.”

“Associate. Are you friends, lovers? Do you work for him?”

“I’ll tell you what. Have you been to the other side of the island yet?”


“Come on. Let’s go.” She grabbed his hand.

They spotted an old taxi cab and took the short ride to the small town on the other side of the island. The evening was a montage of bar hopping. Laughing. Drinking. Meeting and talking with the colorful locals. Fisherman. Farmers. Cheesemakers. Shepherds. A butcher. A brewer. A winemaker.

She took him by the hand from one place to another. A shot here. A drink there. Then they walked. Until they were in the sacred circle by the sea. With the tall torches. She dragged him to the center. It was too late to realize where he was. He was too drunk. “And now it’s time,” she said. She threw off her jacket. Pulled off her turtle neck and her black bra. She unzipped her skirt. She wasn’t wearing panties. “I bet you didn’t realize I wasn’t wearing panties did you?” She grabbed his hand. “I’m wet. Feel. She spread her legs and pressed his index and middle finger inside. She had a blonde, trimmed triangle of hair. “Taste.” She put his fingers in his mouth. Then she sucked them. “I want you.” She grabbed him and forced her tongue into his mouth. His arms were still hanging down at his sides. She grabbed them and placed them around her. “Don’t be shy. I know you’re not a virgin.”

It was then he noticed the figures in the shadows. The nymphs and satyrs had gathered to witness the unrehearsed ritual. Silhouettes of bodies. The nymphs and satyrs outside the circle of flaming torches that now roared in the wind had come to see as they too played. Nick could see the outline of a nymph sucking a satyr. All the spectators were in various forms of play. Nick was aroused. He kissed her and then began to undress. He was throbbing hard with the knowledge of her wearing no panties for the evening and the wetness. And the spectacle around the circle.

She jumped into his arms and he entered her as he held her. They made love like this for a time. She jumped down and turned around and bid him come hither. All round them were bodies writhing in an orgy of delight. She surrendered herself to him. He pulled her up. She was standing with legs wide. He had a good hold of his hips. There were flashes of flesh in the fire. A cock being sucked there. An ass being fucked here. An explosion of ecstasy and orgasm. All before the crashing waves of the sea at night. Sweat dripped from Nick’s brow as he pounded furiously. He unleashed himself into her as he pulled her to him. He wanted to cloak and envelope her. He wanted to stay inside her. He wanted to get to know her better.


Nick woke up. The sun was already above the horizon. He was alone. Naked in the sheets. He had a hangover. She was nowhere to be found. His teaching contract was nearly over. He called Alice. Her number was no longer in service. He remembered thinking about Orpheus. But he was no Orpheus. He had no enchanting music to play. And you know what. She was no Eurydice.


It was his last weekend on the island. Nick walked over the hills and took the trails the shepherds still take with their sheep. He came to the manor again. There were no torches, no Konchis, no satyrs.

He moved down the hill and toward the sea and the rocks and waves. He was sitting on the rocks watching the waves come in. Someone sat down beside him there, on the shore. After a time he looked over. It was her. Blonde and fair.

“So it wasn’t a dream. You’re real.”

“Yeah, I’m real. I wasn’t supposed to come here. To see you.”

“It’s against protocol.”



“What makes my situation different?” He asked.

“There’s supposed to be a whole thing that happens. Each summer someone new arrives on the island. And they become a pet project to Konchis. An experiment. Some sociological and psychological subject”

“And this time.”

“This time it’s different. Come.” She held out her hand. He took it and they walked the beach together.

Konchis sat with his bathrobe on the terrace. He watched them with his binoculars. He smiled.

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Take Me to Church

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The Haitian Adventist community of Massachusetts is growing by leaps and bounds, and no more so than in the City of Brockton. After the closure of the storied but rather troubled institution known as Atlantic Union College, the black SDA community focused its efforts on supporting its churches and schools, learning from the mistakes made by previous generations. The future of the black SDA community of Massachusetts rests on the shoulders of its young black women and young black men. They must band together in the name of survival in uncertain times…

Among black SDA attendees, the fastest growing group is the Haitian American community. For the most part, these people are newcomers to America, having settled in the Boston area in recent years. The Haitian community blueprint is well known, the men work in construction, security, or as day laborers of some kind. The women work in the fields of nursing or teaching for the most part. Within a decade of moving to America, most Haitians achieve the twin dreams of homeownership and citizenship, which sets the stage for the next generation of Haitians. It’s the secret of their success.

The sun rose over the City of Brockton, Massachusetts. It was Saturday, and like a good Seventh Day Adventist, Thomas Janvier, also known as T.J. was getting ready for church. The tall, dark-skinned young Haitian looked forward to going to church today. He was training for the Deacon Program under the tutelage of Deaconess Judith Marcelin, daughter of Pastor James Marcelin himself. The brother was getting an education money can’t buy at the black church, for real…

“Go get the ladies,” T.J.’s father, Leonard Janvier, as he looked at his son. The tall, dark-skinned, silver-haired Haitian patriarch looked like an older version of T.J. normally, Leonard Janvier, dedicated father and widower would go to church with his son but nowadays, he had other commitments. He has to work every other weekend as the supervisor of a security team in downtown Boston. The things a man must do to pay the bills.

