Marcy’s Playground Pt. 01

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Non Nude

Hi. Thanks for everyone who voted and made this a winner in the Summer Lovin’ contest. I’ve re-worked it and expanded it slightly. Thanks to everyone who wanted more about Marcy and Bevvie. This is now the first story in a trilogy. Marcy’s Playground, Bevvie’s Playground, and Emily’s Playground. I’ve upped the humor, the romance, and the hot sex!

Copyright 2017 © M. J. Roberts. All rights reserved. This may not be reposted.


Chapter 1

Even in my wildest fantasies, I never dreamed something like this could ever happen to me. Not that my fantasies were ever all that wild to begin with—but still—me, little, quiet, shy Marcy, in the midst of…

Well, I should back up.

It all started the week after high school graduation.

I hugged the box I was carrying to my chest. It contained a small plant, a framed picture of the Dallas Cowboys (with signatures, thank you), a toiletry case, and two books.

I couldn’t believe it! I was fired, after one week as a secretary for Armstrong, Wentworth, and Oglethorpe. I stood in the blinding hot Indiana summer sun and bit back tears.

This sucked. My first real job. My plans to save for college. Ruined.

I had the urge to dig a hole in the pavement and stick my head in it; a tiny human ostrich with head in the ground and butt in the air. But instead I forced my shoulders back. I wrenched open the door of my beat-up Honda and put the box on the passenger seat.

Jobs were scarce here. What if I had to spend most of my summer job-hunting instead of working, then where would I be? Ahh, crap.

I took my cell phone out of my purse and dialed my friend Bevvie.

“Hey, Marcy,” she said when she picked up.

“I’m having a triple chocolate Häagen-Dazs emergency,” I said.

“Come right over,” she said.

I was a few blocks from Bevvie’s house when I saw the hot guy with the wavy dark hair. As usual he was walking his two big dogs. He was always just far enough away that I could never get a really good look at him. Just as I strained to see him better, my air conditioner conked out. It was 100 degrees outside with a UV index of a thousand, and bang, no air conditioning. My long brown hair immediately plastered to my face and shoulders.

I arrived in one piece and knocked on Bevvie’s door.

“Whoa,” she said when she saw me. “Serious emergency, Marce. You look like you’ve been through a high-test washing machine on the super hot water setting.”


Bevvie stepped back and let me in. She had a pint of ice cream and a spoon in her hand and she handed them to me. I opened the container and dug right in.

“I was fired,” I said around a mouthful of heavenly goodness.

“Oh, poor baby,” she said. “I would hug you, but, ah…”

“That’s okay.”

She got an ice cream container for herself, and we stood in the kitchen near the sink enjoying the creaminess.

I caught a glance of the two of us in the reflection from the window.

Bevvie weighs about 300 pounds. Well okay, maybe not that much, but I’m tiny, how can I accurately guess? She’s really tall, has wavy blonde hair, and a mixture of an ‘I can hide in public’ and an kick-ass, talkative, and outgoing personality.

I’m just barely over four feet, ten inches tall. When people ask me, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I say, “Five feet tall.” It always gets a laugh.

I used to be a competitive gymnast, but when I started sprouting serious major curves in all the right places I gave it up. I have bone straight dark brown hair that reaches down to my butt in the winter. As a concession to how hot this summer has been already, I cut it so that now it’s just barely halfway down my back.

My point is that Bevvie and I are as different looking as Laurel and Hardy, or whatever their names were. Bevvie’s my only good friend. Our personalities are different too. I’m a book person. I’m a little on the quiet and shy side. I’m friendly, but I love books so much I’d rather spend time with them than most people.

So the fact that Bevvie and I are best friends is weird. But we live on the same block. We’ve been BFFs since middle school.

I’m damn lucky to have her.

I mean, I don’t really spend a lot of time around people. I’m a book person. This job was at least going to get me out of the house, even if it was a sucky job, at least it was a job. I was fired for no reason at all.

I started crying. I put down the ice cream.

“Awwww, sweetie,” she said, and engulfed me in her big body, even though I was hot and sweaty. “It’s not a big deal. It was just a shitty job.”

“I know,” I said through sobs, “but—” hiccup— “I was hoping to have my weekends free to go down the lake and sit in the shade and read and be relaxed about it. I wanted to save up to buy a new car for college. My car is older than I am, literally.”

“You’ll get another job.”

“Yeah? Where?”

She pushed me away from her a little, and ate more ice cream with a thoughtful look on her face. Then she snapped her fingers.

“I know, the Jangensens, Maltepe Escort next door. I overheard them talking a few days ago that they needed a receptionist. I didn’t ask about it because I know their business is somewhere out in the boonies, in Jasper county, like 45 minutes away. It probably doesn’t pay for shit.”

“Yeah, but if it’s not too busy a desk I could read on the job,” I said.

“Why don’t you ask them? But you better hurry up, that was a few days ago.”

“Thanks, Bev. You’re the best.”

I hurried home, took a quick shower, put on a pair of khakis and a pink polo shirt and walked over there.

I didn’t know the Jangensens at all, but I had seen them watering their lawn and coming and going. They were a nice looking couple, in their late 60s maybe, and looked like everybody’s slightly doughy grandparents.

I knocked on the door, and Mr. Jangensen answered.

I re-introduced myself, and told them Bevvie had overheard they might have a job opening, and I’d be interesting in applying.

He gave me a really weird look.

“How old are you?”


He frowned slightly.

“I know that’s young, but I have a lot of experience from school doing business stuff, like working on the yearbook coordinating advertising. I’m very responsible.”

I wiped my forehead. It was the hottest summer on record, and I was starting to sweat.

He sighed. “Come in.”

Their house was nice, really nice. I didn’t know the name brands, but I could tell all the furniture and paintings and everything were expensive and classy.

Mrs. Jangensen came out, wiping her hands on a dishtowel.

“We have a visitor,” Mr. Jangensen said.

“Marcy, right?” she said.

“Yes ma’am.”

“Marcy wants to apply for the job of front desk,” he said. Something about the way he said it was weird. Like he paused too long before the word apply and stretched it out too long.


“I’m a really quick learner,” I said. “I’m great with phones and computers and, ah, people.”

I sensed that I needed to shut up.

“Why don’t you come into the kitchen, Marcy,” she said.

We all sat down in the kitchen. I expected them to tell me about their business and make an appointment for me to go in and fill out an application but it appeared they were starting on an unofficial interview right here.

Mostly they seemed to want to get a sense of my personality. They asked me a lot of questions about myself, and of course, when talking about myself, the conversation naturally turned to the two things I love, reading books and watching football.

They were Dallas Cowboy fans, so obviously they were good peeps.

The only question they asked me that seemed related to work was how much experience did I have?

Basically none.

My Spidey sense started tingling. Was I missing something? There was some silent communication going on between them. That secret talk without words that adults do when they don’t want you to know something. Like when my parents say they’re bushed and they’re going to hit the hay but they seem pumped but they’re trying to hide it.

What the hell?

Maybe I’m imagining it.

They asked me to come back tomorrow.

Okay, whatever. I guess that went well.

I went right to Bevvie’s door and knocked. She was eating some Pepperidge Farm milanos right out of the bag. I snagged one as I walked in.


“I don’t know. They asked me a lot of questions about myself.”

“That’s good, right? They probably want to make sure you would get along with everyone else who works there.”

“What kind of business do they have anyway?”

“I don’t know. I think it’s some kind of exclusive country club or something.”

“That’s good, that’ll probably mean I’ll have time to read if I’m working the front desk.”

“I guess.”

“They want me to come back tomorrow,” I said.


“I really want this job,” I said. “I mean, now I need this job. Forget paying for a new car; I need a summer job so I can pay back the money I’m going to have to borrow from my parents to fix the busted air conditioner.”

“No shit,” Bevvie said. “Scorcher summer plus black Honda hot box equals super suck.”

“I just need to keep a positive attitude. They need a receptionist; I need a job. I’ll just smile and look eager, and hopefully it will be a piece of cake.”

“Marce, who can resist you? Everyone loves you on sight, obviously they’ll hire you.”

“You’re just saying that because you’re my best friend.” Only friend. “I doubt anyone loves me on sight. Hell, hardly anyone ever sees me. I spend all my time with my nose buried in a book, or my kindle, or reading really nerdy stuff on the computer.”

Bevvie shrugged. “I’d hire you.”

“Yeah? Then how come I got fired?”

She raised an eyebrow and then shrugged.

“Maybe it’s meant to be. Maybe you’ll meet a really hot guy at this place and he’ll fall madly in love with you and he’ll say all I ever wanted in my life is to have mad, hot sex with a petite brunette Cevizli Escort who looks like she could put Belle from Beauty and the Beast to shame.”

I snorted.

When I went back to the Jangensens’ house the next day I wore a fancy business suit. I hadn’t really expected to have an interview yesterday, so this time I thought I’d dress more like I would if I were working in a fancy place.

Mr. J. frowned when he saw my suit.

“Come on in, Marcy.”

Mrs. J. also frowned slightly when she saw my suit. But she recovered quickly. We went into the kitchen. She pulled some biscuits out of the oven and offered me one.

I accepted.

“Listen,” Mr. J. said. “I’m going to be straight up with you. Our place is a sex club.”


“It’s not a sex club,” Mrs. J. said, and gave him a slight slap on the arm.

He looked at her. His expression said, ‘What would you call it?’

Holy shit.

“I thought it was a country club,” I whispered.

“It’s a private club, and it’s in the country,” he said.

I began tapping my fingers on my leg. Nerves.

“It’s a very…” but then Mrs. J. trailed off and didn’t finish.

“Okay, perhaps it would be better to say it’s….” but then he trailed off, apparently unable to put it in words either.

Oh my God.

“It’s a very nice place,” Mrs. J. said. “With wonderful members. It’s not sleazy at all.”

“And you’d never have to go in the main rooms,” Mr. J. said. “You can stay in the front reception hall, you’d be completely separated from any action. You’d never be exposed to anything.”

Oh boy.

“But, if you’re… squeamish about this,” Mrs. J. said, “this is not the job for you.”

I really, really needed a job. I told myself this wouldn’t be a big deal.

“It’s a very simple receptionist job,” Mrs. J. said. “There’s nothing else too it but checking members in.”

I liked her. I trusted her. It would be okay. I was just happy at the possibility of a job.

“And loyalty and discretion are paramount,” Mr. J. said. “I mean ESSENTIAL.”

“Oh, I got it,” I said. “You can count on me. I’m the epitome of prudence and discretion. Bevvie told me a secret in the sixth grade, and I’ve never told a soul. I’ll take it to my grave before I tell anyone.”

They stared at me. They looked skeptical.

Fake it till you make it. Right? I pushed my shoulders back.

“I can do it.”

“So you want the job?”

“Yes, please.”

“So be it,” he said.

I left sort of in a daze. Of course I should go tell Bevvie the news right away, but instead I walked back to my house.

Holy gamoly. A sex club.


A totally bookish virgin in a sex club. It sounded like a theme for a porno movie.

I was nervous but also kind of excited. A new job. The suspense of wondering what it would be like had me jumpy but in a good way.

I was alternating between pacing and bouncing on my toes and had to talk myself down a bit. Mr. and Mrs. J. were cool. Everything would be okay. I could do this. It would be an adventure. I was just working a front desk.

Still, the whole thing had an element of naughtiness and secrecy…a tinge of ‘bad boy’ and silence made the idea of the adventure shiny and exciting.

I tiny smile curled up, unbidden, at the very corner of my lips.

I couldn’t wait.

Chapter 2

I was supposed to report for my first day at 10 AM. I had no idea what to wear. I decided on a modest blue sundress.

I followed the directions up into to the mountains to an entranceway in a large hedge. There was an open iron gate, and a pretty black and gold plaque that said in fancy script ‘Melody’s’. That was it.

I had been expecting a cinder block building with darkened windows.

Not so.

It was a beautiful mansion like something out of a movie.

I parked in the parking lot on the side and went in.

Big reception hall with dark marble floors.

Mrs. J. met me.

“This will be your desk, honey.” She led me over to a big mahogany desk. “This is how you check people in.”

It looked pretty easy, scan their card under a scanner thing, let them go through the big double doors.

“If they want to check in a coat, or anything, take their card and run it under the other scanner, here.”

I nodded. Not that anybody in their right mind would have a coat in the middle of a boiling summer, but whatever.

“Here’s the tablet for new member forms. New members only come in to fill out applications by appointment, so you’ll know if someone’s coming.”

She went through the rest of the routine. It took less than ten minutes.

There was a huge sitting area to my front right. A coatroom to my direct right. A break room behind me with a bathroom, small table, and a kitchenette.

“Any questions so far?”

“Nope,” I said.

“Here’s your nametag. If someone addresses you by name, you can call them by name. Otherwise it’s sir or ma’am. Your job is to make everyone feel comfortable, so you need to be relaxed so they can be relaxed. Okay?”


“If Atalar Escort you aren’t comfortable, there’s no way they can be comfortable,” she said. She gave me a hard look.

“I can do it,” I said.

I hope.

She left me alone. I opened my book. I realized I was a little nervous when I started jonesing for some Chunky Monkey ice cream. Come on, Marcy, get lost in the novel.

About ten minutes later a woman came in. I smiled warmly at her. She handed me her card, I swiped it, and handed it back. She nodded and went in. The machine made the subtlest, quiet beep when the card passed under the scanner.

An old guy about seventy. Said hello. I swiped his card. Swipe.

Two maybe gayish looking guys, not much older than me, who could be brothers. They spent a few more minutes saying hi. Swipe, swipe.

A total of six people came in during my first two hours.

At noon more people started showing up. I think the thing that amazed me was how normal all these people looked. A few guys asked me to check in briefcases, two women asked me to check in large handbags. One woman had me check in a fancy scarf.

It was kind of fun. Say hello, smile a little bit, not too much. Swipe.

People came in, people came out. A few people had Styrofoam takeout to-go containers or to-go cups with them when the left, so there had to be a small café or restaurant in there.

Mrs. J. relieved me for lunch. I was glad for the break to stand up and stretch. I walked out into the blazing sunshine for a minute and then went into the break room to eat the salad and sandwich I brought with me.

It was hard to believe this place was more than a country club. And at the front desk during lunch the person swiping you in looked like central casting’s idea of a perfect grandmother.

