The Balcony Ch. 02

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I arrive home tonight from my remarkable night with you and as I think about the events of the evening I wrap my arms around myself and I feel your touch on me still. You are so good to me and I do adore being with you.

My lips are still swollen from your good night kiss. I walk to my bedroom and I am so reluctant to remove my dress. The look in your eyes when you saw me in it made it worth all the money it cost. As it slides down my body I see a flutter of white. Reaching down I pick up the business card. A wave of heat washes over me and I look at the clock. I wonder??

I slip on a robe and reach for the phone. A

“Hello Jane” is what I hear on the third ring.

Soft and sexy, just as I remember it.

“Hi Julia. Did I wake you?”

She reassures me that it is fine. I settle back on my bed and my mental picture has her doing the same.

“I am so glad you called. Did you enjoy the rest of your evening?”

“Oh yes! We went to his condo on the ocean and I just now got home.”

“Good for you” she says “Did you ever get your underwear?”

I burst out in laughter. It brings your face back in focus and the shades of red you turned when Julia brought them to our table.

We talk like high school girl friends learning about each other. I wonder what she sees in me. When I ask, she assures me that she is very attracted to me and she understands I am not usually attracted to other women. She asks what you thought of her watching and I tell her that It was certainly exciting.

“David was excited to think we might meet. He seems to think it would be good for me.”

“Are we Jane? Going to meet again?” she asks.

I would like to, is my answer to her. She giggles when I say

“But you know David is expecting to watch us.”

“Well, that would be exciting.”

My heart stops at her words. I don’t really want to share you yet but how do I ask? My relief is swift when I hear

“Jane, I am being completely selfish here. Please don’t fret about me trying to attract David. I am going to be there for you baby, only you!”

We talk and learn of each other but soon my eyes begin to close. We have been on the phone for almost 2 hours. We make plans to meet for lunch the next day. She thanks me for the great evening and we say good night before I fall asleep. My dreams full of You and of her.

We meet at the restaurant and greet each other with a slight kiss. We settle in and order light. She only has 45 minutes for her lunch hour and while my time is a little freer for the summer months, I am pleased she wanted to spend the time with me. As our lunch arrives we both appreciate the ass of our young male waiter.

I sit at the table watching, as you run your finger around the edge of your water glass…the slow, wet circular motion makes my pulse begin to race…I study every bite you take…the way your lips wrap around your fork…your lips are moving but I cannot hear what you are saying…caught up in a trance that surprises even myself. Our eyes meet,

“I want you Jane!” she says and I surprise even myself when I assure her the feeling is mutual.

I wonder why I do though. I love the feel of a man hands on me and the feel of his cock in me. No woman has never yet made me feel as passionate as a man can. Julia is not surprised at my words. She also feels the same except that she has felt the intensity of a woman. And she tells me she knows I would feel it with her if I would like to try.

Time is short now and before we part I let her know that you will be taking me out again on Friday. I ask if she would like to join us. Her smile is electric. She will meet us at the club not far from your condo. The kiss she gives me is sweet and deep and I like the feel of her lips on mine.

“Til Friday” she says and we head our separate ways.

The week is slow but finally Friday arrives. The day is charged with electricity and my excitement level is so high. You call to confirm our dinner plans. And I assure you I wouldn’t miss it. You do not ask about Julia. I do not offer any information. I am so very excited about the prospects of the day. I choose my outfit carefully. I will be trying to wow two people tonight and I want the look to be perfect. The scent I use is subtle and all me. I sweep my hair up to expose my neck.

The dress I choose is sexy in its simplicity. Midnight blue, silk, and very short. The top barely covers my breasts and I just know that the way it hugs every curve of my body it will thrill the two of you. The deep blue thong I slide up my legs makes me feel so damn sexy. The silkiness of them against my shaved mound feels like fingers touching me.

I am ready when you ring the bell. The hungry, intense look you give me Ümraniye Escort makes me shiver. Standing there and making no attempt to touch me has me searching your eyes. My alarms go off. Too much? Not enough? Not good? My hands begin to shake and I start to cover myself when you clear your throat. You clear it again and I hear your voice …deep, so deep

“You take my breath away Jane!”

The fog clears from my brain and I run to your arms. My arms around your head locking my lips against yours. All my insecurities disappear and your kiss is full of passion. I arch into you. Forgetting everything but the feel of your lips on mine, I grind my body into yours. I crave your touch. And I reach down and begin to rub you. You grab my hand to stop me.

“No Jane” you say. “Not here.”

Oh god! Your right! What am I doing? You hold me tight until that ache goes away. Caressing my hair and back until the shivers stop.

“OK now?” you ask and I nod. Taking my hand you lead me to the car.

We arrive at the club before I know it and the music is drifting outside. The valets eyes are on me as he opens the door. I smile at the sweet young thing as I put my hand in his to have him help me step from the car. All legs is what he sees and his eyes widen and appreciates the view.

You come up behind me and hand him the keys. Your arm circles my waist possessively and I absolutely adore that. To feel like I am yours. We walk in and head to a table. My eyes search for Julia I cannot find her and the disappointment is deep. You notice my smile has dimmed somewhat and ask if I am alright.

“Yes baby, I am just fine. Could I have a glass of wine please David?”

As you walk to the bar and I turn and look at the dancers. I do not hear you return until I hear your voice.

“Jane? Look who found me at the bar.”

I turn and see those beautiful blue eyes looking straight at me. The sadness lifts and is replaced with lightheartedness.

Julia leans forward and kisses me lightly. Her kiss is so sweet that I feel my body responding to it. You watch the interaction between us with a curiosity.

“David, I asked Julia to join us tonight. Do you mind?”

“Of course not my sweet.” is your reply.

Sitting back against you, we both admire her outfit. The white is a perfect foil for her tan. Her shoulder are exposed through the cut outs in the top and as she crosses her long legs the short skirt rides up and exposes luscious firm thighs. You wrap your arm around me holding me close and I feel your finger tracing the side contour of my breast as we talk. My body aching for you to reach the nipple. But that finger is just lightly teasing me and it is electrifying.

Julia’s drink arrives and we talk of everything we can think of but the real reason we are here. You take control of the conversation and suggests heading over to your place. I slip my hand in yours and squeeze. No words are needed between us.

The drive to your condo is short and Julia and I walk in together. Your wall to wall windows show the moon on the ocean and it is so beautiful. I open the doors and the waves and breeze sweep over me. As you move up behind me and kiss my neck, I tilt my head and enjoy the feel of your lips on me. I marvel that I could want two totally different people at the same time. You whisper in my ear that there is something different but exciting about me tonight.

“Do you mind terribly?” I ask .

“Not at all Jane, this is your night.”

You are so good to me, indulging me this way. Julia stands and watches the interaction between you and I and with a kiss you leave my side.

Julia steps in and her arms wrap around me. We stand together for a minute looking at the ocean. The sights and sounds of the waves building power to crash the sand charges us both. The passion of the ocean guides us and her hands slide down my body. The softness of the silk making them glide smoothly. We hear soft music come on and we know you are setting the mood for us. Your movements are subtle and non distracting.

Lips find my neck and the kisses have my body instantly responding. Bouncing and shivering. She is so surprised that I respond so violently to such a simple thing. The intensity shocks even me. Julia lead me to the bedroom and we are both shocked at the scene that un-fold before us. You have certainly been busy!

Candles are lit everywhere and the intoxicating smell of their scent hits our senses. They cast shadows on the walls. The coverlet is folded back and down. And you placed a tray in the center of the bed. It holds two glasses of wine and an assortment of body lotions and it also holds my toys that you love to use on my body. The rose and carnation touch my heart.

Knowing İstanbul Escort that I do not like roses you place my favorite flower on the tray. I take the carnation from the tray and drink in the scent of it. My eyes search for you and see you lounging on the loveseat you moved to the shadows. You toast me with your glass of wine and I mouth the words thank you and smile.

I feel Julia come close and her hands touching my bare skin.

“Jane? Lets get you out of this shall we?”

I feel my dress begin to lift off of me. The cool air chills my body as it is removed. At least I think it is the cool air. Maybe it is the thought of her hands and mouth on me. Either way she notices the shiver and holds me tight. Her hands softly caresses my back and ass and I arch up to meet those hands.

Our mouths meet. Our tongues begin to touch. So softly, they meet, they explore, they entice. Our breath mingles and her hand moves to my nipple. My chest heaves up into hand as I take a deep breath. Thrusting them full in her waiting hand. My nipples are hard and puckered. Easy for her to take in her fingers.

“OH God!” I whisper.

It feels so good. Suddenly I am left alone and when I open my eyes she is removing her top. Beautiful naked breasts slightly smaller than mine and very aroused come into view. My hand reaches out to touch them but she steps back. She slides the zipper down on her skirt and it falls down her long shapely legs so slowly.

Anticipation has me aching to touch her. She stands before me in her white g-strip looking so absolutely gorgeous. This is the moment where I can change my mind or stay and follow my feelings. My decision made I reach out and take her hand. Our bodies meet and bare skin touches bare skin. The feeling is electric. Our lips meet, soft and gentle and kiss full of passion.

I lick her bottom lip and that opens her lips slightly. Just enough for her breath to mix with mine. I turn and hand her a glass of wine and we each take a sip. I take another and place my lips to hers. The wine flows from my lips to hers and we drink together. She removes my glass from my hand and I lay back on the bed. I move to the center and watch as she slides out of the g string and slithers up to me.

Kissing my mouth, her hand again moved to my breast. Using her nail, circles the very hard nipple. Her hand trailing down to my stomach. My body is swaying with her hands. Her tongue touching mine, my fingers in her hair. She slides my thong down and off. Her fingers trail up my legs and finds my shaved pussy and she moves her hand over it.

Cupping it, I bring my hips up to her. She moved down my body and I feel her mouth biting me, licking me, sucking on me. My moans begin and her finger slides in the folds of my lips. She teases me with her fingers. Circling my clit, not touching it.

“Please” I whisper.

“Not yet” is her reply. She reaches over and takes the vibrator off the tray.

Turning it on low she begins to touch my body. My lips quiver at the sensations. My body shakes from the familiarity of it. She touches every part of my body and I bounce and shudder. I am so wet and ready. She slides it in my waiting pussy and it glides in easy. I arch up to meet it and the rhythm begins. In and out. Her fingers touching me. I begin to moan loudly and move wildly.

“Stop! Oh please stop” I whimper.

Her hand slows but does not stop. I am on the edge and I want so much for her to have that feeling also. I wiggle out of her grasp and reach out to her. Kissing her mouth and touching her tongue with mine my assault begins on her. She moves her body closer to me and my confidence grows. My fingers tips run down the length of her body and she begins to respond.

She is so sexy, gyrating and moving to her own music. I take the body lotion from the tray and I straddle her hips facing her. I hold the lotion up from her breast and let it slowly drip on to her. I can see the expectancy oh her face and as the first drops fall and hit her nipple I hear a sharp intake of air. It comes from Julia but also from the love seat.

Oh David! Are enjoying this too baby? Mad at yourself for your decision to just watch tonight? Oh how fun it would be to have you join us. I feel a sudden surge of energy at my thoughts and using the tips of my fingers I begin to rub the lotion in a circular motion around the hardness of the nipple. Around and around my fingers move and her hips keep pace. My ass moves with her pussy and we rub on each other.

I again lift the bottle and the maddening length of time it takes to drip to her nipple has her breath short and shallow. The drops hit and she arches her chest to meet it. I lower my body and our breasts Anadolu Yakası Escort slide together. My mouth on hers, our nipples rubbing together, our hips grinding.

We share the heat from the lotion on our bodies and the intensity of the moment is huge . Each touch now sends shock waves through us. Each of us building to our own orgasm. When our fingers touch each others clits we both explode in that instant of supreme ecstasy. We both new the orgasm would be fast and furious. Something is missing though. I have the satisfied feeling of an orgasm but yet…..

Julia senses this change in me. I feel my body being shifted and harder hands now are touching me.

Ohhh David! You come up behind me and wrap your arms around me and I lean back onto you. Julia smiles and kisses my lips.

“I know you need just a little more baby”

I hold her head in my hands to look in her eyes searching for disappointment, but I see none. The kiss I give her is sweet and loving. She leans over me to give you a kiss. The instant your lips touch the air is electrified. As you lay on your back Julia looks at me. I do not mind sharing you with this special woman and so with unspoken words between us and she chooses to straddle your hips. Your cock so hard and so ready for her body. Together you are both glorious! I watch as she rides your cock and your fingers pull and twist her nipples. I caress her neck as I hold her head and bring my mouth to kiss her.

I feel your hands on my hips, pulling and guiding me over your mouth. I straddle and lift my hips for your tongue. Your fingers open my pussy lips and it finds my clit. It is hard and so sensitive. I am facing Julia and you both are moving to a nice rhythm and the look on her face is exquisite and I am so happy that she is enjoying you. You are a fabulous lover so I know exactly what she is feeling. Your fingers seem to have a mission and slide into me. My pace now matches your pace.

I push Julia back a little so she is laying back on your legs and still able to ride you but her clit is now available to my mouth. I lean forward and up and as I touch her clit with my tongue she explodes in movements. Your groans and hips are moving with her and it makes it all worth while for me to watch and feel you both. Her clit is hard under my tongue and I am ruthless on it. She is so close and begins to call out for us both. Her body tenses and I watch in wonderment as her juices surround your cock. Your concentration is on Julia for a moment so your fingers have stopped their magic on me which is fine as my concentration is also on her.

I watch her face as the release comes for her and it a mesmerizing moment. She slides off you, kisses me and leans back against the headboard to watch us. You are still hard and I am thrilled. I feel your fingers leave my body and I turn to look at you. You push me forward and I land on my hands. Oh I love this position.

My body begins to tingle as I know what to expect. You kneel behind me and run your cock up and down the crack of my ass. I move with you and you know by experience that I am ready for you. Settling the head right at the entrance of my ass you begin to push forward as I push back. With a little pressure the head enters and you hold still, knowing I need to adjust my body to your size. It doesn’t take but a second as I am so primed for this. You finish your journey to satisfaction while mine is just beginning. In and out you slide. My breaths and thrusts match yours.

“Faster, oh god David, faster please.”

You thrust at me hard and fast and I am so into the sensations you are causing to my body that I do not see Julia as she slip under me. Her fingers slide into my wet pussy and begin their magic. In and out they slide rubbing your cock as you slam in and out of my ass.

When her mouth finds my clit I begin to buck hand on you. Her hand finds your balls and begins to squeeze them and your moans of pleasure reach my ears. The are full of cum and it is all for me. Your breath accelerates as you climax in my ass and her mouth hardens on me causing me to experience mine.

Everything goes black for a split second. When the fog clears and my brain engages I realize that I have fallen face forward on the bed. Your cock still buried in my ass and I feel hands on my body. Hard ones as well as soft. I delight in the feel of them all.

We all shift and you hold me up close to your body. I pull Julia into my arms and the three of us rest holding each other. I feel your lips on my neck just below my ear and you whisper

“Thank you babe… that was exceptional!”

I tighten your hold on me and your breathing goes deep. Julia turns and looks at me. Our eyes meet and I kiss her lips that are so close to mine. I say what is in my head and heart

“You have made me feel so very special tonight Julia and I will cherish what you gave me always.”

She smiles a wonderful smile and I know I have made a good friend. We hug close and fall asleep.