“You know it, Kurtköy Escort Dad,” T.J. replied as he hugged his father goodbye. Leonard Janvier drove his son to the Haitian SDA Church, located not far from the Brockton Area Transit Center. As they neared the church, they spotted a group of well-dressed young Afro-Caribbean women on their way there. Father and son looked at the ladies, and Leonard saw disappointment in T.J.’s eyes, for none of these young Afro-Caribbean ladies was his chosen one…

“Play it cool with Judith,” Leonard advised his son, and T.J. blushed and nodded as he exited the car. T.J. headed for the church steps, knowing that he looked fly as fuck. He wore a dark gray business suit, sky-blue silk shirt, dark red tie, dark gray dress pants and the trademark black Timberland boots that he wore everywhere. T.J. entered the church, and greeted his peers, sons and daughters of the Haitian community of Brockton, Massachusetts. Smiling, T.J. headed for the balcony, knowing that Judith would be there. The previous weekend, T.J. and Judith had quite a talk…

“T.J. if you want to become a Deacon, you must do as I say,” said Judith, and the six-foot-tall, curvy and dark-skinned young Haitian woman smiled as she looked him up and down. At the age of nineteen, T.J. looked more mature than a lot of the brothers at the church. The son of Haitian immigrants, T.J. was born in Haiti but had spent most of his life in Massachusetts. He had that effortless swagger common to men from the islands, and Judith really, really liked that.

“I will do whatever you ask,” T.J. replied in his deep baritone voice, which sent a thrill down Judith’s spine. At Bridgewater State University, T.J. was involved in everything from varsity football to the Campus Ministry Program. Judith on the other hand, as the daughter of an ordained minister, liked to run wild instead of being the church broad that everyone expects her to be. No man or woman alive is exactly what they appear, and the same holds true for Judith Marcelin, First Daughter of the Pendik Escort Haitian SDA Church of Brockton, Massachusetts. Can the handsome but shy T.J. handle such a woman?

“Good answer,” Judith said in a sexy, husky voice, and when T.J. looked into her chestnut eyes, he saw the promise of excitement and danger. There is nothing quite like a beautiful black woman. T.J. reached the balcony and sure enough, he found Judith in her booth, talking to a pair of young women who seemed to hang onto her every word. T.J. cleared his throat loudly and when the young women turned to look at him, he smiled and nodded at them before speaking.

“Bonjour, ladies,” T.J. said, his eyes on Judith’s as he spoke. Judith looked at her lady friends and they exited the booth, leaving the Deaconess and her apprentice to their own devices. Judith rose, and T.J. held his breath as she came to him. Wearing a red and white flower-patterned summer dress, Judith looked resplendent. T.J. gave Judith a hug and kissed her on both cheeks in the Haitian manner, and she giggled excitedly while looking him up and down. The brother looked good enough to eat, and Judith is one hungry sister…

“Bel gason,” Judith said, complimenting T.J. on his good looks, and before the young Haitian stud could reply, she reached behind him and gave his ass a firm squeeze. T.J. gasped in surprise and Judith laughed, finding his shocked expression all the more comical. Lots of black men gawk at black female booty all day and every day, daydreaming about grabbing, kissing and squeezing those fantastic asses. Well, some sisters like male booty too. Turnabout is definitely fair play, isn’t it?

“You’re something else,” T.J. told Judith, and she giggled some more then grabbed his land, ushering him into a backroom located down the hall. T.J. followed Judith into the backroom, which was dusty and full of cobwebs. He’d never been in this part of the church before and wondered what she was doing. Upon reaching the end of the room, Judith sat on a thick, ancient table and hiked up Maltepe Escort her skirt while winking provocatively at T.J. and clucked her tongue impatiently.

“Come for a taste,” Judith said, and T.J. grinned from ear to ear as he drew near. The brother could not believe his damn luck. Tentatively, T.J. spread Judith’s thick dark thighs before pulling down her silky white panties. The gorgeous, dark-skinned Haitian beauty didn’t believe in shaving down below, and her lover did not mind at all. T.J. knelt before Judith and brought his face between her thighs, inhaling the scent of her womanhood. Like a hungry man, he dived into his meal…

“Delicious,” T.J. said, as he buried his face between Judith’s thighs and began eating her pussy. Judith leaned back on the table, and closed her eyes. She rubbed her erect nipples through her top, and felt a thrill down below as T.J.’s tongue slipped into her pussy, followed by his fingers. Judith is a sexually adventurous young Haitian woman who’s had stalwart young men and lusty young women in her bedroom, and she tends to enjoy everything they got to offer. Still, Judith had to admit that T.J. ate her pussy better than she expected…

“Oh oui, c’est bon,” Judith shouted, and she shuddered violently as T.J. unleashed a double whammy on her, stabbing her clit with his tongue, and thrusting three fingers into her pussy. T.J. continued to eat Judith’s pussy and watched her moan and writhe on his damn face. Moments later, Judith came violently, oozing hot girly cum all over T.J.’s face, and the brother tasted her womanly essence. Haitian women taste magically delicious…

“Happy Sabbath,” T.J. told Judith as they exited the backroom, after fixing their clothes. Judith smiled as T.J. pulled her into his arms and kissed her, even as members of the church choir walked by on their way downstairs. Service would commence in half an hour, after the men’s ministry, the women’s ministry and the singles ministry had their to do their thing. Judith and T.J. parted ways, and she went to address the ladies of the women’s ministry, as is her duty as Deaconess. T.J. had a lot to learn about the church and about women, but Judith has faith in him. The brother is going to make a magnificent Deacon, under her tutelage of course. Such is the way of things in the Haitian SDA Church.

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