When I thought Mrs. J. wasn’t looking I peeked through the large double doors behind me. Huge fancy room with pretty couches and a bar on one end. Nobody in it. Pretty similar to anybody’s living room except there were two stripper poles near the back wall. I wonder if this was a place where they had dances at night, or people sat before they went to other rooms.

Okay, none of my business.

At 6 p.m. my shift was over. I got in my car and started to review my day. Nobody creepy. Good pay. Easy job. Nice bosses. And most importantly, I had a ton of time to read. I couldn’t see anything bad about it. Yeah, I couldn’t tell anybody exactly where I worked or what kind of place it was, and it was a 45-minute drive away, but other than that, it was pretty sweet. I was damn lucky, and I knew it.

I had been slightly nervous the whole day. I hadn’t been able to hold down my first job, and that was in a regular office. How was I going to hold down a job in a sex club? I didn’t know the first thing about sex. Literally. But all I had to do was be friendly and swipe people in. It was actually really easy.

Still as I was driving home, I mulled over the weirdness of it all. I always thought that sex was something that couples did in the privacy of their own home. The thought of a sex club was something that was a little hard to wrap my head around.

Me? Working at a sex club? Talk about irony. But maybe it was fate. Maybe instead of some big cosmic joke, it was the Universe giving me a…chance.

At least I got to read.

The second day was even slower. I was able to read over a hundred pages in my novel before it was time to go home.

Getting paid to sit and read, what could be better than that?

The next day was the same. A few people introduced themselves when they came in; most people didn’t say anything. I spent most of my time reading.

The fourth day started out the same. I was so engrossed in reading that I didn’t hear anyone come up.

“Good book.”

I jumped.

And I was staring into a soulful pair of hazel green eyes. Oh my God. The guy.

“Sorry to startle you; I’ve read that one. She’s one of my favorite authors.”

I looked at the book cover. He read Jodi Picoult?

Then I looked back at him. I couldn’t believe it. He was THAT guy. From my neighborhood. He was the guy with the two big greyhounds. I had never gotten a close look at him before. Looking at his perfect high cheekbones, and the dark brown bangs falling into his eyes, and his strong chin was doing strange things to me.

I felt a sort of shimmering between us, but maybe I was imagining it. This was the first guy I sort of recognized, and I wasn’t sure what to do. Up close I could tell he was a lot older than I’d originally thought.


“Hey, I’ve seen you walking around my neighborhood, haven’t I?” he asked.


“I’m Evan.” He stuck out his hand, and I shook it.

“Marcy,” I said.

He stared at the nametag pinned to my breast.

“I see that.”

“Well…” I was completely tongue-tied. He seemed so nice! “I…ah…” I remembered Mrs. J.’s warning about needing to be comfortable to make everyone feel comfortable. I decided on trying for professional.

I smiled warmly, held out my hand, palm up, and he handed me his card. I swiped it. When I handed it back, he raised one eyebrow and gave me a cheesy, wicked grin. I interpreted his Cheshire beam to mean ‘I know that you know what I’m here for’. Then he smiled even wider and went in.

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Lizzy’s First Time

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Lizzy’s hands wrung together as she stood there. The skin on her hands was beginning to turn red at the contact. Despite the motion of her hands, one could easily see them shaking slightly. Her nails were painted a soft green color that accented her outfit of the evening. If one was to look at her from a distance they would see a young woman standing alone at the end of Rock Raven Bridge. Her clothes could be seen blowing gently in the wind, joining her already wind swept hair.

She had chosen a simple outfit, simple but beautiful. Earlier she spent almost an hour going through her closet and throwing undesired clothing onto a large pile on the floor. A smaller pile had formed on her bed of possible choices at the same time. Eventually, after quite a bit of lip biting and pondering looks, she had selected a simple brown skirt. The material waved out from her hips, stopping at a point just below her knees. To accompany her skirt she had picked a light green blouse. The neck line was modest and it scrunched on the side, falling just a bit below the waste of the skirt.

Lizzy was never much for jewelry, but tonight was special so she had adorned a dark woven bracelet and a multi layered necklace made of up tans browns and blacks. She applied her make-up slowly as she was hindered by her already shaking hands. Finally she finished, turning to look at herself in the mirror on the back of her door. She frowned at her reflection and it returned the look, of course.

She saw herself as a plain girl. She didn’t see her beautiful eyes — the ones that always reflected what she was feeling. She looked right past the soft lips that most men lusted after. Instead of beautiful soft hair that begged to have fingers running through it, she saw a head covered by flat and boring locks. Nor did she see the beautiful skin that ached for kisses to be scattered across it. She wasn’t pleased with her reflection, and with one final scrunch of her nose she looked away. She finished the final steps of getting ready by slipping on a pair of brown leather flats and spritzing herself with several sprays of her musky perfume. Grabbing her purse, she headed out the door and began walking towards the bridge where she can be seen now.

He was watching her. Lizzy could feel his eyes on her and this made her even more nervous. Even though they had never met, she could sense him, could almost taste every part of his being in the air. She scuffed her feet on the ground somewhat, trying to distract herself from her own thoughts. She backed up, pressing herself against the railing of the bridge. Her body was half immersed in the dark night now. She stopped wringing her hands to pull her phone out of purse and check the time. 5:57, it read. He had advised her to meet him there at six.

She glanced down towards the end of the bridge, but it was empty. There was nothing but the aged architecture. She felt the cold, uneven edges of the stones pressing against her back as she leaned against the bridge. She was getting slightly chilled in the cool night air, so she brought her arms to wrap around herself. She heard a large splash in the water behind her and she instinctively turned to look. She leaned over the bridge slightly and peered down, but she couldn’t see over the looming darkness. She began to let out a small sigh, but it was cut off by the warm frame of a hard body pressing up behind her. She could feel his heat completely surrounding her. It was like a hot flash, from cold to hot so fast.

For a moment, one that seemed to drag on for quite a while, only their breathing could be heard and the rapid beats of Lizzy’s heart. Finally he spoke, “Lizzy…” he said, in a firm, deep tone. The last sounds of her name seemed to trail off, dissipating into the night air that surrounded them. His arms reached up and he placed a hand on the rail of the bridge on either side of her causing him to press even closer into her. She hadn’t dared turned her head to look at him yet, afraid he might see the blush that was consuming her face. His lips pressed against her hair lightly, almost like a whisper against her loose wisps. She nibbled her lip in response, pulling lightly at her kissable skin. His lips pressed even lower, moving down her neck, to that smooth skin that awaited him. She could feel his breath falling against her skin making goose bumps rise on her neck. Finally, he brought them down upon her and she almost moaned in the instant pleasure it brought her, just from that mere contact of lips against neck.

She had known it would be intense, their connection always was (even if it was just online before now), but she hadn’t known it would be THIS intense. Her shoulders Anadolu Yakası Escort slumped slightly and she visibly slumped in his arms. Quin smiled behind her, knowing he had exceeded her expectations. He used his hands to turn her towards him gently. Lizzy kept her eyes on the ground as he turned her, too shy to make eye contact. Quin raised two fingers up to the underside of her chin and brushed them lightly there. The then applied slow pressure, encouraging her to look up at him. Her eyes swept over his figure as he guided her up. She took in the worn brown leather boots, the jeans that frayed a bit at the ends, and the button up black shirt that appeared freshly ironed.

Finally her eyes made her way up his neck. His neck was large and strong and it made the perfect base for his strong chin covered by dark stubble. Her glance fell over his lips, and her tongue moistened her own lips in response. She continued looking up, pausing at his strong nose — a nose even the Gods would be envious of. Finally, her eyes met his and she was lost. They were the color of mercury and the ocean blended together to create a color she had never had the pleasure of seeing before now. They stood there and stared for several minutes, taking in each other. His hand still rested on the bottom of her chin. His way of telling her she was his now.

Suddenly he tore his eyes away and down to her lips. He pressed against them, molding his own lips to hers. She could taste every part of him and it tasted better than she could have thought possible. Better than chocolate mousse that melted in your mouth. Better than rich, cheese fondue that lingered for hours. Her lips parted against his; half in shock and half in desire. He took this opportunity to slip his tongue in between her lips, making sure to brush it against them before sliding into her warm mouth. She tasted like sweet honey, a flavor he never wanted to forget. His tongue danced in her mouth, rubbing against every hidden part of her that no one had explored before him. His texture rubbed against her own tongue, and she verbally groaned out for more.

He smirked at her escaped noise and his movements got bolder. He reached one of his hands up to the back of her head and placed a firm grip on her neck. He pulled her into him, forcing her body to collide with his own. He could feel the soft, round bulbs of her breasts, the dip in her stomach and the curve of her hips against him. She could feel his wide shoulders, the warmth of his hardened chest and the reminder of his desire pressing against her. He took a step forward causing her to step back into the edge of the bridge again. Even though she was in almost the same exact position she was standing in before he arrived, everything had changed.

The next few minutes passed slowly for Lizzy. Her mind focused in and out of reality as Quin continued to kiss her, even moving to scatter kisses along her face, neck, and ears. The attention of his tongue against those spots was not lacking either. A few times Lizzy let out a gasp as his teeth nipped her. She was beyond aroused now. Her mind was an ever spinning circle of lust, desire and love. He pulled his lips away from her and stepped back a little. He was breathing heavy and his eyes were numerous shades darker than when she had first looked into them.

He reached his hand out and grabbed hers and began to pull her towards the end of the bridge. He would turn his head slightly to send her glances as they walked, for she was several steps behind him. She didn’t know where he was leading her but she trusted him. She made sure to move her fingers slightly every few seconds, because when she would he would give her a little squeeze in return. He stopped walking and she pulled her focus away from him. Taking in her surroundings she smiled. This was something only Quin could create for her. She reminisced for a moment about the ‘dates’ that Quin would take her on with his words. It was so much more here and now.

The scene before her was like a picture. It was an almost empty field tucked back behind the bridge. In the center of the field there was a large willow tree. The branches were so low and thick that Lizzy couldn’t even make out what was lurking behind them. She could, however, see a glowing yellow light that seemed to dance in the wind. A path of roses guided her way to the tree, the petals being swept about by the wind. Quin, having not released her hand, started walking forward again. He pulled her through the path of the petals and she could feel them swirling about her legs and feet. Quin reached up and pulled aside the branches of the willow tree.

Lizzy’s mouth dropped Bostancı Escort and her eyes widened slightly, even glassed over with tears. There had to have been at least 30 candles set up. They were set on chairs and shelves, which surrounded a beautiful spread out quilt upon the ground. The rose petals continued under the branches and made the shape of a heart around the blanket. Lizzy still hadn’t said a word; she couldn’t imagine that Quin would do this for her. She felt him squeeze her hand again and she knew he was waiting for her to say something. She turned to him, her mouth still parted slightly.

“This…This is the most amazing thing anyone has EVER done for me.” She said, her voice breaking through her tears.

Quin reached up and brushed the back of his hand against her face.

Smiling, he said, “I would do this day after day if it meant that I was making you happy, Lizzy.”

This just made Lizzy cry even more. Quin leaned forward and began placing light kisses against her tears, soaking them into his lips. He could taste the happiness that was flowing out of her. His hand weaved in her hair and the other slide down her side to rest on her hips. He placed one final kiss against her lips before whispering in her ear. “Raise your arms, my dear.” Lizzy followed his words, her hands shaking again slightly. Quin reached forward and grabbed the bottom hem of her skirt and began pulling it slowly up her body. He let his bent knuckles brush against her skin as he revealed more and more of her. With every inch he saw, Quin fell more and more in love with her body. Finally, he had pulled the shirt up and over her head, leaving her in only her bra and skirt standing before him. Lizzy reached up to cross her arms over her chest, but he stopped her with a simple shake of his head. She brought her arms back down to her sides and awkwardly clenched and unclenched her fingers.

Quin dropped down to his knees in front of her and began placing kisses on her stomach, her sides and her hips. His hands were firm around her back, not letting her pull away from his attentions. He glanced up from his position, his eyes lit with desire. He moved his hands around to the sides of her skirt and began to slowly pull it down her hips; teasing not only her, but himself as well.

He groaned with pleasure as the skirt dropped around her feet. He guided the skirt out from beneath her feet and tossed it aside. He then ran his hand over the top of her left foot, feeling the small bones and soft skin. He moved even higher and she could feel the coarse texture of his hand moving up the inside of her leg, against her calf, knee and thigh. She moaned as he reached near to the part of her that was almost on fire. He kept his hand there, placing a light grip on her thigh before bring his lips against the inside of her leg. He brushed his cheek against her soft leg, closing his eyes; he reveled in the feel of her against him.

His eyes brushed over her legs over and over, before finally settling on her hidden mound. She had chosen simple yellow panties, trimmed with soft white lace. They were pretty and innocent. He looked up at her, not asking permission, but informing her of what he was going to do next. Lizzy held her breath as she felt his fingers brush over that area that only she had touched before. Her body shook slightly, both with pleasure and nervousness. He placed a kiss against the front of her panties and he smiled when he realized how damp they were. Her back arched and her fingers clenched. Her breathing deepening even more that it already was. He again used his fingers to slip off this article of clothing.

The beauty of her sex was almost bare, despite one well-trimmed patch that pointed him in the right direction. He brought his face forward and let his breath fall on that clandestine spot. He could smell her arousal. It was thick like the air on a rainy morning. It folded over him, surrounding him in its strength. He nuzzled his cheek against it, the gentleness of it such contrast to the cruel growth on his cheek. In conclusion, he brought his lips to her outside and pressed them against her folds. She moaned in response, her hips involuntarily pressing into his mouth. He let his tongue just out, tasting that inner core of his Lizzy, finally tasting that which had tempted him for far too long.

He began to taste at the pleasure she was feeling, over and over he would lap in that flavor of her. Her body was sweating now and she was burning from a heat that was coming from within. He then began to rise back up off of his knees, sharing little kisses and licks up her body as he went. He reached around behind her and Ümraniye Escort unsnapped her bra, letting her beautiful breasts be revealed. His thumb came out and he brushed it against the curve of her breast, making her tingle and her nipple harden in anticipation. He moved his thumb closer to that oh so sensitive bud and began caressing around it, teasing her. Her eyes were slipping closed at the pleasure and her tongue was brushing across her lip every few seconds. She almost cried out and begged him to press against where she needed him. Sensing her need, he let his thumb settle over the hardened peek. As soon as he had touched it her body jerked in response.