Written by Jane 07/02

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The Awakening of Jane

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This is the second part of the sexual awakening of Jane. The first part, entitled “The Introduction”, sets the background.

Jane lay on her bed, completely spent. At 47 years of age, she had finally had her first orgasm.

“Wow, how I could have gone without this for so long,” she thought to herself. She reached between her legs and pulled the long part of the nexus penis from her sopping cunt. She was a little sore – she couldn’t really believe how hard she had pounded herself with the dildo that last minute or so. Would she be able to walk straight, she thought with a smile.

She looked at the double dildo, its purple texture slick with her juices. She had always thought that it would be gross to have a man taste her. David had told her time and time again it was actually like an aphrodisiac for most men. Tentatively she put the dildo to her lips, and then placed the tip into her mouth. It was still warm from being inside of her, and the taste, while foreign, was not really that bad. Jane took a few more tentative licks, got up and went into the en-suite bathroom to pee and clean up the dildo.

“What will I tell Cathy”, she said to herself?


“It’s a gorgeous fall afternoon! Let’s go for a walk along the power lines before the November rains start again.” It was Cathy on the phone. Cathy had been torn: mortified that she had let her best friend into her private love life and a hint of her sexual escapades with her husband, and at the same time, incredibly curious to see if her friend had actually tried the double dildo.

“Sure,” said Jane. “In about a half hour. Shall I pick you up, or will you drive?”

“I will pick you up then.”

As Cathy pulled into Jane’s driveway, the door opened, and out bounded Jane in her jeans, vest and carrying a small bag.

“I brought you back your package”, said Jane.

“Oh, no need to rush it. I am sure that it could have stayed with you a couple of more weeks without being too badly missed.”

They drove in silence to the walk entrance, parked the car and headed for the gravel path along the mountain side. Despite the unexpected clear and warm weather, the path was surprisingly quiet. Quickly the door was locked and the two ladies headed up the gravel path.

“Did you not enjoy it”, asked Cathy. “I have been so mortified about lending you my friend, that I was afraid that I had gone too far in telling you about my private life, and perhaps offending you”.

It was Jane’s turn to be embarrassed.” No, you needn’t feel at all concerned. As a matter of fact, it is I who should be embarrassed. I have to thank you. I couldn’t believe how incredible a toy this is, or how well it worked”.

Cathy paused for a moment. “Does this mean you finally had the big O?”

“Oh yes. I sure as hell did. It was better than I ever expected”.

“Was it all because of the dildo? I have always thought your husband a pretty capable guy, was the dildo that much better than David?” said Cathy.

“No, it wasn’t just the dildo. It was more than that”.

“Ah”, said Cathy. “It is amazing what the imagination can do to the mind. That is the really great thing about fantasies. They allow you to be with people and do things that you would never do in life. They are harmless, fun, and can be so completely out of character with your day to day persona. And after the big O, you can just quietly pack them away into some recess of your mind, and take them out again to play whenever you feel so inclined. So,…. Can I ask what you used to help you finally get off?”

If Jane though she had been uncomfortable with the conversation up until this point, she hadn’t begun to appreciate what she was feeling now. How was she going to avoid this without revealing too much. After all, it wasn’t every Ataşehir Escort day that you confessed to your best friend that you had masturbated to the thought of watching your best friend have sex with her husband, and then mounting her husband for the fuck of your life while your friend whispered in you ear how much she liked watching you fuck the love of her life.

“I am too embarrassed to tell you,” said Jane. “I would be terrified of what you would think of me”.

“Oh”, said Cathy. “I understand, but I don’t want you to be embarrassed. To be totally honest with you, I can’t tell you how much I have wanted to share some of my thoughts with you. In the last three of four years, Bobby and I have really spiced up our love life. Sometimes I worry that we have gone just too far, but it has only been the two of us, and we have really had a lot of fun. I too have had fantasies that I wouldn’t share with anyone, even you”.

It was Jane’s turn now to suddenly become brave, and she decided to press her friend. She suddenly felt like a new door had been opened in her life, and she wanted to know if it was safe to go in? She wanted to know, but was still afraid.

“You have some fantasies that are that taboo?” asked Jane. “Are we just going to stare like two silly girls at the path and not say anything, or will you help me understand how far out is normal?”

“First off Jane, everything is “normal” so long as you remember it is a fantasy. I stay within certain boundaries. For example, there is no pain, no degradation. I don’t like to be tied up and whipped or anything stupid like that. But I do explore the taboo, because I know it is just a fantasy. I keep my feet pretty grounded in reality, but at the same time, I can let my mind wander and do things that I would never do in real life”.

“Give me a for instance” said Jane. “Are there other partners, or things you would be ashamed to do in real life?”

“Well a little of both. Sometimes I imagine sex with other men I know. Sometimes I am a voyeur, sometimes I am having sex with more than one man.”

Jane hesitated, then asked “Are there other women involved sometimes?”

“Oh no”, said Cathy. “Never”. She hesitated, “Well occasionally”.

“What do you do?”

“Oh no you don’t,” said Cathy. This was not a road she was ready to go down. “Let’s talk about the things with other men”.

“Ok. I’ll be honest with you Cath. I am afraid to let my mind wander. I want to know how far I should really let this go. Put me at ease, would you. Will you tell me one of your wildest fantasies?”

“Alright. But you have to swear to God that you will never repeat this to anyone.” And with Jane’s assurance, she began. “Years ago, Bobby and I started experimenting with anal sex. I had always thought it was too taboo. Then Bob convinced me to try it, and I discovered that with enough lubricant, including alcohol, I actually started to enjoy it. I can’t cum that way, but with enough stimulation of my clitoris, I can have a really great orgasm. So, I have fantasized for the last six months or so about having another man join us. And while I am riding Bobby, I lean forward and look into his eyes as I feel the other man’s cock fill my ass. Then they both begin stroking in me, and I have this incredible orgasm”.

Jane was silent for a minute. “You actually enjoy anal”?

“Oh yes, if it is slow and slippery, and I am relaxed. I know how much it turns on my husband, and if that is what I can give him to show him how much I love him, why not. I take it, Jane, you are not someone who enjoys that kind of love play”

“No” said Jane.

“Have you ever tried it?” asked Cathy.

“Before David and I got married, I let him take me in the ass quite a bit. It didn’t hurt, particularly Kadıköy Escort if he used lots of KY, but it really didn’t do anything for me. So when we got married, I just said, I had tried it, but didn’t want to continue”

“That must have been really hard on your marriage. Did you ever think how much different your love life and marriage would have been these last 20 years if you had just let go and been a complete slut for your husband”.

“Cathy, women don’t do that”.

“Jane, women who don’t do that have miserable lives. They don’t realize how rich their lives could be. If I was married to David, I wouldn’t have hesitated to be his complete and total slut. If he wanted to fuck me in my ass, I would have bent over and let him play with me, and then I would have been the dirtiest girl in the world for him. You have a wonderful man that any woman our age would love to get her hands on. Don’t you think it is time you woke up before he’s gone”.

“I can’t believe what I am hearing”, said Jane. “Do you really think that way”.

“Yes”, said Cathy. “Just promise me two things Jane. Open up your mind and act out.”

“And the second thing”?

“If we ever discuss my ultimate fantasy again, don’t ever ask me to tell you who owns the second cock in my ass.”

At that point, Jane decided that had been enough conversation for the day on the subject. They talked about how their kids were doing now that they were in university, and the four of them had become empty nesters. The freedom that they would both enjoy now that both of their youngest were away at school. Cathy had said she and Bob were going to a “couples only” all inclusive in the Mayan Riviera in early December, and that maybe she and David should join them. It would only be for a week, and they could all have a wonderful time together.

As Cathy dropped Jane off back at her home, she pushed the plastic bag with the Nexus dildo back into her hands. Bobby is off to Seattle next week, and I will get him to pick me up a new one.

“I want you to keep this. The next time you are using it, you can let your mind wander to just where it might have been”, Cathy said with a smile in her eye.


David arrived home about 6 p.m. to be greeted by a most unusual sight: Jane was wearing a fine white silk blouse, a short blue skirt and pantyhose – a far cry from the jeans and sweaters he was used to. She padded up to him in her stocking feet with a big eager smile on her face and planted an inviting kiss on his lips.

Taken by surprise, David asked what was the occasion.

“Nothing”, said Jane. “I just decided that we have not spent some time together just visiting, and to persuade you to forget about work and sit and talk with me over a glass of wine, I thought I would give you something I know you’d like to look at”. With that, she handed him a glass of red, and led him to the leather couch in the great room. She sat at the end, almost facing him, her nylon covered legs in his lap.

As David took his first sip, he admired the beauty of his yummy mummy. Jane had not returned to work after their third youngest had been born. David was successful enough that they didn’t need the extra income. As the three boys had grown older, she had used the last few years to work out with a personal trainer and still had a body that other men admired. Her blue eyes and blonde colored hair with still the hint of the summer tan was always what other men looked at – after they had checked out her breasts and her ass. Now as David looked at his wife, he noticed that those same breasts which were neither small but not so big as to have dropped over the years were not within a bra. The fine silk was showing her nipples, and he began to run his free hand along the inside of her Bostancı Escort legs. Jane smiled and spread her legs a little, to give him more access.

As they continued to sip their wine, David tried to make small talk. “So, what did you get up to today?”

“Well said Jane, I went for a walk with Cathy and we had a really good talk about the importance of keeping our marriages fresh. Then I came home, lay on the bed, and spent about half an hour practicing how to masturbate, and discovered that after just a week, I am starting to get really good at it. Then I thought of what I could do to give you as much pleasure when you got home”.

The matter of fact delivery stunned David. Was this the girl he married? He had never heard this inhibited woman talk in such a fashion.

“What did you have in mind”, David could barely get out?

“This”, said Jane. With that she took their wine glasses, put them on an end table and pushed David back onto the couch. Jane crawled past his chest, and pulling up her skirt, revealed her pussy through the large cut out from the crotch of her pantyhose. “I am still wet, and I thought you would want to taste some of my cum before you fucked me silly”. With that she lowered her pussy to his lips, and began to slowly grind cunt against his tongue and face.

David lapped at his wife like a man who had been starving for years. As he continued to suck and lick, he saw Jane undo her blouse and take it off. David held both cheeks of her ass firmly in his grip, and hardly daring to believe his good and suddenly changed fortune, brushed a forefinger over her rose bud. He nearly came when he realized it was slick, as if it had been lubricated with KY. He pushed his finger in, and Jane moaned, “I know how much you used to love my ass, so it’s nice and slippery for you tonight. Keep fucking me with your tongue in my cunt and your finger in my ass, and make me fucking cum you bastard!”

Jane continued to ride his face as she felt his finger eagerly fuck her in and out of her ass. It wasn’t all that bad after all, though she still thought it a little degrading. She let her mind wander. “I wonder how it would feel to play with his ass, to see if he liked it”. She continued to fantasize, imagining holding his cock and driving the handle of her hair brush in and out of his ass in front of the bathroom mirror, making him spurt. Then it hit her. “God, that is what the Nexus double dildo is for”. And then she lost herself in the fantasy, looking at her husband’s reflection in the mirror as she fucked him in the ass. Fucked him hard, hurting him, and making know that it wasn’t the most pleasant sensation in the world. And then, she started to feel it again. That building sensation, and then suddenly, her orgasm was upon her. After more than 20 years together, her husband had finally brought her to orgasm.

She waited until the wonderful feelings had subsided, then stood up, and took off her skirt. She left the panty hose one, and then lay back on the other side of the couch, her knees at her shoulders and spread. And displaying her open cunt, she hissed at her husband, “Now I want you to fuck me, and don’t hold back.”

David was stripped in seconds, and as he crawled up between her legs, Jane gathered her wetness in her two larger fingers. In David plunged, and Jane reached around, and with little hesitation, found David’s ass and plunged her two fingers in as fast and as a hard as she could. David let out yowl, and responding in kind, drove two of his fingers in her ass. Their lips locked, the two fucked like wild animals, hard and fast. As David pounded her, she found herself taking pleasure in the mixture of pain and lust she felt with the pounding. Resolved to make him share the pain, Jane became increasingly aggressive with his ass, stretching it as he pounded in and out of her. And with a high pitched animal sound she had never heard David make, she could sense his cumming in her. She clamped him tight, squeezed him close, and thought to herself, “God, what have we missed all these years”?

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The Arrival

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“The waiting is killing me,” Jeff thought to himself as he looked for his online lover. He had all three chat applications opened at once, hoping to catch Rachel on one of them.

It had been an amazing five weeks since they first got to talking. Both were in failing relationships, and were both in the same line of work. They were even the same height. Almost. He was 6-1 and she stood a delicious 6 feet with blonde hair. She was his ideal woman. He loved tall women with long hair. She was funny, she was smart, sweet and caring and by all that is holy, she was sexy. Everything seemed as if it were meant to be. But for some reason, he couldn’t convince her to send her photo to him.

They’d chatted online. They’d traded e-mails back and forth. They’d even talked a few times from their respective places of work. She’d take an extended lunch break and call him from the comfort of her car, while he went to his secret spot in the convention center adjacent to his office. He’d returned to work with a raging hard-on more than once since they had started talking.

“Why won’t she send me her picture? What’s the deal?” he thought to himself. His overactive imagination began to take off. Was she yanking him around, just toying with is emotions? Hardly. She was too sweet and sincere to do that. Maybe she was just being overly cautious. No reason for that, he thought, since they lived almost 900 miles from each other.

His office phone rang, blasting him back to reality. It was Rachel. They thought about each other constantly and almost knew instinctively when to call. His demeanor quickly shifted from frustration to elation.

“Hey Baby,” he answered. Turns out Rachel loved being called “Baby” by him. Maybe it was the difference in their ages. He was 39, she was 25, but all she knew was that she loved it. “Hi Honey,” she giggled. “Miss me?”

Did he miss her? He wanted her more than anyone he’d ever met in his entire life. He wanted her with every fiber of his being. “All I’ve done all day is think about you. I’ve been waiting for you to show up online. But I’ll take a phone call over online chat any day,” he told her.

He didn’t mince words when it came to talking to Rachel. He knew she was special and he wanted her desperately. And he took every opportunity to tell her. And her reaction was always the same. She’d moan a breathy moan and almost purr into the phone. And with that, he’d turn rock hard. Guaranteed. No questions asked.

“Did you get my pictures in the mail yet?” she asked him. He replied with a grumpy “no.”

“Awwww…you poor guy. Maybe I can put a smile on your face til they show up,” she said to him.

This could get interesting, Jeff thought to himself. It was Christmas week and since he was the low man on the staff totem pole as far as seniority went, he’d be in the office. Alone. He had the entire 20th floor to himself. The next question was an automatic, an in joke between them.

“So tell me, Rachel baby, what are you wearing?”

“Who me? All I have on under my coat is this little miniskirt and a v-neck sweater. Nothing special,” she purred into the phone.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” was all he could muster in reply.

“What about you?” she asked in return. He muttered something about a pair of khakis and navy blue oxford shirt.

“I know navy blue looks amazing with your green eyes,” she said.

“How could you know that? I’m not wearing navy in the pictures I’ve sent you,” he responded.

“Then turn around so I can see.”

He had been facing the window and his view of downtown when he spun around in his chair. And there was Rachel, cell phone in hand, wearing a mini skirt and v-neck sweater.