He bent slightly and used the palm of his hand to lift one of her breasts towards his face. She brought her shoulders back and arched her breasts up and directly to him. He sucked her into his mouth and ran his tongue over the beaded texture of her nipple. He turned his attention to her other breast, giving it the same pleasure, before telling her to lie down upon the blanket. She did as he said and she sunk into the soft quilt slowly. She lay down on her back and propped her head up slightly on her hand so she could see Quin.

Quin began to pull his clothing off. He didn’t dress it up, but rather just removed his clothing in a simple, everyday manner. He reached down to untie his boots and slip them off of his feet. Next, he unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his chest and stomach. Finally, he undid his pants and slid them down his legs and off, quickly followed by his boxers. He stood before her, loomed over her in his nakedness. Lizzy’s eyes wandered his entirety, but they were drawn to his protruding penis. She followed him with her eyes as he walked towards the edge of the quilt and, once again, dropped to his knees. Kneeling between her legs he began to crawl towards her, his arms on either side of her body. He lowered part of his weight against her and she could feel his thigh pressing up against her wetness, his hardness pressing into her stomach and his face buried into her neck.

Quin’s breathing was hard and he could barely hold himself back from entering her. He rocked his thigh against her mound and he groaned as he felt the physical proof of her desire rub against his leg. He was kissing at her neck at the same time, and his hands were paying attention to her lovely breasts. The night was slightly chill, but their bodies discharged enough heat to keep them warm all night long. Quin lifted his head and looked into her eyes before saying “I can’t wait anymore, Lizzy. I want you now. I need you now. I’ve waited four long years for this. “with such vigor that Lizzy could only widen her eyes in response at first. Eventually, she nodded her head, telling him to proceed.

He gave her a gentle smile, pressed a gentle kiss against her lips and then he slowly slid into her. He only pushed in an inch at first and already he could feel the tight grasp of her vagina. He groaned and slid into her further and her heat began to engulf him, inch by inch. He came to her hymen and he sighed. She was his and he loved it. He was her only. He stopped moving for a moment and she looked up at him, her eyes wide and he whispered “I love you” before thrusting his hips with intent and pushing through the bridge to her womanhood. She cried out, but soon her cry turned to a moan as he began pumping into her, bringing a pleasure that was beyond anything she had ever felt in the past.

Their bodies twisted together and the scent of their arousal mixed. The night wind blew at the branches and the candles, making it seem as if nature was dancing to their love making. Their sighs, groans and moans made a symphony of pleasure. He stayed above her and brought a firm hand to her head as he pushed in and out of her. His pace began to speed and his moans began to deepen.

Lizzy’s eyes were closed now and her hands clenched at the quilt beneath her. She felt Quin’s hard length pressing into her and demanding all she was willing to give. She bucked her hips up in response and she could feel a pressure beginning to build in her groin. Her hips rose up as the building stopped and finally crescendo-ing at a peak and she cried out. Quin leaned forward to swallow her moans and he could feel her juices of pleasure leak around him. Her vagina clenched at him, pulling him into her and grabbed around his length. He couldn’t hold his own pleasure any longer as he felt her go over the edge. He let out a grunt and he thrust deep into her once more before his cock twitched and released spurt after spurt of sperm into her. He knew he should have pulled out, but he wanted to claim her and wanted to make her, his. He groaned into her neck, the sweat on his forehead falling against her cheek as they finished.

They both lay there, unmoving, for several minutes in quietness before Quin broke the silence. “Aren’t you glad we decided to meet, my Love?”

Lizzy only smiled in response.

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Love Thy Neighbour

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I had just turned 21 when I landed my first job. I was not just excited that I was going to be financially independent. I was also going to live on my own for the first time in my life for my office was located in Hyderabad where I had no family or friends. Having lived all my life with family and being extremely shy by nature, I was looking forward to this new phase of life. It offered immense opportunities to develop my personality. Little did I know at that time how massive this transformation would be!

So when I landed in this city a few weeks later, I lost no time in finding a comfortable apartment in a neighbourhood close to my office. There were only two units per floor, so there would be fewer pesky neighbours and their unsolicited advice to deal with!

As my estate agent and I left the flat, we saw our neighbour waiting for the lift. The agent introduced us.

My neighbour was Shiela. She appeared to be in her early forties and had an unremarkable yet pleasant face. We exchanged hellos and went down the tiny lift in uncomfortable silence. I was cursing my luck that an “aunty” my mother’s age should turn out to be my neighbour. I was sure there would be truckloads of free advice which I’d rather not have. My apprehensions were put to rest when my agent later told me that she was a spinster and lived alone. That was a relief! She was probably busy at work and had little time for a shy young neighbour.

I moved in the next day filled with positivity. I had just a few suitcases, so it wasn’t exactly a nosiy affair. Nevertheless, I saw my neighbour Shiela near my doorstep asking if I needed any help. I thanked her for the courtesy and assured her I was fine.

The next day Ataşehir Escort was my first working day and I stepped out of my flat feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. As luck would have it, Shiela was leaving at the same time. During the lift ride down, we got to know each other a bit more. It turned out that her office was in the same building as mine and she walked to work everyday. She suggested we go together daily. I reluctantly agreed. And this turned out to be a great decision!

Over the next few months, we ended up becoming close friends. Shiela turned out to be funny, clever and witty. Our age difference never seemed to be an issue. There were no motherly advice, she treated me like an equal adult. This was one of the many firsts that were to happen in my life.

I remember it like it was yesterday. I had worked late on a Friday evening and bought a pack of beers on the way home. As I wearily stepped out of the lift, I was pleasantly surprised to see Shiela at her door picking up a pizza from the delivery guy. She at once invited me home.

I was delighted at her invitation. Despite our growing friendship, I had never actually gone into her house, nor had she. I quickly freshened up and went to her place with the pack of beers.

She had changed into a dainty pink sleevless nightgown. I realised for the first time she looked almost sexy despite her age and looks. She had managed to order another pizza by this time and had placed three movie DVDs on the centre table. I chose the funniest one. The movie was a laugh riot and the pizza was fantastic. We were having an awesome time and I opened two beers and gave one to her.

After a couple of rounds, she Anadolu Yakası Escort looked quite tipsy. Even I felt a familiar buzz in my head though usually it happens when I’ve downed four or five bottles.

The movie ended and she moved closer to me. We started talking more intimate stuff. She asked me if I had a girlfriend. I replied I never ever had one. She laughed in a sexy sort of way and said she couldn’t believe a handsome young man like me didn’t have a steady relationship. I knew then that she was either hitting on me or was really drunk because nobody has ever called me handsome, and that was the truth. I was average in almost all things – looks, build, athletics, academics, conversation, humour – the list is endless!

That is when I said the bravest thing of my life. It may have been the alcohol but I’d like to believe that my fondness for Shiela had transformed into something bigger.

I told her that the only meaningful relationship I have ever been in is with the person sitting right next to me. There was stunned silence for what seemed to be an eternity for me. She looked me in the eye and said “me too”.

I was overcome by a surge of emotions and hugged her instinctively, tentatively at first and tightly after she reciprocated. We held each other for several precious moments before letting go. We were both embarrassed. She apologised first, saying she shouldn’t have let this happen as she was old enough to be my mother.

This is the moment when my courage went to the next level and perhaps when I really became a man. I said her age or anything else didn’t matter and I loved her. I didn’t stop there and kissed her on her lips. To my surprise, Kartal Escort she kissed me back with a passion I’d never known. The kiss turned into a snog and before we knew it we were in her bed.

She yanked my t shirt off and hurriedly pulled down my shorts. I removed her gown and hungrily kissed her modest cleavage. At that moment, I lost all control and tore her bra and devoured her petite breasts. She gasped in pleasure and pulled my erect manhood out of my briefs.

She kissed it gently a few times and it took all my effort to prevent ejaculation. She then slide my penis into her warm mouth. It was an electrifying feeling. I felt like a dam break and exploded into her mouth. She took it all in her mouth and swallowed it. I felt drained and my john turned flaccid.

It was now my turn to pleasure her. I kissed her pussy and at the same time kneaded her breasts. The kisses became harder and eventually I started flicking my tongue all over her insides. I tasted her juices and that turned me on again. I continued to suck her with renewed vigour till she started squirming and then squirting. The strength of her orgasm surprised me and I stopped licking her.

The time for the final act had come. Seeing her squirting had made me hard again. I plunged my penis into her oozing vagina. She grabbed my hair and implored me to keep going hard into her. I bit her nipples, kissed her armpits and her tummy while pounding her.

It was as if our bodies had now synchronised and had become one. We both came simultaneously and it lasted much longer this time. It never occurred to me to wear a condom nor did she even hint at it. This amorous union felt like the most natural thing to me, and perhaps to Shiela as well.

We lay in her bed naked, our limbs wrapped around each other for the rest of the night, sated and excited at the same time. Sated because we’d found each other and our lives had forever changed; and excited at the promise of similar nights of passion.

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Lessons from Days Gone By Ch. 01

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Monday, March 12, 2018

I was sitting in my office today, reading the online newspaper from my home city. I didn’t log in over the weekend and was trying to catch up. I scrolled down clicking on articles that caught my eye. I saw one that was titled, ‘Heiress, Charitable Foundation Head Loses Heroic Battle with Cancer.’ I felt as if my heart stopped.

I read the name in the first line and stopped. Laura Parker. No, it couldn’t be. I scrolled further down and there was her picture. In the photo, she was older than I remembered, but I would never forget those eyes or that smile, as long as I lived. I scrolled down to the bottom of the article and saw that her funeral was planned for tomorrow. I knew I had to go. I buzzed Emily and asked her to book my flight. Then I called my Aunt Evelyn to let her know I would be in town tonight and would like to take her to dinner.

Emily, my 27-year-old administrative assistant, walked in a few minutes later and handed me my boarding passes and rental car confirmation. She walked behind my desk and sat on my lap. She wrapped her arms around me, pulling my head to her chest. In addition to being my day-to-day right hand, Emily had been my lover since shortly after she started working for me 7 years before. She looked at the news story still displayed on my laptop.

“I’m so sorry, baby,” she said comfortingly.

“She’s finally gone…,” I answered. As I held my sweet Emily against me, I began to remember days gone by.


I’d met Laura on May 21st, 1992, when I knocked on the door of her palatial home, hoping to talk her into letting me handle her yard care that summer. I’d graduated from high school the previous Monday night and I was desperate to earn some more spending money for college. I’d been fortunate enough to add two other large yards in her neighborhood to my schedule that same morning. Competition was keen in that area, and I was eager to win new clients as I knew that those people typically gave generous tips in addition to the weekly rate.

She answered the door politely, “May I help you?”

I still vividly remember seeing her for the first time. She was a gorgeous brunette, in her early 30’s, I guessed. She wore a beautiful, red dress and black heels. Silky, tan nylons graced her legs. She was a remarkably attractive woman and had a warm, friendly smile. I stood there dumbstruck for an uncomfortable moment, just looking at her.

“Um, yes, ma’am. I was hoping that maybe I could help you. I’m Mike Tanner.” I handed her one of the business cards my mom insisted on having printed. “I was wondering if I could give you a bid to take care of your lawn work this summer.”

“It’s funny that you stopped by, I was just thinking about that. My husband typically takes care of all that. Well, he used to anyway. We recently divorced and I’m learning to do some of the things that he would take care of,” she explained.

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” I said.

She smiled again, “Thank you. So, what do you think you’ll charge?”

“Could I look at the back yard, first,” I asked.

“Yes, you certainly may, follow me,” she smiled and waved me through the door. I followed her through the massive house. I couldn’t imagine the cost of a place like this. I’d grown up the son of a successful doctor and attorney, but our 4,000-square foot home was like a wing of this palace. I couldn’t have imagined meeting such a beautiful woman that morning, either. I admired her figure as she walked in front of me. We weaved through what seemed a maze of hallways, before we finally reached the large, ornate glass doors that led to the back yard. There was very little grass to mow due to a large concrete patio, huge swimming pool and hot tub. There was also a large pool house. I noted several large shrubs that hadn’t been trimmed back properly the previous summer, but the remaining landscaping generally consisted of low-maintenance species.

“So, what do you think,” she asked with a smile.

“You have a beautiful home, ma’am. Those shrubs really need a good trimming. I think $250 for the first time, and $175 a week after that would be fair.”

“Are you sure,” she asked. “I believe my ex-husband was paying much more than that.”

“No ma’am. I think that’s fair,” I replied.

“Fine, I just don’t want to take advantage of you. I’m Laura Parker by the way,” she said. We shook hands.

“It’s nice to meet you, ma’am.” I pulled my note pad out of my back pocket and wrote down her name. “Will Friday mornings work for you?”

“Yes, that should be fine. I’m usually here most mornings, though. I’ll give you my phone number in case you need to reschedule,” she offered. She wrote her phone number on my note pad. I pointed out my pager number on the business card, in case something changed on her end.

“Thank you, ma’am. I look forward to doing a good job for you. I’ll see you tomorrow morning,” I said.

“Fine, but please call me Laura and save the ma’am for Ataşehir Escort your mother! You make me feel like an old lady,” she smiled and gave me a wink. I still couldn’t get over how beautiful she was.

She led me back through the house and I walked down the sidewalk hoping to find more customers. I’d be very lucky to find another client as beautiful as Laura, I thought to myself.

The next morning, I showed up at her house. I unloaded my mower from my trailer and was already working when I saw her walk out the front door. She waved at me, retrieved her mail and then went back inside. She was wearing a dress again, except this time it was black and she wore black nylons. The dress was cut just right, showing off her hourglass figure. She was older than me obviously, but I couldn’t believe how great she looked.

It struck me as funny that I was admiring Laura so much, like I would have any chance with a woman like her. I could barely even talk to the girls I went to school with. I was a three-time all-state football player and wrestler with a perfect GPA, but I completely fell apart when I was in front of pretty girl. I was about 6’3″ and a solid 220 pounds at that time. I wore glasses and had an unruly head of blond hair. The girls at school always said I was “nice” or “sweet”, but not dateable for some reason. My jock friends continually made fun of me about my lack of charm, but no one seemed to have any advice regarding the “keys to success.” I assumed they were hardly any better off than I was.

After mowing, I trimmed the shrubs in the back yard. I was loading my mower and the shrub clippings when Laura came back out. She had an envelope in her hand.

“The yard looks great,” she smiled and handed me the envelope.

“Thank you, Laura. I always try to do my best. If you ever see something you don’t like, let me know immediately, and I’ll fix it.”

“Oh, I think you’ll do just fine,” she said. I looked at her closely. I wondered what she looked like when she was my age. She was still undeniably gorgeous.

“I was telling Valerie, one of my girlfriends, that you were going to take care of my yard work this summer. She said you were a big-time football hero. Her daughter graduated with you,” Laura said.

“Oh really? Who’s that,” I asked, with a smile.

“Clarice Jennings,” she replied.

“Yeah, I know Clarice. We had a lot of classes together. She’s a really nice girl,” I said. I’d had a crush on Clarice since middle school, but never found the courage to ask her out.

“Yes, she is. A real sweetheart, like her mom. She wanted me to ask you where you going to be playing next year.”

“I’m going to school at State, but I’m not going to play football,” I said.

“No? Why not? Valerie said you were really good,” she replied.

“Mostly, it’s because I know it’s going to be different than playing in high school. It’s a full-time job in college. My dad played when he was in school, and he told me it was hard to play and stay on top of schoolwork,” I said.

“I can imagine that was a very difficult decision for you to make.”

“Yeah, it was. There were a lot of my friends that told me I was stupid, but my school is paid for at State because of academics. So, I still get free school and I don’t have to tackle anybody for it,” I smiled.

“Ha,” she laughed. “That’s funny.”

“Thanks.” I had this amazing feeling. I was standing there talking to this beautiful woman and I wasn’t making a complete ass of myself like usual.

“You have a great sense of humor. The girls must love that about you,” Laura said.

“Nah, most of them don’t seem notice,” I replied.

“No? That’s really a pity. I like a handsome man with a sense of humor,” she smiled. She gave me another one of those little winks I’d noticed the first day. “So, what do your parents do,” she asked.

“My mom is attorney, my dad was an obstetrician, but we lost him to cancer last summer,” I said.

“Oh, I’m very sorry to hear that. I lost my father when I was about the same age,” she said.

I nodded my understanding. “It was hard. He was a great guy,” I said.

“I can imagine so.”

“I should be going. I have a lot more to do today,” I said.

“I’m sure you do. Have a great rest of your day,” she said.

“You too,” I replied. She gave me a very sweet smile. If she’d been my age, I would have taken that as a very good sign! When I got in the truck, I opened the envelope. There was $250 in there, but also a piece of folded pink stationary. I unfolded it and saw two additional crisp Ben Franklins. At the top of the stationary it read, ‘A Note from a Very Sensuous Woman.’ I read what she’d wrote below that.


Never cheat yourself in life.


That struck me as curious. Only my mother called me Michael.


The next week, she came out again to talk and pay me after I’d finished. She must have just returned from the gym because she was in a sports bra and spandex shorts. She had her long Anadolu Yakası Escort brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, and I couldn’t believe how good she looked. Every bit as good as the 18-year old girls I’d graduated with.

“Did you just get back from the gym,” I asked.

“Yeah. I was doing some things around the house and hadn’t changed. You work out a lot too, don’t you,” she asked.

“Yeah, I lift weights. I’m trying to get a little leaner this summer.”

“I think you look just fine.” She grabbed my right biceps and gave it a gentle squeeze. I felt like electricity surged through me when she touched me.

“Thanks. What do you do at the gym,” I asked.

“Usually just aerobics and the Stairmaster,” she smiled.

“You can’t argue with the results,” I blurted out. That surprised both of us. She got a very devilish look on her face.

“You think so, do you,” she asked.

“Yes, you’re so fit-,” I said.

“For a woman my age, you mean,” she asked, with a sly smile. I immediately started trying to backtrack.

“No, no, I’m sorry. I don’t mean it that way, I meant for any age. You’re in better shape than a lot of girls I graduated with,” I tried to explain.

“Thank you, but I doubt that. I’m not 18 anymore.”

“Your body looks it, Laura,” I replied. Where this sudden influx of confidence came from, I still don’t know. For some reason, I just felt more at ease with her than I did the girls from school.

“Thank you.” She gave my arm another squeeze. “I guess I should let you get going.”

I wanted nothing more than to stay right there on the sidewalk talking to her, but I did have several other yards to mow and I was going out with my friends that night.

“Yeah, I probably should. I’ll see you next week,” I said finally.

“Not, if I see you first,” she laughed.

“Yeah, I guess so,” I grinned.

“Get going.” She smiled at me and turned to walk up the sidewalk to her door. I stood there for a moment watching her. Her ass was a masterpiece in those spandex shorts. I always loved when girls wore spandex, but none had ever done them justice like Laura did. Her hips had more curve and her ass was so much fuller and rounder than the girls at school. She glanced back over her shoulder and caught me staring. She smiled and shook her head. I waved to hide my embarrassment, before getting in my truck.

The next week, I didn’t see her until I was just about to leave. She pulled up in a cherry red Ferrari that I’d never seen before. I admired the car and the gorgeous brunette that got out of it. She swung those toned legs out of the car as I watched. She was wearing tan nylons I saw, with red heels and another sexy red dress. Damn, she was just amazing. She saw me staring and smiled, shaking her head. She walked over and took off her sunglasses. She looked up at me with those brilliant green eyes.

“I’m probably old enough to be your mother. You know that, right,” she asked.

“I’m sorry, but you just really look great today.”

“Thank you. I gave a speech at a ladies’ breakfast this morning,” she replied.

“Oh, okay.”

“You’re all finished, I see,” she said.

“Yes, I was just getting ready to leave. I was hoping I got to see you first,” I smiled.

“Please,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Let me get my purse.” She walked back to the Ferrari. I watched those sexy legs as she walked. She had an amazing set of calves, accentuated by her sexy high heels. Naturally, she turned around and caught me watching her.

“You really should take a picture. It’ll last longer,” she laughed, as she walked back towards me.

“I don’t have a camera,” I replied.

“Are you flirting with me, young man,” she asked.

“Maybe, I guess. I’m not really good at flirting with girls,” I admitted.

“I’m not a girl. I’m a woman. There is a difference between the two, you know.”

“I can tell,” I said, as I looked her up and down.

“You are impetuous. How old is your mother,” she asked.


“How old do you think I am,” she replied.

“32,” I said.

“I’ll be 38 next month.”

“So, I was wrong,” I smiled.

“You shouldn’t flirt with women twice your age. That can be dangerous for a young man like you,” Laura said. She flashed me a wicked smile and squeezed my arm. I made a note to wear a tank top every day I came over. I loved having her touch me.

She handed me the envelope for mowing.

“Thanks, for doing a great job, again,” she smiled.

“You’re welcome. I’ll see you next week,” I said.

“Do you mow on Saturday and Sunday, as well,” she asked.

“Just Saturday. I like having one day off,” I replied.

“Yes, I can understand that. I hate to ask, but would you mind helping me on Sunday,” she asked.

“Doing what,” I asked.

“I need to move some furniture. I hate to hire someone for such a small thing. I thought maybe you might want the extra money,” she replied.

“Sure, how long do you think it will take?”

“Maybe Kadıköy Escort just a couple hours,” she said.

“Okay. After lunch, maybe?”

“Yes, that’ll be fine,” she said.

“Sounds great. I’ll see you then,” I said. She smiled and winked at me again. As I drove home, I kept thinking about getting to spend more time with her. I really enjoyed talking to her and trying to flirt with her. I felt my confidence grow each time we talked. I was sure that was going to help me meet girls when I got to school in the fall.


Sunday arrived and I was having lunch with my mom. I explained that I was going to help one of my lawn clients move furniture.

“Oh, that’s nice of you,” Mom said.

“Yeah, she’s really nice and she said she’d pay me,” I said.

“Oh, I see,” Mom replied. “I need to go to the office this afternoon anyway. The Centrex trial starts Wednesday and I have a ton of things I need to do.”

“Mom, you haven’t taken a day off in three months,” I said.

“Michael, this is an important case,” she replied.

“Mom, they’ve all been really important since Dad died,” I said.

“Honey, we’ve been through this. Everyone deals with things differently. I’m not going to just mope around here all day every weekend by myself. You’re going to be gone today anyway,” she countered.

“I’ll just be gone for a couple hours, Mom,” I said. I should have known better than argue with a lady that did that for a living, but I kept trying.

“Let me go to the office and see what I can get done. I’ll page you later and let you know when I’m on my way home,” she said. She smiled, but I don’t think she believed a word of it any more than I did.

“Okay, Mom. Good luck at the office,” I replied. I helped her clear the table and told her I’d wash the dishes when I got home. I kissed her on the cheek and left. On the drive to Laura’s house, I thought about my Mom. Until Dad passed away, she rarely worked on weekends. Now, it was all the time. I secretly hoped she’d met a new man and was just sneaking away to see him. Deep down though, I knew she was just working. I wasn’t sure how I was going to help her.

I pulled up in front of Laura’s house. I noticed the Ferrari was sitting in the covered driveway as I rang the doorbell. I was dying to ask her for a ride in it. Maybe before the end of the summer, I thought. I’d grown up watching Magnum, P.I. and a little red Ferrari always made my heart race. Not to mention when they were driven by a beautiful lady like the one whose high heels I heard clicking towards the door.

She opened the door and glanced at her watch. “Right on time. I love a man that is punctual.” She gave me another one of those smiles that gave my stomach butterflies.

“I try to be,” I smiled.

“Come in,” she said, waving me past her. She was wearing a black dress that day. It fit her well, showing off her hips and bust. I wondered what her wardrobe had cost, as everything she wore looked so good on her. I looked up and noticed she had caught me staring again. She smiled and led me to her spacious living area.

“Okay, first thing I want to do, is move this couch over there where the chair is and then put the chair over there.” She pointed to where she wanted it. “My ex-husband liked having it where it’s at and I always thought it was out of place.”

“Okay, I can do that,” I smiled.

“I need to make a phone call. I’ll be back shortly,” she smiled and winked at me.

She turned to walk out of the room. My eyes followed her, watching her ass and toned nylon-covered legs. When she turned around the corner, she glanced back and saw me looking. She shook her head and smiled.

“Please get to work,” she jokingly chided me.

“I am, I am,” I replied.

I’d just finished moving everything when she walked back in.

“Oh nice! Doesn’t that look better,” she asked. She had a big smile on her face.

“Yeah, I think so,” I answered. I wasn’t sure there was that much of a difference, but she thought there was, and that’s all that mattered to me.

“You want a soda or something,” she asked.

“Sure, that would be great.”

“I’ll get you one, have a seat,” she said.

I sat down on the couch I’d just moved and waited for her. When she returned she had a can of Coke for me and a glass of wine for herself. She sat down on the couch next to me.

“Thanks,” I said as she handed me the can of soda.

“You’re very welcome. So, I’m curious, how can you be so shy with girls at school, but be daring with a woman my age?”

“You think I’m daring,” I asked, smiling.

“Yes, I do,” she said.

“Maybe it’s because I know that I don’t have a shot with you, and that I can’t really mess anything up. I can just be myself,” I said with a smile.

“You could use a bit of self-confidence. Women like that, you know.”

“Ha, yes, I know. It’s true with you, though. You must have guys falling all over themselves to take you out,” I said.

“You might be surprised. Single men my age, are usually looking for a twenty-something. That’s not me. I’m an old hag. And I’m not at the point in my life where I’m willing to accept some old man.”

“Laura, you are not a hag. You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever met,” I said.

“Surely, that’s not true,” she smiled.

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Kiss the Bride

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Amelia and her parents arrived at the church after a long wagon ride through the country, in the early morning. Waiting for them there was her future husband, William, whom she had never met before. The ceremony was short and simple followed by the regular Sunday service. The priest skipped the part about kissing the bride.

This was not the wedding Amelia had dreamt of as a little girl. She had visions of flowers and homemade lace dresses, a big party on her father’s farm. Most of all she had visions of a dashing man who had skillfully courted her with romantic walks and stolen kisses.

Unfortunately, hard times were upon them. Fathers were agreeing on marriages for their daughters simply because they couldn’t afford to feed them. Amelia trusted her father when he said he believed William was a good man. She also knew how important this marriage would be to the family, as Williams’s family had lots of land and houses. Marrying into this family ensured Amelia’s family a place to sleep should they loose the farm.

Amelia felt awkward though that Sunday morning sitting next to her new husband in church. She felt as if the whole congregation was looking at them. Her cheeks flushed when she imagined everyone thinking that tonight this man, who she didn’t know, would be having his way with her. Amelia had never so much as kissed a man other then her father. And, other than the few times over her father’s knee with her skirt over her head and her bloomers pulled down, no one had seen her naked body since she reached womanhood.

When the service was over, Amelia said tearful farewells to her parents. She dutifully joined her husband in the front of his wagon and, when her parents were no longer in her sights, she faced forward and was hit with the weight of what had just happened.

“Is this the road to your house?” Amelia asked William.

“Yes, a few miles down this road and we’ll be home.”

“Home,” Amelia said, letting the word hang in the air as she said it. “What does ‘home’ look like?”

“Pretty little house. Pa and I built it, once your Pa gave me your hand. I painted it white with blue shutters, thought you might like that. The inside is pretty simple, thought I would leave it up to you to decorate. Only thing in the house now is the kitchen table and the bed.”

As soon as William said the word ‘bed’ Amelia stiffened. How awkward this moment was. She tried to concentrate on the fact that he painted the house to try to make her happy. She hoped it was an indication that he would be gentle and kind.

“We’re on family property now,” William told her as they turned onto another dirt road. He began to point out different fields and what grew in them. Amelia was taken with the low lazy branches in the apple orchards and could picture her self spending time there. He pointed out the house where his older brother, James, lived with his wife, Emily and their children. The house of his parents a large, Anadolu Yakası Escort pretty home. Amelia appreciated the warm welcome she had received from Mr. and Mrs. Drummond at the church.

Finally, they came to their house. It was small, but had a nice fence and a front porch. It had a chimney, so she knew she would be warm in the winter. She liked the way it sat lower than the rest of the houses, nestled in a valley. She noticed a place that might make a nice garden in the spring.

William hitched the horses to the fence and helped Amelia down from the wagon. “Welcome home,” he said, giving her a slight, awkward smile. He carried her bag, packed with her few meager belongings, and together they walked into the house.

Amelia’s eyes searched her surroundings. The front room had a nice stone fireplace. She could see into the kitchen. She was happy to see it had a pump to bring in water.

“On Wednesday Pa and I have to go into the city to make a delivery. You can come along and pick out some furniture, rugs and china for the house. Emily, will take you into town tomorrow to pick out material to sew curtains and whatnot.” William informed her. “Come, let me show you where you can put your things.”