“How the….What are you doing here? Oh my God is it really you?” he babbled as she closed the door to his office, took off her coat and walked around his desk.

“Yes, baby, it really is me. I’m Rachel. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” she cooed as she extended a hand to his.

This had to be some kind of dream. There’s no way she hops on a plane and comes up to see him. No way. His head was spinning, trying to process exactly what was happening to him.

Instinctively, he reached out for her hand and she pulled him to his feet. She took his face in her hands and brought her lips to his. The atmosphere was electric. He could swear he felt sparks when their lips first touched.

“I’ve dreamed of kissing you since the first night we talked on line,” Rachel said as she pulled back to get a good look at her lover. “It was better than I could have ever imagined.”

He Maltepe Escort pulled her close again and wrapped his arms around her waist. He lunged at her mouth with his, and their embrace became passionate. Their tongues thrust together as they pulled each other’s bodies closer. His shock at seeing his dream girl was slowly fading and now he was finally going to be with her.

He had to step back and see her. Truly look at her. She was a goddess. No doubt about it.

“Surprised, honey?” she asked.

“Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought you’d come up here and surprise me like this. Not that I’m complaining or anything,” Jeff said.

She pushed him back down in his office chair and smiled a dazzling smile. She leaned back and sat on his desk, her tiny skirt riding up her gloriously sexy legs. The skirt kept going and suddenly Jeff realized one of his online fantasy chats with Rachel was about to come true. She wasn’t wearing any panties.

“Remember that night we were talking and I said how much I’d love to seduce you in your office?”

Remember? The image was imbedded in his brain, replayed over and over and over, never to be forgotten.

“Of course I remember, baby,” he said as he eased his chair closer to the woman of his dreams.

Rachel lifted herself off the desk for a moment and slid her skirt further up, revealing her shaven pussy. When she first told him she was shaven, he nearly exploded. Now he was about to experience the real thing.

Rachel lifted the skirt up past her hips and then placed her legs on Jeff’s shoulders. He stared into her eyes, almost afraid to look away from them for fear she’d disappear. But she put her legs on his shoulders pulled him closer.

He leaned into her and was overcome with her scent. She was literally dripping on his desk. Jeff leaned in closer and ran the tip of index finger up her naked pussy lips. Rachel shivered at his touch. He eased the finger inside of his lover and she tossed her head back and purred again.

“So that’s what you feel like. I’ve wanted you for so long and now I’ve finally got you,” she said.

Jeff smiled and lowered his face so he could taste her. He ran the tip of his tongue up and down her lips, savoring the aroma of her arousal. He avoided her clit for as long as he could, but the tall blonde could take no more games. She pulled him in even closer so his tongue was practically clamped on her pussy.

“Lick me, lover. Suck on my clit,” she moaned. Who was he to turn down such a request?

He spread the lips of her pussy wide and made his tongue flat as he licked over her clit. She shuddered in appreciation and hissed out “yesssssssss, that’s what I’ve wanted.”

Jeff began to suck on her clit and moved his hands up to her breasts. He began to fondle and knead them as best he could, considering his position. They were both approaching sensory overload.

“Fuck me with your tongue, honey,” she urged him on. “Make me cum with your tongue.”

Jeff thrust his tongue deep inside her dripping pussy, extending it as deep as it would go. Rachel was writhing in ecstasy on the desk, knocking off files and photos, muttering an incomprehensible language of lust.

Rachel’s back arched as she felt the orgasm begin to spread out from deep inside her. She began to growl almost, and clamped her thighs tighter around her lover’s head. Her head was titled back and her long blonde hair was flailing about as waves of pleasure crashed through her body.

As her orgasm subsided, her eyes met his again. He looked at her adoringly and stood up to kiss her.

“God, I knew it would be good when we got together but I had no idea it would be like that,” Rachel panted, trying to regain her breath. Jeff just smiled at her and kissed her again. He took her by the hands and said “let’s go.”

Ducking out of his office and into the hallway, the couple headed for the elevators. They were giggling and holding hands like a couple of lovestruck teen-agers. Jeff pushed the “down” button and they waited, kissing and caressing one another.

“Where are we going?” Rachel asked excitedly, her eyes dancing with passion.

“You’ll see. But I’ve been there with you before. On the phone,” he said. Rachel practically squealed with delight. They were headed to his secret spot in the convention center, where he had told her his fantasies about making love in a public place.

The elevator finally arrived and they went inside. Since it was Christmas week, it was empty. Jeff had never been so glad İstanbul Escort for an empty elevator in his life.

“I knew you were beautiful, but I had no idea you were this beautiful,” he told Rachel, brushing a strand of her dark blonde hair from her face. “You are an absolute goddess. A truly fabulous babe.”

She giggled at the “truly fabulous babe” reference. He started calling her that within a week of their meeting. It was one of his goofy qualities she loved so much about him.

Jeff stood back and took a long look at his vision. She was simply gorgeous. A curvy 6 feet tall with long dark blonde hair that hung halfway down her back and dark blueish-green almond-shaped eyes. Playful eyes with lots of mischief in them. Her firm, round breasts were amazing, rising and falling with each breath. She’d told him she was a C-cup, and he guessed about a 36. Her breasts stood high on firm on her chest with big hard nipples protruding through her sweater. And then were her legs. They seemed to go on forever. They were the kind of legs that would make a bishop kick out a stained glass window. She had said something once about not liking her thighs, but he saw nothing wrong with her at all. She was a vision. And she was here.

The “ding” of the elevator’s arrival in the lobby brought him out of his trance. She was still holding his hand, an arms length away. The doors slid open and he led her through the lobby into the adjacent arena.

He found it amazing that in the wake of everything that had happened in the world in the past three or four months he’d be able to have full run of the arena. Security never even bothered to ask where he was headed. Usually, he had his wireless phone with him so he could go up to the mezzanine and call Rachel with some degree of privacy. He shared an office with someone, so he craved the privacy.

The mezzanine was accessible by both a staircase and an escalator. He always chose the stairs, because he liked to get his heart pumping running up them to talk to her. But after the first couple of conversations, he knew that was a waste of energy. His reaction to her voice was downright Pavlovian. She spoke, he got hard. It was that simple.

The walked across the slightly darkened floor of the arena and headed for the stairs, hand in hand. Rachel was like a little kid in the big city for the first time, trying to see everything he’d described to her through his eyes. As they reached the stairs, Jeff pointed up to the mezzanine. “There it is. Rachel Land.” It was his nickname for this location. “Shall we?”

She nodded in approval and raced up the stairs. Jeff was surprised by this and quickly followed. He was treated to an amazing view of her naked ass as she bounced up the steps. She slowed halfway up, not sure where to go when Jeff caught up and took her by the hand again. She was so turned on by this little romantic gesture. He always talked about holding hands with her.

They reached the mezzanine and stood quietly for a moment. “Well, what do you think?” he asked.

“What do I think? I love it. It’s secluded yet right out in the open. It’s perfect,” she said, leaning in to kiss him.

Jeff sat down on the arm of one of the lounge chairs and pulled her onto his lap as their tongues began another intimate dance together. She searched his out and began to suck on it, the intensity of the action knocking Jeff off the arm of the chair and onto the seat. She followed in a heap onto his lap. She smiled again and began nuzzling his neck and unbuttoning his shirt. Her hands were warm as they lingered on his buttons. She ran her fingers through his chest hair and now it was his turn to tilt his head back and moan.

Rachel giggled again and brought her lips to his sensitive nipples. He told her how much he liked having his nipples licked and bitten. She was about to see the real deal.

When Rachel’s tongue first touched his right nipple, he thought he’d implode. The slightest touch and it was liked he was hooked up to jumper cables. Tingling waves of pleasure shot through his body. Rachel licked and nipped at his nipples and began massaging his hard cock through his khakis. His assessment of himself was accurate, to say the least. When she asked how big he was, he told her about 7 1/2 inches long and about 4 or 5 inches around. She always appreciated honesty in her lovers. Now she was about to show him how appreciative she was.

Rachel stood up and pushed him back in the chair. He began to protest but shut his piehole in a hurry when she began to unbuckle Anadolu Yakası Escort his belt. She undid the button and then unzipped his khakis. She was greeted with a hard cock pulsing beneath a pair dark blue silk boxers. She cooed in approval.

She slid his pants down around his ankles and reached inside his boxers for his cock. She pulled it out and admired it. A glistening drop of precum shone from the tip. She reached down with her tongue and touched the tip to his tip. The droplet became a string and was soon connected between her tongue and his cock. Jeff was ready to explode.

All the while, Rachel gazed into his eyes with unabashed lust. She had wanted him from the first moments she had chatted with him and was not to be denied. “What a beautiful cock you have here, my love,” she told him and she lightly pumped his shaft up and down. “You are too good to be true,” she said, before swallowing the head and swirling her tongue around the tip.

Jeff clawed at the arms of his chair as his goddess worshipped him with her tongue. She sought out the slit in the tip to draw more precum out. “He has to taste as good as he looks,” she thought to herself. She was right as she tasted his sticky nectar.

Rachel continued swirling her tongue around his cock, slowly pumping it with her right hand and gazing lustily into his eyes. She was making love to him with her tongue and he was in heaven. He also knew if she kept this up, he’d cum in an instant. As much as he hated to do it, he pushed her away. He wanted to cum inside her slick naked pussy for their first time together.

Rachel looked surprised as his cock popped out of her mouth. He just tilted his head toward the railing of the mezzanine and she immediately got the message.

Rachel clambored over to the railing and hiked her skirt over her ass. She turned to look at Jeff over her shoulder. Her eyed beckoned him to come closer. Jeff tore off his shirt and approached his lover from behind. “Tell me what you want, baby,” he growled into her ear.

“I want your cock inside me. I need your big cock in my pussy right now.” she purred back at him. He took his cock and guided it between her naked pussy lips. He was conflicted about whether to slam his entire length deep inside her or slowly ease himself in, an inch at a time. He chose the former.

Rachel was so wet he slid in without a problem. Not only was she wet, but she was tight. Amazingly tight. After his initial lunge inside her, he remained motionless for a moment, his cock buried in his lover to the hilt. He wanted to savor the sensation of her for as long as he could.

“Come on baby, fuck me,” she almost whined, moving her hips back and forth. “I want to feel you ramming in and out of me.”

Never being one to need an engraved invitation, Jeff complied with his young lover’s request. He took hold of her hips and began pistoning in out of her hot, slippery pussy.

“Yeah, that’s it,” Rachel said as she gripped the railing tightly. “I’ve been dreaming about this for so long. Make me cum, Jeff. Make me cum.”

Jeff’s hips and cock became a blur as he rammed in and out his lover as fast as he could. He thought he’d pass out from the sensations. But she was his dream girl and he was going to do everything he could to make this right for both of them.

He slowed his pace and reached around to massage her clit with his fingers as he continued gliding in and out of her. She pushed back against him to push him even deeper inside. They could hear his balls slapping against her ass as the moved together.

“Oh baby…your fingers…your cock…..I’m gonna,” she tried to warn him of her impending orgasm but the words didn’t make it out in time. She cried out and pushed hard against him again, head thrown back in pleasure. “Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss,” she exalted.

That was it. He could hold back no more. Jeff felt the rush of his orgasm begin deep inside him and didn’t want to wait any more. He pumped inside his lover as hard as he could, grunting with animalistic force as the surge moved toward the tip of his cock. He grunted and groaned as his cock erupted inside her, blasting her pussy with wave after wave of cum. The force and intensity of his orgasm surprised him and he thought he was going to pass out. When he finally stopped cumming, Jeff was able to back up to one of the chairs in a sweaty, hyperventilating heap. Rachel, who had finally regained her composure from her own orgasm, looked over she shoulder at her lover and smiled. She went to him and sat on his lap and kissed him long and deep.

“Thank you, baby. I was worried you’d be angry with me surprising you like this. I’m glad you’re not,” Rachel said between kisses.

“How could I be angry after a greeting like this?” he asked her. And at that moment, he knew, she was the one.

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The All-Nighter

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Co-authored by Salacious and Kewbert

Authors’ note: What we attempted here was a “he said/she said” collaboration. “He Said” is in Roman style type, and “She Said” is in italics. A telling of the same story from two perspectives, with a dash of chain letter feel to it. It’s a bit experimental, but we thoroughly enjoyed writing it. We’d particularly appreciate your feedback on this genre-bending style. Thanks, Kew and Sal.

* * * * *

My life sucks. I cannot believe a whole semester of teaching class looms ahead of me. I used to love it, but between the pressure to get published by my department heads, and the dwindling number of students that remotely care about Land Use, and my recent divorce, I’ve had it. I’ll bet that not one student will even be here in the lecture hall on time, despite the fact that it’s 9:58 now.

Checking my watch, I was beginning to wonder if I’d make it to class on time. “Damn hangover, damn margaritas…damn alarm clock.” Opening the door to the class and seeing that it had already filled up with other students it seems I was destined to sit in the front row. “Fabulous, a headache and lecture drone, up close and personal.” Adjusting myself in the seat, unfortunately next to the window, I looked up and saw the first good thing to happen all day.” This wasn’t the same crusty professor that had taught my last class in Land Use. Nice ass! Maybe this won’t be so bad after all.

“Thank you, class. Remember that the last day for drop/add is a week from Wednesday. You’re dismissed.” It seems that some folks showed up to my class after all. Were they mostly female, or was that my overactive, undersexed imagination? As a few students lingered with trivial questions, I caught myself hoping that the curvaceous girl from the front row was one of them. She couldn’t seem to keep still in her seat. Through the whole lecture, every time she crossed and re-crossed her legs, I involuntarily looked at her. It was amateurish of me, but she was worth every eyeful. “Yes, we will cover all aspects of topography, land use case law and some elements of geology. See you in two days. Yes, goodbye.” There she was. Everyone else had gone. Was my heart actually fluttering? “Hi, what was your name again?”

“Yes, Professor Royce, my name is Allison, Allison Vargas. I was just wondering if there would be any special projects available this semester. I like to plan ahead and take into account the time needed for good research.”

“Well, Allison, there is one project I’m working on for my doctorate. It’s downright grueling; long hours and tedious data crunching. There’s a little bit of fieldwork, but it’s mostly late nights in my study at the library. If you’re interested, both of my graduate assistants are otherwise occupied this semester and I could use the help.” She gave me a smoky look that some might mistake for academic ambition. “Just meet me tomorrow night in private study 431, near the Folio section on the fourth floor of Nutley Library. See you then.” As I gathered up the last of my papers and walked toward the exit of the empty lecture hall, I paused in front of Allison’s seat. Before I realized what I was doing, I planted my face against the wood of the seat and inhaled deeply. It was still a bit warm from her restless rump and I definitely detected a whiff of that salty-sweet smell that I hadn’t known in a long time.

It’s 8:30; I have time for a shower before meeting Mr. Royce at the Library. Stepping into the shower felt so good. After having washed my hair, I grabbed the cherry vanilla scented soap, poured some onto my hand and lathered up. Lost in thought, my hands roamed freely over my breasts, circling around and around, pausing to pay them just enough attention. When I realized Kartal Escort how erotic this all felt I continued to cleanse and caress down my belly and into the promised land. Slowly and deliberately touching one fingertip to my clitoris, a jolt ran through me. Then, as I heard the phone ring, I crashed back to reality.

Grabbing my towel and running to the phone, “Hello…yes, this is Allison Vargas…Oh yes…Mr. Royce…I’m running a bit late myself, I should be there in about 20 minutes. Okay…see you then.”