William led her upstairs. Amelia noticed there were three bedrooms, although only one had a bed. She assumed, by the number of bedrooms, he was planning on her having children. Amelia started to feel a nervous tingle as she approached the bedroom with the bed. She hesitated at the threshold, wondering if she should wait to be asked in.

William knew his new bride was nervous about what would be happening in this room. It made his cock jump in his pants thinking about fucking this beautiful young virgin. He knew he had to go slow but he also knew that waiting until tonight would be torture for both of them. The tension in the air was thick. He looked at her, her light brown hair loosely tide back. Her small waist, held tight in her simple county dress. The way her breasts and hips gave her a soft womanly curve.

William took Amelia’s hand and led her into the room. “I bought you something,” he said, “A wedding present.” He went to the closet and took out a box wrapped in beautiful gold leaf paper. He put it in Amelia’ hands.

“I’ll give you a few moments alone. I hope when I come back you’re wearing this,” he said. Looking down at his wife, he gently kissed her forehead and turned to leave the room.

Amelia put the box on the bed and carefully opened the paper. She lifted the lid off the box and pulled back the soft tissue paper. Inside was a beautiful soft pink silk negligee. She felt a pang in her belly. She felt her nipples harden and her face blush. Part of her wanted to run for the hills, this was all happening so fast, with a man she hardly knew. But, she wanted to please her new husband. She began taking off her dress and her thick undergarments. Standing there, naked, Kadıköy Escort she slipped the negligee over her head. The cool silk teased her already hard nipples as it fell into place on her body.

Amelia wished there were a mirror in the room. She tried to get an idea of what she looked like. She noticed the low the neckline was, plunging even lower between her perky, round breast. She noticed how her nipples protruded through the thin silk and suddenly wish she had something to cover up with. The length, which fell just below her ass, left far more leg than she was comfortable showing.

Amelia was standing there, trying to get the small amount of material to cover a larger amount of space when she heard a soft knock on the door. She quickly jumped into the bed and pulled the big down comforter over her body.

William smiled as he opened the door, seeing his blushing bride hidden in the bed. He assumed this meant she was wearing his gift. “Come now,” he said, “I didn’t buy you that to not see you in it. I’m sure you look beautiful.” He reached out his hand for hers and pulled her out of the bed.

Amelia stood in the room, blushing and feeling very naked and vulnerable. William looked at his wife and loved what he saw. She had taken the comb out of her hair, he could now see that her long hair tickled the top of her ass with its curly ends. Her breasts, which he couldn’t gauge in her tight thick dress, now revealed themselves as ample orbs with hard nipple pointing upward, begging to be sucked a teased.

William took his wife firmly in his hands, cupping her ass and pulling her close to him. He kissed his wife’s soft lips and parted them with his forceful tongue getting a first taste of her.

Amelia’s body was responding to William’s hard touch. She could feel his hard manhood push into her belly through the soft silk. William’s strong hands pulling her ass toward him with each thrust. She got excited when his hands wandered up her body, finding their way to her breast, tugging and squeezing her nipples.

William pushed Amelia back onto the bed. He knelt on the floor, between his bride’s legs hungry to taste her. He plunged toward her wet pussy, taking her clit between his lips, sucking it into his mouth and teasing it with his tongue. He worked down to her tight hole and rammed his tongue in and out. Alternating teasing her engorged clit then penetrating her with his tongue.

Amelia, whose body was now awakened with sexual feelings, arched her back and threw her head back with pleasure as William continued to work her. She could hear herself moaning as the feeling in her pussy intensified. She could feel Williams hand gently caressing the soft skin of her inner thigh. His hands working their way up, getting wet with the juices of her pussy. She felt William’s finger reach down toward her ass and play with her anus, gently working his finger in and out, loosing her tight hole. As more İstanbul Escort of his finger penetrated her ass, the fuller and more intense her feeling of pleasure became.

William could tell, by the way his wife was arching her back that she was close to reaching orgasm. He worked her two holes with his thumb and forefinger while his lips and tongue concentrated on her clit, pecking it with thrusts of his tongue and then taking it into his mouth and licking it hard. He kept up the pattern, his wife’s moans becoming more and more intense until her could feel the waves of her orgasm wrap themselves around his fingers. Her head pushing back into the bed while her back arched her soft belly in the air. William reached up with his free hand and gripped her breast, rolling her hard nipple between his fingers as she came.

Listening to his wife’s moans as he worked her pussy in his mouth made William’s cock expand to maximum capacity. He knew he needed to fuck her tight pussy. He climbed on top of his wife, spreading her legs wide with the width of his mass. He knew he should go slower with her, but she tasted so good. And, knowing that she was his wife, that she was supposed to let him fuck her, turned him on even more.

Amelia couldn’t believe the size of William’s hard cock. She had never seen a grown man erect. While she loved the mind-blowing orgasm she just had, having him now move on to spreading her lips with the top-heavy head of his member pushing it into her tight hole made her inch up the mattress away from him.

William noticed Amelia nervously inching away from him in anticipation of receiving the full bang of his cock. He wanted to comfort her, but he was so turned on by her inexperience, he grabbed her head in his strong hands, pulling her hair that was wrapped in his fingers. He pulled himself up further on top of her, again meeting the tip of his cock with her wet tight pussy. He pushed hard against the tightness of her pussy, feeling just the tip of his cock enter her tight warm walls. He pulled out briefly, and then thrust into her harder, this time feeling her envelope his whole cock.

Amelia let out a yelp of pain, taking his whole big cock in one hard thrust. But, she also grabbed his back, scratching from his shoulders down to his ass and then pulling him deeper into her. He knew she was enjoying this.

William found his rhythm, giving Amelia five or six hard blows, reaching deep inside her, followed by a few slow tender thrusts. He knew he couldn’t keep from cumming much longer, and was relieved to hear her breath shallow and her moans become deeper. She found her own rhythm of bringing her hips up to meet his hard blows, trying to get as much of his cock inside of her as possible.

When William sucked on Amelia’s hard nipple, playing with the tip in his mouth with his tongue, she hit her pleasure high. Amelia came hard while William gave her hard blows delivering his hot cum deep inside her while the waves of her orgasm made him cum harder and harder.

William collapsed on top of Amelia, supporting himself on his forearms that cradled either side of her head. He looked down at his sweaty satisfied wife’s face, his cock still inside her, and kissed the bride.

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Kate Lets Loose Ch. 02

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During the night, Andrew tried everything he could think of. He touched every part of Kate. He kissed every part of Kate. He licked every part of Kate. He sucked on every part of Kate. Kate encouraged him by touching him everywhere she could reach. She stayed away from his dick, however. She didn’t want him cumming and then falling asleep. She wanted to keep him in a constant state of arousal. It worked.

For several hours Andrew did everything he wanted to her, except fuck her. He didn’t want to cum, fall asleep and ruin the night. He wanted her to cum. Over and over. She didn’t disappoint him. When he started sucking her earlobes, her breathing quickened. When he licked from her neck down to her breasts, her breathing got shallow. As he moved down to her pussy, her breathing stopped. She held his head as he reached her clit. He licked her, very slowly, everywhere but directly on her clit. He wanted her to build up slowly. He was going too slowly for her, so she grabbed his head and pushed him closer. Then she started to rub her pussy against his mouth. Kate wouldn’t stop and she wouldn’t let go. Andrew took the hint and started licked and sucking with gusto. As she orgasmed she passed out.

Andrew climbed on top of her and started kissing her mouth. He caressed her shoulders and breasts. He slowly, very slowly, put his dick against her pussy. He rubbed his dick up and down against the opening. She opened her eyes, realized what was happening, and pushed against him. In Andrew slid. She wrapped her arms and legs Bostancı Escort around him and just held him for about a minute. She wanted to enjoy this sensation. They kissed passionately and he started to move. Slowly at first. He didn’t want to cum for a while. She felt him moving, pulsing. She concentrated on his dick inside of her. She squeezed him, both with her pussy and her arms. She wasn’t going to let him get away.

She could feel her pleasure growing. He could feel her pleasure growing. He had big plans for her and wanted to be sure she had lots of orgasms tonight. He wanted to keep her in a constant state of pleasure. He pushed in. He pulled out. He licked her breasts. She liked him licking her breasts. She liked him pushing in and pulling out. As he licked, she felt, well, she felt it hitting her like a brick. She had a powerful orgasm. She shivered, she shook. And then, while Andrew was going in and out of her, she came again. She thought she was going to pass out again but she didn’t. He kept rubbing her, licking her, pushing into her. She started to cry from the pleasure. She couldn’t take any more and told him it was his turn, that she had no more left in her. Andrew told her that he was far from ready and she had better brace herself.

“NO, NO, NO”. She thought she said it out loud, but she realized she heard herself saying “YES, YES, YES!” and held on tighter. Andrew decided to take it easy, since her enthusiasm was contagious. He slowed down which only heightened her pleasure. Ümraniye Escort She didn’t know how she was going to take much more of it. And his tongue! It wouldn’t stop licking her, and not just her breasts. He licked her lips, her eyes, her ears, her neck. Each lick shot a jolt directly to her clit. He could feel each jolt as her pussy tightened around his dick. He was in ecstasy. Until he realized he was in too much ecstasy. He felt that familiar feeling in his dick. It was growing. He was getting longer and wider. There was a roaring sound in his ears. He started to explode. He growled and moaned. He pushed into Kate as he came. He couldn’t control himself.

Kate felt him starting to cum. She braced herself, figuring it was going to be a big one. She wrapped around him tightly to hold on. He started to pound against her. She started to feel another orgasm building. As he started to growl, she came. She tightened every part of her body as she came. She thought she felt him ejaculating inside of her. He was finished for several seconds before she finished. She didn’t relax her hold on him. She wasn’t ready for him to get off.

As they laid together, holding each other tight, Andrew kept up his licking. “Stop”, Kate said. But she didn’t say it. She moaned instead. She held him close and rubbed his arms and back with her hands. She wanted to keep holding him like this all night. Before she could cum again she fell asleep. Andrew figured that he had a good night, but she beat him, 6 orgasms to Ataşehir Escort 4. He’d have to work on that. He was hoping for her to have at least 10 and he hoped for one or two more.

The next morning, Andrew woke up before Kate and took a shower. He looked around the kitchen and made breakfast. Then he woke up with soft kisses on her fingers and forehead. She woke up slowly, saw him and smiled. She held his face and gave him a long kiss. She got up, impressed that he cooked for her.

Andrew didn’t want to leave, but he was afraid she wanted to be alone. Kate didn’t want Andrew to leave, but she was too used to guys getting an orgasm and then abandoning her. She figured she would tell him to leave and that would spare her the pain of him telling her he wanted to go. Before she could do that, Andrew cleared the breakfast dishes and washed them. Kate decided to not tell him to go.

She walked behind him while he was washing the dishes and started touching him everywhere. Her hands roamed all over his back and arms while he was busy with the dishes. Then her hands went to his crotch. He was already fully erect, and she decided to see what he had left inside his balls. She rubbed his dick and he washed her dishes. Finally he was done with the dishes and she picked up the pace. She found out that he still had lots of cum left. He stayed for another couple of hours to see what he could get her to do.

Kate held on to Andrew for the next couple of hours. And the next couple of orgasms. She was very responsive to his touch. He tried very hard to cum a few more times but finally, he couldn’t get more than a mild erection and no more cum came out of him. They were both disappointed.

She sent him home, hoping he’d be back.

He went home, hoping she’d invite him back.

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Jane Moves On Pt. 01

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It must have been a month or more after Jane finally moved out from Dick’s place and back to her parents with Kitty before I heard from her again. Then I got a video-call: she looked as bright and desirable as ever, but obviously puzzled.

It turned out that Jane had landed a call-centre job, but the hours were sh*t and the timetable changed every two weeks. Her mum and dad were working folk and although her dad was night shift, he needed to sleep during the day, and being responsible for Kitty was an imposition. She needed a regular 9-5 job Monday to Friday.

“Uncle,” Jane said [that’s what she calls me]. “I have asked at work for a 9-5 job, but they are few and far between, and those peeps that have them hang on to them, so the chance of getting one of them is slim or even impossible. There is another avenue, however,” she continued. There was a pause and some throat clearing. “I need your advice,” she stated. “I have been talking to my colleagues, who are mainly girls. There is an unacknowledged rumour that our VP’s and MD appoint their Private Secretaries on other factors other than their clerical skills. The pay is apparently much better, and it is obviously a 9-5 job. What do you think?”

My dick almost leaped out of my shorts as I envisaged the Jane I had briefly sampled being screwed over some VP’s desk wearing black underwear that I immediately linked to that scenario, featuring suspender belts and no panties stuff. OK. She had asked a question and the ball was in my court. “Hell, yea,” I responded as my first reaction, “But seriously the question is really , what do YOU think?”

“Thanks, uncle, for that endorsement,” Jane replied. ” It COULD be fun and it certainly will pay well, but what will peeps think of me?” she continued.

“Fuckem…er…the detractors: you got about 10 good years starting now to play that part. You cannot revisit this 10 years from now: it’s a now or never deal. If you need to bail out for whatever, just close and lock the box, and move on. For me, I would find you even MORE desirable than I already do. Go fuck, gal. Go fuck ’em!”

Jane looked so relieved at my response, not surprisingly, as it synced with her own gut feelings too. “You know I could never ask MY dad stuff like this, he would kill me!” she exclaimed.

“I know,” I chuckled, “But then he has never fucked you either: he has NO idea what he is missing!” I continued.

Jane could not suppress a hearty laugh. Then she got serious again. “Look, uncle, I need to make a decision: I hear that the VP Human Resources has lost his Private Secretary unexpectedly. It is rumoured her hubbie got wind of the deal she was on. The underground has it that any wannabes have to let their supervisor know by this Thursday lunch latest of their interest in the job, which is unadvertised. If they are short-listed they will be booked in for overtime Saturday morning and the VP will stroll around and take it from there around 10 a.m. It is now Tuesday and so I have to act.”

“Jane,” Anadolu Yakası Escort I started, “I have your back. Go for it. Suck it and see!”

Jane grimaced at my pun and replied, “You are right. The decision is a no-brainer. I am simply being a scaredy-cat. Thanks! Gotta go!”

So the next day Jane advised her Supervisor of her interest, and the following day she received notification that she was booked in for Saturday morning. Butterflies in her stomach and a certainty that there would be now a wet patch on her undies. Now what? What to wear? Had to be professional-looking but sexy too. Jane decided on a black semi see-through bra, matching suspender-belt and panties. Black sheer stockings. A short pencil skirt above the knee in graphite grey [no eraser] with a 6-inch slit at the back so she could still walk, and a lightweight pure white long-sleeved blouse with tiny frills at collar and cuffs. She thought about a choker, but then that would have been TOO obvious, and so a black bow would have to suffice. Just the shoes now. No question but black stilettos with 4-inch anodised silver heels. Must be new so that the bright yellow/orange leather rise between the sole and heel was as clean as a whistle. Never know who might see them. Done. Friday afternoon would be best for the shopping as she had been given time off to compensate for Saturday.

Jane’s head was in a whirl again: sure she wanted the job. Sure she was willing to subject herself to being a sexual object, BUT she had some sort of misgivings about how to fit the role: she was not simply a piece of meat from the butcher that you paid for by the kilo: she had wit; she had class and she was most certainly NOT simply a high-class hooker, or was she? “OK. Enough for now. Just keep those ideas forefront on the day,” Jane decided.

Friday afternoon eventually arrived and Jane excitedly did her shopping exactly as she had pictured. All tried on and perfect fit. She finally added a Gucci 1955 Horsebit Messenger bag so she could carry her shoes, although it cost her, but the effort was very necessary, she considered. Now home and early to bed to be fresh for Saturday.

07:30 Saturday morning and Jane was already showering. She dressed on auto as she knew exactly how and what she was going to wear, but her mind was still in a whirl on how she was going to play this day. She knew that she was highly likely going to be fucked and by a stranger too. This gave her strange butterflies in her stomach which she knew would signal a wet patch in her panties. That reminded her and immediately she grabbed a wad of toilet tissue and stuffed it between her legs: that graphite grey mini-skirt would be unforgiving if she leaked and THAT was not going to happen. Finally she donned her regular flatties and put her brand-new stilettos in the bag so she could put them on at the office. All set so off to work we go!

Turning up at the office on a Saturday morning dressed to the nines was an obvious giveaway Pendik Escort and was confirmed by glances and sideways comments , but even warm smiles. So what? They most knew anyway and if she got the job, they would all know soon enough.

It was 9 a.m and so Jane had an hour to kill before she could expect anything to be happening. She was not part of the regular shift, and so the Supervisor had left her some customer complaints to research that did not need any interaction. Perfect. She got stuck into the list and that took her mind off the upcoming possibilities and the next time she looked up it was already ten minutes to ten. “Oh my God I need to dash to the bathroom before anyone comes,” she mumbled to herself and dashed off.

In the bathroom Jane removed her panties and the wadge of tissue but she still did not trust herself to keep her skirt from staining, and so she put in place an internal tampon for safety, then back to her seat. Back to her seat and two final jobs: the first was to take out and put on her stilettos and then replace them with her flatties in the bottom of her Gucci bag, and secondly to put her panties in the same bag BUT with a tiny bit protruding and the zip a teeny bit open. She had a plan in place.

Ten o’clock came and no-one had arrived. It was now five past the hour. Jane was feeling disappointed. Had they found someone else? She had noted a couple more of the girls looking dolled-up as she came in. Had they selected one? Suddenly there was a voice at her elbow, “Jane Allcock?” spoke the voice. Jane spun around quickly on her secretary’s chair and found herself looking up at a very cheerful young man in a grey suit and floral tie, prolly late 30’s she surmised.

“Yes, that’s me,” replied Jane with an eager smile, looking up to the young man.

The young man placed his left hand on the office cubicle partition and leaned towards her offering his hand. “I’m Paul Turner, the HR VP. I understand you’re looking for a 9 to 5 job. Am I correct?”

Jane paused briefly to tell herself to cool it: she had a lot to do before she could let her head go crazy. “That is absolutely correct, Mr.Turner,” Jane responded and took his hand with both hers in a gentle handshake.

“Can we make it Paul and Jane from now on, as the Sunday names get tiresome,” said the VP. Jane nodded in response. “In which case, Jane, let’s go back to my office and complete the paperwork,” he continued.

Paul turned on his heel and Jane grabbed her bag and followed him, quickly switching off the PC as she rose.

Jane and Paul headed for the lift-hall and when the lift arrived, Paul selected an unmarked button which took them to a floor very close by. It turned out to be simply a corridor with a number of doors along the left side only. No names.

Paul paused at the first door, and it opened automatically, showing entrance to an office suite. “This is the front office where you would work,” said Paul. “Next to your desk is my door,” Kurtköy Escort he continued. “Shall we go in?” he said, opening his office door and showing Jane the way forward.

They moved inside, and Jane was greeted by a large office with a huge mahogany desk on the left and a large comfy-looking white leather sofa on the right with a coffee table in front. She tried to ignore images arising of what may have happened on that sofa, and the images were not unpleasant and causing her tummy to flutter. She started to have wild images of herself and Paul on that same sofa, but quickly squished them: THAT would happen in its own time, and she needed to think on her feet for now.

Paul moved around his desk and settled into a large high-back leather office chair, and indicated the one opposite for Jane which was also a black leather office chair but no high back.

Jane quickly looked around noting there were several doors off the office at the back and took her seat facing Paul. She carefully placed her bag on the desk with the open corner pointing towards him.

“Jane, are you still happy with what you have seen so far?” asked Paul.

“Very happy indeed, Paul,” Jane replied.

“Then I need you to sign this non-disclosure agreement,” he continued. “This is to protect us both, that is our Company and yourself, from any possible repercussions in the future. It is not foolproof but it is the best we can do. Usually we leave this until after the interview, but the MD and myself have concluded that we need you into our inner circle forthwith. The salary is £40,000 and you start Monday. Please read and sign,” continued Paul.

It did not take Jane long to read and sign the agreement which she then pushed back to Paul. “A couple more things,” said Paul, “On Monday we need to set you up with access: that is by index finger in the main lift and by eye contact for the office. One more thing, your office hours are 9 to 5 Monday to Friday unless we have arranged with you a Saturday visit, in which case you finish 12 p.m Friday. Saturday is from 10 until 1 at the latest. There is a Saturday bonus of £200 in your bank on the following Monday, for work in my office, and £300 if for another VP or the MD. There may be occasional needs outside this by mutual agreement and negotiation. We recommend you use the private lift around the corner outside which only comes to this floor, on a Saturday. It is eye access for the door and lift only,” Paul concluded.

Jane then spoke looking directly at Paul. “Paul, I know I have already signed the agreement but there is one more thing to resolve which is between you and me. I know what the job entails and I am ready and willing to give it 100% but I am no hooker: I do not need the money THAT badly. In other words, I need to be treated as an equal. Monday to Friday I am Jane Allcock, your Private Secretary, but Saturdays I am Miss Ex and your, or whoever else’s, equal. OK?”

Paul looked down for a second lost in thought, then looked up with a broad grin, “OK, Jane, That’s a deal,” said Paul offering his hand.

Jane stood up. “I’m going to the bathroom now,” said Jane, “When I come back, expect Miss Ex,” Jane continued, as she turned on her heel and strode off to the bathroom.


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AUTHOR’S NOTE: This story was my first real attempt at erotic fiction, and was written in 1999. It is rough on form, but the story has been well received on other sites. I enjoy feedback on all of my work, so feel free to give me your opinion on this piece.


Notice: This story is a work of fiction, told in the first person. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story has been copyrighted in the year 1999 by the author known as “The Collector.” The author has agreed to place this story onto specific sites on the Internet for the purposes of enjoyment by adult readers who wish to view this kind of material online. Any questions about this story, including questions about the possibility of publishing this story on other websites and/or by using other media, should be directed to the email address given above for “The Collector”.


It was summer. The day was somewhat cool, which was surprising due to the recent hot weather. I had been going to the swimming pool in the town park every day for the past week, but on that day I decided to go shoot some hoops on the court behind the high school.

The car was in the shop, so I grabbed the keys to my dad’s truck and headed off in the direction of the high school. I was dismayed at the sight when I got there, as the court was full with two teams going at it in five on five action, with more people sitting in the grass waiting to get in on the next game. I guess I shouldn’t have expected anything less on a cooler day like that one.

I decided that I really did want to play basketball, so I stuck around. I got in on the second game and scored two of our team’s points on the road to winning the game eleven to eight. I’m not really a great basketball player, but I did what I needed to do in that game.

Surprisingly, about half of the guys who were there left after the game, leaving just enough for three on three. After picking up teams, we began to play. As we did, four girls stopped by to watch us.

The game ended rather quickly, and all five of the other guys left, taking three of the girls with them. The only people left were me and Jill, who just happened to be my dream girl.

Jill has blonde hair that surrounds her beautiful face and cascades down onto her shoulders. On that particular day she was wearing a white T-shirt and jean shorts overtop of a bikini, because she had just finished swimming before walking over to the high school. While her breasts aren’t large, they were big enough and very well rounded. Her suntanned legs looked better than ever in the glow of the sun that was decending in the western sky.

“Hey, you want to play some one on Kartal Escort one?”

At first I was startled by the question, and my dirty mind instantly thought of other ways I could go one on one with Jill. I simply nodded as she grabbed the ball and began the game.

I told you before that I’m not great at basketball, but I am decent. Jill could have played for the girls team, because she was pretty good.

She was defeating me by the score of six to two when I tried to steal the ball from her. I slapped it away, and it went bouncing towards the grass surrounding the court. We both ran after it, but she grabbed me around the waist and held me back, then ran ahead of me. Before she could reach the ball, I tried to pull the same trick by grabbing her around the waist, except that our combined momentum caused me to tackle her more than hold her back by the waist. We both landed in an awkward pile on the grass a few feet from where the ball was.

Jill was face down and closer to the ball than I was. My face was in the grass, and when I looked up, I was staring straight at her jean short covered ass. Jill started crawling after the ball, and I continued the game, grabbing her ankle and pulling her in my direction.

After a few seconds, I managed to drag her back so that she was even with me, staring me in the eyes as we both lay on the grass.

We both laughed at the same time, and then she gave me one of the best surprises of my life when she suddenly pushed her lips to mine. We kissed for at least ten seconds, and I began to feel something stirring in my shorts.

Deciding that she was going to get up off of the ground, Jill moved her legs and then put her hand down on my leg for support. She stumbled as she got to her feet, and her hand brushed over the tent pitch in my shorts that was becoming obvious. I wasn’t sure she had noticed at first.

“Looks like somebody’s getting a little bit excited!” Jill cooed.

I looked up at her, then followed her gaze to where my tent pitch was now blatently obvious to anyone who was standing anywhere near me. Fortunatly, Jill was the only person there other than myself. I blushed slightly and said “To be honest, I can’t help it. You’re just too damn sexy, Jill.” I always did think it was best to just come out and say what you mean.

Jill pulled off her white T-shirt, showing me her bikini covered breasts. Then she walked over and said “We’re going to have to do something about this” as she grabbed my hardon through my shorts.

It was all I could do to keep from coming right then and there. Here was the hottest chick in school and my dream girl grabbing my prick and telling me she was about to do something with it.

I did the only thing I could. I leaned forward when she Yakacık Escort lowered her head and kissed her full on the lips for the second time. She began to help me pull off my shirt, and then we kissed again. She started to tug on my shorts, but I stopped her. “You get to see my chest. It’s my turn to see yours.”

She hesitated only to look around for other people, but with the sun rapidly setting in the western sky, there was no one else around. She quickly untied the back of her bikini top and then let it fall to her side. I took in the view of her perfectly shaped tits, which had no tan lines whatsoever. “No tan lines?” I said in the form of a question.

“Yeah.” she said. “I just came back from vacation with my family in France. When my mom wasn’t around, I took my top off.”

“Nice” I mumbled and moved forward to feel just how nice they were. As I was massaging her tits, Jill again tugged on my shorts, pulling both shorts and underwear down to my ankles in one fell swoop. My erection sprang up to meet her, almost hitting her in the face. She grabbed it, but I stopped her.

“Not yet.” I said. “I want to see your sexy body first.”

Jill stood up and pulled off the jean shorts quickly, then untied her bikini bottoms and let them fall to the ground. It was better than I had ever imagined in any of my dreams. Her flat stomach moved down to where a trimmed triangle of bushy blonde pubic hair began. So she was a true blonde!

Jill got back down beside me where I lay and once again took hold of my prick. Her hands felt so soft as she began to gently caress it and jack me off. While that felt good, I wanted to touch her body badly.

I moved so that I could see her pussy, and the combination of seeing such a beautiful pussy along with Jill’s soft hands gently milking my penis sent a shiver up my spine that told me I was going to come in about ten seconds if I didn’t do something quick. I stopped Jill from jacking me off and spun her around.

“I want you so bad, Jill.” I said. “Then take me.” she replied.

“Are you a virgin?” I asked her. “Well, yeah. But I want you to fuck me. I really do.”

She wasn’t going to get any arguement from me. I pushed her legs up and then used one hand to aim my penis, which was harder than it had ever been, at her opening. “Are you ready?” I asked, and she nodded in response.

The feeling of sinking my cock into my dream girl was something I will never forget. That first entry into her hot, wet pussy was undescribable. She was tight, and pretty soon I encountered her cherry. I didn’t want to hurt her, so I hesitated. I moved my penis back out of her a bit, and she moaned loudly as her pussy clamped down on my penis very hard.

That did it. I was going to fuck Jill, and if Kadıköy Escort she had some pain, it would only be momentary. I thrusted in as hard as I could, and felt a breakage and then my penis moved into her completely. I remained there for a second and held her as I asked “Are you okay?” “Yeah, just keep going.” she said.

She didn’t need to tell me twice. I pulled her up so that her calves were on my shoulders, then grabbed her hips with my hands and began to thrust, gently at first. When I heard her begin to moan, I began to thrust harder in response.

Eventually, as I got more and more excited, I actually put my hands underneath of her back and lifted her completely off of the ground. I pumped into her pussy as hard as I possibly could, and was soon rewarded. Jill began to scream my name as her orgasm hit, causing her pussy to clench around my penis like a vise.

That did it for me. I began squirting my cum up inside of her pussy, thrusting like mad and screaming “OH JILL” for all I was worth. I pumped what seemed like five gallongs of cum into her. Her juices mixed with my cum and began to flow out of her pussy around my still hard cock.

I stopped thrusting, but by this time Jill had begun rythmic motions of her own. She turned us over and got on top of me, then reinserted my dick into her pussy. Again the feeling of penetration was undescribable.