Finally dressed, I had selected a short blue skirt, a white sweater and low pumps; simple, but clean and professional. Arriving at the library at 9:10 ready to work. I took a deep breath, smoothed my skirt, and reapplied fresh lipstick before opening the door of private study 431. Wondering what tasks lay before me, he had said the word “grueling,” I hoped that I had not bitten of more than I could chew this time.

“Hi, Allison. Thanks for coming. Remember, if you’re not 100% convinced that you want to do this for the whole semester, you can leave a note in my box by the end of the week and no harm, no foul, no hard feelings.”

She looked fantastic. She was dressed professionally, but that skirt showed off the unique shapeliness of her legs, remarkable for someone of her size; she couldn’t have been more than 5’1” or 5’2”. She was wearing an exceptionally tight sweater that kept screaming, “Look at this fabulous, forbidden bosom! Look! Look!”

I shut my ears to the screams of the tight sweater and averted my eyes from those inviting curves and tried to divert my mind away from her skirt and the panties that were underneath and the scent that I discovered two mornings ago on her seat. We were all business for about 45 minutes. Then she came over to my desk from the worktable to ask me a question.

“Mr. Royce, is this contour map incremented in miles or meters?”

I looked up to see her leaning toward me. She was intent on the map on the desk, but I was busy taking in the slopes of her breasts, seen throughout the neckline of her sweater. Transfixed, I didn’t even hear her question.


Then she realized what I was doing and shyly stood up and put one hand on her chest in a gesture of modesty.

“I’m so sorry, Allison, my mind was…elsewhere.”

“Actually, so was mine, Professor.”

My abbreviated escapade in the shower had me edgy and aroused. I really was trying to concentrate on what Professor Royce was telling me, but damn! What a nice ass. He was really built, narrow waist, wide shoulders, and weathered skin. I could tell he was passionate about his work, not just theorizing about it like so many others. This was a real turn on. I had to get closer to Professor Royce. I wanted to breathe him in and touch him.

Faking a weak ankle, I fell into the ready and waiting arms of my target. Grasping at his neck and enjoying the feel of his big strong arms I did not want it to stop. Taking a risk, I didn’t know if I’d live to regret. I reached up further placing my hands on either side of his head and pulled him down toward me, I opened my mouth sweetly and pressed forward; onward to something I could not deny myself. My tongue leapt forward and traced round his lips. He was sweet like cream and I could not get enough. Seemingly surprised and pleased, he did not pull away, but rather tasted back. His hands roamed fiercely down my back to the bottom of my skirt. I pressed forward, feeling the growing member in his khakis. This brought a smile to my face and my hips did a slow grind, back and forth, to and fro. Breathing raggedly, my hand slipped down his face, feeling the contour of his willing, wanting body. His broad chest and Pendik Escort protruding penis were beckoning me to him. I dropped to my knees, unzipped his pants and released the most amazing cock I had ever seen. I could not wait to take him to my lips.

I was so relieved that this beautiful creature had been feeling the same irresistible attraction that I was, that I nearly wept for joy. The strangest things pass through your mind sometimes. For a flash, I was thanking the stars above and any deity that I could think of for allowing my office-mate, Dr. Atticus Heathcliff Stanley to meet his maker in the middle of last term, so I could enjoy the whole room in utter privacy.

Before my new research assistant could continue with the fine work she’d begun, I took her hand, wriggled out of my trousers and led her to the oversized, 50 year-old couch that good old Dr. Stanley was kind enough to leave to me in his will. On our way past the light switch, I turned the overhead fluorescent off, leaving just the glow of our monitors to combat the semi-darkness around us.

Allison was mewing with eagerness to get her bright, full lips around my tool, and as glad as I was to oblige her, I resumed kissing her mouth as we sat on the cool leather. As our tongues danced, my cold fingers sought her warm places. I reached under that little wisp of a skirt and found her slick satin panties warm and sticky with her fragrant honey. I raised my fingers to my face and smelled and tasted that which I hoped for yesterday morning.

“I want more of this, NOW.” I said, gesturing with my sticky fingers. Allison smiled bashfully and tilted her head demurely, saying, “Well, we all have things we want…” and she grabbed my shaft with a forceful grip and planted her mouth around me like a woman starved, getting her first meal in months. As she began mercilessly digesting my furiously trembling member, I eased around and under her, so that I was on my back, head between her legs, looking up at her wetness oozing from the edges of her drenched panties. In a fit of mad lust, I popped the button from the back of her skirt, broke the nylon zipper, and yanked skirt and panties down to her knees in one motion. As I helped her slide them past her ankles onto the floor, I gazed back up at the gaping, twitching maw of heaven and buried my face deep within.

My body was trembling, I came the moment his mouth touched my quivering sex. But I could think of nothing other than how magnificent his manmeat tasted. I took him deep, planting a mauve-colored cockring of lipstick around the base of his shaft with my heavily coated lips. In and out, I suckled on his manhood. Grabbing his jewels and rolling them around in my hands I felt the pulsing life force within and couldn’t wait to taste his milk. His tongue was so strong and relentless, lapping and sucking my clit. Nipples hardened with the onslaught of yet another crashing orgasm.

“Ohhhhhhh, Professor Royce….”

“Please Allison, call me Lane.”

“Oh Lane, please…”

Diving in again, I pumped his sweetmeat in and out of my mouth, planting kisses along the way. I could feel the pulsing of his unit. With a firm grasp on my ass, and a low guttural moan, he shot his load long and hard down my throat. Swallowing repeatedly with my hips wriggling, I too enjoyed the moment and released another offering to his tongue, the god. Dizzy with lust I could hardly think.

Somehow, although I was drunk on her steamy vagina-gin, and nearly unconscious with the gorgeous punishment my prick was receiving, a singular primal thought entered my lust-shrunk brain: to impale this fine specimen and ream her moistness with my spear till she grunted only one-syllable words.

As Göztepe Escort I detached my mouth’s lips from her mound’s lips, her hips tried to follow me to re-couple the lost connection. But as I sat upright and looked into her fogged-over eyes, she read my purpose immediately and laid herself back, with legs spread, in seconds flat. Her hips never stopped moving, though, and like the twitching of a jungle cat’s tail, this predator’s message was clear. “Damage is about to be done.”

Lane’s mouth was astounding to say the least. It danced a samba across my sex, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through my wanton body. As I laid myself back, he worked his way up from my pulsing pleasure pod. Licking his way up my abdomen, circling my navel, nibbling up to my breasts. He moved slowly and deliberately, making me weak with lust. This man truly knew how to please a woman. My box was hot and steamy, my movements mirrored his and it was as if I had the radar on. I knew he was ready, and I wanted what he was offering. The plum head of his cock rubbed insistently across my clitoris, making me jump and moan. And with a swift, firm motion he entered my body. Pulling my knees to my chest, he plunged deeper, calling my name with each stroke. I whispered his name, greeting him with as much force as I could muster. I was lost and in lust and loving it.

I was varying my speed and depth of penetration, like waves on the seashore. I figured that the ocean and a woman are likewise moved by lunar cycles, but soon my thoughts were unintelligible. After a few wave-like cycles, I slowed almost to a halt. Locking my knees around her hips, and squeezing for that ounce of extra friction, I started a series of micro-thrusts, using the shortest twitches possible. That did it; it brought the animal out of my well-groomed, well-educated student. “Rrrrrr. Yes! Yowl! Ooo! Ooo! AAAHHH!” I followed right behind her with some growls of my own, spurting my seed to mingle with the gallons of cum she had already contributed.

I didn’t want to release my hold on him after he gifted me with yet another orgasm, but I could feel his cock pulsing and twitching as the last of his spent tool eased out of my steaming canal. My nerves were jumping with stray energy, and my body convulsed as the waves of orgasm washed within me. He nuzzled my neck and whispered something I didn’t quite catch, I closed my eyes and gave a quiet “uh hum.” Intertwined limbs covered the moist couch, and he fell into a deep slumber. I watched him as he lay there, holding me tight, sleeping with a look of satisfaction and triumph upon his face. He was heavenly, and had the experience I was looking for to keep me well satiated. I maneuvered my way out from his hold, and thought it best to get home before sunrise.

The next morning I awoke with my face stuck to the leather seat cushion of this antique heirloom sofa. I found my position both funny and sad. But mostly I was glad for the sticky memento of my evening, leather-cleaning bill be damned.

As I dug my toiletry kit out from the depths of my desk, I headed for the nearest bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. As I walked between the pre-dawn stacks, I began to second-guess Allison. I have never been that overwhelmed with fire for someone. I have never in all my years, single, married, and single again, been so overcome with sweat for a woman, nor so content, with so much hope in her arms after the fact. She slipped away with out a word. No note? Was I in over my head? Or would she quietly drop my class and disappear?

After brushing my teeth, I hopped over to the Department Office and checked my box before I went home to shower in earnest.

There was only one item, sealed, with the words “Professor Royce” printed on the outside, distinctly smelling of, well, Allison’s sex.

“Don’t need all week to decide; if last night is any indication of what this work is like, I’ll become your indentured servant if I can’t be your research assistant… — Allison.”

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The Adventures of John Law Ch. 12

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John the Bodyguard and Cop ©

I retired from the Army in 1991. When I was stationed in San Francisco, I was sent to San Diego to investigate a negligent homicide case at the Army Reserve Center. I thought San Diego was beautiful and the weather was great, so I decided to retire there. After kicking around for two weeks, wondering what I wanted to do, I took a job at an upscale high-rise condo working security. Every condo cost over a million dollars, and I found the residents to be very friendly; not snooty at all. I liked the job, but I only worked there for three weeks before something better popped up.

Melissa Price was 39 and was married to Anthony Price, one of the wealthiest men in the country. They owned a 32-acre estate in the wealthiest area of San Diego. A good friend of mine was currently employed by a famous actress/singer in the same neighborhood, and when he was asked if he could recommend a bodyguard/estate security agent for Mr. & Mrs. Price, he called me. When I told him I would be interested, he arranged an interview.

When I arrived at their home, I rang the doorbell and was greeted by a huge German Shepherd with very big teeth, barking at me and signaling he wanted to tear me apart. Luckily, he was accompanied by Ms. Price who gave him a command, and he stopped barking but continued to bare his teeth. She opened the door and invited me into the den where her husband was waiting on the sofa. I shook his hand and he told me to have a seat.

Ms. Price sat across from me and the dog laid down on the floor between us. She was wearing sandals, loose shorts, and a sleeveless green blouse that was doing a poor job of restraining her very nice 38 C cup breasts. She was very attractive with medium length brown hair and green eyes. The shorts revealed very toned and tanned legs.

Mr. Price was 41, medium height and weight, and appeared a bit geeky. He had my resume and asked me about some of my previous assignments. He then asked some hypotheticals about security. I pointed out several problems I had observed with his security while driving up his driveway. I then told him what I would suggest to improve his estate security.

He explained that he dealt in international finance and frequently travelled between his offices in Beverly Hills, New York, London, and Dubai. He said he normally travelled alone so he was concerned about his wife’s security while he was gone. After my fairly quick interview, he asked his wife if she had any questions for me, and when she said she didn’t, he asked when I could start. I was surprised that he offered the job so quickly, but he just chuckled and pointed to my feet. I hadn’t even noticed that his German Shepherd had moved to right in front of my feet and was sleeping soundly.

He said, “My dog rarely trusts strangers, so if he is comfortable with you, so am I.”

I told him I could start in a week and we shook hands. Before I stood up, I reached down and scratched the dog behind the ear. When I stood up to follow Ms. Price to the door, the dog followed behind us, apparently no longer looking at me as a potential threat, or his next meal. When Ms. Price opened the door, she took my hand and said it was a pleasure to meet me. I noticed she held my hand longer than necessary.

The next week, I arrived early on Monday morning. When I rang the bell, Ms. Price came to the door dressed in jeans and a pullover top. The dog started barking when I rang the bell, but when he saw me, he didn’t bark or bare his teeth anymore, but instead wagged his tail and licked my hand. We went inside to the kitchen and Ms. Price asked if I would like a cup of coffee. I gladly accepted and we went to the kitchen table to sit down. She explained that Mr. Price had already left that morning on a seven-day trip.

She first told me to call her Mel, then she asked if I would mind answering the phone anytime it rang to screen her calls. She said she would give me a list of people to whom she was always available. Otherwise, I was to take a message. She showed me to a spare bedroom just off the kitchen and explained I would be staying there anytime her husband was out of town. She said I was to feed and water the dog and take him for a walk around the property, morning, noon, and late afternoon. She said she would go with me to walk the property right after we finished our coffee. She then showed me the rest of the house.

We went outside and as we started walking, she explained the history of the property and the fact it was a working Orange grove. She said at harvest time there would be several people there to pick the oranges, crate them, and take them to market. She said anytime I wanted to pick an orange for myself, I should feel free. As we walked, I had the dog on a leash. He seemed to know the route, so I let him take the lead. I wanted to see if he was trained, so I called him to heel, sit, down, and stay. When he immediately obeyed all the commands, I walked to him, scratched his head, and told him “Good Boy!”

Mel said, “Looks like you know your way around dogs.”

I explained Göztepe Escort that I had at one time supervised ten dog handlers, and I grew to love German Shepherds. She told me his name was Bailey. We walked completely around the fence line and then returned to the house. When we got back, she asked me about my ideas for increasing security. I told her I wanted the gate closed at all times. There was an intercom to announce visitors, but I wanted a combination intercom/camera. I would also order a sign that said, “Warning. Gate and Driveway Alarmed. Armed Response.” That would at least deter most intruders.

I then told her I noticed when we left the house, she didn’t lock the door. I told her I wanted the doors locked at all times and the alarm set when she left the house. She agreed to all my suggestions. I then got a list of all employees, including Maid, Pool Boy, Gardener, etc., along with their work schedules. For the rest of her day, she messed around the house, mostly in the office, and I got settled in my new room. It wasn’t spacious, but it would do.

Later that afternoon, she asked me if I liked Italian food. When I said I did, she said she was going to make Chicken Parmigiana with Spaghetti for dinner. I discovered she was an excellent cook. She explained we would be eating together whenever her husband was gone. After dinner, I helped her clean the kitchen and put the dishes in the dishwasher. She said she was going to have a glass of wine and watch some TV in the living room, and she asked me to join her.

Over the next few days, we had several interesting discussions. We talked about politics, travel, terrorism, and whatever popped up. I think she was surprised I was conversant in a number of areas and could carry on an intelligent conversation.

One night she asked me why I had chosen my current profession. She said, “It seems that you could do almost anything you put your mind to. Why this?”

I told her I had been doing protection work for a number of years and I enjoyed it. I also believed I was good at it, and it paid well.

She said, “I know you think I’m a rich bitch, but I haven’t always been this way. I grew up in a very good home and we were never worried about making a mortgage payment, or putting food on the table, but we certainly weren’t rich. I married into wealth. Since that time, I have always tried to remain grounded and not let the money go to my head. But I have seen the way some of my friends treat their staff. They can be snooty, stuck up, and real bitches. I don’t see how you can put up with that.”

I told her I had been lucky with my employers and never had a problem with any of them. “Remember, I’m an employee, but I’m not obligated to anyone for work. If I don’t like my employer, I can always quit.”