Jill began to at first rock back and forth on my dick, then as she got more excited, she began to thrust herself up and down upon it. After a minute or so, I got back in on the action and began to meet each of her downthrusts with an upthrust of my own.

Within a minute or two, Jill began to orgasm again, yelling out “Ooooo my god that feels so good…yes…yes…yes…YES…YES…YEEEEEESSSSS” as she ground herself into me.

Once again, her orgasm triggered my own as I exploded into her pussy for the second time. There wasn’t as much come this time, but by now her pussy was soaked in a mixture of her own juices and my cum.

We lay there together for a few minutes with my cock still in her, the sweat clinging to our bodies as our breathing slowly became less labored. Suddenly a thought dawned on me. I had just fucked Jill, and I was still inside of her.

The thought caused me to instantly get hard again. Jill, feeling my arousal, said “That was awesome, but it feels like you’re ready to go again.” I replied “I’m game if you are.”

Without responding verbally, Jill simply repositioned herself astride my body and we began to fuck again.

After that next fuck, we put our clothes back on, and I gave Jill a ride home. We kissed before I dropped her off, and I said that I would see her in school.

“You’re going to see me more than that.” she replied. I started to say something as her mother came out of the house, then stopped myself short. Jill simply winked at me, smiled that sexy smile, and waved. I drove off, knowing that I might again get a piece of the finest ass I had ever seen. I later did just that many times over.

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Holly’s Party

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I had been waiting impatiently for Holly’s party. The evening finally arrived and it was time to go. I just could not wait to get there mainly to catch up with Jessica again I had not seen her for a while and it is fair to say I miss her a lot.

I parked up outside Holly’s apartment building, picked up her gift and got out of the car and walked up the stairs feeling somewhat nervous I arrived at her door.

I could hear music and laughter this made the nerves intensify, got no idea why I was nervous. I rang the bell and she quickly answered.

“Sugar! wow how great to see you.” Holly beamed.

“Happy birthday darling.” I replied giving her a big hug.

She ushered me in and took me over to her bar, she was looking hot her blonde hair tied up, a animal print tube dress that stopped just before her knees, and strapless stunning.

She made me a drink gave me a kiss and a hug and continued mingling with her guests she was having a great time.

I sipped my drink and looked around and there she was Jessica over the opposite end of the room with her big red hair, I could see she was wearing a long tight black skirt that went down to her ankles just revealing her heels.

Her bare middle followed by a black short sleeved boob tube. She was talking to two men and holding her glass against her tits she is stunning.

I was just about to walk over when there was a tug on my shirt.

“hay honeybee!” It was Candy, my little Candy standing there.

Wearing a short tasselled mini skirt, and fishnet boob tube with a black bikini top underneath, she looked like she was up for some serious mischief.

“Why hi there sweetie your looking good tonight, how you doing?” I asked.

“Gee thanks I am really good. By the way thank you for the other night I really needed it, you are a lovely man to know.” She complimented.

“Hey no problem sweetie you are welcome any time you want.” I replied.

“Aww thanks my honeybee, now let me introduce you to a couple of friends of mine.”

She grabbed my arm and took me over to two girls. Both Ebony and very alike, both dressed in the same type dresses.

“Girls this is my Sugar, say hello.” Candy said excitedly.

“Hi Sugar I am Diana and this is Toni Jade.”

“Hi Sugar.” Toni gestured in a South American accent, Diana had a African accent, and I must say they were hot their dresses were deep plunge front very short, their tits were big and the dresses just about covered them.

They both had long thick curly hair, I asked if they were related and they said no. Which made me feel a bit of a fool being as their accents were different.

“Sugar? that sure is a strange name for a man.” Toni questioned.

“Just a nickname Toni, just a nickname. I replied.

While chatting to them I looked over in Jessica’s direction and she was still standing talking to the two men, she turned her head and saw me, she gave a wave and blew a kiss over to me.

She then put her hand on one of the men’s arms and stroked it still looking at me. I guessed it was a gesture being as I was standing there surrounded by three ebony cuties.

I continued chatting with Candy and her friends, and I must say they were quite a handful, but I was loving their attention. Candy could not keep her hands off them and they loved it.

I began getting horny thoughts about the three of them together now that is something I would love to see, and yes join in as well.

“So Sugar we hear you been looking after our Candy doll.” Diana asked.

“Well yes Diana she is a great lady.” I replied.

“yes and she also told us you fuck good.” commented Toni.

“Oh right, well I am not going to blow my trumpet ladies, but if Candy enjoyed herself then that’s good.” was all I could say.

My eyes were wandering all over their bodies, and I noticed they were both very touchy feely towards each other, and what with Candy they were pushing my lust buttons badly.

As Diana turned to put her glass down I caught a glimpse of her nipple as her dress slipped off slightly, she did not seem bothered.

It was as though she wanted me to see what she had and being as the plunge of their dresses stopped just past their belly buttons there really was not a lot left to see.

“A caring man wow that’s got be a first Diana.” replied Toni.

“Oh leave him be Toni you are a naughty girl.” Candy answered.

“Well Sugar maybe you can come and have some fun with us sometime.” Commented Toni.

you think you could deal with us?” Diana asked.

“Well Diana let me get back to you on that one, give me your number and I will call you.” again its all I could think of. They were turning me into a gibbering wreck!

With that I needed to find Holly, I left the three hot-ties and began to mingle, there were not to many people they were all Holly’s closest friends, I finally found her and took her over and got her another drink.

We chatted for a while Anadolu Yakası Escort and she mentioned about the two men Jessica was with, they were Andre and Mac, she then mentioned that Jessica had, had a threesome with them. And Holly mentioned she had as well.

I got a sudden lump in my throat no idea why, I mean I should not be jelious I mean lets face it I’ve had Candy in my bed twice, and will probably be arranging something with Diana and Toni.

I shrugged it off and then was not prepared for what came out of Holly’s mouth, to say it knocked me for six was a under statement.

“You know Sugar, the time I’ve known you I haven’t fucked you yet.”

Shit! I thought, we had, had a threesome with Jessica but I guessed that did not count. but she was right and I would not say no to her.

“So Holly my darling Holly what do you suggest we do about it?” I asked looking at her tits, her nipples poking through her dress.

“Come with me.” she said taking my hand and dragging me away from the bar. She walked me to a bedroom still holding my hand. We walked in and she closed the door and leant against it.

“Here we are Sugar, come here and fuck me.”

I walked up to her smiled and kissed her she took my tongue and wrapped her arms around me we kissed hotly our tongues teasing each other outside of our mouths. I put my hands on Holly’s hips and pulled her lower end against me.

I went down and kissed her neck, she moaned in pleasure as I worked my way onto her bare shoulders, Holly’s hands went down my back and then to my jeans and she began to undo me as we kissed again.

“Fuck I want you bad” she whispered to me through our kiss. She found my cock and began to stroke it slowly up and down. I pulled up her dress slightly and found her and began to stroke her gently teasing her pussy.

“Oh fuck hmm hmm I love your touch Sugar hmm hmm.”

She began to quicken on my cock as I became more rampant on her. There was a sudden knock on the door we were leaning against.

“Holly are you in there?” came a female voice.

“Yes fuck off I’m busy.” Holly shouted back.

“Come on come on fuck me now!” Holly demanded.

I hooked her right leg up and took my cock and teased her pussy sliding it in and out slowly she was tight and felt so good. I began to pump her slowly the feel of her lips on my cock felt so good as I took her tongue in my mouth.

“Awww fuck yes hmm you feel so good ooh yes hmm.” Holly responded.

I continued to fuck her up against the door as she pulled her dress off her tits, and I kissed each one as I pumped into her.

“Aww fuck Sugar harder oh fuck me harder!” Holly demanded.

I lifted her other leg and carried her over to the bed, I laid her on her back and continued our fuck. She wrapped her legs around my waist pushing me into her.

I took her tits again as she threw her arms back on the bed. Her nipples were hard and as I thrust into her I sucked each one in turn.

I took her tongue again and we kissed hotly with her horny moans blowing into my mouth, Holly wriggled a bit and managed to get her legs onto my shoulders, her heels stabbing me in my upper back, they felt really hot as they banged into me in time to my thrusts.

“Oh fuck Holly I want to cum” I whispered to her.

“No not yet hold it in oh fuck, oh fuck yes pump me baby oh yes oh fuck yes.” She replied in a rampant tone.

I pulled out of her and laid down she got on top and began to slide herself up and down I pulled her dress down and lifted the bottom of it up and out of the way so I could take her clit with my hand, this made her ride me quicker.

She rubbed her tits and kissed them as I then began to thrust up into her, she went up onto her heels and took me up and down her tits in her hands cupping them and rubbing them.

“Aww your cock feels so good oh fuck me oh yes oh shit yes.”

She began to play with her hair running her hands through it, watching her ride me made me suddenly think about Jessica, I began thinking about fucking her while fucking Holly.

I needed to cum so bad and began to fuck Holly harder, she fell forwards and I pumped her hot pussy fast at first but then slowed as I was loving the feel of her and thinking about Jessica on my cock but taking Holly’s tits in my mouth.

“Oh fuck Sugar I’m cumin oh fuck yes yes fuck me harder oh harder yes yes cum baby cum in me! aww aww aww fuck yes yes yes cum baby yes yes yes oh oh fuck yes!”

She screamed out as she came on me with that I let all I had go into her “Oh fuck Holly oh fuck.” I yelled as I came.

Holly laid on top of me and we laid there for around ten minutes, we got up and composed and straightened ourselves out, and returned to the party.

I went to the bar and got myself another drink. There was a tap on my shoulder, I turned around and there was Jessica.

“Hay honey you take a long time to come and see me.” She said.

“Sweetie Kadıköy Escort you looked busy I didn’t want to butt in.” I replied.

“Silly you I would have dropped them like a shot if you had come over. So did Holly enjoy her present from you just now?” Jessica questioned.

“Well yes but it just happened, she asked me and took me, why do you ask?” I questioned.

“No reason its okay she told me she was going to fuck you tonight, and well why do you think I never came over to you?” explained Jessica.

“Oh I see, and there was me hoping to spend my time with you tonight, I have been waiting for tonight for days so that I could see you, and look at you beautiful, and looking hot.” I said in a flustered tone.

“Tell you what why don’t we leave here in a bit and you can take me home, I mean as long as you have the energy for me.” She said laughing.

“Oh don’t worry about that I got energy for you Jessica.”

Jessica smiled at me and kissed me, and walked off to talk to another woman. This was turning into a crazy night, I had been propositioned by two hot ebony’s I had fucked the birthday girl, now Jessica wanted her fill this was just turning into a lust feast!.

Looking around there was plenty going on, the music was good, Candy was chatting up a man, Holly had her tongue down another’s throat.

Diana and Toni vanished into a bedroom, Jessica was busy talking to a tall Blonde, no idea who she was but she was sexy as hell.

This party had all the makings of a orgy, but then the business they were all in it would not have surprised me. I then saw Holly take the man she was snogging into another bedroom, she sure was in a rampant mood.

I suddenly had a idea of going into the room where Diana and Toni went, being as Jessica was now sitting on the sofa with the blonde and was stroking the blondes leg.

The two men Jessica was talking to had their own agenda’s with two other women, shit and here I was standing here on my own! with that I walked to the room where Diana and Toni went.

I opened the door slowly and stuck my head round and there they were, but they were not doing anything other than re adjusting their dresses. Diana saw me peeping round the door and smiled.

“Oh Toni someone has to come see us.” Diana said.

“Sugar you come here to late, you should have come before, but Come on in Sugar and tell us about it.” Toni replied.

I walked in and closed the door, I could not be getting into anything as Jessica would want to be leaving soon, as tempting as it was and boy it was tempting. I explained the situation to them both and left the room.

On walking out Jessica came over and explained she had a change of plan, in the fact that Carol the woman she was speaking too had invited her back to her place, she kissed me and then left with this Carol woman. “Fuck.” I said to myself.

Diana and Toni came out of the room and went to the bar to get drinks. I went over and joined them both and asked who the man was that Candy had got hold of, they said his name was Philip. I made sure that he was ok being as I felt Candy was quite a vulnerable woman.

They reassured me that she would be ok with him. We carried on talking for a bit and they had to leave. This party was beginning to die down and all of a sudden everyone was busy.

I decided to leave myself Holly still had not reappeared, Jessica had left, Candy was getting fucked somewhere, those frisky two had left.

I then suddenly noticed a woman over in the far corner sitting on her own and looking over at me, I picked up my drink and walked over.

Her name was Megan, long black hair sexy lips big tits and she was slim. She was wearing a short skirt and a jacket done up with two buttons and just about holding her tits in.

She had long legs with a pair of black stiletto ankle boots, she looked about early forty’s and my cock began to get that sexual ache.

“I have been watching you most of the evening, you sure are a busy man.” She said. Her voice was seductive and very sexy.

“Yes Megan it has been a interesting night. So who are you, and you here with anyone?” I asked in a somewhat lusty voice.

“Well as you can see I am here with no one, I was but he has gone off with the birthday girl, I am not bothered though, as you probably have noticed this is a select club we all do what we want with whoever we want.” Megan replied in a care free tone and looking at me up and down.

“Well yes Megan I had noticed that I am surprised everyone went into rooms I had a feeling it would all kick off out here.” I replied.

“Well it would not be the first time, I have not seen you at any of our get together s before this must be new to you.” Megan asked.

“You’re not wrong there, I have only known Holly for a few months.”

“So what are your plans for the rest of this evening?” Megan asked.

“Well I was about to leave, until I saw you.” I replied.

“Oh Ataşehir Escort ok, so how about we put our meeting to good use then, I am sure there is space somewhere in this apartment we could go, and you can fuck me.” Megan said in a tone of pure lust.

With that she got out of the chair and off we went. Holly’s apartment is not small and we found a small room that had a TV and a leather sofa, there were cushions everywhere and there was a long coffee table in front of the sofa. . It looked like a small room where you would go to cut yourself off from all the troubles in the world.

We walked in and closed the door, I sat down on the sofa and Megan stood in front of me, she cupped her tits and squeezed them together. She un did the buttons and slipped her jacket off.

She was totally naked under her jacket, no bra no top. Her tits were magnificent 36dd’s and all natural. She un zipped her skirt and wriggled it off her hips and let it drop to the floor.

“So you like? now how about you strip off for me?” She asked.