I felt that I could speak frankly with her so I said, “What you need to understand is, while you are my employer, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. I am willing to risk harm to myself before I would let any harm come to you. But if I feel that you can’t trust me, or if I feel you are not treating me with respect, I will quit. Don’t get me wrong, I know my place in life. I know I am not in your league and I don’t expect you to treat me as an equal, I just expect to be treated like any human deserves to be treated. I spent 24 years in the Army, so I know how to follow orders, and I will do whatever you tell me to.”

She was silent for a minute and I thought I might have said something I shouldn’t have, but I continued, “Something else you should know. I am very discrete. I’m not only concerned with protection, I’m also concerned with your privacy. Anything I see or hear while I am here will stay with me. I never have and I never will discuss anything private about you or any other person I work for. I hope you will eventually feel you can trust me.”

I had been working there for several months and I normally found myself at home alone with Mel. Her husband was gone at least three weeks out of the month. I got along with her and I got along with her dog really well. Besides my three daily walks, I would take him out during the day to play with him. Mel had a tennis court and a swimming pool, so I would watch her knock some tennis balls around while wearing a tiny short tennis skirt, and I noticed she had great legs. She would also swim or just lay by the pool about once a week. The first time I saw her, she was wearing a one-piece suit, but she had recently started wearing a bikini. She not only had great legs, she had great breasts, too. Despite looking, I never made a move on her. I was always the perfect gentleman. I liked my job and I didn’t want to lose it because I couldn’t control my dick.

One night after dinner, we were having a glass of wine when she looked at me and asked, “John, can I ask you a question?”

“Yes, mam, you can ask me anything.”

She hesitated for a minute and then asked, “Do you think I’m attractive?”

I was thinking, where the hell did that come from? I said, “Mel, I think you know the answer to that. İstanbul Escort You are very attractive. I’m sure you have seen how men look at you when you go out to dinner or to one of your charity events.”

In a very low voice, she said, “You never look at me like that.”

“Mel, believe me I have looked. I told you I think you are very attractive, but you’re also my boss. I would never do anything to jeopardize our working relationship. I hope you know that.”

“What if I want you to?”

Shit! There goes my job. I’m making good money and now I’m going to have to quit. I took a deep breath and answered carefully. “I would assume this is coming as a result of you being lonely. I know your husband is gone a lot, so it’s natural for you to feel lonely and neglected. But if we were ever to cross that line, you would probably regret it. I’m sure you would feel guilty, then you would fire me. Or even worse, you would tell your husband, he would fire me and make sure I never got another job. As much as I would like to, I just can’t risk losing my job. I hope you understand.”

“John, remember when you told me you were discrete, and you would never share any information about my private life?” When I said I remembered, she continued, “We only bought this house about a year ago. Before that, we lived in Beverly Hills. You’re right, I get lonely and I feel neglected. I’m still fairly young, and I do have needs. When we lived in Beverly Hills, I had an affair with one of Tony’s friends. It lasted for a while. I didn’t regret it and I didn’t feel guilty. I really enjoyed having a man treat me like a real woman again. Tony never found out, at least I never told him. We broke it off when he took a job in his Toronto office. When you came here for an interview, I got a warm feeling between my legs. I have been hoping you would try to seduce me ever since. On the one hand, I appreciate your professionalism, keeping your personal and business life separated. On the other hand, it has been driving me crazy. I want you, john. Will you make love to me?”

“Mel, I’ve had dreams of doing that, but if we’re going to do this, we need to set down some rules. First, we cannot act any differently with each other when other people are around. No unnecessary touching, smiling, or joking around when anyone is present, including your husband and the housekeeper. Next, we should use my bed. I know it’s smaller and not as comfortable as yours, but the housekeeper changes your sheets. When I make love to a woman, it tends to get messy. Lots of fluids. I don’t want her to find anything unusual on your sheets. I will change my own sheets. Third, no one, and I mean no one can find out about this. Not even your closest friend. I have already told you I can be discrete. You O.K. with that?”

“Lots of fluids?”

“You’ll see. Now, if you really want to do this, you will have to make the first move. I don’t want you to think I expect sex whenever I want it, or that I’m trying to take advantage of you. I sleep in the nude, so all you have to do is come to my room. I’ll be ready.”

That night she came in my darkened room and whispered, “John?” I was awake, so I threw my sheet off and held my hand out. She took it and sat on the edge of the bed. She was wearing a short, very sheer negligee. I pulled her to me, and she put her head on my shoulder. I asked if I could kiss her and she answered, with a shaky voice, “Yes. Please kiss me. Do whatever you want.” I leaned over and kissed her lips, softly at first and then I pressed my tongue between her lips, pressing against her teeth. She opened her mouth and stuck her tongue in my mouth. We kissed passionately for a couple of minutes. Her mouth was hungry, exploring, wanting more. I lifted her negligee up and she held her arms up to allow me to take it off. Once her breasts were exposed, I cupped one in my hand, lifted it, and planted my mouth over it. As I started sucking and licking her hard nipple, she started moaning softly. I was caressing her other breast with my hand, flicking her nipple with my thumb. When I pinched it, she stiffened and let out a little cry. I whispered to her, “If you are ever uncomfortable with what I’m doing, or you want me to stop, just tell me and I will stop. I never want to do anything you don’t want me to do.”

She said, “No, Please, don’t stop. That feels so good.”

I was having a hard time concentrating because the scent of her perfume, combined with the aroma coming from between her legs, was heavenly. I moved down until I was between her legs. I placed my hands behind her thighs and moved my face to her pussy. She let a soft moan of pleasure escape her lips as I explored her opening with my tongue. When I started to thrust my tongue in and out, she placed her hand on the back of my head and sighed. I had the feeling she hadn’t had her pussy licked in a long time.

As I licked and then sucked on her clit, she began to buck her hips against my face. I felt her juices begin to flow and she moaned, “Oh, John.” I knew she was experiencing a small orgasm, but that Anadolu Yakası Escort was her only reaction, moaning, “Oh, John”. I guess she wasn’t a screamer. As long as she was experiencing pleasure, it didn’t matter to me what her reaction was. I continued licking up and down, tongue fucking her, and sucking on her clit until she had another orgasm.

I moved up next to her and started nibbling and kissing her neck. This actually seemed to get her more excited than when I was licking her snatch. I moved my face over until I could kiss her again. She immediately opened her mouth and allowed me to stick my tongue in. She seemed to really like being kissed as she moaned and placed her hands on my back, pulling me closer. After a bit more kissing, I decided to get down to business. I got between her legs and I could feel her moving her thighs apart. As I guided my dick into her now wet, warm pussy, she wrapped one leg around my ass and started gently pulling me closer. I took that to mean she wanted more, so I plunged in deeper and started stroking, not too slow, but at a moderate speed in and out. I could feel her wetness coating my cock and leaking onto my pubic hairs. She was making little grunting sounds, so I whispered, “Are you O.K.?”

“Oh, John. I needed this so much.”

I continued stroking but decided to speed up a little and push in deeper. When I did, she exploded into a thunderous orgasm. Again, she didn’t scream, just moaned loudly, “Yes! Oh yes!”

When I felt my own climax building, I said, “Mel, I’m gonna cum. Is that O.K.?”

“Yes! Please. Let me feel it.”

With a few more deep strokes, I let loose and filled her up with my hot jizz. I rolled off her and held her close as I kissed her again. She kissed me back with a hot, passionate kiss, and then fell back beside me. I know that women can feel emotional after sex, especially if they have just cheated on their husband, so after a while I asked, “Are you O.K.?”

She looked into my eyes for a minute before smiling and answering, “More than O.K. I can’t tell you how much I wanted that … needed that. If you are wondering if I feel guilty, I don’t. In fact, I’m hoping we can do this again…I mean, if you want to.”

“Mel, I told you, anytime you want to, you just have to come to me. I will always welcome you to my bed.”

“You are a very sweet man, John. You know, my husband thinks you are a dangerous man. He told me that he would hate to see you get mad. He seems to think you could kill someone at the drop of a hat. And, I’m sure, from what I know of your background, that you can defend yourself, but you have a sweet side, too. I didn’t know what to expect when I came in here tonight. I was afraid you might be rough with me, but I was willing to take that chance. But you are a gentle, caring lover. Oh, and I see what you mean by lots of fluids. I couldn’t imagine what you were talking about, because that usually doesn’t happen to me. I haven’t had a climax in a very long time.”

“So, you mentioned doing it again. Do you want to do it again now?”

She got this shocked look or her face, with her mouth open and her eyes wide. Then she grinned and asked, “You mean you can get ready again that soon?”

“What can I say? You’re a very passionate woman. You bring out the best in me.”

We had another long slow lovemaking session that night, and almost every night her husband was out of town. As time passed, she became more relaxed, a little wilder, and she became more vocal. It didn’t take long at all for her to start screaming, “Fuck me!”

I assumed that her husband never found out, or even suspected that I was fucking his wife. I was usually off when he was at home, but I was there a few times and he was always friendly.

After almost two years there, I started to get a little restless. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the job and it paid really well, not to mention I was fucking an amazing woman, but I wanted to see what other opportunities were out there. I gave them a two week notice and it really shocked them. Mr. Price even offered to substantially increase my pay. I told him it wasn’t the pay, and it wasn’t them. I just wanted to move out of state to pursue other opportunities. I wasn’t prepared for Mel’s reaction. I thought she would be really mad at me, but she wasn’t. She was very disappointed and sad. She came to my room several times and we made love for hours. She actually cried one night, but it’s not like we were in love with each other. I think she had grown really fond of the sex and would miss it.

* * * * *

I was contacted by a friend of mine who worked in the entertainment industry. He asked me if I could help him out with a scheduling problem. He was supposed to escort a popular female singer from her home in New York City to a concert in Egypt. The day after the concert, she was going to tour the Pyramids. He had already committed to another assignment but said he would find a suitable replacement, so he called me. I could care less about the singer, although she was beautiful and sexy, but I really wanted to go to Egypt and tour the pyramids. I flew to New York, met the singer, and really liked her. She had a great smile, beautiful eyes, and I got a slight hint she might be agreeable to a roll in the hay during our trip. Nothing was said, I just got that vibe.

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The ‘Buddy’s Ex’ Taboo Ch. 2

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Tim finally, reluctantly, rolled off of her. His soft cock popped out of her full pussy with a ‘slurp’ that could be heard clearly by both of them. He was still turned on, though. Sarah was so hot! She was still horny as well. Neither knew how the other felt about fucking a second time, and both were reluctant to make a move right away.

Sarah got off the couch and headed for the bathroom to clean up. His eyes were locked on the most amazing ass he had ever seen. Firm, round, creamy white skin…perfect. He loved how it shook when she walked away from him. His penis began to harden again – that was all it took.

When a naked Sarah came out of the bathroom, her gaze trailed down to his semi hard-on. A tingle shot through her pussy.

“Come here for a sec.” she ordered, turning around. She walked into the bedroom, hypnotizing him with that ass again. She lay down on the bed and he walked over to her, standing in front of her beside the bed. Holding herself up on one arm, she reached for his semi hard cock with her other hand.

It grew when he felt her touch. He was about to realize a fantasy – seeing Sarah’s beautiful, full lips around his manhood! She brought her face to him, her hand stroking him as her tongue licked the base of his shaft. Her thick lips softly kissed his fat head as her blue eyes looked at him. She slipped his member slowly into her mouth, realizing his dream.

He watched those sexy lips slide all the way down his cock. He felt so warm inside her mouth. She began to bob her head back and forth on his rod, saliva glistened off his shaft. ‘slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp’ Sarah sucked loudly on Tim’s penis. It was everything he had imagined it would be. He reached down and caressed the soft skin of the side of her body, fingers trailing over her breast and stomach. He squeezed her ass softly, before sliding his hand around to her crotch.

She adjusted her body, allowing him access to her treasure, parting her legs slightly. He ran his fingers through the curls of her pubic hair until they found the moist heat of her slit. “Mmmmmph…” she moaned, still sucking his cock as she felt him nudge her clit. He ran his middle finger up and down the lips of her vagina, and her mouth seemed to take a more of a firm grip of his dick as she sucked it.

He slipped the finger into her warm, wet tunnel to the second knuckle. She moaned again, sucking him with even more enthusiasm. His finger slid in and out of her hungry pussy and she began to writhe her crotch against his hand. Sarah pulled his long penis out of her mouth with a ‘slurp’.

“Will you fuck me again?” she asked. Obviously a Anadolu Yakası Escort rhetorical question. Her hand let go of his member and she lay on her back on the bed as he squeezed a leg in between hers. She parted her legs wider and Tim was able to get in between them. He grabbed his member and ran it down her sopping wet slit to her entrance. She lay before him, chest heaving in anticipation. He pushed forward and her wet cunt easily sucked him inside.

“Ohhhhhh God yes…” she moaned as he slid into her entirely in one stroke. He was engulfed in her heat, and his searching lips found hers. She kissed him eagerly, urgently rubbing her pussy up against him, trying to encourage him to fuck her. His cock glided out of her, slowly, until only the head was inside her. He pushed forward again, his manhood firing into her vagina hard. “Mmmmmph…” she sighed into his mouth.

He shot his tongue into her mouth as he began to slide in and out of her needy hole. The bed began to squeek to the rhythm as he fucked her. Sarah raised her legs up into the air, her feet flailing helplessly behind him as he thrust forward over and over. She was forced to break the kiss as he was fucking her too hard. “Unh! Unh! Unh! Unh! Unh!” she moaned, her smallish tits were bouncing up and down to the rhythm. ‘squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek’ went the bed every time he pistoned into her.

After a few minutes, Tim finally began to tire a little. He slid his penis out of her pussy, and got out from between her sexy legs. He lay down beside her on his back and Sarah eagerly climbed on top of him, straddling him. She kissed him passionately, tongue darting into his mouth as she began to grind her cunt against his shaft. His hands slid down to her amazing ass, squeezing it, caressing it. He was conscious of her juices flowing onto his shaft as she rubbed against him, she was so wet! He needed back inside her.

Teasing him, she continued to kiss him, not letting him penetrate her. Both of them were breathing laboriously, lips smacking loudly as they made out. After what seemed like an eternity, Sarah broke the kiss and reached down underneath her ass. She grabbed his member and raised it up in the air. She pressed her horny cunt down on it, and her lips parted to allow him to enter. She sunk down his entire cock easily.

“Ohhhhhhh…” she groaned, arching her head back. He was once more sheathed in her warmth. He felt so good in side her, so filling. She put her hands on his chest and began to bounce her crotch up and down on his lap. His manhood slid in and out of her treasure over and over as she writhed on top of him. Bostancı Escort Her blonde hair was disheveled, half in her face as she drove herself down on him as if on a mission. ‘squeek….squeek….squeek….squeek…’ the squeeking of the bed was less rapid this time, since she couldn’t fuck him as fast as he was fucking her.

This didn’t stop her from hurtling towards an orgasm. “Unh! Unh! Unh! UNH!UNH!UNH!…OHHHHH!” she cried, cumming. She stopped riding him, rubbing her crotch hard against him as the violent orgasm overtook her. Her heart was pounding, she felt weak. Tim didn’t want to stop. His hands gripped her ass tightly and he began to bounce his ass up off the bed, driving his manhood into her lightening quick.

She gasped for breath, unable to cry out as his actions extended her orgasm. “Ohhhhh…” she breathed out, finally, nearly collapsing on him. He continued fucking up into her, using long, hard strokes.

Not getting the leverage he would like, he stopped, lifting her up off of him. She felt a little bit of despair when she felt him slip out of her. She didn’t want this to end! He gently motioned for her to stay where she was, so she remained on her hands and knees as he knelt behind her on the bed. His heart went into his throat. Without touching her, he nearly came.

This was his first ever look at Sarah’s naked ass. The ass that wouldn’t leave his mind since she wore that bikini 2 summers ago. He had yet to see a nicer ass. Two beautiful globes of creamy white, and he could see the swollen, pink lips of her cunt directly below. He couldn’t stop a quiet moan of longing from escaping his lips. He would fuck that ass. Maybe not here and now, but at some point, he would fuck that amazing ass. He needed to fuck it. He knew he wouldn’t stop obsessing about it until he did.

Tim couldn’t help but bend and kiss her left ass cheek. He then kissed the right one. He could spend the entire day doing it, but he didn’t want to seem like a nut, seeing as this was their first sexual experience together.

Through it all, Sarah knelt submissively in front of him, on her hands and knees. Her heart wouldn’t stop pounding, her pussy wouldn’t stop aching. She needed him back in her. Their was an itch deep inside her, and she needed his cock to scratch it.

He knelt behind her, holding his rock hard organ out before him and ran the fat mushroom head down the crack of her sexy bum. He felt a powerful urge to just force it in there, but he fought it down. Doing that before she was ready might blow a chance at any future encounters. He reached her moist slit, it seemed to be wetter than ever! Erenköy Escort He didn’t push forward, wanting to tease her, but Sarah took matters into her own hands.

She rammed herself back against him, forcing his member inside her entirely.

“OHH! God yes!” she cried when she filled up with his manhood. He was caught off guard, both by her actions, and by the incredible, warm feeling that suddenly dominated his crotch area. She began to ram her ass back and forth against him, forcing him to fuck her.

Tim snapped out of it, and grabbed the sides of her lovely ass. He took it from there. All the lust of that day. All the lust of those years reached the boiling point right there. He slammed himself against her over and over as fast, and as hard as he could. His tight grip on her hips allowed him to force her to meet his every thrust. “UNH! UNH! UNH! UNH!UNH!” she moaned as tingles shot from her pussy throughout her entire body. He was fucking her so hard! ‘slap slap slap slap slap’ his groin slapped against her ass with such force that the sounds overrode her cries. Her tits were rocking back and forth with every thrust, she bent her head, moaning. Her hair fell over her face as she welcomed another orgasm.

Tim looked over her entire body, filing this memory away as one he will keep forever (and refer to often when he was ‘alone’). From the pinkish bottoms of her feet all the way up to her dishevelled, blonde hair, he remembered it all. He made the mistake of looking at her gorgeous ass again. Watching her cheeks shake with every rapid impact. That did it.

“I’m cumming!” he grunted, fucking her rapidly a few more times. His balls heated up, and slid his penis out of Sarah’s vagina, about to realize another fantasy. “OHHHH…” he moaned, cock jerking in his hand. A long, thick stream of white fluid shot out the end of his prick. Sarah was gasping for breath, trying to regain her senses when she felt hot liquid land on her ass.

His dick spasmed again, this time he came on her other ass cheek. Cum just kept streaming out, his orgasm was very intense and it would not stop. He tried successfully to shoot the rest of his cum down her crack. He jerked his cock a couple more times, and when the last of his sperm appeared at the tip, he made sure to rub that on her ass as well.

He looked down at the picture he painted. Her perfect ass had his white jism all over it. Why didn’t he have a camera!?!?! Sarah was moaning, only now catching her breath. He walked around the bed to the front where he bent to kiss her, brushing her hair out of her face. He kissed her over and over again, smiling.

Unfortunately, he could only stick around for another hour. It was just as well, they spent that hour talking and he was brought back to reality about her. A beautiful woman, but he just couldn’t stand her! Still, Tim remembered his promise to himself about her amazing ass…

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That Damn Imp Ch. 08

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The store hadn’t yet opened for the day, the morning light just beginning to peer in through the windows. Puck floated above the counter, looking over Koshka’s wares, eying them curiously. Much of it was ordinary for the numismatic enthusiast. Off to the sides were coin-collecting supplies on the racks, and along the counters were various coins on display boards, while older coins other valuable items sat under the glass.

Of course, the only thing he really had eyes for was the proprietor of the store, and she would be here any moment…


Koshka stilled as she felt a tingle at the back of her neck, alerting her to Puck’s magical presence, and took a deep breath. She had a date with Malcolm tonight. True to his word, Puck had left the blonde entirely alone, and while it certainly relieved her, it also honestly surprised her. The Puck was known for finding loopholes to work his mischief, but she had no complaints from her boyfriend, and she didn’t sense any spells wrought upon him.

She’d decided to head down to the Jewish deli several blocks down for breakfast, and was sauntering up the sidewalk with coffee and a small paper bag. She unlocked the door and entered the store, giving Puck a dry ‘good morning’ as she set her breakfast and newspaper down on the counter, seemingly unruffled by his presence. She was determined to not let the imp ruin her good mood.

“Good morning to my most favorite demon in the world,” he replied, grinning as he gave one of the display boards – bearing Presidential dollars among other American coins of similar value – a casual look-over before gazing around innocently. “You don’t seem too surprised to find me here.”

“You didn’t even attempt to hide your aura,” she reminded him with a smirk as she went to the windows to slide the bars back from them. The currency that Puck were admiring took on a sharper sparkle the morning sunlight hit their polished surfaces. “So what brings you around to this dusty old shop?” she asked as she sat down behind the counter.

“Oh just checking out what it has to offer,” he teased, quirking his eyebrows. “How about you? I thought you’d be taking the day off. Spending it with.. what was his name again? Mike? Bob? Tom?”

“His name is None Of Your Business.” she replied smartly. “And yes, I have a date tonight.” She smirked faintly at him. “So what mischief have you been up to lately?”

“Really? I thought it was Malcolm,” he teased, winking. “And you know… enjoying wine, women, song. Occasionally stalking you. Not in a creepy way though,” he put up a hand protectively, grinning behind it.

She gave out a small snort. Perhaps it was because of her relationship with Malcolm, but she was actually surprisingly tolerant of Puck’s company now – at least, at times. “Good. Because believe me, I would know if you did.” She glared at him for a moment, before relaxing. “No matter how much you visit, you’re not going to convince me to have a threesome with you. I’m sure Malcolm would put you to shame, anyway.”

“Yeah,” he rolled your eyes, “your pet human is going to outclass me. Please. And besides, who said I was looking for a threesome? Eventually, it’s going to be just you and me.”

“Pet human? You’re cute.” She took a sip of her coffee. “Besides, I could give Malcolm more years. Or even immortality. Perhaps I like him well enough to not let him get old and wrinkly.”

“Yes, pet human. What would you call him? A toy?” At the mention of immortality, he scoffed, crossing his arms. “Why give it to him when you already have me? All this sexual tension… what do you need a mortal being for? It’s not some weird human fetish, is it?”

“He satisfies me, and that’s all I’m telling you,” Koshka replied with a throaty purr. “Believe it or not, some humans do have their uses.”

“I know they have their uses. But when it comes to the bedroom, you’re going to get way, way more fun out of someone like me,” he grinned. “Or, if you’d rather somewhere other than the bedroom, come on… take me into that back office and let me prove it.” Puck ran a hand firmly down the front of his loose pants, his eyes going half-lidded, the mischievous grin never leaving his face.

“You have your uses, too. You bring an occasional smile to my face,” the redhead replied, sitting back and enjoying the sight of Puck as she sipped her coffee. It wasn’t cheating, if she wasn’t going to do anything and hadn’t asked Puck for this, was it? “You make very much of that particular toy, don’t you?” she asked, her gaze resting on his groin. “But I’m in a committed relationship, so that’s that.” She took a bite of her bagel.

“I’m not asking you to break that commitment. I’m just asking for the opportunity to show you a really, really good time. You could go right back to ol’ whats-his-name afterward,” he shrugged, the dimple in his cheek illustrated by the shadow cast by the sunlight.

Her smile slowly froze as she rested her chin on her hand. “And there’s that. See, the thing is, I like my Maltepe Escort sex to come with commitment. You’re a flirty little imp. I shall not impede your… activities, but I will not be a notch on your bedpost.”

“Can I be one on yours?” he suggested. “I suppose if you really want commitment, we can work something out. Maybe we fool around a couple times a week, then you go back home and play around with your toy. Sounds like a decent commitment to me.”

She gave out a soft chuckle. “You’re cute, I’ll grant you that. It helps me tolerate your company, but you do have some growing up to do.”

“I’ve been growing up for thousands of years,” he huffed. “Though if you think I’m cute now, you should see me naked.”

“I’m sure if you were naked, I would have a hard time looking away. Which is why I must ask, no, demand that you remain clothed,” she scolded, and realized the barest fraction of a second too late what she had just let tumble from her lips. Her eyes widened slightly, and she saw a warm, happy twinkle in Puck’s own.

“I knew it,” he pointed at her, grinning. “You are into me. You might as well just run with it. It’s going to happen eventually.” He sighed, floating higher into the air. “I want you. And you want me. Why don’t we just stop fighting it?”

“Who said anything about wanting you?” she shot back as she tore her gaze away from his cute pointy ears, and that handsome smile, and those twinkling blue eyes, to resolutely look down at the newspaper. She cared for Malcolm, and would not entertain thoughts of cheating on him. Yet she’d known Puck for over a thousand years. He’d had plenty of time to charm her, and there had been times when he’d come closer than she wanted to acknowledge. “I can admit that you are an aesthetically pleasing person, without actually wanting you.” she pointed out before taking another bite of her bagel.

“Uh huh. Keep telling yourself that. But I know why you don’t think you’d be able to tear your eyes away from me if I was naked…” Puck grabbed the waist of his pants, teasing as if he was going to lower them. Sliding his hands away, he folded them behind his head. “It’d be easier if you just admitted it, you know. You can want me without doing anything about it. Though I really wish you would just go with it. Would put an end to all this tension.”

She didn’t respond, instead swallowing her bite and taking a swig of coffee.

“Good bagel?”

“Made fresh every morning by a lovely Jewish grandmother,” she said with an approving nod. “There have to be plenty of redheads out there, take your pick.” She knew Puck wouldn’t, of course, but she wasn’t one to be teased and simply take it.

“I have picked. That’s why I’m here. You’re way hotter than the rest of them. And you already have a thing for me, so that’s appealing,” he quirked his eyebrows suggestively. “You know I’m not just here womanizing, right? If I wanted some cheap bimbo, they’re all over the place. I’d much rather have a smart, classy, and sexy lady.” He wiggled his eyebrows, and she could almost swear that she felt her heart skip a beat.

“Well, I am flattered. Sincerely so. Especially since I know I’ve been a bitch to you in the past. Is that what makes this so fun for you? The challenge?”

“It did… for a few centuries. Now it’s the knowledge that I’m challenging you. See,” he grinned, “I know you want me. But you’re trying really, really, really hard not to act on it. And I’m patiently working toward that moment when you just say ‘fuck it’ and jump onto me.” He floated closer, bobbing on the air, his hair floating slightly behind him. “You could just do it now, you know. We’ve got the place to ourselves.”

“As I said, I’m in a committed relationship. I don’t share your… flighty, flirty whimsy. I know this may be hard for you to believe, but Malcolm does very well despite the fact that he is not fae or demon. You should give humans more credit.”

“He does very well? You sound like you’re describing a kid that’s getting an A in math. I’m way better than ‘very well’. I’d rock your world.”

“Malcolm rocks my world,” she assured hm, raising an eyebrow

“I thought he ‘does very well’,” he teased. “I think you’re just saying he rocks your world to try to win this argument. But you can’t. You’re never going to know how great I am in bed until you just give in and go a few rounds with me.”

She gave out a small laugh. “I can’t argue with that. I can’t judge how good you are in bed since we haven’t done that, but I think I’ll stick with what I know. Give it up, imp. Malcolm’s here to stay.”

“Like I said,” he his arms crossed over his chest again, “he doesn’t have to go anywhere for us to play. But fine,” he sighed, “stick with what you know. Even if what you don’t know would be way, way better.”

“I will say that you do have a healthy sense of self-confidence.” Though she had the feeling that he was not lying or over-exaggerating, and would be a good lover. For all his quirks, his confidence Ümraniye Escort about his abilities came across as natural. The advertisement of his attributes was not idle bragging. That certainly was part of her dilemma.

“There’s a customer coming.” she commented,

“Well then, I better go. Tell whats-his-name I say hi, ” he teased before starting to turn from her. Then, for a moment, his expression turned serious. “He’s a lucky man.” He lingered long enough gaze at her over his shoulder before he vanished.


Though a six month anniversary generally wasn’t a huge deal, especially for people of her age, she thought she would do something a bit nice and fun, so she’d decided to cook a meal at her apartment for both of them, and watch the last couple of episodes of Game of Thrones. And then of course, who knew what might follow? She had a very good idea, of course.

She moved around the kitchen, checking on her food, turning the heat off so the soup had time to bask in its own juices. She’d done potato soup, a generally simple and much-loved Russian recipe with her own modifications, and a couple of Eastern European side dishes to go with the meal, and devil’s food cake for dessert. She had a bottle of wine already set out, and was practically shivering in anticipation of Malcolm’s visit.


Puck certainly wouldn’t keep her waiting long. Though he could be mindful of the schedules of others, as Malcolm he maintained a punctuality that he knew Koshka respected. She had said to come at seven, and here he was at 6:58. Slipping out of his shoes and leaving them on the rug as had become habit, he slid his hand along his neatly-cropped hair before knocking the door.

Six months had passed since his first day with Koshka as Malcolm. There was no denying that he had come to admire the feisty woman even more than he had already. He saw an unguarded side of her, one that went deeper than her usual confident, often aggressive mien. Of course, he could only talk and interact with her as a human, and likewise for Koshka, but Puck easily saw a future with her. At least, with his Malcolm guise. They did plenty of things together, finding many mutual pleasures amidst their diverse interests.

For all the differences between the imp and the demon, Puck was more than pleased to find more similarities between themselves than he would have thought. What was that saying, familiarity breeds contempt? It was the opposite for him, as he delightfully acknowledged.

And now, he’d just gotten a concrete hint of how deeply Koshka felt for him. Though she had said it lightly, the fact that she had considered magically extending Malcolm’s life both intrigued and worried him. He was about to reach for the doorknob to let himself in when the door opened, and there his lover was, ready to welcome him into her home.

He was pulled into a tight embrace, and he hugged her back just as warmly, burying his face against the side of her neck to pepper it with kisses. She pulled away, and he relinquished the wine bottle he’d been holding in his other hand. It was a rare vintage, but then the Puck had access to various treasures. He smiled faintly as she glanced at the label, raising her eyebrow.

“You sure do know how to make a girl feel good,” she said with a smile before she set it down on the dining room table next to another bottle. “Come make yourself comfortable, dinner’s about ready. Which one of these should we start off with?” she asked, glancing at their choices of alcohol.

“Surprise me,” he replied with a casual shrug. “Get me drunk and take advantage of me, is that what you’re planning?” he teased.

“Something along these lines, sure,” she replied in a playful casual tone as she pulled him into the living area, lightly shoving him down to the couch and straddling him, making out with him for several moments before climbing off him and returning to the kitchen, leaving him flustered until he heard meows before the cats wound against his legs.