I stood up and stripped, we faced each other and Megan walked up to me and offered one of her tits to my mouth. I kissed it eagerly taking the nipple and teased it with my tongue. I began to rub her pussy while taking her tit.

“Wow you sure have the touch Mr.” She responded.

She felt strange, not her body but her manner very authoritative. I went onto her other tit squeezing them together as I then felt her hand go onto my cock, she squeezed it tight and began to wank me off. Even that felt like she was giving the orders.

“Hmm quite a good size, no wonder they all want it, so come on then fuck me, I am waiting for you.” She said as she turned us around and she sat on the sofa. I leant forwards resting my hands on the back of the sofa and Megan guided me in, fuck she was wet.

I began to fuck her she kissed my chest as I went. Her lips felt great as she then sucked on my nipple I quickened my fuck she wanted it hard I could tell.

“Deeper oh go in deeper, oh yes that’s better oh wow that is much better.”

She cupped her tits as I thrust my cock into her, her leg hung over the arm of the sofa and she began to rub her clit, her hand working it hard.

“Get my bag I need something.” She ordered. I came out of her and picked her bag up and handed it to her, she opened it and pulled out a dildo and began to suck and lick it, “what was she doing?” I said to myself.

“Mmmm sixty nine me and fuck me with this.” she said handing it to me. She got off the sofa and laid on the table, I climbed on top of her and wriggled my cock into her mouth she grabbed at it with her lips, I began to take her with the dildo.

Her mouth felt incredible as her lips went up and down on my cock. I began to fuck her harder with the dildo and she began to cum.

“Wow oh fuck yes quicker, I’m cumin fuck me with it go on do me. Oh yes oh yes oh my oh yes, lick me as well oh yes oh my!”

She went back on my cock as she came, I pulled out the dildo and took her with my mouth I felt her tits suddenly go around my cock and I began to tit fuck her as I licked her out. Fuck I had never done it like this before!

I carried on fucking her tits but I wanted her pussy again, I stopped and got off and stood at the end of the table where her head was hoping she would change her position, but she just laid there, rubbing her tits.

“Come on fuck them again I want your cock in my tits.” she demanded.

So with that I leant over her holding onto each side of the table and took her tits. They felt good but I wanted her pussy so I carried on for a few minutes and came off.

I needed to fuck her “Let me fuck you Megan.” I pleaded.

She got off the table and threw me on the sofa and sat on me reverse cowgirl. This was a weird fuck, she bounced up and down on me playing with her tits, and I massaged her sexy back.

“Oh fuck he never does me like this, oh my oh fuck yes! oh my oh harder please oh you feel so good oh my.” Megan panted out as she rode me.

I wanted to shoot into her as I pumped into her, I pulled her back and rubbed her tits as I fucked her. This was it I could not wait anymore.

“I want to cum Megan fuck I want to cum.” I mumbled as I kissed the back of her shoulders.

“Oh yes cum like this oh yes when you are ready oh yes oh yes I can feel you yes let it go I want it I want it give it to me aww yes aww yes yes yes yes! oh my yes ahhhh ahhh your cumin yes!” she screamed out as I shot my load into her. We slowed our pace and came to a stop.

We laid on the sofa for a bit, and Megan then got up and dressed, I followed suit. We went back into the main front room and had a drink, it was so quiet everyone must be asleep I thought, they all had, had their fun.

Megan and me chatted for a bit and she told me she was the owner of the club where Holly worked, and asked me if I would be interested in working for her as a Escort, it seemed my Megan fuck was a interview. I told her I would think about it, she gave me her card and told me to ring her.

Well that was Holly’s birthday party a strange night but a fun night, it is just a shame I never got my hands on Jessica, but at least I got to fuck the birthday girl.

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Dormmate’s Support

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


All of us straight guys want to know if we can please a girl with what we have. For a long time, it was thought that the bigger the penis, the more intense the sex and the greater the orgasm. It sounds right on the surface; after all, whoever’s watched porn would think so. But I learned back in college it’s far from the truth. It all started at the beginning of my freshman year in college. I made friends – male & female – with my fellow alumni, acing my classes, and excelling as a DJ on the campus radio show. But all the while, I was missing one thing: a girlfriend. Now, I never was awkward around girls, not even back in middle or high school, but I felt my charm with the fairer sex was gone when I hit college.

I didn’t mind it all too much, as I was busy with my studies & hosting, but it occasionally got me thinking. I would ask myself questions ranging from: “Do college girls have different standards?” I would think quietly: “Do the girls on campus hate me for something I said on the air?” and: “Could I even satisfy a girl?” Well, I got my answer to the last question after returning to campus after Christmas break. I went for a jog after my classes and took a shower in the locker room, as I always did back then. I was in the shower, washing my hair, when I suddenly heard high-pitched screams from behind. Screaming too, I turned around to see three of the popular girls, one of them the cheerleading captain, recoiling at the sight of my naked body.

“Sorry, we went through the wrong door,” one of them said as they all tried to shield their eyes. I was about to say that was fine, expecting them to run out of the locker room, but then, the cheerleading captain’s eyes went really wide.

“Oh my God, girls, look at him,” she exclaimed, pointing at me. The other two girls looked at what she was pointing to… my penis. They all started pointing and laughing, and the one who first apologized couldn’t contain herself.

“Man, he’s got practically nothing,” she said through her hysterics, to which the third girl added:

“Yeah, how can he be that small?”

“Easy,” the captain said, “someone stole his dick and replaced it with a little boy’s pee-wee!” The girls left shortly after that, still laughing. What they said wracked me with anxiety that hung around all the way back to my dorm room. When I got there, I went into the bathroom with a ruler and measured myself. Erect, I was about 3 inches long; flaccid, I was barely half that. I was crushed at this discovery, and I didn’t know what to do. I took a pee after measuring myself, during which I heard the door open. After I was done, I peeked out the bathroom door to see my female dormmate, Mia, sit down on the couch.

Now, Mia lived with me since our other male dormmate, Troy, moved into the fraternity house he had pledged. She was an exchange student from England with a sweet disposition and a strong brain. I secretly had been attracted to her but kept my feelings to myself, as I didn’t want to come off as a perv. Instead, I considered her a female friend, a “Gal Pal” if you like. Knowing she was here, I decided to play it cool. I hid the ruler in the medicine cabinet, flushed the toilet, and went back out to Kadıköy Escort see Mia.

“Hey man, how are you?” she asked.

“Good, classes were boring, as usual, so my jog cleared my mind,” I said as we began our homework. About 10 minutes into homework, the phone rang. Mia answered as she recognized the number on the caller ID: it was one of her classmates. They got to chatting, but the phone volume was just loud enough for me to hear everything. The other girl was saying. I suddenly heard her mas Mia: “Hey, is Mini Man there?”

“Who’s Mini Man?” Mia replied.

“You know, your dormmate!” the girl told her as she started laughing; my blood ran colder than the outside air. I kept watching out of the corner of my eye as Mia asked the girl:

“What are you talking about, Sarah?” “Sarah” then explained she had run into the cheerleading captain who gossiped about my penis to her. Mia exhaled, seemingly in shock, but then jumped down Sarah’s throat. “Okay, that’s immature and inappropriate, Sarah. Just because you and the rest of the girls haven’t gotten any doesn’t give any of you the permission to judge a guy’s penis,” she said as she hung up abruptly. Mia then came over and sat on the couch next to me. “Is it true they said they saw you in the shower and made fun of your penis?” she asked.

“Yes, what started as an honest mistake, them coming into the wrong locker room, quickly turned into humiliation for me,” I said. Taking my hand, Mia told me:

“That’s just despicable. I know two of those girls, and I know they haven’t seen a guy’s penis before today, let alone gotten laid.”

“I thought because no one else was in the locker room, this wouldn’t go across campus,” I replied, “I guess I was wrong, though.” The phone rang again, and Mia answered; it was the cheerleading captain this time. Mia said: “Yeah, you gonna take another jab at my dormmate?” After another tangent the captain couldn’t defend herself in, Mia hung up, hugged me, and said:

“Look, pay no attention to what they say. They must be watching too much porn and believe a penis shorter than 12 inches is inadequate. By tomorrow, this should all blow over.” I thanked Mia for the reassuring words, and we went back to our homework, going to bed around 10 PM. The next day began as I had come to expect, but then during lunch, the same girls who saw me in the shower pointed me out and spilled the beans about what they saw to everyone within earshot. I returned to the dorm humiliated and was greeted by Mia, who noticed the look of dismay on my face. She asked me if I was down because of my dick, I said I was, and she began comforting me.

“Listen, your penis is fine the way it is, and I have a way to prove it,” Mia said.

“How are you gonna prove it?” I asked.

“Just wait, I’ll be right back,” she replied. I spent the next ten minutes or so wondering what Mia had planned for me. I got my answer when she returned to the dorm living room completely naked. “It’s time for me to prove it; follow me,” she said. I did, and Mia led me to her bedroom, where she threw the covers off the bed and laid down. She pulled a condom out of the drawer of the nightstand, handed it to Ataşehir Escort me, and told me to strip.

“Wait, Mia, are you saying you want me to bang you?” I asked.

“Yeah, let’s say that,” she replied, “how else can you be sure your dick is perfect?” Thinking I wouldn’t get laid for a while after this, I got naked and let Mia take in the sight of my body, penis included. “Okay, you’re still soft,” she said, “let me get you started.” Mia then began feeling me up, taking special care as she stroked my dick. I was hard within a few minutes or so. “That looks fine to me,” said Mia, “just cover it up and let’s get busy.” I put the condom on, and per Mia’s instructions, I slipped it in carefully. “Feels good so far,” she said, “keep going.” I did so, and about 10 minutes later, Mia wrapped her legs around me; she then shouted in ecstasy and orgasmed.

“See, I told you,” she said as she came down, “your cock pleased me just fine.” Feeling good about that, I told Mia I had to shower for the following day. She said okay and that she would wait for me to finish to shower after me. I was dancing the whole time I was in the shower. “I got a girl to cum; life is about as good as it gets,” I thought. Well, as it turned out, life was about to get even better than I thought. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves; stay tuned. Mia hit the shower once I was out. We both dried off and went to bed. The next day, I went to my classes, letting the “little boy pee-wee” comments from the students roll off my back.

This included the following one from the cheerleading captain, who started the whole rumor about me: “Hey, Lil’ Weiner, we’re curious: can you pee standing up, or do you have to sit like us girls?” She and the other girls she found me with laughed out loud; one of them even said I was “more than welcome” to use the girl’s room if I sat down. I just smirked and said: “If you wanna see, I can show you,” and went to unzip my fly. The captain stopped me and said: “Oh no, that’s fine!” Another girl asked her:

“Yeah, you can’t pee in public, right?”

“True,” the captain replied, “but he probably might not wanna embarrass himself again.” The girls laughed and left, but I was set to see them again… under the most unlikely of circumstances. That interaction was on a Wednesday; that Friday, Mia called me after my first two classes. As she usually didn’t need to call me for anything, but I answer the call anyway. Mia explains that she has a surprise for me when I get back to the dorm. I say okay and go on with my classes. I got back to the dorm around 6 PM and saw Mia sitting with the cheerleading captain & her friends in the living room.

“These girls don’t know what they’re missing,” Mia said, “so I invited them over for some fun with you if that’s okay.”

“What kind of fun?” I asked, and that’s when the captain piped up

“She’s saying you should bang us to see your mini Winnie is enough to satisfy a girl,” she said. This was more of a surprise than I bargained for, and I asked Mis this really was the case. She concurred, telling me:

“It’s the only way they’ll stop spreading their nasty rumors.” One of the captain’s friends volunteered to Maltepe Escort go first and began stripping. “Well, you two get the bedroom; we’ll just wait out here,” Mia said. The girl and I heeded her orders and went into the bedroom. The captain and the other friend followed us in, however, with the friend saying:

“Oh, I gotta see this.” Friend number one told me:

“She’s a voyeur and [the captain’s] gotta see this, so just go with it.” As I had already been set up for sex, I agreed to that, and friend number one I thought I saw her put her hand down her pants.

Regardless, I kept going until their friend screamed: “I’M GONNA CUM!” She did that shortly after and laid down on the bed to rest. I looked over again and only saw Voyeur standing there; Captain decided she’d seen enough, but Voyeur went to get her. “It’s my turn now,” she said, “I think he can make you and me cum, too.” I was exhausted after nailing their friend, who by now had gotten dressed and left the room. Voyeur got naked and put a fresh condom on me, saying she was ready for me. Thinking this would be the only time in my life I’d ever bang two girls, I slipped it into Voyeur, and we got to work too. No surprise, I got Voyeur to cum too, even sooner than the first girl, and this is where the Coup de grâce begins.

Captain came in and asked Voyeur: “Was it really that good? We heard you out there.”

“Why don’t you strip down and let him work on you?” Voyeur replied. Without much emotion, Captain stripped down and I went to put another condom on, with many giggles coming from her before she asked if she could touch me. I said she could, she did and said: “It’s definitely not supposed to be that soft, right? Let me help it.” She then stroked me until she felt I was hard enough, slipped the condom on, and told me to get inside her. We got started and about five minutes in, I noticed the look on Captain’s face change. At first, she was unamused at my efforts. By the five minute mark, though, her eyes widened, her jaw dropped, and we began gasping.

As she gasped and then moaned, I knew I was about to satisfy the most unimpressed of the trio. Captain & I then climaxed after a few more minutes and laid down to recover. “Okay, I’m sorry I ever doubted your cock,” Voyeur said when she, their friend, and Mia came back into the room after I finished with Captian.

“I never doubted you at all,” Captain herself said, and after a few looks from everyone, she came clean. “Okay, I did, but I’m glad to be proven wrong as anyone.” Mia then had the girls line up for the shower. They showered, got dressed, and left after a few goodbyes. Once they were gone, Mia pulled me aside and said:

“Sorry I threw you into that, but it was the only way for the girls to know your cock is enough to make a girl cum.” I told Mia I didn’t mind and I was just happy I could’ve proved myself to the girls who cock-shamed me before. After that experience, I never doubted my ability in the bedroom ever again. Every other girl I’ve slept with has been satisfied by me. And I, in turn, have been satisfied that I can get a girl to cum with my average-sized penis. And let me finish with this bit of knowledge. Later on, I watched a video from a porn star that says the smaller the penis, the better the chance for an orgasm. This is because most women have their G-Spot closer to the vaginal entrance, not further back as most think. So, any guys who doubt their packages, remember that!

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