He took a few moments to scratch the cats behind the ears before making his way to the kitchen. Sliding up behind her, he wrapped his arms around and gave her tits a playful squeeze.

“Smells delicious in here. If I pull you into the bedroom for an hour, or just toss you down on the table, is it going to burn?”

“Yes, it will burn,” she replied with a mock serious tone. “You know you can’t leave things on the stove unattended. Much as I enjoy your cock, as you well know.” She wiggled back against him. “I’ve never seen the cats like anyone so much. Sometimes i let them downstairs to roam through the store for a change of pace and they always hide or hiss at the customers,” she said with a small chuckle as she stirred the soup.

“Animals like me,” he shrugged before pressing his lips to her temple. Allowing her to turn attention back to the meal, he sat down at the kitchen table and watched. “Let me know if there’s any way I can help. Otherwise, I’m just going to sit here İstanbul Escort and stare at your ass while you work.”

“Men,” she said with a mock scoff as she rolled her eyes. The table was already set, and she used oven mitts to transfer the hot dishes to the table. There was potato soup, braided bread, and chicken with a tasty balsamic marinade, along with steamed vegetables.

“Looks great,” he smiled softly, helping to arrange things on the table and dish out the food. “You really went all out. Glad we didn’t let it burn.”

“I know you like my cooking, and I do need to keep up your energy for sex.” she grinned before she poured the wine for both of them, looking cute in a cashmere sweater and an elegant black skirt that showed off her calves.

“Good point, ” he pointed at her with his fork, smirking. “This really is great,” he gestured to the food. “You’re a damn fine cook.” Last time he was here, she’d selected items from Middle Eastern cuisine, again adding her twists to old Turkish and Iranian dishes.

“I don’t subscribe to the whole notion of submissiveness for women, but I do enjoy cooking, so there’s that,” she said with a small smile. “How about some devil’s food cake and Game of Thrones after dinner?”

“Do you even have to ask?” he kidded. “And you? Not believing in female submissiveness? I never would’ve guessed. Does that mean you’re not gonna let me tie you up?”

“Well, if it leads to an orgasm, I might be willing to consider it,” she shot back. The rest of the meal passed in companionable silence, Malcolm savoring the various flavors Koshka had worked into simple Slavic dishes.

After the meal, he placed his own dishes in the dishwasher, creating no undue labor for her. Leaning against the counter, he watched as she pulled out a container, lifting the lid to reveal chocolate in its glory. He grinned as she cut two thick slices and plated them up before sauntering over to the couch and placing the treats on the coffee-table.

The couple watched, relaxing as Jon Snow faced off against Ramsay Bolton to determine the kingship of the North.

Malcolm draped his arm across her shoulders, feeling her snuggle into his embrace as Daenerys and her dragons roasted the slavers’ ships, making for a truly epic culmination to this season of Game of Thrones. They enjoyed their cake at a languorous pace, and he took the time to savor the sheer decadence of the rich, moist devil’s food.

On the screen, Asha/Yara Greyjoy was flirting with Daenerys with that line about being open to anything, and Koshka chuckled. “With all the sex they’ve shown in this series, I wouldn’t mind seeing these two queens together in bed,”

“Sounds to me like you wouldn’t mind being in bed with them,” he teased, nudging her playfully with his elbow.

“Well, I am… an experienced woman,” she shot back flirtatiously

“How experienced?” he inquired, raising his eyebrows. As Malcolm, he’d been discreet about the subject of sex, not wishing to seem too nosy. She paused for a moment.

“More experienced than you might think. But always careful, mind you.”

Of course, Puck mused dryly. She was playing it cool, like him. He definitely understood that, and would be careful about his comments on this intimate topic.

“Good to know,” he nodded. “So… I take it you think you’re more experienced than I am?” his tone suggested nothing more than idle curiosity.

“Probably,” she said with a small smile.

Oh yes, kitten. After all, what is time to an immortal?

“But I can say in all honesty you’re the best lover I’ve ever had,” she added.

“The feeling’s mutual,” he nodded. “You’re incredible. More than worth the wait.” he stated with warm honesty.

She raised an eyebrow. “Worth the wait? As I recall, you did not have to wait very long. Half a day, in fact, from the first time we laid eyes upon one another. Quite an impressive first date.”

Oh, fuck. He had to be really careful to not mix up his own history with the one he’d crafted for – and experienced – as Malcolm. He was quick to check himself. “I meant overall. The time I spent with other people.” He waved his hand in a benign gesture. “Although really, if you had wanted to wait for that, I would have respected it. I must admit though, I’m glad you were so eager.”

“I had a very good reason to be so eager. And you proved that. And then again. And again…” Her voice had dropped to a soft purr.

As the season finale wound to a close, with Daenerys and her army sailing across the Narrow Sea to Westeros, she trailed her fingers along his knee. “We’ve been lovers for a good while now… so I was thinking we didn’t need condoms. I’m on the pill, no worries.”

Mentally, Puck was doing cartwheels. He’d been patient, offering no complaint any time he needed to use the prophylactic And there were plenty of other things they did that made up for this relatively minor inconvenience.

Oh yes. About damn time, he mused. Already he was becoming hard. He took a deep breath, regarding her with an enthusiastic smile. He was certain she wasn’t actually taking birth control pills, but he was hardly one to judge her for what was to one like her, a white lie. Especially given the magnitude of his own deception…

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Texas Trio Ch. 11-15a

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Big Tits

NOTE: Texas Trio was the first erotic novel I wrote. I’m posting here a few chapters at a time after making some small revisions. There’s an actual story to back up all the naughty bits, so it’s more fun if you start at the beginning! Thanks for reading! – –Love- Stefanie

–:–:–:–:–:–:–:–:– CHAPTER 11 –:–:–:–:–:–:–:–:–

Saturday night it rained, a downpour that seemed to last forever, and Cat went straight to sleep, never dreaming Colt would brave the storm to visit. She was woken by a gust of wind from the balcony and comparative silence falling behind the click of the closing door. She sprang from beneath the covers and ran right into Colt, who was standing near the foot of her bed trying to get his bearings in the velvet darkness of her room.

“For goodness’ sake, you’re dripping,” she laughed softly, trying to smooth the wet hair away from his face. “Let me get a towel.”

Colt stopped her with a hand on her arm, turning his head to kiss from her cupped palm onto her bare wrist and up to the inside curve of her elbow. She shivered as he drew her in, willingly wrapping her arms around his neck and tipping her face to meet his kiss.

His big hands hard on the sides of her waist, Colt’s storm-drenched clothing soaked her thin gown as his lips stripped reason from her. She might as well have been nude: she could feel every bump and button on the front of his shirt and trousers, the roughness of his work-wear on her delicate skin gratingly delicious. Colt tried to be patient, but his kisses and Jeremiah’s had taught her too well; her tongue dipped between his lips before his own lust had a chance to whittle away his restraint. He groaned and bent further, giving her his mouth as his hands crept down to cup the sweet roundness of her bottom.

Instead of cooling the lovers, the rain streaming from Colt’s wet hair made their kisses slick and even hotter.

Catherine pressed herself against him, subconsciously shifting to and fro, using her body to caress the growing bulge of his erection. She might not have noticed what she was doing, but Colt certainly knew, and he could think of nothing but tearing away the layers between them. As before, he didn’t have to wait. Cat’s hands slid from the nape of his neck onto his chest, where they fumbled with his buttons.

Colt kept his mouth on hers but released her bottom to assist. Not bothering with fasteners, he ripped the plackets apart, shedding the wet shirt and vest on the carpet behind him, stepping on the heels of his own boots as Cat’s hands roamed his warm, wide back. With his shirt gone and her gown soaked, Catherine delighted in the feel of Colt’s sculpted torso against her breasts. She arched to drag her nipples across his skin, earning a shared gasp in response, and a simultaneous thrum of laughter woven through their kiss.

Colt lifted his head to mutter a desperate imprecation, freeing Cat’s mouth to sample the feast before her. He growled roughly when she found his nipple, mimicking what Jem had done to her, licking and sucking, rubbing her palm in tiny circles over his other hard nub. Her inexperienced explorations left Colt weak. He reclaimed her mouth in an ineffective attempt to calm himself, but his hands rebelled, roaming southward from Cat’s curvaceous hips, strumming her gown into gathers at the backs of her thighs.

Cat tore her mouth away to moan when she felt the first touch of Colt’s warm fingers against her bare skin. His fingers were damp and she flushed. Soon he’d discover that her gown was no longer the only source of liquid wetting the tingling surface of her body. Like Colt, she was soaked.

His lips found the pulse at her throat, and her arms tightened around his neck.

Unlike Colt, Catherine didn’t feel like she’d lost control, though, because way back at the beginning of their embrace, she’d decided to give in to the strength of her emotions. If she left all other considerations aside, Catherine already knew she wanted to be with Colt. She’d simply chosen to stop dithering about and enjoy being with the man she loved.

There were no decisions left to make, and all of Catherine’s conscious mind was swallowed up by the sensation of Colt’s long fingers sweeping duplicate trails of heat along the curves of her thighs. Wanting more than anything for him to continue, she raised her arms, asking wordlessly for him to remove her gown.

A momentary spark of reason sizzled in the forefront of his brain, but Colt stomped heedlessly over it, and the fine silk fabric joined the puddle of his clothing on the floor.

Catherine’s nudity stripped away what remained of Colt’s reservations, and he fell to his knees at her feet, lifting one breast to the warm embrace of his mouth. Her hands stroked his wet hair, pulling him closer. Pinned between his seeking mouth and the mattress on her high canopy bed, she was grateful for both when his hand slid forward from her hip, his fingertips dipping into the dampness at the apex of Anadolu Yakası Escort her thighs.

The contrast between the cool wet fingers and the heat Colt drew from her body made her dizzy. Cat moved her hands to Colt’s broad shoulders for support as he reluctantly released her breast, settling back onto his heels to tease her need from flicker into flame.

In the darkness at Cat’s feet, Colt felt as though his entire body were vibrating, stormed by an onslaught of subtle sensations which he usually ignored. When Cat shifted slightly, the fabrics of the bedclothes she leaned against slipped over each other with a tiny whispering caress. She supported her weight on her palms, but with every tiny movement, her fingertips dug into the pads of muscle behind his neck. Cat’s scent surrounded him, spicy and intoxicating in the night, and closer than the sounds of the storm outside, every airy, rushing breath she drew was a clue to bend his next stroke, his next tug, his next touch so as to better fulfill her desires.

He pressed the swollen folds of her pussy apart and rubbed the ridge of delicate tissue he’d exposed. Wandering, he slicked the moisture of her passion up over the velvety softness. He circled time after time, his fingers dancing to and fro over the aching crest of her clit, before his hand slipped slowly back between her thighs, sending one finger thrusting deeply in the clingy wetness of her channel.

Cat nearly exploded at his first penetration, digging her fingers into Colt’s shoulders and lifting one foot to his hard thigh, opening herself for more.

She whimpered when he rose to his knees again, sucking a tender nipple into the warmth of his mouth, but all sound left her when Colt’s kisses trailed downward across her belly, headed for the needy, steaming heart of her existence. Her eyes opened wide in the darkness and her mouth formed the small “o” that Jem found so entrancing.

Oh, my goodness, he’s not. . . he can’t be. . . .

Cat foundered for only an instant before the world exploded into the blinding white light of Colt’s tongue touching her most intimate spot, delving between her lips, licking Cat into a frenzy.

His thumbs spread her wide for the ministrations of his mouth, one from above, fingers splayed over her belly, and one from below, where his finger gently caressed from the inside what his lips loved from without. Cat would have crumpled without his support, her mind a useless pile of mush devoted only to absorbing the delicious ecstasy of his mouth on her pussy, his finger thrusting inside. The orgasm exploded from the base of her spine, engulfing her small form almost without warning, sweeping all semblance of sanity aside in a thunderstorm of sensation that seemed to last forever.

Reminding himself of her inexperience, Colt let his touch slow and lighten as Catherine gradually descended from her peak. When her legs collapsed, he guided her to a sitting position atop one of his thighs, reclaiming her lips. He wouldn’t have been surprised had the innocent angel fallen asleep right there in his lap.

When she turned her mouth to his, he kissed her sweetly and was surprised by the fervent desire he sensed in her embrace. Instead of sleepiness, he found an angel whose sensuality had been awoken, and who was restlessly awaiting more of whatever he chose to teach.

Cat turned her upper body to rub herself against him, her nipples plucking at his own.

“Colt, please. . . .” she murmured, her words trailing off. She needed more of him, but she didn’t know how to ask.

Colt required no more encouragement than that. He surged upward, lifting Cat to deposit her lightly on the summer coverlet. Peeling his pants off, he kissed a line up the inside of her thigh, joining her on the feather mattress.

For a moment, Cat tensed, anticipating the touch of his tongue and knowing the sensual torture of his mouth between her legs was sure to make her scream this time.

But Colt must have sensed something of what she felt, because his lips settled on the upper curve of her breast. She smiled into the darkness and wrapped herself around him, legs and arms straining to pull him into the heat of her body.

Colt resisted, moving only his hips.

She gasped as the head of his cock nudged it’s way between her slick folds. He felt huge, but she didn’t quail. She was past fear, past thought, into a place where pure yearning took control. Her body arched toward the pleasure of his touch.

Colt mumbled loving words, trying to soothe her, but she wanted more than his calm voice.

“Colt, please . . . please. . . .” Cat was nearly climbing him in desperation.

He relented before her urgent pleas could dissolve his measured pace, finally guiding the bulging head of his cock to press against her opening. Cat froze, quivering as Colt began to push inside. As he relaxed downward, she felt her flesh stretching to accommodate his girth. When she whimpered, Pendik Escort Colt retreated, making her whimper again. Her arms clenched around his neck.

His lips swept deliciously across hers. She tipped her chin up and opened to the tip of his tongue, and his swollen, hot shaft slid into the mouth of her pussy.

Working even another inch of his cock into Cat’s hot, writhing little body seemed to take hours, but Colt was patient, pressing forward and withdrawing more deeply each time, until he knew his next thrust would be the one that broke through her maidenhead and brought him all the way inside his angel.

He kissed her tenderly and, though he couldn’t see her in the dark, he opened his eyes to tell her what she meant to him.

Cat was sure her heart would burst when she heard him say, “I love you, Cat” as he surged forward. She expected the pain, but not the searing explosion of the orgasm which followed on its heels, obliterating the one fast, shearing sensation she experienced.

Colt’s hard cock stretched her channel, the pressure intensifying and extending her contractions.

She clung to the broad shoulders above her, burying her face in the damp warmth of his neck, feeling the softness of his hair brush against her temple. He was her rock: a hot, huge, reassuring presence in the sea of unfamiliar sensations rocketing through her body.

When her laboring gasps quieted, Colt slowly resumed rocking his hips, pulling and pushing with exquisite deliberateness as her pussy wept and softened. Soon, he was sliding smoothly in and out. Colt rose, supporting the arch of his body on elbows and toes as he began to move.

Cat’s urgent grip on his shoulders eased, and her head fell back against the pillow as the thick invader caressed her inner walls, sending tingling waves of sensation shooting up her spine. He was so hard and hot, and he filled her so tightly that she could barely breathe. The air rushing into her lungs burned like the fire of his body hovering over her. His heat seared her wherever they touched: her inner thighs, her palms, her breasts. Every thrust brought his belly down against her, dragging the delicate folds of her labia back and forth, the friction of skin on skin, plush tissue between crushing bones, winding her body higher and higher.

Cat’s fingers digging into his ribcage, she whimpered his name, “Colt. . . .”

He whispered his love in response to her plea, sustaining her when she thought she might go mad.

She was afraid to move her hips in case changing her position brought the pain back, but she was already teetering on the fine edge of another climax, and if she didn’t move, she thought she might scream.

Caught between the twin peaks of lust and anxiety, her muscles tensed, her body becoming ever more rigid. The grip of her legs around Colt’s waist got tighter and tighter. It might have been painful, if his entire world hadn’t been centered on the throbbing hold of Cat’s wet, hot pussy around his swollen, aching cock.

He groaned softly, straining to hold himself back, but Cat began to moan and undulate, her hips moving with untutored enthusiasm. Unable to withstand the temptations of her body any longer, Colt began to fuck her in earnest. With only the third pistoning plunge of the heavy shaft inside her, Cat climaxed, writhing and gasping, her fingers digging into his shoulders.

The little sounds she made while her contractions held her in thrall were too much for him. Colt thrust deeply inside her and came, holding her hips up to his and groaning into the curve of her neck as her spasms embraced him.

Catherine was still coming, but she felt him thicken and still, and the hot pulsations of wetness flooding her insides. It was amazing.

Released from the prison of their lust, Cat and Colt clung to each other, patting and stroking, kissing whatever was within reach, until she began to drift off.

Colt, wanting to stay in her bed, in her arms, more than he’d ever wanted anything before he met Cat Connor, nonetheless extricated himself from her embrace, kissing her softly in the velvety darkness, murmuring words of love.

Still smiling, Catherine fell asleep before he even found his pants.

–:–:–:–:–:–:–:–:– CHAPTER 12 –:–:–:–:–:–:–:–:–

Jem woke with a headache, as he had every morning for a week, and found Colt sleeping late, also becoming routine. On the ranch, his partner was always up early, kicking Jem’s door in at sunrise unless he’d been at some girl the night before. Maybe they were both coming down with a fever of some sort, Jem mused tiredly. He tripped over Colt’s pants in the dressing room and froze in dull-witted surprise when he picked them up to toss them aside. Holding the heavy twill trousers at arm’s length, Jem gave them a shake to convince himself that his hazy senses were telling the truth. They were soaked. He glanced around and found Colt’s cowboy boots peeking out from under a wardrobe, Kurtköy Escort the russet leather blotched in dark islands of cocoa brown.

Jem dropped the pants and stared at Colt through the open door. Since they’d been here, his partner had worn nothing but cheap black suits and shoes in his role as Jeremiah’s manservant. Colt’s work pants and cowboy boots should all be back at the ranch, and Jem could see no reason for them to be lying in a wet heap in Harrison Matthews’ elaborate Galveston manor.

Since, in addition to sleeping more than usual and having a headache every morning, Jem’s brain was only reluctantly roused this week, a few minutes passed before he thought to check outside. The sky was clear, but puddles dappled the dark gravel of the driveway, and the sun glinted off a million drops of moisture clinging to the grass and trees.

Jem swore silently and turned toward the dressing room. Halfway there another belated epiphany sent him steaming to his bedside table. Lifting the crystal glass left over from his usual bedtime brandy, he sniffed. The heady smell made him grimace but woke him slightly, too. He sniffed again. Brandy.

Intent, he retraced his steps to the window, raising the glass to eye level and tilting it to the light. Dark sediment danced in a thin layer across the bottom.

“Son of a bitch,” he swore, barely restraining his urge to hurl the glass across the chamber. He headed for Colt instead.

“Son of a bitch!”

Colt was woken from a deep, dreamless slumber by the thud of his own head hitting the floor, punctuating the cusses his best friend hurled down from above.

“You shit-eating son of a bitch! You witch’s turd! You drag me into this mess to rescue the woman, then you shit all over me!”

Colt, dog-tired, was unalarmed by Jem’s rant, delivered sotto voce as it was. If Jem had the wits to keep his voice down, Colt wasn’t in immediate danger of being losing his life. He stayed flat on the carpet, waiting for Jem to get it out.

After Jem ran down, Colt waited a full thirty seconds before rolling to his feet. “I’m probably all those things, Jem, but what, in particular, got you so riled up this morning?”

“You’ve been drugging me to duck out every night and court my woman!”

Colt spun to face his friend, not sure which part of that statement pissed him off more. He set aside Jem calling Cat his woman to address the initial absurdity.

“Are you outa your ever-lovin’ mind? Drug you? How the– no, why the hell would I do that? Far as I can tell you sleep like the dead already! What in God’s name you think I gotta drug you for?”

Jem inhaled deeply, prepared to reply, but the answer occurred to them both at the same time.

“Who’s been drugging you?” Colt asked, all the heat gone from his voice.

After Jem showed Colt the evidence, he related the details of his headaches, half-hoping Colt would tell him he was being ridiculous, but Colt concurred.

“I shoulda known something was wrong, Jem. You never sleep like that ‘less you’re sick or drunk.”

Jem lifted one shoulder. “If I’d been quicker to notice the difference myself, you could have pointed it out to me sooner.”

“Yeah, well, we both got other things on our minds right now.”

They exchanged a quick glance, but set the “other things” aside while they decided how to handle the situation surrounding Jeremiah’s bedtime-brandies. That conversation didn’t last as long as either one of them would have liked.

When they’d come up with a plan for later in the day, Colt was the one who turned the topic back to the more salient issue, venturing, “And Jem. . . .”

Jem had an idea what was coming before Colt spit it out, but detouring into detective work had calmed him. He waited while Colt worked through his hesitation.

“You’re right, I been sneakin’ out at night to see Cat–” Obviously reluctant to continue, he changed directions. “I can’t help it, Jem. I love the woman. I can’t stay away from her.”

Not meeting his eyes, Jem made a face. “Yeah, well, I’m in love with her, too.”


“Yeah. Shit.”

“Well, what are we gonna do about it, Jeremiah?”

“There’s only one thing we can do.” Jem finally looked Colt in the eye. “We’ll have to talk her into it.”

–:–:–:–:–:–:–:–:– CHAPTER 13 –:–:–:–:–:–:–:–:–

Nanny found Cat nude and tangled in a messy nest of bedclothes, her nightgown in a damp heap on the floor next to her bed, and came to the inevitable conclusion . . . Cat had a fever.

Wrapped in a dressing gown while the upstairs maids hurriedly remade her bed, Cat did her best to appear lethargic while frantically scanning her sheets for signs of blood. Thankfully she saw none.

And while Nanny went down to fetch her a special sick-bed breakfast, Cat sprinted for the washbasin to clean her thighs before Nanny put her in the tub. She was lying listlessly in bed when Nanny returned, and after a cooling bath, that’s where she stayed all day, at Nanny’s insistence. While maids tiptoed in with endless cool cloths, foul-tasting teas, and chicken broth with lemon– which fortunately Catherine enjoyed– she lolled about pretending to read while recalling every detail of her night with Colt.

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Tease Please

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The TV’s blaring, her favorite show lighting up our little apartment, but I pay it no mind. I simply stare at her, lying on the couch in nothing but a skimpy pair of red panties and a stainless white T-shirt, the liquid crystal display casting a feint blue tinge on her gently tanned skin. Massaging her heavenly feet in my lap, I marvel at the beauty of her golden blonde hair, luscious rosy-red lips, and cute little ears, her lovely hazel eyes fixed on the screen, hands folded on her stomach. I sit up on my knees facing her, her feet resting on my uncovered thighs, dressed only in boxers, as I tenderly pull her panties off.

“Mmm, honey can we wait a bit? My show’s almost over,” she asks politely, without even turning her head.

Choosing to ignore her, I spread her legs apart, resting her left leg on the back of the cold leather couch, her right hanging off the seat, her foot on the floor. I kiss the insides of her evenly tanned thighs, brushing her pretty, short brown pubic hair with my lips, finding myself a comfortable position. I lightly kiss the lips of her angelic vagina, placing my hands on her hips while my kisses grow long and firm. My tongue flicks around her pussy, the taste of her precious cunt paradise in my mouth. I run my tongue up and down the length of her slit, pressing harder until she starts to softly moan.

I didn’t even realize that she had muted the TV until I look up, her head back with her eyes closed and her İstanbul Escort mouth open, her hands holding the backs of her thighs. I crack a smile and return to pleasuring her. Turning my head to the side, I passionately lock lips and kiss her vag just like it was her mouth. I gently part her lips with mine, slowly sticking my tongue in her as far as I can. I wiggle my tongue inside her pussy, side to side and up and down, feeling the moist insides of her vagina. I pull my tongue out and go back to licking her lips, lightly flicking the hood of her clitoris with the tip of my tongue. Her swollen clit quickly peeks out, throbbing between my lips as I tenderly suck on it.

“Baby I can’t take it anymore, please make me cum!” she pleads.

I force my tongue between her lips, furiously making a lapping motion inside of her, squeezing her hips while she pulls down on my head, her moans growing louder by the second.

“Uhhhh, ohhh baby, ohhhh yes, oh my god, oh fuck, oh my god fuck yessss, oh yessss!” she screams in delight.

She puts her legs over my shoulders and hooks her feet together, her heels on my back, squeezing her thighs tight on my head. Her screams muffled by her thighs covering my ears, I feel her orgasm violently in my mouth, her body spasming in ecstasy, her hands pulling down on my head with all her might. I keep eating her out, her pussy still shaking on my tongue, until she quickly cums twice more.

I Anadolu Yakası Escort withdraw my tongue and she lets go of my head, running her elegant fingers through her hair while she unclamps her feet, releasing my head from between her legs. I lightly kiss her still quivering lips, my head ringing from the pressure of her thighs.

I spread her legs again and pull her shirt off, revealing her toned, flat stomach and firm, large breasts. I playfully wiggle my tongue in her navel as if it were her pussy until she fully winds down, her breathing returning to normal.

Sitting up, I lovingly massage her supple breasts while we passionately kiss, her soft hands squeezing the backs of my arms. I roll my tongue around her hard nipples, moving my hands down along her sides, then gently suck on them. I back up and lightly rub her pussy lips with the back of my hand, my left holding her right thigh. I tenderly rub the hood of her clit until it pops out again, swollen and red as I rub it with my thumb.

I reach up, kissing her clit while she sucks on my index finger. I gently stick my wet finger in her vag, slowly moving my hand back and forth, kissing and nuzzling her sensitive pubic hair while she watches me hungrily, playing with her breasts and pinching her pointed nipples.

I put my middle finger inside her as well, both of my fingers now drenched in her juices, lightly flicking her clit with my tongue.

“I’m Üsküdar Escort so wet baby, make me cum, please make me cum,” she begs.

I rapidly finger her pussy, vigorously sucking on her clit, listening as her moans quickly turn to screams. She straightens out both of her legs, digging her nails into the backs of her thighs, her legs spread with her feet pointed at the ceiling, toes curled.

“Ohhhh fuck, you’re making me cum again, ohhhh fuck yes, ohhhh fuckkkkk!” she screams, the euphoria of orgasm taking over.

I feel her whole body quake, struggling to breathe, her pussy shaking and pouring her fluids on my fingers, her clit throbbing in my mouth. I keep finger fucking her, rapidly flicking her clit with my tongue, her high pitched screaming filling my head. She cums once more, even more violently than the last, her legs shaking in the air. I slow down to a halt, kissing her pubes as she puts her feet on the couch by my sides, the sound of her screaming now replaced with heavy breathing.

I withdraw my fingers and suck her juices off of them before lightly kissing her pussy lips goodbye. I move up, tenderly kissing her stomach, chest, and neck on my way.

“Wow, that was amazing honey. I love you so much,” she says quietly.

“I love you too Gina,” I whisper in her ear before kissing her cheek.

Her breathing slows and she stops shaking as I lie down, my chest flat on her stomach, using her left boob as a pillow. She grabs a blanket from beside the couch and throws it over us, straightening out her legs and turning off the TV, which had faded to static some time ago. She holds my hand on her breast and rubs the back of my head with her hand while I fall asleep in her arms.

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It was a situation brewing for months ever since the sweet young thing was hired. As Travis looked at the twenty six year old brown haired girl before him, all he could think of was what was on his boss’ mind when he hired her. Her application said she was qualified, perhaps more qualified than he. However, her body language spelled out a different picture altogether. Her outfit was more tailored to a second date than a first day of work and Travis had to keep reminding himself that his wife was waiting at home for him instead of the chance for him to take this tanned brown haired woman to a local hotel for a quick fuck.

So the game began. Travis showed the woman around the office and where all the needed supplies were before going back to his office and doing everything short of exposing his dick to relieve the pressure. Each following day brought on more and more torture. One day, she would lean over the copy machine and Travis could see the lack of fabric underneath her short skirt. The next day brought her bending Bostancı Escort over in front of him and a very forward display of her ample cleavage. Even one day leaving his cell phone on his desk brought forth a naughty picture taken in the restroom of a top view of her cleavage. The teasing was driving Travis crazy.

Then one day, she went over the top. There another young person was standing at the copy machine when she slinked up behind her. Within two seconds, she grabbed the blond by her hair, pulled her head to the side and planted a kiss on the nape of her neck. The display was pornographic as Travis watched. Travis could feel his cock twitch inside of his pants. As he watched, the woman gave her the look of seduction. Travis could feel her gaze upon him. As he turned back towards his desk, he could feel his dick start to shrink a bit as he concentrated on what he could to deflate it.

It was at the end of that day that Travis began to start finishing the day’s paperwork that the woman walked in. Kadıköy Escort She started to lean on the desk in front of her as Travis did his best to ignore her. It wasn’t until she cleared his throat that Travis looked up to see her shirt open and her lacey black bra exposed. Travis tried to stammer his way out of the most uncomfortable of situations before she raised her skirt, showing him her butt cheek that looked redder than her skin. She began to explain how she had a hard time sitting down because of the slight sun burn. Travis’ eyes were glued on her ass as she began to remove her skirt. Her outfit was down to the bra and the really tiny string she called underwear.

Travis sat back frightened as she knelt down before him. Her hands began to play with his zipper as his dick swelled within the confines. Soon, his dick was exposed and her tongue began to slide up and down before Travis tried to stop her. In a flash, his dick slid into her mouth as she started sucking on it in earnest. Travis was frozen Göztepe Escort in place either out of fear or because of the way this wench was inhaling his dick. He could feel the semen bubbling up from his balls as he sucked before she took his dick out and started stroking him faster. A spray of seed began to land on her face and tits as she kept pulling his dick until his eyes closed out of exhaustion.

He opened his eyes just to catch her lowering her G-string to the ground revealing a very manicure pussy. As she started sliding her fingers over her exposed lips, she slid onto his desk and spread her legs apart. The invitation was blatant. Travis fell for it hook, line and sinker as he fell to his knees before allowing his tongue to slowly run over her. As he closed his eyes savoring the juice of the forbidden fruit, he neglected to notice the flash of her camera phone as his tongue slid inside her. She was sure to get in close to record his tongue fluttering inside her as her eyes began to close from the release he was providing.

The two spent a good hour in the office tasting each other and cumming for each other until Travis’ wife rang his cell. As the two left the building, Travis wondered to himself if he could get away with fucking this woman again.

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